A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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If nobody else has seen it, can I claim Trade Mark for the words “Gullible Warming”?
You no doubt thought of it independently, Geoff, but it was used at least as early as 2012.
Thanks, David. I thought it must have been invented before. My new inventions have a habit of already being invented.
Can I have “GUN DISEASE”? “more people in the USA die from “gun disease” each year than climate change!
I wonder if any of our regular (well, at least two of them anyway) green supporters might be able to address this matter for me, and perhaps even offer a reasonable explanation.
We are all aware that the UN is desperately seeking to lock into place deals for Paris. The main aim is to keep the World’s temperature from rising by 2 degrees C. To achieve that they have asked Developed Countries to lock into place emissions reduction targets, saying that this is the only way that 2C target can be achieved. They want to achieve this via the introduction of an ETS, so that those 24 Annexe ll Countries (and here’s the link to that list with Annexe ll Countries bracketed as (a)) can impose a Tax on those CO2 emissions, and then to send all the money raised from that off to the UN for distribution among those other 153 Countries which the UN has categorised as still Developing, and, as mandated by the UNFCCC need do nothing.
So, those 24 Target Countries have been directed to lock in place emissions reduction targets of around 23 to 26%, virtually all of them.
So then, let’s look at the CO2 emissions from those 24 Countries, and here keep in mind that this is just for CO2 emissions and does not include the 24 other equivalent gases and their multipliers, which in fact would add to that overall total.
All the European Countries count as the EU, and the total emissions of CO2 from those 24 Countries comes in at 16 Billion tonnes, which is just a tick under 50% of total Worldwide CO2 emissions.
So, here we have the UN calling for reductions in the amount of 23 to 26%, so that means that these 24 Countries MUST reduce their emissions by around 4 Billion Tonnes.
Okay then, now we’ve established that the ONLY path acceptable to keep within that 2C temperature rise is for these 24 Countries to reduce their CO2 emissions by 4 Billion tonnes, what about just TEN of those Countries, (located incidentally in our region here, Asia) ten Countries who the UN has mandated need do nothing, other than accept the money thrown at them by the UN.
Then, this article appeared barely 5 days ago.
Coal remains best solution to energy poverty
Just one excerpt from that article says this:
From that 672GW of NEW latest technology coal fired power, there will be CO2 emissions amounting to 6.3 Billion tonnes.
Say, wait a minute.
In their desperation to keep temperature rise at 2C, those 24 Target Countries have to lower their emissions by 4 Billion tonnes, and yet 10 Countries who need do nothing will be increasing their emissions by 6.3 Billion tonnes, which not only totally cancels out those reductions, but adds an extra 2.3 Billion tonnes on top.
I was just wondering if any of those catastrophe supporters out there might like to explain that for me, well, for the rest of all of us.
Who is willing to bet that the UN will NOT be telling those 10 Countries that for the sake of this 2C target, they cannot proceed with that new plant construction. And if by the most unbelievable belief that the UN actually grows a pair, and does tell them that, who is willing to bet what the reply will be from those 10 Countries.
So to all you catastrophe believers out there, come on then, give us your response to this.
Isn’t it odd that when Science meets Maths, the results just don’t seem to correlate.
As Edenhoffer admitted, it has nothing whatever to do with “climate change”. This is about restructuring the world into a Marxist inspired “new world order”. And, I believe, the planned destruction of Western Civilisation.
The numbers don’t need to add up and no one involved seems to be asking even simple questions, oh like, why are we doing this WHEN THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING FOR OVER LAST 18 YEARS AND ONLY 0.57C WARMING LAST 154 YEARS!!!
Yes it has nothing to do with stopping or even slowing down global warming, assuming it will start again given it had stopped some 20 years ago. It has more to do with global domination and collecting new taxes (ie, theft). Stop and think about it. If we to attempt at controlling the climate we would have to shut down all coal, oil and gas powered plants all over the world within a decade or two. The only way to do that is to have a one-world government. Whether we end up with one only time will tell, but it won’t take much to happen, especially if there’s another GFC, which if it does happen will be much worse than the last one. I think we will know in a few short years.
Everyone who wants a world government thinks he (or she)and his (or her) friends will be in charge. Just a little thinking and they would realize that’s not going to happen.
A very sly and on target comment.
Most of liberalism is based on wishful thinking. That’s not to say it’s all bad, but if it’s not offset by conservatism, rule of law, logic, and rights of the individual, the result will be Godwinesque. In Russia, the intellectuals who promoted Marxism ended up being some of the first slaughtered. All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Night of the long knives; Hitler did the same.
As did Kim Il Sung, he publicly shamed his opposition then had them Killed (when no one supported them or questioned their disappearances).
You know what is interesting? Former Treasurer Peter Costello remarked in a recent interview that he had set up Australia for 50 years of prosperity. Rudd/Gillard pissed it all away in six…You can tell he was heartbroken as you hear a slight crack in his voice when he talked about it. Spending 16 years of his life; the first 4 cleaning up Labor’s economic mess and the remaining 12 in giving Australia an economic bullet-proof vest that took the impact of the GFC.
And its true, we don’t have a vest now. We are economically unprotected. (Thanks to a Senate occupied by a number of economically ignorant folks.)
If push comes to shove and the proverbial crapper hits the fan, then one will have to depend on one’s self. ie: Anyone notice during an economic meltdown, there is always someone who seem completely unaffected by it? Its because they planned ahead and got good financial advice. I suggest everyone do the same. Common sense money principles. Study and implement them. If the Govt can’t economically shield us, then we have to take responsibility for ourselves.
As for this “One World Govt”/”New World Order” nonsense hiding behind Climate Change? India, China, and Russia won’t tolerate it…Not to mention millions of people like us who will fight against such tyranny and destruction of the West. Don’t be surprised by some unconventional grass-roots groups forming and operating under the radar. (If they ever try to control the Internet, there will always be hackers who will fight against it as they develop new software tools to counter censorship…The very same people who play games; gave the Feminist/Social-Justice Warrior bullies the middle finger. Game companies are now largely ignoring those bullies as they continue to make games as they see fit.)
There are certain groups you don’t mess with in life. Gamers, Hackers, ex-military, folks who don’t tolerate BS, and liberty loving people with much time on their hands! They push us, we push back. One needs to make it clear to people with tyrannical tendencies; there will be consequences for what they want to impose upon others.
I like the thrust of your comment.
As far as predicting the next financial crash, that may be hard to prepare for.
Some who bought shares before the last crash lost huge amounts of savings while real estate remained relatively untouched.
In America it seems that the reverse happened.
Shares seemed to bounce back quickly but real estate halved HALVED !!! in the US and took a long time to recover.
Different politicians and so different outcomes for each country.
Whatever, I believe that the great losses suffered by all in the GFC resulted from deliberate theft via poor oversight and control of the US financial brokers and bankers who were allowed to carry on with their appalling theft almost without penalty.
Bill Clinton didn’t help by encouraging and making it possible for everyone in the US to buy their own home and own it; at least for a few weeks.
Such is politics and I think they have us. How do we beat them?
