A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Holiday Greetings to all, and best wishes for a safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year!
Baa Humbug !! 😉
To All assembled here, a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
My New Year Wish is that our politicians and bureaucrats will begin to act with honesty and decency for the benefit of all, not just themselves.
This past year we have seen the Serfs begin to stir, possibility in large part because of communication channels like this blog enabling the Serfs to bypass the Elite controlled information systems.
Brexit, Trumpit, Malexit444, Yellow Vetments Francaise.
All signs of Change in the Wind that mind control, manipulation and deliberate “misdirection” of public funds is not acceptable.
Here’s to a better world in 2019.KK
Thanks Jo.
We few, we happy few, we band of deniers, for those today that vent their spleen with me shall be my denier.
I tend to lurk more than comment nowadays, but nevertheless still come here for inspiration to carry on the good fight. A Joyous and Peaceful Christmastide to all my fellow sceptics, and especially Jo and her contributors who do such a wonderful job of shining a light in the darkness.
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
I thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along th’unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
And in despair I bowed my head:
‘There is no peace on earth, ‘ I said
‘For hate is strong, and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.’
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
‘God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men.’
Till, ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime,
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Michael Smith has a point here
“If this dead bird was covered in oil………..”
Acceptable collateral damage as long as it was killed by green intentions .
Merry Christmas to All!
I have completed the first draft of a paper entitled “Problems with Statistical Tests of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentration Data Derived from Ice Cores”. You may download a copy here:
If any of you have any criticisms or suggestions for improving the paper, I will be most grateful.
James McCown
While I can’t offer any feedback I’d like to say thank you for writing this as many besides myself find this area fascinating, Merry Christmas James and all the best.
James I will take a look at it. I am interested in this issue.But I have issues with statistics 🙂
I still remember Professor Keith Frearson at Monash University in the 1960;s telling us at the end of the year;s lectures :
“There are lies, damned lies and statistics” !
He then produced a record player and put on a lovely record of some dance music…To which he proceeded to dance before us, his amused but puzzled students.
I imagine Keith has long ago taken a ticket of leave as well.
Brilliant! Just so out of the park! Please get the paper finished asap!
Hi James,
Does this mean we should discount all correlation of CO2 levels with temperature? Lag means no lag and precede means not? Or what? And even more important, some people insist the CO2 levels lagged only in Antarctic ice cores and in Greenland cores, the higher CO2 levels all preceded temperature, is this true or is it not?
No. It means that the CO2 and other greenhouse gases from the ice cores only have a temporal accuracy of about 20 years. If you want to compute correlation with temperature, whether contemporaneous, leading, or lagging, then you have to use a similar time horizon. Say average temperature over 20 years.
I don’t know. All I know is you’ve got to use the ice cores for what they’re worth: 20 year averages at best.
Thanks James and RealUniverse for replies. It’s an important question since many climate change proponents are very aggressively pushing that CO2 levels in ice cores do really support the CO2 warming theory.
Merry Xmas seasons greetings to all.
On CO2 lead lag. If CO2 leads then WHAT drives CO2 to increase? Theres no mechanism.
THe CO2 is released from the warmer sea, amount depending on location.
Oops I forgot it was all those pre-iceage coal power stations!
James I have read the paper, but the stats/maths is simply beyond my level of competency…
Nut the basic premis of your paper is that the CO2 in the ice cores taken from Greenland & Antarctica, doe snot represent the level of CO2 for any one year…But a spread of years. And that air with CO2, can penetrate the snow for a long while ( years ?) after it has hits the ground…..
Surely this could be verified by experiment.. Admittedly it would need to be a long term one. But initial results would be available after say 10 years..
From what I understood from James’ paper, the biggest variable is the age of the ice, the older and thicker the layers then the more compression due to gravity. This causes the diffusion.
Just to add to James’ research papers. He references Ernst-Georg Beck. A link to Ernst-Georg’s last paper is- 180 Years of Atmospheric CO2 Measurement By Chemical Methods
Maybe a bit overlooked in the scheme of things but, hopefully, more will read about this work…It is the first I have ever read that shows early experimental work showed a very large difference between actual recording and statistic derived IPCC data. What James has shown is the exact same method used by Mann attaching his Bristle Cone derived temperature data onto the actual record, to modify the Law Dome CO2 data to match the narrative and the actual data from 1958 onwards.
Brilliant research, thanks for bring it to our attention. The casual discarding of valid science that refutes their fabrications that their reports and calculations rely upon is down right FRAUD!
Has anyone done any research on the levels of CO2 and Vineyard’s, the French have significant records going back centuries. If way back then the vines would possibly be struggling with low CO2 ppm. If as the IPCC declares the CO2 has been virtually constant until the later part of 20th century and there is a co-relation with wine production and CO2 ppm from Ernst-Georg Beck’s data then that is another strong indicator that the IPCC is WRONG.
“Cambridge academic caught on plane with £100,000 in a box of chocolates jailed over £2.8m green energy scam”
Mmm, 2.8mil, 4 years time, less with good behavior. Not a bad remuneration!
Most of it was squirrelled away into Iran, from where it will be impossible to retrieve, however, what is accessible can be reclaimed by law when discovered.
Just in time for a Christmas wish list
““Rescuing the Low-Carbon Energy Transition From Magical Thinking”… With More Magical Thinking”
And the comments!
Happy Christmas Jo, and thanks for all your hard work.
It does make a difference.
a little more light on the subject is necessary:
animation video of Story of Fourth Wise Man by Henry Van Dyke
The Oxen
Christmas Eve, and twelve of the clock.
“Now they are all on their knees,”
An elder said as we sat in a flock
By the embers in hearthside ease.
We pictured the meek mild creatures where
They dwelt in their strawy pen,
Nor did it occur to one of us there
To doubt they were kneeling then.
So fair a fancy few would weave
In these years! Yet, I feel,
If someone said on Christmas Eve,
“Come; see the oxen kneel,
“In the lonely barton by yonder coomb
Our childhood used to know,”
I should go with him in the gloom,
Hoping it might be so.
What a moving poem Mosomoso….thank you for putting it here. It’s not one of Hardy’s that I recall.
Wishing you, Jo and all who come here a very Merry and Happy Christmas and a good New Year.
It’s never been an ability of mine to memorise good poetry (doggerel is another matter!) but I do recall a wonderful line by Thomas Hardy:
‘O, the opal and the sapphire of that wandering Western sea’
…any punctuation, etc. mistakes are mine there. It’s from a poem called ‘Beeny Cliff’.
I think it was Hardy that said “All wines would be red if they could”…….err ok wrong Hardy maybe…….and maybe that was Omar Khayyam?…..
Resource Lifetime Is Infinite”
Well a very Merry Christmas and all the best of the New Year to Jo and the moderators and all the commentators here.
Add my wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for everyone. And Vlad, I hope you have a milder winter than what we have discussed offline.
Jo, David and family, special good wishes and blessings for you.
And the moderators too. It can’t be an easy thing enforcing the rules all the time.
Javier put up this graph in comments at Judith Curry’s blog.
He makes the forecast that La Nina in 2020-21 will send temps tumbling back to the 1950s, he points to the cause being a 60 year cycle.
Does anyone know the name of this oscillation which, undoubtedly, will change the world?
Making a prediction rather than a projection? What sort of a climate scientist does that?
From a paper entitled: “Stratospheric Polar Vortex as a Possible Reason for Temporal Variations of Solar Activity and Galactic Cosmic Ray Effects on the Lower Atmosphere Circulation”
S. Veretenenko,
M. Ogurtsov
Advances in Space Research [2013]
so it can’t be the Pacific Decadal Oscillation!
1. Abstract and Journal/publishing info here.
2. The HockeySchtick blog discussed it here but it’s a cycle with No Name. Ah: there’s a link to the full paper in this article. It’s still functional:
Javier puts up all the usual suspects, which suggests its bigger than we can imagine.
‘This oscillation is present in the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), Arctic Oscillation (AO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Length of Day (LOD), and Global (GST) and Northern Hemisphere (NHT) temperatures, with different lags…’ wuwt
Thanks Sophocles I’ll pursue the matter further, there maybe some kind of solar related internal variability.
Wot? IOD not included in this grab bag?
And a Merry Christmas to everybody.
Magic 60 year cycle. ALL cycles have to have a driving force. So what is it?
The Chandler Wobble.
Anyone heard from Will Janoschka in 2018?
Someone suggested that Will has gone to his final rest.
A ticket of leave.
KK – Do you have a reference link for your comment on Will? I think his last comment was at the end of 2017.
