The BOM announced it was the hottest ever day in Sydney today, then realized it had it wrong, but not before headlines spread across the country. For a million dollars a day you’d think the BOM would check their own “high quality” database. A scientific agency would take great care before announcing “historic all time records”for a city of five million people. A shameless PR agency might see that sort of mistake as an advantage.
It’s careless, piled on rank neglect
Even if the day had been “a record”, the temperatures are often artificially inflated due to site changes, thermometer changes, and the one-second-record effect thanks to the introduction of electronic thermometers, all of which are a product of careless BOM management and analysis. And even over and above that, past temperatures have been adjusted or homogenised downwards — often years after they are recorded — and by secret methods that the BOM will not disclose. I’ll have more information soon on changes at Sydney Observatory, that the BOM don’t make any allowance for.
Looks like another one second record?
The BOM announced the record after Penrith hit 47.1 at 1:55pm, the BOM tweet wrongly claimed it had “broken the all time maximum temperature record for … the Sydney Metropolitan area”. Later, they updated that Penrith was 47.3 at 3:25pm. They did not mention that the observations showed that five minutes after the first “record” at 2pm it was only 46.0, so temperatures fell as much as 1.1C in five minutes. Again, five minutes after the second at 3:30, temperatures fell to 46.5. How long did the 47.3 record last? It might have been just one single second.
Electronic equipment picks up one second noise (like the two stars on the graph below) which the BOM unscientifically converts into tweets and headlines. Other countries average electronic readings over one to five minutes so they can be compared to the older records.

The half hourly readings are marked in red. The “one second records” that the BOM uses for historic data and newspaper headlines are marked as stars.
From 1859 until 1990, mercury and alcohol thermometers could not possibly produce “one second records”. For 130 years, they missed all this noise. The BOM may be only scientific institute in the world that doesn’t seem to know the difference between electronic buzz and slowly expanding liquids in glass. And they appear to be working to keep it that way — the comparison data that would show the difference between old thermometers is being destroyed as routine practice.
“All time” is deceptive, misleading erasing history
How many Australians now think today was the Hottest Ever Day in Sydney, making the 1939 heatwave a bit more invisible?
The Penrith Lakes station only started recording in 1995, so this “all-time” record was not necessarily a record for anyone in Penrith over the age of 22. The Sydney Morning Herald claimed it went back to 1859, because that’s when records started at Sydney Observatory.
But there was no official BOM station in Penrith in 1939 or 1896, two notoriously hot years, when it might have been hotter. In 1896 in Kiama, south of Sydney on the coast it was 117F (47.2C). In Camden, 45km south of Penrith they recorded 125F. That’s 50.5C! Naturally, these are not recognised by the BOM — like the scores of other records across Australia that recorded 120 plus in the shade. Were they all wrong?
Even a tweet can fit the phrase “since records began in 1995”. Heck, the BOM could probably find the money for a double tweet if it had to. Shouldn’t all records be reported accurately? Normally the media and twitt-o-sphere adds the baseless hype, not the scientific institutions.
The Fake News Headlines
Sydney Morning Herald
Sydney sizzles through its hottest day on record
Penrith has sweltered to the highest temperature ever recorded in the Greater Sydney region, on a day of baking heat that saw international tennis cancelled and residents flock to the beach in droves.
The Penrith observation station reached 47.1 degrees just before 2pm, with the Bureau of Meteorology confirming it was the highest reading ever recorded at the station.
That makes it the highest temperature ever recorded in the Greater Sydney region, in records stretching back to 1859.
The SMH and ABC both changed the headline and text after the BOM realized they made a mistake.
The original ABC Headline appears to have been and may have stood for three hours (hard to tell):
Sydney Hits Highest Temperature Ever Recorded
The original link (which contains the headline) now redirects to the newer story.
Sydney hits its highest temperature recorded since 1939 with Penrith reaching 47.3C
In a mass syndicated snafu, the news that “Sydney sizzles through its hottest day on record” was shared by the site, the SMH Facebook page, The Daily Advertiser, The Herald, The West Australian, The LaTrobe Valley Express, The Port Lincoln Times, the Northern Daily Leader, The Penrith City Gazette, The Bendigo Advertiser, and so on and on to scores more outlets… Many of these publications have back edited or altered the stories post hoc sometimes leaving the headline in contradiction to the first line of the story. None of these news outlets did a google search, or a trove hunt for past hottest headlines. The mass of different mastheads gives the appearance of a free press, but all of them speak as one voice when it comes to the BOM.
h/t to Dave B, Andrew, Pat, Scott and Brett.
The B.O.M. with their temperature ‘fact’,
Care not if it isn’t exact,
So long as it spreads,
Through the media heads,
They can later attempt to retract.
Blackouts affect 7000 households in NSW
Hidden among the hottest headlines was a quiet mention:
As temperatures soared across the state, thousands of people were left without power, according to electricity provider Ausgrid.
Power outages across the NSW Central Coast affected more than 4000 properties, while almost 3000 properties were left without power throughout Sydney.
An Ausgrid spokeswoman said while additional load on the network from the high temperatures had contributed to some of the outages, there were several other factors at play.
Ah, the mysterious case of the “other factors”?
For the record, The BOM tweets:
#SydneyHeat According to preliminary data #Penrith has broken the all time maximum temperature record for both this station and the Sydney Metropolitan area with 47.1 degrees at 1:55pm. Previous record 47.0 on 11/2/2017. Latest observations: .
Bureau of Meteorology, New South Wales@BOM_NSW 7h7 hours
To clarify: Previous #SydneyHeat record of 47.0 degrees on 11/2/2017 was at Richmond. Penrith reached 46.9 degrees on the same day.
Bureau of Meteorology, New South WalesVerified account @BOM_NSW 6h6 hours
#SydneyHeat: Sorry, in our earlier checks we missed a 47.8 degrees C temperature recorded at an old #Richmond station (now closed) in 1939. 47.3 today still beats the previous #Penrith record.
This blogger went hunting for the Richmond Record in 1939 that the BOM had missed, but the Climate Online Database doesn’t include it. Data is incomplete at the old Richmond RAAF.
BACKGROUND — Scandal after scandal
- Another BOM scandal: Australian climate data is being destroyed as routine practice
- BOM scandal: “smart cards” filter out coldest temperatures. Full audit needed ASAP!
- BOM scandal heats up: Kininmonth, Watts, Nova quoted in The Australian “We audit banks, why not BOM?”
- Scandal: Australian Bureau of Meteorology caught erasing cold temperatures
- On Sunday, Goulburn got colder than the BOM thought was possible (and a raw data record was “adjusted”).
- Two-thirds of Australias warming due to “adjustments” — according to 84 historic stations
- The mysterious BOM disinterest in hot historic Australian Stevenson screen temperatures
- The lost climate knowledge of Deacon 1952: hot dry summers from 1880-1910
- 1953 Headline: Melbourne’s weather is changing! Summers getting colder and wetter
- The mysterious lost hot Sunday in Bourke, did it really happen?
- Wow, look at those BOM adjustments – trends up by two degrees C!
- Australian BOM “neutral” adjustments increase minima trends up 50%
- Was the Hottest Day Ever in Australia not in a desert, but in far south Albany?!
- Hottest summer record in Australia? Not so, says UAH satellite data
- Mystery black-box method used to make *all new* Australian “hottest” ever records
- BOMs new data set, ACORN, so bad it should be withdrawn (954 min temps larger than the max!)
- Threat of ANAO Audit means Australia’s BOM throws out temperature set, starts again, gets same results
- Australian Temperatures in cities adjusted up by 70%!?

So given the background information provided above point to BOM having adjusted downwards past temperature readings to establish a clear trend of increasing temperatures, I wonder what the raw readings would reveal. Would it reveal that the recent so called “record high” is nowhere near being a record high? If this sort of thing happened in say one of the major banks, people would be behind bars by now.
BoM has broken the old thermometers and consumed the alcohol. They’re drunk on their importance.
Either that or they’re suffering from Mercury poisoning from the others.
SA headaches continue……presumably you would need power on, to actually get the alerts?
“A new emergency services smartphone application, Alert SA, will be ditched by the South Australian Government after users could not access fire alerts during catastrophic weather conditions on Saturday.
Saturday’s weather created what Emergency Services Minister Chris Picton described as the “worst fire danger conditions seen in years”, but the app collapsed before it was needed most when a serious bushfire broke out in the state’s south-east.”
The “new” BoM stresses the climateBoMb to get more funding from idiotic government, who hand it over based on polls about the weather, to get re-elected, based on their ability to control the weather by fighting in the CO2 crusades.
There can ONLY be more weather extreme reports when funding is dependent on weather extreme reporting.
