Oh the woe! It’s another pointless round of climate-communication-angst.
The Conversation: Elizabeth Boulton
It’s time for a new age of Enlightenment: why climate change needs 60,000 artists to tell its story
The root problem, supposedly, is that skepticism is spreading. But the real reason is not the communication, it’s the message itself. It is a dead dog. It’s boring, repetitive, wrong, and the end of the world came and went already. Oh wolfitty-wolf.
So stop being unengaging:
Climate information is still often confusing, unengaging and absent from the wider public discourse.
Engage people: set up a real debate, put some reputations on the line and watch the ratings sour. Let Professors pit their wits against skeptics. Toss in a live audience of engineers and geologists. (Hehe.)
Linguistic analysis found that the most recent IPCC report was less readable than seminal papers by Einstein.
Get with the game. The unreadableness is deliberate. Einstein wanted people to understand his papers.
The older IPCC publications are easier to read. (Try the FAR report.) Back in the days when scientists weren’t trying to pretend the hot spot was there, wasn’t a fingerprint, and doesn’t matter. They weren’t trying to hide The Pause while they announced yet another explanation to explain the pause that wasn’t there. The confounded sentences are an asset. When the message is bad, you don’t want the audience to understand.
Looks like advertising-speak to me:
… climate communication needs to engage people at a philosophical, sensory and feeling level. People need to be able to feel and touch the new climate reality; to explore unfamiliar emotional terrain and be helped to conceive their existence differently.
There are multimillion dollar Coke campaigns with less psychoanalytic depth than this. (The doggier the message, the harder the sell). When docs were selling penicillin they didn’t need to “explore unfamiliar emotional terrain”.
How much money is on this pyre?
Under the global Future Earth initiative, a team of around 60,000 scientists and social scientists has been assembled to understand and report on the physical, tangible dimensions of the problem. I argue we need 60,000 arts and humanities experts to focus upon the intangibles – the communication, engagement and meaning-making aspects of the problem.
Never waste a million when you can waste a billion, right?
Science-communication angst starts with the science. Get the science right and that will solve most of the communication problems.
Oh the truisms:
Humanity will never be able to defeat a threat it cannot perceive.
Exactly. Go ye Warrior, and fight the imperceptible threat…
It’s time that the warmists awoke,
To the fact that their cause is a joke,
As their art it appears,
Can make silk from sows’ears,
Having first bought a pig in a poke.
— Ruairi
“People need to be able to feel and touch the new climate reality; to explore unfamiliar emotional terrain and be helped to conceive their existence differently.” Sounds an awfully lot like what they’re trying to do throughout Western Education today. Whole generation of young people being brought up to start buying this hook, line, and sinker: http://www.invisibleserfscollar.com/
A customer enters a pet shop.
Mr. Praline: ‘Ello, I wish to register a complaint.
(The owner does not respond.)
Mr. Praline: ‘Ello, Miss?
Owner: What do you mean “miss”?
Mr. Praline: (pause)I’m sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint!
Owner: We’re closin’ for lunch.
Mr. Praline: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.
Owner: Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue…What’s,uh…What’s wrong with it?
Mr. Praline: I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it, my lad. ‘E’s dead, that’s what’s wrong with it!
Owner: No, no, ‘e’s uh,…he’s resting.
Mr. Praline: Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I’m looking at one right now.
Owner: No no he’s not dead, he’s, he’s restin’! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn’it, ay? Beautiful plumage!
Mr. Praline: The plumage don’t enter into it. It’s stone dead.
Owner: Nononono, no, no! ‘E’s resting!
Mr. Praline: All right then, if he’s restin’, I’ll wake him up! (shouting at the cage) ‘Ello, Mister Polly Parrot! I’ve got a lovely fresh cuttle fish for you if you show…
(owner hits the cage)
Owner: There, he moved!
Mr. Praline: No, he didn’t, that was you hitting the cage!
Owner: I never!!
Mr. Praline: Yes, you did!
Owner: I never, never did anything…
Mr. Praline: (yelling and hitting the cage repeatedly) ‘ELLO POLLY!!!!! Testing! Testing! Testing! Testing! This is your nine o’clock alarm call!
(Takes parrot out of the cage and thumps its head on the counter. Throws it up in the air and watches it plummet to the floor.)
Mr. Praline: Now that’s what I call a dead parrot.
Owner: No, no…..No, ‘e’s stunned!
Mr. Praline: STUNNED?!?
Owner: Yeah! You stunned him, just as he was wakin’ up! Norwegian Blues stun easily, major.”
– Monty Python, The Dead Parrot skit.
Translation: “we need 60,000 turd polishers”
“we need 60,000 turd polishers, to carry on undeturrd”
Mythbusters proved you *could* polish poo….
Don’t forget, 10 tons of glitter !
Actual translation – We have way too many people with useless arts degrees who are incapable of even serving coffee for a living, so let’s pay them to make creative propaganda for a problem that doesn’t exist. Socialist / communist full employment scheme.
‘The Conversation’, another ad hoc academic committee, having a kollectiv intelligence inversely proportional to its number, is no ‘conversation’ per se, merely a monologue in an echo chamber.
MarketingPropaganda, not science is their preferred approach.In contrast, the GOP asks for public’s help crafting 2016 platform, launches interactive website
Under ‘America’s Natural Resources’ you’ll see ‘Energy Independence’, ‘Agriculture’ and ‘Protecting Our Environment’.
At last, the wind of rationality, of change, at our backs.
My input to the RNC:
Top of all is the complete defunding/demolishment of NOAA, NASA Goddard, and UCAR/NCAR!
These government funded folk have deliberately made the whole concept of science in the USA the laughingstock among those with some understanding of science and the scientific method, not only in the USA, but throughout the whole world!
All the best! -will-
You should add NREL to that list
I had to check. And there has been a migration of the term – used to stand for National Resource Ecology Laboratory back in the days of ELM etc
I think the real word is “demolition”, but I decidedly agree with your sentiment.
Owen Morgan June 9, 2016 at 12:03 pm · Reply
“I think the real word is “demolition”, but I decidedly agree with your sentiment.”
Demolishment is the intent! Demolition is the funzies with beer, popcorn and much cheering!
Went over to the site- read some comments which amounted to the equivalent of finger painting.Woeful is the state of acadème.
Greetings readers from Robert Bumbalough in Dallas Texas
I’m highly skeptical of the AGW hypothesis, and I’ve a Facebook account and follow posts on a group titled “Climate Change Debate”. The warmunists trolling that forum use ridicule, snark and insult as their primary tactics; today, however, a user, Phillip Shaw (usually quite nasty), asserted that AGW skeptics conflate warming from natural variation as depicted in land + ocean (Global Surface Temperature, GST) data set products that include warming from ENSO, PDO, AMO and cooling from volcanoes with anthropogenic warming such that by noting the absence of warming in the RSS and slight warming in the UAH data set products they lack critical thinking skills. I apologize that I forgot to take a screen image of the comment, but I think I properly remember it. My question is how does an AGW skeptic respond to a climate zealot on such a charge?
Thanks in advance. My email will be notified of any responses to this question.
Best Wishes for Your Success
‘AGW skeptics conflate warming from natural variation’
Point to the hiatus in temperature and remind them that its cause is unknown, but we are confident it has nothing to do with CO2.
Antarctica is getting cooler precisely when it should be warming the fastest under elevated levels of human induced CO2.
Its important to understand that otherwise normal intelligent human beings have been severely brainwashed and are unaware of reality. Knowing a lot of people afflicted with the malady I now accept that they are all mentally ill and virtually impossible to recover.
To put it bluntly, you are deaing with a believer in current, politically correct dogma, sanctioned by an incompetent generation of scientists, who have worked for two generations to advance an utterly false climate science, and by all of our supposedly authoritative institutions, which have been suborned to that false science simply because they cannot imagine that so many scientists could be so wrong, or so evil in advancing false information to the world to protect their professional positions and income. You are not likely to get him or those who believe like him to change their minds by giving them either simple facts or convincing rhetoric. They muddy every argument that is brought before them.
However, in the context of proper attribution of global mean temperature variations to natural and anthropogenic factors, you could give them this link to a recent post of mine:
The Bottom Line About “Climate Science” and “Global Warming”,
and point out that the false climate scientists have put out graphs to the public which basically blame all of the “global warming” on carbon dioxide (CO2), even though the temperature record shows no consistent temperature variation with increasing CO2. Even more astonishing, a century ago the global mean surface temperature, as indicated in the Standard Atmosphere model, was 288K, and after a century of supposed global warming the global temperature “measured” today is LESS than 288K, by a few tenths of a degree (and this, in the larger, and fundamental, context of the Standard Atmosphere having been precisely confirmed by my 2010 Venus/Earth temperatures comparison, so it’s no use arguing that the Standard Atmosphere doesn’t apply, because it obviously does, quite accurately, and precisely). So, not only can “climate science” not disentangle natural from anthropogenic (and clearly does not want to even acknowledge the natural), it cannot prove there has even been any “global” warming; it cannot prove, to anyone who has seen the Standard Atmosphere precisely confirmed by my Venus/Earth comparison, that it can even MEASURE the global mean surface temperature accurately enough to show any real global warming, from ANY combination of factors, both natural and anthropogenic.
