Laws, Prosecution, Tax: Not for The UN Green Climate Fund?

The more we give the UN, the more it wants.

The UN Green Climate will get more than $10 billion of other people’s money to spend, but are arguing that they shouldn’t need to obey the laws  and taxes that other people do. The Chosen Ones are above all that.

Potentially this could include organizations that are not part of the UN but “working” with it and thus more of the global economy and financial system would come under complete UN control. We could get a whole separate economic and legal system that operates far beyond any voter control. Fun, Fun, Fun. Global parasites anyone?

Another reason to shut down the UN.

Fox News (via GWPF)

If the GCF succeeds in its broader negotiations, not only billions but eventually trillions of dollars in climate funding activities could fall outside the scope of criminal and civilian legal actions, as well as outside examination, as the Fund, which currently holds $10 billion in funding and pledges, expands its ambitions.

The shield would cover all documentation as well as the words and actions of officials and consultants involved in the activity documentation—even after they move on to other jobs. As a tasty side-benefit, the “privileges” attached to such “privileges and immunities,” as they are known in diplomatic parlance, mean that employees get their salaries tax-free.

Just why the GCF needs the sweeping protections is not exactly clear. In response to questions from Fox News, Michel Smitall, a Fund spokesman, provided mostly opaque answers.

“Privileges and immunities are intended to facilitate GCF activities in countries in which it operates and the GCF’s ability to use contributions by donor countries in an effective and efficient manner that serves the objectives agreed by its member countries,” he said.

If they succeed, the tax benefits alone make the $10b effectively twice as much.

The UN is seeking bilateral agreements with each country. Can you imagine how many UN workers it takes full time to negotiate that and how many special deals can be done?

Smitall’s statements, of reassurance however, did not cover the prospect that in many developing countries, those same national authorities may well be direct or indirect partners in the activities the Fund is financing, or the fact that national authorities in many of the developing countries where the Fund hopes to operate are spectacularly corrupt.

US Republicans are opposed to extending immunity for the fund that Obama promised $3b for.

The British are hopeless:

The British government, which has recently given $1.2 billion to the GCF through its Department for International Development (DFID), is staying close-mouthed about the immunities issue.  “The GCF Board will be deliberating the issue of privileges and immunities in 2015 and UK will engage in those discussions,” a DFID spokeswoman told Fox News.

The GFC’s determined pursuit of immunity highlights the broad zone of legal ambiguity that is proliferating in the era of international action against climate change, led by organizations operating under the aegis of the United Nations without being explicitly part of it.

Fox News

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143 comments to Laws, Prosecution, Tax: Not for The UN Green Climate Fund?

  • #
    Graeme No.3

    Why would someone seek immunity from breaking the law if they didn’t intend doing so?

    And NOTE: “The shield would cover all documentation as well as the words and actions of officials and consultants involved in the activity documentation” – how long before we hear “the documentation is settled but we don’t want you to see it, as you’ll only try to find faults”


    • #

      What is truly surprising is that anyone has the nerve to be surprised. That those who game the system (not the honest researchers who publish clear reports of their findings regardless of how they turn out) want is a blanket assurance that they (and their political masters) can never be held accountable. My answer to that is an emphatic “HELL NO”.


    • #

      Off topic. I know, and apologise. But have a look at “We’ll all be stuffed, said Flannery” in for a laugh at Christmas time.


  • #

    Hmm, it seems like the more the public awakens to the deception of anthropogenic climate change, the more desperately the UN wants immunity from prosecution.

    Funny about that, huh.


    • #
      Dave N

      I’d be willing to give them that immunity in return for ditching the entire scam right now, apologising to the world for doing it in the first place, and never enlisting scientists to help them produce policy documents ever again.


      • #
        Roy Hogue


        What? A Faustian deal for an immediate advantage? It didn’t work for Faust. Why would it work for us now?

        Just askin… 🙂


      • #

        … and every single one of them fired and banned for life from any activity remotely connected with government, science or economics. The only employment they are allowed would be as day laborers on third world construction projects building coal and natural gas electrical generation plants and electrical distribution grids. Alternately as day laborers on potable water treatment systems, sewage systems and their associated pipeline networks. All things denied to the third world under their watch because of the crime of hindering the advancement of billions of people based on scientific fantasy and greed.

        Failure to follow the rules of their “retirement” will put them in a Rwandan prison for the remainder of their pitiful lives.


        • #
          Egor TheOne

          I agree with you 100 % !
          But in addition public floggings should be brought back just for these UN leeches !!
          And then off to the 3rd world for a real job !!!


    • #

      Bring on the CAGW Nuremberg-style trials, I say….

      Any CAGW “Collaborators” should be signing up lawyers about now.

      The only other thing I know of that has blanket “no-prosecution protection” is the vaccine industry…nuff said.


  • #
    Roy Hogue

    The hubris, the astounding arrogance of the UN knows no bounds. Do they think thy’re wearing a steel jockstrap and so can’t be kicked down from their perch by a well aimed foot? 🙁

    It’s long past time to junk this bunch of clowns and topple their headquarters building into the East River.

    Well, no, we can’t quite go that far. I wouldn’t want to pollute the East River. So maybe we can turn that headquarters complex into a museum of arrogance and betrayal of the people they were supposed to serve — something along the lines of the Holocaust Museum maybe. Or just leave it as a monument to stupidity.


    • #
      Roy Hogue

      I’ve always thought their office tower sitting on the East River looked like a big headstone. And it’s looking more and more like the headstone marking the grave of human freedom and independence.

      The thing has a life of its own and will only die if we all quit paying tribute to it.


      • #

        Turn it into a goal to put all the UN climate quacks in.
        Instal a windmill & solar panels for energy so they can experience how they want everyone else to live.

        Wait, we might need two buildings. Maybe more:

        23 December, 2014 Where global warming’s missing heat went

        The pause in the rise of surface temperatures is real.
        It can be observed in surveys of the surface of the sea and in satellite measurements of the troposphere.

        > Scientists probably did not adequately convey to the public that their projections for future warming are based on models that account only for the so-called “forced response” in global mean surface temperatures – that is, the change caused by greenhouse-gas emissions.

