A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Why do I get the impression that most human beings live in a bubble of their own creation and ignore what is happening outside, even deeply rooted corruption at high levels of nations?
Again!!!On “US Election: Avalance of corruption found against Clinton”
Just why was my comment on local law enforcement practice in this USA At #1.1 with 17 up thumbs been snipped, as off topic? This is exactly the corruption as promoted by the WITCH? I would like to know what I did wrong, please. Even Gail agrees with my observations in the US.
Professor Gillian will fix you up Will.
She handles all the bad cases of hurt feelings.
And she also has a very creative mind.
What does the “Australian Human Rights Commission President” have to do with how the local US police are observed to act towards unarmed folk? I myself have been screamed at “COMPLY OR DIE”! by the same goons. ‘Twas no fun and games at all!
G’day Will,
Why not just send Jo an e-mail?
Surely that’s be the easiest and fastest way to get this sorted.
Just did! I don’t expect an answer!
Will, if I might ask a hypothetical.
In the previous thread which was orphaned you gave some detail which prompts the following:
In relation to the movement of the atmosphere, what would the situation look like if the Sun shut down.
Would the air remain still or would friction induce Eddie’s and would air peel off from the equatorial zones and go towards the poles.
An interesting what if.
KinkyKeith November 6, 2016 at 10:06 pm
“Will, if I might ask a hypothetical.
In the previous thread which was orphaned you gave some detail which prompts the following:
In relation to the movement of the atmosphere, what would the situation look like if the Sun shut down.”
If the Sun shuts down we would not be communicating.
“Would the air remain still or would friction induce Eddie’s and would air peel off from the equatorial zones and go towards the poles. An interesting what if. KK”
My guess! Convection up at the equator down at the poles, would indeed continue, at least until the oceans froze over. The vast isolation induced atmospheric expansion sunward, would cease perhaps with the loss of the intermediary Ferrel cells.
If you want a better guess, ask Konrad who stays current on the fluid dynamics. I have my hands full with all the intentional nonsense about EMR.
All the best! -will-
isolationinSolation, Sorry!10
Actually I think that Will Janoschka is on the money here. Jillian Triggs has a lot of empathy with people who shoot down US Police officers. “Black Lives” matter to her to the exclusion of anyone else including the defenders of our civil society.
Why she cannot be removed form her position is beyond me, except that I think she has support from Turnbull and sections of our Government. We are dependent on the small but courageous independent parties.
Joanne did not like the part of folk in trees with crossbows. I can understand her point!
I hope the Labor government in Victoria does not start blowing up power stations to make sure they cannot be used again. As in South Australia. Whoever buys Hazelwood will make a fortune, once we start having blackouts in summer. Even South Australia will have to beg, as they will be cut off the moment we have a domestic need, or we will be in a price war with South Australia for power from NSW, moving the CO2 from SA to Victoria to NSW.
The Labor/Green Government will have to pay Hazelwood more of our tax money to be on standby, insane as that seems, a solid adequate steady generator with unlimited energy on stand by in case silly, fragile and unsustainable windmills fail? Entirely the wrong way around.
Of course the Greens believe that ‘Science’ will somehow fix all the problems. It always does apparently. Just call Apple or Microsoft or Google? Perhaps a trillion tonne lead acid battery? Or a giant short life Lithium battery? Or we could pump the entire of Bass strait a mile into the air? If Greens really believe this, it makes Science the new Cargo Cult.
The problem is that we are trapped in the asylum with them and without electricity? Perhaps we can just turn off the Green suburbs. They can have their own windmills. Hold on, that’s exactly what is happening with South Australia, a Green enclave demanding more money and power while they blow up their own power stations.
As for the US election, a Trump presidency would mean an instant end to the insanity. What Climate Change? Or to quote Tony Abbott, ‘crap’.
“I will not stand for socialism masquerading as environmentalism” – PM Tony Abbott 2015
I was most interested to read that the SA government is negotiating for the Commonwealth to assist them with funding for an interconnector to NSW, access to the electricity grid and coal fired power stations.
Obviously knowing well in advance that VIC was preparing to reduce emergency power supply when Hazelwood shuts down.