During WW2, people taught kids to actually pray to Hitler as if he were a diety.
That said, it should be constantly reinforced that the *main* agenda behind the CAGW religion, isnt a belief system, as putting a hand over the mouth democracy whiles it being raped by the Leftsists….
OriginalSteve June 9, 2016 at 4:05 pm
“During WW2, people taught kids to actually pray to Hitler as if he were a deity. That said, it should be constantly reinforced that the *main* agenda behind the CAGW religion, isnt a belief system, as putting a hand over the mouth democracy whiles it being raped by the Leftsists….”
Please straighten out your confused thinking. This is nothing rightest, leftist, or centrist. This is intentional stirring, confusion, opportunity for profit, as always! Learn from the Donald. Each and every one of us can easily be sold, by the skillful, on “feelings” not knowledge, to do the most destructive to ourselves.
If that thing that bought the $200 Donald course, then upgraded to the $31,000 course on his mommies credit card, did not learn in that 30 seconds that I are totally SCAMMED! Then mommy you have indeed one of the most stupid earthling offsprouts ever produced.
All the best! -will-
“My question is how does an AGW skeptic respond to a climate zealot on such a charge?”
Focus on some physical evidence that indicated that changes in atmospheric CO2 are doing anything measurable! Ask them to produce any physical measurement of what they claim, even that the surface radiative flux is anywhere close to what is claimed. Ask who, what (exactly), when, and the model/manufacturer of all instrumentation used in such measurement. Enquirer of the manufacturer of said instrumentation whether such is capable of such measurement, or rather some other measurement that is used to claim fantasy! If you can get to an actual builder rather than salesman, you now have someone that knows limitations of the measurement attempted.
Expect silence, some unexplainable gobbledygook, or more likely “all that claim to know what they are doing, claim to know what they are doing!
All the best! -will-
Its chaos out there, a new paper analyses where the models went wrong.
Right from the start my call was; “Show us your data”.
Then they started fiddling the data and dismissing data which didn’t fit their plan. In all sorts of ways. At the same time they kept moving the goalposts.
One outstanding example was the “homogenisation” of data from Australian sites.
Quoting Ted – One outstanding example was the “homogenisation” of data from Australian sites = ACORN.
Squirrels like “acorns” so you could argue that BOM are an “organisation of squirrels” – I say stick to their “primary job specification” and stop fiddling with our vintage temp data to make the “past appear cooler” so as to satisfy the “Warmist Doctrine”.
“asserted that AGW skeptics conflate warming from natural variation as depicted in land + ocean (Global Surface Temperature, GST) data set products that include warming from ENSO, PDO, AMO …”
~ ~ ~
Greetings Robert. Here is my dimes’ worth.
The sceptic position is the null hypothesis:
The null hypothesis for the modern warm period is that the warming represents recovery from the Little Ice Age.
The onus is on Phil Shaw to show that observations contradict this. Bonus points for attributed ‘catastrophic’ armageddon observations!
~ ~ ~
But, let’s look at Global Surface Temperatures, and confusion with ‘conflation’.
Maybe you could ask Phil which of these 3 links on GST is correct and 97% consensus settled:
1. Gavin Schmidt: “That’s not to say the satellite measurements don’t provide some value, but it is an indication why the surface temperature data analyzed and reported by NASA, NOAA and others is viewed as the gold standard.”
2. NASA: “There is far too much focus on surface temperatures.”
3. “This is only the global average surface temperature and it’s only one measure of the climate system – and it’s a very fickle measure.
There’s an over-emphasis on the surface air temperature. Prof Matt England, of the University of New South Wales climate change research centre.
Either choice Phil makes he loses, as the conflation of ENSO, PDO, AMO etc is not an issue until it is decided what is gold standard.
~ ~ ~
As for RSS, who would trust the satellites:
“But (Michael) Mann, Dessler, Francis and others say there have been quality and trustworthy issues with some satellite measurements and they only show what’s happening far above the ground.
Some non-scientists who deny man-made global warming have pointed to satellite temperature records – which only go back to 1979 – which show a warming world, but no record this year and less of a recent increase than the longer-term ground thermometers.(see ‘the pause’)
~ ~ ~
And Ocean Surface Temperatures?
Australian climate scientist, UN- IPCC author and contributor, climate researcher at Melbourne University, David Karoly said;
“Most people are not fish, most people live on land,” Professor Karoly said, noting that the sustained warming over land had been about 40 per cent more than over the oceans.
. . .
Maybe Phil needs to get his side of the science settled before accusing others of ‘conflating’ data.
Hope that helps.
Lloyd PJ. Energy & Environment · Vol. 26, No. 3, 2015
One could ask for a concise explanation for the Roman, Mayan and Medieval Warm Periods,
and then throw them in the direction of GRAPH ON CARBON DIOXIDE DURING GEOLOGICAL ERAS.
They must also be able to explain ‘The Pause’ and why the models failed to predict it.
Good luck Robert B. #4. It’s tricky persuading believers. History is more than replete with religious martyrs and as you know, religion has a penchant of displacing (as well as excusing) all rational thought.
The quick explanation is that there is no known way to separate anthropogenic response from natural response of climate as shown by temperature measurements.
People will argue that computer model do this. That is about their only argument. However, computer models do not produce verifiable data as they are a consequence of how they are put together, including many untested assumptions and areas of poor knowledge, such as the behaviour of clouds.
If people argue that separation of natural from man-made can be done, ask them for a reference. Most give a compendium like AR5. That shows nothing. In essence, nobody can make a claim to be able to show that separation.
And so they should, because:
a) GMST is secondary climate change criteria according to the IPCC, TOA energy imbalance is the primary criteria (saa IPCC FAQ below), and
b) 111 of 114 of IPCC’s CO2-forced climate models are too warm at surface this century (AR5 Chapter 9 Box 2.1) i.e. CO2 forcing is excessive so far this century and if ENSO-neutral GMST (5 yr smoothed data) declines by say, 2020 – 2025, CO2 will have been proved to be superfluous by the secondary criteria i.e. solar change is the driver of the secular trend (ST) in GMST with an oceanic oscillation overlaid with period approx 6o years (60 year climate cycle, multidecadal variation MDV, see Macias et al (2014) below), and
c) IPCC’s primary climate change criteria at TOA and observations applied to it reveal CO2 is not the driver at the primary level and therefore not the secondary level (GMST) either.
Here’s the details:
IPCC climate change criteria: radiative forcing “measured at top of atmosphere” (IPCC AR4 FAQ 2.1, Box 1 – “What is radiative forcing?”). Co = 280ppm, C = 400ppm.
# 0.6 W.m-2 TOA imbalance, trendless (Stephens et al 2012, Loeb et al 2012, IPCC AR5 Chap 2).
# 1.9 W.m-2 CO2 “forcing”, trending (dF = 5.35 ln(C/Co) and IPCC Table of Forcings, similar to net anthro).
Game over. CO2 “forcing” is more than treble the TOA imbalance, CO2 is an ineffective climate forcing.
# 0.6 imbalance TOA = 0.6 imbalance Sfc
Sfc imbalance is global average ocean heat accumulation (around 24 W.m-2 tropics, -11 W.m-2 Southern Ocean). Therefore, TOA imbalance is simply solar SW going straight into the oceanic heat sink and lagged in energy out at Sfc and LW out at TOA.
No need to invoke CO2 “forcing” and it is impossible to invoke anyway – it doesn’t fit between Sfc and TOA. IPCC AR5 Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution fails to address this.
Game over.
# # #
FAQ 2.1, Box 1: What is Radiative Forcing?
[A] – “The word radiative arises because these factors change the balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing infrared radiation within the Earth’s atmosphere. This radiative balance [‘measured at the top of the atmosphere’] controls the Earth’s surface temperature”
[B] – “When radiative forcing [‘measured at the top of the atmosphere’] from a factor or group of factors is evaluated as positive, the energy of the Earth-atmosphere system will ultimately increase, leading to a warming of the system. In contrast, for a negative radiative forcing, the energy will ultimately decrease, leading to a cooling of the system”
Stephens et al (2012) Figure 1
Loeb et al (2012) Figure 1
Application of the Singular Spectrum Analysis Technique to Study the Recent Hiatus on the Global Surface Temperature Record
Macias et al (2014)
According to:
‘Dr Richard Feynman, Cornell Physicist in a lecture explained how theorys that failed the test of data or experiment are falsified (“wrong”) and must be discarded’.
Imperceptible? With at most half of a degree warming in the changeover to electronic measurement in the 1980s and no warming before or since, the threat is also undetectable. Perhaps some find it better to worry collectively about something that isn’t happening than something that is. In behavioral studies, this was called ‘displacement activity’. Historically for humans building henges, pyramids and now windmills. Useless monumental offerings for non existent problems.
Imagine if the 300,000 windmills were built in Africa where they are desperately needed? No, that would be useful, generous and kind and good for millions of people in often desperate conditions and so not Green. The selfish Greens only care about their own backyards, their ‘sustainability’, their guarantees of the good life. So more worthless solutions to non existent problems at someone else’s great expense. Now what they desperately need are 60,000 sales people to try to make it sound sensible, not self indulgent, cruel and thoughtless and totally unjustifiable.
