The Climate Cult wears the Fake Badge of Science, but when people don’t agree with them, they give up persuasion and just throw insults and eggs. Yesterday Dr Brian Fisher’s home was targeted after Simon Holmes a Court (son of one of the wealthiest men in Australia once) published Dr Fisher’s personal details on twitter.
Dr Fisher used to manage ABARE — The Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics. He’s also been an IPCC reviewer, and served under the Hawke, Keating and Howard governments as a chief adviser on climate policy. He released modelling of costs of both Labor and Liberal climate proposals in February, accusing both sides of politics of “engaging in a dishonest debate“.
Climate economist Brian Fisher’s home egged
Rosie Lewis, The Australian
An unnerved Brian Fisher is considering walking away from future independent economic modelling after his analysis of Labor’s climate policy led to his family home being egged when prominent clean energy activist Simon Holmes a Court posted his address online.
The managing director and chairman of BAEconomics, who has worked as a bureaucrat for Labor and Coalition governments, told The Australian yesterday it appeared “extremely difficult” to have rational, economic debate about climate change in today’s political environment and his family felt disturbed by what had happened to their Canberra home yesterday.
The devastating numbers – a third of a million jobs lost:
Labor at war over cost of climate policies
The West Australian
The internal woes for Bill Shorten came after economist Brian Fisher on Wednesday released modelling that showed up to 333,000 jobs could be lost — including 32,000 from WA — and up to $542 billion could be wiped from the economy by 2030 as a result of Labor’s 45 per cent emissions reduction target.
Bill Shorten replies with calm analysis of the productivity benefits of the Labor plan… Wait, no, with the dirtiest empty smear he can think of:
Mr Shorten brushed off the report saying Dr Fisher’s work was akin to a doctor tobacco companies hired in the 1970s to promote the health benefits of smoking.
But the Opposition Leader was still unable to detail the full impact of his climate change policy or reveal if his party would put a cap on international permits if elected.
Labor’s shadow Minister at least argues the assumptions are wrong, but spot the irony:
Mr Butler said Dr Fisher made false assumptions in his modelling.
“His costs of carbon abatement are 2000 per cent higher than the cost Scott Morrison’s Government is paying right now,” he said.
Poor Mark Butler. Looks like he’s referring to Tony Abbott’s direct action plan — which is so much cheaper than anything the Labor Party has to offer? Nothing beats the bargain basement $14/ton price instead of the high cost, obscenely expensive option of their subsidized wind and solar preferred options. Only in February, Butler called the Direct Action plan a failed climate policy that “pays money to polluters”.
These people have no shame.
Holmes a Court has taken the original tweet down but in an unapologetic tweet that effectively explains how to find the address.
Good one @simonahac.
That’s the best they have? They don’t have anything!
Certainly the only form of argument they are capable of.
I guess you could use a high pressure water hose to dissuade the egg brains from chucking eggs…
or this
However, it’s worth saying that the egging demonstrates not everybody in the Canberra bubble lacks integrity.
Brian Fisher is an honest and very bright bloke. Is he the only one in Canberra that see’s the need for analysis?
Where’s Treasury? Where’s that bastion of lefty independence-the ANU? Or its comrade – UC?
Is nobody outraged in Canberra?
I’ll wager they’re all sniggering at the action of the egg-throwing fascist mongrels.
Today eggs. Tomorrow?
Tomorrow, omelets at the cur side.
It amazes me, although it doesn’t surprise me, that Bill Shorten dismisses the well respected Brian Fisher’s economic analysis without even bothering to challenge properly the assumptions that he (Shorten) derided. On the other hand Shorten ‘believes’ the output from climate models that have been convincingly proved wrong by the data over decades.
Yep. I’m in moderation again.
It must be American English.
Can we please have our language back again?
An egg can be an excellent argument, in the absence of anything better. And remember that egg-throwers are always peace loving people. Their targets are Nazis.
Keep going Mark Butler! You’ll end up making Bill look like a bigger dill than he already is!
Swill and swine.Ywt I love pigs.
Butler gets his ideas from the propaganda wing. In the opening par of this 2014 yarn its plain to see the ABC news room is trying to be fair and balanced.
‘The Government wants to replace Labor’s carbon tax with its direct action plan, which would provide financial incentives for polluters to reduce emissions.’
“Brian Fisher is considering walking away from future independent economic modelling after his analysis of Labor’s climate policy led to his family home being egged when prominent clean energy activist Simon Holmes a Court posted his address online.”
does anyone know Holmes A Court’s address ?
e needs to either apologise and make amends
Or have his home egged in turn.
And has the criminal activist been arrested ?
Hope so
A few nights & days in jail would serve ’em right !
Helicopter hired.
Sling full of less than fresh eggs ready.
Now what was that address for Holmes a Court?
Leftists thugs attacking homes – this is not just in Australia :
“Fox News host Tucker Carlson was at his desk Wednesday evening, less than two hours before his 8 p.m. live show, when he suddenly started receiving multiple text messages. There was some sort of commotion happening outside his home in Northwest D.C. “I called my wife,” Carlson told The Washington Post in a phone interview. “She had been in the kitchen alone getting ready to go to dinner and she heard pounding on the front door and screaming. …
“Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door.” His wife, thinking it was a home invasion, locked herself in the pantry and called 911, Carlson said. The couple have four children, but none were home at the time. But it wasn’t a home invasion. It was a protest.
“Carlson said the protesters had blocked off both ends of his street and carried signs that listed his home address. The group called Carlson a “racist scumbag” and demanded that he “leave town,” according to posts on Twitter. A woman was also overheard in one of the deleted videos saying she wanted to “bring a pipe bomb” to his house, he said…The host’s address, as well as the addresses of his brother and good friend Neil Patel, with whom he co-founded the conservative media site the Daily Caller, were shared in tweets from Smash Racism DC’s account. In a Facebook post that included video of the gathering, the group wrote, “Fascists are vulnerable. Confront them at their homes!” “Protecting ourselves and our communities means interfering with those who make a platform for hate,” the statement said. “So we will go to their homes and their workplaces, and find them in restaurants.”
Yesterday’s newspapers carried reports and photographs of Kiddy Action demanding action on Climate Change.
Reports said activists ages ranged from 10 up.
Apparently some teachers also attended.
What’s happened to democracy when you take the law into your own hands and abuse elected representatives that you personally aren’t old enough to elect?
Invading and trashing Anthony Albanese’s office among the list of the day’s “activism” sends a message to all that using the right channels to voice dissatisfaction about Government policy is a thing of the past.
The next escalation to home invasion has apparently started in the USA, and we already have hints of that here.
Stalking, verbal harassment and property damage in the name of some weird concept of social advancement is unacceptable and definitely do not fit into the picture of Australia that decent people would endorse.
Politicians are responsible for administration of the law and with so many obvious breaches, they do Nothing.
We have a problem.
Platform of HATE.
Look with disgust at what is happening.
No wonder normal people voicing their opinions are seeking to protect themselves from these repulsive LEFTIST FACIST TOTALITARIANS.
As someone said. Maybe time to start thinking about weapons of protection.
So it takes shape again: that old alliance between the shallow intellectuals, the pampered believers…and the louts. These are the disposable mensheviks and rabbles. As to who or what comes next…
Today I stumbled across an amateur’s clear and balanced account of what went on around 1200 BC. Mostly it’s about power shifts, shown with simple visuals and maps. It doesn’t try to magnify the role of climate or promote pet theories but it lays out a few possibilities based on the little we can know. If there’s one thing we need in a world where anything can be “worse”, “hotter”, “more extreme” etc without any points of comparison allowed to justify the use of comparatives, it’s some sane perspective.
I liked this:
My take as well. Cyclical in nature as it is. Perennial. Temporal.
It’s just the beginning. There will be a huge clash between the left and the rest of the public as things fall apart in a major way. I would not rule out a civil war.
I hope it does not get that far Peter.
I have been experiencing a bit of the Greens Ire recently.
Some of my posters for the Australian Conservatives have been torn down!
My job is to put them up again.
The public has to know.
If it makes you feel better, somebody scrawled ‘Racist’ on a Burnside poster in Kew.
I have held off for a long time suggesting the participants of this blog buy a firearm, but now I think its time – buy a firearm if you dont own one already.
This is not alarmist, rather be wise and learn from history.
