Trying to fix past mistakes through homogenization
Lots of things can muck up a perfect thermometer spot, like shade, new roads, new screens, or old paint. In order to remove these annoying non-climatic effects, the BOM compares each station to those around it to look for odd changes. In theory this sounds like a good idea. In practice it’s more like hepatitis – bad news that spreads. It’s a rogue code, sweeping through records, trying to find undocumented changes, and enabling any amount of revisionism.
The BOM “detects” these mysterious shifts at each site through thermometers that may be hundreds of kilometers away, even across a mountain range or the Bass Strait.
Among other sites, Cape Bruny in far south Tasmania has been corrected with the help of Ballarat 812 km away on the mainland, over mountains and across the Bass Strait. In 1991 Cape Bruny was found to be “statistically” wrong, and adjusted down by over half a degree.
All these sites marked in red were used to correct the record at least once at Cape Bruny, a distant island in the far south of Tasmania.
It’s a tough life for old screens: Their wooden houses get cracked, their lawn doesn’t get mowed, they get moved around the corner, and then the old thermometer gets swapped for a new one. Sometimes careless people build buildings and carparks in inconvenient places, bringing shade and windbreaks. Sometimes these are recorded, sometimes not.
No one is saying that the raw data doesn’t need any adjustments, but the BOM should be doing the historical research first, as the unpaid BOM audit team does — and for these kinds of changes, especially Bill Johnston. Only after the BOM has all the documentary photos and site moves should it even think about letting an algorithm sweep through the raw data trying to make up for all the inadequacies of the recording equipment or the lack of good information about the site.
Good Evening,
Clearly the B.O.M., A.B.C., C.S.I.R.O., and most – if not all – of Australia’s Universities, have fallen hugely short of un-biased & professional service to us Australian Citizens.
(Who pay a large contribution each year towards their budgets.)
Clearly the Federal Government needs to put them on notice before the next budget, that if they don’t return to balanced & professional service delivery, their budgets should be cut by between 20-50%.
I hope many others agree.
Although I’m sure if you’re a climate catastrophe cult member you’ll not.
Kind regards, Reformed Warmist of Logan.
It is not about the thermometers. It is ALL ABOUT the MONEY and how to extract more from the taxpayer.
UN IPCC globalism socialism.
Some govt depts are to data integrity like what the black death was to medaevil european people ….short lived and rather damaging….
Topic is the BOm.
There’s plenty to discuss about it’s failings..
Why not focus on them ?
Scattered criticisms
Have less impact !
Here is another big BOM Failure !
Yesterday the BOM issued a road weather alert for the Adelaide Hills due to fog & rain.
All good !
but this morning with fog & rain still here in the Adelaide Hills that alert got cancelled.
Duhhhhhhh ?
Can’t they see out their bloody windows ? Can’y they SEE the low cloud in the Hills ? It seems not !
The cancellation was reported on Facebook Group named “Adelaide Hills Alerts”
( It’s public group so anyone can see it.)
I made a comment stating that the BOM was wrong as the fog is still here and it’s a road hazard.
And I got a reply asking me to have a “little Faith” in the BOM
Dohhhh ?
Now that is sheer bloody idiocy. But it is what many people think about the BOM :
Utter nonsense !
if folks are interested, go take a look here :¬if_id=1570400818996017¬if_t=group_comment_mention
Here is my guess as to how this occured.
After the alert of fog and rain was sent, the BOM personnel decided to check the climate models just to make sure. After all every BOM employee knows that the models never lie, only the instruments lie, which is why they need regular adjustment to maintain alignment with the models. After entering the request into the taxpayer provided super computer and a few minutes of waiting the models woud have provided an output that said “permanently hot and dry” no rain or atmospheric moisture or temperatures <35 C possible until CO2 < 300ppm.
It was at this point that the BOM realised the rain and fog was merely an illusion and the alert rescinded. Case solved
So we have a BOM
Which has hundreds of failed Weather stations
Cannot get a Road weather alert right
And spend it’s budget hiring computer nerds
To homogenise it’s weather station data !
No bloody wonder the BOM
Is the Bureau of Misinformation !
It is true that the BoM is an institute of very evident consideration pertaining to this blog site. But its dereliction is a symptom that now plagues all our institutions, especially those of of science and knowledge.
Band-aids for the symptoms will not fix the problem, the cause needs to be clearly identified and eradicated.
The fundamental principles of an enlightened society, reality, truth and reason, are being systematically attacked and destroyed.
Expose this systemic nightmare and you become a pariah, you are metaphorically chained to a mountain to have your liver perpetually devoured by eagles.
It is not a naivety that is leading the destruction of such values; it is that people living with such principles cannot be controlled, as such, you have the unseen assassins of truth and reason, pulling the strings of our so call democratic society, with a nefarious agenda.
When we all agree that 2 + 2 = 5, they will have achieved their goals.
Ken Stewart has recommenced his blogs about NON compliant BOM weather stations.
And he has started off with a users manual so any of us can check on the BOM weather stations for ourselves
It’s a step by step guide.
Dead easy in fact !
He has also ppsted his check on two more BOM weather stations in Qld.
One os them is in a sand ( silca ) mine !
Located on a bare patch of sand in the mine..
So bloody ‘wonderful’ and ‘competent’
And ‘expert’ and ‘professional” & “scientific” !
There isa lot of tax ayers money wasted on this gold plated nonsense !
Ohhh my gosh !
The topic is BOM and it’s incompetence
And I put up two examples of it for folks to see
And all Ken Stewart’s work gets is two green thumbs.
Don’y you all realise that this is the death of a thousand cuts for BOM ?
The BOM’s complete incompetence is being laid bare for all to see
In the field where it started it’s life
measuring temperatures !
It can’t even do that competently.
Or have you all bought in Fitzroy’s and Vishe’s shameless distractions !
Steady on – my challenge to you guys is to do an alternative analysis removing stations that you deem unsuitable and with no homogenisation. But you are all too gutless or inept to do it. I know why – you won’t like the answer. Endless whinging about a few dud stations is boring and gets us nowhere in terms of knowledge. Maybe the silica mine and sugar terminal wanted their own station – not everything is for climate change.
So, you are going to pay is $1 million a year to do it?
You poor stunned mullet, little-vishy. !!
BAD DATA and data mal-adjustment is the only thing holding the AGW scam together.
You cannot hide that fact behind blathering.
o/t but relevant. without the manipulation of the data, how would our politicians get away with this –
VIDEO: 14min08sec: 6 Oct: ABC: Federal Water Resources Minister David Littleproud on Insisers
Speaking on Insiders, Minister Littleproud said the Government ***accepts climate change is a major factor in worsening drought conditions.
at 9min55sec: David Littleproud: “We’re going to see 33,000 gigawatts of renewable energy put on in the next year or so. Most of that will happen in my own (Queensland) electorate.
6 Oct: Guardian: Water resources minister ‘totally’ accepts drought linked to climate change
David Littleproud signals more taxpayer support for rural communities as big dry ‘escalates’
by Katharine Murphy
Littleproud, who stumbled last month by first telling Guardian Australia he did not know if climate change was manmade, then later clarifying he had always accepted the science on the role humans play in the climate changing, told the ABC on Sunday he understood the link between global warming and drought because “I live it”…
***He was also positive about the role of renewable energy. “We’re going to see 33,000 gigawatts of renewable energy put on in the next year or so. Most of that will happen in my own (Queensland) electorate.
That is what he said. Unbelievable, literally. An increase of around a thousand fold in grid capacity in one year. Why do these people waste their breath.
Gee. That 33000 GW is only 32 times the total US Grid Generation Capacity.
I don’t know about Queensland, but it took the US 120 years and 5 Trillion USD to get to 1,039 GW of generating capacity. That 1039 GW in the US serves 350 Million People and all US Industry.
What is Queensland going to do with all that power? Turn lead into gold with thousands of cyclotrons?
Google,What is the capacity of the NEM grid?:
Oh well, one ignoramus speaking to another –the ABC didn’t pick up the glaring error; he’d have done better to have said “we’re putting in lots more power generation” rather than trying to speak of scaling factors beyond everybody’s ken. Nowadays nobody is instructed in the rhetorical rule define your audience (and pitch to its level of comprehension).
Littleproud is one of those softc**k Nationals who have infested that party in recent years. Capricious and standing for zilch, except protecting his sinecure. Plays politics both ways and is a closet socialist. In short an imposter.
