But who doesn’t love using junk data to create a fake scare?
Another pound of panic with cherry picked data measured on junk equipment and adjusted by secret methods.
June 2019 was the hottest ever recorded on Earth: European satellite agency
New data released Tuesday found the average temperature in Europe for June 2019 was higher than any other June on record.
According to the data, the average temperature in June was more than 2 C above normal.
Earth is 4.5 billion years old and we’ve “recorded” 1 part in 35 million of the total climate history of Earth. It’s not only not the hottest on Earth ever, it’s not even the hottest in the last thirty years, according to UAH satellite data. Thanks to Roy Spencer.
June 1998 was hotter (and 16 other months) and thousands upon thousands of years
Since 1979 fully 17 months have been hotter than this last June, and if we had had satellites for 10,000 years, we’d have found thousands of Junes hotter than today. Even without satellites there is no respectable climate scientist on Earth who would argue that temperatures weren’t higher than this for most of life on Earth.
Before ground data was adjusted and homogenized, June 1998 was 0.1C hotter. If you want to avoid heatstroke, don’t get homogenized and don’t sit near a jet engine (where many thermometers are based, and where you might really get homogenized).
The hottest month in the last 150 years is irrelevant
Nothing about the “hottest year-month-day ever” is meaningful or significant on a big scale.
- The world has been warming for 300 years, long before the industrial revolution. Seas have been rising since 1800. The trend didn’t change as our emissions rose, it was the same in the 1980s as it was in 1870s.
- 150 years of “records” is tiny. It was warmer 1000 years ago, 2000 years ago, 5000 years ago and 130,000 years ago. In fact its been warmer for most of the last 10,000 years than it is today, and it’s been warmer for most of time life since life on Earth was a mere sponge. Only people who think CO2 matters keep repeating that it’s warmed from 1850 to now without pointing out the bigger perspective.
- The records have usually been set with thermometers like this one (next to concrete and exhaust vents). There probably weren’t too many car parks or air conditioners in 1880 either. Not to mention the non-random adjustments, and that mystery about how 75% of thermometers are ignored.
The hottest-ever-lines are bait for the too-busy and the easily-fooled.
It’s holocene denial:
Sea levels were higher, corals were happy, people thrived, and both Greenland and Antarctica were warmer. Seas have been falling for 7,000 years around Australia. Some 6,000 boreholes drilled around the world show it was global. It was hotter and CO2 was irrelevant.

UPDATE: This graph shows the ice-core data up until 1855. The last 150 years (1705 to 1855) are highlighted in red to show the warming as the Earth began coming out of the LIA.
Since you asked: there are five reasons UAH is better than RSS.
(The other main satellite data set). UAH agrees with millions of weather balloons. RSS agrees with dodgy adjusted ground thermometers near airconditioners, tarmac and hot concrete. UAH uses empirical data, RSS uses models to guess. UAH removed a faulty satellite. RSS kept it. UAH corrects for diurnal drift, RSS keeps the error in the early years when it warms the trend then corrects for it after 2002. When is an error not an error — when it warms the planet.
Thanks to Rod for technical proof reading.
Climate change increasing the intensity and impact of extreme weather, BOM tells emergency managers (???)
Which is impossible under the laws of thermodynamics a d the principle of entropy. A well mixed increase in energy of 0.6 parts in 340 can’t raise the energy of a storm by more than 0.6 parts in 340.
Don’t they teach meteorologists physics any more?
At least Texas A&M does though it is not clear that it is anything but a glorified introduction to advanced high school Physics. It should also include some advance training in Electricity and Magnetism, Heat and Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Light, and Chaos Theory. Which would require the advanced use of Algebra, Trigonometry, and Calculus. If done, they would understand the deficiencies in all of the sacred climate models that can’t predict yesterday’s weather let alone the weather in a hundred years. They would also understand that the term “climate change” is scientifically meaningless and a scam to confuse the ignorant and gullible.
From their website:
The Department of Atmospheric Sciences offers the Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology. The undergraduate curriculum in meteorology emphasizes weather and weather forecasting, but also includes courses in climatology, atmospheric chemistry, cloud physics and remote sensing of the atmosphere with radar and satellites. As the curriculum makes clear, the study of these subjects relies on a foundation of physics, chemistry and mathematics. The atmospheric sciences also have close connections to oceanography and hydrology.
But then Texas also has Katherine Hayhoe
She is part of the problem. The data has been cooked beyond all recognition as data and the science is NOT clear that humans are responsible from any other perspective than local effects.
From her bio:
The data tells us the planet is warming; the science is clear that humans are responsible; the impacts we’re seeing today are already serious; and our future is in our hands. As John Holdren once said, “We basically have three choices: mitigation, adaptation, and suffering. We’re going to do some of each. The question is what the mix is going to be. The more mitigation we do, the less adaptation will be required, and the less suffering there will be.”
Physics is boring politics and marketing are much more fun.
You evade knowing something about Physics at your risk. It informs you of what can and cannot be done, how to do it, and what to expect as a consequence. Otherwise, you are flying blind as you wing it into oblivion.
Politics is the art of saying nothing with far too many words and then doing the worst possible thing for your constituents. All the while pretending it was “for their own good”. Then expecting to pick their pockets and to get away with it.
Marketing is the art of lying to potential customers, getting them to want what they don’t need and paying far more for it that it could ever possibly be worth. Then getting an obscene commission for selling what quickly becomes worthless junk.
Clearly, I have no respect for politics, marketing, nor their practitioners. The first rule they violate is “do no harm”. Most do only harm. We would be ahead of the game if they did absolutely nothing.
Then perhaps we should all (individually) email this link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1907.00165.pdf
to dear sweet Katherine. She needs to be caught up with the science 🙂
“There is no significant trend in global average temperature and therefore no need to look for causes. At time scales of less than a millennium global temperature variations are just red noise.”
John Reid, atmospheric physicist, 2017
Don’t they teach meteorologists physics any more?… I think not, they just learn ‘weather’ or all ‘climate change’ and its all controlled by coal fired power stations and SUVs and diesel trucks..
Extremes are caused by differentials.
Any global warming will DECREASE the differential between the equator and the poles,
hence DECREASED the occurrence and severity of extreme weather.
Unfortunately, we are heading into a cooling period, and the wavy jet stream is causing blocking which traps hot and cold in different areas.
As shown by H.H. Lamb decades ago. The onset of the Little Ice Age was heralded by large and destructive storms in western Europe, and ‘bad weather’ elsewhere. He even co-authored a book about it.
The winds and great sea floods emerged in the last half of the 13th century and by this time there were also large icebergs in the North Atlantic.
Lamb seemed to pinpoint 1200 AD as the starting point for the LIA and that is a reasonable assumption. Exceptionally cold winters and years of flooding rain are the hallmarks of global cooling throughout the first decade.
Then it all switched to a phase of hot dry summers, with a great fire in London in 1212 and by 1214 the Thames was so low in London that ‘women and children could wade across it.’
eg, Are you referring to the cool period pre 1650? The post medieval warm period? The LIA usually refers to the period 1650 to 1750, +- 25 years or so.
The end of the MWP in the 13th century was the beginning of the LIA, you are probably thinking of the Maunder Minimum.
The weather in the Little Ice Age fluctuated a lot.
Re 1200 AD start: that may be because the Icelanders – sturdy independents – changed tack in 1220 A.D. and placed themselves under Danish rule, possibly hoping for economic (eg food) help.
1219 Saint Marcellus’ flood from a storm which swept across the Netherlands, northern Germany and Denmark, with a minimum of 36,000 dead in northern Netherlands/ lower Denmark.
1280 there was a famine in England that killed off approx. 10% of the population
1315-1317 much rain led to lack of food and the death of most of the cattle and sheep. This was the time when the English started their relish for pork, previously regarded as inferior meat.
1346-48 Plague (Black Death) approx. 33-40% dead.
1362 The Great Man Drowning – a storm which swept across the British Isles, the Netherlands, northern Germany and Denmark, with a minimum 25,000 deaths (some claimed 80,000) and helped form the Zuider Zee.
1400s warmer weather with much building of cathedrals in England.
1550 onwards colder ( see Jacobean men’s fashion for padded leather trousers.
1634 Great storm hit Frisia with 8-15,000 lost.
1660 ‘such a (warm) summer that the oldest man cannot remember’. Samuel Pepys.
1662? cold, wet.
1665 & 1666 hot and dry making Great Fire of London much worse.
1695 Approx. one third of highlanders starved to death in this winter.
1703 the Great Storm destroying nearly a third of the British Fleet and up to 15,000 dead. (one lucky sailor was thrown into the sea as his ship broke up & sank, was washed onto a second ship which also sank and was picked up by a ship’s boat of survivors from a third. He made shore but was reputably reluctant to go to sea ever again.
1709/10 Very severe winter remembered in England for 50 years.
1724 very cold year
1730-39 warm summers (at least 2 are still listed in the 10 warmest summers in England).
1739 December. St. Barbara’s storm very bad in Portugal.
1740 Very cold year
That pretty much covers the LIA, there was a frost fair on the Thames in 1740 until February 14th and the cold conditions persisted into late Spring.
Fortunately it was only a cold blip, hot and droughty conditions returned in the summers over the next few years, producing agricultural abundance.
From memory the Thames also had a frost fair in 1788.
1258 was the year of famine. It was a “Year without a summer.” It was tracked down to a volcanic explosion in Indonesia (Samalas/Rinjani,Lombok Island, in 1257).
It was a famine year in England, very wet and cold northerly winds persisting into summer.
Its also worth noting that the effect of the eruption would have evaporated after 18 months, there were reasonably good harvests in the following years. 1260 is down as a famine year, but wheat was fairly cheap so I have my doubts.
On the topis of the thread..WE know it is cooler now than the past million years, THEY dont. Because WE can see, THEY cant or wont.
Not to mention that the lit-chur-chur shows no such increase.
Of course, the alarmanists ignore this, despite Pielke Jnr showing it conclusively on more than one occasion.
In this nicely crafted piece of propaganda, the scribe starts with natural variability and ends with catastrophic global warming.