These fools are on a mission and they fully understand the ramifications but, I suspect, also believe in the green magic pudding that will suddenly produce a renewable energy solution that works before the political problems become impossible to deal with.
The shareholders of a public company that behaved so irresponsibly would throw the board and executives out.
Unfortunately the ‘shareholders’ have no say. Thanks to a gerrymander meaning that 47% was enough to become a government (and then getting further backing by an independent and a former Liberal Leader switching sides) they are entrenched until March 2018.
As for the interconnector to NSW this was Labor policy when they won the 2002 election. Progress has been NIL.
You can tell the ones who are likely to vote them out, they’re the ones buying generators.
“These fools are on a mission”.
Indeed they are. And their mission is to destroy industry, as we have already seen with aluminium.
Their mission is to destroy the capitalist system, no matter the cost. And they wouldn’t even allow us to strip the bark off a tree to build a humpy.
Yes, Alcoa in Portland will close. Labor putting more workers, even whole regions out of work for their Green friends and their hatred of CO2. This will ripple back to Bauxite mining, hitting Queensland and the NT hard, but who cares when you are in a cafe in the inner city reveling in your ability to close power stations because you don’t like them.
Christiana Figueres of the UN admitted that man-made global warming climate change agenda is not about environment and is all about socialism undermining capitalism.
Media Conference admission October 2015.
South Australians are suffering Stockholm Syndrome from their Green captors, here is the proof:'s-jury-vote-against-storing-nuclear-waste/7999262
A total state blackout caused by windpower just weeks ago, the keys to the nuclear alternative are dangled in front of them, but like the proverbial 100th monkey that’s been socially conditioned to not reach for the banana, they just won’t take the obvious logical step.
Leftards don’t do logic.
Adelaide to be bathed in green light tonight in celebration of the Paris Agreement coming into force.
It actually marked the Paris agreement on September 28 by turning the whole state black. (h/t chris kenny)
Where is the Cool Futures Hedge Fund when we need it? Lost in crappy time wasting seed funding, on Go Fund Me.
This seems to me to be a Golden opportunity to counter invest, if only I had the resources
Oh yeah, because a mothballed obsolete 1960s coal plant is an investors’ dream…..tell me, do you want a bridge to go with that?
Its rumored that a Chinese consortium has its eye on Hazelwood and will pay a handsome price to secure the whole operation.
Pull the lot down and build a state of the art plant, a classic infrastructure opportunity awaits.
New HELE coal fire plant.
And it would provide cheap absolutely stable electricity while also allowing them to claim carbon credits for reduce CO2 output
Profit assured thanks to the Green anti-CO2 agenda
The Chinese are playing the game very well. 🙂
That makes no sense – if somebody wanted to buy Hazelwood, its French owners wouldn’t be talking about shutting it down.
Ah, I see what you’re saying – the Chinese are looking at building a modern power plant on the site of a decommissioned Hazelwood.
That makes more sense – this is what the Germans did: closed down their useless old coal-fired plants and replaced them with modern ones that are capable of load-following (powdered coal).
The coal supply system is already there, too 🙂
That is what all Australia’s coal fired power stations should be doing, playing the game
USE the anti-CO2 system to update their plants to increase efficiency, then use the CO2 reduction subsidies to claim back from the Green Blob.
Get some of Soros’s and the Clinton’s money.
Go on, let’s have some fun for a minute, amidst all the politics and doom and gloom which currently surrounds us from everywhere on the Planet.
You all know that music and reading are my guilty pleasures in life, so let’s do some music.
In an earlier Thread here at Joanne’s site Gail Combs commented, (at this link) in reference to what our children might be watching, on the state of modern music and referred to a recent (2010) song by that huge singer Katy Perry. I followed the link she provided to the lyrics, and then actually chased up the song at YouTube. (at this link)
Okay, so the song is pretty gross, and not even subtle in its intent, but, oddly, the first thing I thought of was an old record my Dad owned and would sometimes play when I was only 9 years old, and this was in the late 1950s.
I loved the song, as a 9 year old, because it was so catchy, without understanding the intent. After playing the song, Dad always told me never to sing the song anywhere and not mention that he owned the record, an old 78, and one of ten or so from the same artist that he owned. The singer was Ruth Wallis. Her songs were banned from any airplay here in Australia, and in most other places around the World. She was however, huge on the Cabaret circuit, and she toured Australia a number of times. On her first tour here, she was bailed up by Customs immediately on exiting the plane. She was interrogated, threatened with legal action and deportation, and had to surrender all her records she brought out on the plane for the tour, and those records were then destroyed.