Clinton forced lenders to take subprime loans. If they didn’t, they were fined $1000 a pop, PLUS they lost their eligibility for FDIC. A lot of people still think the banks caused the problem, but it was Clinton and his leftist buddies that set up the disaster.
In particular, the Boston Fed Study, pg 13.
Yes jorge,
The big government sponsored lenders, was it FreddieMack or his sister or both? were forced to lend to the unlendable.
I know of at least one management suicide over that mess, think it was in Freddie.
Politics is a game to those that ride high on the crest like Bush, Obama, Clinton etc but for those under the wave when it crashes, bad news.
Thanks for that jorgekafkazar. Not many people know that it was Klinton’s doing.
You have to wonder if that brilliant (sarc.) philosopher (??) Bob Brown was prescient in his wishes for /predictions of a One World Government.
The one world government was predicted a very long time ago.
Does this sound like socialism to you?
“13:16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 13:17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark…”
GC you may not realise how on the nail you are.
I have frequently and desperately alluded to the UN draft post-2015 development goals, the articulated central purpose and ambition of the UN 70th General Assembly to be opened by The Pope this Friday 25th September.
With respect to your comment, I quote from the draft UN document.
When reading this UN draft document, there can be no residual doubt that the UN is a Global-government-in waiting, focused exclusively on the implementation of Leftist Progressive economic, environmental and social politics in the name of ‘The Agenda’— the word actually used in the draft UN docment.
It is very worrying to see the erosion of what is left of democracy, promoted by ignorant, self-interested politicians who fail to realise that they will be the first to be considered redundant in the New World Order that is no more than a faceless Progressive totalitarian bureaucracy.
I’m quoting somebody else, somebody who is reported to know the end from the beginning.
It is inevitable, but disappointing as you say. It will come to pass, and everybody who scoffed at the idea will tremble at the beast, who they wished upon the world and made to come to pass.
I’ve been watching for a long time. I do know what I say.
Hi Greg
“ignorant, self-interested politicians who fail to realise that they will be the first to be considered redundant”
Helen Clarke, Tony Blair, Julia Gillard, joined the UN.
Also we have to realise that one-world governments is nothing new and in fact common in the past. We’ve been very fortunate in modern times to avoid them. Of course we came close with Hitler but fortunately he was mad enough to make a lot of mistakes. Lucky for us he didn’t get to complete a lot of new weapons that were either on the drawing board or partly completed, such as the stealth bomber, atomic bomb and long range missiles. If he had a few more years he would have succeeded in either taking over the world or destroying it. Let’s hope we don’t get another mad man like him who is much smarter. If we did I doubt we survive next time.
Thankfully the Nazis didn’t get the nuclear bomb because they regarded nuclear physics as a “Jewish science”.
I’m no green Tony but I can give you a very succinct scientific answer. Its because its a crock of bull pat.
Disgrace. You used that horrible word “coal”. Sacrilege.
I fear that Chairman Mal is about to start singing the same song as Oh Bummer.
We are very lucky that the Liberals do not (at the moment) command a majority on the floor of the House of Reps without the support of the Nationals.
Tony, there is an answer to the conundrum lurking in the stance of the Indian response and position;
Note ” you made the mess now you clean it up”
Obviously the annexe I nations need to develop CCS so that they remove sufficient CO2 from the atmosphere to leave room for all the proposed emissions of the developing world and saving the world from the terrifying 2 C.
You make a good point about emissions reduction targets not involving enough countries. Earlier this year I tried to do the maths, based on the IPCC. In the 2014 Synthesis report – which is meant to provide the basis for policy – they state
These reductions are on 1990 levels.
That seems great. Each country needs to reduce its emissions by 40-70%, with the rich countries doing the lions share? This is where a budget is required. First you need to recognize that global emissions have rise dramatically since 1990. Secondly is that any policy agreed this year will only be enacted in about 2020. So I did a forecast of global emissions in 2020. A baseline is that every country should aim for equal emissions per capita. Dividing the world up into 8 blocks (USA, Other OECD, Ex Warsaw Pact, China, India, Other Asia, Africa and ROW) then graph population against emissions per capita. To obtain the 70% reduction globally would mean reducing global emission levels to those of Africa. That would mean over 50% cuts for India, 85% for China and Russia, and 93% cuts for the USA. The main graph is here and a fuller description here.
As no country can cut its emissions by more than 100%, the only way to reach the reduction targets is to include most nations including Brazil, Argentina, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and even Bangladesh.
For those interested, in the previous thread I just posted links to two videos of what it looks like in the firebox (not sure of term) of a 500 MW and a 670 MW fossil fuelled boiler.
Well post the links again! I will watch.
Just for you, Peter C!
Off topic but this is a video of what it looks like inside a 500 MW, I assume gas fuelled, boiler at start up. Between 3 and 6 burners of a possible 48 are running. You get the best views after about 6 min 40 sec, it is easier to see what is going on. The sheeple who support unsustainable wind and solar simply have no idea of the staggering size of fossil thermal electricity plants. It doesn’t help that as far as I know, the public can no longer do tours of them.
And here is inside a 670 MW pulverised coal fuelled boiler in operation.
I don’t think it is physically possible for a comment to be “off topic” on a “Weekend Unthreaded”.
I Geoff wants to claim TM on “Gullible Warming” then whoever used Climatebagger recently, I think it was James Bradley, may want to patent that?
Used in 2010.
I liked the heading over there:
“Quote of the Week – David Suzuki, a farce of nature”
Wow – thanks for noticing that KK. I’m happy to copyright that one.
I think that was meant for me, Strawman.
Sorry about that one, guy. It’s just that once one gets into the habit of stealing the work of others, plagiarising, cherry picking, diverting topics and adjusting results – it’s just so easy to try and claim ideas to protect the future generations of innocent children from the ravages of climate change.
See what I mean, now everyone wants a piece of it…
I couldn’t help notice your ‘flash mob’ associates on the other fred. When the proverbial hits the fan we are going to need your assistance to reeducate the masses quickly and painlessly.
Global cooling is no laughing matter, but I’m sure we can squeeze a few laughs out of it.
I say we throw Gore into a volcano, that worked in the past, didn’t it?
He is no virgin….might piss off the gods ?
That gives a whole new range of meanings to the phrase, “Put a cork in it”.
Hi el gordo
“reeducate the masses”?
It’s going to be a difficult job as I found yesterday when discussing Malcolm Turnbull’s potential for enrolling Australia in an ETS and sucking away our lifeblood.
All labour supporters and otherwise well qualified people said quite strongly that Australia should rightly join the rest of the world to save the planet and do our bit.
They could not even begin to look at the details behind the claim and were firmly convinced of their cause.
Maybe the only thing that will cause a reevaluation is when the link between quarterly electricity bill of $2,000 and the Global warming monster are shown to them.
That’s kinda like believing that ‘if everyone else jumps into the volcano then you’d be a fool not to.’
Good point GI, it’s just that they have been blinded to the truth that it IS a volcano.
In the same breath, almost, one of them said that at least Malcolm wouldn’t have forced the closure of all of the car manufacturing plants and jobs in Australia.