She is completely clueless, a meandering jet stream is a global cooling signal.
“She is completely clueless”
Ahh yes Kate Doyle.
The ABC’s resident employed permanent Village Idiot, Weather Reporter”
She has a clueless track record going back for over 30 stories on their ABC.
She earns money writing this rubbish ?
“She earns money writing this rubbish ?”
To quote Ernest Hemingway “Seems a good story not to deny”, but that was about him breaking a shillelagh over his hear in one of his favourite watering holes
Seas have been rising since 1800.
Well, that’s true, but I often wonder why more attention is not paid to the sea rise at the start of the Holocene. According to the IPCC, seas rose 120 metres in 21,000 years. That’s 5.7mm per year. If we are right to think that the present rate of sea level rise – which is maybe 3mm per year maybe rather less – over just 100 years will wipe out life on Earth, then we can stop worrying: all life on Earth must have been wiped out already, but somehow we haven’t noticed yet.
When are the employed scientists (ie who haven’t resigned or retired) going to get a modicum of spine and call out this egregious abuse of science?
For evil to prevail, it is sufficient for men and women of good-will to do nothing. With very few exceptions, nothing is exactly what they are doing.
‘Seas have been rising since 1800..’. That isnt even true according to Nils Axis-Morner. More like gradual rise after the last glaciation. I understand over the last 200 years its been pretty stable. Remember that it rises and FALLS at different places around the globe.
Eh? I missed that memo. When was it issued?
(I intend to keep “missing” it 🙂 )
Even without satellites there is no respectable climate scientist on Earth who would argue that temperatures weren’t hotter than this for most of life on Earth.
Prefer: … weren’t higher than this.
[OK Rod, Changed. H/t to you. :- ) – Jo]
In war, the first casualty is truth
As the Nazi said, if you repeat a lie often enough, then it will be accepted as being true by the non thinking masses.
Catastrophic man made climate change driven by burning of fossil fuels is an excuse by the UN rabble and greenie activists to destroy the west.
We are in a war to save our western civilisation from the hordes
MSM, ABC are part of propaganda attack
Academia and our politicians have been indoctrinated and progressively our goverment institutions
The BOM is alassic example.
Well, one who must be causing angst in AGW** circles must be Alan Savory, even though he ‘believes’.
How to green deserts.
AGW is to avoid MOD who wouldn’t pass Absolute Gullible W*nk*rs.
I agree Mal.
It’s all coalescing…almost suddenly…all-pervasive GreenLEFT power….in reality if not officially.
Despite the LNP election win..we have
GreenLeft Liberal-dominated cabinet…with a GreenLeft PM [IMO] who’s hostage to the NSW GreenLeft Photios faction [friends of Gore]
GreenLeft Labor States..QLD, Victoria, SA, WA & territories NT & ACT…
GreenLeft COAG…
GreenLeft MSM increasingly using neo-Communist [IMO] Australia Institute for their information…
GreenLeft universities…CSIRO…BoM…
GreenLeft education system and teachers
GreenLeft churches
GreenLeft sports orgs
GreenLeft banks and corporations..
…and a proudly GreenLeft RBA that has recently joined the international organization..The Network for Greening the Financial System[NGFS]
The whole thing feels to me like a POLITICAL PURGE…and not just of conservatives…not just of all but GreenLeft policy…but of all but GreenLeft thought….especially with ASIC now reportedly placing their psychologists in boardrooms ..in the interest presumably of weeding out wrong thought amongst those who employ the plebs.
Who can we trust ?
I fear for my children in this fast-evolving undemocratic PC [not politically-correct but Politically Coercive ] Australia.
Now add in the green left attack on traditional conservative religion….
If you sit back and look, its clearly a leftist attack on modern society.
The communists knew that its one thing to attack secular institutions, but to completely collapse society, you need to trash its moral and spiritual foundations ( leftists are locusts and hyenas, after all…), so you can capture its youth and lead it into oblivion. As an academic exercise if nothing else, people will note the SSM referendum as the solid push that really sped up the wests collapse from within.
As the Naxis realized, capture the youth, redefine “good” and “bad” in your own twisted image, then start your real agenda ….which was death camps.
From my Christian viewpoint, the Devil doesnt care whether you have 50 channels of Chrustian tv at your disposal, as ling as you are sufficiently scared to speak the biblical truth, hes got your kids. This is why you see cowardice as deserving of punishment by God. Just my thoughts of course, but you can see how our foundations are being weakened to collapse us, and why we need to push back and not stop resisting evil.
Cli-sci was never about the weather. HL Mencken agin on those fear campaigns beloved of would be philossofer kings…
‘The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false front for the urge to rule it.’
Its nothing about the ‘West’ thats a myth, its to destroy all of us, reduce the population to less than 500 million to ‘save’ the planet from miserable nasty humans. And they are winning at present.
Quaternary and Holocene climate, which should be of the greatest concern, is a no-no subject because it gives us perspective and shows what’s likely around the corner.
It’s not that there isn’t a lot of info and research, it’s just that nobody likes to contemplate the certain medium-term ending to all we have and all we do as a brief interglacial culture. One hundred or so centenarians, each being born as the other dies, connect us to the earliest known builders (Gobekli Tepe) and a mere fifty of such centenarians connect us to the beginnings of known river kingdoms. The Sumerians aren’t ancient. They are late morning and we are late afternoon in a very short geological epoch which has to end soon.
Not only is the steady decline toward the next glaciation about due, nobody can say how this ball of slush and heat will react to the changes. It won’t be as quick as all that…so maybe we have time to talk about it? At least one tenth the time we spend on Freddie’s controversial State of Origin selections or how to save the planet by turning off some tiny appliance at the point? Well, at least Jo Nova is willing to raise the awkward subject.
(By the way, I want Klemmer in.)
If it’s getting so hot, why do we have to burn so much bloody wood each winter?
Because due to climate change the trees are getting smaller……./sarc.
I prepared this for midweek unthreaded but I think it fits in here too.
It’s official, according to New Scientist magazine in its souvenir issue commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing in July 1969. The Sun controls our climate, everything else is negligible.
This appears on page 38 in an article about the Sun by Rebecca Boyle.
She goes on to write:
Now for the clincher:
I have no doubt Greg Kopp is correct. By bringing both global warming/climate change into the article Rebecca Boyle is effectively saying that the impact of fossil fuels on Earth’s climate has negated the 2500 times all sources combined (which of course includes fossil fuels) impact from the Sun. She knows this “a little better” thanks to good ol’ TIM.
TIM detects subtle changes in “energy output” but Ms Boyle doesn’t say from where, but presumably it is from Earth’s atmosphere.
I remember reading in Ian Plimer’s book Heaven and Earth that humans could have no impact on the climate even if they tried burning all fossil fuels as rapidly as they can. Greg Kopp certainly correlates that.
I was enjoying the article until I read that. The magazine is worth getting although some articles border on science fiction in my opinion.
Ian Hill,
I gave up reading New Scientist in the late 1980’s except for occasional reads in the doctor’s waiting room (it was slightly more interesting than counting the fish in the tank). It is a bit late for them to change editorial direction ( unless they’ve been given an ultimatum by the accountants concerned by the plummeting sales).
Graeme,I used to buy NS
And drop my old copies off there.
At the Woodside medical practice when I saw Hugh Allen.
But now I don’t buy it either
I got so sick of them preaching at me
I even wrote 12 years ago
Saying “Tell me the facts & I’ll make my own mind up”
Ignored me of course.
Graeme I thought it was “safe” to buy this special edition because its focus is “The Quest for Space” which is an interest of mine. It’s unbelievable that at the time of the first Moon landing the editors thought that was a waste of money and effort and said so. They actually wrote “getting to the Moon was no big deal”! Ten years ago on 11 July 2009 for the 40th anniversary the then editors felt bound to print an apology to Neil Armstrong and NASA. I find that in itself fascinating.
I saw that yesterday in the Newsagent’s
And was amused.
I discussed it with a greenist ‘friend’ last night
And she was utterly amazed.
She decided that the NS has betrayed the cause
Or been taken over by a new owner with a ‘skeptical agenda’.
I am doubtful of the latter.
But I do wonder sometimes about
How the NS has changed it’s target market in recent years.
It used to be a make nerdy geeky magazine.
Now it targets the youngish tertiary edificated demographic
Yes Bill, and its obvious need to be politically correct is annoying.
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth was a revolutionary act”
– “1984”
I have a problem with the first quote. 2500 times what? What are the other sources? I can think of non that come close to 1/2500th of the suns contribution.
It doesn’t say Rick, only all other sources combined.
Others meeting the energy criteria that I can think of include fossil fuels, volcanoes and cosmic particles. This could be taken further to include animal activity (cattle, humans clearing land, termites etc). Anything else?
Of course positional changes in the Earth’s orbit and Earth’s axis affect climate, but Kopp was not referring to that.
Me too I find that rather odd. The only other energy source would be internal heat from the planet, yet unknown esp in the deep ocean, or a tiny fraction from cosmic sources. perturbations from orbit as in cycles result in ‘from the sun’ as far as energy sources. Where did she get the 2500? Made it up? Unfortunately allot of scientists are making up numbers from assumptions these days to emphasize the data they prefer.
” can distinguish between human causes of climate change and purely natural causes we can’t control” Good but she has to put in the ‘spin’ from NASA who cant admit they are totally wrong about humans controlling any climate phenomenon.
There are absolutely NO ‘human causes of climate change’ so why did she even mention it, unless she was TOLD to put it in the statement. They know it is fake.
You know they’re losing when they issue desperate, lame headlines like this:
Almost? Almost record? It’s like you almost won Lotto, almost won the bet, almost got the girl, almost came first…
NIWA’s nutty ning-nongs are crying wolf – or should we now say ‘laughing fox’ – as naturally warmed orographic winds provided east-coasters with a pleasant winter’s reprieve. The “temperature in Ashburton reached 21.6C, while the record temperature set in 1998 for this time of the year was 21.9C… The warm weather won’t last, with temperatures dropping to a high of 12 in Christchurch and 11 in Dunedin tomorrow”.
