Lets just agree that its Jan 2. Also, since the UN has already determined that the sun has nothing to do with climate, lets do something about these time zones too – I suggest that everyone just switch to eastern standard time to avoid any more global confusion over what time it is somewhere. The science is settled, the earth no longer rotates, its the sun that is going around us – UN International Time Zone Committee.
There is already a Universal Time Standard (conveniently abbreviated to UTS) that is used for all communications, aircraft movement, satellite navigation, etc. Moving it to New York time, just because that is where the DN (formerly known as the “UN”) hold their parties, would cause massive disruption to world commerce and logistical supply systems.
Oh wait … silly me … isn’t that the point of the DN these days?
Yeah we should work off ZULU time or if you like GMT that would make it midnight here at 9:30 am that should make things easier, oh i should explain we here in South Australia are in India-Kilo, not in India and not in Kilo but somewhere in between which is rather apt when you think about it (all those who have been to this wonderful state will understand that joke).
Sorry Sean. Even though I have no doubt you are probably a great and an illustrious person, and would almost certainly make better job of standardization than a consensus of the World’s experts gathered together to deliberate over many years (for we know what a frightful hash of things they could make), you have missed the opportunity by a time interval of more than 150 years. Rather, we should have a standard that emerged through the competitive process, as this is likely to have contained within it a far greater knowledge of net benefit than the thoughts of one, or any number of great geniuses.
In early nineteenth century Britain, many towns had their own times, which were a few minutes different from other towns. With the advent of the railways in Britain this posed a problem for railway timetables. Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Britain’s greatest engineer) adopted a standard railway time for The Great Western Railway (which he owned). This was quickly adopted by other railways, and in 1847, this was made as Greenwich Mean Time. The colonies (and former colonies) revolved around this standard. The current UTC still zeros on Greenwich. So we have a standard created by one of the greatest engineers in history and adopted because it gave universal benefit. And do away with the stupid British Summer Time at the same time. So please observe and standardize at 22.37 on 02/01/13 – with date standardized to logical ascending order of DD/MM/YY.
PS. In return the British will adopt again the older system of spellings, which the mad King George III changed so that the British and the revolting colonies were separated by a common language.
As allways, the media and the muppets who follow it latch on to some oversimplified answer to a complex problem with many facets.
At least someone is prepared to call out the hypocrisy of some of the people who most vociferously take any opportunity to preach to the masses as if they have some get out of jail free card.
I quite liked the proposal put up by the NRA that all schools (and I presume, kindergartens, child care centres, movie theatres, sports grounds, work places etc etc) be protected by armed guards.
And the beauty of the NRA suggestion is that they want it all funded by a tax on ammunition. So its win-win-win. People get to keep their guns. And they are protected by armed guards. And you need so many of them that there is no more unemployment.
If I was a bad person though, I’d be tempted to go to an NRA rally and lob a string of tom thumbs in there and then run like hell to escape the carnage.
This was Bill Clinton’s idea and the government already spent millions in grants to pay for cops in schools. The NRA gets “credit” now.
Wow, I think I’m reading that John Brookes is advocating causing a riot and hoping people die. Really? I’m sure this is a death threat to all NRA members. Since I really don’t know if John is bad or good, I think I need to notify the authorities of this viscous threat. Death threats have to be taken seriously and John just made one. Did you hear that? John wants NRA people DEAD. You heard the threat here.
Now now Sheri, if NRA members are trigger happy, would that be my fault? Besides, Sheri, I put an “if” in there. As usual, I don’t appreciate being misrepresented.
I just want to thank you for your invaluable contribution here.
Nothing would happen in your “hypothetical” scene, except you would be arrested if someone saw you throw the firecracker. NRA members are more evolved than yourself and would not discharge a firearm without locating the target and verifying the threat first. No carnage…….
31 Dec: Voice of Russia: Russia won’t renew Kyoto Protocol
Russia will not renew its commitment to the Kyoto Protocol.
Moscow won’t join the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol, which starts on January 1st 2013.
Russia decided to discontinue its participation in the protocol because the world’s major producers of greenhouse gases – the United States, China and India – are still refusing to commit themselves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Because of that, Russian leaders say, the Kyoto Protocol, which came into force seven years ago, had no impact on the rate of global warming. http://english.ruvr.ru/2012_12_31/Russia-wont-renew-Kyoto-Protocol/
WSJ article partly behind paywall:
2 Jan: Wall St. Journal Blog: Tom Gara: So Farewell, Then, Kyoto Protocol.
The December talks, held in the Qatari capital of Doha, ended with the chairperson – Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah, a former chief of the Opec oil cartel — rushing through the final deal despite vocal Russian procedural objections. That led to, as the BBC’s Roger Harrabin reported, the “unlikely spectacle of environmentalists cheering the ruthlessness of the chair in crushing the Russian revolt.”… http://blogs.wsj.com/corporate-intelligence/2013/01/02/so-farewell-then-kyoto-protocol/
I think you will find that the Sun’s magnetic poles reverse quite regularly and are the basis of the Solar cycles. There is no discernible causality link between the Sun’s pole reversals and the Earth’s pole reversals.
Thats correct the sun flips every (on average) 11 years although this figure varies from 6 ish years to 13 ish years. Leading up to the end of SC 22 we had short sharp and shit hot cycles however SC23 once reaching solar max died in the arse and lasted about 10 years or so. SC 24 will last about 13 or 14 years and SC25 will probably be even longer……and what happens when we get low and long cycles anyone????
First person to guess wins a prize.
Also if the poles flip some poor bastard will have to go and re number all the runways at the airports
For verily it is written that when the magnetic poles do reverse that there will be plagues of toads, and the crops will wither in the fields, and young women will be infested with boils, and young men will cease to grow hair.
And we know this because it is all connected to Global Warming as prophesied by the Great Algorical.
1, Turn off AC and sweat like a pig in the summer
2, Turn off heater and freeze your balls off in the winter, put on another jumper (RegTM MattB)
3, Go blind trying to read by the light of those stupid bulbs they made us use
4, Get mercury poisoning from said bulbs
5, Pay the carbon tax
6, Pay through the nose for electricity due to said tax
7, Pay through the nose for all other essential services due to said tax
8, Turn your back on technology
9, Halt progress in its tracks
10, Stifle human endeavour wherever and whenever possible
11, Never ever question why carbon pollution levels are still rising
12, Vote Labor
Nah that whole 2012 doomsday hoax is just a KGB psyop.