My Dad got hold of her records from a friend of a friend, and he would play them occasionally, but this one was his favourite.
Later on in life I remembered the song, and chased it up on the Web, and found the back story to all of this.
Back in 2011, I made this song the topic of my Sunday Music Posts at my site with the song in question, which I traced on YouTube.
The song is similar in nature to the Katy Perry song and while the Perry song is overt in nature, the Ruth Wallis song is done as a double entendre, and it’s just so cool. The following is the link to my Post with that song and some text about it and the story behind Ruth Wallis. It seems that everything old is new again
Sunday Music – The Admiral’s Daughter
Fantabulous Tony.
When I was about 9 my parents went to Winnipeg to a show featuring George Formby and Gracie Fields, and brought home some 78 records.
Like you, I found teh tunes catchy, but couldn’t figure out what my parents sniggered at when they listed to them. Not for a while, anyhow.
The difference is that Ruth Wallis can actually carry a tune.
Forgot the URL for “My little stick of Blackpool Rock”
Indeed, the old censorship board denied much in old Australia. Music banned;novels etc.”Portnoys Complaint” and “Clockwork Orange” and so much more..I hate censorship!
Queensland solar projects;
Link quote: “Longreach grazier James Walker said the long-running drought prompted him to diversify his operations and get involved in solar.”
He says, standing amongst a sea a of green plant cover.
“In September, for the time in years, the Bureau of Meteorology didn’t produce a drought map because it was not needed.”
Isn’t it just dandy that transmission distance is no longer a problem!!!!!!!!
And I guess they have also solved the night problem with solar!!!!!
I think their brains are solar powered – and it’s a cold, dark, cloudy night.
If you care to check QLD electricity hourly spot prices, it becomes clear that a PV solar system would be able to sell the power it generates at above-average prices.
This contrasts with inefficient alternatives such as coal which are unable to load-follow and so are burning fuel for 25% of the day during which spot prices are minimal (or even negative).
Your point about transmission loss might stand a chance of being interesting if you were to contrast the respective distances involved as well as the value of the inputs consumed to generate the power that is lost in transmission.
Just to give you a head-start, and amusingly, the new solar power station at Barcaldine is 100km from Longreach.
Currently, electricity has to travel over 600km from the nearest coal-fired power plant at Rockhampton to reach Longreach.
“alternatives such as coal which are unable to load-follow”
You are not seriously suggesting that wind and solar can load follow..
You really are the most base level fool, if you think that.
No, I’m saying coal can’t load-follow and has to keep burning coal even when the power being produced hasn’t got a buyer. (ie, for almost 25% of the day).
The new Solar plant won’t waste any fuel at all in similar circumstances.
Biggest solar farm in Queensland – 25MW – and another 15MW farm to starting “soon”
Anton can sleep soundly now – Gladstone can be shut down with the same lack of impact as Hazelwood.
Established by Labor in 2012, legislated 2011 …
Climate warrior Kerry to visit Antarctica next week
“The State Department said Friday that Kerry would travel to McMurdo Antarctic research station on Ross Island to draw attention to the decline in polar ice caps and its impact on sea levels.”
Wait. What?
CO2 emissions for every seat on a New York-London return flight cause three square metres of sea ice to disappear.
“If one flies from London to New York and back, the CO2 emissions for every seat cause three square metres of sea ice to disappear.
Similarly, if one drives a car for, say, 1500 miles, another square metre of sea ice disappears.”
. . .
Climate activists will fly & drive for thousands upon thousands of fossil-fuelled miles to express their outrage at your fossil-fuel usage.
A square metre of ice melts ?
No idea of the thickness of this “lost” ice ? Perhaps 2mm, 5mm, 10cm, 3km ?
These people are actual !diots, objectively measurable. There is no doubt that these self-defined “elite” harbour a very large streak of arrogant and malicious stup!dity.
Clearly they are saying that sea ice extent dwindles.
So who’s the arrogant !diot?