We have a period of Left driven insurgency and a form of political thuggery and instability coming, and a quiet communist uprising underway in America, and also a softer one here in Austialia.
While you might own a legal firearm for legal hunting or club activities, just to be crystal crystal clear, a firearm is to be deployed in extreme and life threatening self defence purposes only.
Just realised a typo in my post
The phrase:
“a firearm is to be deployed”
Should read
“a firearm could be deployed”
In Australia, owning a firearm for self defence purposes is not allowed under law and I am not advocating owning a firearm for self defence purposes.
Better to learn Gong Fu.
Mods……is this kind of stuff really condoned on this blog??
They let post !
oops.. Meant to type
“They let you post”
Phil is inoffensive, but Steve says we should all buy guns if Labor gets into power. Right whingers can be pathetic at times.
Phil is a nancy-boy SJW troll, and his whole aim of coming here is to try to seek attention by being offensive in whatever form he can muster.
Fence-sitters like you have the barb wire firmly gripped between their legs refusing to let go.
If Labor get in, normal people will need to protect themselves from the marxist totalitarianism, the stuff we are already seeing with the idiots blocking streets in Melbourne and invading farms.
Surely you exaggerate, its a healthy protest in a democracy. Paris has been robust in recent months.
I take offence at being called a fence sitter, I’m a 21st century utopian.
‘…to seek attention by being offensive …’
Luv the irony.
Mudgee council has banned posters on public land and/or in view of drivers.
I don’t know when this regulation was put in place. But there were posters on view during the recent state election campaign.
I could be pleased to not have them nailed to trees, but the blanket ban seems over the top.
Skysnooze leaders debate interesting.
Bill wins 43/41 according to the audience.
“Classic Space Invader”
You can see that sequence posted on the Guardian live blog. Wonderful as stand up comedy with ScoMo as the straight man.
Almost everything Electricity Bill says makes me laugh or cry…
Someone very accurately used the term “gormless” to describe Shorten.
Some synonyms: idiotic, moronic, dim-witted, slow, dumb, imbecilic, addled, absurd, doltish, vacuous..
Any could be used accurately, or any combination thereof.
You are a bitter little thing aren’t you Angry??
poor phoolp.. Empty as always.. trolling for attention.
So Sad.
Add “fake” to that. I can’t help but think insurance salesman, used car salesman or snake oil salesman when I look at him.
Yeah, ScoMo comes across as a salesman that trying way too hard.
Shorten is the Dodgy Bros rolled into one !
Everything he is trying to sell is a lemon, a rusted out car with no engine or wheels.
But some people are still GULLIBLE enough to buy it.
Are you one of those, ptg?
Most people I have talked to about the election state the same thing – they would happily dump Liberals and Labor for a viable alternative, but they are not really aware of an alternative.
The palmer party seems to look plausible after the mess one nation seems to wind up in, but then the MSM appears to be globalist controlled, so exposing all the dirt on minor parties , the minor which could otherwise attract votes from the big 2 parties. I have never seen a political ad for the conservative party.
Most voters adopt “better the devil you know” approach, even if it means a mire comfortable and slower economic death from the RET….
Steve, there is an emerging body of opinion that Palmer/UAP is essentially a preference harvesting operation for the Libs. Worth thinking about in that context.
Wow Phil, even if that is true, it will be a drop in the ocean compared to similar operations for Labor from The Greens and all the other Get-Up and Turnbull funded actors. Cry me a river. My real concern with Palmer is rather that he’s currently presenting himself as someone that “wants to make Australia great” until he cracks it with the Libs again and just to spite them fly in Al Gore again for some joint gig like last time.
If a job applicant behaved the way Shorten did at the Sky debate I would show him the door.
Trust him, no way.
But not Pythonesque.
My take is DISINTERESTED, as in “I don’t know what she said, but I’m sure she’s right”. Shorten seems to be disinterested in the electorates issues, he looks disinterested on TV, especially his total disinterested in the cost of his own policies and seems to lacks any passion for anything except perhaps elevating union power.
He’s pretty good at the timing and the “Town Hall” format. Do you reckon ScoMo is going to be up for a third round??
Has either candidate discussed new Hele power stations or very fast trains? Its the only hope that ScoMo has, otherwise I’ll be voting informally.
Depending on your electorate, neither may care much about your particular vote.
As for trains or power stations, better that the federal government butt out and leave transport and power to the states and, at a state level, I hope the idea of “fast trains” remains stuck fast and going nowhere.
Environmentally, passenger trains are a pretty silly idea. A packed train with 150 passengers in each carriage of 120 tonnes is similar energy efficiency as single occupant cars moving the same number of people. But we have lot of trains running near empty.
Possible future might see the rail infrastructure used for electic cars (i.e. only needing a small battery) and, possibly, providing a fairly safe proving ground for autonomous ones too.
‘But we have lot of trains running near empty.’
Not in Sydney.
At some point decentralisation will happen and only a VFT network can do the heavy lifting.
I stopped using Sydney trains 20 years ago when I went rustic, but I thought that those politicians promising to fix the trains would have done so by now.
Too many immigrants, decentralisation is the only answer.
Yes in Sydney — just not it rush hour (or rush 8-hours or so as it has become).
If you decentralise, why do you need the VFT? If everyone still wants to rush in to Sydney every morning you haven’t decentralised. If you have decentralised, there won’t be a big enough passenger load of occasional visitors to warrant a VFT.
The building of new satellite cities, connected by fast rail. The first wave would be the infrastructure build and new immigrants will get the work. This would give the economy a boost.
When it gets up and running (five years) the middle managers from the big end of town will go bush knowing that they can be in the office within an hour.
This has nothing to do with tourism and everything to do with decongestion, both major parties want it.
Decentralisation would be to build independent cities. “Satellite” cities are in another city’s orbit which just further entrenches the centre.
If you decentralise properly, it’ll be *freight* that’s the bulk of the traffic between centres with planes being the sensible way to move people.
If you build full satellite cities, why do you need to move people at all.
Surely video conferencing has been around long enough for people to start using it, & avoid all the wasted time & effort of traveling.
Freight is going by Inland Rail, Brisbane to Melbourne.
The Sydney Melbourne air corridor is one of the busiest in the world and there is an opening for competition. China is already running a 1200 passenger very fast train.
Satellite cities would become independent and self sustaining, yet fully connected.
At night in Brisy allot of buses run empty. Local route here after 9pm has only about 1 or 2 onboard if that.
el gordo:
I’ll try a different tack. You say you want HELE and VFT on the agenda. I assume you expect life would be improved by the HELE due to lower cost of power leading lower cost of living, more efficient industry, higher employment, and people generally better off. I agree (though conventional coal does all that too).
What benefits do you anticipate in a VFT service? I assume it doesn’t all hinge on getting greater productivity from executives who like to work in Melbourne but want to go on living in Sydney and who don’t like flying.
I see the NBN as a massive waste of money, but at least a majority of the people will end up with access to somewhat faster Internet. A VFT is hugely expensive and can only serve people near its stops.
Initially the idea is to lift the economy with infrastructure spending, then within five years it should be fully operational.
Its main aim is decentralisation and Premier Gladys gave a hint when she mentioned the Sydney to Parkes line, stopping at Lithgow, Orange etc.
The Brisbane to Melbourne Inland Rail corridor could be widened to incorporate a VFT, there are huge savings to be had by not building a corridor from Brisbane to Melbourne via Sydney.
Ultimately the network (which needs Federal government involvement) would be hugely popular with tourists.
Thanks for explaining your reasoning. Seems extravagant.
From your other comments below you seem to have a very different idea of “decentralisation” from me. I gather, to you, if you can make a convenient commute from Orange to Sydney, this is decentralisation. To me it is urban sprawl, with Sydney’s suburbs spreading ever further. My view of decentralisation is that we don’t all centre on one city. There would be regular transport of goods between centres, but not much need for human traffic apart from visitors.
Anyhow, at least we can agree on the HELE (though not from the federal govt, thanks). Maybe change your bid to two HELEs and no VFT and I can be your friend
There is no need for a Hele if we don’t get a VFT and satellite cities.
‘To me it is urban sprawl, with Sydney’s suburbs spreading ever further.’
There will be large green belts so no urban sprawl.
‘….but not much need for human traffic apart from visitors.’
I disagree, Albo reckons its going to be a game changer.
Not that i have heard eg. Suspect you may be disappointed on those issues this time around.