A big lie needs refreshing, according to Goebbels.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield … ‘
In Australia all sides of politics now accept the lie.
In the Bible, in the End Times, all the “Kings” of the world will give their authority to the AntiChrist for an “hour”, implying a short time. Is it then not beyond possibility that the 10 kings could be the 10 supernations thatare now forming ( ASEAn, EU, NAFTA etc ) and that for Rev to be fulfilled, all govts need to be “on song”……
Is this ptroof of this? No way could every govt of the world be deceived so badly by chance…..
“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings,
which have received no kingdom as yet;
but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
( Rev 17:12-13 )
el gordo June 9, 2016 at 9:33 am
“A big lie needs refreshing, according to Goebbels.”
“In Australia all sides of politics now accept the lie.”
Only the elites accept that lie! The serfs/peasants are all carefully honing the ends of ones pitchfork, and re-oiling the torches!
In the US this is called “reloading like mad”
What will your AU army do; when the torches and pitchforks come out?
‘What will your AU army do; when the torches and pitchforks come out?’
There won’t be a social uprising down under, we have already lost the political battle.
Rather than insinuate that the change from thermometer to electronic T measurement produced a bias, it would be better to show overlap studies since the 1970s, where thermometer and electronic were used side by side.
I don’t know of any comparison sets. It has been on my mind to seek them from BOM, but other matters have stopped this. Have you ever asked them for such data?
There was a very good German report showing the obvious correlation as thermometers were replaced in Germany. Someone referred to it in a previous post. I will try to find it.
However it confirmed what a reasonable person would expect, that dramatically changing recording technologies and increasing accuracy will introduce reasonable differences which should correspond in magnitude to the increase in accuracy. You cannot reinvent the data for 1910 and add absolute accuracy which was not there. It is not that the old thermometers read by post masters and farmers and school masters and train station masters were wrong, but they were limited in absolute accuracy, reading accuracy. Personally I believe they would have been read with great diligence.
The time correlation in the article was obvious as it took ten years to roll out all the new instruments, so the average went up 0.5C in ten years and not in the 20 years before or since.
If there can be so much talk (and excuses) about relocation and homogenization, surely total massive instrumental change over the same 10 year period would be worthy of an investigation.
The other challenge when people talk about +0.8C from 1900 is that they are trusting reading accuracies around the world when +/-0.5C would have seemed very accurate. They are also trusting recordings from say the Southern Hemisphere when there were very few for what is after all half the planet. Below the Tropic of Capricorn, Australia dominates the land and the data and no one had even reached the North(1908) or South(1911) poles or the top of the Himalayas (1953). How people retrospectively create an accurate Global Temperature for 1900 to 0.5C is beyond me. Whether it is even meaningful is another serious question.
The challenge in the switch over to more accurate and newly calibrated technologies was to connect the new data to the historic data when they will reasonably be expected to disagree by +/-0.5C. Personally this cannot be done.
So the 1980s is a time when a scientist would be loathe to draw conclusions about changes in historic temperature of the order of 0.5C. As I wrote originally, the ‘warming’ is far too close to the error level to be discernible but it has cost the planet trillions of dollars.
You would have to think the newly formed IPCC (1988) from the World Meteorological Societies needed a reason to be in the UN, something which involved world governments. Again the coincidence with the sudden discovery of 0.5C of ‘Global Warming’ is just too convenient. The idea of temperature induced Climate Change was invented as a concept with the new IPCC. It is in the name.
Now would a group of multi national jet setting bureaucrats allow an instrumental change to push temperatures up 0.5C and demand funding as a result? No need to answer. You could not prove temperatures had gone up 0.5C but you could not prove they had not. Convenient. The real test would be the following 20 years. That test is over.
If there is a long running correlation between ground stations and the recent satellite input then at least we’ll have clarity.
Possibly this one http://notrickszone.com/2015/01/13/weather-instrumentation-debacle-analysis-shows-0-9c-of-germanys-warming-may-be-due-to-transition-to-electronic-measurement/#sthash.yDInnQ2z.dpbs
Klaus Hager measured mercury thermometer and digital thermometer temperatures for 8+ years and found that the digital record averaged 0.9℃ higher.
Klaus Hager also has a website http://www.hager-meteo.de (how’s your german)
Digital thermometers are better at recording transient changes.
Thanks Graeme. I had to go through my bookmarks and you beat me by seconds. My Technical German has faded but Google does a better job. (Especially for Chinese). My real point was the transition in technologies is a largely uncommented shocker which would stun a real scientist. As Hager proved and opportunity to do nothing about the resultant and untrue warming. It also explains the 20 year plateaus either side. It is not about whether the new technology is accurate, but whether it gives the same result and the wrong conclusions which can be drawn from the predictable difference.
Precice but inaccurate then?
No,,,, just Different
Geoff. Here is an article where “German veteran meteorologist Klaus Hager” actually checked the correlation, comparing the two measurement methods side by side.
To quote the article
Here we see the trend for the period rising strongly, from about 8.4°C to 9.3°C, i.e. precisely during the instrumentation transition period! This too happens to be a rise of 0.9°C, which coincides precisely with the results of the side-by-side temperature measurement test Hager conducted over 8.5 years comparing mercury thermometers to electronic ones.
“In these 15 years, did CO2’s greenhouse gas effect suddenly go into action? Who switched on the CO2 greenhouse gas effect for these 15 years?”
Moreover, didn’t Germany’s national DWD Weather Service check and calibrate the new electronic system to be sure it would produce results similar to the earlier used mercury thermometers and thus ensure the recording of reliable data? Hager says they never did, and it seems they were quite content to adopt the warmer readings.
So what I had argued was obvious was also deliberate. Doing nothing gave the result the IPCC needed to justify its existence. A little white lie. The science is in. Something.
Almost unbelievable that “scientists” (TM) would fail to calibrate these two very different methods of doing the same thing.
Speaking of Coke advertising campaigns many don’t know that Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’ has an image of chimneys billowing smoke every 25 frames, this powerful form of subliminal messaging is a major reason behind the films initial appeal.
Climate change is like Coke … both add life!
well that would be easy to verify. Can you?
I can sort of understand why people turn to poetry and art when they want to persuade a certain part of the community that has a problem with science but climate sceptics aren’t the type to be impressed by interpretive dance or mimed climate dramas. In fact I’d predict it would have the opposite effect to the one she’s hoping for. Now cimate science is complicated and I can’t really blame her for not keeping up with the latest inconvenient truths, but how dumb does she have to be to think that all sceptics need is art to swing them when lies, insults and finally threats of RICO are failing?
You do begin to wonder if these people could find their botty cheeks with both hands, in the bath.
If you accept that history uis eaith largely directed or largely accidental ( with amybe a bit of it in between ), I woudl suggest based on what I have seen over the last 50 years that humanisty has been very carefully manipulated.
I dont like watching much tv, mainly becasue I find it so dumbed down its depressing. I finally realized thet Home and Away is now full of sqyuare jawed “heroes” so it woudl appeal tot he mas market, and brain dead shows like “Revenge” sell because the great unwashed are viewed by the Elite as trul thick unthinking beasts of burden, or might as well be given how little they use their brains…..
Now enter the directed history idea again – the advent of “smart” phones, where often the phone is way wayyyyy smarter than its owner, and you find now we have a classic divide and conquer mechanism at play, whereby the MSM dross is replicated faithfully to every serf, but every serf is then easily manipulated and force fed the same Home and Away intellectual level dross. I could never work out why the local Leagues clubs appeal to so many people but now I understand.
In short, the biggest risk to science is the general public – as has been amply demostrated by goading the general public to fight in two world wars & the climate scam, manipulating the unthinking public through emotion and clever agitprop is very possible, and works well.
The best way to short circuit the CAGW scam is talking to as many people as possible face to face, but even then realizing that the very concept of scpeticism may well become a dangerous topic as the greeat unwashed are wound up again ( like in WW1 & WW2 ) to do the Elites dirty work……
It’s time that the warmists awoke,
To the fact that their cause is a joke,
As their art it appears,
Can make silk from sows’ears,
Having first bought a pig in a poke.
How many thumbs up can I give this one?
Try this: +1,000,000.
R, I truly hope you are going to put all these into a book of some sort
Nice! another up thumb. Have you ever witnessed the actual fineness and softness of a living sow’s ear? Your silk purse comes nowhere close!
All the best! -will-
I prefer the nostrils, after a good feed from the trough.
Stinky, stinky!
As I recall the originator of H.P. White Labs had on his desk a “silk purse” that he HAD made of sow’s ears
That is just beautiful!, especially the last line!
I would ask you to send it as a letter to the Fairfax papers, but I very much doubt that they would not publish it.
Or better still send Ruairi’s poem to the 97% scientists who apparently believe in “Warmist Doctrine”.
Please publish all your lymericks in a book and send me a copy.
“Exactly. Go ye Warrior, and fight the threat that is imperceptible…”
Jo you’ve got it there; no scientifically measurable signal which is connected to man made CO2.