I also have not seen Konrad for a while. Konrad and Will seemed to be the very limited number of people commenting on the CC scam that had any understanding of EM fields and EMR. Sad if they are no longer with us.
PeterC seemed to have access to info about Will and the regular New Zealand contributor.
Konrad has been on here recently but doesn’t know anything about Will.
Will was good on emr but not really interested in mass, heat and momentum transfer because they were unimportant to his specialty, radio and other signals transmission.
As Sophocles says, RW.
Rereke Whakaaro is another who is MIA. Haven’t heard anything from him over this year…
Will and Rereke, two wonderful contributors @ JN. Sadly missed.
Happy Christmas to Jo and Family and to all JoNova Readers and Supporters.
Jo acknowledges the contribution of the supporters in her recent podcast with James Delingpole.
Here’s one for the gym junkies: Bulletproof coffee. Not sure it’s for everyone though. 🙂
Midweek we had a health thread and I searched on a couple of topics raised and youtube gave some “further reading” hints, as they do. I’m always on the lookout for ways to make a tablespoon of coconut oil palatable for Mrs H so this caught my eye.
It’s a tablespoon of butter [they say unsalted. Why? I thought the salt lie has been busted], a tablespoon of coconut oil [enhanced MCT better] blended into your coffee.
Cautionary note: The gym junkies take that IN STEAD of breakfast, not with it, before a workout. I use milk instead of butter and tea instead of coffee. Does that make it “tinfoil tea”?
Christmas without Dickens and that pudding? No way!
‘But now, the plates being changed by Miss Belinda, Mrs Cratchit left the room alone — too nervous to bear witness — to take the pudding up and bring it in.
Suppose it should not be done enough! Suppose it should break in turning out! Suppose somebody should have got over the wall of the back-yard, and stolen it, while they were merry with the goose — and supposition at which the two young Cratchits became livid! All sorts of horrors were supposed.
Hallo! A great deal of steam! The pudding was out of the copper. A smell like a washing-day! That was the cloth. A smell like an eating-house and a pastrycook’s next door to each other, with a laundress’s next door to that! That was the pudding! In half a minute Mrs Cratchit entered — flushed by smiling proudly — with the pudding, like a speckled cannon-ball, so hard and firm, blazing in half of half-a-quartern of ignited brandy, and bedight with Christmas holly stuck into the top.
Oh, a wonderful pudding! Bob Cratchit said, and calmly too, that he regarded it as the greatest success achieved by Mrs Cratchit since their marriage. Mrs Cratchit said that now the weight was off her mind, she would confess she had her doubts about the quantity of flour. Everybody had something to say about it, but nobody said or thought it was at all a small pudding for a large family. It would have been flat heresy to do so. Any Cratchit would have blushed to hint at such a thing.
At last the dinner was all done, the cloth was cleared, the hearth swept, and the fire made up. The compound in the jug being tasted, and considered perfect, apples and oranges were put upon the table, and a shovel-full of chestnuts on the fire. Then all the Cratchit family drew round the hearth, in what Bob Cratchit called a circle, meaning half a one; and at Bob Cratchit’s elbow stood the family display of glass. Two tumblers, and a custard-cup without a handle.
These held the hot stuff from the jug, however, as well as golden goblets would have done; and Bob served it out with beaming looks, while the chestnuts on the fire sputtered and cracked noisily. Then Bob proposed:
‘A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears. God bless us!’ Which all the family re-echoed.
‘God bless us every one!’ said Tiny Tim, the last of all.’
Happy Christmas, denizens and Jo and family, and thank you Jo, for this blog. an outpost of free speech… a few chocolates on the way.
Beth, sort of reminds me a bit of my childhood Christmas’. Mum would always cook a “pumped leg of mutton” in the copper, then dry it off, put a pastry crust on it and called it HAM. Strange, I can still taste it, and without doubt excellent fare. That copper was a very useful utensil. Not only did it boil the clothes on washing day, it boiled the caustic soda and fat to make the soap, the pigs heads to make braun , as well as the Xmas puddings and HAM !
P.S. I had a terrific childhood, sustained with love and food. The kind of love that if you mucked up you got a belt, the kind of food that would cause a cardiologist to have a heart attack.
Merry Christmas to all
It sounds wonderful Sambar…a real family experience. I was very blessed in my family too, despite pennies being tight for our large family.
Do you remember how we used to hang streamers from corners of the room and from halfway along walls to the light fitting in the middle? Sometimes they were homemade paper chains, sometimes expanding ones bought from Woolworth’s (British version, now long gone…sadly). As a youngster I spent ages batting a balloon over each chain! Simple pleasures…how the world has changed.
Hey Annie, sounds like you lived in our house. After Christmas we would roll the streamers up and use them at Easter to wrap around hard boiled eggs to colour the shells. Everything had use, nothing was wasted. Good times indeed.
Sambar’s mum: one
Cardiologists : nil
I have a copper, well the actual copper bit. I intend to build a fireplace to hold it when I move to a more rural setting. They are brilliant things.
That mutton was probably delicious.
Pointman ponders
‘The fourth and final block is China. There are a number huge misconceptions in occidental heads about China. It’s not a poor country, on the contrary, it’s a rich country that’s building two coal-fired power stations a week to support an economy that until only recently, was showing a 10% year on year growth rate. Given an estimated population of 1.4 billion people, it’s therefore also a massive consumer market.’
Its about time we stop calling them commies.
I’ll stop calling them commies when they stop acting like commies. They are on course to dominate the world and that scares me..
They are neo Fascists with a mixed economy and four social classes, just like us.
They are simply Chinese being Chinese as they always have done..
Yes there is the Communist Party camoflage. But really it is just political dross to bolster the regime’s legitimacy and sense of continuity.
Correct, the regime has to hang onto the Mandate of Heaven.
‘According to this belief, heaven (天, Tian)—which embodies the natural order and will of the universe—bestows the mandate on a just ruler of China, the “Son of Heaven” of the “Celestial Empire”. If a ruler was overthrown, this was interpreted as an indication that the ruler was unworthy, and had lost the mandate.
‘It was also a common belief among citizens that natural disasters such as famine and flood were signs of heaven’s displeasure with the ruler, so there would often be revolts following major disasters as citizens saw these as signs that the Mandate of Heaven had been withdrawn.’ wiki
Corruption in the rice silos meant to be maintained against hard times… So what’s new? Today the gullible jest vote them back in.
They have at least 99.9% support of the population. Its Confucius not communist as in that of the old soviet or east EU.
Socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Confucianism was eliminated during the Cultural Revolution and now under Xi its making a comeback to fill the spiritual void in a material world.
Perhaps its only nostalgia.
el gordo, did you omit the /sarc tag or were you simply playing devils advocate? There’s a slither of truth, though the differences far, far outweigh any similarities.
The Chinese are smart totalitarians with defined goals. The vacuous West lacks any goals other than the political self-destruction of neo-Marxist identity politics and gender fluidity. The ray of light and hope lies in the emerging exception of the retraditionalising populist nations of Italy, Spain, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, possibly France, and maybe limping Britain … but sadly not a scintilla of a whiff down-under where free-speech has all but quietly died.
I understand that the totalitarian Communist Party of China permits a limited ‘free market’ at the level of about 50% of the wider market … that is, between squeezing in a clutch of gulags, extinguishing Christianity, keeping occupied countries like Tibet locked down, enthusiastically embracing a controlling ‘social credit’ score with a legion of party apparatchiks and those looking to up their score ready to ‘report’, installing the most highly CCTV monitored country in the world with another legion of willing party apparatchiks to run it (ie. watching the front door of your apartment day and night), refusing to acknowledge the independence of Free China – Taiwan, propping up the psychotic Kim Dynasty and its military monster, presiding over the greatest genocide of human history, a “cultural revolution” orchestrated by none other than millennial tee-shirt emblem, Mao Zedong, locking down impoverished countries around the world with the colonising opportunity of endless debt, engaging in relentless cyberwar, ditto, trade war, ditto, currency war, and if that wasn’t enough, consuming Australian coal and building a sufficiency of reliable power stations to effectively run their totalitarian edifice to our self-inflicted detriment.
Admittedly Machiavellian; smart nonetheless.
But you knew all that and more 😉
Merry Christmas.
So you think we should refuse their generous offer to build a continental bullet train network in Oz?
The Chinese own the Clinton’s tails/rear ends.
Maurice Strong’s back story about The Climate Scam involves quite a lot of China … and the Clintons, and that is what the second video is about. The big “T-word” springs to mind.