Sunday will be interesting as the ALP are doing their campaign launch. Takes them off the public purse for travel a week or so before the Libs, and being a high profile event i think they will take the opportunity to do some policy announcements there as is pretty normal behavior for a campaign launch. Shorten doing QANDA monday and independent public service done costings on ALP policy are out on Thursday apparently.
Here’s my open note to any candidate who wants to get on a winner with the public (as opposed to winner with media, chatterati, luvvies, GeeUppers etc).
# Point out the amount of coal “green” Australia sells and needs to sell to manufacturing countries in Asia.
# Point out the enormous advantages of using, extending and modernising coal power in Australia and the enormous disadvantages of trying to power our economy with the flimsy imported hardware often manufactured using the very same Australian coal it is meant to replace.
# Point out the savings of both money and coal by modernising our domestic use of coal from mine to toaster.
# Point out the sheer folly of relying on diesel backup in a naughty world where one strait between Iran and Oman can send the price soaring or even reduce global supply.
Stay on these simple points. Make HELE a buzzword, and make it the only buzzword. When the climate issue is raised just talk a lot of rhubarb like everybody else does but get off the subject quickly. Most know by now it’s a beat up, though the media and bubble dwellers give the opposite impression.
Coal and electricity from coal. Just that. Over and over again. Coal and electricity from coal.
For a placard: HELE? HELL YEAH!
Excellent strategy, unfortunately a bit late in the proceedings. A few months ago the coal industry was running ads on FTA about HELE power stations with reference to Japan. Are those ads still being played?
At this stage, Morrison would certainly be too scared to change tack. He seems committed to playing the Labor-Lite card in regard to ‘climate change’.
‘Suspect you may be disappointed on those issues this time around.’
Maybe and maybe not.
‘Federal Labor will lock in its commitment to build a fast train from Melbourne to Brisbane by promising to start buying the land corridor if elected.’
AFR March 2019
What kind of Very Fast Train do we want?
30 or 40 years ago I opposed the idea of a VFT between Melbourne and Sydney as Tower of Babel stuff. I hadn’t been to Melbourne. I didn’t know that over the southern half of that route there are no mountains to pass. The cost would be far less than I had imagined.
Talk VFTs, people think 300 km/h. At 300 km/h you are starting to compete with aircraft, which at that speed might be cheaper. While trains might be able to travel at that speed such a train would still have difficulty maintaining an average speed of 200 km/h.
On the other hand, a service designed with a top speed of 200 km/h might deliver an average speed of 150 km/h at far less cost..
Then again, how much could services be advanced by simply upgrading the existing track?
A commuter VFT for decentralisation would run at 200 kph, with the idea of decreasing pressure in the capitals.
The VFTs and normal fast express trains in Germany move a lot of people around over long distances. When working just south of Frankfurt, noted that a lot of city workers were living over 100 kms out, coming in daily by train. Even their normal express trains move along at around 120 kmh.
When fast trains were introduced between Brussels and Paris, they immediately stopped the flights between these cities. The express trains travelling into Berlin used to cover the 200 kms between Wolfsburg and Spandau in one hour. Rarely flew around Europe, preferred to go by fast train everywhere.
Thanks Graeme, its music to my ears.
Vote informal? Cut off my nose to spite your face? Please don’t
Even if you feel powerless with your House of Reps vote, your Senate vote still counts.
As a utopian I reserve the right to vote informally in both houses.
Pick candidates individually, in the QLD Senate Malcolm Roberts and Ian MacDonald are both good bets with a track record opposing the flushing of our money down the toilet on climate grounds. Check them out and vote for 12 anti waste candidates below the line.
On your urgings I had a closer look (NSW) and the science party believes in global warming, which leaves me with the hemp party and the law of unintended consequences.
Al gordo, I’d look among One Nation, Liberal democrats and ACP. I’d look into the Lib and Nat candidates but you need to be choosy. Google the candidates name and d****r if they are being actively vilified over this then there is a good chance they will front up in the Senate to oppose more climate waste.
I’m not interested in those small parties because they have soft platforms, but voting for a single issue candidate might be fun.
This is a great article
AOC = the new Hillary….
“In the meantime, we shift gears to again take a look at the new Hillary. I said this nearly half a year ago, when everybody was still calling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a moron. She is not a moron.
In a recent very tightly put together and well researched video entitled “The Brains Behind AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez”, by a ‘Mr. Reagan’, the speaker correctly stated that when the new Congresswoman for the 14th district in New York (‘AOC’) goes ‘off script’, she blows ‘embarrassing gas’ that hurts the people who control her.
But I would caution Mr. Reagan that his statement is something of an oversimplification.
Her handlers’ cause is only ruffled in the hearing of thinking people. The people who ‘picked’ AOC ( Remember that she was part of Obama’s approved list) selected this ‘former bartender’, not because she is so stupid—but specifically because the people she is intended to lead are.”
“Conservative America is currently being broadsided by the real emerging leftist ‘Amerika’ because we are still trying to argue and reason with the crowd of useful idiots who have been precisely groomed by fifty years of a droning television to be unreachable by reason.”
I’d say the young lady is short a few dozen corpses to be a Hillary.
With a rise in political violence…give it time….
Cenk Uygur, of The Young Turks fame is said be one of the handlers. This is scary, he is an absolute radical.
My goodness Steve, you’ve turned green!
This video ‘The Rice Video – Carbon Dioxide in perspective by The Galileo Movement’ can’t be seen too often …
My first time seeing Malcolm Roberts exhorting us to axe the tax, thanks.
A sure sign we are winning.
Australia’s Greens, the new brown shirts.
Could somebody post Simon’s address as I am sure many would like to deliver some fossil fuel to him…
Simon Holmes a Court, should be in COURT..
Well, well ! I think that someone at NOAA has been reading E M Smith’s posts on Chiefio.
Look what has just been published on WUWT
a search for this story on theirABC has so far come up with NOTHING.
however, a new ABC low…the impartial, taxpayer-funded mob finds another child to abuse. as we near the end of a federal election campaign, ABC goes out of its way to be impartial!!!
3 May: ABC: Tears outside PM’s office as students skip school to demand climate action again
By Paige Cockburn
VIDEO: ‘What’s going to happen to the whole world?’: Sydney student
There were tears outside Scott Morrison’s office in Sydney’s south, but the biggest crowds were in Melbourne where thousands of students skipped school to demand action on climate change.
About 70 demonstrations were held around Australia — hundreds turned out at the Prime Minister’s office in Cronulla, although most in the crowd there were older than school age.
Stella Brazier, 14, burst into tears when asked about her decision to attend.
“It just upsets me so much because I just don’t now if they [politicians] are going to do anything,” she said.
“What’s going to happen to humankind, what’s going to happen to the whole world?”…
Former prime minister Tony Abbott’s office in Warringah was also a hot spot.
Students held signs with slogans such as “denial is not a policy” and “what we stand for is what we stand on” while chanting “time up’s Tony”…
Many of the speakers in capital cities railed against the Adani coal mine, in central Queensland, and demanded Australia increase its take-up of renewable energy…
In Melbourne, Exhibition Street was closed and the roller door pulled down on Liberal headquarters as 1,000 school strikers turned up the heat.
Emma Demarchi, 17, said this was indicative of the Government’s approach to young people.
“This shows us just how scared this Government is of the power of young people,” she said.
“Shutting streets and roller doors in the face of peaceful student rallies is not something the Liberal Party can be proud of.”…
Greens leader Richard Di Natale said students were giving an education to politicians…
“Tony Abbott’s the problem here … he has been arrogant and dismissive of the voices of young people.”…
Meanwhile, in Adelaide, more than 100 protestors gathered at Boothby Liberal candidate Nicolle Flint’s office.
Holding signs and chanting, the group criticised Ms Flint’s record on the environment, particularly her support of pro-coal group Monash Forum.
on ABC FB too. plenty of critical comments alongside the CAGW believers:
3 May: Facebook: ABC In Sydney: VIDEO: Stella Brazier, a 14-year-old Sydney student burst into tears as she questioned “what’s going to happen to the whole world?”
“What’s going to happen to humankind, what’s going to happen to the whole world?”
Very good question. There is no problem with the weather though.
‘What’s going to happen to the whole world?’:
This is the utterly disgraceful brainwashing and misinformation that’s being force-fed to school children.