Sorry, since I watched this presentation the other day I’ve begun to wonder if every crazy backwards pointless distraction activity in our society is a KGB psyop. Yuri Bezmenov’s story seems quite persuasive. Of course for you that lecture will be merely a refresher course. 😉
I’m considering selling “magnetic reversal survival kits” over the internet. After all, who believes NASA? As for science, it doesn’t pay as well as scamming! (/sarc)
He passes his withered hand over the Crystal ball. The mists swirl and then clear to reveal…
The Department of Solar Reversal with,
[1] A $15 Billion Annual Budget.
[2] 5000 staff.
[3] A thousand individual projects to harden Australia’s precious infrastructure against the dreaded “Solar Reversal”.
[4] A $1 Billion dollar propaganda, advertising, education budget.
And the result…
[1] Every primary school gets a new Bike shed (to replace the recently built ones from the, now “old hat”, Education Revolution) at a cost of $1.2M each.
[2] …
A RECORD-SETTING heatwave is expected to grip a huge area of the continent over the next week, pushing temperatures above 40C for days on end in regional centres across NSW, Victoria and South Australia.
The Bureau of Meteorology predicts that a large mass of hot air, which has been sitting over the interior, will slowly stretch south to cover most of the country’s southern coastline today and tomorrow, bringing extremely high temperatures.
Temperatures were forecast to stay above 45C in the centre of Australia for at least a week and the hot air was expected to bring temperatures of 41C and 42C in Melbourne and Adelaide, respectively, tomorrow.
Regional centres such as Mildura in Victoria, Hay in NSW and Renmark in South Australia are expected to stay above 40C until next Wednesday.
The bureau’s top staff yesterday held a meeting to discuss the heatwave, with one participant, South Australian weather services manager John Nairn, later telling The Australian that the heat wave could be the largest and longest of its type in the country.
Context is everything. The alarmists (BOM) are naturally exploiting the Australian summer, while they can, and the historical ignorance of the people.
If only Jo’s articles could get to a wider audience…
Recommended Coverage.
CFA volunteers set for a fiery Friday
End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
“That is something that we don’t think we’ve seen before,” Mr Nairn said.
“By the time it’s gone through, we’ll be reporting in a climate statement whether we’ve nudged a record in terms of area and extent of such high temperature.”
With lots of ice to lose, the state had heated up about twice as fast as the rest of the planet, in line with rising global greenhouse gas emissions, note the Alaska Climate Center researchers, Gerd Wendler, L. Chen and Blake Moore
So global warming made Alaska get hotter, OK lets run with that
But now comes cooling. Researchers blame the Decadal Oscillation, an ocean phenomenon that brought chillier surface water temperatures toward Alaska. Some contend the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is harming the state’s king salmon runs, too.
So the PDO has now made it colder OK fair enough.
Armed with this knowledge you would think they could predict the future with some confidence.
Will Alaska’s frigid spell last long? The researchers don’t know.
It will be a record of some sort. The youngest Mexican Baptist to climb Mt Everest on a Tuesday is a record too. They should declare up front what records they’re watching and tell us the probability of any given number of them occurring in any given year, and hence how improbable this year’s record count was. Then we’ll know if there’s anything special about the record.
Its all a bit late. We in Perth have had our heat wave. However I do feel sorry for Adelaide, with a predicted 44C tomorrow, and Eyre (which would have a tiny population) who had 48C yesterday. Perth only had 42C, and it damn near killed me.
Eastern States media, what do you expect? If 42C nearly kills then you should steer clear of the north west. Then again after a couple of years I enjoyed 45 degree weeks. – As the deniers say its far easier to adapt, complaining only produces more taxes.
One of the main effects of the earths poles reversing is that all those people who could never remember which ice cap was which, will suddenly be right.
This is interesting, hands up how many here are a conspiracy theorist…..be honest
Apparently if you answer yes to at least 5 of these you are one.
You are capable of critical thinking.
You distrust mainstream media.
You like nature.
You think it’s a little strange that WTC building 7 came down at free fallspeed on 9/11 yet it was never hit by a plane.
You think that drones in America might not be for Al Qaeda.
You would like to be able to get on a plane without having to engage in a mandatory radiation bath and digital strip search.
You think you have the right to protest.
You think the War on Terror is a scam.
You think the War on Drugs is a scam.
You think the anger directed at America from the Middle East could possibly be related to our foreign policy rather than hating how amazingly free we are.
You think the Republicans and Democrats are exactly the same on the important issues affecting our country.
You think believing in The Constitution does not constitute a terrorist act.
You have heard of the Bill of Rights and can even name what some of them are.
You question whether the government loves you.
You think the right to bear arms is not for hunting, rather so citizens can fight back should the government become a bunch of tyrannical thugs.
You don’t think the NDAA is the name of Kesha’s latest single.
You think rich, powerful and connected people should be subject to the rule of law and go to jail if they commit crimes. Even if they are bankers and work at JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs.
You think corporations aren’t people.
You think Warren Buffet is a phony and a crony capitalist.
You don’t care that Warren Buffet likes cherry coke, hamburgers and ice cream. He’s still a bad guy.
You know that gold was made illegal by FDR in 1933 and confiscated from the American people. You know that gold bullion remained illegal for Americans to own until 1975.
You think politicians that push for war should be sent to fight on the front lines. If they are unable, their children should go.
You want your food to be labeled GMO so that you can make your own decisions on what you are consuming.
You grow your own food.
You buy raw milk.
You think food and energy should be included in inflation calculations.
You are aware that the Department of Homeland Security has purchased 1.2 billion rounds of ammo in the past year.
You question whether said ammo purchases are in anticipation of a Normandy beach style landing by Al Qaeda.
You think allowing a small group of unelected people (The Federal Reserve) to print unlimited amounts of money and distribute it as they please might not be a good idea.
Well, based on that list I’m a conspiracy nut. But its a strange list. Is there a similar one for Australia?
Actually, from time to time I do pipe up with a conspiracy theory, usually in the presence of someone who knows stuff. And then I’m always disappointed to find that there is a much less exciting explanation.
Yes here is the full quote i realised my mistake but then i thought no one would bother to read it anyway
Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.
But really it does not change that much it still smacks of communism
A nuclear-weapons armed Iran is not in anyone’s human-rights interests. That is a direct threat to the lives and the livelihoods and the stability not only of the region but beyond.
She probably said that as she broke the champagne bottle over the bow of the latest nuclear armed submarine to slide down the slip way.
But this is a discussion for another day i suspect.
The first one was the Iranian president, he was talking about people trying to impose islamic fundamentalism on women in Iran, he beleives that by forcing them to cover their heads is to denigrate women, the statement also related to the blocking of women entering university and how he had stepped in to allow them to attend.