Its ALWAYS about the money and who gets it.
Money and POWER (excuse the pun)
As Jo says, there are no Penrith records from the hot years.
Even in my day, in the 60s Penrith was a very minor country town, never considered part of Sydney, greeter or minor Sydney. There were thousands of acres of farmland between Sydney & Penrith.
Like Ipswich in Queensland it is a long way inland, far too far to benefit from the cooling sea breezes that cool the capitals. Also like Ipswich it is always degrees hotter than the capital.
So this was no mistake, but a straight out cheat, to try to inflate the real Sydney temperature. Why do they do it. I can only assume they get higher bonus by following the government push for world government led by the UN. What a horrifying thought.
I would expect due to the cultural pain attached to being a skeptic (social exclusion, namecalling, derision) that that is enough for the average worker to find a way to rationalize and convince themselves that the world really is warming due to CO2. I assume that most in the BOM really do believe that they are being helpful. Yes, “conveniently” the financial incentives align with the bullying. No BOM worker would be better off if they said something skeptical, or if they found reasons to warm the past, or cool the present.
Never underestimate the creative power of a human brain that “knows” something that isn’t true.
The assumption is that a BoM worker may be the same animal as the BoM management. The management know what they are doing. Climate change marketing gets them funding, higher salaries and peer group accolades. The days when the public service management were apolitical are long gone.
I doubt whether most would consider what is happening is wrong. It is was it is. Every person for themselves.
Self interest before impartiality. Self service before public service.
The only way of improving their quality of service is to compare measured predictions, from multiple sources, with outcomes over time. Lets see that graph. On the climate change front they are batting close to zero.
If predictions closely matched outcomes I would more amenable to what the BoM predicted. Hundreds of billions of A$ have already been wasted on their speculations. It may be less expensive to employ the BoM NOT to measure or publish ANY climate change data or predict ANY long term weather.
It is simply cheaper to get climate change promoters for self profit, to stare out of a window seven hours a day rather than have them do something.
That is a definition of faith, isn’t it? The belief in something you know isn’t true.
I know from experience that your faith fights a rear-guard action in its retreat from reality.
Perhaps that is what the statistics riggers are doing.
We can only hope so.
Ummm, no faith is not a belief in something you know to be wrong. That is a rather arrogant and patently ignorant attempt to define the term.
By definition, faith lacks “seen” certainty, but to have faith in something is to actually believe that it is true. And that faith often requires empirical data on which to base predictions of future events.
If I jump from an aeroplane at 10,000 feet wearing a parachute packed correctly I must have faith that it will open and allow me to survive the fall. But there is some uncertainty about that outcome, as skydiving fatality statistics prove. If I board an Air Asia flight, I need quite a deal of faith that I will arrive safely, but the evidence suggests that I most probably will.
The “faith” you suggest that is used by the BOM, is not faith at all. It is nothing of the sort. They are guilty not of faith, but of deliberate falsification and reporting of weather events.
HB. Yes, but. We live 150 km inland from the NSW central coast, and it is rare to have hot nights here. Tonight is an exception so far. The afternoon sea breezes that follow a hot summer’s day usually get this far inland.
Penrith, like Cessnock and Jerry’s plains in the Hunter, seems to collect heat in lowlands at the foot of the mountains.
(sorry, the spread out typing format is because of my poor vision)
You can say the world may be warming slightly from CO2,
based on simple closed system lab experiments.
You can say if the lab experiments
tell us what happens in real life,
then CO2 warming is completely harmless,
and doubling CO2 would cause
only +1 degrees. C. warming
in 133 years (CO2 rising 3 ppm per year)
or CO2 doubling would cause
only +1 degrees C. warming
in 200 years (CO2 rising +2 ppm per year).
COI2 greenhouse warming would be mainly
in colder latitudes at night,
and the few people living there,
would enjoy that — polar bears too.
You could also say there is only
one observed “signature” of CO2 warming
(the warming in the Arctic)
and at least five other CO2 “signatures”
not happening.
You could say the warming
during the last half
of the last century (1975 to 2000)
was almost identical to the warming
during the first half
of the last century (1910 to 1940)
yet some people claim two
completely different causes
— one “natural” warming,
and the other “CO2 warming”
That means they are saying
4.5 billion years of natural climate change
suddenly ended in 1975
and CO2 took over as the ‘climate controller’
with no explanation ever given
of why, or how, that could happen.
You could say that rising CO2
is greening our planet, with no
obvious negative side effects.
You could say a CO2 level of
800 to 1,200 ppm would be
beneficial for optimum growth
of plants used as food
by people and animals.
You could say that adding CO2
to the air was, inadvertently,
the best thing humans have ever done,
to improve our environment / planet.
I say those things on my climate blog
for people who are not scientists, at
and have had 14,000 page views so far.
I also say there is very little science
behind claims of what CO2 will do to the climate.
And no science at all to support the fairy tale
of runaway global warming.
The GCM climate models
are failed prototypes
that made wrong predictions,
for the past 30 years,
so were a waste of money !
The IPCC “95% confidence level” is pure nonsense,
pulled out of a hat,
or from two feet lower.
The 97% scientist consensus is pure nonsense
based on bogus studies.
Predictions of the future climate are impossible.
It’s even tough to predict the past climate,
since the historical data are so frequently “adjusted”
and re-“adjusted’, and re-re-“adjusted”.
Once in a while I also say
leftists are stupid heads
for believing CO2, the staff of life,
is deadly pollution.
CO2 is currently at historically low levels,
and based on REAL science,
we should want MORE CO2 in the air
to continue greening our planet !
At least that’s my view
from Bingham Farms, Michigan USA
where the longest unusually cold spell
I’ve experienced here since 1977
— three weeks —
just ended today
while you are warm
and comfortable?
in Australia,
where most of
one of my all-time favorite movies
On The Beach, from 1959,
was filmed.
The easy mistake many make is to consider the BOM a scientific or scientifically motivated organisation. It isn’t. It’s a political or politically motivated organisation.
Where does the IPCC end and the BomB begin? Can anyone tell?
All one organic hole,
There are private companies in New Zealand, that undertake independent quality assurance reviews of high value projects, in the government sector. It seems that Ministers would like to know of any potential or latent issues, before the details find their way into the press, and public awareness. I have always assumed that Australia has a similar quality assurance structure.
Under such reviews, all change to historic measurements, and also any adjustments made to the current measurement systems, need to have an agreed rationale, and authorization at ministerial level. Even so, information that has been superseded, is still retained for archival purposes.
If the Australian BOM is “adjusting history”, or “constantly fine tuning”, the current recording system, then alarm bells should be ringing very loudly in Canberra.
You don’t understand what’s going on. The government wants the record highs. It’s an excuse to tighten control over your life, push up the taxes known as energy prices. The BOMo do this sort of thing with the full backing of government.
And, what is the opposition doing about that?
People tend to vote with their wallets. If the opposition stood up and said that they were going to do something material about the risk of climate change, and, they were going to drastically reduce all of the imposts imposed by the current mob, that would almost certainly change the tone of Government, if not the Government itself. Or does the opposition like being in opposition?
The poosition appear to be in on it…as I have said, all party labels are just “wrappers” around globalists that maintain the illusion of “choice” so people can “vote” and feel like they have control….
The give away about globalists in wrappers is that no matter who you “elect” you get the same result.
In NZ just recently you might as well have appointed an IPCC member in a skirt as PM….
The opposition agenda is even more extreme. We need a new leader or political party that will “drain” the swamp.
In Canada, I can’t imagine any civil servant stepping out of the meme established by Environment and Climate Change Canada. They sing from the same hymn book. People forget that Trudeau senior was part of the Club of Rome when something “climate” was identified as a good possibility as a scare to put into the population of the world. Trudeau junior has publicly stated his admiration for Fidel Castro and communist China. CBC is the mouthpiece (public funding) and our “The Weather Network” is right in line. Nuff said.
Rereke, some time ago my company put a proposal to government to do a fully independent review of a part of our critical infrastructure. We were going to use a team of recognised international experts as an oversight panel and use one team to review measures and processes in place and a separate covert team to test the system. This was in response to some damaging (and in part incorrect media reporting). The department rejected our proposal as it was going to do an independent review – which was done by the government (go figure) and led by someone with no operational knowledge or experience. As a consequence, the fixes they are proposing are not addressing the root causes of the actual problems.
I understand that there is, or was, a drink in Australia, called “Clatons”, or some such. It was the drink you had when you weren’t having a drink.
That would be the review that the department would have, when they were not having a review. If Australia has a Ombudsman, I would have been making an appointment for the next available working day. If you do not have an Ombudsman, or the Ombudsman declines to help, then I would be requesting an audience with the Minister responsible for the Department. At the end of the day, it is his or her reputation that is at stake. I would just be trying to help avoid any scandal.
