UPDATE: French Lorry Drivers block fuel depots
The Times: Lorry drivers joined the protest movement today as ministers struggled to restore order with at least 35 motorways partially or completely blocked, along with at least 18 motorway sliproads. Barricades were erected across dozens of other roads around the country. — h/t to GWPF for the latest
The climate change collectivist overlords were always going to overdo it
Changing the global climate is such a ridiculously ambitious task that there was never any real limit to the imposts that would be demanded. So the zealots and the rent seekers would take what they could get, and then ask for more in escalating cycles, until the people finally rose up in revolt.
Apparently, the French have hit that point. Its spontaneous chaos, violence, and blockades. But the protest is supported by nearly 4 out 5 people:
Gilets jaunes protest likely to continue
Saturday: 227 protesters were injured, the majority of which were caused by drivers attempting to force their way through blockades; one 63-year-old woman attending the gilets jaunes protest in Savoie was killed after a driver “panicked” and accelerated into protesters. 117 people were arrested and 73 were later taken into police custody. Police in Paris deployed tear gas to disperse blockades.
A number of French petrol stations joined the gilets jaunes protest, with branches in Brittany, Dordogne and Normandy closing for the day. The SGP Police-FSMI FO police union urged its members not to issue any tickets on Saturday, in solidarity with the protest. Several high profile politicians, including Jean-Luc Melenchon, attended gilets jaunes blockades.
By Saturday evening more than 1,400 blockades were still active, with protesters declaring their intention to stay overnight. The gilets jaunes protest has drawn strong support from the French people, with 78 per cent saying they believed the blockades were justified.
This is also a story about the power of free speech
A woman gets fed up with the hypocrisy of being told to buy diesel cars to help the environment, only to find that now she is punished for the exact same thing after diesel manfucturers got caught cheating on their emissions tests. But it’s about many other ways too, like by a “forest of radars”. That was October 18th. Then Jacline Mouraud’s video went viral and Saturday over a quarter of a million French people walked the streets in protest.
This is world where Youtube gives enormous power to people to say something that rings. The mainstream media gives up on this kind of power every single day. Youtube is now well known for censoring non-PC organizations and groups and demonetizing them. But as long as anyone can post a video, anyone can start a revolution.
As long as we have free speech…
You can switch on subtitles and auto translate (it’s only so good)
This is about renewable energy
It’s a giant leaderless group wearing yellow vests — a symbol of workers against the overlords. The irony is the French government apparently commanded car drivers to carry them, so everyone is “equipped” with protest material:
Alex Ledsom, Forbes
The French have taken to the streets today in a mass protest against the government’s increase in petrol taxes. President Macron has defended the plan as part of a wider movement to shift France towards a transport policy based on renewable energy sources. The question is, who will win?
The ‘gilets jaunes’ — so named after the high-visibility orange vests motorists are required to wear when they break down — parked up their cars in the early hours of this morning on all main arterial routes through major cities. Leaving just one lane open for most of the day, thousands of French people have been hanging out on motorways all day, protesting at what they perceive to be year-on-year hikes hitting the people hardest who use their cars to get to work. Interestingly, the ‘gilets jaunes‘ have no discernible leader, and no political support; it was organised by a series of Facebook groups talking to one another, which has made it difficult for the police to understand where they should have stationed officers this morning.
Monraud’s video
Mouraud’s video went viral, and has been viewed by more than six million people. “I have a thing or two to tell you,” she starts out. The stream of accusations includes the price of fuel, the “hunt” for diesel vehicles, the “forest” of radars, the number of traffic tickets, the possibility tolls may be charged to enter large towns and rumours of mandatory bicycle registration.
“What are you doing with the dough, apart from changing the china at the Élysée and building a swimming pool?” Mouraud asks Macron.