What won’t be imperceptible, of course, is the future plunge into the next ice age when the present interglacial period ends.
The drama of human confusion continues.
O/T but FYI
I spent the first 45 years of my life believing that modern communications, from TV to Jumbo Jets, would save us from future wars.
I can now see that people never change, there will be more wars.
‘Humanity will never be able to defeat a threat it cannot perceive.’
CO2 is a colorless, odorless gas which appears benign, the main indication of its presence is the greening effect on plant life.
All of us here know its not a threat, but only a serious change in the weather will convince the brain dead that they got it badly wrong.
I think it’s only confusing to the warming worriers, the rest of us have caught onto the scam a long time ago and we’re all kind of sick of hearing the same scare mongering and exaggeration. How many times is the Great Barrier Reef going to die?
Re TdeF
Imagine if the 300,000 windmills were built in Africa where they are desperately needed? No, that would be useful, generous and kind and good for millions of people in often desperate conditions and so not Green.
It is not possible at all, because windmills need a stabel net supported by real power stations. The greens seldom realize that our windmills are only possible because we have the infrastructure to support them.
Also, why would you foist the health problems on these poor people that these windmills inevitably bring. Their lives have been interrupted enough by foreign ‘do gooders’
Not really. A friend is just back from creating solar power at a hospital in South Sudan run by Italian nuns in a real war zone. All Australian volunteers at their own risk and funded by local donations and fund raising. They managed to get a big battery system in place too. This is really for refrigeration for antibiotics.It is a lethal area with every disease and the worst is the Kalashnikov. The idea of having a power station or even wiring or streets or even plumbing is unthinkable. The need is desperate. A windmill here and there would be incredible. As in India when I was there last year, the workers stop when the windmill stops. Refrigeration is a form of energy storage too.
You have made the point that in certain niche situations wind and solar power is viable. That is far from demonstrating that it is viable for base load power generation. I’m not being to critical as from your comments I know you as a Luke warmer. Luke or not if you believe wind or solar are viable power generation sources you are flat wrong. See Tony from Oz., frequent poster on this site.
Wind turbines are simply not viable on any measure………a total flop
No, the situation is that in the middle of the desert in the middle of a huge continent triple the size of Australia, there is often only solar. It is just enough to keep antibiotics cold. Please do not extrapolate that to supporting a Western lifestyle with airconditioning, washing machines, heaters, entertainment and public transport. The hospital needs are life and death needs without a shred of luxury. Maybe a phone charger. I am not suggesting that solar and wind are adequate for a modern world of luxury or manufacture, but they have their place. Besides, my basic point is that 300,000 windmills are useless where they are in self indulgent rich countries with abundant cheap power and ask everyone to imagine how the windmills could change lives elsewhere. Greens have an image of themselves as caring and generous. They need to take a good look at themselves and their fantasy world where they are the good guys.
Yeah the ugly reality is that ( whether you like it or not ) is the Elite, who start these wars, are actually white arayan supremacists. As such, they view africa as an open air laboratory for every thing they want to test before its released into the West. This includes, drugs, viruses, weapons etc – no one in the west cares much if an african town is incinerated by a MOAB/daisy cutter in a convenient local war, or that ebola-like viruses are experienced in clusters in and around clandestine labs……
I applaud anyone who is doing work in these countries, but just be aware why it never gets much better….
When you have to resort to art to sell CAGW, you know that you have a lousy product.
Carbon reduction from total shutdown of Alberta oil sands in second paragraph
Another Ian June 9, 2016 at 8:19 am
“Carbon reduction from total shutdown of Alberta oil sands in second paragraph”
What total idiocy! Alberta ugly tar sands? Neat! Build local refinery to recover the profitable, ship that to actual buyers! Leave the unprofitable dregs behind locally, else only the transporters of dregs; pipelines, railroads profit!
Eventually those dregs must become the profitable! Rinse, repeat!
As I understand it the current product is on restricted output because of transporting. And not lacking in demand from refineries that use their output.
Hence Keystone. Blocked by pc.
With “Pipeline West” blocked by pc.
And now the end run of Pipeline East.
Which, if it looks like getting up, will suddenly liberate the road to the first two. /s
“As I understand it the current product is on restricted output because of transporting. And not lacking in demand from refineries that use their output.”
The refineries in Huston are at 22% production from lack of feedstock. These huge mothers can make anything from anything other!
The crap that is in that liquified pipefeed from Alberta, with only the slightest undetectable leak may be able to poison the entire Ogallala aquifer for the next 2,000,000 years! Do not try that! Rebuild a proper refinery in Alberta that can supply such a precious product such that no leak shall be tolerated!
All the best! -will-
Hadn’t heard that.
What about Warren’s train crashes or the risks there-of?
Will Hadn’t heard that.
“What about Warren’s train crashes or the risks there-of?”
This is not about the risk to the aquifer! Alberta has sufficient stuff to ware out any modern refinery! Have you any argument to gleaning the local precious, and leaving the local detritus for the next round of gleaning? Why support those that thought they could get heavy crude from Venezuela for ever; and and continue to dump the vast detritus in the nearby Gulf of Mexico thinking no one would notice? I try not to be a greeny, but some policy is truly stupid!
All the best! -will-
No argument here against using what is useable where it can be processed.
But from local experience in things rural getting to use them in situ will likely be another BIG can of worms.
An seems to me that Alberta needs that pips even if it happens.
BTW My likely trip to Alberta went with the crash. A diesel pro son had been headhunted for a job.
Another Ian June 9, 2016 at 9:06 pm
“Will,No argument here against using what is useable where it can be processed.”
Not at all what I was trying to express! The Alberta bitumen has resource inconceivable! Build refinery large enough to be a self contained energy entity, via co-generation, supplying excess electrical 24/7 power to all the surround workers/communities! First recover the “diamond” product. Spendy to transport elsewhere via locked satchel via courier, but no leak or write-offs! As the number of ‘diamonds’ decrease, the ‘gold’ will appear with perhaps lower transportation margin! Sell that also at profit. Rinse repeat! By the time you get to only toxic remains, drill down 4 km for “permanent repository for high level nuclear waste”, refilled with local toxic. Profit! Not even the “first citizens” can complain! Just imagine the additional employment, and profit digging that ‘high level nuclear waste’ back out as the new “Gold”!!
“But from local experience in things rural getting to use them in situ will likely be another BIG can of worms. An seems to me that Alberta needs that pips even if it happens.”
Rebuilding the current ‘pipes’ properly with NO LEAKS, will likely be sufficient!
All the best! -will-
This is already a big part of the problem. People with “no grip on numbers” or a practical understanding of the basic science have been jumping to conclusions. They mix up correlation with cause and effect, while not seeing the lack of correlation between co2 and temps. They hear something like: “humans are pumping XX gigatons of c02 pollution into the atmopshere.” and they hit the panic button. Do they talk to a geologist to grip on what those numbers really mean?
Then there’s the religious aspects of the green movement. Climate change is a religion to many of these people. A rational grip of the numbers and what they mean do matter to these folks. So yes, some artsy but incoherent description of the issues may be useful to spreading the warmist gospel among the ignorant.
oops..Should be “Do not matter to these folks.”
VOTE 1 ( above the line)
( a true Climate Artiste!)
Don’t forget Josh.
There is a great need for publicity and truth.
The unceasing attack on CO2 continues. Pollution. Major polluters. Biggest offenders. Global Warming. Climate Change. Extreme events. This works. It is no wonder that chemistry ignorant people think tiny CO2 is a very dangerous chemical.
Nothing good is ever said about it and as Greenpeace founder Dr Patrick Moore wrote, he only knew one other person in Greenpeace with any understanding of chemistry.
There is a real need to explain that CO2 is not just plant food, it is the plant, the forests, the people, every living thing. There are fundamentally only two ingredients to life on earth, CO2 and H2O. We desperately need both. Even the O2 comes from CO2! In photosynthesis, the energy from sunlight, CO2 and H2O makes the sugars C6H12O6 from which ultimately everything else is made and oxygen is released for us to breathe.
We humans then burn carbohydrates ((CO2)m(H2O)n) and release CO2 and H2O, the cycle of life. When we breathe, the CO2 is only 0.04%. Breathe out and it is up to 24% and 100% humidity, which is why you can see your breath on a cold morning. We are polluters, apparently, all seven billion of us. Plus all the rest of living things, including plants at night.
So without CO2, no plants, no insects, no animals, no fish, no birds, no trees, not even any oxygen to breathe. Now the Greens would love to ban it as they did Chlorine. Shut the factories, the steel mills, the aluminum smelters, the manufacturers. Stop all transport. Bring back the scythe and the horse drawn plough and the cart. Governments want to tax it. Politicians want the power it gives. The ignorant Greens just want dirty CO2 out of their neighbourhood, so they close power stations and surround themselves with white windmills while buying their real dirty power on the quiet from the next state, leaving the ghastly CO2 behind. South Australia and Tasmania come to mind.
If ever publicity was needed it is that CO2 is the gas of life without which no life would exist. You might even start with their ABC, teaching children the essential role of CO2 as the sole supplier of life on earth and from which all living things are made. Perhaps ABC former science graduate Robyn Williams could help explain basic chemistry to the staff and then the children. I think I just saw porcine flight.