        (“It’s worse than we first thought“)

        Indeed, what scientists have figured out is that, instead of warming the surface, the excess heat that is being generated has gone to the deeper oceans.
        ~ ~ ~
        A new NASA study from the Jet Propulsion laboratory has also revealed that the ocean abyss has not warmed in the past few years.
        If the air and the ocean aren’t warming, scientists will have to look elsewhere to discover where this missing energy and heat is going.

        October 6, 2014
        RELEASE 14-272
        NASA Study Finds Earth’s Ocean Abyss Has Not Warmed
        . . .
        Give them the option of returning all the money that has been stolen.
        If they fail that, it’s into the UN-Building for a long stay.


        • #
          Roy Hogue

          Turn it into a goal to put all the UN climate quacks in.
          Instal a windmill & solar panels for energy so they can experience how they want everyone else to live.

          I’ll buy that. Great idea. 🙂


        • #

          “A new NASA study from the Jet Propulsion laboratory has also revealed that the ocean abyss has not warmed in the past few years. If the air and the ocean aren’t warming, scientists will have to look elsewhere to discover where this missing energy and heat is going.”

          Question: Did these ‘scientists’ ever consider, “There never was any missing heat to discover.” Or is that too obvious?


        • #
          Egor TheOne

          Confiscation of all assets for crimes against humanity , then off shoveling coal into 3rd world furnaces ……….finally a real job for this freeloading scum !!!


      • #
        Rereke Whakaaro

        You could turn it into a huge brothel. That seems to have worked pretty well for the current occupants.


    • #
      James Bradley

      It explains why so many Labor/Green hierarchy are so desperate to featherbed positions for themselves in the UN – feeds their obsession for authority, power and control with the risk of an abitrary representation process.

      Just an extension of the current Australian Labor preselection process:

      1. use threat and intimidation to extort money from members and businesses
      2. fund election campaigns for preferred union candidates into delegate positions
      3. take control of Industry Super Funds to supply donations to finance further elections.
      4. successful union delegates supported and financed into candidated party positions.
      5. successful party member financed and nominated for preselection as local Member of Parliament.

      Hey wait a minute, 3. take control of industry super funds to supply donations to finance further elections???

      WTF – question to Roy Hogue:


      Just substitute ‘Industry Super Fund’ in Australia for ‘Pension Fund’ in America and tell me who runs Unions, politicians and businesses in the same manner in the USA.


      • #
        Roy Hogue

        If the answer you’re fishing for is the UN, then you’d be right about a lot of it. But unions are more directly Obama’s master (I don’t think he’s their master), yet there are big business interests in there too. So It’s not as simple as a single “who”. There are always competing interests and those most willing to grease the way for someone like Obama will get their share of the power, no matter who they are.

        But in the end, it’s money that’s the master of anyone in a power position, isn’t it? And when you lend your influence, whether money or otherwise, to someone like Obama you end up selling your soul to him. And he in turn must sell his soul to you if he wants to keep the power he has. It’s a nasty, vicious cycle in which everyone in it is ultimately trapped — caught like a mouse by that tempting piece of cheese poised to bring down the trap upon your neck. And these days Obama looks pretty trapped compared with his former breezy, cavalier self.

        Then there’s Al Sharpton who seems to be chief advisor to Obama these days. And in the wake of recent events all pretense of common decency has gone down the drain. The murder of two New York City police officers has turned off any sympathy there was within police ranks all across the country for the black’s complaints and we may see a lot of police pushback in the form of shoot first and ask questions later. None of it will be helping solve the real problems.

        So in the end, who is in control?


        • #
          Roy Hogue

          Heck, the real answer is that I can’t tell anymore.


          • #
            Roy Hogue

            I suppose I can add the one thing I am sure of — it’s all about accumulating the power to get things your way, not someone else’s. That includes illegal things as well as legal. If nothing else convinced me of that illegal component, the UN’s aid workers raping the very children they were sent to Africa to help nailed the lid forever on that coffin full of the stink of hell.


        • #
          James Bradley


          Well actually, the answer is organised crime, but hell, if the cap fits…


          • #
            Roy Hogue


            I’ll buy that answer too. It may not be according to the legal definition but I think you could call the whole Obama administration an “organized crime” and be accurate. They certainly have no evident intent to follow the law.


        • #

          Love them or hate them one things is certain, killing a police officer is an extremely stupid thing to do. They may if they choose look the other way for a lot of things, that isn’t one of them.

          Nothing like sitting on a powder keg as you watch people flipping lit matches at the fuse.


          • #
            Roy Hogue

            I would not want to be on the wrong end of that manhunt. They will not fool around with a cop killer.

            This latest one was a coward and turned the gun on himself, saving New York City a lot of trouble and money. I hope he enjoys his 70 virgins or whatever he thought he could get for his effort.


  • #

    “The British are hopeless:”
    Indeed, my country’s government is, though I blame the Lib Dim element of it.
    Not co-incidentally, over a period of ‘savage cuts’, which 2 departments of UK government have INCREASED headcount? The Department for Energy and Climate Change, and the Department for International Development.
    Se we can’t afford to have emergency ambulances arrive on time, but we can spray vast amounts of taxpayer’s money at CAGW propagandists. Lovely.


  • #

    Uh oh! Down the money hole!
    That other UN hole.


    • #

      Down the money hole?
      Typical! Its white, middle-aged heterosexual waistcoat-wearing giant rabbits that are at fault for all this. Just ask Christine ‘Malice in Wonderland’ Milne.


  • #

    These UN officials can make agreements with nations, destroy people’s lives and be not accountable for it. If the GCF funded terrorism or policies that generated a famine(even inadvertently through lack of oversight) would officials be accountable beyond UN internal disaplinary procedures?


    • #

      The UN is a private organisation but has its own passports.

      In many ways it as accountability-free and prosecution-free as the Vatican, and thats saying something. The vatican dont forget is also a nation, hence diplomatic immunity.


      • #
        Mark D.

        Steve, a look at history suggests that the UN patterned itself after the medieval Church and Papacies. All that is missing is a Crusade.


        • #
          the Griss

          “All that is missing is a Crusade.”

          Ummm, no Mark.

          We are right in the middle of their “crusade”, its called “Global Warming/Climate Change”

          Its just not a hand to hand battle type of crusade, yet !


