UPDATE: Record breaking snow falling in upstate New York. Pennsylvania.
The airport in Erie, Pennsylvania, has had a whopping 65.1 inches of snow from this lake effect event — the highest snowfall total from any event on record in Erie. (Heavy lake effect snow is produced by cold Arctic air moving over relatively mild water temperatures in the Great Lakes.) — World News, ABC (US) News
40,000 people in Cleveland lost power overnight.
New York City may have coldest New Year’s Eve since 1960s… — ABC News
In freak conditions, Canadians (and many people in the US too) are getting a chance to enjoy record cold for the last time before climate change makes winters unbearably mild.
Extreme cold in Toronto smashes 57-year-old temperature record
Temperatures observed at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport bottomed out at -22 C [-7.7F] this morning. The previous record for this date was set in 1960, when it hit -18.9 C. [-2F]
Tristan Hopper does some first class bragging about the cold:
Mars and the North Pole are warmer than Winnipeg: A guide to how damned cold it is
Vancouver is as cold as Moscow, Toronto is colder than CFS Alert and a piece of the country roughly the size of Europe was under an extreme cold warning
It’s colder in Winnipeg than it has ever been in Scotland (ever)
The coldest ever in Scotland was apparently only – 27C. (-16.6F). And for southerners, “CFS Alert” is the worlds most northern inhabited place, deep into the Arctic, and beyond even where Inuits would live. Today, by the way, in midsummer the South Pole warmed up to -18C.
A swath of Canada the size of Europe was under an extreme cold warning
Alberta’s warmest place was almost as cold as Mars
This means that, for a few minutes, all of Alberta was about as cold as Mars’ Gale Crater, the home of the Curiosity rover. Mars is subject to pretty violent temperatures shifts, and Curiosity regularly encounters temperatures below -80 C….this week, the highest temperature experienced by the rover were -23 C. A Calgary Boxing Day shopper, therefore, might have found themselves getting into a car that was literally colder than a Martian spacecraft.
People in Whitby are presumably making the most of the cold at the moment:
Hydro blackout hits 11,000 Whitby customers in extreme cold
The outage arrives on a morning when it feels like -31 C with the wind chill.
Best wishes to our Canadian and US friends. I’m sure they will be devastated if spring hits early.
h/t Pat, Scott, Clipe.
*NOAA Satellites @NOAASatellites 24h24 hours ago
Check out these “cloud streets” over the #GreatLakes, seen by the #SuomiNPP satellite’s #VIIRS instrument. These parallel rows of clouds are what’s behind the heavy lake effect #snow hitting parts of PA, MI and upstate NY. More imagery: http://goo.gl/eEwncX
As a Canadian, I can already predict that our good-looking-but-gullible Prime Minister and leftist government will claim that all this cold and snow are attributable to man-made climate change.
but check out his socks!!
how about our environment minister celebrating penguin day with a picture of the puffin!!
No! It is the Paris Agreement that has instantaneously caused this extensive cooling. Finally some proof that man can control the earths climate. I’m surprised that those climate warmers haven’t picked up the cause and affect connection here!
Don’t worry, they will.
And, starting with inflated figures, they have plenty of scope to do it.
The entire planet’s climate is now caused by Donald Trump with help from the Russians, all under the direct control of Vladimir Putin.
Just ask the FBI, they know all about it, or just watch the Clinton News Network via CNN International, MSNBC, read the New York Times etc.
Its going to be colder next year as we approach the solar minimum. It is relatively hot now.
Compared to the ice age we are experiencing global warming. We must not deny our sins. Atonement must be paid.
Donald Klaus is responsible for Climate Change. Sent all complaints in writing addressed to D. Klaus, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500.
Or just use twitter.
This cold weather may be bigger problem in Canada than the US. First of all it’s colder in Canada but the bureaucrats in Canada have manipulated the energy markets and caused the retail price of energy to increase even thought wholesale prices have fallen. In Ontario, I hear energy prices are up more than 70% in the last few years. Couple that with near record cold for an extended period and some Canadian will face a reckoning when the bills arrive.
He’s onto something with the upsized carbon tax.. as he said, the budget will look after itself. How did he know, and when did he know it, mused his Finance Minister.
It’s worse than we thought…..”New York to face days of freezing weather ahead of one of its coldest New Year’s Eves EVER” http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/new-york-face-coldest-new-year-eves-article-1.3723787
Unprecedented cooling – must be due to
globul warming!
War is peace.
Slavery is freedom .
Igorance is strength.
Cooling is warming.
Say, what’s in a name? A rose
by any …? Humpty-Dumpty knows
( a la Big Brother circa
Nineteen-eighty-four Mann-ifesto,)
that klimatariah-rat words
(or data,) mean jest what we say
they mean,no more and no less.
Obviously due to global warming. How do I know? It is because “they” can’t think of any other reason. My best guess is that it is because it is winter and winter always gets cold at this time of year. Oh well, what do I know?
I rely on mere facts and don’t have a computer simulation to tell me what to think. On the other hand, I do have a computer and I tell it what to say. For some strange reason, my computer agrees with me. Could it be that “they” tell their computers what to say and that is why their computers agree with them? Hmmmm…could be.
First off this weather is not unprecedented and is at the far end of the range of normal weather. But…the warmists say we are in the warmest time on earth evah, so isn’t the setting of new cold records and snow records a bit strange? Surely if they were right this wouldn’t be happening? And taking the USA as an easy example, if you look at the weather records for each state according to warmist wikipedia would you not expect to find lots of hottest temps recorded in the last few years or even from 2000 onwards? But you don’t. Which leads me to think that what we are seeing is an increase in minimum temperatures which has raised the average and this is due to UHI and poor station sites. Add this to the fiddling of records and we have an imaginary problem.
“so isn’t the setting of new cold records and snow records a bit strange?”
Actually you got something right, global warming does shows up more in minimum (generally overnight) temperatures. But pity you had to ruin it with speculation based on no evidence about UHI.
So , twotter, are you saying UHI doesn’t exist
Maybe get out of your inner city ghetto , for once in your life, and meet reality ?
Too much to expect ???
‘…global warming does shows up more in minimum (generally overnight) temperatures.’
AGW theory predicts that colder parts of the planet, like Antartica, will warm faster than the tropics.
It has nothing to do with over night temperatures.
The signal of global warming is far more visible in overnight temperatures, because the variability of insolation is taken out of the equation, leaving just re-radiation in the picture.
That’s why you can see much more warming in, for example,
UHI effect, CT.. or are you remaining ignorant about that as well. !
Particularly with BOM’s farcical 1 second readings, totally against any WMO standards.
I will bow down before your superior experience of practising farcical.
Good question Gerry, and here is your answer:
Over the past 365 days, in the USA, new all-time temp records were set:
– 179 “hot”
– 13 “cold”
If it was just variability, these numbers would be similar.
If it were cooling, there would be more “cold” records than “hot”.
If it were just warming a little bit, there would be slightly more “hot” records than “cold”.
But with “hot” records outnumbering “cold” records by such a massive margin, it is crystal clear that the increase in CO2 of 280ppm to over 400ppm is having an obvious and easily predicted effect.
When one looks at the extreme weather that is written about whether that be freezing cold or exceptionally hot one realises that what is most critical in those times is reliable electricity. This provides a simple adaption solution to climate change. What reliable ( and affordable ) electricity does is create the utopian climate that warmists claim should be the norm. That’s why the discussion about 2 degrees of warming is a nonsense. The only way the world can become unliveable under changing climatic conditions is if you destroy the reliability and affordability of the electricity supply. How warmists have influenced governments with their brazen scaremongering is criminal.
This is the heart of the matter Zigmaster. Modern societies depend on cheap and reliable electricity to build their cities, towns, and almost everything else. You know the warmistas goals are not for climate change when they use renewables to attack the stable and reliable sources of electricity over the grid. Their goal is global governance and to reduce population by billions of people (but never for themselves; none of them will lead by example.
Newsweek [22 Dec 2017] is wondering which year will be the last year for a white Christmas … either they are testing the public’s or their own gullibility or they truly believe.
I’ve never seen nor experienced a white Christmas. I don’t expect to, either. If I do, I will know something has gone terribly wrong somewhere because we just don’t have White Christmas’s in the Southern Hemisphere. Ever.
Casey Station could be an option, hurry before you forget what snow is!
It happens quite regularly. Hobart 2007.
We had snow in Pretty Valley above Falls Creek on the 18th of December 1991 and I have seen photos of snow in the High Country in The Age online on Christmas Day. I forget exactly which year but it happened in the middle of bushfires there.
Once. At 1000 metres ASL. Hobart is at sea level.
Because that was the only time we’ve been up there around Christmas. Interesting that you would pick out that once as of no account. If the reverse, a warming day happened, the warmists would be screaming ‘global warming’ from the rooftops, wouldn’t they?
Actually Ben…my comment was merely an anecdote in response to Sophocles’ comment on never having seen a white Christmas (DownUnder presumably). Don’t over-interpret it. Weather is weather and frequently does lots of different things in different years; nothing to get steamed up over.
Just for the record, I live in Auckland, NZ at 37° South lattitude,
It’s highest points are small volcanoes at about 100m above sea level (some volcanoes are below sea level … just to make it interesting, like Lake Pupuke, and the Orakei Basin to name two) and it’s so-called Sky Tower, a high point of the Auckland Casino.
It snows here, usually on the highest points, for a few minutes, politely and at night, once about every ten years on average, always in winter. No other time.
As a warm blooded mammal descended through c. 30,000 generations from ancestors who evolved in the grasslands of Tropical Africa, I have no desire to experience a White Christmas. At all, Ever. Christmas time is approaching the hottest time of the year for Auckland, when children have to inhale their ice-cream cones before it washes all over the pavement. No, it doesn’t get as warm as parts of Oz (West Island) do, thankfully.
The closest I came to it was on 4th January 1976 when I entered Waiouru military camp (220km South of Auckland and at an altitude of 2,000m +. Pronounced wy-oo-roo) for Basic Training. It had snowed there the day before and a little was still scattered around. That was close enough, thank you.
Nobody in Auckland gives a proverbial about “projected sea level rise” in a city which is almost an island, and sea-side property prices are rising at twice or thrice the rate of other property values. A “Sea View” is less expensive than a “Sea Vista” and the courts are back-logged, over twenty years behind, with land-owners suing each other to prevent trees, even protected native trees, from infringing on those vistas …
Oh, and a Happy New Year, with my best wishes to all for a happy, properous and fun 2018.
I’m well stocked with cold weather clothing (<bwg>)
Ben the Sydney to Hobart race was a record breaker, because of the brisk north easterlies, on the backside of a blocking high.
Its a global cooling signal.
Where’s all the MSM stories of scientists that have predicted a cooling signal for the past <10 years as an addition to such articles……oh wait.
Climate models we see published can never predict a cooling trend for one simple reason. The promoters of catastrophic global warming discard models that do.
That’s because they know what happens when you expose CO2 that is enclosed in an infrared transparent glass jar to an infra red source and assume that it will react the same way in an atmosphere where we have intra molecular collisions with other gasses, convection and other gasses that absorb most of the same bandwidths as CO2 and would have absorbed it irrespective of whether CO2 were present or not.
That is also true but I was making a different point to highlight the bias global warmists have. It is possible to make a model that does make reasonably accurate predictions of the climate that fit observation. It will not be perfect and might not even be correct if it makes the wrong assumptions, etc., just like the current models they espouse. Their bias is such that even if the stumbled across a model that did accurately follow observation, they would have to reject it because it doesn’t follow their worldview.
Yes Yonniestone they could publish this link: http://notrickszone.com/2017/12/28/7-new-2017-papers-forecast-global-cooling-another-little-ice-age-will-begin-soon/
Good link TedM, I don’t think a LIA is on the cards but from raw data and un-homogenised graphs we can see temperatures slowly heading south.
I also think that Evans chap might be onto something even though hes not qualified and everything.
Not qualified?
How many degrees do you have to have to be qualified?
Time to call the demarcaters out!
“the heavy lake effect snow”
Seems to me that the photo shows an example of the high specific heat of water. The photo shows that evaporation and vertical transport of water vapour occurs over the Great Lakes even in winter (until the surface freezes over at least). Soil, on the other hand, having less specific heat, has cooled much more quickly, and shows no similar signs.
