A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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PODCAST: Dr. Ross McKittrick on climate, hockey-sticks, and Mann
Here is an update of the investigation of BOM’s entire weather station network here in Australia.
The Bureau of Meteorology ( BOM ) is saying that Australia’s climate is warming up due to climate change. It bases that view on the temperature records from it’s network of over 700 weather stations all over Australia.( As Roy Spenser’s website points out Satellite evidence does not support any evidence of a major warming. Ummmm ! )
But are these 700+ weather stations recording the temperature correctly ?
In June outside on the lawn of my garden I had 8 days of continuous frosts. My house is on a hill and usually cold air flows down away from my place, Frosts are rare ! But it was a cold Wintery June.
I went & looked on the BOM’s weather station webpage for Mt Barker. It said that there were just three days of frost in June with two of them continuous :…
Even more very puzzling
I then actually looked at where the BOM’s Mt. Barker weather station is located. I found out to my surprise, it is just 150 meters away, in the front garden of a neighbour’s place. Now that was a big surprise.
Even more surprising, the temperature gauge is on a raised mound and a couple of meters from a house with an A/C unit on the wall. There is also a high fence and another house over the fence; and there are lots of shrubs & trees.
The BOM’s own guidelines for ensuring accurate temperature records were being completely ignored !
I went and took some photos of it. I sent them via Jo to Ken in Qld who is interested in such things and does a blog about the weather & climate.
And he did a blog post about the Mt Barker BOM weather station. You can read it and see my photos, here:…/the-wacky-world-of-we…/…
Jo also did a post here in JoNova !
That was back in July. Since then Ken has been, on an unpaid basis, been checking the BOM’s network of 700 weather stations; one or two a day for over two months. So far Ken has found 118 weather stations in SA, Vic. Tasmania, NSW & Qld, which are not compliant with BOM’s own guidelines. That amounts to 25% of the ones he has checked so far.
I have been looking over Ken’s posts each day as he makes them for the past two months as well. And checking out the locations and adding comments where appropriate or needed.
And there are still well over 300 BOM stations to go.
But one thing is plain. Without accurate temperature readings from it’s network the BOM cannot make any accurate scientific statements about global warming or climate change.
The fact that it is doing so indicates a level of hubris and incompetence which is not acceptable to Australian all the tax payers who fund it.
Interesting stuff Bill, thanks for that. I think every country should do an independent Surface Stations Project like Anthony Watts. If the public ever get to discover how they’ve been deceived they’ll never believe the weather forecasts again, not that they’re too confident now. NZ BOM got caught out some years ago fudging figures and the BOM wasn’t far behind then because satellites.
On a lighter note, I was watching some vid “Twerking for climate change” or utter BS to that effect. A reporter was going around asking questions, none of which actually demanded evidence. Most of the interviewees just had the simplistic “tipping point” and such catchwords in their replies, suggesting IQ’s not significantly greater than 60 were in full bloom there.
Commuters such as supporters and non-supporters were caught in the mix, at a standstill in their cars while the Parade of Farce wormed its disgusting way up the street. A supporter was also questioned as to why she was idling her car the whole time. Nice. Non-supporters were just trying to get to work.
An idea might be if one’s a non-supporter of the farce, scream out that you’re trying to get to work to pass a climate bill in support of the Paris Accords, then once successfully being let through as if a climate hero, bark “Suckers!!” out the window and leave them in a cloud of rubbery carbon smoke.
I can dream.
Well I’m in the Adelaide Hills
And the BOM’s forecasts
Often are somewhat late arriving.
About 12 hours late last time a low
Was predicted to sweep in and give us a bucketing of rain.
It eventually arrived.
But with all their high tech gear
Waht is so ahrd about getting it it right ?
it’s tricky Bill, like typing
Great read on the Oz this morning.
The comments so far are unanimous, ie ‘get out of our lives, UN!’
Might be interesting but over here on the other side of the world all I get is a blank page with a subscribe url – not very useful when looking for news.
UN headquarters in New York.
The UN has called for a global “green new deal” and overhaul of the world’s financial order to tackle climate change and deliver on its Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals.
New measures are needed to raise and distribute $US2.5 trillion ($3.7 trillion) a year to developing countries, says a UN report, released alongside this week’s climate meeting in New York. The measures include new controls on the movement of money, demanding more from developed nations, targeting sovereign wealth funds and setting a global minimum tax rate for multinationals.
Meeting the demands of the UN’s sustainable development agenda for 2030 would require rebuilding multilateralism and “pursuing a financial future very different from the recent past”, UN trade and development secretary-general Mukhisa Kituyi said. The UN’s sustainable development agenda was supported by all governments in 2015.
It seeks a new generation of trade and investment agreements to support these policies along with changes to intellectual property and licensing laws.
“A changing climate is already causing severe damage across the world and posing an existential threat,” a UN statement said.
“Decarbonising the global economy will require a significant rise in public investment, especially in clean transport, energy and food systems. This will need to be supported by effective industrial policies, with targeted subsidies, tax incentives, loans and guarantees, as well as accelerated investments in research, development and technology adaptation.”
Graham Lloyd
Environment Editor
“and overhaul of the world’s financial order “
First step.. REMOVE funding for the UN
That will fix nearly all the world’s problems in one hit !
Couldn’t agree more AndyG. The UN is the biggest trouble maker in the world today, it should have been disbanded back in the 70s/80s.
Not only is it the biggest trouble make it’s also the least effective trouble solver. Look at all the known serious problems around the word and see how the UN is doing absolutely nothing about it. So what’s the point of even having a UN? So we have a UN that not only hates the West but protects many nations that are hundreds of times worse than the US. The UN really should be held accountable for all that but the problem to whom would they be accountable? Yet another corrupt body? So it’s better to just not have the UN at all.
It makes a light blue berret of the UN a symbol of socialism temforcement then?
Or a socialist occupying force?
You decide….
…..socialism enforcement….
Actually, the UN exists because govts ( including ours ) gives it money.
So if the govt ( and all others ) stop funding the UN, it will cease to exist.
Problem is, govts appear to *want* to fund it.
As ive said before, this is a spiritual battle, between good and evil. Right now, it seems the forces of evil are all starting to truly link up, i suspect this is the start of the end game…..
As was suggested on Outsiders today they should move UN HQs to one of the despot nations that hates the West so much.
President Trump suggested that UN Headquarters in New York could be converted into a tourist hotel and casino to add revenue for the use of the United States of America.
Instead of the USA handing money to the UN.
Meanwhile….same old same old….UN BS…….*yawn*
From 1989….
“UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.
“Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ″eco- refugees,′ ′ threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.
“He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.
“As the warming melts polar icecaps, ocean levels will rise by up to three feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations, Brown told The Associated Press in an interview on Wednesday.
“Coastal regions will be inundated; one-sixth of Bangladesh could be flooded, displacing a fourth of its 90 million people. A fifth of Egypt’s arable land in the Nile Delta would be flooded, cutting off its food supply, according to a joint UNEP and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study.
“″Ecological refugees will become a major concern, and what’s worse is you may find that people can move to drier ground, but the soils and the natural resources may not support life. Africa doesn’t have to worry about land, but would you want to live in the Sahara?″ he said.
“UNEP estimates it would cost the United States at least $100 billion to protect its east coast alone.
“Shifting climate patterns would bring back 1930s Dust Bowl conditions to Canadian and U.S. wheatlands, while the Soviet Union could reap bumper crops if it adapts its agriculture in time, according to a study by UNEP and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
“Excess carbon dioxide is pouring into the atmosphere because of humanity’s use of fossil fuels and burning of rain forests, the study says. The atmosphere is retaining more heat than it radiates, much like a greenhouse.
“The most conservative scientific estimate that the Earth’s temperature will rise 1 to 7 degrees in the next 30 years, said Brown.
“The difference may seem slight, he said, but the planet is only 9 degrees warmer now than during the 8,000-year Ice Age that ended 10,000 years ago.
“Brown said if the warming trend continues, ″the question is will we be able to reverse the process in time? We say that within the next 10 years, given the present loads that the atmosphere has to bear, we have an opportunity to start the stabilizing process.″
“He said even the most conservative scientists ″already tell us there’s nothing we can do now to stop a … change″ of about 3 degrees.
“″Anything beyond that, and we have to start thinking about the significant rise of the sea levels … we can expect more ferocious storms, hurricanes, wind shear, dust erosion.″
“He said there is time to act, but there is no time to waste.
And don’t forget the sudden appearance of venereal diseases in children subsequent to the appearance of UN peacekeepers in their country.
As I keep on pointing out, that is because the Socialist international and the Fabians have successfully infiltrated the world’s international institutions (economic, social, political) and, along with the extremist greens and the Communists, are subverting them to achieve the socialist’s aims of destroying the free-market, capitalist economic system, democracy and the rule of law.
Notwithstanding the lie in the Marxist ideology that the means must
… that the means should not be used against the working class, the fact is that socialist and Communist history shows that the means are invariably corrupted in the push to achieve the ends. The socialist Utopia. The Ends justify the Means. That’s the realpolitik of the socialist revolution.
$2.5 trillion a year! Given that the $100 billion a year supposedly promised under the Paris Accord is not going to materialize, this is a truly absurd number. But as such it is very useful. A clear measure of the absurdity of the UN Plan.
You missed a bit..
“Under the proposals, the US could be expected to provide up to half the funds to be redistributed.”
So instead of asking the world to copy the US politically and allow free speech, freedom of movement, freedom of religion and democracy, the US is supposed to just hand over the cash? AKA ‘funds’.
All the save the planet? Someone is kidding.
and “China and India highlighted the issue as crucial to them taking action”. Of course.
IIRC China stuck their hand out some time ago demanding money like a lying, spoiled child as they alleged they were a “developing nation”. Not sure about India but WTF not eh..?
So the UN called for this or that…? Ho Hum. The UN is the source of all the trouble in the first place. Thus do they prove once again that global warming all along was a political disease and never had a basis in science at all.
Unfortunately we can’t ignore them because they have too much influence.
They have done what any unchecked organization will do, they steadily increased their mandate from the basic preventing wars between member states until it now includes meddling in the internal affairs of member states. Global Green New Deal my eye. It’s a Global Bend Over and Take it While We Stick it To You deal.
Economic Systems: The alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment. But we know that’s not true. A United Nations official has now confirmed this.
At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said.
Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
The only economic model in the last 150 years that has ever worked at all is capitalism. The evidence is prima facie: From a feudal order that lasted a thousand years, produced zero growth and kept workdays long and lifespans short, the countries that have embraced free-market capitalism have enjoyed a system in which output has increased 70-fold, work days have been halved and lifespans doubled.
Figueres is perhaps the perfect person for the job of transforming “the economic development model” because she’s really never seen it work. “If you look at Ms. Figueres’ Wikipedia page,” notes Cato economist Dan Mitchell: Making the world look at their right hand while they choke developed economies with their left.
See if this helps.
@ ivan
There is a way of getting round the pay to subscribe thing. Not sure it is wise to explain it in detail here. The paper wants to get electronic subscribers, but also wants to get some exposure so it does not lose out on syndication charges etc.
Opening the link in a new private window can sometimes work. I have the article and some of the comments at
I would subscribe if the cost was reasonable, but $A500+ per annum is a bit much now I’m no longer working full-time.
Thanks Martin,
Somehow I don’t think we will hear much about this the the media over here since the powers that be are all for it – just look at what the new lot running the EU have to say.
Yes, it is a subscription service.
Now that is an emergency.
Also this morning on ‘Outsiders” one of the panel bagged Tanya Plibersek for not knowing how much CO2 is in the atmosphere, suggesting that she thought half of it was. Then someone called Smith said it was 3%. Oh dear!
Only weirdos such as us know the numbers on carbon dioxide; the time’ll come when having such knowledge will get one locked up.
Yeah serp its difficult not being able,or inclined to believe the “experts. I have to hone my 8th sense like Greta and detect co2 by sight.
As President Trump told the United Nations during his first address to delegates in New York.
The UN’s been working for a Globalist New World Order for quite a while.Behind that top down resources take over, Agenda 21, a blueprint for global governance, there’s the United Nations’ Brundtland Report, recommendation for a new economic model and first mention of Sustainable Development, with a capital ‘S’ and a capital ‘D.’ Behind the Brundtland Report you have the Trilateral Commission, an elite organisation with powerful members, bankers, directors of industry, politicians, media heavies. Gro Brundtland, ex-Prime-Minister of Norway, was herself a member. And what do the members of the Trilateral Commission want? Why, they want a new world order based on an economic model first advocated by a group at Columbia University during the economic depression of the 1930’s but discredited in the same decade. In the 1980’s this movement for a new world order became another phoenix arising, thanks to the efforts of the Trilateral Commission. Here’s an informative you tube overview of its history by Patrick M. Wood, financial analyst and author who has studied elite globalisation policies since the 1970s when with scholar Antony Sutton, he co-authored the book, ‘Trilaterals over Washington.’
Technocracy did not come nor did it go away with Technocracy Inc (half a million members in California alone in the ’30s and ’40s), but the brief success of the incorporated movement showed how many are drawn to the belief that an elite of “bright” fellows would have our back if only it could be established as the main governing organ for all people. The delay is merely political: we just don’t know how to stack the pyramid for them yet.
It is indeed obvious to an uneducated, inexperienced child that if clever people can make mechanical things run they can make anything run.
However, this is not obvious, and should not be obvious, to an educated, experienced adult.
Is climate alarmism tearing itself apart? (My latest article)
Of course the answer is yes. Unlike most I love what Greta Thunberg is doing, which is driving the powerful moderate alarmists crazy.
This is what is called strategic analysis, which I do a lot of. I specialize in analyzing the alarmist movement. See for more.
As for abuse, she is now a world famous celebrity and a very successful politician. Like most successful politicians she has deep pocket backers and good speech writers. I would love to be similarly abused.
As you say David …
It is good news, now to keep fanning the flames, eh?
Right, Tom. I doubt we skeptics are in a position to fan the flames, but we can refrain from throwing cold water on them. Go Greta, sick’em.
On the other hand, bashing Greta might stimulate the radicals to even greater excesses. Why should we miss the fun?