    • #

      Oh that non-Hammurabi-U.N.-we-are-above-criticism-and-exempt
      -from-consequence-if-the-bridge-collapses.Enough ter make
      a serf hyper-apostrophate!


  • #

    This is very odd. The whole point of civilized, unified society is that if a wrong is committed there is a higher power there to seek justice if it’s considered criminal and an avenue of redress available if it’s considered civil. By removing themselves from these constraints that leaves only a single option for redress: Violence. How long until the UN does something (like Greenpeace did in Lima) that causes a violent backlash against their local agents?

    Further, how long until the UN demands the ability to stand an army of its’ own because of these “threats”?


    • #
      Hat Rack

      Arsten, you ask “How long until the UN does something (like Greenpeace did in Lima)…….?”. Well the answer is – not very long at all. If the UN GCF were given the immunity they seek the first thing they would do is bring organisations such as Greenpeace and the WWF under their umbrella so that they would be entitled to the same immunities.

      If you think that could never happen, just look at how many IPCC authors and lead authors have Greenpeace and WWF roots!


      • #

        I think you focused on the wrong part of my question: “…that causes a violent backlash against their local agents?”

        I fully expect any NGOs willing to proselytize on behalf of the UN’s goals to be given immunity in any country that grants the UN immunity.

        My question was related more explicitly targeted to “How long until they have their own standing army?”


        • #
          Rereke Whakaaro

          How long until they have their own standing army?

          That is an interesting question.

          The UN is not a country, and does not have its own citizens. If you work there, you can be issued with a UN Passport, but that is just like any other diplomatic passport, and does not imply citizenship. Holders of UN Passports remain citizens of their home country, and must retain a passport for that country.

          The UN Peacekeeping Force (the blue helmets) draws military personnel from member countries, on a fixed term deployment basis. But those troops remain sworn, and loyal, to their home country, even when serving with the UN.

          So I can’t see the UN having its own standing army, without being able to grant UN citizenship, and without getting the majority of countries to agree.

          Anyway, they probably don’t need an army, they have much better financial levers they can pull.


          • #
            the Griss

            “they have much better financial levers they can pull.’

            As shown by the CAGW agenda and funding thereof. !


  • #

    My current understanding is that the UN is financed by countries who elect to give them money. So at present, the UN could be shut down if we all withdrew our funding.

    If the UN ever becomes self-funded (e.g. global “carbon” tax) then we will have created the worst of all possible situations. We will have the biggest bunch of parasites the world has ever seen without any kind of non-violent off switch.

    As for “The British are hopeless”, I am becoming more and more aware that we let all the sensible ones go to Australia. Somehow, we badly cocked up the selection procedure!


    • #
      Greg Cavanagh

      They mislabelled the Arks, and shipped off the wrong colonists.


    • #
      Rereke Whakaaro

      The UN was formed, at the end of WWII, to provide a permanent forum to iron out disagreement between nations, and to better enable trade between countries. The Security Council was formed from the major military powers of the day, as a “subcommittee” of the UN.

      If we shut down the UN, then we would loose that permanent forum, and the bureaucrats who keep it running. You might think that was a good thing. But when it comes to selling your widgets into Oubotoland, and negotiating past their import tariffs (backhanders), it would be much more expensive to do it on a one-to-one basis, than have your people at the UN talk to their people at the UN.

      It has worked pretty well for the last sixty or so years. The top bureaucrats (many of them ex-politicians) are on very good salaries with huge expense accounts. But they have to account for the money they are spending, and the accounts are audited. So the problem is not with the UN itself.

      The problems lie with the Scientific Institutions, and the Non-Government Organisations, that the bureaucrats contract to provide, “Specialised knowledge and advice”.

      It is in those supernumerary bodies, that the financial leakages occurs. For they have realised that they can rattle the beads, and mumble chants, and have the non-scientific bureaucrats shaking in their shoes; and the more they charge, the more valuable the bureaucrats think the advice is, and the more important the presented “evidence” appears. Of course, a lot of it is just expensive snake oil, but how are the bureaucrats to know?

      So I never point to conspiracy theories, if incompetence and avarice are adequate explanations.


      • #

        Disagree, for the first time in memory, Rereke.
        If you want to sell, you have a chat with their trade attaché here in Aus.
        You pay his bribe and it is done and dusted.
        The UN is unnecessary for trade.


  • #
    Peter Miller

    This is the logical conclusion to how climate science is practiced today.

    Madoff, the arch swindler would have been proud of these UN guys – just imagine if he could have run his pyramid schemes without fear of prosecution, without any oversight and only being obliged to keep repeating, “Trust me, I’m a good guy.”

    If anything demonstrates beyond any doubt that the UN is morally bankrupt, this is it.

    Demanding to be given the same rights as enjoyed by Cuba’s and North Korea’s dictators is a petty bureaucrat’s dream. And only a combination of the utter corruption of a green fund and the UN can provide this.


  • #
    john robertson

    I call this a success, obviously even these appointed parasites are hearing the taxpayers.
    Of course they want immunity, as the most oblivious useful idiots of the UN realize what Maurice and friends have bequeathed them, they are desperate for cover.
    For even the dumbest taxpayer can now see the harm caused by this CAGW meme.
    An in your face assault upon the worlds poor, especially the poor brown persons, by the “United Nations”, in the name of saving the planet from plant food.
    With open graft, no evidence of the guilt of this magic gas and political solutions that solve nothing.
    This is eugenics reborn, just as stupid and ugly as last time and brought to prominence the same stupid and ugly do-gooders who always flock to causes which impose their insanity upon distant “other people”.
    Of course the bureaucrats are seeking written immunity from prosecution, for CAGW is their baby, created promoted and protected from investigation by an international cabal of “world citizens”.
    As the cult crumbles the bureaucrats are seeing the endgame, yes the politicians pretended to be/ were fooled but they are politicians, experts at passing the blame.
    Poor little bureaucrats, they can see the mob forming and are only now realizing their probable fate…..Har Har Har. My heart pumps custard for their doom.


  • #

    Consider this analogy, who would be naïve enough to think a criminal organization would one day suddenly say, ‘Ok this is wrong and we have enough money now.’??

    Thinking again I don’t believe any organizations in ‘civilized’ society would ever make that call, it’s excused as business isn’t it?