“We’re going to see 33,000 gigawatts” I would suggest he hasnt a clue what a gigawatt is! Arithmatically retarded.
on Sky “Front Page” it was said tonight that Queensland will close a coal-fired power plant 10 years early because of the amount of solar being installed.
open access…read all:
5 Oct: Australian: UN manadarins call shots over voters
by Chris Kenny
If not for environment editor Graham Lloyd’s report in this newspaper last week, who of us would be aware of the UN’s “green new deal” and its plans to redistribute $3.7 trillion around the globe in pursuit of its sustainable development goals? The UN and its member nations want increased government interventions to shift funds from prospective private propositions to what the UN deems as socially desirable investments.
What could possibly go wrong? What has already gone wrong, and how did we get here?
Meanwhile, as Cliona O’Dowd reported in The Australian on Thursday, investment funds worth $52 trillion are warning they will hold Australia’s largest companies to account over climate action. The Climate Action 100+ group includes some of our large industry/union superannuation funds and wields enormous shareholder power
While the ceaseless vanities and rivalries of domestic political ambition play out in sovereign states, the forces of globalisation power on unabated. Clearly this was the case in Australia in September 2015…
The goals themselves sound harmless — 17 motherhood categories ranging from ending poverty, eradicating hunger, delivering gender equality, fighting climate change, making communities sustainable and reducing inequality — but we all have seen the progressive political interventions that emanate from such undertakings, from extensive and futile climate subsidies to ridiculous edicts about which bathrooms we should feel free to use…
If voters knew this sort of stuff was happening in their name, on their behalf, with bipartisan support and despite never being put to them, they might be expected to riot…
Morrison’s speech to the Lowy Institute and Chris Kenny and his latest editorial are good to hear. The Penny has dropped at last – to a degree. Still doesn’t quite get it.
Has the penny really dropped or is it still in the air?
And is it double sided?
Its going to lead to riots……mark my words.
Good thing the Elite can call in ( likely american ) UN “peacekeeping” troops to put down the “trouble” they started in the first place
Problem-Reaction-Solution methodology at work.
The Elite are slowly putting this country in a strait jacket…cutting off our power, putting useless unreliables in ( which will be useless in a LIA ) and then will crush any attempt when people try to wrest back democracy.
The plan appears to make it do we have no means of heating… we have mass die off of the population.
Kind of reminds me of that movie “Tomorrow When The War Began” except thd occupation seems to be from within?
Hope Im wrong….
My understanding is that “homogenisation” invariably involves cooling the older temperature records, which has the effect of making the recent temperature record look hotter. Rather convenient, if you can’t get the facts to reconcile with your theory…
Not only cooling the older temps, Speedy, but increasing the recent temps.
All the annual mean temps since from at least 2000 – 2017 have been adjusted up by an average of 0.1C.
For instance, 2011 was -0.14C below average according to the BoM 2011 summary – it’s now 0.0C according to the BoM’s time series.
‘The Australian area-averaged mean temperature in 2011 was 0.14 °C below the 1961 to 1990 average of 21.81 °C.’
Now watch that 0.14C disappear on the time series graph.
If you click the data link you can see the 0.00C for 2011.
It’s not just the way they alter data for homogenisation – it’s everything that appears unreliable.
Today, various Australian online news and weather publications (inc Weatherzone ‘Southern Queensland weather forecast to bring severe fire danger and 40-degree heatwave’) are declaring coming heatwave with temps of 40 for Qld.
I took a look at all the forecasts for towns in that area, and could only find one – Ipswich with a forecast of 40 for today and tomorrow. Today at just before 3pm, when it was forecast to be 40 in Ipswich it is actually only registering as 35.7 – so how right is that predicted 40 going to be for tomorrow anyway?
And from Wednesday the temps are dropping to high 20s anyway. Hardly a ‘heatwave’, even if it really happened as they forecast.
Why does the media continually exaggerate these things? Who benefits?
Tony Heller has many videos devoted to all forms of data adjustment at (watch out you’re not transferred to skeptical science dot com by google search).
So …. what answer do you get if do your own analysis (sound of crickets or excuses why that’s not possible).
Any excuse to avoid an independent analysis.
So you may say – don’t trust any BoM data. Fair enuff. ANd given satellite analysis also has limitations, is one big adjustment itself, and as Roy Spencer himself has said, not useful for a straight grid box analysis over Aussie … well we therefore know nuttin’ about nuttin’. So depressing.
So dear readers we don’t know. Maybe we’re cooling? I reckon we are about to enter an Ice Age. Someone on the internet told me so. But I reckon none of this even exists – it’s just a big Truman Show simulation. In any case it’s all over as Planet 9 is gonna get us –
Have you started noticing any unusual events yet Vishnu? Events like: a spotlight falling out of the sky, a radio frequency that precisely describes your movements and rain that falls only on You?
It’s Karma. It’s what happens when when you culturally appropriate another’s persona.
Actually, I think the evidence is pointing to you not being Vishnu at all, but The Lone Ranger. You know, that Texas sharp-shooter who had a side kick called Tonto. Maybe you got your Indians confused, as well as your science? That be right, Kemo Sabe?
Reminds me about a particular Lone Ranger joke about the 10thousand Apaches refusing to attack the wagon train as John Wayne was at their head.
LOL The best Lone Ranger joke was in their names. As most people know, Tonto means idiot, but Lakota hoop dancer Kevin Locke once told me that Kemo Sabe is a Plains Indian term meaning pervert.
Did you know that the goof who played the Lone Ranger was still wearing his mask around in public 40 years later? He wouldn’t take the damned thing off.
When a movie studio wanted to do the Lone Ranger movie they had to get a court order against him to force him to stop wearing the mask in case he gave their movie a bad look.
It is true that we cannot determine regional averages, hence not regional trends. It follows that science has nothing to explain. Substituting politically motivated guesswork and calling for national action thereon is the height of bad science and worse policy.
The proper response to ignorance is “we don’t know,” not “here is our authoritative guess, take it as true.” But there is no money in ignorance.
Out of the huge number of stations existing in Oz, 112 have been homogenized but eight of those are not used for national averaging because they are affected by UHI.
The map above reveals that Cape Bruny is relatively tiny and in a very exposed position. There is a lot of work involved in the homogenization process so it’s puzzling why it should be considered for national/regional averaging.
But then, some stations are more equal than others, under the system of Station Area-weighting. For instance, Alice Springs slap in the Centre of Australia currently has a weighting of 0.03314, whereas Cape Bruny is 0.00071. In other words, Alice Springs is 46.7 times more equal than Cape Bruny.
Why Bother?
Great load of GIBBERISH , Vishy..
and you weren’t even trying. !!
Vishnu the Denialati despise revisionists and ask the guvmint for a BoM audit.
‘Maybe we’re cooling?’
No maybe about it, the collapse of the STR in the Austral winter 2017 is empirical evidence that the world is sliding into cooler times. This obsession with world temperatures is folly, we should be focussed on the oscillations and solar forcing, and not a benign trace gas.
Well El Gordo – half agree (not on cooling) but science is also well into solar and oscillations. But alas a significant AGW finding is expansion of the Hadley cell which is giving you some STR fun.
The expansion of the Hadley Cell is an urban myth, the real action is taking place in midlatitudes with the loss of intensity in the subtropical ridge.
Under the AGW regime the STR should be intense, but that is not happening.
errr nope –
“We know in advance that a wayward jetstream and blocking are not caused by an increase in industrial CO2.” do you really – wow ! I’ve told you before – as early as 2006
Exhibit A
This is a couple of weeks before climate changed, a system of blocking high pressure was soon to follow.
On the ground in midlatitudes, where most of the people live, unseasonal weather will become the norm. The Kiwis are already talking about the late Spring.
We know in advance that a wayward jetstream and blocking are not caused by an increase in industrial CO2. Do you have another explanation?
Vishnu you need to explain the difference between Projections and forecasts ! Is there some reason your dodging this question .
I did on previous thread. Be nice Robert.
Either link it or explain it again .
No go and read where you asked last time on last thread. I’m not your housekeeper.
Nobody would hire you even as a housekeeper, Vishy
Not if they had anything of value about.
Dishonesty seems to be your only trait.
@Vishy, I have no idea what you are talking about. When you write, please use proper grammar.
Are you a doubting Vishnu !
Seems like you are.
We are making our own judgements about the Bureau of Misinformation mate
and they ignore your Furphies !
BOM is incompetent !
It can’t even get road weather alerts right here in the Adelaide Hills
Go look above at 1.2.1
Sack the idiots !
Methinks you are quite too arrogant.
