Remember when Dr David Viner famously said “Children wont know what snow is?”
To paraphrase Tony Heller: “Soon Children Wont Know What Science Is”.
Two weeks ago snow mass in the Northern Hemisphere hit “exceptional”. This graph below is from the Finnish Meteorological Institute and unlike other datasets includes both snow and ice. They don’t say if this is an all-time record (since 1982).
Look at that chart: Total Snow Mass for the Northern Hemisphere (excluding mountains)

Source Cryosphere Now
Exceptionally large winter snow
[Science Daily] In the Northern Hemisphere the maximum seasonal snow cover occurs in March. “This year has been a year with an exceptionally large amount of snow, when examining the entire Northern Hemisphere. The variation from one year to another has been somewhat great, and especially in the most recent years the differences between winters have been very great,” says Kari Luojus, Senior Research Scientist at the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
There are the usual we-still-believe weasel word caveats:
The weather fluctuates from one year to another and individual cold snaps in the Arctic area are not, as such, proof of the progression of climate change.
And lets not forget…individual hot snaps in the Arctic area are not, as such, proof of the progression of climate change either. Wouldn’t it be good if scientists reminded everyone?
97% of scientists are more certain than ever, but look out! We are about to be hit by the Climate Uncertainty Monster
“However, they [cold snaps] are a reminder of how climate uncertainty has increased and that we’ll have to get use (sic) to variations in the weather as the climate change proceeds,” Laaksonen observes.
And thus the scientists resort to Voodoo and post hoc excuse-making. Climate Uncertainty is the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card for modelers. It legitimizes every departure from average as “proof” of their success.
What would it take to disprove them — Ten average years? Not even an ice age?
Unlike “hottest ever” press releases the researchers felt compelled to cherry pick some contrary indicators and remind us snow cover has been declining. This snowy year could absolutely *not* be part of a changing cycle.
Total amount of snow declines and snow starts to melt earlier
Lengthy series of observation times show that the total amount of snow in the Northern Hemisphere has declined in the spring period and that the melting of the snow has started earlier in the same period. Examination over a longer period (1980-2017) shows that the total amount of snow in all winter periods has decreased on average.
Also, the ice cover on the Arctic Ocean has grown thinner and the amount and expanse of perennial ice has decreased. …
Remember when skiing would end?
That was 2017
Time — The Big Melt
“The dream of skiing on Alpine snow is going to go away,” says Zorzanello. The loss of the beauty that once was the Alps is a just price for the damage wrought by humans—and might serve as a sufficient spur for us to begin to avoid doing more. — Jeffrey Kluger, undated, 2017 or later.
Climate Study Suggests Skiing Is On a Short Leash
Scientists ran 300,000 years worth of climate change models at U.S. ski resorts
In just 70 years, the ski season will be markedly shorter, no matter what happens in the near future.
Subsequently, revenue from ticket sales alone will drop in the coming decades by hundreds of millions to billions of dollars. – June 20, 2017, Julie Brown
This is now:
American ski resorts to stay open until July following snowiest winter on record
It has officially been the wettest winter on record in the USA, meaning many of the country’s ski resorts have experienced the snowiest ski season in history.
Las Vegas got it’s first significant snowfall since records began in 1937. There was also record snow in Seattle, Sierra Nevada, and Minnesota and in Arizona.
UPDATE: See also the Colorado Snowpack record and the one in the Himalayas.
h/t Andrew V
Yes, we are still waiting for January to end. One day after the equinox and over night temps below 0 degrees F. still. Snow cover still measured in feet. A lot of albedo to over come, before the growing season can start. NH cooling for sure. Maybe coming to a hemisphere near you too.
Snow is the new plastic bags. We need a snow tax. Coming to a weasel state near you. Its all about the benjamins baby. Tax it and there will be less……
You don’t Sknow what you’re talking about.
Approved scientists sknow better because they have modelling to prove it.
Empirical evidence and observation is no match for peer reviewed models.
BTFO deniers 🙂 now start shoveling that snow, it’s penance for causing climate change.
Snow is warning us: “Soon children won’t know who Dr David Viner is.”
David who?
If ‘experts’ keep telling people that a cat is a dog, soon enough plenty of people will believe that a cat is a dog.
Many already do. The problem is now how to re-educate them to the truth. It will be hard. According to a survey Australians feel less enthusiastic about reducing our emissions because of the hip-pocket but still have a long way to go. Too many still feel we should keep our emissions low but not as low as ALP+Greens are promising.
Hip-pocket hit creates a climate for change
How do you think the Butterfly got it’s name? It used to be Flutterby…
In our family the butterfly has often been the flutterby, naturally, when squirrels were often squiddles and flies were flugles.
” flies were flugles”
and to get rid of them, you used flugan-sprughan
If people are reminded that daylight saving provides an extra hour of daylight they will believe that too.
Queensland does not have daylight saving because the extra hour of sunshine fades their curtains faster:
Maybe tongue-in-cheek after past premier Joh famously quipped it would fade curtains – always hard to know when Joh was serious or just “feeding the chickens”. His royalties on coal and taxation through coal rail transport and port fees had the government heading toward paying a dividend to Queenslanders; then enter Labor. Joh was the most influential individual in lowering electricity prices in Australia before intermittents began their economic destruction.
Joh was viewed as anti-union but Labor leader Hawk actually mimicked Joh in taking on the pilots 4 years later.
I did a work experience stint in a Queensland power station in the SEAQ era and had first hand view of the industrial nightmare in power generation.
The power employees used to strike every Christmas for more pay too. Joh put an end to that by making it illegal. Worked a treat.
The industrial nightmare you saw was mimicked at the Newcastle state dockyards here.
When the “inefficiency” finally saw its closure the “workers” were most likely unaware that the booming shipyards in South Korea were paying employees more than them.
The victmhood meme was alive and well and giving the union leaders an easy ride.
Trouble is our leaders now are no better.
When after union pressure, looking for work, the navy was silly enough to put Manoora or Kanimbla in the Newcastle floating dry dock, they had to fly my son, & a number of other staff at Garden Island Sydney up to do work on the thing. The dockyard did not have people qualified to do a fair bit of the work required.
If the blind is routinely put up at the same (clock) time each day then the curtains will receive an extra hour of daylight in summer.
Daylight saving is such a silly name for what I still refer to as summer time.
Daylight Saving highlights the level of public ignorance. In third or fourth class primary school I was taught that there is much less variation in day length at the equator than in places away from the equator like England or even Melbourne and Sydney. The people who scoff at Queensland not having daylight saving clearly do not know this.
Bemused, that technique is starting to work for human gender.
I’m getting cynical about there being intelligent life on earth, *consensus* suggests otherwise.
the current year
More snow than ever shows that snow is not vanishing as so widely and so often predicted. However snow now in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Cairo shows that it is also colder than ever. Rain is scarce enough in Las Vegas. I was there once with the only umbrella in town. Now you need to cope with snow in spring? For the first time ever. Global Warming is dead. When facts contradict predictions, it has to be Climate Change.
Global Warming is not dead. It has morphed to Climate Change.
The term “bad weather” is no longer applicable. The flip side of “good weather” is Climate Change. Cyclone Idai in Africa is the most recent proof.
The most snow EVAH in the USA is simply more proof of Climate Change.
Climate Change is defined as any unusual weather. As one headline read, it means more 1 in 100 year events. Now how would anyone know that, when most records only go back 100 years?
The scientific definition of Climate Change starts with “once upon a time, the weather was perfect and had not changed for thousands of years..”
One of the great fallacies is that ‘random’ things happen predictably. So one in a hundred year events turn up right on time. In fact you would be very suspicious if that happened.
Consider a line of things, one every hundred years. That is the opposite of random. Move every second event and you will end up with clumps of threes and so the saying ‘bad things happen in threes’. Because they are random. So expect one in a hundred year events three times in a hundred years or not at all.
However the Chicken Littles of Climate Change seize on two bad events as proof of something, as if they could know the average frequency of major events when we have so few records spanning 1,000 years, which is what you would need.
Climate Change. The fantasy which explains everything and justifies the destruction of successful democracies and the need for a United Nations to rule everyone. Without elections or referenda, which as Teresa May knows are just a total nuisance to governing. After all, what would the people know?
TdeF, you could also add as I do when talking about one in 100 year events that, if you have 100 towns in, say, the USA then, on average, one of those towns will have a one in 100 year flood, another a one in 100 year high temp etc. every year.
An interesting comment on SKY Outsiders last Sunday from a young woman, a student, interviewed about the student climate change marches.
She said that the importance of a strong economy and the contributions made by reliable low cost electricity, mining and economic prosperity resulting became clear to her when she studied economics.
A polar opposite…here in Australia, Rabbit Flat claims record for hottest place from Marble Bar…or did it?
(Data for March2019, check back thru previous months of official data to confirm the record…this was reported as factual on TheirBC yesterday)
If you want to study that more:
Statistics from 1981 to 2010:
10 day forecast for Lapland:,
Temperatures 1830- 2000.!ds=1loo!1n6s=1fu&display=line
The last one shows no warming in the Helsinki city center. Milder winter nights may be due to urban heat.