Also, the Urban Heat Island effect doesn’t seem to show much climate impact in winter, at least in this photo.
Lake effect snow is common on the windward shores of the Great Lakes. Lakes Superior, Huron and Ontario are too deep and retain too much accumulated heat to freeze over completely. Prevailing westerly winds pick up moisture blowing over the open water, then dump it as snow when the reach the much colder shore. There are huge differences in annual snowfall between locations on the leeward and windward shores, even when separated by less than 100 km.
Erie, PA received such a heavy snowfall because it is still early in the winter, and Lake Erie has not yet had time to freeze over, which it usually does.
Lake Erie may see first December freeze-up since 2000
I was with a group that drove from skiing south of Buffalo, New York to Cleveland, Ohio on December 26th. It was so cold in Erie, Pennsylvania when we drove through there that the darned GHGs were becoming solid and falling out of the sky as white stuff. It covered everything in sight and made the roads really treacherous to drive on. I heard later that Erie got 5 feet of the stuff. Darned GHGs, I thought they were supposed to make things warmer.
-22C at Pearson in December? Lucky. Wait a few days.
“The coldest temperature recorded at Toronto Pearson International Airport was −31.3 °C (−24.3 °F) on January 4, 1981”
I well remember a winter in Fort Collins Colorado where -40C lasted for weeks. No record.
However it is a good example of what we have had to endure, endless reports of record warmth on a specific day of the year as evidence of Global Warming. On the first day of recording, everything is a record. Then records become less rare but every rare climate event is proof.
What was absurd about the 97% consensus and Australia’s Climate Commission is that real meteorologists were excluded. The CSIRO even hired 350 full time scientists to study Climate Change, ignoring the BOM. That is what the minister needed, to avoid opinions from real climate experts like meteorologists.
Climate Scientology is a creation of people who know nothing about the weather and based on absurdities like this.
Is there a single prediction of the Windmill/Solar panel/UN/EU industrial complex which has actually come true?
“The Independent, 2000:
Snow is starting to disappear from our lives. Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain’s culture, as warmer winters – which scientists are attributing to global climate change – produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries … Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community … According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.”
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
Graham Swan, former England Off Spinner, was interviewed recently. He said he was going back for Xmas to be with his 6yo who had already experienced 3 White Xmas.
‘Fewer white Christmases’? Due to Global Warming? How they change their tune now there has been heaps more snow!
I wonder what that white stuff is in my photos taken in England in recent years? It must be cotton-wool; yes, of course that’s what it is! All that cold and sometimes rather damp white stuff cluttering up the landscape in Gloucestershire and all the way up to Cumbria a few years ago.
I see Red Thumb Bot has honoured you with a visitation TdeF!
If ‘The Science’ is/was settled, how come that in 2000 no snow would be due to global warming and nowadays all the loads more snow is due to global warming (or climate change to try to catch up with the warmists’ efforts to wriggle out of admitting that they are horribly wrong)? The chameleon effect?
Second question: If ‘The Science’ is settled then no further research is required, therefore no further funds need to be removed from our pockets, do they?
“Alchemists Awake!
The”Universal Elixir” is found!
“We was right” “
And the curious thing Dr. Viner has repeated that comment about snow becoming rare several times. A true candidate for the Punch cartoon (link in comment 6 above).
It has only been a year or so since the Independent finally scrubbed Viner’s 2000AD quote from their website. That particular article was followed by this:
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past
“Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. “We’re really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time,” he said.”
In other words, Viner didn’t have a CLUE what he was talking about.
Just like you, twotter.
He probably read—and believed—that fount of all great climate thought and reporting Newsweek magazine a couple of weeks ago.
You know how gullible Harry is …
I am always fascinated when people do not actually read the articles they post links to.
The posted link was dodgy, so here it is again.
Thank you for correcting the link.
You are aware NH snow extent is on an increasing trend, aren’t you twotter.?
Or are you, as always.. UNAWARE. !!
Difficult to understand why Andy thinks Viner hadn’t a clue, when the snowfall trend that Viner was commenting on is a clear trend of fewer snowfall days in southern England:
NH snow extent increasing.
Snow is going to be a thing of the past !!
You are not very intelligent, are you CT.
Any more EMPTY comments, CT ??
Your link appears to relate to an event, not a trend.
Would you like me to explain to you the difference between an event and a trend, Andy?
You do know that snow cover in the NH is actually on an INCREASING trend, don’t you twotter.??
(Particularly when you add 2017 to the graph )
Or is that something else you are ignorant of? Add it to a long, long list !!.
Because local governments listened to the likes of Viner they cut their road gritting and snow plowing budgets.
“chaos” much sooner than predicted.
TdeF, I don’t think any warmistas’ predictions came true.
I went to CSU and lived in Ft Collins for over 3 yrs in the 70’s. Coldest we saw there was about -24C. But that was heap plenty cold. Never want to be in cold like that again. It was miserable to us.
It was around 1988. I remember it well, trapped in a condo and thinking that my Freezer was 16C warmer than outside and wondering why I had a freezer. Driving was hell. This was followed by a summer where the days were 98F and it climbed to 102 at night, with 95% humidity. Spring and autumn vanished in a few days. Why people are so concerned about 0.8C in an average is beyond logic with a range of temperatures of 80C in desert conditions at altitude.
LL – I’ve seen about -25F in Fort C in a similar era
TdeF – That did disrupt things a bit didn’t it?
My take is there are two things in favour of a snow storm over a dust storm
1. From inside it looks a lot cleaner
2. The snowstorm does a much better job of cooling the beer
Cooling the beer. I bought a bottle of Mouton Cadet from the liquor store a mile away. I remember it well. Drove home, carefully. Spinning at every intersection, like everyone else, taking turns to spin at the 4-ways. Arrived home and the bottle had exploded in the car in that time. Now that’s cold.
Can anyone comment on the output of Canada’s solar and wind generators while this cold weather is occurring?
I suspect I know the answer
Its Zero, but the virtue signal from the flux capacitor is dialed up to eleven.
Correction its below Zero like the temperature as the renewables have to draw power in to keep the lights and heater on for the man in the room behind the curtain.
Wind 0.6% (Ontario)
I laughed bitterly when I saw…
Ironic how in Canada the vast majority of their electricity is supplied by nuclear power yet the government, businesses and the people don’t have a problem with that. How come here in Australia we have the exact opposite attitude? Stupid is as stupid does is the only explanation.
Australia and Canada have huge reserves of raw material, but politically nuclear power is too hot to touch.
Around the traps I’ve learnt that nuclear power stations are becoming less fashionable than what is was, so I guess Australia is waiting for Fusion.
About 15% of Canadian power is supplied by nuclear. Hydro supplies about 60%. However, our PM and several premiers think they have a moral imperative to declare a war on fossil fuel generation. Renewables are the proposed replacement, no matter what the cost. Our current socialistic government in Alberta is following an agenda to shut down all coal generation in spite of the fact that we have some of the cleanest coal plants in the world. The only obvious reasoning is a virtue signaling, save the world from global warming. They seem not to notice the disasters in Ontario or Australia caused by a similar policy. Note that Alberta relies more on coal generation than Ontario ever did. We are also facing ever-increasing carbon taxes that punish our major industry.
Can you make sense of this? We have no threat from sea level and warming could only be an advantage, so the only justification can be to save the world from a phantom threat.
My thermometer outside my window reads -28C. The wind is at about 3 kmh. The sun will be above the horizon for less than 8 hours (in a flat spot without shade sources). Can I expect much from wind and solar just when I will require the most energy?
I don’t think stupidity is exclusive to Australian politicians.
The skeptics have known all along,
That alarmists, a group-thinking throng,
Who are constantly warning,
That more global warming,
Would end snow in winter, are wrong.
That is very good Ruairi.
All your limericks need to be compiled into a book. They are priceless and well thought out .
theirABC cherry picks their extreme weather:
Cyclone Hilda brings destruction to Broome in northern WA, more wild weather to come
ABC Online· 21h ago
short novel:
From hurricanes to deadly fires, 2017 was another year of extreme weather
ABC Weather By Kate Doyle and Ben Deacon
Posted about 3 hours ago
Cyclone Debbie, record temperatures, African droughts, fires and deadly typhoons. 2017 has been a year of wild weather.
pathetically short piece by ABC:
29 Dec: 1hr ago: ABC: Brutal record-breaking cold snap hits northern United States and Canada
Weather observers say the temperature on top of the highest peak in the US north-east hit -37 degrees Celsius, a record low.
The previous record at the Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire was -35C and was set in 1933…
Bitter cold weather has taken hold of much of the northern United States…
Hang on, I thought Cyclone Hilda crossed the coast as a Category 1, maybe inching up to Cat 2 at landfall with a big effort from the BOM to read the central pressure as low as possible. So I’d really like to know just how much “destruction” it wrought on Broome – a town that has weathered far worse in the past.
Cyclone Debbie, yes, it did do some damage, strand a bunch of tourists, stir things up and pile up some yachts in a marina, but I recall that resorts in the direct path were advising guests that all would be well, there’d be no trouble. So yes, there was damage from this one, but again it was in an area that should have been well-prepared due to past history. I don’t see the problem as being one of “extreme” weather (whatever that is supposed to be), but of lack of preparedness in some cases.
Deadly fires – destroying houses built in high-risk fire areas, lack of fuel hazard reduction etc etc, same-old, same-old.
African droughts? They’ve been happening for all of my living memory and no doubt long before that too. Obviously difficult for those living there, but not “extreme”, or that other over-used and now meaningless word “unprecedented”, weather events.
This sounds like their blasted ABC making mountains out of molehills yet again on the CAGW front, obviously deliberately. There’s just no need to talk up these events as catastrophic or even unusual. It’s Australia, (or Africa, or America or anywhere else in the world) it’s our weather.
A Cat 1 in Broome is regarded as a stiff breeze.
Well, we have had records broken for the hottest/coldest day(s), evah, so when will we have the record broken for the normalest day, evah?
you knew it was coming:
28 Dec: USA Today: It’s cold outside, but that doesn’t mean climate change isn’t real
by Sammy Roth
This week’s cold snap has brought record-low temperatures, freezing rain and heavy snow to much of the United States. But 2017 is still on track to be the second- or third-hottest year ever recorded globally — and scientists say climate change is to blame.
Even as the world gets hotter on average, winter isn’t going away, and there will still be extremely cold spells, climate scientists say. And even now, most of the world outside North America is warmer than usual for this time of year. In the Arctic and Alaska, recent temperatures have averaged 10-25 degrees above normal, said Zack Labe, a doctoral candidate studying Earth systems science at the University of California, Irvine.
“Climate change will not occur evenly from place-to-place. While your backyard may be having an intense cold snap, others may be having unseasonably warm temperatures. Climate is all about long-term trends,” Labe said in an email…
Over the last 365 days, there have been roughly three record high temperatures in the U.S. for every record low temperature, according to federal government data…
“We can still expect periods of very cold temperatures, snowstorms, and even days of record low temperatures. However, climate change continues to shift the odds towards more periods of warmer weather and less so for colder weather,” Labe said…
The difference between weather and climate, scientists say, is that weather happens in the short term, while global climate systems influence weather over longer time scales. Daily or weekly weather patterns “say nothing about longer term climate change,” said J. Marshall Shepherd, director of the atmospheric sciences program at the University of Georgia and a former president of the American Meteorological Society.
“The clothes that you have on today do not describe what you have in your closet but rather how you dressed for today’s weather. The range of clothing that you have in your closet is climate,” Shepherd said in an email…
Globally, the world’s closet has been shifting from heavy jackets to shorts and t-shirts…
Even this week’s cold weather is probably being caused at least in part by global warming, said Jonathan Overpeck, a climate scientist at the University of Michigan.
The Arctic is warming much faster than most of the planet, leading to a dramatic decline in the amount of sea ice that covers the region each winter. That loss of ice has allowed more heat to transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere, causing a weakening of the polar vortex winds over the Arctic. Those winds usually “insulate the rest of the Northern Hemisphere” from freezing Arctic temperatures, Overpeck said. But as the winds have weakened, it’s gotten easier for freezing Arctic air to swoop further south, he said.