A bit more than dwindle.
‘After a reaching its maximum extent unusually early and then following a period of relatively unchanging overall extent, Antarctic sea ice extent started to decline in earnest. Daily sea ice extent levels have been at second lowest in the satellite record since October 20 and below the two standard deviation range.’
I think everybody’s trying to develop simple explanations to cover complex issues and patchy data.
As far as I am aware, if we are talking about Antarctica (not something in the Northern Hemisphere give much thought about when making their simple explanations), the latest state of the science tells us that Antarctica has been on a long-term (10,000+ years) trend of accumulating mass, which either has now, or will very soon, give(n) way to much more recent conditions whereby that trend is going into reverse.
As far as I am aware, although the Peninsula has lost a huge amount if ice, and West Antarctic ice sheets are shedding mass, it is far too early to be announcing that Antarctica as a whole is losing mass yet.
In any case, the Science paper is going to look pretty stupid if and when the thermohaline circulation changes mode and the Arctic Ocean starts freezing up….
What is causing the waxing and waning of Antarctic sea ice? It seems to be a random walk or maybe a punctual cycle we cannot yet see.
I know Captain Cook went further south than we can today, which is a fair indication it had nothing to do with industrial CO2.
In the Arctic the lack of sea ice is easily explained.,45.65,819/loc=-0.656,51.731
Warm winds heading north is probably the simplest explanation and its also worth noting the North Atlantic Oscillation is running on neutral.
CT doesn’t comprehend basics.. of anything
The ONLY regions now with any above average warmth are the poles.
They are the balancing conduit of the imbalance of energy.
Once that heat is gone, the COLD will start to set in, because Sol is not providing has she has over that last half of last century.
[SNIP. tone it down a bit thanks. – Jo]
1. What is the “imbalance of energy” you refer to Andy? Is it caused by the addition of CO2 to the atmosphere and the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect?
2. You seem to be suggesting that solar output has dropped. Reference please…
I’m trying to figure out how your twin beliefs in a warmer Earth and a colder Sun make any sense at all…..but then again your posts aren’t the place where we expect to find sense in the first place I suppose.
” and patchy data”
You must be talking about the surface station data (barely 50% of the land surface, the rest fabricated), and the pre 1979 sea ice data
But unfortunately for you, Ct, real data does exist pre-1979 in the form of the Icelandic sea ice data.
It shows that 1979 was an EXTREME year, up here with the sea ice extent of the LIA
Do you live in Siberia, CT, or do you CHOOSE to live somewhere warmer.
ie.. are you a base level hypocrite.
Thanks for a perfect example of somebody offering sweeping assertions based on patchy data, Andy. Good work.
You have the barest fraction of an idea what the LIA sea ice extent was, and yet you see fit to compare it with the extent observed in 1979.
So who’s the arrogant !diot?
Someone that posts as Craig Thomas. One that needs Mommy to tie his shoe laces!
You think you’re clever because you switched to velcro when you turned 40 and mummy kicked you out?
Poor little child-minded CT.
Your fly is undone, too. !!
Get your mommy to fix that for you.
Come on now Moikel, stop calling peepl idiots and stop hiding behind someone famous: the trubbles were a long time ago.
You seem to be having trouble following the conversation…
It was not me who typed, “These people are actual !diots”.
I made no such assertion.
Little minded CT doesn’t know that current Arctic sea ice levels are actually anomalously high compared to all but the extremes of the LIA.
Klimate Kool-aide junky, CT, doesn’t know much at all.
“So who’s the arrogant !diot?”
Talking to yourself again… you live in a house of mirrors, obviously.
Global warming is mending Antarctic ozone depletion and its also rumored that the stratosphere is shrinking.
‘As the world reaches a globally significant carbon emissions milestone, the sky is literally falling as a result of climate change, says a top scientist at NASA.
“Carbon dioxide cools the stratosphere and when the stratosphere cools, it actually shrinks the size of the atmosphere,” Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told National Observer. “So if you’re about 80 kilometres up, you actually are seeing the sky falling. It’s going down by a number of kilometres.”
National Observer
Shrinking Stratosphere Apocalypse Update.
The effects are … terrifying!
