Clostridium Botulinum is one of the toughest bugs around. And its toxin (a neurotoxin) is also one of the most deadly, yet strangely popular at the same time. Yes botulinum toxin is also known as BoTox and tiny quantities paralyze nerves. Small quantities can be fatal as nerve damage progresses to respiratory failure.
In it’s spore stage you can boil the bug to no avail — it’s one of the reasons boiling isn’t enough for tins, or sterilization of lab equipment. To kill these spores you need 121C in an autoclave (or pressure cooker). The toxin itself can be destroyed at 100C.
A million acres of land are producing corn for biogas plants in Germany.
German “Green” Biogas Plants Producing Deadly Botulism – “Could Be Catastrophic To Wildlife”
By P Gosselin on 19. Mai 2011 No tricks Zone
German sporting and dog magazine Wild und Hund reports that thousands of domestic and wild animals are falling ill from tainted waste from green “climate-friendly” biogas plants, which is then used as an agricultural fertilizer in fields.
Hat tip:Dirk Maxeiner here (in a commentary titled: “Gross negligence in green”).
In the German region of Vogtland in Saxony, 600 cows and the farmer himself fell seriously ill. Diagnosis: chronic botulism. And that was no isolated incident …
The unnatural ferment
In early spring when harvesting biomass plants, foremost green rye, young wildlife end up getting minced by harvesters and end up as an ingredient in the biogas plant brew. In a addition slaughterhouse waste and other meat, such as old hens, along with manure slurry, get thrown in as raw material. At a brewing temperature of 40°C, bacteria multiply with abandon…
The brewing pot with such a gruesome mix is then heated to 70C to make it hygienic, which of course doesn’t bother the botulinum spores at all. The waste material is used as fertilizer and the spores are spread across farmland for wildlife and cattle to ingest.
The end result is more often a chronic form of poisoning rather than the acute very deadly variety.
Read it all at No tricks Zone (there are interesting comments too).
See the story in German on and watch affected cows struggle: Youtube.
My hat tip to Lawrie Ayres.
Sorry to go O/T … heck you are used to it by now :p Our mate Will Steffen is about to publish the Australian alarmist report of the year, as outlined at The West:
Here are some snippets of the article:
But that’s OK, because our mate Will did an exacting analysis of the science… he surveyed reports and talked to experts. Therefore, apparently, we should just take his word for it:
What about the costs of doing something about climate change? Well Will has run his expert economics brain over that one as well and come to this brilliant conclusion:
So “almost surely” … which IPCC level of certainty was that again?
The SMH is in on the game as well:
Fleisch kranker Tiere – Was landet auf unseren Tellern?
Unfortunately my German is inadequate to understand the video or most of the reports. However the ‘No Tricks Zone’ link is in English.
I see two sinister ‘unintended consequences’ flowing from this misguided policy of alternative energy from bio-fuel – the one highlighted in this thread, and the other already mentioned elsewhere, the effect on the poor of this world on food prices.
The ‘Green’ movement is not what they would have you believe they are!
The big green killing machine: What is VAD?
Jo this is OT like commenter B above. In the SMH there’s a graphic that is superalarming. I haven’t seen it before (not that that counts for much).
The Australian has an excellent piece absolutely trashing the ludicrous policy that was the NSW home solarPV subsidy system:
Well worth the read … it shows how damaging poorly concocted policies can be. Rest assured that Joolya can stuff up any carbon (sic) price (sic) policy just as badly.
Why, just once can’t the results of stupidity fall back on the perpetrators? Just once — that’s all I ask. Just one time…
BioGas or political flatulence?
Will Steffen is a bloke missing a sandwich board that says” The end is nigh!”
I am not sure where to start on this one. At least when judges start losing the plot they get stood down, as do surgeons who starting mucking up in operations etc… Somehow when a Professor Wil Steffen makes no economic or scientific sense whatsoever and start spouting the D-word left and right to silence critics he is considered somehow competent? WTF????
My thoughts which are unlikely to get published:
“Will Steffen” and his ilk should be waterboarded !
apart from this article in jamaica’s top newspaper, i cannot find a single reference online to this taxpayer-funded Caribbean romp:
22 May: Jamaica Gleaner: Climate experts, policymakers deliberate at T&T meeting
The Conference is being co-hosted by Australia and the South Pacific Regional Environment Program, and is being funded by the Australian Government, through the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and the Australian Agency for International Development.
PS> Wow my comment at The Australian made it up
I thought it was a touch inflammatory, but there you go.