+1,000,000. I apologize for ragging you in the above post.
Around this thread area IMO
“Climate Science Industry — Negotiation”
So its back to the old ‘Chimney stacks billowing out steam at sunset so the steam appears black ‘ trick !
Or the (BS)artist’s impression of such x 50,000 or whatever it takes to maintain the Al Gore Graivytrain Express (World Renewable Rackets), Great Big New co2 Taxes (carbon Credits , ET rip offs) and the World Marxist and Mad Malthusian Agenda , headed by the Unelected Nutters (U.N.).
How did we arrive at this sad state of affairs ?
We need ‘the Donald’ everywhere. Vote one … ‘Trump for US Pres’. …. ‘Hitlery For Jail’ !
We all need pictures, you see
to make us all fuzzy, fit to pee.
Help us ignore
they’re pink to the core
and so happy to harm you and me.
This has been done to death before but never explained by greenhouse advocates.
http://www.atmos.washington.edu/2002Q4/211/notes_greenhouse.html includes a figure showing how the greenhouse effect back radiation plus the solar radiation combine to cause the greenhouse warming.
Somehow advocates of this simplified model seem to miss the salient point that this asserts the atmospheric back radiation has equal heating power to the solar radiation !
That is simply absurd !
If it were true then we simply need enough focusing to power electricity generation by boiling water using the back radiation alone at night. It should be easy to demonstrate.
I’ll say it again – That is simply absurd !
How can such nonsense be taught in University ?
Good comment Rosco.
Back radiation is a big joke.
Real science does not support the concept of “back radiation”.
Generally speaking you are looking at ground level temperatures of say 15 degrees Celsius and cloud temperatures of about 9.
IF there is any ground origin radiation it will move down the energy gradient to the clouds.
Technically speaking there may be back radiation, but only for a very short distance. Maybe a few microns, does this count?
“Technically speaking there may be back radiation, but only for a very short distance. Maybe a few microns, does this count?”
Please supply any physical evidence of EMR exitance (in any form)in the direction of higher radiance (normalized EMR field strength) at each frequency and in each direction! My friend Gus Kirchhoff was no dummy! Most willing to discuss most anything with anyone, especially if some else were buying the next round!
All the best! -will-
Will, it’s not physical evidence; but according to Max Planck’s 1912 paper entitled Theory of Heat Radiation (translated by Morton Masius), Part 1: Fundamental Facts and Definitions, page 6
[see URL: https://archive.org/stream/theoryofheatradi00planrich#page/n5/mode/2up%5D
“7. The coefficient of emission epsilon depends, not only on the frequency f, but also on the condition of the emitting substance contained in the volume-element dTau, and, generally speaking, in a very complicated way, according to the physical and chemical processes which take place in the elements of time and volume in question. But the empirical law that the emission of any volume-element depends entirely on what takes place inside of this element holds true in all cases (Provost’s principle). A body A at 100 degrees C. emits toward a body B at 0 degrees C. exactly the same amount of radiation as toward an equally large and similarly situated body B’ at 1000 degrees C. The fact that the body A is cooled by B and heated by B’ is due entirely to the fact that B is a weaker, B’ a stronger emitter than A.”
I’d say that statement implies radiation from a cooler body in the direction of a warmer body. Note: That Planck did not say heat flows from a cooler body to a warmer body; only that radiation from a cooler body to a warmer body exists.
Reed Coray June 9, 2016 at 1:33 pm
“Will, it’s not physical evidence; but according to Max Planck’s 1912 paper entitled Theory of Heat Radiation (translated by Morton Masius), Part 1: Fundamental Facts and Definitions, page 6”
If you would read that very reference; you might notice that it is a refutation of Provost’s principle!
Will, I don’t know where you get your information. Below are two descriptions of Prevost’s principle:
(1) Prevost’s theory of heat exchange:
“Each body emits thermal radiations at all temperatures, but for absolute zero and it absorbs radiations emitted from all other bodies in its surroundings.”
(2) Prevost’s definitions
“An important early contribution was made by Pierre Prevost in 1791.[1] Prevost considered that what is nowadays called the photon gas or electromagnetic radiation was a fluid that he called “free heat”. Prevost proposed that free radiant heat is a very rare fluid, rays of which, like light rays, pass through each other without detectable disturbance of their passage. Prevost’s theory of exchanges stated that each body radiates to, and receives radiation from, other bodies. The radiation from each body is emitted regardless of the presence or absence of other bodies.”
For the life of me, I don’t see how Planck’s referenced statement conflicts with or is a refutation of Prevost’s principle. The second one reads more like a confirmation of what Planck said than a refutation.
Reed Coray June 10, 2016 at 11:33 am
“Will, I don’t know where you get your information. Below are two descriptions of Prevost’s principle:”
Reed, I will try one more time:
In English today we have a complete definition of EM radiative terms (do not take the Wiki nonsense for all of them). For the clearest distinction. we have 1)one term radiative flux or irradiance in W/m² meaning power incident normalized by area, possibly transmitted, absorbed, or reflected by some mass, (notice no energy or temperature indicated). 2) another is radiance in W/(m²·sr); meaning normalized field strength (potential)but never flux. Notice that per “steradian”, indicating that this this is a projective geometry vector value with zero value at zero solid angle.
The value of “thermal radiance” of a surface with low reflectivity and transmissive at some frequency is independent of the radiance of the environment to the extent that that environment does not change the temperature whatsoever. Such is not true for flux emitted (exitance)! Here this “flux” must always be limited by any opposing “radiance” at each frequency and in each direction. This, but one of Gustov’s many laws of thermal radiation, is the one that forces thermal EMR to obey the second law of thermodynamics. Such is easy to demonstrate by noting that some other heat flux maintaining temperatures of the two plain parallel surfaces linearly goes through zero as the temperature difference approaches zero then linearly reverses. The differential form (with respect to T) of the S-B equation:
Flux(max) = 4·sigma·T³·deltaT.
By 1912 this difference was characterized by different German words, all sloppily translated to English as “radiation”. In Prevost’s time, who knows? This was all considered as some sort of magic with each fortune teller, like Prevost, spouting something different! Max tried unsuccessfully, I see, to get rid of the magic! I hope this helps.
All the best! -will-
transmissivetransmissivitysory for the long post Thanks!
Reed Coray June 10, 2016 at 11:33 am
“Will, I don’t know where you get your information. Below are two descriptions of Prevost’s principle:”
Google translate: Back to German!
radiation:: Strahlung!
radiative flux:: Strahlungsfluss!
thermal radiance:: thermische Strahlung!
By 1912 all could/would understand the details!
By 1988 none of the post normal, could accept/acknowledge any difference whatsoever!
All the best! -will-
Will–“I’ll try one more time,” and “I hope this helps.”
Nope, didn’t help.
Will, you’re an interesting guy. You remind me of Alice In Wonderland’s Humpty Dumpty who had the following exchange with Alice:
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master-that’s all.”
I bow to the Master.
Bravo, I’ll buy you a round anytime. Please come to Marietta, GA.
“Real science does not support the concept of “back radiation”.”
Fake fantasy must promote such gross distortion so as to be believable by the serfs/peons/voters! Each of us are vulnerable to scamming by the Climate Clowns or the Donald. To the Donald, his admission of deliberate scamming, is informative; in that most all, even the most critical are susceptible to THE BIG LIE! Where are you? I can only remain DRONK!!
All the best! -will-
Teaching is the wrong word .
Today’s University world is ‘Indoctrination’.
Where Absurdity is the norm !
We ‘the realists’ are combatting a multi-trillion dollar global racket , and (politically speaking) a global Marxist/Totalitarian agenda headquartered at the Unelected Nutters.
A convergence of Mad Malthusians and international criminal enterprises .
Even our kids are fed this propaganda …told what to think ,instead of the encouragement of freewill.
The Medievalists are upon us …..Witch burnings and climate denier imprisonments to begin soon .
I cannot see this nonsense and lunacy falling on its sword any time soon , without much forceful assistance from the rest of us .
There may come a time when we will need to do more than just talk about it .
Our way of life is being attacked by stealth because too many of us have become complacent, slack and an easy target in general .
Only the strong will remain unenslaved and if we as a nation/s do not wake up soon then it may be too late.
All this CAGW/CACC rubbish doctrine or whatever they call it this month , will just be the beginning !
It’s too late. The best we can do is resist as a moral imperitive, not because we think we can win.
I’m looking forward to the Climate Nuremberg trials eventually….and they will come.
I tell CAGW proponents this to put them on notice.
If they push it, I call them “Collaborators”
It is what it is.
Yes there will be trials, but it will be the skeptics on trial, unfortunately.
If they wanted to jolt people about climate change, they could teach them about the 14th century, and especially about the Great Famine, Big Cloud of the 1310s, the Magdalene Flood, the Grote Mandrenke surge, the Black Monday hail, the St Mary’s wind, the cold and sogginess preceding the Black Death, which was followed by the drought of 1352, the wars and then forced suspensions of war linked to climate change…
But it’s one of the oddities of our age that those most vocal and teachy about climate change seem to have not the least scrap of interest in actual climate change. Last thing on their minds.
