A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Greetings All! I was shivering with a start of 3C ealier today…a bit of a contrast to the 40-ish we’ve just left behind in the Arabian Gulf! It’s now a very pleasant Spring Day here in Victoria.
For TdeF…I didn’t notice those ads at Melbourne Airport! Too tired and jet-lagged to bother looking!
Gosh…in moderation!
[No idea why? – Jo]
No worries Jo…I just thought it was funny. đ
You are still No.1, Annie. That is the important thing.
On 17 September 2018 Fallacy Man posted on his The Logic of Science blog another thread in support of AGW [see]. For those of you who are interested, this thread led to a three-comment exchange between me and Fallacy Man. In his 17 Sept. thread, Fallacy Man writes that he has ââŚdebunking[ed] most of the common arguments to the contrary [i.e., arguments against AGW]â âsee Based on Fallacy Manâs attempt to prove that global climate change is mankindâs fault [], I take his âdebunkingâ claim with a grain of salt; but since I havenât examined his âdebunking threadâ in detail, I canât challenge his claim on its merits. Even if true, he has only debunked arguments; he has not debunked nature. If I debunk Fallacy Manâs âproofâ that mankind is causing global climate change, have I proven that mankind is not causing global climate change? Of course not. I may have shown that Fallacy Manâs proof is anything but and I may have influenced the opinion of a few people, but nature could care less what my or anyone elseâs opinion is. Nature will do what nature does.
Thanks Reed,
I do not have much interest in posting on Fallacy Man’s blog myself.
Fallacy Man made these statements;
In D, he refers to countless experiments that show that a CO2 sample heats up more than air or other gases when exposed to IR radiation. I challenge that statement and all the experiments. When conducted carefully and with proper controls those “experiments” cannot be replicated. They are all demonstrations which have been arranged to show a particular result. We have debated them previously here.
Even if the “experiments” were able to be replicated they only prove that the Ground can heat the Air. That is not the radiative Greenhouse Effect! If the Ground heats the Air, that gives rise to convection which is a COOLING mechanism (for the ground).
E. What studies of past Climate demonstrate that CO2 is a major driver of Global Warming?
F. What satellite studies have directly measured CO2 trapping heat in our atmosphere.
Fallacy Man may come here to debate those points himself (but I doubt that he will). You have a good knowledge of Fallacy Man and his arguments, so you may be able to answer questions E. and F.
There is a Proverb that says not to argue with fools, lest you become like them.
Many climate activists dont want debate, like the story of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby, the idea is to waste your time , not debate, so you cant use your time for something useful….
Thanks Steve,
When you said Proverb, I was not expecting a Bible Proverb:
Of course both sides can use it.
This is more what I had in mind.
“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.”
( Prov 26:4 )
Excellent refutation Peter.
There is a Big difference between the sciency sounding cant that passes as modern or post modern science and the Real Thing: aka, SCIENCE.
Politics has no place in Real Science.
Peter, I have some knowledge of Fallacy Man and his arguments, but not enough knowledge to respond to your request.
I sympathize with your lack of interest to post on Fallacy Man’s blog. However, I have to say this in Fallacy Man’s favor, he doesn’t remove/edit comments simply because they disagree with his position. What spurred me to post comments on his blog was his Logical Proof That It [global climate change] Is Our Fault thread. That post contained statements about thermodynamic principles that contradicted what I had learned during my years of studying physics. I could discuss those differences in a relatively short manner without getting into the almost limitless debate of how those principles apply to a system as large and complex as the Earth/Earth-Atmosphere. As I said on his blog, I think it is possible and maybe even likely that atmospheric CO2 will have a warming affect on global climate. If I had to bet, I’d bet “yes, there will be a warming effect;” but the effect is too small to have any significance. Water vapor, the dominant greenhouse gas is another matter. Like CO2, water vapor absorbs electromagnetic radiation in sub-bands of the IR band. But is a common practice in dry environments to employ water-based evaporative cooling. Since approximately two thirds of the earth’s surface is water and each year around 120 centimeters of water evaporates from the oceans/seas (, the earth’s surface experiences a whole lot of evaporative cooling–(“a whole lot” is a scientific term in line with the jargon of AGW). Thus, if I had to bet, I’d bet that on balance greenhouse gases have a net cooling effect on the temperature of the surface of the earth.
Hi Reed,
The energy movements associated with water in the point being discussed have nothing to do with a “greenhouse” effect. Water undergoes phase transformations which involve the significant quantities of energy the produces evaporative cooling.
For warmers, a little science goes a long way.
KK, true–(a) the phase transitions of water to vapor at sea-level back to water at altitudes above sea level involves significant quantities of energy transfer that can lead to surface evaporative cooling, and (b) that cycle is not a direct part of the “greenhouse effect.” However, many AGW advocates argue that extra atmospheric CO2 by itself won’t lead to catastrophic global warming–that to reach catastrophic levels the amplifying feed back of additional atmosopheric water vapor needs to be taken into account. When you bring water vapor (which almost everyone agrees is the dominant atmospheric greenhouse gas) into the mix, I believe you must also consider its evaporation/condensation cycle, which in my mind means that there are greenhouse gases and then there are greenhouse gases. If water vapor is a “greenhouse gas” and water vapor exists in the earth’s atmosphere, then to not include water vapor in a discussion of the greenhouse effect is simply misleading to the point of being ridiculous.
The whole point Reed is that this is not a discussion, it is about science.
What can happen and what can’t happen.
It either will happen or it won’t.
That’s science.
To carry on discussing situations based on what_ifs and maybes is politics.
The science behind human origin CO2 being a global warming initiator is just not there, even if only from a quantitative view point.
This scam is politics, pure and simple and the most frightening thing about it is that scientists, as a group, are frightened of speaking the truth.
It’s time we as concerned nations just Moved On.
I have a vision of the Global Warming movements home base: it’s a large cathedral with a huge ATM inside.
Our governments put the money in and the U.N. operatives take it out.
“If you increase the concentration of CO2 in a container…” Is it not implicit, indeed necessary to assume a closed container? Otherwise how do I understand that sentence? And he loses me at that point. A container by definition encloses something. The atmosphere doesn’t meet that definition.
Argument from ignorance or ignorant argument = same meaning either way.
Roy, Good point. In full Fallacy Man’s point D was: “By your own admission, your example in this thread is extremely, extremely different from CO2. It is different to the point of irrelevance. As you seem to have acknowledged, we know from countless experiments that if you increase the concentration of CO2 in a container, that container will trap more heat than an identical container with lower CO2 concentrations. There is absolutely no reason to think that this doesnât scale up to the atmosphere, and your example does nothing to change that.” You have provided a second reason to “think this (CO2 concentration experiments in a container) doesn’t scale up to the atmosphere.” I’m sure there are others; but only if you are willing to “think.”
To be fair to Fallacy Man, the “example” he refers to in his point D didn’t involve CO2 gas. So in that sense it is different from CO2. In another comment on Fallacy Man’s blog I had described a situation involving CO2 gas where the presence of CO2 gas lowered the temperature of the material the gas surrounds. In the example Fallacy Man is referring to, I showed a situation where surrounding an active object (an active object is an object with an internal source of thermal energy) with material that absorbs ALL electromagnetic radiation, not just radiation in sub-bands of the IR band, can result in a lower active object temperature.
30 is wrong: we know from countless experiments that if you increase the concentration of CO2 in a container, that container will trap more heat than an identical container with lower CO2 concentrations.
That is not science. It’s sophistry.
You could think about soft-drink bottles full of soft drink, and others full of other fluids. All containing the same volume.
The soft-drink bottle(s) containing softdrink contain a lot of CO2.
Put them all in a refrigerator over night.
By morning they will ALL have stabilized at the same temperature, that of the inside of the refrigerator c. 4°C
Take them out the next day and leave in the air. They will all stabilize at room temperature. The one containing CO2 will not be warmer. And they will all cool and warm at the same rate.
The bottles and all their contents will be at the same temperature. This is something you can measure for yourself.
Reid: You’re arguing with a sophist.
I agree that I’m arguing with a sophist; but in a way I get satisfaction from the argument. But to be fair, Fallacy Man claimed the CO2 container would trap (oh how I hate the word “trap”–“store” is a much better word) more heat than the identical container with lower CO2 concentrations. “Temperature” and “heat” are not the same. If I put a pin and an anvil in a refrigerator and wait for temperatures to stabilize, both the pin and the anvil will be at the same temperature; but the anvil will contain more “stored thermal energy” in the sense that if the pin and the anvil are the inputs to an ideal heat engine and the heat engine output is a heat sink having a temperature near absolute zero, more work can be obtained from the anvil than from the pin. In the case of two containers that are identical in everyway except that one container has more CO2 gas (a higher concentration) than the other container, then the container with the higher CO2 gas concentration has a larger capacity to store heat at a given temperature.
Hi Reed,
I believe that you are missing an important mechanism here.
The CO2 cannot store more heat from the ground origin IR than the other gases in the atmosphere, pound for pound.
What human origin CO2 can do, along with natural origin CO2 and water is absorb thermal energy from that IR.
Being part of an atmosphere under pressure it Must immediately come to terms with its surroundings this being the other atmospheric gases: oxygen, nitrogen etc.
The hyperactive CO2 shares its excess energy with surrounding atoms by Conduction and all sit evenly at the elevated temperature.
This parcel of hot gas, of course, expands and rises through cooler sections of the air: convection.
CO2 cannot trap heat.
OK, put in terms of “store” more heat, Fallacy Man is correct if we assume a closed container as I pointed out above. But that’s not what he said. With more CO2 in the same container the total mass is higher and it does indeed take more heat to raise the temperature by the same number of degrees.
I do hope he understands that heat and temperature are not the same thing. Temperature is a measure of the effect of a certain amount of heat on a certain object. I sometimes think people confuse the tape measure and the thing being measured.
It’s not a function of there being CO2 in the container. It could be compressed helium or neon gas and the statement is still true. The required heat is a function only of the mass of the total object being considered. X amount of heat added to Y ft^3 of air will raise its temperature a lot higher than it will if that same amount of heat is added to steel bar of the same Y ft^3 volume as the air.
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A new article, called “It is worse than we thought â by Latitude”.
A detailed bar chart, shows information about 8 latitude bands.
⢠90N to 66N â [the Arctic] â approximately 4% of the Earth
⢠66N to 38N â approximately 15% of the Earth
⢠38N to 18N â approximately 15% of the Earth
⢠18N to Equ â approximately 15% of the Earth
⢠Equ to 18S â approximately 15% of the Earth
⢠18S to 38S â approximately 15% of the Earth
⢠38S to 66S â approximately 15% of the Earth
⢠66S to 90S â [the Antarctic] â approximately 4% of the Earth
There are 5 temperature categories. Each temperature category shows how much the âtheoreticalâ temperature has increased, since 1880. These are:
⢠red â the temperature has increased by more than 2.0 degrees Celsius
⢠orange â the temperature has increased by between 1.5 and 2.0 degrees Celsius
⢠yellow â the temperature has increased by between 1.0 and 1.5 degrees Celsius
⢠green â the temperature has increased by between 0.0 and 1.0 degrees Celsius
⢠blue â the temperature has increased by less than 0.0 degrees Celsius (i.e. the temperature has cooled)
Red and orange can be used to see how much of each latitude band is above the IPCCâs temperature targets, of 1.5 and 2.0 degrees Celsius.
Yellow, green, and blue are all below the temperature target of 1.5 degrees Celsius. However, yellow can be used to see how much of each latitude band is near the 1.5 degrees Celsius temperate target.
Hi Sheldon,
Your post here shows evidence of good presentation and organisation.
Would it be possible to present a similar “visual” for what I believe to be a very relevant relationship.
I’m thinking of the effect of axis tilt, axis wobble and orbital position of the Earth in relation to the Sun.
Over the last half million years there have been several reoccurring cycles of about 100,000 to 110,000 years.
To get this history to show up graphically would perhaps not be easy but if it was done it would almost demolish the CAGW religion overnight given that it would emphasise just how close we are to the end point of the present interglacial period.
Sheldon, you have presented comp[ete nonsense
based on very rough so-called surface temperature “data”
not worthy of further analysis.
There were very few Southern Hemisphere temperature data
available before 1900
There were few data between 1900 and 1940,
outside of Australia.
The majority of “data”, even today,
consists of infilling wild guesses
and adjusted, usually multiple times,
raw data.
Infilling and adjusted data are not real data at all.
These so called data should be laughed at and dismissed,
yet you are wasting your time, and ours, by performing
mathematical mass-turbation on haphazard, mainly
imaginary “data”
… “data” that do not correlate with
weather satellite data
and weather balloon data,
both of which are similar
and both show less warming.
Real scientists don’t use such faulty “data”
merely because its the best they have,
but you have, showing you are not
a real scientist, nor do you resemble one.
The surface “data” are too rough,
with too many wild guesses,
and far too many “adjustments”,
to be useful
for the kind of detailed analysis
you have done.
Lance Pidgeon gives some sources for Australian Temperature measurements before 1900.
There must be records for the Sydney region since 1788, Hobart from 1804 and Melbourne from 1835.
Australia has some old stations,
but they are affected by
moving the stations,
and building around them
(the urban heat island effect
from economic growth.)
