It doesn’t get better than this. Trump is one hundred percent skeptic, no pandering.
Say goodbye to the fantasy that CO2 controls the planets thermostat.

Click to enlarge. See PDF for page 2.
Finally, a leader says No to refueling the Global Green Gravy Train. It will still take years to slow and unpack, because it is a pagan religion and a 1.5 Trillion Dollar industrial freight machine. But yesterday the gargantuan train split at a junction and the people stuck on Big-Green roller will be able to watch the other train take off as it dumps the dead-weight carbon truck with square wheels.
As Marc Morano says: “Trump is right on climate science and Trump rightly scares the hell out of the warmists.”
No wonder they are in tears. The two main weapons of carbon-believers are the free money from government treasure chests, and coercion through namecalling. Trump has control of the biggest treasure chest in the world and isn’t afraid of being called names.
Trump named Myron Ebell as his new “EPA Dismantler”.
“Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and a prominent climate-change skeptic, was chosen at the end of September to head the Environmental Protection Agency’s transition team…” — Newsweek
Ebell is a complete skeptic. I’ve met him at Heartland Climate Change conferences and he’s a good man. A great choice.
In May Trump offered up the Skeptics Christmas Wish List:
1) Trump pledged to rip up Paris climate agreement in energy speech –
2) Trump railed against “draconian climate rules” –
3) and withdraw any funding for United Nations programs related to global warming.
Check out Trump’s Contract with the American Voter:
Has anyone in politics ever laid it out so bare? Read the last three promises written under “Seven actions to protect American Workers”:
★ FIFTH, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.
★ SIXTH, lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward.
★ SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America’s water and environmental infrastructure.
In the long run, the movement will never completely go away, the religion will transmogrify. The freeloaders will find other ways to enrich themselves off the public purse and people who are not-too-good-with-numbers will seek alternatives to feel useful, and assuage their guilt for living in the best countries on Earth.
But yesterday honest hardworking people had a win. Rejoice, they are rare. Democracy is not dead.
POST NOTE: to clarify a point discussed in comments with RAH and Peter:
Is this the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end?
IMHO Peak frenzy was circa 2007, and the end of the beginning was Dec 2009 with Climategate and Copenhagen. Seven years later, this is the largest hurdle the climate movement has faced.
PS: Climate-frenzy (definition): money x “worry”. See opinion polls
Didn’t you hear Malcolm Turnbull at midday?
Malcolm, Julie and Josh picked up the cudgels on behalf of the AGW scam. I rather doubt that they consulted Barnaby.
As an initial policy response to the election of Donald Trump this represents a big “Up Yours” to the president elect of the US of A.
It also throws down the gauntlet to every member of the Australian parliament.
And, the more I think about it, the more it looks like an act of desperation. Who stands to lose what and how much if the AGW scam comes to a halt? Watch closely!
Well Sacks of Gold Bank will be asking for the “right” response to make sure their investment is protected, Oui?
I never expected to see Liberals in Australia (conservative party Menzies created) complain about a conservative becoming POTUS.
Labor’s leader not surprising, but now the LibLabs are on the same wave length, at least at leaders level.
He’s probably more of a libertarian than conservative
These political labels are not very descriptive.
Liberals are generally for more government and therefore less personal liberty. Those under the conservative banner are barely distinguishable from the liberals these days.
But I agree, Trump is more libertarian than conservative.
I thought Bobl was referring to Turnbull.
No , I was referring to Trump, Malcolm X is a regressive, what they call in the US a RINO (Republican in Name Only). He is a regressive with some leanings to Conservatism – He is NOT a Libertarian since he believes solely in collectivism (sometimes called by the UN communitarianism – otherwise known as communism). IE the good of the many outweighs the good of the few or the one. A central planning type. Individualism is the hallmark of a Libertarian.
This funilly enough is One Nation’s and the Liberal Democrat’s challenge. Libertarians just want to be left alone, they don’t want the government intruding on their lives at all and that makes them notoriously difficult to organise. Organisation requires the building of a collective which libertarian abhor. It’s no wonder these people have little collective clout.
Trump only became possible because of the electoral system in the USA, Libertarians didn’t have to organise to pool their votes.
Perhaps the Labels need explanation for Australian audiences. Libertarians are basically the “Government should Butt out types”. They are for Small distributed government, low taxes, personal responsibility, Individualism (Personal Liberty), and no government intrusion on their lives (EG warrantless entry etc). They form the backbone of the tea party movement. On environment and social issues they can be more lefty, pro conservation but not at the expense of liberty – so generally against UN control, they are more likely to take it as simply “Their Personal Responsibility” to touch lightly on the earth and others and that this is a moral issue for each and every individual. The Libertarian party in Australia is either the Liberal Democrats or One Nation. The Liberal Party was founded on these principles but rarely practise it.
Conservatives are the traditionalists, traditional economics (rather than Keynsian), Big government, high tax, rule of law, work ethic, believe in trickle down economics, Capitalists (Supporting big business helps big business support the workers), Pro UN but less so that progressives. Described by no party at all in Australia but there are some adherents in the LNP. I would describe Abbott as a Libertarian rather than a conservative for example
It’s been pretty clear for a long time now that many Australian Liberals are socialists too. You have to look at individual politicians these days. Party lines won’t indicate left or right leanings anymore, although you can be pretty sure if they’re Labor they’re left but some can surprisingly come out more libertarian than Liberals on some issues.
Thanks Ted,
“Malcolm, Julie and Josh picked up the cudgels on behalf of the AGW scam. I rather doubt that they consulted Barnaby.”
I watched an ABC cut of the episode tonight. I did not notice the AGW scam angle. It might have been left out.
I did notice that the Deputy PM was not there!
Its about time Barnaby split off the Nationals, and Cory split off the Conservatives.
That would leave just the far-left turnbull coalition of the wilting.
Those three stooges (Malcolm, Julie, Josh), have just ensured that the current Liberal party will become a minor party after the next election.
They were celebrating the Paris agreement. Which I regard as the scam at work.
I was disappointed when Turnbull replaced Abbott, but still hoped that Turnbull could be a good Prime Minister. I blamed the DelCons for the debacle we have seen since. But the enthusiasm displayed by the triumvirate yesterday tells me that maybe the DelCons were right. The enthusiasm did look so tightly scripted as to appear somewhat hollow.
I can’t see haw the coalition can survive the split in the Liberal party. The Nationals have nowhere to go, because they always confined themselves to a narrow base.
President Trumps’ website is brilliant – the whole lot is there – policies on the important things to make America Great…
meanwhile back in Oz we have Mal-innovation sitting in Canberra signing the Paris Climate Agreement this morning!
Turnbull swallowed the climate change coolaid a long time ago, and is a bully, an intellectual bully, who has never been good at admitting mistakes. Plus, his ego will never allow a backdown on his beliefs. As a schoolboy, he had a stamp made- TVRNVS MAXIMVS- with which he stamped EVERY page of EVERY book he owned. He really does believe that he knows and understands more than anyone else. And you all thought Krudd had an overdeveloped ego problem.
IMO we have a long, long way to go and it is going to be hard tough fight. This situation we find ourselves in did not grow it’s roots overnight and will not be eradicated quickly. This is not the beginning of the end. A Winston Churchill quote best expresses where we skeptics are now I believe:
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
That quote comes from a speech he gave in Nov., 1942 during WW II. That speech was given as Monty had his first real offensive success against Rommel and ‘Torch’, the invasion of North Africa was occurring. Stalin’s forces had stopped the Germans and had started a counteroffensive near Stalingrad. I would say we’re about at the same stage in winning the war against the green blob and the one world internationalists which created it.
I agree. This is just the end of the beginning!
I think that the Trump victory is a big victory, but we are still involved in a protracted war for hearts and minds about the way our societies will develop.
Today I was talking to a retired Australian Navy Petty Officer. A natural conservative you would think. He thought that all Americans should be embarrassed by the Trump victory.
What? An ex service man and an RSL man.
That made me think that Australians still need convincing.
I didn’t say it would be easy: “It will still take years to slow and unpack….”
And I was quite specific about what was ending. This is not the beginning of the end of eco-activism, other shades of environmental scare, liberals, namecalling, bullying, corruption, freeloading …
IMHO Peak frenzy was circa 2007, and the end of the beginning was Dec 2009 — Climategate and Copenhagen.
PS: Climate-frenzy (definition): money x “worry”. See opinion polls
OK Jo, my apology,
You did label your post with “Beginning of the End”
I confess that I often start reading the comments on your blog after reading the headline.
I do not do that with any other blog (I rarely read their comments). Such is my interest and respect for your group of enthusiasts. I said as much to Annie last night. It is like having a conversation.
I agree that Climategate may be seen as a turning point. But it would not have been a turning point if the battle had not been continued, at great cost and effort to us all.
I truly applaud your blog as the best of all about the Climate Change. I check in several times each day (really obsessed)
I am not sure that I like being called an “enthusiast”, when it comes to discussing bad science.
I’m here out of fascination of the human condition.
What seems obvious to me is the opposite for others. That to me is fascinating, and I can’t help but to come here and read about more of it. Mind you, I’ve learned a great deal here the last several years. About everything.
RAH and Peter C (and to all the great commenters here) you make my posts better when you speak up. Thank you.
We may not totally agree on the detail as to what stage in the fight we are actually in but I think we can agree to this. It is always necessary to remember that in any war the enemy will have a say in determining the timing and character of the battles and the locations they occur. As with all history the best analysis of what has transpired will come after the war is over. The important thing now is that we engage on all fronts. We in the US have an opportunity with a Republican Congress and POTUS to change the whole course of this war and we must not squander it. As in the fight against Hitler, due to limits of resources and influence, we have so far only been only able to carry out a peripheral strategy but now we are coming into a time when we should be able to strike with real effect against the vitals of the beast, not only domestically here in the US, but everywhere.
And thank you for your blog an all you do through it.
I thoroughly agree Jo.
Armistice papers may be signed, and hands may be shaken, but the war never really ends, it just morphs into something else – often something that is worse, and far more insidious.
The point has been made in an earlier article is that all Trump has to do is install a new head of the (Federal) EPA and cancel the decree that CO2 is a dangerous pollutant. That will render the campaigns against coal, gas and frakking as useless and boost jobs as Trump wants. The various hold-out States e.g. California can do what they like but will face increasing electricity costs and declining industrial and agricultural sectors followed by population drop as people head to “greener” pastures. Nor will ‘renewables’ be so favoured when there is no federal tax rebates – remember Buffett’s words.
I cannot think of a single country in Asia that pays anything but lip service to AGW as they continue to build coal fired power stations. China, India, Japan, Sth. Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam etc.
Europe is the stronghold of AGW action with the EU bureaucracy most enthusiastic. But even there the enthusiasm is muted. Greece is going to build 2 new lignite power stations, while Poland is building more black coal fired ones. Germany is building many more lignite stations to cover the unreliability of renewables. Politically enthusiasm is on the wane; the Netherlands has quietly dropped subsidies for renewables as has Spain. Germany and the UK are looking for a way out, and if this coming winter is as cold and bitter as forecast then the failure of renewables and the subsequent death of tens of thousands will force a change of policy. Trump might give them the excuse to reverse the disastrous rush into unreliable and expensive renewables.
I think by and large that countries worldwide are becoming less afraid of the self-righteous name calling from the green blob, which has always attempted to shame them into “action” of some sort. Thankfully we’ve often seen the opposite, such as the hypocritical new airport built in the Maldives after they complained they were drowning and, China doing a pretty decent F.U. to them as well.
It’s also the reason for the riots in the US right now. For years the general public has been brainwashed by the green blob and self-serving DNC get rich policies. Now that Trump has been labelled just about everything negative and many have accepted it as truth simply because they couldn’t think laterally and see the writing and corruption on the wall, they feel their lives are now in the hands of an 85 I.Q. bully.
As Jo said it’ll take quite some time, but I bet much of the funding required to make things happen will come simply via reversal of those destructive green blob policies, which costs very little compared to infrastructure. Say hello to home-brand suit and tie, U.N./E.U.
“Greece is going to build 2 new lignite power stations”
Come back Zorba – your country needs you!
He’d better build better infrastructure then! I seem to remember that Zorba spent a lot of the mine owner’s money on trying to impress a lady in town. Zorba’s plan was to harvest the forest up the mountain and his design for doing so ended up disastrously. Having said that, Zorba the Greek is one of my all-time favourite books.
Even better; the money comes from the EU intended to help ‘worthy’ countries struggling to afford low CO2 emission generation. As the Greek lignite is one of the worst quality in Europe the reaction has been hysterical and worse, ignored.
For greenies the news is very, very bad. The real world is now the basic playground and their feet are struggling to touch down.
Must have been his evil twin Zorba the Green!
I read that India has dozens of coal generators planned for the near future. Coal is finite and that may soon become a more serious issue. I’m interested to hear rumour that a Perth(Au) scientist is working on a water electrolysis unit to boost Indian power stations. In theory the hotter your furnace the better chance you have of boiling water. Hydrogen burns with the hottest flame of any fuel and leads to more complete combustion of coal if sufficient oxygen is present.
I reckon we will soon be running ultra super critical furnaces and coal resources will be stretched for decades longer.
John PAK:
By coal being finite you mean that in a hundred years we may have to redirect our efforts? Fully agree.
As for standard boilers the breakdown of water to hydrogen and oxygen under high temperatures is standard engineering (and corrective action) and it gets worse as you raise the combustion temperature. I met this in the early seventies and the science is being steadily improved (unlike what is sometimes described as settled science).
The improvement in efficiency of burning coal certainly reduces the consumption of coal for the same amount of electricity. Going from 34% to 44% efficiency may seem minor but it cuts black coal usage (and CO2 emissions) by 23%. (Even better for brown coal -HT TonyfromOz). Renewables are incapable of delivering any such cut. See the German figures for 2009 to 2015 – billions of expenditure for ZERO reduction.
By 3016 I fully expect that burning coal to produce electricity will be a very minor event, as it is too valuable as a chemical source to do so. Whether it is nuclear fission or fusion that replaces it I can’t say and don’t care as I won’t be alive to see it.
Where did you read that, John?
“Coal is finite and that may soon become a more serious issue.”
We have barely scratch the surface on fossil fuels !!
Due to continued exploration, known reserves have continued to climb faster than usage.
More like December 8, 1941. America is definitely in on the right side now.
much to read at jo’s Marc Morano link.
also at ClimateDepot:
9 Nov: SanFranciscoChronicle: David R. Baker: Is Trump’s victory game over for climate?
On Monday, climate negotiators from around the world gathered in Marrakech, Morocco, to plan their next steps in the fight against global warming.
On Tuesday, American voters elected as president a man who has repeatedly called climate change a hoax.
“A third of the people here are walking around like zombies, like the walking dead, not sure what to do,” said UC Berkeley Professor Daniel Kammen, speaking from Morocco…
“Trump has said he’s against everything we’ve been making progress on, from the transition off of coal to being an international leader on climate,” Kammen said…
***“The planet is in danger,” said Tom Steyer, the Bay Area billionaire who created a political organization, NextGen Climate, to ***mobilize young voters around global warming…
Some wondered Wednesday whether Trump might be open to persuasion, at least on supporting renewable power. The solar and wind industries, they noted, have been adding jobs in many of the states that backed Trump, such as Iowa and Texas…
Trump is said to be considering an oil company CEO — Harold Hamm, of Continental Resources — to become his energy secretary. Hamm was Trump’s top adviser on energy issues during the campaign…
But activists also vowed to fight Trump should he move to gut climate regulations, even as they acknowledged his party will now control every branch of the federal government. And they urged him to reconsider.
“President-elect Trump must choose whether he will be remembered for putting America back on the path to climate disaster,” said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club.
***the UN-democratic MSM is also trying to “mobilize the young”!
US election: Donald Trump’s presidential win sparks tense protests across major US cities – live
The Guardian – 24 mins ago
… tense protests across major US cities – live. ***Are you taking part in the anti-Trump protests?
Thousands take to the streets to protest Trump win – 2 hours ago
‘Not Our President’: Protests Spread After Donald Trump’s Election
New York Times-3 hours ago
Donald Trump: Protesters take to US streets to rally against election …
ABC Online-3 hours ago
Anger over Donald Trump explodes in post-US election protests
The Sydney Morning Herald – 5 hours ago
Anger over Trump explodes in protests – 7 hours ago
Trump is not my president: US students protest at COP22
Business Standard-14 hours ago
The World Reacts to America’s Climate Denier-in-Chief
Mother Jones-12 hours ago
Environmental activists at the UN climate conference in Marrakech, Morocco, protest against Donald Trump’s election
Donald Trump’s Victory Could Mean Disaster for the Planet
In-Depth-TIME-10 hours ago
many of those protesting Trump’s election don’t seem to have “global warming” on their minds though:
9 Nov: Youtube: 10mins10secs: Social Justice Warriors React To Donald Trump Victory
posted by Ultimate Compilation TV
9 Nov: Youtube: 11mins19secs: Social Justice Warriors React To Donald Trump Victory #2
posted by Ultimate Compilation TV
Living proof the agitprop crowd are organized and ruthless….