“The dream of skiing on Alpine snow is going to go away.”
There is pretty strong evidence that the warming climate of the 19th century brought more snow to the Swiss high country, which had lower precipitation before that. The fad for Alpine skiing and sightseeing coincided with the waning of the LIA. Glaciers eating your village don’t guarantee good powder for the weekend.
Oddly enough, snow can result from warming, depending on where you are. But don’t tell the warmies that, or every good ski season at Thredbo will be blamed on coal. (Of course, every bad ski season will also be blamed on coal. Don’t even think of winning with that mob.)
That is the abject elegance of unfalsifiability. Everything is explained. As Bertrand Russell would say, it has all the advantages of theft over honest toil.
California is the most “woke” state on climate change. This year they’ve had many series of storms and resulted in snow accumulation of more than 600 inches in places like Squaw Valley near Lake Tahoe. As bad as that seems, check out the computer predictions for west coast storms for the next two weeks at Tropical Tidbits Click on the arrow to run and animation and there are SEVEN more storms coming the next two weeks. They might be able to ski most of the summer up there.
I read something in the last week or so that California expects a good year for renewable energy, particularly hydro, with all the rain and snow. So climate change is good for renewable energy
Crap logic Maptram.
The deep snow cover in the Sierras of California is evidence of no AGW.. Just of normal weather …
And hydro is not a ‘renewable’ energy source. Once the water has gone down the turbines it’s gone mate…Unless you propose to waste more power pumping it back up again ?
I said renewable because hydro is often included in discussion about renewable energy. My comment was tongue in cheek, the warmists believe extreme weather is evidence of climate change, but it’s climate change that often produces the energy
In some places, large hydro has been defined out of renewable. Tiny new projects did count.
The reason was that places with many large dams could not produce workable regulations asking for X% renewable by date YY because they already had, say 65% hydro. So Hydro=Coal=Gas got written into law.
Crap perception Bill in Oz.
Whatever happened to your understanding of “Laconic”?
Or other subtleties of Oz expression?
Why is hydro not considered renewable? Mother nature refills the lakes behind the hydroelectric dams with water when it rains. (I know California does not count it in their renewable portfolio but that’s because the environmentalists hate dams.) Then there is pumped hydro storage where in fact they do pump water back uphill and refill the lake behind the hydroelectric dam. California’s topography makes this practical, particularly when moving water over mountains into metropolitan areas which already consumes about 1/8 of the electricity used in the state. Additionally, their solar and wind installations are often producing excess power that is sold at a loss to neighboring jurisdictions. An always on electrical system needs a buffer or energy storage to manage the demand peaks and valleys. Hydroelectric could easily be used to manage the generating peaks and valleys to make renewable energy more responsive to demand.
“Soon Children Wont Know What Science Is”.
So true…the Left is a destroyer.
It destroys science
It destroys truth
It destroys hope
It destroys wisdom
It destroys peoples lives.
It destroys freedom of speech through PC
It destroys freedom of religion
It destroys freed om of association
The Left is a clear and present danger to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.
It’s time for common sense folks to face facts.
In our world, a failed forecast is a bug.
In theirs, it’s a feature.
You can gain credentials and credibility as a “reporter” without ever researching the history
of predictions made and validated by any of the people or groups you report on.
You can gain credentials and credibility as a “reporter” without ever checking the facts behind claims.
There are people who predicted the world would end due to warming in 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010.
They are still making the same prediction and still getting the same attention.
I think, with great regret, that there are pretty obvious conclusions one can draw about them, those who report on them, and
their audience. And their schooling.
With even greater regret, I’m not sure this is an accident as opposed to a consequence of a school that values power over ones neighbors over all other ‘virtues’.
Some days the glass looks half empty. I know some folks who can afford to go skiing. I know that they will enjoy an unusual spring trip, and evidence no change whatsoever in their attitudes toward climate change when they return. They are a couple: both school teachers.
The ongoing apparent media credibility of people like Mann, Gore, Flannery, Erlich, Krugman and so on remains a puzzle. I guess the MSM doesnt really care as long as they have a go to person for a quote, they can stay narrative aligned and fill their word quota. Accuracy, reality and your track record dont seem to play a part anymore.
I think there should be an extra “l” in “til” in the title
Arkwright had a “till” – it was dangerous as well.
Until would be a better choice according to lexicographers.
Til used to be written as ” ’til ” until people got lazier and dropped the apostrophe.
Ian, point taken, though I’m a ’til person, as in shortened form of until. Though thank you. I did improve the headline. you are right that “til” on it’s own is not a word.
Already NOAA has declared this February among the 8 warmest Februaries on record.
Amazing !
And the politicians remain silent.
Who cares about 8th place?
How on earth did that make a headline?
Spike Milligan’s cover for the team that lost –
“They came second”
Darwin Award don’t go to runner up. 🙁
You obviously don’t understand the concept of “participation trophy”. Even eighth place gets a reward – as a victim of the seventh place finishers.
The Farmer’s Almanac predicted a very snowy 2018-19 and they use the sun, moon and astronomical cycles in their forecasting.
“springs are getting cooler”; global warming blamed!
Tree swallows expose state of our climate
“Looking at the long-range weather data, the researchers also determined that rainfall amounts have increased over the decades and springs are getting cooler.
Dr. Bonier says these weather changes, which she attributes to [global warming], are affecting more than just tree swallows.
2018, CSIRO: Future climate
Evaluation of previous temperature projections for Australia
“It has now been almost 30 years since the first sets of climate model projections were published, providing the opportunity to compare those projections to observations of the actual climate.
Drawing the projections together as an Australian average, the linear trend in observed temperature has been tracking within this published range, and above ‘no change’.
CSIRO (1992) produced projections of Australian temperature from 1990 to 2030 for Australia divided into three regions. ”
Wait. What?
Feb 1988: CSIRIO’s Top Scientist Predicted 2-4 C Warming By 2018
Whoa! Wait. What?
2004: “The IPCC (and CSIRO) relied heavily on the Mann paper in coming to their global warming conclusions.”
(It’s 2070) “Snow cover in the Victorian and NSW alps has shrunk 90 per cent since 2000, and skiers are forced to go to New Zealand.”
In Australia, we have endured an exceptionally warm summer. However, this is site was adamant, that this was not a trend, and indeed temps in the 1800’s were much hotter. Now I’m expected to believe that an exceptionally snowy winter is indeed a trend, and science got it wrong. Talk about a textbook case of logical fallacy.
and snow in the 1800s? Let’s trawl through old newspaper clippings
If I read your sarcasm correctly then yes you cannot trust modern newspapers either right? The ones parroting “global climate change”? After all these paper people arent scientists are they!
indeed… the unprecedented snow is sure to be contradicted in the newspaper archives
I have demonstrated that your sarcasm cannot be read by the average man.
Whom was it that said “unprecedented”?
Great Blizzard of 1888 – 50 inches
Blizzard of ’78 – 30-40″+ range, with drifts to 20 feet (this is 1978)
2019 storms – 12-15″
but the trend!
Great Blizzard was a 3 day WEATHER event.
This year’s snow has been MUCH more widespread and consistent.
Seems little pfutz is still totally unable to apply basic comprehension or rational thought to reality.
Its mind is locked in a fetid fug of brain-washed anti-science.
in 2019 the storms were also 3 day events – but less actual snow
MANY cold records broken in the USA, by significant amounts.
RECORD high snows over a much wider area… GET OVER IT !!
Its been snowing all darn winter in the USA.
You are being a mis-information troll, again.. STOP IT.
when did records begin? It was surely colder before then.
The first records began at the 1924 Paris Olympics.
There weren’t any clocks or measuring tapes until Arrhenius invented them to help with his CO2 greenhouse project in late 1922.
“Let’s trawl through old newspaper clippings”
Yes, let’s …
“Historical data lets us know if current unusual events were also unusual in the past,” says Dr Joëlle Gergis a climate scientist at the University of Melbourne.
She says consistent rainfall and temperature observations didn’t begin in Australia until 1910, and air pressure readings weren’t common until 1955.
To fill in the gaps prior to this period climate scientists are currently undertaking a major international effort to recover lost weather data from historical sources, says Gergis.”
Low-info climate bedwetters … ya gotta problem with old news clippings?
you realise that was the point I was making?
Patricia – you mean like a trend of a no warming for 30 years?
World surface temperature is not measured in Melbourne.
World surface temperature is not measured anywhere!
Your stupidity knows no bounds, simply because the NH has been really cold does not mean the planet is cooling, conversely simply because the SH has been warm does not mean the planet is warming.
Climate science gets it wrong every day of the year primarily because we know virtually nothing about the climate and have flawed models based on the premise CO2 is a wonder gas.
The moment your brain reconciles these facts the moment you will begin to see things far more clearly.
Simply put if a model predicts we will get less snow and we get more the model is flawed, no ifs, no buts its flawed and it will be flawed because the underpinning knowledge used to write the computer code is inadequate.
What part if any of the above statement do you not understand?
When one model is flawed based on the underpinning knowledge used to write the computer code then all models validity are brought into question because they are all based on the same underpinning knowledge.