There have been a few great articles here
on that subject
Outside of Australia,
Southern Hemisphere coverage
is poor before 1940,
and not very good
until 1979 (weather satellites,
not surface data, would be okay
for Sheldon’s analysis, if done
only for the years after 1979).
At least people involved with the UAH
satellite data try to be honest
(real scientists), and their data are verified
by comparisons with weather balloon data.
Surface data do not correlate
well enough with other methodologies
after 1979 (they show more warming)
and can NEVER be verified before 1950.
The average temperature
in tenths of a degree
is a meaningless number
— no one lives in the average temperature.
Meaningful climate indicators are proxies
for how the climate is affecting
food production, plants
and homes on the ocean,
such as dates of the first frost,
dates when it gets warm enough to plant crops,
dates when cherry blossoms peak,
and how much the sea is rising
next to oceanside homes.
No one cares if the average temperature
is 15 degrees C. or 16 degrees C.
especially because CO2 warming
would be mainly at night,
mainly in the colder months
and mainly in the higher latitudes
= totally harmless !
* Professor Chris Turney, he of the ill-fated “Ship of Fools” expedition of the Antarctic is back with more 97% apocalyptic ‘science’ …
Will 2018 be the year of climate action? Victorian Londonâs âGreat Stinkâ sewer crisis (1858) might tell us
* Professor Chris Turney is Professor of Earth Science and Climate Change, ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage, UNSW.
More telling of “climate action” might be the The Global Warming Hoax of 1874:
“A scientist discovers that mankind’s technology is causing the world to warm.
Although the effect is currently subtle, it will rapidly grow more pronounced.
Research indicates that Europe will soon become a tropical zone.
A few years later the entire world will be a sweltering inferno, unfit for life. ”
Now that stinks.
Research also indicates that Australia is moving north so it’s safe to assume Victoriastan will eventually have a subtropical climate .
Wow.Makes you wonder how many solar panels or wind turbines would be needed to operate this coal carrier.Doubtless the coal is used to manufacture the renewable energy plant shipped out to the gullible west.
It’s officially summer in Townsville, I heard the first Koel call this morning,
It is a cuckoo, parasitising the pee-wee and other similar sized birds. It lays it’s eggs and spends the winter in PNG or Indonesia. When they come back they have to reclaim the hatchlings from their foster parents hence the incessant calls which, one assumes, awakens a repressed memory in them like Blasey Ford in the hands of a therapist.
An allegedly repressed memory. As was famously said in the 1990s when this was at its peak, if you have the symptoms, it must have happened, your challenge is to remember it. These recovered memories come back isolated without times, dates, places, other events or any corroboration. They are used to explain behavior and then become real, or at least as real as other memories through repetition, elaboration and invention. Without corroboration of some sort, they are likely make believe or wishful thinking. What is outstanding about this memory is that no one supports it, even the people she nominates who categorically deny it. The memory started 20 years after the alleged event and did not at first involve names.
As Jordan Peterson says, this is a good result…. for the therapist.
Tdef I used to be an altar boy when I was a kid so I wonder what repressed memories I have locked away ? Absolutely nothing but that could change if I get a good enough financial motive I suppose .
I was as well, for seven years. Up at 5. Mass at 6am. Cold dark streets. A different world before people were scared of shadows. Tougher days but in a way, simpler days. However I never saw any of the alleged behaviour, not then and not ever. Money is a great motivator for rewriting history. You also have to be amazed at the people who have relationships, deals which fail and then ask for compensation. Or take cash for silence and then turn years later when the money has run out, to blackmail and extortion. Blackmail used to be criminal.
So was I but thinking back I reckon Andy and I were just there to meet girls. Neither of us “believed”.
worth a shot, i think:
One of the needs of education, to tell the story, is for others to listen.
As people switch on and off it is a skilled method to restate the answer so only dummies don’t get it.
One assumes the agnostic will get it.
This judge is being slowly boxed in.
He has shown a couple of days when he may have had a beer.
Not a hanging offence.
However someone, be it male or female, may remember him attempting to rape him or her on one of these days
and the circus will start again.
The rule of law, that the claimant must prove the offence, not that the accused prove innocence, applies in Anglophone countries.
The French put the onus on the accused, as far as I know.
Putting this to the FBI is a good move as it defuses the situation and as news happens, it tends to blow away.
After all,if there were real evidence, then we would know it by now.
If he is a molester he should not be on this bench.
If so he would have had a pattern of behaviour, like some of the celebrities writ large, or JFK for that matter
But then, she is the only one that says he did it.
The others just me tooed judging by their conflicts and retractions.
At least there is little sugar on the table, which limits false evidence.
If accusers lie they may end in contempt, perjury and jail.
Just to clarify – The French legal system operates under the presumption of innocence.
Why do I think “Ludington”
is yet another lying liberal
trying to derail Kavanaugh
for things he allegedly did
30 or more years ago?
I read the claim below
at your link
and burst out laughing !!!
“Ludington described Kavanaugh as “a frequent drinker,
and a heavy drinker.” He says that on many occasions
he heard Kavanaugh slur his words
and saw him stagger from alcohol consumption,
and was often belligerent and aggressive when drunk.”
That paragraph describes virtually every boy
in my boy’s only dorm at the Rochester Institute
of Technology in 1971 / 1972, except for
those few who only smoked pot, and did not drink,
and we were all smart, nerdy engineering students !
And that was long before binge drinking
became popular at college.
Watching engineering students get drunk,
and more aggressive than they usually were,
and throwing up changed my life
— I stopped drinking alcohol
— I never thought it tasted awful anyway.
Okay I admit I drank half a dark beer in the late 1970s
on one hot day when there was nothing else
to drink.
Kavanaugh is innocent.
Ford lied.
Ford cried.
Ford took a $700,000+ bribe
Read my article for a real analysis:
lily-white Kavanaugh getting deeper into trouble than ever before:
this is the crux of the whole Kav issue:
get this:
What’s our new Minister for Getting Electricity Prices Down Angus Taylor been doing?
New energy rule to curb bill shock:
A rule change requiring energy retailers to notify their customers when their discounts are about to finish or change;
A rule change to allow customers to stop energy discounting practices that can leave customers worse off; and
A rule change proposal to require retailers to accept self reads instead of estimated reads, to reduce the risk of bill shock.
I don’t think that’s going to fix the problem:
2017/18 Wholesale prices:
NSW $82.27/Mwhr; Qld 72.87; SA 98.10; Vic 92.33
2018/19 prices:
NSW $87.27; Qld 77.55; SA 89.85; Vic 80.53
Why are NSW and Qld prices higher, and that’s before we hit the summer peak?
Come on Angus, address the real issues of getting wholesale prices under $60/MWhr, encouraging gas exploration to reduce gas prices, slashing the extravagant returns the network providers get for running monopolies, stop the nonsense claims by retailers of 40% discounts (off what?), and stop state governments of Vic and Qld continuing with their crazy uncosted renewables targets.
A pointless exercise that does nothing.
They could reduce inflated prices to save money for consumers….what a radical thought…
Jezz why not give him some time and a fair go? This has taken years to screw up and it wont unravel overnight. I would rather have someone act on the “low hanging fruit” they see along the way than hold ever single thing back until they make the big single silver bullet announcement that still wont please everyone. If you see and its wrong and its easy to fix, fix the damn thing.
We can…its called get rid if the RET,but a warning youre about to get done over is window dressing….
Angus has been told to fix power prices without touching the real cause. Itâs a typical Morrison approach â just fudge around the edges. Taylor has both hands tied behind his back, somewhat willingly it seems.
If Taylor isnât genuinely trying to fix the problem then he is part of the problem. There should be no honeymoon period where he only picks the low hanging fruit, he should just get on with the damned job. The longer they pretend that the real issue is only with retailers, the worse things will get.
The RET that must not be named, must be named and scrapped. A few strokes of a few pens could fix it in a week if the will was there. Thumbs down for Angus so far. Lift your game Angus.
‘…encouraging gas exploration to reduce gas prices…’
Better if we just restricted multinationals from exporting most of it.
BoM seasonal forecast, its going to be hellish.
If it’s from BOM it will be doom and gloom and worst ever on record no doubt .
My seasonal forecast for Australia is cooler than average because of the meandering jet stream and blocking high pressure producing cold air outbreaks from the southern ocean.
None of this is in BoM’s script, so its my puny brain up against a super computer.
Agree with your forecast as it applies to the SW of WA. Also can’t understand why BOM keep saying that there is a El NiĂąo likelihood when the ENSO meter hasn’t shifted.
All the way up the east coast should get this cooler air flow, which appears to be the mechanism in the southern hemisphere. With a neutral ENSO and IOD its a wayward jet stream is leading the charge.
BoM needs El Nino to keep the heat alive, now that Sol is blank.
Last year the Bureau Of Mendacity also predicted an El NiĂąo with the ENSO meter in the same place i.e. Just to the right of centre. Then the ENSO meter went back to zero. Now with the ENSO meter sitting still for about the last 8 months, the BOM are STILL predicting another El NiĂąo.
On another note, this September has been colder than usual in Perth, with the average minimum at 7.5C, well below the normal Sept average of 11. The maximum of 20.5 average was similar to the normal average of 20.
The water off the SW corner of WA has become colder in the last month. Normally it starts to warm up around now.
The difference between your “puny brain” and a supercomputer is that you would likely recognise ‘garbage in’ when you see it.
Artificial intelligence lacks intuition, which is important when making seasonal forecasts. The Klimatariat is fully engrossed in global warming hysteria and cannot see climate changing in front of their eyes.
Have noticed that speckled cloud way up the eastern seaboard which is something I’ve never seen before .
by special invitation:
“Now itâs been 30 years and only 100% of the Maldives are above water”
Soon to be 101%:
“MACL Managing Director Adil Moosa said the new terminal will be built on reclaimed land in the southwest of the airport island.”
. . .
1988: Maldives completely covered in 30 years ( by 27th Sept, 2018)
The Sydney Opera House remains above high tide mark too, despite Tom Foolery’s claim that it would be under water by the year 2000.
So many examples of predictions that were wrong yet the hoax continues.
A plateau in temperature for 19 years, with excessive human induced CO2, there is little chance of this ever happening.
And further, from the “It’s Vorser Van Vey Funked!” files: Coronet Peak and The Remarkables in the South Island extend their season by an extra week [due to the excessive amount of snow still clinging to their slopes] while Mt Ruapehu in the North Island closed today due to blizzard / snowy / freezing conditions â on October the 1st.
“The sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age. Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018… ‘We see a cooling trend,’ says Martin Mlynczak of NASAâs Langley Research Center [sic] … As 2018 comes to an end, the Thermosphere Climate Index is on the verge of setting a Space Age record for Cold.”
Cold is the word. I’m calling another White Christmas here in NZ this summer… because I can! And it freaks out alarmaholics and carbo-phobes and green Greenies no end… especially when I get it right.
I’ve never seen a white Christmas in NZ. I hope I don’t have to go into the mountains to see this one!
EDUCATION: I received a reply to a comment at Australian Morning Mail website regarding education in Australia. You might be aware of the Labor Gonski education grants to public schools first included in the last Labor federal budget for financial year 2013/14?
During the 2013 election campaign Opposition Leader Tony Abbott gave an undertaking that if elected the government he would lead would honour the budgeted for Gonski grants, and continue to pay them during the forward estimate years following. Cunning Labor then changed the grants to flow for 10-years instead of an additional 4-years. The Coalition plan was to negotiate with state and territory governments for a get back to basics in education, reading, writing and arithmetics and said that after that Gonski was not guaranteed to continue.
It became clear that many if not most school teachers, notably younger people, were incapable of teaching the basics and would need further training before back to basics could be implemented.
There was a secret report which is explained in the comment in reply;
LBLoveday 30/09/2018, 11:20 am
Students who leave high school with the lowest scores â some close to zero â are being offered places in teaching degrees at universities, a secret report has found.
Key points:
In NSW and ACT in 2015, school leavers who scored in bottom 50 per cent made up half of all teaching degree offers
Figures contained in confidential report obtained by the ABC
Reportâs co-author says itâs âworrying that offers were being made to some studentsâ
The explosive figures are contained in a confidential report obtained by the ABC that university bosses ordered to be suppressed.
It shows some prospective teaching students had an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) that was often as low as zero to 19 â far below the Federal Governmentâs official data.
These figures, which have never been publicly reported by universities, show that in NSW and the ACT in 2015, students who scored in the bottom 50 per cent of school leavers made up half of all those offered places in teaching degrees.
There were 28 offers made to students scoring an ATAR of 0-19, 29 offers to those scoring 20-29, and 73 offers to students with an ATAR of 30-39.
ATAR is used in all states except Queensland.
The reportâs author, retired professor John Mack, has taken the extraordinary decision to release the figures to the ABC after the University of Sydney demanded the report be destroyed.
âIt was clearly not in the interest of the universities to make this data available,â Professor Mack said.
âWhat it shows is that overall the general quality of applicants has gone down.
When I was in scoul I couldner speil teecher but now I are one .
So that’s why educayshun is dumming down?
Nope, it’s the bosses demanding teachers find ways of passing more dumb****s while still enabling them (the bosses) to say that “standards are being retained” so governments don’t stop funding the courses.
Wave power gets a dumping.