The “whole world” is not about to erupt in flames within 12 years “if we don’t do something about climate change”.
Robbing these kids of any hope for a normal future is child abuse, pure and simple, as is using them as puppets to further the UN CAGW agenda.
Correct. And if you look through the last 70 yeats, the Establishment has always had some fake catastrophe keep people kucked into line :
1950s – cold war
1960s – hide under your desks / nuclear drills
1970s – star wars / missle defence
1980s – AIDS
1990s – WW3/ gulf war/ WMD / loss of freedoms
2000s – war on terror / loss of liberties
2010s – climate change
All fake to terrify us!
The cold war, the nuclear drills, and AIDS could have become catastrophes. On the other hand, ‘climate change’ is a fiction, a non-problem, a completely manufactured scam and scare campaign.
Don’t forget Y2K.
I was offered a job the day I turned 15 and was supporting myself living away from home just 2-months later, and never returned home again – I was fully Independent at age 15 and 1/4 years old. In my 20s I worked my way through a BSc to finish my education, and then opened a business and made money under my own steam and motivation with no assistance from any one.
My grandparents had a then well-known saying, as I grew up, “Children are to be seen and not heard“. Why? Because vocal children are ignorant and enervating time-wasters who are also know-nothings with no experience of life.
Frankly any one living at home is a child IMO (and experience) and I would not waste my time trying to learn anything from their ignorance and lack of real experiences, or lack of exposure to living an independent existence. They’re comparative know-nothings, and obviously nowhere near my “equal”, knowledge, experience, capacity, independence or maturity.
Recent generations stay at mum’s home for how long, on average now? They’re more so ignorant time-wasters than any prior generation, and it’s pointless (and foolish) to try to learn anything useful from them, with respect to how the world works, and what’s important in life. They simply don’t know, and are generally too stupid, blind, lazy and conceited to realize that.
This recent generation’s defining characteristic is that it managed to stretch puerile teenage ignorance, immaturity and silliness into the early 30-something age-bracket.
They for the most part are ‘proto-bums’ IMHO, in a pre-bum stage of life-failure, and unlikely to recover their capacity to not be bums without a whole lot of harsh life experiences.
I don’t care what they say, they are not my equals as they’re not even actual adults. These people have not paid their ‘dues’ in life and they’ve not earned a right to mouth political ‘demands’.
In Australia, 17% of children aged over 30 years are still living with parents. There is no doubt some of those are in care but many are just enjoying their life without the complication of bills that need paying.
W X cycles, Curious thing is, that the ones demonstrating are the young kids still at school
And NOT the older kids living at their parents homes after leaving school.
Now that is an interesting & major change from former times.
We need to note & explain this change.
Mouthing off about older kids still living at home is no value.
They are there mostly because lack of secure employment
And the high cost of getting accommodation
Whether renting
Or buying a home.
Not buying your convenient unemployment excuse Bill. I opened a business to employ myself so that I could not be ‘made’ unemployed, and I did it during the middle of our last recession without any loans or financial support, and maintained my own home, girlfriend and vehicle, etc. If I can do that and I can still do it today, so can they. They’re lazy proto-bums who have not tried, let alone tried and failed, and tried once again and succeeded.
These people love to make excuses for their lack of trying, and trying, and succeeding (after some hard but necessary lessons) and chief among their excuses is that it’s all too hard now. That its all different now and that no one knows how hard it is. Or that they can’t afford it, blah-blah-blah. Which quickly turns into shallow anti-establishment left-wing drivel and a Conga-line of more excuses for why everyone else should pay for them to fail in comfort.
These are the types who populate the greenish watermelon groups and the worthless, “Let’s destroy Capitalism as it’s the real problem!”, loser ranks, when the real problem is and always has been them.
It’s these same immature proto-bums with too much time on their hands who ‘busy’ themselves festering dissent, rebellious attitudes and ignorance among the young the inexperienced and highly impressionable who are also looking for excuses to be loafers. They’re the types who like to rabble-rouse mislead students to go on ‘strike’ or to back warped imaginary political ‘demands’ or to support licorice all-sorts getting into the senate to undermine the process of governance and civilization.
That’s where the loonies are coming from. They spend 4 to 5 years at Uni using up govt supports and accruing big loans then they move back in to mum’s place. And when all the excuses finally wear thin they get booted out and then really turn into bums and losers proper, constantly looking for an opportunity for someone else to pay their way, and for a new excuse to blame someone else for what opportunistic shallow louses they’ve become.
And some of these louses and excuses for adults get elected into the Senate as the “unrepresentative swill” of the day.
Welcome to the loonie-left’s recruitment ranks.
I see I cannot
help you rethink
This issue
No doubt your
Beliefs on this
Are the fruit of
Experience !
Maybe current
Or more probably
Past experiences.
Ahhhh Well
Don;t know why you imagined you could. Every generation complains about how much harder everything is for them now, when exactly the opposite is the truth, It’s never been easier than it is now. And I did not start from mum’s home and security, I started employing myself while already providing for a household and paying my girlfriend’s way through Uni as well.
I agree Bill, renting on Sydney’s North shore is very expensive.
What happened to Climate Change is crap? We now have a debate about how many billions to pay for the Emperor’s new clothes?
Everyone is too afraid to say there is no science behind man made Global Warming and warming oceans were never predicted by the hot house effect. It is an all out assault on science on behalf of the carpetbaggers like Malcolm Turnbull and John Hewson and all the many players who see man made Climate Change as the biggest scam since scams began.
As for Occasional Cortex’s plan for a train to Hawaii or to print money so everyone has a wage and eliminate the unemployed, the socialists are going crazy with their control of the media, except Fox, Bolt and Breibart and great blog sites like Jo’s. Even Tony Abbott has had to play possum. Tragic media abuse and the fascists anti-fa.
If you are a conservative, you are Hard Right, a Fascist. If you present the facts, you are attacked by the media and your house and family are threatened. Your home address is published. If you want to protest peacefully, the black masked fascists appear, looking to attack everyone. Captain Cook, Lord Nelson, George Washington are evil and Christians are being exterminated in the Middle East. All with the support of the press.
In reality Fascists are socialists. The NAZIs were the National Socialists and Hitler’s second volume to Mein Kampf was the National Socialists. Communists are exactly the same. Tell the people it will all be free and once you get power, nothing is free. Look at Venezuela where the Socialists have all the guns and the people can do nothing.
The takeover of the world by the socialists and globalists is advancing. People who disagree are attacked by the mob. There is no Global Warming, no man made Climate Change. Who needs a conspiracy? People are afraid to speak in public for fear of assault by the black shirts. Jews are the problem once again according to the leader of British Labour and the New York Times. We have seen it all before, unfortunately.
What say has resonance everywhere.
Interesting point on the jews – many countries in europe arent safe for jews any more, so they are making Aliyah to Israel now.
The jewish migrations should have people sitting up and taking notice – the same conditions appear to be forming that formulated the infamous Krystal Nacht.
Many european countries are also dealing with significant changed social makeup of those countries.
Perhaps if the Jewish nation set up residence in North Queensland, we would see the fruition of the Bradfield plan for the Murray-Darling system and much, much more.
Just a thought.
On the other hand I am not sure I want a nuclear armed Queensland.
Give them South Australia on condition that they build a renewable nuclear power plant to be fuelled by what is retrieved in their cleaning up Maralinga. An almost infinite regress of wins.
Many will see the irony in this.
The link from michaelsmithnews
my posting on the subject.
Quite incredible,
The idiots are shooting the former messenger,The X minister for the environment,the one that would not budge from his indoctrinated pathway,the same pathway they are walking.
I have great respect for Greg Hunt, he is one of the hardest working ministers.
And I am hoping he will succeed in holding his seat. (end post)
Further to that
I communicated a lot with Greg when he was environment minister, like Jo and so many others,in an effort to change his direction, based on science.But to no avail of course.
But in some other areas yes.
I did have an issue occurring up here,in FNQ,the Port Douglas region.
He replied to my email,over a long weekend,that demonstrates his commitment.
Now digressing I know,
I did watch the Health Policy Election Debate, it may interest others
As the public start casting their vote in pre-polling, Health Minister Greg Hunt and Shadow Health Minister Catherine King take part in a Health Policy Debate at the Press Club.
Greg Hunt as health minister, is doing a hard job and well.