What part if any of the above statement do you not understand?
Which part of logical fallacy do you not understand.
Please explain where a logical fallacy has taken place. Dont just state one has taken place explain where it has taken place, IOW just because you rant one has taken place is not evidence one actually has taken place.
Ignoring my post is not a sound method of pretending one has taken place either what it does show is you have a breath taking lack of understanding, i/we are happy to assist you but only if you are willing to accept our assistance.
Firstly, my post is about a logical fallacy, which was explained in the post. Chatting about models has no place in that discussion. If my post does not demonstrate the logical fallacy, then explain why.
A classic leftist ploy of appeal to ( in this case – lack of..) authority.
“Logical fallacy” is a misuse of words. One implies the other.
Like I said, how about the 30 years of lack of warming? Its logical, and not a fallacy….ergo….
Lets dissect your comment shall we?
In Australia, we have endured an exceptionally warm summer.
True it has been warm but as i stated above it has been cold in the NH in other words SO WHAT? where is the news in this statement?
However, this is site was adamant, that this was not a trend, and indeed temps in the 1800′s were much hotter.
What was not a trend? there is always a trend based on epochs and time series. The record shows it was hotter in the late 1800’s do you disagree?
Now I’m expected to believe that an exceptionally snowy winter is indeed a trend,
Trends in general is covered above however ElGordo has shown clearly in 17.6 *THE USA* trend is positive for NTH American snow cover, i am not sure what the trend is for the entire NH, are you talking about the USA trends or the NH trends? Is you trend for the past 30 years or dating back to the start of the current record or indeed dating back one million years via ice cores?
and science got it wrong.
Self explanatory, i have also explained why science got it wrong and as Jo explains how science got it wrong in the epilog of this thread
Talk about a textbook case of logical fallacy.
Lets talk about what is a text book case of logical fallacy Peter, a logical fallacy is a flaw in ones reasoning here are some examples but I also invite other readers to list the thousands i dont.
1, Millions of balloons carrying radiosondes containing calibrated and accurate thermometer and humidity equipment aloft into the atmosphere cannot find the hot spot, this equipment readings are ignored as they are deemed to be not accurate however the GPS engine (no not a GPS) is deemed very accurate and is used to calculate the wind shear. The win shear data is then used to show evidence of the hot spot.
2. Thousands of ARGO bouys float in our oceans taking calibrated and accurate (amongst others) temp readings which show no trend in ocean heat, these readings are ignored due to apparent inaccuracies, instead the temps measured in the ships intakes of its engines are used to show an increase in ocean water in the shipping lanes. This increase in a small slither of our oceans is then extrapolated across all the oceans to show the oceans are warming.
3. We can measure past climates based on tree rings, however when the tree rings show a decline in temps when the instrumental record shows the opposite we can either publish the data as is or we can remove the tree ring data post 1060’s and stitch on the instrumental record to pretend our study is useful and hope no one notices………..unfortunately someone did 🙁
4. Models in general are simply a mathematical representation of the climate system, models are used to help us understand/predict outcomes. For example we have a very, very good understanding of the forces applied to an aircraft structure at twice the speed of sound (SOS) but not at 4-6 X the SOS. Based on our very, very good understanding of the forces at 2 x the SOS we could then use a model to predict what the forces would be at 4 x the SOS. We could then contruct an aircraft based on the model predictions of 4 x the SOS, launch the aircraft and take real world measurements as it travels, these real world measurements would be used to greatly improve the model……………….infact we have done this.
The same cannot be said for climate models, we do not have a very, very good understanding of the climate, we dont know why, how or where clouds will form so our models operate under clear skies and we add a fudge factor at the end but what is the fudge factor value? Because the earth is round we get the energy recieved by the sun and simply divide by 4, the earth is a gray body but where exactly does it sit between white and black? Our models merely interpret the energy from IR to UV they do not include X-ray, CME’s, solar wind, magnetic fields, tidal effects and so on.
The greatest logical fallacy is staring you in the face but alas you are too stupid to see it.Your lack of knowledge and understanding on this subject is truly breath taking.
Our reliance on climate models
you have still dodged the point. Blathering at this stage does not help. This site discounts the BOM’s assessments that this was an exceptionally warm summer, but fails in the opposite case to discount an exceptionally snowy winter. Can you not see that?
Don’t forget that J.R. Phillips qoute on models – along the lines of
“Models are similar to masturbation: a harmless enough pastime in itself but no substitute for the real thing”
Thats a lovely strawman Peter i was i had the blind dogged ideology you possess to build such a structure, for your education purposes.
This is how you measure snow depth.
1, Get a stick
2, Hammer the stick into the ground
3, Using a tape measure and a texter mark the stick with lines that reflect the unit of measure of your choosing
4, Wait for it to snow
5, line the top of the snow up with your texter marks
This is not how they measure the temperature
1, Get a thermometer
2, put in a box
3, Make a cup of tea
4, open the box and check the temperature
5, Write the temperature down on a piece of paper
6, do it all again in 12 hours
I think a good analogy of the BOMS practices would be:
I received my power bill from AGL the other day and the bill seemed too high as my solar panels have been cranking of late but then i noticed it was an estimated bill, i rang AGL to complain but they ignored me because they claimed they dont need to take accurate measurements because it all works out even in the end. this bill will be high and maybe the next one and the next but eventually they will get around to taking an accurate measurement and it will be really low.
The BOM are the same, they dont take accurate measurements anymore the RAW data is manipulated by a computer program a program written by either a meteorologist or so called climate scientist none of which have any skills in code writing at least to the level required. The code and nor the reasoning for the code is made available, its not peer reviewed and therefore not been through the verification and validation phase that any other field of endeavour would be scrutinised with.
In response to critism they state it doesn’t matter what the adjustments are because half are up and half are down so its all even in the end just like AGL. I actually have pity for the likes of you Peter, all sembance of critical thinking and structured logic pathways have been beaten out of you through guilt and indoctrination.
I am sure your side will win the culture war as Shorten will be our next PM, at some point in the future what i and others say here will make sense, far too late of course but it will.
“Blathering at this stage does not help”
Yet you still keep doing it , pfutz, because it all you are capable of.
Empty mindless blather and fantasy gibberish is your stock in trolling
“This site discounts the BOM’s assessments that this was an exceptionally warm summer”
BOOM has been SHOWN to be making erroneous measurements, using substandard methodologies and generally “adjusting” and “fabricating” data to make it say what they want it to say.
They have become an “activist” group, rather than a scientific group.
With your very limited scientific comprehension, you “trust” that sort of “science” , just like you “believe” in the non-fact of warming by atmospheric CO2.
But in the end, all you can manage to do is yap mindlessly like a little troll.
There, you’ve
Yes, your post WAS a logical fallacy, pfutz
We did not need you to tell us.
COLD records have been broken in many parts of the USA.
There are definite signs that the USA region is cooling.
There has been NO WARMING in the last 40 years except from an El Nino around 1998 from SOLAR energy stored in the oceans, and a transient from the 2015-2017 El Nino/big Blob effect.
It seems that, as you are well aware, increased atmospheric CO2 does absolutely nothing to the climate or temperatures.
The part where you are logical and the part where you are not fallacy.
We agree that 30 years is climate and here we see an Autumn trend in North America.
The regularity of the rise in snow since 1998 is interesting.
Sure, as long as we can agree that the have just had the warmest summer, for exactly the same reasons
A meandering jet stream?
The Rutgers graph indicates that snow and ice increased over the North American Autumn, but why did it happen during a time of obvious global warming?
This is your chance to prove that the trend is what we should expect in a warming world.
You have to account for both the warm summer in the southern hemisphere and the snowy winter in the northern hemisphere simultaneously. One way is to argue that with more potential energy stored in the atmosphere as heat, but having a chaotic impact, that just might be the driver which explains what we see. Another way, favoured here, is to say anything that indicates warming is suspect and should be ignored, while anything that indicates cooling should be placed at the centre of the the model used by you and your fellow travelers.
Or one could easily argue that no
would also cause >30years of WEATHER?!?!?!?!
You have nothing Peter and your wailing and gnashing of teeth widely misses the possibility that there is no more [sic] potential energy stored in the atmosphere as heat [sic].
No climate model required.
“One way is to argue that with more potential energy stored in the atmosphere as heat”
ZERO EVIDENCE, as always
Just INVENT more NONSENSE to match your mythology, pfutz. !
RUN and HIDE from the FACT that there is no empirical evidence showing increased atmospheric CO2 has any affect on climate whatsoever.
LIES, built on LIES built on FANTASY… the POC way.
This is the AGW viewpoint.
‘To claim that record snowfall is inconsistent with a warming world betrays a lack of understanding of the link between global warming and extreme precipitation. Warming causes more moisture in the air which leads to more extreme precipitation events.
‘This includes more heavy snowstorms in regions where snowfall conditions are favourable. Far from contradicting global warming, record snowfall is predicted by climate models and consistent with our expectation of more extreme precipitation events.’
Skeptical Science
Seems you can’t equate snow with COLD?
And can you send link to evidence that:
And also a link that provides evidence:
And also I still need that link for the:
OH! And one last thing Peter Filler:
You LEFT out an L from Traveller?