Biofuels seem to be having a bad time of it as well – – an avid CO2 reductionist points out the perils, in science-speak, of harvesting plants for fuel. Something most here have already pointed out, but now it is Official as a CAGW scientist gets another paper published. Its really simple message – plant more plants, quit using them for fuel.
“In 2016, DeCicco published a study finding that just 37 percentârather than 100 percentâof the carbon dioxide released from burning biofuels was balanced out by increased carbon uptake in crops over the first eight years of the U.S. biofuel mandate. To reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, DeCicco and Schlesinger point out, requires increasing the rate at which trees and other plants remove it from the air. Although they don’t rule out possible breakthroughs in algae or other futuristic bioenergy options, they say that for now the best biologically based carbon dioxide reduction strategy is to protect and restore carbon-rich natural ecosystems.
“By avoiding deforestation and by reforesting harvested areas, up to one-third of current carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels could be sequestered in the biosphere,” the researchers write. “Terrestrial carbon management can keep carbon out of the atmosphere for many decades.”
Biofuels increase, rather than decrease, heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions: study
More information: John M. DeCicco et al. Opinion: Reconsidering bioenergy given the urgency of climate protection, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2018).
Fools. I don’t know why anybody thought that Albany on the Southern Ocean would be a good place to put such a stupid device, it’s very rough down there in winter. And having a Uni prof involved in a tech company is another sure way to disaster.
Beijing urges western nations to give monies to the third world under the umbrella of global warming, blatant hypocrisy.
Why? So nations like China can build even more coal fired pwoer stations? They are already building hundreds of them. I would say to them sure we would give them the money provided they stopped building them and started closing down their existing ones to save the planet. Otherwise, tell them straight to their face they are hypocrites, and to shut the fn up!
Hold the presses, just started to listen to the opening speach at the U.N General Assembly. biggest threat to the world is climate change. We have 2 years from today to do something to save the planet. The solution is more green energy, this will create billions of dollars in new jobs and investments. Governments across the world MUST stop subsidising FOSSIL fuel energy production immediately.
I shakes me head !
So what is the UN going to do about the 1600+ coal fired power stations being built and planned? Declare war on the numerous nations involved including China, India and Japan? It’s about time those pushing the green energy scam were told to leave the UN or else face retaliation from said nations.
Its great that they go on the record with these tipping point/crisis deadlines. It just adds to the list of BS deadlines the public sees come and go with nothing much happening. The earlier post re the Maldives is a great example. Credibilty sliding away one announcement at a time.
For the ‘Internet Wall of Climate Change Shame and Embarrassment’ ,Is there anywhere one can find a list of all these BS predictions of Climate catastrophe, and the names of those that originally made the prediction?
Some Failed Climate Predictions………….
No, no, Sambar, according to Jacindarella in her inaugural UN speech, “rising sea levels present the single biggest threat to our region… If my Pacific neighbours do not have the option of opting out of the affects [sic] of climate change, why should we be able to opt out of taking action to stop it.” Stop what?
Either her speechwriters, or the Radio NZ journo/repeater, didn’t seem to know the difference between ‘affects’ and ‘effects’ â similar to the difference between ‘carbon dioxide’ and ‘carbon’ â even though the alleged ĂŚffects are completely imaginary and pure digital bs horror-fantasy. In 2018, I’m still surfing the same lava rock reef my buddies and I used to wag school in the ’70s to surf… when it’s on, not a drop of water is out of place, a perfect hollow A-frame peak peeling in the exact same spot doing the exact same thing it did forty years ago…
Have you checked to make sure the reef isn’t rising with the water level? Coral atolls do that so why shouldn’t basaltic reefs?
“For the 100,000-plus years that Aucklandâs volcanoes have been bursting on to the scene, the surrounding landscape has been in a state of constant fluxâmostly the result of changes in global climate. For example, for most of the last 120,000 years the sea level has not been as high as it is now… Around 20,000 years ago… Sea levels were at their lowest”.
“dating of lava from Pupuke Volcano (Wood, 1991) indicates that it was active about 140,000 years ago… At the time of the eruption, sea level was lower than at the present time (Chappell and Shackelton, 1986)”.
Amazing â climates changed, the ice age thawed, sea levels rose, lava fields were drowned… many years later, a bunch of scraggly seaweed groms paddled their surfboards out over the reef and had fun in the waves… and still do today. Coral polyps grow, and adapt, yet I’m not sure if basalt can do the same: however, as our part of the continent of Zealandia is being pushed up by the subducting Pacific plate to our east, you may have a point, sophocles.
Finally I’ve seen proof that the North Korean and American leaders met , maybe the ABC does read this site .
I was travelling in remote outback at the time so missed this and Turdball getting the flick .
The coming IPCC Special Report:- âGlobal Warming of 1.5ÂşCâ
On Monday 8 October 2018 the IPCC is going to commit another giant act of misrepresentation. It is going to release a report that was actually written by politicians but pretend that it was written by scientists.
This is yet another example of what I have blogged about in more detail here.
This new IPCC report is not a full âAssessment Reportâ because the next full AR is “AR6” and wonât come out until next year.
This particular report is a âspecialâ report whose full name is:-
âGlobal Warming of 1.5°C, an IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate povertyâ
This âspecialâ report – like all IPCC reports – will have the âSummary FOR Policymakersâ, (written by some scientists and academics) re-written by non-scientists into a âSummary BY Policymakers.â
The people who do this re-writing will be not be scientists and academics. They will be diplomats and bureaucrats â policy wonks.
Whole new bits of “science” will be lied into existence by these non-scientists. Similarly, actual bits of science will be lied out of existence by these same non-scientists. Science will be transformed into propaganda.
The jargon word used by the IPCC for this transformation into propaganda is âapprovalâ . This word is a masterful piece of Orwellian misrepresentation because most people would not think that âapprovalâ means:- radical transformation from âSummary FOR policymakersâ to âSummary BY Policymakers.â
This “approval” (re-write) takes 5 days of continuous political haggling.
âthe approval of the Summary for Policymakers will take place on 1-5 Octoberâ
quoted from:-
Then on Monday 8 October 2018 comes the proof that the misrepresentation is intentional.
âSubject to approval, the Summary for Policymakers will be released on Monday 8 October with a live-streamed press conference.
quoted from:-
The IPCC will intentionally mis-represent the names of the people who wrote the report. It will list as the authors of the âSummary BY Policymakers” only the names of the authors of the original “Summary FOR Policymakers.” The names of the people who wrote the most quoted bits of this new, altered report will be deliberately left-out.
The list of authors of the new report will mention only the names of the scientists (and academics) who wrote the original âSummary FOR Policymakers” and not the names of the diplomats and bureaucrats who wrote the most politically important bits of this new report.
Why so shy about their contribution? Is it just modesty that forces the policy-wonks to leave their names off the report or is it deliberate deception? Are they trying to pretend that the âSummary BY Policymakersâ is the âSummary FOR Policymakersâ
The radically altered âSummary BY Policymakersâ will be released to a huge press fanfare under it’s original name of the âSummary FOR policymakersâ
The original âSummary FOR policymakersâ will never be released, because the IPCC make sure that it is kept confidential. The âSummary BY Policymakersâ will be released only under the deliberately misleading name of âSummary FOR policymakers.â
No mention will be made of the fake science that the new, altered report now contains. The new “science” will be presented as if it had been written only by scientists even though the most politically influential parts of it will have been written only by non-scientists (policymakers) instead.
I think that the malfeasance is deliberate and that – since it involves literally trillions of dollars of public money – should be investigated by the police forces of every country in the world.
Will Ben Santer have any input to the content of the Summary?
I thought the “summary for policy makers” was already written by, or at leased edited by activists and bureaucrats…
at leased? wow…I should proofread
Or an edit function made available.
If the report isn’t written by scientists how come scientists are not shouting from the roof tops denouncing it? If the UN announced the earth was flat of course the scientists would not remain silent. As far as I’m concerned the scientist as a community by remaining silent are just as much to blame and guilty for the CAGW scam as the others.
Ooh come on PeterS,
You’ve read here of what happens to anyone who speaks out against the CAGW madness, in the press and on TV, by university administrators and via the law courts. These people have (almost – thank heavens it’s not complete) control over the huge propaganda machine, and enough funding to finance law suits by the likes of that Mann.
Here you have SMH and the ABC with their biases. And what used to be respectable scientific journals refusing to publish sceptical papers.
If you were a salaried scientist with a family to support would you risk it?
No gives us a freedom of speech denied to most of us by much of the MSM. But ot would probably be too risky for many vulnerable people to use. Having been awarded my MBE last year – that’s the “Made Bloody Eighty” variant – my livelyhood is not threatened.
Dave B
Yes I would and in fact I did. I left CSIRO many years ago when I refused to be part of the nonsense that started to poison the organisation. I ended up being better off anyway in time after a career reset. I would do the same thing if I was working for a company doing dodgy deals. I do have a fairly high standard of ethics and morals.
Killing your mother and father, then claiming clemency from the court because you are an orphan.
Some on the left are now claiming that Kavanaugh cannot be an impartial judge, because his hearings have been so contentious, thus he should not be confirmed, because he would inevitably be biased against his current accusers and their points of view should they come before him.
I diagnose heatstroke, due to global warming.
There is a Great Evil stalking the world and most people who have grown up alongside it have little idea that they are on the brink of Total and Complete Enslavement.
There is no doubt in my mind that Kavanaugh was a typical teen – he drank a bit, went to a few (or more) parties, studied, maybe broke a few hearts. Was he ever at a party that got out of hand? Possibly. Did he ever do what he’s accused of? Can’t say. Wasn’t there.
I know stuff like that happened/still happens. I don’t doubt accuser #1 had something happen to her at some point in high school – but does she really remember when, and who, or how far it actually went? Or has the conflation of old memories become a weapon armed and aimed by those around her, some of whom most decidedly have an agenda? There may never be a way to know, not for certain. Ditto accuser #2. And saying “I know he drank, and that these sorts of things happened” or even proving it, is not the same as saying “He did this, to her/me” or “I witnessed him doing this” and neither statement, alone, with no proof, is enough to convict in a sane court of law.
It is enough, though, to derail a career. Not just the nomination, but the remaining years of what could have been a rising, respected, career. And that is all that is needed by the people who want the Supreme Court to write, not uphold, the constitution and laws of the USA. They don’t care about his wife, his kids, his years of work, the years left ahead. They don’t care about the accusers, their kids, husbands, careers, either.
Maybe the FBI will find that neither accuser has merit – or that one, or both, do, and there is proof enough to say Kavanaugh did do something petty and stupid at a drunken party. Or that it was someone else, and the memory of it being Kavanaugh was a mistake, or overlaid later. Or any other number of things. But really – is groping someone at a booze-fueled party as a teen enough to destroy a career 30 odd years later? It shouldn’t be. Too many have indulged in that sort of thing. But I bet that no one will ever know, for sure, what happened, to whom, by whom.
Mary E.
I’ve heard the next accuser
will claim Mr. K had s-e-x
with farm animals, and
therefore can not be a judge
because if any case ever came up
involving farm animals,
he would favor the animals.
Nevertheless, he’s guilty of that
or any other evidence-free claim,
until he proves it never happened.
I have studied this case in detail,
and wrote seven articles on it:
I strongly believe Ford never was
in the same room as Kavanaugh,
or the same house.
Ford’s original goal was to derail Mr. K
without her name being exposed —
in my opinion that desire was bad character
from her first move.
Ford lied.
Ford cried.
Ford got rich — over $700,000 so far
given to her by Democrats and her
legal bills will be ZERO —
or so her lawyers said,
under threat of a perjury charge,
to members of Congress.
Ms. Mary:
If you were at a party
with five teenagers drinking beer,
and suddenly you found yourself
wrestled to a bed by a boy,
and his friend (the witness)
wouldn’t help you,
but you kept your clothes on,
and they let you get away,
so you immediately left the house,
leaving your girlfriend there,
alone with three boys, two of whom
allegedly tried to “rape you”,
with your girlfriend not realizing
she was the “fresh meat for the two lions”?
Would you leave your best girlfriend
at a party after that happened to you?
I hope not, because if you did,
you would be a horrible person,
with a bad character.
But Ms. Ford did that !!!i
So, she was either a person of bad character,
or a liar, who didn’t think through her phony story
as she was gradually embellishing it with additional details!
The one benefit of this being aired now is that it eliminates the remote prospect that the judge could be blackmailed once appointed. If he eventually comes out the other side he has withstood some intense scrutiny and will be tougher for the experience. If there were more provable skeletons he would be seriously thinking about withdrawing from the process for fear of them being uncovered.
heavy drinker at Yale–another witness
Australia need not pass much heed or fret,
If Paris climate targets aren’t met.
The cost to South Australia will be large,
In paying for huge batteries to charge.
That new coal plants are built is not surprising,
When the purchase price of coal is up and rising.
Now Leftists on a witch hunt stalk the land,
To find conservatives and have them banned.
The M.S.M. pursues a Leftist goal,
Devoid of human spirit, heart and soul.
Nice. Now that the left have declared war on Australia using their weapon of mass destruction renewables against coal, the latter being the weapon of self defence used in virtually every other nation in the world and growing, how are we to fight back against the evil left? By voting them in at the next federal election? Go figure.
With the help of Murdoch we should win the debate and the election.