I fell over this somehow, it might even have been somebody’s direct link or a follow-on from one, I can’t remember how I found it. It sure is fascinating. Thank you, whoever it was.
[ — from the John B Wells Program.]
It contains/embeds two videos. The first/top video is an introduction by, I presume, Mr J Wells, the meat and potatoes, with gravy, are in the second/lower one. I’ve only had time to watch/hear the first half of the second one, so far. It’s nearly two hours long and it fills in a lot of blanks, holes, openings etc and answers lots of questions, including ones I hadn’t so far thought to ask. It’s the sort of thing philthegeek should watch … nah, on second thoughts, he wouldn’t understand it, not without watching Patrick Woods Inconvenient Lie Day 3 first. Third thoughts suggest even this might be a big stretch … 🙂
Anyway, Enjoy, I am.
(It’s going to take some time validating!)
Begin Annoyance/:
Ah….. the joys of the PC dislocation of society…..
I forwarded that brilliant youtube thing of this lady trying to put petrol in an EV. I forwarded it from a technologists/RTFM point of view ( a fairly standard view of things in IT ) , and the comment was that some people shouldn’t have access to technology.
Well…..had to go back and explain to non-technologist people *at great length* to point out it wasn’t “sexist”( I’m a man, so always in the wrong under the rules of PC, and Ive probably maxxed out my “micro-aggression” allocation …. ) and it was from a tech point of view. My next question was “so what if it had been a bloke?” The answer came back “Oh that would have been OK….”
OK then – so its OK to have a dumb blond bloke, but not OK to have a dumb blond female?
Double standard, much……
Part of the problem is that as technologists, we probably view things very neutrally , but the rest of the world which is human-focussed/Corporate types appears to be PC brainwashed though…..
Were in a bad way if so…..
/End Annoyance
Practice persistence – send it again and see if you get a different answer
… maybe she just hadn’t Read The Fine Manual … there’s a lesson in there.
Krakatoa has erupted. At least 20 dead and 165+ injured by a tsunami.
As the volano is in the Sunda strait the tsunami would hit both Java and Sumatra.
Apparently now 43 dead and expected to go higher. Thought to be caused by an underwater landslip caused by the Krakatoa eruption.
222 now. Tragic.
It’s likely to be the fault of Australia moving its way more or less Northwards. I keep expecting claims for reparations for these sort of events by the Indonesian government… followed by capitulation from the Australian government!
It’s nobody’s fault.
It’s a subduction zone, so I guess there are likely to be many faults… (sorry)
Blame Trump!
I blame John Howard!
An Abbott flaps his ears in Warringah and a tsunami in Indonesia??
A bit correlation / causation but makes as much sense as a lot of other stuff on this site. 🙂 XXX
Sir … sir, I have found something that looks like a correlation.
Hmmm….bit sceptical having read the abstract. 🙂
however, had a think about some of the scientific happening of 2018.
Gravity Wave detection? 🙂 WE can now see in this, apparently, completely different spectrum. Seriously major thing that. 🙂
The tech isnt really there yet detector wise, sensitivity / resolution. But it will be. 🙂 I suspect that anyone interested in Solar / Earth interactions will be pointing such detectors at the Sun and re-examining a lot of these theories soon as they can.
” as much sense as a lot of other stuff on this site.”
Yes, we know your comprehension of basic science is VERY limited.
No need to point that out to everybody, phloop.
There… is that the attention your were desperately trolling for???
The Missing Link
‘The most recent gravity-wave-resolving high-resolution global climate models have achieved a high level of realism, and the gravity-wave momentum fluxes in these models show excellent agreement with observations from radar and satellite.
‘This is somewhat surprising because observational evidence suggests that a large fraction of the gravity-wave momentum flux remains unresolved in these models.’
Alexander et al 2010
So … emissions are rising …
Australia’s emissions go up again, but Environment Minister says progress being made
… but … warming is stalled:
BoM/CSIRO 2018, State of the Climate: Thank goodness for ocean sinks currently holding more warming extremes at bay
Looks like the 97% consensus of scientists might need to do what the scientific method requires and rethink the hypothesis.
Oh no ( sound of socialists heads exploding…)
You mean there no connection between increased emissions/CO2 and corresponding increased temp?
And apparently, according to the CSIRO (as quoted in that article), the atmosphere warms the oceans.
Would somebody like to elaborate on how that works, sans Sun?
I’ve been replying to the idjuts in The Oz who are picking up and running with these topics, plus air pollution.
Why rethink the hypothesis when it’s easier to manipulate the data to fit?
Are they still saying the heat is hiding in the oceans? The BOM/CSIRO report hardly seemed to have made a mention in the MSM – although the ABC did give it some web and air time.
One in The Oz even suggested at the oceans were becoming acidic. Don’t think he will make that mistake again.
Pretty soon they’ll be catching pre-cooked fish.
I’m not a catholic, however the general gist appears to be that of Society ( heavily aping Marxist PC ) vs the God of the Bible.
Have the Marxists have created their own “god” ( i.e. PC ), that we are supposed to now bow down to and “Worship”?
1 And God spoke all these words:
2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
3 “You shall have no other gods before me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
( Ex 20:1-6 )
Practically all catholic holy days are pagan in origin, so I’m of the opinion that we should give up the ‘singularity’ and return to paganism. This belief in the one god has brought so much grief, with splinter groups causing mayhem for thousands of years. We need more gods to stop the warfare.
A few catholic holy days are of pagan origin, it was the “ease of movement” that the “marketing” arm of the RCC used to get pagans to come across with minimal disruption. I dont think it was a good idea at all. Pagan is pagan after all….
Christianity is *not* warmongering nor goes looking for trouble. Yes some splinter groups lost the plot and caused trouble.
As always, its politics that hijacks religion, that is the problem.
‘Christianity is *not* warmongering ….’
We could start with the Crusades and end with the sectarian violence in Ireland.
‘A few catholic holy days are of pagan origin ….’
Yeah like Christmas and Easter.
Most importantly, this whole green movement has its origin in Christianity.
‘Millenarianism (also millenarism), from Latin mīllēnārius “containing a thousand”, is the belief by a religious, social, or political group or movement in a coming fundamental transformation of society, after which “all things will be changed”. wiki
There is a Commandment that says “Thou shalt not kill”… bit hard to misinterpret that.
Christians dont just turn and start killing, doesnt happen. What happens is politics gets involved, and it all falls apart – some christians are ignorant of tenets of thier own faith and go along with politics….and it all goes to pot.
You are correct about xmas and easter being pagan. I always marvel how if shepherds were out with thier flocks, it couldnt have been in december as it would be snowing….or very cold…
Politics hijacking religion has a ring of some truth. The world lost a gem when Hypatia (d. 415AD) was murdered by a bunch of Cyril’s rioting monks. While Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, had no public part in her murder, some commenters were firmly of the opinion it was at his instigation. She was tolerant of Christians, but being a pagan, they were not tolerant of her.
eg citing the crusades is a Leftist hackneyed politically correct polemic that is simply wrong.
Muzzlims took a little more than a century from their emergence to conquer much of Asia Minor and the Middle East and to sack the Christian cities of Damascus, Jerusalem, Antioch, Bagdad. Constantinople was the last to fall around 1400. Before it did, the infidels had made it through the north of Africa, slaughtering all before them, through the Iberian peninsula and into France before being driven out of France by the great-grandson of Charlemagne (from recollection). The Crusades were essentially failed attempts of Western Christian (Roman) support in response to appeals made by the assailed Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople who were fighting for their survival against the murderous hordes of the Ottoman Empire.
Agreed. Politics plays a huge role in the whole mess, but Christianity seems to carry the can, which its not fair.
In fact, if you dig a bit into Constantines background, it seems he never actually converted to Christianity, but rather stayed a sun worshipper for his life.
‘…a sun worshipper …’
A closet member of the denialati.
The denialati believe its an electric universe, where the sun, moon and gas giants are the main drivers of weather on earth. CO2 has no part to play.
Religious wars produce vile behaviour and in regards to M and his followers who came on the scene 600 years after C, just another splinter group of the singularity.
This particular prophet was sitting in a cave called Hira, located on a mountain near Mecca, when he was approached by an archangel. The rest is history.
You exhibit atheistic animosity. Why don’t you just speak freely?
In my time zone it is Christmas Day. You wish to offend me???
I’d like to say peace on earth but it is very difficult at this moment……………
It was the Mongols wot dun it.