“Vishnu is the second god in the Hindu triumvirate (orTrimurti).The triumvirate consists of three gods who are responsible for the creation, upkeep and destruction of the world.”
Nice try, mate.
Not a God, not a Saint, not Relevant.
Well yes I am arrogant. That’s coz I’m good.
You’re drawing circles around yourself, Tonto.
Your granny keeps telling you, does she.?
Poor gullible little Vishy.
You are actually quite dumb and useless,
… but granny will never tell you the truth about yourself.
Good? No.
Irrelevant? Yes.
Competent? No.
Exposed as a Troll? Yes.
Trolls are welcome here on the Inverse Conversation because they contribute financially to the upkeep of the blog.
Thanks to the interferons for demonstrating what’s wrong with the world and for helping Jo.
“Special” students are usually told they are “good” or “clever”
Helps them get through life.
Take Greta, for instance.
Vishy probably worships her, kindred minds.
Yeah Lance.
That’s what I’m saying.
Vishnu is not Vishnu at all. He’s culturally appropriated the Indian/Hindu god. He’s really that Texas sharp-shooter that I reference above. Either that, or he’s his Indian side-kick, red Tonto who rides an American paint and speaks in a funny language.
“speaks in a funny language.”
A mix of gibberish and bravado, heavily tainted with an accent of ignorance.
Yes the transsexual pansexual polyamorous Vishnu.
Poor little-vishy, wishes he was someone, or something.
Seeking desperately for some meaning or virtue.
And can only find it in his baseless ego.
The one who is so busy screwing around
That science is completely beyond him !
Stay busy Vishnu !
Enjoy it while you can !
The answer is simple – if you don’t trust your data, don’t use it.
That’s what science would do.
Data badly taken is not data. It is only a number that fails to relate directly to the parameter measured. Adjusting it by ANY method does not make it good data that is related directly to the parameter measured. If there is good reason (recorded and verifiable) to know the data was badly taken, it should be discarded. Then data should be correctly acquired to replace it.
If you are attempting to “adjust” historical data, a similar rule applies. If you have recorded evidence that it was badly taken, it must be discarded. Otherwise it must be used AS IS.
How about extreme reported values (high or low)? They fall under the same rule. Even using the 5 sigma deviation rule is suspect if you have no other evidence of the measurement being badly done.
The above is true if you are doing science. If what you are doing is not science, then why bother with using actual data? Why not simply create a list of numbers that can be used to pretend you are doing science to get the results you wanted in the first place? Isn’t that exactly what all the repeated/recursive “adjustments” of data is all about?
Why not be honest? Tell everyone that you are faking it and that all your results are bogus but that you want everyone to act as if your results reflected reality.
Interestingly, that seems to be too much to expect out of so called climate science today. Yet, based upon totally bogus reports, we are to spend ourselves into oblivion to save the earth. With the added reason that the so called climate scientist can continue with the research into the bogus settled science.
Why do we allow this destructive charade to continue?
Why do we allow it to continue? Because we lack the power to stop it. It is in the grips of a powerful political movement. Which is why the powers that be allow it to continue.
Because voters keep placing them into power, together with all the other problems they ignore. We ought to have the ABC “corrected” by our own government some time ago, Universities and schools made accountable to teach rather than to indoctrinate, power companies encouraged to build coal and nuclear power stations rather than to allow renewables scam to constitute, etc. etc.. Governments are there to act upon the will of the people under our form of democracy, and it works. They do and that’s the root cause of the problem; the people. As long as we keep going the way we are by electing either major party the closer we will get to the edge of the cliff, until one day….
The powers that be David Wojick refers to have not been installed by voters.
No but those who were installed by voters have either supported or allowed those with powers to act against the interests of the people. There is a lot of truth in the saying “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”.
” … we lack the power to stop it …”
And those who do have the power to stop it don’t. I had a look at that “Climate Action 100+ group”. There are the usual sycophants and carpet-baggers, but enough big companies have also signed up who must know this is nonsense and could crush it overnight if they chose to.
Power ultimately rests with the people. It’s their choice.
The people havent been kicked in the head hard enough to wake up yet…..
The problem though is by the time they are kicked in the head enough to wake up they might die shortly thereafter. Time is short if not already too late to turn things around. There are trillions of dollars supporting the war against the people and our elected representatives are too scared to fight back. For our nation to survive we need elected representatives who are willing to fight that war. Otherwise, we might as well give up and let things continue the way they are.
I keep hassling my Federal member. Some say I am wasting my time. But if enough people hassled their Federal members then there is more chance we get a better response here.The BOM is a govt business and cannot, as my Federal member admitted, continue to be “captured” by a certain ideology.
At some stage there will be serious and prolonged blackouts and then all this nonsense will immediately stop.
We all should know that in earlier, more sensible times that things made sense. Contrivances that complicate data that should be taken as directly observed are anathema. It is meaningless as temperature varies so much that it amounts to nothing. Of course it’s about politics and conforming to the “practice”.
I like those temperature graphs that pivot. You know, the ones that wobble around a centre point.
when I was a data administrator, I too used programs to identify data points that looked like they were erroneous. The big difference between what they do and what I did was that every time I had one of these I personally verified the data by hand. In many cases the data needed to be corrected usually by going back to the source and many times it was correct just out of the normal
From a scientific and statistical viewpoint, I have always been suspicious and uncomfortable around the removal of ‘outliers’ that mess with the neat and preferred distribution of the data. Defined as outliers simply because they don’t fit rather than heading out to the field and examining the nature of what is taking place would seem a more prudent approach. In some disciplines this was just plain wrong. Anatomy used to suggest we were all much the same. The advent of modern sophisticated imaging and study has shown us that variation is very much the norm, not sameness.
While I appreciate the alleged statistical merits and convenience of the process, I nonetheless still feel instinctively uncomfortable. Taking it to the next level, to one of ideological and funding driven tampering, adjusting, while concealing original data and refusing to explain the basis of the adjustment is obviously not science, nor is it statistics, well perhaps the latter given the old adage, lies, damned lies and statistics. Instead, as we all know, it is politics, and while not quite the oldest profession, it pays homage to the ancient and noble art of lying for personal gain.
Given the seemingly large number of adversely impacted (UHI etc) met data recorders one could understand a perceived need for increased homogenisation. Odd though, when one looks at ‘adjustments’ that NASA/NOAA have made to the data a portion are related to adjusting actual empirical data, and a portion (50%) is manufactured from computer models. Since 1990 50% of US data is generated by computer models. The amazing manipulation by the adjustment bureau ensures that modelled adjustments precisely track the rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Ultimate junk science. Rewriting America’s History 7:14
The stench is unbearable.
Agree, see my comment below #26
In my time with exploration geochemistry, we welcomed measurements that were anomalously high or low because there was a reason they were high or low and that reason was often rich in valuable information. Geoff
BOM would be lucky to be able to find some of their sites,
among the tin sheds, on roofs, in airport engine blast paths. etc
And 20 feet under the ocean coz, um, sea level rise and stuff. Run for the hills…
Dang, they’re on fire. Run back to the sea… (repeat ad nauseam: Latin, literally ‘to sickness’).
It seems obvious to me that if it is so common for stations to be moved or otherwise have their surrounding local environment altered so commonly then there is just no way the data should be used as part of a broad scale temperature estimate be that continental or global. Full Stop. Period.
As for adjusting Cape Bruny with the assistance of Ballarat….. huh? Short of using Alice Springs, could you get a more mismatched pair of stations whose local weather is so different?
Agree, here in Ballarat we’re ~400m above sea level, 100 kms inland and I see Bruny Island average high is 17C where ours is 18C, which while close doesn’t take into account how long the maximums spike for.
Nearly 2 years ago I blogged –
Cape Bruny AWS reads warmer than Stevenson screen 18m away
for what its worth
Knowing the min/max of a day at any site is not knowing how hot or cold. It’s knowing what temp was reached in one moment of that day. In a month or season of afternoon cloud, a potential high is seldom reached, despite much heat. Without cloud at potential max time (afternoon) an ordinary month or season will be “hotter”…even though it isn’t really.
And minima? These are shot to pieces by early AM cloud. Duh.
And if you have used different methods to achieve measurement you can’t compare measurements. Adjustment is vain. You consider all results, conflate none. It’s too bad. You want a master statistic…you can’t have it. Not without turning water to sewage in an attempt to turn it to wine.
Add to this that thermometers follow people and human activity, not weather. Especially over a vast and mostly vacant continent straddling a number of unrelated zones. Thermometers are yard dogs. They don’t rove. They won’t hunt.