“That is due to the warming of the Arctic, which in turn is due to human emissions of greenhouse gases and primarily burning of fossil fuels,” Overpeck said in an interview.
Arctic warming may also be contributing to the long-term drying of the U.S. Southwest, although the science on that front is less certain, Overpeck said…
the writer:
LinkedIn: Sammy Roth
Education: Columbia University in the City of New York
Energy Reporter, Desert Sun Media Group
July 2014 – Present
• Report on solar, wind and geothermal energy development in California and across the West, as well as state and national climate policies that affect those industries
• Write a weekly newsletter, The Current, on energy, water and climate change
• Contribute to The Desert Sun’s environment and water coverage, including stories about the California drought, endangered species and the politics of conservation
• Received a grant from the Society of Environmental Journalists to travel to Wyoming and Sacramento for a deep series on the future of energy in the West
This is actually the only accurate explanation so far on this ridiculous blog, but the high level of unscientific denial here will dismiss it using the usual pseudo science to promote capitalism and religious zealotry.
[Wow just Wow!]ED
Thanks for the laughs, Julian. Your powers of projection are certainly impressive, though your assemblage of keywords is far from imaginative.
I give it a 5/10. Try harder next time.
Did you take the time to read the link in Pat’s post?, if you look at the comments here regarding climate extremes in virtually every thread the answers are right there in front of you, with every year passing a new global record of heat of cold being set even slightly is enough to question the normality of change in recent decades.
But of course the armchair experts here will accept adjusted records and bogus science that flies in the face of 97% of scientists.
Dozens of we “armchair experts” have just donated, I’m estimating, thousands of dollars so this “ridiculous blog” may continue. 75/77 = 97% rounded, so 75 climate scientists voted for unlimited funding. Actually Julian, I’d be worried why the other two didn’t.
Yes I did read it, thanks for asking.
How does one measure a global record of temperature whilst maintaining any sort of scientific integrity? How does one then realistically claim that changes to this mythical figure are statistically significant?
Have you looked into the concepts of ‘envelope of uncertainty’, or error bars…, or even basic things like the difference between accuracy and precision…?
I have not seen any “deniers” here readily, or blindly accepting adjusted records and bogus science – maybe because a lot of us are scientists, engineers, and other technically minded people with a variety of backgrounds, expertise, and experience…?
You seem to be wanting to attribute any “broken records” as being solely due to human influence. How can you be so sure of this when we have, in terms of time interval, an extremely tiny dataset of directly measured temperatures, rainfall, and snowfall (to name a few) to work with?
And some of us, Julian, even understand Thermodynamics, having studied them at University. Others here have studied Statistics, too.
Yes, Really.
‘….with every year passing a new global record of heat of cold being set even slightly is enough to question the normality of change in recent decades.’
It has been warm, but the main cause seems to have been an overactive sun last century and strong El Nino more recently. Temperatures have remained high on a plateau, but are set to fall because CO2 does not cause global warming.
Julian, it was supposed to be LESS cold and LESS snow over time. But the opposite is what we are getting instead, which exposed yet another predictive failure of the AGW conjecture.
From this website showing UNUSUAL cold and snow events:
Record low temps in Alberta and Ontario
Record lows far into the south
Record-smashing cold for 200 million people
Record low temperatures across Michigan
Many more HERE
Julian if this blog is so ridiculous why are you here posting comments ?
Poor Julian, you would fall for even the most basic propaganda lies, wouldn’t you.
You do know about jet streams, and that the current pattern is nearly exactly the same as in 1977, don’t you ?
You do know that the Arctic sea ice level is nowhere near down to MWP levels and is actually above what it has been for 95% of the current interglacial, don’t you?
You can choose to remain WILFULLY IGNORANT, or you can become a realist about climate, and understand that the AGW Agenda has been NOTHING but a political brain-washing exercise.
Please enjoy this tweet.
Julian, the key observation that Pat made had to do with the effort to differentiate “climate” and “weather,” which cannot be done scientifically. The reason is that the distinction is made through definition. What changes in climate is weather. If the change persists long enough, you will see changes in botanical and faunal distributions, but the those changes are adaptive changes to weather. Now, the “climate” camp insists that CO2 alters “climate” but not weather. Yet the sole means of testing the hypothesis is to observe the weather and determine if it is shifting consistently in some direction and then eliminate the “causal” agent and watch the weather again for at least the same time span. That of course will never happen. So, what can be done? Well one possibility is to ask geologists and real paleoclimatologists about how earth’s climate has behaved over geological scales. If you do that, you run into one of the curious mysteries of geology. Using the geological definition of climate, the earth’s climate has shown little change over the entire Phanerozoic. That is, the last 600,000,000 years. Over that very same span, the planet has achieved the same mix of cold temperature and very, very low atmospheric CO2 just once before – at the end of the Permian. The short of it is that the present conditions are not “unusually” hot. Quite the contrary, even our unusually “hot” current weather is abnormally cold for this planet.
As regards “record hot” vs “record cold” – were those records set before or after the data was adjusted? It is curious but, you can “predict” the scale and sign of the adjustments applied to historic and modern climate data – from atmospheric CO2 estimates and measures. I need to remind you though, that NOWHERE in the methodological statments about data adjustments is there any thing that says the adjustments are to bring the data into line with a “predictor” variable. In fact, the “adjustments” are supposed to deal with instrumentation differences and speculations about misbehvaiour on the part of historical data recorders. Neither of those “causes” of poor data can in any fashion be caused by CO2. Yet the correlation between CO2 and “adjustment” is very high, very close to 1.0.
It is this that arouses skepticism. That and the fact that it is weather that is causing baby elephants to need blankets in Burma (my Burmese friends say “Burma.” so I follow their lead).
Gentlemen and possibly some ladies (am I allowed to say that), I think we need to humour Julian, no need to be unkind.
I’m with the ED: Wow, just wow.
I’ll second the motion.
I would go so far as to say that when the revolution comes and those responsible for the scam are punished, we should provide a character reference for Julian as not responsible on the grounds of diminished mental capacity.
I see that both Julian and Harry, fail to remember what the IPCC says about Snow:
From the 2001 IPPCreport:
“ Ice Storms
Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms but could cause an increase in freezing rain if average daily temperatures fluctuate about the freezing point. It is difficult to predict where ice storms will occur and identify vulnerable populations. The ice storm of January 1998 (see Section left 45 people dead and nearly 5 million people without heat or electricity in Ontario, Quebec, and New York (CDC, 1998; Francis and Hengeveld, 1998; Kerry et al., 1999). The storm had a huge impact on medical services and human health. Doctors’ offices were forced to close, and a large number of surgeries were cancelled (Blair, 1998; Hamilton, 1998). One urban emergency department reported 327 injuries resulting from falls in a group of 257 patients (Smith et al., 1998b).”
IPCC AR4 (2007): “Snow season length and snow depth are very likely to decrease in most of North America“
Your name calling fails you, Julian.
The late Stephen Schneider pre-empted this prediction by 27 years, back in 1990:
Nothing new, here!
‘Even this week’s cold weather is probably being caused at least in part by global warming …’
Rubbish, its the start of global cooling.
Of course. We are currently in a slightly warmer bump in our descent into the next glaciation (ice age).
Some say the Holocene has already passed its used by date, judging by the previous interglacials, but the science is not settled.
The Younger Dryas seemed to put a damper on proceedings, which produced a slower descent into the abyss. This has obviously had a huge impact on the development of civilisation.
This ‘slightly warmer bump’ is the Modern Climate Optimum.
First it was global cooling a few decades ago, then it became global warming, then it morphed into climate change. I suppose we will go full circle and be global cooling soon: Climate – The Data And Fact Free Science
Yes and I can predict without question, the explanation for Global Cooling will be the industrial revolution and that industrial waste product CO2.
found no mention of the following on google news page yesterday or today, even when I expanded every category that might have carried it. just visited NYT front page and saw not a single reference to any of this. checked Sky News last nite and saw not a mention in headlines, news tickers, etc.
28 Dec: ABC America: New York City may have coldest New Year’s Eve since 1960s
By Max Golembo, MELISSA GRIFFIN and EMILY SHAPIRO; ABC News’ Alex Perez and Brandon Chase contributed to this report.
Bitter cold temperatures are sweeping through the Midwest and Northeast as New York City braces for its coldest New Year’s Eve since the 1960s…
Wind chills this morning fell to 0 degrees in New York City, minus 16 degrees in Boston and minus 43 degrees in Watertown, New York…
Multiple low-temperature records were broken. Flint, Michigan, hit an all-time December record low of minus 17 degrees this morning. International Falls, Minnesota, set a record low at minus 36 degrees, and Cotton, Minnesota, broke another record with a whopping low temperature of minus 41 degrees.
With wind chills as low as 35 degrees below 0, skin can freeze in a matter of 10 to 30 minutes if exposed.
Wind chills this afternoon reached the single digits in Philadelphia and New York City, and fell to below 0 from Hartford to Boston…
And most of the eastern U.S. will be under the grip of an arctic blast through New Year’s.
Through Friday afternoon, wind chills will stay well below zero across New England.
Revelers looking ahead to New Year’s Eve could be in store for the coldest ball drop since 1962 in Times Square. ABC News is forecasting a temperature of around 10 degrees with a wind chill of minus 4 when the calendar turns to 2018.
When the clock hits midnight wind chills could feel like minus 30 to minus 40 degrees in the Northern Plains and minus 20 to minus 30 degrees in New England…
There have been more than 62.2 inches of snow in Redfield, New York, since Christmas, and Erie, Pennsylvania, has already been hit with 65.1 inches of snow since Christmas Eve.
Dave Spiegel, a life-long Erie resident, told ABC News, described the snow as “unbelievable” and said he hasn’t seen anything like this for decades.
“You can’t leave your house, so you better stock up and have the phone charged in case you get a power outage,” he said. “When you’re used to being always on the go, here you’re blocked in, can’t do anything.”
“We got pounded,” he said, “and now we just got to clean up.”…
And even parts of the South — from Oklahoma to Alabama — could see wintry precipitation on New Year’s Eve.
there’s even less coverage about the wider story, apart from this NHK piece, which is little more than:
28 Dec: NHK Japan: Heavy snow disruption in US, Europe
As heavy snow continues to hit northern and eastern Japan, cold weather is causing road accidents and power blackouts in many other parts of the world.
Britain has seen intermittent snowfall in many regions. Snowstorms have caused power outages.
A tanker truck skidded on a snow-covered expressway in the Midlands on Wednesday, blocking traffic. Dozens of vehicles were stuck for more than 5 hours.
Stansted Airport outside London was temporarily closed while workers cleared its runway of snow…
In Iceland, one passenger was killed and more than 10 were seriously injured on Wednesday when a bus skidded and tipped onto its side…
In Russia’s far-eastern island of Sakhalin, heavy snow and blizzards stranded vehicles. Rescue workers are trying to clear the road.
The clouds are quite interesting. The rows of cloud start to form a little bit downwind from the lake edges and then progressively thicken up.
I imagine that the lake surface at about 0C is warmer than the air above. The warm lake air rises, quickly reaches its condensation level and forms a super cooled cloud, subsequently producing snow further down wind.
as they say – best.president.ever:
28 Dec: TWEET: Donald J. Trump: In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!
Still rolls off the tongue and makes watermelons go into melt down when you say it , President Trump .
Melbourne weather would be much better just +2C. Why fight it?
The sea levels have not changed. I might be unusual but I do not find a few mm in an average in a hundred years terrifying.
So where is this 100 metre (330foot) rise we were told would happen by 2100? By 2018 we should have seen at least a 18 metre rise (60′). I am sure I would have noticed that.
Think about a 2C rise. The tropics are always at 32C, moderated by water. The mid latitudes could do with +2C and Antarctica could rise from a -25C average to -23C? Where actually is the problem again? Yes, the Arctic could go from a 0C average to a 2C average and no ice. Great. What exactly is the problem as the sea level could rise.
There are over 488 cities in the world with more than one million people. Shanghai as as many as 37million. As for the poor, sad polar bears, they could be sent to zoos and live happily, splashing around and fed on tofu.
I meant if all the Arctic ice melted, the sea would not rise at all.
