A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Impeachment fever is at epidemic level.
My guess is that they won’t do it. Don’t mistake verbosity for stupidity. Democrats know they have no case. They know they will get ripped to shreds in the senate. But they will talk and bluster, even threaten in the hope of diverting attention from their problems and try to defeat Trump in the next election based on nothing more than a smear campaign.
It won’t work and Trump will get another term.
i read an article that claimed that 37 Repubicans would vote for impeachment, if they get a secret ballot! Is that likely?
“Republicans would vote for impeachment, if they get a secret ballot”
This theory has been around since at least March, 2019 when it was mentioned in an article by Newsweek. It has more recently been mentioned by Mike Murphy who was a senior adviser to the presidential campaigns of Mitt Romney and John McCain both of whom disliked Donald Trump.
In any case, the vote for impeachment can not be by secret ballot. Also, the House of Representatives only needs a simple majority for impeachment which the Democrats can achieve without any Republican votes at all as the Democrats are a majority in the House of Representatives. Impeachment does not remove the president from office, but instead moves the issue to the Senate where the Republicans are a majority and requires a 2/3 vote to remove the president from office which is a pretty high bar to reach.
Thank you. 🙂
In an honest election Trump would win 48 states [Is DC a state?] but having been a keen observer of US politics for over 3 years now I know their politics is corrupt to the core.
I haven’t finished watching a long vid of Glen Beck [Yea. I know] interviewing Dr Robert Epstein. He believes google can deliver the presidency to the dems by manipulating search results, incl autofill. Stay up a little late if needed but watch:
You could do a lot worse than to listen to Glenn Beck. He has more accurately forecast how society would go than anyone else I can think of. But notice that I said listen to, not follow. You make up your own mind about who to follow.
About Epstein: Those same forces were at work when Obama was elected and when Trump was elected. Hillary is not president.
Can Google and others improve their act to where they can literally get the election outcome they want? I don’t know but just that they think they can scares me.
USA wont survive until it gets rid of the
votingelection rigging machines.10
“Is DC a state?”
DC is not a state, but California and New York think they are a separate countries.
Epstein & Robertson’s research (search engine manipulation effect) explicitly highlighted the malfeasance of Google and its ability to manipulate its search engine algorithm of search rankings and suggestions. It was initially published in 2015 (PNAS).
The subsequent research, ‘A Method for Detecting Bias in Search Rankings, with Evidence of Systematic Bias Related to the 2016 Presidential Election‘(2016) was embargoed and published in 2017 (Epstein, Robertson, Shepperd & Zhang) (ref. Summary of papers to be presented at the 2nd biennial meeting of the International Convention of Psychological Science, Vienna, Austria, March 24, 2017, and the 97th annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Sacramento, CA, April 27, 2017.)
Divest yourself of Google and related services. Treat all search engines as one would treat the WickedPedo. Never use Google unless you wish to demonstrate or test the obvious bias in any search to which you may know the detailed information (climate change or politics for example).
Australian Prime Minister says we have nothing to hide.
I hope that the role of Alexander Downer (Australian High Commissioner to Britain at the time) gets a very thorough examination, in the public sphere.
Both Australia and New Zealand surreptitiously donated many millions of dollars of taxpayer money to the Clinton Foundation (CF), NZ as recently as 2017 and the subject of a letter of complaint to the Minister from the Tax Payers Assoc.
Given the well established partisan political nature of the CF and the infinitesimal amount of money that actually makes it out of the Clinton coffers to line anything other than the Clinton’s manipulative globalist ambitions, it seems pretty obvious that a long line up of the deep state in globalist disposed countries (at the time) were involved in promoting their agenda and stopping POTUS DJT including the UK, Italy, Canada, Australia and quite likely, New Zealand.
The stench is unbearable.
That issue and the subsequent Audit which found no management structure, plans or outcomes from the “donation” are far mopre interesting than the Russia/Ukraine nonsense. There is far too much stuff swirling around Downer at the moment.
Nothing surreptitious about Gillard.
The story was, in the summer of 2016, Australian high commissioner to the United Kingdom Alexander Downer contacted the FBI claiming that Papadopoulos had admitted to him during a night of drinking that he knew the Russians had Hillary’s emails. Two months later, Wikileaks began posting the DNC’s emails!
I can explain it.
When Papadopoulos was blabbing to the Australian about the Russians having Hillary’s emails, everyone was talking about the Russians having Hillary’s emails — CNN, The Guardian, even ABC’s “The View.” (See Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind.) Papadopoulos’ “source” probably read it in The New York Times.
Perhaps Downer is always completely oblivious to international news. Perhaps he spends too much time drinking with 28-year-olds.
Excerpt from Ann Coulter’s most recent post
Yes and it is not an impeachment yet. Just another inquiry run through Mr Nadler’s committee and pencil neck Shiff and demanding information, a fishing expedition presented as an impeachment. Like the Russia hoax, they are using the pretext of an impeachment to find something impeachable. Now they want conversations with all leaders, like Putin.
What is missing is a credible impeachable offence. Plus there will be an inquiry, into Biden. Probably by the Senate. The evidence is already there. What is missing is an explanation from Biden as to why he wanted the chief prosecutor of another country fired to stop him investigating Biden Junior’s company, something he never revealed at the time. Plus they now have a photograph of Biden and son playing golf with another member of the board of the Ukranian company.
In fact I wonder how Biden is going to get out of this? To argue that he is a busy trying to get elected as the next President is exactly why he should answer the questions. That leaves only Fauxcohontas, a woman who is descended from the people who drove the Cherokees on the Trail of Tears and in fact squatted illegally on stolen Cherokee land and has claimed benefits from being a Cherokee victim. You could not write such hypocrisy and lack of ethics in either leading candidate.
Of course they can have Bernie Sanders, the US equivalent of Jeremy Corbyn and these candidates are closer to 80 than 70. They make Trump look youthful, which he would not mind at all.
And who believes the planet will become unliveable in another 12 years. It has been 31 years since this Climate Change, GLobal Warming started. And no one has explained Extreme Events at all. It’s all just made up.
NB : Reposted from the earlier post on JoNova !
The Raw temperatures and rainfall data can be accessed via this BOM link
However one needs to know the weather station one wants to see . & then request the maximum temperature or minimum temperature, or rainfall. It’s multistep process for each station.
When one has the data from the selected weather station one can then access the BOM’s own notes about that station..These notes are what Ken is using to check compliance with BOM’s own guidelines.
Which i why assessing each station takes time and is slow.
But the info is all there !
A red thumb ?
For telling folk how to access the misinforming BOM weather station data ?
How odd !
Must not like folk being able to actually check BOM !
Pelosi says it is an ‘impeachment inquiry’ not an ‘impeachment’. Trump says it is a partisan Star Chamber, which means presumably a rigged predetermined court where guilt is already decided, Democrats sit in judgement, call witnesses and if he tries to defend himself, more evidence of his guilt. That Schiff has been found to be involved in the whistleblower’s application speaks volumes when he was chair of the joint intelligence committee and did not disclose and in fact denied his knowledge and involvement. Even the whistleblower form was changed the day before the complaint to allow someone who only had hearsay to get protection and credibility. It all stinks.
The public are catching on fast to the Biden family and Schiff and Nadler. Defend your own, all the way back to Hillary. It is moving steadily toward a criminal investigation of the Bidens and Clinton. This will cost them the House and a few sleepless nights and at the FBI, CIA and DOJ and all the DNC contractors who put this stuff together. Again.
As Sanders is out of the race for now and Warren pretending her fr*udulent Cherokee past claims were just an honest mistake, the little mistake which gave her a job at Harvard, the top level of the Democrats is failing quickly. Too old, too compromised and too out of touch with the blacks and Hispanics and country folk wondering why they ever believed the old Democrats.
Meanwhile the steady demolition of the limits on oil and gas and coal keep coming down, just in time for a confrontation the Iran leadership needs to stay in power and North Korea has just fired a missile from a submarine. It’s not a good time for the appeasement and open borders crowd to get back in.
As for Hollywood, why anyone would believe a group of hyper privileged virtue signalling jet setting actors are really concerned about the planet is beyond logic.
Its quite logical from a hierachy of needs persepctive, they have little else to worry about or occupy their minds. And of course it feeds their substantial egos.
And I think they are going full emotion and children crying and histrionics because everyone knows it is obviously not true. There is no talk of ‘The Science’ except from children. ‘The Science’ is busted. The Hockey stick is dead and its inventor lucky not to be a convicted criminal. The others are retiring on their profits. And Tim Flannery is really upset that he has not made enough money from it and wants to retire but is not rich enough. It’s tough in the End of World game with so many competitors.
You cannot keep telling people the world is ending for more than 31 years and expect them to believe you. And all the main players are retiring to the water front so they can watch that sudden rise in sea levels more closely.
🙂 🙂
“Yes and it is not an impeachment yet.”
True, that would require a vote by the House of Representatives, and the previous times the impeachment vote was taken it failed 58 for – 364 against in December 2017 and 95 for – 332 against in July 2019. A new vote would probably be a lot closer and might even succeed but there are a number of Democrat congressman in Republican states that fear voting for impeachment as it could cause them to loose their seats to Republicans in the upcoming election.
“Epic Trump – President Trump Tweets “Photograph of Biden, Exposing Ukraine Corruption…”
There are theories going round the *real* story may be the alleged infamous missing Hellary emails may be on a mail server out of the USA….is that why the couldnt be located?
If Trump is getting close to outing the truth, impeachment may be panicked attempt to stop further investigation….
Interesting times….
“….is that why the couldnt be located?”
If I remember correctly, Ms Clinton’s emails couldn’t be located because she made a hard copy of the Emails she decided were relevant and turned just those emails in hard-copy form over to the State Department then erased everything from her server using BleachBit software and also destroyed all back-up tapes of the server. Some of the Emails were later recovered because they had been sent to a person on a different server. The server that President Trump asked Ukraine about is a Crowdstrike server. This server is related to the hacked DNC (Democratic National Convention) server, but I don’t know if it would be related to Ms Clinton’s server. The way the DNC handled the hacking of their Email system was interesting by itself as they refused to let anyone in the US Government look at their server but instead turned it over to the third party Crowdstrike who supposedly proved that the server was hacked by the Russian government. Getting access to that server might be interesting as one could see if CrowdStrike’s conclusion would stand up to scrutiny by a third party. Stephen McIntyre published several interesting articles about the DNC hack over at ClimateAudit such as
and You can find other related articles by going to his site and searching on DNC.
Claims that the DNC server was “hacked” by the Russians or Gucifer are a bit Rich, if you get my drift. The download speeds are impossible to achieve over the net.
hacked(thumb drive inserted and downloaded, proved by forensics) DNC (Democratic National Convention) server,…10
I think the main reason to agree is that if there is an actual vote for impeachment in the house, the minority gains a host of legal
options: the minority can hold hearings, summon witnesses to appear under oath, demand documents in a process more-or-less akin to
judicial discovery, and enjoy other procedural niceties. A variety of interesting topics could be the subjects of very public inquiry:
there is no judge to rule whether or not topics are admissible.
Taking a vote is the very last thing that Democrats from districts Trump carried wish to do, and Pelosi needs these districts to protect her majority.
So pretend, pretend, pretend to impeach in a torrent of words, but avoid commitment.
The Left seems to be good at pretending.
You have it exactly right.
However…and that may be a big however…with the guilty parties getting apparently more desperate by the day they may abandon what wisdom they have left and go ahead with a bill of impeachment. Frankly I hope they do. I wish they would. The trial in the senate will chew them all up and spit them out in little pieces. And after the number of times I’ve seen that no good Adam Shiff speak an obvious lie on national TV I look forward to his undoing. After him, Jerry Nadler and then Nancy Pelosi.
The sooner a few in congress are so discredited that they don’t dare go out in public, the better. And in the meantime Attorney General Barr is actively investigating the origin of the witch hunt against Trump and he won’t be intimidated by congress. And I doubt that they will be so obviously corrupt as to try to impeach Barr to get him off their trail.
As Jackie Gleason said, “How sweet it is.” Justice may yet happen.
And still…I wonder if my country will survive. When the bottom line is written it will have to say, “We were the victim of our national success.”
I tend to agree with you.
Once, our staying alive required us to stay in touch with reality and act accordingly. Today, it seems possible to stay alive and live in a political/social bubble having no contact with reality. All to be provided, “free” of charge, by our governing elite.
One day we will all wake up and discover that getting “free” stuff is about the most expensive thing you can acquire.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I agree Roy, concentrated Wisdom is so good to find.
Since the very first free lunch idea they cannot point to a single successful free lunch attempt. Not one. What is it about FAILURE that they don’t understand?
I think they do understand and expect to use their built in failure to do more of the same only bigger and at a higher cost. This is how government, left to its own devices, always behaves and has done so since the first government. Government grows until it consumes all there is to consume. Which is followed by thousands of years of despair, poverty, destruction, and death.
Now I’m seeing talk that this is a terrible danger, a coup attempt at Donald Trump. Oh woe is me, what do I do? So many opinions I can’t count them.
Oh, hey, I know what. If this is a coup, the president commands the military. And congress better take notice, you bums can’t withstand even a decent Marine Corps Platoon, much less any heavier guns. So no coup, OK? For your own good, no coup. For the good of the country, no coup. Your usual corruption is enough.
I think Donald, with the caution that I am a long way away, has a loyal military and that the marines are a praetorian guard. On the civil side there are millions of bikers, vets and NRA members who would be pithed off if he were toppled in a coup.
Best the dems be careful, the people would not be as sanguine as they were when Kennedy was removed.
My opinion is that the Democrats are sailing on very dangerous waters.
Mr Trump has laid out warnings for the last 2 weeks with words such as ‘coup’ and ‘treason’.