When alarmists demand that skeps show their own analysis etc they are really looking for converts to their bogus religion of scientism.
All statistics are wonky, some are useful. Some, like a national temp, are just clownish.
It would seem that advocates of homogenization deny the existence of microclimates.
Homogenization = Shaking a container of curdled milk and then telling your thirsty child that
“It looks just fine to me”.
And neither pass the “sniff test”.
I may be about to be homogenized myself today.
I have to go into Wellington.
The Demonstration.
Deepest sympathies., KK.
KK, hope you’re wearing your winter woolies and beanie and gloves, as are the Eek! Stinky! Warmunists in the photos:
“About 500 protesters from the climate action protest group, Extinction Rebellion, have closed down Stout Street in central Wellington”. People phoned in to radio stations this morning to say it was more like 50 people, and looking at the photos, most of them were media reporters and/or photographers. The scorching crisis temp was 13˚C, cranking up to a life-threatening 14.5˚ when I checked now (2 pm NZ-time).
Beware of instantaneous sea level rise too – most of downtown WLG is built on reclaimed land from the harbour AND on a fault line to boot. Have a hoot! Let us know how you survived the catastrophic heat wave (and hordes of capital zombies getting high on super glue and spray paint).
I guess Mr Plod (QLD police vers) and Mr Plod (NZ police vers) just do the PC thing as public property is damaged.
These loon bins are everywhere from London to Wellington, I think the public are getting pretty sick of them, regardless of their (public) views.
8 pm via Her Majesty’s Voice (RNZ):
“Police have made dozens of arrests after removing climate protesters staging a sit-down protest on the corner of Wellington’s Lambton Quay and Bowen Street”. Send ’em to Norfolk Island or Tasmania (or maybe Canberra?) or even Fiordland where it’s SNOWING till Friday with sub-zero wind chill: c-c-c-crisis?
Quietly dropped by a couple of Loony Tune Lefty blogs tonight to see how the ‘shock troops Bolshevik’ are celebrating their rebellious urban insurrection: where’s the GCSB and 5+1 eyes/ears when ya need ’em. Thar be tr’uble at mill, ma’am.
How about 30 days in a Siberian slammer!
I was taken to Oriental bay at about9am. No sign there of any demo.
Returned to central Wellington about 3 pm and it must have been all over.
No problems.
Thanks for the link.
Another made-for-media event acted out within the confines of one, small, insignificant, side street: cheap nasty B-grade theatre.
And while others were protesting your replica Endeavour arriving at Gisborne to commemorate Lieutenant James Cook’s arrival in 1769, the earthquake gods/goddesses rumbled up a little 5.2 shake to remind the people just exactly who is in charge around here:
Didn’t feel anything.
Antoine Raymond Joseph de Bruni, chevalier d’Entrecasteaux. The Chinese gold digger who rode a climate cycle across icebergs to the Ballarat glacier field.
Wait up is that right? Oh close enough its coffee time.
Sarc off.
Looking forward to seeing more of What Bill has untangled.
See above Sliggy at 1.2.1
I meant Bill Johnston but see you have been busy too?
We Bills are busy people !

Gotta work, to pay the Bills
Sorry couldn’t resist.
One is indeed heartened to discover that raw data actually exists.
However, one should never let an Al Gore rhythm sweep through anything.
They may have had ‘raw data’ once but where is it now? Do we have to look in the garbage bin to find it?
I am also concerned that original raw data no longer exists and has been replaced with “corrected” data.
Should that not be “replaced with cooked data”….
These are really drongo questions by people who just make stuff up. Pathetic. Try making a single phone call. A duh. Would take about 10 mins on the web to work the story out.
You can have as much raw data as you like – the whole record if you can store it. Maybe you could analyse it instead of cheering on the uninformed endlessly – you know – inform us what the “real” story is from your incisive analysis. But having a good old whinge is easier.
Phone calls go to the message bank
And never responded to
Bugger BOM !
Oh what pure b/s/ Just so pathetic.
Vishy is trolling with BS, yet again.
“by people who just make stuff up”
You mean being asked OF people just making it up, don’t you Vishy
This approach of yours is exceptionally SLIMY, Vishy.
It takes time and money to perform that sort of analysis.
That was what Tony Abbott’s “audit” would have provided, so could not be allowed.
But what we can do is point out ALL that is WRONG about the whole mess that is BOM.
You really can’t hack being shown that a LARGE PROPORTION of BOM data is just JUNK, can you.
You cannot allow yourself to ADMIT THE FACTS.. ever. !!
And that the manipulation of that data using other JUNK data really is a case of extreme GARBAGE IN – GARBAGE OUT
But but but – pathetic. Put up or shut up you troll.
Poor Vishy, look at your desperation.
You have been shown that a LARGE PROPORTION of BOM data is just JUNK.
Just keep your eyes closed and go “la-la-la” , Vishy.
You cannot allow yourself to ADMIT THE FACTS.. ever. !!
You KNOW that the manipulation of that JUNK data using other JUNK data really is a case of extreme GARBAGE IN – GARBAGE OUT
Your pathetic attempts at avoiding basic facts with empty self-bravado is quite hilarious. A 5 year old could do better.
Only troll here is YOU, vishy.
That is your ONLY reason for being here.
They have nothing, except bullying, and they are crap at even that
The raw data likely no longer exists. It took too much space and it costs too much to store it. So it was “lost” in a forest of repeated adjustments and endless paper shuffling.
Cost too much? The cost of storage of data today is almost free <O.2 US cents per gig (Best Buy 10tb $179.99). Doing what the climate alarmists demand to be done will cost us our technological civilization and most of our lives. Apparently, these costs are less than almost free at trillions and counting. "After all it is only taxpayer money and there is always more where that came from…."
As Everett Dirksen is reported to have once said (updated to account for inflation and government bloat): "A trillion here and a trillion there and pretty soon you're talking about real money."
20 has archived much of the worlds data by country in usable form.
It is readily available. The uselessness of temperature measurements as passed to us is readily visible.
It is hidden but it is there.
Look here :
You have to fill in the field one BOM station at a time.
And there may be a full list of them online
But I have not yet found it.
Maybe Ken Stewart can tell us where BOM has hidden it.
Oh for heavens sake – ring special services and tell them what you want. But I’m not sure they Neanderthal interpreter services.
Bill face it – even if you get the data you’ll make an excuse that you can’t analyse it. CLassic timewaster client.
A chat to Blair and David might sort it out. Pay the piper as it were.
“CLassic timewaster client.”
Classic SPACE WASTER, Vishy. !!
“I’m not sure they Neanderthal interpreter services.”
So you have never got through to them either, hey Vishy.!
Extinction, is that what the children are protesting about?
They call it data but is it the raw+meta data or simply a list of meaningless numbers? That information is doubly hidden in a jungle of individual requests.
Considering the scientific trash they publish, I would place my bet that it is nothing but numbers they pretend is data. If so, even if you expended the effort to download it, all you would have is numeric garbage. It would be just as valid as using a random number generator.
“It would be just as valid as using a random number generator.”
But with a warming trend built in.
You know.. Just like a climate model.
Apart from clear issues of unscientific data tampering, isn’t it also the case that BoM refuse to publish their methodology for establishing which data is “wrong” and which data needs to be “corrected” and by how much?
I’ve never seen a precise explanation of how the BOM homogenisers the temperature readings. I do recall seeing a comment that I believe came from the BOM, indicating that humans were involved in these adjustments. If humans are involved surely this would be a concern as then there would not appear to be a uniform methodology applied to these adjustments. I believe that Nick Stokes knows how the adjustments are made but I don’t believe he has revealed this information yet.
Data tampering is totally unscientific. There is absolutely no reason to ‘tamper’ with past readings. The readings are the readings. If the instrument was wrong, its wrong. You cant use one site to ‘adjust’ another. There should be a huge complaint from the geophysics community over this. Where is it?
Why feed the goose when you can eat it and take the golden eggs too? Tomorrow? “Tomorrow we will all be dead. It’s today’s take that counts. Party hearty!”
Cynical? Me? Expecting the worst out of government, academia, and society in general is the only sane position to take. Any thing else is fatal.
There are makers, takers, and breakers. It is getting more and more difficult telling the difference between the takers and breakers. The makers are getting more and more rare. When the takers and breakers run out of things to take and break, it is over for everyone.
One wonders if CO2 data is also “homogenised”. I’m not saying that there is anything unnatural about it changing although the only desirable direction for it to go in is up since the other direction leads to certain death of all plant life and thus all life.