Yes that’s my expectation. It will get so our of control the alarmists will finally be exposed for what they really are; mentally challenged and/or the enemies of the West looking for its destruction. Then the real fight starts, perhaps culminating with much civil violence. Our future is dependent on which side wins.
Methinks Greta speaks into a colander.
She has a very strained voice.
The more you hear her, the more you realize that she is a poor quality junior actress. She would probably not benefit from tuition because she knows it all.
I am still smiling after reading a comment in which the writer indicated that her facial expressions reminded him of a child going to the toilet.
Actually she looks like she is demon possessed. I hope not for her sake.
give her another 5 -7 years and she just may be very surprised by how much adults have learnt by then.
What we need to fan is the wave of concern that activist terrorisation of children has spawned. Greta being the poster girl for someone who has been completely traumatised by the green rhetoric. This paints the activists as heartless haters of children.
Greta is a victim, a victim of AGW activism.
When millions are marching it is hard to call them victims.
Third and largest school strike
EVAH!this year:
“‘Dinosaurs thought they had time too‘ – that’s just one of the many messages from young activists marching to motivate older generations to actually do something about climate change”. Welcome to the new and UN-improved kids’ science crusade: carbon dioxide now causes meteorites – PANIC!
So “tens of thousands” skipped a day off school or work while millions didn’t. Hmmm, ‘overwhelming consensus’ huh?
“Go Greta, sick’em”
Expect many will be sickened already.
Not enough unfortunately, not yet. Give it time and the longer she and others who support her keep screaming climate extinction is around the corner the more people will start to retaliate and show them the alarmists are the ones who are at risk of becoming extinct. I look forward to that day.
What concerns me is that people may try and appease the radicals by giving them a little of what they want for starters. For example, a carbon tax.
I read Greta Thunbergs book. Her grasp of the science on climate change or practical realities is very limited, but that is perhaps true of many of the young who tend to see only the certainties that match their own emotions on the subject and who are getting over excited over a non existent climate crisis. The IPCC never said ‘We have 12 years to save the planet.”
Greta has caused the expenditure of 5 sets of co2 emissions as crew have had to fly over from Europe to collect the boat in New York, and the former crew need to get back to their jet set lifestyle in Monaco. So this is virtue signalling, but the question remains, who would want to emulate her donning of hair shirts?
Would they be prepared to give up their comfortable lifestyles for a vague promise that temperatures might be a tenth of a degree lower in 100 years if they revert to a medieval life style?
It is estimated that (in the UK)we need 50% more energy by 2050. Where is the base power for a 24/7 society coming from? Many believe renewable energy will come to our rescue, but renewables (and smartphones/computers) often utilise minerals requiring environmentally damaging mining, processing and shipping, with not enough in the world to meet projected demand.
Professor Mackay Chief Scientist of the Department of Energy and Climate Change, said trying to power the UK economy with weather dependent Renewable Energy was “an appalling delusion” which only takes trivial “back of the envelope” calculations to prove.
Students determined to follow the no emissions path will need to forego many modern day comforts and journey only by bus, cycling, walking or train. No parents taxi service. No flying except in an emergency. No spring water in plastic bottles, No imported food or food out of season when there is a local alternative. Little meat, dairy or fish, no hot daily showers, an embargo on throw away fashion clothes, no cotton. Infrequent washing of clothes in tepid water and no artificial drying. Drastic reductions of energy guzzling internet and social media, with smart phones and computers rationed to one a household and kept for years, and a reduction in purchases of consumer goods.
Only weekly cups of habitat destroying coffee and foregoing endless home deliveries of everything from fast food to shoes. No attendance at festivals or sporting events, especially overseas or with floodlights. Minimal home heating. Expect regular power cuts. Curtail vegan foods which have achieved mythical status on their ability to save the planet. Many vegan ingredients come from all over the world, often by air and have huge carbon footprints.
In short, students (and adults) believing in the ‘climate emergency’ will need to make considerable sacrifices and adopt more frugal lifestyles, not just during school years when passions and certainties burn brightest.
Those protesting at ‘inaction’ who believe parents (and governments) don’t care, or are unaware of the issues might like to remember Mark Twain’s words
“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”
I know how keen followers of this blog are to emulate their heroine Greta, so to ensure her campaign succeeds can my Australian friends confirm which sacrifices they will be signing up to? I expect Jo to lead by example and are hoping for a full house of all the sacrifices I listed. Come on Jo! Set an example!
What the..??
Do you know who you’re talking to?
Was I imagining it when I saw an invisible /sarc?
Dave B
Don’t like sarcasm. Too easy to use against you.
I have a car and a van. I hereby promise to only use the V8 every second fortnight.
There, sacrifice made, are you happy ?
(I do that anyway just to keep them both going, but what the heck, might as well make some greenie points from it.)
Why not go further? Promise to only drive one at a time.
Ok.. I can certainly promise to do that as well. 🙂
Even more greenie points !! 🙂
Also, I promise not to use my electric heaters for the next 6 months at least.
BIG green points for that one. ! 🙂
The prime enabler of the Global Warming_Climate Change farce is the nominal “greenhouse” effect of CO2.
While I’m sure that a group of scientists and engineers could quickly demolish the concept simply on the basis of known gas behaviour there is an alternate path that is much simpler to understand: quantitative analysis of the theoretical ground origin IR with the so called greenhouse gases, H2O and CO2.
In this assessment it’s important to show the human origin component of CO2 as being a complete irrelevance compared to the two major participants: water and natural origin CO2.
Other energy carrying mechanisms are conveniently ignored to shine the light on CO2. Many years ago I could have calculated the energy taken from ground level to altitude by the phase transformation of water and compared that with the pitiable amount of IR energy claimed to have been sucked up by human origin CO2 if that mechanism actually functions at ground level.
These core analyses have never seen the light of day because they would show the whole scandalous framework on which the UNIPCCC bases its Save The Planet campaign.
In short there’s absolutely no scientific basis for the idea that humans can cause climate change.
Why is the world destroying the hard won civilisation that we have built so far. There are far more pressing issues than climate catastrophism.
Stop throwing money at the UNIPCCC.
“While I’m sure that a group of scientists and engineers could quickly demolish the concept simply on the basis of known gas behaviour”
It is always fun to explain the basics to those child abusing true believers. One very basic gas property i like to point out to them is thermal expansion. I remind them because who could possible not know, that if CO2 absorbs heat energy it must expand. Then point out that it actually expands a lot on a hot day and quickly begins to rise. Thus CO2 un-traps heat from surface stratification by convection. Then confuse them about which side of the cultist book of arguments to read from by saying that is why CO2 is a well mixed gas. It carries heat energy right up to the highest parts of the atmosphere breaking through stratification so that the energy can radiate away to space from altitude as IR freely.
Nicely put.
I felt like I was floating away into space when I read that.
But couldn’t get off the ground because there were so many people with their hands in my pockets.
Only at that point? I feel like the alarmists are starting to suffocate me to death so that less CO2 is put into the air.
Its time to push back….
That needs to be the next phase.
We have to decide between losing our democracy completely or pushing back.
Before doing that we need to push Morrison forward. He needs to be alerted to that fact we are all being taken for a ride by people who want to tare down our way of life and turn it into some sort of Orwellian dictatorship. He simply doesn’t get it yet.
Greenhouse gases are trapped in the atmosphere because of the glass ceiling, but some escapes via the hole in the ozone layer.
For the past 10,000 years the Earth has been warmer than now for over 90% of the time, yet the level of CO2 has been lower than now.
Yet we are told CO2 will cause warming, sounds like a good idea but from the proposed “solutions” the warming will come from great piles of banknotes being burnt.
CO2 only known since the 1930’s
Callendar was an engineer and built the Steam Tables (started by his father, also an engineer). When I joined CSR the steam heater in the sugar pans (kettles) was called a callendar.
His original paper to the Royal Society in 1938 wasn’t conclusive, indeed a lot of scientists didn’t believe that there had been recent warming. It was based on temperature measurements of land stations, and we now know that he was correct as to the symptom but not the cause.
During WW2, as a respected engineer with some knowledge of weather, he was in charge of burning thousands of tons of oil to lift the fogs off the airfields in the UK in winter (esp. in East Anglia) so the bombers could strike out at Germany.
After the war the UK had a very cold winter in 1947 (picture people climbing out of the upstairs window of a double decker bus onto the snow which had brought it to a halt) and an even colder one in 1962. Callendar then changed his mind about CO2 causing warming but unfortunately died shortly after before publishing.
I think that this change of mind was what caused him to become a mere footnote to the dogma, and led to Arrhenius being beautified. (Svante sounds more like saint, and Guy could be misapplied). Similarly Fournier, who coined the phrase ‘Greenhouse atmosphere’, is disregarded because he pointed out that such a greenhouse was physically impossible. Tyndall is considered OK so long as you don’t mention that he also proved that CO2 released radiation quickly.
Thanks Graeme,
I have heard of FIDO (Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation), but I did not know about Guy Callender’s involvement.
Is that why Horse drawn London trams were double deck during the Little Ice Age Graeme?
No. They were often open roofed.
The real reason is that the streets were loaded with lots of — well things like AGW science — so for a bit extra you could sit upstairs above the smell and occasionally enjoy sunshine.
Ah yes!
Another alarmist prediction gone hell west and crooked.
In 1894 “The Times” newspaper predicted… “In 50 years, every street in London will be buried under nine feet of manure.”
Saved. Saved I tell you.
Saved by the Internal Combustion Engine.
Long may it live.
Graeme No.3 & Sceptical Sam,
The amount of ammonia in the London atmosphere at that time must have been eye watering.
The Great Horse manure Crisis of 1894
Very interesting Revol.
Oil (black gold) saved the whales and seals from slaughter;
Henry Ford saved the horses – and us from drowning in horse-sh!t;
Plastic bags saved the trees (just don’t mention Drax UK);
Coal saved mums and kids from asphyxiating themselves over open cooking fires;
But please, do tell me more about this ‘climate justice’ . . .
“Do Not Feed The Climate Trolls”
Reminded me of Fitz: ‘They will post inflammatory, false statements. Offensive memes. They are trying to upset you.’
“They are trying to upset you.”
And then chuck hissy-fits when called on their non-facts.
And run and hide from simple questions.
They really don’t like getting some back at them 😉
Great fun ! 🙂
Advice from ScienceAlert to its readers
It is not in the spirit of this blog to censor comment, so that advice should not apply here.
I would rather read blog battles than “comment snipped”.
Or worse, comment simply erased so it would seem that it never existed.
You mean like trolls claiming mammals evolving when the atmospheric CO2 levels were low.
Hahahaha! What a clown.
Got an example? And one that was an original post and not a response? And one that was not backed by facts? And one that used derogatory or offensive language? Or one which was snipped?
‘Got an example?’
No sir, my bad.
Thank you el gordo, I appreciate your honesty.
However, at least 2 (red thumbs) don’t like my apology FFS
Lacks sincerity.. Crawling.
Do you get paid double time on Sundays?
“backed by facts”
Which yours are totally DEVOID of, PF
Let’s see you RUN and HIDE again, PF
In what way has the global climate changed in the last 40 years that can be SCIENTIFICALLY linked to human CO2 emissions?
So 2 or 3 posts from PF since I posted this
RUN and HIDE, little-p. Just like I said you would.
I looked back at the previous topic, basically every one of your posts was outright lies, with the intent to get a reaction.
When elG said “They will post inflammatory, false statements.” he was totally correct.
That is actually your reason/job for being here, isn’t it, PF !!
Have you the honesty or integrity to admit it ???
I doubt it very much.
Andy; Fitzroy is obviously a cult member. He’s convinced that he has been given a truth not known to the ignorant public and has set out to try and convert them. There is no point in trying to explain things to him, he can’t grasp logic nor facts that he cannot twist into some form of strange confirmation of the cult dogma. He thinks that he “knows it all” when it comes to climate science when in practice he just parrots a few phrases and fires off links from Facebook.
There’s no hope of him seeking badly needed psychiatric advice, because all the Doctors could do is cut off his access to Twitter/ Facebook or SkepticalScience and hope that time would slowly cure him.
He reminds me of that ‘missionary’ who went to the Andaman islands despite it being illegal (to protect the natives from modern infectious diseases) and their savage reaction. He bribed fishermen to make 2 attempts; the second time the natives stuck enough arrows in him to prevent a third. The authorities recovered his body and prosecuted the fishermen.
This is not a suggestion that you, or anyone else, shoot arrows into him, just that you are wasting your time responding to his posts. He just wants to provoke a reaction which makes him feel like a persecuted Saint.
O/T but it is Sunday and an old thing from the ’50s popped into my mind about a missionary surrounded by primitive natives whom he sought to impress by bringing out his cigarette lighter and striking a flame. They were impressed no end, as the chieftain said “We’ve never seen that brand strike first time before”.
No, I’m after a discussion, I don’t care what you think, I only expect you to use reason and logic to promote your position. But if that triggers you, so be it
“I’m after a discussion”
No, you are NOT after a discussion. You are trolling
You do not listen to anything anyone says and keep repeating things you KNOW that you cannot prove.
It is great now that you finally ADMITTED that there has been NO HUMAN CAUSED CLIMATE CHANGE in the last 40 years
Let’s just leave it at that, shall we.
Do NOT bring it up again. OK !!
You do, and it will be an absolute sign that your ONLY intent is as a troll.
“I only expect you to use reason and logic to promote your position”
You expect us to, and we do.
You, on the other hand, don’t.
“Have you the honesty or integrity to admit it ???
NOPE, he hasn’t
I’m sorry Andy, there is no way to answer your question using information that only you will find acceptable. I’m also sorry for not posting this earlier, but I’ve bee looking at all the evidence that you have rejected, and that is what is driving my conclusion in this matter. You are not asking in good faith, all you want is a flame war. And since this site frowns on such behaviour, and even though you have been censured for it before, There is no real point in continuing to engage with you.
So you admit there is no scientifically provable global change in the climate in the last 40 years
And yes it is in good faith, because I can’t see any, and apparently NEITHER CAN YOU.
Models are NEVER evidence, little nil-educated, anti-science cultist.
“There is no real point in continuing to engage with you”
As I said….
RUN and HIDE.. duck and weave.