Dumbfounded that they hadn’t made the connection, I made the point that countries now manufacturing much of the worlds needs DID NOT have a crippling ETS and other warming associated taxes.
Their reply was, “but look at the low wages”. A point maybe, but do we want to face reality and make cars or do we just want to pretend we can have our cake and eat it too.
Someday, some politician is going to have to paint the real picture and pull the country along with him(or her).
As Harry Strawperson above says: “everyone wants a piece of it”.
I think he might have been referring to Functional Democracy, but it’s a long way off.
KK 🙂
“thanks for noticing that KK.”
No problem Strawman but I notice that credit for that actually goes to another site back in 2010.
I’ve told you before, I can handle it.
I know you want to be just like Harry Strawperson but really.
Time to rest, let go.
Is there anyone here that isn’t having an identity crisis?
And she was a caustic old windbag as I found when going thru this long drawn out piece of sarcasm;
Well I for one am not confused. I’m even following the actual gist of the conversation. I’ve buried my many alter egos. Might be time to remove them all together in the all together
And another island is disappearing due to climate change:
Why doesn’t anyone (not referring to readers here) know any basic primary or high school geology any more? I’m sure I learned the process by which coral atolls formed when I was in primary school.
Coral atolls sink. By definition.
Note, there may be an additional process at work, sea levels can drop during ice ages and then coral growths might follow the rising sea level as the ice later melts.
Here is the original text from Darwin.
Here is further explanation and discussion.
Oops – didn’t realise the Darwin link was not to the page I wanted to show. Go to page 147.
There are two tectonic plates that should not be ignored. One is the Australian Plate, which is reasonably stable, and the other is the Pacific Plate, that is constantly grinding against the Australian plate. On a map of the Pacific, you can see the junction between the plates, because that is where all the islands are, funny that. As the plates move, islands rise and sink, and submarine volcanoes are formed or go dormant. So when people are talkng about a projected rise in sea level from Global Warming (TM), my question is always, “Relative to what, exactly?”.
Another reason some Pacific islands are claimed to be sinking is that much of the land on some of the smaller islands is land fill bought in by the Americans (and perhaps us) during WWII to make air strips. Land fill is not stable and is now getting washed away and the islands are reverting to their natural states but rather than checking the history or soil geology, sinking is falsely claimed.
Is that going to happen to the new islands in the south China Sea too?
We are just sitting here, waiting for the next Typhoon to cast its vote on that question.
You would think that if one island disappeared because of higher sea levels, many would. The intelligence at The Age, or lack of it by those reporting, you would think they would know that. If only one goes missing the cause is somewhere else.
My thoughts as well. There are convergence boundaries and transform faults all in the same general area.
Is it on the wrong side of a subduction zone? Haha – as if there is a right side …
Is the sea level rising on the main island?
Well actually as has been recently researched, and discovered the Pacific Islands are highly dynamic and adapt rapidly to changes in sea levels and aren’t going to disappear or be swamped by those [ non ] rising sea levels.
Unfortunately “Science Direct” where the relevant papers and their abstracts along with a number of photos from WW2 and the now current comparison island land forms are located, manages to blank my screen out every time I try to access its site.
So “The Conversation” article ; Dynamic atolls give hope that Pacific Islands can defy sea rise will have to do as one alternative.
Plus a paper from Geology ; Coral islands defy sea-level rise over the past century: Records from a central Pacific atoll
The abstract from the above paper as published in “Geology”March 2015
So in brief, using historical WW2 photos plus historical and not so historical as of the last couple of decades maps of the islands, recent surveys and research on the effects of any sea level rise on Pacific islands has shown clearly that the islands are highly adaptable and to use a Sci Fi term, “shape shifting” adaptable to the variations in sea levels and to the effects of major storms such as cyclones/ typhoons.
We are again seeing another great lie being promoted despite research showing that there is no danger of any habitable Pacific islands being submerged by the what has now been recently discovered, quite significant regional and geographically varying sea levels across the oceans but collectively and in hard reality terms an almost stasis in ocean sea level increases overall.
Recent research has clearly shown that through an unexpected ability to adapt their land forms to oceanic forces such as major storms and changes in sea levels, there is no serious threat to any of the habitable Pacific Islands from the claimed serious but in reality, miniscule rising of the current around one and half a millimeters per year of rising sea levels.
Just check the tide gauges. Most of them show nothing to worry about. e.g. Sydney a very steady rise of 0.65mm/year, no acceleration. Kiribati 0.58mm/year. The east coast of the US seems to be sinking a little, and the great river deltas are sinking.
On the practical side ROM, just look at the scarcity of Pacific Island property for sale, and where it is for sale it commands premium prices.
Strange eh? Premium price for a parcel of land on a doom island. 🙂
Eph. 2:8,9
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast .
Rom. 4:16
Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure
Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.
What are you saying Alfred?
That we can’t save ourselves, or that whatever happens is not within our control?
Jer.6:10 To whom shall I speak , and give warning , that they may hear ? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken
Rev.2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life,
Eph.5:14 Wherefore he saith , Awake thou that sleepest , and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light .
Eph.2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
Deut.30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore
choose life,
Oh dear, Red Thumb Troll is out again tonight….
Wonder if he’s name is ‘Pillow Pants’ 🙂
Stuff it, I’m calling this troll out to gather their ilk and give me 100+ red thumbs.
Oh and for incentive, when visiting America in 1980 I illegally voted for Regan. 🙂
Goneril will be peeved.
Yonnie, you got a green thumb from me for the Reagan vote.
I vote we stop using the colours red and green given these colours have been seconded by the great and the good. I vote gold and brown.
yeah wee and poo!
Who cares?
for the record, continuing with THE COUP.
recall how the bad POLLS for the PM/Coalition Govt, culminating in the alleged 10% Canning swing were the cause of the COUP. Christopher Pyne is but one MP who has told us so.
14 Sept: AFR: Geoff Winestock: Liberal leadership: Polls drove Malcolm Turnbull to challenge
Mr Turnbull justified his decision to challenge by pointing out that the Abbott government has been behind in Newspoll for 30 months.
“The one thing that is clear about our current situation is the trajectory. We have lost 30 Newspolls in a row. It is clear that the people have made up their mind about Mr Abbott’s leadership,” Mr Turnbull said…
certain Liberals were so concerned, they decided to reinstate Turnbull as leader/PM, even though, as Liberal leader, he lost 30 straight Newspolls, most of them with worse figures than those for PM Abbott & the Coalition Govt (which is not to say i believe the polls):
COMMENT by Bruce Whiteside:
from ..transcript #12 of 12
12th July, 2009 – Turnbull loses his 19th Newspoll out of 19… ETC ETC
30th November, 2009 – Turnbull loses his 30th Newspoll out of 30.