David, I suspect the same. The so called increase doesnt quite ring with the natural source sink models. CO2 levels are ocean temperature dependent more than anything else. Human contribution is supposed to be 4% of .4%. Something dont add up.
To those BoM employees who secretly read this blog, don’t you feel guilty about what you’re doing? In any case, one day there’ll be a climate “Nuremberg Trials” where those found guilty of tampering with official records will be prosecuted and punished.
That is what at least some of the authors of the hacked emails between IPCC modelling hoaxers feared, climategate 1 and 2 public releases, around the timing of the UN IPCC Copenhagen Conference.
What would we do if the public discovered what we are doing?
A bit early to be on the turps. Anyway make the accusations formally and await the defamation suit if you can’t back it up.
Which turps are you mate ?
Or is it some computer screen
Mind blanking
That cannot se reality !
What turps are you on mate ?
Or is mind numbness
Due to spending your life looking at BOM screens ?
Try looking out the window for a change !
Nah, Bill
V insists on remaining in the “empixellated camp”
Poor Vishy, he really doesn’t like the idea of being held to account, do you petal !.
Bring it – but sign your real name to the affidavit. Mate you’re not going to anything – you’re a legend in your own dreams Boring.
Eventually all this AGW nonsense will meet its end,
… and with any luck a Government will start enquiries into what was actually done with that BOM data, and why so much money was spent on a such a sub-standard system, and who was responsible.
Hopefully, Vishy’s name will be on that list.
So funny,
The desperation and FEAR in your post is hilarious.
V – the “deep state” of the Bureau of Misinformation?
And await “discovery”
You know, like Mickey Mann has been DESPERATELY avoiding !!
Saving his money to pay the court costs?
Nah, his costs are covered by Soros et al. !!
AndyG55 is great. I’m really impressed. They have the AI to an extent where it’s indistinguishable from a full sceptic gimp replete with all the talking points and memes. May even pass the replicant test.
Poor Vishy, Hates the facts being brought out into the open.
Who is covering is cost then, little clown-vish.
Which climate trough to you swill from?
Or are you just a mental deviant ?
One example of how the BoM destroy raw data.
Yea but its not like whole long records with multiple types of readings go missing without trace.
Queanbeyan Age Thu 26 Jan 1871 Page 4
Lake George – an inland lake about 24
miles by 8 miles by extent – there is a
meteorological station and staff of officers
maintained by the Government.”
Yep. But then they disappeared Lake George too.
Depressing aye?
A classic case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing was the homogenisation of Bourke’s max temp in Jan, 1939.
Bourke had a max mean average of 40.4C and Cobar a MMA of 40.0C.
ACORN1 temps for that period for Bourke was reduced to a MMA of 40.0C and Cobar went up to 40.1C.
It appears that the person checking Bourke did so using Cobar temps and the one doing Cobar used Bourke temps.
So a site with a higher av temp ended up cooler than another comparison site.
Every daily temp for Bourke for that period was adjusted – temps above 30C were adjusted down (some by up to a degree), the two below 30C were adjusted up (by 0.1C).
Simple mistake for them to go to the wrong town and read the wrong thermometer. Just requires one of those multi dimensional tunnels to open up on the foot path to both screens. Not hard to understand then. Some cats seem to be able to do it at will.
[…] Nova on the relentless vandalisation of our weather records. Lots of things can muck up a perfect thermometer spot, like shade, new […]
followup to comment #2 –
not only did ABC and Guardian report Littleproud said “and we’re going to see 33,000 gigawatt of renewable energy put on in the next year or so”,
The Australian did too:
6 Oct: Australian: David Littleproud ‘totally’ accepts climate change leads to drought
By Michael Roddan
Drought Minister David Littleproud said he “totally” accepts climate change is leading to hotter days, meaning droughts and disrupted rainfalls, but has urged farmers to “get on with it” and “adapt as best they can” as the government reduces emissions…
“And I think we’ve lived up to international commitments, and we’re going to see 33,000 gigawatt of renewable energy put on in the next year or so.”…
however, note what he should have said, and the FakeNewsMSM should have fact-checked:
4 Sept: TheRural: AAP: Fears energy investors will turn offshore
by Rebecca Gredley
Investors will turn offshore if Australia doesn’t implement a long-term energy policy or extend the target for renewables, the clean energy sector fears…
Under the target, ***33,000 gigawatt-HOURS*** – or 23.5 per cent – of Australia’s electricity will come from renewable sources by 2020…
Maybe I should send this to Littleproud.
From a copy of an old(2003) brochure published by the National Museum of Australian:
Yes. Well think about what a drought actually is. Its when there is no rain meaning the usual precipitation causing events dont occur regularly or delayed as pointed out in that statement.
Droughts arent caused by hot weather! (as believed by MSM) Except of course if you are Vish or PF or 262..
2003 ‘old’? It seems like yesterday! It’s the same year the Swedish messiah (PBUH) was born. Kid’s stuff.
Wonder if the NMA still prints that [accurate] brochure, John, or if it’s been homogenised like the rest of modern ‘science’.
followup to comment #3 – read all:
7 Oct: AFR: Exclusive: Qld to close coal-fired power station a decade early
by Mark Ludlow
The Queensland government will close one of its coal-fired power stations a decade earlier than planned as the electricity grid deals with the disruption of an influx of renewable energy projects.
With federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor describing the early closure of coal-fired power stations as his “greatest fear” for the National Electricity Market, it can be revealed the 700 megawatt Callide B coal-fired power station will now close in 2028, instead of 2038-39 as originally planned.
The move will make it easier for the Palaszczuk Labor government to reach its ambitious 50 per cent renewable energy target by 2030.
But Queensland Energy Minister Anthony Lynham denied it was a political ploy for Callide B, which is near Biloela in Central Queensland, to close 10 years early.
“The changes are about technical specifications, not government policy,” Dr Lynham said.
Dr Lynham had previously admitted its fleet of coal-fired power stations would be squeezed out of the NEM by renewable energy projects, but not before 2030.
The disclosure of the up-dated closure dates to the Australian Energy Market Operator comes as its attempts to get a better grip of a string of closures of coal-fired power stations over the next 15 years…
“Pushing base-load generation out prematurely or without a plan for like-for-like replacement is very, very dangerous,” (federal Energy Minister Angus) Taylor told The Australian Financial Review.
“We’ve seen it with Hazelwood [in Victoria in 2017]. We lost a big slab of supply from the market which put upwards pressure on prices and worsens reliability. It also makes the market less competitive.
“It was disastrous and we can’t afford that to happen again.”…READ ALL
Daily Telegraph-4 Oct 2019
EXCLUSIVE: A decision to approve a significant NSW mine extension was published and then revoked within hours on Friday in a massive bureaucratic bungle by the state’s Independent Planning Commission… put it in the bank before investing it in NSW because planning decisions were being made by unelected “chardonnay economists” in the IPC… The Rix’s Creek mine extension has been in the planning system for six years…
headline of Daily Tele article shoud read:
Shafted: Mine approval reversed within hours
and includes this shortened excerpt about bosses telling workers their jobs were safe:
of operations seeking a 21-year extension and told 300 workers their jobs were secure on Friday — before the planning body revealed two hours the approval was a mistake…
Since when did a notional renewables target become the preeminent goal of Palachook’s administration?
Why not shut down all the coal fired power stations and become a world leader in the deployment of not fit for purpose electricity generators at a near one hundred percent?
further followup to comment #3 – as Chris Kenny’s article has now been placed behind a paywall. it was brilliant throughout and I wish I’d copies all of it. anyway, here’s another couple of paras I did save:
Kenny: As this was discussed last month at the climate summit, former ACTU secretary Sharan Burrow was there to endorse the approach, saying: “We are going to have to re-create some of the basis on which the world does business.” But strangely, when it comes to the SDGs, it is not only big unions and bureaucracies that play along with the UN agenda but big business too.
Adherence to the SDGs has become part of the contemporary push for “corporate social responsibility” that is enforced by the stock exchange guidelines, advocated through the powerful shareholder lobbying of union-dominated superannuation funds and pushed along by a range of online slacktivist groups…
Kenny goes on to praise Scott Morrison’s “sovereignty speech”; however, bear in mind Australia seems to have just attended The Commonwealth’s London confererence, “COMMON EARTH” – see comment #33 on Jo’s Weekend Unthreaded – which is all about the SDGs.
interesting how the entire CorruptFakeNewsMSM has ignored this conference altogether. don’t want the public knowing about the phony promises being made to keep small States on side with this almighty CAGW/SDG scam. “Game on!” indeed:
4 Oct: TheCommonwealth: Game on! Commonwealth steps up battle on climate change with regenerative solutions model
The Commonwealth has launched a regenerative climate change model that marries the ancient wisdom of indigenous groups with emerging innovations, technologies and scientific approaches.