She is a hypotist and spiritual medium, so Macron’s team went for the standard tool, the ad hom attack:
A senior adviser to Macron spoke scathingly of “this Madame Mouraud who generates spirits from under her fingernails”. He expressed consternation that a video “stuffed with lies” has reached such a wide audience, saying: “I have the feeling that our democracy is also at stake.”
It’s a powderkeg:
A poll published by Ifop on November 14th indicates two-thirds of French people expect a “social explosion” in coming months.
IS this Macron’s Climate Waterloo asks Geoff Chambers?
According to the IEA, France is sitting on 80% of Europe’s frackable gas – enough to keep the country self-sufficient in energy for centuries. But the Macron government has just banned, not only fracking, but any extraction of any fossil fuels whatsoever on mainland France.
The left in France has been tying itself in knots, supporting the popular movement against rising fuel prices and at the same time calling for a rising tax on carbon. Even the productivist communist party is resolutely green (in anti-capitalist way, of course.) Already the Rassemblement National (ex- Front National) is the most popular party among working class voters.
Viva LA revolution
It’s time the rebels captured the old guillotine sharpened the blade, bought a few spare blades & started the climate clean up starting with with Macron & his old crone!
Capital punishment is never the answer.
If the situation in Frances bevomes such that Macron cant achieve what appears to be the occult-driven agenda of his globalist paymasters, they could stage an “event” to break the momentumn and to distract people. Staged riots are also a popluar choice….as is another possible ( cough) ” terrorist” attack….
Depends on which definition of capital you are using. Macron is practising capital punishment on a grand scale.
Sovereign risk is a form of punishing capital….Macron could trigger that if he pushes the eco lunacy too far….
“Ou va la France”. Where goes France? Good question.
Ou va l’Australie? I have no idea. We have no leader either.
Tony Abbott should have stood up, not Peter Dutton. Now we have no one, a leader almost as ineffectual as Theresa May. Turnbull’s choice, so guaranteed to lose. Turnbull’s gift to the Labor party.
At least the Americans have lived up to their motto, E Pluribus Unum. From the many, one. It may refer to the States and Federation but it clearly fits the exceptional Donald Trump. The contrast with Macron and Merkel and May could not be greater. So he is derided as populist. I think that means he actually listens to the voters. Australian politicians stopped doing that long ago. They only listen to the Greens.
Meanwhile British PM Theresa May is stealing the mantle from Neville Chamberlain as the worst negotiator in history, but then she never wanted BREXIT in the first place.
Negotiating when you have no idea how your country functions and don’t know that you have no idea was always going to be her failing. In an newspaper article she is adamant that remaining in the Single Market on leaving the EU does not solve the Irish border problem. FFS it’s the only thing that does!
I think the other notable difference is that he really puts the effort in to do what he said he was going to do.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to cast a vote for a party in Australia that you knew was going to do what they had campaigned to do?
….and pigs might fly
vive la revolution!
I searched the net for an English sub-titled version of the ladies speech.
Alas, to no avail. The auto-translate function is not very good (as mentioned by Jo).
This should be a guide to the idiots in Canberra of what will happen in Australia. Unfortunately however, I don’t think they believe or understand how annoyed and angry we are!
I quickly typed in the speech and translated most of it. Quite a good rant. A fair bit of venacular and strong language.
She says fewer than half the diesels pass the new regulations for big cities. Plus big tolls in the big cities. Radar everywhere. Who gets all the cash? Plus a good dig at the fact that Macron assumes everyone lives in big cities when most Frenchmen live in the country. This is pretty much what Donald Trump is saying. 80% of Americans live in the country. People are sick of the presumption that it’s all about the big cities.
Then people in the country do a lot of miles and need their diesels and were told to buy diesels while Macron and the big cities now pocket the cash from the tolls on the diesels they were forced to buy. I think the new tax on bicycles is the last straw.
Her other point is simply that Macron is not listening and 80% of all Frenchmen would agree with her.
TdeF – what new tax on bicycles are you referring to, and where? As a cyclist and motorist, I’d like to know more!