1st December, 2009 – Turnbull loses leadership to Tony Abbott, and the media immediately begin smearing Abbott with words like “lunatic”, “nutter”, “crazy”, “extremist”, “lunar right”, “crackpot”, “Taliban”, “head kicker”, “bobba boy”, “captain catholic” “mad monk”…
Turnbull’s Endless Needling of Abbott
3rd December, 2009 – Turnbull leaks private emails between him and his former deputy, Julie Bishop, to embarrass new leader Tony Abbott.
7th December, 2009 – Writing on his blog, Turnbull savagely attacks Tony Abbott and his new position on global warming policy, describing the new Liberal leader’s views on global warming as “bullshit”, and vowing to cross the floor to vote with Labor when the legislation is brought back to Parliament…
28th July, 2010 – It is reported that Turnbull isn’t putting the Liberal Party logo on any of his campaign literature, signs or advertisements. This is a recurring habit, and yet more evidence that, for Turnbull, it’s all about using the Liberal Party as a convenient vehicle for his own ideological and personal agenda.
Meanwhile, Turnbull has dinner with his ideological ally, Simon Sheikh from the leftist GetUp!, and proudly posts a photo on his social media accounts…
12th August, 2010 – Turnbull speaks at an event supporting the craziest of crazy green policies – zero carbon emissions. The other headline acts are Labor‘s Bob Carr and the Greens‘ Scott Ludlam. So far left is the event, that is gets a positive write-up from Green Left Weekly…
A new paper by Willie Soon et al.
‘When we compared our new composite to one of the high solar variability reconstructions of Total Solar Irradiance which was not considered by the CMIP5 hindcasts (i.e., the Hoyt & Schatten reconstruction), we found a remarkably close fit.
‘If the Hoyt & Schatten reconstruction and our new Northern Hemisphere temperature trend estimates are accurate, then it seems that most of the temperature trends since at least 1881 can be explained in terms of solar variability, with atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations providing at most a minor contribution.
‘This contradicts the claim by the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that most of the temperature trends since the 1950s are due to changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.’
Hi el gordo , i’ve only just managed to get around to replying to your question to me in comments on the last article, could you please revisit and give me your thoughts on that reply , thanks
Coal is a beautiful clean (with proper pollution management) and versatile fuel and we have plenty of it. Providing the planned collapse of Western Civilisation by the UN and other Dark Forces does not happen, coal will carry us over until we have fusion power which is always a mere 50 years away from commercial implementation. The promise of fusion is that it will be even cheaper than coal, but there is no problem with using fission power until then either.
Whatever happens to Western civilisation, the Indians will be okay:
“India to double coal production to 1bn tonnes by 2020”
and so will most of the rest of Asia:
“More than 1000 ‘high-efficiency’ coal-fired electricity generation plants are planned or under construction in key Asian nations, according to new research…”
Many of these latter plants are being funded by Japan and China. Doesn’t really matter what happens in Paris, does it . . . . ?
You are right Rick. On the basis of what is happening in Asia , Paris doesn’t mean much in the long run.
I hope Australian coal miners gain from those 1000 new stations.
With over half the vote counted in Canning the 2PP swing is a little over 6%. Here’s the virtual tally room link.
We have enough parties to have a party.
bordering on adulation:
SMH: Easy win in Canning byelection gives Malcolm Turnbull a boost
note Turnbull gets “PM” in the headlines, unlike the former PM: Samantha Maiden: PM Malcolm Turnbull reveals new Cabinet with women expected to be the big winners
MALCOLM Turnbull will unveil his new cabinet team on Sunday with Scott Morrison as Treasurer and a big injection of female frontbenchers…
Mr Turnbull is also a great admirer of Health Minister Sussan Ley as a strong parliamentary performer who never engages in political games or leadership intrigue…
Women expected to enter cabinet or the ministry include Michaelia Cash and Kelly O’Dwyer.
Mr Turnbull was enjoying the suspense…
“Everyone’s dying for me to say who’s going to the in the reshuffle but it will be announced tomorrow,’’ he said.
“It’s a busy time — we have the Canning by-election in Western Australia and it’s our grandson’s second birthday. We’ll see what the result is tonight but we have a fantastic candidate, a phenomenal candidate in Andrew Hastie. We’re feeling good. It’s in the hands of the people.’’…
19 Sept: PM Malcolm Turnbull tours his Wentworth electorate but refuses to confirm move to Kirribilli House
by YONI BASHAN, The Sunday Telegraph
AUSTRALIA’S new Prime Minister started his first weekend in the top job greeting locals around his electorate of Wentworth in Sydney’s eastern suburbs — and deflecting questions about where he will live.
Malcolm Turnbull stooped low to shake hands with children and posed for selfies with bystanders as he walked down the fashion and cafe hub of Oxford Street with his wife Lucy…
With television cameras in tow and reporters circling, the Prime Minister strode past the Paddington markets towards the area’s Reservoir Gardens for a staged photo opportunity.
A plain-clothed security detail kept a vigil on the media pack and bystanders seated on benches at the park, some of whom appeared stunned by the sudden entrance of the media throng…
Earlier, during his stroll down Oxford Street Mr Turnbull was greeted by a number of pleased constituents, some of whom shouted out well-wishes and messages of support…
19 Sept: ABC: Canning by-election: Liberal candidate Andrew Hastie wins by-election
By Nicolas Perpitch and Andrew O’Connor
Former SAS Captain Andrew Hastie has won the Canning by-election, retaining the West Australian seat for the Liberal party after Malcolm Turnbull’s prime ministerial coup helped defuse voter dissatisfaction with the Coalition Government…
Mr Hastie thanked his family for their support and also paid tribute to Mr Abbott.
“I want to thank and honour the service of Tony Abbott,” he said.
“From day one, he wanted me to succeed.
“I was immensely proud to have him visit and support me and my family on this campaign and I’m grateful for his support and guidance.”
He also thanked Mr Turnbull…
Mr Keogh and Mr Hastie campaigned hard on local issues including jobs, road infrastructure, employment, telecommunications, crime and ice, and that reportedly resonated with voters…
???But the Liberal leadership turmoil was foremost on other voters’ minds.
“I’ve listened to them all, I’ve listened to their speeches,” said Carol, “but it’s what’s at the ***top that really matters.”…
???who is Carol, ABC? no last name so we can try to find out for ourselves?
19 Sept: Bolt Blog: Canning: no better than expected under Abbott
Not really good enough to justify the coup, since Malcom Turnbull is on his honeymoon and the Liberal polling showed Tony Abbott, even sabotaged by the leakers, would have won the seat by around 57 to 43…
for Coorey, it’s all about Turnbull. even his support was “great”:
19 Sept: AFR: Phillip Coorey: Solid win in Canning an early boost for Malcolm Turnbull
(OPENING LINE) Malcolm Turnbull’s fledgling leadership is off to a solid start with a comfortable win to the federal government in the Canning byelection
Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, a West Australian who voted for Mr Abbott in the leadership ballot, said the leadership change may not be the reason for the better-than-expected swing.
“We will never know what the result would be if there wasn’t a change”…
He thanked Mr Abbott for his support and acknowledged his service as prime minister. He also thanked Mr Turnbull for the “great support”…
It will be some time before the final result is known given about 10 per cent of the seat’s 113,000 voters cast their ballot before election day using pre-poll and postal votes.