Read the original post before you do your exploding bag of snot party trick
and Dave triggers the mindless pfutz into a tantrum and leaves him lapping up his own BS.
So funny.
“Read the original post before…. blah, blah”
He did read your post, pfutz,
… and like everyone else, realised it was a load of mindless prattle.
He was having a good LAUGH at your incompetence and idiocy.
But only occasionally.
Fitz, it was NOT the warmest Summer here in SA.
That’s just a BOM homogenised & adjusted fairy tale for the kids
Go look at the raw data !
There have been no “heatwaves’ at all this Summer here in SA
Unless as BOM attempts to do,
You define a heatwave as 3 hot days in a row – Three !
That’s complete B/S
It has however been extremely dry since last Winter….
But I don’t ned the Bureau of Misinformation to tell me that.
And it was not particularly hot on my back porch, which was also dry. What is your point
He has more point that you ever have, pfutz,
Your arguments are POINTLESS because there is absolutely ZERO-SCIENCE to back up anything you yap about.
Gone XXX and ruined it.
The level of scientific erudition in this one is incredible.
Warm only in the centre because of blocking ridges.
Coastal regions were pretty average.
WEATHER , pfutz !!
1990/91 had a warmer summer than 2018/19 according to UAH.
And summers around 1900 were much warmer.
So no, NOT a particularly hot summer.
And as you well know, there is ZERO EVIDENCE that humans or human released CO2 have any affect on climate whatsoever.
Is that the best you can do? Make up a strawman, ignore the words and pretend I said something about trends?
Read the post.
And hold on to your fantasy while we mock their “certainty” when they keep getting it wrong and post hoc, unscientifically expand their excuses. The point of this post is not about proving any point in science, it’s about proving how unscientific they are, how unfalsifiable their “theory” is and how inconsistent and asymmetric they are when compared with their own words. I quote them but you can’t quote me. You’re “fake news” Peter.
It’s witchcraft and you have nothing. : -)
But thanks for trying.
From your post:
Unlike “hottest ever” press releases the researchers felt compelled to cherry pick some contrary indicators and remind us snow cover has been declining. This snowy year could absolutely *not* be part of a changing cycle. (my bold)
That, I think, makes my point
“and remind us snow cover has been declining.”
Except Autumn and Winter snow cover has been INCREASING everywhere in the NH !
You are always provably WRONG. Why is that, pfutz??
PeterF, what you have to get your head around is that many of the denizens her are quite happy to contlate “weather” and “climate” when it suits them in the moment, and then dististinguish between the two when it suits them in the moment.
And, FFS this is one of the best satire and humor sites on the web after all. 🙂
Poor phloop, it is you that provides all the slap-stick and hilarity as you faceplant time after time after time into your own BS.
You must like the taste, I guess.
Post of the Day!
Wylie Coyote Award to Phil.
Yep, with you there Phil
“Yep, with you there Phil”
Yep, you and phloop belong together.. In a padded cell.
Phil the AGW mob conflate climate and weather all the time, the hottest summer evah is a global warming meme.
‘And, FFS this is one of the best satire and humor sites on the web after all.’
Many a true word said in jest.
“This snowy year could absolutely *not* be part of a changing cycle.”
Well yes, AMO is changing, PDO is changing, sun is changing
So yes it very much COULD be part of the changing cycle.
The point remains, if you think that the hotter temps are false, then as good little skeptics, you should be equally doubtful of cold temps.
We can accept both extremes because of the meandering jet streams in both hemispheres and blocking high pressure. Importantly, the NH snow trend is up.
Is this a sign of global warming or global cooling?
I think putz needs a team to get sacked just like the last one he got rid of , that way he will feel better about himself .
Your best effort? purile as ever
“Your best effort?”
Yet still WAY above any of your puny LIES and fantasies.
You really are being triggered easily today, aren’t you, poor puddle-pfutz.
Now, do you have any empirical evidence to back up your mindless fantasies of human caused warming???
Or are you just going to remain the PATHETIC, EMPTY sad-sack that you so like to project as your meme.
The NH has a trend.
WRONG again, pfutz
The NORMAL summer in Australia is FAR OUTWEIGHED by the MANY vastly colder records set in the USA.
You are EMPTY , just like you always are
Now, little mini-mind…
Do you have any evidence that humans or human CO2 have caused either of the El Nino events that have given the ONLY warming in the last 40 years?
YOu remain, as always, a ZERO-EVIDENCE empty vassal.
Your donation is gratefully accepted.
I’m just happy that FxP is here to share the running costs of the site.
Thanks XX
I read a report that all California dams are full, or at their max allowable for flood control at this time of the year. There is 150% snow pack above the Oroville Dam so their new $1 bill + spillway will soon be tested.
The link:
Boeing in trouble?
By Steve Miletich
Seattle Times staff reporter
The FBI has joined the criminal investigation into the certification of the Boeing 737 MAX, lending its considerable resources to an inquiry already being conducted by U.S. Department of Transportation agents, according to people familiar with the matter.
The federal grand jury investigation, based in Washington, D.C., is looking into the certification process that approved the safety of the new Boeing plane, two of which have crashed since October.
We should hope that none of the engineers at Boeing earned their college placement via bribes or false claims of athletic prowess.
Uh, guys.
Wait for the investigation, please.
From what we know now, there are many trip factors on the way to an accident, as usual.
It is certainly possible that the system was less than an optimal design. It will be improved, if so.
It is certainly possible that the FAA was unable or unwilling to be sufficiently tough on Boeing.
It is certainly possible that the manuals and training were less than they should have been.
It is certainly possible that the automated system was too aggressive.
It is certainly possible that a single AOA sensor failed, and that a critical system should never have been left to a single sensor.
It is possible that the flight characteristics of the MAX justified a new type certificate.
Us carriers flew many thousands of legs without incident in the airplane.
Criticism entered the system, and modifcation processes were underway at the time of the Lion air accident.
It appears the pilots did not have full Max simulator straining, typical of US carriers.
It appears that a pilot with different training overcame the condition a day earlier, suggesting a maintenance issue.
The press has been inadequate in noting which responsibilities for aircraft deployment are Boeing’s, and which are the carriers.
…and what responsibility the FAA has, and may delegate.
Can anyone think of a company with more exposure to catastrophe than Boeing, or a better safety record in the face of dozens of thousands of pilots flying legs in conditions that often seem marginal at best?
IMHO, if there is a root here, it is that someone at Boeing veered a little from the long held belief at Boeing that the pilot shold be in control of the aircraft, rather than monitoring systems. Some of us long for the days of cables and pulleys — probably not realistic but still a useful attitude.
Boeing’s future depends on safety, and they know it. If I had to bet my safety as a passenger on Boeing, the FAA, or the congress, I’d choose Boeing every time.
Everything in aviation is a compromise, thanks the those nasty old laws of physics. Assigning criminality to compromise post facto is what governments do, and one of the reasons we love them so much.
It would be nice if every MAX pilot had seen trim runaway in a simulator. This will now happen, and the system will be improved, and the outstanding safety record of civil aviation will continue.
Until we are all forced into electric planes, thus grounded.
Looking at the graph, it appears that the NH mid-march snow is equal to or greater than 3 standard deviations above the average. It very likely is a record amount for historic times (Or at least the period used to calculate the average.)
It would be interesting to see all of the 30 years of data on the one graph. The average and SD has a purpose but doesn’t show previous extremes.
Still, it can be seen that the beginning of this years accumulation began a week or so earlier than normal and may correlate with our Southern extended summer.
It’s not the most on record. At least not west of the continental divide. The winter of 1948 and 1949 had far more snow according to the old timers and according to a documentary I watched.
So what caused the deep snow in those tears? It can’t have been CO2, so CO2 cannot automatically be blamed for this year’s fall.
no CAGW bias in AP’s article!
20 Mar: AP: EPA argues for shifting focus from climate change to water
WASHINGTON: Unsafe drinking water, not climate change, is the world’s most immediate public health issue, Environmental Protection Agency administrator Andrew Wheeler contended Wednesday.
Environmental groups responded by saying the Trump administration was neglecting — or worsening — both health threats.
Wheeler made his case for a shift in public focus in a CBS News interview that aired Wednesday, and in a speech later in the day in Washington on global water issues.
Wheeler told CBS News that climate change is “an important issue” but that most of the threats it poses are “50 to 75 years out.”
He said it was “unreasonable” for 2020 Democratic candidates to pay so much attention to it.
The Natural Resource Defense Council responded by citing the damage and deaths from hurricanes Harvey and Maria in 2017, and from back-to-back years of record wildfires in California…
Wheeler’s low-key assessment of any immediate danger from climate change is in line with that of the Trump administration overall, which is working to open more public lands for oil and gas development and to prop up the flagging domestic coal industry.
President Donald Trump at times belittles the warnings on climate change coming from scientists in and out of his government.