A motorist must carry his Carte Grise, proof of ownership. They are going to change the laws to do the same for bicycles
“Bicycle owners will soon have a registration card. This is essentially what is written in the new mobility orientation bill, unveiled by the Context website , which, if adopted by the end of 2019, should be implemented in 2020. Article 18 of the text reserves one of its chapters to the “fight against the theft of cycles” whether or not accompanied by motorized assistance …’
So 200Euro to register that you own your bicycle.
As she says to Macron “So you invent the gray card on the bikes to make us believe that when they
Will be stolen we will find them faster.”
And in respect of ownership papers on bicycles “Ce que vous faites du pognon des francais ”
What will you do with all the French dough?
Even the German Occupation of France 1939 – 1945 left the bicycle alone. That’s playing with fire.
Thanks, TdeF – much appreciated. All this raises an interesting issue. As an enthusiast, I build my own machines up. Some frames (with identifying serial numbers) I’ve owned for years. Components (none of which have identifying numbers) get renewed, and some swapped from one bike to another. Receipts for most of these are long gone. There must be countless other cyclists across the globe who do the same.
This is going to be interesting – I wonder how many cyclists will actually bother to register their machines? More bureaucratic nonsense, and yet another needless job creation scheme!
Another point, TdeF: I once suggested to a policeman that there should be a national register of stolen bicycles, accessible to the public, with a full description and frame serial number so that a potential buyer could easily check what was on offer. His indifferent response was ‘Well, wouldn’t it make more sense to not get them stolen in the first place?’
That said, bikes can be repainted, serial numbers obliterated or altered, and components easily exchanged. I doubt that many get their stolen machines back.
Consider the car solution, microdots under the paintwork. Absolute traceability. No real cost to the manufacturer. Expensive bikes promote gang activity. Charging the user $500 for a card is just highway robbery and the government would make more money from theft itself.
Serial numbers for bicycle frames are not necessarily unique. Any and every brand can issue the same serial numbers at any time.
Only the automotive VIN type of identification for a bicycle will work. It won’t take the bureaucrats long to work that one out, and when they do it be another $400 per bicycle… or more …
Years ago in France (on a motoway) the driver slowed the Citroen (to approximately the speed limit) because it was raining, and was passed by one of those 50cc motorised bicycles. (self censored comment about Greenies).
There was no tax on motors under 50cc.
What taxes to come? Taxes on prams and pushers, skate boards,
walking sticks, boots?
TdeF the herding of people into cities is part of the UN Agenda 21 manifesto.
“moi je fais 25000 km par an donc j’ai pas de choix que de prendre ma voiture qu’elle pollue ou qu’elle ne pollue pas est leur propos de la pollution peut aussi parler de la pollution des Abymes”
I do 25000 km per year so I have no choice but to take my car whether it pollutes or that does not pollute. Does their idea regarding pollution cover the pollution of Abymes? (Abymes being part of the remote island of Guadeloupe in the Caribbean.) This is more on her annoyance that Macron and friends are big city people, cash hungry elites. Now where have we heard this before?
The activists are “revolting” in the UK for the opposite reason in that they want the government to bring in more stringent action against the use of fossil fuels, regardless of the effect on the average person.
Yes that’s right !
All 1000 of them blocking the bridges to ‘save the planet’
As against 260,000 Jaunes Gillets over the Channel in France…
Macron and his kind are fools. The French cut off > 1000 heads in protest against the ruling class. There will be a war. Same as in the US.
When the French farmers start towing empty trailers to Paris the politicians will need to be careful to keep their heads.
The French revolution was basically caused by the imposition of a universal land tax. This protest is caused by the imposition of a universal carbon tax.
It will get very nasty for the politicians and Macron unless they capitulate quickly.
ivan: I think you will find it came out of starvation through the failure of equable distribution of grain because of speculative hoarding and distribution—the so-called “Flour War” of 1775 after the deregulation of the grain markets.