TdeF, the problem with melting all Arctic ice is that ice that is on the ground, like all of Greenland. That would have an impact on sea levels. I assume you just meant sea ice in the Arctic Sea.
Pauly, Did you know that the Greenland ice area is pretty near an 8000 year high.?
and that Arctic sea ice area has only been higher during the few hundred years of the Little Ice Age?
For a more useful perspective, the DMI is probably the go-to place for information on Greenland ice:
As you can see, Greenland is losing ice at an accelerating rate, and since 2002 this ice loss has added 10mm to average sea level.
So Greenland is contributing very roughly 1/5th of each year’s sea level rise.
Poor CT, you should read what you actually link to.
They are using farcical GRACE data (over a volcanic region, from several years ago
they even say
We should emphasise that this is an educated estimate of the Greenland total mass budget.
ie they have no idea what so ever. NO DATA.. just a BIASED GUESS.
You have NOTHING CT.
Oh and did you know , that Greenland Ice Area is very close to its MAXIMUM in 8000 years?
Or are you ignorant of that as well.
(you just keep on displaying your lack of knowledge….. surely better to just **** instead of continually embarrassing yourself !!)
Good to see you totally ignoring science showing that Greenland ice is only just a tiny amount down from tits maximum extent in 8000 years.
But life only started for you in 1979 , didn’t it CT,
Just for you education, (not much hope of that happening), here is a graph of the Greenland total ice mass since 1900.
See if you can understand what it is telling you. (Switch on your other brain neuron first).
Hey CT, did you know..
A radiant greenhouse effect has not been observed in a real greenhouse, on Earth, or anywhere else in the solar system.
The radiant greenhouse effect is science fiction.
If you have seen the radiative greenhouse effect anywhere..
…. please let us all know where it is.
You’re not looking in the right places.
The ABC’s Robin Smith’s 100 metre sea level rise would make Warburton a bayside suburb.
Coldest New Year evah? Not to worry,
a little B.O.M Homogenization will
make it warmer.
And more winning!
Trump cuts funding to UN!
‘The UN General Assembly voted on Sunday to
approve the nearly $US5.4 billion regular
operating budget for 2018-2019.
The Secretary-General’s office said the new
budget included cuts to most departments and
Means a few of the hive will hafta’ get a real
job. Out into the cold hard world they go!
And don’t I love it.
The real significance of President Trump’s tweet is for AGW theory. After decades of human-caused global warming record cold temperatures are more significant than record warm temperatures. Record cold can be accommodated within the AGW paradigm by claiming greater variability in climate resultant on the warming. But that would also require that warm records are
(a) far more numerous than cold records and
(b) Many new warm records outstrip the old records of a few decades ago by a greater amount than the rise in average temperatures in that area.
So where are the record high temperatures that are at least 0.5C higher than those set in the 1930s in the USA and Canada? Or the record temperatures in places with continuous records in the Arctic that are well over 2.5C higher than the highest record in the period 1945-1978.
“…unbearably mild.” I would even say Dangerously mild.
Or in the words of Dylan Moran: “its fierce mild out there”!
MSM is going crazy:
TROLL IN CHIEF: Trump Pokes Fun At Global Warming Critics, Tells People To Bundle Up
Daily Caller – 27 mins ago
Trump mocks ‘good old Global Warming’ as cold spell hits US
New York Post· 52m ago
The Latest: Trump says East could use some global warming
WaPo – 1 hr ago
Donald Trump says US needs ‘good old global warming’ to cope with snow burying east coast
The Independent· 48m ago
Trump: US could use some ‘good old Global Warming’ to heat up cold states
The Hill – 1 hr ago
‘Bundle Up!’: Trump Mocks Paris Climate Accord as His Hometown Freezes
Fox News – 34 mins ago
typical CNN:
28 Dec: CNN: Trump tweets that ‘cold’ East Coast ‘could use a little bit of’ global warming
By Dan Merica; CNN’s Eli Watkins and Gregory Wallace contributed to this report.
Trump’s tweet further places the President’s climate policy out of step with the vast majority of scientists, who believe global warming is damaging for the United States and the world…
A White House official did not respond when asked what Trump’s tweet means for administration policy. Journalists have previously been told that Trump’s tweets should be considered official statements from the White House.
The tweet is the latest in a series of Trump tweets that links the temperature in any one place to the existence of global warming, something climate scientists have long said is an entirely inaccurate way to view global warming…
Hey Donald Trump, this is the difference between climate and weather
Mashable-8 minutes ago
“….. links the temperature in any one place to the existence of global warming, something climate scientists have long said is an entirely inaccurate way to view global warming…”
Unless it happens to be a small heat wave or a minor hurricane, of course.
There is no difference between climate and weather. Climate is the average of weather for a given location for a given time period. Changing any one of the three changes the result (climate.) In other words, climate is the sum and weather is a significant part of the whole.
Cold enough to freeze the nuts off a steel bridge
DM – how do you find the people who write this rubbish? who on earth decided to include an old Media Matters’ opinion? really.
nonetheless, plenty of good pics of the frozen falls:
29 Dec: Daily Mail: ‘Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming’: Trump uses record-low New Year’s eve forecasts and arctic blast gripping the northern US to justify his decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord
He suggested that global warming can’t be real because of record cold forecasts on New Year’s eve, ***a fact most climate scientists disagree with
Forecasters warn of hypothermia and frostbite from arctic air settling in over central U.S. and spreading east
The cold weather has caused the Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis, Minnesota to completely freeze
By Abigail Miller and Regina F. Graham For Dailymail.com and Associated Press
It is clear the president is trying to make a joke, by saying that because it is supposed to be so cold this winter global warming couldn’t possibly be real.
***However, climate scientists agree that extreme weather, such as record low temperatures, are caused by climate change, and that climate change is caused by the gradual warming of global temperatures…
Forecasters this weekend are warning those who want to step outdoors to bundle up in layers to protect against hypothermia and frostbite that could happen as a result of exposure to the bitter arctic.
PHOTO CAPTION: The arctic blast that’s bringing negative temperatures to several states across the northern U.S. is causing waterfalls to freeze, windows to crack and people to suffer life-threatening frostbite with just 30 minutes of exposure outside. Above the frozen Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis, Minnesota are pictured on Thursday
PHOTO CAPTION: The popular attraction has completely frozen over due to the super cold single-digit temperatures that have gripped the state over the past few days
PHOTO CAPTION: The Minnehaha Creek flows from Lake Minnetonka, which is the biggest lake in the Twin Cities, to the Mississippi River. The falls are just a few miles from where the creek enters the Mississippi River
(BARRAGE?) Trump’s tweet was quickly met with a ***barrage of responses – many with people calling him out on his misunderstanding of climate change and global warming.
‘This shows that Trump has a fundamental misunderstanding of Global Warming. Read a book, Jeez!!,’ Twitter user Brian Krassenstein wrote, before going into a simple explanation of global warming and climate change.
‘You see Donald, Global warming causes EXTREME WEATHER. Record cold weather is EXEME (sic). therefore it is possible, if not likely that this week’s record cold is related to global warming.
‘It’s an absolute embarrassment that we have you representing us to the world. They are Laughing. One of the main causes of record weather is GLOBAL WARMING!’
‘The worst part is knowing he’s insanely proud of this tweet and has probably sent it to multiple people,’ Brandy Jensen wrote, commenting on Trump’s joking tone…
And ***Media Matters for America reporter Simon Maloy noted that many scientists agree that global warming had an impact on the severity of Hurricane Irma, which ripped through his Mar-a-Lago estate earlier this year.
(A HANDFUL?) But, as always, there were a ***handful of Twitter users quick to praise the president’s bombastic language and ‘America First’ policies.
‘The Paris Climate Accord was a deal designed for other countries to rip the American tax payer off. Leaving was one of Trumps best decisions,’ avid Donald fan account The Trump Train tweeted enthusiastically in response to the president.
‘Thank you for standing up against the global hoax that is global warming… FAKE NEWS of the highest order!!,’ Joey Mannarino responded, using one of Trump’s signature phrases.
‘People hang their hat on this fake science. I just got in from the cold and I would love some global warming mysef! Turn the heaters on, Al Gore!!! PLEASE! The science is simply NOT there!!! It’s a liberal money making scheme.’
It’s not clear what Mannarino means by this, or who is making the money in the alleged ‘scheme.’…
The National Weather Service reported International Falls, Minnesota, the self-proclaimed Icebox of the Nation, plunged to 37 degrees below zero, breaking the old record of 32 below set in 1924.
Hibbing, Minnesota, bottomed out at 28 below, breaking the old record of 27 below set in 1964.
Weather summary
for Ontario and the National Capital Region
issued by Environment Canada
at 1:28 p.m. EST Thursday 28 December 2017.
Cold Arctic air settled over much of southern Ontario yesterday and
this morning. Some low temperatures were broken this morning due to
this air and it will continue to affect parts of central and eastern
Ontario tonight.
New low temperature records (celsius) for Thursday, December 28,
New record of -19.0
Old record of -17.8 set in 1950
Records started in 1940
New record of -24.2
Old record of -20.6 set in 1917
Records started in 1914
Niagara Falls
New record of -21.5
Old record of -18.3 set in 1944
Records started in 1942
New record of -32.6
Old record of -26.7 set in 1933
Records started in 1866
Toronto Buttonville
New record of -24.1
Old record of -19.8 set in 2000
Records started in 1959
New record of -26.0
Old record of -25.6 set in 1903
Records started in 1872
New record of -30.5
Old record of -30.0 set in 1933
Records started in 1866
New record of -23.0
Old record of -19.6 set in 1993
Records started in 1947
Muskoka Airport
New record of -36.4
Old record of -28.3 set in 1963
Records started in 1938
North Bay Airport
New record of -33.9
Old record of -31.7 set in 1951
Records started in 1939
Please note that this summary may contain preliminary or unofficial
information and does not constitute a complete or final report.
WOW. !!!
Warm records are usually by fractions of a degree.
These cold records are by multiples of degrees !!
Its not just slightly colder.. its HUGELY colder. !!
‘Day After Tomorrow’ territory? Is that what happens when you make fantastical movies? Nature immitating. Quick, head for the library.
It is even worse out here on the Canadian prairies (Manitoba). Our low tonight is forecast at -37C, which would be 3C below the record. Far worse is the windchill at -50C. That freezes exposed skin in 5 minutes. For the first time ever we are letting our wee puppy ( all 4 kg) poop in the house! Happy New Year to all- love you Aussies.
Do you think the guy who usually fakes the data is currently off on his Christmas break, Andy?
Andy said,
I did a Google for a Canadian warm record and got this:
Which, amusingly, has this in it:
I wonder if Andy will ever tire of posting inane assertions here?
“I wonder if Andy will ever tire of posting inane assertions here?”
No. Every blog has one or two comment bombers who are off the charts. I have no idea why he was not banned a long time ago.
“Warm records are usually by fractions of a degree.
These cold records are by multiples of degrees !!
Its not just slightly colder.. its HUGELY colder. !!
You could try looking at the data , twooter.
I know its an enema to you .. but do try at least once.
Maybe Andy could warm up his primary school maths and explain how many “fractions” are involved in:
“…a daytime high of 16C on Feb. 3 which broke the old record of 14.9C…”
Wow, a record going all the way back to 1984.
Why does that date ring a bell.
…and just out of interest, breathless Andy, what proportion of Ontario’s weather stations do you suppose the 10 in Clipe’s list represent?
Would you be enormously surprised to discover that 195 weather stations in Ontario did *not* post a record minimum temperature that day?
Average Max New Years Eve temperature for all raw USHCN data is coldest in over 100 years..
Apparently even colder than 2014.
Awaiting confirmation of actual value.
Winter temperatures in USA are definitely declining.
Trump global warming tweet: 25,942 Retweets 78,260 Likes 57,000 replies so far.
Epic Trump Tweet: “Bundle Up”…
Conservative Treehouse – by sundance
Too funny. Grandmaster level trolling.
Only POTUS Trump can pull this off. They hate him. He doesn’t care.