There seems to be a very solid support base of Quiet Americans that support him.
His latest ad has him telling Americans what the Democrats will take from them.
I will call what the Democrats, Fake News, elements of the DOJ, FBI, and CIA are doing is bordering on insurrection.
The only outcome is not impeachment for Mr Trump, but may well be a State of Emergency.
Apparently the Democrats have tried to impeach every Republican President that has been in office and failed every time because the only two Presidents that have been impeached were Democrats.
“…the only two Presidents that have been impeached were Democrats.”
This is true but I need to point out that Richard Nixon (a Republican) would have been impeached and likely removed from office had he not chosen to resign before that happened.
That word insurrection has caught my attention too. Unfortunately I’m not a lawyer and even more immediately a problem, I’m out of time I can spend online.
Otherwise I would lay out my position about it. Some other time perhaps.
I sincerely hope that the House of Representatives does get the impeachment bill through.
Because the next step is a trial in the Senate.
And unlike any other sort of inquiry, by any committee, anyone and everyone can be subpoenaed to a Senate trial.
This means that not only can Comey, Strozk, Lisa Page, Clapper, Brennan, and even old Bummer himself and Crooked Hillary can be questioned under Oath.
Any of those would be willing to lie under oath, but in this case there is two years’ work by John Huber and John Durham who must have a stack of evidence ten feet high.
Under those circumstances, telling furphies under oath would be close to suicide.
I have no doubt that Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan would be leading the charge with the questions.
If I am correct, there would be nothing left of the Dummicrats prior to November 2020.
Could not find a reference to “Scott” temperature adjustment but found this from the Daily Caller.
It parallels other reports of “adjustment” of temperature records all out of proportion to reality.
Thanks. I finally found several methods of “adjustment”.
A quick look suggests the methods are so complicated that even the authors don’t really know or care how good they are. The complexity is provided to bamboozle anyone who dares to question the method. It is scientific malpractice at the most basic level in that the complexity is used to hide the fact that the so called method does not really work.
I am not sure the “methods” are even worth trying to understand. The fact of “adjustment” of scientific data is enough to dismiss them all, as far as I am concerned.
If scientific data needs “adjustment” the data collection is flawed and/or there is insufficient good data actually collected. The fix for that is not more complexity, its collect enough better data and apply simple statistics correctly. However, that takes more time, effort, and careful thought which is no longer thought necessary for government work.
I just found a nice word “bowdlerize”.
You would think that in a time of “climate crisis”, BOM would use equipment that was not subject to failure.
I recently downloaded the data for Bourke, and setting 0 = data, 1 = missing, drew this simple chart
Notice when all the missing data is.
I also checked several other sites.. the pattern was similar in about 2/3 of them.
Perhaps they NEED that missing data to create the so-called climate crisis.
Missing data requires adjustment. Not of the data but the way the data is collected.
Data that is missing is an unknown quantity.
Estimates, no matter how complexly done, are never the same as actual measurements.
If you estimate the missing data, what you are doing is not science. It is at best pretend science and the data is not data. It is only a list of numbers. Pretending that it is what it isn’t won’t work in the long run.
Missing data ALLOWS FOR adjustment.
The Dutch farmers’ protest, just in case Your ABC / MSM ‘forgets’ to report it or downplays it. Greenies and Vegans beware.
Thousands of Dutch farmers are heading en masse to the Netherlands capital, the Hague, to protest against environmental policies being inflicted on them by their coalition government.
Hundreds have converged on the capital by tractor, causing total tailbacks in excess of 1,000 km (620 miles) and bringing the city to a standstill.
The demonstration has been prompted by a suggestion from coalition party D66 that Dutch livestock farming should be slashed to meet commitments on reducing nitrogen emissions. Farming organisations say their members are sick of being described by politicians, the media and activists as polluters and animal abusers.
And a vegan professor outraged over red meat’s acquittal:
And a few days ago a vegetarian British barrister said:
“It is time for a new law on ecocide to go alongside genocide and the other crimes against humanity.”
“. . . eating meat will one day be viewed as a form of ‘ecocide’ and made illegal because of the “damage” it does to the environment.”
One day people will just tel the fringe dwellers to stow it and sit doen….not long now….
Trust the science – until you don’t. Hate hypocrisy!!!!
Is there no lefty made dream which is not made worse by modern man and carbon?
Synthetic fabrics will be next. Then plastics. Then metals, all of which release CO2 when made. Free the water. Blow up the dams. Open the gates at the zoo. No pets. No farm animals. No greyhounds. No horses. Everyone happy on free government marijuana and the place will run itself and food will be free. Everyone grow their own food at home, from seed. Set your chickens free. All to a strumming guitar.
At least the Dutch farmers are saying it has gone far enough. This is not an ecological movement. This is eco-anarchy.
🙂 🙂 🙂
A tailback of 1000kms? In Holland?
Dave B
Accumulated total.
Is the Netherlands still there? I thought they would be well underwater by now, with all this accelerated sea level rise about
I have finished the Series on power generation from every source, and I have 52 consecutive weeks of data there, so the whole 365 days of a full year. It was a time consuming task, taking three to four hours a day to manually collate the totals for seven sources of power generation, add them together for a renewables total, and an overall total for each day. Then, it took an extra two hours on the Monday to do all the extra figures for rolling totals for all sources and percentages of the total for each source.
At the end of those 52 weeks, I debated whether or not to just keep right on going, but I found a site that has (nearly) all the data I was manually collecting, only missing those daily images and the rolling totals and a couple of other things.
The time commitment was a bit much though with what that all took out of my day here, and with that data available at the other site, I could get by using that one as well.
It was a task well worth doing in fact, and I’m actually glad I did it all, and that I now have it as a permanent record.
I’m still working my way around that other site, but there is a wealth of information there.
What I did find was that the data I collected manually was pretty much the same as what was at that site. In fact, the new site quotes a higher percentage for coal fired power than what I had, mainly because they have less overall generated power for some reason. However, when you look at actual generated power for coal fired power their total is only 0.02% lower than what I manually calculated.
Their total for rooftop solar power is higher than mine by 2.2%, and I actually question that, as it is the only source with a percentage difference greater than half a percent. I actually contacted the engineering people at the AEMO, and spoke with them on a couple of occasions with respect to the gathering of data. They looked at what I have and commented that it was in fact pretty much accurate with what data they have for the AEMO coverage area, the NEM, (all areas East of the WA border, the main grid for Australia, and the one used in all the data) When I asked about the totals for rooftop solar I was told that information at any of the sites is pretty much guess work in fact as even they (at the AEMO) have trouble calculating it accurately, as it is all ‘behind the meter’, and even they just average it as best they can. Hence the difference between what I have and what is at that new Site I was pointed to by someone here at Joanne’s site in fact.
So, with all that data now available so readily, I made the decision to stop doing those Posts for ALL the electrical power data. However, something you just do not find at any other site is data for Capacity Factor, so what I have decided to do is to start a new Series just detailing wind power. When comparing the total I have for wind power and the total for wind power at this new site, the difference is only 0.15%, so it’s basically the same in fact. Keeping that in mind, then one of the things I did on that daily, weekly and rolling total was to indicate the Capacity Factor (CF) for Wind Power over time. I have consistently used the wind CF of 30% for the year round basis, and in fact, after the full 52 weeks, that CF came in at 29.39%, so as close to that 30% figure as you could actually get. This is also about as accurate as you can in fact get, and I was scrupulous in doing the calculation, The Nameplate changed six times throughout the year, so with each change, then the subsequent CF also changes. That CF varied throughout the year from a high of 33.5% to a low of 26.5%, but steadily increased a tenth of a percent at most or so, and was up and down for the last few Months, slowly creeping up towards that 30% figure, and getting as close as 29.75%, only to fall away again in recent weeks, and after 52 weeks, any change at all is only in the realms of one tenth of a percentage point maximum, so it’s not really going to go much higher than 30% if it ever gets there at all.
So, I have already started that new Series, just concentrating on wind power, how little it actually delivers when compared to the overall from every source, and to also detail that CF on a daily, weekly, and rolling basis, now that it has settled down.
You can actually see why no site will accurately detail CF on that overall basis for the whole fleet of 6702MW Nameplate from 55 wind plants in all across this area, because a 30% figure is a little embarrassing really. Also, with that other site having a total wind generation within 0.15% of my total, then that CF cannot really change at all, as the same rules of Mathematics apply to any total at all.
I have an Introduction to that new Series and I am now two Posts into that new Series with the permanent link to the daily posts at that Introductory Post at the following link:
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Introduction With Permanent Link To Daily Posts
Thanks Tony,
I had a look at your article and the graph. It was quite interesting. I was surprised by how much Roof top solar is contributing and that it seems to come at a useful time, ie though the middle of the day, which has quite high demand.
Wind seemed to increase in time for the evening peak just as solar goes out. I don’t know why that is, The high pressure is over us now, during which I thought wind would fade out almost completely. But the graph was 2 days ago.
Ideally coal would supply baseload and renewables the peaks but that can’t happen reliably.
The really scandalous part of the generation mix is Kerosene, I suppose due to the emergency generators in SA and Tas. Kerosene is all imported. It cost us import dollars and it makes us very vulnerable to shortages.
Is there a way of looking at other days (as well as 30 Sep 2019)?
Nice work Tony,
btw – When it comes to rooftop solar, my thoughts are that they should not include this in the total grid output data whatsoever. If you look at the Nem Watch site ( they class this guesstimated output as “demand the AEMO don’t see”. Aside from the “if you can’t see it and you can’t meansure it then why include it” argument, the main problem is that it’s not really generation that’s available to the grid.
If you break down rooftop solar, it has two parts. The part used by the owners of the panels that is seen as reduced load and the other part that gets exported to the local transformer zones only. This exported part can never be sent upstream of the local transformer to be used elsewhere in the grid due to voltage limitation restrictions imposed for protection. This means with high rooftop solar uptake you get saturation of the local 240v zones in the middle of the day and the inverters start turning off, which is a waste. Another point to note is that rooftop solar is mainly added by domestic users which make up a combined load demand of only ~10% of the grid. This means that most excess exported domestic solar power is limited to a subset of this 10% of domestic users only, which obviously excludes much of the other 90% of government and big industry users such as Comalco, which draws 10% of NSW demand all by itself.
Well done tony, we are indebted to your efforts.
And with regard to RT solar, i would also reitterate a comment i have made several times, ..i believe it is wildly overestimated, both the grid feed in portion and the total used behind the meter.
The “estimation” methods used are based on various other estimates of panels sold, system output, sun hours, , cloud cover, etc etc..with only random crosschecks against a tiny sample of monitored systems.
There is no consideration of panel arrangement, shading, damage, disused systems ( known to be many) etc etc.
I would suggest that the margin of error in any figure “estimatted would have to be + 5%..-30% !
My own experience with a recently installed system , in a sunny coastal location on the NSW south coast , is that i am seeing a CF of around 10% overall !
I doubt a survey of private installations would produce much accurate detail , since most. Owners are usually “Solar enthusiasts” who would tend to justify their choice of system.
multiple pics, some supplied (presumably by the protesters). basically more PR for the anti-Adani mob:
1 Oct: 9 News: Adani protesters charged after ‘chaining themselves to concrete drum’
By Rebecca Masters, AAP
Two women have been charged after an anti-Adani protest at the Abbot Point coal terminal in Bowen this morning.
Police were called to the scene about 5.30am where about 40 people from the group Frontline Action on Coal were blocking the entrance to the mine.
Two women were arrested after allegedly chaining themselves to a 200-litre drum of reinforced concrete.
They were freed and taken into custody.
An officer was injured while using a cutting tool to remove the drum.
Police say a 56-year-old woman from Highgate Hill (BRISBANE) and a 22-year-old woman from Moorooka (BRISBANE) have been charged with trespass, obstructing a railway and contravening a direction.
They are due to appear in Bowen Magistrates Court on November 12…
The Queensland government yesterday announced it had extended the deadline to finalise a royalties agreement with Adani for the mine…
The new target date for the conclusion of the Royalty Deferral and Repayment Agreement is now November 30, Treasurer Jackie Trad said in a statement.
Yesterday was previously the deadline for the deal but Ms Trad said the negotiations would take longer to finalise.
The delay is not expected to hold up construction at the mine site.
Police have urged protesters to attempt to ensure any protest actions are lawful and reasonable and so not pose a risk to safety or disrupt the lawful operations of business.
The protesters are acting illegally. I wish the Police and the Courts would crack down and hand out maximum sentences, instead of a slap over the wrist with a wet lettuce.
I notice that the Hong Police sprayed the protesters with blue water.Why was that I wondered I am told it is a dye so that they can identify the protesters when they round them up later.
Here is a Western Australian MLC, Deputy Leader of One Nation, Robin Scott, in Parliament with refreshing speech about climate change on Facebook. About 8 minutes. ToM
Thanks, but I am not on facebook and refuse to join. I don’t trust the company.
I agree with you completely, but some years ago I had to open an account with them for work purposes giving them no information about me at all and no photo and I have never used it, but am glad I can see the odd clip like this one when sent by a friend. ToM
I am of the same mind as you TdeF and saw the Login or Join prompts at which I scoffed –you’ve gotta be kidding.
In fact there is no need to Login or Join as I have downloaded the video using youtube downloader (available at applied to the link provided by Tides of Mudgee: that is from the Windows command line youtube-dl “” (Mac would have something analogous).
The ABC has just completed a fact check on Morrison’s climate change speech at the UN and they have made themselves an example of a walking contradiction, by doing a complete 180 on their long standing justification of Austraia’s need to cut emmissions, which is based on our high per capita output and the moral imperative argument, despite our low population and low total emissions.