“Wouldn’t be bad to have a little of that good old fashioned Global Warming right now!” Trump tweeted during a cold snap in January…
Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist who has moved to roll back environmental regulations on coal since coming to EPA, said in his speech later in the day that water problems claim lives daily around the world…
thought the CAGW mob cared about the children! it seems virtually all major FakeNewsMSM – like AP – OMITTED to mention any of the following:
VIDEO: 20min35sec: 20 Mar: CBS: Clean drinking water a bigger global threat than climate change, EPA’s Wheeler
“We have 1,000 children die everyday worldwide because they don’t have safe drinking water,” Wheeler told (CBS’s Major) Garrett. “That’s a crisis that I think we can solve. We know what goes into solving a crisis like that. It takes resources, it takes infrastructure and and the United States is working on that. But I really would like to see maybe the United Nations, the World Bank focus more on those problems today to try to save those children. Those thousand children each day, they have names, we know who they are.”
The U.S., Wheeler said, has a number of clean water financing programs that provide grants and loans. He wants those to be models for international organizations like the United Nations to provide money to third-world countries.
The World Health Organization estimates that at least 2 billion people globally use a drinking water source contaminated with feces. It’s unclear what, if any, new funding the Trump administration might be providing for the clean water push…
“In fact, on the drinking water side, the Green New Deal does not value — at least nowhere in the documents does it value — having reliable electric grid,” Wheeler said. “A reliable electric grid is absolutely necessary to provide drinking water. You have to have the electricity. When we go, as a first responder, when we go into a community that’s been hit with a hurricane, or some other natural disaster, the first thing we do is try to make sure the electric grid is back up and running in order to provide the drinking water for those communities.”…
Winter is coming. If you look at the UAH temperature graph, it looks like a sine curve with a period of around thirty years and it seems there is nowhere to go after twenty years of warm weather but down.
Winter is coming. If you look at the UAH temperature graph, it looks like a sine curve with a period of around thirty years and it seems there is nowhere to go after twenty years of warm weather but down.
A Catholic saint, Gertrude of Nivelles, is the patron of Cats and Gardeners.
She shares March 17th with St. Patrick of Ireland; so we have St. Catty’s day.
Some apparently think her birthday is the day to plant peas, or potatoes, or whatever.
My onion set supplier and the US Dept. of Agriculture think I should plant my onion sets in the time window of 11- 17th March.
Lo, and behold, over the weekend I shoveled a foot of snow off of the intended planting area. We are having some warm and sunny days and, I hope, that area will thaw and dry enough that I can plant this coming weekend. (I’m in central Washington State at 680 m.)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Related to statements in the post here: When there is a large wildland fire, ash and related dark material becomes caught in (entrained) trees and other vegetation down-wind of the fire. Each year after (for about 3) some of the dark material gets into and on the snow. Thus, the snow melts faster than in a pristine area. Some past claims of earlier melt missed this possibility.
The current Minimum explains quite a lot,
When wild jet streams can swing cold and hot,
As with Dalton and Maunder,
Which alarmists should ponder,
Comparing Earth to a single sunspot.
According to the Australian report, the devastating cyclone which hit Mozambique with at least 1,000 dead and havoc generated in very poor communities was due to “Climate Change”. The World Meteorological Society said as much. Plus the overpopulation in dangerous areas and lack of support from wealthy countries to both prevent Climate Change and to redress the injustice.
You have to ask if any Cyclone is not due to Climate Change. Was there are time before Climate Change when Cyclones did not exist?
How can you tell a Cyclone is caused by Climate Change?
Or is it more dangerous because of 1C in the average world temperature?
Numbers of such storms appear to have halved since Climate Change started with Al Gore and James Hansen, but according to ‘scientists’ the storms are much worse. This is printed as fact in newspapers and on web sites around the world. Who needs science?
Just keep building those windmills, which have done nothing to reduce CO2, now that Climate Change has become an evil quite independent of CO2. It is caused by democracy. Socialist and communist governments say so. Plus the educators from primary school to university who agree and tell our children to warn us of the evils of Climate Change and democracy.
As this rubbish comes from Leftists, we need to issue a mental health warning when listening to the MSM and the “educayshun” industry….
“Warning – consuming propaganda from these sources may cause delusions fo granduer, hypocracy, and a need to crush all Democracies.
Other symptomns include regualr exposure of whites of the eyes when the words “freedom”, “democracy”,”hide the decline” and “Donald Trump”
“Listeners are advise to be at least 10m from any leftists when these words are uttered, in case they exhibit irrational behaviour, a need to attack normal people and an inability to handle any form of opposition or criticism.”
“Other trigger words include “Lock her up!” “MAGA” and “Wealth”, and “global cooling”.”
And leftist attacks are so common.
Anti-Fa, Get-Up.. deliberate disruption and antagonisation of centrist meetings, yelling tand ranting to block out rational speakers..
Yes pfutz, leftists bring their HATRED and VIOLENCE where-ever they go.
That is why you are here, afterall, even if you are too twisted to even admit it to yourself.
There has been a 90% decline in deaths from extreme weather events in the last 100 years as the world’s population has increased from 1.9b to 7.5b. The reduction in deaths must partly be a matter of luck but also due to improved planning and building, increased efficiency of rescue services, hospitals etc all powered by modern, affordable, clean and reliable energy sources all of which climate alarmists wish to deny the world.
Applying that famous quote
“You’d expect them to say that”
keep in mind…this is a CNN poll!
P12: In your own words, please tell me what ONE ISSUE will be most important to you in deciding whom to support in next year’s presidential election:
Immigration: 20 per cent
Climate change/global warming: 2 per cent
20 Mar: CNN Poll: Harris climbs in the Democratic race, as enthusiasm starts high for both parties
By Jennifer Agiesta, CNN Polling Director
DOWNLOAD: RELATED: Full poll results (49-page PDF – see page 9 of 49 for Issues data)
The poll also finds Democrats and Republicans have completely different issue priorities when thinking about next year’s election. Among Republicans, immigration and the economy are the top two issues by far, followed by considerations about a candidate’s ideology or positions on the issues generally. On the Democratic side, they’re weighing a candidate’s personal attributes, immigration, the economy and health care all about evenly…
The CNN Poll was conducted by SSRS March 14 through 17 among a random national sample of 1,003 adults reached on landlines or cellphones by a live interviewer…
Once it was global warming, then CAGW, then climate change. Next it will be CU. Climate uncertainty. Watch and wait.
More likely it will be civil unrest on a scale we’ve never seen before in modern times as more and more people get fed up with the nonsense while it’s hurting savagely people’s lives in so many ways, not just financially.
“This week Business Council of Australia chief Jennifer Westacott played the reality card on Labor’s 45-50 per cent targets for emissions and renewables: “We don’t have a plan to do this.
How are we going to do this? If it’s economy wide, what is the mechanism by which we (Labor) are going to do this? Is it a cap and trade system? Is it the national energy guarantee? Is it a base-loading credit system? Are we going to exempt the trade-exposed sector?
Are we going to allow the ‘carry over’ for Kyoto?
I think the Australian people are entitled to understand how these things will be achieved. This is the history of the problem – people say stuff, then they try to implement it and everyone goes ‘Oh, hang on, we didn’t mean for those jobs to be gone’ – now we’ll have to have a compensation scheme. Then we stop and then we go backwards and then we make no progress. This is the history.”
Yet nothing Westacott said – policy realities that must be faced by any Shorten government – impinge on the current climate change mantras that dominate our public debate. Just listen to the independent progressives crusading on climate change in leafy Liberal seats to grasp how much this debate has regressed over the past 15 years.
They talk endlessly about saving the planet and the urgency for Australia to do more, as though the policy and political obstacles of the past 15 years never happened….”
The Weekend Australian
Paul Kelly
Former deputy prime minister John Anderson, in an extended interview with the ABC, said neither side of politics had been completely honest about the true economic cost of their climate change policies.
Mr Anderson, who led the Nationals for six years from 1999 while John Howard was PM, said a lack of truth-telling on the cost of carbon abatement had been a major contributor to the decade of political dysfunction and leadership turmoil.
He called on both sides of Parliament to be more upfront to Australians about the economic impact of their rival policies before the May federal election.
Australian bosses have started caring about climate change
Australian bosses have started caring about climate change
Australian company directors nominate climate change as the number one issue they want the government to address in the long-term, in a survey of more than 1,200 business leaders.
Mr Anderson identified argument over energy policy as a major contributor to political instability over the past decade.
“The sort of fracturing we’ve seen over the last 10 years that people are so worried about unfortunately in many ways reflects the fracturing of the Australian community and in many ways a revolving door prime ministership problem of the last decade is closely related to energy policy,” he said.
“I’m concerned that the Australian people, whilst they have plainly exercised their democratic right to say we want to deal with climate change and make a difference, are uncertain and even confused as to the best way forward.
“Carbon abatement is expensive and at the heart of our almost dysfunctional politics … has been a refusal on the part of leaders to clearly explain that carbon abatement is expensive, that in fact it is a major economic shock to the system, whatever proposal is coming.”
Mr Anderson has endorsed controversial modelling that purports to show the economic impact of rival climate change policies.
ABC News
Exempting the trade exposed sector sort of implies wind and solar power is a burden. How can this be when any politician and economist can see the LCOE of wind and solar generation is lower than the cost of new coal generation. Surely more wind and solar will lower the cost of power!