Its kind of democratic speak that you wont understand Matt, do you know much about a guy called Adolf Hitler or the greens? Then look at this as the exact opposite.
There is much we can learn from the muslim world – a good start would be Turkey’s laws regarding the burka, which are that anyone can wear (or not) them whenever they like, however prostitutes MUST wear them in public.
“Mr Batinich’s family has been growing cherries in Young for more than 90 years.
”The last two lots of rain we have had have come from the south,” he said.
”It’s come through really quickly overnight and the next day it has been clear and perfect.
”According to my father that’s how it used to be, not when it hangs around for days and days and days.”
“Cherry growers are worried they may not be able to provide their usual quota of fruit for this weekend’s Cherry Harmony Festival.”
And so, we have a cherry picked evidence of the the failure of UN-IPCC/CSIRO/BoM predictions of catastrophic CO2 warming & fraud in Australia.
Remember, ‘they’ predicted the exact opposite of this.
I have been following with great interest the exploits of one Nigel Farage, MEP in the UK for UKIP (United Kingdom Independece Party). Google up a few Youtube vids. This bloke is a deadset legend and I think has considerable more clout than his equivalent in the US, Ron Paul. There are some scary developments in Europe which the bankers are pushing and it does not bode well for us or the rest of the world. Do yourselves a favor, have a look at some of his speeches and articles.
So, if no one had responded would you have assumed we were all dead?
Anyway, I’m not sure I like the idea of being flushed out! Next time I’ll pretend I’m not home. 🙂
Snowfall in NZ during January. Seems to be a recurring event of late!!
“Snow fell on the Lindis Pass in Otago overnight, forcing travellers to abandon their vehicles near the summit.
Sergeant Mark Booth of southern police communications said Lindis Pass was closed and eight vehicles were stranded.
The centre of the island and the West Coast have “copped it” over the last few days”
Im just preparing for the seasonal alarmism cries caused by the coming high Australian summer temperatures… “the end is nigh!!” crowd!
Dont worry MattB supplied a link which clearly stated that snowfall has reduced over the past few decades due to global warming so this snowfall is obviously caused by climate change which indicates it is much worse than we thought.
“Australia has experienced ust one below-av erage y ear in the last decade (2011).”
. Aug 10, 2007
Climate researchers at the Bureau of Meteorology in Britain have revealed forecasts showing significant temperature rises will begin after 2009
DOUG SMITH: Okay, so we made a forecast starting from June 2005, and in that we showed that the effect of the natural variability was to flatten the global warming trend for the first maybe three years.
But then the warming starts to return after that, so that by the end of decade the warming, you know, follows the general expected trend predicted by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).
KAREN BARLOW: Hasn’t there already been some sort of warming trend in that some of the warmest years on record have been in the past decade?
DOUG SMITH: Yes they have, we’re talking about forecasts from 2005 and since then, the global temperatures have been reasonably flat and that’s in line with our prediction.
KAREN BARLOW: So, what’s flattening it out for now?
DOUG SMITH: Well, it’s internal variability driven by changing patterns of sea surface temperature.
Its origin lay in an interview with Tony Jones on the ABC’s Lateline program, during which I explained that 1998 had indeed been the hottest year since record-keeping began in the 1830s, and that several record-breaking years followed, though the past two or three years had been somewhat cooler.
Looks like that goose Obama has decided to give away another $US12 Billion taxpayers dollars to wind energy tax credits as part of wait for it, fiscal deal to SAVE money…. WTF ?
BP, Duke Energy, GE–they all have really, really good lobbyists and Americans are really too stupid to understand that wind energy is a huge money maker for the oil and nuclear companies they love to hate. It’s easy when 51% of your population has the IQ of a field mouse. Look, they thought it was wonderful Obama spent over $3 million to fly from his VACATION in Hawaii to Washington to watch Joe Biden work and then fly back before signing the legislation. “He needed a vacation”. Maybe field mice are smarter……Let’s see how people love it when their first check of 2013 is at minimum 2% less (that $40/week Obama promised he would save–he lied) and they are cut back to 28 hours so they won’t have insurance now. Nah, still too stupid to get it.
The comments are even more interesting – how about this one:
Tane55 5 pts
Wake up, the CO poisoning is real it is affecting shell fish, considered to be to Canary in the Coal Mine, the ice melt has already raised the sea level more than a foot. Sticking your head in the sand won’t fix the problem and if we don’t start doing everything we can the result could be extinction.
AUSTRALIA is this year forecast to experience more frequent andmore intense heatwaves as the
weather pattern that causedsignificant rain in early 2012 well andtruly disappears.
The Bureau of Meteorology today warned the record-breaking high temperatures expected in the next
couple of days across the nation’s southern states are likely to become more frequent this year.
Fire authorities are on high alert as some parts of Australia are predicted to have seven days with
temperatures above 40C.
In its annual Australian Climate Statement, released today, the bureau reported 2012 was characterised by
wet weather and cooler temperatures in the beginning of the year and record-breaking high temperatures in
the second half of the year.
It says the La Nina weather pattern caused significant rainfall and flooding in the first three months of 2012,
making it the seventh-wettest January to March on record.
But the country began to heat up once La Nina disappeared in April, leading to little rainfall in autumn and
Spring around the nation was characterised by scorching temperatures, with Ouyen in Victoria’s Mallee
region reaching 45.8C in November, a new record high for spring in the state, while Alice Springs hit recordhigh temperatures for September at 38.8C and October at 41.7C.
The contrasting hot and cold conditions across the year led to an averaging out in overall temperatures,
with the nation recording its 36th hottest year on record and 44th wettest year on record.
Meteorologist David Jones told The Australian the heatwaves experienced in winter and spring would
continue across the summer and into this year.
“We are going to see more of themand more intense ones,” he said.
I strongly recommend Google ancient gold mines in africa and learn about 150,000 to 250,000 years old human civilisation and that gold is not as precious as the gold community wants us to believe/
People who believe in the Biblical flood are trying to tell me humans are a genetically engineered slave race made 250 thousand years ago by aliens who came to Earth to mine gold.
So, unless you are a creationist, evolution is a fact and man has obviously evolved from less sophisticated species over the last x million years, as he continually adapted to his environment.
Man’s solution to combatting the rapid and erratic changes of climate experienced during the Pleistocene era was by developing the ability to think, learn and make tools etc., which required a much longer time span to reach adulthood. This is neither a good nor a bad thing, it is just a fact. Man nearly became extinct on several ocassions, we just happen to be lucky, in that we are one of nature’s experiments which worked – arguably worked too well.