You are Fut up! The Crusades and a whole bunch of other history are why you and I have the freedom to speak here. Ireland is but a hiccup in the realm. In fact Ireland probably would not be at all except for the Crusades. To not respect that history is ignorance at a level beyond unintended errors.
El gordo; Do what you do well and stay away from what you suck at..
Christmas initially emerged from the Saturnalia festival.
So now we believe Wiki is authoritative?
Yes Christian holidays settled on pagan dates. So what! Are you saying they became pagan because of the day?
Dunass thinking there.
syncretism in a sin?
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”
( 2 Cor 6:14 )
Thank you OS.
That’s the one.
“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?”
2 Cor 6:14. New International Version (NIV)
Yes. Syncretism is a no no.
And less Christianity to stop the assaults on children.
Celibacy needs to be stamped out, its unnatural and dangerous.
The RCC practices things that the Bible says not to do, like not marrying etc.
As such, you wind up with a group of people with serious RTFM issues.
Unfortunately, as they pushed things beyond its normal limits, kids have been injured.
Its really startight forward.
Christianity, when actually adhering to the Bible, works well and people prosper. The Bible is very clear on how we must treat others, and there laws agianst incest, and other not so nice things of which our society currently suffers, as it thinks its way smarter than God.
At the heart of every troubles is a sin. When society passes laws to legalize and even encourage sin, we stab ourselves all over with pain.
We reap what we sow………God will not be mocked.
Take the bait Elgordo. Play into the hands of a master propagandist. Steve right behind. Maybe you are friends with the master?
So, then, Six weeks ago, I fainted during my morning walk, first time in my life I have fainted.
GP fixed up the minor hand wounds gave me a Catscan for the minor head knock, and full blood workup. As well, I had an ECG, and the GP noticed a minor thing a day or so later, and he mentioned it was only minor, but he then on forwarded it to a Heart Specialist.
I had that appointment on Tuesday just gone at 10.30AM, and here we now are at 10.30 on Sunday morning.
I now have a Pacemaker.
Turns out I had a left bundle branch block, which carries the electrical signal from the top of the Heart (Atrium) to the bottom of the Heart. (Ventricle) It’s only minor, and occasional, and is mostly age related.
The original faint was the classic first symptom of Syncope, and I also have what is referred to as Bradycardia. a slowing of that Heart Rhythm.
None of this is a Heart Attack, and at no time, ever, have I had any chest pains.
The insertion of the Pacemaker was done on Friday, after lunch, under a local anaesthetic, all done in around 70 Minutes while I chatted to the team of five people.
18 Hours later I was discharged.
So, In on the Tuesday, insert on the Friday, home by the Saturday. 96 hours all up.
The Pacemaker is primarily a detector, detecting the signal between the top of the Heart and the bottom, and if that signal, (generated by the Heart’s own pacemaker, the Sinus Node) slows (Bradycardia) or does not make it to the bottom of the Heart, (Syncope) then the Pacemaker detects that instantaneously, and supplies that tiny electrical impulse, and then just waits around for the next occurrence. The Battery has a 10 year life span, and I can live life as normal, and exercise as normal.
Amazing process really, the whole thing.
Ah, life is just so good!
Interesting ! Good luck !
Any explanation Tony on why the electrcial signal started to become erratic for you ?
there’s a really good image of the Heart and the ‘problem’ at the link here.
Click on that image and it opens at a larger size.
The Pacemaker (the new inserted one I have) has one wire going to the top of the Heart, and one wire to the bottom.
As the Heart Team leader doctor at GCUH explained to me, the problem I have is age related, the wear and tear related to age of those electrical pathways down the bundle branch, a series of cells which conduct the tiny electrical impulse from the Sinus Node. Sometimes that signal either does not get through or is slow in getting through, and here we are talking in the region of milliseconds. The new inserted pacemaker detects either, and supplies that electrical signal as required.
How cool is that, eh!
Postscript: I’m wondering at the irony of someone who explains electrical power in all its forms having an internal electrical problem within my own body.
Hope everything stays ok for you now Tony and the irony of the battery isn’t lost .
Stick around Tony, we need you. 😀
G’day Tony,
Glad you’re fixed, and so quickly. Enjoy your Xmas and i hope to hear lots from you in 2019.
Dave B
Tony, with all your discussion of aging but reliable coal-fired stations, all the best for your own generator, now with FCAS?
Ain’t he glad it isn’t depending on “ephemeral electricity”?
Just wondering if you got a good deal on the battery like South Australia ?
Glad youre ok Tony…
Here’s hoping the new pacemaker isn’t a “renewable” type with a 20% capacity factor and intermittent output…… 🙂
Tony, merry Christmas and a happy New Year from a fellow cyborg. I carry a titanium hip, almost invisible except at the airport.
TonyfromOz –
just yesterday I was wondering where you were and lo and behold you have a fantastic tale to tell.
hope all is now well. merry Christmas and Happy, healthy, prosperous New Year to you and your family … and all who visit Jo’s website.
biggest best wishes to Jo and the mods for providing a platform for CAGW sceptics and dissenters.
Glad to hear all is well. A Merry Christmas and a very Prosperous and Happy New Year.
Good to see you managed to get such an immediate Assessment and response
Our medical teams are still top class.
Best wishes for your recovery and continued good health.
Great to hear your problem has been fixed. I wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
P.S. Are you sure you weren’t getting a bit of ‘green energy’ – we all know that isn’t reliable.
Good to hear you made it through very well.
Interesting Tony. Have a good, Christmas. Only time I fainted was when my 5 year old son was getting stitches for a head wound at a doctor’s surgery. My wife never let me forget it.
Happy Xmas Tony, so glad yr electrical problem got fixed! Say, maybe you can reciprocate, give the Doc some good advice on electrical blackouts with those intermittent renewables.
Tony, all the best. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2019–the whole year, not just the first day.
That’s good news Tony. Happy Christmas to you 🙂
Look on the bright side, no claustrophobia inducing MRIs for you.
Glad you are well and you acted so promptly to address the issue. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
PS, I’m still waiting to hear if you have applied to be Angus Taylor’s advisor. He needs you. WE need you.
21 Dec: Breitbart: James Delingpole: CNN’s ‘Journalist of the Year’ Fraudster Smeared Trump’s Rural America
21 Dec: NoTricksZone: Der Spiegel’s “Fabricated News” Scandal Shakes Western Mainstream Journalism To The Core
By P Gosselin
Even the critics of the latest Spiegel affair can’t help but to resort to half truths and falsehoods on the airwaves. Yesterday morning, for instance, NDR public radio interviewed a media professor who complained that the fabricated Spiegel stories “played right into the hands” of climate skeptics, who, he said, “deny climate change”.
The fact however is that 1) climate science skeptics don’t deny climate change, 2) they agree that man has an impact on climate, but in a more modest way and 3) skeptics don’t believe it is a crisis to humanity…
the latest.
23 Dec: Daily Mail: Are these the morons who ruined Christmas? The drone-loving double glazing fitter and his wife accused of bringing Gatwick to a standstill
In other developments yesterday:
•It emerged that the three-day fiasco could have been averted in a matter of hours – but offers of help from RAF and Army electronics experts were rejected;
•Gatwick security chiefs knew of the threat posed by drones – but sought only to enlist the help of Neighbourhood Watch groups and put up signs warning operators to stay away;
•Transport Secretary Chris Grayling was under intense pressure over his handling of the crisis amid claims the security services had to intervene to ‘get a grip’ of the situation…
The drone pilots could be jailed for life if convicted, but senior security sources suggested that police still lacked conclusive evidence that the couple were behind the chaos…
The arrests followed a sighting of a man in high-vis clothing ‘frantically’ packing two drones into a rucksack four miles from Gatwick and then riding off on a bike…
23 Dec: UK Sun: ‘WE DON’T BELIEVE IT’ Gatwick drone – Parents of ex-soldier, 47, arrested over airport chaos that ruined Christmas for 140,000 passengers claim he is innocent
The families of the couple are devastated and convinced they’ve got the wrong people
By Annabel Murphy
There had been speculation the people behind the drone attack were “eco-warriors” possibly protesting the airport expansion.
It comes as driver Paul Motts, 52, told The Sun how he spotted the man “in hi-vis clothing” in a country lane four miles from the runway on Thursday night.
The EDF Energy manager said: “I was delivering a parcel and drove past a suspicious man in fluorescent cycling gear crouching over a large drone which was all lit up.
“It was a big thing with lights on its arms and roughly 4ft across.
“He had a smaller drone, about 2ft across, next to him.
“He was leaning over and doing something to it. He was totally focused and did not look up when I drove past.