70 whales spotted in one day off the coast of Eden
Millions of butterflies invade Queensland
Plague of spiders engulfs Menindee homes as waters flood back into lakes
“The equivalent of 11,000 Olympics pools a day is pouring down the Darling River into Lake Menindee.
The lake system is now about 44 per cent full and more water is on its way. Wildflowers, including Sturt’s desert peas, are flourishing.”
Yeah but, what do the models say about it?
Oh, that was the models.
Gavin Schmidt does a good impression of Henny Penny.
I can report that my trip to Tasmania went almost according to plan. Despite giving myself only 7 days away, I was able to drive around and get to all the places I had intended according to schedule. All the things I planned to see or do, I saw and did. I also had time to stop along the way and see/do some other unplanned features. Of course I also discovered several other things that I wish I’d had the time to do, so possibly room for another trip out that way in a few more years.
Thanks to those who provided recommendations, and in particular…
+ thanks to Analitik for recommending Smokey Joe’s and the Mt Elephant Pancakes.
+ thanks to Rod Stuart for meeting up for a chat in Launceston.
Damn, I ate so much food while I was away, and virtually all of it was delicious. I don’t know if that’s because of Tasmania or because you get that any time you eat at good restaurants, but I guess I don’t splurge on the fine dining when I’m at home, so it might be holiday bias or temporary “consumer confidence”.
I had heard one of the roads around Strahan had the infamous “99 bends”, and when I drove out of Queenstown towards Hobart I found out what they meant. I’m tempted to paraphrase an old Fawlty Towers scene…
Andrew: Argh, thank heavens I arrived here in one piece!
Hotelier: You’re visiting from Queensland, I presume?
Andrew: Yeah! That’s right. I’ve just had to drive down a tiny little narrow road called the A10.
Hotelier: I’m sorry it wasn’t wide enough for you, Sir. Most Tasmanian cars have steering wheels.
I’m glad I was able to contribute to your Tassie trip, Andrew. And no, it’s not just the splurging while on holidays – the produce in Tasmania is topnotch from the salmon to the ginseng to the cheese to the apples.
Was the tight road the one from Strahan to Queenstown? When I was visiting that area, I got up extra early one morning to do an extra trip there and back before my family woke – just to make sure that rental cars were faster than regular ones ;).
My good lady and I in the not to distant future shall be heading to Tassy on our motor cycle, just for the scenery and the roads with all the corners.
It was nice to meet you Andrew. I’m glad you enjoyed your visit to our island.
A false alarm. Someone in the carefully screened crowd was the problem. Still a normal precaution and he was soon back out. This is the secret service doing what they are supposed to do in the land of the free where four sitting presidents have been shot dead and others wounded.
Thank goodness.
Although I wouldn’t put anything past the Clintons and their operatives.
This appears to have been a known and rabid Clinton supporter posing as a Republican against Donald Trump.
Contrast with what happens when a Trump supporter attends a Clinton rally:
AndyG55 –
the MSM story – violent Trump supporters beat up innocent man:
US election 2016: Trump to target Democratic states
BBC News-10 hours ago
Austyn Crites, the man at the centre of the disturbance, was holding a placard saying Republicans Against Trump when he was tackled…Austyn Crites, the man at the centre of the disturbance, said he was attacked when he brought out his sign.
“I keep repeating – I’m down, someone is trying to choke me – and I’m saying to these people; ‘There is no gun, I just have a sign’,” Mr Crites explained after the incident.
Trump protester: I was beaten for holding a ‘Republicans against Trump’ sign
The Guardian – 3 hours ago
‘Republicans Against Trump’ Protestor Sparks Security Panic at Nevada Rally
NBC4 Washington – 52 mins ago
Donald Trump rushed off stage by Secret Service at Nevada rally
ABC Online-5 hours ago
US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been hustled off stage by security agents at a rally in Reno, Nevada, after someone in the crowd shouted “gun” during a scuffle with a man who held up a “Republicans against Trump” sign
Trump rushed off stage at campaign rally; protester says he was roughed up
CNN – 6 hours ago
u get the picture?
however, people at Freerepublic, 4chan and Reddit are digging into who this guy really is. read his FB pro-Clinton rant posted following the incident (apparently he was freed and doesn’t appear to have suffered any injuries judging by pics/video taken after the incident etc).
his FB rant is full of Clinton memes. lots of false leads at Freerepublic & 4chan, & some trolls, but also lots of interesting stuff. his online presence seems to have been taken down prior to the incident, but there are people who are tracking stuff down.
the WikiLeaks connection is simply that his name is, apparently, on a mailing list for a book from Stratfor, in a WikiLeaks leak called “Global intelligence files”/Stratfor long before the Podesta/DNC leaks.