‘Former BHP and Landcare chairman Jerry Ellis has called for more balance in discussing the costs of tackling climate change.” Oz
I hope so. However it remains to be seen. As I said before the next federal election will be a major litmus test of voter awareness.
If it were possible to get Murdock and his media empire completely onside, I fear that the Climate Change/renewable energy scam is now even bigger Industry,and more profitable to thousands of shysters world wide, and that they have more influence over public opinion.In other words, it has become “too big to fail”. We won’t win the debate (what debate?) or the election ( by what party?).
Blowed if I know what happened to my username on previous post, or why I am regularly required to log in here !
I have struck that quite a bit on this site but constantly on WUWT .
WIN/Sky in the regions is amazing. This is news and opinion Australians haven’t seen from their ABC, they both can’t be right, and of course the Oz and Daily Terror are on our side.
El Gordo mentioned Sky News in the regions. I live in the hills of the Yarra Valley in Vic, but can’t get WIN News. Short of going to PAY TV, does anyone know if a special antenna may allow me to receive the WIN network. I really mis PETA Credlin, Andrew Bolt and Rosanna Dean’s programs that I caught while on holidays on the Surf Coast.
Rosanna Dean FFS ! Damn preemptive text or whatever they call it !
Badge your TV should automatically update but if not just retune it .
Robert, I previously tried retuning my TV, and got a few channels that I previously couldn’t access, but unfortunately not the WIN Network. Maybe my location isn’t quite Regional enough?
As powerful as Murdoch is, he is not completely on our side, and I believe that Soros is more powerful and influential. From where I view it, we haven’t even come close to winning the debate (what debate?) or the Election (which political party from is going to save us?)
Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan are both climate change sceptics, we can’t lose.
They only understand one thing………BULLETS!
heard the chorus the other day and immediately thought of The Oils. seems I wasn’t the only one – there are quite a few references online:
28 Sept: Yahoo: AP: Barbra Streisand to Trump in new song: Don’t lie to me!
“I wanted to talk about the things that were making me feel so sad, heartbroken,” she said. “I’m a kind of fierce American. I don’t know who we are anymore as a country. Are we embracing people who flee oppression? Or are we separating children from parents, putting them in cages? I don’t know if people care about the planet, the survival of the planet. Do they care about clean air? Clean water? Clean food? If they do, how could they vote for somebody like Trump, who believes it’s a hoax?”…
Midnight Oil called. They want their lyrics back. “How can we dance when our earth is turning? How do we sleep while our beds are burning?” I hope she is paying them royalties.
27 Sept: hopelesslypartisan: BARBRA STREISAND: PLAGIARIST?
by Ken Berwitz
And, being the dutifully left-wing anti-Trumper she is, it contains a ânewâ song, called âDonât Lie To Meâ, which is a frontal attack on the president.
Is this a problem? Nope. Ms. Streisand is perfectly entitled to her views and to write a song about them…
Compare the lyrics from Streisandâs ânewâ song to those from âBeds Are Burningâ, which was originally recorded by the Australian group, Midnight Oil…
Don’t lie to me – Barbra Streisand
How do you sleep when the world is turning?
All that we built has come undone
How do you sleep when the world is burning?
Everyone answers to someone
Beds are Burning – Midnight Oil
How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning
How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning
‘Donât lie to me’ â Barbra Streisand
“How do you sleep when the world is turning?
All that we built has come undone
How do you sleep when the world is burning?
Everyone answers to someone”
‘Beds are Burning’ â Midnight Oil
“How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning
How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning”
Lyrics, complete lyrics to an original song, are copyright protected, however with phrases from songs it becomes trickier. I think the quality of lawyer you’ve got comes into play here. With Midnight Oil and Barbra Streisand I’m not sure how equal that contest would be.
The only phrases in common are ‘how do you (we) sleep’ and ‘when the world (our Earth) is turning’. Even though both are innocuous phrases, the similar repetition of ‘how do you sleep’ would be an arguing point. Then again, John Lennon wrote a song about Paul McCartney titled ‘How Do You Sleep’.
The most vivid lyric comparison is the ‘beds are burning’ and the ‘world is burning’. The meaning and intent in each song is different, with the Oils’ song, it’s about our shame for treating the indigenous badly, with Barbra’s song, it’s about AGW.
When I first heard ‘Beds Are Burning’ by Midnight Oil, I was sure I had heard that phrase before, whether in literature or in song. Much like the ‘rivers of blood’ phrase from Enoch Powell’s epic speech in 1968.
Who knows? Perhaps Midnight Oil wrote that line, or perhaps they subconsciously had heard it elsewhere.
Nevertheless, the world of music copyright can be both a blessing and a bind.
George Harrison subconsciously remembered the Chiffon’s ‘He’s So Fine’ when he wrote ‘My Sweet Lord’. Unfortunately, the composer of ‘He’s So Fine’ had died ten years earlier. Any money from the lawsuit went to companies that had nothing to do with the original composer’s estate, if he indeed had one.
Australian band ‘Men At Work’ had similar troubles with their international hit ‘Down Under’. A children’s song written in the 1930s, which the composer intended for use in the public domain, was somehow acquired by an Australian publishing company. The band was dragged through the courts and their reputation and finances trashed. Band member Greg Ham died soon after.
To add insult to injury for an aspiring songwriters, Taylor Swift is now trademarking phrases from her songs such as ‘Shake It Off’ and ‘this sick beat’.
This is a sick beat indeed when the legal profession takes over the music profession.
You missed the ceiling insulation “pink bats” version …
How can you sleep when your ceilings burning.
Pink batts? That would be the one where the Abbott inspired RC reported back that the rate of house-fires due to insulation installations actually reduced during that program then?
And the relevance of rate is? The true damage is the actual number of house fires due to insulation installations that wouldn’t have been done if it hadn’t been pushed on them by the government scheme. The rate just says that the installers were improving with more practice. It’s a pretty costly way to train them (and some paid with their lives).
Youre an idiot.
Iâll second that.
You’re certainly qualified to judge that, aren’t you.
That response doesn’t give me much to work with.
Perhaps I can try to give it from a perspective you’ll understand. The total amount of human-emitted CO2 is what you believe matters deeply to the climate. Isn’t it strange we’re always being berated for our per-capita emissions. I’m sure you can see that it’s a bit silly dividing emissions by the number of people. Means we might fix the climate just by breeding up.
Sometimes it makes a number more meaningful to divide it by something to turn it into a rate. Sometimes it makes it less meaningful, but more politically useful. Both your house fires example and the per-capita CO2 are making use of the political denominator.
“Iâm sure you can see that itâs a bit silly dividing emissions by the number of people. Means we might fix the climate just by breeding up.”
Your proving it again. đ
Quite happy to agree that there is some distance between you and me on the scale.
Oh, and do be a good chap and pop in the occasional apostrophe where it belongs.
Don’t forget the cost of inspecting all the homes fitted with insulation and remedial work to fix dangerous installation work .
posted ABC Blueprint for Living program on this topic a couple of weeks ago. now there’s a new, extended version by Mira Adler-Gillies (ABC bio: Mira is completing a PhD at the University of Melbourne on the Paris Commune and the French left).
read it all – EXTREME even by theirABC standards:
29 Sept: ABC: How deadly is 50-degree heat? Australia’s cities face the new reality of climate change
RN By Mira Adler-Gillies for Blueprint for Living
Buckled train tracks, grounded planes, melting bitumen and massive blackouts: the dystopian vision of the 50-degree city is closer to reality every day…
A recent study, led by Australian National University climate scientist Dr Sophie Lewis, speculated that 50C days could occur in Sydney and Melbourne within the next few decades…
So, what happens to urban populations when our cities get halfway to boiling? Are they equipped for the impeding heat or are we heading toward urban catastrophe?
It’s an urgent question as we enter “unknown territory”, according to Marco Amati from RMIT University…
“One image that stuck out for me was, toward the end of the Millennium drought, the picture of railway workers, in Melbourne, spraying railway tracks to try to keep them cool because they were bending out of shape from the heat,” Professor Amati said.
“We have a number of systems within cities that we rely on â things like air conditioning, transport, even the asphalt is changed by extreme heat â and we don’t actually know how we can cope with that in large cities.
“The way we are building cities, as higher density, highly engineered areas â you have to wonder at what point are we going to exceed those engineering constraints?”
That question is now a matter of life and death as heatwaves become increasingly common…READ ALL
Just a couple of thoughts on the ABC article.
1. There have only been three +50C temps ‘officially’ recorded in Australia – two in 1960 and one in 1998. (All the others have been officially erased).
2. If temps over 37C cause all those problems, people living in Marble Bar in the 1923-24 heatwave would all have those problems – 160 consecutive days of +37.7C.
We know plenty about January 1896 from reportage…and these still official figures from Bourke, where the the monthly mean was 43.4:
Rather like 1878, 1896 was that year of global climate extremes we are always supposed to dread…as if it hasn’t happened already. In August of 1896 some 1500 people perished in the Eastern North America heat wave, despite legendary cold waves in 1894-5, 1896 and 1899. While the heat of 1939 in Australia remains our most lethal natural event by numbers and came with the Black Friday fires, 1896 was probably worse for heat alone.
1896 should be serving us as an example. Instead, it’s a prime candidate for the memory hole. At Fawlty Mets, the rule is not to mention the 1896 in front of the customers.
Seem to remember Albany having a 58 degree day I think in the acorn sat records but Jo knows the exact temp and day .
Obviously it wasn’t that hot just a typo but thought it was still in the record .
unscientific I know , but it was 55C (according to the outside temp on my car) in my driveway the day of the Black Saturday fires. Took a pic for posterity.
Grounded ‘planes in 50C? Tell that to the Emiratis in Dubai! Life went on there as normal last year when we drove back into Dubai from Abu Dhabi and the local temp. reading in the car was 50C, with a brief spike to 51C. There was no sign of grounded aircraft! They build roads and runways to suit the climate; that should be possible here too.
That was on a large road system btw.
Three cheers for AC!
Unseasonably cool in the Netherlands.
‘Last night the temperature at weather station Twenthe (near Enschede) dropped to -1.5 degrees.It has not been that cold in September since 1971. That year, the weather stations Soesterberg and Winterswijk recorded minimum temperatures of -2.2 and -2.4 degrees on 16 September.’ wuwt
Why does the ABC have overseas based reporters?
I have watched the odd report with people presenting to camera from NY,Washington, London or wherever. They mouth the news that I already know and was reported via the Internet many hours earlier, there is no Australian context and they add nothing.
You never see them doing pieces on Australian business overseas, or aid outcomes. What is the point vs voice overs in the studio? Seems like 80% of what they do adds no value whatever.
A few responses to your question.
A perk for reporters? A year overseas on expensives and only a few appearances on TV.
A hopelessly out of date business plan?
A belief that the public won’t believe unless they see the reporter’s lips moving?
Jobs for the boys and girls? Does the ABC have a film crew working there as well?
Your ABC is worse than zero value because it is distorting the news. This is what is presented on Trump’s UNGA speech:
The BBC at least made the full speech accessible:
This is the US delegates take on the speech:
Who else in the world has the “front” to say it how it really is to this group of pandered diplomats.
Morrison has confirmed the $443 million that Turdball gifted to to the GBR research company , this just proves our major political parties are clueless and should never be re elected.
Yet the Finance Department recommended no more than $200 million be granted, over a number of years in instalments.
So why $444 million?
And if “climate change” is damaging the GBR as claimed, noting too that a year ago the UN announced that the GBR was in good health but needs monitoring, it must be damaging the other Australian reefs, WA Coral Coast for example.
Clearly the focus on GBR is because it is internationally recognised and therefore the better site for “climate change” propaganda purposes.
Face it Dennis our once trusted Liberal party have been infiltrated by the far left green movement, there is not a lot of difference now between Labor , Liberal and Greens .
Cory Bernardi will get my vote in the absence of a Trump like figure for Oz .
Sadly, CB is focussing on the Senate only.
With some of the recipients of the Govenment largesse having connections to Goldman Sachs, this stinks to hell, and should be the subject of an audit of all involved. Was going to suggest a Royal Commission, but with few exceptions, they have proven to be wasteful Lawyers Picnics.
Did you notice you’d started your name with a “V” at
Dave B
Yes I did notice. But the comment still was approved after moderation. Does that mean I can log in with a different name each time so long as my email address is consistent ?
[Making more work for the moderators is not advisable]ED
Wasn’t intending to make more work for the Moderator. Just wondering why one is required to log in regularly if one hasn’t made a comment for a few days, even if one visits this site daily ?
“……and should never be re elected”
Just never vote for a sitting member.
I don’t, and I’m sure most will understand why when I say “poodles abound”.
I guess that means your local MP is Sub-par?
Very good Greebo!
How does that saying go ?
Politicians like nappies should be changed often and for the same reason !
An interesting chart on WUWT that shows: Germanyâs electricity rate have skyrocketed to the highest levels in the EU largely driven by the Energiewende debacle.
This should be sent to all our Australian politicians, both State and Federal.
It shows that with higher installed capacity of renewables per capita, the higher electricity prices are.
Germany/Denmark 30 cents/kWhr
Australia 25 cents
Britain 20 cents
USA 12 cents/kWhr.