Noting the amusing contradictions below:
Finally the ABC has unintentionally noted that our 1% makes no difference and it’s really all China’s fault. Thank you Fact Check for calling out the years of BS to the contrary, spewed out by all ABC media outlets. I’m going to save this text and replay on blog threads as needed. This is their most classic own goal 😉
And after this glaring admission, they almost backflip back to their old per-capita mantra:
Yes, we know that under LNP Morisson it will never be good enough, but you just told us categorically we needed to focus on total emissions, so why mention this ?. You can’t have it both ways after this effort 🙂
But perhaps the most amusing part of this ABC Fact Check is that despite being unable to disprove Morrison’s facts they never provided a final positive score assessment on their fact meter. It seems that they just wanted to use the fact check to create a sense of falsehood from reality.
Yes I noticed the non result from the fact check .
Driving a massive dump truck, a kilometre long ore train or a drag line all sound as if they have a big footprint.
For those of you who hate facebook, instagram…
Have you ever thought that when looked at analytically this site is a kissing cousin to those ones
/Virtue signaling rules
I don’t have either facebook or Instagram.
I have No Idea what you mean.
Perhaps you could elaborate for us dinosaurs.
facebook has likes and dislikes (red and green thumbs). ergo both allow virtue signalling without the necessity of showing who you are. Likes and dislikes are what drives both facebook, instagram and twitter, and this site is not different
This site allows you to express your views.
The left wing focused social media forums will not allow sane, scientific views on climate.
You are a dead set bloody DRONGO,
and how is that different to facebook.
/it takes one to know one
You keep proving that all you are after is attention
It really is a pathetic way to spend what little there is of your life, PF. !
I do understand why you HATE yourself so much !!
‘The left wing focused social media forums will not allow sane, scientific views on climate’.
So right. Just got moderated on The Conversation. All I did was put a DMI Arctic temp site up which showed that the May-June temps for 2019 weren’t the highest on record as they reported.
You are allowed on this site to express your views. Says a lot for the tolerance of the the so-called climate deniers.
Ok, thanks Peter,
I now see what you mean.
I disagree to the extent that I don’t think the green and red thumbs drive this blog. The actual discussion (when it happens) is more important.
I like green thumbs because I can signal support, or agreement, without adding more inconsequential comments. I just gave your explanation a green thumb, even though I am now elaborating.
I don’t use red thumbs my self. I don’t mind with those that use them, it is just that if I disagree with a statement strongly I will explain why. If not I will let it go.
If you get a red thumb, it was not from me.
Either way Mr C. it is a form of virtue signalling. The sad bit is that those comments which generate the most thumbs, are not really about what you think, but all about what you pretend. An example is the the way in which “death tax” trended on social media before the last federal election.
That said, I do appreciate your stance, as it aligns with mine, I will green thumb, but never ever red.
No its telling someone that they are pathetic zero-science little twerp.
Nothing to do with SJW “virtue signalling”
All your comments are “pretend”
Just seeking attention.
You really are a sad lonely little prat, PF
Some one gave me a red thumb.
Was it you Peter Fitzroy?
I suppose that is an improvement on “a big C” which is what you last called me.
No Mr C – I thought I made it clear, I don’t do the red thumb thing, and rarely do I offer a green one. I prefer to comment, not hide behind the virtue signalling thumbs
” I prefer to comment”
Your comments are your way of “virtue signalling” to yourself.
That is the only reason you are here.
I don’t think so, as I have explained. Not virtue signalling. Thumbs are an expression of appreciation or distaste!
Then you go off on a tangent, as so often you do.
Stick with the Green thumbs!
And is that not what virtue signalling is all about? If you do it anonymously, it is still virtue signalling. My philosophy is obviously much broader than yours
Patricia i think youve been too long at your computer…virtue signalling is the pathetic attempt to look cool with the cause du jour.
This site is about science….and science is decidedly uncool and just a little bit nerdy.
If i wanted to virtue signal id buy an EV and moan about a trendy leftist cause while being seen at it by all the right people…but no…
Sorry but youre wrong.
And like on this site, when the anti warming tripe is reheated and served afresh, for the delectation of those green thumb noddys?
And Steve – I’ve never ever seen any science presented on this blog, apart from Gee and myself. However, truthiness is the coin used here.
As for virtue signals this is what this blog is all about.
/prove me wrong
“apart from Gee and myself. “
You have NEVER present anything even resembling science
Now you are flat out LYING to yourself
How sadly pathetic is that. !!
Only reason you are here is to virtue signal to yourself.
“I’ve never ever seen any science presented on this blog”
That’s because you always RUN and HIDE when it is produced.
Science SCARES you, doesn’t it PF. 🙂
You KNOW that if you actually looked at it, all your childish fantasies will be forced to just evaporate into thin air.
You haven’t present any evidence of any human caused warming.
Now we know why.
You don’t even know what science is, because you are too scared to look.
It is great that you agreed that there has been no scientific evidence of human caused warming in the last 40m years.
I thought you had made a small forward step
Now your poor little mind is battling against the FACTS vs its brain-washing.
You are going into a cognitive melt-down as you attempt to distract yourself from reality.
Please keep going. we are all watching you make an absolute goose of yourself.
Keep seeking for attention, PF.
Your only joy in life is HERE. ! 😉
“My philosophy is obviously much broader than yours”
Your philosophy is that of a mindless attention seeking troll
Not very broad at all, PF.
Narrow minded and myopic , actually
Patricia, i have to agree with Andy. By all means present science that can be verified etc, but if you present stuff thst cant be verified scientifically, it will be dismissed.
I think the thing is to present hard evidence. If it can be verified, great, if not, trash it.
Peter, Virtue Signaling is what people do when they have no skin in the game. Like yourself. Hot air.
Your posts are an amusement. A collection of “disprove a negative” and other malignantly narcissistic drivel.
Not once, ever, have you addressed the physical, material, practical, impossibilities of your fantasies.
What you actually do, is change subjects, ignore reality, move goalposts, ignore requests for reference, and in general, deny culpability or responsibility for the propaganda you espouse.
I’m in utter awe of how any real person could sustain the slings and arrows you’ve invited upon yourself, except for the suspicion you’re paid to troll this site.
This is not an echo chamber. It is a discussion board in which facts and opinions are presented. I’d like to see how you defend the “echo chambers” of your warmist ilk. Opinions are nothing. Facts are everything. Opinions here are tolerated so long as they are backed up with facts. Not pseudo science BS and such. People here are as hard on nonsense as they are upon liars.
What I do see is that you deny actual reality. Physics. Economics. Engineering.
Navel gazing condescension, and self congratulation in a bubble of ignorance does not make you the smartest guy in the room. It does represent idiocy of the first order.
Does someone pay you to act ignorant or is it a fetish? Hard to tell.
I’m not trying to be inhospitable. I’m truly trying to understand such publicly made ignorance of science, fact, history, maths, physics, economics, history, and engineering. Truly, such a wonder to behold.
Tell you what. Why don’t you prove, with references, how your worldview will be achieved without the deaths of millions or billions and how it will be accomplished within the known reserves of materials, energy, and manufacturing capacity, within the next 10 years. That’s your homework. Prove your point or be silent.
Absolute rubbish Lance. I provide more references than any other poster here. Again, my post was about the similarity between facebook and this blog. However, instead of commenting on that, you do exactly what you accuse me of doing, namely changing the subject, and adding a side of ad hom as well.
So given that you could not comment on my point, I’ll take it that you agree with me.
As to your challenge, I’ll go after you.
has two meanings
I will have my turn after Lance does, Gee Aye
/Pedants pop up in the strangest places
” I provide more GARBAGE non-evidence than any other poster here”
Fixed your massive LIE, PF.
Keep hunting for your virtue, little man
And you will FAIL, just as you always have before
Your virtue is only in your own mind, and GA, your apostle.
Always pleading for attention.
Go and get a life, petal !!
Somewhere else.
Your very presence pollutes the blog.
correct call
He was talking about PF,
But you knew that, didn’t you.
You are PF-trolls foot-licker, GA
Seeking virtue and meaning in doing so.
see – red thumbs are virtue signalling
This is not a popularity contest, what do you make of this?
“The atmosphere doesn’t care how many people are contributing to emissions; it’s the total quantity of emissions that matters.”
Are you now, or have your ever been a part of the atmosphere.
We live in human constructed world, pollution, thought and all. Your question is relevant, in that we are conducting a popularity contest. Science, really does not matter, as is shown again and again. What matters is how well you engage with the audience. As it has been said “there is no such thing as bad publicity” or in this case red thumbs. My point is that this blog is not different in essene to facebook.
/not proved wrong as yet
“Science, really does not matter, as is shown again and again”
Is that why you NEVER bother to produce any. !
Seems you have hit the whole AGW agenda right on the head.
Science, really does not matter.
It obviously doesn’t matter to you.
Your audience engagement is on par with grovelling on your knees hoping someone will give you 5 cents.
A beggar for attention, nothing more.
Doesn’t matter to you what sort of attention.
Just “look at me, me, me”, that’s all you care about, isn’t it, little child..
Pathetic… even from a 5 year old.
“Are you now, or have your ever been a part of the atmosphere.”
Yes, everybody lives in the atmosphere, moron.!
PF is more like a cockroach, gets as low to the ground as he can, to avoid that CO2 that he hates so much.!
Fitz have you stopped taking your meds ? You’re making statements you know are false and keep doubling up on stupid .
Size matters, Peter.
Nothing here impacts more than a few hundreds of people.
Facebook impacts dozens, perhaps hundreds of millions.
An irresponsible lie posted here will generate a dozen posts, perhaps,
and a few thumbs from those who care to imbibe.
We have seen lies on Facebook move markets & ruin lives.
“The History of the Future” by Harris presents a fully documented and non-polemic example.
Having the niche of being a Climate blog confers an immediate and preemptive modifier on views here.
Being considered a primary news source and promoting the notion of group trust enhances the danger of Facebook
by many orders of magnitude.
This site is like Facebook to a lesser degree that a comic book resembles the Gutenberg Bible.
Richard, I do agree with what you are saying, sans the comment about the comic book. it is not clear in your sentence which platform is the comic.
What I was trying to say (and see my answer to el gordo) is that there is a reinforcement process (the thumbs) which make a commentator more likely to post, depending on how many are generated.
So it is a popularity contest, just not for me as I’m the dweb that no one likes
/Pavlov would be proud
PF is seeking virtue in his own mind. !!
Oh, by the way, el gordo, I am sure that as one of the most thoughtful and thought provoking members of this site, the philosophical aspect to all this has not escaped you.
What tablets give your delusions of importance, PF ?
apple of couse!
‘ … the philosophical aspect to all this has not escaped you.’
Blogs are organic and attract like minds, whereas you and your ilk come here to be inflammatory. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Contrarians serve a useful purpose as counter point, but if you have nothing intelligent to add then the locals should ignore you. In the real world everyone I know thinks like you, so at an intellectual level life is extremely lonely.
I was trying to make the point about the similarities between this blog and facebook, not in size, and not in advertising, but the way red or green thumbs can be generated.
For example, when you comment of the coming cooling phase, you will get lots of green – does this encourage you to post more, do you think?
/the is no cooling phase in our near future
My views on a range of matters differ from my office colleagues, such as religion and politics, so I get a fair share of red thumbs for being a heathen and utopian socialist.
The cooling phase has begun and I would like your opinion on what is happening in the atmosphere?
EG, Please read my 3 replies on previous post
About Graham Creed and his lies about Dubbo temperature.
The BOM’s own records shoow how incompetent he is
‘That directs jet exhausts straight at the BOM Weather station.’
This is a job for Ken Stewart.
We all know the klimatariat at BoM are a pathetic bunch of losers, but they seem nice enough.
el Gordo,
Its good that you acknowledge that this is not the ‘real world’ where everything requires evidence.
Peter only seems inflammatory because he asks sceptics for evidence and only gets poor answers often drifting into conspiracy theories.
Ironically, this comes after all the pontification on how the scientific method works !.
Eg Ken Stewart is having a few well earned days off
That’s why I took up the baton.
PS : Notice how Fitz has not responded at all
To Ken’s work checking out BOM’s failed weather stations.
Even looking at Ken’s work might completely white ant
His global warming dopiness
And thus free him to think clearly.
Sadly he does not want that freedom to think clearly.
“where everything requires evidence”
@ Mickey262.
You have NEVER presented any evidence of anything.
You are almost as empty of evidence as PF.
PF only seems to mange anti-science.
Thank god for AndyG – he proves my points with every post!
You poor pathetic lonely little boy, PF
I’ve just red thumbed all your comments.
Not t show my virtue.
But int he hope you will p#ss off.
And stop wasting our time.
Is that the best you can do? Signal to all your troglodytes how you are their side? Try to do better, which is what I’m sure 99% of the comments in all your school report cards said.
I object …im a deplorable not a trog!!
And Bill, who made you king?
Seeking virtue, but you never have been able to find it, have you poor little man.
still desperately seeking.
Any attention will do, won’t it PF. 😉
Poor, poor pitiful you.
No Kings here Fitz
But there is 97% consensus that you are
a useless troll
Content to wax lyrical about
Your own Global warming ideology.
And you never have replied to any of
Ken’s investigation into the BOM’s weather station stuff ups.
In fact Ken’s work shoots your beliefs into scattered shards of nonsense.
Peter, I made what I think to be a cogent argument.
I actually agree that the ability to extend influence is an important consideration
re: social media. If you would make a cogent reply I’me sure others are interested in the
topic without snark.
OR were you just, as accused, trolling?
He is such a gift to science
if you cant see the difference between this site and what goes on over Facebook, Instagram and Twitter you have a problem
Just heard the glorious leader of the people’s republic of Victoriastan tell John Fein that there was no point in building new dams because dams don’t make it rain !
Can’t argue with the logic put forward by a statue.