Unfortunately the person to raise it with was the person doing the review. Correspondence with various Ministers resulted in nothing more than automatic acknowledgements of our emails – nothing further. Still, we have everything for when the inevitable happens.
Claytons Tonic.
We had a spate of government required “quality assurance” here in Oz.
It became known as the “quality assurance that doesn’t assure quality”
Yep, that is what happens when the Department responsible sets their own agenda, and appoints “people who are expert in the field”, i.e. friends.
The key to this working is the word, “Independent”. The reviewers don’t need to be experts in the subject matter, but they do need to be experts in questioning (interrogating) the people involved, and spotting any bovine byproduct that may be present, even when it is wearing its best party frock.
“Never hold an inquiry unless you know the outcome”
– Sir Humphrey Appleby, “Yes Minister”
Nuff said.
If you read the quality assurance documents available on the BoM web site the only conclusion is they have failed their own quality guidelines.
The BoM will have reports from KPMG or PWC etc to prove they have been audited and met the Australian Quality Standard.
The only way of improving their quality is to compare measured predictions, from multiple sources, with outcomes over time. Lets see that graph. On the climate change front they are batting close to zero.
The CA firms look for compliance against a predefined baseline, as you point out.
That is great, if you are just ticking boxes, which is what a Baseline Standard requires, and what the CA firms do.
But I would bet, that nowhere in those Baseline Standards, is any mention of, “fitness for purpose”, nor any definition of what the purpose is supposed to be, and the standard of operational quality that must be demonstrated to prove that it is “fit for the stated purpose”.
It is just wheel spinning, followed by a tick in a box, and money in the bank, and we can all be mates and go for a cold one.
That doesn’t impress me at all.
I shall shut up now.
The Sydney Observatory max temp for yesterday also appears to be a one second value. Hard to believe it’s 2018 and our “premier” weather organisation can’t measure temperature correctly.
Obviously it is politically motivated and the politicians want voters to believe in man-made global warming so that the squandering of our monies on related projects is not questioned.
It’s corruption.
To everything there is a reason.
Turn turn turn.
As Rereke suggests above, there is something very much out of order and somebody in government has behaved in a manner contrary to public interest.
Why isn’t this irregularity being addressed?
The Penrith Lakes Automatic Weather Station recorded a high of 46.2C at 3.30pm, at 4.00pm 45.8C and at 3.00pm 45.1C
Nearby Richmond AWS recorded 44.7C at 3.30pm, 44.8C at 4.00pm and at 3.00pm 43.1C
The fact that the BoM has again misled the public by releasing false information added to their past deceptions requires the audit, due diligence that Prime Minister Abbott wanted conducted in 2014.
I hope you got a screen capture of the AWS information
I saw the summary for Observatory Hill in Feb 2013, it reached a maximum of 45.3C
The summary the next day also said a maximum of 45.3.
Yet somehow a “new record” of 45.8C was recorded.
Unfortunately I either neglected to take a screen capture, or lost it on the old computer. 🙁
I screen saved the data from that day and it showed that it was 44.9C at 13:49 and then 44.7C at 13:59.
It supposedly reached 45.8C at 13:53.
The graph shows that it did touch the 45.0C during that period and it does record a 45.1C at 14:30 (but no 45.8C).
I have saved it to an old Apple iPad and not sure how to share it.
Hi Ian, sadly I can’t find any messages from this email listed in the comment. Can you try again? -Jo
email it to support AT with attention “Jo”
(note, that email address appears in the right side column, you know what to do with the AT)
Hopefully Jo will post it here, or email it to me.
The other option is to use an image service such as post-image.
Sorry Andy
That should read 14:49 (44.9C) and 14:59 (44.7C) and the record was broken at 14:53.
Just sent an email to Joanne from my iPad but don’t know if it has been successful.
remember, she’s in WA, probably nearly wake-up time 🙂
Ian, can you transfer the image to a PC somewhere, somehow?
Jo, can you send Ian my email.
I would REALLY like to get that image. !!
Have you got a photograph of your old computer?
Employing the arcane magic of the BOM data manipulation processes, they may be able to do a reconstruction for you? Just a thought.
Thanks, Rereke
It was Apple’s first iPad – sorted an email share but don’t know if it went.
‘This blogger went hunting for the Richmond Record in 1939 that the BOM had missed, but the Climate Online Database doesn’t include it.’
That’s correct.
But here is the BoM site with the old Richmond RAAF record in 1939.
Make a screen capture or save as web page.!!!
With Windows, you can use the in-built ap, “Snipping Tool”, for a whole or partial screen capture. Enter Snipping Tool in the search box in the Start window to locate it. A much more versatile tool than the Print Scrn facility.
It is also possible to do a full screen capture on an iPad. Just hold the “power off” button and press the menu button. The image is then sent straight to the “photo” folder.
Monday morning, and ABC24 breakfast is still running with the headline, leading some updates.
Looks like someone from the BOM doesn’t like the fake news being exposed.
I wonder why?
Highest temp , lowest temp , most rainfall , lowest rainfall – Since xxxx is completely meaningless in any context and only serves one purpose which is to deceive the gullible and push a personal agenda .
Going by this interactive, Menindee had the hottest temperature in 1939.
BoM’s extreme temp page shows this too.
el Gordo, Ian….. that was for Saturday.
Sunday was the warm one fro Sydney.
We will have to wait and see what they come up with. 🙂
Sorry, mis-understood what you were saying.
Still will be interesting when they post Sunday’s temps.
Looking at the map of Australia in the post I get the distinct impression that the record breaking heat happened during cold epochs.
Which adds weight to the hypothesis that a wayward jet stream and blocking highs are a global cooling signal.
Yes, I think that too. Given that there were so many 50+ temps in the 1800’s*. I suspect that in a cooler average world, there are more extreme highs and lows on a daily basis. This would fit Stephen Wildes hypothesis on jet streams wandering further north and south. If this is true we will see more emphasis from the commentariat on daily extremes, storms, etc, and less less on monthly and year averages.
To some extent we are already seeing this. Climate Scientists who used to talk about decadal trends all the time have shifted to yearly highs. Others who used to talk about “climate not weather” now talk about weather all the time.
*I’m assuming that Australia was cooler on average in the 1800’s, but I don’t feel I have much data to go on. Where are the proxies in Australia for the last millenia?
Where are the proxies in Australia for the last millennia?
Not much happening, it would be nice to see a reliable graph back to 1200 AD and compare it to the Northern Hemisphere. There maybe a bipolar see saw inherent in the system.
Stephen understands the mechanism and at this early stage I’m prepared to tentatively accept his theory that cosmic ray bombardment is not responsible for increasing low cloud cover. A meandering jet stream and blocking highs are major players, along with the Southern Annular Mode and ENSO.
There is one temperature proxy available for Aus in Tasmania. Tree ring data for the summer months.
It was perfect for making my own “hocky stick”!
It does show it was mostly cooler in the 1800’s right upto the mid 1960’s, just before the recent warming. Here’s the link to the paper.
The Bureau spokesman looked lame explaining the mistake. “We thought it was a but then when we looked through the old data we found it wasnt” f’n hell! how do you determine something is a record (putting aside the one second argument) if you dont look at all your history??
Are they stupid, incompetent or just lying?
“Are they stupid, incompetent or just lying”
Those three options are not mutually exclusive.
Not content with claiming the “hottest temp, evah” the ABC news, last night, went further by claiming it was the hottest temp “on the planet”!
Clearly, the compiler of this headline was also responsible for the ludicrous headline and story the previous week, announcing the opening of the “New Joan Sullivan theatre” at the Sydney Opera house after its refurbishment.
The fact is that, DESPITE
1.. the MASSIVE expansion of Urban areas, (was mostly farmland back in 1939)
2.. BOM malef-science with regard to one second readings
3.. Adjustments to historic temperature (hard to get rid of “record” temperatures, though, too much in newspapers)
The temperature STILL cannot quite match the highs of 1939, shows JUST HOW LITTLE WARMING, IF ANY AT ALL, has actually occurred
Actually given all that, and in particular the downward adjustments that were made to the past temperatures, what we can say with much confidence backed by scientific evidence is the we have been COOLING for the last 80+ years. The raw temperatures readings must be proof enough given we only managed to match at best the hottest day going back as far as 1939.
Basically ZERO WARMING, maybe slight cooling, in 79 years !!!
PS, if you look at the Richmond RAAF climate link posted by Ian above, ..
you will see that NOT ONE of the record temperatures is this century !!!!