I agree totally. I don’t like his stance on global warming and I think his Uriah Heepish handwringing permanently disqualifies him from the (eventual?) prime-ministership, but he is totally informed on his portfolio in a very impressive manner. His performance as a minister is about the best I have ever seen.
Electorates which do stuff like voting Hunt out or Katter in should have their votes taken off them and given to saner people.
Is Labor preferencing Katter
Above LNP
In his electorate ?
I thought his defence
Of Racist remarks
By a Colleague
Last year
Put him out in the cold.
This tweet from @simonahac 29 April, didn’t age well:
“…also why are climate change deniers almost always awful people?”
Question @simonahac: who denies the last ice age?
214 responses, shameless in the hate vented.
Haters have gotta hate.
We now know who really is “awful”.
Before I was blocked on twitter, I questioned @simonahac when he claimed renewables were needed to prevent doomsday global warming, asking how many solar panels Australia needed before Australia prevented its first carbon (sic) induced heat wave?
Needless to say, the great communicator @simonahac immediately blocked me.
In the article the term “old white men” being climate change deniers was used. Perhaps they are, and perhaps it’s because they have been around long enough to remember real weather and climate, rather than “climate science” based on adjusted data and computer models.
In left wing circles, the cry of “never trust anyone over 30” is used because anyone over 30 has the life experience to call out the CAGW rubbish for what it is…
In the Bible, the older men were the advisors, as old age back then was revered for its wusdom and life experience.
The danger if smartphones is they are mostly young people who love them, but it means its the perfect personalized delivery vector for climate propaganda. It woukd be interesting if you could get the 18-30s away from thier tracking devices long enough to see the world. Most even when they travel take phones for FOMO reasons…sad but true.
Allot of very experienced atmospheric scientists and geologists (who agree AGW is a scam) are “old white men” if you use that phrase.
A lot of “old white men” also invented the internet, the personal computer and the mobile phone. Although they were young at the time.
Does that count?
I always say to the privileged youngsters, “be grateful for what we built you and just say thank you”.
Well , who would have guessed..
It looks like a large percentage of the warming in the so-called “global surface temperature” is down to Urban Heat Effects. Proven by empirical evidence.
Remove the manic unjustified TOBs “adjustments” **,
Take account of Urban heat effects.
And there is very little surface warming left.
** Trend is almost exactly the same, afternoon readings cooler because of location.
Love examples of fake science, and this is in the gold medal class. Would have won, except for the second last paragraph.
But … but …. sir, NOAA says its all true.
NOAA had nothing to do with this garbage. The only time it touches NOAA, is that it uses the weather station locations. but the standout for me was to create a false measure (diurnal range) and then use that to prove the point.
What this this sentence
Or, by doing so will the rabble of global warming zealots led by schmucks like Dr. Michael Mann find yet another reason to label me a “Koch funded science denier”? got to do with science?
“NOAA had nothing to do with this garbage.”
At least two of the authors are from NOAA.
You have FAILED YET AGAIN, fits.
DENIAL of science seems to be the ONLY route you have left.
And you think “diurnal range” is fake? REALLY?
Not cold at night, warm during the day
Little Fits has turn basic observational skills upside down and taken then into the EMPTY recesses of his mind. !
from the pdf..
poor Fitz, ever the fool. !
Nothing to do with Science obviously but it was a summary comment to a much longer article, which you ought to have read before making your bluster.
Did you read this bit?
So Fits, you have NOTHING to say except that you don’t like it.
A really good sign that it is right on the mark.
Your ignorance of science is a given.
“Love examples of fake science,”
Yes, we have seen that is all you are ever able to produce.
Fake science is your meme.. or NO SCIENCE at all.
Now, where is that empirical evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2, Fitz
So funny that you want to “pretend” that the UHI effect doesn’t exist and have a large effect on the so-called “global surface temperature”, when so many of the stations used are in urban areas.
Your mindless cognitive non-functionality is quite hilarious.
Please keep going
Anthony kicked Griff off his site, called him a paid troll, Mr Fitz is not in the same class.
I can’t think why anyone in their right mind would pay either of them anything for their trolling and scientific ignorance.
Desperation to scrape the bottom of the barrel, maybe?
Not good enough to be kicked off the site!
That was a well executed eviction too, Anthony’s claims have basically been vindicated and confirmed to be correct..Glad to see that in writing finally.
And when you look at proxy data minus an Urban-Heat-Island-Effect, this is what you get:
Temperature Record That Closely Aligns With Paleo-Proxy Data
It’s Here: A 1900-2010 Instrumental Global Temperature Record That Closely Aligns With Paleo-Proxy Data
By Kenneth Richard on 3. May 2018
No warming beyond that which would ordinarily occur from amelioration of a Little Ice Age.
What causes the UHI if not increased CO2?
OMG, you really are delving onto the deepest pits of your wilful ignorance, aren’t you little troll.
Heating, storage of energy in structures and materials etc etc.
Certainly NOT CO2 or it would happen in open rural areas.. AND IT DOESN’T, that is why its called the URBAN HEATING EFFECT
Have you NEVER done any basic science…. AT ALL ? !
Urban areas get hot from CO2 (?) but satellites say it’s not true!
The data from O-C-O-2 satellites showed that the majority of CO2 venting was from tropical rain forest and not Westerized urban cities.
During the El Ninos (a natural occurrence) the forest’s vented more CO2 (much more than human activities).
Have these tropical forests overheated? Did the CO2 warm the forests at all? — NO, despite the high CO2 levels!
CO2 isnt increasing and does not change the temperature. If you think it does prove it.
Quite BIZARRE that anyone with the slightest rational thought process would think atmospheric CO2 has ANYTHING to do with UHI.
Its Fitz.. but still I’m stunned by the utter stupidity of the suggestion!
UHI, building and other structures, including rock or concrete walls radiate IR which will be read by any thermometer in range as temperature as the IR photons also heat the sensor device being electronic, thermistor or mercury.
Therefore UHI is due to buildings, not true air temperature.
since NOAA is now an acceptable reference then
makes my point
Different branch of NOAA.
Look at the SCIENCE, fritz !.. not the source
oh I forgot.. you are NOT CAPABLE of doing so.
There is absolutely NOTHING in the way of empirical proof in your link, just a vague meaningless coincidence, with nothing but baseless suppositions.
Just enough to take in a gullible ignoramus. And seems they succeeded.
‘CO2 isnt increasing and does not change the temperature.’
CO2 is increasing and it has no impact on temperature. The good news is that the climate models incorrectly envisage the uptake by plant life, its reckoned to be around 60%, hence the greening.
” The good news is that the climate models incorrectly envisage the uptake by plant life, its reckoned to be around 60%, hence the greening.”
That and the UN-IPCC and the models not correctly accounting for all the natural CO2 venting. They have failed to include the new research on volcanoes (supposedly dormant volcanoes and old lava flows vent for centuries after the main even, newly found underwater volcanoes, etc, etc.) or biological sources (huge termite areas of Brazil — the size of the UK! Forests ven lots of methane, CO2, and climate affecting VOCs, Soil fungus and bacteria found to be more CO2 active than first thought, oceanic microbes, etc, etc.)
Fitz do actually think
Before you write ?
Your reply above is totally
Gormless !
UHI= Urban Heat Island Effect
= The amount of extra heat in a place
Because of human made buildings,
Roads, vehicles, jet engines etc etc etc.
No relationship
To CO2 what so ever.
Please note Fitz
How I have
Written this reply
Using short phrases
On separate lines
To help you
Understand !
The earliest reference to UHI, corresponds with the rapid increase for CO2, according to my research
So in what year or decade did this UHI correspond to CO2 increase Peter?
Ahhhhh Yes !
Causation !
Dopy !
Again !
1810 – just as the industrial revolution started serious CO2 emissions
You mean just at the end of the Little Ice Age, coldest period in 10,000 years.
Poor EMPTY fitz.
Be VERY, VERY GLAD for that highly beneficial warming,
.. even though it had absolutely NOTHING to do with atmospheric CO2.
Be VERY, VERY GLAD of the rising CO2 levels, that allows the world’s population to feed themselves.
You do know that atmospheric CO2 was rising all through the Holocene, WAY before any human release of accidentally sequestered carbon back into the Carbon Cycle where it belongs, don’t you, Fitz
I really like the way you start with a silly ignorant statement, then as you are exposed, you start digging more and more manically into the depth of your own pit of dopey mess.