They have been talking about new dams since ’13. Far as I know there still aren’t any surveyors out yet. Hope I’m wrong.
But dams do little for the grazing industry, cattle can only be finished on irrigated pasture,
In NSW even the building of farm gully dams is strictly regulated. You can only capture 10% of the theoretical rainfall from your own property. You can fudge the system to some extent by increasing infiltration into your pastures with off-contour Keyline plowing etc before the water works its way off your place, but that doesn’t give you any more standing stock water.
The Hunter Valley also had a major dam cancelled at the last minute a few years back. It would have helped supply the burgeoning cities of the Lower Hunter.
And the money for that “cancelled dam”, contributed solely by the gullible clients of Hunter Water, was relocated to Sydney.
No wonder people hate politicians.
Cattle can be finished in a variety of ways such as feedlot and inland seem to do ok on the native scrub .
Water is key to any farming enterprise though and if you have it yes irrigation makes a big difference in marginal areas and during times of drought .
Re ” inland seem to do ok on the native scrub”
If you are thinking of mulga it is much more a survival feed than a production feed, in that it isn’t top class nutrition. And it is expensive to harvest. And time consuming.
Its main attribute (pre vegetation management act) was that there was plenty of it.
An extension officer’s approach to emphasising the results of a comparison of the livestock nutrition available from mulga vs mitchell grass was that
“we’ve found the pill needed to equalise. Problem is that it is as big as a football and you have to feed it once a month”
I think cutting mulga is prohibited in Qld.
And Robert re-reading my last post, it was written badly. I didn’t mean that the only way to finish cattle was on irrigated pasture, rather it is too expensive for long term growing out.
Fodder harvesting still allowed with restriction, red tape etc.
Not totally banned as yet[
Dams are often built to supply irrigation water.
Australia hasn’t built any major dams in over 30 years, despite our booming population due to rampant immigration. The Greenies won’t allow dams to be built in case a Green-Bellied Unicorn might be living in the dam area.
Our current problem is that a lot of our western NSW and QLD towns and small cities are due to run out of water completely within a couple of months. Some have already done so. Water is being trucked into them in commandeered milk tankers, but there won’t be enough tankers to supply a quarter of the state with drinking water. In the past, water trains have been used, but there won’t be enough of them either.
Other towns and farms are drinking foul slop that you wouldn’t give to the pigs. Many farming families are only able to wash their clothes in town every week or two due to a combination of no water at home and no money to pay for washing in town. Many of our faming families are in a pitiful state subsisting on inadequate handouts from government and charities.
When this is all over there will be a mass exodus of farm kids to city life and non-weather-dependent jobs. These are kids who have truly had their childhoods stolen from them by the drudgery and hopelessness of drought — unlike Greta the Actor who has never known privation. Suicide rates among older farmers are also very high. For those affected, this drought will take a generation to recover from and it will take half a dozen good years just to pay down farm debt.
The Burdekin Falls Dam was finished in ’88. May have been the last.
Dams + irrigation ?
There is a (Chinese ?) guy in WA breeding and raising prime “Wagu” stock on what was desert by using modern irrigation methods feeding from bore water.
Everyone said he was mad to attempth it , but now they are eating their words.
California;s main crop lands are basicly dry desert like valeys, but they had the forsight last century to construct extensive r dam and river diversions and canals to supply irrigation water such tat Calfornia supplies a large % of food to the USA.
As everyone knows , Australia has a surplus of fresh water, it just needs to be used intelengently by transfering it to where it is most useful.
Agriculture in Ca seems to be being slowly and systematically destroyed by their beloved Govt, if what friends over say is true. They continually seem to be able to find new and creative ways to screw things up.
Except on Facebook whenever someone comments about CAGW being garbage they put false fact checks under the posting .
0.61˚C ‘anomaly’ for September lower tropospheric temperature. Forty years and still no catastrophic runaway existential whatever-they-call-it-today. Minor fluctuations, like ripples on the shore. The usual pro v con commenters are firing at each other as per usual. We sure could do with an extra fraction of a degree down here – maybe in 10 or 12 years it might show up…
Up again! If this goes on much longer I may have to Recant!
Please explain Dr Roy Spencer?
Ice and Snow every where and yet your tropospheric temperatures go up.
It just shows how irrelevant the troposphere is in the CAGW science.
3 October, 12.19 pm:
“People are being urged to travel carefully in alpine areas following a spate of avalanches… Warnings for dangerous conditions are also in place for high alpine areas at Taranaki, Mt Hutt, Aoraki/Mt Cook and Nelson Lakes [with] alerts in place for heightened avalanche conditions at Arthur’s Pass, Craigieburn Range, Queenstown, Wanaka and Fiordland”. In other words, all of NZ except beaches and the Far North:
All our mountains are melting because of the heat wave? Because of Trump? Because of – blizzard conditions and shiploads of snow and Greta lied… about everything. Heard a school boy ‘climate activist’ interviewed on a radio station this arvo (my vehicle’s outside thermometer was reading 10.5˚C) who – honestly! – said: “If we drill for oil off New Zealand, three billion people will die”.
A dark malaise has fallen upon the land: delusional, hysterical, nonsensical. Meanwhile, there’ll be some sweet, deep, untouched powder out there waiting for the keen hiker in a few days… hoot!
Nature Ocean heat paper retracted due to errors in uncertainty. link
2 Oct: Carbon Pulse: CARBON FORWARD 2019 – UK climate minister Duncan to deliver keynote speech
UK climate minister Ian Duncan will address the upcoming Carbon Forward conference in London, where he will set out Britain’s plans for hosting next year’s UN climate summit.
The three-day Carbon Forward 2019 conference and training day aims to equip companies with everything needed to understand and manage the risks and opportunities in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and wider global carbon markets. It will be held in London over Oct. 16-18…
Speakers include:
•Damien Meadows, Advisor, Carbon Markets, European Commission
•Charlie Lewis, Deputy Director for Emissions Trading, UK’sDepartment for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
•Perk Lekander, Partner, Lansdowne Partners
•Marc Sadler – Manager, Climate Fund Management, World Bank
•Duncan van Bergen, Vice President, Nature Based Solutions, Shell
•Charlotte Wolff-Bye – Vice President, Sustainability, Equinor
•David Hynes – works on global carbon markets at the UK’sDepartment for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
See our full speaker line-up here (LINK)…READ ON
Hmm….a climate change feedlot/ echo chamber….
A massive industry built around a myth !
ie A religion.
26 Sept: ClimateChangeNews: ‘New Bretton Woods’ needed to fix global system and climate: outgoing UN official
As she steps down from leading UN sustainable energy push, Rachel Kyte said global institutions must be rebuilt and aligned with action on climate change
By Chloé Farand and Megan Darby
The world needs a “new Bretton Woods summit” to realign the global financial system with climate action, outgoing UN official Rachel Kyte has said…
In a report published on Wednesday, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) called for giving governments more power to tackle the climate crisis by reorienting the monetary system toward a “global Green New Deal”…
“The sense of urgency and the application of sustained, concentrated attention is not there everywhere. We need a new generation of institutions,” she said…READ ON
The key here is “reorienting the money system” is code for making sure the Elite still fleece everyone, but look green while doing it. Bretton Woods was the foundation of the currrent financial system that is rapidly collapsing, and a lot of it is due to the elite being expised via free speech on the internet.
The new green orientation will be a chinese style surveillance and global socialism….
1 Oct: BelfastTelegraph: Four energy suppliers fail to pay £14.7m in green taxes to Ofgem
Robin Hood Energy, Toto Energy, Gnergy, and Delta Gas and Power could lose their licences if the payments are not made by the end of October.
By Simon Neville, PA City Editor
Robin Hood Energy, Toto Energy, Gnergy, and Delta Gas and Power failed to meet the original deadline of September 1 for renewable energy payments, which all suppliers must make.
Failure to make the payments is seen as a warning sign in the industry that a company may be struggling…
Mary Starks, executive director of consumers and markets at Ofgem, said: “The Renewables Obligation schemes provide important support to renewable electricity generators and play an important role in Great Britain’s journey to a net zero-emission economy by 2050.
“Supplier failure to comply with the schemes undermines the integrity of the schemes and is unacceptable.”…READ ON
the writer, Faye Flam, is surely a relative of Flim Flam’s!
2 Oct Corrected 2 Oct: Bloomberg: How Scientists Finally Got Americans to Worry About the Climate
Public opinion is slowly catching up to the scientific consensus.
By Faye Flam
(Faye Flam has written for the Economist, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Psychology Today, Science and other publications. She has a degree in geophysics from the California Institute of Technology)
A report last week on cumulative damage to the world’s oceans and ice caps, for example, got big attention in the media, though the message wasn’t all that different from earlier reports from the IPCC. A few more specifics are known: The report projects that by 2050, at many coastal locations, the historic once-in-a-century flood will become an annual event, said Princeton University climate researcher Michael Oppenheimer, who was an author of the report.
What’s noticeably changed is the way Americans are reacting to the news — taking these forecasts seriously, and recognizing that this isn’t only about polar bears, but about them…
One clue to America’s new attitude comes from tracking polling data over the years, said Yale professor Anthony Leiserowitz, who studies public opinion on climate change…
Another tactic of the political right was to create a phony scandal that became known as Climategate — the result of which was to sow doubt about the credibility of scientists and distract from their message. In late 2009, hackers stole thousands of private email messages from climate groups at the University of East Anglia in England and at Penn State University. Nothing obviously incriminating turned up…
Public opinion started to change when scientists began to talk about natural disasters again — unabashedly giving statistical evidence. After Hurricane Harvey flooded Houston in 2017, for example, Keven Trenberth (one of the researchers falsely implicated in Climategate) came forward explaining in detail the complex way that warming oceans and changing wind patterns made a disaster like Harvey more likely…
Believing in the problem isn’t enough to spur action, but it’s a vital first step. Many people are now clamoring for action, thanks in part to the popular notion that the next 11 years are critical for minimizing the impacts of global warming. It’s a nice, manageable number — a short enough window to be challenging but long enough to seem doable…READ ON
Wikipedia: Faye Flam wrote a book on the influence of sex on human evolution and society. She teaches science writing and lectures on communication to scientific forums, and is a journalism critic for the MIT Knight Science Journalism Tracker…
She also completed a one-year graduate certificate program in UCSC Science Communication…Later she participated in a one-year study project on the implications of science on personal identity as part of a University of Michigan Knight-Wallace fellowship…
Flam is a frequent speaker at conferences…More recently, she has spoken to promote science journalism and communication skills to scientific and skeptical forums…
I wonder what poll results she is smoking?
“the implications of science on personal identity [ ] to promote science journalism”.
Comedy just ain’t what it used to be.
1 Oct: Reuters: Poland needs 700-900 billion euros to reach zero emissions – minister
by Alan Charlish and Agnieszka Barteczko
Poland needs 700-900 billion euros ($760-$980 billion) to reach a net zero emissions economy, Energy Minister Krzysztof Tchorzewski said, adding that it was a “fantasy” that it could reach that goal by 2050…
“Of course, these costs would obviously be spread over years. But I treat it as a fantasy when someone says that Poland is able to reach the zero-emission goal by 2050,” state run news agency PAP quoted Tchorzewski as saying on Tuesday…
Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in June that Poland wants a strong compensation package for its industry in exchange for agreeing to commit the European Union to a more ambitious target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050…
According to PAP, Tchorzewski said he had told EU energy ministers that Poland would not raise its goal of increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy mix to 21% by 2030.
“Poland wants to catch up with Europe, not to perish. Each percent means huge costs,” PAP quoted Tchorzewski as saying.
1 Oct: SMH: RMIT granted Beijing authority over teaching at Confucius Institute
By Fergus Hunter
RMIT agreed to give a Chinese government agency overriding authority over teaching at its Confucius Institute, one of 13 China-funded cultural education centres at Australian universities.
In agreeing to comply with Beijing-based Hanban’s decision-making authority, RMIT’s previously undisclosed contract is similar to a handful of other Australian Confucius Institute agreements uncovered earlier this year (LINK).
“The institute must accept the assessment of the [Confucius Institute] Headquarters on the teaching quality,” the agreement between Hanban and RMIT states.
Obtained under freedom of information laws, the contract to establish the university’s Chinese Medicine Confucius Institute was first signed in 2013 and renewed in 2018.
“Our activities with the Confucius Institute are focused on Chinese Medicine education and research,” a spokeswoman for RMIT said.
The teaching quality clause is identical to those agreed to by the University of Queensland, Griffith University, La Trobe University and Charles Darwin University…
The NSW government has moved to scrap a Confucius Classroom program housed within the Department of Education after a review found it was a globally unique arrangement that could “give rise to the perception that the Confucius Institute is or could be facilitating inappropriate foreign influence in the department”.
of course, ABC partners with RMIT for their “incredible” factchecking:
14 Feb 2017: RMIT: RMIT and ABC News relaunch Fact Check
Story: Gosia Kaszubska
RMIT University and ABC News have partnered to relaunch award-winning news service Fact Check, to be based in Melbourne at the University’s new state-of-the-art Media Precinct.
From March, RMIT ABC Fact Check will once again test and adjudicate on the accuracy of claims made by politicians, public figures, advocacy groups and institutions engaged in public debate.
Dean of the School of Media and Communication, Professor Martyn Hook, said the nonpartisan, non-profit collaboration aimed to reduce the levels of deception and confusion around public policy issues and debates…
“This partnership with the ABC builds on RMIT’s reputation for producing journalism graduates with integrity, credibility and commitment to the highest standard and principles of media practice,” Hook said.
“In a time of ‘post-truth’, ‘alternative facts’ and ‘fake news’, it is ever more critical to hold public figures to account and ensure that public discourse – the basis of democracy – is based in fact.