***These are likely to not favour the government given Mr Abbott was prime minister when they were cast.
ABC analyst Antony Green called the election with 16 per cent of the vote counted.
***time will tell, Coorey.
is this how the MSM intend to carry on as long as Turnbull is PM?
19 Sept: Channel 7: Welcome result in Canning and hero’s welcome in Sydney for Turnbull
by Nicholas McCallum and agencies
It was a cracker Saturday for the new prime minister.
Not only did the Liberals retake the seat of Canning in a poltically crucial by-election, Malcolm Turbull’s taking of the Lodge, Kirribilli house and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet seems to have had a direct influence on avoiding a massive swing against the party…
Many voters suggested they were not going to vote for the Liberal Party, but Monday’s switch to Turnbull from Abbott prompted them to switch their votes.
The coup against Abbott was also welcomed by the people East Sydney – the home of Turnbull’s electorate of Wentworth.
Beneath a shining sun, the prime minister took a walk down Oxford Street among his closest constituents and was greeted like a rock star…
The foreign minister (Julie Bishop) defended the absence of Mr Turnbull on the campaign trail on Saturday, saying he was ***too busy to visit Perth in support of Mr Hastie.
“Malcolm would have been here if we’d asked him to,” she said…
***too busy being a “rock star” strolling the Eastern suburbs with reporters!
19 Sept: Guardian: Calla Wahlquist: Canning byelection win vindicates Turnbull’s leadership, Liberals say
At Pinjarra Bowling club, located in a small town 83km south of Perth that the Liberal campaign team proudly declared was the geographical centre of the 6,178 square kilometre electorate, the Liberal Party faithful never had any doubt that the devoutly Christian, conservative family man who helped shape the keystone immigration policy Operation Sovereign Borders would win the seat.
Hastie bounded onto the makeshift stage to applause and cheers from hundreds of blue-shirted volunteers…
Hastie also personally thanked the former prime minister, who had been an especially enthusiastic supporter.
“I want to thank and honour the service of Tony Abbott,” he said…
“He served his country in the highest office in the land, and I want to acknowledge him and thank him for his service to the Australian people.”…
Matt Keogh: “Look, we may have lost the battle of Canning…but we did win the first war,” he said.
“We did get rid of Tony Abbott.”…
Can we conclude that Turncoat’s shenanigans during the week caused the seat to drift 6% to ALP?
Indubitably! Voter disenchantment with Abbott in Canning and Australia at basement levels.
been watching the Davis Cup doubles, but Hewitt/Groth have sadly lost the third set, so it’s 2-1 to Great Britain (or Great Scotland). still hoping for an Aussie win, but can’t stay awake for the rest.
Stopturnbull website:
UPDATE #2 [19th Sep]: The ABC appears to have deliberately taken down some pages I have linked to on their website as references, in some futile attempt to stifle me. I have therefore replaced some of these links with the Google cache versions. I will try to find any others.
UPDATE #1 [17th Sep]: Several emails have asked for my identity. As I stated above, the site is a work-in-progress that has taken several months to put together. I made it public in haste, when I learned of the leadership challenge. I will put my name to it when I am satisfied that it is properly referenced and complete, which should be in the next couple of weeks.
AUDIO: 19 Sept: MichaelSmithNews: Andrew Hastie wins and thanks Tony Abbott. Let’s watch the spin…
In Tahiti, Niccolo Porcella was the subject of some valuable research into the limits of the human body.
Teahupoo Orange Code July 2015 (vimeo) @4mins
Coming out of that tube earlier on was the most amazing ride ever but the crashes as you said at 4 minutes????????????
how could you survive those?
Did a lot of body surfing as a kid and have ridden a board in the tame surf off Waikiki but those blokes?
How long does it take them to recover?
The Canning WA by-election resulted in Andrew Hastie (Liberal) holding the seat for the government, the swing to Labor was not a surprise as the swing to the Liberals in 2013 was well above average for that seat following a landslide win for the Coalition. Vote count not yet completed but it looks like a 9 per cent or so swing to Labor, interesting the Greens’ vote was lower than 2013. And PUP also fell from favour.
A victory for Malcolm Turnbull? I do not believe it is, more a victory for Tony Abbott as expected. Sportsbet paid out on Friday expecting Andrew Hastie to win the seat.
The swing against the Libs was much more than expected. I think it’s a bad sign for Turnbull as I expected the swing to be much much less. So much for his honeymoon period. However, for the sake of this country I hope he doesn’t stuff things up with stupid and dumb policies that will allow the ALP to win the next election. I rather have another term under his leadership than Shorten’s.
The 2 polls I saw just before Abbott went, said “very close” (guess what channel) and 52 to 48 Labor.
Two days after Abbott went the (guess which channel) was sprouting 57 Lib. to 43 Labor. And with the Greens and PUP losing votes, there is little sign of a protest vote, so where is the Turnbull Turnaround?
The only hope for the ABC is to claimed that under Abbott the Libs. were going to lose the seat 47 to 53 to Labor.
As for another term under Turnbull, a whole term? Wait. Those who live by the stab in the back, lose ….
16 Sept: Nature: Climate sceptics use strong words
Climate scientists use more cautious language in scientific reports than do climate-change sceptics, even though the sceptics often accuse the scientists of being alarmist.
Srdan Medimorec and Gordon Pennycook at the University of Waterloo in Canada used software to analyse the style of language in a report by the Intergovernmental Panel…
Lewis Robinson said:
Apples and oranges are being compared: scientific discourse in journals vs. skeptical discourse outside. Non-skeptical discourse on global warming is quite apocalyptic (Al Gore, glaciers gone, no arctic sea ice, more frequent and more severe hurricanes, Miami under water etc. etc.).
Tom Rude comment on WUWT:
Here in Canada, here is the kind of garbage a CBC meteorologist is spewing during the Federal Election campaign:
19 Sept: CBC: Climate change worst case scenario
“Johanna Wagstaffe explains what havoc melting Antarctic sea ice would cause
If this is not politically motivated, what is?”
20 Sept: Bolt Blog: What Turnbull bounce?
The result in Canning – Liberals 55 to Labor 45, and a seven per cent swing to Labor…
The pre-polling might tell a more complete story.
***”ABC election analyst Antony Green said he expected the final swing after preferences to slip back towards 6.5 per cent after postal votes were counted”…
“Labor and the unions campaigned hard on the perceived risk to local jobs of the China-Australia free trade agreement. A ReachTEL poll in The West Australian newspaper showed the strategy worked, with 52.5 per cent of voters worried about the deal”…
***reminder,Phillip Coorey (AFR) posted above:
“It will be some time before the final result is known given about 10 per cent of the seat’s 113,000 voters cast their ballot before election day using pre-poll and postal votes.
***These are likely to not favour the government given Mr Abbott was prime minister when they were cast.
ABC analyst Antony Green called the election with 16 per cent of the vote counted.”