‘If they wanted to jolt people about climate change, they could teach them about the 14th century…’
It would better to start in 1250-51 AD with the great storms and sea floods in Europe, the climate changed noticeably from then on. It was a fairly gradual trend of cooler winters and wetter summers which brought famine and disease, bringing an end to the Medieval Warm Period.
At this point we can skip the horror on the horizon and go straight to the Renaissance, a time for the flourishing of art was a warm spike, starting in the 1490s and continuing until around 1550.
During those 60 years there were bountiful harvests throughout Europe, then came the worsening main phase of the LIA. Alpine glaciers began adding mass balance, driving out agriculture, and the growing season ablation period shortened.
Global warming recommenced around 1700 AD …
And while you’re at it, always carry this on a piece of paper, laptop or phone.
No Tricks Zone is asking for votes.
You will need to register to vote, but, it should be worth it if enough votes are counted:
“Within the scope of the 100 Projects For The Climate campaign, French Minister of Environment Ségolène Royal created an Internet platform that has the aim of promoting the 100 most innovative citizens’ initiatives for climate.
This is all taking place as part of the April 2016 Environment Conference in Paris.
Lüning’s outstanding Medieval Warming Period (MWP) climate mapping tool allows users to click on any of the numerous flags on the map to call up studies that examine the Medieval Warm Period climate for the that particular area.”
Link @ntz, (The “Vote” button is at bottom right side, click on “Crush”)
Elizabeth Boulton is being taken seriously in the comments!
no doubt she will see some advantage towards realising her dream in the following:
8 Jun: SMH: Debbie Cuthbertson: Arts for the dole? Greens propose living wage for creatives as part of election policy
If the Australian Greens have their way, the nation’s creatives will be more likely to be able to afford food, rent and maybe even heating under its plan for a living wage for artists…
“By its nature the work of an artist is pretty precarious and few artists are able to make a sustainable living from their art alone,” says Bandt, the Greens member for Melbourne.
Recent union research into Australian performers’ wellbeing found that more than 20 per cent of artists – even those working a second job to make ends meet – live below the poverty line…
above was naturally Issue of the Day on ABC Tony Delroy’s Nightlife program last nite, & his listeners were almost all on board with the Greens.
when you consider how almost every Arts Festival in the country is moderated by someone or other from ABC, who see themselves as the arbiters of Australian art, it’s not difficult to see who might be considered eligible for such financial support from the taxpayers.
Einstein’s famous quote below sums up the state of play wrt many human’s belief of the subject of “Climate Change” on planet Earth.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I am not sure about the universe”.
Something rather interesting and with huge implications for the future in most developed countries has only quite recently surfaced as over the last year or so in the public’s perceptions and surprisingly also in parts of the MSM.
And that is the previously rarely mentioned exposure of the elites, those usually highly paid, [ mostly from the tax payers purse, ie Troughers par excellence ] inner city mostly, real time “Nature” ignorant individuals who are often though not always, highly prominent public figures regularly seeking public exposure and frequenting the media where they publicly and persistently, with the media elites whole hearted co-operation, promote their own elitist based views and ideology and are quick to deliberately set out to destroy any opposition to their personal beliefs.
These elitist individuals can now readily be seen and identified and found throughout politics, the bureaucracy, academia, science, environment and the media and the legal and financial industries and sometimes major industrial corporations.
This now increasingly visible separation and division in thinking, in beliefs and in ideology between the elites as above and the common man and woman , those on the street and in the workshops and offices who keep our civilisation running, are becoming a major hall mark of the last couple of years, a hall mark that is now being more and more commented on in both the blog sphere and even in some sections of the media despite most of the the media’s own inclinations to side with the elites.
The elites have always been there but were never so obvious nor so far removed from the common purposes of the rest of the population until the very recent and quite rapid and now increasingly visible divisions on policy and national aims and objectives between the wealthy and power hungry self elected elites and the common man.
WW2 leveled everybody down to the same levels and it showed in the sensible and constructive policies from all the various sectors of society of the times that enabled the rebuilding of the global economy following the end of WW2 and the immense infrastructure that was both rebuilt and built in the times of the two generations that followed the end of WW2.
But today the elites are becoming a completely separate sector of society who have little knowledge of or care for the views of the common man and woman, being intent only on imposing their own personal beliefs onto society at large regardless of the consequences for those who do not belong to the elitist sector.
Nor is there any concern by the elites in the maintenance of the fundamental organisations and structures, both social and hardware that keep our society operating at a high standard today.
The elites in their increasing isolation from life’s realities just assume that those societal structures will continue on without any constructive input from themselves other that their usually destructive inputs that try to tear down long established and proven systems that are the basis of our societal operation and harmony.
Torn down so as to fit their own pre-conceptions on how society should be constructed according to their own increasingly marxist trending beliefs
The elites now send their kids to those schools, the upper class schools frequented by the well off elites where they don’t have to mix with those disreputable lower class kids and therefore might get the wrong ideas about the rest of society and how they, the kids might eventually fit into that society.
So even their kids are now being selected to become a part of the future elitist groupings and its guarantee through the old school tie contacts, of some future lucrative personal earnings in government or academia or industry regardless of their real capabilities, with no exposure or knowledge of the pangs and heartaches and lives of the lower classes outside of the elitist groupings thus perpetuating and increasing the separation and divisions that are becoming so apparent in our society today.
Now how does this fit in with Jo’s headline post today?
Well I hadn’t really thought about this aspect of the CAGW cult until only this morning but thinking which has been triggered by an article on Brexit, in fact a couple of articles on the BBC web site as well as Trump’s rise in the USA.
Both of which are closely connected in being anti-elites and a development which might finally giving the outsiders, the mass of common people a chance to have a say in their own destinies rather than just being dictated to as though they are nothing more than just an ignorant, low class, uneducated rabble who have to be instructed on how to conform.
EU Referendum: The people v the elites?
You Should Hear What They Say About You… if you want to plough through this EU / European national attitudes poll
When I looked at all the above, the realisation dawned on myself that the ENTIRE construct of Catastrophic Global Warming/ Climate Change etc, the entire downstream consequences of the actions implemeted to supposedly stop global warming at a great economic and personal cost to the common man and woman, the forcible implemetation of massive subsidies for the grossly inefficient and long term destabilising and therefore un-useable renewable energy systems, the so called and grossly misnamed “carbon” taxes, the stead upping of the threats to close down liberties to speak and to think and to oppose that are fundamental to our societies continued abilities to advance, nearly all of the shaman like, witch doctor implemented climate alarmist science and so much more associated with the CAGW debacle is totally and solely the product of the Elites in academia, in the media, in politics and in science, specifically the newly created pseudo science of climate alarmist science that has little or nothing in the way of formal controls on the behaviour and ethics and morality of most of its participants, and most specifically in the highly elitist green sleaze cultists who appear to have NO ethics or morality or any sense of responsibility to their fellow man.
eg; How to Starve Africa: Ask the European Green Party
Well the elites now have a fast growing problem which they have brought entirely and solely onto themselves by their high handed, totally arrogant, hubristic attitudes and the belief that they control and rule the world’s peoples who have no option but to do as the elite require them to do.
And that elitist problem is the rise of popular anti establishment figures in the likes of Trump and other European political figures on the right of politics and in the increasing likelihood of a Brexit through the vote of the common people.
Plus; Is Europe lurching to the far right?
With the rise of the commoner supported politicians who are anti-establishment, particularly anti-elite, anti-greens and anti-enviro NGO’s, the days of the climate alarmist science and Elites control of this whole climate science debacle are fast coming to a close and not before time.
Back early the elite hung off the coat tails of a crown.
And then with various revolutions those tails got shorter.
And now I have wry comment to US friends that the American revolution was to get rid of royal families and they now seem to be hell bent on coming back to royal families.
And, maybe suprisingly, I was requested as pallbearer for a “Sir” in my career.
Another Ian @ #27.1
I thought of including the elites of the past as “hanging off the coat tails of Royalty” as you so succinctly put it but my War and Peace length novel was already long enough.
There always have been elites and with humanity’s hierarchical social and power structures there will always be elites at some level.
If those elites work for the common good inclusive of the whole of the society they are resident in then they can accomplish a great deal indeed.
But if and when and it always happens eventually, they become exceedingly selfish and greedy and exercise extreme exclusivity against any up and coming potential entrants to the elitist group who will probably compete for both status and power and wealth then they turn into a highly corrosive and societal destroying group which in the numerous cases in the less amendable past has led to the fairly vicious extinction of that elitist cohort and its replacement by a new and popularly approved elite, approved and popular at least for a generation or two.
The current western left trending towards a hard left / marxist promoting Elite has reached that point where it is now inadvertently distancing itself from its support base amongst the common man to its great dismay and increasing frustration as it has failed to understand at all why it is becoming on the nose for an increasing percentage of what was its main support base amongst the common man and woman.
Jo’s headline post is a classic example of this divorcing between the populace and the Elite through a elitist pig headedness and an utterly arrogant and completely contemptuous attitude by the elite towards the common man’s savvy and his / her intelligence.