    • #
      Greg Cavanagh

      Recently a 50 year old man in the area was arrested for manufacturing drugs.
      I can’t remember the figure, but he had well over a million dollars stuffed in various things around the house.

      Yes, he couldn’t stop; just another hit, just another drop off, just a little more cash stuffed away.


      • #

        It has been said that if the West was serious about curbing the flow of drugs all they had to do was not have only low denomination notes, none over $20 and the sheer size and weight of the cash would stifle the drug rings.


        • #

          Party A – $100,000.00 and it’s a done deal.
          Party B – Okay where do you want the truck?
          Party A – The truck?
          Party B – Yea, the truck. You think I’m going to haul $100,000.00 in Susan B Anthony dollars around in my pockets?


  • #
    the Griss

    Seems they want to attract all that mafia and drug money,
    as well as become a holding point for union graft and corruption,
    and a place for tin-pot dictators to hide the funds they have stolen from their own people.


  • #
    the Griss

    Isn’t the EU pretty much in this situation already ?


    • #
      Greg Cavanagh

      Would love to hear from the red thumbs what you think?


      • #
        the Griss

        They don’t like what I say, but they can’t argue against it.

        Reality hurts 😉


        • #
          Greg Cavanagh

          I want to know what they disagree with, with regard to your previous post.

          Seems they want to attract all that mafia and drug money,
          as well as become a holding point for union graft and corruption,
          and a place for tin-pot dictators to hide the funds they have stolen from their own people.

          What do you disagree with????


      • #

        I’m sorry Greg,it’s the gout.


      • #

        They think? Um. You sure?


    • #

      the Griss,yes it is, but it’s much better to be lawful than just turning a blind eye,then they will be able to salve their consciences.


  • #

    “Privileges and immunities are intended to facilitate the UN Green Climate Fund (GCF) activities in countries in which it operates and the UN GCF’s ability to use contributions by donor countries in an effective and efficient manner that serves the objectives agreed by its member countries,”

    The UN drive to place the ‘activities’ of the UN GCF above the laws of any single country will it says, enable those engaged in UN GCF activities to act in a more (chillingly) ‘effective and efficient’ manner.

    Having installed elements of Agenda 21, we see the next step in the erosion of individual nations and the solidification of an entirely new extra-national State without borders or location. This developing State of the UN proposes to be immune from legal challenge and free to continue its implementation of Agenda 21.

    If it eventually means that one day they will feel ‘compelled’ to round up dissident deniers and put them on coal trains, so be it. They will be immune and they will have privilege, they will be beyond question and beyond the law. They are also doomed… to become the focus of a future revolution.

    Is it so unfashionably PC to avoid any knowledge of the lessons of history? Climate always was the stalking horse, the distraction that helped provide a means to The End.


    • #
      Greg Cavanagh

      Beyond “today’s” law yes.

      But what happened after WWII?

      I’ve being saying for years, only bad can come of a world government. It can not succeed. As stated on this thread, such a beast will attract the unworthy.


      • #
        Rereke Whakaaro

        … such a beast will attract the unworthy …

        And they will fight amongst themselves.

        And we peasants will go about our business as we have done since feudal times, hiding half of our production so we only have to pay taxes on the other half.

        It happens now. There are active bartering communities right throughout the second and third world countries, and we are now starting to see it in our rural communities in the first world.

        Eventually, organisations like the UN will be starved of cash, and like the Rouble in Russia, it will collapse from inflation. Just don’t be underneath it when it does all come crashing down.


        • #
          Greg Cavanagh

          We have a local currency call Bunya’s (after the Bunya nut that grows wild here).

          It’s a bit cumbersome, but it has a strong following of adherents. It’s basically an accounting system of favours.

          Bitcoin is another one I know of. No idea how well it’s doing.

          I don’t think these things will ever drain a UN. Even our own government has commented on the local currencies and said; as long as they remain small and regional, they aren’t too concerned about them.


  • #

    Hey , why don’t we give global NGOs such as Greenpeace immunity ? Then it can desecrate monuments for its idea of the greater good, with impunity.


    • #
      Peter Miller

      Greenpeace is so far up the backsides of so many western governments, it effectively has immunity already.

      In any event, its leaders clearly think they are above the law and get very upset whenever one of their crass stunts go wrong and someone wants to bring them to account.


      • #
        Greg Cavanagh

        Like the Russians, God bless em’.


        • #
          the Griss

          I want to see Peru sue the crap out of Greenpeace.

          Get some heritage organisation on side and get a huge estimate of the damage done by their little advertising stunt, and its effect on tourism over the foreseeable future (say 200 years).

          Something with “billion” in it would be nice. 🙂


          • #

            Hi Griss

            Green Peace are just as bad as the Taliban who destroyed the Buddhist monuments in Afghanistan. The Peruvians should lock up their CEO and their whole board of directors and throw away the key. Never to be released. I was a bit disappointed that the Russians caved into political pressure from Western Governments and released the Green Peace hooligans.


  • #
    Lord Jim

    Nothing is more proverbial than that laws are like Spiders’ webs, only to hold the smaller flies Laws.


  • #
    Eric Worrall

    In the movie “Armageddon” the Bruce Willis character demands freedom from tax forever as part of the price of his team saving the world from a gigantic meteor. I guess the UN negotiators saw the movie.


    • #

      Well there will arise the question of who stopped the warming and saved us and how they should be rewarded.


      • #
        Greg Cavanagh

        Matty, you’re statement is truer than you might guess.

        Let me tell you how the Dilbert world works. I work in a design office. The designers might get a project like a sports facility to work on. They spend 2 years negotiating with various sporting bodies, get a lot of advice about the soil profile under the Rugby field, and design every aspect of the 3 acre lot.

        When it’s opend, the premier, the mayor, everybody with an ego comes along for the opening and give each other awards and accalades, and eat and drink for the night. The designer didn’t get a mention at all, enen though his manager took home the design award for himself. In this instance, the designer quit in disgust.


      • #

        Mattie, they have only recently noticed that warming stopped 18 years ago so they want to ensure that they cannot be prosecuted for malpractice over the past 30 years or more.


      • #

        Throw them a party, [snip. No we don’t do that.] ED


    • #

      In the context of the movie, Bruce Willis was saving the planet, and only wanted to be free of taxes if successful. If he was not successful there would be no comebacks.