So on the 3rd of July it was globular vermink “about 10C warmer than average” hence carbon pollution, our fault, CCCrap: yet on the 4th of July it’ll be FREEZING and SNOWING – back to just plain old ‘darn weather’ again. And to all our United States friends, happy Fourth of July! Thirty years ago to the day I hiked Peak 10 in Summit County, Colorado and snowboarded back down for a cold beer or three… summer’s great like that and I’m sure there’ll be heaps o’ hikers up there this year. Toot!
From what I read they might not be able to get to the summit owing to the amount of snow (caused by global warming, of course).
Ten Mile Range today (top image) with Peak 10 3rd-from-right if I’m not mistaken by squashed perspective (it’s lurking behind the central main summit of Peak 8). There’s a 4WD track to just below the main bowl then ya gots ta huck the final ridge up to 13,640 ft (4,157 m) passing an old gold mine entrance just shy of the summit. Here’s another pic of the last snowfall they had on 22 June, their second day of summer (SOS?) *caused by global warming, of course*.
And of course…https://www.lookr.com/lookout/1496397168-Lake-Pukaki
One of my fav views.
Just say to them ‘its the climate stupid’ …:D
2C hotter? It’s been noticably colder in the UK this year. These are the mean June temps recorded by my weather station (somewhere in London) since it was installed:
2016 – 15.8
2017 – 18.3
2018 – 17.8
2109 – 16.3
Based on that we’re all going to freeze!
2 Jul: SMH: Peter Hannam: Australia posts hottest January-June for days as big dry rolls on
Average maximum temperatures for the first half of 2019 were 1.78 degrees above the 1961-90 baseline used by the Bureau of Meteorology. That pipped the previous record set in 2005 in data that goes back more than a century, said Blair Trewin, senior climatologist at the bureau.
The unusual heat was widespread, with states such as Victoria posting its warmest January-June for both mean and maximum temperatures.
In NSW, mean temperatures – which track day- and night-time readings – were 2.14 degrees above the 1961-90 yardstick, beating the previous record set a year earlier by more than 0.3 degrees. Minimum temperatures set a record too, while maximum temperatures were second-warmest.
In the capitals, Sydney’s start to the year was also the hottest in records dating back to 1858. The average day-time reading so far came in at 25.0 degrees, eclipsing the 24.8 average set in 2016…
Melbourne’s readings are a little harder to assess because of site changes. Still, the adjusted data indicates the Victorian capital’s temperatures are “very close to a record” for all of the mean, maximum and minimum gauges, Dr Trewin said…
Over the past 12 months, maximum temperatures have also been the hottest on record…
Ain’t it hilarious how big people are scared witless of tiny numbers, fractions even… PANIC! It’s a fraction of a degree… run!
People in general have no concept of the values of numbers. The AGW puppet masters use this to their advantage. Why people think:
That renewables are going to become viable.
That recycling makes a difference.
That driving EVs makes a difference.
That ICEs are dumping “lots of” pollution.
That we are facing dangerous sea level rise.
That we are the verge of a tipping point
..and so on and so on…
What the puppet masters do is keep the hysteria hyped up so that small stuff becomes a rallying point for more hysteria….
People in a heightened emotional state suspend logic and clamour for the safety….of the “security” offered by the Elite….which is basically slavery….minus more freedoms…of course….
Yep Greg in NZ,
Where I’m currently the night temperatures will be down to a low about 10°C, tomorrow afternoon I look forward to the ‘problem’ of surviving it rising to 28-30°C in less than 10 hours.
Phew! how can anything living cope with an 18-20°C change, or an average change of 1.8-2°C/hour?
Sounds like you need one of these –
WARNING: Contains 100% humour. Vegans, snowflakes, saints and minors beware!
This will really “get them” then:
I think they still assume some CO2 warming.. but it still shows that there is nothing manmade happening.
I’ve located and obtained two of their three reference papers but haven’t had a chance to read them yet. (If you’re interested, just ask and I’ll post the URLs…)
Don’t miss Ben Davidson’s July 4th SO News (current). The weird weather we’re seeing is attributed to the incoming magnetic reversal, so there’s more (and worse) to come.
Clearly non of the BOM actually live anywhere that gets cold
And neither does Peter Hannam of SMH
I have been keeping track of local temperatures here in Mt Barker, my home town in South Australia….Especially how cold it was in June.
The BOM minimum temperature record for June is very curious.. We are on the fringe of Mt Barker And we had 8 continuous days of frosts in June from the 19th to the 26th of June.And my Min/Max thermometer was showing zero or lower each morning
But the BOM’s station record shows just 4 days of below zero and they are NOT continuous…The weather station is 1.5 ks away from my home. But is in the middle of town. So we could have a factual indication of the impact of the Urban Heat Island Effect here in this 16,000 people town.
Just one example of what is happening all across Australia’s towns & cities.
And that UHI effect is NOT being taken into account by the village idiots in the BOM or the ones who write for the SMH or the Age or the ABC..
Here is the BM link : http://www.bom.gov.au/jsp/ncc/cdio/weatherData/av?p_nccObsCode=123&p_display_type=dailyDataFile&p_startYear=&p_c=&p_stn_num=023733
Of course the other hand the BOM may be ‘adjusting’ the weather station records. In the interests of demonstrating global warming by suppressing cold outbreaks.
I am another Mt Barker resident but did not know we had a weather station in town.
Where is it?
How do we get together for coffee (a necessity on these cold mornings)?
[Ask, and I’ll send each of you your emails… – Jo]
The “Mount Barker weather station” is here. Would you believe? I’m finding it difficult! . . . https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@-35.0730151,138.8466095,3a,75y,247.48h,92.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sE-J3a59wmVZ0v3LzuEq9zg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Amazing! What a BOM!
JC, The Bowyer street weather station is only a few hundred meters from my place. Over the back in fact.
But I suspect it is not the BOM official weather station as it is stated by the BOM to be 1.5 ks. away. I think the offical BOM one is still in the yard of the Telstra building across the road the Courier building. The one in Bowyer St may be part of the Wonderland network of private weather recording stations. I’ve looked at the records for that but it may not be being read each day..Site says ” No Records”
@John, Jess at the ‘Brother John’ cafe in Gawler st. makes good coffees. ( NB I am not a Vegan ) Later in the afternoons are usually best for me if you want to get together for a local discussion of our weather. Bill
I think JCalvert is correct!
Official BOM site for Mount Barker
What a find. What a travesty for a BOM recording site.
As that Google “Mt Barker Weather Station” in Bowyer st. is so close by, I wandered over to take a look an hour or so ago.
Nobody home to talk with but It is not in the spot indicated in the Google photo. There is now an old caravan there on that site.
The Weather station has been moved about 15 meters to another corner of the front garden. I took a photo but how can I post it here ? ( Maybe via Jo ? )
Meanwhile Peter have you checked the latitude & Longitude provided in your link against the Google site ?
The BOM coordinates are for a weather station which was opened in 1861. There is no note about it being moved. And the Bowyer St site was open paddocks until the 1980’s so it could not have been there before that time…
Conclusion : Most probably a non BOM station. ..
It is a BOM station.
The reference I gave is from the BOM website. The house is described as Observers residence. Glancing through the 42 pages I noted that they have changed the site map a few times. The most recent map was 6/3/2017. At that time the screen was to the right of the driveway (as shown on the Google Earth photograph). So it has been moved since then but the BOM has not got around to updating the document.
Earlier maps show that location was at Hill St, Mt Barker in 2013 so there have been site moves.
Peter, Thanks for that.
I stand corrected. It is a BOM weather station.
Observations about this weather station :
1 Sheltered by house ( 3 meters away )
2 Sheltered by trees & shrubs ( 3-4 meter away)
3 Sheltered by being high on a slope
4 Which falls away to the street and towards the houses on the other side of the street.
Absolutely not a good location for a BOM weather station
As all these factors affect the rainfall measured,
The minimum daily temperature measured and
The Maximum daily temperature measured.
Years ago I discussed with a BOM employee having a weather station on my farm.
He said it had to be at least 50 meters away from any trees or buildings.
Not being able to meet those criteria I declined BOM’s request.
UAH for Australia has Jan-Jun 2019 in 3rd place
… a long way below 1998 and 2016.
The klimatariat is obsessed by temperature when they should be focussed on precipitation, because big floods are coming to the land of Oz.
‘The heat discharged at the big 2014-2016 El Niño has not been recharged, so the system is primed for a long Niña, and solar activity is about to become the right one for that to happen. Over the past 7 solar cycles there has been predominant Niña conditions during the rapidly rising phase of activity.’
Javier / Climate Etc
I said it before in a previous thread and I’ll say it again here. We are in Provence at the moment, in a small village close to Gordes. (It’s a tough life but some of us have to make these sacrifices to bring you REAL weather reports!). On the day when Montpellier, about 100k WSW of us, was said to be at 45.5degC we only reached 36C (and the pool was lovely, thank you).
I noted that one of the US satellite guys was trying to find out which thermometer logged this temperature, but was having difficulty. I saw a short excerpt in a local paper that it was a temperature reported by a “citizen” to a paper which then became the official temperature quoted world wide.
However – now it’s official!!
I think we need to be crystal clear on the benefits of imaginary data. Once in power, the techniques that once showed looming catastrophe can show the rousing success of green policies. Hurricnse can be shown to have moderated, reefs to have recovered, species no longer being endangered. Bogus works in both directions.
I have noticed that policy at the top of the Climate Change agenda is to switch to a non specific threat. Any mention of heat, cold, floor, fire is all evidence of Cliamate Change. It has become very non specific. A record here, a snowstorm there. We are under threat. Although the underlying argument is warming and no one denies a slight warming in 100 years, so the consequence of warming is Climate Change. Even if the warming stops and the planet cools, that also is Climate Change. The other policy change is to attack only coal. Not diesel. Not natural gas. And do not tax anyone’s petrol/gas as that is a no go zone for the Greens.
So they don’t care if the Reef does well. What happened was proof of Climate Change. A few hot days. A hailstorm. Climate Change can be evidenced by a single event.