And paid for their efforts. Numerous blogs have pointed out that the signs the unwashed and uneducated carry all come from the same printing company. Probably because most of them couldn’t even make a sign as they are illiterate.
If the ABC ‘News’ tonight was anything to go by, the protesters were a pathetic few young snowflakes with ill-written banners; poor dears! It’s about time they grew up and the ABC ‘journalists’ also. Why was I daft enough to think of trying to watch? It’s a waste of time and bad for the old blood pressure!
Three cheers once again for your blog Jo…thank you for everything you put into it.
Sorry you watched the wrong channel there Annie. I was watching Paul Murray Live on Sky News (yeh.. I’m a capitalist with a Foxtel connection) last night and the bedwetting from the millenial Left was a laugh a minute, a “riot” so to speak. I ended up recording the show and maybe I’ll put it up on YouTube for fun.
We don’t have Foxtel so, no, didn’t see that. I was amused at the amount of ‘news’ the ABC tried to extract from a handful of snowflakes with homemade signs and their hysterical time-filling burbling!
Did anyone read some of the signs.I don’t know what they are teaching them in school,but it’s not spelling.
These are the ones that actually made their own signs? Rather than Soros paid ones?
Think of what they’re protesting! They are protesting the peaceful transition of power determined by an election held by free people as per law as stipulated in the Constitution. You could say they are protesting the results of said election but then they would be protesting against the entire electorate of this nation that determined the outcome of that election. Does that make sense? Not to me.
Let’s be real here. In the coming fight we US citizens are going to have to take an active part through the designated channels we have to our representatives and senators. Trump has been elected marking the desire of half of the electorate for a sea change in the way the Federal Government conducts it’s business. But the reality is that many of those in Congress and the Senate are being enriched by the manner in which that business has been conducted. These self serving types will mouth all kinds of lies to present themselves as being for change but their actions will be diametrically opposed to what they are declaring publically and the only way to help Trump to stay on top of them by mail, e-mail, and fax.
They are not protesters they are just people who didn’t get their own way in a fair democratic process.
I call that throwing a tantrum not protesting !!
The mentality of these protestors is one of, “I can’t afford a car like yours, so I am going to scratch your paintwork – lets see how you like that!”.
The British police have a name for them: “Bloody Idiots”.
Unfortunately, your comment about the British Police is about four decades out of sync with present day reality.
The Brit police these days, under similar circumstances, are more than likely to join in, as they have been brainwashed, and sent out with the sub-liminal message ‘Anything Left-wing, Gorbals Warbling included….GOOD: anything opposing those ideas…..BAD.
Add to that the strange ‘storm-trooper’ get-ups, inclusive of Heckler and Koch machine guns, and they are indeed a far cry from the old Dixon model; not that there was much truth about them as well.
Probably more than four decades – I went back a year or so ago – different country – alien society.
The only thing I could relate to, was the sense of being in a hot war zone.
Worth reading IMO
Well worth reading. Thanks Ian.
These are the very people who demanded that Trump say he would accept the result of the election two weeks before election day.
Non-profits are by definition, non-profit, but the employees still require money. The CAGW was an ever enlarging trough of money. Cut off the flow of money to the CAGW trough and the smart non-profits will just find or create another trough. It’s like Whack-a-Mole. The non-profits are very good at press releases structured towards what-if fearful situations based around some sort of scientific research (good or bad) in an effort to create a flow of money. CAGW was a great gravy train because it resonated with so many. We perhaps should ask, “What’s next?”
It is a seismic shift in the politics of AGW, but I suspect the fight is a long way from over; there is an immense vested interest in keeping the gravy flowing, and those who exploit the issue to justify mass transfer of wealth and power aren’t just going to give it up. Trump may be in the White House, but many of the GOP jelly-backs who let Obama and the UN work this issue for political and economic advantage are still in the Congress / Senate, and they will work against Trump on this issue. Paul Ryan has a long and distinguished record of betraying conservative voters on everything from Obama Care to Federal debt and immigration, and we know he has his own eye on the White House; he needs Trump to falter.
world war 3: the globalists v the People.
Yes and beware the globalists – they can create artificial “crises” to distract the sheep….
Yes people have come to know the Hegelian dialectic and now source their information from alternate online media.
The globalists have underestimated the resolve of free will through their insular perception of own ability and success.
Good comment! The “globalists”, as you name them, are ledgends in their own lunchtimes.
They see themselves as acting out the starring role of a hero, in a play that they wrote for themelves. They strut the stage, and eloquently say their lines, but have no idea what the play is about. They also miss the fact that the audience is only there to get out of the rain.
So the audience does not relate to the play, and once they leave the theatre, they carry on with their lives, unmoved, and unchanged.
The trick is to not let the “globalists” touch anything, or change anything, while they are on the stage.
Evidence of the beltway bubble was seen in the election results for the DC area —96% Clinton & 4% Trump ( probably all the WH cleaners!).
Nah.. That was the poll result from the survivors in Hillary’s bunker. The 4% were eventually amberlamps-ed away riddled with bullets and somehow being cited as suicide DOA.
I’m waiting for some Leftist millennial to rewrite an oft-rewritten all-purpose Nostradamus quatrain: “Fire will rain down on the New City” as if it were a foretelling of some sort.
They think they’re so clever and original.
I’m not sure the Hegelian dialectic stands scrutiny in this new world. Previously we had Thesis (Democrat), Thesis (Republican) and Thesis (SJWs). The triumph of the silent majority doesn’t seem to fit a Hegelian Antithesis because there isn’t a dialogue to develop a Synthesis.
If Trump is (as some now say) Libertarian, rather than conservative, is Libertarian the new Synthesis created from a Conservative Antithesis? I don’t see it.
I’ve long considered myself a Libertarian so don’t take it as an insult when I suggest that Libertarians are really only inconsistent moralists rather than adherents of a consistent political philosophy.
It’s only a minor logic anyway. Over to youse!
(Please pardon the use (or non-use) of capitals above. I’m trying for clarity rather than grammatical purity.)
of all the nerve!!
try this: see
Paul Ryan will not be speaker under Trump and you can bet”Revenge”will be swift and deadly.
Ryan isn’t selected by Trump, unfortunately but appointed by Congress GOP. Every indication is that they’re going to ask him back to look after their gravy train for the next four years. One of Trump’s biggest battles will be against his own party, who will try and reduce him to the status of Prime Minister.
A significant strength for Trump in seeking the Presidency was that he was an outsider; but now that becomes a problem, because he has no knowledge or experience of the internal politics of the GOP or the Congress / Senate. I doubt Trump could stop the GOP re-electing Ryan as Speaker; and Ryan has been against Trump all of the way so far, and I really don’t think he will change now.
The people that voted in Trump can rein in Ryan (and the whole Congress). We are the obvious line of our own (and Trump’s) defense.
Angela Merkel’s Message to Trump –
New York Times – 4 hours ago
A commitment to human rights has been a fundamental precept of NATO since the alliance was created a half century ago. You would not expect that a founding member would have to be reminded of that fact…
Yet this is where we find ourselves now, the day after Donald Trump won the presidency: In congratulating him on his victory, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany felt compelled to set conditions for cooperation.
“Germany and America are connected by values of democracy, freedom and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views,” she said in a statement, adding: “I offer the next President of the United States close cooperation on the basis of these values.”…
Angela Merkel congratulates Donald Trump — kind of
Washington Post – 8 hours ago
Angela Merkel Issues Not-So-Subtle Warning To Donald Trump …
Huffington Post UK-17 hours ago
While Theresa May simply congratulated Trump on his victory, Merkel said she would only offer “close cooperation” dependent on his commitment to equal rights. The German Chancellor, who has been the driving force behind the EU’s acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees, said her relationship with Trump would only succeed if he upheld “the dignity of man, independent of origin”…
***The Guardian’s political editor Heather Stewart said Merkel had “seized the opportunity May missed” by not being “overjoyed by a ***racist misogynist in the White House”…TWEET
Richard Lloyd Parry, The (Murdoch) Times’ Asia Editor, also praised Merkel for her “exquisitely conditional words of acknowledgment”, but accused May of simply employing “cliched verbiage”…TWEET
FOLLOWUP ARTICLE: Nigel Farage Issues Sinister ‘Shock’ Warning To Brits After Donald Trump Victory…
***slander by proxy instead, HuffPo? and so soon after this?
***8 Nov: Breitbart: Charlie Nash: Huffington Post Discontinues Editor’s Note Calling Trump ‘Racist’, ‘Misogynist’
The Huffington Post have discontinued their serial editor’s note (LINK) that branded Donald Trump a “racist”, “misogynist”, and a “xenophobe” at the end of every article about him, citing the need for a “clean slate.”
The Editor’s note had been used by the news outlet for much of the campaign…READ IT…
Huffington Post spokeswoman Sujata Mitra: “Now that the election is over, we will no longer be adding the note to future stories, as he is no longer a presidential candidate.”
drain the MSM swamp, Trump.
“Germany and America are connected by values of democracy, freedom and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views,” she said in a statement, adding: “I offer the next President of the United States close cooperation on the basis of these values.”
Too bad Islamists and many uni-party globalists are not committed to those same values.
They’re the very antithesis of democracy, their words are as shallow as their gene pool.
Perhaps Merkel would now consider upholding the rights and dignity of the native young women of Germany? Or don’t they count as humans?
George Carlin made the observation that politicians are members of a big club that exists solely for the benefit of the members, Not for the people, whom the members “govern”, but solely for the politicians, as members of the big club.
The club has a dress code and rules of behaviour, including the list expressed by Merkel.
The message to Trump is that he must give lip service to the “values of democracy”, expressed by Merkel, including having porous boarders, multilingual traffic signs, and the removal of pork from the meat freezers in supermarkets. He doesn’t have to actually do any of these things, just give them lip service, as Europe does.
If I were Trump, I would say. “Thankyou for your advice, but I am going to ignore it. If you want to sulk over that, then it is your concern”.
Europe needs the US, more than the US needs Europe. Merkel is playing games. Perhaps she wants to compare the length of their respective egos (what did you expect me to type)?
More pertinently Trump might reply “see you next year…if you are still Chancellor”.
I will expect she will get the sack next year anyway (hopefully).
The crowd over at Marrakech should be worried –the USA has a President elect who isn’t owned by anyone. He will be determined to live up to his promise of jobs and perhaps one of the easiest ways to start will be to find ways to reopen/restart the coals mines and industry.
It would be really interesting to see a broad breakdown of all the AGW related funding from Federal Government.
Apparently he has already written to the NAFTA partners saying he wants to renegotiate terms.
And the Leftoids went feral !
Gracious in defeat – Donald Trump’s US presidential election win sparks riots by Hillary Clinton fans as fighting erupts outside the White House
Flag burnings, brawls, road blockades…
Be reasonable, see it our way.
Peace at any cost.
Kiddies tend to have tantrums when they don’t get their own way.
Hey, don’t be so negative.
This is the best crowd Hillary has pulled all year . . 😉
Go to the top of the “Class”
Oh yeh.. Wish I could +10 that.
You can. Try: +10.
They had to scour the whole nation to get enough in one place.
Flag burning? As in American flag burning? Well gee, that’s not going to win them any sympathy with fellow Americans. Total idiots.
Could he cut the umbilical cord supporting the UN while he is on a roll, and really bring back a sense of reality to the world at large.
Couldn’t he just rezone the block of land where the UN building stands?
I mean . . as with any swamp draining, it’s a civil engineering exercise. Turn it into a park in the name of urban renewal and provide some green space with shady trees for inner city workers.
Surely the UN couldn’t complain about that . . .
Target practice site for F16 pilots.
Green space, a park, the only green anyone wants to see. Brilliant. Then again, I like Greg’s idea for using the site as target practice… Yeah, I really do (can they do windmills too?) 🙂
It would be economic suicide for us not to follow Trump’s lead and break away from the global warming/climate change nonsense. In fact I would feel if any PM, current or future keeps following this nonsense then that PM is being derelict in their duty and acting against the best interests of our nation. The trouble is both major parties are still following this nonsense full steam ahead. If that is still the case by the time we have the next election then we now have no other option but to vote for another party regardless of who that party is. No other issue is as important as this is crucial to our economic survival in a changing world now that Trump is President. I can see the US entering a new growth phase perhaps similar to Reagan’s era that will surprise the world. It may be short lived but make no mistake about, he is going to do his best to achieve it. Anyone who doesn’t believe that is as good as dead. We dare not be left behind by being shackled with the climate change nonsense. If we are to grow with the US and not be left behind and end up being a third world country we better start thinking about refurbishing our existing coal fired power stations and/or building new ones to augment or replace them, and make electricity prices fall to competitive levels and attract new businesses. The nuclear option can be considered at a later time but I don’t believe it’s necessary since we have plenty of cheap good quality coal to last us for decades at least. Besides, by the time we’ve come anywhere near to exhausting our coal reserves new energy sources will be available, possibly even renewables that can compete. Meanwhile, let’s stick to what works best. It’s such an obviously easy and simple decision to make I sometimes wonder why it’s not made. We have nothing to lose but instead lots to gain. The alternative is we risk losing everything.
It makes a lot of sense to burn the coal you have, and export the uranium to any third-world country that wants it.
I agree.
Uranium is a dangerous item to hand to undeveloped governments. Even the Brits have failed to properly contain their nuclear waste at Sellafield and they abandoned a perfectly sensible glassification of low level/long-term waste back in the 1980s. I’m pro nuclear but it requires some sort of global over-seer that has real power to ensure the planet does not become polluted with a soup of toxic heavy metals and r/a isotopes that could enter the food-chain.
Uranium is a dangerous item to hand to undeveloped governments. Even the Brits have failed to properly contain their nuclear waste at Sellafield and they abandoned a perfectly sensible glassification of low level/long-term waste back in the 1980s. I’m pro nuclear but it requires some sort of global over-seer that has real power to ensure the planet does not become polluted with a soup of toxic heavy metals and r/a isotopes that could enter the food-chain.
Oh Dear,
I always forget, that some people, who are not used to me, will take my comments literally, and not recognise the sarcasm.
PeterS said: “If we are … not to be left behind and end up being a third world country we better start thinking about refurbishing our existing coal fired power stations”
So far, so good.
But he then went on to say: “The nuclear option can be considered at a later time but I don’t believe it’s necessary”.
Which is a perfectly reasonable statement.
But in the context of getting a return on investment, and in the spirit of “The Donald”, I put them together in the same sentence, for humourous intent. I hope that PeterS saw the joke.
So, I am sorry that you took my comment seriously.
Seriously, I am.
I see. Yes without seeing each other sometimes the content and meaning of a message can be misinterpreted. I took it to mean that it makes sense for us to export Uranium for generating income. I still stand by that since if we didn’t do it someone else will – and do. Same idea with coal when people like the Greens argue we should stop exporting it.
Sure it would be economic suicide, but why should we turn our backs on that now, when we’ve been happy with it as a policy so far?
One other thing. Trump’s victory is a signal that socialism, at least of the leftist kind has now reached the end of its road. For anyone to consider voting for the ALP or Greens is almost criminal. Turnbull must be replaced as he’s too far to the left for the new era that Trump is unleashing for the West.
Has there ever been a socialism of the far right kind ?
Yes and no. The yes part is it’s called national socialism – aka Nazism. The no part is that Nazism didn’t end up being true socialism (ie, a workers party) but it did start off that way – it was originally called Nationalist Socialist Workers Party. Hitler morphed into something different eventually.
The deceptive claim that Hitler was ‘right wing’comes from leftists. They make that claim by abusing the way language has changed.
Remember, when the terms “Left’ and ‘right’ were coined, right meant pro-monarchy, and left anti-monarchy.
Remember during the 1991 attempted Russian Army Coup, the newscasters called the hard-line Communist Generals ‘the Right’.
Adolf Hitler in his own words:
2..”There is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it. There is, above all, genuine, revolutionary feeling, which is alive everywhere in Russia except where there are Jewish Marxists. I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communists always will.” -Adolf Hitler in his own words…
Nazi Manifesto (what Herr Hitler campaigned on)
9. All citizens of the State shall be equal as regards rights and duties.
10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. The activities of the individual may not clash with the interests of the whole, but must proceed within the frame of the community and be for the general good.
Therefore we demand:
11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.
12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in life and property, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as a crime against the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits whether in assets or material.
13. We demand the nationalization of businesses which have been organized into cartels.
14. We demand that all the profits from wholesale trade shall be shared out.
15. We demand extensive development of provision for old age.
16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle-class, the immediate communalization of department stores which will be rented cheaply to small businessmen, and that preference shall be given to small businessmen for provision of supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.
17. We demand a land reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to confiscate from the owners without compensation any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.
I bet you think that his anti-semitism set him apart from other political parties of the time- wrong again, it wasn’t his rantings about jews that the people found so interesting, it was his rantings about socialism.
Is Totalitarianism Right Wing?
Authoritarianism is not necessarily “right wing”, with the examples of Robert Mugabe, Pol Pot and Stalin. Similarly Hitler, on an economic scale, was not an extreme right-winger. His economic policies were broadly Keynesian, and to the left of some of today’s Labour parties.
Oops- I hit ‘post’ when I meant ‘preview’.
