Righto. It’s time to blame climate change for causing British voters to vote against German rule of Britain. Back when the climate was ideal, the Brits would’ve been fine with that.
Instead, even though the world has not warmed for 80% of the history of the EU, the EU is breaking up because of climate change.
It’s not like Al Gore to draw conclusions from a long nebulous chain of dubious reasoning, but here’s how it goes: Coal gives off CO2, which causes droughts according to models that don’t work, and that made Syrians migrate. Everyone got unhappy and voted for Brexit.
Climate change helped cause Brexit, says Al Gore
Brexit was caused in part by climate change, former US Vice-President Al Gore has said, warning that extreme weather is creating political instability “the world will find extremely difficult to deal with”.
Really, it’s all about coal, cars and plastic bags. If the EU had only put in more wind farms, the UK would have voted to stay in.
If it weren’t for a lack of rain in the middle east, the British Isles would want to leave decisions about immigration, fishing and light bulbs to their friends in Europe. What were they thinking when they voted to save billions and make those choices for themselves?
Mr Gore, speaking at an event in which he previewed a sequel to his landmark 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, said the “principal” cause of the Syrian Civil War had been the worst drought in 900 years, which forced 1.5 million people to move from the countryside to the cities. There they met a similar number of Iraqis who had fled the conflict in their homeland, creating powder keg conditions that Syrian government officials privately feared would explode.
Let’s not forget that for the last thousand years when the weather was preindustrially perfect, the French, Germans and Spanish got along super well with the Brits. It’s not like there was ten centuries of warfare until the climate warmed and peace ripped across the land. (Climate change also causes peace in Europe. How bad can it get?).
Gore’s evidence amounts to saying that there was a bad drought in this multivariate intercontinental geopolitical mess, plus Wikileaks shows someone in Syria saying “there is going to be a social explosion” just before there was one. Well, that does it for me…
/sarc /sarc /sarc2
Oh dear, is there anything climate change can’t do or be responsible for?
Presumably the Goricle is trying to fight off the loss of the gravy train.
It’s the noise that climate worriers make when they are in their death throes and becomes increasingly strident as time goes on.
The Age just wrote a terrific article lampooning the climate catastrophe industry, without realising: http://www.theage.com.au/comment/twitter-is-a-race-to-the-bottom-and-a-sewer-of-selfpromotion-20170322-gv4alc.html
OK, The Age published, not wrote.
Really interesting article in itself. But I get your reference to the religion of Climate change. Thanks for the link.
The USA was so blessed in 2000. George Bush made his mistakes, but he was and is still sane.
Imagine if Algore had been elected President in 2000. You think the green blob is huge now; can you imagine the horrible things that Gore might have done? I can, and I find it very disturbing to contemplate. Bad character, bad judgment, and probably more than a touch crazy candidate Algore lost the 2000 election.
Al would have won the Presidency if he had won his home state of Tennessee, a state that he and his father had burdened for years as Senators. He didn’t win Tennessee and I’m proud to say that I was one of the reasons he didn’t. Tennesseans are practical people with enough sense to get it right most of the time. We realized he was not just a crackpot he was a cracked chamber pot.
Bush begat Obama, so it is debatable if we were so lucky. However, it might have delayed the alarmist witch hunt for 8 years, so there is that.
The difference between algore and Obama is ……Damn if I can think of anything.
Climate change caused Gore: pass it on……………
Al Gore’s comments, observations and predictions are about as accurate and trustworthy as a certain Australian doomsayer. You know the one who convinced State Governments to build white elephant desalination plants; the very one that sit costing untold millions of dollars each year at the expense of taxpayers. Both these prophets of doom live by the water, obviously not believing a word they say themselves and continue to flog mindless tripe to a mostly guillible population.
Makes you wonder……
And both bought expensive property very near sea level.
Insert bullet, shoot foot.
So there it is – destroy our way of life to stop a mythical “problem”.
You can bet that Shell-hummer guy has a mansion, several cars, and a carbon footprint the size of 10 Godzillas !!
Difficult to catch Big Al’s goremless carbon footprint, though
There. Fixed.
“If it weren’t for a lack of brain in the middle east”
Actually, the USA has been undermining the Syrian government since 1949. The Brits, Israelis and French have been doing the same.
Blaming the victim is very much a Western speciality.
The U.S. Carried Out Regime Change In Syria In 1949 … and Tried Again In 1957, 1986, 1991 and 2011-Today
The invasion of Iraq was motivated by the desire for fossil fuels. They certainly had nothing to do with even the fake explanation for 9/11.
Hi Alfred,
you say that “blaming the victim is very much Western speciality”.
I’m not sure I agree with you on that.
I think that you will find that people of all races and persuasions seek power and when they gain position of dominance try to offload blame for any unpleasantness needed along the way onto the victim.
I don’t think that western despots have this ugly behaviour to themselves.
Look at the slaughter in Africa some decades ago.
I’m not sure where this is headed.
Indeed the retards checklist; load, ready, fire, and then aim if you still can!
The new standard definition of irony:
Al Gore promoting sustainability.
Makes a change from everything being blames on Brexit.
Of course the scaremongers claim that all UK prosperity comes from the EU and properity = CO2, so the EU is responsible for Syria and Brexit.
He misread the fine print (as usual). Brits voted FOR a change of climate, not because of one. And it is the political climate they want to reform, back to the days when voters had a say in how they are governed.
A slight correction, I suggest: “… back in the days when voters had the illusion that they had a say in how they were governed”.
Who got to stand in each seat, was determined by the political parties, behind closed doors, with lots of material support (from “volunteers”) being provided. It was only the marginal seats that determined which party would form the next Government.
Why was a referendum on the EU resisted for so many years by British politicians? Because they feared a NO vote – and they were right to fear it.
This goes back long before Al Gore’s batty climate ramblings and/or Syrian civil wars.
Good observation! Perhaps “Big Al” is somewhat temporarily challenged?
Family Radio host and Bible teacher Harold Camping put on his best face and told the world that May 21 had, in fact, been Judgment Day…
… but, well, turned out it was just a spiritual judgment. (Nice save!)
They blame climate change for stuff ’cause they can’t face the real inconvenient truth.
It’s a plain old medieval style clash of civilizations.
It was put on hold after 1918.
Now it’s back.
See recent statements by the President of Turkey drowned out by the London attack.
I live in Britain and voted to Leave the EU. I live in Manchester. The weather if anything has become less extreme over the past few years. That is mild damp winters and mild damp summers. Snow blizzards in winter and some summer heatwaves (well 25C+) would be great.
Do the climate alarmists ever have a problem with attribution.
When will you learn.
Observations and facts do not count.
What is of paramount importance is what the model predicts (past, present or future).
Well, he certainly had me wrong.
Had I been given an opportunity to vote on GB signing up to an undemocratically governed EU, I would have voted not to join.
Naturally, given this belated opportunity, I voted to leave.
Climate Change destabilised the Middle East?
I heard it was the work of the New World Order and its lickspittle lackeys.
The planet seesm to be organizing into 10 super states, th eoverall plan can be found in a 2007-ish document called “The Petangons new Map”. It will show you how the world will be re-organized after all the deliberate geo-politiical changes have taken place.
The upheaval in the mid east is part of that….
Where does Australia fit into that scenario?
You may have noticed Premier Li is visiting Australia and talking of peace and prosperity, this is the new world order as the Americans finally give up their wars of adventurism.
Thanks but I think Steve is referring to geopolitical outcomes and he already knows where I’m coming from.