This is the same climate alarmist David Jones who wrote to UK Climate Scientist Phil Jones in Sep 2007 in one of the leaked ‘Climate Gate’ emails:
cc: “Shoni Dawkins” ??@bom.gov.au>
date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 08:28:03 +100 ???
from: “David Jones” ??@bom.gov.au>
subject: RE: African stations used in HadCRU global data set
to: “Phil Jones” ??@uea.ac.uk>
………..”Truth be know, climate change here is now running so rampant that we don’t need meteorological data to see it. Almost everyone of our cities is on the verge of running out of water and our largest irrigation system (the Murray Darling Basin is on the verge of collapse – across NSW farmer have received a 0% allocation of water for the coming summer and in Victoria they currently have 5% allocations – numbers that will just about see the death of our fruit, citrus, vine and dairy industries if we don’t get good spring rain).
The odd things is that even when we see average rainfall our runoffs are far below average, which seems to be a direct result of warmer temperatures. Recent polls show that Australians now rate climate change as a greater threat than world terrorism.”………..
Lucky we don’t actually rely on his predictions. Oh sorry but we do!
That’s why our various state governments spent over $12 Billion on desalination plants which are now mothballed, but which cost $ hundreds of millions a year to maintain. It’s also why we didn’t bother building dams which would have reduced flood damage. It’s also why the Government was convinced man made disastrous climate change was happening. Yet there has been no statistical increase in global average temperature for 16 years now!
Gullible Julia’s carbon dioxide tax achieves nothing. The world needs a paradigm shift in thinking about climate change and what causes what. In my peer-reviewed paper “Planetary Surface Temperatures. A Discussion of Alternative Mechanisms” I provide proof that there is no runaway greenhouse effect on Venus – or any on Earth. Consider watching this 10 minute video, and maybe reading the paper. http://youtu.be/r8YbyfqUvfY
it is my New Year’s resolution to not give Doug any thumbs down. I don’t want to discourage someone who brings such welcome levity to a serious debate.
I’ve just realised that this means that my previous thumbs down can now be estimated using the model that assumes that all future thumbs up and down are at the same rate as previously (ie leaving my responses as a residual).
I could write the script for this if anyone is interested.
Here’s a note I made in Feb 2009 just after the fires, updated to end 2012.
Temperatures in Melbourne at BOM Central Weather Station are somewhat sensitive to discuss because of the loss of more than 200 lives in bushfires on 7th Feb with a maximum of 46.4 deg C (115.5 deg F). Some of the fires (Kinglake) were below 50 km from the city weather station. (Strangely, the minimum temperature that night was about the same as for the first week of that month).
Here is a comparison of temperatures at Melbourne Central Weather Station for each February since year 2000.
FEB BY Tmax Tmin Tmean
2000 30.1 17.7 23.9
2001 29.0 18.3 23.7
2002 25.4 15.2 20.3
2003 26.1 16.9 21.5
2004 26.0 15.5 20.8
2005 24.4 14.6 19.5
2006 25.3 15.8 20.6
2007 29.7 16.5 23.1
2008 24.9 15.9 20.4
2009 28.1 16.5 22.3
2010 23.2
2011 20.8
2012 21.8
This month of horrendous fires highlights the difficulty in forecasting catastrophic events. In the table, February 2009 does not look abnormal in any predictive way. A forward model made in year 2000 would have zero possibility of predicting fires in year 2009, in February 2009, at all, to the month, or to the day.
It takes a particular coming together of several short-term events to make such a catastrophe. It is beyond both the resolution of weather events and the mathematics of forecasting to make a model of any value. It follows that one should not make models predicting exceptional circumstances. However, in 2008 we had the joint BOM/CSIRO Drought Exceptional Circumstances Report with K Hennessey as principal author.
The value of this report has been questioned. I suggest that this table is another nail in the coffin of the modellers.
Climatologists rightly claim that back radiation slows the rate of surface cooling by radiation. What they don’t mention is that the mere presence of oxygen and nitrogen at just slightly cooler temperatures at the boundary is what is doing the vast majority of the slowing. This is how the atmosphere supports the surface temperature, which could never have been as high as it is from direct Solar insolation. (Just consider Venus with its surface receiving less than 10% of what Earth’s surface receives.)
“Jan 2 or 3 (depending on where you are).”
Lets just agree that its Jan 2. Also, since the UN has already determined that the sun has nothing to do with climate, lets do something about these time zones too – I suggest that everyone just switch to eastern standard time to avoid any more global confusion over what time it is somewhere. The science is settled, the earth no longer rotates, its the sun that is going around us – UN International Time Zone Committee.
Trust the Disunited Nations to get it wrong.
There is already a Universal Time Standard (conveniently abbreviated to UTS) that is used for all communications, aircraft movement, satellite navigation, etc. Moving it to New York time, just because that is where the DN (formerly known as the “UN”) hold their parties, would cause massive disruption to world commerce and logistical supply systems.
Oh wait … silly me … isn’t that the point of the DN these days?
Yeah we should work off ZULU time or if you like GMT that would make it midnight here at 9:30 am that should make things easier, oh i should explain we here in South Australia are in India-Kilo, not in India and not in Kilo but somewhere in between which is rather apt when you think about it (all those who have been to this wonderful state will understand that joke).
Sorry Sean. Even though I have no doubt you are probably a great and an illustrious person, and would almost certainly make better job of standardization than a consensus of the World’s experts gathered together to deliberate over many years (for we know what a frightful hash of things they could make), you have missed the opportunity by a time interval of more than 150 years. Rather, we should have a standard that emerged through the competitive process, as this is likely to have contained within it a far greater knowledge of net benefit than the thoughts of one, or any number of great geniuses.
In early nineteenth century Britain, many towns had their own times, which were a few minutes different from other towns. With the advent of the railways in Britain this posed a problem for railway timetables. Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Britain’s greatest engineer) adopted a standard railway time for The Great Western Railway (which he owned). This was quickly adopted by other railways, and in 1847, this was made as Greenwich Mean Time. The colonies (and former colonies) revolved around this standard. The current UTC still zeros on Greenwich. So we have a standard created by one of the greatest engineers in history and adopted because it gave universal benefit. And do away with the stupid British Summer Time at the same time. So please observe and standardize at 22.37 on 02/01/13 – with date standardized to logical ascending order of DD/MM/YY.
PS. In return the British will adopt again the older system of spellings, which the mad King George III changed so that the British and the revolting colonies were separated by a common language.