I’d meant to include Hitler’s own claim that “… all we take from the Right is Nationalism.”
Still, Nationalism is somewhat toxic, especially in the way Hitler took it, and it would be a fair critique of the right that he took it that way, if indeed he did. But here’s the rest of his commentary:
Hitler: ‘it is almost inconceivable how such a mistake could be made as to think that a Ni[snip]r or a Chinaman will become a German because he has learned the German language and is willing to speak German for the future and even to cast his vote for a German political party[9].
[I know it is a direct quote of Hitler but I still cringe at the “N” word.]ED
I always add #21 in as well:
21. The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.
Peter S is correct. I made a comment on the US Election Results thread (at that you can construct a totalitarian state by going in either direction. Either he knew that already or he was paying attention. Hi Peter 😉
Hi Rereke. I do recall reading your post but my thoughts were developed over many years of study and contemplation. Thank you.
Yes, well, I guessed that you had considered the matter in great depth, which was why I thought that I would confirm whatever it was, that I thought you meant – I think? 😉
Yes indeed.
YES there was such a political system. Fella by the name of Adolf ran it! Not much different to Soviet Socialism!
You really need to brush up on history. If you dont know what has gone before you will probably make the same mistakes.
“Those who do not understand history, are doomed to repeat it”. Edmund Burke and/or, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana.
“On Tuesday, November 8th at 8 pm Senator Roberts, Tim Ball, and Steve Goddard will present the evidence in detail that Senator Roberts report is based upon.
It will be in the main House of Representatives committee room (Level 1) in Parliament House, Canberra:
A video will be made of the event and released on youtube.” (- From the sticky article)
Does anyone have the link? Asking because my contribution in the war on stupidity is to bat greenies down in the ‘Letters’ pages of the local newspapers. Thanks!
G’day B,
This should do the trick for you. It’s about two hours in total, with roughly 30 minute segments. I’ve only got about half way through so far, but it looks good.
Dave B
Thanks Dave, much appreciated! Watching it now, these fellas are spot on! The public want to know this and the mainstream media are failing in their duty of care to their consumers but refusing to cover it.
My pleasure Beliaik,
I should also have publicly expressed my thanks to Malcolm Roberts for creating, and hosting the event, and Leon Ashby for his prompt response for my request to him of a link to a video of the event. So was very pleased to pass it on.
Also of possible interest is that there had been over 26,000 views when I accessed it las night.
Dave B
Our Pollys are saying that what happened in America couldn’t happen here , referring to Pauline Hanson of course .
In denial , blind deaf and dumb , who knows but ignore One nation at your peril .
It will be interesting next election with Liberal Labor and Greens on the nose and hated by much the same type of people that voted to drain the swamp .
Those who believe it can’t happen here to any significant extent do not understand that leftist socialism is now come to a full stop and the carcass is starting to decay. It hasn’t hit enough people yet to know that’s a fact but in time they will.
Yep. The socialists have finally run out of other peoples money …
For many very good reasons I assure you that One Nation will never be in a position to form government in Australia, and I doubt that they ever will in their home state of Queensland.
This is not meant to be a put down for One Nation or their leader, it is just that they do not have the resources or the organisational machine required, and are a very long way from convincing the welded on Libs and Labs or Greens. And therefore they are most likely to attract the swingers who are in the very roughly 20 per cent of total voters.
Look at the Australian Democrats rise and fall (Don Chip former Liberal), Palmer United Party (Clive Palmer former National) and several others not so well known including One Nation since the 1990s.
I would like a change, a new direction, but in my opinion that must come from within, and the most likely and obvious side to choose in the Liberal Party or National Party, join them and fight from the inside for change.
Although our political system is very difference to that of the US the sentiment and people’s concerns are not very different at all. Make no mistake about it – socialism has now been shot down by Trump with a poison dart and the carcass is now rotting away. In time it should have a significant impact on our political future in Australia. Yes I agree there is no chance that One Nation will form the next government but after the next election I don’t actually believe the Greens will even exist or if they do they will be almost a forgotten party, much like the old Communist Party of Australia before it finally was shut down. As for the ALP they will lose big time as long as the Libs don’t go super crazy and morph into a neo-left party – highly unlikely. The people are now starting to smell the stink rising from the dead carcass of socialism. It’s actually spreading all across the world. Wait and see what happens in the elections coming up shortly in a number of key nations in Europe. What I’m afraid of happening there is a full swing from the left to the extreme right. I see for example in Greece the Golden Dawn Party (neo-Nazi) is rising in popularity as the current communist government is losing its appeal. Sound familiar? History could be repeating itself yet again all over Europe. Remember Hitler hated the communists and eliminated them in Germany.
Sadly you’re probably right Dennis, but at least Pauline will ask the new POTUSA to pardon Assange as no one else will. 🙂
I expect that you are right.
However I will not encourage the Liberal Party with my vote yet. They have not reformed themselves to any degree. They must learn the lessons (for the second time) from One Nation and other small parties.
Agreed also,
The fastest way for the LNP to nullify One Nation and from within is to adopt their policies. That’s exactly what John Howard did (more or less) and One Nation faded into obscurity.
They only arise now, Phoenix like, because the LNP has taken a jump to the left.
I have no idea why the LNP don’t learn from history . . and it wasn’t all that long ago.
Peta C had some words on this just recently
That would be correct since leaders are purely selected by internal politics rather than external ( in the US democrats mostly internal, i.e. the vote rigging near the end of the Primaries for Hillary) popularity within the party faithful.
The numbers of voters that could move to One Nation that have been swinging around the fringes voting Palmer or Katter etc plus picking at the other two major political parties as people as move disenfranchised with them could make them a far greater power than the greens could ever hope to become.
The MSM and especially the ABC would need to be taken to task as I believe in reality the disinformation given by that area is the main cause of people able to form a better decision and follow a more grass root organisation.
Surely in the spirit of goodwiil Turnbull and Frydenberg can suddenly discover the analyses of Nicol and Evans and give themselves a way out of the AGW swamp they have allowed themselves to be sucked into? Otherwise they will be flushed away when Trump drains the Gore/Obama/Flannery swamp.
I tipped you to this!
Bugger! Where’s the edit!
G’day Ian,
I’ve found “Preview” useful for detecting and correcting my errors, even if I don’t get them all.
Thanks – I’d better try it!
OT: Commies Attack After Trump Wins Presidency!
Notice there is not one American flag.
No…the red rags are flying high….
Extreem left are more Fascists (they like one world Govt and big banks to run their pathetic lives) not really communists. remember it was two communist leaders who defeated Adolf Hitler and the Japanese in WW2.
Those protesters just sour losers, I guess the other people who voted for Trump will throw tomatoes at them?
With the death of Big Green (do I dare to hope?) the fretful classes will have to move on to other subjects to vent their neuroses and indignation. Apple stickers? Pronouns? Sam Newman? Chicken salt? I’m sure they’ll find plenty to ban and condemn. It’s what they do.
Let’s hope their next crusade is cheaper. It cost the world trillions and countless wasted tonnes of good fossil fuels to fund just a few years of Green Blob.
Fingers crossed the Donald means it. Then the conservationists among us can get back to actual conservation, because there will be the money and the means. Remember conservation?
What has occurred in the US election is
a – leap – in – the – dark, kinda’ like
Disraeli’s 1867 Electoral Act admitting
the people to a larger share of political
power. Given Hilary (and Bill et Al’s)
oligarchy what could a serf do but — leap?*
*This leap not ter be equated with Mao’s
‘Great Leap Forward,] or Five Year Plans
‘n such. Hubris all the way down. How wood
we know?
Yep, it’s like those Westerns where the good guys get chased to the brink of a cliff with a roaring river below. Nothing to do for the Donald but to jump and trust. Slithering down won’t help, neither will it be any use to turn about and surrender to the crony capitalists and media luvvies. They’ll tear him to shreds.
Take the leap, Donald.
Fingers crossed the Donald means it
Fingers crossed the Donald can do it, or anything remotely close. But I am somewhat encouraged by the concept of undoing all of Obama’s executive Congress/Senate end runarounds (as the Americans describe them).
Good one! Sam Newman looks like a good alternative. I can’t see how they can cost the rest of us billions of dollars fomenting hatred of Sam Newman.
I can see it now – “our opponents are well-funded by the huge resources of big Sam.”
Orwellian NewsSpeak:
The Federal Government will ratify the Paris climate change agreement, despite concerns US president-elect Donald Trump will withdraw support once in office.
The 2015 agreement came into force last week and has been ratified by 103 countries and covers 70 per cent of global emissions.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull described the agreement as “a watershed and turning point” that spurred international action on climate change.
“We are on track to meet and indeed beat our 2020 targets,” he said.
“We will review our climate and energy policies next year to ensure that we meet, as we believe we will, our 2030 targets under the agreement.”
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the agreement was in Australia’s national interest and would provide opportunity for Australian businesses.
Yet more evidence these people haven’t got the message.
More likely that they are rank fools (that wasn’t my initial noun but it wouldn’t get through the Mod).
The Paris ‘Treaty’ is a meaningless piece of paper but unfortunately all that ink makes it unsuitable for its obvious use. Perhaps use it to start a fire?
Email to PM and Foreign Minister:
The Federal Government will ratify the Paris climate change agreement
We need to point out that CO2 is not only beneficial to plants, it is essential to plant life, and it is plant life that underpins the entire food-chain.
Taken to an extreme, the Australian Government could be accused of conspiring to perpetrate an act of genocide.
Yes Rereke.
I have proposed that a government on their own (warped) science is attempting to reduce CO2 and Temperature either of which or both cause crop yield loss and therefore it knowingly attempting to reduce the food supply and cause a famine. I do not believe such an action is constitutional either here or in the USA.
I have made this point to Senator Roberts
Waste of time writing to these mugs!
Vote all advocates out. Now that’s a language these arrogant self serving mongrels understand!
In addition they must be getting browny points or a gold star stamped in their foreheads for appeasement towards the Global Marxist Conglomerate of ‘Unelected Nutters’!
I’m also very disappointed with Josh Frydenburg in an interview last night with Steve Price and Andrew Bolt on 2GB by his defense of the indefensible CAGW BS and associated renewable rackets to increase power costs and decrease reliability.
Basically his defense was when pushed by Andrew Bolt that the coalition are not as bad as the ALP(union lackeys party) or the GreenSlime!
So in summary, its vote for/support the Coalition because they wont destroy your jobs and standard of living ‘as quickly as’ the ALp or the Greens will by the implementation of medieval energy policy that is destroying our cheap power in favor of the escalation of Windmills that dramatically increase energy costs with much reduced reliability and all for zero net gain.
Except for Global Marxist Appeasement(Unelected Nuttter browny points).
The irony is we ship coal to China for them to manufacture WindMills and send these lemons back to us to use for power and with heavy operating subsidies.
I would like to know which dippy universities are responsible for handing out business degrees to the imbeciles that come up with this business model?
Why are most of our elected dropkicks and government bureaucrats put in charge of multi billion dollars portfolios that could not run a newspaper stand?
And yet all we here from these oxygen thieves is how they are entitled and how we are not.
I wonder if they will organize yet another sneaky 2% pay rise prechristmas for themselves as they did last year?
It seems their only real talents are deceit,lies, and self entitlement.
While their achievements and legacies are collectively 99% of the world’s problems.
Is it really any wonder that someone like ‘the Donald’,A competent businessman,can come from nowhere and rewrite the USA Presidential history books!
As he said, ‘He dosen’t play to lose’, and after all, he was only up against dumb politicians and leftoid presstitutes….a dime a dozen.
We elect governments to govern, not to dictate, not to preach, and not to hand down tablets from the mount with a new CAGW faith to be obeyed or else!
During 2015 the Australian Financial Review reported that the total cost of employing the average skilled person in Australia, this is all operating costs divided per employee, not just wage and on costs, is (rounded off) A$600 per day. In the US the cost is A$400 a day.
In the developing nations, India for example, the cost is A$200 a day or one-third the cost in Australia which is fifty per cent more expensive than the US for manufacturing or other labour intensive business venture.
The costs not including wages is taxes, government regulations compliance costs, electricity cost, etc.
Without reducing Australian award wages and conditions our nation could be in a much more competitive position if all three levels of government cooperated and worked together. And stopped squandering our monies generally.
A major shareholder in a small manufacturing business that used to be in Australia was shocked at the savings the business achieved by moving to India, even low cost land and buildings and low cost electricity. The increased return on investment could not be ignored and the owners moved the business.
Our politicians seem to have lost sight of their reason for being elected, that is to represent electorates and constituents, and also the people via the Senate. They are highly paid but do not contribute to the economy as their taxes are just a refunding of money from the private sector that was paid in real taxes providing real revenue.
It’s time to Brexit Turncoat.
G’day OS,
Unfortunately the SMH’s Peter Hannam is reporting that we have signed it:
Dave B
If the clowns have signed it, just do a Gestapo Andrews and tear it up….just like ‘The Donald’ will do!
What will they give us as punishment? A lecture from the ABC? Just pull all their funding too!
Let the Leftoids fund their own BS. Let the users and/or b’lvers pay!
Time to defund all taxpayer funded Marxist/Totalitarian/ratbag organisations.
Let them all get real jobs in the real world, like normal people!
Well,I would say that is the end of the Liberal party.
Jo and Tony in Oz
O/T but check the comment by CAS (2nd one atm) at
on renewables, CO2 and costs
Re #19
And read the comments!
Why cant someone/anyone explain to the Australian population and to Australian business why we are paying three times as much for electricity as we should be?
There is no need for us to be doing this.
Two words: Money Grab!
The order is not significant.
I wont try to repeat it here but I was disgusted with the comments made by Prime Minister Turnbull after the Trump victory. It is clear, if it was not already, that Turnbull is determined to push leftist international and national agendas and that he could not bring himself to accept the election of a true conservative to the position of POTUS.
In The West Australian today former Labor Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence commented that both sides of politics here need to take note of what voters decided to go with in the US. That voters here are also fed up (not his words) with the way politics are playing out.
Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop (good friend of the Clintons and their Foundation) has also expressed dissatisfaction over the US election result.
The sooner the real Liberal conservatives dump their leftists colleagues the better for all of us.
Minor parties are not the answer.
Cory Bernardi is all fired up, reckons the Trump win vindicates what he has been saying for a long time.
Cory seems to be suggesting that the western world is on the brink of a non-violent political revolution.
I’ll go along with that.
Cory Bernardi would like the same thing, I think he could be just the man for the job.
I was disgusted with Turnbull many, many years before he made those comments.
toorightmate, Turnbull is three jobs above his level of INCOMPETENCE.
And, NONE of his “mates” has noticed….
Steady on.
He is doing the work of three men.
Larry, Curly and Mo.
They will all get egg on their faces when the Clintons and their foundation are finally prosecuted.
“FBI agents say the bureau is alarmed over Director James Comey deciding not to suggest that the Justice Department prosecute Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information.
According to an interview transcript given to The Daily Caller, provided by an intermediary who spoke to two federal agents with the bureau last Friday, agents are frustrated by Comey’s leadership.”
Trump will sack Comey?
Trump can’t sack Comey, nor should he try.
There may be a few disaffected low-level staff who don’t understand the pressure he faced, whatever he did, but the FBI can’t investigate without Department of Justice involvement, and that wasn’t going to happen. No grand jury, no search warrants, nothing.
Does anyone seriously think Comey ordered the destruction of evidence, expecting it to occur?
Don’t expect any action on the Clintons or Lynch before the inauguration of Pres. Trump either. Comey will lie low until Obama no longer has the power to issue pardons. (I expect Lynch to get off – for a lying scheming Democrat she is remarkably cunning.)
If Gowdy is appointed AG the Clintons will be on an aeroplane to a non-extradition state the same day and Gowdy and Comey have shown they can work together very amicably.
The worry is that after Brexit and Trumpin those who know what is in our best interests better than we do, will relieve us of the bother of voting, since it is unnecessary and expensive and, of course, they can decide better than we can.
“The Battle for Helm’s Deep is over.
The Battle for Middle Earth is about to begin … “
MoveOn allegedly hasn’t received funding from Soros since 2004, but at least one Podesta/Wikileaks email talks of friends in MoveOn, so i’m sure they don’t rely solely on small contributions:
9 Nov: Breitbart: America on Edge: MoveOn Organizes Anti-Trump Protests Around Country
read this thread. no idea what is true & what isn’t:
Anti-Trump protestors in Austin today are not as organic as they seem. Here are the busses they came in.
The first two decrees I would make, if I were Trump.
1. Open all of Obama’s school records. (Obama’s first decree when taking the office was to seal those records).
2. Tell NASA there mission is now “Space Exploration”.
Trump is their worst nightmare.
From the crazy plastic bag lady @hotwhopper:
“All I can say is that it’s important to get past the despair that is natural when you see the future crumbling.
It’s important to rise above it and keep fighting for justice and to protect the future – for coming generations and for all life species.
We are facing dark days ahead and probably dark years.”
. . .
Ha ha.
It’s bizarre how Miriam still uses her “Sou” identity on her own blog site. But not as bizarre as her tiny pond of supporters, clinging to their circular pool of confirmation bias. Almost as pathetic as deltoid!