It was the fault of Gore’s Climate Change religion and recipe for a brave new future sure..
Enough people woke up to his global scammer’s absurd Economic Armageddon Arguments to mitigate future disaster (as bought and sold by the EU) and said no way, Al et al. Glad he finally realized it. An Al Gore coming to jesus moment. Quaint.
The Syrian Conflict was triggered by the Arab Spring in 2011. It was people seeking freedom from a vile and repressive regime. Then the Iranians piled in to support Assad regime; the Saudis to support the rebels. Deash emerged from Iraq. The US bombed Daesh; the Turkish Government got involved; and the Russians supported Assad, their long-term allay. The BBC, who slips climate change in at every possible opportunity, does not mention it once in its summary of this terrible conflict.
You’re right of course.
Perhaps global warming causes people to yearn for freedom, when pollies like Gore would prefer them to know their place and keep to it.
Or perhaps it’s just because people learn to yearn for a better life when they see that life can be better, and global warming is just an incident in development of a more prosperous world.
Or perhaps they’re just breeding more and their masters aren’t keeping pace with the demand.
Or perhaps…
“The Syrian Conflict was triggered by the Arab Spring in 2011. It was people seeking freedom from a vile and repressive regime.”
I’m not so sure,Kevin.
Five years ago I was flying back to the UK for a 50-year high school reunion, and fell into deep conversation with a most urbane, civilised and charming Arab individual. He worked for one of the Gulf oil companies.
Talk got round to the “Arab Spring”, and he informed me there was absolutely nothing spontaneous about it, it was all very carefully orchestrated by “just 11 men”. I tried to press him on the matter but he refused to elaborate; however I had the distinct impression that he was talking about Saudi Arabia. We ordered more whisky and moved on to other matters.
Anyway. At the reunion I recounted this “just 11 men” story to an old school friend who has spent his working life deeply involved in the politics and economics of the global oil business, and he responded quite breezily “Oh yes, I personally know two of them!”
So, make of that what we may.
LG that was a good read, but my slant is that the Western powers decided to mount an invasion of Iraq after 9/11 and then get rid of the Syrian dictatorship.
This is deep state stuff, former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas was approached by the British and in an interview a few years ago he told the story to French TV.
“I’m going to tell you something. I was in England, two years before the violence in Syria, on other business. I met with top British officials who confessed to me that they were preparing something in Syria. This was in Britain, not in America. Britain was organizing an invasion of rebels into Syria. They even asked me, although I was no longer Minister for Foreign Affairs, if I would like to participate.”
Thanks for the comment el gordo,I have no doubt the West had its fingers in it too, it’s a very murky business.
But the whole thing kicked of in Tunisia, in 2010, then spread east.
Why the West would welcome ruination of secular (if not quite, by our lights, tolerant and stable) states like Syria and Iraq, is a mystery to me.
Saudi seems quite smug with the outcome, so far. And I note has not admitted a single refugee.
I picked up this old story at the Guardian and it sounds about right.
‘On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting.
‘The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead with the trial would have been an “affront to justice” when there was plenty of evidence the British state was itself providing “extensive support” to the armed Syrian opposition.
‘That didn’t only include the “non-lethal assistance” boasted of by the government (including body armour and military vehicles), but training, logistical support and the secret supply of “arms on a massive scale”. Reports were cited that MI6 had cooperated with the CIA on a “rat line” of arms transfers from Libyan stockpiles to the Syrian rebels in 2012 after the fall of the Gaddafi regime.’
Sounds about right to me too, eg.
So in my weird way I see the Waring States Period coming to an end, as the new silk roads bring about a reasonable level of harmony on earth.
I agree, it all happened so quickly. Looking back one cannot help but feel that it was somehow orchestrated by outside forces.
The failed global warming cabal,
Needs a desperate boost to morale,
So it’s claimed that some drought,
Brought a Brexit about,
From a study by warmists et Al.
Please send money so I can further my climate alarmism.
Hey, Gore you fool, the weather really change the course of war when it is too cold!
Gore and the UN are evidence of how much evil and wickedness can be inflicted on the rest of humankind from those few elitists with far too much influence, power, and wealth.
Al it’s you, Soros, and all those New World Order, Fabian inspired advocates, that ensure the spread of war everywhere, and are ably assisted by the UN elitist who sit on their hands preventing any meaningful peace negotiations. When will the UN act to successfully prevent any conflict? I doubt it will be in my lifetime.
The UN is a large cog in the same wheel.
Its inherently evil in the truest sense of the word.
Its spiritual heart is anti-Biblical anti-Israel and occultist.
FYI, the sterilization, abortion, and eugenics loving Fabians are everywhere and they are profoundly evil.
You’ll need this also —
Gor Blimey! What amazing logic or lack of it. Nobel Prizewinners Al Gore and the IPCC invented Climate Change and seemingly there is nothing for which the answer is not Climate Change, the fifth horseman of the Apocalypse.
While the Common Market was a great idea which goes back to the Hanseatic league which created the cities of Europe in the 1300s, the European Union was a creation of the bureaucrats in Brussels, a political union in which Germany and France controlled Europe, despite previous attempts to do so in 1812, 1916 and 1939.
However Gore’s Climate Change which anyone else would call the weather has also saved Europe from tyranny. Armies were defeated by terrible winters in 1812, 1942 and the Americans in 1918 who arrived without weapons but with the Spanish flu. So Europe was saved twice by Gore Climate Change and once by American biological warfare. It can be a good thing this Climate Change.
What Gore really means is that the world should pay a Carbon Tax. We in Australia are doing our bit, sending secret billions in Carbon Tax overseas to unknown people to buy useless windmills and solar panels. We did not cause BREXIT but we did cheer when Britain once again declared they would fight total control by the French and Germans. We will cheer again when Tony Abbott repeals the Carbon Tax.
Good morning TdeF,
I was a bit surprised to find this report, giving Abbott’s views on Hazelwood. Rather too late I suspect.
Dave B
This will make the SA grid system more yet unstable as there will be less baseload power available for the umbilical cord from Victoria. It will also be interesting to see what happens to the stability of Victoria’s power supply. I think we can make a fairly reliable prediction.
yet more
Stop the RET and Hazelwood would open for business.
Cost to the taxpayer $0.
Taxpayer savings $3Bn a year plus another $2Bn in useless wasted subsidies to keep industry going.
Turnbull is only talking about the cost of the cleanup which is not due for 20 years and Engue was going to pay anyway.
This is Malcolm’s doing. He wants Hazelwood closed. Stop the RET. Engie does not want to lose a $3.5Bn investment plus pay a $1.6Bn clean up bill.
The front page article in the Australian was whether the taxpayer help pay $800 million towards the cleanup and demolition? How was this a debate about saving Hazelwood. Politicians pretend they do not know why our biggest power station cannot make a profit with the highest electricity prices in history and about to ruse another 20% as a direct consequen e of closure. That does not make sense. Mad politicians are the problem. Hazelwood does not need rescue. We do.
Or to put it another way, Malcolm is asked if he will help Hazelwood and he replies that he will not pay half the cost of closing it down. That is a sarcastic answer from our Prime Minister.
Oh, I thought SA was getting in early to support Earth Day tomorrow.
Malcom Turnbull? Can’t the ABC even spell ?
What you are missing is that Abbott knows full well that Malcolm Turnbull won’t follow any advice from him.
So he suggests a sensible course of action,
MT rejects it,
then when the sh*t hits the fan it is Turnbull who cops all the criticism (deservedly).
That Abbott article in The Grauniad.