The ‘triggering‘ is, simply, a joy to behold…
29 Dec: CNN The Point: Donald Trump doesn’t know the difference between climate and weather
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
At 8 p.m. Thursday, after a third straight day of golf at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, and the temperature was 72 degrees, President Donald Trump tweeted this: …
It’s the same sort of “logic” that led Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe (R) to bring a snowball onto the Senate floor in late February 2015 as a supposed counterweight to claims of global warming…
What Trump (and Inhofe) don’t seem to understand — or choose to ignore — is that “weather” and “climate” are not the same thing.
Here’s a brief primer on the difference between the two, via NASA…
You get the idea. All available evidence — and there are 137 years of it! — makes very, very, abundantly clear that the climate is changing. There’s also this bit of fact: 97% of climate scientists who have published papers on climate change believe not only that the globe is warming but also that the warming is very likely due to human activity…
Trump is free to tweet whatever he likes. And he will continue to do so. But to use cold weather as some sort of rebuttal of broader climatological warming is not even close to accurate, factual or funny.
The Climate Scientists also said Perth would be a ghost town by now due to drought.
Not to mention Melbourne’s $5 billion desal plant with an $880 million a year running cost IF it doesn’t produce any water. Of course it is basically union superannuation fund owned so cost to the public doesn’t matter.
***Accuweather says “bundle up”:
28 Dec: Accuweather: Another Arctic blast poised to usher in 2018
By Faith Eherts, AccuWeather meteorologist
“People will really need to ***bundle up if they are heading out Sunday night for New Year’s Eve celebrations in places like Chicago, for example, where the high will be 15 F on Sunday, around 15 degrees below normal,” he warned.
Cities as far south as Nashville and Little Rock, Arkansas, will experience temperatures more than 20 degrees Fahrenheit below average by the end of the weekend. Temperatures will be no higher than the 20s at both locations on Sunday and New Year’s Day…
Temperatures will be in the lower teens as the ball drops in Midtown Manhattan on Sunday night. At that level the temperature may be within the top two lowest since records have been maintained in the 1800s…
These conditions will be dangerously cold, especially for those spending many hours outdoors overnight across the majority of the eastern two-thirds of the country…
If the temperature fails to top 5 degrees, Chicago may tie the coldest high temperature for any New Year’s Day. The only time this occurred was in 1969. That morning brought a record low of 10 degrees below zero.
“People will need to ***bundle up with all their winter gear in order to stay warm,” said Pydynowski.
How do I block Pat?
It never shuts-up!
However very good and relevant research. Saves you scouring the world news youself, even behind pay walls. You learn to appreciate hard work so you are better informed. Keep up the great work Pat.
You come here for information, presumably. There is plenty in Pat’s long posts, plenty that you will not find easily or quickly yourself. It is a huge amount of dedicated work and I have learned to appreciate the input.
If you don’t like pat, just scroll over.
I disagree completely , clipe.
pat provides a great service, digging up articles from all over the place.
I don’t always have to time to read them so… and here is a BIG HINT..
I scroll passed them.
You don’t, thank you. I find the links interesting when I have the time to follow them. If they displease you, just skip over them.
Pat is a FEATURE not an accident. Pat’s research is thorough and very wide ranging, often saving the rest of us a lot of time and effort, and is always interesting. At least that is my opinion. YMMV.
If you don’t want to be bothered with Pat’s efforts, you have several ways of avoiding them:
1. He is considerate, usually posting late in the piece so his efforts are late in the blog and hence towards the end. That makes them easy to avoid if they are not for you.
2. Just Scroll past them. You don’t have to read them if you don’t want to. Nobody is making you …
3. Don’t come here, then you wouldn’t get any of them ever again.
Choose any one, two or even all three. It’s Your Choice, and you are free to exercise it.
saw the following excerpted on a number of websites:
8 Surprising Places That will be Warmer than New Hampshire over the Next Week
NH1 News · 1 day ago
28 Dec: KFYO: New Hampshire’s Nasty Weather Forecast For Next Week Colder Than Siberia And Antarctica
According to this article from NH1.com, locations in Alaska, Siberia, Tibet, and even Antarctica will have low temperatures above those in store for the state of New Hampshire.
The “Granite State” is expecting temperatures around 20 degrees below their normal averages for this time of year, with the city of Concord forecasting temperatures as low as -11 degrees F.
but it appears the article has been pulled by NH1.
perhaps writer, Jeremy Lane, got carried away, and there are some inaccuracies. I do see a low of -11 for Concord NH, for 1 Jan at weather.com.
thought it’s worth excerpting from the only website that included the 8 places:
27 Dec: Sott.net: Siberia, Antarctica warmer than New Hampshire
by Jeremy Lane, NH1
Thanks to a blast of arctic air, we’re bracing for temperatures about 20 degrees colder than normal averages over the next week. In Concord temperatures are expected to dip as low as -11.
Of course this doesn’t even factor in the wind chill, which we all know provides an extra slap in the face when we walk out the door each morning…
Here are eight surprising places (as of 3 p.m. Wednesday) that will be warmer than New Hampshire over the next week, according to weather.com:
Base Jubany, Antarctica – expected low: 26 degrees (F)
Surely if you found yourself sitting outside a base camp at night on the coldest continent on Earth, you would be better off home in New Hampshire, right? Wrong.
You could be on Antarctica playing with penguins this week, and you would still be warmer than you will be when you’re trying to warm up your car in the morning.
Hell, Norway – expected low: 20 degrees (F)
Known as one of the coldest places in the world, it will indeed be a cold day in Hell. Too bad it will be much colder in New Hampshire. Let that sink in.
Lhasa, Tibet, China – expected low: 18 degrees (F)
With a winter that lasts from October through June, taking a vacation to Tibet’s largest city this time of year would be considered foolhardy.
Tibet is known as one of the harshest places for human life. It’s cool in summer and ridiculous in winter. Unfortunately, anyone who booked a trip for this week will be laughing at us back home as they enjoy temperatures about 30 degrees warmer than here.
Reykjavik, Iceland – expected low: 19 degrees (F)
Even the capital of a country named after ice is going to be significantly warmer than New Hampshire this week.
It may be called Iceland, but at least ice-melt will work on their driveways overnight. We can’t guarantee the same here.
PyeongChang, South Korea – expected low: 10 degrees (F)
In just over a month, the world will turn its eyes to PyeongChang to take in the next Winter Olympics. If you’d like to get yourself in the mood this week, feel free to practice your speed-skating on all the parking lots throughout New Hampshire that are sure to be frozen solid.
Nuuk, Greenland – expected low: 5 degrees (F)
Most people know that despite their names, Greenland is actually a lot colder than Iceland. Greenland is basically a frozen wasteland. But we’re not even trying to hear that, because Greenland’s capital city is not going to get as cold as we are this week.
Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia – expected low: -10 degrees (F)
Siberia is a region whose name is synonymous with “punishment.”
It is known as the place where they send traitors, spies – and expendable characters on “The Americans” – to freeze through the rest of their miserable existence.
Yet in Siberia’s largest city, they will still be doing better than New Hampshire this week.
Barrow, Alaska – expected low: -10 degrees (F)
Barrow, Alaska is the northernmost public community in the U.S. It sits above the arctic circle and is currently in the middle of a two month stretch where the sun will not rise at all. Nonetheless, it will not get as cold in Barrow as it will be in New Hampshire this week.
Bonus – Oymyakon, Russia – expected low: -46 degrees (F)
As we freeze through the end of 2017 and trudge into the new year, it’s good to remember that it could always be worse.
Winter temperatures in Oymyakon, Russia, average -58 (F). Oymyakon is a small village that is widely considered the coldest inhabited place on Earth. It’s a cool two-day drive from the nearest city, Yakutsk, which has the lowest temperatures of any city on the planet.
See? There’s always a bright side.
What is surprising about Siberia and I have only been there in summer, is that it is warm, leafy, green. Wonderful.
I did not see snow or ice except on the highest peaks along Lake Baikal.
It looks like paradise until the winter comes. However the young silver birch sapling were often in a U shape, the top touching the ground. That tells you about the terrible winter and the snow. You can see how Napoleon and Hitler were caught by winter. Even the British and French in the Balmy Crimea in winter, where soldiers lost fingers and ears and British women knitted head covers, known since as Balaclavas. Russia is the world’s biggest country by far and largely uninhabited, for a very good reason.
This is relevant because all that snow and ice melts, as it does across Europe, Canada, America, Sweden, everywhere. Does the sea level rise dramatically? No. Are the docks in Scotland or Sweden drowned? No. So why is there a problem with a ‘terrifying’ 1C temperature rise in an average? Why is there this myth of sea level rise?
I cannot understand the red thumbs. Perhaps there are illiterate people frustrated that they cannot understand what is written. A good argument on the merits would be welcome. I can only assume there is no logic, no understanding and we are raided by climate scientologists doing their part to punish the blasphemers, the evil deniers who want evidence for their climate Gods and their hatred of coal.
This is a `Sceptic Blog’ so we don’t know what we’re talking about, we’re just a bunch of deniers, (or denialists if the prat can’t speak grammatical English) just members of the lunatic 3% fringe, so tell ’em they’re fruit bats every time, every day in every way. That’s How To Save The Planet.
I sometimes wonder if the red thumbers ever read anything here.
Red thumbing can be a Bot behaviour or done by one time thinking beings who have become Bots by mindlessly following the party line.
And Napoleon and Hitler didn’t go anywhere near Siberia. They stayed well West of the Urals in the warmer West or `European’ area.
So much for completing an invasion in Summer with no preparations whatsoever for Winter.
Obviously Murphy’s Law was unknown.
[If anything can go wrong, it will, in the worst possible way at the worst possible time and will be highly resistant to resolution.]
29 Dec: DailyStarUK: Snow chaos ALERT: Heavy snow and -15 freeze to cause road, rail and air travel HELL
HEAVY snow, ice and a -15 deep freeze are forecast to cause travel chaos across Britain after the coldest night of the year.
By Joshua Nevett & David Trayner
Travellers have been warned of disruption to roads, rail and airports on this morning as up 6ins of snow blankets northern England and plummeting temperatures turn the UK into an ice rink.
The Met Office has issued Amber warnings for heavy snow in the East Midlands, north-west England and Yorkshire.
It said freezing weather is likely to cause delays and cancellations to rail and air travel, long tailbacks and stranding on the roads, and blackouts across the UK.
Some isolated towns and villages are at risk of being completely cut off by the extreme weather…
“Power cuts may also occur.”…
Sub-zero temperatures and snow have also hit large parts of the UK.
With an amber warning of snow in West Yorkshire, the South Pennines and places such as Rochdale and Burnley, and overnight temperatures of minus 3c or minus 4C forecast, there could be some “pretty nasty travel conditions”, the Met Office said…
The amber warning is in place between 4am and 11am today on Friday and a wider yellow warning for snow has been issued for southern and eastern Scotland, northern England and the Midlands.
The possibility of rain falling on previously frozen surfaces has seen a yellow warning for ice in the East Midlands, East of England, London and south-east England, north-west England, south-west England, Wales and the West Midlands.
Northern Ireland also has a country-wide yellow warning for ice and snow from midnight until 9am.
Met Office forecaster Charles Powell said: “It is a band of severe weather.
“Weather warnings are in force. There is going to be disruption in some shape or form.”
It will be “cold by day and cold by night”, with the heaviest snowfall of 5cm-10cm in parts of northern England and up to 15cm over higher ground.
Freezing weather tormented the UK yesterday as sub zero temperatures, ice and heavy snow caused travel mayhem across the nation.
Dozens of flights were grounded, roads were turned into death traps and thousands of homes lost power as bitter winter weather savaged the nation.
Overnight, thermometers dipped as low as -10C, unleashing a second day of travel disruption up and down the country.
From tonight, forecasters expect conditions to get even colder with temperatures plummeting as low as -15C in some regions of Scotland…
Leading bookmaker Coral has given 5-4 odds on this month ending as the coldest December on record in the UK as temperatures continue to plummet this week.
The firm is offering 1-2 for the wind speed to reach as high as 100mph in mainland UK this week and evens for snow to fall in London by the end of the weekend.
“It looks like it is going to be a very chilly end to the year and as a result we have slashed the odds on this month ending as the coldest December on record in the UK, while we are not ruling out snow in the majority of the country before the end of the week,” a spokesperson for the bookmaker said.