“It looked like he was packing the drones away. Two minutes later we turned around and came across him cycling away.
“I expect he wanted to disassemble the drone as quickly as possible and get away as fast as he could.
“It was pretty weird considering what had happened at the airport during the day.”…
It has since emerged that the Christmas chaos is the THIRD time a drone was flown into Gatwick airspace in the last 18 months…
behind paywall:
Residents ‘doomed to lose homes’ under council climate policies
The Australian-21 Dec 2018
The NSW Coastal Alliance says the Central Coast Council’s release in November of a draft climate change policy is a first step by the council to … had also flagged that all properties that sit less than 4m above sea level should be reassessed as potentially “unviable for future habitation”, or in planning speak, “sterilised”.
more here:
9 Dec: CoastCommunityNews: Draft climate change policy raises concerns from coastal residents
The exhibition of Central Coast Council’s draft climate change policy has been delayed until February, but Mayor, Jane Smith, has cautioned the community not to believe “misleading” messages about the policy’s intent.
Landowners, who believe they will be negatively impacted by the strategy, have already met to kick start their resistance to what they consider to be key elements of Council’s approach. Pat Aiken, Secretary of Coastal Residents Incorporated, said 120 people attended a meeting at Davistown RSL on Saturday, November 24, to discuss the rights of home owners in areas of coastal vulnerability. Discussions at the meeting were based on the premise that the idea of “planned retreat” has been embedded in Council’s draft climate change policy…
Presenters outlined the potential impact of Council’s proposals on landowners, including sterilisation of land from future development via Development Control Plans and notations on planning certificates attached to contracts for sale that could damage the property’s market value. The meeting was told that SES could refuse to protect homes in certain vulnerable areas and that home insurance could be refused, making it impossible to get a home loan…READ ON
Greens and fellow travellers have found new ways of sneaking into councils attracting votes from ratepayers who are unaware of their agenda.
Here is an example: Mayor Jane Smith
Modus op outlined in
How Radical Conservationists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage
by Elizabeth Nickson”
The only way to get this stopped is for the land/house owners to get together and sue the Council Officer/Officers responsible for damages. They are only reacting to people like Flannery who make wild predictions based on no evidence and ‘cover their arses’ in case. Force them to defend their actions under oath and provide proof that sea levels are rising at 4 metres in 100 years.
To quote F.E. Smith (Lord Birkenhead) There is no defence and the damages will be enormous.
In Newcastle, or more specifically, Lake Macquarie council, just a few years ago, the left wing pulled a similar stunt and caused great distress to many owners living on the lake.
Total rubbish and at the community meetings held to push back there were some heart rending stories of assets needed, e.g. nursing home deposit, that the enforcers from the council ignored.
They don’t care or even know about the environment, they just sit in the pews and soak it all up.
They certainly have no empathy with other human beings.
The Central Coast Draft Climate Change Policy is the result of the forced merger of Wyong and Gosford councils by the Baird government a few years ago. Wyong Council being a bit more pragmatic did not have a climate policy but the now Central Coast Council is now forcing their greenie leaning policies onto their northern neighbors due to the new council ward system that favours the old Gosford area.
I have already replied to their recent survey telling them what I thought of it and am getting ready for when they open the draft policy for comments next year. I will certainly be sending in my comments but I doubt whether they read anything contrary to their agenda.
You can tell from the opening paragraphs of the draft policy calling up the old “97% of scientists agree” nonsense that they are unlikely to be swayed by facts!
I meet a person from Canberra the other day who is proud to be a card carrying member of the Australian Skeptics and was only to happy to show me his membership card.
Nevertheless, he is a devoted believer in climate change. No fact can shift him.
Perhaps they should add proof that CO2 causes climate change to their challenge. 🙂
It’s my understanding that the Aussie skeptics are very much of the “AGW is real” variety.
Seems like a very strange position for an organisation that called itself Skeptical?
Indeed, but this is the position that Eran Segev, took on a more than one occasion when representing The Australian Skeptics as president, on what is a relatively good astronomy podcast called SpaceTime. specifically, Series 20, Episode 37
The language used by this gentleman in this interview is also very telling…
Thanks James. Very enlightening.
A sceptic with a closed mind is a great advertisement for the Australian Skeptics.
How does a man like that manage to find scientific evidence contrary to his bias if he non-platforms?
Maybe they read Sceptical Science?
Not if you actually know the meaning of the word sceptical. Its not a term totally appropriated by the anti AGW argument yet. 🙂
Do you have any actual EVIDENCE for warming by atmospheric CO2, phllop?
Blind BELIEF is all these NON-skepticals have… Just like you.
They, like you, are obviously totally incapable of seeing the LACK of any real evidence for human caused global warming (except in “adjusted” surface data)
EVIDENCE, phloop. You have NONE, they have NONE.
There is nothing real that is denied, or to be skeptical of…
… any more than there is in a Grimm Bros fairy tale.
there there AngryG…try to avoid triggering yourself into a froth over Xmas. chill 🙂 XXXX
Poor ZERO EVIDENCE phloop. Is that the most PATHETIC comeback you can muster?
Or can you dig even deeper into your empty mess. 😉
Sceptical Sam-
With regard to climate change that group could better call themselves the Gullibles in blindly
following the party line.
WA Skeptics however, is different. See and
Bloomberg dreaming!
19 Dec: PoweringPastCoal: Indian coal power faces long-term headwinds
By Atin Jain at Bloomberg NEF
The last peak annual capacity additions was 2015, when 19 gigawatts of coal power plants were added in India. Annual net additions have been declining since then. In 2017, India added more renewable power generation capacity than coal fired capacity for the first time ever and is expected to repeat the feat in 2018. This is the beginning of a new trend and BloombergNEF expects renewables will always outcompete coal power on an annual build basis in the future. Today, 196 gigawatts of grid-connected coal-fired power stations supply about three quarters of the total electricity requirement in the country…
Around 36-40 gigawatts of coal projects are currently under construction and will come online in the next five years. Coal capacity additions is expected to slow down after that…
Based on our long-term economic forecasts of India’s power system, we expect renewable energy sources (including hydro) ***can supply 75% of India’s total electricity needs by 2050. Solar and wind are expected to supply a third each of the total power demand. The share of coal will drop to just 14% in 2050 from 75% in 2017…
Anyone on here know their way around bibliographic software on personal computers?
Around 1985 I was pointed to REF-11 as “all I needed to know about”. DOS based.
I stuck with it through various upgrades as it did what I needed and at more than 10000 references I wasn’t really interested in re-entering the data – or going down to track level to do a software transform. I once moved my file to Procite which was a pain. Also Procite was a hog compared to REF-11 so gave that idea up as a newer version became available.
This was OK up to Windows XP. More recent versions won’t run it and my XP computer is heading downhill.
Currently I can run it in DOSBOX but learning how to print from that is another project.
Any software around that will read REF-11 files and not cost a fortune?
Another Ian:
What form are the REF-11 files in? I asume they are some sort of database and from that age I assume a DBase 3 type. From that you should be able to up-grade sequentially to your new computer. If a SQL type DB file then a minor problem to move. Alternately it might be a text file type.
While you search make sure you have a backup copy off the computer.
I can’t remember the name of the transfer software that was recommended to me 20 years ago for UNIX that claimed to automatically transfer data from various Database sources (including DBase 3) to UNIX (target) but as that cost (then) $10,000 I don’t think you would be interested. These days there seems to be free software to transfer DOS text files to UNIX e.g. try source forge/projects/DOS2linux or UNIX. That at least would enable the transfer of text type files to UNIX ( MAC or LINUX).
Since from the sound of it you need to buy a new computer I would suggest you investigate either a MAC or Linux. The former have some useful technical advisors and the latter a host of informal ones, but often very helpful. Suggested because both will be around until 2032AD (remember the Y2K scare?) or later, and will have plenty of options.
For text files Most unix/linux distributions have utility named unix2dos and dos2unix commands.
EDIT: Just copy your file to unix machine and run dos2unix *.
You can also find this utility for Windows and do the same.
Pretty sure it isn’t .dbf.
There are 2 data files involved – .ref and .rex
It does a much more compact storage of data than did Procite.
I have never looked at the structure of the data files – as yet!
REF 11 was also available for PDP 11 computers.
Use FTP?
Can you export your data to a “flat file”: *.CSV, or similar? Not ideal, but may. be better than nothing…
To do that I’ll have to work out how to do more than read via DosBox.
Most Unix Linux machines use LaTeX and BibTeX.