All we need is greater policy certainty so those with money are encouraged to build more wind and solar and get a guaranteed return. Without “policy certainty” it is clear to me that any rational investor would not waste a penny on grid scale wind and solar.
Shirley you’re joking!
Iàm with the climate protestors kiddies. 100% renewables now! bring it on , and bring it on hard so people know what it really means. You can tell I dont live in the city cant you?
I reckon if Labor proposed to idle all coal fired plants by 2030 people would vote for it these days.
From what I know
of fire and ice,
I think ice, and snow,
will probably suffice.
H/t Robert Frost
and H/t Jack Frost
“I reckon if Labor proposed to idle all coal fired plants by 2030 people would vote for it these days.”
Bit weird quoting and commenting on myself, but this morning there was an article quoting that Australia already had more than enough renewable capacity to run the country already.
The stupidity, it burns. I wonder if the writer bothered to try and learn just one more layer deep on why 100% renewables is not happening already? you know, other than dreaming up a giant conspiracy that lets you avoid having to learn anything.
plenty of snow in the Austrian Alps:
VIDEO: 38sec: 20 Mar: ABC America: Video shows skiers’ lucky escape from an avalanche in Austria
By Alexandra Svokos
WATCH: Helmet camera captures skiers caught in Austrian avalanche
This particular off-piste area was popular, though, and several skiers were waiting on a ridge while others took their turns skiing down it…
The Austrian Alps faced threatening avalanche conditions earlier this winter as heavy snowfall created risky conditions. In one week in January, at least 14 weather-related deaths were reported in Europe, The Associated Press said.
The avalanche risk was low to high in the Austrian Alp area last week into Saturday, according to Avalanche Report.
business is booming!
15 Mar: Bloomberg: Powder Addiction Is Luring Skiers Off Piste
Remote mountain terrain was once considered too risky for most. Now even moderately-skilled skiers are making the leap.
By Dylan Griffiths and Boris Groendahl; With assistance by Bryce Baschuk
Norman, a 56-year old from Lancashire in the U.K., is a guide for Snoworks, a training outfit that’s part of an explosion in off-piste skiing triggered by advances in technology and safety equipment. With even moderately skilled skiers able to access remote mountain terrain, skiing away from well-manicured slopes has become one of the fastest-growing pieces of the industry that’s globally worth more than $70 billion a year.
“Skiing deep powder is an addiction,” said Phil Smith, founder of Snoworks, which offers courses everywhere from the Alps to the Tian Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan. “Growth kicked off when ski design changed.”…
Of the 23,000 British snow-sports enthusiasts surveyed by the Ski Club of Great Britain in 2018, 42 percent went off-piste, up from 36 percent five years earlier…
Going off-piste is being driven by both a desire to get away from increasingly crowded slopes and to recapture a wilder, purer form of skiing. For some it’s become cool and glamorous…
While definitive statistics are hard to come by, Geneva-based Laurent Vanat, who advises resorts from Switzerland to China, estimates that about 3 million people a year ski off piste globally…
“The tourism industry has realized that the piste skiing market is saturated and that there’s more growth in touring and free-riding,” said Austrian ski guide Edlinger. “This also gave some resorts a new lease of life.”
Exceptionally large winter snow
The polar bears have had enough,a group of the fattest and most prosperous ones,have booked a polar-bear expedition flight,to the other side of the world.
Thanks to Susan Crockford,the destination is the land of OZ,were Bundaberg,has a totally bear policy,especially when the fuel load, has exceeded the bi-polar bear standard,that I am informed,is when you start to see double.
[email protected] So,thank you Susan very muchly.All looking forward to diving on the Great Barrier Reef, where food is so plentiful,and the water is warm.
Keep posted,as a peer reviewed version of nature,will likely report on this?
meant to post this yesterday…READ ALL.
20 Mar: AFR: Telcos caught in social media crackdown
Telstra, Optus and Vodafone have been called to a meeting by Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Tuesday to thrash out solutions to prevent violent videos, like that of last week’s Christchurch terror attack, being live streamed and widely distributed online…
The country’s three largest ISPs, Telstra, Optus and Vodafone, have already taken the decision to block access to a number of websites which they said were hosting the footage, however neither Facebook or Twitter were blocked…
Media reports have named message boards 8chan and 4chan, as well as video sharing site LiveLeak, social media aggregator Voat and financial markets-focused blog Zero Hedge among the websites currently blocked. The Australian Financial Review has seen a list totalling 25 websites which had been banned as of late Tuesday night, with content teams at the ISPs monitoring the sites to gauge when access can be restored…READ ALL
9News claimed the 4chan ban was lifted, but it doesn’t open for me. however, Zero Hedge is opening.
Thrash out solutions to prevent violent videos? Hasn’t Morrison seen the movies shown on TV, Foxtel, Netflix, etc. lately? His true colours are now showing yet again. He is a hypocrite and a typical fake politician.
Just use an overseas DNS not the ISPs
20 Mar: OneEDM: Tomorrowland Winter Temporarily Evacuated During Snow Storm
Snow Storm Caused Temporary Evacuation of Attendees
In fact, Tomorrowland Winter just kicked off last weekend in the French Alps ski resort of Alpe d’Huez. However, Tomorrowland Winter did not start off as the winter extravaganza most attendees expected.
Snow Storm Almost Ruined The Festival.
On March 11, 2019, over 250 people evacuated Alpe d’Huez as conditions became unsafe at the ski track and bar…
Tomorrowland Winter still retained the same atmosphere as the traditional Tomorrowland festival, though in wintery conditions. Indeed, the stacked lineup of Tomorrowland Winter was enough to excite attendees while they were dancing in thick jackets…
The resort of Alpe d’Huez also offered attendees the opportunity to enjoy other activities such as skiing and snowboarding…
28 Dec 2018: Bloomberg Luxury Travel: No Snow? Try Raving in the Alps Instead
Ski resorts go techno to bring in a new generation of high-altitude tourists
by James Jung
You could be in Berlin or Ibiza, but this party goes down at nearly 6,000 feet, in a tent perched above the posh Swiss ski village of Verbier. It’s yet to get covered in snow, but outside, the temperature registers a nippy -6C, or 21F…
Welcome to the Polaris Festival, a four-day dance music extravaganza that takes place before the winter holidays each year. Now in its fourth year, Polaris is part of a growing trend across the Alps in which ski resorts are throwing dance music festivals to attract younger guests—and patch the bad business brought on by climate change and a weakened euro. In Switzerland alone, the ski season has experienced a decline of 20 percent in visitation numbers over the last decade…
“I wanted to help the young people come back,” says Raphael Nanchen, the co-founder of Polaris, who threw his first dance music festival in nearby Crans Montana 15 years ago. “Fewer and fewer people are skiing now.”
He says that today, millennials would rather jet off to Barcelona for the weekend than risk spending money on poor mountain conditions. “It’s important for ski resorts to find other ways to attract people.”…
From Austria to France, some of the Alps’ most famous ski destinations are pitching tents and booking big-name DJs in a bid to stay relevant in an increasingly warmer world…
The Vibe: ***EDM festival behemoth Tomorrowland brings its mainstream lineup and over-the-top brand to France’s Alpe d’Huez. Popular for its expansive, high-altitude slopes and sunny weather, the southern ski resort will now have pyrotechnics, deafening beats, and some 30,000 fist-pumping fans…
8 Mar: RealEDM: Tomorrowland Winter Roof Collapses One Day Ahead of Festival
By Real EDM
Earlier this week, we had given our readers a sneak preview of the Tomorrowland Winter grounds thanks to a French TV broadcasting corporation. Although the quick glimpse made it seem like everything was coming together nicely, recently, we’ve discovered that a big setback has occurred.
One of the stage’s roofs has collapse due to snow just one day before the highly anticipated festival! The weight of the snow is surprising; when a good amount gets built up, it can be quite destructive…
The Tomorrowland Winter construction team will have to work tirelessly to be able to fix the issue in the nick of time…
Hmm. Variations in the weather… How on earth will I be able to cope with that? Oh! I know how. I’ll do it the same way I’ve done it all my life. I’ll be ready for anything that comes my way.
But seriously, when did we stop putting people in positions of responsibility who have real life experience and start sticking in people who havn’t been around long enough to know the weather is highly variable? Stick your head out the window now and then. You never know what you might learn.
“Climate uncertainty” is impossibly broad, by design.
It fits within the same psychotic space of “micro-agressions” , where any form of appeasment of leftists in this stupid space, only lowers the bar for what defeines and “offence” to such a level, that it locks down all speech and renders all argument impossible.
Only Leftistd could come upwith this trash.
Ive had a few toe to toe with these idiots. Their stupidity never ceases to amaze me…..
They cant handle it when someon exhibits backbone and calls them out.
On the other hand, intelligence uncertainty is well defined and on display.
It’s Happening: Most Dangerous Volcano In North America Just Erupted, Shot Ash A Mile Into Sky
” On Monday night at precisely 9:38 PM, a massive explosion at Mt. Popocatepetl sent a column of volcanic ash nearly a mile into the sky.