âGermanyâs Federal Audit Office has accused the federal government of having largely failed to manage the transformation of Germanyâs energy systems.â
from that story:
“Germany would miss its targets for both reducing greenhouse gas emissions and primary energy consumption as well as for increasing energy productivity and the share of renewable energy in transport. At the same time, policy makers had burdened the nation with enormous costs”
Not so much a win-win then, more like the car wreck at the intersection of green greed and government gullibility/incompetence
Did anyone else see the ABC science news about global warming? It started with a red tinted Sydney skyline. 50’C days occurring more often was forecast.
But one picture showed truck tyres covered deeply in melted bitumen as being the norm’ in future. The picture was actually of a truck in North QLD in June.
A section of newly laid road was very badly done by a rogue contractor. Dozens of other vehicles had to have tyres replaced and the road resurfaced properly.
But this was a prime example of fake news.
Got a link?
ABC online news, science section.
This story is full of holes ,errors and omissions , “The Blueprint for living” (source of the article) more than likely have some link to the ABC .
Usually these stories have the word “Opinion” next to the source name but they don’t even see the need for differentiating fact from fiction anymore .
Interesting article on why train tracks buckle .
Re fake news: The Guardian published a story about an LNG Tanker Ship sailing in icy arctic waters, no mention of summer, without an escort icebreaker.
The name of the ship was given and I carried out a search which revealed the Russian Ship built in South Korea that uses LNG to power its engines, and it is an icebreaker hull to ARC3 Standard!!!
Spring has sprung!
After ending September with 2 frosty mornings (out of 7 for the month) this morning was quite mild.
Must be the start of global warming. Must make a note of this momentous occasion ….AGW started September the 31ST (according to my watch).
Here in North Central Vic it was 1C at 0457, 8C at about 0900. I think the day will be warming up later.
The connection between Big Oil/Finance and Big Green may seem odd, even contradictory, but it makes sense if you seen control as the final and only goal of the movements we call “globalism” but which calls itself “Sustainable Development”.
While many of us are thinking in terms of left and right, blue team and red team, the real enemy can stride over and across all these divisions, just as it can ignore all borders both geographical and moral, while posing as a higher good we must all embrace.
I’ve linked to Corbett and Koire before. This link also includes some comment from Patrick Wood.
These people are not my political heroes, nor my political allies. I don’t know what they got up to as teenagers after too many drinks. They are people of varied political persuasions who are prepared to dwell on the subject which concerns me most: a projected global society of total control and surveillance.
If this projection or plan does not really exist and is merely the child of my fevered brain then I’m a goose, that’s for sure. But I’m saying it does exist. It isn’t just a mood or movement. It is a solid, declared plan which is massively funded and resourced. We are confused, divided. It is organised.
The only secrecy about Sustainable Development is in the presentation. It looks like Snow White, it’s actually the old crone with the pet bats.
It also suits ‘big oil’ to push the ‘fossil fuel’ lie about the origin of Oil (and Gas). Having it scarce or having limited supply means the price is “adjustable”. They just dont want you to know it will probably never run out. Connect the dots.
Are you alluding to the Russian oil industry claim of Abiotic Oil ?
Yes! A good site for you chemistry mind folks I think they are right. Biotic Oil is BS im convinced. Also by the LARGE amount of hydrocarbons in OTHER planets AND interstellar space. We (humans) just dont know enough about planetry formation, stellar population formation to even get near it.
Forget What Youâve Heard: Oil and Gas Are Actually “Renewable” Resources
On Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, she is hardly a bystander in the ab*rtion issue and it is a business on the medical side. As a PhD in psychology in the medical department of Palo Alto university in the heart of Silicon valley, she has written or coauthored 65 papers, under her maiden name of Christine Blasey. Six on the ab*rtion pill including two as lead author.
So does she have motivation to invent her story and the skills and knowledge and determination to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation?
Given that the major reason feminist activists want to derail the nomination of Kavanaugh is his potential to reverse the Wade case allowing late term abortion, Dr. Ford is clearly involved in precisely that industry and potentially compromised, with six papers on the ab*rtion pill RU486.
Surely this is a massive coincidence which needs explanation? If a climate skeptic wrote papers supporting coal fired power stations or was on the payroll of big oil, they would be pilloried.
She is also in a position to know a great deal about the recovered memory business, the darling activist cause of the 1990s which did so much damage to so many people. Of course she cannot remember any details, but she is a position to know how that works out in court. She lectured the committee on memory, which is all the evidence she has.
Why is her background as a serial researcher in the ab*rtion pill business not raised?
Why arenât her therapist notes from 2010 available to the FBI. Did she remember Kavanaugh in 2010, or was he a convenient and very recent embellishment?
How could a psychologist discover such a traumatic incident 20 years after it happened and all she remembers is the name of her alleged assailant?
Is the FBI investigating the past of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford? Her year book perhaps. Certainly her therapist notes. After all she is making a serious accusation of criminality against a presumed innocent man. Why doesnât she have to prove her case? Why is the burden of proof on Judge Kavanaugh?
It is similar to the Climate Change allegation. Scientists have to prove CO2 does not warm the planet. No one can prove it does and after thirty years it is obvious it doesnât.
Then both sides agree the increase in CO2 is man made when the incontrovertible evidence is that this primary assumption is wrong.
University research in the US is generally funded externally, not government funded as in Australia. So who funded Dr. Blasey Ford’s multiple papers on RU486? Surely the entire business of the manufacturers and distributors of RU486 is potentially threatened by the election of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court? Why isn’t this question being asked?
A world business which started in France in the 1980s, this $12 pill is available in Australia for $700.
Dr. Blasey Ford’s involvement in the industry surely is a reason for concern and something which should be investigated by the FBI? Or have I been reading too many John Grisham/Tom Clancy books?
The plot thickens Tdef , great find .
Yes, I just found it hard to believe that a woman tough enough to get a PhD in Psychology and then land the job at a major university like Palo Alto ( in the top 1% in America) was not tough enough to handle the situation she described and if she was not, what was she doing at such a party?
Also how hard is it to believe that that such a stickler for detail and memory is happy to say her only evidence is her memory even though she remembers almost no verifiable detail?
Timing, situation and the very toughness of a very successful career psychologist all argue against her credibility as a wallflower. Then how could she not have written anything down in a lifetime when that is her job? Even in her private writings? Nothing. Just her recovered memory, missing totally in where, when, how, why.
Then how many women in her position have filed professional medical/psychological papers on RU486, the precise business very threatened by Judge Kavanagh’s appointment?
That would have to be 0.000000000001% of the women in any given undergrad party.
This is a like finding a Martian in your cupboard and you just happen to speak Martian. All unbelievable. Perhaps her buddies at Google can explain.
another bit of fun.
one of the replies to Chris Uhlmann on his Turnbull/miserable ghosts twitter thread:
Innocent Bystanderâ @Innocen85794076 ¡ 6h6 hours ago
Replying to @CUhlmann @TurnbullMalcolm
Trust you, you would say that wouldn’t you.
Why re you following Turnbull so closely ?
Why are you not asking CNN to correct the Bar Association correction you were happy to let go to air uncorrected.
Why do you never advise your close connection to labor party.
29 Sept: Newsbusters: PJ Gladnick: CNN Does Not Correct Fake News Story about ABA Asking for Kavanaugh Delay
Did you know that the American Bar Association recommended that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh be halted until after an FBI investigation can be completed? Only one problem with the story. It’s not true.
Before Senator Jeffrey Flake made his vote for Kavanaugh contingent on an FBI investigation, CNN published a story by Manu Raju on August 27 about the ABA making a similar recommendation. It turned out the recommendation only came from the ABA president, not as an approved recommendation for that organization as a whole. So where is the correction?
It is not as if the information about the ABA not making that recommendation is hard to find. As Twitchy noted, the Senate Judiciary Committee tweeted on Friday setting this matter straight. Yet still no facts first correction from CNN. They seem to be sticking by their original uncorrected story, American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations…READ ON
btw I can find nothing whatsoever about Turnbull at any “young leaders” event, but listening to the audio, it’s clearly a small group (shades of the Harold Evans/Reuters “event”) and they sound like adults.
besides, young people wouldn’t have a clue who Abbott and Rudd were.
will any media find out where he was when he said this?
TWEET: 9News
Chris Uhlmann/video/Turnbull audio
as Newsbusters mentioned CNN’s Manu Raju fake ABA report, might as well mention Sky News Australia yesterday broadcast a CNN/Manu Raju pro-Democrat piece. why would Sky be promoting anti-Trump CNN? cannot imagine Sky playing a Fox News report, for example:
VIDEO: 25 Sept: CNN: Neck-and-neck race for House seat in Kentucky: Health crisis turned this Trump voter into a Democrat supporter
By Kyung Lah
Hansen had voted for Trump in 2016. He also voted for the Republican congressman for Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District, Andy Barr. But Hansen’s fortunes changed in 2017 after he had a stroke, an event so debilitating, he said, he couldn’t work, losing his health care coverage. He said he now pays for outside insurance, even though he’s entitled to get service from the Department of Veterans Affairs, because he said the care there is so poor…
Hansen’s struggles illustrate why health care is among the top issues in the midterm elections, dominating political ads, particularly among Democrats, who are attacking Republicans over their efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare. In August, a CNN Poll conducted by SSRS found that 81% of voters considered health care important to their vote, including nearly half (48%) who said it was “extremely important.”…ETC ETC
The reference I found for the papers of Christine Blasey Ford.
She certainly is working hard.
She seems to be trending towards non Big Pharma answers to depression and PTSD.
In this case,Yoga.
Hopefully this area will be researched better , as is her desire.
There was an interesting article in Quadrant recently.
It misses the mark a bit because it says that ‘Feminists enjoy rape fantasies’, which would be a gloss.
The level of fear in the whole population seems to be growing, there is no reason just to point to feminists.
However it does raise the point that this type of repressed memory of being raped only became apparent in more recent years.
It was not around when Freud or Jung researched sexual fantasies.
For what its worth I blogged about a possible pharmaceutical mechanism.
The pill, particularly progestins, antidepressants, SRI’s and now testosterone analogues to boost libido.
I left out the fact that when these alcohol parties were going on, the drug LSD was available.
Plug in , tune in ,drop out.
That with alcohol and hash meant a user could be walking down Pitt Street six months after using, and have a psychotic episode.
Ketamine, Special K, was also around, a potent hallucinogenic.
Having said all this one cannot just write off Ford’s allegation.
This must be settled once and for all, otherwise it will undermine the legitimacy of his position, if approved.
There is a lot to be said about the old marriage form
“if anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace”
Maybe she’s telling the truth, maybe she’s lying. Who knows… but she will profit handsomely from this. Was that her intention? Who knows…
Mind you, It seems pretty funny that no one else appears to remember these events, and even funnier that she would go to more than 1 party if such events were happening.
She lied about being able to fly. That was blatant and she did not apologise. Rather, when asked how she made it to Washington, she said “in a plane” as if it was irrelevant or a stupid question. How insulting can you get? Dr Ford is no shrinking violet.
The very idea that she was intimidated by anyone in her life is bordering on ridiculous. She was very confrontational, as you would expect for a seriously qualified, determined and competent professional person, who just happens to remember no detail at all from the most important few minutes of her life, according to her story. The whole scenario she describes is inconsistent with her character as displayed and she knows it, so she hides behind the the physically and mentally fragile woman persona. Pull the other leg. This is a tough woman and she has not changed, but the only thing she can now remember is that it was definitely Kavanaugh. After all, that’s all that matters here.
This was in response to James Murphy #58 who said, maybe she is telling the truth.
Now that would be a great surprise.
I do hope the FBI investigate Dr Ford. There is a great deal she is not saying which goes to her character, but she is supposedly too fragile to remember anything more or answer questions or be investigated. How unfair on Judge Kavanaugh is that? No evidence at all, nor any attempt to provide any and all her witnesses and friends deny it all.
Also I find it very odd that a senior psychologist could not deal with her own fear of flying? Or get help? After all, isn’t that exactly what her job is supposed to enable? I find it odd that she could not deal with this 35 year old conflict or get help? Why would such a senior psychologist be so fragile and unable to cope with getting on a plane, except that was not true. Her story would not pass the pub test.
If Ford presents herself and her case in such way that you and others are able to pick it to pieces, then one could be excused for questioning her true qualifications and credibility as Psychologist ! Did she ever practice as one, or was her PHDs found in the bottom of Cornflake boxes as it were?
Often people can “talk the talk” but are unable to “walk the walk”.
I had a friend who had achieved a PhD in psychology but it didn’t give him the power or insight to direct his own life.
Whatever Mr Kavanaugh did 36 years ago, who knows, but the skeletons Dr Ford has in her closet represent extraordinary conflict of interest.
The abrtion Pill RU486.
The fear of flying Thing??? Really.
The Delay of 36 years, possibly understandable.
The recent delays, timed to perfection to frustrate his appointment.
The one big thing in all of this is that Mr Kavanaugh seems to have a reasonably Kleenskin for the past 36 years.
Politics is a very dirty game.
Sorry TdeF, accidental red while scrolling. đ
Relating to #72
I wondered about that. It was odd. I thought perhaps someone disagreed, which I could understand. It is a touchy subject.
In my experience women are tougher but act weaker and talk much more. Men act tougher but are weaker and bottle everything up and then cannot cope. I expect Dr Ford is very tough despite the acting. There were enough flashes of a testy proficient person, lecturing the committee on memory and the sarcastic “On a plane”.