Andy , after ready all the cr@p it has posted I assumed it was about 29.6 years old.
Imagine my surprise when I followed a comment hear about its Farcebook page and saw the reality. An auld grine nutter.
It’s behaviour has been a disgrace but grines don’t know the colour of disgrace and so it continues.
The only good news is that there’s another user here to contribute to the upkeep of the blog and I’m thankful that it takes some of the responsibility for kontributing.
It is contributing? Isn’t it?
“auld grine nutter”
Yes KK, we know he’s rabid greenie nutter, AGW activist etc
Almost certainly a member of GetUp! as well.
He will not admit it on the blog though.
He doesn’t have the honesty or integrity to do so.
That is exactly the response I expected from you, PF
‘They will post inflammatory, false statements. Offensive memes. They are trying to upset you.’
Any prospect of a reconciliation? My client is only guilty of inflammatory comments (around here at least) and his statements are not false to him, he supports the scientific paradigm.
Whereas you are upsetting him and others with offensive memes, attacking the man is only a pyrrhic victory.
If PF stops posting comment about things he KNOWS he cannot support with any real science, I will stop attacking his comments.
As it is, all he is doing is TROLLING and deserves every bit of kick-back he gets.
In the real world we are hopefully constrained by common sense and can see that anyone receiving as many red expressions of disgust as the BCIC should be assessed by the blog management.
This isn’t a matter of free speech or freedom of expression because there is No expression.
It is pure and simply disruption and abusiveness and is an insult to the blog proprietor and those who use the blog.
As Lionell said recently, there should be minimum standards required by the blog.
Presumably such standards would see the BCIC have all posts scrutinised before publication.
The fact that no standards are being enforced causes damage to the blog.
Mission accomplished.
Einstein reckoned ignorance is a terrible thing, but arrogance is worse.
Roy Spencer asks a question, what is your answer?
‘It is pure and simply disruption and abusiveness and is an insult to the blog proprietor and those who use the blog.’
Full of self adulation, wandering around the corridors waving your arms, what exactly is your strength in this debate?
Anyone who didn’t see GA’s little hissy-fit the other day missed a great show of clown-like Norwegian Blue. 🙂
“Got an example?”
Yes Peter Fitzroy, you requesting scientific evidence for whatever, I and many others supply it and you, Peter Fitzroy, are not even polite enough to acknowledge it exists, or if you do acknowledge it is only to disparage the source (“an unattributed squiggle – Bah” — when the graph shows UHA data and can be verified as such, or an other example and the subsequent comments).
That’s the typical ignorant troll action — ignoring replies, disparage sources, and continue to espousing your erroneous dogma.
I’ll repeat myself …
No doubt you will ignore this comment as you ARE the ignorant troll.
Strong words and true.
I notice an uptick in troll behaviour ( akobg with GA ) as they appear to have been emboldened by the climate conference …..coincidence?
bored by it more likely
Kevin Rudd was right when he said, unwittingly, that climate change was the greatest moral challenge of our time. Where is the morality in instilling terror, fear or at the very least anxiety in the minds of our children.
Has responsibility become such a rare commodity that this is deemed acceptable behaviour?
It is said that truth is the first casualty of war but this is a war on truth itself and our children are the casualties.
The perceived problems associated with increases in CO2 in the atmosphere need to be addressed in a calm and rational manner and if so agreed, then corrective actions need to be taken.
The hysteria and bullying that emanates from thousands of attendees at official UN gabfests, where only one side of the argument is allowed, leads inevitably to the conclusion that this is ideology and not science at work.
Mature rational scientists would not advocate driving a stake through the heart of all that has been achieved in human development.
They would certainly not advocate for the irresponsibility and moral decay that has taken over this issue.
Let’s put blind ideology on the back burner and return to common sense, an approach that has a proven track record.
Perhaps whoever owns the U.N. building could ask for it back so the occupants would have to move to Paris or maybe Peking.
I’m sure Julie wouldn’t bother going to a U.N.reunion if it wasn’t in New York.
Paris is too good for the UN and China is too smart to host that lot.
I suggest that the UN move to Burkina Faso or the Democratic Republic of Congo and be supplied with renewable electricity only.
Or maybe Agadez, the gateway to Europe, in Niger would be the most appropriate African venue.
On the waterfront in Tuvuli so they can watch the water recede as the island grows
During the 1990s the Greek Ambassador to the Congo told me in South Africa that it was hell on Earth, and that he and his wife escaped for weekends away regularly.
They also mentioned being located in Canberra when he was not a senior diplomat, and recalled what a backwater it was, but nice and safe.
Which reminded me of a Japanese business man who asked why our capital city is located so far away from the financial centres. Good point.
Wonder why he thought that was an issue given places like Washington DC, Rome, Berlin, Ottawa, New Dehli and Bern are capitals but not financial centres. Not that unusual
25 Reasons to be Skeptical of Man-Made Global Warming:
Tony Heller exposes even more historic temperature tampering at NASA and Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology. They are both removing historic high temperatures to cool the past and warm the present. This is an outrageous instance of data tampering. At least due to the strong leadership of President Trump he got out of the economically ruinous Paris agreement. Australia has no such leadership. Remember that Tony Abbott wanted an inquiry into this data tampering and that contributed to his removal.
NoTricks exposes the Greta/Soros connection
oops,, forgot the link
Andy, via a comment on that NALOPKT article above, a link to Severn Cullis-Suzuki (yep, David ‘Doom’ Suzuki’s daughter) who, as a 12-year-old, attended the Earth Summit in Rio Degenerate 1992 (Mo Strong’s little UN shindig/hoedown/coup):
“The Girl Who Silenced the World for 5 Minutes. In her speech from 27 years ago, she said: ‘I am afraid to go out in the sun now because of the hole in our ozone. I am afraid to breathe the air because I don’t know what chemicals are in it'”. Twenty-seven years later… she’s still touring the world as an internationale speaker, lecturer, author, TV star/host, and member of the Earth Charter International Council among others.
Sweden’s pigtailed Tintin Tunberg is merely a recycled, regurgitated, reinvented carbon copy for another [lost?] generation. Wash, rinse, spin, repeat cycle.
Pushed by a highly funded GLOBALIST organisation.
Greta should be viewed as a politician, not a child. A far left wing politician with deep pocket backing. I fully expect her to run for office at some point, although given the global scope of her following that might not work. According to a recent poll, Sweden is even more skeptical of AGW than America. In any case she is no more a child than Liz Taylor was as a star at the same age.
I want to see how she gets back home after all this.
Walk on water obviously.
If Dynamo can . . . then Greta will do it hopping on one foot and doing hand-stands.
I think he’s just the bloke they’re looking for in the Houses of Commons.
“and doing hand-stands”
…. and frowning and scowling and giving “death-stares”
Will be hilarious 🙂
She could borrow your rolling coal vehicle
Plenty of those go passed my place every day.. On their way to Kooragang. 🙂
Greta and her entourage will emit LOTS of CO2 getting back home 🙂
And all that travelling around….. limos ???
Carbon fibre yacht hull and sails.
Yeah, but how did Queen Greta and her entourage travel on land ?
Did they walk ? Cycle ?
some of you might have to look it up
/not really coal
Stuff going to Kooragang is REAL COAL, PF
and LOTS OF IT. 🙂
There’s a lot to this story!
From your link
We are calling on America to lead the world in heroic, world-saving action!”
This is exactly what Trump is doing.
By ignoring Queen Greta and her felon catastrophists..
That was priceless, the look on her face.. so funny !! 🙂
and Thunberg’s Sweden is 3°C colder now than it has been over the last 9.000 years.
Climate Crisis?
tough stuff behind world news–
Human sacrifice updated to the 21st century.
That’s the sort of world the left in the West would dearly like to thrust upon the West. What they don’t know is the leftists would be the first ones “sacrificed”. They are too stupid to understand why.
‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Author Claims Warming Oceans Will Cause Traffic Accidents.
“Because if the ocean warms too much, the marine algae that makes 60% to 80% of the oxygen we breathe will die and we’ll choke to death.”
“We’ll have a lot of traffic accidents first because our brains will be oxygen-starved . . .”
I’ve got news for you sweetie — your brain has already been oxygen-starved. I’d stay away from warm algae if I were you.
Priceless stupidity, at which I laughed; thanks beowulf.
Oh good grief…that idiocy is quite stupendously funny!
Traffic accidents happen because people are stoopid.
Belief in cuckoo cli-scifi happens because people are stoopid.
Snow on all
seveneight continents this week (north & south hemis, autumn & spring, with cold outbreaks, cold fronts, cold toes and cold snaps) happens because… an author has starved marine algae on the brain?
Massive cold and snowy pulses swirling around Earth this week: South Africa, West Australia, most of NZ (except the far north), South America, and most of the northern hemisphere (give or take a little). Even the planet itself has had enough of this UN-science/finance slow-motion coup d’état.
Red should be green. A friend postedphoto of snow near Seattle.
Global cooling signal observed in Montana.
note the same tactic as with CAGW:
17 Sept: UK Telegraph: How I responded when an eight-year-old asked why I am ruining their future with Brexit
by Bim Afolami (Remainer)
In his weekly diary, Bim Afolami reflects on life as a Conservative MP
Small children really do ask better questions than adults. They are sharper. More direct. There is no obfuscation, no subtlety. Recently I visited a small but perfectly formed primary school in Harpenden.
I was there to open a new entrance to the school – quite literally, a new door – giving more ammunition to some of my local critics who say that I will turn up to the opening of an envelope. In any case, I thought my introduction was going perfectly well, until I looked out at the sea of little faces starting to fidget and yawn, and the adults at the back gazing up to the roof thinking about why they had given up a morning of work for this claptrap. However, things livened up when I asked the pupils to ask me questions. First question – “Bim, why are you ruining my future by voting for Brexit?”.
Umm. The adults quickly perked up, and giggled nervously. I fumbled and got something out. But it wasn’t very convincing…As a local MP you always need to be ready and on your game. Even in front of eight-year-olds.
Question Time in the Commons is much duller…
I confidently asserted that (Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement) would go through, for various reasons which seemed perfectly logical at the time…
Gulp. I was wrong. And in politics you are wrong all the time. Because nobody knows. Nobody ever knows what’s going to happen. That is because, as Churchill said, all human beings are worms in this world. The only difference is that in politics, all of us think that we are glow worms.
nobody ever knows anything, but CAGW is settled science!
26 Sept: Breitbart: Dossier 2.0: ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint Relies on Soros-Funded ‘Investigative Reporting’ Group that Partnered with BuzzFeed
by Aaron Klein
Even though the statement was written in first person – “multiple U.S. officials told me” – it contains a footnote referencing a report by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)…
The OCCRP report repeatedly referenced is actually a “joint investigation by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and BuzzFeed News, based on interviews and court and business records in the United States and Ukraine.”
BuzzFeed infamously also first published the full anti-Trump dossier alleging unsubstantiated collusion between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia. The dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee and was produced by the Fusion GPS opposition dirt outfit…
The so-called whistleblower’s document, however, only mentions the largely unknown OCCRP and does not reference BuzzFeed, which has faced scrutiny over its reporting on the Russia collusion claims…
Every page of the OCCRP website features the same bottom section listing the icons of four of the organization’s top funders, including Soros’s Open Society Foundations and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Indeed, OCCRP provides a hyperlink to the webpage for Soros’s Open Society at the bottom left corner of every page on OCCRP’s own website.
Soros’s Open Society was listed as the number two donor in most of the annual financial records posted on OCCRP’s website starting in 2012. Some years list Soros as the organization’s top donor.
OCCRP advertises its other funders, including Google, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.
Another listed OCCRP funder is the Omidyar Network, which is the nonprofit for liberal billionaire eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.
Together with Soros’s Open Society, Omidyar also funds the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, which hosts the International Fact-Checking Network that partnered with Facebook to help determine whether news stories are “disputed.”
Like OCCRP, the Poynter Institute’s so-called news fact-checking project is openly funded by not only Soros’ Open Society Foundations but also Google and the National Endowment for Democracy…
As first reported by the Daily Caller, IRS filings showed the Democracy Integrity Project, a nonprofit funded by Soros, in turn hired firms tied to Fusion GPS and anti-Trump dossier author Christopher Steele for more than $3.8 million in 2017…READ ALL
28 Sept: Breitbart: Common Funding Themes Link ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint and CrowdStrike Firm Certifying DNC Russia ‘Hack’
by Aaron Klein
There are common threads that run through an organization repeatedly relied upon in the so-called whistleblower’s complaint about President Donald Trump and CrowdStrike, the outside firm utilized to conclude that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee’s servers since the DNC would not allow the U.S. government to inspect the servers.
One of several themes is financing tied to Google, whose Google Capital led a $100 million funding drive that financed Crowdstrike. Google Capital, which now goes by the name of CapitalG, is an arm of Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company. Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, has been a staunch and active supporter of Hillary Clinton and is a longtime donor to the Democratic Party.
CrowdStrike was mentioned by Trump in his call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Perkins Coie, the law firm that represented the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, reportedly helped draft CrowdStrike to aid with the DNC’s allegedly hacked server…
CrowdStrike is a California-based cybersecurity technology company co-founded by Dmitri Alperovitch.
Alperovitch is a nonresident senior fellow of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council, which takes a hawkish approach toward Russia. The Council in turn is financed by Google Inc…
In a perhaps unexpected development, another Atlantic Council funder is Burisma, the natural gas company at the center of allegations regarding Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden…
Besides Google and Burisma funding, the Council is also financed by billionaire activist George Soros’s Open Society Foundations as well as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. and the U.S. State Department…
The charges in the July 22 report referenced in the whistleblower’s document and released by the Google and Soros-funded organization, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), seem to be the public precursors for a lot of the so-called whistleblower’s own claims, as Breitbart News documented (LINK)…READ ALL
Guess where Liddle Shiffy (Adam Schiff) was for a week when the whistle blower report came in August?
Ukraine 24-31 August 2019 – Sponsor: Atlantic Council
28 Sept 2019
28 Sept: TheFederalist: Susan Rice: Obama Put Call Transcripts On Top Secret Server, Too
by David Marcus
Former national security adviser Susan Rice acknowledged last night that the Obama administration moved transcripts of conversations with foreign leaders onto the same top-secret server where the Trump administration stored his recent phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky…
But reporting from ABC News shows that this practice of securing presidential phone transcripts has been in use in the White House since early 2017, after sensitive conversations with foreign leaders were leaked to the press.