Why not make it always Saturday? That way we wouldn’t have to work. UTC, UTS, PST, daylight saving time…who would care on a day off?
The world’s freeloaders would love that too. 😉
Well at least someone is widening up the debate in the US regarding gun related violence.
As allways, the media and the muppets who follow it latch on to some oversimplified answer to a complex problem with many facets.
At least someone is prepared to call out the hypocrisy of some of the people who most vociferously take any opportunity to preach to the masses as if they have some get out of jail free card.
This you tube video should be linked into the Wikipedia definition of “hypocrisy”.
It seems to me that all activists do not understand what hypocrisy means. “Do as I say, not as I do” seems to be their real mantra.
Was that meant to be a secret YouTube reference?
I was of course referring to the YouTube video linked in Madjak’s original post.
In that case, you are forgiven 🙂
I quite liked the proposal put up by the NRA that all schools (and I presume, kindergartens, child care centres, movie theatres, sports grounds, work places etc etc) be protected by armed guards.
And the beauty of the NRA suggestion is that they want it all funded by a tax on ammunition. So its win-win-win. People get to keep their guns. And they are protected by armed guards. And you need so many of them that there is no more unemployment.
If I was a bad person though, I’d be tempted to go to an NRA rally and lob a string of tom thumbs in there and then run like hell to escape the carnage.
This was Bill Clinton’s idea and the government already spent millions in grants to pay for cops in schools. The NRA gets “credit” now.
Wow, I think I’m reading that John Brookes is advocating causing a riot and hoping people die. Really? I’m sure this is a death threat to all NRA members. Since I really don’t know if John is bad or good, I think I need to notify the authorities of this viscous threat. Death threats have to be taken seriously and John just made one. Did you hear that? John wants NRA people DEAD. You heard the threat here.
Now now Sheri, if NRA members are trigger happy, would that be my fault? Besides, Sheri, I put an “if” in there. As usual, I don’t appreciate being misrepresented.
If theater patrons are stupid enough to stampede If I yelled fire, would that be my fault?
I don’t know the answer to the “if”, so for all I know, you are a bad guy. Thus, it is prudent to take the threat seriously.
I just want to thank you for your invaluable contribution here.
Nothing would happen in your “hypothetical” scene, except you would be arrested if someone saw you throw the firecracker. NRA members are more evolved than yourself and would not discharge a firearm without locating the target and verifying the threat first. No carnage…….
31 Dec: Voice of Russia: Russia won’t renew Kyoto Protocol
Russia will not renew its commitment to the Kyoto Protocol.
Moscow won’t join the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol, which starts on January 1st 2013.
Russia decided to discontinue its participation in the protocol because the world’s major producers of greenhouse gases – the United States, China and India – are still refusing to commit themselves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Because of that, Russian leaders say, the Kyoto Protocol, which came into force seven years ago, had no impact on the rate of global warming.
WSJ article partly behind paywall:
2 Jan: Wall St. Journal Blog: Tom Gara: So Farewell, Then, Kyoto Protocol.
The December talks, held in the Qatari capital of Doha, ended with the chairperson – Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah, a former chief of the Opec oil cartel — rushing through the final deal despite vocal Russian procedural objections. That led to, as the BBC’s Roger Harrabin reported, the “unlikely spectacle of environmentalists cheering the ruthlessness of the chair in crushing the Russian revolt.”…
The Sun’s magnetic poles already have reversed, according to the NASA website.
To keep the Earth in phase with the magnetic poles of the Sun, the magnetic poles of the Earth are expected to shift toward reversal.
Quoting NASA, the last time the Earth experienced a magnetic pole reversal was approximately 740,000 years ago.
According to scientists, the Earth’s magnetic north pole is moving at an accelerating rate from northern Canada toward Russia.
Can anyone tell me what the effects of this reversal of the earth’s magnetic poles will be?
I think you will find that the Sun’s magnetic poles reverse quite regularly and are the basis of the Solar cycles. There is no discernible causality link between the Sun’s pole reversals and the Earth’s pole reversals.
The answer to your last question is … not good.
Thats correct the sun flips every (on average) 11 years although this figure varies from 6 ish years to 13 ish years. Leading up to the end of SC 22 we had short sharp and shit hot cycles however SC23 once reaching solar max died in the arse and lasted about 10 years or so. SC 24 will last about 13 or 14 years and SC25 will probably be even longer……and what happens when we get low and long cycles anyone????
First person to guess wins a prize.
Also if the poles flip some poor bastard will have to go and re number all the runways at the airports
For verily it is written that when the magnetic poles do reverse that there will be plagues of toads, and the crops will wither in the fields, and young women will be infested with boils, and young men will cease to grow hair.
And we know this because it is all connected to Global Warming as prophesied by the Great Algorical.
Yea, verily, and amen to all that…
Oh Great and Wise One (aka Rereke Whakaaro)…
How can we avoid these pestilential portents of impending doom?
Methods to avoid invoking the wrath of the God[s]
1, Turn off AC and sweat like a pig in the summer
2, Turn off heater and freeze your balls off in the winter, put on another jumper (RegTM MattB)
3, Go blind trying to read by the light of those stupid bulbs they made us use
4, Get mercury poisoning from said bulbs
5, Pay the carbon tax
6, Pay through the nose for electricity due to said tax
7, Pay through the nose for all other essential services due to said tax
8, Turn your back on technology
9, Halt progress in its tracks
10, Stifle human endeavour wherever and whenever possible
11, Never ever question why carbon pollution levels are still rising
12, Vote Labor
The reference for the ending of the world is here
Nah that whole 2012 doomsday hoax is just a KGB psyop.
Sorry, since I watched this presentation the other day I’ve begun to wonder if every crazy backwards pointless distraction activity in our society is a KGB psyop. Yuri Bezmenov’s story seems quite persuasive. Of course for you that lecture will be merely a refresher course. 😉
I’m considering selling “magnetic reversal survival kits” over the internet. After all, who believes NASA? As for science, it doesn’t pay as well as scamming! (/sarc)
He passes his withered hand over the Crystal ball. The mists swirl and then clear to reveal…
The Department of Solar Reversal with,
[1] A $15 Billion Annual Budget.
[2] 5000 staff.
[3] A thousand individual projects to harden Australia’s precious infrastructure against the dreaded “Solar Reversal”.
[4] A $1 Billion dollar
propaganda,advertising, education budget.And the result…
[1] Every primary school gets a new Bike shed (to replace the recently built ones from the, now “old hat”, Education Revolution) at a cost of $1.2M each.