I had no idea of how the left can be so offensive ….. and get away with it. Fancy someone from the right saying similar things about their leftist darlings, and there would be screaming like you’ve never heard. And the Grauniad prides itself on its policies of no offensive comments. Who would have thought.
I had a little chuckle to myself and wondered what the responses might be if I mentioned that Hazelwood had generated more power than all the Wind in Oz combined, so I actually left a Comment there, saying just that.
The responses were eye opening to say the least.
In essence, they couldn’t care less, as long as Hazelwood closes.
IMHO, they deserve all they’re going to get.
Link to Abbott article, and read the Comments. If you want my opinion, we are more civilised with our resident lefties here than they are at their site.
If closing Hazelwood doesn’t cause blackouts within a year I’m buying rainbow coloured pants a tie dyed t shirt and getting what’s left of my hair styled into dreadlocks .
‘… they deserve all they’re going to get.’
Totally agree, the slaughter of the pseudos is at hand, except if a blank sun leads to global cooling and the ordinary people don’t need air conditioners.
I just took time to read the comments. Typical of the mob who hang about that paper.Foul stuff I say and not very informative.
Australian Industry Group calls for Hazelwood life to be extended:
The problem is this … when factories close because of a lack of reliable power supply, the greenie wingnuts count that as a win because energy consumption in Oz will decrease…
And the loss of tax income will lead to thousands of those in the Public Sector losing their position, income etc. Now where was it that mentioned weeping, whailing and gnashing of teeth?
Actually borrowing perhaps from James Delingpole, Climate Change is the fifth horseman of the Ecopalypse.
The Brits voted for Brexit because of progressive globalist twerps like Al talking nonsense about climate.
Don’t forget Obama’s pressure on Britain to vote the other way. I am still bemused as to why so many still support people like Obama, a socialist globalist who wanted to destroy his own country, and possibly still will.
As was noted yesterday, Obama openly said he expected electricity price to take off like a rocket.
Malcolm no doubt believes exactly the same. We have to suffer for the sake of the planet, except no one else is suffering and the planet is no better. What sort of conservative, small government, low taxing Prime Minister inflicts such economic disaster on his country because of his own nutty beliefs?
The real crime is pretending he is unaware of the reason Hazelwood is closing and that there is no reason given for its closure. Clearly it is just not viable selling electricity in an the age of rocketing electricity prices? To add insult to injury, everyone happily predicts electricity prices will rocket a further 20% when it closes?
Has Pauline Hansen or Malcolm Roberts should ask, why?
I don’t know why you’re all laughing, I can confirm (as will Fred and Kevin above) that it was so hot here in the UK that I had this strange urge to vote in a way I didn’t really want to! Fred and Kevin cannot hide the truth any longer and will confirm that shortly – they won’t be able to resist.
On a really concerning note I have, for the last few days, had a further urge to rob banks and go and live in Spain. It’s a great defence which will hold up in court as the judge will not be able to deny it. Get over here as quickly as possible, the world’s your oyster.
This latest idiotic statement by Al Gore confirms that he is wrong about absolutely everything. Al Gore must be feeling a cold breeze from his shrinking funding base.
Just imagine though . .
If Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” had been released just ~50,000 years earlier, he could have saved the glaciers in North America.
Maybe Gore’s involvement in Occidental Petroleum is not a fruitful as it should be. Maybe he’ll have to go back to selling coal or tobacco…
OT but another solar cf climate paper here: http://link.springer.com.secure.sci-hub.cc/article/10.3103/S1062873817020411
Cosmic Rays, Solar Activity, and Changes in the Earth’s Climate.
By Gores faulty logic, any upward variation in temperature should lead to global insanity.
And just like the faulty IPCC models he holds in awe with religious reverence, he has it back to front – its the insanity of its anti-democracy zealots drive the CAGW nonsese, not the other way around.
How long before we have a Climate Nuremberg trials for CAGW Collaborators ?
Thus endeth the Lesson.
Al Gore still not behind bars?
If judicial system and pollies are on the same team, you can make your own rules….
Are battery suppliers buying blatant media influence?
Part of this ABC article makes sense about the lack of intertia, and does actually contain some science ( gasp! ) however underneath it all it seems to fail to address the simple need for large scale power plants to provide reliable 24×7 power, instead expecting us to swallow a faulty idea of enough battery excuses proper planning and govt repsonsibility to ensure we have solid infrastructure…..
Yes Steve,
A surprise to an extent. They mentioned rotory synchronous capacitors and batteries! There are numerous other fixes but they couldn’t bring themselves to say all these changes (and there are many needed) are hideously expensive and just another hidden cost of renewballs that will drag the economy to a holt.
I suppose therefore that climate change is causative this degenerate behaviour;
I wonder what the songs were; perhaps referring to testicular anomalies of former German leaders or this –
Though the most concise comment on Al Gore’s thesis is this;
Oh “don’t mention the war” – my bad
The USA partly dodged Gore but could not escape the shooting star that was Obama. Obama, Hillary, and Kerry — sour individuals all — made fools of themselves and the USA. All of these folks should sign on to the first Mars expedition.
Gore would like to be remembered as someone important. He will be, but more like Yersinia pestis of Black Death fame.
Bernard Madoff is also a good match for Al Gore.
Al Gore quotes NASA and it’s various climate research divisions all the time.
But how good is NASA? —this British school kid shows them up
If CAGW promotes things like Brexit, then we need to go flat out pumping out co2.
As far as Scammer Gore goes, why is he not breaking rocks with a sledge hammer along with many of his other climate clangster racketeers ?
Yes he should join the likes of Bernard Madoff who is a small timer in comparison.
“As far as Scammer Gore goes, why is he not breaking rocks with a sledge hammer”. He hires por folk to do dat!
Because the”Lying,Do Nothing,Career Politicians”are in on the fix.
The climate scandal caused Brexit, the election of Trump, and the collapse of faith in government science.
Climate change causes (insert baseless scare here)*. It’s a shame the warmlist (http://www.numberwatch.co.uk/warmlist.htm) hasn’t been updated for a while but I suspect it would be several pages long by now.
[*Edited to show!-j]
I put INSERT BASELESS SCARE HERE inside the arrows but they disappeared when posted.
The symbols you used are important characters in making web text. One would put something between them, and there will be an opening and a closing. Such are called tags.
If I want to make a word bold, I can use the opening and closing tags. Because these won’t show,
I’ll use the standard round brackets / parentheses for show.
(strong)make this bold(/strong)
Now substitute angle brackets for the round ones.
make this bold
I put the tags in my text, but the tags do not show.
The first tag tells the HTML editor what to do, the second one with the slant line ends the action.
Gore, I would suspect is almost completely and very conveniently numerically illiterate except when it comes to calculating how many more millions he can make by conning the political apparatus even more so as to force the populace into diverting even more of the people’s hard earned into Gore’s millions dollars devouring vortex in which the people’s money disappears forever.
I have posted similar figures to those below here on Jo’s blog some time ago.
This sort of information and data and comparisions should be rammed with great force down every Australian politicians throat just to demonstrate to them the utter futility and the gross stupidity they are indulging in in forcing renewable energy and all the other vaporous flim flam stupidities of Carbon mitigation and renewable energy onto the Australian public, all for no perceivable present or future benefit to anybody except the Gores of this world.
Even more stupidity on the part of the Australian politicals is that if and when all their political, economic and energy deprivation nostrums to Save the Planet fail and plenty of those climate change, planet saving nostrums are already seen to be complete failures, then they will be the object and butt of the contempt and even hatred of most of the populace for as the German woman who stood in the burnt out and smashed ruins of Berlin at the end of WW2 said “Eight years of war and death and suffering and hardship and all we have is this”.