20 Sept: The Conversation: Liberals easily hold Canning, but with about a 6.5% swing to Labor
by Adrian Beaumont, PhD Student, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne
At by-elections, there are no out-of-electorate absent votes, which favour Labor, and almost all of the counting after election day will be postals, which strongly favour the Coalition. At the 2013 election, postals in Cannning gave the Liberals 65.1% Two Party Preferred (2PP), compared with their overall 61.8%. As a result, the swing to Labor should reduce somewhat as these postals are counted, and I expect the final swing to Labor to be about 6.5%…
The 2013 federal election result in Canning was close to 12 per cent margin to the Liberal Party candidate.
Are we heading to experience the hottest on record September, following the claimed to be hottest August, according to climate change propaganda?
9.26 am in my office mid north coast New South Wales, 15C and raining.
With the worlds oceans in a sea of red (.er) you betcha ! Not necessarily smooth seas, but smoothed.Take it away James.
Can there be any other answer but yes?
If only they left the SUV in the garage …
. . .
Research shows Aboriginal memories stretch back more than 7,000 years
Aboriginal society has preserved memories of Australia’s coastline dating back more than 7,000 years.
That’s the conclusion that University of the Sunshine Coast Professor of Geography Patrick Nunn reached in a paper published in Australian Geographer.
The paper, entitled ‘Aboriginal memories of inundation of the Australian coast dating from more than 7,000 years ago’, is available to view online for a limited time only.
I remember a map of Australia inserted into an issue of Australian Geographic magazine, possibly 1970s or 1980s, showing the coastline before inundation took place, grasslands extending to the now called continental shelf.
And at Crowdy Head New South Wales, via Harrington, just north of Taree, there us an information board that explains about Crowdy Head once being an island. The information board is located near the lighthouse.
Hi Dennis
Having just read the abstract I am a little concerned at the statement about “reaching present sea levels” about 7,000 years ago.
It is my understanding that sea levels peaked at about that time after the big melt but that there were several oscillations of decreasing size down to present levels.
I am aware of at least two such peaks one at 4 metres and another, about 2,000 years back, of 1.2 metres which would have triggered memories.
The Harbour at Ephesus is a Roman relic of the last fall and that was 2,000 years ago.
Thanks for that.
Looking forward to reading it.
Obviously it was Doomsday Global Warming …
. . .
Heavy ice may have crushed 9 blue whales to death off Newfoundland
Warning: Disturbing images. (global
It bothers me that you have to put the disclaimer on your comment. What happened to people dealing with reality? Nature is not nice.
‘Nature is not nice.’
Its out of control.
The leadership fiasco since the last election and the back flipping on various core principles (free speech/18C) has me wondering if its time to get involved somehow in grass roots politics. But just how and where? I’m fiscally conservative and my social progressiveness has been sharply trimmed by the excesses of the left as I’ve seen the destructiveness of the entitlement mentality and the rise of the nasties on the social media attempting to control what conversation is allowed.
I am realistic enough to know that joining a fringe political party isn’t likely to lead to better outcomes for Australians but I feel I have been sold out by the Liberals. So where to have the necessary ongoing conversations about what is important? Or is there a subgroup of centre right who actually thinks rather than be swayed by the twitterati?
I wouldn’t bother if I was you. Been up to my armpits in politics for almost a decade and what I’ve observed has led me to the conclusion it was not worth my time.
Australia…economically, socially and politically, is in decline.
I was waiting for your input scaper during the latest leadership knifing but completely understand your disenchantment of Australian politics (if it can be called that), I’ve realised we’ve essentially got the 1999 republic model put up and rejected by 55% of Australians but eventually brought in the back door via minority governments that desire to elect their own President.
You got it there RN.
My parents never voted labour even though we lived in a big labour area.
Possibly it’s what labour did to returned servicemen when they arrived back by boat after WW11.
I don’t know we never discussed it, but I do know why I have never voted Laba. Early on I saw first hand the duplicity and power grabbing of Lab but only voted Lib 3 times excluding the last State election. The libs at least have the decency to stab me from the front.
I don’t ever want to vote again for either of the big parties and certainly wont be going Vert or Verte.
i’ve been having trouble playing some youtubes of Lord Monckton’s warning during his Sept/Oct 2014 Australian tour.
this one was posted recently and is playing properly, but has very few views & comments. (i was trying to play them in case i could match the surroundings with photos from any of Monckton’s tour events.)
someone who attended should be able to locate & date this speech from the painting on the wall behind him, the curtains, etc. he references “Lima this year” towards the end – The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP20 or CMP10 was held in Lima, Peru, from December 1 to 12, 2014 (Wikipedia)- which again proves it was recorded during his 2014 tour:
14 Sept: Youtube: (Lord Monckton) Behind the left’s push to remove Tony Abbott
the main youtube link that has been doing the rounds was posted online early February 2015, at the time of the first attempt to oust PM Abbott. this has led people to believe that was when Lord Monckton made the speech.
if he had said what he said in February, it would not have been much of a prophecy.
it is, therefore, vital that the timing of the speech be cleared up & the MSM be informed.
Monckton also makes an unequivocal comment about “Paris, December next year” (ie. he was talking in 2014)
Informing the MSM of this is a futile exercise in a class all on its’ own, I fear
The Australian Climate Skeptics Party also say that presentation was recorded in September 2014.
The scale of the conspiracy Monckton was alleging was so vast that I couldn’t quite believe it. As it turned out, his prediction that the Turnbull faction would oust Abbot has come true, so we now await 20 October for the result of the Canadian election to see if the second prediction comes true.
“BBQ weekend – yay “
positive changes that result from Global warming
when I look at these images the recent views look stunning, instead of dirty ice and snow there are lakes, grasslands … 😀
ian8888 –
you may be right, but at least sympathetic talk show hosts should be informed. perhaps someone knows how to contact them to inform them when the prediction was made.
20 Sept: Bolt Blog: On The Bolt Report today, September 20
From my interview with Cory Bernardi:
Bolt…Liberal polling predicted, though, internal Liberal polling, predicted that would be about the result, or perhaps even – there would be an even better result under Tony Abbott. There has been no bounce to Malcolm Turnbull.
CORY BERNARDI: Well, Andrew, … the internal Liberal Party polling, you’re quite right, was 55, 56, 57, going the Liberal Party’s way. And when that, I think, leaked out to those who weren’t sympathetic to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, they brought forward their coup. Because, you know, what’s worse? To say the Liberal Government’s doing terribly, and then it gets a really good result. So, you know…
ANDREW BOLT: Do you see, in these figures, any sign of a lift in the Liberals’ vote as a consequence of moving to Malcolm Turnbull?
CORY BERNARDI: Not based on anything I knew beforehand. I was advised beforehand where the polls were, and, you know, we’re running line ball, so – and we had a great candidate there, make no mistake about that. But I do think, over the long-term, we’ve damaged the Liberal Party brand, and that concerns me more than anything…
ANDREW BOLT: [H]ad Tony Abbott won by the result that we see today, which the internal polling suggests he would’ve, would there have been a Turnbull coup, do you think, ever?
CORY BERNARDI: I wouldn’t have thought so. We would have been happy, we would have celebrated that this was a good result…
this was the original headline for the “fantasy” that follows! it was a DRAW!!!