From ABC News: “The two calls in early 2017, with leaders from Australia and from Mexico, leaked early in Trump’s administration, and sources said the procedure to store them quickly changed — many calls between the president and world leaders instead were stored in a secure server to avoid leaks.”…
One source cited by ABC News described the practice as “basically standard operating procedure.”…
Both of these revelations undermine the theory that in this specific case, some unique and bizarre method was used to hide the transcript and engage in a cover up. Rather, the Trump administration appears to have been engaging in business as usual.
The History of Peru: The Wari
Studying the Peruvian Ice Cap confirms the Medieval Warm Period was Global and the Earth was much warmer than today.
Then the Little Ice Age began, Peru dried out & civilisation collapsed.
“Climatological data developed by Lonnie Thompson from the Quelccaya Ice Cap in Peru indicates a decrease in precipitation between 650 AD and 730 and between 1245-1310.
High dust concentrations peaked between 600-920 coinciding with periods of massive field construction.
Also beginning in 1000 there was a rise in the mean temperature (between 0.5 and 1 degree).
Alan L. Kolata [The Tiwanaku: Portrait of an Andean Civilization] suggests that this is the beginning of the Little Ice Age, which caused a serious drought resulting in agricultural collapse and ultimately the demise of the Empire.”
>> If only they had Greta and a carbon (sic) tax … oh, wait … they had plenty of Gretas …
“They were sacrificed to appease the El Nino phenomenon”, and show signs of being killed during wet weather, he said.
Archaeologists in Peru unearth 227 bodies in biggest-ever discovery of child sacrifice
Lets discuss an obvious way to falsify the garbage theory.
The entire theory is based on water vapour positive feedback/enhanced GHG theory.
The theory states that relative humidity will stay constant in the upper troposphere, resulting in increased humidity as temp rises from CO2. This is the cause of the hotspot in the models.
The observations clearly show a decline in both relative humidity and specific humidity which directly falsifies the enhanced GHG theory.
Focus on the water vapour, thats the key!
Yes, this failure is definitive, and obvious if you study the energy budget needed to evaporate the water and cycle it to the top of the troposphere as compared with energy supposedly recycled by human CO2. Seems activists like recycling except for the gas of life.
Question about Einstein (1917) vs Pierrehumbert (2011)
In Einstein’s 1917 paper “A Quantum Theory of Radiation” he proves that for the spontaneous emission of a photon (prior that term actually being used) that the timing and direction of emission is random. However, for an induced emission of a photon, the emission of an identical photon is simultaneous and in the same direction as the incident adsorbed photon due to the conservation of momentum, no matter how small. Pierrehumbert says the momentum goes into changing the internal energy of the molecule which then undergoes spontaneous emission at some random time in some random direction. At least that is my understanding of the two papers. (Given the usual boundary conditions, i.e. ideal gas, thermodynamic equilibrium, etc.)
Obviously, if Einstein is correct, there is no greenhouse gas effect. I have searched high and low and can find no one that disputes Einstein. I’ve always had a problem in understanding how a photon from a cooler CO2 molecule can be emitted toward a hotter surface. In my understanding of Einstein’s scenario, all emitted photons from the surface head back to space at the same speed as the original incoming radiation.
Can anyone explain to me why Einstein is wrong? or is my understanding lacking?
The Humbert is almost certainly wrong. He has made a habit of it.
they are two different things. “The greenhouse effect” is to do with spontaneous emission ie you are not considering the case of a photon’s energy being used to put the atom into a higher energy state.
Here is one example of this being explained
Thanks Gee,
That is a new thought. Maybe the emitted photons don’t go randomly in all directions at all. Maybe they mainly go up!
“put the atom into a higher energy state”
Which is immediately thermalised to the rest of the atmosphere.
Then convection takes over”
Your 1% knowledge is again shown in your comments, GA.
IGNORANCE of conservation of momentum isn’t helping your case either, little cabbage.
It does not change the kinetic energy of the atom. Electrons weigh nothing. So the atom is not hotter and cannot dispose of this energy thermally, only electro magnetically.
That makes sense to me.
You had better let Bill Nye know. Climate Change 101!
Very interesting. The implications of this deserve a bit more analysis.
So the IR enhanced CO2 is not going to transmit that extra energy by conduction?
Can the extra energy result in any changes that might be seen as adding to any collision.
As I recall some molecules flip back and forth?
From what I understand the atmosphere contains more than just isolated and excited molecules with very few of them being carbon dioxide. Argon is most abundant element in atmosphere that is NOT molecular but is floating around as atoms. (And yes I know there is a minuscule amount of helium out there). There are also various forms if water molecules forming clouds and ice, and an assortment of various particulates (from VOC, to viruses and bacteria to metal particulates, etc.)
Note it is CO2 molecules, not ‘an atom’ (as Einstein postulated about), that are the excited ones all this cAGW dross is about.
As Will Happer has shown mathematically and experimentally, and explained many times, when these atmospherically rare CO2 molecules are excited they vibrate in known modes, and during these periods of excitement it is FAR MORE PROBABLE that the molecule has a collision with another atmospheric molecule and so loose it’s energy, than has enough time to re-radiate it’s energy as an EM wave.
Also note that the energy radiated is strictly defined at a certain level, the CO2 molecule must have this level of energy to radiate — not any more or any less. Also of note is that the CO2 molecule has to be orientated and be at an acceptable energy level before it can absorb the incoming solar radiation at the correct frequency.
Bottom line CO2 is a molecule not an atom, adjust you theories to fit the experimental data.
I thought that this wall all about absorbing ground origin IR rather than incoming UV.
Indeed. Thanks for the correction.
“As Will Happer has shown mathematically and experimentally, and explained many times, when these atmospherically rare CO2 molecules are excited they vibrate in known modes, and during these periods of excitement it is FAR MORE PROBABLE that the molecule has a collision with another atmospheric molecule and so loose it’s energy, than has enough time to re-radiate it’s energy as an EM wave”
As I said.. “immediately thermalised to the remainder of the atmosphere.” 🙂
Its just easier to say it that way.
Yes it is, I was just trying to get the point across that CO2 is a molecule and as such are, as you say ‘immediately thermalised’, or as I say, ‘vibrate in known modes’.
Also as you know, Will Happer’s knowledge is not just about some ‘theoretical supposition’ (like the magical and unreal ‘greenhouse theory’) but is based on real physical experiments.
In your words:
Einstein: “the timing and direction of emission is random.”
Pierrehumbert: “emission at some random time in some random direction.”
They are both right, and they even say the same thing. Induced emission runs lasers, not atmospheric radiative transmission.
How do we know? What do we know?
Spontaneous emission may be random, but what about an atmospheric CO2 molecule sitting in the lower atmosphere, in an excited state? An IR photon from the ground passes nearby. It is going upwards. Why shouldn’t the CO2 molecule be induced to emit it’s photon, in phase and in the same direction as predicted by Einstein?
It is standard physics. It has been known for over 100 years and it has been proven by the invention of lasers.
It sure happens. Just that it happens so infrequently that no one bothers with it. The photon density in a CO2 laser is many trillion times higher. And it is not so easy to make it work.
I do not follow this at all. There is certainly nothing obvious, especially that there is no greenhouse effect. You seem to be assuming a prior argument, perhaps a lengthy one.
Bui I am sure that when a photon is emitted it has no idea of the temperature of what it is emitted toward. If I point my flashlight at the sun, for example.
This is the case, Thermodynamics deals with only net flows, if a boundary is defined between a hot and a cold source, the the NET flow will always be hot to cold, it says nothing about individual photons behaviour.
What I find odd is that the original argument of a hot house was that the air became hotter. There is a tacit admission that this is not true as the usual suspects are now blaming ocean warming on the CO2 hothouse effect?
How can CO2 heat the ocean floor of the hothouse without heating the air? It is a weird greenhouse with no roof, no walls, a water floor and turbulence and seasons and massive air movements and it is not getting hotter.
It is now pretty clear since 2000 that CO2 is still going up steadily and temperature is not. Sure there are claims that we are setting new records by 0.004C a sure indication that nothing is changing. Up or down. So we have two choices
CO2 causes air warming and somehow without actually heating the air, causes ocean warming
Warmer oceans release more CO2, which is pretty obvious stuff even in the pub test.
Further, the Great Barrier Reef dying thing is a complete puzzle to me. How does anyone blame local ocean warming on increased CO2?
Possibly that is why they need the raw emotion of a teenage girl. “The Science” is in. Something.
Also I read that everything is dying. Extinctions. Polar Bears, Coral. Penguins. Now even algae. You would have to think that after billions of years of evolution and many ice ages and the Jurassic that life can cope with change, even dramatic change and still prosper. Most species go extinct fairly quickly. It is yet to see how long the newest species, Homo Sapiens lasts. So far 100,000 years. And we are supposed to worry about multi billion year old algae?
“In Einstein’s 1917 paper “A Quantum Theory of Radiation” he proves that for the spontaneous emission of a photon (prior that term actually being used) that the timing and direction of emission is random.”
This paper does not ‘prove’ any such thing! What the paper does show is that by use of mathematics a “A Quantum Theory of Radiation” could be postulated, and shown to be, within it’s limited domain, consistent.
It is up to experimental science to show that this relationship exists and is real.
Greenhouse theory assumes that the direction of emission is random. But I think the timing is probabilistic and the distribution is a function of temperature. That is, the more energy in the air the more frequently the GHG molecules will emit,.
In any case I do not see that Einstein’s paper in any way contradicts the greenhouse theory.
David Wojick,
‘That is, the more energy in the air the more frequently the GHG molecules will emit,.’
The energy required by the CO2 molecules have to be at a specific frequency and there’s a limited ‘amount’ of it available.
This is why I posted the comment ( ) about CO2 effect on heating as not being linear, (and some people getting upset by it even though they obviously do not understand it!).
It is understanding what the David Archibald graph says that is important, after CO2 reaches 20ppm any additional heating effect caused by increasing CO2 rapidly drops.
Also all this blather is about CO2 re-radiation IR at a frequency that equates to an energy level of -18°C.
A bloke called Eggert actually did some measurements and found the absorption actually levelled off after about 280ppm..
incidentally, below 280 ppm is when most plants stop growing.
Now that’s interesting AndyG55,
have you any links to Eggert’s work?found it at
This reference from HERE is also quite enlightening, with comment by Arthur Smith being quite revealing —
Why we should embrace the CAGW cult .
great fun, with an Aussie angle:
VIDEO: 4min55sec: 22 Sept: Facebook: Doug Ibendahl
Reposting. Thank you to everyone who has already shared this new video.
#FakeNews has been . . . Thunderstruck‼ #TurnItUp
Not sure if it’s just me but after reading this I get the feeling this article is saying Democracy is bad and the Dictatorship of China is good for a modern society .
Only this week I had just such a conversation with a Hong Kong born person who has been resident in Australia for twenty-five years –the indoctrination runs very deep and deflects all inquiry. The State protects its populace and no amount of argument can derail that dogma.
‘Democracy is by no means a blanket solution — look at all the problems that still exist in Western democratic societies.’
Yeah, we are stuck with it.
Most of the current problems in the world current democracies, come from people trying to turn them socialist.
Britains are losing faith in democracy and Trump is going to be impeached, Beijing is amused.
I suspect Beijing is one of the funders of the “soft coup”, if the following is any guide:
Long, but well worth the investment.
“Many forms of government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried from time to time.”
– Winston Churchill, 1947.
Webster’s Dictionary the definition of government is:
1 : a government by the people; esp : rule of the majority
2 : a government in which the supreme power is held by the people.”
Democracy cannot function without the people, but also cannot function if the people are especially ignorant or kept ill-informed, or only care about their own interests.
For an Australian view of this see–Democratic-Demise.pdf
I can in all honesty say that I have never seen this before.
Currently, Sunday 29Sep2019 at 10.00AM, there are 14 of those coal fired Units off line, and there are only 48 of them. Seven down in NSW, three down in Queensland, and four down in Victoria.
That has taken 7900MW out of the grid. That’s 34% of ALL coal fired power off line.
As is the case in the benign Seasons (Autumn and Spring) when overall power consumption on this vast grid drops considerably, Units go down for maintenance, so they are ready for the high consumption Months of Summer and Winter, but I can’t say I have ever seen 14 of them off line at any one time.
It looks to me to be a case of ‘flogging a dead horse’ and then having to bear the consequences.
Let’s hope engineering workers doing the work on these Units can get them back in time.
There was a short time last Summer when there was only one Unit in the Country off line, (and that was at the ancient Liddell plant) so they are all needed.
We used to have reserve plants, specifically for times like this, and as Insurance in Summer and Winter, but not any more.
Don’t rely on wind and solar plants to come to the rescue, as more often than not, they are the root cause of power ‘stress’.
Ominous tidings TonyfromOz. The horses seem to have bolted.
Perhaps they are just doing what the Green agenda wants, and reducing CO2 emissions. 😉
Check the forecast weather. There is a high pressure system coming in, which means light winds across the whole of south eastern Australia on Monday and Tuesday. So very little contribution from Wind power.
The days are still short so no solar either after 5pm.
Watch for power shortages tomorrow evening (Monday), unless they get the coal fired stations back on line by tomorrow.
AEMO does not seem to be worried.
Great news. two week break, although some marking to do.
Beach is beckoning 🙂
Thanks Tony.
Somewhat related: BASlink is again in operation. I first noticed it today in their 1620 time slot.
Dave B
Tony you maybe interested in this at where it says
China and India rather make all Western world idea of quitting coal to ‘save the planet’ look ridiculous. China’s is expected to build more coal-fired generating plants in the coming year than the WHOLE of Europe has EVER built!
Someone with influence should send this list to the PM.
Maybe he will WAKE UP and get those new modern coal fired power stations that are desperately needed, actually built.
This type of list has been posted here before and somebody, maybe TonyfromOz, has queried whether these numbers refer to single units or plants which are collections of units or, most likely, a confused mixture of the two categories.