It those same politicals who will forever have alongside of their names that they took their nations down the path of societal,and economic ruin for no purpose at all and for no scientifically proven or valid reason at any level but just to satisfy their own personal beliefs in an cult like ideology and in an implacable lust for personal fame, power, privilege and wealth.
The numbers;
The average person emits through their breath, which has CO2 concentrations of up to 40,000 ppm, an “estimated” 380 kilograms of that noxious “carbon” aka CO2 per year.
[ Nothing as in “nothing” is ever measured with any degree of accuracy at any level in climate alarmism. Everything is “estimated” only. ]
China’s 1.35 billion people therefore, as a population and based on those estimated personal human emissions of 380 kgs of CO2 per person per year, breathe out an estimated 500 million plus tonnes of CO2 each year.
Australia with its 23 million population has a “Total” annual estimated CO2 emission tonnage from all sources of just over 550 million tonnes.
Numerical illiteracy and scientific myopia allied with an ideologically based bigoted blindness to reality have become the hall marks of almost the entire scientific climate alarmist establishment and its running dogs in the academic, political and media elitist establishments.
What galls me is that the media actually report the tommyrot that comes out of these con artists like Gore, Sinodinos, and Flannelpants, and then turn around and accuse skeptics of not following the scientific method, or for that matter the logic of Socrates.
When you are caught with your hand in the bikkie jar, filibluster is the best form of defence…
The OriginalSteve Rule :
The more dodgy something is, the more spin and noise is required to obscure the reality that its foundation is a lie.
Whereas truth stands alone with no need of defence, as it is plain and obvious, and will stand the test of time.
If you want to make a big drought in the Middle East, bring on some cooling. The Old Kingdom copped that in 2200 BC. Everyone but the Egyptians – Hittites, Myceneans etc – went down for the count in the cooling/drought post-1200 BC.
The handy thing about North Africa, Eurasia and Central Asia is that you can always find drought, ethnic division and tyrants. Some tyrants you like, and even bow to. The ones in robes are usually easier to get on with, rather than the ones in suits. They tend to get the F16s and the pommie cluster munitions.
Those tyrants who sell oil in euros, gold dinars and roubles – or who block the Sunni pipeline corridor into Turkey – are the naughty ones. Petrodollars please, or there’ll be more Fake Springs and cheesy Colour Revolutions!
momoso @ # 32
The Fall of the Egyptian Old Kingdom
End of a dynasty
Famie & more
Tie in the collapse of the culture in Orkney ( Skara Brae, Ness of Brodgar).
I see that there is a new series Britain’s Ancient Capital with Neil Oliver etc. produced.
It was a Bond Event and a considerable number of peoples from India escaped to Australia for a better life. These sophisticated migrants brought new technologies and the dingo.
I thought that Jean-Claude Juncker caused brexit. Maybe climate caused Jean-Claude Juncker.
He was one of the many reasons!
‘Junker’ is right …also an apt description of the EU parasites !
what? having the crap blown out of your country is not the reason for the exodus? whoda thunk?
Climate change will cause the collapse of the left.
what a good idea! i could get a few pals to review that !
Panic setting in within the political class?
“Plans have been revived for a potential $1.5 billion gas-fired power plant on the New South Wales southern tablelands amid a national debate about energy security.
Energy company AGL was given approval in 2012 to build the Dalton Power Station, west of Goulburn, but suspended the project due to market conditions.
The approval is set to expire in July, and AGL now wants a two-year extension.
The company said the modification would enable it to review the proposed power station in light of new technologies and existing market conditions.
The move comes amid a national debate about ways to boost energy security in Australia.”
At least its Australian owned.
Sunspot activity has been zero for several days now. If you must buy a battery get a big one for SA, or anywhere else for that matter. http://energy.gildemeister.com/en — Aussie Invention as well.
20 days to be precise,and still counting.
No-one has yet commented on the 4-Corners program “The Age of Consequences” from last Monday? It would be dismissed by most informed observers as unscientific alarmism but ordinary people have already commented to me that they believed that the program was scientific proof of catastrophic climate change. Believe it or not? This is serious. This is the level of the average person’s understanding of climate change. ABC should put an equivalent contrary view doco on as balance, but they won’t! Can Jo comment on this or doesn’t it matter?
It was a disgraceful, totally unscientific, biased, hysteria beat-up 4-corners documentary made by a bunch of old generals and admirals, retired security advisors and a history professor. Have a look at that doco on the ABC (IView) site. There was no data, no evidence, no scientific charts or graphs, no scientific argument, no scientists, no meteorological input and no substance. It was just extreme scaremongering hyperbole by a bunch of technically unqualified militarists. There was no balance in the argument or even attempt at balance.
It was dreadful and a shame on the ABC for presenting it. The 4-Corners team responsible for that rubbish should be sacked. The ABC (at the very least) should for balance, present (next week) an opposite view on the climate issues talked about. That could be done with a program chock full of scientific data, evidence, observations, graphs, charts, logic and scientists qualified in meteorology, atmospheric physics, paleo-climates, droughts, middle-eastern politics etc. No retired admirals or generals would be needed.
Dream on, Peter. It is not going to happen.
I have friends that I know vote conservative, but get all their news from the ABC and the SMH. They have NO IDEA about anything to do with the global warming religion and believe all that they hear from these sources. They had never heard of 18c, despite the QUT and Bill Leak incidents. It is so disturbing, especially as both couples are intelligent and reasonable well read.
Peter we need to purge the ABC news division of all staff and start again by reintroducing balance,. At the moment its the propaganda wing of the pseudo Marxists and this is unsustainable over the long term.
In the short term it would be good if Donald Trump said CO2 does not cause global warming, to start the conversation we have to have.
I just feel that the increased shrillness of the protestations of the global warmists and the media is clear evidence that they can sense that the end is nigh – but not the one that they have been forecasting. The end of this whole farce is fast approaching and if Trump sticks to his agenda and defunds the UN Climate Fund, ignores the deal that Obama did by Preisdential Decree (or even better, pull out of the Paris agreement completely) and screws down all the agencies such as the EPA and NASA to “get on with their knitting” and forget climate change – then the end they fear will be well and truely on its way. Country after country will just ignore the Paris deal and quietly get on with life.
The end is nigh – be very afraid.
peter –
I commented extensively about the ABC 4Cnrs/PBS program on jo’s “All Australians…” thread the other day, including this bit of background on one of those featured in it:
Wikipedia: ***Leon Sigmund Fuerth is a former diplomat who served as national security adviser to former U.S. Vice President Al Gore…Fuerth spent many years working for Al Gore in a variety of capacities…
He is a research professor at the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.. In this capacity, he teaches graduate students and works to develop the concept of “forward engagement,” with support from both the university and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund…
“Climate caused” fuel poverty!
22 Mar: UK Telegraph: Jillian Ambrose : Government’s pledge to cut energy prices risks leaving consumers worse off, ex-regulators warn
The Government’s pledge to curb household energy prices risks sabotaging the retail market leaving consumers worse off in the long run, a group of former regulators has warned…
Mrs May pointed out that energy prices have risen by 158pc in the last 15 years, and the “vast majority” of consumers, especially those on low incomes, are still on the most expensive tariffs…
Ahead of the crackdown, which is expected within weeks, a group of former energy regulators has warned the Government against taking a heavy-handed approach which could undermine the market and leave customers to pay the price…
The intervention by the former regulators came as Centrica revealed that Mr Conn received an almost 40pc boost to his pay package for last year despite a third of shareholders voting against the reward last year.