A “yellow alert warning” has been issued by the authorities, and they are ordering everyone to stay at least 12 kilometers away from the crater.
They are stressing that the threat has not passed, and as you will see below, an evacuation plan is in place in case an even larger eruption follows.
And if a much larger eruption does follow, the devastation could be off the charts.
Mexico City is only 43 miles away from Mt. Popocatepetl, and approximately 25 million people live within a 60 mile radius of the crater.
Mt. Popocatepetl has been increasingly active in recent months, and authorities are concerned that all of this activity could be leading up to something really big.”
More democrat voters in USA for sure. It’ll be a tsunami.
20 Mar: Uni of Washington: VIDEO: 5min48sec: Snow may have delayed some blooms for the first day of spring
by Kiyomi Taguchi
The first day of spring, when daylight hours begin to exceed nighttime hours, seems especially significant this year — record warm temperatures in the Northwest are marking the change of seasons. But our blooms may be a couple weeks behind schedule after February’s snow and cold weather…
Ray Larson, curator at UW Botanic Gardens, explains that earlier cold temperatures may have delayed flowering plants, with bulbs and perennials being weeks behind their normal blooming time…
After a few mild winters, he says this year’s cold snap may have tested the hardiness of some plants — but not to give up on them coming back yet. Don’t assume they are dead; give them until May or June before removing weather-beaten plants.
20 Mar: Accuweather: Potential ‘bomb cyclone’ eyes northeastern US with rain, flooding and heavy spring snow
by Alex Sosnowski
A storm forecast to undergo rapid strengthening will bring drenching rain, coastal flooding and heavy interior snow to part of the Northeast and may become the next bomb cyclone to affect the United States to end the week…
Just enough cold air will invade the storm to allow a substantial snowfall over the mountains and in some of the valleys of northern New England…
“The heaviest snow, on the order of 6-12 inches with an AccuWeather Local StormMax™ of 16 inches, is forecast from the Adirondacks of northeastern New York state, the Green Mountains of Vermont and the White Mountains of northern New Hampshire,” according to AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Brian Wimer.
In these areas, the bulk of the snowstorm will occur from late Thursday night through Friday night.
Heavy snow is also in store over the eastern townships of Quebec and northwestern New Brunswick as a general 15-30 cm is forecast from Friday to Saturday…
In addition to high winds with gusts as high as 60 mph as the storm lifts northward and strengthens, very cold air aloft will pivot southeastward and trigger gusty rain showers with small hail in some areas and heavy snow squalls in others…
20 Mar: Deccan Herald: Fresh snowfall, rains lash Kashmir
by Zulfikar Majid
As Srinagar received slight snowfall, icy winds swept Kashmir for whole day…
Several roads leading to border areas in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district were closed on Wednesday following fresh snowfall. Reports said that the higher reaches of Kupwara witnessed snowfall from early morning due to which the border roads were closed…
The reopening of Sonamarg-Zojilla road, which remains closed since December last year, is likely to get delayed due to heavy snow accumulation, he said. The road was closed in December last year following heavy snowfall across the region. The Border Road Organisation started the Zojila opening by March 5. However, the clearance operation is being affected by the heavy accumulation of snow due to avalanches
20 Mar: West Fargo Pioneer: Despite snow, spring’s on display at Fargo home
By Emily Olson
CUTE PIC: This snowbank along Ninth Street South in Fargo was adorned with flowers Wednesday, March 20, welcoming the first day of spring
Wednesday, March 20, is the first day of spring, but there’s still snow piled on roofs and sidewalks. But on one Fargo street, spring has sprung.
On Ninth Street South, a 4-foot tall snowbank in front of one house is decorated with flowers, and the words “Happy Spring” are spray-painted in the snow.
WDAY News talked to the homeowner who said they were sick of winter and it was time to see some flowers…
20 Mar: TwinCitiesPioneerPress: St. Paul lifting its one-side parking ban as snow recedes
By Frederick Melo
CUTE PIC: Snow piles tower over the cars in the parking lot of Episcopal Church Homes in St. Paul, March 12, 2019. “If we don’t get the water out of this parking it it becomes a big lake,” says maintenance supervisor Dan Leach, as he frees storm drains of ice and snow. Leach, who also serves as this year’s Vulcanus Rex LXXXII, head of the fiery Vulcan Krewe of the St. Paul Winter Carnival, jokes that ” I wish I had my blowtorch, that would have been awesome!”
The city’s even-side parking ban, which went into effect March 4, was always intended to be a temporary measure to help emergency vehicles navigate streets narrowed by record February snowfall…
27 PICS: 20 Mar: Accuweather: Poll: Which of these extreme photos best captures this winter wrath?
by Katy Galimberti
#1 ICE HOUSE – A combination of water spray and frigid winds encase camps along Lake Ontario. (Twitter/Natalie Kucko)
#2 This Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019 photo from video by Joel Keeler shows vehicles buried in the parking lot of the snowed-in Montecito Sequoia Lodge in Kings Canyon National Park in California’s Sierra Nevada…etc
#16 ICE CASTLES – Midway Ice Castles take shape as artisans construct popular winter attraction Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019, in Midway, Utah. A winter storm has covered cactus with snow in parts of the American Southwest as temperatures in the desert fall below those of Anchorage, Alaska etc…
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that the winter precipitation total was 2.22 inches higher than average, hitting 9.01 inches.
Above-average to record-breaking snow and rain stretched from the West to the East Coast, making for the wet season.
In the West, the Sierra Nevada snowpack was higher than normal, and the unusually wet winter across California officially lifted the state out of an eight-year drought, scientists announced last week. However, the surge in moisture led to rounds of flooding, dangerous snowfall and mudslides…
Rare snowstorms descended upon Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, bringing travel to a halt. For hundreds, the snow was an excuse to get out and sled on some of the city’s steepest hills or start a massive snowball fight on public grounds.
Rare snow also coated Las Vegas early in 2019, treating residents and tourists to a rare sight. It was the first measurable snowfall to hit the city in over a decade, according to NOAA.
Above-average snow piled up in Arizona, Utah and other Western states. Flagstaff, Arizona, had their snowiest day on record when more than 35 inches of snow fell on Feb. 21.
The polar vortex ushered in extreme cold in the Midwest and Northeast in January, emptying crowded streets as people sought refuge from the dangerous conditions.
In Cotton, Minnesota, the mercury plunged to minus 56 degrees Fahrenheit. A record low of minus 23 overtook Chicago.
The harsh conditions contributed to several deaths throughout the region…
A midwestern blizzard led to hundreds of canceled flights and highway delays for travelers.
Other snowstorms throughout the season proved deadly as multi-vehicle pileups took place from the central U.S. to the East Coast.
Vermont received nearly 2 feet of snow more than average for winter, creating mountains of snow for residents to maneuver around.
What better proof of dramatic Climate Change than those 28 photographs. The evidence is there for all to see. Maybe proof that all those solar and wind subsidy farms are finally delivering the much sought global cooling.
In 20 years time when the climate models are calibrated the temperature sensitivity to CO2 will be a negative number.
Alternatively, when the ground stays covered in snow all year, the farmers will be lobbying to burn more coal so there is a boost in the evil heat trapping gas.
Where’s Midweek Unthreaded? I can’t think of anything to say about NH snowfall; it be better to have no subject at all and say nothing about that.
it seems management has gone off Mideweek Unthreaded of late
Well, it was an extra we didn’t have in the past!
So , no Midweek Unthreaded in the pre industrial era? it must have been caused by Climate Change then.
it’s NPR, so you know where this will lead to…
20 Mar: NPR All Things Considered: Avalanche Forecasters Say Rocky Mountain Region Now At Higher Risk
Storms sweeping across the Rocky Mountains this winter have caused the highest avalanche danger since the ratings started in 1973. More than 3,000 avalanches already have taken place in Colorado alone, and they’re unusually large.
White River National Forest lies just outside of Aspen. Part of the forest is known as Highlands Ridge.
The valley below that ridge is now buried because of an avalanche. The snow is deep enough that treetops barely poke out. The trees that aren’t buried haven’t fared much better.
“Old 50-foot, 60-foot, 70-foot trees have been snapped like toothpicks,” says Zachary Paris, property manager for the house at the bottom of two new avalanche paths below the ridge.
A one-mile-long section of Highlands Ridge collapsed under its own weight earlier this month, sending a cascade of snow and debris onto the valley floor below.
“We’re probably standing on a 20-, 30-foot pile right now,” Paris says…
VIDEO: 46sec: Avalanche caught on camera: Snow came crashing down in Colorado near I-70 in Ten Mile Canyon outside Copper Mountain this afternoon. | Hear from the man who saw it all and took this video tonight on FOX31
The Colorado Avalanche Information Center estimates that the Highlands Ridge slide could be the largest in almost 300 years and that it reached speeds of more than 110 miles per hour.
“We’re seeing much more of these large and destructive avalanches,” says Brian Lazar, a deputy director of the center.
Avalanches are rated on a scale out of 1 to 5. The Highlands Ridge snow slide was a 4.5. It’s just one of the hundreds of record-breaking slides triggered in Colorado’s high country so far this year.