They are the heavy lifters of the text and publishing world. LaTeX is for printing press quality typesetting and BibTeX handles the bibliography. Being Major League, they take a bit of learning but the documentation for both is all there. I’ve learned LaTeX and use it all the time. BibTeX, though is another story. Must learn that.
They are Free Open Source Software (FOSS) since about 1997 (for TeXLive), so they aren’t going anywhere. TeX was written by Dr Donald Knuth of Stanford. LaTex is a very useful bunch of TeX macros written by Leslie Lamport.
How to get: download the DVD (it’s free), install (it’s free) and print the manuals off.
TeXLive from the TeX Users Group at (www.) Manuals are on the DVD — look for files in .pdf or .ps formats (Postscript) for printable versions.
How to use: RTFM. Install and try. Get frustrated, RTFM again. :-).
Been there …
If you don’t want to put the effort in, I can’t blame you. But if you do, it’s superb software. It may even be easier than it was when I first learnt it back in 1988 …
maybe EndNote will import??
finally Fairfax on the solar audit, but try understanding this?
23 Dec: SMH: Just one per cent of ACT solar panel systems inspected by regulator
By Blake Foden
The Clean Energy Regulator’s inspection scheme has not found any rooftop solar panel systems in the ACT to be unsafe for nearly five years, ***but it has inspected just 1 per cent of the systems installed in the territory…READ ALL
Does that mean 99% of installations are a legal liability and may these houses uninsurable?
As we know the MSM has lost all credibility. Here’s why. No one from now on should ever believe whatever the MSM says without doing their own research. Long gone are the days when we could trust the MSM to tell the truth to the best of their abilities.
Award-winning reporter at Germany’s respected Der Spiegel, and CNN 2014 journalist of the year is forced to admit he MADE UP stories – including a Colin Kaepernick interview – for years
Most mornings I run a “What if” check. I dial up several MSM0online sites and check to see if I might have bought a copy to read something.
Very rarely would I have had to shell out.
If I have say a doctor’s appointment where there might be waiting time my best value is the Courier Mail. There is unlikely to be any news but I get three crosswords for $1.70.
Peter S – see comment #24.
Bugger those anti-fossil-fuel carols – this looks like prime for adaptation to Oz
“Twelve Days of Trudeau
On the twelfth day of Trudeau the Liberals gave to me:
Twelve Liberals lying
Eleven virtue lectures
Ten carbon taxes
Nine pairs of socks
Eight Justin selfies
Seven er “vacation” trips
Six ethics violations
Five Bombardier subsidies
Four cancelled pipelines
Three costume changes
Two kiddies nannies
A million dollar gambling MP
And a joint”
IEEFA’s Simon Nicholas and Tim Buckley(?) in Pakistan spruiking “renewables”:
6 Dec: Urdu Point Pakistan: Govt To Harness Alternative Sources Of Energy: Minister
by Fahad Shabbir
Speaking at a seminar titled ‘Energy situation in Pakistan’ at Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park in Bahawalpur, (Punjab Energy Minister Dr Akhtar Malik) said that the whole world was shifting to alternative sources of energy and Pakistan would also have to benefit from it.
The seminar was organised by the ***Unified Media Club, said an official release issued here on Thursday…
Simon Nicholas, a representative of a US think-tank, presented a report on the energy situation in Pakistan…
(Dr Malik) informed that the government was seeking audit of Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park given the fact that there was marked difference in its cost compared to cost of such projects in other countries…
He said that boiler of the Sahiwal coal power plant would be replaced and local coal would be utilised, adding that economic conditions of the country do not allow import of fuel…
Simon Nicholas from Institute of Energy, Economic and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), suggested that Pakistan would have to benefit from wind and solar power to meet its energy requirements till 2030.
The IEEFA model, he recommended at the seminar, suggests that Pakistan could be able to produce ***30 percent of its required energy through alternative sources of energy till 2030, the expert said.
TWEET: Unified Media Club
An excellent report on #Energy potentional and current situation in #Pakistan by @simonjnicholas and ***@TimBuckleyIEEFA presented at @umc_unified Media seminar at #Lahore.
6 Dec 2018
TWEET: Tim Buckley: Excellent writeup in the New York Times on IEEFA’s @simonjnicholas new report looking at the transition and decarbonisation potential in Pakistan, a great way to improve energy security while securing deflationary sustainable energy
5 Dec 2018
Another blackout last night, woke up to no power. Thats 3 in a couple of months after a long period of stability. For the second time I had the generator set up, and getting ready to use the big changeover switch and it came back. I should have bought a cardboard cut out generator if all I had to do was show it to scare them back into life.
We lose power regularly enough and it’s never for just a few minutes. We are in an area bounded by a mountain and an army base which mustn’t allow isolation of the problem and switching to another feeder.
Lost power for 3.5 hrs on Fri night. Too hot to sleep so I sat on the patio supping a red in the breeze. At 11 PM a guy six houses up started his generator and it wasn’t one designed for city limits. Can’t live without power late at night but I’d bet he believes in AGW.
You’ve previously said you live in Townsville, so let me guess, Mount Stuart and Lavarack Barracks?
I grew up in Townsville in the 60s and 70s. Blackouts were almost unheard of, except for the real big power cut of Cyclone Althea at Christmas ’71.
So did I.
Townsville Grammar 1955-8.
We used to get military left-over fuel tanks for the bellies of WWII fighter planes and chisel a hole in the top to make canoes to float down the Ross River upstream of the meat works (downstream was smelly).
Then they cleaned up the rubbish and set up CSIRO (where I worked for a while) and Lavarack Barracks and the James Cook Uni (where I also went for a while).
We tried to climb Mt Stuart, but the lantana got too thick and the brown snakes a bit too scary.
I remember no power cuts at all, though in earlier like in Mackay we had some long ones, more due to union-inspired strikes that left me anti-union ever since.
Ah, memory lane. Geoff
As a favour to a company I used to do business with I took a techy up to the radar site at Pallaranda. I took a walk to pass the time, but not for long, I’ve never seen so many snakes. These things don’t normally scare me but that day, Yes.
It was out for about two hours according to DD Yarpos. We had our generator on for a while as we had to get going early, Sunday being a workday for my OH.
The MSM is doing its best to promote the campaign to remove Tony Abbott as the member for Warringah.
It looks like the green fringe has really focussing on what they see as the biggest threat to their agenda.
And Malcolm Turncoat is really showing his true (red/green) colours by following the Vote Tony Out Instagram page less than a week after it was launched.
Actually, this was the article I read this morning. Sad that there are millionaire professionals joining in, too.
Analitik –
oh yes, those people who hate Abbott are really concerned about CAGW – what a laugh.
as for the tactics of the anti-Adani mob – they remind me of mafia behaviour:
20 Dec: ABC: Adani’s Carmichael mine faces another potential setback, as opponents lobby insurers not to provide cover
AM By Angela Lavoipierre
Since Adani announced last month it would self-fund its long-planned Carmichael coal mine, activists have written to 30 major firms making their case, on the grounds it would accelerate climate change.
Julien Vincent, executive director of Market Forces, one of the groups behind that letter, said some of the world’s biggest insurers were among those that had pledged support.
“So far about 10 of them have got back to us, including QBE, Suncorp from Australia, including some of the world’s biggest insurance and re-insurance companies like Allianz and Munich Re and Swiss Re — all of them committing to not providing insurance for this project,” Mr Vincent said…
Mr Vincent said there was no way of knowing for sure whether Adani had secured insurance.
But energy market analyst Tim Buckley said it was becoming much harder for carbon-emitting projects like this one to attract insurers.
He said part of the reason is that climate change represents a serious existential threat to the insurance industry, because of its link to extreme weather events…
“And so ultimately, I think you will find—like tobacco, like asbestos—thermal coal will become totally uninsurable.”…
The media’s greatest failure isn’t their bias, but their failure to sponsor debates on various climate change-related matters. They could make open offers to do so and await replies to their invitations. And/or they could extend invitations to notable and outspoken warmists, once a few skeptics had offered to take one side of the debate.
Come to think of it, doing so seems to me to be the best tactic our side could adopt now. IOW, to approach one broadcaster (preferably) after another and offer to debate warmists on some limited topic, such as the economics of solar power, asking the broadcaster to round up an opposition team, and providing names of opposition-team candidates. If the broadcaster declines, that fact should be publicized to shame him; and ditto if warmist-team candidates decline.
Maybe there could be college-lecture-circuit traveling team-pairs. These could be put up on YouTube later.