On the one hand this is a good thing, this retreat from any pretence of science. On the other, it is a much harder thing to disprove and after a third of a century of NASA/IPCC/UN/EU/Media/Climate Council, a lot of people believe it is just factual.
Very hard to fight. However steady cold will upset it, but we all lose.
The problem with the fight
“Publicly formulated the first time in January 2013[13] by Alberto Brandolini, an Italian programmer, the bullshit asymmetry principle (also known as Brandolini’s law[14][15]) states that:
The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it. ”
Wonder if Alberto is a long-lost cousin of Chris ‘climatecatastrophe’ Brandolino, the NY-native import who’s been the mouthpiece and TV talking head for NIWA for the past 5 years, who “knows his flat white from his soy latte”. Uh-oh!
Brandolino “joined NIWA’s team of climate scientists to help the organisation fulfil its core responsibility to use its science to help people understand our climate… Before that, he worked at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology in Perth”. Uh-oh!!
“What’s the worst weather you’ve ever experienced?
“I think the worst is the 1998 Labour Day storm in New York State”.
Sounds like Brandolino = Bandito.. Stay well clear.
Amongst fellow weather freaks like myself, we refer to him as Brangelino after a certain (in)famous Wholly-weird ex-couple. He’s a grown man yet still uses words like darn and mom when issuing
weatherclimate chicken entrails for Noo Zeelindiz.https://www.whaleoil.net.nz/2019/07/please-sir-may-i-have-some-global-warming/
A little witty humour on a
burning hot carbon emergencycold wet miserable day: “I have owned my current property for about 8 years and this is the first time we have had a glacier in our back yard! So help a bloke out, what exactly should I do with my new found glacier?”. Best suggestion so far from Doc45:“1. Change the historic records. Show that ice has formed there many times in the past. 2. Draw graphs showing no more ice there in the future. Just make up the numbers to suit. Call them ‘models’ for a little intellectual status. 3. Call a series of international conferences in really luxurious spots…”
Canada Day is July 1:
2 Jul: CTV: Many braved Canada Day rain, but it was also a boon for Citadel’s Army Museum
With files from CTV Atlantic’s Suzette Belliveau
The museum’s curator says attendance was record-breaking…
“The weather played into our hands, where we had 4,151 visitors which totally smashed our previous high of around 2,500 on Canada Day,” said Ken Hynes, the Army Museum’s curator…
It was much different situation for businesses that rely on the weather to make money during the summer months…
“It was different from last year,” said I Love Bikes CEO Sarah Craig. “I would say it’s one of the coldest and wettest Canada Day long weekends that we’ve had in a while.”…
“If it had been a nice sunny weekend, we would have been much busier for sure, but now the sun is so out it’s all good,” said Max Rastelli of Segway Nova Scotia…
This was only the first long weekend of the season and there are plenty more weekends in store, so businesses are hopeful that the sun will be shining throughout the months of July, August and September.
2 Jul: Yahoo: CBC: Canada Day breaks cold record in Summerside
If Canada Day on P.E.I. seemed chilly to you, that’s because it was.
The temperature at Charlottetown Airport reached just 14.0 C on Canada Day, almost eight degrees below the normal of 21.9 C.
It was easily the coldest Canada Day of the century, with the previous coldest in 2009 — when the temperature reached 18.4 C.
It was marginally warmer in Summerside, 14.1 C, but that was a record for that city. Previously the coldest high was 14.4 C, set in 1898.
The coldest high temperature ever recorded in the Charlottetown area was in 1872, when the temperature reached just 11.7 C.
Yet Ottawa wants us to pay a Carbon tax to make it stay cold. Normal government common sense (not).
I’ll bet the folk in Labrador City are petrified about the coming of global warming.
no mentions of whether these temps are above or below average, but it seems pretty cold:
2 Jul: TheSouthAfrican: Big freeze: “Coldest night of the year” to hit South Africa on Tuesday
According to AfricaWeather, the coldest night of the year is almost upon us. Overnight on Tuesday, the mercury will drop even further that it already has done!
by Tom Head
Almost everyone in South Africa is having to contend with the icy temperatures that have set in since the start of the week. Gauteng was the latest to suffer a cold snap on Monday, but it seems like that was just the beginning for the densely-populated province.
Sihle Kunene is a meteorologist for AfricaWeather. We had a few questions about the forecast freeze, and the responses somewhat surpassed our expectations. Kunene believes that South Africa will experience “the coldest night of the year so far”, as the mercury continues to plummet.
Despite some locations already clocking -7C this week, our expert says the extreme cold was only felt in one particular location. Judging by what’s on their radar, a larger surface area of Mzansi is set to feel temperatures around drop perilously close to the freezing mark, making it the chilliest evening of 2019 so far…
Free State is likely to drop below freezing, as will the North of the Eastern Cape. You can expect -3C in areas which have recently experienced snow. We’ve then another cold front coming on Thursday.”…
Meanwhile, we’ve also pulled some data from Ventusky, which shows us where exactly the coldest areas will be across the country. Their weather-mapping software suggests that parts of Gauteng could slide towards -3C, and the windchill factor could see the outskirts of Welkom push -6C. We hope you’re all wrapped up warm tonight.
from IndependentOnline SA: 2 Jul: In the past weeks, a number of cold fronts affected mainly the southern extremity of the country, with chilly nights and early mornings.
Tiffindell is looking like a REAL ski resort Tuesday 3 July, with even a little off-piste for the adventurous
powderrock hounds…80
Several resorts out west in the US have remained open and will have skiing on the 4th of July. I kind of like it these days when alarmists say this or that is going to happen because of “climate change” because usually what ends up happening is the exact opposite dooms day predictions, Like US ski resorts being open for skiing in July, or virtually zero drought in the US this year, or a 12 year “drought” of major hurricanes hitting the lower 48, or a year like last with no “violent” (EF-4 or 5) tornadoes, or the Great Lakes having record high water levels after reaching their 2nd lowest level recorded in 2012 that they said was a “canary in the coal mine” for “climate change”, or the west side Hwy in NYC being flooded due to SLR, etc, etc, etc….
Joe Bastardi has a great daily update video today (7/3 here). Just scroll down to the “Daily Update” video. https://www.weatherbell.com/
He addresses the June temperatures and also the reason why the Hot Spot(s) in the upper troposphere of the tropics have not manifested as required by the global warming theory. Bottom line on that is because there has been a downwelling and drying trend in the upper troposphere of the tropics for many years and he contrast the conditions now to those in the 1950’s. That trend is not the friend of the alarmists. Joe always has great information and knowledge to share. I catch every daily update and Saturday summary video of his I can.
Joe Bastardi, my favorite meteorologist, successfully forecasted the track of Hurricane and later “super storm” Sandy five days before it hit in New Jersey as a post tropical storm. Sandy came ashore less than five miles from where he said it would five days before the event. Joe also predicted that Hurricane Harvey would loop and loiter over the Houston area days before it actually happened and explained why. Joe and Dr. Roy Spencer both took Michael Mann to the woodshed when after Harvey like the typical ambulance chasing scam artist he is when it comes to current weather events, tried to claim that climate change was the reason that hurricane loitered over the Houston area.
He is one of three primary sources I always check when conditions are right for Tropical Storm development that may impact the United States. Actually I pay attention to his long and medium term forecasts for weather anywhere at any time, but when it comes to Tropical storm and cyclone forecasts Joe has been a master for a very long time. One of the keys to his forecast method is using his in depth knowledge of past hurricanes and the weather patterns prevalent at the time to gain insight into a current storms potential for development and the track it is most likely to take. Several times over the years Joe has been at odds with the National Hurricane Center forecast for the development and/or track of a storm and turned out to have been correct.
Joe, like the late Dr. Bill Gray, the father of modern Tropical storm and cyclone forecasting before him, does not buy into the climate change meme and believes our current climate and all weather events associated with it can be explained by natural climate cycles.
So here is a link to an extensive article on the history of Hurricane strikes on the United States Joe has published. I will keep this link because it will be a great tool for debunking the ambulance chasing media and “scientists” that always pop off declaring a hurricane or storm that hits somewhere, but especially the US, was worse because of “climate change”.
Looks like Joe has paywalled everything. Cannot find the daily forecast here or even on his facebook page. Comments on FB appear to show he has stopped daily updates. Shame, it is the interpretting all the raw data which the dumb prols like me need to make sense of it all.
However, I do have serious concerns of any scientist that uses the term “Downwelling”
Go to the link I provided and scroll down to the third page and you’ll find two videos. Left on Daily Update and the Right one Saturday Summary. Those are the free videos. Everything else is on his premium site and only available to those that pay for his forecast service.
Trouble is with the ‘luke warmers’ they do good work but shoot themselves in the foot some times. To much ammo for the alarmists.
Bastardi is no “luke warmer”. He does not buy CO2 changing the climate at all. However, when he see’s those on the anti-human side of climate change making claims that he believes to wrong he states so, and explains why. If not agreeing with those that state we’re starting towards a new ice age, or those that believe that this solar minimum is going to suddenly cool us down as Joe Bastardi does makes me a “luke warmer” in the eyes of some, then so be it. Dr. Spencer believes that CO2 has some very limited but as yet unquantified warming effect on the climate. I don’t agree, but I wouldn’t classify him as a “luke warmer” either.
Certainly not in N. America.
A persistent Modoki El Nino, Warm water blob returns off the Alaskan coast and warm water off the NE coast of the US. All driving more moisture into the air in the temperate regions of the US. Combine that with things like a reduction in the strength of the solar magnetosphere during a solar minimum and we’ve been far wetter than normal during the normally wet spring. If those conditions persist into the winter look out! It’s going to be a rough one for a lot of the US.
RAH, for the past few weeks I’ve been noticing the dark blue / colder-than-usual SST anomaly streaming up the west coast of southern Africa – the Benguela Current – chilling the Atlantic’s equatorial birthing-place of summer el hurricanes while the CDAS Niño 3.4 Index dropped below zero last week –
Talking of the COLD Benguela Current off Namibia, here’s a 2-minute ride of a dude surfing the most perfect left-hand wave at Skeleton Bay –
That has to be the most awesome surfing video I have ever seen.