Just imagine what would happen in the weather the USA is currently having, if they had to rely on wind and solar.
It is totally sickening that people are being told to “get away from” fossil fuels….
Wind and solar DO NOT FUNCTION in the current NE USA weather conditions.
The evil, anti-human, anti-CO2 agenda has A LOT to answer for.
PS. Let’s hope that the jet stream doesn’t alter and bring the cold and snow to the UK and Europe.
They have decimated their energy supply systems, and the outcome could be quite catastrophic.
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind.
Who would have thought our politicians would force us to pay for wind power and blow up working, reliable, cheap and adequate coal power stations? There should be an intelligence test for politicians as well as one for being Australian.
We are lucky down here that we don’t get the desperate COLD and FREEZING that a lot of the NH can get.
I’ve lived camping out bush in summer in a heat wave without power (near a river thankfully.)
You can survive that if you are careful.
I don’t think I could survive the current weather conditions the NE USA is having, without a decent energy supply.
Take a look at a world map and what do
you see? Why, Earth is the water planet,
two thirds of the globe it yet covers…
the rest is land, 29 per cent whereon we
humans live.
But wait! You’ll hafta’ deduct 4.12 percent
for those inhospitable Arctic Zones of blue ribbed ice and long,long nights, vice-versa
for Antarctica, knock off 4 per cent.
Then there’s the 60 degree latitude zone
across Alaska, Canada and Russia, where the
living ain’t easy, A little more cooling
there and you’ll likely need to move south.
So there we are in the temperate and tropic zones, but wait. Between latitudes 20 and
thirty on the west coasts of continents,you
get deserts. And then there’s those forbidding high mountains ranges due to the shifting of continents.
How welcome to serfs is a little global
warming in high latitudes, and CO2 greening
of deserts.
I would increase that to 3/4 Beth. Antarctica, twice the size of Australia actually has a 4km deep ocean on the surface.
Also I was just in beautiful Tahiti and if you spin Google earth so that it is in the centre, you cannot see land. Only 1/4 land.
The search for the Great Southern Land was Captain Cook’s mission. People wanted land balance and there is none. Eurasia and the Americas. That’s it.
Antarctica and Australia and New Zealand, population 30 million and a few hundred at Mawson Base, 3398 in the Falklands and all those South Pacific islands, perhaps another 0.5 million. Plus Tierra Del Fuego.
Yes, we have to punish ourselves for having plenty of coal and gas. According to our political masters, it is only for export. You seriously have to worry who is paying their wages. China?
Agree TdeF…
Great Southern Land,
Hang in there, hang-five,
Withstand them cli-sci-lies,
And guvuh-mint machinations,
Great Southern Land…
It is absolutely clear that our political masters do not work for us.
They work for the world’s global corporations – their mission is to ensure these unelected corporatocracies are able to continue milking this nation and its people, and that includes the corporations of China.
Why people continue to vote for the brazenly teacherous Lib/Lab scamsters is a mystery.
“brazenly teacherous Lib/Lab scamsters “
I agree, both of them have committed treachery against the Australia people by falling for the AGW scam. Their support of simple minded anti-development, anti economic, anti-science policies like the RET has now put the country into a situation of knife-edge power supply.
Of particular treachery is Turnbull’s sucking up to the far-left agenda on basically everything, putting him in the same anti-Australian basket as Shorten and the Greens.
One hope that people wake up and start voting for actual Conservative parties in the near future, for the sake of the whole country.
My Xmas reading included
Adam Macqueen “The Lies of the Land: A breif history of political dishonesty”. 337pp.
That length achieved by limiting it to the last 50 years, to mainly UK and only dealing with top of the class.
Recommended, though his conclusions might change with that well known medical treatment “tincture of time”
Any hints as to what was the thesis of the book? Political dishonesty is a self evident statement. The people in my lifetime who told it as it is are limited to Bob Hawke, John Howard, Tony Abbott, Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill. Any others?
Ronald Reagan… ‘Most scarey words,
‘I’m from the government and I’m here
to help you.’
… too many of them wouldn’t be able to pass it so they would pass a law forbidding anyone who did pass it from entering Parliament.
There should be a quota on the maximum number of lawyers allowed to get elected.
Also, funky religious sects should not be allowed to contribute nuts to the mix.
“Also, funky religious sects should not be allowed to contribute nuts to the mix.”
So, the Greens are automatically illegible.
I like it.
Also anyone that “believes” in the religion of anti-science AGW, based on a failed, anti-science unproven hypothesis that CO2 warms our convective atmosphere……should also be dumped from parliament.
Its is certainly a weird, anti-science, anti-plant-life, anti-bird-life, anti-development, anti-human religion.
Only thing it isn’t “anti” is sending money down the drain and into the hands of the likes of Big Carbon Al Gore while pushing poorer people into energy poverty.
No Andy, global warming is sound, conventional science. The greenhouse effect has been known about for almost 200 years – it is neither novel nor controversial.
Your insistence on equating science with religion says a lot about your levels of education and intelligence.
” The greenhouse effect has been known about for almost 200 years”
And you can’t produce one single paper that proves empirically that CO2 causes warming in a convective atmosphere.
If you want to stick with ERRONEOUS science from 200 years ago, so be it.
Just “believe”, Craig .. its what religious zealots do.
Hey CT, did you know..
A radiant greenhouse effect has not been observed in a real greenhouse, on Earth, or anywhere else in the solar system.
The radiant greenhouse effect is science fiction.
If you have proof of the radiative greenhouse effect anywhere…..
…. please let us all know where it is.
One of your more erudite comments, Craig. Are you taking lessons?
Well imagine if we had a similar mix of nuclear and coal in sufficient quantities. We would not have any of worries about unreliable power and escalating prices. In fact we would at least have half a chance of a thriving manufacturing base instead of no chance. But who cares anymore? The mainstream politicians don’t and the voters don’t either. I suppose that leaves us on the path to economic suicide unless something changes drastically, such as all public schools and MSM stop focusing on one side of the picture with their propaganda and lies, and instead give both sides a fair and equal hearing to let the people decide, not the politicians. Democracy is a great thing provided people are given all the information instead of mostly lies. But even that might not save us given democracy was ripped out of our system some time ago. At least we would have politicians running scared if they acted against the interest of the people instead of running rough shot and treating the vast majority like the mushrooms they are now.
Escalating prices in Australia are caused by gold-plating and privatisation, the false narrative you are pushing should be an embarrassment.
As any economist could tell you, renewables are putting a *downward* pressure on prices, which is why coal plants are shutting down and new ones aren’t being built.
Basic logic should tell you that if renewables were pushing prices up, investment in coal plants would be increasing.
This guy explains it in simple terms for you:
Price rises are due almost 97% by the RET and the IDIOCY of wind and solar subsidies and mandated feed-ins.
Where did you pull that figure from, Andy?
….somewhere moist and dark, I imagine….
It is an impressive cold snap. But it remains to be seen how this cold weather will effect the climatic averages.
Yes Good point,
Bitter freezing cold affects Canada, the USA and a lot of Europe. But will it even cause a the smallest blip on the averaged world temperature? If Not Why Not?
“If Not Why Not”
Asking rhetorical questions?
Maybe a rhetorical question, but with intent.
If the big cold does not show up on the Global temperature, we have to ask who makes the Global temperature up and how do they do it?
Another rhetorical question. Are you actually going to make your point?
You mean you can’t work that out?!
Maybe Peter could explain clearly what he is suggesting.
Because if he has information that, for example, Roy Spencer does not, he should share it.
Here is Roy Spencer’s global temperature record:
Where in the record should Peter’s “big cold” show up, how, and why?
CT , yet again shows his INABILITY to think for himself.
Always needs someone else to regurgitate from.
Poor chump STILL thinks climate is linear.. but knows the words El Nino.
Quite a bizarre cognitive unaware-mess and cranial non-functionality.
L’Etat a ces raisons, Pierre.
? on the grounds of the reasons?
Ca sufit pour L’etat, c’est tout, Pierre.
Serfs may not ask, helas… (
It is “ses raisons” (should be a possessive, not demonstrative, pronoun) and “ça suffit” has two fs.
Also, which “état” is responsible for this:
Are you saying Spencer is faking it on behalf of government?
Do you believe in a global conspiracy being run by all the world’s meteorological agencies – public and private – to fake the data?
Roy is taking the simple view for simple people like you.
Reality is that the linear trend is cause by the El Nino step around 1998 (as you showed below)
No warming from 1980-1997
No warming from 2001-2015
Since the ONLY warming comes from El Ninos, that means there is absolutely NO CO2 warming signature in the satellite data.. or anywhere for that matter.
There is no real evidence that CO2 has any effect on climate. There is evidence that warmer temperatures cause more CO2 to enter the atmosphere but no real evidence that that additional CO2 caused warming. None whatsoever.
Feel free to put forward a paper showing empirically that CO2 causes warming in our convective atmosphere. Big blank so far.
You do realise that after more than two decades of effort the IPCC and its acolytes have failed to measure the climate sensitivity of CO2. All they have is models with a huge range of guesses.
They have been unable to narrow their range of initial guesses one iota in nearly 30 years… its a farce.
Andy, that is demonstratedly false. More recent studies have ruled out or shown to be unlikely certain ranges of values which has therefore narrowed the measurement of sensitivity, giving more precise likelihoods for certain values.
Why is it you are so fond of making false assertions, Andy?
Andy says,
You really are a buffoon, Andy. Roy doesn’t use a “linear trend”, he uses a centred running average.
Nobody who isn’t completely off their rocker claims that an El Nino “creates” heat – it doesn’t. These “step changes” are a fantasy of yours with no basis in reality.
El Nino is a cycle that we have records of going back generations. Fact is that El Nino is starting to change – we are going to start getting dry La Ninas as a result of the trade winds changing their cyclical behaviour.
Maybe you could look this stuff up, Andy, instead of just making things up?
“More recent studies have ruled out or shown to be unlikely certain ranges of values”
Range 20 years ago was 1.5-4.5
Range now from IPPC is 1.5 – 4.5
Just more certain…
roflmao !!
“El Nino “creates” heat – it doesn’t”
You have just highlighted to EVERYBODY, that you have zero understanding of what an El Nino is..
Well done CT…. you are making a monumental fool of yourself.
So Craig, An El Nino isn’t an individual event, hey
You are running BLIND, and IGNROANT , as always CT.
As you say, El Nino is a PART of a cycle rather irregular and totally unaccounted for in climate models.
Strange, wouldn’t you think climate scientists would be able to account for a cycle ???
When El Ninos are more prevalent, because of SOLAR FORCING, the temperature rises.
And anyone without their eyes totally blinkered by AGW brain-washing, can see the STEP CHANGE at strong El Ninos.
A 5 year old would be able to comprehend that basics of the step change,
…. but you.. INCAPABLE.
“affect” please Harry. At least you didn’t write “impact”.
Cold snap? Nothing to see here folks, natural variation, these things happen.
I assume periods of unusual heat are however absolute proof of Global Warming?
“I assume periods of unusual heat are however absolute proof of Global Warming?”
Ignoring your use of the word “absolute” and “proof” for a second (it’s a straw man). If there is a trend, then yes.
Sometimes I think people get excited by media reporting, and read too much into it. Unusual heat makes good headlines, just like unusual cold like what is happening in Northern America now. I do not worry too much about headlines unless the article gives references to the data.
There ISN’T a trend, twotter.
There are step events from solar force ocean release.
Outside those events, and in places that are not affected by those events, THERE IS ZERO WARMING.
Roy Spencer says there *is* a trend, Andy:
Perhaps Andy could share whatever data he has that contradicts Roy Spencer’s?
Or is Andy just making things up?
Think for YOURSELF , Craig
Yes a linear trend over the whole..
But that trend is CAUSED by the step change at the 1998 El Nino and the transient 2016 El Nino.
For 33 of the 39 years , there is no warming
No warming from 1980-1997
No warming from 2001-2015
Sorry you don’t have the intelligence to figure it out for yourself. Not my problem to fix.. and you obviously can never do it by yourself..
I gather you would like us to believe that you are smarter than Roy Spencer and every other climate scientist – people with PhDs, decades of experience, and whose full-time job it is to provide the kinds of analyses that you are contradicting.