It’s hunger which raises revolution as we saw through the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) states a few years ago, when bread prices rose out of the reach of a majority of the population. Hungry people riot.
I would be interested in your sources for that, if you could provide them please … thanks.
The then widespread starvation produced/caused that famous phrase (attributed to Marie Antoinette although no record of that exists):
Let them eat cake.
I seem to have heard somewhere that her comment was ‘why don’t they eat brioche’.
Obama began his regime thinking he would push the USA into a green future. But Cap n’ Trade was dead on arrival in the US Congress even before he lost a massive 63 seats in the House of the mid term. Moreover, Obama’s party lost 680 seats in state legislatures and 29 out of the 50 states governors were held by Republicans in the aftermath. The next two elections saw the Republicans gain more ground in the states and a repudiation at the federal level of Obama’s legacy. (The president’s party usually loses seats during the mid term but 2010 was a landslide revolt) Copenhagen was a failure.
Obama began to use his phone and his pen to by-pass the will of the people. Obama against the “deplorables” who “clung to the guns and their religion” basically defined his next six years. Obama and his party began to push hard for gun control. What does that tell us?
Try the first one here
When peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.
Will France famous for its violent revolutions lead the world back sanity and common sense?
From its 1951 modest beginnings as the European Coal and Steel
Community with six founding members, France, Germany, Italy,
Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, the European Project
expanded to become the creeping behemoth of unaccountability
that it is today
In 1957, by the Treaty of Rome, the E.C.S.C. became the European
Economic Community.The Treaty of Brussels in 1965 established
Europe’s centralized governing body. Britain entered the EEC in
1973 assured that this would have no implications for UK national sovereignty.Promises, promises!
In 1992, With the Maastricht Treaty, the European Union was created
and ever closer union of its nation states and the fantasy that the
national state was not only dangerous but archaic.
At the time of the Brussels Treaty, the Australian Prime Minister,
Sir Robert Menzies, in this case a better predictor than most,
foresaw the usurpation of the powers of national parliaments, the
large transfer of power to Brussels and an un-elected, permanent
civil service. ( Menzies’ Memoirs. )
How to deal with government from afar,sans accountability, ever
increasing regulations dismantling former freedoms, ever increasing
taxation stealing wealth from les citoyens, que faire? Once cits
could make their views heard through the ballot box, mess with that
Droit at votre peril…Mon dieu!
Watch this : EUSSR !
Macron is passe..
And has lost all authority as the French President.. Even the national police are refusing to act on his orders against Les Janunes Gillets…
In 1968 a far more famous french president named DE Gaulle resigned when confronted by mass disobedience…
And yes that’s how democracy works…
It can happen here too.
At least France is reducing it’s corporate tax to 25% from the current 33%,
to bring it closer to the European and Asian average of 20%
Meanwhile Australia’s larger companies have to pay 30%, amongst the highest in the world,
which drives up the price of everything, including electricity.
WaPo as deceptive…and FAKE…as ever. Macron’s far from alone – there is the UN too; he’s come under fire – from his zealous ex-staggeringly popular environment minister!
17 Nov: WaPo: France’s climate change commitments trigger rising diesel prices and street protests
by James McAuley; Quentin Ariès contributed to this report.
The protesters’ chief complaint: the rising cost of diesel fuel. The recent price hike is a direct result of President Emmanuel Macron’s commitment to curbing climate change, which included higher carbon taxes for 2018, the first full year of his term…
Laurent Wauquiez, the leader of France’s right-wing Les Républicains, announced he would demonstrate Saturday. “We’re offered a punitive environmental policy that involves massive increases in taxes,” Wauquiez said in an interview. “I’m tired of the fact that in this country, environmental policy always comes by way of taxes.”
In response, Macron has offered his “respect and consideration” to the protesters but has refused to budge. He is also ***far from alone in advocating higher carbon taxes.