5 Nov: Freerepublic: from Austyn Crites: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know (man at Trump rally)
Crites’ Facebook page indicates that he’s a Republican who is voting for Hillary Clinton. Shortly after the incident at the rally, Crites replaced the cover photo with one of an American flag. The original cover photo referred to Nevada Republicans proudly voting for Clinton.
If he’s already voted for the Witch, and he thinks Trump is such an awful person, what was he doing at the rally?…
MBA from Univ of Chocago. (Chicago) …
The WikiLeaks connection seems to be he was in an old Stratfor database as having bought a book.
4chan chasing him:
*** …
4chan on this like white on rice.
Speculation the “Gun!” cry person disappeared and was part of the overall disruption effort …
it will be fun seeing where this all leads, but meanwhile the MSM have anothr Trump gotcha headline.
So another deliberate Clinton violence instigation
Its all they have, and it will have back-fired massively.
No “gotcha” here.. the only people stung will be the Clintons
Trumps vote will skyrocket.
actually came here to post the following & got sidetracked on the protestor story! lol.
saw this about an hour ago:
Tweet: Trafalgar Group Poll: Nevada 1-4 Nov
Trump 49.61 Clinton 45.01
(Likely voters)
& remembered seeing headlines all day boasting how Clinton looked like taking Nevada because of EARLY VOTING.
of course, no early votes have yet been counted, and Dems are known to vote early more than Republicans, but that doesn’t bother the MSM. remembered anti-Trump CNN recently had a Nevada poll with Trump +6, so looked for it & found:
5 Nov: Lifezette: Laura Ingraham: Media Trying to Suppress Trump Turnout
News outlets rush to declare Clinton the winner in Nevada
“An early sign Trump is being out-organized: A big Democratic advantage in Nevada voting,” read the Washington Post’s headline in “The Fix.”
“Democrats have built what could be an insurmountable edge in Nevada at the end of early voting in the Western battleground state,” read the opening line of a Saturday article on CNN.
Look at this list of the last three polls taken in Nevada by national media outlets and polling firms:
•Conducted by CNN/ORC, released Nov. 1: Trump 51, Clinton 45 (Trump +6)
•Conducted by Remington Research, released Oct. 30: Trump 48, Clinton 44 (Trump +4)
•Conducted by Emerson College Polling, released Oct. 27: Trump 42, 44 (Clinton +2)…
Trump plainly has a good chance to win Nevada (he leads Clinton by 2 points in the RealClearPolitics average Saturday), and the press is certainly trying to suppress his vote by attempting to convince people that Hillary has already won the state. They would never, ever do something like that for Trump. No wonder so many people despise the press.
keep in mind, the polls at RealClearPolitics are mostly based on wild sampling favouring Dems, & early voting isn’t telling us a thing about Dem crossover or Independent votes, or turnout on the 8th.
I don’t understand why the MSM, who support Clinton would do this –if anything it would say to lazy Dem voters ” oh well it looks like she has won Nevada so I won’t bother going to vote” or at least I hope that is the reaction.
These arguments cut both ways. People are told their candidate is going to win anyway so they do not vote but the opposition do. So make out your candidate is losing. However if people believe it is a lost cause, they could stay home. It’s all on the lazy vs motivated balance. Assuming motivated people will vote anyway, lazy also works both ways. So I guess you just have to make out it’s very close and your vote counts.
back to the protester:
meant to draw attention to his admiration for the CIA/GOLDMAN SACHS/PUPPET, EVAN MCMULLIN!!!!
the so-called proof he’s a Republican is a page from 2011 allegedly showing he was registered in that year as a Republican. as if that means a thing.
Guardian & BBC seem to have been ready & able to move this story big-time. seems a shame the guy wasn’t held at least until the MSM moved on!