New plants to replace inefficient old plants. China builds too much of everything, because the CCP cadres who run each province get promotions and bonuses based on hitting GDP targets. So one province will build a steel mill which only operates at 50% capacity and the neighbouring province builds one too. 99% of bank credit is allocated to state owned enterprises so there is no market brake on excess construction and industrial overcapacity. Command economies like China massively misallocate resources – as did the Soviet Onion. China will break soon – all its banks need recapitalisation and capital flight is decimating its forex reserves. Even the Hong Kong Monetary Authority is running out of US dollars according to Kyle Bass, and if that is true, the HKD peg which has lasted since 1983 might soon break. Given that Hong Kong is the world’s third or fourth largest financial centre, that event will be like a neutron bomb going off.
As David mentions below, the U.S. has way more than just 15 coal fired power plants.
The most recent list I can find from the EIA lists 789 coal fired UNITS for a total Nameplate of 280,000MW. (That’s Australia’s Nameplate multiplied by 12.3)
The most recent actual power generation just from coal fired power shows the U.S. at 1150TWH. (That’s Australia’s coal fired generation multiplied by 8.3)
Those are great numbers! But I am pretty sure the U.S. Has far more than 15. Last I looked our coal burn was around half a billion tons per year, although I am sure that is down some. Our numbers should resemble the EU.
“The average share of electricity generated from coal in the US has dropped from 52.8% in 1997 to 27.4% in 2018. In 2017, there were 359 coal-powered units at the electrical utilities across the US, with a total nominal capacity of 256 GW (compared to 1024 units at nominal 278 GW in 2000).”,_comparisons,_and_forecasts
Note that while the number has dropped sharply the capacity has not. Most of the closed plants were old and small.
A curious mistake.
David, (and anyone else who may be interested)
The EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration) has a wonderful (and interactive) chart at their site which shows the sources for electrical power generation going back to 1949.
That chart is at the following link:
Table 7.2a Electricity Net Generation: Total (All Sectors)
Move your mouse over the chart and it shows you what and when, and the tabs underneath the graph and the source list are moveable also.
I first became aware of the (alpha versions of this and another) chart back in 2016 when I made a Post detailing the benefits coal fired power has give us across the decades. (That Post at this link)
We vilify coal fired power now, but without it we would have had very little advancement.
Thanks Tony, I will look at this with interest. The reference to 2000 in the quote I pasted is useful, as that is when we really began to lose the war on coal. We build power plants in me-to waves. Before then the big wave was mid-70s, following the 1968 blackout. It was mostly coal plus gas peakers, with nukes thrown in.
The next wave was around 2000 and it was all gas (200 Gig) because coal was a bad bet. This was before the fracking boom so it was all due to looming federal regulations out of EPA. (I covered this fiasco for Electricity Daily.)
The new wave is underway and it is mostly renewables, plus gas. People here know how foolish this renewables craze is.
In 2000 our coal burn was around a billion tons a year. Now it is roughly half of that. She ain’t dead but pretty sick.
TonyfromOz, Zane, & David Wojick,
Yes and thank to both of you, I thought the number were a bit off, as your information shows by how much.
Zane that’s a great insight to what is currently happening in China. I must admit I haven’t been paying much attention too it lately.
meanwhile taxpayer-funded ABC is still regularly foisting this guy on their listeners!
28 Oct 2016: ABC Nightlife: Suzanne Hill: The latest on the US presidential election with Andrew Romano (Yahoo, formerly Newsweek/Daily Beast)
(paraphrasing: Romano: all the data is saying Hillary Clinton is going to win. run that through the statistical models, you get 85-95% chance of a Clinton victory. most people are acknowledging this.
Donald Trump is not going to be President.
ABC’s Suzanne: how seriously are people taking the threats of a so-called revolution from Donald Trump supporters should he probably lose the election?
Romano: Trump has been encouraging his voters to go to African American polling places and, essentially, watch or intimidate voters. he hasn’t obviously said “intimidate”, but watch for irregularities. that could be a difficult situation. scuffles could break out. but will his supporters, after the election, push the Republican Party not to work on constructive legislative solutions, etc? )
AUDIO: 27 Sept: ABC Nighlife with Suzanne Hill
(Andrew Romano on Trump impeachment – segment 3h01min to 3h19min – complete distortion of the facts, lapped up by Suzanne)
Romano continues on the topic of McDonalds deliveries. then, at 3h22min44sec, Romano does 2-minute segment on ADL adding 36 new entries to their database of hate symbols. the OK sign as white supremacist emblem etc. no mocking from Romano or ABC’s Suzanne:
26 Sept: WashingtonTimes: ADL sparks backlash after adding ‘OK’ sign, ‘bowlcut,’ anti-antifa logo to ‘hate’ list
Anti-Defamation League updates ‘hate on display’ database
by Valerie Richardson
Bad news for fans of Mr. Spock, John Denver and Howard Wolowitz of “The Big Bang Theory”: The nerdy but lovable bowl haircut is now a symbol of hate, according to the Anti-Defamation League…
The human rights group announced Thursday the addition of 36 items to its “Hate on Display” database, including the “OK” hand symbol, anti-antifa logos and the “bowlcut,” bringing the total number of “calling cards of hate” to 214…
But the addition of seemingly innocuous symbols such as the “OK” hand sign prompted pushback from those who described the ever-growing list of unacceptable images and phrases as an example of the outrage culture run amok.
Social media mavens were quick to point out that “OK” is a safety signal used in scuba diving and that even former President Barack Obama has placed his thumb and pointer finger together in public on numerous occasions…
TWEET: with multiple Obama OK symbol pics…
The horses have bolted long ago at Our ABC; the idea of Ita being able to impose balance is a fantasy, “we’re balanced already donchaknow!”
Perfectly balanced – chip on each shoulder
Seriously delusional even the dumbocrats know shillary wouldn’t win against Trump . Just as much as they know Biden has no chance .
Not sure who they think they’re fooling .
GD – comment #2 – started comments on Graham Lloyd’s article in The Australian.
here is the report – 201 PAGES OF IT!
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development): Trade and Development Report 2019
Financing A Global Green New Deal
25 Sept: ClimateChangeNews: UN agency calls for global Green New Deal to overhaul financial system
By Natalie Sauer
Echoing recent calls to create a European Climate Bank, authors also suggested shifting the role of central banks from taming inflation to aggressively championing climate finance. To checkmate tax evasion, it further called on the establishment of a global minimum corporate tax rate on multinationals between 20 and 25% combined with capital controls.
“This is a big public investment push,” (Richard Kozul-Wright, director of Unctad’s division on globalization and development strategies, who oversaw the report) told Climate Home News. “It’s not going to be done by the private sector. You need public banks to finance this, because we don’t think that the current financial system as it is currently constructed will ever deliver finance to public goods of this kind on the scale that we’re talking about.”
In the absence of such constraints, green finance could increase to around $1.7tn every year, according to Unctad estimates, generating at least 170 million jobs in the world and allowing a clean industrialisation in the global south…
“UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development): Trade and Development Report 2019
Financing A Global Green New Deal”
The usual UN interference. Their basic and erroneous belief is that BIG GOVERNMENT and not industry, consumer demand, or the realities of the market should command how nations trade with each other. A belief that ensures that costs escalate, and the world’s poorer nations are shackled to excess debt.
Nice summary of a human quality previously referred to as:
28 Sept: NBC: Climate scientists say Greta Thunberg’s efforts are building real momentum
“She is getting people to listen, which we have failed to do,” one climatologist said.
By Denise Chow
“Speaking as a climate change scientist who has been working on this issue for 20 years and saying the same thing for 20 years, she is getting people to listen, which we have failed to do,” said Saleemul Huq, director of the International Centre for Climate Change & Development in London.
“I thought it was the most powerful speech I’ve ever seen.”
Sally Benson, co-director of the Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford University, applauded Thunberg’s emotional remarks and her efforts to mobilize young people to demand action on climate change.
“She has been a catalytic leader,” Benson said. “We’re seeing more grassroots action, and she’s creating a movement where young people are pushing communities, cities, states and corporations and saying, ‘we’re not going to wait.’”…
Nathan Hultman, director of the Center for Global Sustainability at the University of Maryland, said Thunberg’s U.N. address was particularly effective at conveying the need for urgent action.
“I like that it ruffled feathers,” said Hultman, who worked at the White House on climate and energy policy for the Obama administration from 2014 to 2016…
Wikipedia: Saleemul Huq has been involved in the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, for which he has served as a Lead Author and Coordinating Lead Author in Working Group II.
Brookings Institution: Nathan Hultman, Nonresident Senior Fellow – Global Economy and Development
From 2014-2016, Hultman worked on the Obama Administration’s climate and energy policy team. During this time, he helped develop the U.S. 2025 climate target, worked on U.S. bilateral engagements with China, India, Brazil and others, and participated in the international climate negotiations in Lima and Paris. He has participated in the UN climate process since the Kyoto meeting, and is a contributing author to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and Special Report on Renewable Energy…
He was formerly a visiting fellow at the University of Oxford, assistant professor at Georgetown University, Fulbright Fellow, and NASA Earth Systems Science Fellow in climate sciences. He holds an M.S. and Ph.D. in Energy & Resources from the University of California, Berkeley, and a B.A. in Physics.
Thunberg demonstrably lacks any understanding of science, climate or the past variability in the Earths temperature. I would classify her unsubstantiated diatribes as hyperbole however it seems that she really believes the rubbish she spruiks.
Breaking News
Australian politicians, but not the extreme Greens of course, have decided to hold a Confession Day in Canberra.
All but a handful of True Deceivers will either speak about or declare support for their colleagues who will advise the nation that the UN will no longer be supported apart from matters and issues arising directly from the UN Charter of post-WW2, the man made global warming based on natural climate change hoax will be highlighted along with the trillions of dollars that developed nations have squandered on that hoax, an exercise in futility to deal with a problem that does not exist.
It will be listed as a future Sorry Day when the members of the Commonwealth of Australia, Federation of States, parade in Canberra to show their regret over the scare campaigns and adverse impact on the people, particularly the young children.
…………. just joking.
I wish I wasn’t.
Members ‘parade in Canberra to show their regret‘?
What – they’re going to walk backwards round in circles?
I don’t do popcorn but that would be a one-off special occasion!
“Why Haven’t the Tropics Warmed Much? A Tantalizing Piece of Evidence”
Updated 28 Sept: NYT: Montana Hunkers Down as Snow Piles Up by the Foot. In September.
Forget fall. Montana is skipping straight to winter, as a weekend storm has begun to bury much of the state under feet of snow.
By Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs
Even snow-hardened Montanans shivered on Saturday as a rare September blizzard began to dump snow on part of the state. After all, the first day of fall was Monday…
But on Saturday, the snow began falling, and the storm threatened to bring up to 48 inches of snow to Montana’s mountains, and at least two feet to a wide swath of the state. In some cities, longstanding September snowfall records could be doubled…
“For any time in September, it’s on the crazy side,” Francis Kredensor, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service office in Great Falls, said on Friday. “This has the potential to be an exceptional early-season storm.”…
On Saturday afternoon, more than a foot of snow had already fallen in several areas around the mountains in Glacier National Park. A weather station near Marias Pass, where a highway cuts through the mountain range, recorded 17 inches as of just 2 p.m. Mr. Kredensor said the snow would fall even more heavily on Saturday evening.
A trooper with the Montana Highway Patrol posted a picture on Twitter of an overturned car, warning of slick roads…
Fears of the unusual snowstorm led rangers at Glacier National Park to close some roads, and the storm may cause power failures for thousands of Montanans. Wet snow weighs down the leaves that remain on trees, and powerful winds on Saturday and Sunday, with the strong gusts, could bring down trees and power lines…
The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for more than a dozen counties in the northwest part of the state and a winter storm watch for at least 15 more…
Cut Bank, a small city just 25 miles south of Alberta, Canada, has never received more than 15.5 inches over a three-day period in September. It is forecast to get up to 30 inches from this weekend’s storm. Great Falls, the state’s third-largest city, is predicted to get up to a foot of snow, nearing the city’s record for a three-day storm, 13.2 inches, which was set in 1934…
Mr. Kredensor, the meteorologist, said the storm was the result of a “perfect mix” of cold and wet. Early cold snaps and moisture from the Pacific Ocean are nothing new, but the combination of single-digit temperatures and substantial moisture has made the storm unusually intense…
See? Heating causes cooling – exactly as Saint G prophesied. Oh why, oh why didn’t we listen to the child!
Also see Trooper Amanda Villa of Montana Highway Patrol twitter feed at .
first comment re US snow is in moderation.
29 Sept: Yahoo: Winterlike storm to unleash feet of snow, life-threatening conditions in northwestern US
by Renee Duff, AccuWeather
Winter weather advisories, winter storm warnings and/or high wind warnings were in effect for all five states in the northwestern United States (LINK) as the snowstorm began to take shape on Saturday.
Forecasters warned that the early wintry blast could be “historic” for the Northwest and southern Canada due to the combination of heavy wet snow, strong winds and bitter cold expected…
Those in the high country and intermediate elevations will be at risk of becoming stranded and could be in a life-threatening situation during and after the storm, with below-freezing temperatures predicted…ETC
28 Sept: Fox News: ‘Major’ Montana storm promises several feet of snow and possible ‘life threatening’ situations, officials warn
By Paulina Dedaj
Barely a week into fall, the National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning (LINK) for parts of the Rocky Mountains where heavy snow is expected to slam the Judith Basin and Cascade counties with total accumulations reaching up to 15 inches at lower elevations and up to 30 inches in the mountains…
A photo taken by the Montana Disaster Emergency Services showed already a foot of snow along Highway 2 near Browning…PIC
“If you are caught outdoors or become stranded while traveling, this could become a life threatening situation,” an advisory tweet read…
The Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma, predicted heavy snowfall rates of an inch an hour in the Rocky Mountain front along the north of Great Falls until Monday at 6 a.m.
27 Sept: WaPo: It’s September. Montana is bracing for 2 to 4 feet of snow.
The National Weather Service is warning of “historically significant early-season snow.”
By Matthew Cappucci
The Treasure State is bracing for “historically significant early-season snow” amidst a storm that the local National Weather Service says could bring “extreme” impacts. In one bulletin, the agency wrote that this storm “has the potential to set a new benchmark.”