Mr Conn, who joined the company in January 2015, will take home £4.15m up from £3.03m pounds for 2015.
the regulators’ piece, subscription or registration required:
22 Mar: UK Telegraph: Stephen Littlechild: We must resist the temptation to intervene on energy prices
24 Mar: UK Telegraph: Emily Gosden: Energy price cuts for 4m households and marketing mail for many more under CMA reforms
British households have collectively been paying an average of £1.4bn a year more for their gas and electricity than they would have in a competitive market, rising to a high of £2bn in 2015, due to a combination of “excess profits” and inefficiency by major suppliers, the Competition and Markets Authority said…
About 70pc of customers of the Big Six firms are on their expensive standard tariffs and could have saved £330 if they switched last year.
Customers with pre-payment energy meters – about 4m households, including many of the most vulnerable – faced particularly high prices due to weak competition, it found…
two comments from the 8 at time of posting at the Tele’s Jillian Ambrose link I just posted:
Brexit Means Brexit: Successive idiot ‘green’ governments have loaded costs onto the energy market. Most of the extra costs are due to the utter stupidity of using a 1000 year old technology – in the form of windmills – to generate very expensive intermittent energy.
The boil of man made global warming needs to be lanced and a new energy strategy based on efficient gas fired power stations supplied with home grown fracked shale gas put in place.
Only then will energy prices be nailed to the floor.
Martin Carter: In the last month I have had my eyes opened to the shambolic state of the energy ‘market’ and as of this morning I now properly understand how the price I pay for my electricity is calculated I’m pretty damn sure it’s not the energy companies who are to blame – it’s the government and its quango, Ofgem.
Most people’s eyes will glaze over when they see a statement like the one above:
“the main determinants of energy prices are fuel costs, regulated distribution and transmission network costs, and the costs of environmental and social obligations.”
What does it mean?
Well I now know that it means the additional charges, usually charged by kWh hours (units) of electricity used, including TNUos, DUos (red, amber, green periods), BSUos, RO, FiT, CfD, CM settlement costs, other CM costs, Elexon fixed costs, Elexon Variable costs, Assistance for Areas with High Distribution costs, ‘Black start’ costs, Renewable energy charges, Capacity charge, standing charge, Climate Change Levy and, of course, VAT.
And thanks to the P272 initiative that is mandatory from 1 April 2017 for businesses using over 100,000 kWh per year, I now need to add the cost of a MOP contract (meter provision) and Data Collection/Aggregation contract, averaging about £450 a year.
So whilst I was delighted to receive an offer on Monday for electricity at around 6p per unit, when everything else is added in, the final cost is going to be somewhere between 13p and 20p a unit, before Climate Change Levy and VAT. And the actual cost won’t be known for at least a year, because TNUos, which is potentially a big cost, is only calculated by National Grid at the end of March each year in respect of the previous twelve months.
I bet Mrs May and her Ministers have no idea at all about any of this. But very clearly the blame for this state of affairs appears to rest with the current and previous Energy Secretaries, their civil servants, and the well paid quangocrats.
comment re Tele comments has gone into moderation.
Another prediction
and the CAGW zealots aren’t finished with us yet:
23 Mar: Guardian: Damian Carrington: ‘Moore’s law’ for carbon would defeat global warming
A new “carbon law”, modelled on Moore’s law in computing, has been proposed as a roadmap for beating climate change. It sees carbon emissions halving every decade, while green energy continues to double every five years.
The carbon law’s proponents are senior climate-change scientists and they argue it provides a simple, broad but quantitative plan that could drive governments and businesses to make urgently needed carbon cuts, particularly at a time when global warming is falling off the global political agenda.
Christiana Figueres, who as the then UN’s climate chief delivered the landmark Paris climate change deal in 2015, said: “The carbon law for keeping us on track with Paris – something we can all follow – is such a valuable contribution at this critical time.”…
The researchers also set out milestones for each decade, with coal disappearing by 2030, and oil by 2040. “It is both a tale of extreme urgency, reminding the world community of what was agreed [in Paris], and also saying it’s not more difficult than it was establishing Moore’s law in IT which came through investment, innovation and economies of scale,” said Prof John Schellnhuber, at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, another author of the article and who has advised Angela Merkel, the Pope and the EU…
“Short-termism has been a problem for all the 25 years I have been involved in climate negotiations,” Schellnhuber said. “This has exacerbated in 2016 and 2017. ***The climate issue has disappeared from the radar screens of the international policy makers.” …
24 Mar: Science Mag: A roadmap for rapid decarbonization
Johan Rockström, Owen Gaffney, Joeri Rogelj, Malte Meinshausen, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
23 Mar: Daily Caller: Michael Bastasch: DC Science March Organizers Racked By Infighting Over ‘Diversity’
The “March for Science” is being ripped apart by organizers who want to make gender and racial diversity the center of a march initially formed to push back against the Trump administration’s allegedly “anti-science” stance.
Tensions over the march’s stance on diversity has caused some organizers to quit and many scientists to pledge not to attend as the focus shifts from science to overtly left-wing causes, according to an in-depth report by STAT (LINK).
“If you’re wondering what this has to do with science, you’re certainly not alone,” Alex Berezow, a senior fellow at the American Council on Science and Health, wrote in a post (LINK) about why he’s not attending the march.
“The answer, of course, is nothing. These issues are the primary concern of revisionist historians and social justice warriors, not empirically-minded scientists,” Berezow wrote, pointing to public statements by march organizers.
2 Feb: American Council on Science & Health: Why This Scientist Won’t be Attending the ‘Science March’
By Alex Berezow
In summary: The Science March has now selected a date. But we don’t know what they’re marching about, who the organizers are, or what scientific policies they support. The only consistent message of substance from the group so far is an insistence on diversity, albeit a version that doesn’t include white men or scientists who don’t get government funding.
Is it too soon to conclude that the organizers never really intended this march to be about science in the first place?
William York (guest post at wuwt) waxing lyrical over Oz energy.
‘The state Premiers and rent-seekers who have visited Canberra return to their home states with a vision for the future and government financial support, either directly or by regulation fortifying this vision. The academy of “projectors”, the old term for promoters, has its modern realization in alternative energy and climate change institutes to be found in universities while the professors devise new schemes, write letters advising business to change its ways and attend conferences of like minded persons in agreeable cities of the world.’
Slightly off topic, but when people insist on illogical and unresonable declarations, there are usually unintended consequences, like this.
18 Mar: ClimateCentral: Reuters: Alister Doyle: In Race to Curb Climate Change, Cities Outpace Nations
Cities from Oslo to Sydney are setting goals to curb climate change that exceed national targets, causing tensions with central governments about who controls policy over green energy and transport and construction.
More than 2,500 cities have issued plans to cut carbon emissions to the United Nations since late 2014, setting an example to almost 200 nations that reached a Paris Agreement in December 2015 to fight global warming…
“Cities are starting to encroach past their boundaries on policies at a national level,” said Seth Schultz, director of research at the New York-based C40 climate group that includes most of the world’s megacities, from Tokyo to Los Angeles.
“There will be more and more conflicts,” he said, over defining policies to curb local air pollution and help wider aims to limit droughts, mudslides, heat waves and rising seas…
***In Australia, Sydney is in a dispute with the national government in Canberra because the city wants to generate more electricity locally, without paying high charges for using the national grid, Lord Mayor Clover Moore said…
Sydney is now a local energy generator through its solar initiatives but has to pay “the same charges as a remote coal or gas station that exports its power hundreds of kilometers,” she said.