The natural world is astounding and man is at the pinnacle of that nature.
Epic, isn’t it? Reinforces my
beliefunderstanding G•d’s a surfer and a goofyfoot… hoot!Antarctic storm-driven swells surge up the Atlantic Ocean then bend around a desert-blown sandspit, hot as Hades though the ocean is cold, and in their fleeting dying moments as they collapse upon the shore, a keen aqua-man slots into the roiling boiling coiling eye of the storm… and comes out alive… freaking awesome all right.
Watching waves bend and warp and refract around coastlines is like watching pure mathematics in action: there’s no falseness nor fakery nor ego – unlike IPCC et al. gravy-train cult hoppers and followers – it just is. Astounding. Glad you enjoyed it GW.
By “look out” for the coming winter if these conditions persist I’m talking the potential for a winter like that of 2004-5. That year was hell on this truck driver that was doing a lot of runs to the east and north east at that time. The morning after the city of Boston, MA set it’s all time single day snow accumulation record I was sent into the city to pick up a load in a place east of the Bunker Hill Memorial. Snow was plowed up 8′ high on the side walks and for a time I was creeping along behind people walking on the 4-6″ of snow still on the street. It was an adventure getting in and out of there because so many ramps and roads were closed.
BTW Boston is the city where the most expensive municipal public construction project ever in the US was completed. They called it “the big dig” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Dig. Imagine that! A very socialist eastern city siting right on the coast digging miles of tunnels below sea level with entrances and exits to the tunnels close to the coast. Now governments do stupid wasteful things sometimes but if they really believed the Bull about sea level rise would they have done that? I think not.
Alarmists are over the moon,
With their Warmest Yet same warmest tune,
When the facts clearly state,
That the high ’98,
Was but one of those warmer in June.
Can anyone explain the temperature scale on the GISP2 Ice Chart cos ‘El Thicko’ here can’t make it out. It appears to me to be ass backwards or some-such.
“Not the hottest ever June, 1998 was hotter and so was most of the last half billion years”
And CO2 had virtually nothing to do with it! https://imgur.com/mpMnRZh
The last few threads have brought out aspects of the current world focus on climate change that effectively brings it all together.
The Science, the money, the disinformation, the sham leadership, the ugly manipulation of humanity are all there.
This particular thread drives the final nail in the coffin of “The Science”.
Many have contributed to the wider picture of the global warming industry, it’s beneficiaries, it’s current propagators, those who lose from it and those who gain.
The evidence of distortion in society created by the global warming religion is now on view but unfortunately few are able to “see”.
The MalEx444 syndrome is repeated around the world and hidden from the unsuspecting serfs by the insidious government sponsored disinformation programs that are are paradoxically paid for by the hardworking serfs.
That people are waking up despite the best efforts of the elites is shewn by recent events like Trumpit, Brexit, Yellow Vestit.
That we have a long road to eventual freedom is obvious; the question is can we make it out from under with media largely in the hands of the Elites who are floating along on the taxing of our efforts.
Its only speculation but I believe Murdoch and Catalano will ultimately force aunty’s hand on climate change.
Not just that, but the whole Progressive politics thing. AntiFA black masked thugs are the Fascists. It’s interesting that Malcolm Turnbull’s group was the Black Hand. Global warming is not true. Climate Change is a science free fear created by progressives. Open borders is being resisted around the world as it is simply economic migration, often by the very extremists countries are fighting to stop. Most importantly, painting the ordinary people as uneducated ignorant deplorables is backfiring in the US, UK and everywhere. The Elites are being pushed out of Pyne’s ‘Winner’s Circle’ into retirement or obscurity as their version of democracy fails and the people fight back through the ballot box.
Meanwhile in Venezuela, the man with the guns Maduro is hanging on, turning an oil rich state into another Cuba, with Cuba’s help. Anyone who thinks Socialism is democracy with sharing has only to look at Venezuela. Strange that no one calls Maduro a fascist?
Climate Change is still the rallying call of the vendors of a world government (UN), a European government (EU) or the would be Green governments, but it is obviously neither true nor the most important thing on the minds of most people. Especially in Australia where the Prime rate is down to 1%. At 0%, the govenment has nothing left in its bag of tricks to stimulate the economy, being strangled by the RET and Climate Change.
We can hope.
When the constant cry is; “we must act now!”, there is a need for someone to say, hang on, let’s look at it properly.
The one thing a government could do to stimulate the economy is to take back control of the means of production from the communist Greens. Repeal the RET and electricity prices would halve overnight.
That would put more back in the pockets of workers than their tax cuts, which are nothing more than removal of a tax grab. All those heavy industries which have been demolished in the last ten years by Climtae Change could start again. Manufacturing locally would be profitable again. It was our great advantage, the world’s cheapest power. Like Venezuela, we have been impoverished by the elites, to their benefit.
We do not need any more windmills. People can pay for their own solar panels. No one wants their lunchtime solar and paying for it is just virtue signalling with our money. The whole scam would fall apart without the ‘subsidies’ which are nothing more than legalized theft from the poor.
No more windmills. No money to windmill or solar owners. There is no man made warming. It was always a lie.
As for the IPCC, man Climate Change is their reason for living, the way the World Meteorological Socieity acheived massive funding by the United Nation Of course they have pushed Climate Change and Global warming and James Hansen and Al Gore were more than happy to help themselves to fame and fortune.
Does anyone believe it? Does Tim Flannery believe it? I would have to say no.
The newly elected Liberal Government says it wants to put more money into the hands of ordinary citizens who will rush out and spend it and stimulate the economy. It might work but I think that the average citizen, once he/she/etc has paid their increased (faster than inflation) electricity bill, the increased (faster than inflation) Council rates, their increased (faster than inflation) State government charges and costs, that they won’t have any stimulation left.
e.g. My electricity supplier has just told me that their charge will go up 5% (faster than inflation) with a little bit on the side of 18.5% increase (faster than inflation) in the daily charge. The local Council is foreshadowing an increase in rates (faster than inflation) due to increased charges by the State Gov. for rubbish disposal (but they would have been higher than inflation as they have been for years anyway). My (about to be ex-)bank has raised the interest rate on my credit card (faster than inflation) etc. The State Government has 3 years before the next election so it has increased fees, fines, charges by SURPRISE! faster than inflation.
I am sure all these institutions think they deserve these rises but there won’t be much, if anything, left over for stimulating the economy. And the ordinary citizen hasn’t seen his wages rise faster than inflation for years. There will come a time when he looks around for a big club to TRUMP those grabbing “theirs”.
Graeme, that’s the core plank that the “people” can’t see because they don’t believe there could be corruption in elected government.
An excellent appraisal of the core business of modern governments at all levels; to extract the maximum possible in taxes, charges and surcharges so that their employment and conditions are well funded.
The progressive collapse of employment and substitution with faux education and increased “social security benefits” has bought governments some time, but I think that the wall is not far away. Our society is a serious mess, not least because of the difficulty in getting a job. Most of our productive work has been exported as politicians have avoided facing the real world.
There is a world outside of Twitter, Facebook, “university” (aren’t I the smart one doing a degree in Enhanced Social Awareness) and after that the joys of regular visits to the Social security office.
Poor Fella My Country. Poor Fella My Country.
Out in the Country most folks know the climate of their part of Oz.
For example you there at Woodside in SA, knowing the climate is just part of living
It’s the big cities where people are most disconnected.
Air conditioned ( cooled & warmed ) work stations
And A/C’d homes means real experience of the daily weather cycles are minimised.
So we face a situation quite unlike Fraser’s Poor fella My Country”.
More like ” Poor Big City Fellas”
Read Professor Linzen’s paper on the conscious efforts to politicize climate-change science, the most impressive being the creation of the IPCC by 2 UN bodies, the UN Environmental Panel and the World Meteorological Organization.
Great paper. However the WMO was founded in 1950. This was their chance to get into the giant money and party trough that the UN became.
All they had to do was invent a worldwide scare involving all the countries of the world. Man Made Climate Change was the idea, as embedded in the name. Global Warming or Global Cooling, you had to have something everyone could do. Global Warming and CO2 was a natural fit. Fake but on the surface it seems reasonable to the layman. Pollution. Has to be stopped. After radiation, cadmium, mercury, lead, CO2 was the next big scare.
“After radiation, cadmium, mercury, lead, CO2 was the next big scare” – just don’t mention the termites!
Kind of rhymes with meteorites. Be afwaid, vewy vewy afwaid. 😉
Try “Desertification: exploding the myth” by D.S.G. Thomas and N.J. Middleton and see if that looks like a trial run for CAGW
“Desertification: exploding the myth”
“This controversial book argues that the reality of the expanding desert is not so much an objective scientific fact as a political, social and observational construct. Examines the origin of the desertification myth, how it spawned multimillion dollar research initiatives and became a leading environmental issue”
Yes, environmentalism as opportunism. As universities exploded under a Labor government because Universities were seen as a privilege, not a merited qualification, many third rate sciences were created. And these needed funding. Ecology became much more than biology and zoology but an overarching science which perversely is now against Darwinian evolution in insisting humans interfere with and even stop natural changes and refuse to have any impact on the environment themselves. So farming and mining are forbidden. Even dams and water management. Deserts must be pristine. Forests must be left in place. No introduced species, when in fact there is nothing much to eat in Australia without introduced species.
In other words, Progressive politics. The People against Absolutely Everything. At your great expense.
The MSM, politics and science hold up the AGW facade, clearly the media is the soft underbelly.
Rohan Dean’s satire is acquired here and elsewhere, keep up the good work, we are about to change the course of political history.
Rowan Dean is very refreshing to listen to. Also Andrew Bolt, Rita Panahi, Paul Murray, etc. Three cheers for them all; they do give people like me a voice. 🙂
The political brilliance of attaching Sky to WIN and going free to air in the bush, kept the Coalition in power. History will acknowledge the hand of Lachlan Murdoch in exposing aunty’s left of centre bias and propaganda.