      The UN negotiators appear to be free of prosecution if they are willfully negligent, if they hand over millions to corrupt Dictators, or embezzle the funds entrusted to them. Nobody can sue them when it turns out that they aided and abetted the UN in obtaining funds under false pretenses.


    • #

      Kevin Rudd definitely saw the movie: where do you think “Gracie” came from?
      Beats me why the UN doesn’t just change its name to SPECTRE and have done with it. If the GCF receives the immunity from scrutiny/responsibility for its actions it is demanding, the next logical step is for that immunity to be extended to Greenpeace, WWF etc; the next logical step after that one is for the NGO activists to wear a uniform, I dunno, probably an earth colour for the shirts: brown, most likely; the following logical step would be for the GCF and its Associate Members to be given the right to denounce ‘climate criminals’ and, with the connivance of countries moronic enough to sign democracy’s death warrant, impose sentences to be carried out in the unfortunate honest scientist’s host country. Taking advantage of existing extradition treaties, of course, after Obama agrees to a UN demand to excise the UN and a few hectares of surrounding NYC from the US, creating a UN City-State much like the Vatican – which would be fitting when you think about it, as both organisations are laws unto themselves with ministers immune from prosecution, money laundering a way of life and neither able to conclusively prove the existence of their primary product.


  • #
    Leonard Lane

    The UN like every organization created by the left is at once anti-democratic, corrupt, and serves the leftist agenda as well as its own agenda to grow. That pretty much resembles a cancer. I think surgery is needed.


  • #

    I thought it was a doomsday planetary emergency!


    Goal Post Migration Alert!
    Father of 2°C Target Schellnhuber Postpones CO2 Emissions Peak 10 Years: From 2020 To 2030!
    (via notrickszone)

    Bernie Fraser slams Abbott’s climate change stance
    “The authority’s report on the Renewable Energy Target recommends no change be made to the existing 41,000 gigawatt hours target, but that the completion date be pushed out from 2020 to around three years later as a compromise.”
    . . .
    Seems the children’s children are no longer as important as maintaining the gravy train.


    • #
      Bob in Castlemaine

      Ya gotta fund the “super of the future” somehow! Ask any one of a gaggle of retired Labor luminaries with their snouts in the industry super rorts trough. And let’s face it, what could be betta than a great big fat RET target to keep the mandated rivers of subsidy cash flowing in?


    • #

      So his idea of “negotiation” is to open with “Screw Abbott666Satan, and what we want is…”?

      Wow, has he studied with the Great Negotiators Gillard and the Kenyan?


  • #
    john robertson

    Only a bureaucrat would desire such immunity.
    Unelected, Unaccountable to any taxpayer and now immunity from national laws..
    So an uninformed taxpayer might just come to the conclusion that the UN just declared war.
    Sorry what do they do for me?

    After decades of this Kleptocracy sitting fat and bloated on the world stage, are we better off?
    Is the world a safer place?
    Is even one country improved by UN intervention?
    Are civic institutions strengthened and improved?
    Has rule of law and other such precursors of civilization gained a toehold in any new places due to the actions of the UN?
    Is my nation better for having participated in this farce?

    I will argue that the UN represents the natural progression of unchecked bureaucracy.
    Which parallels cancer in its growth and nature.
    Any authoritarian top down bureaucracy will produce chaos, their desire to control all and everything reveals small frightened people who do no desire anything more in life than their parasitic entitlements.
    For such a group of parasites to conspire toward immunity from the laws of their respective lands, shows their malice.They are aware of their treason.
    Confirmation they are bandits not fools.


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      Allen Ford

      Ahem, shouldn’t that be assification?


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      I have never seen any proof that the world’s oceans are acidic or could become acidic, so even the phrase acidification is intentionally misleading.

      The world’s oceans are alkali. That’s it. It is easy to measure. So claims of ‘acidification’ are at best a direction from adding a very mild carbonic acid. In fact if all the world’s atmospheric CO2 was put in the ocean and life on earth extinguished, the oceans would still be alkali. 98% of all the world’s gaseous CO2 is already in the oceans, 50x as much as in the air at about the same volume. The dramatic increase in solubility of CO2 under pressure and at low temperature is mainly responsible.

      So it is puzzling to read anything which purports to explain what is not true. If there is any graph or data which predicts the world’s oceans are or will be acidic, is there a link? How can anyone persist with this lie? Or are the Greens relying on the idea that no one who votes Green knows any chemistry and certainly not the Greens themselves. Dr. Patrick Moore did say there was once a German chemist in Greenpeace, but she was the only one in the Greens he had ever met. This was before they banned Chlorine and long before they declared CO2 a pollutant.


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        the Griss

        Furthermore, all rain and nearly every river that flows into the ocean is acidic, (rivers can get as low as pH 5.6).

        So those rivers and that rain have been flowing into the oceans for millions and millions of years, yet the oceans remains steadfastly around pH 8.

        Could it possibly be something to do with the massive equilibrium buffering of all the basalt and limestone around the edges and at the bottom the oceans. 😉

        Anyone who thinks that a tiny change in the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere will affect the ocean pH, really needs to stop living in a fantasy world !!


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          I just wonder how this scare, repeated by people who should know better, was ever started? It was never justified, never even in hypothesis. At least man made CO2 driven global warming was an interesting hypothesis, no matter how unlikely. How long do we have to wait to read any explanation? This ocean acidification fantasy was repeated to me by a young medical doctor and mother who had simply not stopped to think about it. Then she said nothing. No one likes being deceived, especially by people in authority.

          What is going on when a random observation that dissolved CO2 was slightly acidic could become a threat to all life on earth. People drink lemonade every day and do not think about dissolved CO2 as dangerous in Perrier water. The clue is the word acidification, which sounds like the past tense, but in fact describes the simple process of adding any acid to anything.

          It makes you wonder how real scientists like our salaried Australian Climate Commissioner Professor Will Steffen with a PhD in Chemistry can live with themselves and not say something. It is a disgrace when scientists just take the money and shut up.


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    These are the same fools who convinced an aboriginal band in British Columbia, Canada (Pacific coastline) to spend half a million dollars to dump several tonnes of iron filings into the deep ocean because it would correct “ocean acidification”. All it did was pollute the water.