***The United Nations contends taxing carbon dioxide emissions is an essential component of halting a steady rise in global temperatures…
Since his election, Macron has sought to position himself as a leading voice for action on climate change — in notable contrast to Trump. When Trump withdrew the United States from the landmark Paris climate accord of 2015, Macron invited U.S. climate scientists to continue their research in France. In English, he even played on Trump’s campaign slogan: “Make Our Planet Great Again.”
Despite those public interventions, however, the French president ***has come under fire at home for not making much progress on the climate question. The criticism has come even from within his own cabinet: ***Nicolas Hulot, a former television personality who served as Macron’s staggeringly popular environment minister, resigned during an August radio interview that took the Elysee Palace by surprise…
Still, carbon taxes have been a priority for Macron since the beginning, with France raising its carbon tax from $35 a ton in 2017 to $51 a ton in 2018. The cost is slated to keep rising, eventually reaching $98.50 a ton in 2022.
In recent weeks, the government has acknowledged the impact on the average French pocketbook. But since early 2018, consumers have been eligible for an “environmental bonus” rebate: Trade in a diesel car for a more environmentally friendly model, and get money back.
Although the government is sticking to its policies, Macron, in a rare concession, appears to recognize the blow to his image that the demonstrations represent.
As he recently said: “I have not succeeded in reconciling the French people with their leaders.”
Unfortunately, after real estate the car fleet is the best place to park the stupendous debt of every Western economy. Obama’s cash-for-clunkers was a way of boosting the car industry which had been so naughty it took the train to apologise. And all the money the Non-Federal Non-Reserve kept inventing was running around on brand new wheels.
So I guess all those European light diesels will have to get replaced pretty soon, despite their long life potential. You might think that needless production and rocketing debt can’t possibly be rational. It is if you are Macron…or the bank where he parked his slippers and his soul.
I had the TV on for a while tonight – rare occurrence! – and I noticed a government ad hinting at poor safety of older cars. No doubt the ad cost an absolute motza more than it needed to cost, but it wasn’t just for trough-swilling and kickies. I’d say we’re being softened up in that special way the punters are softened up these days. With real estate tanking debt needs a new home…which better not smell of diesel.
You are on the money Mosomoso.
All the virtue signalling of putting up some useless short lived windmills or solar farms does is irrelevant in the face of our churning economy based as it is on money generation to finance disposable cars and ever more elaborate buildings and useful constructions such as the world’s largest wave pool, or skydiving towers or roller coasters.
It all reeks of some huge pretence.
Right!! ScoMo should shift our embassy to Marseille immediately! You know…Pull Out of Paris!!
media is making much of the one death, & a number of accidents to suggest violence but, ironically, Sunday 18 November was World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (The World Health Organisation added its support in 2003 and in 2005 the United Nations General Assembly invited all nations to observe the day ‘as the appropriate acknowledgment of victims of road traffic crashes and their families’ – Wikipedia).
Wikipedia: List of countries by traffic-related death rate
Total fatalities latest year (figures by WHO report 2015): 1,250,000
24 Jul 2017: The Local France: France: Road deaths up 15.4 percent on previous year
The number of deaths on French roads reported in June 2017 was up a whopping 15.4 percent on the same month last year, France’s national road safety body (ONISR) has said. In June 2017, 329 people lost their lives on French roads compared to 285 during the same month in 2016, representing 44 more road fatalities…
17 Nov: LeParisien: Yellow vests: who was Chantal, dead crushed on a dam
This 63-year-old retiree was demonstrating for the first time this Saturday, showing solidarity with yellow jackets in Savoie. She died under the wheels of a panicked driver.