Future editorial policy of the rural press mob under Catalano is still unknown, but I know for a fact that he believes in VFT and decentralisation, otherwise he wouldn’t have bought the old stable.
This fake news was reported over our local radio station between two announcers, I couldn’t resist and called the station to correct them but only got a message through reception.
Sceptic tip, don’t use the word stenographer when debating media warmists, ironically they don’t know what it means.
In case you missed it …
Re-elected Senator Malcolm Roberts: Paul Murray asks me how I am going to tackle climate change and climate change politics this time round.
“We’re going to end this scam ……..”
Thanks for that. It was on after Sky News on Win finished for us that evening. We just get the first 55 mins. Our rural area gets the programme on ch.84; others on ch.83.
Somewhat O/T
“Delingpole: RIP Christopher Booker, the World’s Greatest Climate Change Sceptic”
And while you are there
RIP C Booker.
Can’t afford to lose people of integrity like Christopher Booker.
Must read his books. Keep the legacy alive.
Your 2nd graph shows a “Minoan Warming” peaking at 3343 years before 1950 AD.
A first find about this is here:
Title ==> “Climate change and the demise of Minoan civilization”
“. . . an El Nino, which is characterized by a large warm spot over the tropical Pacific Ocean. This surface warming is large enough to interact with the atmosphere, which is then modified and brings significant weather changes all over the world. These ENSO teleconnections are established via complex mechanisms . . .”
insert lots of stuff ==>
“. . . climate change instigated by an intense El Nino activity contributed to the demise and eventual disappearance of the Minoan civilization.”
Now I’m off searching and reading.
I’m old enough to remember when summer floods in Paris where a result of carbon (sic) …
10 June 2016: Paris floods made almost twice as likely by [global warming], say scientists
Hordes of mindless know-nothing child-like zombies marching and chanting in the streets of the world’s major western cities *made almost twice as likely by caca-cuckoo hysterical scamentists* observed sceptical realists as they got on with their lives.
Tony Heller aka Steven Goddard drops the hammer on this hottest June on record Bull Hockey: https://realclimatescience.com/2019/07/coolest-wettest-january-june-on-record-in-the-us/
Thanks Jo, Roy Spencer’s article on this subject is a must read.
Observational proof of climate change (global cooling), a large high pressure sitting atop Hobart. Its in the wrong place for this time of year.
Yes, EG that is unusual.
But there is strong low pushing Eastwards
Looks like that Low will push the high to the South
(Which is very unusual indeed ! )
As it brings rain and more windy cold weather
On the weekend.
Its apparent the subtropical ridge has lost intensity, otherwise it wouldn’t be pushed around by low pressure troughs and fronts.
A wayward jetstream and out of phase blocking highs, surely requires an explanation from BoM …… crickets.
The reef is fine. That is starting to be accepted after Dr. Ridd’s great victory. He was fired for telling the truth, which cuts two ways. Firstly Labor and the Unions would support his reinstatement. Secondly, the unacceptable truth was that the reef is fine. Both are shaking up the country.
Now it’s fascinating that the Greens are hunting for an alternative to windmills and solar. Bill Gates is quoted freely as saying there is no battery technology adequate to store renewables or which even comes close. Except of course for Malcolm Turnbull’s insane $6Bn to $12Bn water battery. Almost as good as our desalination plants. As expensive as they are useless and unnecessary.
The Greens are starting admit the only non coal alternative is nuclear but like fossil fuels, abhorrent.
So they have no solution to the needs of the voters. The fact that they are talking like this means that Global Warming is dead, Climate Change is on life support, the coral reef is fine and people are voting conservative and the Green vote is static or falling, except in inside the Latte circle and the propeller hat brigade and the ABC/SBS/Fairfax where everybody agrees with everybody else anyway.
Once the Green vote falls, Labor will distance themselves. It’s not as if the Greens are ever going to preference the Conservatives as Malcolm Turnbull expected, his great vision for destroying the Labor enemies who refused him as leader. Malcolm had a dream to destroy both Labor and the Liberals with Turnbull’s Liberals, his version of Liberal which was pure socialism with Malcolm as President of Australia and statues of Malcolm and Lucy in every home.
With the boats stopped, Adani going ahead quickly, the weather fickle and the vote dropping, the Greens will get desperate. Meanwhile rudderless Albanese with the charisma of blotting paper is taking their uneasy coalition nowhere. Which is why Bob Brown thinks he can get back into politics.
It’s all going nicely, if only the Morrison government would terminate the RET. Even the plastics recycling businesses might start up again, using coal power. Even manufacturing would return to Australia as it needs only two things, cheap power and raw materials.
Me thinks that Los Angeles is not listening to Bill Gates. “Solar Power Triumph: Los Angeles Announces The End of Fossil Fuel”
The Greens are not finished yet. In today’s Herald Sun, Andrew Bolt has a piece about Bob Brown on Monday launched a crowd funding page to raise $500,000 to buy land near the Adani mine to set up a camp to train activists and plan protests against Adani so people can keep protecting their country and put their bodies on the line because “mass civil disobedience” is the last line of defence to stop Adani. So far the fund has raised $6500. As Mr Bolt says “mass civil disobedience” means breaking the law. So far the fund has raised $6500.
It would be good if someone could tie up the proposed land use in the courts, in the same way that the Greens and other environmental groups have tied up Adani and other organisations for years.
Lets see if it works. The Greens usually have their hands deep in other people’s pockets, not their own.
And the usual offenders, the lefty Councils might have second thoughts about doing something criminal and just handing over Council cash when they
have no right to do so. Even they know the Council’s money is not theirs to gift to crowd funding. That should have been true for Malcolm’s $444million too, but everyone is trying to bury the memory of mad Malcolm. We still want our money back.
Another Ian – comment #24
many thanks for posting the superb and heartfelt tribute to Christopher Booker by James Delingpole.
it is so perfect, I don’t even want to read any other obits for now.
sad he has gone, but he will most definitely not be forgotten.
his book – The Great Global Warming Disaster: Is the Obsession with ‘Climate Change’ Turning Out to be the Most Costly Blunder in History? – is already a classic.
Tony Heller discusses this as well.
O/T…but good for limiting emissions….and freedoms….
Hmm…no black box, no rego?
Sorry…I was welding on my car and the MIG pulses must have messed up the electronics….oh dear….
“Now the European Union has announced it will make a raft of car safety aids mandatory, including introducing speed limiters, questions turn to whether Australia will follow suit.
“In late March, the EU made it compulsory from 2022 for cars to be equipped with intelligent speed adaptation and an automated system designed to detect drink driving. Technology to identify distraction and drowsiness will also be fitted, as will a “black box” collision recorder and more other safety goodies.
“It is possible Australia will join Europe by introducing some measures, especially as testing and assessment protocols at our own car safety programme, ANCAP, have since last year been aligned with those of its European counterpart, Euro NCAP, apart from some minor differences to meet local regulatory standards, according to the vehicle tester.
“ANCAP says this won’t happen any time soon, however, and limiting speeds would only have a “small effect” on accident-related injuries.
““ANCAP supports moves to mandate important safety aids, but the regulatory process can take time,” James Goodwin, its chief executive, told The Motor Report.
“While the press have jumped on the idea that the mandated technology will limit speeds, the devices proposed by the EU will actually use so-called “intelligent speed adaptation” (ISA) software, which ANCAP stresses can usually be overridden or switched off.
““Limiting the maximum speed of vehicles would likely have only a small effect on trauma levels as the majority of serious and fatal crashes in Australia occur at speeds that are below the maximum posted speed limit,” ANCAP said in a statement.
““However, various studies have shown greater potential benefits from systems like ISA, which assist drivers in travelling at a speed that is appropriate for the situation and/or below the posted speed limit.”
Reading between the lines, the body responsible for vehicle safety in Australia, which is also closely aligned to its European counterpart, will favour a technology that has been shown to save lives.
OriginalSteve –
there’ll be no letting up in the EU Parliament:
3 Jul: EurActiv: In defiance of European Council, Parliament elects Italian Socialist as new president
By Alexandra Brzozowski and Beatriz Rios
MEPs elected Sassoli with 345 votes in the second secret ballot, trumping over Greens candidate Ska Keller (119), ECR’s Jan Zahradil (160) and GUE/NGL’s Sira Rego (43) after no candidate got an absolute majority in the first round…
The need to reform the Dublin asylum system for stronger solidarity in managing migration, a more ambitious environmental policy to tackle the challenges that climate change creates and response to young people claims are among the new president’s priorities…
3 Jul: TheLocalItaly: AFP: Who is David Sassoli, the new Italian president of the European Parliament?
The sober intellectual will not be an ally of the populist coalition currently ruling in Rome.
Born in Florence on May 30th, 1956, father-of-two Sassoli studied political science before starting work as a newspaper and news agency journalist. He began working for national broadcaster Rai in 1992, rising through the ranks to become a familiar face for millions of Italians, presenting the evening news on the main channel, of which he also became deputy director…
“I have not completely abandoned my journalist career, I still collaborate in an active way with various dailies and periodicals,” he writes…
“If you put your trust in me, we will fight together for a parliament that is modern, more transparent, environmentally sound, accessible to citizens,” he promised fellow MEPs ahead of the vote on his nomination…
Electing a socialist might be akin to putting the EU “fire” out with a bucket of petrol?
But in something resembling the Keystone Cops …..BUT …..Victoria now doesnt have anough reliable power to be able to charge them – ha ha!!
All you need tobe as a crook is a ptrol vehicle…and wait until the wall wart on wheels runs out of electrons……you cant make this stuff up….. 🙂
“The Tesla Model X will join the department’s Road Policing Command where it will be used for highway patrol duties. This is the first all-electric vehicle to be used for such duties in Australia.
“Victoria Police’s Road Policing Command assistant commissioner, Stephen Leane, says that electric cars could be the future of road policing in the southern state and the whole country.
Not much a future them…2/10…must try harder…..