“RMIT is thrilled to join with the ABC to relaunch Fact Check and support this crucial public service.”
ABC Director of News Gaven Morris said the innovative partnership would bring great value to audiences.
“ABC News is delighted to be able to work with the academic community, as well as other groups and institutions, in this way,” he said.
“Sharing resources, and collaborating on analysis and original research, helps us better serve the broadest possible audience.
“Fact-check journalism is a great way of providing more of the essential context people need to help them fully understand the major stories and important issues of the day.”…
The assembled RMIT ABC Fact Check team will be an anchor tenant in the new RMIT Media Precinct, an industry-leading studio, teaching and production facility opening in March.
The ABC will retain final editorial control of, and responsibility for, all Fact Check content published by the ABC. Content will be subject to all the ABC’s Editorial Policies and its normal complaints handling procedures.
Seeing RMIT supine before both the PRC and the ABC establishes beyond doubt the profound depth of the cessation of independent education in Australia; but the real kicker is that they’re treating these shameful circumstance as something in which to take pride –this epitomises the tawdry overall condition of a nation which has lost any sense of direction.
Just in keeping
“Victoria Police fly China’s flag to celebrate 70th anniversary of murderous communist dictatorship”
After Years of Open Borders, Sweden Unemployment Rate Approaches Highest in EU
Over a decade of welcoming unskilled refugees comes at a price; rising unemployment is the least of it.
Open borders work both ways , apparentaly native Swedes are abandoning the cities and the country
2 Oct: SMH: Do negative spot electricity prices spell end of renewable transition?
By Kim Nguyen
(Kim Nguyen is Head of Foresight Group, Australia, an infrastructure and private equity investment manager with specialist expertise in renewable energy)
First, the spot price of electricity fell to zero in every eastern state for five minutes during a sunny and windy lunchtime in July – ideal conditions for renewable energy generation.
Then, in early September, a transmission outage dropped Queensland’s spot price to the regulated floor of minus $1000 a megawatt-hour.
Some spectators blamed the supply “flooding of the market” on new solar generation and asked if this spelt the end of the renewable energy “boom”?
Watching the wholesale electricity market is like watching the stock market on steroids…
Many coal generators are insulated against negative prices, since most electricity is traded not on the spot market but rather under confidential bilateral contracts with fixed pricing…
Renewable energy is resilient to negative pricing in a different way. Generators of renewables are far better positioned to take swift action: they just switch-off…
Renewable energy has zero fuel costs but coal has significant (and increasing) fuel and operational costs in the range of $40-$65 per megawatt-hour…
When spot prices go to zero or negative, these unhedged coal generators feel the pain twice –negative pricing and paying for fuel. This prompted the accelerated exit of Northern and Playford coal generators in South Australia after a period of negative pricing events.
Unfortunately for coal, this is a case of baseload being the opposite of flexible. And we are moving into a future where flexibility has increasing value…
As Australia moves to replace ageing coal generators over the coming decades, there is an opportunity to embrace lower cost and more flexible options that will provide Australians with lower energy prices. Renewable energy remains future-focused and investments in the sector will play a key role in our energy future.
the writer:
LinkedIn: Kim Nguyen
“huh?” indeed pat; seldom does one read such an incoherent thesis: “baseload being the opposite of flexible” –what that?
As to “renewable energy remains future-focused” let’s see what condition the present installations degenerate to within the coming decade.
The truth is renewable energy has no future, all these wind farms will be derelict inside fifteen years simply because it cannot be cost effective to maintain them; and solar, good luck finding one that has continued to generate power for even five years.
A good find Pat.
This is highly representative of the double-speak that passes for “communication” today.
How much longer can we survive in a world where verbalised inverse factoids are the basis of major infrastructure decisions on electricity generation.
Political electricity just doesn’t work.
How long? Most likely another 15 years give or take a few, well past Trump’s era. At that time I suspect the West as a whole will be financially and socially bankrupt. The timing is not really easily knowable but the eventual outcome is.
I got to thinking about the speech that Greta Thunberg delivered to the UN Climate Summit and decided that if the UN truly wanted to honor her they would immediately pass a resolution that no attendee of any climate related meeting sponsored by the UN, any government or any Non-governmental organization will be allowed to attend the meeting using any form of transportation that relies on fossil fuels in the production of that transportation or of any of its components or as an energy source to power their transportation. Anyone unable to find a form of transportation that meets the above criteria will be allowed to attend the climate meeting using video conferencing provided the video conferencing is powered by 100% renewable energy. Anyone violating this resolution will be immediately expelled from any climate meeting they might be attending and will be barred from attending any future climate meeting for between 10 and 100 years depending on the severity of the infraction.
That’s brilliant Ric, and it would bring them into line with similar demands they have imposed on the rest of us.
That’s not the way it will pan out. The only ones that will be expelled from such meetings will be those who disagree with the CAGW hoax. What we need is a parallel meeting funded by another source attended by scientists and others who can demonstrate how the renewables industry is a scam and the CAGW story is a hoax.
The Heartland Institute does climate conferences that would meet your criteria. The most recent, ICCC13, was done in July of this year. Here is a link to that conference:
here’s to you, HK, 10-1-19 The insider also revealed that there are many mainland Chinese police among Hong Kong’s police force. The number of actual Hong Kong policemen is only 30,000. They do not have the capacity to handle such mass demonstrations. Mainland Chinese police are everywhere, dressed in Hong Kong police uniforms, according to the source.
In addition he pointed out that in the 22 years following Hong Kong’s handover to China, the CCP has already successfully infiltrated Hong Kong’s police force through its Blue-Gold-Yellow (BGY) campaign.
The CCP runs the so-called BGY campaign to extend its control outside China. Blue stands for internet censorship and brainwashing, gold stands for monetary influence, yellow stands for sexual seduction and blackmail to coerce cooperation when necessary.
ok, try this, boys, girls, etc.:
Guo Wengui explains tml
Read back, up through this thread.
You will come to a work of art created on Jo’s blog by the BCIC.
The only contribution it makes is to show us the method used by the Elites in taking over society.
Point made, we understand now, but what is it doing here still?
There’s no virtue in accepting the chronic insult thrown at the blog by this disruptor.
If he’s being paid, fair enough.
But what if it’s just some internal Gretanesque drive heading towards a cliff.
Doesn’t the blog have an obligation to provide help and support?
Mea Culpa.
I broke my rule, thereby wasting my time and that of others.
And insightful contribution from the core of the blog clogger in chief’s latest intrusion.
Maybe it’s trying out for a job as Science Writer for the BOM.
Fitz comes here for a biff and enjoys it and if you find the scene offensive then tell your mates to ignore him. Being typical men they also like a biff.
Hope you don’t mind me asking again, what is your strength in the climate change debate?
pfitz comes here to seek attention and self-virtue.
He seeks desperate to mind some relevance in his pitiful life.
Trolling on a climate realist site for his jollies.
What sort of sick lonely person is that !!!
This sort.
[I don’t have time for this even if it is humor] ED
Easy, don’t feed the trolls.
First Known Case of Brexit-Triggered Psychosis Confirmed in Remain Voter
There are many more
Remainers who are mentally ill.
Especially in the elected pollies
In the Commons.
An election is needed to sweep them out
Into the dustbin of UK history
And here we are at the Inverse Conversation.
It’s a big like the love child of Greta and Hillary.
If such a thing was possible. Grillary???
Able to leap mountains of truth in a single bound and spout constant inanities without even a seconds contemplation.
A worthy successor to the Big O.
Brings to mind “Inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity”
And to make sure we have enough of this confusion the universities are going to double the intake of their schools of journalism and introduce PhDs in Fact checking.
Travel by Electric Car in Queensland.
Wheels Magazine in June published an article in which the journo describes his expedition to Queensland to drive a Hyundai, Kona Highlander EV from Brisbane to the Gold Coast and then back the other way to Cairns, a distance of 2122km. The journey took 4 1/2 days with six recharges on the way. However they picked the vehicle up with a full charge and dropped it off empty.
The journey was made possible because the Queensland government has installed 14 DC fast charging stations between Coolangatta and Cairns at distances of 98 to 208km. Charge times were 60-90 minutes depending on how much was left in the battery. The trip was carefully planned to take meal breaks during the charging periods.
The Kona claims a 400km highway range, but on 2 occasions they barely made the 350km next charge point, arriving with 4% charge and 13km range remaining. On those two drives they had to turn the A/C off, close the windows (too reduce drag) and travel at reduced speed.
There was one photo of a charging station which had 2 chargers. Fortunately there were no other electric vehicles waiting to charge, otherwise the charge times could have been protracted.
On another page in the magazine the cost of a 50kW DC fast charger is quoted as $50,000. Charging is free at the moment. What the cost will be later I don’t know. At 34c/kWhr the cost was about half that of petrol, but if a road tax is introduced (as with petrol) the saving will be minimal.
No one says where the electricity actually comes from!
The Hyundai Kona Highlander EV cost $65,000, which is $25,000 more than the petrol version, so It is not really cheap motoring. Given the other disadvantages, I will not be buying and EV just yet.
What is it like to travel in an all electric vehicle?
I haven’t tried it myself but from the article;
“I switch to Eco+ drive mode, which cuts the air-con and other non essentials and limits speed to 80km/h. The cabin is a funk of nerves and sweat as we creep along, with windows up to reduce drag and without air-con in the humid 34 degree heat.”
The war against Australia has just been escalated from within. In effect we are told by our own large companies to do more on climate change or else. I hope/expect PM Morrison to come to and tell them where to go in no uncertain terms. Although I don’t expect it he should also say if they persist in their threats they would be looked into to see if they can be charged under some form of terrorism threat. This is a disgrace on the part of our own Australian companies.
See Climate change group tells big emitters they must do more
This is purely a commercial matter and has nothing to do with government.
Morrison is aware that China is building coal fired power stations at home and abroad, so he won’t be doing any more virtue signalling.
PeterS –
just heard Alan Jones read from, presumably, an article about Climate Action 100+, including Super Funds, injecting themselves into the “climate” story.
he read quotes from Scott Morrison warning them of their duty to their members, potential regulation was mentioned. Victorian Liberal Senator, James Paterson’s name came up, but I can’t say more because I’m presuming it was from The Australian, and it’s behind a paywall. maybe someone can excerpt:
Firms in climate crosshairs
The Australian – 3 Oct 2019
Climate Action 100+ demands action from Australian business
The Australian – 6 hours ago
2 Oct: RenewEconomy: Investor push for companies to target zero emissions stymied by fossil fuel lobbies
by Michael Mazengarb
The investor-led Climate Action 100+ initiative has released its first progress report (LINK), highlighting the role investors can play in the way companies prepare for climate change and mitigate their own contributions to global warming. And make money at the same time.
The Climate Action 100+ is designed to draw on the combined power of 370 investment funds with a combined $35 trillion of assets under management to pressure companies they are invested in to properly assess climate risk and develop plans for a carbon constrained future…
Companies have faced growing pressure to take greater responsibility for the lobbying efforts of the industry groups they belong to, particularly if those groups are advocating against action on climate change.
For example, many of Australia’s largest resources companies are members of the Minerals Council of Australia, which was recently listed amongst the top 10 opponents to climate change policy, and these companies have faced calls to either push for changes in the Minerals Council’s approach to lobbying, or leave the council altogether…
Long term investors, like superannuation companies, are increasingly viewing climate change as a financial risk. It is an attitude that is being echoed by financial regulators, including the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), which recently updated its guidance to company directors to include assessments of climate risks in company reports and prospectus…
everyone with money in a superfund needs to step up and object to this partisan political activism. the “climate election” was lost.
That’s the one. The only climate emergency we should be concerned about is the deliberate attempt by the Climate Action 100+ club using our super funds to force companies to abide by the CAGW agenda. If I were a conspiracy theorist (I’m not in general) I would say the club has been infiltrated with overseas enemies with the goal to destroy our nation in preparation for an invasion. It matters not what the real goal is. It must be stopped and reversed, and the relevant people who are driving this agenda be removed from their positions IMMEDIATELY! This is no joking matter.
It would have been just as diligent to “manage” other people’s super by cashing out a few million in notes and feeding them into one of Draxs furnaces in Britain. At least that would have made some energy.
Is there a cartel that runs super funds and windmills and gets “management” fees regardless of performance?
I think so.
As AJ pointed out, most of those 100+ club investment funds are infact Superannuatuion funds, whose Boards need to be careful as they have a LEGAL obligation and a sole responsibility to ensure the maximum return on the funds under their control.
They have NO authority to restrict investments on any basis other than financial .
What happens to the funds in those Superannuation Funds when those wind plants which they have heavily invested in come to the time of their time expiry date and they are no longer viable. No source of ongoing income from them, and in fact, as part owners they also then become liable for the complete dismantling, disposal, and refurbishment of the land back to pristine. And then, keep in mind here that could be as little as 15 years. Either that, then if that plant seeks to renew all its towers, then the fund will also be liable for part of that cost as well.
That may be a problem if some investors find out that their Fund’s investment has been spent on something with such a short life span.
That’s what often happens when people don’t do their own research. Most people don’t bother – too often at their own peril long term. Also the same principle applies to governments as well as private business. We get the government we deserve.
Radio news today suggests that Canberra has given notice
SBS receives hundreds of millions of Australian taxpayer dollars each year. the writer starts with former National Director of GetUp! Simon Sheikh (married to climate activist & co-founder of Australian Youth Climate Coalition Anna Rose), but fails to mention any of that. lengthy and full of nonsense:
19 Sept: SBS: The Australians walking out of work over climate change inaction
On Friday, thousands of Australians will follow in the footsteps of the school strikers and walk out of their workplaces and universities in solidarity with many around the world. Here’s why they’ve decided to take part
By Maani Truu
On any other Friday, Simon Sheikh and his staff would be busy at work in Sydney’s CBD. But this week, on 20 September, the superannuation company’s office will be empty.