[2] …
This is why I love Jo’s site. Today I read this…
So naturally I go looking for this…
Context is everything. The alarmists (BOM) are naturally exploiting the Australian summer, while they can, and the historical ignorance of the people.
If only Jo’s articles could get to a wider audience…
Recommended Coverage.
CFA volunteers set for a fiery Friday
End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
“That is something that we don’t think we’ve seen before,” Mr Nairn said.
“By the time it’s gone through, we’ll be reporting in a climate statement whether we’ve nudged a record in terms of area and extent of such high temperature.”
Sorry, forgot to tab down and had extra in there from the cut and paste.
Maybe we can give some warmth to these poor buggars
You have got to hand it to the spin doctors here:
So global warming made Alaska get hotter, OK lets run with that
So the PDO has now made it colder OK fair enough.
Armed with this knowledge you would think they could predict the future with some confidence.
Not even a warthog would believe such crap
I quite agree that Jo helps put in context.
From January 2012 there was this (by Ian Hill) on Adelaide heat waves.
I graphed the data to see if there was any rising trend.
Found that the last decade was at levels last seen in the 1900-1909 and 1930s.
It will be a record of some sort. The youngest Mexican Baptist to climb Mt Everest on a Tuesday is a record too. They should declare up front what records they’re watching and tell us the probability of any given number of them occurring in any given year, and hence how improbable this year’s record count was. Then we’ll know if there’s anything special about the record.
Record maximum temp in Hobart. That is, hottest day since records began in Hobart.
Its all a bit late. We in Perth have had our heat wave. However I do feel sorry for Adelaide, with a predicted 44C tomorrow, and Eyre (which would have a tiny population) who had 48C yesterday. Perth only had 42C, and it damn near killed me.
Eastern States media, what do you expect? If 42C nearly kills then you should steer clear of the north west. Then again after a couple of years I enjoyed 45 degree weeks. – As the deniers say its far easier to adapt, complaining only produces more taxes.
For crying out loud….its summer in Australia…..temperatures of 40C, 110F in old speak are normal in said afore mentioned regional centres…get over it!
One of the main effects of the earths poles reversing is that all those people who could never remember which ice cap was which, will suddenly be right.
Yeah! One positive effect!
This is interesting, hands up how many here are a conspiracy theorist…..be honest
Apparently if you answer yes to at least 5 of these you are one.
You are capable of critical thinking.
You distrust mainstream media.
You like nature.
You think it’s a little strange that WTC building 7 came down at free fallspeed on 9/11 yet it was never hit by a plane.
You think that drones in America might not be for Al Qaeda.
You would like to be able to get on a plane without having to engage in a mandatory radiation bath and digital strip search.
You think you have the right to protest.
You think the War on Terror is a scam.
You think the War on Drugs is a scam.
You think the anger directed at America from the Middle East could possibly be related to our foreign policy rather than hating how amazingly free we are.
You think the Republicans and Democrats are exactly the same on the important issues affecting our country.
You think believing in The Constitution does not constitute a terrorist act.
You have heard of the Bill of Rights and can even name what some of them are.
You question whether the government loves you.
You think the right to bear arms is not for hunting, rather so citizens can fight back should the government become a bunch of tyrannical thugs.
You don’t think the NDAA is the name of Kesha’s latest single.
You think rich, powerful and connected people should be subject to the rule of law and go to jail if they commit crimes. Even if they are bankers and work at JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs.
You think corporations aren’t people.
You think Warren Buffet is a phony and a crony capitalist.
You don’t care that Warren Buffet likes cherry coke, hamburgers and ice cream. He’s still a bad guy.
You know that gold was made illegal by FDR in 1933 and confiscated from the American people. You know that gold bullion remained illegal for Americans to own until 1975.
You think politicians that push for war should be sent to fight on the front lines. If they are unable, their children should go.
You want your food to be labeled GMO so that you can make your own decisions on what you are consuming.
You grow your own food.
You buy raw milk.
You think food and energy should be included in inflation calculations.
You are aware that the Department of Homeland Security has purchased 1.2 billion rounds of ammo in the past year.
You question whether said ammo purchases are in anticipation of a Normandy beach style landing by Al Qaeda.
You think allowing a small group of unelected people (The Federal Reserve) to print unlimited amounts of money and distribute it as they please might not be a good idea.
Crakar24 wrote…
It’s a good list, sounds like you might be on a HS watchlist…
Well, based on that list I’m a conspiracy nut. But its a strange list. Is there a similar one for Australia?
Actually, from time to time I do pipe up with a conspiracy theory, usually in the presence of someone who knows stuff. And then I’m always disappointed to find that there is a much less exciting explanation.
The Weblog Awards are on again!
Please nominate Jo Nova in the Australian and New Zealand category!
Question time for all.
Which two politcians made these statements recently
“You cannot impose things by issuing decrees and directives, a choice imposed by force has no value whatsoever,”
“We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”
And no google searching as that is cheating but i will give you a hint, one politcian is from North America and the other is from the Middle east.
Well, well, well, an interesting pair to juxtapose – I cheated and googled it because I didn’t know and I’m lazy.
So I wont answer here, but I will recommend Crakar24s challenge to all.
whoever said the second one has my vote. The first is probably spoken with a forked tongue.
no wonder you didn’t want us to google:
Yes here is the full quote i realised my mistake but then i thought no one would bother to read it anyway
Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.
But really it does not change that much it still smacks of communism
What, communism in the sense that the state owns and controls the means of production?
“But really it does not change that much it still smacks of communism”
or sensible western economic policy?
Oh and here is another by the same woman
She probably said that as she broke the champagne bottle over the bow of the latest nuclear armed submarine to slide down the slip way.
But this is a discussion for another day i suspect.
The first one was the Iranian president, he was talking about people trying to impose islamic fundamentalism on women in Iran, he beleives that by forcing them to cover their heads is to denigrate women, the statement also related to the blocking of women entering university and how he had stepped in to allow them to attend.
Its kind of democratic speak that you wont understand Matt, do you know much about a guy called Adolf Hitler or the greens? Then look at this as the exact opposite.
There is much we can learn from the muslim world – a good start would be Turkey’s laws regarding the burka, which are that anyone can wear (or not) them whenever they like, however prostitutes MUST wear them in public.
Here is a story about cherry picking.
It involves Australia, the ‘canary in the coalmine’, which has defied ALL UN-IPCC/CSIRO computer models portending catastrophic man made alarmist global warming by becoming OFFICIALLY drought free during the highest carbon (sic) levels in 15 million years.