It is hilarious to watch you, and oh so easy to get you to turn your digging up to eleven.
When almost no one on earth had a thermometer no less.
‘1810 – just as the industrial revolution started serious CO2 emissions’
With respect, it was a low point in world temperatures.
CO2 is not a temperature knob.
It was gordo but who precisely and reliably measured T in 1810? Or CO2?
UHI is local warming effect, CO2 is (alleged to be) a global warming effect.
Peter Fitzroy is making false claims which he can’t substantiate as no global data record exists for it. Many basic concepts even were not in existence at that point.
Yet somehow his “research” made this clear to him?
Crackpot will crackpot.
The industrial revolution got under way in the Midlands of the UK in the 1740’s
With coal being used in steam engines to pump water out of mines, and to power the industrialisation of the cotton industry.
That industrial revolution helped the UK win against Napoleon in the wars from 1792-1815.
Actually what Fitz is saying is that CO2 causes urban development.
CO2 causes an increase in the membership of the CFMEU.
CO2 causes more concrete to be manufactured.
CO2 causes more rebar to be made.
CO2 built this city.
Why? Because for Fitz, correlation = causation.
Fitz you really are a troll.
‘…who precisely and reliably measured T in 1810? Or CO2?’
E G That chart is very very interesting.
It shows CO2 levels rising and falling
In cycles over thousands of years
As found in ice cores.
These rises & fall FOLLOW
And do not cause,
The cycles of the planet’s global climate
They also show that humanity
Had no influence on those cycles
Why ?
Because humans were
But a tiny part of the global picture
But even more interesting
If that global cycle is still operating
A new ice age is almost upon us !
It’s May in the Northern hemisphere
And snow & Ice are still
Happening in Canada, USA,
Russia, Finland, Italy, etc etc
That logically says
A new ice age is . starting
And we worry
About global warming
Bugger !
” For centuries the CO2 level has never been above this level.”
That level being barely plant subsistence level.
The level below which plants DO NOT GROW
The reason it was SO LOW for SO LONG is because much of the atmospheric growth medium was sequestered in swamps etc and taken OUT of the carbon cycle.
Thankfully that LOST carbon is now being partially RESTORED back into the planet’s LIFE-SYSTEM by man’s activities.
The ADVANCEMENT of humankind has been BECAUSE of our use of carbon.
This has also ENHANCED the whole biosphere.
Its almost as if someone planned that coal to be ready just when humans needed it for its progress and development.
Only someone seriously non-cognisant of the massive benefits of the use of coal in building our current societies would argue against the use of coal
… and needs to be deprived of everything wrought by its use for a month or so.
Maybe then they will WAKE UP to reality.
Oh… My…. God…
UHI is caused by the direct dumping of heat into the environment, stoves, hot car exhaust, air conditioning by millions of people, and include a lot of solar heat retained by low emissivity structures, particularly black roads, regardless of fuel source. This causes a localised heating effect of 2-5 degrees in cities. As cities grow so does the UHI offset, a valid warming effect. Even so with cities up to 5 degrees warmer than “natural climate” there still is no catastrophes of warming in those cities.
We have reached far beyond the 0.6 degrees warning (1.5 degrees above pre industrial) that they are obsessing about and nothing bad has happened.
Notably the effects claimed for CO2 is 100 times the heat liberated by actually oxidising the carbon. That is they claim a COP (coefficient of performance) of over 100:1 for a sparse gas in an open system. The best heat pumps can do 5:1 in a closed system with the cold end carefully insulated from the hot end.
Put the airconditioner in an open system (no insulation) and measure the temp a few metres from the heat pump and you will find an effect equal only to the actual power consumption, IE heat pumps (or CO2 back radiation) can only heat in closed systems where the hot end and cold end are insulated from each other. In CO2 the net input is only what the sun puts in. There is no extra power in the atmosphere or isolation for the heating effect and therefore a COP of 100:1 is impossible.
OT but just reading this opinion piece (propaganda) on air travel and the amount of CO2 that each trip adds to the environment and was left wondering if it was written by a hypocrite.
Pre-requisite and redeeming features for ‘saving the planet’ is rank hypocrisy and pick-pocketing of the weak-minded.
Behold the UNFCCC climate scam credit card …
Innovative Climate [scam] Action – New Credit Card Limits Climate Impact of Users
“This credit card doesn’t put a limit on one’s financial credit, but on the Climate footprint associated with one’s purchases.”
How to enforce climate totalitarianism?
A credit card to limit your carbon footprint!
Totalitarianism alright , Since so called limiting of your so called carbon(dioxide) footprint is impossible, its really limiting your credit – period.
A sale of modern Indulgences…..
UK voters rejected both sides in local government elections …
A pox on both their houses, the informal vote has a strength of its own.
The trouble is that a lot of votes went to Libdems who now are cock-a-hoop. They are suggesting that they are coming back up because they are remainers!!! Sillybillies! I think people are just parking protest votes with them for the time being. There were few UKIP people standing and no Brexit Party ones. Just wait until 23rd May!
It has been suggested that, had there been a possibility of a vote for ‘none of these’, that would have scored the most votes.
Lower taxes and less Regulation in the USA just produced another 230,000 + jobs. GO TRUMP!
That’s a difficult equation to refute but the AOC -Clinton-Obama-Turnbull style politics wants them all dependent on social security.
If the ALP believe Fisher’s report to be wrong, then of course the easiest way denounce these numbers is to show their own costing. The fact they refuse is an admission that Fisher’s numbers are in the right ball park and they know they would be smashed by the Libs and Murdock press for the next 14 days.
Clearly, the strategy that the ALP has taken is to make their climate change policy a moral cause that is above the need for costing. The concept being that there is no upper limit of spending on CC policy and they can attack the Libs for spending less on the grounds that less spending puts them on a lower moral footing. I can’t recall any other election where this approach has been taken and this might be the first time we will have more than 50% of people vote entirely on ideology, with no regard for the economy and therefore their own economic future.
For the LNP to counter this strategy, they must create a scare campaign based on the ALP’s reasons for hiding the costs being due to the enormous economic impacts. They also need to demonstrate that the prevention of economic collapse and the resulting mass poverty is the higher moral ground, rather than trashing the country in a futile attempt to remove a percencage of our supposed 1.3% impact to global climate change.
As the young woman who appeared on Sky Outsiders a couple of weeks ago said, regarding the student protests about their perception of not enough being done to combat climate change (man made global warming caused by CO2 hoax), that she might have joined the protestors if she had not studied economics.
A good mate who is a Chartered Engineer bemoans the mess Australia is becoming. He is non PC and is also concerned how autonomous vehicles and AI will throw a lot of people out of jobs. He is also concerned about how we have air brain Arts graduates law makers who don’t understand technology but need to.
Indeed if you look at loss of hard engineering and tech skills from Oz, it’s being set up to fail.
Serge , Labor are right and Brian Fisher is wrong because it’s the vibe of it !
AndyG55 – comment #19 and replies.
UHI + further urbanisation + siting of thermometers + hyper sensitivity of the new Australian thermometers + SDGs:
2 May: LifeSiteNews: Pope Francis calls for new ‘supranational’ authorities to enforce UN goals
by Diane Montagna
Pope Francis made a strong new push for globalism on Thursday, calling for a supranational, legally constituted body to enforce United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and implement “climate change” policies.
Speaking to members of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace, the Pope said: “When a supranational common good is clearly identified, there is need for a special legally constituted authority capable of facilitating its implementation.”
“Think of the great contemporary challenges of climate change, new slavery and peace,” he told members of the Pontifical Academy, who are meeting this week at the Vatican for a plenary session themed: “Nation, State, Nation-State.”…
Featured speakers at the May 1-3 plenary include…and German climatologist and founding director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, who addressed the Pontifical Academy on “The State of the World.”…
Here below is a LifeSite translation of Pope Francis’s address to members of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, which was delivered in Italian…TRANSCRIPT
the CAGW mob have their “warming” baked in; we the people are to pay for it:
16 May 2018: UN: 68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050, says UN
Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. Projections show that urbanization, the gradual shift in residence of the human population from rural to urban areas, combined with the overall growth of the world’s population could add another 2.5 billion people to urban areas by 2050…
The urban population of the world has grown rapidly from 751 million in 1950 to 4.2 billion in 2018…
Sustainable urbanization is key to successful development
***Understanding the key trends in urbanization likely to unfold over the coming years is crucial to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including efforts to forge a new framework of urban development…
Time for Catholics to remind
El papa frank,
that if he interferes
In Politics
He & his church
Will be shunned
And ignored
In realms spiritual.