This whole exercise with Dr Ford is one of taking all the concessions for women and giving nothing back. There is in fact no evidence of anything. It doesn’t even stack up as an allegation of anything, but here you have a Senate committee walking on eggshells while pummeling Judge Kavanagh, a man trained all his life to judge on evidence and law, not make believe and he is being judged without any evidence at all. The whole thing is a travesty of justice, a charade, a fr*ud.
There should be penalties for bringing false accusations at any time.
Now even Wimbledon is considering allowing coaching in the finals. Unbelievable intimidation in the name of Women’s rights simply because Serena was losing the game. Women are already paid the same money in the US open for half the work, half the show. There will be a reaction against this rampant unfairness.
As a reformed boozer of some 30 years, I question the validity of “Pub Tests”. Are the conclusions drawn from Pub Tests made before or after half a dozen pots of the finest Possums pi$$? đ
I don’t really see a problem with ‘coaching’ during tennis matches, as it is already part of team sports such as Soccer, Rugby, Aus Football etc, as well as individual sports like golf and some track and field events.
There are limits on coaching in most sports. I watched some of the Ryder Cup [first time] and the coach is the only person able to give advice. The assistant can only report to the head coach, not give direct coaching.
Inexplicably, the Einstein field equations for General Relativity appear in the opening credits of the 2003 French movie, English title “The Triplets of Belleville”. One explanation by Steven Stahler is as follows:
///The equations appear during the opening segment of the film, which is supposed to be an old cartoon from the 1930s, showing the Triplets during their salad days. This ‘cartoon within a cartoon’ illustrates the plasticity of our notion of time, and how a temporal journey is analogous to a spatial one. In a loose sense, Einstein’s General Relativity also views space and time on an equal footing, and emphasizes their deformable nature.///
Another explanation by Alain Brizard is as follows:
///Django Reinhart formed the Hot Club of France in 1934; much of the music of “The Triplets of Belleville” is based on Reinhart’s music.
Einstein is a member of a very famous Physics Triplet of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR), who published their work in 1935.
Chomet wanted to use as many triplet references as he could find from that era, but he could hardly find a way to write anything about the EPR experiment that could be easily recognizable. E=mc2 would be too easy. Einstein’s field equations are really the perfect choice: cryptic to the general population (might as well use hieroglyphs) but easily recognizable by the cognoscenti.///
Even NASA (known for warmist warmogering) admits: âIt could happen in a matter of months,â says Martin Mlynczak of NASAâs Langley Research Center. 29 Sep 2018 –âThe sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age,â writes Dr Tony Phillips, editor of Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018, and Earthâs upper atmosphere is responding.
SC25 will probqably fail or be very very weak looking at the graphs. new papers released on atmospheric electric circuit.
behind paywall – hope someone can excerpt. Lloyd also brings up the failure of RE in Germany. this is all I can get so far. jo had a thread on Ellis:
Climate, economy must be balanced: ex-Landcare chair
The Australian-9 hours ago
Former BHP and Landcare chairman Jerry Ellis has called for Australia to leave the Paris Agreement, ditch Snowy Hydro 2.0 and be more…
Mr Ellis said it was clear the push to meet the Paris targets was … Graham Lloyd is a fearless reporter of all sides of the environment debate.
This article/speech by Chris Crump is worth a read. Tim (flim/flam) Flannery gets a mention..
paywall for this too, but someone might be able to excerpt. it is a dreadful look for the Morrison govt, especially as Frydenberg is deeply involved as well. this should be a huge scandal, and it probably explains why the Govt says it won’t ditch Paris. how else could they explain this?
Scott Morrison: the buck stops with me on $443m reef grant
Scott Morrison has taken responsibility for the Coalitions controversial 443.3 million grant to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation while launching…
What link?
AFP gives so much space to these violent activists – you could be forgiven for thinking they approve of their illegal actions:
28 Sept: The Local France: AFP: ‘Radical vegans’ strike fear into the hearts of French butchers
When the stone slabs crashed into her butcher’s shop window last week, Elisabeth Cure became the latest victim of “radical vegans” who are trying to force a change in eating habits in traditionally meat-loving France.
The attack in a quiet town of Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines, 50 kilometres (30 miles) southwest of Paris, took place at 3:00 am, startling Cure as she slept above the store.
As in other similar incidents around France over the last year, her tormentors left a tell-tale tag scrawled on the shopfront: “End the Repression”.
“That’s how I knew it was radical vegans,” she told AFP.
Incidents of vandalism and intimidation have reached such a level that the country’s butchers’ confederation, representing 18,000 businesses, sounded the alarm publicly in June and asked the government for protection…
Overnight on Thursday-Friday, an abattoir in the east of France was partly burned down, again raising suspicions that anti-meat campaigners could be responsible…
Health scares, higher prices and growing awareness about animal rights have led to a gradual fall in meat consumption in France since the end of the 1990s, but most natives remain proudly carnivorous…
(Solveig Halloin, Boucherie Abolition): “Animal breeding should not be a career. The methods of rearing animals are violent and amount to persecution.”
Halloin does not say whether her group is behind the attacks on butcher shops, but neither does she condemn the violence…
So-called “speciests” reject the idea of an animal hierarchy that places humans at the top, arguing instead that all animals should be treated equally…ETC
how telling:
29 Sepy: Mediaite: Jeff Flake at Global Citizen Festival: âFeel Free to Join Me in an Elevator Anytimeâ
Just one day after their mid-Judiciary Committee chat that helped to launch the FBI probe of the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, Sens. Chris Coons and Jeff Flake made an appearance at the Global Citizens Festival, an annual concert held on the week of the United Nationsâ General Assembly.
âHi, global citizen. Iâm Chris Coons, a Democrat from Delaware,â Coons said.
âAnd Iâm Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona,â Flake added.
âIt was our personal relationship that made the politics of compromise that prevailed yesterday possible,â Coon said.
âSo weâre here to support bipartisan leadership on foreign aid,â Flake added…
Then, after Coons said that they want to âsee democracy working here at home,â Flake continued on: âThanks to all of you global citizens who have contacted us this year, you have texted, you have called, you have touched our hearts. Keep calling.â…
âSo feel free to join me in an elevator anytime,â Flake quipped, drawing a strong reaction from the crowd.
Watch above, via MSNBC…
for those who don’t know about Global Citizen:
25 Sept: CaribbeanLifeNews: Global citizens unite to sustain UNâs 2030 goals
By Vinette K. Pryce
Come rain or shine, on Sept. 29, a galaxy of stars will shine on the Great Lawn at Central Park during the annual Global Citizen Festival to ensure that 17 goals of bettering the worldâs population are closer to meeting the 2030 deadline agreed by the United Nations…
First held Sept. 29, 2012, the Global Citizen Music Festival coincided with the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly…
âThese goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change”…
Since 2015, the goals of the festival have been closely aligned with the UNâs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include 17 tasks to end extreme global poverty by 2030…
This year as world leaders gather for the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly the SDGs will again be topical with fundraising events slated and added commitments from like-minded new and emerging nations…
Last year the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation started Goalkeepers, an added initiative to meeting the SDGs…
Global Citizen: Board of Directors (includes)
Peter Murphy, Founder, Pan Group Australia
Chris Stadler, Managing Partner CVC Capital Partners
Michael Anders, Founder, Iconiq Capital
Chris Anderson, CEO, TED…
Arianna Huffington, CEO/Founder, Huffington Post/Thrive Global…
Randall Lane, Editor, Forbes (WHO INVITED FLAKE)
Sen. Jeff Flake called a ‘hero’ at Global Citizen Festival Sep. 2018
‘Join Me in an Elevator Any Time’: Flake Booed at Global Citizen Festival
International-Fox News Insider-10 hours ago
there was plenty of anti-Trump messaging, anti-Kavanaugh rhetoric, get out the vote pleas (from Robert DeNiro and others).
Is PM Morrison a Turnbull clone?
In fact it is much much worse than that!
Here’s a “test” for ScoMo you may want to keep an eye on Grasshopper?? đ
Need to delete the trailing inverted commas to access that link.
Not a bad article.
Shared to Peta Credlin’s Facebook page. Hope she picks up on it. We have got to get rid of this economy ruining government. Could Shorten’s Labor/ CFMMFEU mob do worse? And does it really matter anymore ?
Did you wash well afterwards??
âA state-owned ABC is not essential to the production of Australian programming. Commercial networks produce local content well in excess of levels required under their license obligations,â said Mr Rozner.
I agree.
ABC are saying the Judge was underage for drinking alcohol at that party so if they can’t smear him one way they will get him in another way .
More alternative energy folly!
30 Sept: Bloomberg: Scientists Weigh Call for Much Deeper Cuts to Coal Pollution
Panel convened by the United Nations is assessing a stricter limit on emissions that cause global warming
by Jeremy Hodges
Utilities by 2030 would have to consume just a third of the coal they burn now to hold global warming since the start of the industrial era to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit), according to a draft of the findings that the group will consider when it meets starting Monday in Incheon, South Korea. The cut is more than twice as steep as the boldest scenario outlined by the International Energy Agency…
The recommendations due for release on Oct. 8 are meant to build on the the three-year-old call to action in the Paris Agreement on climate change…
âItâs certainly a very ambitious target,â said Tim Buckley, director of energy studies at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. âWill we see it happen by 2030? Probably not — not in any models weâre seeing at the moment. But thanks to technology, the markets are moving away from coal really fast.â…
This report, commissioned after the Paris deal, stemmed from concerns that island nations would be swamped by rising seas and more violent storms associated with global warming…
Coal industry officials say that slashing access to their fuel will slow economic growth and leave millions of people trapped in poverty, unable to access affordable electricity.
âIt seems to me very unlikely that we will want to use substantially less energy in the future,â said Brian Ricketts, secretary-general of the European Association for Coal and Lignite. âUsing energy has allowed us to progress. Using more energy is necessary to create a better world for everyone.â
Bloomberg NEF forecasts that global coal generation will peak around 2027 before falling to 11 percent of world electricity by 2050.
Both the IEA and the World Coal Association declined to comment on the draft ahead of publication…
China is scaling back its program to expand coal power, and Europe is working to phase it out completely. In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel nominated a panel to advise her when the nation can close all its coal plants. The U.K. has vowed to scrap coal by 2025…
Trumpâs reluctance to embrace climate science has slowed momentum at the UN talks that produced the Paris Agreement. Envoys at those discussions floundered over the details of a rulebook on how to implement the 2015 accord. They hope to endorse those guidelines at the end of this year at a meeting in Poland, spelling out both how $100 billion in climate-related aid (PER YEAR, BLOOMBERG) will be delivered and market mechanisms that would spur further emissions cuts…
30 Sept: Forbes: On Climate, Forget 2 Degrees. Let’s Talk Net Zero
by Andy Stone
(Andy Stone is producer and host of the Energy Policy Now Podcast from the University of Pennsylvaniaâs Kleinman Center for Energy Policy, and consultant on policy and communications issues with energy sector advisory firms. Formerly, I ran an executive meeting series on energy investment in New York, worked on corporate planning issues with electricity market operator PJM Interconnection, and was a senior energy reporter on the staff of Forbes Magazine)
By emphasizing temperature goals, it’s relatively easy for nations to appear to be doing more to address climate change than they really are, and harder for the public to discern the shortfall. The signatories to the Paris agreement (essentially the entire world), by setting the 2 degree temperature limitation as the pactâs marquee ambition, obscure the fact that concrete carbon emissions reductions are, in fact, the real goal. This is why it is possible, today, for nations to support a 2-degree agreement yet, despite Paris, remain track for a 3.5 degree rise in average temperature. Paris does set net zero emissions as an ambition, but a far off and variously timed one to be attained somewhere between 2050 and 2100.
Oliver Geden, lead author of the next major global climate analysis from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the 6th Assessment Report due in 2022, recently summed up one aspect of the resulting dilemma.
âIf you have a temperature target then a country can say, well, I really support that temperature target and Iâm doing everything I can, but others will have to do more,â Geden says…
Finally, the focus on net-zero emissions brings the broader climate effort into focus in a way that talk of temperature cannot. When talking about net zero, the reality that weâre talking about an economy-wide emissions reduction effort becomes starkly clear.
***A discussion of true net-zero encompasses industry, air travel, and 4.5 billion flatulent cows, pigs and sheep around the world and, quite possibly, our hunger for them. It focuses discussion on forests and offsets while, at the same time, we realize that our preoccupation with electricity sector emissions and car fuel economy is but part of a much broader effort…READ ON
1 Oct: Channel 7: UN report on ‘mission impossible’ climate target: key points
by Marlow Hood, AFP
An executive summary of the UN special report on limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius will be vetted in South Korea this week, line-by-line, by diplomats under the 195-nation Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
A draft version of this “Summary for Policymakers” obtained by AFP underscores how quickly global warming has outstripped humanity’s attempts to tame it, and outlines stark options — all of them requiring a makeover of the global economy — for avoiding the worst ravages of climate change.
Here are key findings, grounded in some 6,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies:
To have at least a 50/50 chance of a 1.5C world, the global economy must, by 2050, become “carbon neutral,” with no additional CO2 going into the atmosphere…
The 22-page Summary also details humanity’s “carbon budget”, the amount of carbon dioxide — the main greenhouse gas — we can dump into the atmosphere and still stay under the 1.5C threshold.