Canning by-election: WA result ‘a draw’ for Liberal and Labor, analysts say
ABC Online – 4 hours ago
mind u, the new headline isn’t much better:
20 Sept: ABC: Canning by-election: Liberal and Labor parties hail success of campaigns
By Nicolas Perpitch
Both sides of politics have hailed their Canning campaigns a success …
Result good for both sides: analysts
Political analysts say Saturday’s Canning by-election was a good outcome for both major parties…
Polling conducted before Malcolm Turnbull ousted Tony Abbott as Prime Minister last week suggested the swing against the Liberals could have been as high as 10 per cent.
But Crikey election analyst William Bowe said a 6 per cent swing was not a bad result for either side…
Senior lecturer in politics at Notre Dame University Martin Drum agreed…
Turnbull effect boosted Liberal vote: analysts
He said the switch to Mr Turnbull as Prime Minister significantly boosted the Liberal result…
a followup to comment#8 which was in moderation a long time.
the COUP plotters believe in POLLS (or, should I say, some POLLS):
25 Aug: Essential: Decision on same sex marriage
66% favour a national vote on same sex marriage and 22% think the issue should be decided by Parliament.
Support for a national vote is over 60% for all key demographic groups and similar for those in favour and those opposed to same sex marriage…
26 Aug: Bolt Blog: Public backs Abbott’s same-sex call
The latest Essential Poll shows 60 per cent of voters believe people of the same sex should be allowed to marry, but even more – 66 per cent say this should be decided by a public vote. Just 22 per cent say Parliament should decide.
Same story in another poll last week:
[Sexton] polling [has] revealed that more than three in four Australians — 76 per cent — would prefer to hold a plebiscite before MPs amend the traditional definition of marriage.
As I said a couple of weeks ago, Abbott’s call for a people’s vote was a ”triumph”…
whether the following is true or just another MSM fantasy, how INCREDIBLE is it that these alleged “voters” (how many was it compared to the numbers who contacted them about not ousting PM Abbott), who were allegedly upset about an SSM plebiscite that the public approved of, could allegedly be responsible for the COUP! helloooo.
18 Sept: Dennis Atkins: Gang of seven led by Queensland first-time senator James McGrath plotted rise of Malcolm Turnbull
In that first week in August, McGrath and others discussed the way Abbott had handled the same-sex marriage issue – dividing his party, ignoring any pretence of process and looking, to his colleagues, tricky.
When these MPs – senators and members of the House – returned home that Friday they felt the reaction from voters.
***“The message was they were over Abbott and people wouldn’t vote for us while he was there,” says a NSW marginal seat holder.
***“Malcolm (Turnbull) was on the phone to lots of people that day expressing his exasperation at what had happened during the week and – without suggesting anything – left the question hanging.”
In the following weeks McGrath and his core group – Queensland LNP members Mal Brough and Wyatt Roy; Senators Scott Ryan and Mitch Fifield from Victoria, Simon Birmingham from South Australia; and former Howard staffer, NSW MP Peter Hendy – met and planned a coup.
Taken to the brink once – during the week beginning September 7 – the coup was given the green light last Sunday night at Hendy’s Queanbeyan home…
Something’s Fishy in Kiribati – and I don’t mean the fishing
The Central Pacific nation of Kiribati boasts it has created one of the largest No-Fishing Marine Reserves in the World. But all is not what it seems…
(from an older article 2012, apologies if this has already been covered by Jo, but on the lead up to Paris it would be interesting to know the “current” status of all these newly formed Marine reserves in the Pacific)
Kiribati’s success in winning international recognition without actually restricting fishing was spawning imitators
August 2012, at a regional meeting in the Cook Islands, its prime minister, Henry Puna, announced the creation of what he called the world’s biggest marine park – 400,000 square miles of the southern, largely un-fished half of the islands’ waters. But Ben Ponia, the secretary of marine resources, later wrote to me: “The marine park will not regulate fisheries.
Also the self-governing French territory of New Caledonia announced that, inspired by the example of Kiribati, it was creating an even larger reserve, at 540,000 square miles. It was the same story there, too. “It’s too early to say whether there will be any restrictions on fishing.
It seems many Pacific Islands are declaring Marine reserves (whilst still allowing fishing to continue and thus the revenue stream) in an effort to promote the appearance of a significant loss of income which the Island Governments hope will then result in further compensation (besides Global Warming payouts ) from the U.N.
There is a word for this 😮
As I understand it, forming National Marine Sanctuaries, and having them recognised, is a way of managing the huge fishing fleets that come into the Pacific, and strip the large areas of “international waters” that are outside the comparitively tiny economic zones of the small island nations.
Kiribati is not the only island group to do this. Palau was the first, and the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands, quickly followed. Kiribati, Tuvalu, and Nauru, are just the most recent countries to come into the scheme.
Fishing is still allowed for local fishing fleets, as a key part of the island economies. Foreign fleets will need to have a licence and an internationally agreed quota, based on fish-stock surveys, before they can legally fish.
Australia and New Zealand have had a similar arrangement for a long time, and it seems to work pretty well.
‘A vigorous cold front will cause a return to winter-like
conditions early next week, with some places possibly seeing their
coldest pair of days this late in the warming season in decades.
‘September begun quite cold across many parts of the southeast and
apart from a warm spell mid-way through the month, it has stayed
that way.’
Its a cold air outbreak from Antarctica.
The ABC blames Tony Abbott for it, whereas Turnbull will bring warmer weather within a month. A triumph for the change of Leadership!
I may have rabbited on about how Star Trek has mirrored (or perhaps helped to shape) attitudes in the “free” world. Here’s an essay by somebody else who’s noticed the mutations of the “Star Trek Franchise” over the decades.
How Star Trek Explains The Decline Of Liberalism
In my view, it’s the Ferengi who, in the later series, reflected liberal aspirations; surviving the tyranny of various rulers to pursue acquisition. They promoted the use of a substance that cannot be replicated as a viable “free” currency in a universe of replication. The Ferengi quasi-anarchy-monarchy was guided by the malleable Rules of Acquisition. Core of social/political power was the clan. The Rules seemed to be used to justify any course of action; not to prevent any action. (See rule 144)
There has been no global warming in over 18 years and only 0.57C in 154 years.
Why can’t any politicians or UN people simply be asked WHAT WARMING? We don’t need to take ANY climate action (except dismantle expensive and inefficient “green” energy projects and recycle what little recyclables they may have).
Something of interest concerning the co2 hypothesis >>>>
Excellent. Recommended reading. Thanks.
21 Sept: MichaelSmithNews: New ABC managing director – primary responsibility? To “augment” the Australian identity.
The ABC job ad for its new Managing Director describes the role’s primary responsibility:
“to ensure the ABC’s success in augmenting……….Australia’s culture and identity”.
Augment, verb – to make larger; enlarge in size, number, or extent; increase.