Prof Steffen just said on ABC News that temperature will rise by 7 C by 2100. That is 0.8 C a decade! I don’t know what he’s smoking, but it certainly isn’t real world data. UAH has been flat to falling since 1998! Quite consistent with the solar cycle and PDO decline.
His claim is so ludicrous I have got to think he is deluded.
Bruce, He’s further up the insanity scale than that. Somewhere between Bugf**k Nuts and BatSh*t Insane.
I love some of the comments following the article posted above : —
Time to end climate denialism …
Just a small sample. People ain’t stupid, once suspicions are aroused most can spot an attempt to defraud them a mile off. That is one of the realities on which democracy is founded.
What the article should be entitled, instead, should be something like “Time to stop this climate-scam”
Somehow the Professor Steffen gives the game away with what he is quoted as saying : —
Credible? This is derived from the Latin ‘credo’, from which we get the English word ‘creed’ or statement of belief.
QED. This is not science, it is a belief system.
Once one has fallen for the sales pitch one loses the ability to think for oneself. Now all one has is a belief based on what ‘credible’ scientists say. And who are these credible scientists? Why they are the ones who warn against the immanent threat of catastrophic global warming. Any scientist who says otherwise is a paid mouthpiece for those infinitely bad industries which give us our cheap energy.
OT but funny……….
Julia Gillard (accidentally) rails against her carbon dioxide tax !!!
I’m sure irony is lost on this woman, but just on Saturday (21/05/2011), she said this:-§ion=news
“We don’t have time for made-up figures and shameless fear mongering.
“We don’t have time to waste on a debate that lacks fact and reason.
(Gillard’s address to the Victorian ALP State Conference 21.5.11)
Also against the way the carbon dioxide tax is being sold is Penny Wong, who told the ABC 7.30 Report on 2nd December 2009….
PENNY WONG: I don’t think confronting a scare campaign in politics is ever easy.
It is always easier to frighten people and to tell untruths than it is to inspire change.
They accuse Abbott of a scare campaign – while mounting the mother of all scare campaigns themselves!
Unbelievable. Literally!
Here is the email address for this “will steffen” traitor:-
Send him a message and let him know what you think of his Propaganda and Lies !
“ the evidence for global warming has never been stronger”(* Steffen et al 2011)
*that is if you measure it by the new science of Climate Phrenology.
The accepted method is to lock a bunch of climate scientists in a room & run tests with a special vernier which measures skull dimensions , wallet thickness & frequent flyer points.
Re: The Climate Commission Report ‘The Critical Decade’
I took their advice, read the ‘Important Message – please read’ which states inter alia:
There was no need to read any further.
Damian Allen @ 9.
Wrong. Will Steffen and his ilk should not be waterboarded, nor should anyone else!
Your statement above represents precisely the kind of barbarism that rational justice loving people stand against, and I would suggest that the great majority of people who frequent this site are of that type. Justice loving and rational.
I could be mistaken of course and if I am the good people who contribute here will no doubt let me know and I will bugger off to a site that does advocate reason and justice.
You ought to know by now that inflammatory statements of the kind you have used above are exactly what warmists want to see coming from our side of the debate so they can point and declare, “See what they are saying !” “They are cranks and lunatics.”! It matters not one iota to the other side that you may have been merely joking.
PS, your links are useful, I use them often and I thank you for that.
The report is now available in all it “glory”:
I note from a quick glance that some highly discredited sources have been used. I notice there is cherry-picking: for instance they show Arctic decline in ice extent but ignore Antarctic gain. Graphs are clipped short in cases where reversal of trends doesn’t fit the storyline, despite years of more recent data being available. They show the decreasing flow into Perth dams, despite that having more to do with changing landuse than rainfall decreases.
I could go on… and that is from a 2 minute perusal of this alarmist claptrap. No doubt Jo will have another field day
WB @4 Steffen’s chart is out of date – it was recently revised showing cooling
The Comedy Central of Australian politics is at it again:
Christine Milne is now calling for a ban on all new coal mines. Here’s a snippet or two to whet your appetite:
Yes that worked so very well in NSW and Spain and Denmark and… I could go on.
At least she is good comedy value … by ranting as she does she focuses fire on the Greens and hence the Labor-Greens love in which can only serve to drive the voting public further over to the Libs.
Thank you Christine for your contribution to the Liberal cause.
Is Will Steffen a genuine climate scientist? My Cursory reading of his CV in Europe and in Australia indicated that his specialty is society and human induced climate change. Which has him straddling science and sociology. Has he done any serious climate science research?