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    While the total pledge over 4 years is say $12Billion, up to 30% of the cash is to be handled by the UN, for the first time. One article on the last gift from the US in donations, loans, infrastructure was that only 1.6% of the previous US $12Billion actually went through the UN. So the UN is seeking indemnities, exemptions, immunity from prosecution and taxation? Why?

    It smells of fear that UN bureaucrats fear being held responsible for handing money out without due diligence and without real controls in countries where they know accountability and controls are non existent. As if there are not enough problems with banks and loans in Europe, especially in economic basket cases like Greece! So now it is clear they fear the predictable, certain misuse of funds will come bouncing back, especially when a new US government in two years wants accountability.

    Even in WWII, the US operated with loans with Lend Lease and then the Marshall plan after the war, leading to incredible recoveries in Germany and Japan and the UK. Then in Desert Storm too, every missile was invoiced. To just hand over billions in cash to the UN as agreed by Obama in particular is not only probably uncontrollable and irresponsible, it is the essence of corruption and against the entire history of US aid. Everyone involved will immunity from the consequences of this Green madness. Billion in climate Cash to apologise to poor countries for being poor and not able to cope with Climate Change such as sea rises which are not happening and the consequences of increased global temperature caused by ‘rich’ countries? What Climate Change?


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      There is also the very odd circumstance that China was in charge of raising this Green fund money, despite not being a contributor and potentially a beneficiary as a developing country and generating half the world’s CO2 while promising sincerely to do nothing directly until 2030? Does no one see a problem at the outset?

      What economic or political pressure did China exert in Lima to get other countries to increase their contributions? What does the UN think is going to happen to cash which used to be administered effectively by individual donor governments and is now going to be handled by UN bureaucrats, already the world’s least accountable. It is possible everyone knows already and they are making sure the parachutes are golden and not flammable.


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    Kon Dealer

    Comparing the UN to a Mafia crime syndicate does a gross disservice to the Mafia.


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    George McFly......I'm your density

    All bureaucrats are equal but some are more equal than others….


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      All bureaucrats are equal but some are more equal than others

      Confucius say “All bureaucrats come from same mould – Its just that some bureaucrats are mouldier than others”


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        I like Delingpole’s Quangocrats, the middle men in society who take big money to do absolutely nothing which matters to anyone. If you made a list of all the useless or ineffectual publicly funded but unaccountable organizations in Australia, it would be in the thousands. Top of the list would be the billion dollar groups, theABC, SBS, CSIRO, Arts and History faculties at Universities and the rump of the old electricity, water, railway, road organizations who still support the legally protected Unions and the Greens. Union/Green membership in the public service is still over 40% while it is only 12% in the general community. Rampant self interest and peer group pressure keeps it all going.


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    The UN’s demands for Immunity from prosecution and for special privileges for it’s operatives reeks of an uncontrollable, unaccountable and increasingly corrupt organisation in outlook and in action.

    If these demands by the UN that they be free of any accountability for their actions, any of their actions regardless of status or purpose, the UN would then become the ultimate honey pot for every large organised criminal enterprise on this the planet who would spare nothing to gain control of the UN..

    The UN would become wide open to a take over by international criminal groups who will stop at nothing to place their —owned — officials into power where they could direct the ever extending tentacles of a organised criminal cartel controlled UN into every government of any consequence on this planet.

    All driven by the massive amounts of wealth available at their finger tips in the UN coffers to buy who and what they want, when and where they want at whatever level of government and bureaucracy they wanted to control.

    To even consider, let alone demand such exclusion from prosecution for criminal offenses and immunity from any prosecution for criminal offenses by the UN while working for the UN and even after employment by the UN has ceased, really drives a stake into the heart of darkness that has become the UN of today.

    And for this there is only one person to thank for this attempt at turning the UN into a prosecution free nascent criminal organisation [ if it doesn’t already qualify in parts for that title ] which the UN will invariably become if these demands are granted by the General Assembly and that is the general secretary, Ba Ki Moon.


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      If given all these freedoms what could possibly go wrong?
      I would trust Adolf Hitler before I trusted this UN mob,at least with Hitler he did give everyone a good warning about what his intentions were in his book Mein Kampf.


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        at least with Hitler he did give everyone a good warning about what his intentions were in his book Mein Kampf.

        See the UN-UNEP’s Agenda 21.

        I wonder how many people pointed to Mein Kampf in the 1930’s and were called conspiracy nutters.


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    The UN arguably reached the zenith of it’s influence in damping down internecine wars and conflicts under it’s second General Secretary. Dag Hammarskjöld

    [ 10 April 1953 – 18 September 1961 Denmark Died in a plane crash in the Kitara Empire.]

    Dag Hammarskjöld was assassinated by whom is only known to the various intelligence agencies, because he had become too effective as an adjudicator, peace maker and conflict negotiator and was becoming a major impediment to the achievement of the goals of more than one of the players in the very nasty Belgian Congo conflicts of the early 1960’s


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    i think the Australian Govt (taxpayers) are in for about $10 million. only The Australian has the (belated) news of the “liquidation” and it’s behind a paywall.

    Millions wiped out in clean energy failure
    The Australian-9 hours ago
    Wave energy developer Oceanlinx went into liquidation last week after a … of the clean energy company could be much more than $80 million. … alive, claiming that too little time had been granted to enable his interests to bid …

    the UN loved this company!

    2 April: Smart Company: Wave energy company which scooped a $7.2 million government grant collapses before making any money
    A company named by the United Nations as one of the top 10 renewable energy investment opportunities in the world has gone into receivership…

    on the other hand, as handjive pointed out, our MSM is all over a different story today:

    23 Dec: ABC AM: Climate Change Authority casts doubt on emissions reduction fund’s long term effectiveness
    SIMON SANTOW: The Federal Government’s under renewed pressure over the centrepiece of its Direct Action climate policy – the $2.5 billion emissions reduction fund (ERF).
    (Bernie Fraser, Chairman, Climate Change Authority): “The funding of the kind of scale that would be necessary to deal with the extra emissions reductions that Australia will have to pursue to do its bit to reduce global emissions makes it quite fanciful I think to think that the ERF could be scaled up and funded to the degree that one would think would be necessary”…
    (John Connor, CEO Climate Institute): “The debate is shifting into even deeper reductions that we need to have beyond 2020 and it shows that the emissions reduction fund is just an inadequate tool to be the primary tool for emission reductions, while the renewable energy target is a critical target that we need to be strengthening, not weakening. And while we’re going to need other policies which actually put limits on pollution from our big polluters.”…

    Sky News: CCA says Direct Action won’t meet target

    Yahoo7News: Labor says Climate Change Authority report proves need for renewable energy target RET)to be retained

    Guardian: Direct Action unlikely to meet emissions target, says Climate Change Authority


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      Allen Ford

      Is this the mob who crafted no less that two (2) vessels that ignominiously sank before generating any significant output of electricity, one off Port Kembla NSW, the other off the Fleurieu Peninsula, south of Adelaide?