Different area but
“An amateur, natural gas-defaming propaganda “report” by six motley Rockefeller-backed researchers captures global media attention – how does this happen?”
read all:
3 Jul: Weekly Times: SA researchers changed Murray Darling Basin Plan science
EXCLUSIVE: THE science behind the Murray Darling Basin Plan is based on the work of three South Australian researchers who altered their past findings to back the claim the state’s Lake Alexandrina has been fresh for the past 7000 years…
The 2009 report, which was not peer-reviewed, formed the foundation of the South Australian Government’s argument the lake must be kept fresh, which was eventually enshrined as a key objective of the 2012 Murray Darling Basin Plan — to always keep salinity in the lake at less than 1500EC (seawater is about 50,000EC)…
Minister for Water Resources David Littleproud: “All science is contested and I loathe to enter scientific debate, however changes of language do concern me. I’ll be requesting more information on this.”…
3 Jul: Weekly Times Op-ed: Altering science to freshen lake rubs salt in irrigators’ wounds
SCIENCE matters, as it gives us the evidence to help underpin decisions ranging from vaccinating our children to investing $13 billion in the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
That’s why we should be alarmed at revelations University of Adelaide researchers altered their original 2007 findings to claim “there is no evidence in the 7000-year record of substantial marine incursions into Lake Alexandrina”…READ ALL
Paywalled pat !
So balloons in the troposphere agree with the UHA’s satellite measurements of the self same troposphere, and both disagree with the SAT records. Gosh – measuring different things aren’t they. As to the poorly sited SAT Stations, can you report on how many of the total are in that category?
Now about the warming trends. Can you confirm that under this model, every single temperature measured has to be higher than the average for the day, month, and year. This is what you are implying.
” can you report on how many of the total are in that category?”
Nearly all !
Now PF, can you provide ANY evidence that any of the slight but beneficial atmospheric warming, taking us slightly further out of the coldest period in 10,000 years, is from human causes.
We do know a lot of the surface warming is from human causes.. like UHI and data manipulation.
Do you continue to DENY that the world is still very much in a cooler period of the last 10,000 year of the current interglacial ?
Yes Andy I can – https://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/briefs/lacis_01/
As to the cooler period, are you sure about that?
WOW, that is HILARIOUS is you think that is anything resembling scientific evidence.
“This climate modeling experiment “
You have GOT to be joking , PF ,
… or purposely trying to show yourself up as a monumental idiot.
And are you really DENYING that we are only a small bump out of the coldest period in 10,000 years, and way below most of that period.
Seems you are a classic CLIMATE CHANGE DEN!ER, PF.
Or just wilfully and deliberately ignorant in a mindless attention-seeking troll attempt..
Sir … word around the traps is that ENSO is the temperature knob and has nought to do with CO2. You know the story, El Nino warms the planet and Nina cools, so we can say for sure that temperatures will fall dramatically late next year with a strong back to back Nina.
‘Since the 1960’s the early solar minimum is associated with La Niña conditions, the late solar minimum is associated with El Niño conditions, and the rapid increase from minimum to maximum is associated to La Niña conditions again.’
El Gordo, yep I agree for us ENSO drives most of what we call weather. However, I’m not a sanguine about that prediction of your’s. I would suggest that we’ll see neutral ENSO for at least another 6 months to a year.
As to CO2 and it’s influence on ENSO, I would suggest that it might, via its contribution to atmospheric heating, have the effect of moving the peaks and troughs higher, but not really changing anything else. I’m approaching this from the point of view that more heat equals more energy available in the ENSO system. So we might see more extreme events.
My point is that in a well mixed but chaotic system like the atmosphere, you will never see a simple year on year rise in temperature, which is what that temp plot shows, while it also shows a clear trend upwards.
“I would suggest that it might, via its contribution to atmospheric heating”
There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO EVIDENCE that CO2 contributes to atmospheric warming in any way whatsoever.
STOP writing mindless unproven anti-science gibberish.
“while it also shows a clear trend upwards”
Again, you show your inept INABILITY to comprehend that the ONLY warming happens during El Nino events.
Not even you are anti-science / ignorant enough to suggest that increased atmospheric CO2 causes or influences El Ninos.
Or are you. !!
“So we might see more extreme events.”
But we HAVEN’T.
Cyclones, NOPE
Hurricanes, NOPE
Heat Waves, NOPE
More yelling and ranting from the MSM and the AGW scammers…. YEP !!
Climate has been particularly benign thanks to the warming out of the LIA.
As the cooling sets in over the next few years, THEN we may see more extreme events.
‘As to CO2 and it’s influence on ENSO …’
Let me reassure you and anyone else who may have dropped in late, rumour to the effect that a warmer environment, caused by industrial CO2, is somehow influential in ENSO behaviour is simply wrong.
‘So we might see more extreme events.’
The irony is that global cooling causes extreme events and not global warming. Read a little history, Hubert Lamb is a good starting point at 1200 AD, climate change on this planet is terrifying.
A strong La Nina in 2020-21 is the empirical evidence I need to prove CO2 is not part of the equation, it has astronomical dimensions.
FP says;
“while it also shows a clear trend upwards”.
And I ask;
From where?
The Science Free global warming trick of not specifying the time scale.
And this “Mr. Lacis” claims to be a scientist.
For one thing, figure one shows graphically two things labelled as “forcings”.
There’s no such thing as a forcing in science.
But of course this paper is very old, and so is the idea of globul warming; it was always just a joke.
lets look at the percentage of “good” sites in the USA
Approximately 92% in category 3 or worse.
And anyone who thinks the rest of the world is any better, is probably brain-dead. !
One of the GISS efforts
“GIStemp- Dumber than a Tomato!
I’m adopting this “tag line” about tomatoes due to the simple fact that my tomato garden is a more accurate reporter of the temperature than is GIStemp. ”
headline on ABC “Just In” page:
Nothing makes sun-baked West Australians lose their minds like a rare flurry of snow
ABC Great Southern By Ellie Honeybone and Gianni Di Giovanni
actual headline (no idea why this is written, except it provides an opportunity to repeat “extreme”:
4 Jul: ABC: Snow has been falling in Western Australia since records began
ABC Great Southern By Ellie Honeybone and Gianni Di Giovanni
John Byrne is the treasurer of the Bluff Knoll Ski Club and said the attraction of snowfall comes from it being a weather event people would usually have to fly interstate to experience.
“You can get it right here, the snow — it’s only one or two inches, but while you’re there especially if your up there and it’s actually snowing, it’s a great feeling,” he said.
***”I’ve heard people say, locals who’ve lived here their whole lives, that it’s snowing more than it used to, but also I think the forecasts are better and people are getting up there more often and documenting it…
Luke Coney is the District Parks and Visitor Services Coordinator for the Parks and Wildlife Service and said the weather conditions which create snow are ***extreme…
“Any time that snow is forecast by the Bureau, then you are considering that you have ***extreme conditions and it’s not favourable to have a lot of people running around up on ***extreme environments.”…
(The Bureau of Meteorology WA media and communication manager, Neil) Bennett said from a meteorologist’s point of view, snow adds to a pretty comprehensive list of noteworthy WA weather events.
“The exciting part of snow is that we have all the ***extremes of weather here in the west,” he said…
Mr Bennett and his team will be closely monitoring a cold front that is approaching the south of WA this coming weekend and brings the possibility of yet another snow event…
The heading; ” 1998 was hotter and so was most of the last half billion years”.
I read it and got the message that was intended, let’s think about whether we really have created a dangerous hot world.
Then later the detail. Of the last half a billion years, sure, the interglacials may have been hotter but the bulk of the time has been spent in the deep freeze???
The single most important thing to be learned from ice cores, tree rings, sediments, caves etc is that climate is volatile. It is of no importance that global climate is cooling or warming right now because it will soon be doing the opposite. You may as well open the champagne because your team kicked a behind in the opening seconds of a game. It’s that pointless.
Even if you believe that temp can be measured globally, the simple existence of cloud makes the data meaningless. You may well get lower maxima in a warming world…because cloud, duh.
But the most critical point to make about “global warming” is that, even if it is real and measurable, it is utterly trivial. Global warming that needs to be proven and measured does not and cannot matter because such slight variations have never failed to occur. May as well fret over the tendency of the sun to shine more at midday than at six in the arvo. These variations cannot not occur.
Mind you, a Holocene Optimum at its quickest onset would have been worth writing home about…if you could find a dry spot.
Something else which wasn’t supposed to happen but did….
Six years ago we were told rising energy prices (due to RET) had closed the Norsk aluminium smelter, with several commentators agreeing.
Three years ago our leading rabble-rouser commentator “Craig Thomas” denied the shuttering was due to renewables but agreed that aluminium smelters were “shutting up shop”.
For a long time the talk around Jonovaville was that renewables would and did shut down aluminium production here.
Suddenly, exports of aluminium production from Australia are up 350%. The only change on the horizon that might alter this export boom is White House political power not Rooftop renewable power.
How does one explain this? While the carbon price was chucked, the RET (small and large) remains. Quite possibly tales of doom and gloom are typically overstated no matter who says them.
Andrew, the Norsk Aluminium smelter at Kurri is shown as losing 350 jobs. I believe that the full time total lost was nearer 1200 with a great many more part time and local support jobs gone.
Misinformation fed to the public?
Bauxite, Queensland
Lots of coal fired power.. Queensland
Maybe they are supplying direct without going through the RET.?
During the most recent ice age the Murray Darling Basin was awash and temperatures were cooler than now, but generally the system was stable.
‘A period of wetter climate and abundance arrived about 60,000 years ago. Rainfall in the Great Dividing Range sent the ancestral Lachlan River down the Willandra Creek channel to fill the lakes. Full lakes, climatic stability and abundance lasted for the next 20,000 years. Humans appeared in the geological record for the first time towards the end of this period. The western dunes were vegetated and stable, the lakes were surrounded by woodlands.’
So we would be looking at low evaporation in a cooler climate for the increase in wetness.
I know that compared to the northern hemisphere Australia had very little ice during that last deep freezes, but there’s something that I want to ask any geologists about.
Driving to Canberra from Sydney there are large areas that appear to show the channelling and scouring of land by an ice field.
When did this happen, anybody know?