If Climate Commissioner Steffen was independent he wouldn’t have stalled…….
Also O/T
Deadman says:
May 23, 2011 at 5:30 am
Haven’t you received the memo? The debate we never had is over, according to Climate Commissioner, Will Steffen, in The Critical Decade: Climate science, risks and responses (p. 3):
Over the past two or three years, the science of climate change has become a more widely contested issue in the public and political spheres. Climate science is now being debated outside of the normal discussion and debate that occurs within the peer-reviewed scientific literature in the normal course of research. It is being attacked in the media by many with no credentials in the field. The questioning of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the “climategate” incident based on hacked emails in the UK, and attempts to intimidate climate scientists have added to the confusion in the public about the veracity of climate science.
By contrast to the noisy, confusing “debate” in the media, within the climate research community our understanding of the climate system continues to advance strongly. Some uncertainties remain and will continue to do so, given the complexity of the climate system, and the impossibility of knowing the future pathways of human political, social and technological changes. Meanwhile there is much climate change science that is now well and confidently understood, and for which there is strong and clear evidence.
See also “Four Lies in Four Sentences”.
“Four Lies in Four Sentences
From the conclusion of The Critical Decade: Climate science, risks and responses, by the Climate Commission:
As you’ve read in this report, we know beyond reasonable doubt that the world is warming and that human emissions of greenhouse gases are the primary cause.* The impacts of climate change are already being felt in Australia and around the world with less than 1 degree of warming globally.† The risks of future climate change – to our economy, society and environment – are serious, and grow rapidly with each degree of further temperature rise.‡ Minimising these risks requires rapid, deep and ongoing reductions to global greenhouse gas emissions.§ [p. 60]
The rear and front covers of the report.” (Copy of front and back covers shown here at site)
First comment
Deadman said…
I have a theory to explain the cover: it looks as if someone wrote a memo, “Should we use some nice cover art to polish this turd?”, and the reply was, “¡=@§#!”
23 May, 2011 16:53″
Well guys,
I started reading this post, and thought, “Oh goodie, it is about botulism from bio-gas, which is one of the things that we have been concerned about for some time”.
And then I discovered that practically all of the comments are about Will Steffen. WTF?
They both may be equally toxic (actually Steffen is probably worse) but the gentleman (sic) hardly warrants a thread of his own. Can we get back on topic please?
The slurry from the brewing of bio-gas, when used as a fertilizer, has the ability to poison sheep and pigs, because the spores can attach to growing grass. Depending on time between ingestion and slaughter, and the tests conducted, the meat can pass inspection and end up in the human food chain. We are told that cattle are not affected because the heat generated in a cow’s stomach is sufficient to kill the spores.
Now there are probabilities at each stage of that process, so it only occurs under certain conditions. But we know it can happen, so I believe that we should adopt the precautionary principle and demand a total shut down all bio-fuel plants, world-wide. Our children’s health may depend on it.
There, I feel better now … carry on chaps …
Will all that extra botox make the German dogs look younger?
Understanding this planet is to also understand the chemical changes that occur in our bodies due to the DNA changes to diversify the many different life forms.
The “What you eat or drink” can change the DNA structure and also what you are exposed too. Sun exposure, different forms of radiation, other forms of energy can also contribute to these changes.
Hey, that is just some more research I have looked at.
Rereke @ 27 I have been waiting for the thread to get on topic too. Thanks for trying and lets hope it stays that way.
Jo or anyone else: do we know how many of these kind of botulism refineries exist? Here in the US I know only of ethanol plants (from corn) which is probably not the right process to create the botulism problem.
mc @ 20
Please ignore our resident mobying troll. Damian(current alias), has been trolling this site for years. I don’t know if it’s questionable mental health or extreme dedication to the warmist cause but, his shenanigans have a uni-dimensional strategy which is easy to spot(he usually only links to extreme right wing blogs like Andrew Bolt). Just thumbs down and ignore, rinse and repeat.
I read Bulldust’s strong
response to Will Stepen’s pseudo science and noted that only 6 comments of the 130 were favorable, the rest almost as damning as Bulldusts’.
Rereke Whakaaro @ 27:
You forgot to say, “The science is settled. It’s worse than we thought!”
Then you need to read this to confirm that even if we did our bit, China have not intention of ever doing anything anytime soon, my concern is not co2 its all the other stuff the freely pollute with, Stefan continues to spruke what a great job China are doing what a joke
Mea Culpa on the thread derail Rereke … but it is the main news of the week on the subject of climate policy. You can exact your revenge by talking about botulism in the next thread (which my tea leaves indicate is going to be about Will Steffen).