While North Africa has snow now (and probably more before the end of the month), and people die of cold in Bangladesh (
And let us not forget that Schneider, Jones, Trenbirth, et al were causing alarm and panic in the 1970’s over imminently disastrous cooling.
Pick a decade and manifest fear, uncertainty, and doubt, in the minds of the populous, and the tax payers will agree to pay more taxes, if only to make the fear go away. It is the gravy-train with infinite access to more government gravy.
Well when the truth eventually comes out we must see the leaders of the scam go to prison for many years.
Hansen was also involved by producing some data.
The raw max temps for Bourke in Jan 1939 have been ‘adjusted’ in the ACORN record. Every temp over 30.0C was reduced (some by nearly 1.0C) and the two under 30.0C were increased by 0.1C.
This reduced the overall mean max temp by some 0.35C. Those who would like to do their own checking, here are the relevant data sets.
Raw data
ACORN data
Penrith late 1930’s
Penrith 2016
Massive commercial, light industry, warehousing, and MASSIVE urban expansion
Only conclusion can be that there has been enough COOLING to counteract the urban expansion.
Is Penrith part of the Sydney CBD area either now or in 1939? I would think not. It is away from the coast and at the base of the Blue Mountains which could cause elevated temperatures as winds descend from the North West.
Penrith is 55.5 km west of Sydney, and consistently warmer that Sydney in summer, and colder in winter!
Penrith is Sydney, the same way that Eton in London. In 1950 Penrith was a quiet farming community. In 2018, Penrith has been built up, concreted over and bitumened to Hell. The so-called ‘temperature record’ is another case of comparing oranges and apples. Even with all their ‘adjustments’ and relocations, the BOM still calledreach the Global Warming of 1939 despite its algorithms show that the huge wave of CO2 since then must have destroyed the human race already. In support the ABC and MSN pile on to reinforce the lies and spread the fake News.
Maybe not so OT but our ABC loves this film story about fake news ,
Why this state of affairs is allowed to continue should be a matter of great interest to all Australian citizens, as it points strongly to the existence of a significant special interest pressure group within the present and past governments.
No, it’s not. It’s absolutely not, and we have literally no chance of properly combating what’s being done if “core” people on our side go around with the idea that this ‘nudging’ of entire populations is the result of incompetence.
I have a nickname for the phenomenon underlying media “blitzes” of this type: I call it the Teeley Effect – named for Peter Teeley, the former media liaison for George H. W. Bush in the 1980s. (Like people of his ilk, Teeley went on to become a professional charity-vampire – the type of parasite who heads some or other ‘charitable foundation’, selflessly pocketing half a million a year… manipulating people’s empathy using media tropes).
Anyhow… I nicknamed this approach to public ‘nudging’ the Teeley Effect because of Teeley’s openness about how it works. In an interview with the New York Times (“Pravda in the Hudson”) in 1984, Teeley pointed out how little traction is lost once lies are exposed – particularly when the initial ‘splash’ happens on TV and the retraction happens in print.
This paradigm relies on several things:
★ firstly, newspapers have tiny circulations relative to TV (newspapers are irrelevant to public-opinion formation, despite what Radio National listeners might think);
★ secondly, most people browse newspapers, and actually read less than 20% of the paper;
★ thirdly, the retraction/refutation is generally consigned to an ‘inner’ page, “below the fold.
The paradigm can even be extended to a partition of social media:
★ people see a story about [X] on the social media feed of an account that has millions of followers (say, CNN) with a link to a slickly produced video of journalists interviewing each other;
★ the story is later proved to be entirely fabricated, on a feed with 10000 followers;
★ CNN deletes the tweet, but does not run any news item showing that the original “news” story was bunk.
How many people retain a memory that [X] was reported by CNN?
It’s not accident, or incompetence, or “sloppy journalism”. It’s the way the ‘nudge’ system is supposed to work.
I agree. As I said before the fictitious Daily Planet was more accurate and competent. As far as I’m concerned, except for very few exceptions, journalists of today are no better than most politicians who all they do is tell fibs 24×7.
and where do we look for any kind of truthful TV news – or radio news – programs in Australia? There is nothing – they copy each other and stick to the AGW line and other left-leaning lies. Can’t bear it.
There were four of us having a break sitting under the trees at Collaroy Beach when we experienced the ‘one second’ phenomenon. We are not weather / climate / temperature measuring equipment experts. For a couple of seconds a noticeably warmer gust of air hit us. We said this was a classic example of why the 1 second measure of temperature cannot be an accurate measure of the days highest temperature. It was an aberration that until reading your blog we would never have noticed. I wonder why the BOM experts does not acknowledge the fallibility of their methodology.
BoM – another bunch of lying criminals.
I see that Donald Trump has put his stamp on the entire world. Would anyone have said “Fake News” if he had not said it first.
Can we get back to the truth and call it plain old lying? I hope so. Just think about the extra space used by two words instead of only one; the extra time used in speaking fake news instead of just lying. It almost makes you want to reheat the old global warming scare one more time just to get away from terminology creep.
Oh! Wait a minute again. They are reheating the old global warming scare one more time. Nuts.
In news media circles, the term is “Fark”. Fark is news that is not news, or news that is made up to fill column inches in the press, or fill fifteen seconds of air time on television.
You know the sort of thing: “Cat trapped up tree by rabid dogs”; “Horse born with two heads”; “BOM warns of Wettest Dry Season, ever” …
And believe it or not, Google backs up this “Fark” news — one more terminology creep term I never knew about and, frankly, I’m sorry I learned.
Whatever it is it still isn’t true and what is said, published or in any other way disseminated that isn’t true is a lie… …or a damned lie or statistics.
I’ll guess we’re each left to figure out which one we’re getting on our own. After all, no one ever says, “I’m a liar,” or “I’m a damned liar,” or for that matter, “I’m a statistic.” 😉
I seems Bannon has told that the writer of the book mis-told who Bannon’s comment were about.
This whole book looks like it is just one more [snip] leftist beat-up/fiction/load of made-up Fake news, from a typical [snip] democrat twerp.!!
Wouldn’t be surprised to find he has solid links back to Crooked Hillary and the deep swamp.
[Move this to the next post on Fake news... – Jo]
oops, me bad.. sorry… forgot what words I shouldn’t use.
But this FAKE NEWS and pure FABRICATION from the far-left, is getting out of hand.
The book, and the web site, are intended to be humourous. The book was a one-off, as far as I am aware, but the web site is gathering an audience, and is now shining a spotlight on the “leftist beat-up/fiction/load of made-up Fake news”, that you complain about. It is satire. And satire is a potent way of destroying the pomposity of organizations like the BOM, and hopefully getting them back on track, in reporting what they actually see, and not what they believe they are expected to report.
[Jo, I will repeat my inputs in the above thread in the next post on Fake news. RW]
Global warming, aka climate change, was the ORIGINAL fake news!
Long before Trump entered politics.
2017 is worse than we thought. Just like 1877-8 (global drought), 1896, 1908, 1914-15, 1939, 1960, 1983 and 2009 were worse than they thought. (And what was going on in the late 1830s when the ‘bidgee actually ran dry? Was it hotter and drier than the drought of the late 1820s which disappeared Lake George and stopped the flow of the Darling?)
In fact, 2017 is not a big deal at all.
1939, part of the ’38-’39 La Nina and flanked by ENSO neutral years, was a very big deal. We know this from many temp readings and written reports, from the heat death toll, and from the Black Friday fire devastation. 1902 (at least that was an El Nino!) should have been worse for fire, but there wasn’t much left to burn after the Fed Drought, which was the sort of prolonged and widespread weather disaster they used to have before there was climate change.
The climatariat advances globalist bunk, basing its case on blatant denial of natural and human history. Sink the bludgers.
Then there is the Indian Ocean Dipole to further complicate matters. Unfortunately most newspaper reports neglect educating the public on the effect of major ocean circulation variations which affect our climate. Although Don Garden is a CO2-Global Warming advocate (with no proof offered) he has written a good book on the history of Australia’s climate called: “Droughts, Floods and Cyclones; El Ninos that shaped our colonial past”.
It is well worth a read and can be borrowed from the State Libraries.
Moso this Berkley earth graph maybe dodgy, but deserves closer inspection.
even when corrected, this Penrith story had a CAGW purpose:
7 Jan: WaPo: As the eastern U.S. freezes, Sydney bakes at 117 degrees — the hottest in eight decades
By Kristine Phillips
(Kristine Phillips is a member of The Post’s general assignment team. She previously covered criminal justice, courts and legal affairs)
The streets of Boston were flooded with icy waters that carried dumpsters away. Cars in nearby Revere, Mass., were nearly buried in frozen floodwaters. Wind chills in parts of New Hampshire could hit 100 degrees below zero (That’s not a typo, as the New York Times points out).