The MSM lies by omission. It’s what they choose to present and how its is presented and what they choose to not present. Sometimes some of them just plain lie.
Somebody’s already referenced Swift’s dictum that you cannot reason a man out of a belief he was not reasoned into.
This is an age where the stampede prevails and all one can do is try to avoid the surging mob; woe betide the poor wight that doesn’t.
All we can do is live and let live while waiting out the green hysteria of our benighted younger generations who cannot be blamed for the total decline of the system which was to have educated them to be capable of clear thinking but has instead diverted them into accepting all the mutually inconsistent positions which define the purported anthropogenic climate criminality of their elders.
And merry Christmas to all, not forgetting the self-appointed trolls who provide some valuable fizz to these threads.
Roger the MSM don’t want a debate between a red and blue team, the best we can hope for is to get balance back into the ABC newsroom.
The liklihood of a balanced newsroom is nil; the likelihood of a sponsored debate is better than that—especially if challenged to do so. There was already a debate in Charleston, West Virginia, this year. That could be held up as a model.
***and media?
21 Dec: RealClearPolitics: Are We Bored With Climate Change?
Analysis by Kalev Leetaru
(RealClear Media Fellow Kalev Leetaru is a senior fellow at the George Washington University Center for Cyber & Homeland Security. His past roles include fellow in residence at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Government)
As the COP24 conference on climate change wrapped up last week in Poland without any major developments, downward-trending levels of interest in the subject have raised the question of whether the public ***and media have become weary of discussing it…
Interest in “climate change” peaked in March 2007 as Al Gore and “An Inconvenient Truth” basked in the glow of an Academy Award win, but faded away over the next half decade…
this is insane:
VIDEO: 3min40sec: 22 Dec: Fox News: ‘The Irony Was Just Colossal’: U.S. Marine Describes Attack By Alleged Antifa Activists
The alleged activists, Thomas Massey and Tom Keenan, are accused of attacking reservists Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres at a “We the People” rally in Old City.
The two Marines — in civilian attire — were mistaken for rally participants. After Keenan allegedly asked them if they were “Proud Boys,” he, Massey and others began punching, kicking and using pepper spray toward the Marines.
Torres said on Friday that it was “very ironic” he and Godinez were mistaken for white supremacists, as both are of Hispanic descent…
you won’t find the above on theirABC.
how they covered Antifa:
15 Jan Updated 18 Mar: ABC: Antifa: The hard left’s call to arms
Donald Trump’s inauguration as US president a year ago reinvigorated many right-wing groups, including white supremacists. Now the militant left is fighting back with some shock tactics of its own.
Foreign Correspondent By North America correspondent Stephanie March
Softly-spoken and slight of build, Mr Dixon is a vegan who spends his days lecturing in anthropology at a local university…
Mr Dixon, 45, is a member of the far-left group Redneck Revolt, whose chapters have multiplied in the past year from just a handful to over 30 across the United States, they claim.
Their ranks are swelling in response to a resurgence of white supremacist groups, in part emboldened by President Donald Trump’s election victory.
Redneck Revolt is part of the rapidly-growing “Antifa” movement — short for anti-fascists…
“When the left uses violence, in the rare cases that it happens, it’s resistance,” Mr Dixon says…
23 Dec: UK Telegraph: Gatwick drone: Arrested couple released without charge
By Martin Evans, Izzy Lyons and Charles Hymas
The couple arrested in connection with the drone attack at Gatwick airport have been released without charge.
The news came as Gatwick Airport offered a reward of £50,000 for information leading to the capture of those responsible…
the fix was in, from every angle:
22 Dec: RealClearInvestigations: Paul Sperry: John Huber, Justice Dept. Sheriff Who Never Quite Rode Into Town
22 Dec: ConservativeTreehouse: sundance: REPORT: Huber and Horowitz Investigations Deep State Cons Constructed by DOJ…
Hi Jo
A few weeks ago I posted a comment about how the need to feel good above all logic and reason was driving this country off a cliff. Well it being Christmas I decided to do something to make myself feel good and just sent you a smallish supply of chocolate. It’s not much but you might be able to swap it for some cheap plonk and a handful of prawns:)
Merry Christmas and happy New Year Jo, David and family. Merry Christmas mods. and all the commentators who contribute through the year.
It seems to me that the global warming madness has gotten worse this year and the darkness seems closer than ever. Thankfully this island of light is still here but for how long? A new Labour government next year and new media regulation and who knows…..
It’s always darkest just prior to dawn, so to speak. We are yet to reach that point of maximum darkness. Shorten will most likely help us get there much quicker. Merry Christmas.
As if proof was needed that the likes of Faceache was interfering in the US election .
The Jordan river in Israel is drying up and plenty of claims that CAGW is to blame , lowest historic flows evvvaaahhh blah blah blah .
I’m pretty sure Historic doesn’t mean what they think it does !
I saw that report as well. But it was only a few weeks ago that there were reports of flooding and deaths in Jordan from torrential rains….And snow in the hills of Israel…I wonder if this story is just a sleeper from a while back. Released now for the Christmas season
21 Dec: Forbes: Faith-Based Social Entrepreneurs Bank Puerto Rico Trash Will Fuel Island’s Growth
by Dipka Bhambhani
A motley crew of faith-based social entrepreneurs from the U.S. and India think Puerto Rico’s energy future and economic health is in its trash…
“We could process that waste, produce electricity and sell it to the grid. The municipalities then get money from local grid operators. They can also dispose of remaining waste as organic fertilizer,” said Deepak Gadhia, Founder of Gadhia Solar and Trustee at the renowned Muni Seva Ashram in Gujarat, India…
The unlikely blend of social entrepreneurs are faith-based leaders, financial gurus, scientists, and entrepreneurs; most are all of the above.
The efforts have been self-funded over the past year, but the group has just teamed up with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) to help raise $100,000 for the feasibility studies…
***i’ve never seen theirABC declare IEEFA’s funding when they interview their “renewables” go-to guy, Tim Buckley!
5 dec: CaribbeanBusiness: IEEFA Puerto Rico: Backroom natural gas deals threaten to displace public renewable energy plans
By Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
Editor’s note: The following column is by Tom Sanzillo, the director of finance at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA).
Can Puerto Rico’s recent legislative progress on renewable energy withstand an onslaught of special interests supporting economically unsupportable, fiscally damaging and environmentally destructive natural gas proposals?…
Additionally, the government is soliciting secret privatization proposals in a separate process run by Rothschild, Citibank and Governor Ricardo Rosselló. The process, spearheaded by the Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Authority controlled by the Governor, can produce deals that can legally skirt any new or existing energy law or PREPA’s energy plan…
PUERTO RICO HAS A HISTORY OF CREATING LAWS AND PLANS THAT SAY ONE THING, WHILE DOING THE OPPOSITE. The legislature passed a law in 2010 that said by 2015 there would be 12% renewable energy. Today there is 2% renewable energy — and the contracts for that are flawed and have above-market costs…
***IEEFA, whose stated mission is “to accelerate the transition to a diverse, sustainable and profitable energy economy,” receives its funding from such organizations as the Rockefeller Family Fund, Energy Foundation, Mertz-Gilmore Foundation, Moxie Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Growald Family Fund, Flora Family Fund, Wallace Global Fund, and V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation.
21 Dec: Nasdaq: 2 Beaten-Down Alternative Energy Stocks to Rebound in 2019
by Zacks Equity Research
U.S. Alternative Energy stocks have been going downhill since the beginning of this year, thanks to Trump’s belligerent stance on renewable energy resources…
Certainly, stocks in the U.S alternative energy space have taken a beating in 2018, owing to the factors mentioned above. However, there’s no denying the fact that renewables are the future of energy…
China’s Clean Energy Dominance
According to Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis’ (IEEFA) report, China was a dominant force in the building and financing of clean energy technology globally in 2017. To this end, Tim Buckley, IEEFA’s director of energy finance studies, mentioned that “the clean energy market is growing at a rapid pace and China is setting itself up as a global technology leader while the U.S. government looks the other way.”