Three to four feet — with locally higher amounts — is possible in the higher elevations. Totals of one to three feet are likely along Highway 15 and Route 87, with more than a foot expected in Great Falls…
Montana is no stranger to off-season snow…
But in September and October, it’s usually measured in inches — not feet…
Many are comparing this storm to one in September 1934 that brought 13.3 inches to Great Falls in three days. This storm has the potential to top that…
Amid the somewhat premature visit by Old Man Winter, it’s not all bad news. “Making a snowman in September would be something,” (Francis Kredensor, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Great Falls) said with a laugh.
It’s not the end of the world, but, you can see it from there …
Sustainability expert Michael Mobbs: I’m leaving the city to prep for the apocalypse
” … is selling his famous passion project and moving to a remote coastal location to prepare for what he predicts will be impending societal collapse induced by [global warming].
That is, he says, a total breakdown within the next three to five years.”
Even this Sydney house won’t withstand the coming crisis, Mobbs says – a point, I suggest, he probably shouldn’t stress to a prospective buyer.
He throws his head back and laughs. “I suppose I could put up a warning note: ‘Staying here is life-threatening.’”
“I’ve done my best here and it hasn’t been enough,” Mobbs says of his Sydney ecohome.
“I see what I’ve done as a failure.
Not a tragic failure – I mean it’s changed things such as building regulations …”
The climate anxiety doctor is ‘in’.
It seems to me that the house contains an extra chook. And if he thinks that global warming will result in severe problems why is he going to live on the coast? Isn’t he worried by rising sea levels? Especially as they will be acidic?
remote? 5hrs by car or a 1hr plane flight
surely its the Bermagui hinterlands to avoid unprecedented , apocalyptic , accelerated , acidic sea level rise.
I think he might want to do a bit of homework on the locals if he thinks he is going there to escape societal breakdown, just sayin. Getting out of Sydney is pretty much always a good idea, we bailed in the early 80s. Best move ever.
Today’s Oxymoron Award goes to: sustainability expert.
Why the “Oxy” ?
If we think of ENSO as a fine tuning temperature control knob, Ian Wilson and his mate have a lunar/solar model to explain the meaning of everything.
‘In summary, what Paper-III is saying, is that over the last 150 years, many of the main warming and cooling events in the Earth’s atmosphere (about the long-term linear trend) can be explained by forcings of the Perigean New/Full Tidal cycle because of their influence on El/Nino/La Nina events.’
Tallbloke’s Talkshop
Michael Smith seems to have the full Graham Lloyd article:
29 Sept: MichaelSmithNews: UN comes clean on plans to redistribute wealth under guise of climate change
A new world order.
‘The UN report comes amid calls for a new summit with leaders from China, the EU and the US to reshape multilateralism and replace the postwar Bretton Woods system that has set the current economic order.’
28 Sept: Breitbart: George Soros Emerges as Major Funder of ‘Global Climate Strike’ Groups
by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D
George Soros financed radical environmental groups partnering in this week’s “Global Climate Strike” to the tune of nearly $25 million, according to a new report.
At least 22 of the left-wing activist groups listed as partners in the Global Climate Strike received $24,854,592 in funding from liberal billionaire George Soros between 2000-2017 through his Open Society Network, Joseph Vazquez reported (LINK) Thursday for the Media Research Center…
Among the organizations receiving Soros funding were Fund for Global Human Rights, Global Greengrants Fund,, Amnesty International, Avaaz, Color of Change, and People’s Action…
Other major donors have included Democrat presidential candidate Tom Steyer’s NextGen America as well as the Sierra Club, which has reportedly received millions from former Mayor Michael Bloomberg…READ ALL
‘We expect you to lye, Mr Soros.’ H/t ‘Goldfinger to James Bond.
Mr Soros puppet master /financier, Trilateral Comm-Mission member,
‘The will to Deceive and the Will to Believe… do not become embroiled in the matador’s red cape.
Information for Greta, and other children.
By Christopher Monckton
Going round the pipeline blockade
“First solid bitumen test shipment on its way from Alberta to ChinaFirst solid bitumen test shipment on its way from Alberta to China”
CO₂ emissions™ now cause double-vision. Doctor – my eyes! Nooooo…
28 Sept: CBS: Powerful September snowstorm dumps more than a foot of snow in northwestern Montana
The National Weather Service in Great Falls reports 16 inches of snow had fallen near Marias Pass just south of Glacier National Park by early Saturday afternoon. The area is forecast to see a total of up to 4 feet by the time the storm winds down Sunday night, said meteorologist Megan Syner.
The City of Choteau said on Saturday morning that there are already several downed power lines and downed trees which is creating a very dangerous situation; they urge people to stay home if at all possible, CBS Great Falls affiliate KRTV reports(LINK)…
Following the storm, temperatures are expected to drop into the teens and 20s across much of western and central Montana overnight Monday…
Dave Wall, a Union Gospel Mission spokesman, said the shelter’s director and Spokane’s mayor agreed the mission would not enforce its drug and alcohol policies while temperatures were below freezing, as long as patrons weren’t acting unsafe, The Spokesman-Review reports (LINK).
28 Sept: SpokesmanReview: As light snow comes early to Spokane, forecaster says it’s ‘very difficult’ to know what to expect next
By Emma Epperly
After the first measurable September snowfall in Spokane since 1926 and consistent reports of rain in and around Spokane early Saturday, forecasters predicted more of the same through the night.
“What we would expect for the rest of the day is to see periods of rain and snow continue,” said Jon Fox, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service’s Spokane office.
At 5,575-foot Sherman Pass, Washington State Department of Transportation crews were “having a difficult time keeping up with the snow” and “reported several trees that have fallen due to weight of the snow and winds,” according to the department’s Twitter account…
Overnight, temperatures are expected to drop into the low to mid-20s and tocontinue through Sunday morning, Fox said.
“This is a very difficult forecast because the temperatures are going to be so close to freezing,” said Fox…
28 Sept: Calgary Herald: Snowfall warning issued for Calgary, 25 cm of snow expected by Monday
by Zach Laing
Parts of southwest Alberta, namely the Pincher Creek area, are getting hammered and as of 9:30 a.m. Saturday already saw 30 cm of snow
By Monday morning, Environment Canada suggests as much as 100 cm of snow can be expected in “extreme southwestern portions” of the province…
29 Sept: Yahoo: ‘Historic’ storm unleashes feet of snow, causes travel issues in parts of northern Rockies
by Chaffin Mitchell, AccuWeather
The northern Rockies are in the path of a potentially historic storm that is set to dump more than four feet of snow and bring wind gusts up to 60 mph.
The National Weather Service’s prediction center said this could be a “significant and possibly historic” early-season snowstorm across portions of the northern Rockies. Forecasters warned the combination of heavy, wet snow, strong winds and bitter cold expected could set new records across the northwestern United States and southern Canada this early in the season…
By Saturday afternoon local time, snowfall in Browning, Montana, nearly reached 2 feet, measuring 23 inches of total snowfall at 4:10 p.m. MDT…
“The snow can pile up at quick pace, with more than an inch per hour possible,” (AccuWeather Meteorologist Renee Duff) said. By early afternoon local time, 13 inches of snow had been reported near Choteau, Montana. The report also mentioned that ice has started to cover highways that were previously plowed…
27 Sept: CityNews1130: Snow has arrived at Big White, RED and Whitewater ski resorts
by Renee Bernard
September is ending with a blast of winter weather for parts of B.C.
Ski hills couldn’t be happier…
Michael Ballingal, vice president of Big White in Kelowna, says it’s not uncommon for snow to arrive this early.
“No, it’s not that unusual at all. What is unusual is the fact that there is a lot of snow on the ground right now. We’re anticipating up to 10 centimetres this weekend.”…
29 Sept: NNY360: National Weather Service: Heavy snowfalls but a ‘manageable’ winter last season
BATAVIA — Like it or not, winter weather is around the corner.
Even though Monday was the first day of autumn, anybody who’s lived in Western and Northern New York knows snow can start even sooner. Maybe not as bad as the infamous “October Surprise” of 2006 or the notorious 2014 “Snowvember” but it’s definitely common.
The National Weather Service in Buffalo has released its winter summary for the 2018-2019 season…
Highlights — or low points, depending on a person’s perspective — included a frigid cold Thanksgiving day, along with two blizzards.
“The 13 lake effect snow events this season was three more than normal,” the report states. “There were four lake effect snow events each in the January and February months. There were two blizzard events this winter…
Snowfall for the winter of 2018-2019 was well above normal for the Buffalo and Watertown regions, but slightly below-normal for Rochester and its surrounding area.
“With 118.7 inches of snow, Buffalo had its 12th snowiest winter on record and was 24 inches above the normal of 94.7 inches,” according to the report. “With 96.8 inches of snow, Rochester was slightly below the 99.5 inch normal for the season. The 118.7 inches of snow for the winter of 2018-2019 at the Buffalo Airport ranks as the second snowiest winter in the last decade and fourth snowiest winter since the winter of 2000-2001.”…
The highest reported snowfall in Western New York was 227 inches in Springville, about 15 miles west of Wyoming County.
Three records were set also set over the course of a few days in Buffalo. They included a low of -3 degrees Farenheit on Jan. 30, followed by record highs of 59 and 60 degrees on Feb. 4 and Feb. 2 respectively.
The season lasted from November to April, with at least trace amounts (OF SNOW?) in the latter.
couldn’t see video duration, but at least 2mins. heavy snow falling:
VIDEO: 28 Sept: CBS Sacramento: Ready, Set, Snow: Campers Get Chilly Welcome As Snow Hits The Sierra
Cold air hovering over the Sierra brought in snow this weekend, and the winter weather also caused havoc for campers trying to stay warm.
As of Saturday afternoon, snow began falling as fast as the temperature at Donner Summit.
Several Sacramento area families wanting a weekend getaway got a chilly welcome from Mother Nature…
Most campers told CBS13 they’ll be gone by Sunday afternoon just as another round of heavy snow is heading their way.
28 Sept: CTV: Canadian Press: Winter unwelcome as parts of B.C. brace for chilly, snowy weekend
Environment Canada has issued special weather statements for snow in several parts of British Columbia as a surge of Arctic air drops into the province.
Forecasters says the snow is expected over much of northeastern B.C., and parts of the central and southern Interior through the weekend.
Mountain passes, including those on the Coquihalla Highway, Okanagan Connector, Highway 3 and the Eagle and Rogers passes are forecast to see accumulations of up to 15 centimetres by Saturday night.
Total accumulations remain uncertain, but the weather office warns snow could linger on Sunday through the southeast corner of B.C. and along the boundary with Alberta…
btw all these chilly, freezing stories yet, rarely, do any of them report temps:
28 Sept: WeatherNetwork: Prairies: Winter storm warning in effect, 60+ cm snow on the way
Even in a part of the country where September snow is not uncommon, this will be quite the storm…
More than 60 cm of snow is expected to fall over the highest elevations of southwestern Alberta by the time snow tapers off on Monday. Along the foothills, across extreme southern Alberta, and into the Cypress Hills, 15 to 30 cm is expected, with lesser — but still significant — accumulations on the way from Calgary to Regina.
The combination of this one-two punch could put all-time September single-day snowfall records in jeopardy…
Snowfall tapers off through the day Monday, but snow on the ground may be reluctant to melt as temperatures stay well below average for early October. Afternoon highs 5 to 15ºC below average will linger into the early part of the new work-week.
Surface Temperature Southwest Canada, Sunday 29 Sep at 5am PDT: -15˚C on the tops (colder in the wind) nothing above 10˚C in the valleys: via
links to Bloomberg & Breitbart reports:
27 Sept: WashingtonTimes: Donald Trump, enemy of the globalists
By Cheryl K. Chumley
President Donald Trump, in a closed-door event in New York City, some of which was captured on video by Bloomberg, told attendees — mostly U.S. diplomats — that he couldn’t understand why “people are afraid” to call out the far-leftist visions of the far-leftist factions who are using deceptive far-left messages to tear down his administration and, along the way, by logical extension, the whole limited government structure of the American government.
Well, heck, that’s an easy answer. Here’s why: Because nobody wants to be put through the same ringer that Trump’s being put through. Right?
Either that, or it’s because those who fail to “call it out” are benefiting from the secretiveness.
“We’re at war,” Trump said, Bloomberg reported (LINK). “These people are sick. They’re sick.”
Breitbart reported (LINK) he went on to say, “[N]obody’s called it out like I do, I don’t understand. people are afraid to call it out, they are afraid to say the press is crooked, we have a crooked press, we have a dishonest media.”…
Trump, like him or hate him, agree with him or disagree with him, but the fact is that when it comes to disrupting political norms, he’s king.
Trump’s opened eyes onto a corrupt U.S. intel machine. Trump’s shed light on a deep-seated political structure that’s joined together elitists from both parties at the expense of the people they’re supposed to represent. And he’s flashed sunshine onto an entitlement-minded world stage where players who’ve not been used to accountability — and say, paying their fair U.N. and NATO shares — are now being held to account and told, hey, pay your fair shares.
He’s actually shown America who America’s common enemy is, and it’s not so much the guy wearing the “D” button versus the gal donning the “R” hat as it is the movers and shakers who seek to influence on a worldwide scale — who seek to turn sovereign nations into melting pots of borderless parcels of land.
America’s biggest enemies are the globalists.
Some are socialists. Some are progressives. Some are Democrats — indeed, some are Republicans…READ ON
Just discovered a science review of the Chernobyl accident on animals and vegetables around the reactor.
Presented by Because Science.
Worth watching for everyone… /cheers.
How stupid can it get?
Hold my beer …
VB Solar TV Ad:
“VB will be brewed with 100% offset solar electricity in 2020 so the next time the sun is making you hot, it will also be making you a cold one.”
Q.- What are the bubbles in beer made of?
Q.- Is it the sun or 400+ppm carbon (sic) that makes it hottest. Ever?
Q.- Why will it be so hot if solar panels prevent global warming?
If the questions are stupid, wait for the answers …
The average advertising man doesn’t understand. Many, many years ago at a Works Gold dinner the Company Secretary got a ‘little’ liquored up and carried on about the current advertising campaign called 180 fingers of water and involving 18 models in old fashioned clothes prancing around a washing machine in a meadow.