In Australia, however, it’s summer — and a remarkably hot one. So hot that part of a freeway in Victoria on Australia’s southeastern coast was “melting.” Several hundred miles northeast, in the greater Sydney area, Australians spent Sunday in the most sweltering heat in nearly 80 years.
Such is the extreme weather greeting 2018 from opposite ends of the globe…
Temperature in the Sydney suburb of Penrith reached 47.3 degrees Celsius (117.14 degrees Fahrenheit), just a bit short of surpassing the hottest day on record — 47.8 degrees Celsius (118.04 degrees Fahrenheit) in 1939, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.
On Friday, ahead of the heat wave predicted for the weekend, police in Victoria on Australia’s southeastern coast warned drivers that a six-mile stretch of a freeway in the central part of the state has melted. A spokeswoman for VicRoads, which manages Victoria’s road systems, told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. that hot weather caused the asphalt to become “soft and sticky” and the road surface to bleed.
(Melting streets are not unheard of. It happened in India two years ago during a heat wave that killed thousands)…
Paul Holman, an ambulance commander in Victoria, said that Saturday was “the first extreme heat day of the year,” with temperatures climbing above 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit)…
“This heat is a killer. It’s going to be like a blast furnace tomorrow, and you need to adjust what you do,” Holman told local media on Friday. “You need to take care. So put off the sporting events, put off the outside events, stay inside.”…
“This heat is a killer. It’s going to be like a blast furnace tomorrow, and you need to adjust what you do,” Holman told local media on Friday. “You need to take care. So put off the sporting events, put off the outside events, stay inside.”
A new report, pointing to signs of climate change such as thawing of Arctic ice and wildfires, says the global average surface air temperature in 2017 exceeded 14.7 degrees Celsius (58.46 Fahrenheit), making last year a bit cooler than 2016, the warmest on record. But 2016 included the tail end of a strong El Niño in the tropical Pacific, and that bumped up temperatures that year, as well as in 2015, according to the report by the Copernicus Climate Change Service, a European agency.
Last year, which had unusually warm fall temperatures in the United States, didn’t need that El Niño boost to be the second warmest on record.
Scientists have said that cold spells like the bomb cyclone do not refute that Earth as a whole is warming or that the average temperature of the climate system is steadily rising.
To explain, Stanford climate scientist Noah Diffendaugh used a sports analogy with The Washington Post’s Chris Mooney: “Steph Curry is, every year, near the top of the NBA free throw percentages, he makes on the order of 90 percent of his free throws year in and year out. If you turn on the TV and see him miss a free throw, or see him miss two free throws, that doesn’t lead to the conclusion that he’s no longer a good free throw shooter.”…
at least the WaPo writer dropped the CAGW meme on her Twitter page:
Twitter: Kristine Phillips, WaPo:(PIC OF BEACH FROM HER WAPO ARTICLE, WHICH IS CAPTIONED: A parent watches from the shade of Henley Beach Surf Lifesaving Club as Adelaide nears 40 degrees Celsius 104 Fahrenheit, in Adelaide, Australia, on Saturday. )
Tweet: 2 hrs ago: Hmm.. where would I rather be…
by Wait, don’t tell me: I would rather be sweating in the heat too
Just imagine what it was like in Jan, 1908 in Melbourne – 5 days of +40C (and a 6th day of 39.9C).
FYI. Useful?
“Ocean temperatures have risen only 0.1 degree Celsius over the last five decades, according to a landmark study some scientists argue could change the way researchers measure the ocean’s temperature levels.
Each layer of water in the ocean has vastly different temperatures, so determining the average temperature is nearly impossible without glossing over important data. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego decided on a different model – they measured the ratio of noble gases in the atmosphere, which are in direct relation to the ocean’s temperature.
Geoscientist Jeff Severinghaus, an academic at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, measured values of the noble gases argon, krypton, and xenon in air bubbles captured inside ice cores in Antarctica. Krypton and xenon are released into the atmosphere in known quantities as the ocean warms, according to the study, which was published Thursday in Nature Journal
“This method is a radically new way to measure the change in total ocean heat,” Severinghaus said in a post on the Scripps website, which has since been removed. “It takes advantage of the fact that the atmosphere is well-mixed, so a single measurement anywhere in the world can give you the answer.”
Severinghaus measured values of the noble gases argon, krypton, and xenon in air bubbles captured inside ice cores in Antarctica. Krypton and xenon, which are remarkably stable regardless external factors, are released into the atmosphere in known quantities as the ocean warms.
Much of the previously available information used to determine ocean temperatures during the past thousands of years has come from records produced by organisms that lived during those times and were subject to a complex array of external biological factors. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and other major organizations rely on these methods to make their determinations.
The ratio of these gases allows for a much more effective and exact calculation of average global ocean temperature, according to Severinghaus and his team of researchers at Scripps. They discovered that xenon and krypton are well preserved in ice cores and can, therefore, provide temperature information that scientists can use to study many other aspects of the earth’s oceans.
“Our precision is about 0.2 ºC (0.4 ºF) now, and the warming of the past 50 years is only about 0.1 ºC,” he said, adding that advanced equipment can provide more precise measurements, allowing scientists to make better calculations going forward. His fellow researcher made similar remarks.
“The reason this study is so exciting is that previous methods of reconstructing ocean heat content have very large age uncertainties, [which] smooths out the more subtle features of the record,” said co-author Sarah Shackleton, a graduate student at Severinghaus’ lab.”
Coming from the Mallee I rememberCould I please ask a question that is way off this topic. “Warmies” continually go on about the subsidies given to coal fired power stations and say there are now no subsidies for wind and solar, so they are competing on a level playing field!!!!!! From what I read this is not the case, but I can’t find a way of working out what subsidies (if any) apply to what.
KenE – Happy New Year,
There are various things that are done, and often the manner of reporting is confused — either deliberately or because the person hasn’t got a clue. There is a link below, but just glance through it.
Here is some of the actual material for AU.
Depreciation and capital expenses and allowances
In the USA there are differences, as also for other countries. Making reasonable statements for one country is hard enough. Getting a good summary for many countries is enough to make a person cry.
I think of a government subsidy as taxes collected from many and given to someone else.
In the USA there was a program called “Food Stamps”, but is now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Long ago the government just bought things (milk and cheese) and gave them away. Fancy name now, but still a give-a-way.
Other things are not true subsidies. Consider a company that makes things and is taxed on the earnings. If the laws allow the company to buy a new/better machine, and deduct some or all of the expense from the taxes the government claims it is owed — is that a subsidy?
Isn’t this just the government allowing the company or person to keep more of the money earned? Still, such are things that some consider subsidies.
Each green thing (wind, solar, small hydro, new doors and windows, insulation, air-sourced heat pump, …) seems to have both known and unknown supports.
For example, we are in the State of Washington. We took an old wood burning stove to an event where they trashed it. We received $250 in return with the idea we would replace it with a new “greener” unit, but there was no requirement to do so. The program was justified in the name of air pollution abatement. Clearly, this was a transfer of money (someone’s taxes) from many to us. Thus, a subsidy or payment to do something.
Consider an electric utility that is required to buy wind and/or solar power at greater cost than hydro or gas produced electricity. Overall, the electric user will pay a higher average price — but doesn’t see this on the monthly bill. The user is paying to support the “green” product. What do you call this? Who keeps track? Is it a subsidy?
Have fun with figuring this out.
As to discussing such things with “warmies” — Why?
Do you argue with Catholics whether or not Mary was born without original sin (Immaculate Conception)?
Do you argue with Islamic teaching that The Prophet ascended into heaven alive at the site of the Dome of the Rock?
If you encounter a “warmist”, just say Bless your little heart, and move on.
Also the RET here is not a subsidy paid by taxpayers, but a cost on electricity bills as far as I can work out. The certificates must be bought by CO2 generators, and they then must pass on those costs to consumers.
Sorry about that. In the Mallee we were not particularly concerned about .1 deg records. It was just bloody hot and with no air conditioning or anything we just got on with life. It is a shame that everything has to be exaggerated these days to justify either getting a grant, or making headlines.
I blame smart phones…. people are addicted to being drip fed emotive rubbish which just switches off their brains ( and the MSM know this )
I wonder how people actually get stuff done these days, they are permenantly stuck to their screens.
didn’t once hear the US Big Freeze story on BBC radio news headlines over the past 2 weeks, or the extreme cold in India, China, etc.
but it came as no surprise to hear Sydney hottest temp “in 80 years” story make it on to the half-hourly BBC news bulletins yesterday – and it was still there this morning.
note all the human-interest anecdotes and ABC references.
also note the article begins as if it were the City of Sydney, not Penrith.
also, heat gets conflated with bushfires from the start.