Barrows et al covered the LGM in Australia.
At that time the highlands of New Guinea would also have been glaciated.
The New Guinea Highlands were glaciated for awhile.
That link didn’t work, so here is the gist of it.
‘The highlands of New Guinea were the most extensively glaciated area in the Asian tropical region during the Late Pleistocene. Evidence for glaciation is widespread on most of the mountain peaks above ~3500 m. Glacial landforms include both valley and ice cap forms, but the timing of glaciation remains constrained to only a few local areas.
‘The maximum ice extent was attained during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and that ice remained near its maximum extent until after 15 ka but persisted at higher elevations almost until the Holocene. These results are similar to those described from Mt Giluwe to the northwest of Mount Wilhelm, where an ice cap reached its maximum extent at the LGM and remained there for around 3-4,000 years. This indicates that full glacial conditions were only brief in this region of the tropics.’
E G when Iwas much younger I climbed Mt Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia.
It is the highest mountain in South East Asia- ~ 13700 feet !
When I got to the ‘summit’ I was amazed to see this huge semi circular, vertical chasm
on the North side named by the locals “Low’s Gully”.
It plunged down thousands of feet
And was smooth bare rock with a few out crops.
I thought there must have been a glacier here.
But when I asked the local guide he knew nothing about such a thing.
The climate is Tropical was his comment !
Going back in time it was glaciated, not sure about the Last Glacial Maximum.
‘During the Pleistocene Epoch of about 100,000 years ago, the massive mountain was covered by huge sheets of ice and glaciers which flowed down its slopes, scouring its surface in the process.’ wiki
“. . . there are large areas that appear to show the channelling and scouring of land by an ice field.”
Where Keith? It all seems like rolling hills typical of the underlying granite belt to me. Just normal granite geomorphology, similar to basalt areas but with added granite tors here and there where the overlying softer sedimentary rock has weathered away.
Granite breaks down into coarse sand plus clay with reasonably high sodium content. This makes granite soils somewhat prone to erosion and you can get exposed, bare sections of the pluton like up at Bald Rock near Tenterfield just south of the QLD border. Similar geology to the southern tablelands. Bald Rock has never been under ice. No glacial score marks etc.
Incidentally up until the late 60s there used to be a glacial erratic boulder near Rutherford Pub in Maitland. Now long gone, the area under houses. I can’t remember which epoch that belonged to. The Hunter has some quite complex and interesting geology like a massive volcano centred on Aberdeen that blasted a pyroclastic flow about 110km all the way down to northern Maitland where it formed ignimbrites. Now THAT is a pyroclastic flow. Makes Vesuvius look like a toy.
Thanks Beowulf,
That’s a good explanation. I looked at the rounded topography that seemed to sit between hills on either side on the section approaching Lake George. So, no ice flows?, just natural erosion.
Lake George is fascinating. Once a year I drive to Canberra and am always impressed with the structure.
It’s a very multivariate situation. Their evidence is lots of pooled water. Okay, but lots of variables affect the water cycle. I remember reading somewhere that evaporation rates (at least out at sea) are proportional (amongst other things) to the cube of the wind speed. The cube!
For soil on land, or lakes, it’s not unreasonable to assume a similar relation.
So if global circulation patterns and cloud cover were even a litte bit different 60kya you might only need a small amount more rainfall to produce the lakes. It’s not a linear system.
If they have separate line of evidence establishing heavy rainfall, that’s fair enough.
The period from 59,000 bp to 41,000 was a time of atmospheric stability (cooler and wetter than now) before sliding into the cold dry LGM.
Its no coincidence that the Sahel region in Africa was a lot wetter 50,000 years ago, trees replaced grasses. Apparently it has something to do with the Atlantic Overturning Circulation (AOC), but I haven’t had a close look.
on jo’s previous “Coral reef” thread, I posted – comment #25 with followup – BBC’s Roger Harrabin’s embarrassing, but unsurprising, tweet re a Medium.com article by Iggy Ostanin (spooky Bellingcat), who claims he’s proved Russians hacked the Climategate emails, & he has passed the evidence on to the UK’s National Crime Agency. pure BS.
anti-Trump Esquire’s anti-Trump political columnist, Charles Pierce, has almost the same story, but from a Jan/Feb 2018 Mother Jones article angle. (remember Mother Jones/Spygate/Coupgate connections). Pierce is a lefty, who has been published by much of the FakeNews, e.g.
Wikipedia: Pieerce also wrote for ESPN’s Grantland. He has also written for The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Boston Globe Sunday magazine, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Sports Illustrated, The National Sports Daily, GQ, and the e-zine Slate as well as the Media Matters blog Altercation, hosted by historian/pundit Eric Alterman.
Pierce makes appearances on radio as a regular contributor to NPR programs Only A Game and Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!
1 Jul: Esquire: Many Conservative Media Types Will Happily Ally Themselves With Russian Ratf*ckers
They’ve done it before, and they will do it again.
By Charles P. Pierce
Moreover, there’s ample proof that conservative activists in this country are quite content to ally themselves with Russian ratfckers. Those same ratfckers, you may recall, played an integral role in creating one of the more effective actual hoaxes regarding the climate crisis—the ClimateGate “scandal.” From Mother Jones (LINK):
(excerpt) Seven years earlier, Trump was riffing on a very different set of hacked emails. The real estate mogul had called into Fox News after a blizzard to declare that climate change was a hoax. Trump claimed that “one of the leaders of global warming” had recently admitted in a private email that years of scientific research were nothing but “a con.”
Trump was referring to the 2009 Climategate scandal, in which emails from climate scientists were hacked and disseminated across the internet. Climate change deniers claimed the messages showed scientists engaging in misconduct and fabricating a warming pattern that didn’t really exist. Multiple investigations ultimately exonerated the researchers, but not before a media firestorm undercut public confidence in the science—just as world leaders were meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, to attempt to rein in greenhouse gas emissions…
Jan/Feb 2018: Mother Jones: 7 Years Before Russia Hacked the Election, Someone Did the Same Thing to Climate Scientists
“Why does this story sound so darned familiar?”
by Rebecca Leber and AJ Vincens
One Saturday morning in June, two days after the president had announced his intention to withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris climate agreement, Michael Mann was tweeting about Donald Trump.
Mann, a Penn State professor who is one of the world’s most prominent climate scientists, was thinking about the daily barrage of revelations surrounding Russia’s efforts to help Trump win the previous year’s election…
“#Russia #Wikileaks #HackedEmails #Sabotaged #ClimateAgreements,” tweeted Mann. “Why does this story sound so darned familiar?”
Seven years earlier, Trump was riffing on a very different set of hacked emails. The real estate mogul had called into Fox News after a blizzard to declare that climate change was a hoax. Trump claimed that “one of the leaders of global warming” had recently admitted in a private email that years of scientific research were nothing but “a con.”…
Trump was referring to the 2009 Climategate scandal, in which emails from climate scientists were hacked and disseminated across the internet. Climate change deniers claimed the messages showed scientists engaging in misconduct and fabricating a warming pattern that didn’t really exist…
In hindsight, the Climategate hack, clearly timed to disrupt the Copenhagen negotiations, looks like a precursor to the hack that helped shape the outcome of the 2016 election. That’s how John Podesta, the Clinton campaign chairman whose stolen emails were posted on WikiLeaks in the final weeks of the campaign, sees it…
Podesta, a leading advocate of climate action during the Obama years, describes Climategate as an early example of hackers conspiring “to take the fruits of illegal behavior, weaponize them, then use them in a political context.” And though the emails contained no evidence of scientific misconduct, Podesta notes, climate change deniers successfully used them to “change public perception and increase skepticism about the need for action at a pivotal moment.”…
in Iggy’s article, he refers to exactly the same Fox News/Neil Cavuto Show appearance by Trump in Feb 2010 (to be heard near end of the mocking video in the Mother Jones article).
funny business.
In 1948 a 125,000 year old wooden spear was found in Lehringen, Germany – inside the skeleton of an elephant. That wild elephants were roaming northern Europe in the last interglacial suggests a significantly warmer climate then. Unless the elephant escaped from a caveman circus…
There’s not much dispute that the last interglacial, the Eemian, got warmer than this present one for a bit. It’s one of those off-script things we’re allowed to know but not to mention. “Not for General Exhibition” as they used to say in an era of much milder censorship than now.
All the previous interglacials were warmer than the Holocene, the Younger Dryas cut us short but has given this interglacial a longer life span. The asteroid was well placed.
Archaic homo sapiens in Europe, dating back 400,000 years, extraordinary. Presumably they were in contact with their Neanderthal cousins.
“Archaic homo sapiens in Europe, dating back 400,000 years”
Gees, its taken a while to get where we are…
And now the Greenie agenda wants to send us back there…
Undoing 400,000 years of development.
In the most recent epoch it’s almost a given that Neanderthal man was driven towards the equator by ice and ended up in the territory of the occupants near Gibraltar. Was that Cromagnon territory?
Mr. N was seriously adapted to the cold North but had problems in the area he was pushed to.
The was news today about a volcano eruption on the Italian island of Stromboli. Wouldn’t be surprised to hear the likes of AOC and Greta claiming that climate change was responsible
Global Average Temperatures (GAT) is pure folly.
EU’s rising carbon prices fuels industrial output exodus
Financial Times – 4 Jul 2019
4 Jul: Carbon Pulse: NZ farmers push back against zero carbon bill
New Zealand’s main farming lobby has rejected the government’s target for methane emission cuts from livestock, saying it would disadvantage the nation’s food production industry.
27 Jun: NewshubNZ: ‘We’re all in this together’: Farming group responds to greenhouse gas emissions report
A farming lobby group says new data on greenhouse gas emissions shows that every sector of society needs to lift their game, not just the rural sector.
Stats NZ says household emissions increased by 19.3 percent (LINK) between 2007 and 2017, mainly due to rising emissions from road transport…
(Federated Farmers climate change spokesperson Andrew Hoggard) took a dig at the Government’s billion trees programme.
“Planting out thousands of hectares of productive farmland with pine trees isn’t a long-term and sustainable answer to the problem.”