Her name was Chantal Mazet, who was 63 years old and was the mother of four children and several grandchildren. This recently retired grandmother died tragically, under the wheels of a car while she participated with about forty yellow vests blocking a roundabout in the commercial area of Pont-de-Beauvoisin (Savoie)…
The fatal accident occurred to 8:15. Chantal was crushed by the driver of a big Audi who said she panicked in the sight of the demonstrators. Yellow Waistcoat, Sandrine witnessed the drama: The driver arrived very aggressive on the dam at the wheel of her powerful 4 x 4 saying I have a doctor’s appointment for my child. Let me through. Demonstrators recognize that blows were then dealt on the car. “The driver put a first accelerator, a second,” tells Sandrine. “And on the third, she knocked down Chantal, literally crushing her with the front and back wheels. It was terrible. We understood immediately that there was nothing more to do for Chantal.”
On hearing of her death, Jeanine, a neighbor, can not hold back her tears. “Chantal, she was a wonderful woman. Always smile, always cheerful, full of energy. She was a fighter, ready to help. We could only love her. She loved painting and also led learning workshops for children. To die like that is unfair,” Jeanine says…
Alexandrine Mazet, one of Chantal’s daughters, learned of the death of her mother while she herself was on a barrage of yellow vests in the region of Cavaillon (Vaucluse) where she runs an equestrian center. “It’s a terrible shock for me,” she says. My mother had just retired and felt that her standard of living would drop with all government measures against retirees. She was worried about herself, but also about her children, her grandchildren. By demonstrating with the yellow vests, she wanted to tell Mr. Macron that it would be difficult for many people.”
The victim’s daughter does not wish to “pass judgment” on the 43-year-old mother who toppled Chantal and was taken into custody. She is waiting to know the precise circumstances of the accident. “But I do not want people to be overwhelmed by anger. Yellow jackets really need to understand that this movement is pacifist.”…
At Pont-de-Bonvoisin, the yellow vests announce the continuation of the movement. “For Chantal. In her memory.
“Des manifestants reconnaissent que des coups ont alors été portés sur la voiture.”
Google insists on translating it as:
“Protesters admit that shots were then fired at the car.”
“Demonstrators acknowledged that the car had been hit.”
“Demonstrators recognize that blows were then dealt on the car.”
It is due to the ambiguity of the French language and Google Translate shortcomings.
In Dutch “arm” means “poor”, but also “arm” , “lam” means “paralysed” but also “lamb”.
This can lead to a translation of “mon pauvre est agneaux”. “my poor is lamb”
Google translate should recognise all these homonyms and give you a choice before it translates.
“Les manifestants admettent qu’ils ont battu la voiture.” gives
“The protesters admit that they beat the car.”
Google translate is only ever a beginning in translation. It’s great.
There is no easy way to achieve a perfect translation: language being one of life’s great differentiators. Even when speaking our own language there are probably times when interpretation is needed.
At the time, Marine Le Pen stated that she was working to win the next election not the current one with the reasoning being that another term of lefties would be enough to see her win. Seems that her thinking was good.
The French had their chance to avoid all this by going with Le Pen but chose the globalist option instead, to be fair they’d been conditioned with years of Left leaning rulers aand if a blatant invasion mmasked as a humanitarian act didn’t rouse them the removal of modern lifestyle will.
It is fair to say that, if we reduce his appeal to a single thing, that Mr. Trump was willing to ask his opposition
questions that they had successfully defined as unaskable.
That seems the root of this video. Ask the government what they are doing, and why. Do not accept their generic lies as answers.
In the last days of the Soviet Union, it was clear to all that the system had failed. But it took a long time for the spark to appear to cause the conflagration that ended the system.
We should be trying to generate all the sparks we can before things in our part of the world get to the same level of oppression.
We had this price hike to 1.5 euro in Belgium for diesel a year ago. I lost 4000 euro on the sale of my diesel car (< 1 yr old) because the second hand market on diesel cars collapsed. It has nothing to do with the climate/environment, it was just a tax increase, and they did not know what to tax anymore. After raising taxes on tobacco and alcohol, which resulted in over 500 million in LESS revenue, the government was and still is desperate. The better-of are now leaving in droves. I will be going south too. Portugal does not tax me on royalties, in Belgium it is 75%.