Chances of Andy being smarter than Roy? Nil.
Andy, you need to spend less time typing your embarrassingly ignorant nonsense and far more time attempting to absorb some knowledge. At this stage your grasp on the knowledge thing is non-existent.
So, you admit you are unable to understand climate effect or mathematics..
OK.. we knew that.
You still show you are unable to think for yourself, and that you think climate is linear.
DOH !!
Your ignorance keeps shining through.
As James Hansen, in his paper – http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/3761/2016/acp-16-3761-2016.pdf – suggests extreme cold snaps are more evidence of ‘global warming’.
Could you describe what the evidence of global cooling would be?
“Could you describe what the evidence of global cooling would be?”
Seeing as you ask a straightforward question. Evidence for global cooling would be a downward trend in the global mean temperature. The key words here are “global” and “cooling”.
So cold snaps in one region are not really evidence of anything unless a trend can be shown.
I am with you there.
Still waiting for Global Cooling.
Trends – aren’t they what are set in advance and maintained by adjustment (of measurements) in arrears ?
“Trends – aren’t they what are set in advance and maintained by adjustment (of measurements) in arrears ?”
GISS is based almost totally on adjustment to show a trend.
There is no actual trend.. just 2 El Nino “events”
Between those events.. ZERO trend.
That’s weird, because here on planet Earth, we can all see the trend of hotter and hotter El Nino phases:
Which planet is Andy dialling in from, I wonder?
The same planet most of us are on. Remind me which planet are you from?
If Andy is not from a distant planet, how on earth do you explain his assertion that there is “no trend” when there so very clearly is?
I was just trying to think of the most charitable explanation, but if you insist that explanation is wrong, you have stupid or dishonest left to choose from.
“Which planet is Andy dialling in from, I wonder?”
Good question. We should ask him what colour sky does it have?
Earth, Craig.. You should visit some time.
Poor Craig, you really can’t get it through your base level non-maths can you.
No warming from 1980-1997
No warming from 2001-2015
And as you point out with your chart…… strong El Ninos add step changes.
You got something correct for once. !!
And Harry,,.. well I doubt he has ever been outside his basement !
Twotter probably thinks all that white fluffy padding on the walls and ceiling are clouds. !
Those links have a double dot in them.. will re-post
No warming from 1980-1997
No warming from 2001-2015
For 33 of the 39 years of the satellite data THERE IS NO TREND
There is one step event around 1998 and one transient event (unfinished) starting in late 2015.
I know neither of you have the climate knowledge, or maths or logical skills to work this out for yourself, but there is nothing anyone can do about that.
Just stick to your monkey-like straight lines, requiring zero thinking about what is actually happening…. you will feel safe then.
I just pressed -flush- on Andy’s reams of gibberish but they are still stuck here.
Andy – please deal with your floater at once.
‘We hafta’ git rid of the M.W.P… What I’m saying is,
‘deal a mortal blow’ to that pesky M.W.P!’
That’s great so if 2017 ends up being the third hottest year on record following 2016 as second hottest, and 2015 as the hottest – that’s an indication of a ‘global cooling’ trend.
Harry… ?
Harry gets his news from Peter Hannam, who discounts ENSO as a factor.
‘Most of the nation will post another year above average – with Sydney notching its 25th in a row – as warming from climate change gradually bumps background temperatures higher regardless of the fluctuating influences of El Nino and La Nina events.’
“2017 will be recorded as one of Australia’s five warmest years on record, with the national mean temperature between 0.8 and 0.9 degrees warmer than the mid-20th century average,” Karl Braganza, head of climate monitoring at the bureau, said.
I doubt Harry would be silly enough to agree that a global temperature trend could be discerned from just 3 years’ data.
Correct I wouldn’t. You can SAY it is a cooling trend but it’s relevance is zero because it won’t falsify the null hypotheses.
I would not worry too much about James. He just goes around looking for weak contrarian points because he hasn’t much else. And his application of the weak points is careless, such as in this case. I’s just an attempted distraction.
As opposed to twooter, who’s mind is an empty sack.
Stick to the zero-knowledge AGW meme, twotter.. feel safe. !!
Yet it seems that a 3 day heatwave confirms a global warming trend… you so funny Mr Thomas.
Natural warming and cooling is the null hypothesis… you so funny Mr Otter.
James and Andy,
I can recall about 60 years ago when we had 10 days straight where temperatures were over 100°F and ranging up to 107.
This was routine at the time but today when we get one day over 100 F its seen as a heat wave.
Personally, from my experience, it’s getting cooler.
Globular cooling. Certainly nothing to do with CO2, the gas of LIFE.
Happy New Year.
Harry Twinotter wrote:
[My emphasis]
Bad usage, Harry. Using Effect in place of Affect is a common error made by the semi-literate.
affect L. afficere, v.t. To act upon, exert an influence upon; to attack, impress, touch, move, have an effect [nb] upon.
effect L. effictus p.p. of efficere, (to make). The result or product of a cause or operation, the consequence; efficacy, power of producing a required result.
From The NEW Fowler’s Modern English Usage:
affect, effect As verbs.
These verbs are not synonyms requiring differentiation, but words of totally different meaning neither of which can ever be substituted for the other. Affect, apart from other senses in which it is not liable to be confused with effect means `have an influence on, produce an effect on, concern, effect a change in’. Effect means bring about, cause, produce, result in, have as result, &c.
BURCHFIELD, R.W. “New Fowler’s Modern English Usage” Revised 3rd Edition 1998, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 0-19-860263-4 p:31
You are as kooky as Andy-Pandy.
Poor twotter, unable to respond with anything except a mindless yap.
You must feel terribly EMPTY, twotter.
I’m sure he will defer to your extensive expertise in the field of mindless yapping, Andy.
Craig yaps from behind his 6ft fence.. feeling safe still , Craig?
Not having to actually THINK at all, just regurgitate.
Andy, leave Moickle be. He’s sensitive and still caught up in the troubles of the 1900s.
Poor CT and HT.. they should get a room.
With plenty of preening mirrors.
Hey CT, did you know..
A radiant greenhouse effect has not been observed in a real greenhouse, on Earth, or anywhere else in the solar system.
The radiant greenhouse effect is science fiction.
If you have any empirical proof that the radiative greenhouse effect exists, anywhere in a normal atmosphere…
…. please let us all know where it is.
Harry is correct, world temperatures have to fall below the line and stay there to prove global cooling has begun.
In the meantime we can look at weather and the oscillations involved.
It could be Professor’s Carl-Otto Weiss’s full explanation of the last 2500 years, using just two known cycles, one solar cycle and the ocean cycle AMO/PDO. Unlike anyone else, he can explain the 1980’s warming, the pause and in fact the little ice age and predicts a rapid drop in global temperature, starting now. See 12:34 He can map back 2500 years as well. It all fits.
Now global cooling of this magnitured hardly matters to the Southern Hemisphere residents or the tropics, but the glacier country North of 40 degrees is at serious immediate risk. The Laurentide Ice Sheet may return, engulfing Canada, New England and New York.
In the 100,000 year history of homo sapiens out of Africa, the last ice age only ended 11,700 years ago and the seas only rose rapidly 6,000 years ago, giving rise to Noah’s flood as the Sea of Marmara crashed into the fresh water Black Sea, trapping the aborigines in Australia and separating England as an island. Agriculture was also discovered in this new climate around 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent. These both allowed the rapid colonization of the newly melted Europe.
A return to the previously normal state of affairs as an ice age is a far more likely scenario than this absurd and utterly unscientific CO2 warming, apart from the fact that the CO2 increase is entirely natural.
So let’s spend all our time and decades and trillions trying to stop a natural CO2 increase and develop energy which actually works, fusion and more.
We have to be grateful for the long suffering people of South Australia who have demonstrated so convincingly that a wind based economy is a disaster. Maybe now we can concentrate on the coming ice age.
Dr. Willi Dansgaard of the University of Copenhagen in the 1960’s analysed the Greenland Camp Century ice core. He saw two cycles in the ice, one peaks every 78 years and the other peaks every 181 years which he attributed to the Sun.
Sometime around 1970, Dansgaard offered a long term forecast based on those two cycles:
`the climate will continue to grow colder during the 1970s and early
1980s; then it will become gradually warmer again so that by 2015 we
shall be back to where we were in 1960—no better; and after that it
will start becoming colder again. In short, the outlook for the next
fifty years is decidedly chilly.
CALDER, Nigel, 1972: “The Restless Earth. A report on the new geology.” p 127.
The British Broadcasting Corporation. ISBN 0 563 121238.)
I like Professor Weiss’s analysis using the 200 year De Vries cycle and the 65 year PDO/AMO ocean cycle. It’s a pretty good match. Did you notice on one of the graphs he showed, an almost straight line drop from the year 2000, when the composite curve peaked to 2100 when it made a minima?
I’m not going to be around to see it, unfortunately, but I would be rather delighted if the
` Business As Usual‘ curve was continuous cooling instead of continuous warming.
Thanks also for the URL, I had lost my copy of it for Prof Weiss’s presentation.
no snow will be warmer…and warmer snow can be really dangerous.
Latest wind turbine fire:
Many years ago the US aired a television game show called the “Match Game.” The idea of the show was for two contestants and six celebrities to complete an inane phrase. For example, the phrase might be “Dumb Dora was so dumb, when she fed her cat she fed him ——fill in the blank——.” The contestant that had the higher number of celebrity matches won. It became almost iconic for the studio audience to participate by responding to the lead-in phrase. In the above example, after the host had voiced “Dumb Dora was so dumb,” he would sometimes pause and the audience in unison would chime in with “How dumb was she?”
In the spirit of the game show and the cold sweeping Canada and the US north east, which by the way includes Happy Valley the home of Penn State University, I have a phrase for Joanne’s readers to complete. If Joanne would be so kind she can pick the winner who then gets 1,000,000,000 Al Gore carbon credits. The phrase to be completed is:
“Happy Valley was so cold, to keep warm Mikey Mann burned his ______________.“
burned his…framed replica of tree ring
YADo61, one tree ring to rule them all!
Mikey Mann burned his … wallpaper of copied Nobel Prize certificates.
I wish we’d start getting a little rain or snow in the Sierra Nevada and the Rockies. Otherwise next summer will be more drought and this time it will bring more draconian measures to conserve water along with more nonsense about fighting climate change. Jerry has spoken and there’s no way anymore to tell anyone that the fires weren’t a result of climate change…
except me and my wife.
Southern California brings in water from hundreds of miles away.
You may be interested graph is sourced from JQS Journal of Quaternary Science. I can’t seem to paste the image but here is the link. I cant vouch for the data but have found no reason to dismiss it so far. http://lagmansnatursida.se/dbarkiv/2017/vecka09/db17mar03.htm
The graph is extracted from Stein 2017. It is based on a compilation of several papers on Arctic biodata.
A search for Juliane Müller should find some of the papers on this type of data.
Note the resemblance to the GISP ice core temperature data (rotate this chart 180)
Interesting graph, from 1000 BC we see Cook’s escalator going down.
Looks as if we are really fortunate if there actually is a bit of global warming, whether caused by us or not.
These are two sets of data indicating that we are in the coldest portion of the Holocene and getting colder.At least in the northern hemisphere. Climate change (a deepening ice age) could really bite us on the ass.
Mini ice age conditions would bring an end to AGW hysterics, but if the Holocene comes to an abrupt end we might consider geo engineering to save our necks.
How did you manage to get 4 downvotes from this comment?
Sobel has the solution?
29 Dec: CBS: Climate scientist calls Trump’s global warming tweet an “often debunked assertion”
Adam Sobel, an atmospheric scientist and Columbia University professor, says the president’s remark suggested an “often debunked” misstatement about what climate change really means for the planet.
Sobel joined CBSN on Friday to discuss the president’s tweet, which said that areas expecting “the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record” perhaps “could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming.”…
“The tweet seemed to imply that the cold weather in the Eastern United States somehow contradicts the notion that the climate is warming — or warming due to human influence — which of course is not true. This is a very tired and often debunked assertion,” Sobel said.
Sobel explained that winter will not cease to exist and that cold weather can still happen despite global warming.