But the government’s Australian Energy Market Commission said in December that Sydney’s plan for “local generation network credits” would be too costly to implement. It cited an estimate of A$233 million ($176.12 million) in extra costs for consumers by 2050.
Moore dismissed the findings, saying credits would mean a fairer system overall…
Perhaps nowhere in the world is the difference between government and city more stark than in America.
U.S. President Donald Trump rejects the scientific consensus that climate change is man-made…
released 27 February 2017:
note: Adrian Philip Ramsay is the Chief Executive of the Centre for Alternative Technology. He is a former English politician, former Deputy Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales and former Norwich City Councillor for Nelson Ward…He studied as an undergraduate at the University of East Anglia (UEA), where he gained a first class honours degree in Politics…
27 Feb: Centre for Alternative Technology Blog: Introducing Zero Carbon Britain: Making it Happen
Zero Carbon Britain: Making it Happen is a groundbreaking new report which sheds new light on how we can resolve the political, economic and cultural barriers that are preventing the zero carbon transition from becoming a reality. The first report of its kind, it combines research and insights across many different disciplines and practical projects to explore pathways towards building a net-zero future…
Download the report summary…
report summary:
PDF: 6 pages: Centre for Alternative Technology: Zero Carbon Britain: Making it Happen
P4: Changing world views and values
Climate change is not the root problem but a symptom of consumer culture and a growing disconnection from nature and from each other. By increasing opportunities for people to connect with nature, we can build our collective concern for the ecological systems that support us, whilst also improving our happiness and wellbeing.
We can counter consumerism by reducing the working week and promoting the sharing and circular economies. Faith groups, spiritual practice and the arts can also play a powerful role in shifting culture and inspiring action.
It’s also important to challenge media bias, for instance by writing to editors who give equal air-time to climate sceptics…
Zero Carbon Britain is an initiative from the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT).
Established over 40 years ago, CAT is a leading research and educational charity which demonstrates practical solutions for sustainability.
also links to the full 286 page report! wouldn’t open propery for me:
PDF: 286 pages: ZeroCarbonBritain.org: Zero Carbon Britain – Making It Happen
Centre for Alternative Technology
Sept 2016: Imperial College: Phil Calado’s Placement at the Centre for Alternative Technology
Throughout the month of August I spent four weeks working at the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) on the lush borders of the Snowdonian National Park in North Wales. Founded in 1974 in a disused slate quarry, CAT is an education and visitors centre demonstrating practical solutions for sustainability…
My internship project involved communicating CAT’s flagship academic research project Zero Carbon Britain (ZCB) to members of the public during twice-daily talks. ZCB is an energy and land use scenario that aims to demonstrate that a zero-emissions society is possible by 2030 in the UK, using existing technologies. That’s right, we probably don’t really need Plastic Electronics. While ambitious, ZCB is a first approximation to the kind of change we need to see in Britain if we are to play our part in keeping average global temperatures below a 2OC rise since pre-industrial times…
The audiences were generally small but very well engaged and there was lots of great debate on how we can achieve a rapid decarbonisation. The solutions, are multi-facetted, but in case anyone is what wondering what personal action they can take, start by dramatically reduce your meat and diary intake, buy local food, stop flying everywhere and stop buying things you don’t need. (Then tell everyone else to do the same unless you want to see the hottest temperatures in 30 million years, half of all known species wiped off the planet and hundreds of millions of climate refugees- all predictions for a ‘business as usual’ 4 OC rise). If there’s one thing I learnt in my work there, it’s that our climate situation is very serious…
***I was lucky enough to get funding for the internship through Imperial’s Charity Insights scheme, which provides support for students to undertake placements at UK charities…
Reporter: Phil Calado, Department of Physics
As a comment on the near future, Prof Weiss’s video on global temperature is a good fit to the last 2500 years and the last 250 years and even predicts the pause. However if you follow it (18.16 in) you will note the fall after the pause.
So the best fit I have ever seen, in fact the only fit I have ever seen predicts an increasingly rapid fall in temperature, 0.2C by 2020 and then accelerating, 0.5C by 2030. Of course all the Al Gores and Flannerys will be retired by then, living in their beach houses and writing their memoirs on why we spent $100Bn on desalination plants, blew up our own power system and handed our cash to China, but they would care as much as they do today. Not the slightest.
We can only hope as the IPCC has to admit the temperature is falling, that the whole house of cards starts tumbling. The excuses will be more plentiful than the research grants, but it will be impossible to hide. CO2 going up and temperature going down. Only then might we see some light at the end of the tunnel. Probably a candle though.
ABC’s Georgia Moodie interviews Adam Spreadbury-Maher, Director, Trainspotting: director says it was originally relevant because of Margaret Thatcher. now relevant because of Brexit, Donald Trump – it feels like there’s a wave of fascism washing over Western Europe and America, sexism and mysogyny in the Australian governments, trickling down to the Australian pubic – etc.
listen to opening 3 mins & closing 3 mins:
AUDIO: 15mins50secs: 22 Mar: ABC Books and Arts: Trainspotting live
Tonight in Melbourne a stage adaptation of the novel opens and promises to immerse you in Trainspotting’s world of sex, drugs and 80s trance…
starts & ends with ABC’s smug Michael Cathcart. not a hint anything wildly extremist was said.
again, not a hint from AFP that this is unhinged:
24 Mar: Yahoo: AFP: Javier TOVAR:Theater work offers dystopian view of Trump’s America
“Building the Wall,” which opened last weekend in Los Angeles, was written by Robert Schenkkan, a two-time Tony winner who co-wrote the screenplay for the Oscar-nominated movie “Hacksaw Ridge.”…
Schenkkan told AFP that the play is a very personal response to what he sees happening in the United States and many other countries: a “nativist, anti-immigrant, right-wing and proto-fascist” movement…
In this imaginary future, Trump has been impeached and removed from office, but little is said of the new government — only that people responsible for abuses are being put on trial, including Rick…
“I’m not saying that’s exactly what’s going on here,” said Schenkkan, 64.
“What we are witnessing, what we are experiencing, is a concerted attack on fundamental American values.”…
“The success or failure of Trump’s authoritarian power will hinge entirely on the response of individuals” out on the streets, Schenkkan added…
As people file into the theater before the show, everyone gets a postcard addressed to the White House, complete with a stamp from the US Postal Service, to send off to Trump…
In addition to the production in Los Angeles, six US cities have expressed interest in staging the play, which could also travel to Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico and New Zealand.***
***no doubt we can add Australia to the list.
on topic – a little background on AdvertisingWeekEurope:
AdvertisingWeekEurope: 2017 Partners includes:
GOLD PARTNERS: Adobe, Bing, Facebook, Google, Guardian, ETC
CORPORATE PARTNERS includes: AOL, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Clear Channel, Discovery Communications, Oracle, PwC, The Telegraph, Yahoo, CNN, ESPN, Time
MEDIA PARTNERS includes: CNBC, Forbes, Financial Times
20 Mar: CampaignLiveUK: (Matt) Scheckner warns Advertising Week Europe could move from London because of Brexit
The founder of Advertising Week Europe has warned that the festival could move from London to another city such as Paris or Amsterdam because of Brexit.
“To some degree, all bets are off when Article 50 is triggered,” Scheckner said. “Five years from now, will Advertising Week Europe be in Amsterdam or Paris? I hope not.