It seems that China kept up with this trend in 2018 as well. Per Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables’ Global Wind Power Asset Ownership 2018 report, Chinese operators remain leaders in the global wind asset market. China Energy Investment Corporation is now the world’s largest developer of wind energy, post the acquisition of China Guodian…
Our Choices
Dominion Energy Midstream Partners, LPDM , which engages in natural gas terminaling, processing, storage, transportation and related assets, is a solid bet. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2019 sales indicates year-over-over growth of 26%. We note that the stock has declined 38.1% so far in the year…
Fuelcell Energy, Inc.FCEL , which manufactures megawatt-scale fuel cell systems, is another attractive choice. Its Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2019 sales indicates growth of 45%. We note that the stock has plunged 71.8% so far in the year…
the farce continues:
24 Dec: SBS: AFP: Police consider possibility Gatwick drone sightings were a mistake after pair released
British police have released two people arrested in relation to the drones that disrupted operations at Gatwick Airport, conceding there may have been no “genuine drone activity in the first place”…
Drones were sighted buzzing around the airfield more than 50 times, forcing the government to bring in specialist military resources to help counter the threat…
But Detective Chief Superintendent Jason Tingley told the BBC police had not obtained footage of a drone and there was “always a possibility” the sightings of drones were mistaken…
behind paywall:
23 Dec: UK Times: British Gas owner Centrica seeks rivals’ help to fight price cap
by Rachel Millard
Centrica has contacted rivals via Citizens Advice and the trade association Energy UK to notify them of the legal move and inviting them to join in, raising the prospect of a wider attack on the way the energy cap has been set.
From January 1, default tariffs will be capped at £1,137 a year in an attempt to save households about £76 a year, following concerns that customers are being ripped off. Centrica has consistently opposed the cap, saying it will not benefit households and could cost the FTSE 100 business £70m in lost profits.
Last week, it announced plans for a judicial review of the way in which Ofgem, the industry regulator, calculated wholesale costs when setting the cap…
22 Dec: HeraldScotland: Cheap fuel deals disappear ahead of new cap on energy bills, says watchdog
by David Leask
ENERGY firms have slashed the number of cheap fuel deals they offer by 90 per cent ahead of a new price cap coming into force on January 1.
Consumer champion Which? has discovered there are now just eight tariffs that deliver an average bill of under a £1,000 a year.
Researchers said that number was down from a figure of 77 such deals in January 2017.
Consumer experts are now also warning that the measure, which is designed to protect consumers on a variable rate, may be having unintended consequences…
Here is an assemblage of images about that hail storm in Sydney.
(Look at the bottom image).
Happy Christmas, all. Geoff
We once visited Kagoshima, Japan, when the nearby volcano Sakkurajima was belching clouds of ash.
It is an island of its own making, a neat cone with sea level radius of 5,000 m and height of 500 m above sea level.
Such a cone has a volume of 26 x 10^9 cubic metres.
Now, just for perspective, if you took that volume of rock away and dumped it in the sea, how much would sea level rise?
Answer, 72.4 mm.
Compare that with estimates of 1-3 mm per year for natural sea level rise just now.
The point is, although it looks impressive, this volcano is a tiny pimple on the surface of the Earth.
There are more pimples like it forming and eroding all the time.
This must create some measurement noise.
A fair bit of noise, from this one example, noise that the Establishment is not too keen to know about. Geoff
Does anyone know if you can read the mains voltage from your PC?
I recall you can check for 6 volts for operation, but cannot recall how to dial up the display of operating levels.
Some peculair events in the last few months with the PC.
Some might be relatable to low mains voltage. maybe noise.
Also, I tried twice to get data from the new Acorn-Sat version on the BOM website.
Twice the internet dropped out, as shown by the absence of modem lights.
Twice, they came back on again after I closed the Internet window.
Now, that seems odd to me.
A week ago there was a call to our private landline, one that I cut short by hanging up.
Something like “You are going to lose internet connections because you have been downloading from suspect international sites … ”
There are some nasty people out there. At Christmas, too.
I have been accessing the BOM web site recently Geoff..Not the new Acorn Sat version. Just their historic weather data here in SA. But have had no trouble.
Brace yourselves, tomorrow is going to be “an absolute schorcher”.
Temperatures could, might, maybe will be the hottest on record.
Read on and ask yourselves how this brain washing over kill is journalism?
Meanwhile, back in the 1950s it was common to have 10 days in a row with temperatures between 100 and 107°F.
That’s 37.8 to 41.7°C.
I was just discussing a mid January road trip about 2013 that included Geelong Vic via Adelaide and to Broken Hill via the Clare Valley SA.
Temperature over 40C every day, dual air conditioners in my 4WD operating.
The weather in SA has been too hot and then too cold, this anomaly is a regional cooling signal.
‘Bees are suffering from starvation and hives have died following erratic weather patterns in South Australia that have been blamed for an 80 per cent drop in honey yield.
‘Hot spells followed by cold and wet periods throughout spring and early summer has resulted in some plants flowering haphazardly, or not at all, leaving many bees without enough food.’
As a 10-11 year old I remember those days well..And the fires that accompanied those hear waves..where we lived in Research North East of Melbourne
Dennis –
did you note paragraph 5:
“High-pressure systems generally lead to dry conditions and the sheer size of the ridge means its effects could be felt from Tasmania all the way to ***southern Queensland and southern Western Australia.”
about 23 paragraphs later – indeed the FINAL paragraph – states:
“Finally Queensland, and the BOM has Brisbane on 29C and partly cloudy for Christmas Day.”
***I knew the forecast for S-E Qld, so was suspicious about the wording of the article as soon as I saw the mention of ***”southern Queensland”
the two writers – Natalie Wolfe & Benedict Brook are reporters.
Good catch Pat, yes folks the blocking high pressure is a global cooling signal.
The DeVries-Suess 210 year cycle is apropos.
I’ve just re-read the History chapter in Ian Plimer’s “Heaven+Earth” (nine years after my first reading it) and noted the year 1816 was famously extremely cold and that we’re now within seven years of this point in the DeVries-Suess climate cycle being revisited. What the world will be like by then I don’t care to guess.
Also, in 1815 Mount Tambora blew its stack and created a year without a summer.
Thanks el gordo; the Tambora incident would have been the main contributor to the freeze so I’m not quite as apprehensive about 2026 now.
From where I’m standing we are looking at a back to back El Nino, similar to 1877-78, then a strong La Nina should bring world temperatures down significantly.
The obvious problem is how do we convince the populace that its only natural and has nothing to do with CO2.
They have to read the history themselves and upon discovering their present positions comprehensively contradicted draw the appropriate conclusions; that’s the only way to convince the populace, it needs to convince itself.
Fat chance.
We can console ourselves that, after all, something worse than the decarbonization delusion might have happened and that it’s a relatively cheap price to pay, the Greens’ projected seven years incarceration for burning coal, though I haven’t seen their sanction for repeat offenders canvassed –maybe bringing back the death penalty?
I noticed Krakatau or Son of Krakatau as you like it, has started claiming victims. Is there any doubt that volcano will once again eventually grow into a monster that will end in another event like the eruption of 1883? Seems like just a matter of time to me. The results of eruption of 1883 was an example of real climate change of a type which does not bode well for anyone relying on solar. The eruption of 1883 burst the ear drums of sailors 40 miles away. The energy released was roughly 4x that of the largest thermonuclear device man has created. Red skies and decreased temps were the norm in the Tropic and temperate zones of the planet for several years afterward.
BTW, a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all of you. And thank you so much for what you do Jo.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and or holiday of your own choosing, to the proprietors and readers of Thanks for all the great articles, all your brilliant commentary, and even the not so brilliant, which even at it’s worst, still kicks total butt over the kind of tripe one might read on DeSmog or UGH, the Graun. I hope 2019 is a terrific year for all of you, including you alarmists (you know who you are). May the climate be perfect for all of you, and may CO2 keep building the food chain that feeds us all.
Christmas is a time when Alarmists gather together, roast chestnuts, and share memories.
– They tell their children how there used to be a cold white substance, called snow.
– They reassure their children that Santa really does exist, and that he delivers presents to all of the good children (the ones who believe in global warming).
– And they give thanks for the 97% consensus (that global warming is real, that it is caused by humans, and that there was no recent slowdown).
In keeping with the true Christmas spirit, Alarmists have just published 2 new papers, which (they say) demonstrate convincingly that the recent slowdown wasn’t a real phenomenon.
It is a pity that they didn’t read my article first. They could have saved themselves a lot of time, and millions of dollars (of your money)!!!
The article is called “Alarmist thinking on the recent slowdown is one dimensional”
Warning – this article contains undeniable proof, that the recent slowdown WAS a real phenomenon.
So if you want to continue believing that the recent slowdown doesn’t exist, then don’t read this article.
I just watched a “Christmas” program on US public TV. The Christian, black, female preacher mentioned the Baby Jesus as “of Afro-Semitic roots”.
I grew up understanding that the Founders (creators of the US Constitution) were Judaeo-Christian.
Is there an unknown/unseen problem here?