“If you look at the temperature map for the climate as a whole right now, the entire rest of the planet is warmer than the historical average with the exception of the Eastern United States and Canada, and the last three years — 2014, 2015 and 2016 — have been consecutively the warmest years on record,” Sobel said.
He added, “So the notion that ‘there’s cold weather happening somewhere so global warming is not happening’ is well understood by people who take the issue seriously to be false.”…
Sobel said the most important thing people can do to combat climate change is to vote.
“I think that’s the number one most important thing, because we can all take individual actions to reduce our carbon footprint, and we all should, but the problem is too big for individual action,” he said.
“It’s going to be solved by collective action at the government, national and international, level. The United States has the capacity to lead this issue; we were for a little while. Now this administration has made the problem worse rather than helping.”
yes Pat, an interesting argument for AGW advocates to use in trying to convince the 200 million or so, people in the USA currently freezing their butts off. I wonder whose argument will resonate most with the voters — Trump’s, or Sobel and the Demoncrats?
amazing…not a hint of global warming being the cause!
time to ***bundle up:
29 Dec: CNN: How cold is it? It’s so cold that sharks are dying
By Madeline Holcombe and Dalila-Johari Paul; CNN meteorologists Brandon Miller and Rachel Aissen contributed to this report.
Across the US, New Year’s Eve is expected to be 20 to 40 degrees colder than usual this year (except for the Southwest, because they’re lucky like that). So if you plan on counting down to 2018 outdoors on Sunday night, be prepared to wrap yourself up, because it’s going to be some kind of cold out there…
It’s so cold in Massachusetts that sharks are washing up on the shoreline of Cape Cod Bay. The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy said two thresher sharks were found Wednesday, “likely stranded due to cold shock.”…
Watertown, New York, fell to minus-32 on Thursday. Its old daily record for the day? Minus 23…
The wind chills in New York City will be around 0 when the ball drops in Times Square. Since the tradition began in 1907, there have only been two years colder than this year — 1917 and 1962. So cut your losses, ***bundle up and drink responsibly at home.
bundle up:
30 Dec: Times-Picayune: Eastern U.S. to endure most numbing New Year’s Eve cold in memory
By The Washington Post
New Year’s Eve partygoers best bundle up.
As 2017 turns to 2018, the most frigid New Year’s weather in decades will infiltrate the eastern two-thirds of the nation…
The blast will uncork piercing cold that will cover enormous territory by Sunday night. From Billings, Montana, to Boston in the north and from Oklahoma City to Washington to the south, temperatures will average 15 to as many as 50 degrees below normal.
The temperature averaged over this zone will plummet to a bone-chilling 15.9 degrees just after midnight Jan. 1, signifying the coldest start to the new year in 70 years of records, according to Brian Brettschneider, a climatologist based in Alaska, who ran the numbers.
New York City will ring in the New Year with an air temperature near 10 degrees and wind chills of zero to minus-5. This would rank among the coldest ball drops in the Big Apple in recorded history. The last time it was so cold was in 1962; 1917 marked the coldest ball drop, when the air temperature was a mere 1 degree.
But the most extreme cold will focus in the Upper Midwest. Minneapolis may ring in the new year with air temperatures around minus-10 and the wind chill factor close to minus-30.
The National Weather Service predicts an average low temperature of 10 degrees over the entire nation Jan. 1, with about a third of the nation below zero. Here are the predicted high and low temperatures on New Year’s Day for a select group of cities in the grips of this cold wave…ETC
Although it may be tempting to question global warming when temperatures are so frigid, the abnormally cold weather over the eastern U.S. and parts of Canada is an anomaly compared to conditions over the rest of the world. Most locations are presently experiencing weather that is considerably warmer than normal…
– Chicago’s high temperature on Tuesday of 5 degrees tied the record for the coldest maximum temperature on Dec. 26.
– Detroit tied the daily record low for Dec. 27 of minus-4 on Wednesday, previously set in 1925.
– International Falls, Minnesota, the so-called icebox of the nation, plummeted to minus-36 on Wednesday, breaking the previous record of minus-32 for the date. Its high the previous day was only minus-12, tying the coldest maximum temperature on record for Dec. 26.
— Flint, Michigan. set an all-time December record low Thursday, falling to minus-17.
– Watertown, New York, shattered Thursday’s previous record low of minus-23, falling to minus-32. Glens Falls, New York , also set a record low of minus-20.
Several East Coast cities had record cold high temperatures Thursday, including: Boston (12 degrees), Baltimore (24 degrees, tie), Washington Dulles (23 degrees), Syracuse, New York, (8 degrees) and New York JFK (19 degrees).
On Friday morning, New York’s LaGuardia and JFK airports both set record lows of 12 degrees.
***given all the record lows quoted in the WaPo piece, did Christopher Kucharik mis-speak?
29 Dec: CNBC: Climate scientists blast Trump’s global warming tweet
•President Trump says the frigid weather across much of the country “could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming.”
•Several climate scientists respond in tweets of their own, questioning the president’s logic.
•”There is still hunger in the world, even if you just had a Big Mac,” says Jon Foley, executive director of the California Academy of Sciences. (???)
by Michael Sheetz
Christopher Kucharik, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said more context is necessary, tweeting that “memory is short.”
TWEET: Christopher Kucharik: “Weather is mood, climate is personality”. In Madison WI, memory is short – we set a record high on Dec 4 (61ºF), ***but have set no low temp records in the past few days during this cold snap…
(posted 4:45 AM – 29 Dec 2017)
bundle up:
29 Dec: WeatherNetwork: Targeted snow, coldest New Year’s Eve on record possible
The Polar Vortex is back and it’s delivering some of the coldest air on the planet to Ontario with dangerous windchills and another round of snow to coat the ground as we say goodbye to 2017.
With many cities across southern Ontario currently under extreme cold warnings, it may be disheartening to know that the coldest air has yet to arrive. In fact, it may be record-breaking cold by New Year’s Eve across parts of Ontario (more on this below)…
A reinforcing blast of Arctic air straight from Siberia may break temperature records across Ontario, including Toronto, Ottawa and Windsor as we head into New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. If you have outdoor plans, be sure to bundle up as temperatures to start the first day of 2018 will be in the minus 20’s and windchills in the minus 30’s…
30 Dec: Reuters: Numbing cold wave grips U.S., heralding a frigid New Year’s Eve
by Jon Herskovitz in Texas, Gina Cherelus in New York and Bernie Woodall in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
The torrent of arctic air that poured into many parts of the United States this week tightened its grip on Friday and brought record cold to some spots, as forecasters warned revelers from Memphis to Maine to expect numbing conditions on New Year’s Eve.
As far south as Charleston, South Carolina, freezing rain coated the city’s landmark church steeples, while a shroud of ice blanketed rock faces next to Niagara Falls as mist from the thundering falls on New York’s border with Canada froze in the bitterly cold air…
Temperatures in northern North Dakota are expected to plunge to around -30 F (-34.4 C) on Saturday with a wind chill of about -50 F (-45.5 C), said Ken Simosko, a meteorologist with the weather service in North Dakota…
Temperatures in northern North Dakota are expected to plunge to around -30 F (-34.4 C) on Saturday with a wind chill of about -50 F (-45.5 C), said Ken Simosko, a meteorologist with the weather service in North Dakota…
Canada has also issued extreme weather alerts and scaled back some of its New Year’s Eve celebrations…
just a “cold snap”, says the CAGW mob, who are the only people who will decide when weather is CAGW, and when it is not:
29 Dec: PBS Newshour: Fact-checking Trump’s tweet about cold weather and climate change
As much of the country braces during the cold snap, President Trump weighed in on Twitter, seeming to dismiss yet again the effects of climate change and conflate the the latest weather with the broader issues around climate. What are the differences? What are the facts? John Yang learns more from Michael Oppenheimer of Princeton University.
Read the Full Transcript
Hari Sreenivasan:
Let’s return to our top story. President Trump weighed in on Twitter last night about the cold snap bracing much of the country, and he seemed dismissive yet again about the effects of climate change…
Michael Oppenheimer: It’s impossible to say what was in the president’s mind, but he probably was trying to confuse other people about the reality of climate change.
This cold snap is weather. Weather is what you experience day to day. Climate is the long-term average of weather over periods of years, decades, centuries or even longer.
Let me give you an analogy from the stock market. It’s perfectly possible for the stock market to be rising due to understood factors like favorable economic forecasts, and yet to decrease significantly for one day, several days, a month or even several months. That happens all the time, even though the long-term trend might be continuing thereafter.
It’s the same thing with climate change. The Earth’s temperature is going up. It’s been going up for about a century. That increase is due to the buildup of the greenhouse gases caused by — by and large, by the burning of coal oil and natural gas.
And yet climate has certain unpredictable factors about it which can cause variations like the current cold snap, which can cause temperatures to drop below normal, especially for relatively small areas. After all, what we’re talking about here is the northern half of the United States.
So there’s a long-term trend of warming. This cold snap says nothing really about that long-term trend. And that trend will continue until we make a radical reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases…
John Yang (PBS): So, given that distinction, do scientists see a connection between climate change and episodes of extreme weather?
Michael Oppenheimer: Yes, some episodes of extreme weather can be tied directly to the buildup of the greenhouse gases caused by human activity.
For instance, the incidents of extreme heat has increased and episodes of heat waves are increasing faster these days than they would without the buildup of greenhouse gases. And that connection has been made clearly. Similarly, incidents of very high water at the coasts, which is related to flooding, for instance, when a storm comes along, has been tied in some cases to the buildup of the greenhouse gases through its effect on sea level rise.
So, overall, there are some episodes of extreme weather that are directly related to the human buildup of greenhouse gases…
what a scam.
Can I come down an visit for a few days? I live in north central Indiana and we have 4″ of snow on the ground.
According to Purdue University the average December Temperatures for Anderson, IN are a high of 38 F and a low of 28 F. Average January temps are a high of 34 F and a low of 19 F. (On average January is our coldest month).
The better models are showing we will be running greater than 15 degrees below average from Dec. 29 through January 3rd.
January 4th through January 8th we will run 11 to 13 degrees below average.
January 9th through the 13th our area will run about 8 degrees below average.
Here are the temps forecast for my area for the next few days all given in F.
Low tonight -4
High 11
Low -7
High 3
Low -14
High 6
Low -1
High 15
Low -6
High 11
Low -3
High 14
Low -2
30 years ago I lived outside in temperatures colder than that for weeks at a time. Now I wouldn’t think of it.
One of the things I find ironic about the global warming debate is that most of the people
who believe the hoax knows less than nothing about science. I was an astronomy geek in my
teens who spent almost more time at the local library reading Scientific American than I
did in school. Wile this does not qualify me as an atmospheric scientist, I understand
big numbers, logic and basic physics.
There are three classes involved in the global warming debate; One is the small number of
scientists who know its a hoax but push the agenda because they are whoring for research
grants. The second class is made up of scientifically illiterate politicians who are
pushing the agenda in pursuit of power and the people who are, for the most part, ignorant
of science and accept everything the media will report without question. The latter believe in
AGW because they would fall for any Chicken Little story they are fed. Finally, there are
the scientists and people like me who reject the notion that 350 PPM can have any effect on
average global temperatures.
Having just read that it is colder in New Hampshire than in Antarctica, my first thought
was that probably fewer than 1 in 100 Americans can even understand why this is the case.
I learned this back in third-grade when I was 9. Right now, the Northern Hemisphere is
in the dead of Winter and the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the warmest part of Winter.
I learned long ago that water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas. Back in 1999, I worked
for two months on a refinery shutdown near Puget Sound in Northern Washington in the dead of
Winter. I educated several of my fellow Millwrights on this subject. Before we flew back to
Southern Califonia, every member of my crew would look upon leaving the hotel. If there was
cloud cover, the day would be tolerable. If the skies were clear, it would be colder than
a witch’s Mammary Gland!
Most American’s cannot even interpret a graph to save their lives. It is for this reason,
I decided to put it in terms anyone could understand. I stacked an array of 10,000 pennies.
The main body was made of 9,996 and one half, and in the foreground was 3 and one-half pennies.
I was neatly stacking pennies to the point I was nearly driven insane. I had a feral Tomkitten
I rescued from a paper mill and keeping Slow Poke Rodriguez II from destroying the project
was the biggest challenge I ever faced!