“We’re ‘all in’ on London. But you hear what people are saying and uncertainty is not good for any business. It drives people nuts.”
He said Theresa May, the prime minister, and Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, have a “responsibility” to give businesses “certainty”…
23 Mar: Mumbrella: Tim Burrowes: Advertising Week to launch in Sydney in 2018
The organisers of the Advertising Week event are to add Sydney as the fifth global city to hold the gathering, which will take place in Australia in August next year.
The conference – owned by US-based event company Stillwell Partners – will be run locally by Clive Prosser, previously a sales director with Fairfax Media’s regional arm.
The plans to launch Advertising Week in Sydney were announced in London where Advertising Week Europe is currently taking place…
23 Mar: TheDrumUK: Katie Deighton: Sadiq Khan cancels Advertising Week Europe appearance following Westminster attack
The mayor, who was featured prominently in Ad Week 2017’s marketing collateral as part of his office’s #LondonIsOpen campaign, was due on stage with Evening Standard editor Sarah Sands – who will soon be controversially replaced by George Osborne…
20 Mar: DrumUK: Stephen Lepitak: 10 things to see at Advertising Week Europe
Advertising Week is always a mammoth operation…
With over 175 seminars and workshops over four days, leadership breakfasts, special events and fringe events galore, there really is something for everyone…
4. Opening Gala – Monday, 20 March, 6.30pm
Once again held at St. James’s Palace, this is the best opportunity of the week for the industry to catch up and mingle for those fortunate enough to score an invite…
5. The Truth is Out There – Tuesday, 21 March, Shutterstock Stage, 11am
When the world is at a loss when it comes to what to it can believe in the news, the editor of the Independent Christian Broughton talks about the rise of #fakenews and the need for trusted content in a “post truth” world. He also discusses programmatic distribution with members of his team and will share insights of taking the newspaper digital-only a year ago…
21 Mar: UKEveningStandard: Gideon Spanier: YouTube row, not Brexit, tops agenda as advertising industry hits London
If London is going to thrive after Brexit, the creative industries will be crucial in driving growth and investment.
A good example is Advertising Week Europe, a festival of creativity and media, taking place this week at an array of venues including the Picturehouse Central cinema in Piccadilly, Ronnie Scott’s in Soho and St James’s Palace, where the opening gala was held last night.
Now in its fifth year, this week’s event has attracted ***30,000 attendees and some big-name speakers, including Al Gore, Jamie Oliver, Richard E Grant, Matthew Freud, England rugby coach Eddie Jones and Michael Roth, the global boss of ad group Interpublic. Nearly half of the speakers are women…
23 Mar: NoTricksZone: Russian Scientists Dismiss CO2 Forcing, Predict Decades Of Cooling, Connect Cosmic Ray Flux To ClimateBy Kenneth Richard
A new scientific paper authored by seven scientists affiliated with the Russian Academy of Sciences was just published in the scientific journal Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics (LINK).
The scientists dismiss both “greenhouse gases” and variations in the Sun’s irradiance as significant climate drivers, and instead embrace cloud cover variations — modulated by cosmic ray flux — as a dominant contributor to climate change…
With an increase in global cloud cover projected for the coming decades (using trend analysis), a global cooling is predicted…
Another newly published scientific paper also projects cooling in the coming decades. Dr. Norman Page, geologist, attributes climate changes to natural (60-year and millennial-scale) cycles of solar activity (and cloud cover changes), and he notes that the rise in solar activity since the depths of the Little Ice Age has been the predominant climate driver…READ ALL
Jo ICCC is on http://climateconference.heartland.org/
also can your good self and Anton please give us a page on the closure of
I suppose the question which should be asked is, why is Hazelwood closing.
The answers are interesting.
One answer I received was that it was the result of privatization, even the rapacious nature of profit oriented private owners, also responsible for the lack of power and the massive electricity prices.
Of course you can then ask, if the prices are so high and the private companies are profiteering, why are they writing off the power stations? Even paying the cost of demolishing them?
When Hazelwood closes, why will prices go up 20% if Hazelwood is not necessary?
Why does the cheapest, biggest supplier not make money with record electricity prices?
Who is paying for all the windmills, which clearly do not work?
When will we the public stop paying thousands of our dollars for every home solar installation?
Why can’t people pay for their own solar system if they save so much money?
Why after 17 years of paying the carbon tax RET, is it still needed?
How many more years before we do not need coal? Ever?
When will South Australia power Victoria through the interconnector, plus NSW and Tasmania?
If wind is so much cheaper than coal, why are the bills going up?
When will the record high electricity bills go down?
When there are no coal and gas power stations and the RET has no one to charge, who pays for the windmills?
Why is Hazelwood closing when the output of its generators exceeded all the windmills put together?
Why after paying the RET for 17 years do we need Hazelwood so desperately?
Why after all this money are the windmills so inadequate?
Who is going to power Australia at night or when the wind stops or when the wind blows too hard?
When will our great sacrifice, billions of our tax dollars a year overseas plus billions in subsidies to factories, smelters and even coal power stations start to cool our planet?
What are we going to do when the gas stops?
Is there an answer to any of these simple questions? Malcolm? Tim? Al? Or don’t you care?
Who asked for this wholesale destruction of our industrial heritage, our secure, adequate, reliable and cheap power supply? Our ABC?
Very good points TdeF. I especially like this one:
Indeed. What happens when all coal and gas plant has been shut down?
Off topic, Junkers is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the European Union.
Rubbish. The Common Market is 60 years old. A great idea.
The European Union was established by the Masstricht agreement only in 1993. It is 24 years old and falling apart.
It shows how people quietly deceive. Even Lord Haseltine says BREXIT means Germany won WW2. No, Germany did not win because Britain stood strong in 1939 and once again does so. Germany would have won if the EU continued, especially if it went ahead to develop its own nuclear equipped army and invaded Russia again, having taken over the UK.
Britain did well to realise the danger and get out of the European Union.
We would do well to get out of the clutches of the rapacious UN, who also want money and power.
Too bad Helen Clarke and Julia and Kevin and Malcolm see it as a rich retirement home and want us to pay the entrance fee for their continuing fun at our expense.
The one person who led the British Labor party against rearmament, the one who visited Hitler and pronounced him a good and humble Christian man who lacked ambition, was the leader of the British Labor party in the 1930s, George Lansbury. Malcolm Turnbull’s great uncle. Many others thought it wise to give into Hitler while Winston Churchill stood firm and resolute. We need this sort of resolve now as our assets and democratic rights are stripped away by our own politicians and sent overseas.
To my mind what was significant about the Brexit referendum was less the result than the fact that it happened.
The only other constitutional way in which popular opinion is expressed is via local and national elections . But as you know from Australian politics there is
little difference between most parties on most subjects . All candidates are selected by party leaders who all share a “soft left” approach to economics , politics , immigration ,political correctness, climate change , etc.
In 2010 when Gordon Brown lost the election in UK he was succeeded by leaders with virtually no difference in policies .
The referendum was a “pure” event in that a simple choice was offered and taken , and despite the media and the financiers and political leaders trying to bias the result
it ended up as simple majority decision.
Could I suggest that what you possibly need in Australia is a nation or statewide referendum , asking people “do you want 100% renewables by , say , 2050, YES or NO?”
And then abide by the result.
OT: What a bloke. Former PM Tony Abbott on Hazelwood etc on 2GB earlier today.
The “Intermittent & Unreliables Energy Target”.
What websites does Tony hang out I wonder.