Under Hollande, the previous French president, rich French left France, thus reducing the taxable base. Europe is going Venezuela real fast now.
The Australian Government now follows EU Standards and is preparing to ban the sale of diesel engine vehicles within a few years time. Toyota Australia has lobbied the government to adopt North American Standards because Australian conditions are closer to those countries than to Europe.
Our government has even handed over $100 million to a private sector vehicle leasing firm to encourage the leasing of EV to fleet operators, and more recently donated $ millions to install rapid charge points at various locations. Free market capitalism overboard, socialists picking market winners and losers instead.
So this is why le macron wishes to create a French/German army to supposedly stop the USA!
Only to preserve his own head when “Les Peuple Francais” coming looking for it.
A communist is somebody who has nothing and has to reduce the world to the same condition.
By association, this makes the green movement look the same.
I thought I read in the Opinion newspaper French, that the Routier had refused to rejoinder the Gilet Jaune>
I really appreciated this statement, mostly because the person stating it doesn’t really realize what he or she is saying-
A senior adviser to Macron spoke scathingly of “this Madame Mouraud who generates spirits from under her fingernails”. He expressed consternation that a video “stuffed with lies” has reached such a wide audience, saying: “I have the feeling that our democracy is also at stake.”
The person is both profound and clueless. How can you have a “democracy” when the government neither listens to or bothers with the voice of its people? In France’s case, they have no democracy – much the same in the US – because the voice of the people are never listened to unless it mirrors what the elite background rulers want.
Sheeples are starting a popular uprising 🙂 It is happening all around the world. US, UK, Brasil, Eastern Europe, Italy …
Meanwhile in Australia,the sheeples doze on,oblivious to the alarm bells sounding around the planet.
Except down under..((
Like the “transition to unreliable energy” Australia is a world follower.
Now the “independent nurses union” are joining in.
“Members of the profession, notably independent professionals who care for patients in their homes, are having to absorb the added costs as they do not receive fuel allowances.”
Macron is a globalist. He may have to back down, his minister already said the tax will stay but it will get worse (for Macron).
Curious, how the driver who “panicked” and killed a protester is not being excoriated like the driver at Charlottesville was.
Germans are about to feel substantial pain as penalty for blindly following the demands of the EU.
The EU has set air quality standards at such levels, that it’s impossible to have cities with any substantial activity. The 40µg/m³ limit on NOx has already resulted in the banning of diesel vehicles from six German city centres but the EU/government henchmen the DUH; an association of lawyers; is suing the city of Essen where a major Autobahn runs through the city’s centre. Blocking the A40 to diesel vehicle traffic will directly affect about a third to half of the vehicles using that artery each day; hundreds of thousands will have detour and contribute to congestion in other arteries. There are approximately 17 million vehicle movements through the Rhein-Ruhr Autobahn network every day. That’s an area smaller than Perth’s metropolitan area.
This is more than the straw breaking the camel’s back. The EU’s credibility is shot; as is that of national, state and local authorities who blindly abide by what the EU demands, arbitrarily.
Flashback: About a month ago, the city of Oldenburg in Lower-Saxony reported exceeding the EU’s limit of NOx on a Sunday. This was noteworthy because the road where the measurement takes place, was closed to all motor vehicle traffic on that day for a people’s marathon. Oldenburg is in the DUH’s sights and the council went to the federal department “responsible” to have them explain how the limit could be exceeded.
So far to no avail. The council also went to the mainstream media and somehow the story has percolated to the upper levels, being reported in online and print editions of newspapers and being discussed on cable TV shows. Many more people are finding out about the problem of pollutant limits.
Questions are being asked openly why the pollutant limits are set so absurdly low and why Germany alone in the EU should be shutting cities to try to comply.
The return to Feudalism. Rob the cits
of the means of production and it’s
serfdom controlled by ‘nobles’ all