The ABC’s Charter sets out what its Managing Director must do. Changing or augmenting our identity isn’t a part of it…READ ALL THE AD’s BUZZWORDS SUCH AS “DISRUPTIVE TRENDS”, “BIAS FOR INNOVATION” ETC.
21 Sept: Australian: Chris Kenny: Tony Abbott: ABC fails dismally in coverage of PM’s downfall
The bias of the national broadcaster is one thing — we’ve all come to know and expect it — but in its rush to celebrate the demise of Tony Abbott, the ABC has simply lacked class. Aunty has barracked all along for its minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and we know it will be hoping his ascension will make Australia a land of milk and honey — well, the modern-day equivalent being a land of gay marriage with a price on carbon.
But the national broadcaster is bound by law to be factual, objective and pluralistic. It is supposed to reflect the nation. It is not entitled to ignore the facts, deliberately distort them or foist a jaundiced view of history upon us…
This is why some of us call it their ABC. Sure isn’t ours.
***It was not much better on SKY Chris, the truth be known. PVO had us appalled, ably assisted by his fellow haters as they gloated over Turnbulls speech, designed to rip the heart out of the former PM…
***News Ltd, in general, was no better than the rest of the MSM.
in fact, with the 2 fake Galaxy/Canning 10% swing polls commissioned by the WA Sunday Times & the Daily Telegraph, it could be argued News Ltd helped prepare the ground for the COUP.
fortunately, the demise of the MSM continues apace.
21 Sept: ABC 4 Corners: Peter Costello says axing Tony Abbott ‘most certainly’ right thing to do
By John Lyons and Marian Wilkinson
Based on opinion polls since Mr Turnbull replaced Mr Abbott, Mr Costello said it appeared to have been the right decision…
***Mr Yabsley said the “Credlin factor” — a reference to Mr Abbott’s chief of staff Peta Credlin — was a major reason for the downfall of the prime minister…
Mr Costello told Four Corners: “It looks … the public have embraced it [the leadership change].”
Asked if Mr Turnbull did the right thing by seizing the leadership, Mr Costello said: “Here’s the rule in the Liberal Party — if you win, you did the right thing…
“The Liberal Party doesn’t give you any great rewards for loyalty. That’s not what it rewards, the Liberal Party rewards success.”
Mr Costello said the decision to remove Mr Abbott was “very tough” but also “efficient”…
Asked why Mr Abbott fell, Mr Costello said: “I think probably in the end it was the polls. That a majority of his colleagues felt that they were not going to win the next election and in those circumstances they decided to effect a change.”…
from the following tweet on, all MSM were anti-Abbott. he didn’t have a chance:
28 Jan: The Conversation: Michelle Grattan: Murdoch’s message: Abbott’s chief of staff Peta Credlin must go
News Corp chief Rupert Murdoch has made an extraordinary intervention in the Coalition controversy over Tony Abbott’s chief of staff, Peta Credlin, declaring via Twitter that she must go…
Conservative commentator ***Miranda Devine, in a scarifying article attacking the Prince Philip decision, wrote today in News Corp’s Daily Telegraph that Abbott “has to make a sacrificial offering to convince his colleagues that he has learned a lesson. Something that causes him pain, like chopping off his right arm. In other words, moving on chief of staff Peta Credlin.”…
***”Niki Savva, who just happens to have been the commentator who has led from the front in revealing and critiquing the role of Peta Credlin in Abbott’s downfall” – Chris Kenny, “Tony Abbott: ABC fails dismally in coverage of PM’s downfall”, The Australian 21 Sept (link above)
what a joke!
20 Sept: Hollywood Life: Samantha Wilson: Emmys 2015: Why Was Everyone Wearing Green Ribbons?
It was a question on everyone’s lips at the 2015 Emmy Awards: why exactly did so many people accessorize with a bright green ribbon?…
One of the biggest stars of the night at the 2015 Emmy Awards wasn’t an actor, writer or director; it was the green ribbon shown on nearly every person’s lapel or dress. The mystery of the strange little ribbons was finally solved after some sleuthing: it was all about raising awareness around climate change!
The little green ribbons were all stamped with #DemandClimateAction if you looked really closely. Stars from Veep, Transparent and so many other shows were rocking the ribbons, that promoted a new campaign from the the National Resources Defense Council…
The council has put together a petition (LINK) online to get world leaders to face climate change for what it is, and do something about it as soon as possible. That petition will be delivered in front of a major summit in Paris in December 2015…
What a worthwhile cause! …
21 Sept: SMH: Lucy Cormack: Greenpeace on renewables: phase out coal, oil, gas and nuclear energy by 2050
There are no major economic or technical barriers to achieving 100 per cent renewable energy around the world by 2050, a Greenpeace report says.
The Energy [R]evolution 2015 outlook report outlines a plan for achieving the transition to 100 per cent renewable energy by phasing out coal, oil, gas and nuclear energy and how such a transition could be funded.
“It is the first comprehensive scientific report which has analysed the technical and economical pathways of a total global fossil and nuclear phase-out within one generation,” said report author Dr Sven Teske, senior advisor to the Greenpeace International Climate and Energy Unit…
“It is not only possible… but it is also cost neutral. As renewables don´t need fuels, the additional investments can entirely be refinanced (to 107 per cent) by fuel costs savings.”…
???Last year, renewables contributed to 60 per cent of new power generation worldwide…
pdf: 364 pages! Greenpeace: The Energy [R]evolution A Sustainable World – 2015 outlook report
100% renewable energy for all
greenpeace international,
global wind energy Council
More deceit and misinformation for the voting masses.
Thanks for the link to this opus – downloaded now so it can’t be “taken down”
Although it’s prolix, just read the quite short chapter 6.1.8 on TRANSPORT:
all electric, or hydrogen, or hybrid (ie. NOT 100% hydrocarbon-free) or better public transport etc etc etc. Absolutely no acknowledgement of the intensity of mining, manufacturing and infrastructural efforts needed to make all this even vaguely reliable for what is described as an increasing and richer population, let alone the damage done to regional populations when their reliable transport is removed
I’ve seen this stuff over 10 years ago, from UNSW. Still as ungrounded in reality as ever … this won’t stop the MSM or Turnbull, though
Election 2016 is D-Day – voters now have no choice. End of the line
“One of the things that so bothers me,” Trump said in front of 20,000 people in Dallas, Texas, is that “Obama thinks the single biggest threat in the world today is global warming. Can you believe it?”
“Then they changed it to climate change because the word global warming wasn’t working.”
Daily Caller
Shows he has a great capacity to repeat things he’s heard
Obama is a dill, that’s for sure.
“I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.”
“If we go back to the days when Malcolm Turnbull was determined to assist Kevin Rudd in putting in an emissions trading scheme, that was as close to seeing a split within the Liberal National coalition as I’ve ever seen and I would ever want to see.”
Cory Bernardi
This is an old story, which I’m putting it up because Timbal is obviously wrong.
‘Dr Timbal believes 80 per cent of the rain loss in south-east Australia can be attributed to the intensification of the subtropical ridge. If the next phase of the study is approved, the scientists hope to work out exactly how rising temperatures result in a stronger subtropical ridge.’
Read more:
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