Young celebrates the cherry harvest
“Thankfully, the good weather has returned.”
Young abuzz with talk of bumper cherry crop
“Mr Batinich’s family has been growing cherries in Young for more than 90 years.
”The last two lots of rain we have had have come from the south,” he said.
”It’s come through really quickly overnight and the next day it has been clear and perfect.
”According to my father that’s how it used to be, not when it hangs around for days and days and days.”
Cherry harvest potential the best in years
The potential is there but we’ve got to get the fruit in the box and the cheque in the bank,” he said.
“This is the first season that’s looking like a season of old,” he added.
South Aust:
THE long dry spring has created perfect conditions for this year’s cherry crop and an abundant high-quality harvest is under way in South Australia.
Cherry ripe for big harvest
CHERRIES are on track to grace Tasmania’s Christmas tables, as well as homes and restaurants in Asia and the Middle East.
Of course, I could be accuses of ‘cherry picking’ if this was not included:
Western Australia:
Cherry harvest under threat
“Cherry growers are worried they may not be able to provide their usual quota of fruit for this weekend’s Cherry Harmony Festival.”
And so, we have a cherry picked evidence of the the failure of UN-IPCC/CSIRO/BoM predictions of catastrophic CO2 warming & fraud in Australia.
Remember, ‘they’ predicted the exact opposite of this.
handjive, Thank you for presenting two openings. Note- slight web site trouble, you might have to copy each URL in turn into your browser & open it manually. Hope not.
Study suggests 1500-year-long ‘mega drought’ killed off original Australians 7000 years ago
More common sense from Matt Ridley, probably one of his best columns. This was published in the Times
You missed me by a mile. I don’t buy raw milk!
I have been following with great interest the exploits of one Nigel Farage, MEP in the UK for UKIP (United Kingdom Independece Party). Google up a few Youtube vids. This bloke is a deadset legend and I think has considerable more clout than his equivalent in the US, Ron Paul. There are some scary developments in Europe which the bankers are pushing and it does not bode well for us or the rest of the world. Do yourselves a favor, have a look at some of his speeches and articles.
He is the guy providing accurate commentary while the train has completely left the tracks and is currently flying through the air.
Powerless to make a difference, except to make it clear who made the mess…
Happy New Year. I just emerged from my end of the world bunker – how did the rest of you survive?
What makes you think we did?
I was just writing this to flush out the living.
Reporting in – Sah!
So, if no one had responded would you have assumed we were all dead?
Anyway, I’m not sure I like the idea of being flushed out! Next time I’ll pretend I’m not home. 🙂
I might have made that assumption. Or someone shut down the internet.
errr no you didn’t GeeA. You’re still the same CAGW believer, still in the ‘end of the world’ bunker mindset.
You are right Baa… I was making a jest. Is continuing to be humourless your NY resolution? errr where did you get the idea I am a CAGW believer?
I suspect its because you don’t join in the chanting…
agreed but, as a superior being I hate everyone and no one knows as much as me.
Happy New Year to your side (of the debate, not the country) too.
As witty as that was John and it made me chuckle, go get stuffed.
from 3 impeccable sources.
1-) Jim beam
2-) Johnny Walker
3-) Jack daniels
I believe the above sources are reliable and trustworthy.
What about the women?
Brandy Alexander, Shirley Temple and bloody Mary whats-her-name
I wonder how much warming this 20 kilometer-long Kamchatka lava flow produces. Anyone have any idea? I bet it is equivalent to a s..t load of CO2!
I checked the photos dont worry there is no Co2 to be seen no need to roll out the “its worse than we thought” meme.
Snowfall in NZ during January. Seems to be a recurring event of late!!
“Snow fell on the Lindis Pass in Otago overnight, forcing travellers to abandon their vehicles near the summit.
Sergeant Mark Booth of southern police communications said Lindis Pass was closed and eight vehicles were stranded.
The centre of the island and the West Coast have “copped it” over the last few days”
Im just preparing for the seasonal alarmism cries caused by the coming high Australian summer temperatures… “the end is nigh!!” crowd!
Dont worry MattB supplied a link which clearly stated that snowfall has reduced over the past few decades due to global warming so this snowfall is obviously caused by climate change which indicates it is much worse than we thought.
Your in excellent form today.
MattB brings out the best in me
Annual Australian Climate Statement 2012
Issued Thursday 3 January 2013
A quick quote:
“Australia has experienced ust one below-av erage y ear in the last decade (2011).”
Aug 10, 2007
Climate researchers at the Bureau of Meteorology in Britain have revealed forecasts showing significant temperature rises will begin after 2009
DOUG SMITH: Okay, so we made a forecast starting from June 2005, and in that we showed that the effect of the natural variability was to flatten the global warming trend for the first maybe three years.
But then the warming starts to return after that, so that by the end of decade the warming, you know, follows the general expected trend predicted by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).
KAREN BARLOW: Hasn’t there already been some sort of warming trend in that some of the warmest years on record have been in the past decade?
DOUG SMITH: Yes they have, we’re talking about forecasts from 2005 and since then, the global temperatures have been reasonably flat and that’s in line with our prediction.
KAREN BARLOW: So, what’s flattening it out for now?
DOUG SMITH: Well, it’s internal variability driven by changing patterns of sea surface temperature.
December 4, 2009
Tim Flannery, Quote:
Its origin lay in an interview with Tony Jones on the ABC’s Lateline program, during which I explained that 1998 had indeed been the hottest year since record-keeping began in the 1830s, and that several record-breaking years followed, though the past two or three years had been somewhat cooler.
Climate Commission, 2011:
One or two cooler years does not provide evidence that warming of the Earth has stopped.
” One below average year”? Tell ’em their dreamin’!
This is the “best’ climate science has to offer in 2013?
Looks like that goose Obama has decided to give away another $US12 Billion taxpayers dollars to wind energy tax credits as part of wait for it, fiscal deal to SAVE money…. WTF ?
BP, Duke Energy, GE–they all have really, really good lobbyists and Americans are really too stupid to understand that wind energy is a huge money maker for the oil and nuclear companies they love to hate. It’s easy when 51% of your population has the IQ of a field mouse. Look, they thought it was wonderful Obama spent over $3 million to fly from his VACATION in Hawaii to Washington to watch Joe Biden work and then fly back before signing the legislation. “He needed a vacation”. Maybe field mice are smarter……Let’s see how people love it when their first check of 2013 is at minimum 2% less (that $40/week Obama promised he would save–he lied) and they are cut back to 28 hours so they won’t have insurance now. Nah, still too stupid to get it.
Ithought people would enjoy reading this.