Common Earth, is the programme that will create a network of projects that could be replicated and adapted to any community, country or region.
Government officials, environmentalists, scientists, economists, and representatives from indigenous groups from around the Commonwealth met at the organisation’s headquarters in London to discuss how the initiative can achieve sustainable development whilst protecting the planet.
“It is not game over in the battle against climate change its game on,” said Secretary-General Patricia Scotland. “Because this about looking at practical, existing strategies to clean streams, restore forests and damaged ecosystems, protect marine health, educate our populations and challenge the economic and development approaches that led to the decline of our planet.
“It is about a development model that takes into account the ancient wisdom of the indigenous peoples that found a way to live in harmony with their environments, and integrates it into our scientific advances and solutions to climate change. And it is a model I will take to ministers in our upcoming trade and finance summits and heads of governments at their meeting next year.”
Common Earth, she added, will be based on regenerative economic models. Economist Stuart Cowan explained how these types of economies will work…
The Common Earth project will be hinged on the activities of five working groups:
•the ‘Commonwealth Small State, Climate Change Blue-Green Trade Working Group’;
•the ‘Gender and Climate Change Working Group’;
•the ‘Indigenous Affairs Working Group’;
•the ‘Waters Prosperity Working Group’;
•the ‘Regenerative Finance Working Group’.
Rola Khoury, CEO of the Common Earth implementation partner the Cloudburst Foundation, said: “The Common Earth Commonwealth Regenerative Development Convening was an unprecedented meeting between scientists, regenerative and drawdown practitioners, and diverse communities including many youth and indigenous peoples who came to discuss the importance of integrated climate action to restore ecosystems and communities…
Thaks pat, but I think I will wait for the translation into english.
“COMMON EARTH” = COMMON PURPOSE! These people are dangerous.
‘Commonwealth Small State, Climate Change Blue-Green Trade Working Group’;
‘Gender and Climate Change Working Group’;
We know what these mean..mix it all world ‘agenda’ of total control.
Lord spare us the rebadging of stone age technological ignorance as “ancient wisdom of indigenous groups”.
I see that India has had its best (wettest) monsoon for years.
No sign of AGW. As discussed in
Graeme No.3 and gee aye,
From the second link to the notalotofpeopleknowthat·wordpress·com report is the link to the first link at mol·tropmet·res·in address, and in that article they reference — “Ref: Singh, D., S. Ghosh, M. K. Roxy and S. McDermid, 2019: Indian summer monsoon: Extreme events, historical changes, and role of anthropogenic forcings. WIREs Clim Change. 2019;10:e571, doi:10.1002/wcc.571.”
And a quick search shows document ‘doi:10.1002/wcc.571’ to be at here at where, if you are signed up to Wiley Online Library, you can read all about their data and methods.
I don’t see what this has to do with the Tasmanian temperatures referenced at the top. Is that why you included me?
are the links to the supporting data somewhere? I can’t see them.
The other thing to consider is that the temperature of the ‘near ground’ atmosphere is local to that particular site for many reasons, including bad sites. It has no impact on any other location.
The near ground thermometer readings in my view are totally worthless.
why are UK Times and their science reporter hounding anyone over their investments in fossil fuels?
behind paywall:
6 Oct: UK Times: Royal Society urged to ditch £16m fossil-fuel investment
by Jonathan Leake, Science Editor
The Royal Society, Britain’s leading science organisation and publisher of many doom-laden reports on the impact of climate change, has millions of pounds invested in fossil-fuel companies.
The revelation may shock members, many of whose careers are devoted to researching climate change, which is linked to emissions from coal, oil and gas.
The assets emerged after a study by Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) into the investment policies of science and engineering societies. The Royal Society at first told SGR only that its investment funds totalled £270m but declined to give details.
However, after inquiries from The Sunday Times, the Royal Society confirmed that at least £16m was invested in oil and gas companies. The final figure could be much higher once all money held…
where are reports of XR arrests & potential jail times for attacking The
how come the following is being promoted by the CorruptFakeNewsMSM and likely to go ahead in some form or other…UNLESS it has the FULL SEAL OF APPROVAL OF THE ESTABLISHMENT?
7 Oct: Extinction Rebellion: fresh protests to ‘shut down’ Westminster
Environmental activists plan to blockade roads in the centre of government for two weeks
by Damien Gayle
Environmental activists from around Britain are set to swoop on Westminster on Monday morning in an attempt to “shut down” the heart of government with two weeks of disruptive protests.
Extinction Rebellion (XR) said its members are planning to blockade “every single road” into the central London district and plan to maintain the protests for at least 14 days, or until their demands are met.
Each site will be taken by groups of activists from different regions of the UK or with different political priorities. Activists will stop traffic from around 9am onwards at 12 different sites around parliament, including Trafalgar Square, Horse Guards Parade, the Mall, Victoria Street, and Westminster and Vauxhall bridges, among others.
Throughout the week activists plan to take action around Westminster at government departments, to blockade Smithfield market, then later move on to London City airport, where they intend to stage a three-day protest…
Metropolitan police commanders – after coming under fire for not ending those protests sooner – have said they are planning to be more proactive and agile in their response.
However, the activists believe their decentralised command structures and weight of numbers will overwhelm the police response. “Everyone will be like water and move to more disruptive locations if [police] don’t let them take the sites,” one told the Guardian.
Activists have also been instructed to refuse bail when arrested, in the hope they can fill up all of the Met’s holding cells and prevent police from making more arrests…
Nought to do with VIC nor TAS, yet the phrases ‘carbon farming’ and ‘rich-listers’ sound as dodgy as
‘homogenisation’hypocrisy:“New Zealand Carbon Farming [is] a supplier of bulk carbon credits to large energy and oil companies”.
“The four largest private landowners in New Zealand are all foreign-owned forestry companies, an RNZ investigation has found”.
No.1 Canadian
No.2 Malaysian
No.3 Australian
No.4 USA
The “Labour-led government has actively encouraged further foreign purchases of land for forestry through a stream-lined ‘special forestry test'”. Selling the land to kill the soil by planting pinus radiata to ‘save the planet’? Baaaaaaa…
A local discovery re carbon credits
An on-property burial apparently was refused because it was in a carbon credits deal.
Surely the extra ‘carbon’ – minimal though it may be – would be a bonus to the squillionaire investors?
Oops, how un-woke of me: I meant the green, concerned, moral, doing-their-part-to-save-the-planet, foreign/global, steenking rich
investorsbelievers. Jacinda’s sworn enemies are now her bestest friends since they re-branded themselves. It’s not about the money – it’s the moral of it – da da da.30
“The four largest private landowners in New Zealand are all foreign-owned forestry companies,”
I think thats been true for a while, remember NZ was sold off in the 90s and before, you know R Douglass esq..remember him?
He whom they named the Roger Award after – for the Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in New Zealand?
Living overseas for all the 1980s I missed out on the neo-liberal sell-off/take-over of our once sleepy little isles. At least Stinky Rebels can get a decent covfefe in the country now, all thanks to Woger Wall Street. They gave him a knighthood for his ‘services’ – scum.
Gosh, let’s beat the drum again – Boom boom Bom Bom Bad Bad
Did anyone else look at the methodology, apart from me?
Double dare you to read it.
Remember we are discussing homogenisation for climate, the original records are kept and the ACORN and ADAM datasets are those adjusted (ADAM is to fill in missing data, or to correct for bad measurements, like missing a decimal point etc)
/Conflating climate and weather is not sciency
Read it Fitz !
It’s crap !
I quote from the preface to give an example of the crap:
“To be able to monitor climate on long-term timescales, it is necessary to have datasets where the
observations reflect changes in the underlying climate, ”
They have got the logic back to front Fitz !
It’s the cart before the horse Fitz !
They are changing the Observations to fit
Their already existing Climate warming belief.
Now that is ‘scientific garbage “
Better tell them, not me. I think that what they have written makes sense. The data is a tool to analyse climate and its changes. It is not weather, and it is not the raw data. You select the right tool for the job, or is it that you just use a hammer on everything?
“The data is a tool to analyse climate and its changes. “
And the ACORN data and all the UNFIT urban warmed sites used to “adjust” it,
makes it TOTALLY UNFIT for that purpose.
“It is not weather and it is not the raw data”
Probably the dopiest thing you have ever said.