Actually, Al Gore is close on this one. He just forgot one word. Climate change REMEDIES caused Brexit. Let’s ignore for a moment that fact that in the name of climate change Brits are paying a lot more for energy even though the price of energy has gone down in the rest of the world due to UK law and EU mandates and just look at Syria.
Syria did have a dry spell but it was nothing unusual. However, it was accompanied by a change in policy earlier this century which removed subsidies for diesel fuel making it too expensive to pump ground water to irrigate their fields so farmers left the countryside for the city. The city dwellers feeling crammed in by the new arrivals and higher food prices saw the Arab Spring taking place in Tunisia and other countries (which itself was caused by rising grain prices tied to diversion of food crops to biofuel use) and thought they could make changes in their own countries. We are seeing how that played out. But for Al Gore and minions, its the intent of policy not the consequences that matter so blame something else.
ABC jumps on this AP report:
24 Mar: ABC: AP: Synlight: Germany fires up ‘world’s largest artificial sun’ in push for climate-friendly energy
Scientists in Germany have flipped the switch on what is being described as “the world’s largest artificial sun,” a device they hope will help shed light on new ways of making climate-friendly fuels…
By focusing the entire array on a single 20-by-20 centimetre spot, scientists from the German Aerospace Centre, or DLR, will be able to produce the equivalent of 10,000 times the amount of solar radiation that would normally shine on the same surface.
Creating such furnace-like conditions — with temperatures of up to 3,000 degrees Celsius — is key to testing novel ways of making hydrogen, according to Bernhard Hoffschmidt, the director of DLR’s Institute for Solar Research…
Mr Hoffschmidt said the dazzling display was designed to take experiments done in smaller labs to the next level, adding that once researchers have mastered hydrogen-making techniques with Synlight’s 350-kilowatt array, the process could be scaled up ten-fold on the way to reaching a level fit for industry.
Experts say this could take about a decade, if there is sufficient industry support…
Mr Hoffschmidt conceded that hydrogen was not without its problems. For one thing, it is incredibly volatile. But by combining it with carbon monoxide produced from renewable sources, scientists would, for example, be able to make eco-friendly kerosene for the aviation industry.
Yes, the latest nonsense of the left is making synthetic fuels such as from CO2 and water or the above process, forgetting the staggering amount of energy required to do so, apparently with a complete lack of thermodynamics involved in such processes. But it probably gets them grant money.
Hopefully this is all housed in a properly ‘sustainable’ wattle and daub building with properly approved ‘sustainably’ sourced bamboo laminated surfaces with the all natural bee’s wax finish.
Have you seen this video? The guy is from Queensland and builds and wattle and daub hut, starting with no tools whatsoever. Check out his other vids as well, including where he smelts iron, all tools used he makes from rainforest materials.
Thanks Dave, that is amazing.
MAN-BEAR-PIG … the savior of planet Earth, and the inventor of the internet no less — which would be ironic if true, because the internet is the only place the truth can be found anymore about this largest fraud against science since Piltdown Man.
All hail the wisdom of the ages … the infallible voice of Science (capital S), ex-Vice President Gore, who, whilst not donning the priestly lab coat of
Bill NyeLeonardo DicaprioBrian Cox, seems to have bought much ocean front property because he believes wholeheartedly, that, YES, We Can hold back the rising sea by forcing 7.5 billion people worldwide, poor and rich, into a global Carbon Credits/Derivatives Market (Plantation!) that he and business partner Lord Blood — real name! — of the UK are positioned to profit from handsomely.If this bag of lunatics and con-men weren’t so dangerous, we’d all be laughing at them. Alas, I tremble in fear at the coming ramifications of living in a ‘1st world country’ that has taken this lunacy even remotely seriously for as long as it has. If we could just oust Turnbull for Abbott, we could get back on track as a Nation again … a boy can dream!
24 Mar: Courier Mail: Peter Michael: Great Barrier Reef tourism operators warn of ‘exaggerated’ reports over latest mass bleaching event
The Climate Council will release a report on Tuesday titled Climate Change: A Deadly Threat to Coral Reefs, which Prof Hughes says cites scientific journals claiming “67 per cent of the reef north of Port Douglas is dead”.
“Average coral mortality over the whole reef system is about 22 per cent,” she said.
But the state’s $6 billion Reef tourism industry has slammed the latest campaign as “distorting the truth” by “cherrypicking” the worst-affected shallow reef sites to portray a global mass coral bleaching event…
The Climate Council – headed by Professor Tim Flannery, author of the Great White Stumpy Reef – took media to see the impact of unprecedented back-to-back coral bleaching at two shallow Reef sites off Port Douglas…
Taylor Simpkins, a marine biologist from California and working for Wavelength, told visitors snorkelling on Opal Reef and Low Isles they were “looking into the face of climate change”…
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has warned against “ridiculously exaggerated” and “irresponsible” reports of the death of the Reef over an area “bigger than Italy”.
“Time and again, the Reef has shown itself to be a resilient system,” a spokeswoman said yesterday. “Not all bleached coral will die.’’…
Col McKenzie, of the Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators, said one cyclone could put an end to the whole bleaching event.
“These king tides which expose the coral, half a metre out of the water, to direct heat and sunlight are part of the natural cycle of the Earth.
“But to go to two shallow reef sites and show stark white staghorn coral, which is under stress but still alive, and say ‘look the whole Reef is dead’ is grossly distorting the truth.’’
” … one cyclone could put an end to the whole bleaching event … ”
NQ but not FNQ, but it looks like we might be getting one.
Location [at 10 pm] “within 45 kilometres of 16.9 degrees South 151.9 degrees East, estimated to be 650 kilometres east of Cairns and 600 kilometres east northeast of Townsville.”
I’ll be watching this one, no just because it is heading my way. Last year we had alleged Cyclone Marcia. The anemometer at Middle Percy Island was working right through the event, but the records were removed afterwards. Looks like the station to watch this time might be Marion Reef.
Complete list of things blamed on “global warming”.
David Maddison,
Thanks for the link!
Wow I mean wow , that should be reprinted in every news paper .
The spawn of the wicked witch names Al Gore as her VP pick.
Why am I not surprised? After all is said and done, climate change causes everything from the Aardvark to the Zebra and then back again. I would think they would eventually become worn out with repeating the same load of hot air over and over and over…and over…ad nauseam, finally ad infinitum and ad stupidium. But no! The beast lives on.
I was surprised to find so many hits on ad stupidium and disappointed, perhaps naively, that I had not invented it. Nuts!
What’s next Gore and Nye on Dance with the Stars .
It’s warming (ok very little) but it beats
cooling . Anyone deny that ? And climate changes
too . But Gore wants to deny the climate from changing
by pretending to adjust a trace gas of <than 1 % of the atmosphere . Look it's sad Gore lost in Florida
and the Russians no doubt caused that too but it is time to move on .
[…] Climate change caused Brexit, Al Gore has claimed. […]
Totally agree with Hail Gore on this one. Had the EU built more wind farms there wouldn’t be any drought. The Syrian refugees would not have migrated and the Brexit Deplorables would have voted remained. A sad end to a tale. If only fairies existed in the back of gardens, eh!
Well at least in Al Gore’s funny little world of climate change did something good . Go UK .
The globalization goals of the UN and the Club of Rome are unraveling and with it one world government
lead by self righteous A holes with their puffed up sense of importance . They over played their hand because
so many of them are impatient and over 80 .
$600 million for fake forest harvest fudge . And who made off with the peoples cash ? Silence .