      I guess there is an upside in creating opportunities for maritime salvage operations.


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    what’s a billion here or there, if we’re saving the world from CAGW! (Oceanlinx formerly Energetech gets a mention):

    5 Dec: Bloomberg: Louise Downing: Marine Power May Suffer More Casualties After Siemens Tidal Sale
    The downfall of two leading marine-energy developers is damping hope that the emerging industry, which has already lost almost $1 billion, will ever get the technology to market…
    Pelamis Wave Power Ltd., once a client of EON SE, Germany’s biggest utility, said last month it had run out of money. Days later Siemens AG (SIE) announced it’s selling Marine Current Turbines Ltd…
    Already the top 20 wave and tidal-stream businesses have amassed losses of $903 million over their lifetimes, according to BNEF data…
    “This is the capitalist survival-of-the-fittest process working as normal in any new market area,” McCrone said by e-mail…
    As other renewables such as solar and wind have reduced cost to become commercially viable, waves and tides remain the most expensive sources of power, costing four times more than coal, BNEF estimates…
    Oceanlinx Ltd. and Wavebob Ltd. both failed in the past 18 months, and Ocean Power Technologies Inc., one of the only listed marine energy businesses, canceled a project inAustralia. Aquamarine Power Ltd., which is working with SSE Plc in the U.K., said this week it planned to cut jobs. Pelamis had been looking for a partner since 2011.
    “The industry is looking at the wrong place for funding,”said Matthew Clayton, executive director of Triodos Renewables Plc, which sold a share in MCT in 2012 because it was too risky.“People are looking to the renewables sector for it, and it in many respects remains pure venture capital.” ..
    ***Taxpayers Step Up
    While financiers get cold feet, governments have stepped in to support the industry through grants, guaranteed power prices and research and testing facilities. They are excited by the potential scale of marine energy.
    In the U.K., it’s estimated to be capable of delivering as much as one-fifth of current power needs, and the government has set a guaranteed price of 305 pounds ($478) a megawatt-hour, more than double that of offshore wind…
    Ed Davey, the energy secretary, said at a conference onNov. 26 that the government believes post-2020 marine energy will have a much bigger role to play in meeting low-carbon targets…
    In Australia, marine energy could provide more than 35 percent of power, according to the Australian Clean Energy Council, a renewables industry group. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency has provided about A$43 million ($36 million) in grants since 2012…
    The industry and especially wave power remains “some years” away from commercialization, and while governments are doing what they can, they can’t be expected to bear the whole cost of development, said McCrone. That means technologies are dependent on winning over venture capitalists and engineering companies that have grown “skeptical,” he said.


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    The natural tendency of most who seek wealth and power (inextricably linked), whether driven by high octane hubris or are simply gutless wonders and other useful idiots hitching a ride on the gravy train, is to hide within or behind the veil of an organisation, all scurrying like rats up a drainpipe on the lookout for a free lunch. And like all feral rats, they leave a nasty trail and spread disease.

    In all totalitarian monuments of power, until individuals are exposed to the disinfecting process of and exposure to sunlight (the light of day), not only the leaders of the rat packs, but equally those who are complicit (as the law would say; “an accessory before and/or after the fact”), they continue to breed and feed off humanity. Their ego always contains a thirst for unfettered power.

    The UN is a trojan horse for the real power centre(s) hiding behind it, a dialectic; on the one hand showing good intent (a conciliatary and benevolent agenda) and on the other a not so evident, evil intent (global control of all peoples). The UN is a political organisation where politically established governments of nation states meet to “settle” disputes). By definition it’s not a scientific organisation as its purpose and principles by which it operates clearly state, even though it spawns and facilitates a number of scientific committes (with agenda on a spectrum ranging from benevolent and beneficial to draconian).

    The UN-IPCC “climate change” agenda is just (another) political “rat up a drainpipe” inspired committee, after everyone’s money and freedoms; it’s not a credible scientific organisation as anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see. It’s political agenda dovetails with other agenda (21, etc), dressed up like the fabled wolf in sheep’s clothing (Hint: pointy ears, waggying tail, salivating chops and green-dyed coat are a giveaway).

    Until individuals are exposed to a strong light, personally held to account and not allowed to hide up the proverbial drainpipe (in a nice stinky habitat where green blobs tend to multiply), the rats will continue to jump on the gravy trail provided by the “head rats” who stand to gain the most. They play by the rules of their rigged game: “heads you lose; tails we win”.


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    for fun:

    (2 pages) 22 Dec: The Atlantic: Rose Eveleth: The Ethics of Sarcastic Science
    Every year the British Medical Journal publishes an issue of joke science. But years later, those papers are cited as real.


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    No criminal liability? Does that cover stealing, fraud and murder?


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    And to think the UN was set up after the defeat of three fascist regimes.


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    Hi Jo, I have just sent you a “wee extra something” for Christmas. Buy a nice bottle of wine for Christmas lunch! (Hope all your bloggers do the same! ). All the best to you and David for the New Year and I am sure we all look forward to some real progress to sanity on the climate change front over the next 12 months. What you are both doing is a vital part of this, so I trust that we all support you to the extent you need.


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    I get this horrible feeling that in a few years or so we will be looking at the Muslims and thinking that they are they lucky ones.

    The West is determined to self destruct.
    Will there come a time when we will look back and call Joseph Stalin a moderate?