The allowance, for a two-third’s chance, is 550 billion tonnes, an amount we will emit on current trends within 14 years.
The share of primary energy coming from renewables would have to jump from a few percent to at least 50 by mid-century, and the share of coal drop from about 28 percent ***to between one and seven…
“Climate impacts are exponentially more dramatic when we go from 1.5C to 2C,” said Henri Waisman, a senior researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, and a coordinating author of the report.
What used to be once-a-century heatwaves in the northern hemisphere will become 50 percent more likely in many regions with an extra half-degree of warming.
Some tropical fisheries are likely to collapse somewhere between the 1.5C and 2C benchmark; staple food crops will decline in yield and nutrition an extra 10 to 15 percent; coral reefs will mostly perish; the rate of species loss will accelerate.
Most worrying of all, perhaps, are temperature thresholds between 1.5C and 2C that could push Arctic sea ice, methane-laden permafrost, and melting polar ice sheets with enough frozen water to lift oceans by a dozen metres, past a point of no return…
IPCC authors refuse to say whether or not the 1.5C goal remains feasible. That, they argue, is for leaders to decide…
“We’re talking about the kind of crisis that forces us to rethink everything we’ve known so far on how to build a secure future,” said Kaisa Kosonen, IPPC campaign lead for Greenpeace International.
“We have to try to make the impossible possible.”…–spt.html
30 Sept: Yahoo Sports: Most Dow 30 companies really care about climate change; Microsoft is a global leader
by Maylan Studart, Yahoo Finance
Most of the companies in the Dow 30 are planning for climate change and in fact Microsoft Corp. is a global leader of sustainability, according to a new report. The results seemed somewhat surprising given the lack of mandatory reporting in the U.S.
The U.S. is the only country in the world that is not a signatory of the Paris Agreement on climate change after President Donald Trump withdrew the country from the agreement last year. Despite a lack of federal support for climate-friendly regulations in the U.S,, individual state, cities and companies have moved ahead with their climate goals guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, said Mark Chadwick, CEO of UK operations at Eco-Act, a consultancy firm that helps businesses respond to climate change.
âThere [is a] lack of faith in U.S. companies,â said Chadwick. â[The results] show that you donât need legislation to drive performance.â
All of the companies on the Dow 30 publicly report emissions, with 87% of Dow 30 companies reporting in line with a recognized framework, according to EcoActâs eighth annual Sustainability Reporting Performance report released at an event related to the United Nations General Assembly last week. Furthermore, 97% of Dow 30 companies already implementing energy efficiency technologies and 87% using renewable energy. The report examines the extent and quality of the sustainability measurement, reporting and emissions reduction of companies listed on the British FTSE 100, the French CAC 40 and the Spanish IBEX 35. Itâs the first year that the Dow 30 was included…
âMicrosoftâs remarkable achievement is reinforced by the fact that it is one of only two carbon neutral companies [Goldman Sachs is the other] in the Dow 30,â the report said…
Outsider: Summer is over and fall has begun. And with the arrival of fall , the climate is changing.
Truth: Report everyone denying climate change to Yahoo. They are most likely paid trolls. This will help get their accounts cancelled. If they’re not paid trolls, then they’re too stupid to use the internet anyway.
30 Sept: Quartz: Chinaâs provinces are secretly building coal plants in defiance of the national government
By Michael J. Coren & Daniel Wolfe
Between 2014 and 2016, Chinaâs provincial authorities issued a spree of permits for the construction of new coal power plants, totaling some 259 gigawatts of coal-energy capacity (ENDCOAL PDF) â roughly equal the entire current US coal fleet. Then Chinaâs national government said ânot so fast,â and issued a series of orders in 2016 and 2017 to stop or delay the construction of more than 150 planned plants, comprising nearly 57 GW of energy capacity. A new report suggests many are being built anyway.
CoalSwarm, a global network of researchers tracking fossil-fuel infrastructure, analyzed satellite imagery as of July 2018, and discovered that the construction of around half of those 150 plants is still proceeding, despite the government orders.
***This will make it exceedingly difficult for China to meet the climate goals it agreed to in the 2015 Paris Agreement (pdf)…
Half the worldâs coal power plant capacity is in China, and the country has been using coal plants as a way to goose economic growth and investment at the provincial level. On average, one large coal plant per week has come online since 2016 thanks to guaranteed financing, cheap state credit, and permissive provincial authorities.
âItâs difficult to persuade the local governments to give up on them,â Lin Boqiang, director of the China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy at Xiamen University, told the New York Times (paywall)…
behind paywall:
National energy debate â the facts were an early casualty
The Australian-13 hours ago
The one lever the government has is that most voters are not prepared to pay any more for their electricity to meet Paris Agreement targets than they do now…
30 Sept: Xinhua: Interview: UNGA president praises China’s global role, pledges to uphold multilateralism
by Wang Jiangang
UN General Assembly (UNGA) President Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces has praised China’s role in global governance and displayed a strong will to defend multilateralism and the rules-based global order…
“China has a very important role to play in consensus-building on very important issues” from the perspective of the General Assembly, said Espinosa.
Referring to China as “a very powerful stakeholder,” the second largest contributor to the UN and a permanent member of the Security Council, she said China is one of the countries that have done more by using “fast-track mechanism” to implement the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs).
“In terms of a consensus builder, China is a leader and a promoter of this development agenda,” she noted.
Espinosa has also spoken highly of China’s leading role on such international issues as climate change where China is one of the countries “with stronger performance on the reconversion of the energy matrix.”
Espinosa said that she backs China’s increasing investment of resources and technologies to boost low carbon technologies and renewable energy.
China is really commendable, because it’s a driving force to help the world meet the mitigation targets within the Paris agreement, she noted…
“After talking with member states and looking at the 40 mandates and over 15 high-level events and conferences over the course of the session, we have come up with seven priorities,” she said.
“Why seven?” Espinosa explained, “we need to deliver seven days a week, we need to work for the disenfranchised, for the poor, for the refugees, seven days a week. Climate change doesn’t stop on Fridays. We will work as needed to deliver on the seven priorities.”…
“I have taken the liberty of proposing the following seven priority items for this session: First of all, gender equality and empowering women must continue to be a priority until it is actually achieved,” she said.
The second priority would be “promoting and implementing new global compact on migration and refugees,” said Espinosa.
“It is our duty to seek to protect the millions of refugees across the world and gear our efforts towards safe, orderly and regular migration,” she noted.
Among other priorities are providing opportunities for decent work for youth, women and persons with disabilities, focusing more on the environment, strengthening political and social commitment to persons with disabilities, revitalizing the UN, and giving priority to peace and security…
30 Sept: Reuters: China September factory growth grinds to a halt as export orders tumble: Caixin PMI
by Stella Qiu and Ryan Woo
Downbeat readings on new orders and export orders reinforced other data recently that suggest Chinaâs factories are facing softening demand from customers both at home and abroad, pointing to a further cooling in its economy…
Facing a further deterioration in business conditions, Chinese manufacturers trimmed their workforce numbers at the fastest rate in 14 months, the survey also showed…
30 Sept: Washington Examiner: China slashes steel, textile tariffs as Trump ratchets up pressure
by Steven Nelson
China’s finance ministry announced Sunday that it will reduce import tariffs on a variety of products, including textiles and steel.
The tariff rate for textiles and metals including steel will fall to 8.4 percent from 11.5 percent, effective Nov. 1, Reuters reports. âReducing tariffs is conducive to promoting the balanced development of foreign trade and promoting a higher level of opening up to the outside world,â the finance ministry said.
The ministry also announced that tariffs on wood and paper, minerals, and gemstones will fall to 5.4 percent from 6.6 percent, with average tariffs across 1,500 products reaching 7.8 percent, down from 10.5 percent…
It’s not the first time China has reduced trade barriers amid Trump’s criticism. In July, China lowered tariffs on consumer goods including clothing and home appliances.
1 Oct: CNBC: Canada and US reach deal to replace NAFTA
Everett Rosenfeld, Joanna Tan, Liz Moyer; Ylan Mui and Stephanie Dhue and Reuters contributed to this report
The new deal has been deemed the USMCA â the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement â the official said, and the text would be made available to the parties involved within hours of the agreement…
The negotiations between American and Canadian officials involved offering more market access to U.S. dairy farmers, as well as Canada agreeing to an arrangement effectively capping automobile exports to the United States.
The American official said the deal will “re-balance our trade relationship with Mexico and Canada,” highlighting new rules on the origin of autos, and market access to Canada’s dairy sector.
The deal will also modernize what was covered by NAFTA by adding provisions on digital trade and intellectual property, the administration official said.
A U.S. official also pointed to the prospect of enforcing the agreement, calling it “one of the most enforceable trade agreements we’ve ever had.”
“This is going to be real, and it’s going to change people’s lives, and it’s going to make the U.S. economy stronger and better,” that official said.
Of note, the new trade pact will come up for review every six years, which will give the U.S. a “significant new form of leverage” to make sure the arrangement is to its liking, according to that senior American official…
Malcolm, Move On…
1 Oct: ABC: Malcolm Turnbull describes Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott as ‘miserable ghosts’
By political reporter Jane Norman
Speaking at a forum in New York, Mr Turnbull also described the recent Liberal leadership change as “crazy” and revealed “private polling” showed the Coalition was tracking ahead of Labor in marginal seats.
“We were very, very competitive,” he said in the audio obtained by Channel Nine…
But Mr Turnbull justified his decision to quit Parliament immediately, saying “when you stop being prime minister, that’s it'”.
“There is no way I would be hanging around like Kevin Rudd or Tony Abbott,” he said.
“Seriously, these people are like, sort of miserable, miserable ghosts.
“Move on.”
His comments come a day after Mr Morrison told the ABC’s Insiders program that he was confident the Coalition would have won the next election under Mr Turnbull…
Mr Turnbull and his wife Lucy escaped to New York almost immediately after he lost the top job.
From there, he has maintained a relatively high profile, reflecting on his leadership with veteran ***Reuters editor Sir Harold Evans, supporting an anti-tobacco initiative at the United Nations and now giving a speech at a young leaders’ forum.
At the Reuters event, Mr Turnbull again took aim at “his opponent” Mr Abbott, describing him as a “right-wing character”…
read the other replies:
TWEET: Chris Uhlmann: Important correction to the text of the speech by @TurnbullMalcolm in New York from someone in the room. He said Rudd and Abbott were âhanging around like LIMPETâ (which is a tenacious sea snail) not LIPID (which is a molecule and makes no sense).
reply: Malcolm Turnbull: I hate to spoil a good lipid or limpet (or lipidinous limpet) story – but the adjective mistaken for, variously, an indissoluble fat or a tenacious sea slug is âembitteredâ I guess an iPhone at 50 paces is not an ideal recording device!
Marise Payne boasts about doling out more $$$ at UN for Paris climate accord
China, Germany and the US this winter
Who will have energy?
Trump Tells West Virginians âWeâve Ended the Warâ on Coal
Beijing Replacing Crosses with Chinese Flags in Christian Communities
breitbart is BS.
China Installs Surveillance Cameras in Churches to Spy on Christians
China Forces All Religious Buildings to Fly Communist Flag
Chinaâs crackdown on Christians, Moslems, academics
Persecution of Christians in China – News
The real ideology of China – News
Chinese Officials Burn Bibles, Close Churches in Crackdown on Religion
Hopefully China will take us over then .
You’ve said that before. Why?
Exactly how much better off would we be with a Green /Labor government and the way the Libs are going not much better .
At least they are honest enough to know they are a communist country .
Building coal fired power stations and Nuclear power stations and even Dams is done with no opposition.
You know where you stand so no surprises.
The Greens will stop being a threat.
The Labor party will be purged .
Minerals will more than likely be processed here instead of overseas .
What’s not to like considering where we are headed .
Wow angry…have you just inserted new batteries of something???
mmmmmm….try the decaff đ
Phil, do you think Morrison gives a hoot?
‘Pauline Hanson has called on Scott Morrison to withdraw Australia from the Paris Agreement on climate change.’
May depend on the numbers that come out of the Wentworth by election. đ
First Australia Day, now this: Campaign to replace Labour Day with an Aboriginal celebration – after Scott Morrison called for new Indigenous Day
30 Sept: WUWT: Germanyâs Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure
EU climate alarmist champion Germany has its Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure with enormous costs
Guest essay by Larry Hamlin
An audit of the EUâs leading climate alarmism energy policy program concludes that Germanyâs Energiewende is a colossal and hugely expensive debacle…READ ON
Climate Bets.
David and Jo took a wager against a Brian Schmidt (not our CSIRO Astronomer) in 2007, about the projected temperature increase over 10,15 and 20 years.
It looks like David and Jo might have lost the first round, ending in 2017.
If I read that graph correctly the world warmed at more than 0.13C/decade, accepting that the end points are not correct for the bet.
In retrospect they may have been a mistake to agree to the NASA GISS global surface temperature estimates. However that was then, before we knew about our institutions adjusting the temperature record.
Willis Eschenbach was the first to “Blow the Whistle” with this article, in which he shows that NASA GISS adjusts the temperature record of the Darwin Airport by 2C!, to get warming instead of cooling.
Since then there have been a lot more revelations.