***CAGW to blame:
7 Jan: BBC: Sydney swelters on hottest day since 1939 as mercury hits 47.3C
The Australian city of Sydney has experienced its hottest weather in 79 years with temperatures in the region hitting as high as 47.3C (117F).
In Penrith, west of Sydney, residents sweltered as the town bore the brunt of the heat on Sunday.
Severe fire warnings were issued for the greater Sydney area and total fire bans were put in place across the city.
Sunday’s temperatures fell short of the scorching heat to hit the area in 1939, when the mercury reached 47.8C.
The sweltering temperatures reached in Penrith were confirmed by the Bureau of Meteorology…
ABC reported that one charity, Mission Australia, helped transfer homeless people to hospital for treatment while taking others into shelters to avoid the heat.
Bahar and Amir Kashefi tried not to let the heat ruin their wedding day in Sydney. “I’m sweating, my bridesmaid is sweating,” the bride, Bahar, told ABC.
“I think I am going to cut the wedding short, go straight back to the hotel and jump in the pool.”
At the Sydney Cricket Ground, England’s batsmen struggled on the hottest day on record for a Test match in Australia.
Players participating in the Sydney international tennis tournament were forced off the court at 10:00 local time on Sunday (23:00 GMT Saturday) by the event’s organisers after temperatures courtside exceeded 40C…
The fire bans in place in the greater Sydney area on Sunday were imposed to reduce the risk of wildfires, which are common during Australia’s arid summers.
Several blazes had already been recorded on Saturday, and a number of properties were destroyed in the states of Victoria and South Australia.
In September 2017, Australians were warned to prepare for a dangerous bushfire season after one of the driest winters on record…
More than 200 weather records were broken across Australia between December 2016 and February 2017, with heatwaves, bushfires and flooding throughout the country’s summer season.
***Experts have warned that land and sea temperatures have been affected by climate change, leading to more extreme weather conditions.
(LOL)PHOTO CAPTION: People bask in the sun at Sydney’s Bondi Beach on Sunday.
“hottest place on EARTH”! probably refers to all the bikini-clad girls in both these pieces:
The hottest place on EARTH! Sydney set to sweat through another sweltering day after record-breaking heatwave
Daily Mail· 1hr ago
8 Jan: Daily Telegraph: NSW heatwave: Sydney the hottest place on Earth
by Danielle Le Messurier, Keely McDonough
IT’S going to be another hot one for Sydney today, but thankfully much cooler than yesterday’s scorcher when Sydney became the hottest place on earth…
The Bureau of Meteorology indicated several other records were also expected to be smashed across the state…
(FINAL LINE) Sydney is set to reach a maximum of 33C today while Penrith will hit 40C.
Hottest place on Earth would have to include our own deserts, all of Africa and the central Americas; so, no, I think whoever wrote that garbage is fibbing.
was Joe Root playing in Penrith yesterday?
8 Jan: ESPN Cricket: Root taken to hospital, may not bat again, after exposure to hottest day
Root, who batted for three hours to reach the close of the fourth day’s play on 42 not out, had been in the field for all but six overs of the hottest day on record for a Test match in Australia.
Temperatures in some parts of Sydney reached 47.3C, the highest in the city for 79 years, as Root succumbed to bouts of diarrhoea and vomiting…
The ECB confirmed shortly before the start of play that Root was making his way to the ground, but was “unlikely to start this morning when play resumes”…
Joe Root is batting right now.
***another “story” that has already been debunked. just announced at the cricket as well:
8 Jan: Sam Ferris: Root hospitalised due to severe dehydration
UPDATE: England skipper Joe Root was hospitalised with severe dehydration but recovered to resume his innings at the SCG on the fifth day of the final Magellan Ashes Test.
Root was given a rousing reception from the SCG crowd as he came out to bat following the dismissal of Moeen Ali an hour into the fifth day…
***Root had been hospitalised with diarrhea and vomiting, with England confirming the captain had picked up a viral gastroenteritis bug, moving to quash earlier suggestions his illness was related to the 42C temperates the players sweltered through on Sunday…
“Joe Root is batting right now.”
Apparently a gastro bug of some sort, on top of dehydration.
Much admiration for the guy..
He gave EVERYTHING that he had, and more.. !!!!!!!
Seriously? How does that comment EVER desire a red thumb ????
Please explain !!
“Why no one trusts the mainstream media anymore”
Doubtful that volume is on the ABC’s must read list.
Thanks, posted. Cheers, Jo
1896 needs to be remembered as the year Eastern Australia and Eastern America (“Slaughtering Sun”) experienced killer heat on a scale that shocked even the old. 1500 people at least died from high temps in northern parts of the US as the heat combined with still air over two weeks. And with a monthly mean of 43.4, including twenty consecutive days averaging around 46, it’s amazing some people were able to stay in Bourke during January 1896.
Climate extremes are in no way new, not in intensity, not in duration, not in frequency, not in any way. They just seem that way at the time, something which is exploited by an ever more centralised and corporatised slave media.
Our climate is okay as climates go. Better these conditions than most others throughout our geological epoch. What’s not okay is our mainstream media, who are nothing less than a giant insult to humanity. Let’s return their low opinion in spades.
Thanks for the pointer:
Slaughtering Sun
That was very interesting. Thank you.
8 Jan: SMH: William McInnes: Sydney clocks the hottest place on Earth as hot weather continues
The Bureau of Meteorology confirmed on Monday that Penrith had reached the highest temperature on earth in the past 24 hours when it reached 47.3 degrees on Sunday afternoon.
“It looks like it’s the highest temperature recorded in the Sydney area in 80 years,” Jacob Cronje, a senior meteorologist with Weatherzone, said.
“It was certainly the hottest place in Australia,” he said…
A map published by the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute shows Australia was the hottest continent globally…
Weatherzone is owned by Fairfax media, owner of this website.
TWEET: Andrew B Watkins, Climatologist who focuses on ENSO and Australian climate prediction. Previously I played sweeper for Antarctica:
Penrith, NSW, was the world’s hottest place today (47.3C).
…but the most above average was the Arctic north of Finland, which really shouldn’t be above -or anywhere near- 0C at this time of year. (LINK)
Florida called: They want their heat back. 😉
Local hot days in freshly expanded urban heat islands will of course be blamed on global warming.
I suspect the iguanas will be happy…they keep falling out of trees due tot he cold….a bit like uni students in O Week…
The Penrith Lakes weather station (ID 067113 Location: 33.7195 degrees south, 150.6783 degrees east) is not fit for purpose.
Open up Google Earth, insert the latitude and longitude as given, and do a search. What you will find is a bulldozed square of what seems to be bare earth (the latest satellite image is somewhat blurry) surrounded by acres of ploughed ground with scant vegetative cover.
Next, look at the historical images using the time slider – it will also provide much clearer images. The images date back to 2002. I think you will be very surprised at what you see. The surroundings of this site has been used as a quarry and what looks to be a waste transfer station. Notice how over time there has been some revegetation even though, at times, the AWS site itself is bare earth. Also notice, over time, what has been stored nearby. You might need to zoom in to get the details. I think you will be very surprised.
There is no way this site is in any way a reliable weather data recording station. Either the BOM is grossly incompetent, grossly negligent or grossly deceitful. An explanation from the BOM is required.
The lakes are in fact former quarry sites, the area was converted into an Olympic Games rowing competition parkland for the Sydney 2000 Olympics.
My observations showed a pronounced increase in station minima when surface water was artificially added nearby; contributing to an increase in average temperature at the station. The result is that the continuity of temperature records is disrupted. It’s like a “new station”.
***Sydney, Australia, for example, experienced what officials said was its hottest day in 79 years…
7 Jan: NYT: When the Ice Breaks: Frozen Pond Rescues
LONDON — It was so cold in some parts of the world this past week that iguanas were falling from trees, sharks were dying and eyelashes were freezing in the shadow of a mountain where the wind chill could make the air feel as cold as minus 100 Fahrenheit.
Winter’s icy grip unleashed a storm that barreled across Europe, setting off a deadly avalanche in the Austrian Alps, where two German skiers were killed on Friday near Kals in Tyrol State, according to Bild. Twenty skiers also had to be rescued from cable cars in Kitzbühel, Austria.
The storm whipped up dangerous winds in Britain, where it knocked out power to thousands. It threw air travel at Frankfurt’s airport in Germany into chaos and blew a train car off its tracks in Sweden, injuring eight people.
In Spain, snow blanketed half the country this weekend, including in southern cities like Granada, trapping hundreds of drivers overnight Saturday in their cars. The army’s emergency units were called in on Sunday to help clear the snow off a highway near Madrid.