Bugger me !
Hundreds of Millions
Of us
Former Catholics
Have been
Doing exactly that
Since 1968
When one of the El Papa’s
Demanded I not use
Dopey bastard !
‘supranational’ authorities = ‘one world Govt’ NWO, run from New York.
” … it appeared “extremely difficult” to have rational, economic debate about climate change in today’s political environment.”
I would go further. It isn’t possible to have a rational debate about ANYTHING with leftists. They don’t respond well to any kind of dissent or differing opinions, and they’re not prepared to negotiate, compromise or see the other’s point of view.
Pick any topic or issue that the Left has a position on, even those that shouldn’t be controversial, and express a contrary view (or even voice the merest doubt) and they’re instantly all teeth and claws.
Pick any topic or issue that the
Leftgreen shirts has a position on,..20
You can vote your way into communism but you must shoot your way out. A bit like Hotel California I guess – You can never leave.
The left, world wide, is becoming indistinguishable from communism but I find this most alarming in the US where violence and censorship are considered normal. This, in our greatest ally and mentor,
still can’t find anything on the attack on Brian Fisher’s home on ABC:
4 May: ABC: Federal election campaigns dogged by candidate scandals and climate confusion
7.30 By Laura Tingle
The problem has been trying to turn the argument back into one about the much larger cost of inaction. And Labor’s attempts to do that were perhaps unexpectedly helped by the release on Thursday of new modelling by Brian Fisher — whose work has been used in the past by the Coalition to run scare tactics on Labor.
His new modelling downgraded the apparent cost of Labor’s plans — from $1.2 trillion to somewhere between $264 billion and $542 billion. And more importantly perhaps, it didn’t model the cost of climate change.
The whole debate — about a series of policies you can be fairly confident most people don’t really know the details of anyway — seemed to run out of steam.
Mr Morrison’s response to questions about the cost of not doing anything only highlighted his problem: while he might say the Government is doing something (meeting its Paris target etc etc ), voters who are concerned don’t really believe him…
4 May: SMH Editorial: Coalition is to blame for uncertainty over climate costs
For the fifth election in a row, Australia is facing a campaign in which the Coalition is demanding the ALP come clean about the cost of its policies to fight climate change. Yet it is the Coalition which should be under pressure to explain why, after six years in government, it has no plan at all.
The esoteric debate over the minutiae of macroeconomic modelling of climate policy has resurfaced this week after a former executive director of the Australian Bureau of Resources and Agricultural Economics, Brian Fisher, now a consultant, published a 23-page document comparing the economic impacts of the ALP’s target of cutting emissions to 45 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 and the Coalition’s plan to only cut by 26 per cent.
PIC: Climate change protesters outside Scott Morrison’s office
The rather unsurprising conclusion was that the ALP’s more ambitious target will probably cost more.
Economic modelling has a place but it can be confusing. While the estimate of the cumulative cost over 11 years of a particular climate change policy may sound like a very big number, often it turns out to be more like a rounding error compared to Australia’s $1.9 trillion annual economic output.
Former Reserve Bank of Australia board member Warwick McKibbin, who is just as handy with a model as Dr Fisher, has said the costs would only be a “small fraction” of the economy.
In any case the forecasts of such a complicated decade-long transformation are no more accurate than other long-term economic predictions and the results will depend entirely on the assumptions put into the modelling machine, which are highly controversial.
***One major criticism of Dr Fisher’s model is that it assumes that renewable energy is still far more expensive than coal-fired power. That was true a decade ago but technology and mass production have leapt ahead and the cost advantage for coal over a combination of renewables and battery storage has narrowed and on some estimates has even disappeared.
The other crucial omission in Dr Fisher’s work is that it fails to attach any economic cost to allowing climate change to go unchecked. It refers to numerous economic studies but not to the landmark United Nations International Panel on Climate Change report last year, based on thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers, which predicted that, unless the rise in global temperatures is kept below 1.5 degrees Celsius, the coral of the Great Barrier Reef will die by the end of the century. That would destroy an asset worth about $1 trillion to the economy, not to mention a natural wonder that defines Australia…
4 May: TheSaturdayPaper: Paul Bongiorno: Nowhere for Scott Morrison to hide
Shorten was more than happy to refer to the elephant in the room during the debate over his emission reduction targets and its costs to the economy. He said if the Liberals “were fair dinkum on climate change, Malcolm Turnbull would still be prime minister”. Still, Morrison believes he has his opponent cold after Shorten admitted he could not give a one-figure answer on costs. “If he doesn’t know the cost of his policies, you can’t vote for him” is now a recurring Morrison mantra.
The audience was more impressed with Shorten when he said he could “categorically say that if we don’t take real action on climate change, it’ll be a disaster for our economy”. His statements on climate drew spontaneous applause. One of Labor’s key strategists says this reaction squares with Labor’s tracking of the issues. Climate change has gradually climbed up the list of voters’ concerns to be near the top.
This is real trouble for the Coalition. The Australian Conservation Foundation gave the government just 4 per cent on its climate change policy scorecard. Labor got a pass mark with 56 per cent, while the Greens were top of the class on 99 per cent.
The ACF said the Coalition’s $2 billion top-up of its renamed Climate Solutions Fund was “grossly inadequate”. In a media release, ACF chief executive Kelly O’Shanassy said: “For the Coalition to again offer this ineffective policy as its main plan to tackle climate change shows a disregard for farmers, survivors of natural disasters ***fuelled by global warming and the next generation of Australians.”
Conspicuous in their absence from the frontline Liberal campaign are Environment Minister Melissa Price and Energy Minister Angus Taylor. He is too busy threatening to sue journalists who question his role in the Cayman Islands-based company Eastern Australia Agriculture and the Murray–Darling water buybacks. Price’s absence is an admission of the Coalition’s utter vulnerability, not improved by her 11th-hour environmental green light for the contentious Adani coalmine.
The one “gotcha” moment of Monday’s debate came when Shorten did not know the current price of a popular electric car. Morrison was full bottle on it. However, Shorten’s 50 per cent target of electric vehicles sales by 2030 is 11 years away and, as he has explained, it won’t be imposed by law. More likely, technology and global car makers will have intervened before then.
Shorten received a boost midweek when billionaire steel entrepreneur Sanjeev Gupta visited Whyalla and announced his plans to manufacture electric vehicles – whether he receives subsidies or not. Gupta told reporters, “within a short space of time, electric cars will be viable without any help from anybody.”
The whole electric-car hysteria, whipped up by Murdoch’s papers, simply serves to confirm an impression Dr Hewson wrote on – that on key policy issues, the Coalition is “a team of (mostly) men of the past, lacking a vision or the policies to back it up”…
Carmichael Mine could be delayed up to five years
Queensland Times – 14 hours ago
The Palaszczuk Government demanded Adani count the precise number of black-throated finches living on the proposed Carmichael mine …
2 May: Bloomberg: The Next ‘Ferrari of Shale’ May Be Hiding in Australia’s Outback
By James Thornhill; With assistance by Hannah Dormido
In a corner of outback Australia, a drilling crew will soon try tapping shale rocks that could hold more than three times the world’s annual consumption of natural gas.
Origin Energy Ltd. plans to drill two wells later this year in the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin, after the local government ended a three-year ban on fracking — the practice of extracting oil and gas from layers of shale rock deep underground. With an estimated 500 trillion cubic feet of gas, Beetaloo has been compared to famed U.S. shale regions such as Marcellus and Barnett.
But its isolated location, lack of infrastructure, and the likelihood of tough environmental opposition, make Beetaloo a highly speculative investment.
“There are some big numbers being quoted and people have to realize this is exploration,” said Mark Schubert, Origin’s head of integrated gas, noting that only some of the total reserves would be extractable…
Data suggest the Beetaloo formation has similar characteristics to Marcellus in the eastern U.S., which Schubert calls “the Ferrari of shale.”…
Simon Holmes a Court, a prominent advocate in Australia for the transition to cleaner energy, tweeted in response to Labor’s pipeline investment pledge that, “the #beetaloo gas fields are the next #adani,” raising the prospect of the project becoming a major climate battleground…
“The Palaszczuk Government demanded Adani count the precise number of black-throated finches living on the proposed Carmichael mine ”
Well I guess Queenslanders now know that if they want their state to progress, they will have to vote against Labor on the 18th of May.