PF is now saying that temperatures are no longer an indication of weather.. WOW !!!
You know the final BOM creation is nothing more than a fabricated, mutilated, mal-adjusted load of donkey droppings.
Just the sort of stuff you would swallow whole, without a rational thought in your empty skull.
Yes the data , after BOM has had its way, is ONLY fit for “climate change” propaganda.
Glad you have finally admitted that.
You know damn well they’ve tried to ‘tell them’ only to be told their’ papers don’t pass basic reviews.
So, after much muttering about the climate cabal, they head off back to the men’s shed.
Yep, they do fit that profile
Say he who has never produced a single piece of scientific evidence about anything.
/mickey, just a dumb troll
Don’t be foolish.
One uses a screwdriver and a hammer.
Otherwise, how could one make holes?
The logic is that because you should have something, therefore you do have something. Because they want to monitor climate climate on long-term timescales therefore they can. It’s a bit like the assumption that wind power is a good idea because “something” must be done. They want effective renewables, therefore they have effective renewables. (It’s then just a matter of racking the data till it sees reason.)
Of course, they don’t want to monitor long-term climate, just politicize it, hence the clumsy nonsense of homogenization. But even with good faith, they certainly do not have the means. Ballpark is all you can get with old min/max, and it’s not much of a ballpark.
Best available data is not adequate data. In fact, only adequate data can be adequate. This principle should be obvious, but it is skirted constantly by the Publish-then-Perish industry.
Dunno if it’s crap Bill. However, I can make the following observations:
1. It appears that there is a LOT of human intervention in homegenising the temp data. I’m presuming that this human intervention process is not fully documented in a quality way, because if it was, the wording in this document would conform to accepted ISO 9000 practices. It clearly doesn’t.
2. The algorithms used are mentioned but not documented. The only reference is to a scientific paper. Again, this is not acceptable quality practice.
3. Apparently there was a rounding error in Acorn-Sat 1 that I would class as significant because it seems to have created errors at a number of data process steps. It seems to be disregarded by BOM but again, no indication of any study of its significance.
4. The methods used to determine whether the use of a new site, new screen or automated data gathering seems to be very variable and again, dependent a lot on human (undocumented?) decisions
5. Not sure why Python was chosen as a suitable program for processing large amounts of data. It seems to hint that the BOM folks don’t have qualified software coding folks on their staff. Apparently earlier code was in Fortran.
Have to leave it to others to comment on the stats methods used.
That sound is YOU banging your head on the top of your troll-hole as you do your Noddy act.
ACORN is totally USELESS for anything except climate propaganda.
Smearing large urban heat effects over vast regions,
Filling in CRAP data from CRAP sites.
Adjusting what small amount of potentially reasonable data using the worst affected data they can find.
I know you worship crap data and propaganda, because it coincides with your truthimess.
But most of here are far more scientifically rational that you are ever capable of being.
/conflating garbage with data is very PF’y
Alright Andy – have you 700+ locations which fit your model for weather stations. Do you have a method for filling in missing data? UHI – are you going to tell residents in cities that its not that hot, as your perfectly placed weather station is showing that it is comfy temp wise.
/in a perfect world
You poor thing,
DESPERATE to accept any CORRUPTED and meaningless data that would help you to maintain your HATRED.
Only warming in Australia has been from smeared urban heat.
You KNOW that, just too hard for you to ADMIT it.
Poor PF, hates truth as much as he hates CO2.
So you compalian, but have nothing else. Since that is your logic, then by that selfsame logic, these site are OK and so are their measurements
PF puts his fingers his ears and closed tight his eyes and goes “La-la-la”
This is his normal method of coping with FACTS.
Pitiful PF, you have been shown that
a large proportion of sites are NO USE for anything,
especially not REAL climate trends.
But you cannot let that FACT into you little brain-washed mind, can you PF.
The more garbage the data, the easier to fool the gullible AGW worshipers.
So give me your list, or STFU
Still waiting for some science from you regarding CO2 warming, PF
EMPTY followed by more EMPTY.
Meanwhile, that list of FAILED BOM sites is just getting longer and longer
/PF can’t face facts.
Yes, I’ve indeed read ‘The Second Book of Trewin’ that you cite and have compared it exhaustively with ‘The First Book of Trewin’, namely: authored by him in 2012.
They are not much different that I can see and I’m unable to find any differences that explain the big changes in some data between ACORN-SAT versions 1 & 2. Perhaps you can help me out in this. I need your help please.
Just as with The Holy Bible, the dominant books only have one author, whereas proper scientific papers in peer reviewed journals are typically et al. I wonder why that is so, and perhaps you could elaborate on that too?
Of course we’ve looked at the methodology. But the basic premise us flawed.
Averages are used to average out errors. If we assume the errors are random, thus over a large number of sites and measuremens thevertirs will average out. So no need to homogenise. If you properly adjust random errors there should be little or no difference in your averages. If there are differences, then either you are doing it wrong or your errors are not random.
If you have non-randoml errors then you should fix them proprrky, either by not using data or working out whst the systematic fix is. So no need to homogenise.
Homogenisation is garbage idea used by people who don’t understand his ears works.
I have read the link you posted.
Please look at my post at #20. There’s no way that each day could be adjusted under the set of reasons the BoM give.
And why has every annual mean from at least 2000 to 2017 been adjusted upwards?
Interesting. OK for attempting to blend the past and present. To what end, though? Just estimates.
Had we been aware that our economies depended upon accurate daily readings, we would have installed 3 identically calibrated thermometers at each site.
Any moves to do so now? It would cost a bit more, but consider the savings:
– Inconsistencies between each site’s 3 readings identified immediately;
– Fewer pointless papers on temperature homogenisation.
Gives me little faith in their programming ability.
Later found! Likely it was discovered when they compared the output of Fortran V1 with Python V2.
As implemented means “We didn’t implement ANINT correctly.”
So when testing (if at all) the consolidation of station temperatures, they did not test the code providing the input data! GIGO.
And had they not changed their preferred programming language from antique Fortran 77, the bug would have sat there forever.
Yeah. Python kinda makes you do that. Best Practice does too.
6 Oct: UK Telegraph: Woke protesters aren’t progressive – they want to take us back to the stone age
By Julie Burchill
Woke-taunters (amongst whom I proudly include myself) have largely swallowed the line which the special snowflakes themselves like to propagate; that they are rebels with many causes, each one more daring and progressive than the last. Having been of a rebellious bent all my life, this never sat well with me. The more you examine what The Woken want, the more they emerge as reactionaries rather than rebels.
The yearning for a less enlightened world infests the woke rainbow. It takes in transgender activists who claim that lesbianism is transphobic and that sportswomen should accept second place to competitors who were born male, fauxminists who believe that a permanent underclass of prostituted women is acceptable and that wearing a hijab is subversive, American antifas and Corbynite clowns who repeat ancient anti-Semitic tropes. But it can be seen most shamelessly in those of the Green stripe.
When Extinction Rebellion sprayed, or at least attempted to spray, thousands of litres of fake blood over the Treasury building this week – after the Treasury quite rightly stated that Britain is well to the forefront of action against climate change – this rag-bag of flora and fauna fetishists demonstrated admirably the childish sense of entitled rage that fuels their tantrums. (Unlike the privately-owned fire-engine they sprayed it from, which is fuelled by diesel.)
“The Treasury has been frustrating efforts by other government departments to take action against climate change because it cares only about economic growth,” one of them said. As though any civilised society could exist without economic growth! But extreme Greens have no time for civilised societies. They want us to go back to the land, toiling in back-breaking jobs, suffering pain without the relief of Big Pharma, old at thirty and dead at forty.
The latest fad in this race to barbarism is the concept of “rewilding” which has recently been crow-barred into The Archers. At first it struck me as totally unfeasible that a conservative-minded old lady would give half a million pounds to such a right-on reimagining of the Ambridge landscape. But rewilding is an attempt to literally go back in time, to when pesky people and their petty desires to have a decent standard of living caused human habitats to blight the landscape…
Hearing the over-privileged and under-productive half-wits of Extinction Rebellion talk about economic growth as if it was child abuse, you can sense real contempt towards people who believe that working at a job in order to make money and pay the taxes which keep society civil is a desirable thing to do. But perhaps this is understandable when you consider that no protest movement has ever featured so many double-barrelled names or Instagram skiing trips, while demonising air travel for the masses. They need a song – the civil rights marchers had We Shall Overcome and the Vietnam War opponents had The Fixin’ To Die Rag – so may I suggest the Noel Coward number Why Do The Wrong People Travel?…
At the risk of being alarmist – it’s catching – I found it fitting that the red paint doubled back and covered the idiot protesters at one point.