Fear of the Future – Chronophobia
I’m too fast for my own good sometimes.
The causes of the fear of the future phobia greatly vary from person to person. Most experts believe that a highly stressful or traumatic event can suddenly bring on the phobia.
•Chronophobia, as mentioned above, can come on suddenly – sometimes, even a simple benign comment like “Time moves so fast” can trigger this phobia in a person already suffering from certain anxiety disorders.
•Depression is a major trigger of this phobia. A person might turn 40 and suddenly feel empty: this is the time when the kids usually leave the nest, and one starts feeling empty, useless or feels s/he is not contributing in any way.
•Loss of employment, death of a loved one, divorce or separation can also sometimes trigger Chronophobia.
•With passing time come the afflictions of old age as well as the inevitability of death.
•Women undergoing menopause are more prone to the fear of the future phobia.
•The phobia is also related to adrenal insufficiency, hormonal imbalance, surgery, certain medical conditions like thyroid, heart diseases etc.
•Prison inmates serving for long periods of time are also known to suffer from Chronophobia as they often lose the sense of time and reality. This condition is termed as prison neurosis and it is often accompanied by claustrophobia (owing to the confined space of prison cells.)
•Sometimes, even a traumatic event in one’s childhood can trigger this phobia.
•Chronophobia may also be hereditary or genetic.
It is going to be 12c in Adelaide on Sunday, 12 effing C we need a revolution
OMG the Paris agreement is working already!
Job done, I reckon. Now we can go back to burning coal and gas.
Not yet as per part a section c annex g of the Paris agreement one must burn any coal or gas until we have burnt all the witches
Sorry mate – 18C on Sunday in Adelaide according to the BOM. 12C is the forecast minimum.
I found it amusing that 16 years ago Lisa Simpson predicted Trump would win!
Can’t be, 18C is gonna be repealed isn’t it?
Fear not Crakar, for I am here.
I plan a trip to SA to rescue you and I’ll be eating boiled eggs the whole way. I might chuck a cow or two in the trailer.
Trump a sceptic? (a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions.)
No, no the slightest. A sceptic is so 20 years ago.
He is like a lot of people after 20 full years of no demonstrable warming, no climate change, amazingly fewer hurricanes, dramatically larger crops and a greening world. A total disbeliever.
How can you have Global Warming without Global warming?
How can you not have Global Warming if the CO2 is going up anyway and it is the cause?
Why is the world spending $1,000Bn a year trying to reduce an effect what is not there?
Why are the coal power stations in Australia being forced to close by massive Government levies on producting power?
How will anyone on the Eastern Seaboard of Australia survive on 30% of the power as the coal power distributors face a 60-90% tax?
There is a good side. As the Angry summer approaches, portable generator sales will soar. I must fire up my noisy 4kva unit if only to run the airconditioner.
‘The Science’ does not exist.
It is what Trump will do to defund the parasitic UN which will be fun. Can we get the hundreds of millions back?
Will Julia Gillard keep her job with the Clinton Foundation? Will Trump pardon Hilary?
With control of the Congress, Senate and Presidency for the first time since 1923, a lot of overpaid public servants and UN apparatchiks will be looking for new jobs.
Ladies and gentlemen of the Jury,I rest my case. )
Why did Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews just increase the price of coal by 300%? Was there any justification?
Was it to raise money with the imminent loss of Hazelwood income? Or was it to force the faster closure of Yallourn? Now there’s a man of the people who cares about blue collar jobs and manufacturing. Close Hazelwood, close Yallourn, close Portland, close Anglesea, close Pt. Henry, close Toyota (after the Unions took them to the High Court) and sell off everything other people have built. The Victorian Labor party has the ethics of the Apex gang in Melbourne. Smash and grab. All in the name of fairness and saving the planet while even the minister’s country dogs get a private government chauffeur for trips into town. Even the Queen’s corgi’s do not have their own chauffeur.
So we’re bankrupt already, even after the windfall from the sale of the Port of Melbourne.
The Third Way is well and truly still alive
“Tinpot Despot Dan” and his union thugs “rule” Victoria,
Note, I did not say “govern”.
Have a read of the link in #3.5
Yes, Labor is anti industry. Bill Shorten brought SPC out on strike right at harvest time in the fruit pickers season industry. He achieved great things. Their wages were doubled and half the people were fired. Bill’s Union at work.
Modern Labor Unions are about getting cash for the Unions and are anti manufacturing, anti cheap power, anti business and so it is anti Labor. The Labor governments want control of electrical power, large organizations like the voluntary CFA, communications like their NBN.
As for the Greens, they are just against everything and for anarchy. Creating crises means power. Revolution means power. So they want to shut everything and the vast majority are public servants like the ABC staff, who just awarded themselves higher wages and better conditions and the child care which they think Coalition voters should not have. All in the trough at our expense.
Trump is going to fix this, because it is exactly the same in the US. Privileged people who think they should continue to run the place. Journalists who think they should run the country while someone else pays their wages. Very much like their ABC.
Trumpalism will rule. Bring back Tony Abbott, the best Prime Minister we never had, cut off in mid term by the rich elites who just ratified the Paris Accord to destroy Western democracies from the inside. No one wants the 10,000 unelected bureaucrats in Brussels who write laws and earn more than the British PM. No one wants Malcolm Turnbull. Democracies are fighting back. UK, US and soon hopefully, us.
Bring back our real PM and get rid of these awful laws and the utterly destructive RET. No one knows how this is destroying Australia from the inside. It is designed so that no one sees it working, a non issue. It alone means the end of all our steady reliable and adequate power stations to be replaced with awful, unreliable, fragile windmills, the Goldilocks of power. It is what the Greens want, no manufacturing, no agriculture, no fishing, no dams, no cars, no trucks, no hope.
“One LGC can be created for each megawatt-hour of eligible renewable electricity produced by an accredited renewable power station.
LGCs can be sold to entities (mainly electricity retailers) who surrender them annually to the Clean Energy Regulator to demonstrate their compliance with the RET scheme’s annual targets.
The revenue earned by the power station for the sale of LGCs is additional to that received for the sale of the electricity generated.”
Forget the soft language. Large Generation Certificates are required. Fancy long name for extortion.
If the legislated target RET is 40%, your electricity retailer has to buy 40% of value of the power in Megawatts in Certificates at price the wind generators decide. Currently $90 a Megawatt hour, 9c a kw hr. This is twice what you were paid, so 80% of your income goes to the wind farm as a bonus, for which they build more windmills, perhaps. Remember this is a certificate. The windmill people still get to sell the power but they make money regardless, which is why they are always shut down.
Imagine a restaurant where you sold meals at $20 each. 40% of that meal had to be paid in cash to the restaurant next door at a price they nominate, say 40% of a $40 meal or $16. Not for food. Just cash. Even the mafia do not charge this much because the business would close, but that’s the idea.
So at even 30% RET, all coal power stations will have to close. They cannot make a profit, no matter what they charge because the wind producers will just charge more.
The end result is that the biggest, cheapest generator of electricity in Victoria is going to close because it cannot make a profit, despite the $500 million cash paid under a Labor government to stay open. The price of electicity will go UP when it closes. That is nonsensical unless you understand the RET. It is designed to make all coal power unsaleable and Bill Shorten wants 50%. What will be the other 50%? Nothing.
Yallourn is next and then we are all dependent on windmills and gas which the governments are deliberately limiting by banning exploration and fracking. Why? Don’t tell me we are saving the world by harming ourselves.
So when Bill Shorten talks 50% renewables, he means 50% of your electricity bills in cash goes to windmill farms. This is on top of whatever they earn from actually generating power. Soon all we will have will be windmills. That will be 100% renewables at 10% of what we need to live.
Scottish businessman becomes president of the USA.
The Scots claim that any Angus cow or bull, conceived, born, raised, sold, killed, butchered, cooked, and eaten, anywhere in the world is Scottish Beef.
Are yer tellin’ me sonny thet the scoots are claimin’ that ther pres-dent of the farr western isles o’ Scootland is a cow?
The IPCC should go to the dustbin of history. If DJT stops its funding then just maybe it will.
Does any one know what might come under this item?
Please ask easier questions!
Nearly 4000 EPA regulations issued under President Obama
And thats just the EPA with a lot of other quangos under the American President’s direct control also creating an avalanche of regulations on just about anything Americans touched.
Correct thinking / thought control wasn’t far off of being regulated why Obama I suspect if he or his elitist minions could have worked out some way of imposing the regulations.
See the link at #3.5
Bet he didn’t read a single one before he signed off on ’em, the cow-ard.
Makes me wonder how these people expect to survive their own regulations – they must consider themselves exempt.
ЯΞ√ΩLUT↑☼N @ 29.1.2
They did!
They still do!
Virtue signaling by forcing conformation to regulations by legal means and unlimited personal denigration and reputational destruction to force conformation to “correct” thinking are only for those “deplorable” masses.
The now notorious Hilary Clinton speech extract ;
Over looked by most and critical for Trump’s potential agenda which will evolve with a lot of changes as reality sets in in the next year or so, is the now dawning fact that Trump has a whole lot of Republican Congressmen and Senators increasingly being seen as having ridden into a total control of the Congress and Senate on Trump’s coat tails.
In short there is a dawning realisation that a lot of newly elected and re-elected Republican representatives owe their political positions of today to Trump and his sense of what most Americans were wanting their government to recognise and make good and correct the vast range of past missteps and straight out deliberate bigoted dismissal and neglect by the now increasingly discredited elites in government, bureaucracy, media and academia of America’s industrial and rural heartlands and it’s people.
Effectively Trump has now multiplied his Presidential power and influence very substantially indeed with the realisation that Republican control of both Houses is likely due to Trumps savvy political instincts that got him elected when compared to the power and influence recent past Presidents who did not control both Houses have exercised.
Unless you are an Obama of course where the Constitution and the respect for Law and the American governing system was just ignored and anything that Obama personally believed in was put in place regardless of any Constitutional requirements for oversight by Congress and the Senate.
So my guess is that for a couple of years or so at least, if Trump wants something and it is of a fair and reasonable nature, Trump will get it and fast with the blessing of both Houses.
Which of course relates to if he decides to dismantle a whole gamut of regulations and hand outs to all the various quite useless and ultimately absorbers and destructors of wealth without any positive outputs such as are found endlessly wherever the green blob and / or rabid socialism has a foothold which generally ends with the ultimate destruction of a nation’s economy. i.e.; Venezuela / Cuba
[ Turnbull take note if your elitist mindset has any rationality left at all which on present appearances and demonstrated lack of performance doesn’t seem to be the case ]
The activists of every colour from black to green to pink plus the multitudinious overlapping and totally useless and highly destructive enviros, the renewable energy and climate scamming outfits have a very great deal to worry about as when Trump, not” if” Trump cuts their access to government handouts and subsidies then most of them will be close to being finished and wiped out.
If Trump wants this and moves early on this he will likely get it post haste.
through the Congress and Senate.
Particularly if the amounts of money are very substantial and it is seen to be needed to get the Trump supporters employment and the industries across America’s heartlands up and running again, he can probably count on an full Republican representative support for any of his legislation ensuring it goes through both Rouses very quickly.
They, the Republican representatives after all are now increasingly seen to owe him and own him a lot.
We have to hope he survives to the end of his office, unlike Lincoln, Garfield, McInley and Kennedy.
There is so much at stake here.
that didn’t take long!
9 Nov: Globe & Mail: Robert Fife: Ottawa offers to renegotiate NAFTA in effort to warm ties with Trump
The federal government has offered to renegotiate the North American free-trade agreement, a gesture of goodwill to Donald Trump as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged to work “very closely” with the incoming president to foster greater continental prosperity…
The Prime Minister spoke with Mr. Trump Wednesday night and invited him to visit Canada.
David MacNaughton, Canada’s ambassador to Washington, said that Mr. Trudeau is willing to sit down at the bargaining table with the Trump administration…
A prominent Canadian business figure and long-time friend of Mr. Trump told The Globe and Mail that the Republican leader knows that Mr. Trudeau and his team were “in the tank” for Hillary Clinton and in regular contact with campaign manager John Podesta and other key Democratic operatives…
Mr. MacNaughton acknowledged the philosophical differences between the left-of centre Mr. Trudeau and the right-wing Mr. Trump, but insisted Canadian officials have worked assiduously over the past few months to build bridges.
“We have had many discussions with people involved in the Trump campaign and in the transition already,” he said, pointing to a “long and productive” conversation he had last month with Republican Senator Jeff Sessions, a close adviser to Mr. Trump…
Mr. Trudeau should follow that up with a discreet visit to New York in December for a private and informal chat with Mr. Trump, who would appreciate the personal outreach, the source said…
In his first public comments on Mr. Trump’s electoral upset, Mr. Trudeau conceded the strong message coming from the election is for politicians to address everyday economic insecurities – manifest in rising protectionist sentiments and stagnant incomes.
“We have heard from Canadians and Americans that people want a fair shot at success, people want to know that their families, that their kids, their grandparents will be able to succeed.”…
***Mr. Trudeau made no mention of his progressive policies on climate change and refugees that are in stark contrast to Mr. Trump’s call to deport millions of illegal immigrants, build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and abandon the historic Paris climate-change accord.
Nor did the Prime Minister talk about Mr. Trump’s pledge to approve TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline, which was cancelled by the Obama administration during the last year of the Harper government.
Former prime minister Stephen Harper was quick to weigh in on the election outcome, sending out a tweet, congratulating Mr. Trump on his “impressive victory” and saying “there is much to do, including moving ahead with KXL”…
Indeed, that didn’t take long.
Sometimes I think Canada is worse off that Oz battling the green blob.
But Justin Trudeau is such a pussy.
. . and in a grand twist of irony, this pussy fell into the hands of the Donald.
Too far? 😉
LOL’s.. No, no.. Not at all.. 😉
I don’t care who disagrees with you, because I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.
In that spirit I just got an email.
Over a picture of Bernie Saunders is the caption
“Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I was not groped by Donald Trump, I was screwed by Hillary Clinton”
nice try, Obama/Heyman:
8 Nov: Canadian Press: Mike Blanchfield: Obama to push for TPP trade deal in last days of term: Canadian ambassador
If Obama succeeds, (U.S. ambassador to Canada Bruce) Heyman said he would like to see Canada follow suit with its approval as well…
Bruce Heyman: In 1980, Heyman worked as a Chicago-based investment banker for Goldman Sachs. From 1985 to 1999, Heyman served as Vice President of Goldman Sachs.
From 1999 to 2014, he served as managing director of private wealth management at Goldman Sachs.
Prior to becoming Ambassador, Heyman served as a board member for the Chicago Council on Global Affairs…
On September 19, 2013, President Barack Obama nominated Heyman to be the U.S. Ambassador to Canada…
Heyman and his wife have been prominent donors to President Obama since 2007 and have been some of his top fundraisers. In 2012, both he and his wife served on Obama’s National Finance Committee tasked with raising funds for Obama’s re-election campaign. (Wikipedia)
TPP: Trade pact dead, buried, cremated amid Donald Trump Presidency
ABC Online 9 Nov
Ms (Julie) Bishop said Australia continued to urge the US Congress to ratify the TPP in its session during the transition period before Mr Trump’s swearing-in…
AAP original headline:
No vote on TPP before Trump – McConnell
Yahoo7 News – 14 hours ago
now changed to:
10 Nov: 7 News: AAP: Hopes dashed for Pacific trade deal vote
US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has dashed any remaining hopes that President Barack Obama’s signature Pacific-Rim trade deal will come up for a vote before President-elect Donald Trump takes office in January.
“It’s certainly not going to be brought up this year,” McConnell said of the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership, which Austrralia is a part of, at a news briefing in Washington.
McConnell said any decisions on TPP or other future trade agreements would be up to Trump, who would still have the authority for four more years to negotiate “better deals” with expedited approval procedures in Congress.
Trump excoriated TPP on the campaign trail as a “disaster” and “a rape of our country,” tapping into populist anger at globalisation, trade and manufacturing job losses that helped propel his candidacy…
White House spokesman Josh Earnest was still trying to sell the TPP agreement in a news briefing on Wednesday…
But the strong vote for Trump in industrial states made it unlikely Republicans would be willing to go against him on trade policy, analysts said.
“It’s fair to say that TPP is now in the dustbin of history,” said Gary Hufbauer, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a pro-trade think tank in Washington. “I don’t see a path forward for the United States to join.”
just as MSM unnecessarily delayed allocating 270 electoral votes to Trump on Election night, probably hoping to stop Trump making a Victory speech (which, for legal reasons, it was in his interest to do that night), there has also been the ridiculous slowness in updating the count, allowing the MSM to make hay out of Clinton winning the popular vote. it’s been a huge meme amongst the orchestrated, & often violent, protestors:
but now they admit, after all the headlines, and violence:
RedditThe_Donald: Hey /all, Hillary has NOT won the popular vote. There are still roughly 14 million votes left to be counted and even CNN is projecting Trump will win the popular vote.
CNN: Presidential Election Results
I can’t see how Hillary could have won the popular vote, considering the lack of supporters at her rallies, despite the MSM trying desperately not to slew the cameras around.