Mr Sheikh, chief executive of sustainable company Future Super, is part of a growing group of business leaders who are shutting their doors and encouraging staff to join the School Strike for Climate.
“Our employees came to us and said they wanted to attend the student climate marches,” he told SBS News, as staff finished painting signs saying “walking off my job until you do yours” and “renewable energy powered by this strike” to take to the march.
“And of course, we said yes, we decided, in fact, to close down for the day and get deeply involved in this campaign.”…
Mr Sheikh has been leading an effort to encourage other businesses to shut up shop during the strikes, with a campaign called ‘Not Business as Usual’…
Year 11 student and one of the School Strike for Climate organisers, Daisy Jeffrey, said seeing businesses, unions and university students getting involved in the strike “is an incredible sign of what young people can do”…
Prime Minister Scott Morrison came under fire last week after it was announced he would not be attending the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit in New York next week…
Understanding the Climate Movement Part 2: Noble Cause Corruption
The devious evil of the whole environmental push ( as a communist front, in effect ) is that at its core its a global spiritual reboot.
What I mean us that if you can sideline or capture the main churches/religions and silence them ( especially through gender politics ) and then insert your own occult belief system ( which is compatible with communism weirdly enough ) that speaks of “defending the planet”, then you have a global political, religious and financial trojan horse-based takeover.
This belief system that has zombie-like re-animated a mentally and spiritually “dead” non-discerning publicum is pagan occult eco religion that is actually all about protecting the mythical “gaia” planet goddess – this is just the biblical golden calf/ Tower of Babel scenario all over again.
Humans of course seem to learn nothing from history and consider themselves super smart and have no need for true wisdom, so stupidly hand thier power to the drooling jackals in the eco movement. Nature abhors a vacuum so the eco religion is endorsed by govts effectively as policy , with persecution for sceptics already beginning.
This is a spiritual battle – from my perspective as a Christian , as a nation we have forsaken God of the Bible so judgement will follow for the whole nation……think Babylon…..
Why are left wing news sources suggesting an impeachment of Trump wont lead to a civil war and talking it down?
Or the more pointed question – why even raise the spectre of civil war?
Interesting… a soft coup underway in the USA?
“”(Bloomberg Opinion) — President Donald Trump warns that removing him from office would “cause a Civil War-like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” He is quoting Robert Jeffress, a prominent evangelical supporter, who also says that Democrats are trying to remove Trump from office because they know they cannot defeat him in an election. But this effort, Jeffress predicts and Trump affirms, will fail.
Trump’s tweetstorm fell on one truth: Impeachment is highly unlikely to lead to his departure from the White House. The reason he is right about that is, however, the reason Jeffress and he are wrong about everything else.
“Two-thirds of senators would have to vote to convict Trump in an impeachment trial to end his presidency. That high bar explains why no president has been removed from office that way, and only one has resigned rather than face impeachment and a Senate trial. All the Senate’s Democrats and independents, and 20 of its Republicans, would have to vote against Trump for this to be the first such presidential ouster.
“There’s a lesson here for Trump’s opponents, too. If they want impeachment to be followed by removal, they are going to have to persuade millions of voters who are currently in his corner. Impeachment can’t be seen as an act of culture-war vengeance – a judgment on voters for being stupid and racist enough to choose Trump – if it is to succeed.
“It probably won’t. The possibility that Trump’s removal will be followed by anything like a civil war, though, is one thing we need not worry about.
“Delingpole: Boris Johnson Channels Donald Trump, Makes Britain Laugh Again”
Cracker of a speech he gave .
Ha Ha, yes never a dull Brexit moment.
Rumour has it that Boris is about to give them the finger and prorogue parliament for a second time next week. Don’t have details of the duration at this stage. He’ll have to bend it around the Supreme Court ruling on the previous prorogation.
Meanwhile the leader of the rabidly anti-Brexit Lib Dems Party has a husband who is up to his neck in cash from the EU. It transpires that in 2018 alone her husband’s company received £3,463,555 from the European Commission. This story is likely to blow if the MSM decide not to bury it. Conflict of interest anyone?
And in the latest court case, Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski is preparing to mount a legal challenge targeting the Benn Act [the Surrender Act] to thwart the Remainers. This Act binds the Prime Minister into asking the European Union for an extension to Article 50 if Brexit no deal has been agreed by October 19, or at least it purports to if it is even legal. It is also peppered with loopholes that Boris can exploit.
That provided some levity after a session discovering that the federal government’s “MYGov” has been “updated” and will no longer upload via Firefox
More from Tony Heller about the global warming lie. Clueless Australian media mentioned.
Tony has been producing a large number of videos lately.
Just noted on my Weatherzone forecast page the following ‘news’ headline:
‘Dry and Warm end to 2019 for most of Australia’
Isn’t the end of the year generally, er, summer?
“most” of Australia? As in 97%?
Having driven the length and (almost) the breadth of
Austhe West Island, I discovered it took more than a few 6-packs to get anywhere. I’ll call wet in Darwin and cold in Hobart, otherwise dry and warm for most – unless there’s a snow blizzard or a cyclone or a willy willy or…10
Residents of Seymour in Victoriastan are up in arms about a new proposed levy bank that’s going to be built around the town to prevent the town from flooding in a one in one hundred year flood .
While there are a lot of complexities with the issue the residents have noticed the excessive height and placement of the levy bank and have noted that the pub that’s been there for 150 years has never flooded but will now have a four foot levy bank protecting it .
I thought Andrews and Ambrosio won’t build dams because it’s not going to rain anymore going by the science .
This mayor says they are also going by the science in calculating the height and extent of the levy bank .
Seems the science isn’t quite right in our republic .
Victoriastan under Ober fuhrer Dangerous Dan may never fully recover.
We are edging closer and closer to the Mad Max scenario day by day….
Sad but true. With useless and/or aloof leaders at state and federal levels the nation as a whole has a bipartisan goal to self-destruct.
Sleepwalking to disaster, Noddy D’Ambrosio and Big Ears Andrews.
Reminds me of a contract in the 90s where the contractor was required to build a bridge that would withstand a one in a hundred year flood. The bridge was destroyed the following year.
by now, nothing should shock me when it comes to the non-disclosures of the CAGW mob, but bear with me:
from the SBS article – comment #29 –
Striking: The schoolgirl and her family
Year 11 student and one of the School Strike for Climate organisers, Daisy Jeffrey, said seeing businesses, unions and university students getting involved in the strike “is an incredible sign of what young people can do”.
PIC: Daisy Jeffrey with her younger brother Leo and mother Annabel. The whole family will be striking on Friday
Among the crowd will be Daisy’s parents and her younger brother, who, inspired by her activism, are also taking the day off work and school.
“It’s really quite devastating to hear the fear that both of my children have for their future,” Daisy’s mother Annabel McGilvray said.
“It seems like a nightmare story, as opposed to a bedtime story for them … and to [see them] feel that burden at such a young age is quite heart-wrenching.”…
Ms McGilvray, who works in communications, believes watching the children take the lead in calling for greater climate action has given parents ”an excuse” to act…
LinkedIn: Annabel McGilvray, Senior Communications Specialist – Sydney Trains, Transport for NSW
Communications Lead
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
***Apr 2018 – Present…
Freelance Contributor
Nature Publishing Group
2014 – Present…
United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney
2009 – Jan 2015…
National Publicist
ABC triplej
Jan 2005 – Aug 2005…
***Annabel has been connected to ABC way back…there’s quite a bit online from 2009 and also this one from 2010:
2010: ABC Science: Smaller fish cope better with acidic water
by Annabel McGilvray, ABC
Seawater is predicted to drop in pH from the current 8.1 to 7.8 by the end of this century as a consequence of ongoing CO2 absorption and fears are held for the ability of much marine life to adapt.
But a new study of Australia’s freshwater ornate rainbowfish (Rhadinocentrus ornatus) by a group at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, has found that changes in pH affect the metabolic rate of larger fish significantly more than their smaller counterparts…
In this study, the fish were monitored over a month-long period. It remains to be seen what the consequences would be for a large fish with a chronically depressed metabolism…
2009: ABC Science: Granny really does play favourites
by Annabel McGilvray, ABC
2009: ABC Science: Sand playground makes for safer landings
by Annabel McGilvray, ABC
Daisy’s father, James Jeffrey (funny AFR doesn’t mention Mum’s ABC connections):
25 Sept: AFR: Keeping the government honest: a Jeffrey family tradition
by Myriam Robin
When a family member of the opposition leader’s speechwriter organises one of the biggest protests against government policy in Australian history, does it bear journalistic disclosure?
Some thought the ABC should have made that fact clear to viewers when School Strike 4 Climate lead Sydney organiser Daisy Jeffrey was given the chance to question comms minister Paul Fletcher on Monday night’s Q&A about his government’s utter indifference to her generation’s future (as evidenced by its lack of a credible climate policy).
Jeffrey is the 17-year-old daughter of James Jeffrey, recently of The Australian, but since June ensconced in Anthony Albanese’s office. As noted in Monday’s Oz by Jeffrey’s former colleague Chris Kenny, who railed against Channel 10’s similar lack of disclosure in their own interview with Daisy Jeffrey. She was also interviewed last week in this newspaper, her father’s role unmentioned.
Of course, the younger Jeffrey’s activism on the issue well pre-dates her father’s change of career. Back in May, she even led a protest outside Albo’s Sydney office!…
the very smug Miss Daisy on Q&A sparks off a whopping 13min of the program, & this is after all the FakeNewsMSM fawning over her on “strike” day.
55sec to 13min45sec: Daisy Jeffrey. re PM Morrison not at Climate Summit: “instead he’s dining with Trump and Gina Rinehart”:
VIDEO: 23 Sept: ABC Q&A: Kerry O’Brien and Your Right To Know
Host: Tony Jones
(1m 59s)
Daisy Jeffrey asked: My question is for Paul Fletcher. I led the strikes in Sydney on Friday. Our Prime Minister isn’t attending the UN Climate Summit today and our Deputy PM doesn’t even believe in climate change, yet your party insists that young people have nothing to worry about and that students like me should be in school. Why should young Australians stay in school when our government is doing nothing to preserve our future?
9 Dec 2018: ABC: Stop Adani protesters gather in cities, take aim at Scott Morrison’s activism comments
By Kevin Nguyen
Student activists who felt the Prime Minister was condescending last week over climate issues have vowed to remove the Liberal Party from power — and keep it out — as long as it maintains its current policies…
Daisy Jeffrey, 16, from Conservatorium High School in Sydney, said she was interested in a future in politics and Mr Morrison’s comments had galvanised her, and dozens of her peers, to take to the streets.
“It wasn’t disheartening, it made us more angry and more determined to go out on the streets,” Daisy said…
9 Jul: 1MillionWomenBlog: We Spoke To A Lead Organiser Of The School Strikes To Find Out What’s Next And How We Can Help
by Emily Contador-Kelsall
We caught up with one of the lead Sydney organisers, 16 year old Daisy Jeffrey ahead of the next major strike on September 20 to find out more about the movement and how we can all get involved…
1MW: In May this year, Australia voted back into power a political party that has abysmal climate policies. How does it make you feel — and your peers who you’re engaged with — when you see in Australia and all around the world, governments who don’t take enough climate action being voted in?
Daisy: I had a few striker friends over [on election night] and we projected the results up onto the wall. And we were watching Antony Green and we were just crying. And at first we were really angry and we were enthusiastic when the memes about cutting Queensland out of Australia came out but you know for me… my Grandad and his father and his father before that, they were all coal miners, they were coal mining engineers. And also just looking at the situation up in Queensland, you know you have to take time to understand someone’s situation and why they would have voted against Labor or the Greens. And frankly you know, I understand, and I understand why they voted Liberal and it was so disappointing for us but for them their concern is for their family and their community and their income and their identity. So I feel certainly less angry than I was, it’s really important to have an element of understanding there. Also you know what played a large role in those votes turning against Labor was that 81 million dollar scare campaign that Clive Palmer ran which was really against progressive parties and it was pushing people to vote conservative so that’s what I’m seriously angry at…
1MW: And had the election and results changed the way that the school strikers are organising their actions?
Daisy: Yeah it changed big time because I think we all kind of thought we were cruising for a Labor victory which you know, not to say that Labor is the greatest party of all time. It’s really not that hard to be better than the Liberals, all you have to have is an existing climate policy or one that functions. And we would have had to do a huge amount of work to try to get Labor to move in the right direction [ if they had been elected] but with the Liberals it just feels impossible…
There must be two Daisy’s, one is 16 and the other is 17.
One of the Daisy’s suggests that “the 81 million dollar scare campaign that Clive Palmer ran which was really against progressive parties and it was pushing people to vote conservative so that’s what I’m seriously angry at.
Obviously Bob Brown’s anti Adani, CO2 generating trek, from Tasmania to the Adani site had nothing to do with the defeat, neither did Bill Shorten’s failure to take a position on Adani. He couldn’t support the Adani mine because Labor is beholden to the Greens, and he couldn’t oppose the mine because the CFMEU was demanding that ALP candidates sign a pledge supporting the mine.
“has given parents ”an excuse” to act…”
Ok dearie, sell your car.
Turn off that heater or air-conditioner.
Tell the children to walk to school. !
What other action are “YOU” going to do ?
Or does “SOMEONE ELSE” have to do it.
The PH study of seawater that I seen a couple of years back which was done about 1967 ish gives a wide range and from bad memory I thought it was from 7.3 – 8.4 but will have to see if I can find it .
Either way not acidic and not becoming more acidic throughout that range .