The Spanish weather office issued alerts for 37 provinces on Sunday, warning of further snowfall, as well as strong rain and high winds in regions like Catalonia, on one of the busiest travel days of the year in Spain as people returned home after the Epiphany holiday on Saturday.
***Other cities in other countries could not relate. Sydney, Australia, for example, experienced what officials said was its hottest day in 79 years when the mercury hit 47.3 Celsius (117 Fahrenheit) on Sunday.
But the cold has also highlighted another winter phenomenon: the frozen pond rescue…
China: Breaking Ice
In late December, Chinese social media users praised a good Samaritan’s efforts to free a woman from a frozen river in Hebei Province…ETC ETC
7 Jan: ABC7NY: AccuWeather Alert: Still frigid, but relief on the way
The temperature in Central Park Sunday morning dropped to 5 with a wind chill reading of -10. The record of 4 degrees was set in 2014…
The blast of Arctic air broke cold temperature records in several cities Sunday including Hartford, Connecticut, where the temperature dropped to minus 9, smashing the previous record of 1 set in 1912.
Boston tied a low-temperature record set more than a century ago in 1896 of minus 2.
7 Jan: WSOC TV: AP: Blast of arctic air breaks records; Temperatures set to rise
Burlington, Vermont, and Portland, Maine set records, with Burlington falling to minus 20, beating a 1923 record by a degree, and Portland recording minus 11, also a degree below a 1941 record…
The National Weather Service said Worcester, Massachusetts, which fell to minus 9, and Providence, Rhode Island, which dropped to minus 3, also set record lows, as did Hartford, Connecticut, where the temperature dropped to minus 9, smashing a 1912 record…
Record-low temperatures were also set in parts of West Virginia…
The temperature registered minus 37 Saturday at the Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire, one of the coldest places on the planet. The wind chill was minus 93. It tied with Armstrong, Ontario, as the second coldest spot in the world…
Let me guess. The record cold conditions much of the Northern Hemisphere is suffering will have their temperature readings filtered out as spurious or anomalous and so will be homogenised when the next lot of global mean temperatures are processed and announced.
ABC RN Breakfast this morning.
First, with no sense of irony, he says it was hottest day for 80 years. That’s before Global warming?
He introduces Sarah Kilpatrick, a senior researcher into heatwaves at UNSW.
At 2:15 in she says last year and this year there were two new records for the Penrith site. Not the hottest days in 80 years, mind. Two new records she says. What we expects to see in the future? “….all these records being smashed..” she says.
A senior researcher into heatwaves.
No climate summaries have appeared yet from the BoM for 2017 so they probably are all on holidays leaving a skeleton crew to report ‘records’.
Time series has 2017 being the 2nd hottest max mean on record, 3rd hottest mean on record and 11th hottest for min mean.
Won’t be long now before the ‘hottest year’ ever headlines hit.
’twas the 1st week of Twenty-Eighteen when ye olde Australian Government public temperature servants were found guilty of “forgetting… disappearing… um, not even looking for” reliable, accurate, observed records of past fluctuations. At the same time, NZ’s Govt NIWA issued their 2017 summary, ‘A year of weather extremes’ –
“Summer 2016-17 was New Zealand’s coolest summer in five years (since 2011-12) and the fifth-coolest summer in the last 20 years… 11th-warmest winter… was less windy… 2017 was the 5th warmest on record”.
But, but, not the warmest EVAH!!!!!!!! (?) Merely the 5th-warmest “since 1909”? Sheesh, I might relax a little and chill out…
Re: in the above link to NIWA’s NZ Annual Climate Summary 2017 (pdf) the date of issue is tomorrow, 9 January 2018. See – they CAN prognosticate the future…
I get a kick out of you guys down under battling the BOM and your government’s insane climate/energy policies. Makes me feel at home. Cheers to you all!
Proud resident of Ontario Canada, battling my own government’s insane climate /energy policies! Thanks to all you do!
Youre welcome.
I just tell warmists CAGW cant be proven scientiiically…once they have stopped shreiking and swinging from the light fittings, they start rabbitting on… just ask for scientific proof, MWP, etc etc
You know youre winning when thy start “the sneer”….then you push them harder at that point….
Politics is impossible to win against – its a heat haze masquerading as logic.
The B.O.M. with their temperature ‘fact’,
Care not if it isn’t exact,
So long as it spreads,
Through the media heads,
They can later attempt to retract.
That 47.8 was at the old Richmond RAAF. Opened in 1928 and although the data exists, because its written at the bottom that the highest maximum was 47.8 on Jan 14th of 1939 , almost the whole year has gone in to the forgetory
Looking up Trove reveals why. Richmond recorded 46.7 on the 9th of that month.
It had 46.1 on the 11th (look at the print rather than translation)
You can find Richmond’s 47.8C in Jan, 1939 here at;
That are the stats and the highest max is there but not in the record for that month of that year as in the link. I’ll look up old papers for the other days but it looks like 4-5 days of 45+ in one week that has gone missing.
A screen shot. Look at the statistics box.
I’m pretty much convinced it’s not going to be easy to convince everyone that AGW is a scam. After all, belief in a flat earth is also for what ever reason is gaining in popularity. It’s the main reason why I believe AGW will only ever be debunked once we have a mini-ice age.
Australia has been a thorn in the side of the CAGW scam for a long time. We didn’t initially ratify Kyoto, and various other grumblings supported the notion tha Australia might not run long with the scam.
That is why the CAGW push took serious note when the Abbott government was elected in 2013. World wide they doubled their propaganda campaign.
Meanwhile we had elected our very own “Trump” in Clive Palmer to “keep the bastards honest”. But he was an awful dud. Al Gore got to him before we did, and somehow persuaded him to torpedo Abbott’s landslide mandate.
Those two events have done us awful damage, and give reason for your pessimism. However, their house is still a house of cards.
1. Jo published somewhere lately a list somebody drew up of “unpublishable” headlines. That list should shake their foundations. Keep passing it on.
2. Reporting of our weather records quite irresponsibly fails to mention that many of these “records” are for new stations with short recording periods, often excluding prior data collected with superseded equipment.
3. “Dave” commented recently that in NSW we had substantial subsidised load shedding last weekend. If this is true it is a matter of critical importance to our economy. Power rationing means jobs rationing. We warned it would happen, and now, if Dave is right, it is happening.
Clive will go down in history as a buffoon.
Sometimes you wonder about what can only be called bitter irony.
Here we are in stinking hot NSW, today, Monday 8Jan2018 at 3.15PM.
Evidently, the root cause of this incredible heat, never before experienced is supposedly the emissions of CO2, and the prime source of that is the emissions of that gas from coal fired power plants.
Because of that humungous heat, incredible amounts of electrical power is needed to cool things down. What!
Actual power consumption in NSW right now is just on 12000MW.
Coal fired power in NSW is currently delivering 8500MW
Queensland is delivering 850MW into NSW, all of it from their coal fired plants.
Victoria is delivering 850MW into NSW, all of that from their coal fired plants.
So, all up coal fired power is currently supplying 10200MW of power.
That’s 85% of every watt of power being consumed coming from CO2 belching coal fired power plants.
Oh, and wind power, well that’s delivering 3.3% of their power needs.
Hmm! What to do?
I’m only putting this up to show you that when it comes to power consumption, South Australia is in reality one of the smallest consumers in the Country.
The total power consumption across Australia right now is what is being supplied from a Nameplate of 27847MW.
The breakdown is this:
NSW – 43.4%
Qld – 28.2%
Vic – 19.75%
SA – 4.4%
Tas – 4.25%
They would like to tell us that renewables can work, and they use South Australia as an example. They cannot get it to work effectively in a State with almost the lowest power usage in the Country, so there is no way on Earth they can make it work on the larger scale, as those three main States consume on average 90% of the generated power.
They can scale it up all they like, and in doing that, they also scale up the problems as well.
Even in SouthAus right now, 75% of its power is coming from fossil fuelled plants and Victoria, and that is fossil fuelled power as wll. That’s 75% of 4.4%. Wind in SouthAus is currently supplying 25% of their power, so, as you can see, it really isn’t working there either.
Error alert: (my bolding)
That should be 350MW. I misread the 3 for an 8.
What to do? It’s pretty clear. We do what pretty much everyone else is doing around the world – build more coal fired plants. It’s not only the most sensible and logical thing to do, it’s a matter of economic and social survival. Without them this nation will destroy itself.
Maybe they meant “hysteric all time high”? That would fit the pattern of increasingly hysterical weather reporting.
In any case, sounds pretty hot and therefore it is climate.
Hysterical indeed their recent behaviour. How long can it last?