Even Chris Evans of Captain America fame had an awful attempt at a tweet (or something) crying over America’s shame at their voting choice. Where was he during the rallies? Pfft.
C’mon Hollywood, you’re nothing but professional (means to do for a living – doesn’t mean you’re particularly good at it) pretenders fer Chrissake. How the largely uneducated American public tend to lean on their favourite pretenders for some sort of life guidance as if they’re somehow better educated due to “fame” alone I’ll never know. They’re nothing without funding, a script, producers, cameras and someone to sell it to.
I won’t boycott his movies though, but please Hollywood, get a grip on reality for a change.
EXACTLY! MSM are trying to give Hillary as much help as they can. Anything to make it seem better for her than it is and to feed to the protesters.
“Former prime minister Stephen Harper was quick to weigh in on the election outcome, sending out a tweet, congratulating Mr. Trump on his “impressive victory” and saying “there is much to do, including moving ahead with KXL”…”
Why is not a large in place refinery proposed for the Alberta Tar sands? there is plenty there to wear out any refinery!
There is no need for any Keystone XL pipeline! All refined product from the Alberta refinery can be shipped anywhere via existing transport, at far lower cost than that total excess of the proposed KXL! The toxic Alberta crap can be left in Alberta rather than in the Gulf of Mexico, or in the US Ogalla aquifer! You folk are being scammed again! -will-
The reason the pipeline was proposed was because Gov policies have made it impossible to build new refineries. There are too many hoops to jump through and too much bureaucratic red tape. It might actually be more difficult to get hydrocarbon fuel refineries approved than nukes. So yeah, build new refineries at the source.
However, pipelines are the more efficient and the safer mode of transport, particularly long term.
Safer for sure. Plenty of exploding rail disasters have occurred transporting the stuff.
Use a search engine, using the acronym BLEVE, and watch some of the videos.
At least with a pipeline, you can turn it off.
BLEVE – Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion.
9 Nov: Newsbusters: Scott Whitlock: Rattled Joy Behar: ‘The View’ Is the Only ‘Check’ on President Trump!
A clearly rattled Joy Behar on Wednesday reacted to the election of Donald Trump as President by declaring, seriously, that The View will be the only remaining check on the businessman’s total power. She began by inaccurately stating, “What scares me the most… is that not since George W. Bush has there been a White House, a Senate and a House of Representatives all from the same party.” (Not true. Barack Obama’s Democratic Party controlled the White House, the Senate and the House in the President’s first two years.)
After complaining about the FBI sticking “its nasty little nose in the middle of this election,” Behar insisted, “ So the only checks and balances we have are us, The View. That’s it!”…
A few minutes later, the View’s Sara Haines, a Good Morning America weekend co-host, conceded to being in a journalistic bubble:
SARA HAINES: I think the scary part for me was maybe being caught off guard that I wasn’t in touch with the country I live in and that maybe I am in a bubble. When critics come out on social media and say you don’t know what the world’s about. sadly, I woke up and I thought maybe I don’t. It really was like a punch in the gut…
Wikileaks: Re: Hi Angel and Tina — running stuff by you re Clinton/Trump story in tomorrow’s NYT
From: “Healy, Patrick” (National political correspondent, New York Times)
To: Angel Urena – PC [email protected], Tina Flournoy [email protected]
29 Feb 2016
Hi Angel, hi Tina, Hope you’re both well. Amy Chozick and I are doing a story about how the Clinton campaign and its supporters view Trump as a general election opponent and plan to run against him. The story will run in tomorrow’s paper…
I wanted to run some points by you about President Clinton, based on our reporting with allies and campaign advisers and other Dems who have spoken to him…
We’re told that President Clinton (like Mrs. Clinton and some other Dems) thinks that Trump would be a formidable opponent in the general election, and that Dems are in a form of denial if they dismiss Trump as a joke who would be easily defeated in November. President Clinton, like others, thinks that Trump has his finger on the pulse of the electorate’s mood and that –
***only a well-financed, concerted campaign portrayed(sic shoud be portraying) him as dangerous and bigoted***
will win what both Clintons believe will be a close November election…ETC
it failed to win the presidency for them but, as a result, we have undemocratic fools rioting in the streets over a man who hasn’t killed anyone, or deported anyone, while Clinton is considered even more “hawkish” than the Drone President himsef!
14 March: Atlantic: Conor Friedersdorf: The Obama Administration’s Drone-Strike Dissembling
Debunking John Brennan’s claim that “the president requires near-certainty of no collateral damage” to allow a drone killing to go forward.
As a frequent critic of the Obama administration’s foreign policy, I found Jeffrey Goldberg’s excellent interview a useful reminder that, for all my misgivings about the Iraq War hawks that Barack Obama elevated, his persecution of whistleblowers, his decision to assassinate an American without due process, and his flagrantly illegal warmaking in Libya, there’s a strong case that he was a better choice than any of his rivals…
At least Obama resisted one of the two conflicts that his hawkish advisers, ***Hillary Clinton*** and John Kerry, urged him to enter…
The notion that the Obama Administration has carried out drone strikes only when there is “near-certainty of no collateral damage” is easily disproved propaganda. America hasn’t killed a handful of innocents or a few dozen in the last 8 years. Credible, independent attempts to determine how many civilians the Obama administration has killed arrived at numbers in the hundreds or low thousands. And there is good reason to believe that they undercount the civilians killed…
Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign Policy Catastrophes
Many commentators have mentioned that Hillary Clinton left behind no major achievement as U.S. Secretary of State; but, actually, she did. Unfortunately, all of her major achievements were bad, and some were catastrophic. Six countries were especially involved: Honduras, Haiti, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. The harm she did to each country was not in the interest of the American people, and it was disastrous for the residents there. (ZeroHedge, Feb, 2016)
2012: Obama has deported 2.4 million illegal immigrants up until 2014 (last figs available) & is on target to deport 3.2 million by the end of his 8 years; Geo W Bush deported 2 million over 8 years.
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And now that the bell is tolling for the end of climate change waste and nonsense, some Californians, not to mention Sacramento’s guardians of the faith, are talking about seceding from the union. I guess Ft. Sumter will still have to suffer at least one more volley from the canons of dissent, this time from the west.
Should be an interesting thing to watch, especially for those of us who live in this common sense forsaken state.
After seeing what Jerry Brown did to California his first time around we should have laughed at him instead of hiring him to sit in the governor’s mansion a second time. That would have helped no end. Unfortunately between his reigns of error there had grown up a whole new generation of those who think error is a good thing.
Had I a kingdom to trade for it I would gladly trade it for about 35 million people who can think straight, who can understand how much their daily lives depend on the very thing they think must be eliminated as soon as possible — abundant, low cost energy. I don’t know how they think solar panels and windmills can do the job except that they’re abysmally ignorant and for some reason I can’t understand, cannot learn from the examples of the UK, Spain and Australia, just to name three good ones off the top of my head.
Hows the vibe over there Roy?, it looks like many lefties are throwing the toys out of the cot and how many of those celebrities that swore they’d leave the country if Trump won are actually going through with it (fingers crossed).
“reigns of error” love it. 🙂
Yes, a lot of plain old noise making going on. I don’t exactly have a good picture of how it will end.
As for the glitterati who threatened to leave: I’ll bet that every last one has too much to lose right here at home and not one of them will go. It’s still too early to tell but that’s my bet. All wind and nothing else.
Gotta go for now and may not be back until tomorrow (California time).
We, on the other hand, would leave California and would have done it a long time ago if it was a viable alternative for us. But both my wife and I have lives built around family and friends that we would abandon to start over somewhere else. So…
California looks like a beautiful state Roy and I’m sure your choice to stay will reward you with witnessing a reformation of government and restore its potential, stay strong my friend.
I don’t think I’ll live long enough to see any change in the direction the political winds are blowing in California. ***
But I’m still resourceful and know how to adapt if I must. And know how to resist too — if I can.
In the meantime I go on with life and wait for the next California bad deal to catch up with me.
I reckon that you In Australia are doing much the same.
And speaking of beauty, Oz is a place I would like to get to. Just that nickname Oz, speaks of a place with many things to do and beautiful places to explore, a place of wonder and amazement. So do not sell yourselves short. Australia may beat California for beauty.
The movie, The Wizard of Oz, dating from 1939 has forever put that name in the human lexicon as something special. It’s still shown occasionally to this day. The only other movie that enjoys that much popularity is, It’s A Wonderful LIfe, with a Jimmy Stewart who looks so young I can hardly believe he’s the same actor I grew up knowing from his westerns.
*** I don’t like this and am certainly not looking forward to it but it could soon happen that California is a part of Mexico again, just because of our increasing population of latinos who think California is still legitimately Mexico’s property along with the states of New Mexico and Texas. And if they could get Arizon too, so much the better.
I don’t see enough will to resist this trend so it worries me a lot. A subtle change of power in Sacramento is all it would take. And I don’t know how much the federal government could do about it because the Constitution was designed from the start to limit the central government’s powers and leave the states to do as they please within A wide range of things. The founders knew from firsthand experience the danger of putting too much power in the hands of a central government, the King of England. And Donald Trump is a populist if he’s anything. And there are dangers in that.
It all points out that the people better be watching what their government is doing and be ready to make course corrections when needed. But that’s the last thing we even think about, much less do.
“Big thanks to Jo for keeping the flame of truth burning”
Hopefully we will see those scientists and non scientists who have sacrificed their careers and reputations for the cause of scientific truth , finally get their rewards.
Thanks to Jo , Dr Evans , Stein, Ball, Mockton, Christie (others too many too mention) and all those here who have kept us well informed.
After so many years of deceiving the public I am looking forward to seeing the EPA finally getting its climate “obsessed” wings cut, along with that other institute of disinformation NASA GISS.
2016 has turned out to be a very good year.
Perhaps with the free money gone, real science can be done in the climate area. That is my hope. What we know is dwarfed by what we do not.
The interesting thing about the Contract the Jo highlights in this piece is I doubt many democrats even know it exist –Trump launched it in his speech given at Gettysburg. But the MSM did not cover it so it didn’t see the light of day during the campaign.
I tortured myself watching a bit of CNN last night –they just don’t give up or accept the result.
Even Spears & co on Aussie Sky aren’t a lot better.
I think you’ll find that’ll continue for some time. As we type there’d be gigs of anti-Trump rhetoric being invented, hammered out and repeated without fact checking.
The hypocrites held Trump up to the gallows regarding election results. It’s high time they popped their protective bubble and accepted that their friends, neighbours and fellow humans that have had their pro-Trump signs stolen from their yards or vandalised, that they’d simply had enough of DNC tactics.
To all crying Leftie millennials: It was a democratic election – not a coup! How sexist of you to demand a woman President. How racist of the DNC and MSM to segregate voters into black, white and Hispanic constituents. How hypocritical can you be?
CNN is worse tonight I managed to last 5 minutes of it.
The BBC have joined in –basically written Trump off before he has even started. He has got massive conflicts of interest because of all businesses interests !!! OMG we just cannot have a businessman in politics let alone the POTUS ! They are pathetic.
Seems they did that 36 years ago with another “unpopular” American President. How’s that Berlin wall working out for them?
OK, so the March of the Marxists has hit a road block, but it has not gone over a cliff.
Like Arnold S. they’ll be back!
A permanent solution depends on getting more people into governments worldwide, with a good education in Physics. Today’s politics is riddled with lawyers and their fellow travellers.
Lawyer mentality: “This is my position, now to find some evidence to support it.”
Engineer mentality: ” This is the hard data, now to use it to make a better design.”
We need more engineers to overcome their contempt for the political life and to enter the ‘profession’ of politician. Many of the contributors to this blog have a solid grasp of reality and would be eminently suitable, and could restore some sanity to the political dialog.
I remember years back there was a chant out of Queensland – “Jo (Bielke) for PM”.
Today I hear an echo – “Jo (Nova) for PM”. Certainly I would vote for her.
Just a thought.
We need more engineers to overcome their contempt for the political life and to enter the ‘profession’ of politician
Won’t happen, I’m afraid.
A lawyer, as you correctly describe, regards a situation as a brief to be argued as best they can. If the requirements of the brief change, a lawyer simply argues the new position. I have had serious QC’s tell me that my problem is that “You believe there is such a thing as truth”. So I pointed out that this notion (truth is what you say it is) makes a nonsense of the perjury laws – how can one swear to tell, on pain of imprisonment, something which doesn’t exist ? Splodeyhead time, of course.
An engineer (or applied scientist, for that matter) recognises that truth is elusive and may never be fully known, but looks carefully for all the empirical evidence and then tries to honour it.
‘I have had serious QC’s tell me that my problem is that “You believe there is such a thing as truth”.’
Which is to confuse the existence of some state of affairs with the perception of it.
So, eg, in Kurosawa’s Rashomon there is an event that is seen from multiple perspectives. There is never any doubt that the event occurred. What is doubtful is the various actors recollection or interpretation of that event (of course there can be many reasons for a faulty recollection or interpretation, some wilful, some inadvertent).
Moreover, even saying: (P1) “You believe there is such a thing as truth” implies that there are some things that /are/ true, namely (P1). That is if someone says “You believe there is such a thing as truth” that is either itself an assertion of a truth, or it is mere nonsense.
Yeah, yeah …
If I break your knees with a baseball bat, the pain you feel is only your “truth”, not anyone else’s.
I’m so t-i-r-e-d of that hair splitting. So are most engineers and other applied scientists.
Kurosawa’s film is based on the TRUTH that people will lie their heads off to avoid consequences they don’t want to face. While the film is mildly amusing, it offers no profound insight, merely a statement of the bleeding obvious.
“Kurosawa’s film is based on the TRUTH that people will lie their heads off to avoid consequences they don’t want to face. While the film is mildly amusing, it offers no profound insight, merely a statement of the bleeding obvious.”
If you are saying people always perceive an event in exactly the same way and there is no such thing as perceptual or theoretical bias, I would not agree.
CAGW and MSM groupthink are perfect examples of radical theory dependence of observation in action (and hence why non-MSM can be thought of as the ‘red-pill’ media).
It should be apparent from what I have said that there is such a thing as objective truth (that are ‘facts’ or ‘states of affairs’).
One thing we’re forgetting here guys is that in legal terms, “truth” is a belief of “fact”. Two ends of the same animal, where “truth” exists only in the mind, “fact” exists only in actuality.
In a court of law, you can’t be charged with perjury for what you believe, no matter the facts. However, directly stating “fact” as if “Such and such happened” when not factual is perjury. Therefore, “I believe such and such happened” is still “truth” and the safest way to proceed. I hope this is now clear.
I would say in general (ie non legal) terms that “truth is a belief of fact”.
The law simply reflects the common sense understanding of truth.
“directly stating “fact” as if “Such and such happened” when not factual is perjury.”
I am not sure you can “directly state a fact”
When you say “x is true” (a fact) you are only ever asserting that you believe X to be true.
It may turn out that you are mistaken about your belief and X is not true (which in turn will only be another belief).
When you say “I believe X happened” then you are asserting what you believe to be the case (ie you believe it to be a fact).
Therefore it cannot be perjury (because perjury requires an intention to mislead or knowingly make a false statement).
Perjury thereforfe does not require a true state of affairs to be known, only an intention to mislead.
So, for instance, if the true state of affairs is Y, but A believes X is the case, but gives evidence that Z is the case, he (or she) has still perjured themselves because they have intentionally misled the court, even though what they believe to be the case is not in fact true .
But what the hypothetical QC said was that there was a problem with believing there is such a thing as truth.
If there is no such thing as truth then there is no standard by which an assertion that X is the case can be judged true or false.
If there is no standard by which to judge the statement true or false there can be no perjury (there can be no false statements because there is no such thing as true or its contrary, false).
All statements will be equally ‘true’.
James Delingpole
“Trump Victory Totally Rains On UN Climate Summit’s Parade”
As good as this news is, I won’t believe it until it happens. Six months ago, I wrote an article stating that I did not believe Trump would be allowed to be president. I said at the time that enormous powers were aligned against him, and so they were. Although they have failed so far, those same powers are now desperate, and I fear they will resort to desperate measures.
I hope I’m wrong.
Richard, I spotted your comment as I was ready to submit this:
Let’s not celebrate too much, too early. Remember, there are trillions of $$$ in play, and many rich Soroses alive, whose interests are going to be affected, and very negatively. There are people occupying positions of power and influence, whose interests are going to be affected, too. Those people and those interests wouldn’t just fade away, they will fight back, their motto being the famous Left’s “Whatever it takes”. History shows how extreme their ‘whatever’ tools are.
I am sorry for bringing this up and spoil the party, but I suspect the chances of such development are greater than zero.
On the exodus
Sounds like Canada might need to build a wall.
Their PM would make a good brick.
“brick” . . don’t you hate autocorrect. 😉
LOL. Brilliant! 🙂
This and #45 via comments at Chiefio
‘According to The Election Project, voter turnout was the lowest since 2000, at 55.6 per cent, and the lowest turnout of any mainland state was in Clinton-loving California, where many of the losing candidate’s superstar friends live, but where only 43 per cent of registered voters actually showed up to tick a box.