5 Nov: Guardian: Trump protester: I was beaten for holding a ‘Republicans against Trump’ sign
Exclusive: Self-declared Republican who sparked Nevada security scare says he was attacked for silently showing a sign he printed from the web
by Paul Lewis and Tom Silverstone in Reno, Nevada
The 33-year-old – who says he has been a registered Republican for about six years – said he was kicked, punched and choked, and feared for his life when the crowd turned on him at the gathering in Reno, Nevada.
Crites cited Trump’s treatment of Mexicans, Muslims and women as the reason he decided to protest again Trump, who he described as “a textbook version of a dictator and a fascist”.
There were panicked scenes at the Trump rally, apparently prompted by shouts from at least one person in the crowd that the protester had a gun…
***He said he could not be sure but “it looked like” Trump was pointing at him, and may have been “instigating something”. Either way, the crowd piled on him, he said, kicking, punching, holding him on the ground and grabbing his testicles…
Crites said ***when he was on the ground he heard someone yell “something about a gun” and he kept telling those on top of him that he had merely been holding a sign…
Although he described himself as a Republican and fiscal conservative, Crites said he had canvassed “for a few hours” with the Clinton campaign in Nevada because he wanted to do all he could to prevent a Trump presidency
He said he was not fully supportive of Clinton but believed she was the only candidate who could stop Trump from reaching the White House.
Crites said he had not formal connection to the Clinton campaign and decided to attend the rally on his own volition.
***“Evan [Evan] McMullin is someone I also support,” he said of the independent conservative standing for president on many states, and added that he backed Trump’s Republican opponents during the primaries. “John Kasich, for example, was a great candidate.”…
does Austyn sound a little “spooky”?
comment #22 at another freerepublic link about the incident – true or otherwise:
“I just got home from there. I was in the back of the crowd. What a guy who was up front told me was 2 guys came in together. They got to the front then the one in front held up small sign that said “Republicans Against Trump”, and the other guy who came with him shouted “He’s got a gun!” and ran out of the building. As the Secret Service rushed Trump off stage, about 10 people jumped him and piled on before the Secret Service could reach the guy. They took him out unconscious. Meanwhile maybe a third of the crowd left. Trump came back and finished, praising the crowd for their quick action….
“I don’t think there was a gun. IMHO it was a setup to create a story that a guy held up an anti-Trump sign and got beat up by the crowd. I expect that’s how the US media will report it.”
Given the Democrat team bragging about doing exactly this sort of thing to the Veritas team, it could so easily be a set up. Two trained guys, one sign. How hard would that be…
by Rudyard Kipling
Stolen shamelessly from the ConservativeTreeHouse — COLD ANGER, It’s Too Late To Appologize!
I am thoroughly enjoying watching the Left go into global meltdown at the prospect of a Trump win. For too long the elites have had it their way and in doing so have caused tremendous destruction as well as the planned collapse of Western Civilisation. Nearly all Western countries are economic basket cases with huge debts that are perhaps not even repayable in many cases and massive immigration of people that are non-integrable and desire the destruction of their host society. Now the people are fighting back and wanting to return government to the people. Hopefully what happens in America will have flow-on effects throughout the rest of the civilised world and we will rid ourselves of the political elites who have only their own interests at heart, not that of the people.
Satellite abandoned in 1967 comes back to life and starts transmitting.
Hip hop is not really new and has its origins in Englishman John Skelton 1460-1529 and his “Skeltonic Verse”.
Quoting from Skeltonic Verse is:
-written in any number of dipodic lines without stanza break.
-dipodic which is a line with 2 heavy stresses and any number of unstressed syllables.
-rhymed, tumbling rhyme is any number of monorhymed lines until the rhyme runs out of energy then the lines switch to a new mono-rhyme series.
To Mistress Margaret Hussey
By John Skelton
Merry Margaret,
As midsummer flower,
Gentle as a falcon
Or hawk of the tower:
With solace and gladness,
Much mirth and no madness,
All good and no badness;
So joyously,
So maidenly,
So womanly
Her demeaning
In every thing,
Far, far passing
That I can indite,
Or suffice to write
Of Merry Margaret
As midsummer flower,
Gentle as falcon
Or hawk of the tower.