The comments are even more interesting – how about this one:
yeah i read that then reached for the sick bag lol
Greenland’s temperature records since the early 1980’s show NO sign of warming!!
In fact Greenland’s centre is getting colder…..
here we go again
They never give up
I strongly recommend Google ancient gold mines in africa and learn about 150,000 to 250,000 years old human civilisation and that gold is not as precious as the gold community wants us to believe/
People who believe in the Biblical flood are trying to tell me humans are a genetically engineered slave race made 250 thousand years ago by aliens who came to Earth to mine gold.
Evolution and species adaption can be a surprisingly rapid process:
So, unless you are a creationist, evolution is a fact and man has obviously evolved from less sophisticated species over the last x million years, as he continually adapted to his environment.
Man’s solution to combatting the rapid and erratic changes of climate experienced during the Pleistocene era was by developing the ability to think, learn and make tools etc., which required a much longer time span to reach adulthood. This is neither a good nor a bad thing, it is just a fact. Man nearly became extinct on several ocassions, we just happen to be lucky, in that we are one of nature’s experiments which worked – arguably worked too well.
“man has obviously evolved from less sophisticated species”
in the case of JB, mattb,SF et al……., it’s DEVOLUTION !!!
nearly back to cave man 😉
I have just grown a beard now you mention it.
oh, are you old enough ??
Check this out:
Al Gore just sold his TV network to Al Jazera. 🙂
This is what we pay the geniuses at the Bureau for!
“When we averaged all those numbers out, it actually became almost an average year,” climate services manager David Jones said.(see: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-01-03/bom-says-2012-a-year-of-climatic-extremes/4451346)
This is the same climate alarmist David Jones who wrote to UK Climate Scientist Phil Jones in Sep 2007 in one of the leaked ‘Climate Gate’ emails:
cc: “Shoni Dawkins” ??@bom.gov.au>
date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 08:28:03 +100 ???
from: “David Jones” ??@bom.gov.au>
subject: RE: African stations used in HadCRU global data set
to: “Phil Jones” ??@uea.ac.uk>
………..”Truth be know, climate change here is now running so rampant that we don’t need meteorological data to see it. Almost everyone of our cities is on the verge of running out of water and our largest irrigation system (the Murray Darling Basin is on the verge of collapse – across NSW farmer have received a 0% allocation of water for the coming summer and in Victoria they currently have 5% allocations – numbers that will just about see the death of our fruit, citrus, vine and dairy industries if we don’t get good spring rain).
The odd things is that even when we see average rainfall our runoffs are far below average, which seems to be a direct result of warmer temperatures. Recent polls show that Australians now rate climate change as a greater threat than world terrorism.”………..
Lucky we don’t actually rely on his predictions. Oh sorry but we do!
That’s why our various state governments spent over $12 Billion on desalination plants which are now mothballed, but which cost $ hundreds of millions a year to maintain. It’s also why we didn’t bother building dams which would have reduced flood damage. It’s also why the Government was convinced man made disastrous climate change was happening. Yet there has been no statistical increase in global average temperature for 16 years now!
Gullible Julia’s carbon dioxide tax achieves nothing. The world needs a paradigm shift in thinking about climate change and what causes what. In my peer-reviewed paper “Planetary Surface Temperatures. A Discussion of Alternative Mechanisms” I provide proof that there is no runaway greenhouse effect on Venus – or any on Earth. Consider watching this 10 minute video, and maybe reading the paper. http://youtu.be/r8YbyfqUvfY
it is my New Year’s resolution to not give Doug any thumbs down. I don’t want to discourage someone who brings such welcome levity to a serious debate.
I’ve just realised that this means that my previous thumbs down can now be estimated using the model that assumes that all future thumbs up and down are at the same rate as previously (ie leaving my responses as a residual).
I could write the script for this if anyone is interested.
Here’s a note I made in Feb 2009 just after the fires, updated to end 2012.
Temperatures in Melbourne at BOM Central Weather Station are somewhat sensitive to discuss because of the loss of more than 200 lives in bushfires on 7th Feb with a maximum of 46.4 deg C (115.5 deg F). Some of the fires (Kinglake) were below 50 km from the city weather station. (Strangely, the minimum temperature that night was about the same as for the first week of that month).
Here is a comparison of temperatures at Melbourne Central Weather Station for each February since year 2000.
FEB BY Tmax Tmin Tmean
2000 30.1 17.7 23.9
2001 29.0 18.3 23.7
2002 25.4 15.2 20.3
2003 26.1 16.9 21.5
2004 26.0 15.5 20.8
2005 24.4 14.6 19.5
2006 25.3 15.8 20.6
2007 29.7 16.5 23.1
2008 24.9 15.9 20.4
2009 28.1 16.5 22.3
2010 23.2
2011 20.8
2012 21.8
This month of horrendous fires highlights the difficulty in forecasting catastrophic events. In the table, February 2009 does not look abnormal in any predictive way. A forward model made in year 2000 would have zero possibility of predicting fires in year 2009, in February 2009, at all, to the month, or to the day.
It takes a particular coming together of several short-term events to make such a catastrophe. It is beyond both the resolution of weather events and the mathematics of forecasting to make a model of any value. It follows that one should not make models predicting exceptional circumstances. However, in 2008 we had the joint BOM/CSIRO Drought Exceptional Circumstances Report with K Hennessey as principal author.
The value of this report has been questioned. I suggest that this table is another nail in the coffin of the modellers.
Hi all,
Does Richard Holle still post in this forum?
Yesterday the Adelaide weather station recorded 45 which is the 6th hottest day on record. I have just had a look at Richard Holle’s map which predicted that it would snow in Adelaide yesterday, see here:
Any idea why Mr Holle’s maps are so inaccurate
The temperature map is inaccurate too. It estimated a temperature in the high 30s or low 40s, but it made it to 45, see here:
Climatologists rightly claim that back radiation slows the rate of surface cooling by radiation. What they don’t mention is that the mere presence of oxygen and nitrogen at just slightly cooler temperatures at the boundary is what is doing the vast majority of the slowing. This is how the atmosphere supports the surface temperature, which could never have been as high as it is from direct Solar insolation. (Just consider Venus with its surface receiving less than 10% of what Earth’s surface receives.)
What we now have is “A 21st Century New Paradigm for Climate Change”
Oxygen and Nitrogen make up 99% of air. So what is the role of CO2?
It is an alian global plot to instate communist rule.
Funnyly enough you’re probably right,though it’s the alian’s thought processes that are alien. Communist rule I presume will institute a monarchy.