‘The depressing truth about the system styling itself as the world’s greatest democracy is that — this time around — about a quarter of its voters went for the winner, about a quarter went for the loser, and just under half of them didn’t bother at all.’
Annabel Crabb / ABC
The global warming scam might unravel more quickly than some think , don’t forget the republicans had a majority in the House , so many of the regulations and the support for the Paris agreement had to be bought in through executive order by Obama , much of the damage can be undone by Trump by a few strokes of his 24 carrot gold pen
carat lol
Bob Tisdale is pointing to the cold water in the North Pacific as a signal.
The Great Australian Bight is another cold spot which probably won’t go away.
I expect 2017 will be the year that the momentum shifts toward reality on what controls climate. More people will be aware of how silly AGW is as the globe cools and the political currency of renewable subsidies loss its gloss – to become highly tarnished.
The Trump victory is already having an impact on thought in Australia. For example this piece from the left leaning business press:
A comment posted on that topic on Malcolm Roberts and Myron Ebell only got one small bite. Two years ago such comments condemning AGW would get 10 to 1 adverse responses. About 6 months ago I started to see a shift where there would be maybe 7 to 3.
The Trump victory must give Malcolm Roberts and Pauline Hanson strength to pursue their policies.
Andrew Bolt has been a great campaigner against AGW. This is a good interview with Malcolm Roberts:
Clerly he performs better when the press is not openly hostile.
Give him time, he’s new at this. I reckon a year and he’ll be running rings around the press.
Donald Trump is a warmist’s nightmare,
Who will likely cause widespread despair,
That the U.S. will end,
The Green Gravy Train spend,
And dismantle their climate-change scare.
Jo ought to send that to The Donald.
You know, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean, Gov’nor?
Energy Independence
The Trump Administration will make America energy independent. Our energy policies will make full use of our domestic energy sources, including traditional and renewable energy sources. America will unleash an energy revolution that will transform us into a net energy exporter, leading to the creation of millions of new jobs, while protecting the country’s most valuable resources – our clean air, clean water, and natural habitats. America is sitting on a treasure trove of untapped energy. In fact, America possesses more combined coal, oil, and natural gas resources than any other nation on Earth. These resources represent trillions of dollars in economic output and countless American jobs, particularly for the poorest Americans.
Rather than continuing the current path to undermine and block America’s fossil fuel producers, the Trump Administration will encourage the production of these resources by opening onshore and offshore leasing on federal lands and waters. We will streamline the permitting process for all energy projects, including the billions of dollars in projects held up by President Obama, and rescind the job-destroying executive actions under his Administration. We will end the war on coal, and rescind the coal mining lease moratorium, the excessive Interior Department stream rule, and conduct a top-down review of all anti-coal regulations issued by the Obama Administration. We will eliminate the highly invasive “Waters of the US” rule, and scrap the $5 trillion dollar Obama-Clinton Climate Action Plan and the Clean Power Plan and prevent these unilateral plans from increasing monthly electric bills by double-digits without any measurable effect on Earth’s climate. Energy is the lifeblood of modern society. It is the industry that fuels all other industries. We will lift the restrictions on American energy, and allow this wealth to pour into our communities. It’s all upside: more jobs, more revenues, more wealth, higher wages, and lower energy prices.
The Trump Administration is firmly committed to conserving our wonderful natural resources and beautiful natural habitats. America’s environmental agenda will be guided by true specialists in conservation, not those with radical political agendas. We will refocus the EPA on its core mission of ensuring clean air, and clean, safe drinking water for all Americans. It will be a future of conservation, of prosperity, and of great success.
saw this minus the final 14 seconds last nite & everyone was saying the protester was a fake, but had no evidence;
now it’s all over net. watch all, but note CNN anchor Don Lemon calling the guy out at 1min & look at all their faces:
Youtube: 1min14secs: Donald Trump Election Protest: Bro Dude’s Epic Live TV Meltdown on CNN
10 Nov: GatewayPundit: WTH? Leftist Protester Going Nuts On CNN Over Hillary Loss WAS A CNN CAMERAMAN? (VIDEO)
by Jim Hoft
In a slightly longer version of the clip you can watch below, CNN’s Don Lemon remarks at the end of the video that he knows the man and that he’s a CNN cameraman.
Lemon says:
“Brian, you know I used to live there and I know that guy, that’s John [last name]. He actually went to Africa with me as a cameraman but anyway, that’s another story.” VIDEO
How does CNN ever recover their credibility after this election?
What a bunch of hacks!
some redditthe_donald comments:
I saw this last night on CNN (edited of course, without the part of them calling out the cameraman) and i knew that guy was fake…
What’s sad is I saw the clip on another MSM station this morning, but they just cut the last part out. No shame…
This is more dangerous than some seem to think. This man put on a show to entice supporters to revolt against the election. This wasn’t a brainwashed liberal sprouting nonsense, this is the media relentlessly continuing to divide us and create conflict…
He’s a production assistant in Chicago does some freelance camera stuff. He doesn’t work for CNN.
I think we all remember the fake fainting episode at one of O’Bummer’s speeches:
Makes me wonder what all went on behind the wizard’s curtain at DNC this time around.
Pagan’s won’t be happy reading that.
10 Nov: Mediaite: Journalist Deletes Account After Tweeting ‘Time For a Presidential Assassination’
by Alex Griswold
The travel writer for the UK’s The Telegraph took the age-old advice and deleted her Twitter account after apparently tweeting that there should be another presidential assassination.
Monisha Rajesh‘s account may be gone, but the Internet is forever.
10 Nov: WeaselZippers: Journalists Talking About Trump Victory: It’s ‘Time For A Presidential Assassination’
Monisha Rajesh writes for the Guardian and Mark C. O’Flaherty has written for the Financial Times, The Telegraph, andEsquire.
Rajesh has since deleted her Twitter account. As I was writing this, O’Flaherty just made his account private. But not before I saw his tweet suggesting ‘what if you could go back in time and shoot Hitler’ referencing Trump.
Is this the ‘accepting the process’ and not attacking democracy of which Hillary Clinton spoke?…
saw this comment, which also suggested the Rajesh tweet was carried by The Guardian as well:
RedditThe_Donald: Author/journalist calls for Trump’s assassination!
Here is what I sent to the Guardian.
Today I was browsing through my twitter feed, and was absolutely disgusted at a comment one of your writers put on twitter. I will not be reading any of the guardian articles anymore, and I will be informing all of my professional associates to do the same.
Monisha Rajesh tweeted out “It”s about time for a presidential assassination.” What kind of disrespectful hateful, and downright dangerous writers are you employing. I demand a response.
I have attached a picture of the tweet for proof and verification. She already deleted the tweet, but something must me done. I will be contacting other news organizations with this story if I do not hear back from you…
10 Nov: Travel Book Author/Journalist At Britain’s “The Telegraph” And “The Guardian” Calls For Trump To Be Assassinated
The Telegraph and The Guardian, tweeted out a call for Donald Trump To be assassinated. She then locked her account, and then shortly thereafter deleted it altogether. Here is an archived version of the account.
comment in moderation.
MSM is going gaga with protest coverage – People give it the max:
10 Nov: People: Anti-Trump Protests Break Out Across Several Major Cities in the U.S.
By Alexia Fernandez
COMMENT: Liam McPoyle: These are the same people who refused to protest Obama’s drone-murdering campaign over the last 8 years because he had the right letter next to his name.
People now has link below the article, to story with Clinton PIC given precedence over Trump in side-by-side pics.
how Brexit/second referendum petition is this?
10 Nov: 500,000 People Sign Petition Asking Electoral College to Pick Clinton as President Instead of Trump By Lindsay Kimble
Although Trump won over the 270 necessary electoral votes to secure the Presidency, Clinton narrowly earned the nation’s popular vote…
In many cases, “faithless electors” are forced to pay a fine if they vote against the popular choice…
Faithless electors have not ever reversed the presidency…
The petition, which was at over 500,000 signatures on Thursday afternoon, said that Clinton supporters would be happy to pay any fees accrued by those who choose to be faithless electors.
“Mr. Trump is unfit to serve,” the petition claimed. “His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic. Secretary Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and should be President.”
Judas Priest, if they wanted Hillary to actually win, they had a simple answer.
Get out and actually vote for her.
Only 57% of eligible voters actually voted.
I wonder how many of those petitioners actually did vote.
I don’t usually trust this source, but it is along the same line as above.
To Roy and Gail and others in the USA is this possible?
There is one other small problem at the moment —the vote counting hasn’t finished! Last I saw Clinton was up by just 300,000.
If they pushed this through, Trump should demand every vote be validated as legit –there are still 2 million dead people on the roll!!
The whispers are, that Clinton et al are orchestrating that putsch, er, sorry, push for change.
Are they saying the election was rigged and they want one vote one value?
That is what they appear to want. I presume that also includes all of the bogus votes counted by the voting machines.
Can somebody who understands the Electoral College system please enlighten the rest of us?
As far as I understand it, given my limited knowledge, America rejected the first past the post system, because it failed to represent issues at the state level. Instead, citizens vote for their candidate of choice, and those votes are aggregated at the state level, reflecting the choice for that state. Depending upon the population of the state, each state has a number of votes for each candidate and that number is what counts in the overall election. This is why more populous states have more votes than the less populous ones. It is also claimed that this system better takes local issues into account.
These are all good reasons for having the system that America has. But rejecting it, for a system that does not take local issues into account, seems to be no more than another example of the legal shape-shifting we have seen, so often, from the Obama administration, in the last eight years. They are attempting to rewrite the constitutional legal system, as it suits them, just because they don’t like the outcome.
Interestingly, this happened.
Which i think may have implications down the track as part of the way to deal with the overall frustration and dissatisfaction at the “system” that seems to have been such a big factor in this election.
And the Electoral College?? What a mess!! Apparently there are a group of states that are trying to organise it such that it mandated that all their EC votes go to the candidate that wins the popular vote. which is not necessarily what has to happen now. Our system is far from perfect but the US system is in some ways just weird.
The Electoral College is only now being slated as a “mess” because the “”wrong “” candidate won the Presidency.
There was not a murmur of any problems with the Electoral College system by the now vicious liberal elitist establishment up to halfway through the vote count on the 9th.
The current American liberal and media elite’s utterly vicious and irrational hypocrisy re the Electoral College Presidential appointment system is astonishing to a non American.
None of those so called liberal and media protesters raised any issues with the Electoral College system when Obama was elected to the Presidency.
The Electoral College system was devised at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 to give a fairer representation to the very small in population numbers States when electing the American President.
We here in rural and regional Australia are now feeling and experiencing the rapidly accelerating loss of control over our own lives and destinies and our own backyards as the One Vote, One Value system gives more and more power to the cities as the percentage of voters in the cities rises inexorably leaving rural and regional voters with less and less representation and an increasing dismissal and outright contempt for and ignorance of the problems the city created policies are creating in rural and regional Australia which through total ignorance and a city centric arrogance allied with a large dose of anti rural bigotry by the green slime are being applied to rural and regional citizens and their regions and work practices.
Where for instance are the wind turbines in the parks and gardens in the middle of the cities where the most power is consumed and on the hills overlooking our major southern cities.
Nope! they are way out well away from the cities and located where long time rural dwelling residents suddenly find they are being forced to live along side of what is increasingly becoming recognised as major health creating infra sound generating wind turbine farms.
And there is NOTHING the city based politicians or the greens or anybody else will do to prevent the installation of wind turbines located in close proximity to long established rural dwellers.
“Melbourne Ports” electorate can be walked around in a day.
Where as at 1,629,858 km² (64 per cent of the landmass of Western Australia), Durack is the largest electorate in Australia by land area, the largest constituency in the world that practices compulsory voting, and the second largest single-member electorate in the world after Nunavut in Canada.
That makes the single representative electorate of Durack in WA larger than. Iran, Peru, South Africa, Ethiopia , Egypt, New Zealand, France, four and half times the size of Germany and etc and etc.
Source; Wiki; List of sovereign states and dependencies by area
And here you have the real problem with Australia’s one vote, equal value system where the vast Australian regions outside of the most urbanised nation on earth’s cities i.e. ; Australia, are becoming increasingly powerless against the city centric voter concentrations that now becoming ever more influential and powerful in our current political system.
At least the American Electoral College system in theory at least although not in actual practice, tries to even out the voting for the Presidency between the populous states and those of a large area but with small populations.
The Electoral College – and why it matters
Ok, the first thing you have to understand is the US is not a “Nation State”, it is instead a “Nation of States”. When formed in 1789 (the year the Constitution was ratified), the small former colonies were worried about being dominated by the large (at that time, NY and Virginia) colonies. So they set up a bicameral system unlike most others in the world.
The lower Chamber would be the people’s chamber and would represent the people. Thus the House or Representatives was born and that representation is based upon population. But of course that would do nothing to protect the small Colonies (States), so the upper chamber, the Senate, was created where the representation would be for the States, not the people. And each State would get an equal representation (2). That chamber would also be the one that ratified new treaties, and approved presidential appointments, while the lower one would have the power of the purse. And until the 17th Amendments, the people did not vote for Senators, the State legislators did (although it was never a requirement as each state could choose how to select their senators before that).
But that did not determine how the president was elected. So they came up with the compromise, that since the citizens were citizens of the individual States, that the States themselves would elect the leader of all the States. Note I did not say the people of the States, but the States themselves. That is why it is actually up to each state as to how to select the Electors who do the actual voting. At first, some State legislators picked the Electors. But now all allow the people to vote for the Electors.
What most people (American and non) do not understand is the concept of a “Nation of States”. It is similar to the EU, except the “grand council” is elected by the member States and they all speak a common language. So there are always some that gripe about who wins the popular versus who wins the Electoral votes. It has happened about 6 times in history now where the popular vote winner has not won the election. But it has happened.
Now the number of Electors is determined by the number of representatives (which represent the population of each of the States) PLUS the number of Senators (the “State” representatives). So large states still get a big say in who is president, but little states still get a say in it.
Many of those whining today about doing away with the EC did not seem to think it was a bad way to go in 2004 when Kerry lost by a few million votes in the popular, but only a handful of EC votes. And if a few votes in Ohio had been flipped (which they tried to do), Kerry would have won.
As the process is part of the Constitution, it cannot be undone by any one state or congress. Only a Constitutional Amendment can change it. And while that has happened in the past (Amendments) 27 times, the reality is that should it ever go to a popular vote, the small states would never see a presidential candidate or promise ever again. And the other reality is that there are a lot more small states than there are big ones and it takes 38 to amend the Constitution. So it is safe to say, it is not going to happen any time soon.
10 Nov: CBS: Will Rahn: Commentary: The unbearable smugness of the press
The mood in the Washington press corps is bleak, and deservedly so.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory. More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on.
This is all symptomatic of modern journalism’s great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness. Had Hillary Clinton won, there’s be a winking “we did it” feeling in the press, a sense that we were brave and called Trump a liar and saved the republic.
So much for that. The audience for our glib analysis and contempt for much of the electorate, it turned out, was rather limited. This was particularly true when it came to voters, the ones who turned out by the millions to deliver not only a rebuke to the political system but also the people who cover it. Trump knew what he was doing when he invited his crowds to jeer and hiss the reporters covering him. They hate us, and have ***for some time.
And can you blame them? Journalists love mocking Trump supporters. We insult their appearances. We dismiss them as racists and sexists. We emote on Twitter about how this or that comment or policy makes us feel one way or the other, and yet we reject their feelings as invalid.
We diagnose them as racists in the way Dark Age clerics confused medical problems with demonic possession. Journalists, at our worst, see ourselves as a priestly caste. We believe we not only have access to the indisputable facts, but also a greater truth, a system of beliefs divined from an advanced understanding of justice.
You’d think that Trump’s victory – the one we all discounted too far in advance – would lead to a certain newfound humility in the political press. But of course that’s not how it works. To us, speaking broadly, our diagnosis was still basically correct. The demons were just stronger than we realized…
Pat, wow, brilliant link! The comments are fantastic, I’m still working through them, going best rated first. Well worth reading.
Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. and it is not too late. We can keep up the mantra that it was all due to, “the unbearable smugness of the press”.
Hours of fun, in doing that.
Like the cartoonist (dare I mentionthe name) Bill Leak, who after the austalian general election featurered a certain dismayed politician as Louis the fourteenth (holding a sign saying arrogant, condescending etc.) saying “the people have spoken and I must accept the awful, agonising truth…..ithey’re even dumber than I thought”.
The ABC, in full meltdown sent their Senior Political Commentator Phillip Williams into the New York crowd protesting against the result, (and imagine the frenzy of negative reports had it been the other way around) and he interviewed (young) people in that crowd, some too young to have voted, and some who probably didn’t vote, what with a turnout of only 57% across the whole U.S.
Some of the comments were along the lines that Hillary won the popular vote, and that the Electoral College (EC) system was ….. arcane. (Umm, the simple answer to that word arcane is all he had to do was read up about why the EC system was in place and then it would become evident to him.)
That popular vote result is the most startling reason which explains just why the EC system IS in place.
I watched the results all day. Around 2PM our time here in Oz (11PM U.S. EST) they finally gave Florida to Trump after the count reached almost 99%.
The whole way through, Trump was well ahead, by almost 2 Million in the popular count.