As patient and still
And as full of good will
As fair Isaphill,
Sweet pomander,
Good Cassander,
Steadfast of thought,
Well made, well wrought,
Far may be sought
Ere that ye can find
So courteous, so kind
As Merry Margaret,
This midsummer flower,
Gentle as falcon
Or hawk of the tower.
Also see:
I recently mentioned the Lake Goldsmith Steam Preservation Society and their recent open days.
I took my thermal imaging camera to take some videos of steam and also internal combustion engines.
See video I posted at and other infrared videos on my channel if interested.
Interesting views, thanks.
Black Lives Matter.
Following statistics are for 2014 and 2015 and are in numbers of murders per one million people:
Whites killed by blacks 9.83
Blacks killed by whites 0.77
Whites killed by whites 10.22
Blacks killed by blacks 53.94
The folk who make up Black Lives Matter are concerned about the 0.77. Apparently the 53.94 is quite OK????
If you do the ANOVA they have a point (even if your characterisation wasn’t a lot of bunkum)
Question: What single event can simultaneously mean a loss is a gain, and a gain is a loss?
Answer: A Donald Trump victory will result in the relocation of the George Stephanopoulos family from the US to Australia. The loss of the Stephanopoulos family is a gain for the US; and the gain of the Stephanopoulos family is a loss for Australia.
They could go back to Greece.
‘Even if Trump loses, the shift to automated manufacturing suggests that a similar candidate will romp it home in 2020.’
Alan Kohler / The Oz
A populist or demagogue its hard to say, but he will need to be charismatic and have a good sense of humor.
As I did suggest some months ago, at least two of the various UK High Court Judges that decided the Parliament should handle Brexit are members (the Chief Justice a founding member) of the European Law Institute. Once Brexit reached the Courts, the quietly hidden tentacles between judges and various sinecured EU Courts will become influential.
So ?
Well, the ELI was actively calling for the reversal of the plebiscite vote to leave the EU. And at least one of the High Court Judges who is a member of the ELI will sit on the Supreme Court to hear the Govt appeal against his own decision from the High Court. I do not suggest that in questions of black letter law, their Honours are anything less than precisely scrupulous – but in matters of politics, they may be anything but that, without accountability.
Tiredly, one can see Brexit being continuously whittled until another vote, preferably from the Remain viewpoint as part of a general election, is carried out. Best out of three, one each at the moment.
Is there a single good list or link to a list of scientific peer-reviewed publications that contradict conventional climate theory? I often get alarmists who claim that ALL of the scientific literature supports climate warming theory. It would be good to quote back a single link with hundreds of references that disagree and contradict alarmist claims?
Here is a modest start.
FIRE crews are battling an intense blaze at a bacon factory at Kingaroy, northwest of Brisbane.
Emergency services were called to the fire at SunPork Fresh Foods’ Swickers bacon factory on Kingaroy-Barkers Creek Rd about 8am, where they found the factory engulfed in flames.
FARK claims: “Queensland town to smell delicious for the foreseeable future”!
Not for the vegetarians.
“SunPork Fresh Foods’ ”
Not so sure the mooslems will like the smell either.
bbq’d pork crackling… yummmmm !
For the artists out there, I have a suggestion for a political cartoon. Picture a six foot eight inch man dressed in an FBI clown suit plastered with images of Hillary Clinton and playing with a yoyo. James Comey’s face is imprinted on the yoyo. The caption is: “Find the yoyo and win a prize.”
Where does the Drum get their experts on Climate Change?
I would be surprised if any of these commentators have read any discussion of the Science, Their argument seems to be that it is not worth trying to convince sceptics to believe the science and that the expenditure would be better spent on other important social issues.
Surely the review is needed to ensure that the billions of dollars being spent on renewables is justified by the science!
‘…it is not worth trying to convince sceptics to believe the science….’
That’s true and with global cooling set to begin next year my position has hardened.
I’m not surprised as the NH aggressively cools, just as Habibullo Abdussamatov saw it coming.
“There’s debates about the details. But there is overwhelming scientific consensus, 98 per cent of climate scientists agree that humans are causing this,” said Naomi Klein on Q&A.
Ms Georgina Downer (IPA) however argued “climate science was a constantly evolving science because our data sets are very, very small”.