He pointed out that he had received a letter ‘correcting’ the ad to 144 fingers and 36 thumbs of water, signed by somebody aged 10. “There” he said “we’ve cornered the market in 10 year old boys who buy washing machines”.
I have been thinking about the Royal Commission idea. It might be a politically acceptable solution.
“I just read the idea of a Royal Commission in to ‘Climate Change’. Typical journalist/lawyer approach to things. Millions to establish the truth with judges sitting in judgement on science. Frankly, it is absurd, but it might have value.
Getting the heads of the CSIRO and BOM and even the Chief Scientist and a few millionaire Vice Chancellors (Like James Cook University) in front of judges on oath. Even the head of BHP/Billiton and force them to not equivocate and refer to the political organization which is the IPCC whenever they are stuck for facts. It could be a form of debate. An adjudicated science debate between experts, one at a time.
The problem for the few professional scientists in this country and many countries is that they cannot speak out for fear of their jobs. There is no free speech on this issue. An unapproved opinion will get you fired.
If there was some sort of insurance against this, people would speak out. Maybe most of the BOM and many in the CSIRO would speak out, if their jobs were not on the line.
The heads of these organizations and the tropical universities is that their incomes also depend on Climate Change.
Of course anyone connected with the World Meteorological Assocations which co-founded the IPCC is compromised.
It is hard to know what a Royal Commission into man made Gloabal Warming would achieve. The fr*ud was to hide behind obscurity and pretend it was all just scientific opinion and even scientific opinions differ.
It isn’t. There is almost no fossil fuel CO2 in the air. Peter Fitzoy’s link yesterday was educational. Even NOAA are committing fr*ud in the science of C14, at least to go by one blatantly wrong article.
I have never read an article which was utterly wrong. Pleading ignorance is not enough when you are NOAA, the cherry picking of the data was conclusive. This was fr*ud.
So perhaps a Climate Royal Commission would at least flush the loo.”
“The steady downward trend in Δ14C of background air shows that the additional carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere must have a lower Δ14C value than what is already in the atmosphere.”
No, the steady and rapid downward trend is the collapse of the pulse of C14 from 1965 when it was doubled. This would be obvious enough if the author showed the whole graph, not just a few recent years. That is the reason the whole graph is not shown.
The rapid collapse of the doubled C14 in 1965 in a perfect e-kt proves conclusively that there is only one sink, it is gigantic, it can absorb all the extra C14 and make it vanish from the human bisphere and that new C14 free CO2 is absorbed with a half life of 14 years.
This proves conclusively that the CO2 levels are in equilibrium and the the rise in CO2 is perfectly natural and due to the warming ocean surface. Greenhouse gases are not required to explain anything. And the warming is the same old solar warming which explains the last few millenia perfectly.
“There is almost no fossil fuel CO2 in the air. “
Around 98% of global CO2 is in the ocean, and is in constant interchange with the atmospheric CO2
Humans have added some fraction of that 2% that is in the air.
The fraction of human CO2 in the total global CO2 is very small.
I might add , that the words “human CO2” are a bit dumb.. sorry.
The CO2 we add by burning coal is NATURAL CO2.
Not the first time Fitz has put up a link without reading it
Yes and using internet searches he is absolutely determined to find links to official documents which support his personal belief in man made Global Warming.
That is entirely fair.
In fact he has done a very good job in finding an official NOAA publication which claims falling C14 is absolute proof of man made CO2! He is right. It does clearly and perfectly contradict what I have written. This illustrates the difficulty non science people have when official government experts intentionally and in this case blatantly mislead.
For every science fact, he can find an official pronouncement of the opposite and often by official government channels. That shows us the magnitude of the task we are facing when individuals are skeptical of our skepticism.
Or the person who wrote the NOAA article has no understanding of basic physics, perhaps part of a generation of very limited science people in our new university system which hands out degrees, even Phds to those who can afford them. The article is not signed, which is suspicious.
I am attempting to find a ‘magisterial’ rebuttal to Cook, Oreskes, Duran, et al. (2016)[1] and the claims therein.
Can anyone provide a pointer(s) to such a rebuttal and/or suggestions as to how to go about looking for same?
[1] Cook, Oreskes, Duran, et al. 2016. “Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming.”, Environmental Research Letters, 11 (4).
[Jo maintains extensive archives and I’ll alert her to your question. She can probably show you where your answers can be found. In the meantime don’t be afraid to look through what’s available.] AZ
[This may be the best avenue Sorry I’m travelling and can’t reply fast. – Jo]
All my posts tagged Cook John
How bad is the Saudi military?
They have the third largest military budget after the US and China but cannot win the war against Yemen. Seems they are actually losing it.
‘MASS SURRENDER’ Thousands of Saudi soldiers ‘captured or killed’ by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen two weeks after oil plant attack, reports claim
Matt Coyle
28 Sep 2019, 21:43Updated: 28 Sep 2019, 22:46
YEMENI rebels have claimed to have captured thousands of Saudi troops in an attack near the border.
Yemen’s Houthi movement said tonight it had carried out a major attack near the border with the southern Saudi region of Najran and claimed three “enemy military brigades had fallen”.
There was no immediate confirmation from Saudi Arabian authorities tonight but the Houthis’ military spokesman said the attack was launched 72 hours ago and supported by the group’s drone, missile and air defence units.
But if the claims are true, the attack could prove one of the most significant events in the Middle East in recent years.
It comes as a brutal civil war rages in Yemen and has claimed more than 16,000 lives and left 13million people on the brink of starvation.
The conflict has been dubbed a “proxy war” among competing powers in the Middle East as a US-backed Saudi-led coalition battles rebels backed by Iran.
Note: I make no claim of understanding the politics here. For a good example of how effective expensive Arabian armies are watch this video of a tank battle, 73 Easting.
No wonder PF only likes models 😉
The more rational scientists and ex-insiders to the climate hobgoblin speak out, the faster this current threat of a political/fiscal New World Order, ruled by UN communistic elites, will dissipate.
Well done Dr. Mototaka Nakamura for your honesty and insight.
Some people here might be interested in my post at Tallbloke’s Workshop:
A Luni-Solar Connection to Weather and Climate III: Sub-Centennial Time Scales
The General Science Journal, 2019.
what this paper is saying, is that over the last 150 years, many of the main warming and cooling events in the Earth’s atmosphere
(about the long-term linear warming trend) can be explained by forcings of the Perigean New/Full Tidal cycle because of their
influence El/Nino/La Nina events.
Nice one, Ian.
Our own ‘Moon Man’, Ken Ring, has been chipping away for decades re the perigee/apogee/full/new moon’s effect on atmospheric tides and, hence, recurring weather cycles. Below is a short essay of his where he trashes the *new science* of upside-down back-to-front UN-speak.
30 April 2018: Heat Goes Down (?)
Some say it’s the sun – but let’s not forget la bella Luna!
Queensland coast cooling anomaly caused by blocking high pressure.
first there was this:
21 Sept: CBS San Francisco: ‘Reservoir Fire’ Near Calaveras Reservoir Scorches More Than 120 Acres
Fire crews battled a half-dozen grass fires in Santa Clara County on Saturday, according to Cal Fire.
The blazes, collectively dubbed the Reservoir Fire, have burned approximately 128 acres as of 6 p.m. Saturday, but forward progress has been stopped, Cal Fire said.
Aircraft, including a helicopter, were working in remaining daylight to support 300 firefighters on the ground in the area near Calaveras Reservoir about five miles northeast of Milpitas, Cal Fire said Saturday night on social media.
The Reservoir Fire is actually a cluster of six smaller grass fires, which were first reported just before 2 p.m. Saturday.
then there is this:
26 Sept: Sacramento Bee: Missouri man flies to California, sets 13 wildfires, then tries to fly home, cops say
By Dawson White
A Missouri man flew to California, spent two days setting wildfires, then tried to fly home, officials say. He was arrested Monday.
Freddie Graham, 68, hopped on a flight from Missouri to San Jose last Thursday, KPIX reported. After renting a car, he spent the next two days setting fires as he drove the “narrow, windy roads” between Ed Levin Park and the Calaveras Reservoir in the foothills near San Jose, Deputy District Attorney Bud Porter said.
Officials say Graham would light pieces of paper on fire and then toss them out of his window as he drove, The East Bay Times reported. He’s believed to have set at least 13 fires — four on Friday and nine on Saturday — which are collectively referred to as the Reservoir Fire, officials say.
It took hours for firefighters to put out Friday’s blazes, officials say, but Saturday’s proved even more tenacious, taking firefighters the rest of the weekend to extinguish them, The East Bay Times reported. The fire burned more than 128 acres, though no injuries or damaged structures were reported…
Graham is charged with a number of offenses including 13 felony counts of arson of brushland, as well as two charges related to committing arson during a state of emergency, NBC Bay Area reported.
If he’s convicted of all charges, Graham faces up to 22 years in prison, KPIX reported. His bail is set at $2 million and he’s scheduled to enter a plea on Sept. 30.
28 Sept: WaPo: AP: Suspected arsonist allegedly set 13 wildfires en route to high school reunion in California, report says
A former classmate told the San Jose Mercury News that Freddie Owen Graham appeared happy at the party on Sept. 21…
After he was arrested at the airport in San Jose, Graham told them he was in an “emotional” state over the loss of his wife in 2018 when he tossed flaming pieces of paper onto the side of a road…
a must-watch. a good one to send to parents of “climate children”. no point sending it to the “climate children” themselves:
Youtube: 10min24sec: 29 Sept: Sky: Outsiders Weather and Ice Age Watch
Outsiders guest host and Liberal politician Craig Kelly says ill-informed commentators are causing “alarm and hysteria” among young people on the topic of climate change.
I like Craig Kelly.
He should be the PM. The current one is useless.
At least give him the climate change portfolio.
I think Malcolm Turnbull was of the same opinion, which is why he stalled improperly to stop Peter Dutton becoming PM.
In his opinion Morrison was never going to energize a Coalition fightback at the election. Once again, Turnbull was completely wrong.
Since then Scott Morrison has been quietly rolling back many of the progressive/Green changes and this without Malcolm’s Black Hand cabal, who resigned in anticipation of the overwhelming Labor/Green victory they had engineered.
The foray on the international stage shows that a quietly determined Morrison is working with Trump but not being attacked by the left where Abbott, Kelly and Dutton could not speak without media outrage. The deportation of the Tamil family met with initial media criticism but has faded away completely. Now that is odd and an example of how keeping a low media profile works, as it did with stopping the boats.
Let’s see how the voting public rate their performances in the next elections. The way things are going much of the public is still asleep as to what the left are doing. Look at the indoctrination of our students in school and Universities. A lot of that is spreading to the rest of the community. I hope I’m wrong but it appears to me the people are becoming more swayed to the alarmist talk, not less. Much of this can be blamed on Morrison for not being outspoken on the subject to call it for what it really is. Instead he keeps boasting how good we’ve been in complying with emissions reduction targets. Useless.
‘Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison faulted Thunberg for subjecting Australian children to “needless anxiety.”
“They’ve got enough things to be anxious about,” Morrison said of his own daughters. “We’ve got to let kids be kids. We can’t have them growing up as mushrooms, but we’ve got to get a bit of context into this.”
So is he now going to instruct schools and Universities to cease brainwashing the students as well as do something about the ABC or is he just being a windbag?
Neither. He is right and in his own way, states what he believes and move on. He simply does not react to the media outrage. He does not engage and keep the issue alive. Amazingly it seems to work. The media quickly lose interest and move onto the latest issue.
Ita Buttrose was the Captain’s Pick and he chose her to weed out the Trots at the ABC. The timing is uncertain, but no doubt they are scanning the horizon in search of a catalyst.
Once auntie has recovered from this AGW malaise, then we can discuss whether the organisation should be dismantled.
Getting the education system back on track won’t be so hard, once auntie has regained her balance. Its important that the children are given the opportunity to debate climate science (red and blue teams) so that they can discover the truth for themselves.
The National party just can’t seem to catch a break, mainly through sheer stupidity but once the mouth has opened and sound came out I’m sure they have lost touch with their base .
In NSW the nats voted to allow men to have abortions and now Bridgette McKenzie is saying that farmers after four years of drought assistance should consider selling up .
Farmers and fishers party must be rubbing their hands with glee .
It is odd to see young Nationals being progressive/Green, virtue signalling to inner city Greens for no reason at all. Abortions for men is just an example of the absurdity of the positions they take.
It’s straight Monty Python, I want to be a woman.
Yeah I thought of the life of Brian sketch with the PFJ .
I missed the abortions for men newsflash.
It harks back to the old legend that the messiah will be born of a man to which was attributed the fashion of trousers tied at the ankle to prevent the messiah hitting the ground.
Making cement requires vast amounts of coal. China produced 2.4 billion tonnes of cement last year, the US only 82 million tonnes. China continues to massively overbuild and will until the credit finally stops, which will only happen when their financial system implodes under the weight of bad loans. Total debt is over 300% of GDP, so it shouldn’t be too much longer until the fireworks. Expect capital controls or a maxi devaluation of the RMB.
That will stop China’s emissions.
plenty of those commenting – that I saw – seemed angry about this, but I chose a couple which were ok with it, especially as the first one I copied was the first one showing:
Facebook: 29 Sept: Courier Mail Brisbane: A dad has pulled his son out of a state school after the boy claimed teachers encouraged students to “dress like hippies and sing climate change songs” – but teachers say “no political content was taught”.
LINK: Courier Mail: Kids ‘forced to sing hippy climate change songs
(first “Most relevant” comment)
Carrie Hetherington-Courts: Are you serious?! It was a bit of fun. They’re learning about the environment and such. My son was apart of it and it is far from brainwashing! Singing Big Yellow Taxi while dressed up isn’t brainwashing. I’d be more worried about scripture and that indoctrination.
Darlz A Bee: After reading the article the child already has his preconceived ideas which no doubt his father enforced . Such ignorance especially the comment from the boy ‘why would I want to be a hippy they sit around all day’ God help us with attitudes such as this. Father has overreacted.