We have
57sorry, 50 States and DC.Other than ‘Howareya’ and Alaska, the last State to enter the count was California, which was moved into the Clinton count after just less than 5% of the count in that State.
The final result saw Clinton overtake Trump in the popular vote.
The population of California is 39 Million and 8.5 Million people voted.
Up until California was factored in Trump was well ahead in the popular count, by just over 2 Million.
Of those 8.5 million voters in California, Clinton got 2.5 Million more votes than Trump.
2.5 Million more votes.
In the end Hillary got ahead on that popular vote and ended up leading Trump by only 200,000.
See the point here, and why the EC system is used.
Just one State swung the balance, California.
One State out of 50.
California IS NOT the (whole) United States.
Imagine if those protesters in New York actually learned this stuff at school eh, and then bothered to look at the results.
Perhaps then they would understand.
Protest for the sake of protest, using the first excuse they can find.
And the ABC, well, they just lapped it all up. I saw that ‘popular vote’ meme used a number of times on the ABC commentary, especially at The Drum, and note how the ABC is all doom and gloom over the result, at every article and TV story they put up.
The left.
Sore losers when they do lose.
I agree Tony,
The Donald was ahead on the popular vote by about 4 to 9% over the Hitlery virtually until he won.
I was surprised to see that the electoral vote had not changed but the popular or total vote had increased overnight after the fact to match the Donald and then slightly exceed his total vote.
latest figures: 59,938,290 / 59,704,886 = 0.39% more vote than ‘the Donald’.
But it’s not the totals that determine the result but the individual state totals that determine the overall result.
Take out the Marxist Conglomerate state of California then ‘the Donald’ would have 2.3 million more total votes!
When you consider the 96% hostile media,big business,big banks all against him,even many in his own party or the party whose candidate he is supposed to be and having to use his own money which was dwarfed in comparison to Hitlery’s special interest’s budget….when all these are considered, The Donald has done what none before him have done!
On an even playing field, i suspect his vote would have been much higher, 75-85%!
A classic David and Goliath battle and yet the Donald has prevailed by mostly the faith placed in him by the humble voter.
Time will tell, but i think ‘The Donald’ will elevate himself to be a true people’s champion!
I wish we had an inspirational leader like him here in Aus.
But,who knows, no future is yet etched in stone!
If Trump had been foolish enough to campaign for the popular vote he would have won it and lost the election.
A bit of advice for anyone thinking of going into politics – play the main game – all the rest is just consolation for the losers.
“The Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides the procedure by which the President and Vice President are elected, which is through the Electoral College, so the national popular vote does not determine the outcome of the United States presidential election”.
4 american Presidents have been elected by a minority of the votes, and several others by a very narrow positive margin e.g. J.F. Kennedy.
The popular vote was not recorded prior to the 1824 election, so the first nine US presidential elections are not included.
As an example of the advantages of winning the popular vote I point out that the biggest winning margin was recorded by Warren Harding in 1920. Hardly a reliable guide to the worth of a future president.
Beside this nonsense started when there were 14 million votes still to be counted.
***”They hate us, and have ***for some time” wrote Will Rahn in the CBS media mea culpa.
Bloomberg, however, chooses to pretend Trump is responsible for trying to discredit the press!
Bloomberg also chooses to quote a Gallup poll which combines “great deal” and “fair amount” of trust” to get to a 32% figure, with no breakdown between the two categories, though Gallup does state “Republicans who say they have trust in the media has plummeted to ***14% from 32% a year ago”.
Gallup’s poll (Sept 2016) may have partly been designed to erase the damning figures from AP’s April 2016 poll & their own Sept 2015 survey:
10 Nov: Bloomberg: Gerry Smith: War Between Trump, Media Seen Escalating With Presidency’s Power
Candidate Donald Trump railed against what he calls the “dishonest media.” Now, President Trump will have to decide whether to do something about it…
Perhaps more importantly, Trump is challenging the legitimacy of traditional media at a time of low public standing and great financial stress for the industry, especially newspapers. In September, a Gallup poll (LINK) found that just 32 percent of Americans have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of trust in the media, the lowest level in the poll’s history.
“The biggest influence Trump has is to continue to undermine the core function and credibility of the press,” said Kelly McBride, vice president of academic programs at the Poynter Institute, a nonprofit journalism organization. “Everything the media does is based on the notion that it has relevance. The whole business model falls apart if you’re irrelevant.”…
***Trump’s campaign pushed hard to discredit media outlets in the eyes of his supporters…
Like past presidents, Trump will be able to play favorites, granting interviews with outlets he prefers and ignoring those he doesn’t during news conferences. Bloomberg News is a unit of Bloomberg LP, whose founder and majority owner Michael Bloomberg was a critic of Trump during the campaign…
17 Apr: Media Insight Project/AP-NORC/American Press Institute Poll: Getting facts right key to Americans’ trust in media
Trust in the news media is being eroded by perceptions of inaccuracy and bias, fueled in part by Americans’ skepticism about what they read on social media.
***Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public’s view of other institutions. In this presidential campaign year, Democrats were more likely to trust the news media than Republicans or independents…
The poll shows that accuracy clearly is the most important component of trust.
Nearly 90 percent of Americans say it’s extremely or very important that the media get their facts correct, according to the study…
Readers also are looking for balance…
AP Poll does not breakdown the 6% figure by Political Party, but on –
Page 38 it states: “For instance, Democrats are more likely to have confidence in the press than Republicans or independents.” is it possible Republicans had zero confidence?
PDF: 48 pages: April 2016: Media Insight Project/AP-NORC/American Press Institute Poll: A New Understanding: What Makes People Trust and Rely on News Media
Public confidence in the press by many measures is low. In this survey, for instance, 6 percent of people say they have a great deal of confidence in the press, 52 percent say they have only some confidence, and 41 percent say they hardly any confidence. These findings are similar to the results of other recent studies.
***For example, a September 2015 Gallup survey found 7 percent of Americans have a great deal of trust and confidence in the mass media…
This survey, however, does not delve deeply into the issue of confidence; nor does it analyze its trends over time…
Public confidence in the press is similar to confidence in Congress (Confidence in Congress 4%)….
Well, was a good evening last night at Five Dock.
Had a good long chat to Tim Ball and Tony Heller,
Jim was the consummate MC.. short but too the point.
Tony’s presentation was pretty much as expected, a quality run-down of some of the data corruption. Well done Tony.
Tim’s presentation went on to explain the “why” and “where did all this come from?” questions. A lot in it that explained the whole history of the scam. Tim Ball talked very well, and made a lot of sense. The people behind it scam are truly evil anti-human pieces of **** !!
Thanks to KK for the lift back to Newcastle. Interesting conversation the whole way 🙂
Thanks to Jim for organising this, sorry KK and I had to zoom off… long trip back to Newy !!
Both presentations filmed, so I assume at some stage will be made available.
Oh ,and of course.. those who I had time to chat to and didn’t have time to chat to..
… nice to meet you all. 🙂
Wow – Fivedock to Newcastle through Sydney traffic in the evening. Staminaceous!
KK did really well… 🙂
We left at 10pm-ish.. first bit was a bit of a struggle, but once we got on the F3, only the night roadwork was a problem.
In line with Jo’s headline post and a sign of what is now coming particularly under a Trump Presidency.
The couple of examples below are very representative of the rapidly changing attitudes of the rural and regional public towards the health and environmental destruction wrought by city elite’s cult like forced impositions of grossly inefficient and unwanted wind farms on rural and regional areas.
Vt. towns vote ‘no’ on large wind farm
And thats only one example that is now beginning to become a common report on the net.
From Europe and one of Germany’s very big leftist and renewable energy supporting media publications, Der Speigel a dated report [ 2013 ] but a much worse outlook today as the revolt spreads for German wind turbine scammers today with investment in renewable energy dropping precipitiously over the last year.
Mutiny in the Land of Wind Turbines
Pierre Gosselin’s “NoTricksZone” blog has a number of reports on the highly deleterious health problems that abound in rural residents who through no fault and with no input of their own are forced to live in the vicinity of late coming wind farms as imposed on them by the city green elites;
The following URL is the search term on the “NoTricksZone” site for wind turbine health problems;
ie; German Wind Turbines “In Conflict With Health”…Physicians Recommend 3-Kilometer Minimum Distance! –
Any investors here on Jo’s site who have money in wind farms should be prepared to be seriously sued for very large amounts of money when some legal outfit decides there is a case to run a health based class action against wind turbines, and the governments and local councils who allowed and facilitated the imposition of wind turbines onto a rural population who were never given any say in the establishment of the wind farms in their location.
Plus of course the likely South Australian class action on a massive scale for the wind turbine debacle of a few weeks ago which is likely to result in immense damages claims against the wind farms and the SA government for losses created in food and industries from the failure to provide reliable and predictable power to SA’s industries and business and domestic establishments.
All now much more probable since the election of Trump in the USA and the probable collapse of the whole renewable energy debacle across the USA as the Federal subsidies are cut off.
Which will be a catalyst everywhere else there is increasing opposition to renewable energy for politicians to pull back and take a long hard look at the benefits or the massive inefficiencies and costs to society of deflecting large amounts of public funds into what are merely grossly unreliable, hugely inefficient, completely unpredictable renewable energy generation systems that cannot and do not replace fossil fuelled or nuclear energy generation systems but merely displaces them leading to a much less efficient and unreliable power generation for our 100% energy dependent civilisation.
there are subtle signs in your post that you aren’t in favour of wind turbines. Neither am I.
They are costly, unreliable, inefficient and unreliable – as you say – but more importantly it appears from the official German government figures that at higher levels of capacity they are useless at reducing CO2 emissions (2015 figure v. slightly higher than 2009).
One might ask for evidence for why they were installed. However the State Government in SA has the matter in hand and has declared a vast range of documents are not available for scrutiny by the Commisioner against Corruption nor the State Ombudsman.
The Labor government was reelected with 47% of the (2 party preferred) vote, not for the first time. If you consult the State Library collection of newspapers from roughly 1956 to 1964 you will find a lot of Labor Party comments about the Gerrymander. Interestingly the then Premier, Tom Playford, always defended the system as one installed by the Labor party.
give it up, NYT:
Donald Trump Could Put Climate Change on Course for ‘Danger Zone’
New York Times – 23 mins ago
President-elect Trump has vowed to “cancel” the Paris climate accord
10 Nov: New York Mag: President Trump Could Change These Policies on Day One
By Margaret Hartmann
Climate Change
However, since the United States’ commitment to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 26 percent to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025 is NON-BINDING, he could simply REFUSE TO COMPLY — and that could enable other countries to ignore their commitments too…
Mexico Backtracks, Willing to Talk NAFTA with Trump
Breitbart News – 12 hours ago
Trump team warns Obama not to make major moves on foreign policy
Politico – 14 hours ago
good Saudis…now get out of Yemen & recall ISIS from Syria & provide the cash to rebuild both countries:
Saudi King to Trump: Let us work for peace
Al-Arabiya – 19 hours ago
10 Nov: WaPo: The Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead, Schumer tells labor leaders
By Mike DeBonis, Ed O’Keefe and Ana Swanson
The Senate’s soon-to-be top Democrat told labor leaders Thursday that the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the trade deal at the center of President Obama’s “pivot” to strengthen ties with key Asian allies, will not be ratified by Congress.
That remark from Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is expected to be the incoming Senate minority leader, came as good news to the AFL-CIO Executive Council, which met Thursday in Washington.
Schumer relayed statements that Republican congressional leaders had made to him, according to an aide who confirmed the remarks…
“There is no way to fix the TPP,” Trump said in a June economic address. “We need bilateral trade deals. We do not need to enter into another massive international agreement that ties us up and binds us down.”…
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Wednesday there was no chance that the deal would pass during Obama’s final months in office. And he said it’s up to Trump whether any trade deal would move forward after that…
Drats, the Neocon/Neolib Globalists will have to postpone their planned destruction of the Middle Class. But take heart Progs, Soros’s Plan B, a Civil War appears to still be on the table, judging by the contrived unrest and violence we’ve witnessed from the purveyors of tolerance post election…
Trump is getting it done before he even takes office! Canada and Mexico have come crawling begging for NAFTA renegotiations before President Trump rips it up. Now TPP kicked to the curb…
Despite Obama’s best efforts to destroy the US economy the US still managed to become a net energy exporter. Hopefully with the building of the Keystone Pipeline which Obama stopped, the US will be able to export even more energy and reduce world dependence on middle east oil.
And hopefully a boost for Alberta – though they will have to strangle the current provincial government IMO
10 Nov: Fortune: Here’s How Soon Donald Trump Could Pull Out of a Historic Climate Change Deal
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump could use legal short-cuts to pull out of a global agreement for fighting climate change within a year, keeping a campaign promise and bypassing a theoretical four-year wait, lawyers say…
But Trump could pull out of the parent treaty of the Paris Agreement, the 1992 U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change with just a year’s notice, also voiding U.S. participation in the Paris Agreement, U.N. legal experts say…
“If Trump withdraws from the Paris Agreement there would be a political cost. If he pulls out of the Convention the cost would be greater,” said Daniel Bodansky, a professor of the Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law.
“It would be going nuclear. It would signal that the United States has no interest in cooperating with other nations on climate change,” said Alden Meyer, of the Union of Concerned Scientists…
***Trump could also pull out from Paris immediately if the Republican-controlled House and Senate passed a law asking him to do so, Bodansky said. The Supreme Court had a tradition of upholding U.S. laws when they conflict with international law.
“If Trump acts with the approval of Congress there is no problem under U.S. law,” he said. There would be little recourse to challenge such a decision under international law – the Paris Agreement has no sanctions for non-compliance…
Al Gore offers to work with Trump on climate change. Good luck with that. By Brady Dennis
Washington Post – 5 hours ago
Former vice president and longtime environmental activist Al Gore campaigned hard against Donald Trump, saying his election “would take us toward a climate catastrophe.” But now that Trump will soon be occupying the Oval Office, Gore is extending an olive branch, saying in an online posting this week that he will do everything he can to work with the incoming administration to ensure that the United States remains a leader in combating the harmful effects of global warming…
But he must realize that Trump isn’t likely to call soon for advice on climate policy…
Good post Pat,
A couple of observations,
‘Alden Meyer, of the Union of Concerned Scientists’…..Concerned Scientists?
Not scientists, but activists and paid hacks masquerading as scientists.
Isn’t ‘Bill Nye, the mechanical engineer pretending to be the science Guy’, one of these paid Hacks?
Remember that Anthony Watts’s dog is a member of UCS – all they wanted was a valid credit card
10 Nov: Bloomberg: How Trump Could Walk Away From Decades of Climate Deals
by Joe Ryan & Jessica Shankleman
Trump has at least four options. First is to exit the Paris deal, which was signed in December…
There is a quicker way. Schmidt of the NRDC referred to it as “the nuclear option,” which would allow the U.S. to leave by early 2018. That would entail withdrawing from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, a treaty that established the entire process…
Senate Option
Trump could dispose of the accord by sending it to the Senate, where it would be dead on arrival in the hands of Republican lawmakers, said Ebell, a director at the Washington-based Competitive Enterprise Institute.
When President Barack Obama’s administration negotiated the Paris deal, his envoys avoided structuring it as a traditional treaty, bypassing the need for approval from two-thirds of the U.S. Senate.
“There has been a tradition of shared power in the Constitution,” said Ebell, who has also pushed for the U.S. to stop funding UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. “President Obama has broken that precedent. So it seems to me the Senate can also break the precedent and simply take it up now.”
Finally, Trump could simply ignore the the U.S.’s climate goal under the Paris agreement. He could kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan. And he could refuse to take any steps to reduce emissions. There is nothing in the agreement that would penalize the U.S. for flouting its commitments.
Good catch Pat, it brings me up to speed.
10 Nov: Fox News: AP: Trump wins Arizona, picks up 11 more electoral votes
10 Nov: Fox News: More With Less: Trump’s lean machine beats Clinton’s big bank account
The man who made “For the Love of Money” his television show’s theme song was outraised, outspent and out-advertised by Hillary Clinton’s billion-dollar bid.
Donald Trump beat her anyway.
The outcome underscores how, through the entirety of his successful White House bid, Trump did more with less.
This included: A smaller, but more agile campaign staff (a reported 130 staffers to 800 for Team Clinton). A reliance on gut instinct over debate prep, extensive polling or new-age data mining. And a bare-bones ad operation that benefited from Trump’s unique ability to gain free media through TV show call-ins and Twitter tirades.
Trump’s campaign also lagged behind that of Mitt Romney, the man who preceded Trump as Republican presidential nominee. Romney, the GOP and allied groups raised $1.019 billion in a losing effort. Trump and his allies raised $795 million, according to The Washington Post, and won.
Clinton, along with the Democratic Party and allied groups, raised $1.3 billion overall as of Oct. 19.
The differences are even more stark when it comes to advertising.
The Clinton campaign and its allies accounted for about 75 percent of all TV ads aired during the general election in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, according to data from the Center for Public Integrity provided to Time. Yet Trump won all four of those swing states, beating Clinton by a combined 820,518 votes…
Clinton spent $211.4 million on ads in the 2016 general election.