We see this in the swing / drift towards the right in a number of nations and that spells trouble big time for the left trending and left promoting elite of today’s western society.
And we see this as the western elite continues to try and ram its current and supposedly man made global warming catastrophe down everybody’s neck even though some of the elite in science and politics is beginning to realise that they have been promoting a gigantic scam that in the end through the so called “renewable energy” and the so called “carbon” taxes has become known as the fastest way yet invented of transferring vast amounts of wealth from the poor to the rich and the elites .
And THAT is a dead sure way eventually finding excuses at the street level to eliminate the leftist elite responsible for the whole scam, sometimes physically eliminated as we again see in some less developed and politically unstable nations.
Hence Trump and the trend and ongoing shift towards the right in European politics.
All the current hard left elites have to do now is to corruptly stack the votes to ensure they retain power and be caught at it.
And that may already have happened as in Austria where a green president was supposedly voted in by only a few thousand votes in a three million voting population.
The right wing candidate is now taking the whole thing to court because of an increasing evidence of some possible serious vote stacking on behalf of the left and green elitist presidential candidate.
Another superb lesson from the elites and the hard left and greens on how to win friends and influence people, I don’t think!
Summarised in one sentence
“The only thing you don’t know about people is the history you haven’t read”
Harry S Truman
“A Concise History of China”
Jian Bozan, Shao Xunzheng and Hu Hoa
Foreign Language Press Beijing 2nd Ed 1981
+ infinity. Some may not have read this post because it’s long. Go back and read it. Please!
I am in sympathy with your views ROM but I would like to make just two comments here.
The first is with the term “Elites”. I am sick of the term as I hear it often with regard to a special type of sports person, who has become a patient due to sports injuries. What is elite about them?
What it means is that they are well known and/or well off.
In terms of Intellectual Elites, it should be cringe worthy ie Prof Tim Flannery or Robert Mann.
Second Issue is this:
Now that may be true as far as the common man is concerned, but my recent viewing of Brexit the Movie
suggests that Government control of rebuilding their economy was the start of a depressing slide into our current problems of over government and suppression of individuality. What the common man needs is the chance to pursue his own interests instead to being subjugated to the wishes of the “elites”.
[Peter, this was caught by the spam filter and we don’t always know why. Sorry about that] ED
Damn. I think I am caught in moderation! Moderators:delete names if that is the problem.
8 Jun: InsideClimateNews: David Sassoon: Will This Retired Lawyer Open the Floodgates of Divestment From Fossil Fuels?
Bevis Longstreth intends a six-page document he’s written to provide the key. Don’t sell him short, he’s done this kind of thing before…
Now Longstreth, 82, is out to rock the world of non-profit money managers again. This time he doesn’t have a book, but merely a six-page argument (LINK)…
His proposal calls for a legal reinterpretation of what constitutes prudent management of institutional funds now that the investment landscape is filled with new risks for fossil fuel investors.
With the world heading toward zero carbon emissions after the signing of the Paris agreement, Longstreth thinks it’s time for some fresh guidance.
To that end, he’s working channels to convince various attorneys general to spell out those risks in an “interpretive release,” and offer guidance on how to handle them. He thinks the attorneys general of New York, Massachusetts and California will be most receptive to his proposal.
If the guidance is published, Longstreth says, it could open floodgates of divestment from coal, oil and gas companies…READ ON FOR INTERVIEW WITH LONGSTRETH
pat June 9, 2016 at 1:10 pm
“8 Jun: InsideClimateNews: David Sassoon: Will This Retired Lawyer Open the Floodgates of Divestment From Fossil Fuels?”
How many folk controlling the actual movement (relocation)of wealth, whether government fiat funds, or precious metals pay any attention to this insidious bull shit? Just want your opinion, please. Thank you.
“With the world heading toward zero carbon emissions after the signing of the Paris agreement”
He hasn’t read the agreement. Practically no-one is going to cut emissions, they will just talk about doing so, except for China & India who couldn’t care less what others think.
The UK is still supposedly cutting emissions but they’ve cut subsidies for wind turbines and solar.
Sweden is shutting nuclear and replacing them with wind turbines, so no reduction (actually an increase as they burn more wood).
Germany? Their emissions have been rising from 2011.
Indonesia? planning 43 new coal fired plants.
Denmark, Holland, Poland have all cut subsidies for turbines.
Of course Canada since Trudeau-lite got elected.
Emissions are going to go up.
This poor site lacks the science to compete
Even when evidence is thrown at their feet.
No science for us, they argue and puff
Mere implausible fantasies of made up guff
So feel sorry for these fools who lack so much
On all things climate, they are so out of touch
Ah Silly Filly, perhaps I can supply a little help for your poor under standing of “Natural” climate change.
I know that you are quite ignorant about science and only get your information from greenpeace and skeptical science so I doubt that you might know who and what CERN is.
It is the Centre for European Nuclear Research and it has a couple of thousand scientists plus just happens to run the largest and most powerful machine on earth.
That machine is the 27 kilometre long Large Hadron Collider in a tunnel on the borders of France and Switzerland near Geneva.
So when CERN says something everybody sits up and listens;
Has climate change been disproved?
Large Hadron boffins cast shock DOUBT on global warming
I hope you enjoy reading this evidence for the changing climate science that suggests that the skeptics have been right all along SF and mankind hasn’t made much of an impact on the climate.
But then of course you might be talking about your climate catastrophe Religion and nothing will make a fanatical religious believer ever shift their beliefs.
Are you one of those fanatical climate change believing religious types SF?
I see you are back on shift SF!
Jo,Off topic a bit but I just listened to Abc Fm Margaret Throsby interview Andrew Blakers who stated all new electricity generation in Australia and China is solar and wind, and emissions in China have been flat.I have read otherwise here. is lying allowed on the ABC?
[leaving in moderation so that Jo sees it.] ED
9 Jun: SMH: Fergus Hunter: Election 2016: Malcolm Turnbull’s warning on climate change disasters
Touring flood-affected Tasmania, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has warned that natural disasters will become more severe as climate change worsens and emphasised the need for greater mitigation measures to protect against the consequences.
Mr Turnbull cautioned against attributing any single weather event to global warming but said local Devonport families who have been in the area for generations know it “better than anyone” that there has not previously been flooding of the scale experienced in recent days.
“They have never seen as much water move as quickly as this. And so what this means is that you cannot – you’ve got to assume faster, more frequent tempests in the future and do that out of prudence. Put your preparations in place, all of us have to do that, and hope to be disappointed,” he said…
“Certainly, larger and more frequent storms are one of the consequences that the climate models and climate scientists predict from global warming but you cannot attribute any particular storm to global warming, so let’s be quite clear about that. And the same scientists would agree with that.”
He said he takes climate change very seriously and there is “no question that we live in the land of droughts and flooding rains”…
During the visit, local Liberal MP Andrew Nikolic said that no-one was “silly enough to try and link a single event to climate change” and pointed to Tasmania’s flood history.
“This has been an event we’ve seen before here in Tasmania and in Launceston. Not as bad as the 1929 flood, which was much worse, but it is a frequent event”…
Speaking to ABC radio on Monday, Greens leader Richard Di Natale said “very clear” scientific consensus linked climate change to weather events like the storms and flooding experienced along the east coast over the last week…
“For example the major increase in water temperatures, most of that being felt here of the east coast of Tasmania, that is a contributing factor to these storms.
“Over and above all of that, we need to do what we can to prevent or mitigate against dangerous global warming.”
no need for artist-marketeers, when u have pollies like this:
9 Jun: ABC: Cameron Best: Victoria sets ambitious target for zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050
The State Government will legislate for a series of five-yearly interim targets, which it hopes will lead to the overall goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050.
But to do that, the state will need to eliminate its reliance on brown coal energy producers.
“Climate change is very real and climate change is very dangerous,” Premier Daniel Andrews said.
“Victoria is once again leading the nation when it comes to tackling climate change.”…
“We need base load power in Victoria and in Australia for that matter so coal-fired power is going to be with us for quite some time yet,” Australian Industry Group’s Tim Piper said…
Environment Victoria chief executive Mark Wakeham: “We need to be looking to phase out coal burning power stations like Hazelwood.”…
Mr Andrews wouldn’t say what costs would be involved in achieving the ambitious targets.
“The cost of doing nothing is much, much bigger than any investments that we might make and will need to make,” he said.
“We’ll have more to say when our pledge — our detailed plan in action and in policy, is properly released toward the end of this year.”
Victoria no net CO2 emissions.
Oh dear!
There goes VicRail, umm, the desal plants, water supply, Sewerage, every car and truck on the road, ambulances, police cars, fire trucks, Industry, Melbourne becomes a dead zone.
Dan Andrews! Open mouth! Change feet!
What about CUB, Fosters Lager etc.?
Go to this link. (AEMO home page, the Australian Energy regulator)
Once there, see that chart on the right, the lower one there, well click on that.
When it opens at mid screen click on the button above the chart which says VIc, and then at the right along the top, click on the tab which says 5 min 2 day.
See that green line there. Well that’s the load curve for Victoria.