“We saw more in the first 10 days of March than we’d typically see in a five-year period,” Lazar says
***His research suggests that, as the climate warms, wet snow avalanches like those he’s seeing now could start two to four weeks earlier than normal. That means a longer avalanche season.
“We’re certainly starting to see weather patterns which are intimately tied to avalanche activity that is different than what we’ve seen in past years,” Lazar says.
A longer season with warmer weather means an uptick in slides is likely, which makes controlling avalanches in ski areas like Aspen difficult.
Aspen Ski Patrol uses charges — little bombs — to trigger slides in controlled conditions to prevent catastrophic and deadly avalanches. These explosions can be heard from downtown Aspen after a big snow storm…
20 Mar: NewsTalkKit: Growers Planting Late After Waiting For Snow To Melt
by Lance Tormey
Today is the first day of spring but many growers in the valley are just starting crops because of the late winter. Growers like Seth Krueger at Krueger Pepper Gardens in Wapato says on a normal year they’re working the ground and feeding early crops by the first of March but that didn’t happen this year. “We have stuff in the greenhouse going now. We have a lot yet to plant. But not being able to get out in the field and get it ready that’s the bad part.”
Like many growers in the Yakima Valley Krueger says that late planting means he won’t have the same early crop as he did the year before. Growers up and down the valley say they’re being pushed into a shorter season because of the snow. Krueger is hoping for a mild summer and fall and no early freeze in the fall that could shorten the season even further.
Late planting and mid West floods probably dont bode well for food prices this year
20 Mar: UK Express: UK weather forecast: FREEZING wind, hail and snow to strike NEXT WEEK in late WINTER BLAST
By Nathan Rao
A cold front driven by 100km/h gales will sweep the country later on Friday, triggering a dramatic change back to grey skies and freezing conditions. Scotland and the far north are battening down the hatches for powerful winds and heavy showers as thermometers plunge around 10C compared to this week…
After temperatures hit 18C (64.4F) in parts of the country on Wednesday, the mercury will struggle to rise out of single figures anywhere by Sunday…
Although the wind and rain will ease slightly through the start of next week it will remain chilly with no sign of a return of the warmth until the final part of March…
Weather models show temperatures widely dipping below freezing overnight this weekend with lows of -2C (28.4F) forecast for Scotland.
Icy polar gusts will make it feel close to -4C (24.8F) in parts of northern Britain with even the far south sinking to 3C (37.4F) in the wind…
Despite the gloomy outlook Britons have one more day of spring warmth to look forward to before the weather takes a nosedive.
20 Mar: CTV: Spring is here — but more snow is on the way for Montreal
“With temperatures fluctuating right around the freezing mark, we’re expecting to see a mixed bag of precipitation in the next few days,” said CTV Montreal weather specialist Lori Graham.
Thursday will see light, scattered showers beginning in the morning and a high of 5 degrees Celsius…
Colder air moves in for Friday morning, with a high of 2 Celsius, and so the rain will turn to snow and likely stay that way until Friday afternoon or evening…
The big question, though, is how much snow will fall?
“In terms of snowfall amounts, really tough to say,” said Graham. “Montreal is really on the dividing line between five centimetres and upwards of 10.”…
“we’ll have to get use (sic) to variations in the weather” Ohh the horror! The humanity!!!
You are confusing precipitation with temperature.
The global temperature for February 2019 (at +0.92°C relative to 1951-1980 base period) was the third warmest February in the 140-year record since 1880.
What a preposterous statistic. Straight out of a lost Monty Python script?
GISS is a manic fabrication which bares basically ZERO resemblance to any reality
In REALITY, the 1940s were a similar temperature to now,
The climate scammers have obliterated that peak warm in their fabricated garbage temperature numbers, but the truth remains in many places.
February 2019 was only 5th warmest in 40 years.
The ONLY warming in those 40 years has come from two El Nino events, which cannot possibly be linked to any human factors.
You have been sold a LIE, little simon….. and gullibly swallowed it.
At least where I live, the observed temps have been well below average the last month and 1/2. Below zero F temps over night during March…….
This belongs in the the post re Brexit..but I have just found it this evening !
Set to music !
Nebraska is freezing ! And it’s not all snow & skying.
An estimated 1 million calves have died in the cold in Nebraska in the past week.
Global warming ?
About 10,000 reindeer suffered the same fate in Siberia a few years ago.
I forgot the link. Bugger !
Here it is :
This would fit well with the IPCCCCCs latest publication.
20 Mar: BBC: Cyclone Idai: What’s the role of climate change?
by Matt McGrath
Unless a rich benefactor steps in, the role of human-induced climate change in Cyclone Idai is unlikely to be clearly determined.
The scientists with the expertise simply don’t have the resources to do the large amount of computer modelling required…
While Cyclone Idai is the seventh such major storm of the Indian Ocean season – more than double the average for this time of year – the long-term trend does not support the idea that these type of events are now more frequent.
“The interesting thing for the area is that the frequency of tropical cyclones has decreased ever so slightly over the last 70 years,” said Dr Jennifer Fitchett from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa who has studied the question.
“Instead, we are getting a much higher frequency of high-intensity storms.”…
“There is absolutely no doubt that when there is a tropical cyclone like this, then because of climate change the rainfall intensities are higher,” said Dr Friederike Otto, from the University of Oxford, who has carried a number of studies looking at the influence of warming on specific events.
“And also because of sea-level rise, the resulting flooding is more intense than it would be without human-induced climate change.”…
A poor country with a long coastline, Mozambique is especially vulnerable to storms sweeping in from the Indian Ocean.
More than 700 lives were lost during a devastating flood there nearly 20 years ago. I was one of many journalists reporting on the plight of communities submerged…
Whatever arguments about the impacts of climate change on tropical cyclones, the damage caused in Mozambique has much more to do with the vulnerability of people on the ground than rising temperatures…
what a combo? Michael Mann and Bob Ward:
20 Mar: Guardian: Donald Trump is using Stalinist tactics to discredit climate science
A panel to promote an alternative explanation for climate change would be disastrous. Yet that’s what White House officials want
by Michael Mann and Bob Ward
PIC: CHIMNEYS/’SMOKE’: The creation of the new panel of climate change deniers echoes the campaign by Joseph Stalin’s regime.’ Photograph: Czarek Sokołowski/AP
Now a group of hardcore climate change deniers and contrarians linked to the administration is organising a petition (LINK) in support of a new panel (LINK) being set up by the National Security Council to promote an alternative official explanation for climate change.
The panel will consist of scientists who do not accept the overwhelming scientific evidence that rising levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are behind climate change and its impacts…
The petition is being circulated for signature by Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a lobby group for “free market” fanatics which has become infamous for championing climate change denial. It does not disclose its sources of funding, but is known to have received money from ExxonMobil and conservative billionaires such as the Koch brothers…
Mr Ebell, who has no expertise whatsoever in climate science – or any kind of science for that matter…READ ON
Mann, Ward…now Flannery?
gender-obsessed Guardian doesn’t see the irony of having all these old white men in their paper, spruiking CAGW?
21 Mar: Guardian: Tim Flannery: people are shocked about climate change but they should be angry
The author and scientist, who has returned to his roots at the Australian Museum, says the world is about to see a major shift towards climate action
by John Pickrell
PIC: Tim Flannery: ‘We’re in a different world now, a world where people are living with climate change consequences’ Photograph: Carly Earl/The Guardian
Tim Flannery laments that young Australians today will never be able to experience in the same way the natural wonders he enjoyed in his youth…
While species loss is heartbreaking, Flannery says what keeps him awake at night worrying are the human impacts.
“Global hunger has increased for the last three years because of extreme weather events, and that follows many decades of improvement,” he says. “To see that going backwards is terrifying, quite frankly. Nothing is more important than global food security.”…READ ON
Crocodile tears from Flannery methinks.
OK, what are these ‘climate change consequences’?
More droughts? Not true. More floods? Not true.
I’d suggest that any ‘climate change consequences’ are purely imagined.
Never be specific, just keep hanging out the spectre of a Baba Yaga/Bogeyman. Its better if its not real anyway as people then just fill the space with their wild imaginings which quickly become their reality.
Sow the seeds of fear, give the kiddies the lines and they will chant them in the streets. Ride to the rescue and ask for funding.
Despite what some people say there are still two day events.
I’ve been to several in the last few years, the most recent one being just two weeks ago and on the way home it really poured.
It’s wrong to say that a two day event cannot be associated with good, drought breaking, rain.
Speaking of Reign, especially in Britain, their investment in renewables and blind adherence to the CAGW meme doesn’t say much for their capacity to rule wisely.
Being among the wealthiest 0.0001% of the world’s population and having access to the accumulated wisdom of the planet they were either not able to get the best advice or alternatively, decided to succumb to greed.
Either is not good.
I’m looking forward to a 4 day event soon.
Expected as cold records fall in the NH…The LIA begins…this is how they start.
I tried to put a link to this article on Zionist Facebook and it won’t even show the heading of this article. I tried uploading a picture with the graph and it won’t show it.
Thank you Mr Zuckerberg. Keep it up and FB will go down the tubes. 🙂