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      el gordo

      There is talk of 100 years war with the West, but this is unlikely because of the new kid on the block. China offers a Third Way, free of the Medieval belief in a deity. They have pockets full of gold, which they are prepared to dispense, plus military clout, so they think of themselves as a benevolent dictatorship.


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    No no no! Please.

    I know this is off topic, but have a look at this.

    We had the Summer Solstice here on Saturday/Sunday this last weekend, (longest period of daylight) so then the Northern Hemisphere had their Winter Solstice (shortest period of daylight)

    So a Science journalist, Ezra Klein, tweeted that this Winter Solstice was going to be the longest night in the history of the Earth, blah blah blah, and you can read about it at the link below.

    Basically, his inference was that the rotation of the Earth was slowing, when in fact it is speeding up, ever so slightly.

    Anyway, he was wrong, and the media outlet had to issue a retraction.

    In an effort to cover up his mistake, and assisted by other journalists leaping in to help him, this was what one other guy wrote, as everyone concerned started backpedaling furiously. (my bolding here)

    Data indicates that the rotation speed has actually sped up slightly over the past forty years (likely due to melting of ice at the poles and the resulting redistribution of the Earth’s mass) …..

    Even the retraction was riddled with mistakes.

    Have they no shame? It seems to me that each level they aspire to is another shovel load out of the hole.


    Link to article: Vox Schlock: Science Writer Falsely Claims Sunday Was ‘Longest Night in the History of the Earth’


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      Ian Hill

      Earth cannot be considered in isolation when talking about its rotation. The Moon has the biggest influence through tidal forces and has a slight braking effect on the Earth’s rotation, slowing it down slightly. To compensate because of the law of conservation of angular momentum, the Moon is getting further away, a few centimetres a decade I believe. The other planets also have a minor influence.

      The Moon would escape from the Earth’s gravitational pull eventually, but something big will happen before it gets the chance. In 5 billion years the sun will become a red giant, engulfing both bodies and causing spectacular global warming.

      The theory about the melting ice influencing Earth’s rotation would have about as much impact as Gillard’s carbon tax did on cooling the atmosphere I reckon.


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      Basic analysis of the claim requires an acknowledgement that melting Polar ice, previously packed within a few hundred kilometres of the Earths rotational axis, would redistribute and would be drawn to equatorial waters.

      This relocated mass now about 4,000 miles from the axis must slow rotation since angular momentum is constant for all practical purposes in this assessment.

      They got it BACKWARDS which is what you expect from anybody associated with Climate Science.



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        Ironically, that one is actually true. What was shaped like a gridiron football after the ice age (very flattened) is becoming a rugby ball. The northern regions ARE rebounding and pulling it more spherical and spinning a bit slower. Nothing to do with recent alleged melt.

        The year is getting longer, too – but at a fraction of the rate the earth’s spin is losing angular momentum to the moon so can be ignored.

        The effect no one mentioned is whether the equinox is getting closer to or further from the aphelion, which would influence the length of the solstice night in middle latitudes.


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    The U.N. spends millions and millions,
    In funding demands to get billions.
    To swell their Green coffers,
    With more tax-free offers,
    Then squander the lot,but in trillions.


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    Jo, You ask the question, “How many UN workers…”? The answer is: none. They are not “workers”, they are “employees”. The UN does not mean work, it means another employee bureaucracy.


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    As a tasty side-benefit, the “privileges” attached to such “privileges and immunities,” as they are known in diplomatic parlance, mean that employees get their salaries tax-free.

    The Lagarde Bonus

    I find the UN’s request for exemption from the Rule of Law to be distasteful and destructive of social stability. The Rule of Law, along with a freedom of expression is fundamental to a peaceful, stable and just society tat can protect the rights of individuals. Meddling by outsiders with apparent immunity to local laws is 21st Century colonialism.


    “The Green Climate Fund is an independent institution wiht [sic] an independent Board and Secretariat, which is by design separate from the United Nations,”

    So they’re more than arm’s-length from any other UN body; a binge for the self-righteous. And they are supposed to be exempt from the Rule of Law?


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    Krudd Gillard of the Commondebt of Australia

    Great! More tax free jobs for LibLabGreen stooges, hacks, fellow travellers, quislings, apparatchik, and cronies.


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    Geoffrey Cousens

    Sounds like more whining for blasphemy laws[always their first order of business] and world government,exactly as Lord Monkton noticed in a dossier some years ago.Or maybe they simply want sharia.


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    Peter C

    Here is an idea that probably failed Peer Review so it got published on an interent site instead.

    When I was at high school we learnt that light has a dual nature, both particle and wave. Quantum mechanics affirms the particle nature of light (EMR) and hence it has a hard time explaining the wave like properties, particularly refraction and interference. Richard Feynman got a Nobel prize for trying to do this but his explanation using arrows, rotations and inversions got me confused.

    If this new concept in Physics puts the wave properties back into light photons, then some things are easier to understand, including the behaviour of a black bodies response to incident lower energy radiation.


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    Egor TheOne

    The Green Climate Fund = the Green Criminal Fund !!

    ABOLISH THE UN ……it doesn’t work !

    Its a self serving hypocrisy and a center for the worlds problems , instead of its
    solutions !!!

    I don’t remember voting for any of the clowns that infest it !!

    Its become a self proclaimed royalty and dictatorship !!!

    Didn’t we go to war against Hitler for oppressive rule by Tyrants such as these self appointees ????


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    The tax exemption is necessary – that’s obvious. Forget for a moment that these people are Eco-criminals and pretend they were doing something useful.

    Imagine we gave $10bn for cyclone rebuilding or something. Then imagine the aid workers had half their wages taken by the Philippine govt in income tax, for coming there helping them. Obviously that would be taking the piss, and nobody would contribute.

    This is offensive not because it’s wrong but because of the abhorrent activity that makes a logical UN tax exemption repugnant.

    Likewise, it’s probably reasonable that they be exempt from prosecution for paying minimal facilitation bribes that may well be normal in countries where nothing happens without it. But they’ve abused a reasonable exemption to make themselves immune from any crime.


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    Graham Richards

    We should ask for our name & address to be returned to us. We no longer want to play. We no longer intend to contribute $$ as a full member but will remain as OBSERVERS only to keep an eye on the next traps & confidence tricks they are so cunning at producing.

    What a farce that organisation is and always has been.