But Trump needed to spend just $74 million in ad dollars to capture the 279 electoral votes that assured his victory on Tuesday, with three states yet to be called…
In the final analysis, the man who wrote “The Art of the Deal” ended up with a great one…
It is the beginning of the end, there is this pall over Marrakesh and early snow in the Nordic region is deeper than any other time in recorded history. That is, since 1905.
‘Recently German weather site Wetterfrosch posted at Facebook that the US NOAA had been forced to correct its previous Europe seasonal forecast for the coming winter.
‘Earlier the NOAA had forecast a mild winter, but now the American meteorologists are foreseeing a “significantly much colder than normal month for Scandinavia and Russia“.
‘For the time being, the NOAA is sticking to its mild winter forecast for Central Europe. However, German meteorologist Dominik Jung has doubts on that mild outlook, warning that there is a real possibility of getting hit by cold blasts from Siberia.’
– See more at:
Josh’s take on this
I wish Jo could post the picture so its front and centre at the top of the thread
This one’s going on my wall:
LOL!!!! I’ve been belly-laughing all day. You’ve just given me another one. Thank you! Yes, that’s going on my wall as well. Perfect. 🙂
I have never heard of Jonathon Pie until today (not his real name). He is a satirical journalist who does “rants”. This one is about how the lefty media helped that bast*rd Trump win, but actually it is a rant about the media and the lefty acolytes. Hilarious, but strong bad language warning (for the snowflakes amongst us).
3pm AEST from here, Friday Nov. 11
I haven’t tried very hard myself, but can anyone link to a reliable (honest) up-to-date count of the actual vote tallies for Clinton and Trump (not the EC tally) ?
Google is deliberately avoiding supplying current links to that question, it seems.
Here are a couple
Still not showing the final Electoral College numbers as they have not Included couple of states (Arizona and Michigan). Final count for Trump is 306.
Thanks, but I’m not interested much now in the EC count.
I’m after the actual cumulative vote tallies. Both links, Politico and Bloomberg, are only listing to November 8 !
It’s certainly a number with assumed propaganda value. Very hard to trust any report at this point.
It probably will never be known. Once a state is won by a candidate, the counting stops. So all the absentee ballots are never counted. Indeed, the federal government does not even bother with final counts, so you would have to go to each state, and then not get the total.
all counted now: Donald Trump 306 votes to Hillary Clinton’s 232 votes
10 Nov: Breitbart: Michael Patrick Leahy: Michigan Election Official: ‘No Reason to Believe Large Numbers of Votes Will Be Found’ to Change Trump 13,107 Vote Win
The Michigan Secretary of State’s official election results website shows Donald Trump with a 13,107 vote lead over Hillary Clinton, with 100 percent of precincts reporting…
Woodhams would not speculate as to why media outlets have not yet called Michigan for Trump. “You would have to ask the media outlets that question.” …
Similarly, Woodhams could not explain why Politico is currently reporting a few thousand more votes in the state than the Michigan Secretary of State website is reporting, with a slightly different margin for Trump (11,423 versus 13,107)…
The Detroit Free Press on Wednesday declared Trump the victor in Michigan by 13,225 votes, after prematurely and incorrectly calling the state for Hillary Clinton on Election Night with only 11 percent of the state’s precincts reporting.
A 13,107 vote margin of victory is not close enough to trigger a vote recount under Michigan law, as Citizens for Election Integrity reports:..
Few media outlets have yet called the election in either New Hampshire, where Clinton leads Trump by 1,437 votes with 100 percent of the precincts reporting…
If New Hampshire’s 4 electoral college votes go to Hillary Clinton, and Arizona’s 11 electoral college votes and Michigan’s 16 electoral college votes go to Donald Trump, as seems likely more than 36 hours after all polls have closed, the final electoral college tally will give Donald Trump 306 votes to Hillary Clinton’s 232 votes, a resounding electoral college victory for President-elect Trump.
time will tell. I read somewhere that military votes had not been counted everywhere, as yet:
10 Nov: Townhall: Christine Rousselle: Plot Twist: CNN Now Saying That Donald Trump Will Win The Popular Vote
***UPDATE: It turns out that CNN’s projection for Trump was a “design flaw.” Hillary Clinton is still poised to win the popular vote.
The Shy Vote
‘Rejecting the candidate who had aimed to be America’s first female president, 53% of white women voted for Trump, according to CNN exit polls.
‘White women without a college degree supported Trump over Hillary Clinton by nearly a two to one margin. White women with a college degree were more evenly divided, with 45% supporting Trump, compared with 51% supporting Clinton.’
comment in moderation with final electoral college count:
Donald Trump 306 votes to Hillary Clinton’s 232 votes
US university campuses deal with Trump win:
Campus “cry-ins”
Cancelled classes
Election counselling
Making exams “optional”
Therapy dogs and play-doh.
Makes you just wanna line up all these crybaby leftoids for one big GangsterSlap! HaHaHaHa
Snowflakes who need all this ‘therapy’ haven’t grown up enough a: to have a vote and b: to have any sensible experience or ideas on life.
Let’s hope Donald trashes the US EPA. This is in regard to wood stoves:
‘The Donald’ is going to be busy tearing up a lot of BS by the sounds of that!
But there will be much more available for starting fires in wood stoves as a result
CNN/NYT still refusing to update election maps. no Arizona, Michigan or New Hampshire.
LA Times has this up on their website as an article:
Twitter: Michael Cappetta NBC: Mom taking a hike runs into @HillaryClinton this afternoon (Photo: Margot Gerster) @billclinton took the photo
reply: 1) What a beautiful photo. 2) Aaand I’m crying again. 3) Bill took it? For some reason now I’m crying even more…
I cried in Whole Foods today. This picture makes me happier than I’ve felt for days. #criersunite…& PLENTY MORE
NBC gives it another go…
Trump Protesters March in New York City on 2nd Day of Demonstrations, Force New Security Measures
NBC New York – 5 hours ago
Woman ‘Heartbroken’ Over Election Runs Into Clinton on Hike.
10 Nov: LA Times: Barbara Demick: As thousands protest his election, Donald Trump tweets that they are ‘very unfair’ and incited by media
Anti-Trump demonstrations are popping up ***almost spontaneously*** in cities around the country and are mostly led by students who say they have been galvanized into action by Trump’s unpredicted victory over Hillary Clinton.
“I hate everything about Donald Trump,” said student Jaime Reuter, 19, who attends Pace University in Manhattan. “Something has to be done.’’
Trump addressed the protests for the first time Thursday, and accused the media of inciting them. “Just had a very open and successful presidential election,” the president-elect tweeted. “Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!”…
Protests continued Thursday night, and although many were not as large as Wednesday’s, organizers said they would be saving their energy for the weekend.
More demonstrations are planned in the coming days, and based on recent the turnout , they are likely to draw huge crowds and edge into violence.
In Oakland Wednesday, police reported that they extinguished at least 40 fires and that protesters had thrown rocks and Molotov cocktails and vandalized police cars.
“Time to riot,’’ read a hand-scrawled poster carried by one woman.
In Portland, police declared Thursday night’s protest a riot “due to extensive and dangerous behavior,” including “throwing projectiles” and “use of illegal fire devices.”…
So far the protest movement — only 48 hours old — appears to lack strategy and coordination. But some activists are focusing on the electoral college…
Still, the nascent anti-Trump movement among young people — some of them too young to vote — threatens to throw another wrench into a painful and prolonged election process that many people want to have behind them.
“The passive side of this generation needs to step up to the plate and show that we have not surrendered,” said Ariana Shirzay, a 20-year-old graphic design student who is organizing protests in New York in coming days. She says that her generation was lured into complacency about America’s liberal values.
“We basically grew up with liberal America and transcended into adulthood under Obama,’’ Shirzay said…
“When I walked into school Wednesday morning, my teachers were crying. Students were sobbing, fearing for their family and themselves and friends. We held each other up. And I think we all felt like we wanted to feel heard because most of us are never heard by the government or the world,’’ said Chloe Li, 15, who goes to a high school with many immigrant children.
Elsewhere, protesters targeted Trump-branded buildings — the newly opened hotel in Washington, D.C., near the White House, Trump Tower in Chicago. A Trump effigy was burned in Los Angeles, where protesters also blocked the 101 Freeway and spray-painted graffiti reading “F— Trump” on vehicles and buildings.
Anti-Trump protesters burn an effigy of the president-elect, Donald Trump, outside Los Angeles City Hall on Nov. 9, 2016. (Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times)
“White Supremacy. Misogyny Is Not My America,” “No More Small Men With Big Mouths,’’ read the slogans — along with what have become the hashtag of the protest movement, #notourpresident and #notmypresident.
The largest protest appeared to be in front of New York’s 58-story Trump Tower…
“We have seen in the past these amazing nearly spontaneous movements … that burned brightly for a brief period of time and then just went away,’’ (Derek Muller, who teaches election law at Pepperdine University in Malibu) said.
“Their chances are basically zero…. You would need a lot of coordinated action to get that many electors to change their mind,’’ he said. “It’s very hard now, given that Trump has won.’’
10 Nov: OregonLive: Douglas Perry: Democrats turn to ‘faithless electors’ in desperate, vain attempt to block Donald Trump presidency
The documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, like millions of American voters, was revved up on Wednesday morning. He viewed the election result as a call for change — in his case, a call for structural change to the way we elect the president.
“You must say this sentence to everyone you meet today: ‘HILLARY CLINTON WON THE POPULAR VOTE!'” he wrote on Facebook. “The MAJORITY of our fellow Americans preferred Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Period. Fact. If you woke up this morning thinking you live in an effed-up country, you don’t. The majority of your fellow Americans wanted Hillary, not Trump. The only reason he’s president is because of an arcane, insane 18th-century idea called the Electoral College. Until we change that, we’ll continue to have presidents we didn’t elect and didn’t want.”…
It’s not going to happen…
***MSM still at it? they aren’t Trump protesters, they are ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTERS:
10 Nov: PioneerPress/TwinCities: Tad Vezner: Man alleges assault by ***Trump protesters in St. Paul
Police are investigating a report of a man being assaulted by a group of people protesting President-elect Donald Trump in St. Paul on Wednesday night.
Police were called to Regions Hospital about 10:30 p.m. after a man checked in with facial injuries…
The man said the four accused him of voting for Trump, and the man replied that he did not, according to a police report.
The group — including three young black men and a young white woman — continued to badger him, noting he was white, so he must have voted for Trump, police said.
They then accused him of sympathizing with police, and the man said he didn’t have a problem with police, had never been arrested, and had no reason to dislike them.
He told the group that he was gay, so he made a habit of not judging others because he didn’t want to be judged.
Two of the men then hurled slurs about the man’s sexuality and punched him in the face repeatedly, he told police…
The man asked police not to release his name as he feared for his safety.
When the man did not fight back, the group veered away to join the protesters, and the man fled.
Police have made no arrests in the incident…
what a revealing little tale.
Just listened to an interview on ABC radio 90.3
After Margaret Court gave ABC bias a serve, The Trump victory, and Virginia Trioli shows her hatred of Trump!
This interview is probably one of the best interviews on the ABC I have heard in the last 10 years. (apart from ABC rural) .
I would say management have instructed ABC staff to be on best behaviour over next couple months! Gutless people & management all of them!
10 Nov: Fox News: John Kerry lands in Antarctica, highest US official to visit
John Kerry lands in Antarctica, highest US official to visit
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry became the highest-ranking American official to land in Antarctica for a two-day visit during which he’ll hear from scientists about the impact of climate change on the frozen continent. Kerry left Friday from New Zealand after being held up for about a day by bad weather…
Can they keep him there for at least the next 2 months?
Worth the Watch:
Borrowed from Andrew Bolt’s Blog:
11 Nov: Guardian: Gabrielle Chan: Josh Frydenberg insists Paris climate deal lives on, despite MPs’ claims
George Christensen has endorsed Craig Kelly’s view that Donald Trump’s election means the agreement is ‘cactus’
The energy and environment minister, Josh Frydenberg, has rejected his environment committee chairman Craig Kelly’s assessment that the Paris agreement on climate change is dead with Donald Trump as president.
But just an hour after Frydenberg’s comments, the high-profile conservative backbencher George Christensen backed in Kelly’s view that the agreement was “cactus”…
Kelly used the same word in a Facebook post as the Turnbull government ratified the Paris agreement…
Asked about Kelly’s statement, Frydenberg said: “I don’t think Paris is dead. No country can unilaterally end the agreement…
Frydenberg said it would take the US four years to pull out of the agreement…
AAP: Mr Frydenberg is headed to the UN climate change conference in Morocco…
Four years to stop payments?
I don’t think so.
Entertaining, isn’t it ? 🙂
Despite appearances of a smooth transition Trump better sleep with one eye open as
the real loony toons ,who were so sure of a win, are now having a huge problem coming to grips with what happened .
Some media talking heads can barely contain their outrage of having been so terribly biased and inept
so they resort to fanning the flames of fear , dissent and riots . Shame on CNN and their little smirking weasels .
Trump is just a lot less imperfect than the alternative self serving Washington insiders who failed to clean up their act
that ultimately caused them to lose . They let their $$ Billionaire sponsors down , their campaign team and
millions of Americans who they took for granted .
Trump will Drain The Swamp and create jobs once his team gets the chance to finally work for the public interest .
It won’t be easy as the MSM is in full hate mode . They don’t like to look like fools .
High Noon final showdown …Law ‘n Order
fer all yers yellow-bellied bullies.
John Christy thinks there will be a debate over the models and the precautionary principle is unnecessary.
‘Trump’s win sparked hopes among the minority of researchers who disagree with the overwhelming scientific consensus that global warming is a major threat.
‘Expect some long awaited, rigorous examination of the theory/models,’ John Christy of the University of Alabama, Huntsville, said in an email. ‘The danger just isn’t there.’ “
Worth reading as usual IMO
MSM is playing down, or totally ignoring, any violence by anti-Trump protesters, just as they did throughout the election campaign, but this is truly Orwellian.
nowhere in the text or in the video are we told what the students are protesting about; the election is never mentioned, but an elderley teacher is surrounded by a mob from another school, & beaten, tho the impression is given the teacher is giving as good as he got; the principal is an idiot, who left the gates open, because he knew mobs of students were jumping over fences. this is a Fox affiliate.
KTVU, channel 2, is an owned-and-operated television station of the Fox Broadcasting Company, licensed to Oakland, California, USA and serving the San Francisco Bay Area. KTVU is owned by the Fox Television Stations subsidiary of 21st Century Fox.
VIDEO: 10 Nov: KTVU: Teacher pushed by protesters at College Park High
Well just dropped in to share in the excitement. Indeed Trump’s huge upset win is fantastic news for real science, our economies, jobs, living standards and horrible news for Big government, Big Banks, Big renewable energy and all the professional gravy train merchants of doom who’ve had it all their own way for far too long.
Trump’s win together with Republican balance of power in both houses of Congress means each of the 3 superpowers are all run by sceptical or agnostic governments – China, Russia and now the USA. Suddenly what the UN or Europe dictates has become that much less relevant. Good. Maybe I will live to see the day Jo and David are vindicated for their years of work. One can only hope but today things are looking so much brighter.
the MSM should be held accountable for all this insanity:
VIDEO: 1min19secs: AP: Raw: Riot at Portland, Oregon Anti-Trump Protest
this young boy is now on crutches:
10 Nov: Fox26Houston: Scarlett Fakhar: Student says he was attacked for supporting Trump in mock election
STAFFORD, Texas (FOX 26) – A student at Stafford Elementary is recovering Wednesday after being beaten by several of his classmates.
He says it was during a mock election when the class was asked, “Who voted for Donald Trump”.
In an exclusive interview with Fox26, the 11-year-old boy involved and his parents tell us what happened.
“These boys decided to ask the classroom, ‘Who voted for Donald Trump?’ And then I said, ‘I did.’ And then they come over here and jerked me out of my seat,” said the student. “Before I could get up they started kicking me and punching me.”
The student’s name was protected by request of his parents. But he told us the classroom did have a teacher present. He said when he was on the ground, it “felt like it was forever”.
“We have not really gotten a clear explanation of how long this went on and why did it take so long for it to be stopped?” said his father Buddy Lemmon…
“This is America,” said Mary Lemmon, the mother of the student beaten. “Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and they shouldn’t be beat up for it.”
“I took him to the hospital, we went and made a statement to the police officers, and then I took him to the emergency room so he could get some x-rays done.”
Lemmon said her son has deep bruises throughout his body. After speaking with Stafford MSD, they gave us a statement that says:
“The Stafford Municipal School District is investigating an altercation that took place on its Intermediate School campus on Wednesday morning. The students allegedly involved in the altercation have been suspended, pending an investigation.
“Upon completion of the investigation, consequences will be applied in line with the District’s Code of Conduct.
The Stafford Municipal School District works diligently to ensure a safe environment for all students and staff and will not tolerate aggression of any kind”…
Jo, perhaps it wasn’t frenzy, but the peak publicity campaign that I saw was in 2014/15. And it yielded positive results for them, too, in the face of mounting contrary evidence.
Time to start defunding all this climate nonsense and all the other projects of the regressives!