But Perths water storage is up by 32% compared to this time last year and last month was extremely wet and figured in the records .
Oops don’t drink and write , should read previous month (August).
this is no surprise. even the confrontation with activists in the elevator (lift), was clearly a set-up with CNN on hand to capture it all (see second link).
30 Sept: LegalInsurrection: Report: Flake wasnât pressured, he masterminded the Kavanaugh delay
Posted by Fuzzy Slippers
The âFlake-led rebellionâ had âbeen building for nearly two weeksâ
According to a report published by Politico, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) chose to appear pressured when, in fact, he masterminded the latest Kavanaugh delay. His subsequent media statements about his motivations and his media appearances in light of this report suggest Flakeâs true motivations are far less pure than he would have us believe.
Flakeâs focus on optics, on his raw ambition (for 2020?), and on the kind of âswamp creatureâ political maneuvering surrounding this planned reversal paints for the American people a hideous and disturbing portrait of the Arizona senator…READ ALL
VIDEO 2min: 28 Sept: USA Today: Protester shouts at Sen. Jeff Flake in elevator: âTell me it doesnât matterâ
The unidentified woman could be heard shouting at Flake, R-Ariz., during a CNN live shot before the Senate Judiciary Committee moved toward a vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court Friday morning…
btw Michelle Obama did a video for the Global Citizen Festival. when u click on this google result –
Michelle Obama gives a special message to Global Citizen Festival
you get Flake & Coons first on autoplay, with Michelle Obama as #2 video:
30 Sept: MSNBC: Global Citizen Festival – Newsmakers
24 videos
Sen. Flake makes appearance at Global Citizen Festival
Festival to express support for bipartisan leadership on foreign aid. Flake also jokes about a newsworthy encounter with a protester on Capitol Hill Friday, saying, âFeel free to join me in an elevator at any time!â…
Video #2: Michelle Obama gives a special message to Global Citizen Festival
Michelle Obama urges Global Citizen Festival to get out and vote in this November election.
today, with a crowd half or a third of the usual Trump rally, ABC America has:
Michelle Obama earns rock starâs welcome at voting rally in South Florida
ABC – 1 Oct 2018
Michelle Obama walked onstage to a rock starâs welcome in the final stop of her âWhen We All Voteâ campaign â a nonpartisan effort to encourage voting in this yearâs midterm election…
plus should mention Randall Lane/Forbes, board member of Global Citizen, is involved in the following on Monday US time too:
28 Sept: Boston Globe: Flakeâs planned talk in Boston moved amid safety concerns
By Steve Annear and Alejandro Serrano; James Pindell of the Globe Staff contributed to this report
Forbes announced that Flake was part of the lineup of speakers Thursday, the same day that the Senate Judiciary Committee heard explosive and emotional testimony from Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford…
The Forbes event with Flake is scheduled to be moderated by Randall Lane, chief content officer of Forbes Media…
More than 7,000 young entrepreneurs and innovators are expected to attend the four-day event hosted by Forbes, including…former secretary of state and former senator John Kerry…
it’s clear the FakeNewsMSM is in full mid-term campaign mode for the Democrats. maybe Jeff Flake is thinking of running in 2020 as a Dem?
The other thing which really puzzles me about Dr. Ford’s distress is that while I might be a bit insensitive, as far as I can tell, nothing actually happened in this alleged assault 35 years ago.
It is all her frightening interpretation of what might have happened, which didn’t. So what is the allegation, that he allegedly closed the door, tried to remove her clothing and failed and she left? Is that it?
Insensitive? Me too.
My faded memories of teenage are that we were all curious and deliberately testing each others’ limits. We prolly all have regrets of opportunities missed or opportunities unwisely accepted, but how a “normal” person can be stressed out about natural behaviour after so many years beats me.
BTW “Chrissy” Blasey stars in HER year books, so much so that they have been deleted. They depict a bunch of girl predators.
I also read that the Democrats were openly remorseful that Dr Ford was not offered the opportunity to take the examination at home without flying. They blame themselves.
However that would have meant there was no excuse of another week’s delay, so perhaps that is why she was allegedly not told as the now obviously false fear of flying story could not be used.
Nothing I have read makes any sense, unless you view it as a conspiracy in which case it all makes perfect sense. I suppose the end justifies the means for the enemies of Judge Kavanagh.
1 Oct: BBC: IPCC: Climate scientists consider ‘life changing’ report
By Matt McGrath
It is likely to be the most critical and controversial report on climate change in recent years.
Leading scientists are meeting in South Korea this week to see if global temperatures can be kept from rising by more than 1.5C this century…
After a week of deliberations in the city of Incheon, the researchers’ new report is likely to say that keeping below this limit will require urgent and dramatic action from governments and individuals alike.
One scientist told BBC News that our lives would never be the same if the world changed course to stay under 1.5C…
This week in Incheon, the scientists and government delegates will go through the final, short, 15-page Summary for Policymakers, the key distillation of the underlying scientific reports.
This will be done word by word, to ensure everyone – scientists and governments alike – are in agreement on the text…
“The decisions we make now about whether we let 1.5 or 2 degrees or more happen will change the world enormously,” Dr Heleen de Coninck, one of the co-ordinating lead authors of the report, told BBC News.
“But our lives, when keeping it below 1.5C with projected population rise and economic growth, will also look differently.”
“Lives of people will never be the same again either way, but we can influence which future we end up with.”…
How does the IPCC work?
Slowly and quite carefully…
This special report has been almost three years in the making…
In this case, there are 86 lead authors from 39 countries, of which 39% are female…
They have then put together draft versions of their report, after having reviewed some 6,000 references all told.
These draft reports were sent out to other experts and governments for review. In total, this report has had over 40,000 review comments…
Because so many people are involved, and all these review comments have been taken on board, the IPCC has a reputation for being rather conservative, producing reports that have a very broad consensus…
“We don’t base our reports on a single article that has an extreme conclusion, that contrasts with the available literature,” said Dr Carolina Vera, a member of the IPCC bureau.
“The collective view of the available literature is the most robust contribution that we can provide to the governments.”…
“If you really look seriously at the feasibility, it looks like it will be very hard to reach the 1.5C,” said Prof Arthur Petersen, from University College London and a former IPCC member.
“I am relatively sceptical that we can meet 1.5C, even with an overshoot. Scientists can dream up that is feasible, but it’s a pipedream.”…
“The overall big question in this report is how we can still get to that 1.5C goal? What does it take?”, said Kaisa Kosonen from Greenpeace.
“There are those for whom 1.5C is a matter of life or death and they want the message to be clear. Others might want to suggest that there is not scientific certainty and the messages, for example on rapid fossil-fuel phase-out, should not be so straightforward.”…
But, if it is accepted by the governments, the report is likely to say that it can be done, if the world is willing to take some very tough steps.
These are likely to involve an intensification of cuts to CO2 emissions, a rapid move to renewable energy and quite possibly, the deployment of technologies to suck greenhouse gases from the air…
The report is also likely state that lifestyle and dietary choices can make a significant difference – but there are no simple or cheap solutions.
“There is no easy answer; it is a much more complicated answer,” said Prof Jim Skea, who co-chairs one of the IPCC working groups.
“It has physical elements, it has social elements, it has political elements. The report, as it is scoped, allows us to go into these issues, but a crisp answer I don’t think is what we were asked for by governments.”
Who is actually in charge – the scientists or the governments?
There has been quite a bit of speculation that the scientists are being forced to soften the contents of the report, or “pull their punches”, on some of the major conclusions.
What’s happened is that there have been notable changes between different draft versions of the short Summary for Policymakers, which will be released officially on Monday 8 October.
This has led some critics to conclude that important aspects are being downplayed to suit the interests of countries with major fossil fuel industries, such as the United States, Saudi Arabia and Australia.
But members of the IPCC say that they will not allow their conclusions to be watered down during the next few days when the Summary is gone through, line by line.
“What is really important for the work of the IPCC is the respect for the integrity and scientific rigour of the authors – that is at the heart of the work of the author teams,” said ValĂŠrie Masson-Delmotte, a co-chair of the body.
“If one can imagine the governments holding the hands of the scientists, this means you don’t know how science works!”…
Will sparks fly at this meeting?
Quite likely, yes!
IPCC sessions are closed from the public, to allow governments and scientists to speak freely…
“I’ve never been to an approval session that didn’t go well after hours; it’s kind of IPCC working practice now,” said Prof Skea.
“Absolutely it will be a robust session and we are well geared up for it.”
behind paywall. this is all I can find:
1 Oct: BusinessStandardIndia: US wants dilutions, alterations and deletions in UN climate change report
It also tells the UN it does not support the Sustainable Development goals and targets
by Nitin Sethi
The United States has asked for more than a hundred dilutions, alterations and deletions in a report of the United Nationâs Inter-governmental panel of scientists on climate change (IPCC). The report, to be released on October 7, explains what it would take the global community to keep the rise in global average temperatures below 1.5 degree Celsius and the consequences of not doing so for the planet.
Business Standard reviewed the set of comments sent by the United States government to UN IPCC for changes in the draft before it is finalised for public release. In a large number of its comments, the US has asked for more sharply and … âAt this time, the US Government cannot express support for specific goals or …
Sky News Australia channel discussing tomorrow’s newspapers, including piece on IPCC kill coal faster nonsense…and they have The Guardian’s Amy Remeikis responding, saying we’ve known this for years blah blah. must act.
30 Sept: TWEET: Nitin Sethi: Scoop: The US under @realDonaldTrump demands that the latest UN #climatechange science report be diluted. Says, global warming has not impacted humanity so far. Rejects #SDGs targets besides #ParisAgreement…ETC
One comment from the US says…READ ALL
can’t copy. full of hyperbole:
30 Sept: PoliticsHome Parliament Mag: Claire Perry: Action on climate change is a pragmatic strategy and moral imperative
(Claire Perry is Conservative MP for Devizes and minister of state for energy and clean growth)
1 Oct: Guardian editorial: The Guardian view on climate policy failures: donât give up
News that governments are not meeting targets is alarming, but the actions of activists are a reason to hope
The world is failing to combat the threat of climate change…
The relationship between climate change and specific weather events is complex, but modelling suggests global warming made this summerâs European heatwave twice as likely. The increased frequency and severity of tropical storms fit with longstanding predictions that warmer oceans will bring more chaotic weather…
Mr Trump needs to be convinced of his wrongheadedness, for the worldâs sake. The UNâs report is expected to say it will be extremely difficult to meet the 1.5C goal â but not impossible. We should all hold on to that idea.
1 Oct: ClimateChangeNews: Climate science faces âpivotal momentâ and government questions
By Natalie Sauer in Incheon
Hoesung Lee, the chair of the IPCC, described the conference as âone of the most important meetings in the IPCCâs historyâ.
âScience alerts us to the gravity of the situation, but science also, and this special report in particular, helps us understand the solutions available to us,â he said.
âThis is a critical point in history,â said Youssef Nassef, director of Adaptation at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) told the opening plenary on Monday. âThe window of opportunity is rapidly shrinking and we must all work together to turn things around.â
Elena Manaenkova, deputy secretary of the World Meteorological Organization, also opened the session in earnest, stressing that the world stood âat a pivotal momentâ.
âWe need greater ambition and a greater sense of urgency,â she said…
South Korean environment minister Kim Eunkyung told the conference: âI understand that are still some climate sceptics out there. But let me tell you this: truth is truth. Climate change cannot be denied, or avoided.â…
Drawing from the latest research on climate change, the report is the result of a mammoth collaboration between 91 authors and 114 co-authors. In total, the IPCC received 42,000 comments on the drafts of the report. Authors are bound to address each comment as part of the review process. Manaenkova said that the work as nothing short of âheroicâ…
Does anyone else have the feeling that the democrats are confused and have mixed up Brett Kavanaugh with Teddy Kennedy?
Watching this closely…ties to UPC.
My last 3 comments were intended as replies to Tdef at #80, yet came out as separate posts.
read all:
30 Sept: National Review: John Fund: Who Was behind the Jeff Flake Set-Up?
On Friday morning, two women raced past reporters and security officers and blocked a senators-only elevator in the U.S. Capitol. They cornered Arizona senator Jeff Flake, who had just announced he was going to vote yes on moving Brett Kavanaughâs nomination out of the Judiciary Committee and onto the Senate floor for a full debate. The women wouldnât let Flake leave until they had yelled at him, face to face, for several minutes. Anyone who thinks the two left-wing activists acted without a well-thought-out plan hasnât read The Intimidation Game by Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal.
A CNN camera broadcast the event live, and from there it went viral…
Perhaps because the women expressed such raw emotion, few media outlets dug into their political activism. Archila is an executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy; she had spent the previous week in Washington engaged in protests against Kavanaugh. Gallagher is a 23-year-old activist with the group. The Center is a left-wing group that is heavily funded by George Sorosâs Open Society Foundations. Indeed, as of 2014, the Open Society was one of the three largest donors to the group.
Make no mistake. The Center for Popular Democracy is at the heart of the effort to stop Kavanaugh. A source forwarded to me an email forwarded to them from someone the organization…
Itâs a sign of media bias that the people from the well-funded groups behind the anti-Kavanaugh protests are described merely as âactivistsâ and that their political motives and origins are largely unexplored.
What a dogs breakfast the order of comments and replies to comments is here this morning !