Palaszczuk, everytime she opens her mouth, I cringe.
heard a journalist on Sky News the other day say this is the ninth time Adani has been told to revise its plan to protect the finch.
the journo also mentioned how Premier Palaszczuk appointed some environmental zealot to the body that is holding up the approvals. didn’t catch the guy’s name or what party he belonged to.
3 May: Hitz939: Qld Government Sends List Of Demands To Adani
By Michelle Price
The list of demands was presented to an Adani representative late on Thursday.
The Courier Mail reports that they are based on a controversial “independent” report ordered by the Department.
The Department of Environment and Science has issued a statement which advises Adani that it cannot approve its Black-throated Finch Management Plan (BTFMP) in its current form because it does not meet the requirements of the company’s environmental authority.
Adani has been invited to submit a new or revised BTFMP for DES’s consideration. The statement said, this position is based on the best available science…
After considering all the information available and consistent with previous advice, DES is seeking a number of commitments from Adani. This includes gathering more accurate population information, which is vital to effectively manage and monitor the impacts of the project on the Black-throated Finch and essential habitats in the project area.
DES invites Adani to make a clear commitment to a limited grazing regime in the project area, and to provide sufficient detail of research that will determine seed availability throughout the year…
Adani Mining is calling on the Premier to take charge and show leadership, requesting the Queensland Labor Government commit once and for all to a date to finalise the plans.
CEO for Adani Mining Lucas Dow said that off the back of the State again delaying the approvals process by requesting an eighth round of new revisions, which he believes goes
well beyond what is required to meet Adani’s environmental requirements, the Department still refused to provide any firm dates to finalise the Black-Throated Finch Management Plan or the Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Management Plans.
“After receiving this advice from the Queensland Environment Department late yesterday, we are now feverishly working through their new requests,” Mr Dow said.
“Although we believe the current version of the Black-Throated Finch Management Plan already meets our project conditions, we are not going to be pig-headed about it and we
will review the feedback from the Queensland Department and respond accordingly”.
“However, Department officials have refused to commit to a timeframe to finalise the plan, even if we were to accept the State’s new round of requests in full,” Mr Dow said.
“At what point does the Environment Minister get held to account for the performance of her own Department and its behaviour?”
“Furthermore, if the Department can’t provide us an answer, can the Environment Minister, Deputy Premier or Premier provide us a date instead so we can get on with
delivering thousands of jobs for regional Queenslanders?” Mr Dow said…
The Black-Throated Finch Management Plan has been under review by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science for more than 18 months, with ***seven revisions, independent reviews conducted and approvals already received by the Australian Federal Government…
***One example of such overreach includes the Department’s insistence on post-doctoral qualifications for certain activities yet the Environmental Authority makes no reference of people needing to hold post-doctoral qualifications rather it simply states Adani Mining should instead require qualified ecologists. Which means we will engage people with relevant experience and qualifications – to insist that people must hold post-doctoral studies is both misplaced and entirely restrictive. We will engage the people that are best qualified and experienced, which may include people with post-doctoral qualifications.
Accordingly we are we are saying the Queensland Labor Government cannot continue to try and make up new conditions or rules on the run.
Mr Dow said this was yet another example of the Queensland Government shifting the goal posts for the Carmichael Project…
“We have endured more than 18 months of endless requests for 11th hour changes, not to mention an external review lead by an individual who heads up an organisation whose
members have stated anti-mining, anti-coal agendas, all while the Department has been waving through environmental approvals for other coal mines that also contain black-throated finches,” he said.
“We are not unreasonable and we will continue to work with the Queensland Government to finalise these plans. We’ve jumped all their past hurdles and we’ll jump this one as well,
but it’s time for the Queensland Labor Government to give us a date on finalising these outstanding management plans once and for all.
“We are not going away and we will see this through for the benefit of Queensland and in particular for the people in regional Queensland.”…
All those people in India being DEPRIVED of clean efficient reliable Australia coal.
Its a DISGRACE against humanity.
Where you been Spike? Haven’t seen you posting on Tony’s blog for some time now.
The two most dangerous men in Australia at present are Bill Shorten and Mark Butler. Don’ t worry our environment is safe, it is our economy that is about to be destroyed for absolutely zero gain. Let us hope we can produce a last minute vote for sanity. Surely a majority of Australians can see through the futility of Shortens madness. Or at the very least we have a Senate that can.
Them and us
“Climate Worrier: Giving Up Flying is Too Much of a Sacrifice”
Lot’s of detail about Simon Holmes A Court here :
The grand Poo Bah of renewable energy !
Very interesting analysis of his Hepburn Wind farm Coop in Victoria.
Good one, thanks for posting.
So Hepburn Wind is an even more iniquitous project than TdeF has been posting. Who’d buy out a shareholder when there is no expectation of a dividend? I guess those duped investors console themselves with the knowledge that renewables virtue is its own reward.
Hadnt seen this one! Look plausible, would need proper scientific checking but..
More ammo for the onslaught of ‘windlessbines’.
Some red thumber loves wind mills…
So, does anyone have any links or info as to the veracity to the “Dead Dog” Sara Henderson (Corangamite Lib) story ScoMo came up with today??
O/T but I find this increduluous…. .perhaps the girls schools just happen to be historically on smaller blocks of land because that was what was available at the time? Rather long bow to draw….
Up the workers…..!!
Key points:
A study of elite schools found boys schools have up to three times more playground space than girls schools
Academics are worried this imbalance is reinforcing gender stereotypes about boys belonging outdoors and girls indoors
They theorise boys are led to choose outdoor careers which ultimately perpetuates the gender pay gap
It started when University of Queensland researchers were studying elite schools in Brisbane, one of the breeding grounds for business and industry leaders across the nation, and noticed a recurring theme during their visits.
“The girls schools seemed to be perched on outcrops or in tiny little spaces and the boys were kind of like on these palatial grounds,” lead researcher Terry Fitzsimmons said.
“So we decided to use Google Maps and get a top-down view.”
“What they found was boys schools had three times more playground space than girls schools and 1.5 times more space overall.
I find it rather odd – covert modelling of a non existent problem becomes – a problem?
It could only happen in the strange world of politics….
THeres no problem at all if they would DROP the whole scam and save taxpayers trillions.
For the record.
You may not understand much about Australian political protocols, so you might not know anything about the “caretaker period”. Perhaps you should educate yourself?
Clearly, as a result of the dumbing down of the media along with its innate lean to the left, “The Age” doesn’t understand the protocol either.
Here’s the lesson for you:
In Australia, under the Westminster system, government departments do not issue such assessments as The Age refers to here, during the caretaker period. If they were do so, in spite of these protocols, it demonstrates politicization of the Australian Public Service. I, for one, congratulate the Industry Department for its professionalism in abiding by the protocols.
Unfortunately, “The Age” has again shown itself to be a less than reliable newspaper; one that has nailed its colours to the green/left socialist mast.
Hmmm bit of a fail there SS and you may wish to educate yourself as regards DAWRS statement on water early in the campaign during the caretaker period.
Ah, you area one-eyed idiot then. Noted.
“Ah, you area one-eyed idiot then”
Thegeek sees ONLY with the left eye, and it only looks to the far-left
Thus it misses MOST of what is real.
Remember, it’s only purpose here is as a low-level leftist troll
I see no mention of a DAWRS statement on water here:
or here:
So which statement are you referring to?
A person that feels they should maybe back out because their house was egged probably doesn’t have the stones to be in this fight or anywhere near it. Glad Chris Christy and Roy Spencer didn’t give a hint of thinking that way after the National Space Science and Technology office building they work at the UA Huntsville campus received seven shots, most of them striking Christy’s office on the 4th floor and the rest in the office next door.
Which came first? Climate policy or socialism?
Which came first? Watermelons would get my vote. Green on the outside and red on the in.
One wonders whether the arch-coward Holmes a Court was hoping for an even more violent attack on Dr Fisher’s home and family. Having “armed” the Greenshirts with the address he sits back and waits for the outcome. No one should be surprised by Holmes a Court.