2 pages: 7 Jan: Forbes: Jude Clemente: What Happens When You Don’t Build Natural Gas Pipelines?
The answer to the question posed is a really, really bad chain reaction: magnified during winter and peak demand…with a pipeline shortage…a natural gas shortage is created, prices for both natural gas and electricity skyrocket, CO2 emissions go up because more carbon intensive fuels are forced to compensate.
Headquartered in New York, New Jersey, and New England (hereafter the “Northeast”), the devastating consequences of the anti-pipeline business just reared its ugly head again as we faced the coldest temperatures since The Polar Vortex of 2013-2014. Two of my Forbes colleagues recently knocked this issue outta the park again, so see them for mind-blowing stats on price spikes…
It should also never be forgotten that pipelines are also easily the safest and most economic way to transport energy. Thankfully, as I have shown here, the pipeline buildout is coming, obviously emanating out of Appalachia.
With a more pipeline friendly FERC now holding five commissioners for the first time in two years, nine pipeline expansion projects could offer an incremental 13.7 Bcf/d of new production takeaway capacity across Appalachia, or just over half of the region’s total output (for your knowledge, our nation’s gas demand in 2017 averaged about 79 Bcf/d)…READ ON
6 Jan: UK Express: YOU pay £108M in a year for wind farms to be SWITCHED OFF
WIND farms are awarded more money for turning off their turbines than keeping them on, astonishing new figures reveal.
By Mark Chandler
The UK facilities were paid a whopping £108million last year for not producing electricity so the National Grid could manage power supplies.
That is around 40 per cent more than they make in subsidies for keeping the turbines going.
The figures were revealed by the Renewable Energy Foundation (REF), a privately-backed think tank that is critical of wind farms.
And the payments – equivalent to around £2million a week – were described by the REF as “a scandal”…
That is particularly true in Scotland, where there has been a surge in the number of farms, encouraged by Holyrood.
Critics say the payments show the wind sector has become “overheated”, with the extra costs ultimately passed on to the taxpayer through higher bills…
The REF said the payments had soared over the past five years, from under £6million in 2012 to 2017’s record figure…
The foundation’s figures show wind farms make £70 per MWh for turning off their turbines, compared to an average of £49 per MWh in customer subsidies when producing power…
behind paywall:
7 Jan: UK Times: Call to stop Highland fuel surcharge ‘rip-off’
by Jason Allardyce
Ministers are being urged to end a “rip-off” which forces Highland households to pay more for electricity than people in other parts of the UK, despite having some of the worst levels of fuel poverty.
With the Met Office warning that temperatures in parts of Scotland could plunge to –10C last night — much colder than average for the time of year — SNP MSP Kate Forbes said the UK government must put an end to a 2p-a-unit surcharge for north of Scotland customers.
More than half of all rural and remote households live in fuel poverty, with fuel poverty levels significantly higher in rural Scotland, she said. She warned that the situation leaves Highland consumers facing bigger bills despite the region being a key generator of renewable energy…
a little BoM tale in here:
8 Jan: iT News: Ry Crozier: SA govt to axe ‘Alert SA’ app after fresh failure
Outages on days with dangerous bushfire conditions.
The South Australian government will axe a smartphone app used to warn people about emergencies after it suffered a second major failure in three months.
Emergency services minister Chris Picton said that the government “will not renew the contract” with Victorian firm Ripe Intelligence for the ‘Alert SA’ app.
The contract – reported to be worth $250,000 a year – expires in June, Picton said…
In late October, the app was down for about five hours while 43 bushfires raged in the first major outbreak of the 2017-18 fire season…
But months later, as temperatures in South Australia soared on Saturday due to heatwave conditions and sparked concern about fresh fires, the app again fell over.
“Alert SA app users may be experiencing periods where information display and notifications are not working,” the government advised on Saturday afternoon…
It was enough for the government to pull the pin…
“[It] brings together information from up to 14 organisations, including emergency service agencies, government departments and other organisations such as the Bureau of Meteorology and SA Power Networks,” the government said at the time…
8 Jan: ABC: Alert SA scrapped by State Government after failure during catastrophic fire conditions
The Government is also considering possible legal action against Ripe Intelligence, which was contracted to provide 99.9 per cent reliability at a cost of $284,000 per year.
Emergency services have encouraged people to use more traditional methods, such as the Country Fire Service (CFS) website and ABC radio, to source information…
The Alert SA app has been downloaded by about 170,000 phone users…
BoM overload!
14 Dec 2017: Adelaide Advertiser: Mitch Mott: Alert SA safety app failed after becoming overwhelmed by basic weather data
A report commissioned by SAFECOM and conducted by Ernst and Young, identified the cause of the failure as “problematic data” that flooded into a system not adequately designed to cope with the flow of information.
The report narrowed in on updates issued by the Bureau of Meteorology and updated by the CFS every 60 seconds, providing information on total fire bans and bushfire danger ratings.
The flow of data from BOM was programmed into the system and the report concluded that there were shortcomings in the system’s ability to handle the frequency of updates…
The report concluded several factors in the design process had contributed to the crash:
CONFUSION over which organisation, SAFECOM or RIPE Intelligence — the company that designed the app — had responsibility for data handling. When the crash took place neither party had taken responsibility…
The report raised concerns that SAFECOM was not able to dictate how agencies providing live information, like CFS and BOM, structured their data to better suit the app.
The report recommended the updates be shifted to every three hours, rather than every 60 seconds…
how legends are made:
Drudge Report: Sydney Swelters: 117°! (LINK BBC’s Sydney swelters on hottest day since 1939 as mercury hits 47.3C)
8 Jan: Science Alert: A US Mountain Was The Second-Coldest Place on Earth on Saturday
“You can’t blink.”
While Sydney, Australia, was sweltering through one of its hottest days on record on Sunday (a blistering 47.3 degrees C or 117 degrees F), on Saturday, the award for second coldest temperature on Earth went to New Hampshire’s Mount Washington in the US.
The Mount Washington Observatory tweeted the extra cold temperature record on Saturday, pointing out that they were tied with the Canadian town of Armstrong, Ontario…
The temperature atop New Hampshire’s Mount Washington ended up at a pretty astonishing -36 degrees Fahrenheit (-37.7 degrees C), making it one of the coldest places on the planet…
And to make matters even worse, the wind chill reached about 94 degrees below zero (-70 C).
As the Boston Globe pointed out, it would have felt colder on the mountain than on the surface of Mars, where the temperature was minus 78 degrees…
Tied for the coldest spot on Earth that day hit a very chilly -38 degrees Fahrenheit (-38.89 degrees C). Top spot went to Eureka Nunavut, in Canada, and Jakutsk, Russia…
This is a great time to mention that climate change is happening folks, and these kinds of weird weather phenomenons are only going to get more common into the future.
And for those of us over here in the midst of Australia’s heatwave, who might not even be able to imagine those kinds of temperatures, the first line from this New York Times article sums it up best:
“The moment you step out into the frozen air on the way up Mount Washington … the icy wind steals your breath and freezes your eyelashes. You can’t blink. The cold stabs your face and numbs your earlobes to rubber.”
if Jacinta is in Brisbane, she’s not exactly in the midst of a heatwave:
LinkedIn: Jacinta Bowler
Community and Partnerships Manager at ScienceAlert Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia
Previous ScienceAlert Pty Ltd, Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) Australia, National Science Week Queensland
Education: The University of Queensland
Jacinta is a accomplished science communicator who has been published by ABC, SBS Science, the Sydney Morning Herald and ScienceAlert.
At her role at ScienceAlert she is the lead fact checker for all stories, and is heavily involved with social media management and story packaging.
She also runs a science radio show called Natural Reaction on 4ZZZ’s Zed Digital station…
Meanwhile the “one second star” minimum temperature records, eg Goulburn, are deleted by BoM.
You know it makes sense.
Apparently one hot day is now a “heatwave”.
We are catching the English weather wimp disease.
In the future a heatwave will be one hot second… oh wait
‘Excessive Hott. Wild N.W.’
William Atkins 1795, Sydney Cove
Don’t forget the change from whitewash to latex paint on the Stevenson Screens.
Even a tweet can fit the phrase “since records began in 1995″. Heck,
How come they never say “since records were altered in 2008”?
I would like to see an investigation into the claim that it was the hottest place on earth. I find that extremely difficult to believe too.
Unbelievable claim unless there are accurate thermometers dotted regularly EVERYWHERE on the earth’s surface. I seem to remember that there is a certain lack of them in quite a few places. The claims and assertions are becoming ever more ridiculous by the day.
You should change the Mildura temperature in the map. It was 124F or 51.1 C according to papers on the Sunday after the 123 F Saturday that Bom assumes us a mistake.