Thinking 7.3 was a bit too low I did a quick search and found which features on p29 two calculated pH maps for February 2005 and August 2005 in which the pH colour scale runs from 7.74 to 8.40 but, necessarily, almost all of the ocean data is modelled (the authors say “interpolated”).
Make your own assessment. This humble layman suspects the pH calculations are biased low.
“Are you here with a solution or are you part of the problem?”
comes to mind
“is predicted to drop in pH from the current 8.1 to 7.8 by the end of this century”
Utter anti-science BS !!!
I am confused as to why you would do a study on the effects of acidic seawater using water that has a PH of 7.8 and freshwater ornate rainbowfish.
my main response:
how many of the “strikers” in Sydney were from ABC’s Ultimo HQ? my guess would be a substantial number.
add to that the political connections of the family & activists and it would explain why the majority of people in the photos online appeared to be adults, not children.
a bit of fun from Daisy’s twitter feed:
Twitter: Daisy Jeffrey, 17 year old Lead Organiser for School Strike 4 Climate – Sep 16
Young people have learnt the science. Why won’t our government? #qanda (ABC)…
(Daisy re-tweeted) natalie sweet Sep 1
Historic. Y’all see that? This is the climate crisis. This is why we are striking on Sept. 20th. Living on a sustainable earth is a human right and the @ThisIsZeroHour team and many others are fighting to make it possible.
LINK Washington Post: Historic Hurricane Dorian unleashing ‘catastrophic’ blow in northern Bahamas. Hurricane warnings posted for Florida’s east coast…
another failure to disclose at theirABC:
9 Dec 2018: ABC: Stop Adani protesters gather in cities, take aim at Scott Morrison’s activism comments
By Kevin Nguyen
Student activists who felt the Prime Minister was condescending last week over climate issues have vowed to remove the Liberal Party from power — and keep it out — as long as it maintains its current policies…
***Daisy Jeffrey, 16, from Conservatorium High School in Sydney, said she was interested in a future in politics and Mr Morrison’s comments had galvanised her, and dozens of her peers, to take to the streets.
“It wasn’t disheartening, it made us more angry and more determined to go out on the streets,” Daisy said…
shut down the ABC.
Anger is the stock in trade of the Left.
Remember Whitlams “Maintain the rage”….?
Funnily enough, his despotic govt was sacked and removed from power.
People have short memories.
That’s the main reason we keep repeating the same mistakes; short memories. Makes the need for the Orwellian memory holes almost redundant – but not completely.
‘Remember Whitlams “Maintain the rage”’
Being from the US, I had look this reference up and it appears to be a reference to Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. The Wikipedia entry on his term as Prime Minister is quite interesting, though I am always a bit skeptical of anything posted on Wikipedia.
It’s invaluable as an aide memoire but spurious as an authoritative source.
‘ … his despotic govt was sacked and removed from power.’
You mean it was an orchestrated coup against a legitimate government.
Orchestrated by ambassadorial trouble shooter Marshall Green to halt Whitlam’s repudiation of the North West Cape lease was the scuttlebutt.
In the same vein Alexander Downer has finally been outed for his part in the plotting against Trump; one can only suppose Alexander was channeling Menzies’s minor role in the attempted overthrow of Nasser prior to the Suez Crisis.
But the big as yet untold stories concern the shenanigans around Brexit. A guest post from beowulf would be welcome.
saw this on some other website yesterday and had to laugh:
2 Oct: MIT Technology Review: Why carbon taxes may need to be far higher than we’d planned
A new model suggests the price should start high and then fall over time, in a total reversal of conventional wisdom.
by James Temple
Economists largely agree that one of the most effective ways of tackling climate change is taxing carbon pollution. Few things beat higher prices in reliably pushing companies and consumers to shift to more environmentally friendly practices and products…
But a new economic analysis flips some of the traditional thinking about a carbon tax, concluding that the price should fall rather than rise in the decades ahead. It should also start far higher than many previous studies and policy proposals suggested.
Notably, a plan put forth by former US secretaries of state James Baker and George Shultz in 2017 proposed a carbon fee that would start at $40 a ton and increase every year at 5% above inflation, in line with conventional views rooted in some of the earliest and most influential climate-economy models.
But the new model, published September 1 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, concludes it would be much more effective to start with a price well above $100. That tax would tick up a bit further in the first decade or so, before slowly sliding downward for the next few centuries.
In basic terms, the so-called EZ-Climate model attempts to merge the tools of financial economics into climate economics, which ends up placing a higher estimated cost on uncertainty—and higher value on averting risks…
“Uncertainty resolves itself over time,” (Gernot Wagner, an author of the paper and associate professor at New York University’s Department of Environmental Studies) said in an email, so we no longer have to pay a higher price for it.
He cowrote the paper and created the new model with Columbia University economist Kent Daniel and Robert Litterman, formerly head of the quantitative investment strategies group at banking giant Goldman Sachs.
Another notable finding from the model is that the cost of putting off a carbon price rises at a staggering rate the longer we delay. If we wait a year to implement an effective carbon tax, the estimated cost of additional climate-change impacts will reach approximately $1 trillion. If we wait five years, that swells to $24 trillion. A 10-year delay could cost the world $100 trillion.
The ABC latest fact check with obvious cherry picking and a dose of contradiction.
An important question is, if Labor holds the three poorest seats as measured by the ABC, how many of those members actually live in their electorates
My guests today were a young couple from Melbourne and another from Vancouver, all in their late 20s, over here for a mutual friend’s wedding. By the end of the tour, when the wine & food had done its magic and their tongues were loosened, their ™conversation™ turned to the ‘horror’ of ScoMo and the ‘wonder’ of Trudeau. And climate strikes. And Angry Girl. And old men (especially Morrison!) who deиy climate change.
Shaking their hands before they caught the ferry back to the city, the outspoken Melburnian male was the last I said goodbye to. “Scott Morrison knows climate change is real,” I offered. “He also knows man-made climate change is a crock. Enjoy the wedding!”
The older I get, the player I am. We’re supposed to hit 15˚C tomorrow – tropical, not.
the sceptical scientists’ letter gets some coverage!
3 Oct: Manila Times Op-ed: Time says Manila under threat; 500 scientists reject ‘climate emergency’
First word
SEVERAL developments on the climate front impel me to turn again to climate change in my column today in order to assess their implications.
First, Time magazine online has listed Manila as one of six regions/cities that face the gravest risks from the climate crisis…ETC ETC
No climate emergency
In an article published on September 29, the Washington Times reported that at the Global Climate Summit convened on September 23 by the UN, 500 international scientists, engineers and other stakeholders issued a declaration, saying: “There is no climate emergency.”
The European Climate Declaration, spearheaded by the Amsterdam-based Climate Intelligence Foundation (Clintel), described the leading climate models as “unfit” and urged UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to pursue a climate policy based on “sound science.”
“Current climate policies pointlessly and grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, reliable electrical energy,” said the September 23 letter signed by professionals from 23 countries.
Most of the signers hailed from Europe, but there were also scientists from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South America.
“We urge you to follow a climate policy based on sound science, realistic economics and genuine concern for those harmed by costly but unnecessary attempts at mitigation,” the letter said.
The signers urged the world body to organize a meeting of scientists “on both sides of the climate debate early in 2020.”
The sheer number of prominent signers of the declaration, with scientific and engineering credentials, belied the alarmists’ contention that only a handful of fringe researchers and fossil-fuel shills oppose the climate-catastrophe “consensus.”
The US contingent was made up of 45 US professors, engineers and scientists, including MIT professor emeritus Richard Lindzen, Freeman Dyson of the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton, and Stanford University professor emeritus Elliott D. Bloom, as well as several signers formerly affiliated with NASA…READ ALL
“Current climate policies pointlessly and grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, reliable electrical energy,” said the September 23 letter signed by professionals from 23 countries.”
This quote brings to mind the post from a few days ago about the record high temperatures in India or Pakistan, where temperatures reached about 52.1°C, as if the temperatures were caused by climate change. One quote in that post was along the lines of ” 8 babies died as a result of the high temperatures and a 12 hour power failure (so no air conditioners).”
The question is, if the alarmists were correct, that increasing CO2 was causing higher temperatures, and therefore spending $trillions reducing CO2 levels would reduce the temperatures by say 2°C, to a much more bearable 50.1°C, and the power failures still occurred, would the lives have been saved. I think not.
Putin…in his own words:
Youtube: 4min46sec: 2 Oct: Putin about Greta Thunberg: I am sure she is a kind and sincere girl, but …
posted by Drago Victorien
It’s time. Trump has commented, Macron has commented and now it’s time for President Putin to state his position regarding the global phenomenon, Greta Thunberg and her address to the UN.
The Western media have already commenced the distortions about Putin’s answer, but here is his full account during the Q&A session of the Russian Energy Week.
Wouter Bakker9 hours ago
I live in sweden and on a big news platfom it says “Putin Attacking Greta” could they have gotten it more wrong
the Reuters’ spin:
2 Oct: Reuters: Putin: I don’t share excitement about Greta Thunberg’s U.N. speech
Reporting by Vladimir Soldatkin, Dmitry Zhdannikov, Katya Golubkova and Olesya Astakhova; Writing by Andrey Ostroukh and Olzhas Auyezov; Editing by Janet Lawrence
MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday took aim at teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg, telling an energy forum he did not share the excitement about her United Nations speech last month.
The 16-year-old Swede electrified the U.N. summit in New York when she denounced world leaders for failing to tackle climate change…
Putin, chairing a session at an energy forum in Moscow, said: “I may disappoint you but I don’t share the common excitement about the speech by Greta Thunberg.
“No one has explained to Greta that the modern world is complex and different and … people in Africa or in many Asian countries want to live at the same wealth level as in Sweden.”…
Putin said young people who paid attention to environmental issues should be supported, adding: “But when someone is using children and teenagers in personal interests, it only deserves to be condemned.
“I’m sure that Greta is a kind and very sincere girl. But adults must do everything not to bring teenagers and children into some extreme situations.”…
Earlier this week, a member of the Russian lower house of parliament, the Duma, invited Thunberg to Russia to deliver a speech.
2 Oct: NYT: AP: Putin Implies Teen Climate Activist Is Being Manipulated
MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg may have been manipulated to serve the interests of others.
Speaking at an energy forum in Moscow on Wednesday, Putin said: “I don’t share exultation about Greta Thunberg.”
The Russian leader called Thunberg a “kind and sincere girl” who doesn’t understand complex global issues such as the barriers to cleaner energy in developing countries.
Putin added, “It’s deplorable when someone is using children and teenagers in their interests.” He didn’t elaborate…
WaPo & many more have the AP piece, which is unattributed, even on the AP website.
various media have reported this Reuters’ bit prior to the latest Putin story:
“Earlier this week, a member of the Russian lower house of parliament, the Duma, invited Thunberg to Russia to deliver a speech.”
1 Oct: Tass: Russian parliament not planning to invite climate activist Greta Thunberg for speech
Thunberg is not the only serious representative in this sphere, the Russian lawmaker said
MOSCOW: The Russian State Duma (lower chamber) is not planning to send an invitation to Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg to deliver a speech, Russian lawmaker Vasily Vlasov does not have powers to do that, chairs of two State Duma Committees on Ecology and Environment Protection and on Control and Regulations told TASS as reports emerged that Vlasov had sent an invitation to the Swedish embassy in Russia addressed to Thunberg inviting her to speak to the State Duma.
Chair of the Committee on Ecology and Environment Protection Vladimir Burmatov said, “it is necessary to try to listen to and hear everyone.” “It is vital to take different opinions into consideration, live in the agenda of the whole world, we shouldn’t stray away from it. However, our national interests are a priority, the State Duma as parliament should be based on precisely that,” the lawmaker said.
The committee chair pointed out that in general he follows speeches of the Swedish climate activist, while “Thunberg is not the only serious representative in this sphere.” “If we listen to every environmental activist or public figure at the State Duma podium, then it will be the only thing we do,” he stressed. “In my view, Greta does not have that many proposals and you can just acquaint with them by simply opening her Instagram.” Burmatov also said that he trusted “Vlasov to address this issue as an active social media user.”…
***Meanwhile, Chair of the Committee on Control and Regulations Olga Savastyanova clarified that “a lawmaker cannot invite [anyone] to a plenary meeting or a State Duma Council.” According to her, it is the committees that send out invitations…
for what it’s worth, should have noted the Duma member, Vasily Vlasov, is 24 years of age:
Russian MPs mull complete ban on plastic bags
RT – 12 Apr 2019
In his letter to the deputy prime minister of Russia, MP Vasily Vlasov stressed that due to their slow rate of decomposition, plastic bags are a…
Seems to me that the left wing media – who apparently are highly supportive of Greta’s UN speech are finding it quite distressing that Men, and apparently it’s mostly men dissing her speech. Is that the case? Has anyone seen or heard from women in the media make a negative report on Greta? Some nice words used for those men who have challenged, bagged out, belittled this UN visit, The ABC went as far as calling out these men who did make negative remarks as being troglodytes, “Why Greta Thunberg triggers the troglodytes among us”. I wonder what portion of media, male and female are pro or against her?
Australian Brainwashing Corporation
With it’s “troglodytes” crap !
Pah !
Not worth reading or even thinking about.
She is getting parodied on social media by young girls , young women , old women just as much as men .
Got to admit, it really was a screeching, spite full, angry little rant, wasn’t it. 🙂
Amusing for 2 seconds. Then turned off.
I really pity her for what has been done to the poor thing.
Trump did exactly he should have done….. IGNORED HER.
Mini AOC is back.
Mini AOC Is Back!
Today on Trigger Warning Radio…
by Radius
May 22, 2019, 9:00 AM
Federal Safety Regulators Say They’re Looking Into Reports of Tesla Smart Summon Crashes
And more Tesla problems due to the typo the Courier Mail doesn’t want you to see:-
Tesla owners post videos after new self-parking tech fails
Richard Blackburn,
October 2, 2019 8:18am
Tesla’s latest autonomous diving software update has been panned by some owners after their cars ran into garage doors, headed off in the wrong direction and almost drove into the path of oncoming vehicles.”