28 Sept: Mashable Australia: Social Good: 5 young climate activists to follow beyond Greta Thunberg
by Siobhan Neela-Stock
By now, you probably know who 16-year-old Greta Thunberg is. From the brilliant shade she threw at President Trump after he mocked her heartfelt speech at the U.N. Climate Action Summit, to leading the Global Climate Strike of 4 million people, it’s clear she’s a superstar climate activist who isn’t going anywhere.
But she’s not the only young person demanding action on the climate crisis.
Here are five young climate activists you should also follow…
1. Alexandria Villaseñor, 14 years old
As the founder of Earth Uprising, a global climate change movement, and one of the youngest organizers of the historic Sept. 20 Global Climate Strike, it’s no secret that Alexandria Villaseñor is on the frontlines of the climate change movement.
Villaseñor was inspired to learn about climate change after visiting California in 2018 during the Camp Fire, the deadliest wildfire in the state’s history. The smoke traveled to where she was staying and triggered her asthma, which led her to research the wildfires and their causes, according to the Los Angeles Times.
“I kind of linked the California wildfires to climate change because climate change is fueling those fires,” Villaseñor told Mashable earlier this year…ETC
15 May: LA Times: PG&E power lines caused California’s deadliest fire, investigators conclude
By Joseph Serna, Taryn Luna
Investigators with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection have concluded that Pacific Gas & Electric equipment caused the devastating Camp fire that destroyed nearly 14,000 homes and killed 85 people, most of them elderly, last year…
PG&E in February acknowledged that “the company believes it is probable that its equipment will be determined to be an ignition point of the 2018 Camp fire.”
The utility’s new chief executive, Bill Johnson, testified in a committee hearing at the state Capitol on Wednesday as the news was announced.
“It’s a disappointment that this happened,” Johnson said to state lawmakers. “Let’s not do it again.”…
23 Sept: UK Express: Eating meat should be CRIMINALISED says Labour-backing barrister
EATING meat should be a CRIME, a top barrister will tell the Labour Party conference in Brighton today, because of the damage it does to the environment.
By Ciaran McGrath
Left-wing lawyer Michael Mansfield, will offer his views at the launch of Vegan Now, a new campaign being organised by the pro-Vegan Viva! pressure group. During his speech, he will also propose a new law banning what he calls “ecocide”…
He will offer his views during the launch, which will feature a panel discussion of the effects of livestock farming on climate change…
Mr Mansfield will also call for legislation to criminalise the destruction of nature, which he will characterise as a “crime against humanity”.
He will add: “We know that the top 3,000 companies in the world are responsible for more than £1.5 trillion worth of damage to the environment, with meat and dairy production high on the list.
“We know that because the UN has told us so.
“It is time for a new law on ecocide to go alongside genocide and the other crimes against humanity.”…
Hans-Otto Portner, who co-chairs the IPCC’s working group on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, commented: “We don’t want to tell people what to eat.
“But it would indeed be beneficial, for both climate and human health, if people in many rich countries consumed less meat, and if politics would create appropriate incentives to that effect.”
Trying to develop a scientific thesis on global warming, with CO2 as the primary antagonist,
is like trying to develop a model of planetary motion with Earth as the center of the universe.
You may come up up with some overtly, over complex and ugly antilogarithm that approximate what you see and believe, and then along comes a young Galileo with a telescope and your model falls into a crumbled heap.
Copernicus was quietly thinking, “The masses are idiots, they will believe any thing.”
Of course it did take another 60 years, when more people starting thinking independently, for Kepler to truly turn the tide.
A climate scientist has it easy, they don’t have to apply that remarkable skill of having to devise experiments to compare their computational results to nature. They need only to wait and compare their computational result to nature. They don’t even have to wait, with over 100 years of recorded data and over 800,000 years of proxy data, their model should accurate fit the data of the past. A 95% over fit 800,000 years would put the model in the category of science.
Ah but they say “But this is the climate, things can’t be defined so precisely”
And the reply from R. Feynman is “Yes, then you cannot claim to know any thing about it!.”
Lost in the noise of CO2 hysteria, there are models that satisfy this criteria. Nothing to do with the CO2 (or of the world being center of the universe). If I was an ancient Greek, I’d be praying to Apollo.
It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
-Mark Twain
Misfire. Should be a green.
‘ … there are models that satisfy this criteria.’
I desire models which hindcast the Holocene accurately and then take us 50 years into the future. Can you supply us with a couple of those?
Hi el gordo
I don’t spend to much time on this subject, but when concerted propaganda starts to gain traction in a particular area, I do think WTF, and try to broach the subject as objectively as possible.
First there very little “forcing” caused by the so called green house gases, with possibly one exception: Water Vapor.
It is the mother of all GHG’s.
I will concede there is a substantial complexity to climatology, maybe not up there with Quantum Physics, but of a fair complexity all the same.
The amount of money and resources
investedwasted makes alternative ideas subservient to the noise of hysteria.Cycles replaced with a linear model come with an ignorance and arrogance that desires to transcend history.
All things cycle, and they will continue to whether humans like it or not.
Cosmic cycles are the influencers of our climate , and there are cycles within cycles within cycles.
The rotation of the earth, Day/Night, its orbit around the sun, seasons, are but a very small part of the multitude of cosmic cycles that affect our climate.
The sun itself has its own cycles two cycles of interest are slightly out of phase giving us a solar maxima and solar minima and because of the phase difference a super solar maxima and super solar minima.
In answer to your request, have a look at this.
Link for el gordo
Would like to hear your thoughts.
Thanks jack, her prediction of solar cycle 24 was accurate and practically nobody else got it right, so we need to take her forecast for a Grand Solar Minimum seriously.
Now we need to see graphs from David Archibald, David Evans and Ian Wilson.
No Matter how bewdiful yr model -if it don’t conform ter nature it/s wro-o-ong!. )
Oh Belinda, you need to go in for institutionalized re-education.
You will learn about Post-modernistic scientific method.
You learn how to modify reality to fit your model.
After your
indoctrinationre-educationnew progressive outlook you then will be certified!!?? to work in:In the Australian Federal & State Governments, most Australian Teaching Institutions, Bank for International Settlements, Carnegie Institute, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Fabian Society, Ford Foundation, Group of Thirty, International Institute for Strategic Studies, International Monetary Fund, London School of Economics, Rockefeller Foundation, Socialist International, The Bilderberg Group, The Tavistock Institute, United_Nations, World Bank, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization and Casey Council, to name a few.
Iconoclasticly yours Jack.
Club of Rome would be nice! )
WaPo has this as well. too silly to excerpt:
29 Sept: Bloomberg: Why Vladimir Putin Suddenly Believes in Global Warming
Russia was happy that global warming opened up Arctic oil, but the melting of permafrost poses a huge threat to its hydrocarbon heartlands.
By Julian Lee; With assistance by Elaine He
President Vladimir Putin needs to go green quickly to stop the permafrost from melting, so that Russian oil and gas companies can keep pumping the hydrocarbons that are warming the planet and making the permafrost melt.
Even I’m struggling with the warped logic of that one, but it’s the conclusion I’ve reached from Russia’s sudden ratification (LINK) of the Paris climate accord and from reading the latest report (LINK) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…
23 Sept: UK Telegraph: Russia ratifies Paris climate accord – but targets are ‘critically insufficient’
By Alec Luhn, Moscow
Mr Putin has denied that global warming is caused by humans, a position that remains unchanged despite the ratification, his spokesman told Bloomberg…
23 Sept: Bloomberg: The Cold Calculus Behind Putin’s Lukewarm Embrace of Paris Pact
By Natasha Doff, Ilya Arkhipov, and Yuliya Fedorinova; With assistance by Stepan Kravchenko
After three and half years of foot-dragging, Putin has finally decided to ratify the 2015 Paris Agreement — and the reasons have less to do with the fate of the planet than with geopolitics and gross domestic product…
Officials involved in discussions inside the Kremlin point to a myriad of factors behind the evolution of Putin’s position on greenhouse gases over the past two years. These include intense personal lobbying by European leaders, particularly from Germany, France and Scandinavian countries, and a deeper understanding of the costs of doing nothing.
They said Putin’s policy pivot was driven by the cold calculus of economics and realpolitik rather than any real conviction in the efficacy of further crimping personal and corporate behavior.
In fact, when asked if embracing the Paris pact means Putin now agrees with the scientific consensus on the primary cause of planetary heating, his spokesman was unusually blunt:
“No,” Dmitry Peskov said by text message…
That gives Putin another point of commonality with Donald Trump, his U.S. counterpart. Trump, who’s called global warming a hoax, was the first head of state of a full Paris Agreement member to announce intentions to withdraw, arguing that it’s bad for business. Putin even defended Trump’s decision in 2017, saying then that it was nothing to “worry” about.
But while Trump may think the U.S. can afford to go it alone on climate change, Putin knows that Russia, which is already somewhat isolated financially as a result of Western sanctions, cannot…
Still, time is on Putin’s side under the terms of Russia’s commitment to the Paris Agreement, which uses 1990 as the reference year for measuring changes…
Unlike the Kyoto Protocol, which was legally binding, the Paris accord is voluntary…
“What the Russians are doing is a paradox,” said Vladimir Chuprov, head of the energy unit at Greenpeace in Moscow. “On the one hand, they understand that adaptation is needed, but on the other hand they are opening new oil and gas fields. It’s suicidal.”
Russia is also cranking up production of coal. With Germany and other European countries slashing their consumption of the dirtiest of the major fossil fuels, Russian coal companies are “conquering the Asia-Pacific region,” Energy Minister Alexander Novak told Putin in the Kremlin last month…
Daily Telegraph is carrying this CNN piece via Sky!
29 Sept: Daily Telegraph: Sky News (CNN VIDEO) China defies climate change pledge to ditch coal
PICS/VIDEO: 3min36sec: 29 Sept: CNN: China struggling to kick its coal habit despite Beijing’s big climate pledges
By David Culver, Lily Lee and Ben Westcott, CNN
Inner Mongolia, China — On the coal-rich plains of Inner Mongolia, thick white smoke curls from the huge chimney of a thermal coal power plant which the Chinese Communist Party had pledged to stop constructing two years ago.
The huge Mengneng Xilin Thermal Power Plant’s third unit, expected to deliver 700 megawatts of power to China’s north, was ordered to cease construction in January 2017.
The order came from China’s National Energy Administration as part of a government plan to eliminate millions of tons of “overcapacity” caused by a rush of approvals and the construction of “illegal” power plants. It is also part of President Xi Jinping’s pledge to reduce the country’s reliance on coal and reach peak carbon emissions by 2030.
But even as China reiterated its commitment to reducing emissions last week in New York, earlier this month at least three large, new coal-fired power stations appeared to be either operating or under construction in Inner Mongolia in northern China — including Mengneng Xilin.
Greenpeace senior global policy adviser Li Shuo said that there had been pushback from provinces and business leaders after the government’s 2017 suspension, leading to a number of new coal plants being quietly approved.
The reasons are economic, Li said…
In 2018, China sourced 59% of its energy from coal and 22% from gas, nuclear power and renewable energy.
By next year, it has pledged to reduce its reliance on coal to 58%…
Satellite images from Google Earth show that, after a brief pause in 2017, the construction of all three suspended plants continued. The resumption work has raised questions about the status of dozens of other supposedly suspended heavily-polluting power stations across the country…
Not only is China’s funding of coal power stations domestically a problem, but a 2019 report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis found that Chinese companies were helping or promising to finance at least one in four newly-constructed polluting plants globally…
“thick white smoke curls from the huge chimney of a thermal coal “
That is not smoke, bozo !!
Seems that CNN reporters are vying for dumb, dumber and dumbest.
I imagine it’s steam from a cooling tower but – well – water vapour is a greenhouse gas.
Here is a good one, featured on WUWT. Prominent Japanese climate modeler now says (truthfully) models are junk.
Note Oz publication.
Peter Ridd for Prime Minister!
Knowledge. Courage. Free debater. Defender of the Scientific method.
Peter Ridd as Chief Scientist!
Climate and Weather Lies?
Jane Bunn, on the Channel 9 weather just announced that we, in Melbourne, have had the warmest September ever, despite all the cold weather I have been experiencing!
The source is the Monash University Climate Propaganda Unit.
It goes completely against my experience and observations, but I don’t know how to disprove it.
I been goin’ to bed each night in ol’ Melbourne Town, this chilly Septembre, with a hot water bottle, brrrr… beth the serf on Belinda’s computah in the bush…Brrrrrrrrrr.
Too Jane Bunn
Lets See if I get a reply!
Peter auto.
We have had pretty chilly nights two hours out of Melbourne too and a few frosts recently. We are still using our woodstove and have gone through a lot of wood this year. Very glad of the gift of some old red gum fence posts from a friend who was replacing old fencing!
The wind has been perishing cold the last couple of days.
According to Weatherzone, lowest temp recorded this month was 3.6C highest was 26.2C
Nothing unusually warm at all.
Maybe she meant in her office , and someone adjusted the thermostat !
Wonder if she is going skiing tomorrow.
Ski runs still open in October after the hottest September ever.
Highest mean max for main Melbourne is 19.7 in 2006. This year’s 17.8 is nowhere near that, with only a day to go. That’s going by Elders/Weatherzone. You get different high readings elsewhere, but nothing to indicate any kind of record for this September.
Who can know when they don’t even define “warmest”? Average of min/max or mean max? If it’s average min/max those nights must have been hot. (They weren’t.)
If you move away from the city to Laverton RAAF, a less urban site, the warmest September by mean max was 1972.
Maybe they’re taking the reading from a very short record (Olympic Park starting June 2013) after closure of Regional Office but sort of confounding it with the long record. Even in that case September 2013 was much higher than this year, at least by mean max. The other possibility is that Jane Bunn, in the course of an extensive advanced education, was not taught the meanings of “warmest”, “September” and “ever”.
🙂 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂 Truth ter data.
From the University of the Bleeding Obvious, ‘Chicken and Egg Department’–
‘Plantations bind carbon dioxide and bring rain to the desert’ screams the headline…
Well I’m glad they found this out — next-up —
Most plants need an adequate supply of water and CO2 to live longer?
Sudden warming of the stratosphere over the southern polar circle reaches the upper troposphere.