See the low point, well from the vertical axis name on the right there, that’s 4200MW.
That’s the absolute minimum power Victoria gets down to ….. EVERY day.
Good luck finding that with your net zero emissions Daniel.
The owners of Hazelwood are said to be considering shutting it down. 3 days after that happens Andrews will no longer be Premier (and the delay will be due to trying to find him in the dark).
lol, where would that leave South Australia on dull and windless days
The owners of Hazelwood are said to be considering shutting it down
Not something I wish to happen (the damage done to the populace would be calamitous).
I was involved on aspects of the due diligence reporting when Loy Yang was in play about 15 (?) years ago. In order for AGL to purchase it, and so keep half the country’s lights on, the Bracks Govt had to push through specific legislation exempting the sale results from competition law (ie. the ACCC).
This legislative fiat was done precipitously. My point is that the self-nominated “elite” will do anything to avoid crunch time (the Greenies are not in power anywhere, so their posturing doesn’t matter). As a consequence, Andrews’ bragodoccio is like slivers of chaff in a hurricane. If Hazelwood actually goes anywhere near closure, the political magic (hypocrisy is a necessary part of such theatre) will be wondrous to behold.
I echo what ianl8888 says above.
There is absolutely no way known any politician will run the risk of closing down the power that actually keeps their State running.
The will SAY whatever they want to, but their actions will never correlate with what they say, never.
They know all right, don’t you worry about that.
If the alarmist position were true they’d need but one artist, not 60,000.
Visual climate change art 2005–2015: discourse and practice
“During the last decade (2005–2015), artists from all over the world have taken on climate change as the subject matter of their work. Encouraged by activists (most notably Bill McKibben), artists have appropriated climate change as a social problem and decided that they too, alongside journalists, scientists, and activists, were called upon to engage with this issue.
Dozens of noteworthy exhibitions, most notably in Boulder (2007), London and Copenhagen (2009), Paris (2012), New York (2013), Boston (2014), and Melbourne (2015), have placed climate change art on the map as a new and timely genre, displaying relevant artworks both alongside climate negotiations and in dedicated gallery spaces such as the Barbican in London. I argue that much progress has been made in appropriating climate change art as an essentially artistic, rather than propagandistic or activist practice.”
Rising to the Climate Challenge: Artists and Scientists Imagine Tomorrow’s World
Dear sirs,
I am a poor Nigerian artist.
I wish to entrer your competition to highlight the climate change I see all round me every night when all the different malaria mosquitos arrive.
I propose to exemplify climate change and it afects on wild life by getting my pet cockatiel who follows the catt around the house to walk across some green and red and black paint on the artisates canvas.
The green would be for the
NigeriaWorld that we have now seen gone foreever.The red would be for the dangerous
global warmingclimate change we are experencing.The black will be to sinify the state of
Nigeriaworld after the climate change has finished changing.Being ver y por I ask you to set a fine example and forwards 2351dollars [ american dollars please ] to but the paint for my canvas and painting and seed for my cockatiel.
A brown paper bag adressesed to Poor Artiste Lagos Nigeria to deliver the money would be preferable.
Well ROM, the cat’s deaf and the cockatiel definitely has strong feelings for it so you could probably get money from the safe schools program as well. Their concepts of “gender fluidity” probably extend to interspecies attractions, not to mention support for the self actualisation of the aurally challenged and the provision of interspecies interpreter services. You had best be careful that you don’t get run over by the gravy train.
8 Jun: ClimateChangeNews: Ed King: Christiana Figueres: Protecting the vulnerable is my priority
Outgoing UN climate chief talks ‘project smile’, women’s rights, Donald Trump and her belief the world will avoid 1.5C warming
The fires still rage in Christiana Figueres…
The sight of the UN climate chief crying at what she terms the “unfair and immoral” injustice a warming world will heap on future generations has become a potent part of her arsenal…
Six of the top positions in the UN climate process are held by women, while the Paris agreement made five references to gender…
Yet away from the gilded halls of power, lack of opportunity for women remains commonplace, an injustice she plans to fight…
Equally, her praise of China’s rapid investments in green technologies and critique of the damaging aspects of unregulated markets have drawn sharp criticism from right wing media commentators.
“I do know I have been called a communist,” she says, laughing down the phone line from Bonn.
“I think maybe there are a couple of reasons… part of my commitment to the public good is through common goals that can only be best reached by working together – if that’s called communism so be it.”…
As she prepares to hand implementing the Paris deal to former Mexico environment minister Patricia Espinosa, Figueres rejects claims a US presidency under Donald Trump would kill her work.
“He needs to look more into facts… to renege all other 194 countries will have to agree – I just don’t think that’s possible,” she says…
Asked by the BBC last week if she had plans to run for UN secretary general she demurred. “We’ll see,” she said…
“I have a fundamental faith in the transformational nature of mankind so long as we understand we each have unique interests – like natural resources,” she says.
“What’s important is that uniqueness does not have to crowd out the common good as we progress as a society”
6 Jun: Washington Free Beacon: Elizabeth Harrington: Taxpayers Billed for Climate Change Poetry, LGBT Book Clubs for Kids
Billboards about “gender-stereotyping,” LGBT book clubs for kids, an opera about child bullying, and poetry about climate change are all being billed to the taxpayers as new projects from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Issues of immigration, green energy, and gun control are each featured in art projects announced by the agency last month…
Green energy themes are also inserted into many art projects. A $30,000 grant will add solar panels and wind power to an art center in Belfast, Maine, and $25,000 is being spent on “multipurpose bike stations” in Detroit.
Part of a $10,000 grant will go to a poetry series on “Climate Change and Being” in Tucson, Arizona.
The Civilians, the theater group that received $700,000 from the National Science Foundation to put on a global warming musical, also received $10,000.
The funding will produce another play by Steve Cosson, the director of The Great Immensity, the climate change musical that featured songs about redistribution of wealth and “sea-soaked” teddy bears. The play ended its run early amidst lackluster reviews…
A grant worth $45,000 will build light up “solar-powered pods” in Austin, Texas…
A traveling bicycle theater group in Santa Rosa, California, that gives “Story-time for Adults” received $10,000. In Houston, a $10,000 music workshops about scientists entitled “It’s All Relative” puts Neil deGrasse Tyson in the company of Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein…
plus meet Linda McInerney, a soul-mate for Elizabeth Boulton:
8 Jun: The Recorder: Richie Davis: Where art and science meet: Full Disclosure Festival Friday and Saturday in Greenfield
Speed dating. Refugees. Alzheimer’s disease. Quabbin Reservoir. Climate change.
They might not immediately seem related, yet everything has a way of coming together for Linda McInerney and her Eggtooth Productions’ Full Disclosure Festival, which takes place June 10 and 11 in downtown Greenfield…
Yet in what she said is to be her final Full Disclosure Festival, McInerney also wants to create something “of deep meaning,” she says. “The thing that resonates with me more than anything is survival of the species, as … 500 years becomes 50 years, and Miami will be gone by the time my children retire. This is huge stuff.”
To bring to life the enormity of what we’re confronting, acknowledge it or not, she arranged for “blind dates”
between six researchers and six artists. They were paired off with a bottle of wine at the Greenfield downtown pub Seymour.
“Climatologists, anthropologists, historians … like so many ideas that just seem to be correct, and I’m just the little engineer to drive the train to make them happen. Everything fell into place. There was no translation (needed), no researcher speaking gobbledygook that the artist has to figure out. They ‘fell in love’ with each other before the first sip of wine, both had the same intention, wanting a way for people to understand.”…
can’t copy the following, but it’s a laugh a line:
8 Jun: Amherst Bulletin: Sandra Dias: Blind dates: Artists, scientists explore meaning of place, climate change for ‘Full Disclosure Festival’
The roundup of artists is absolutely reasonable – CAGW is an evangelical movement. Its more involved members are protheleyzing.
How do you counteract Christian missionaries? They offer absolution of past sins, a repudiation of historic authority, a sure path to eternal paradise and a certainy that avoids observational discord through personal faith.
I don’t have an answer to my own question. Fundamentalism is a powerfulforce, as history and current events demonstrate.
In periods of very low solar activity pattern polar vortex in the lower stratosphere it is consistent with the magnetic field of the earth.
Interesting. For a long time Microsoft Word was able to cook up a readability score for any document. When I first heard of the concept it was called a fog index. Unfortunately my fog index comes out on the undesirable end of the spectrum. I write like an engineer doing specifications for complex systems and can’t seem to shake that off. So I’m glad to see that climate change communication is in the same type of boat. Note: same type, not same boat.
The version of Word I have now doesn’t have that capability.
But I tend to think the real problem isn’t the way they get out “the word” but the subject matter itself. They have convinced almost every layer of government about climate change because government has an incentive to either fix or control things and certainly to tax more. But the average citizen is more concerned with daily life: next football game, next beer, next romp in the hay, etc. Many have slowly come around to believing there’s a problem simply because it has been repeated so much. But I wonder how much conviction there will be behind that belief when they start feeling the inevitable pinch of regulation.
Obscurantism ?
“Linguistic analysis found that the most recent IPCC report was less readable than seminal papers by Einstein.
explained by Lord Monckton..