O/T as well, but the Bolter has easily pulled apart the idiot CC report this morning.
Terry McCrann further pulls apart the BS of this idiot report and the mess Juliar could find herself in.
The Mt Isa story is indeed a tragedy but before these green and labor morons are finished with us it will get much worse.
The Greens will hold the balance of power in the senate in a little over a month, so what are their secret dreams of a carbon price?
A Victorian Green’s MP won’t even rule out a level of $500 a tonne.
Alan Jones will interview David Karoly tomorrow after 7am. This will be interesting.
Rereke in 27,
I dont know much about this subject but am interested maybe you can be more detailed in this process.
On a lighter note my son told me a joke “how does a Kiwi say ten tons of tin”?
There is a barrage, a concerted effort ATM, to pound the media with CAGW articles on a number of fronts. The MSM does no analysis and they merely report the press releases given to them.
The Australian has a couple pieces, one of which has a pretty giant blue wrasse, in case there was any doubt that the carbon (sic) price (sic) was justified:
How can you argue with a piece featuriong Nemo’s great grand dad?
Waffle: #33
OMG! I am so ASHAMED – how could I have forgotten? Of course you are right. The science is settled – somewhere in the bottom of the nearest cesspit.
Bulldust: #35
Nah, I feel better now … and I have taken my little yellow pills.
crakar24: #40
Er, I don’t get it. Are you sure that is not a joke about Tasmanians? Some Aussies get confused about those island thingies.
And that dear friends is the root cause of most of this crapola. “Journalists” too lazy and incompetant to do uhmmm, journalism. What a pack of oxygen thieves. And Murdoch whines we don’t want to pay for their “news”!
Does anyone really beleive that a climate commission, set up and reporting to a government which is desperate to impose a new tax would have come up with any other finding?
The next pitch from the anointed ones will be that Guillard will make out how she knocked the price down – won’t it be great how she stood up to the greens!
Of course, they want to get any price in just to get it in the system. Then the greens and “In-dependants” can crank up the rate at will.
Yes folks, once this one is in, it’s going to be the ultimate tax grab. All the pigs will be in the trough.
Yeah & if you feed the buggers it only encourages them to breed.
One last attempt to post at JtI’s blog:
Just so we are clear that he is doggedly biased on the issue of climate change… I am sure that comment will be moderated or met with a pointless, off-topic and snide remark from JtI himself.
Alarmist report short of … er, alarms
If it’s this serious, Gillard has to slug us
No price on carbon DIOXIDE (PLANT FOOD) is too high for the Greens………..
Bulldust at #45
I get a feeling that the Oz’s moderators get flooded every time another climate story is posted. So many lately that the stories are scrolling off the website in hours to make room for the next ones. A day later and you can’t even find ’em anymore.
‘Bout the last half a dozen posts I put in haven’t gone up. On topic polite & sciency too. That may change as fury quotient is rising in the Bruce household the more we get CAGW spoutings from the usual suspects.
there’s a poll here which has about 26% wanting a tax on carbon, not carbon dioxide, of course, and 10% wanting higher carbon reduction targets.
24 May: Canberra Times: Markets to punish a nation in climate denial
But Mr Abbott said the report supported his plan for tackling climate change through storing carbon in the landscape..
it’s time for the Coalition to admit CAGW is a scam, to draw attention to the use of “carbon” instead of “carbon dioxide” etc.
Thanks “Pat” (48),
I just voted for the obvious choice in the poll – “No Action”.
Global warming is a Fraud, a Scam and a Con !
Here’s a new study that finds zero SL rise over the last 80 years, in fact a small deceleration.
I hope Bulldust etc has a look at this, very interesting stuff.
If true it just about wrecks any theory of unusual or unprecedented temp increase for 80 years.
I mean if there is an increase in SL to be found why can’t they find it?
I still think the botulism item is important. It’s another case of unintended consequences of Green policies.
Pat @ 48. I voted in the poll and by my reckoning 65% want to a. make it easier to reduce household and business carbon (sic) footprint, b. wait and see what the rest of the world is doing and c. do nothing. So even in the socialist stronghold of Canberra only about a third want a carbon tax. That doesn’t seem like an overwhelming call for us to do something about climate change.
Julia and her motley crew are on a hiding to nothing if they persist with this fraud. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of losers.