(My bold)
More on that
“Tesla Rolls Out Smart Summon Feature”
Just a reminder that, with software, a “feature” is a “bug” that is being flogged as useful so it doesn’t have to be fixed
“autonomous diving software”
I didn’t know these cars were amphibious.
Actually, not a new idea. Submarines run on batteries underwater.
When will we begin to see some pushback against Sydney University’s invitation to Michael Mann?
No Lomborg or Ramsay Western Civilization but the world’s principal climate huckster Gore has the doors thrown open and now the chap who refuses to reveal his arithmetic gets the red carpet rollout; Salby and Ridd must be heaving in their academic graves.
Sydney university’s modern focus isn’t science. It’s Marxism.
They’re bringing in the US equivalent of Flannery.
Australian universities will continue this pattern as long as the public continues to pay for it.
Amazon fires decreased in September, but scientists aren’t sure why
behind paywall:
3 Oct: UK Times: Ofgem threatens to close down Robin Hood Energy
by Emily Gosden
The energy regulator has threatened to close down Britain’s first council-run gas and electricity supplier after it failed to pay millions of pounds it owes under a green power scheme.
Robin Hood Energy, owned by Nottingham city council, missed a September 1 deadline to pay £9.4 million it owed under the Renewables Obligation scheme, which supports wind and solar projects. The missed payment will raise fears over the financial health of the supplier, given that at least a third of suppliers that failed to meet the deadline last year have gone bust or ceased trading.
Robin Hood Energy said that it was waiting for a suitable “letter of comfort” from the council to say that it would continue to support the company financially over the…
A question for the experts here: How does the BOM calculate the average temperature for one month? Have looked for the answer on the BOM website but can’t find it.
3 mentions of BBC so, presumably, got much of this from them. such a loaded headline. a final word from our farmers:
2 Oct: ABC: Red meat and sausages may not cause cancer, according to controversial new report that has infuriated health experts
SA Country Hour By Marty McCarthy
Updated yesterday at 17:17
The most controversial finding — that the risks of eating red meat are minimal, and that the evidence is too weak to prove the risks are real — go against the advice of health bodies around the world, including the World Health Organisation (WHO)…
(One of the researchers, Associate Professor Bradley Johnston) said he acknowledged the review findings were contrary to current scientific consensus and many nutritional guidelines, but defended the work nonetheless.
“This is not just another study on red and processed meat, but a series of high quality systematic reviews resulting in recommendations we think are far more transparent, robust and reliable,” he said.
However, that did not stop Harvard University’s TH Chan School of Medicine labelling the reports “irresponsible and unethical” and warned it sent confusing messages to consumers…
“It may also harm the credibility of nutrition science and erode public trust in scientific research,” the school said.
“In addition, it may lead to further misuse of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which could ultimately result in further confusion among the general public and health professionals.”…
Livestock sector welcomes report…
“I think any supporting scientific evidence that outlines why the consumption of red meat — a staple protein supply for humans for thousands of years — is in fact good for you [is a positive],” Don Mackay, chairman of the Red Meat Advisory Council, said.
“There’s little doubt there are plenty of people, individuals, and organisations who would seek to have red meat consumption reduced.
“So this report supports our industry and appropriately so.”
almost as biased as ABC:
30 Sept: BBC: Is red meat back on the menu?
By James Gallagher
Health and science correspondent
The report – which disagrees with most major organisations on the planet – says the evidence is weak and any risk to people’s health is small.
Some experts have praised the “rigorous” assessment.
But others say “the public could be put at risk” by such “dangerously misguided” research…
Why is the quality of the evidence so poor?…
How does anyone make sense of this?
The weight of scientific opinion falls on the side of reducing red and processed meat consumption…READ ON FOR CARBON FOOTPRINT, ETC
vying with ABC:
1 Oct: Guardian: Uproar after research claims red meat poses no health risk
One expert says findings by international experts represent ‘egregious abuse of evidence’
by Sarah Boseley
This article was amended on 2 October 2019 because an earlier version referred to Walter Willett as a vegan. To clarify: he advocates a plant-based diet.
Annals of Internal Medicine: Unprocessed Red Meat and Processed Meat Consumption: Dietary Guideline Recommendations From the Nutritional Recommendations (NutriRECS) Consortium
30 Sept: ScienceDaily: No need to cut down red and processed meat for health reasons, controversial findings suggest
There were no primary external funding sources…
***Editor’s Note: In response to these reviews, a number of experts have weighed in on the issues raised in the research. The following is a link from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s The Nutrition Source: LINK
Grilled eye fillet steak(s), homemade fries with LOTS of salt, tomato/cucumber/lettuce/mayo and (almost) a bottle of red tonight. Passed my 5-yearly driving medical last month with flying colours: Doc reckoned I should be dead but hey, fighting fit. Rock on!
These BBC/ABC sociopaths seem determined to proselytise the carbon footprint faith till the crack of doom; isn’t there a pill we can give them so our lives can continue without their overbearing fatuous wittering?
add this to the other revelations today, which have destroyed the Adam Schiff narrative.
from veteran Washington Times reporter, Rowan Scarborough:
2 Oct: WashingtonTimes: Most Giuliani mentions in whistleblower complaint came from public statements, news
By Rowan Scarborough
The unidentified whistleblower at the CIA makes scores of references to Rudolph W. Giuliani in the complaint against President Trump, with most of the information coming from Mr. Giuliani’s own public statements and news reports.
Whistleblower complaints typically contain confirmed inside information not known to investigators until they are tipped off.
In the case of Mr. Trump’s lawyer, who is a private citizen, congressional Democrats could have gathered most of the whistleblower’s tidbits about Mr. Giuliani from the internet…
Other Giuliani allegations are based on unnamed sources in a style similar to that of the discredited Democratic Party-financed dossier used in 2017 by the FBI to try to bring down Mr. Trump. It quoted unknown Kremlin sources and it was eventually debunked.
“It is quite dumbfounding that an intelligence community whistleblower is targeting Giuliani, someone who certainly does not have a security clearance,” Brett L. Tolman, a Republican-aligned former U.S. attorney for Utah, told The Washington Times. “The credibility of the whistleblower is further brought into question when it is apparent that they were not present for any of the alleged misconduct of Giuliani.”…READ ALL
90% not electric or hybrid!
2 Oct: TheLocalGermany: AFP: German car sales spike as ‘dieselgate’ effect fades
German car sales enjoyed a strong surge in September, official data showed Wednesday, although the rise was largely attributable to a statistical effect that had weighed on registrations in late 2018.
Last month, a total 244,622 vehicles hit the roads, 22.2 percent more than
in September 2018, the KBA transport authority said in a statement…
The dieselgate scandal continues to cast a long shadow, with the share of new cars powered by the fuel just below 30 percent in September.
Petrol cars accounted for almost 60 percent, while electrics reached 2.4 percent and hybrids 7.7 percent…
quite amusing, given Beowulf’s link – comment #3 – on the Netherlands potentially slashing livestock numbers!
3 Oct: TheNewsPakistan: Nine Dutch companies want to invest in Pak poultry, livestock sectors
ISLAMABAD: The Netherlands Ambassador to Pakistan Wouter Plomp on Wednesday said that nine Dutch companies have shown interested for investment in Pakistan’s poultry and livestock sector…
“A Very Nice Description Of The Government Debt Bomb”
USA but you’ll get the idea
The US is the best house in a lousy street. Can they stay that way? Depends. Being a superpower helps.
No nation today is fireproof, each owes others more money than they can possibly repay if any is singled out like Greece was. But the US cannot be singled out because the world saw what happened when their housing bubble burst. Being forewarned is not necessarily forearmed. I KNEW the collapse was due but didn’t know the world would be sucked into the vortex. Came out with 10 grand from a large broking account.
How will all this be resolved?
Individuals may modify the logic in Europe in the last century: Always have enough gold to bribe a border guard. Today that means have enough small denomination bullion coins to survive a month [that isn’t really a lot when you don’t get any interest from the bank] I have hundreds of round 50c coins, they are 0.33% silver. Hopefully the bankers will get the haircut, they are the know all gamblers who have trillions depending on the solvency of counter-parties. That is an empire built on sand.
“Came out with 10 grand from a large broking account”.
Many share your pain and anger.
The term Ponzi Scheme barely touches the surface in describing the creepiness of the investment arena we were all led to believe was under government scrutiny.
Who to trust, Union Super?
The horror of superannuation is that, unlike a bank, there cannot be a run on a super fund since not everybody can reach retirement age at the same time; hence or otherwise the deposit monies are a resource for fund managers to play ducks and drakes impeded only by a perfunctory nod to whatever halfwit regulator is in place.
It defies all canons of human nature that over a fifty year contribution history one’s superannuation will not be repeatedly pilfered and likely annihilated before maturity.
We’re now within sight of zero interest rates which will be followed by withdrawal restrictions and deposit charges and ultimately the criminalization of cash transactions below some arbitrary threshold which will be progressively ratcheted downwards.
There is no escape from the money masters as was so poignantly demonstrated years ago in Russia when the largest denomination rouble note was declared void and the under the mattress savings of the elderly were erased with the stroke of a pen.
I note that Cleanaway may obtain permission to build a high-temp incinerator to dispose of materials that cannot be recycled. While this is a great idea already used by many countries, it generates CO2, so it will be interesting to see if it gains approval. If it is approved, then why should there be one rule for these incinerators and another for HELE plants that can produce cheap energy and avoid blackouts?
But Graeme, coal is so, blek, and we all know that can’t be clean.
Interested in comments on my latest musings – very general
After a few weeks exploring the sceptical rabbit hole, I have come to some tentative conclusions:
1. I remain committed to good global stewardship, which means protecting the environment through clean air and water, reduced pollution, better land use, restoring degraded habitat and farmlands and protecting biodiversity (and almost all sceptics value these things)
2. I remain committed to reducing inequality and unfairness locally, nationally and globally (sceptics vary wildly on this)
3. I reached some conclusions about the state of science and how to better frame the critical issues:
a. Global temperature is an almost useless concept
b. The planet entered its latest warming well before industrialisation and on the whole this has been a huge net positive – present conditions are not unprecedented – although CO2 hasn’t been this high for a long time
c. The single best measurement of global heat is sea level and measuring that is complicated
d. Thermometer temperatures are good indicators of local climate but not total global heat balance
e. Climate science is in its infancy and anyone who says “the science is settled” or “97% of scientists say” is an ignorant fool (and probably dangerous)
f. Human carbon emissions have probably played a small to moderate role in total warming since the 1950’s however the impact of this is dwarfed by natural and other “human factors”
g. Human carbon emissions have been a net good although we got the first half badly wrong due to particulate and other non CO2 emissions (but hey – that has always been the case – good science is self-correcting)
h. The current and future impact of carbon emissions is somewhere between zero and the bottom end of IPCC models. There is some radically contradictory science and bizarre theories (that should not be dismissed – see e.)
i. Thermal runaway has never happened, even with much higher CO2 levels and temperatures – so it is very unlikely – statistically asteroids and volcanos are a much bigger worry
j. Well intentioned go-goodism is really dangerous – We need evidence based interventions
k. Alarmism is a form of delusional disorder and is dangerous – it is hurting vulnerable people and diminishes our capacity to detect a real threat – Just STOP!
l. Global warming is probably not a socialist conspiracy, although the more radical socialists are using it to promote their cause of radical disruption and totalitarian solutions – hey it has never worked but next time will be different
m. Fossil fuels are not as bad as we think and renewable energy is not as good as we think – solar, wind, hydro, tidal, geothermal, battery all have significant environmental impacts which need to be accurately measured as part of a total cost-benefit-feasibility analysis – and that is harder than it seems
n. Fossil fuels will almost certainly not last forever – so we definitely need to continue to improve the core technologies of renewables through good R&D so that they are affordable and scalable (we’re not there yet)
o. The above point may or may not require economic adjustment through subsidies and taxes – but these need to be well designed or the cure might be worse than the disease
p. This is all a lot easier with a smaller global population – so a couple of points about this
i. The evidence seems to suggest that the best way to achieve this is through facilitating the economic development of the developing world
ii. That development is not realistic using a high proportion of renewables YET (I don’t like this conclusion – but that’s where the evidence leads me)
iii. Improving the rights and education of women and access to contraception will likely do far more good than preventing fossil fuel use
q. It is possible that the greenest form of energy may yet turn out to be nuclear (and I never thought I would reach that conclusion) – but then again life on this planet is only possible because of CO2 and a giant fusion reactor (note – even God places his nuclear reactors away from human habitation and fault lines even if that is “inefficient”)
Too much detail in this post for a full reply. 1 & 2 is a bit “motherhood”. 3 a-yes, b-what’s a long time geologically? but yes, c-dunno, d-not no, e-yes, f-yesish but I wish you’d said “negligible”, g-yes, h-yesish, i-yes, j-yes, k-yes, l-who cares, m-yes, n-probably not forever but as near to it as matters and you seem to buy the renewables lie so no, o-dunno, p-rubbish i-leave them alone ii-yes (renewables is junk) iii-weird non sequitur, q-don’t feed the green delusion.
A highly thought provoking contribution; you and I’d find plenty to argue about –upthumbed ya.
Sounds good.
But f, human origin CO2 just doesn’t do anything.
Wind turbine blades now to be made in Geelong in the old Ford factory, according to a local rag. Dan the Man was there talking his schtick. Wind good. Wind means JOBS! Jobs for Geelong, thanks to Superdan. All Hail The Premier! Don’t laugh, comrade…