Because the blood of all those who die in the fetid swamp of a pre-industrial society will be on their hands if they ever succeed in the rewilding of society – with all the savagery that the word implies
Juie Burchill suggests a song for the XR protesters – Noel Coward’s “Why Do The Wrong People Travel?”
following is not recommended listening, but a whopping 20-plus minutes of a taxpayer-funded ABC staffer, Suzanne, talking to a taxpayer-funded ABC Radio Program Director Sydney staff, Jen (? full name can’t be confirmed online) who is on vacation in Matera, Italy with a husband, cousin, daugher (at minimum), where the peasants were thrown out in the 50s so the place could be gentrified, tho that isn’t how the ABC-er describes it. plenty about the scourge of tourists in Italy – no self reflection.
3h14min to 3h35sec: Suzanne: how’s the weather been? Jen(?): absolutely perfect (oops) but friend in Rome said it’s been UNSEASONABLY WARM. we have our jumpers on today. but it’s been absoutey amazing. 24C and sunny every day. doubt it will hold out by the time they reach the Amalfi coast where her cousin and daughter want to swim. it will be too cold for the program director. Suzanne puts Matera it on her bucket list for when she next time she goes back to Italy.
6 Oct: ABC Nightlife: featuring Che Guevara
Presenter: Suzanne Hill
How did a middle class medical student from Argentina become the revolutionary Che Guevara? You’ll hear the story in This Week in History.
perfect spot for theirABC. perhaps they could move their HQ there?
Wikipedia: Matera: In the 1950s, as part of a policy to clear the extreme poverty of the Sassi, the government of Italy used force to relocate most of the population of the Sassi to new public housing in the developing modern city…
On 17 October 2014, Matera was declared European Capital of Culture for 2019…
2017: Guardian: The miracle of Matera: from city of poverty and squalor to hip hub for cave-dwellers
One of Italy’s most deprived cities – so lacking hope that God was said to keep well away – is now an Airbnb hotspot and set to be European capital of culture
by Angela Guiffrida in Matera
Less than 70 years ago some 15,000 people, mostly peasants and farmers, were still living in grottoes carved out of limestone that dated back to Matera’s prehistoric era…
With money pouring in from the postwar Marshall plan, Gasperi put together what was initially considered an ill-conceived plan to evacuate all the inhabitants and move them to newly built homes in the outer areas of the Sassi…
“Some people were OK with it but most weren’t,” said Taddonio. “It was the moment the connection with the Sassi was lost. They didn’t know where to put their mules, and after so long living in such close proximity to other families, a certain level of solidarity was lost.”
But the period also marked the beginning of an evolution that over the following decades saw the Sassi host artists, hippies and major film productions, and eventually become a Unesco world heritage site…
The government encouraged the Sassi’s revival by subsidising restoration work. Artisans moved in, setting up workshops, while bars, restaurants and boutique hotels started to spring up…
The Airbnb phenomenon is currently the subject of fierce controversy in Italy, criticised for a “Disneyfication” effect on Italian cities such as Florence and Venice. Locals have complained about being pushed out and say the souls of historic centres are being threatened…
And while Matera now draws in some 600,000 visitors a year, it hasn’t yet suffered the same stampede inflicted on the more traditional Italian hotspots…
“We don’t want to be like Venice and Florence. We want to keep the number of tourists sustainable, but [maintain] good quality.”…
Remember: not only is a “national Australian temperature” a silly statistic for all the usual reasons that stats are silly and a few extra…
Any warming apparent in recent decades or even centuries is utterly trivial. Not because it is slight (which it is, if real) but because it does not matter. Flip a coin, and you can only get heads or tails. Follow the temperature of a body and you can only get warmer or cooler.
That’s right. It is impossible for the earth not to warm when it is not cooling. So we are being drawn into an argument over a trivial coin toss resulting in a trivial result.
If it could be proven that this interglacial has exceeded the previous one in warmth, that too would be trivial. (In fact, the Eemian was hotter by all evidence.)
If it could be proven that this is the warmest part of our present interglacial it would be not-so-trivial, so late in the Holocene. But this is not the warmest part of the last 11700 years, not by a long shot.
Of course, the fact that we can only find evidence of settled/built communities within our brief interglacial should be a concern. Humans are condemned to spend about 80% of their time in conditions cooler than those of the last 11700 years and we’ve only tried this non-nomadic gig since the end of the Younger Dryas. (You can take your chances with a bolide or Lake Toba scale eruption, however your interglacial has to wind down in the medium term as night has to follow day.)
But talk of actual climate change could really steal some dreams and some childhoods. Shame on me!
In my opinion the BOM has far less than zero credibility, it would appear they have succumbed to the Socialist green climate emergency scam, therefore anything that comes from the BOM is to be disregarded.
BoM is a well respected institution, corrupted by outliers, it will require an Audit and Royal Commission to rid the place of green slime.
Ask why a majority of the Prime Minister Abbott Cabinet voted against an independent audit of the BoM following complaints and evidence from private sector sources were tabled by the Minister responsible for the BoM?
That was 2014 and in 2015 PM Abbott was replaced by PM Turnbull by a small margin of Liberal MP votes. And the then Turnbull Government signed and ratified the UN IPCC Paris Agreement in April and November 2016.
Abbott was rolled by the black hand and Morrison will sit on his hands unless there is a good reason to do otherwise.
Absolute tosh – you just don’t like facts that contradict your tenuous world view
/If being a socialist means respecting your environment – colour me green and give me a daisy
“you just don’t like facts that contradict your tenuous world view”
From you, that is the height of IRONY…
FACT is that a large proportion of BOM sites are just plain GARBAGE, often literally.
Close your eyes, fingers in your ears and go “la-la-la”, PF. (pity you don’t also gaff-tape your mouth.)
Sadly, that is your only way of coping with that reality.
REALITY is that the BOM creation is an extreme case of GI-GO
“I will not stand for socialism masquerading as environmentalism”
Prime Minister Tony Abbott
Yep use the environment as a dump, like all capitalist free riders do, and then put their hands on their hearts (maybe their wallets) and declare “I’m no socialist”. Must be fun at meal times, with everyone grabbing what the want, and kicking the rest on the floor. Oh wait, that is McDonalds
/Free Riders are all right wingers
You forgot something…/Free Riders are all
right wingerlefty eco loons80
But I have first hand experience of Leftie Free Loaders. Relatives who were Art students and their ex-student friends.
I have had them living under my roof, have fed (and occasionaly clothed) them.
And had them sneer at me for working in an office.
Still unemployed, still scrounging.
Anything rather than the horror of working.
But they are ecologically friendly.
The denial is all yours PF
You mean the DUMP of toxic materials in China from manufacture of wind turbines and solar panels, Don’t you PF
Very little comes from COAL fired power that isn’t either used by ALL LIFE ON EARTH
or that can be and is used in the built environment.
Look around you, little child, basically EVERYTHING is their because of coal or petroleum.
But that’s right, you HATE everything around you, don’t you, PF
That HATE emanates from one place.. YOU. !!
That is why you come here.. to spread your hate.
Sorry, but we LAUGHING instead.
But wind and solar get the “free ride” for all their environmental damage, don’t they PF.
Triggered, so, you’ve finally retreated to your predictable safe space.
The Left murdered 100 million in the 20th Century and seem poised and willing to repeat that success in the name of globalism.
A ragged bunch of free-loading eco-sociopaths surrounded by an array of failed and failing economies spurred on by the morally and intellectually bankrupt, unoriginal and failed ideology of neo-Marxism.
“respecting your environment”
But you DON’T respect anything to do with the environment, PF !!
You HATE the very gas that GIVES LIFE to all life on Earth.
You want plant life to continue to exist on meagre, near starvation levels.
You worship renewables which are far worse for the environment than coal or gas.
You HATE the whole built environment that sustains and surrounds you.
But mostly, you hate yourself,
… which is why you continue to come here.
That’s your best one yet, Andy. Tick time ✓
Your goddamned ‘Socialists’ polluted the environment
When they ruled,
Far worse than any where else
Because they were ‘dictatorships of the bloody proletariat’
Unaccountable to ordinary people.
Now without those petty Socialist dictators
They environment is being looked after.
It takes funds to look after the environment.
These “new green/socialist deals” are a recipe for environmental disaster as well as economic disaster.
Yes…the russians proved that….
The innocuous old thermometer has been weaponized by Big Climate in the war on the West by green neo-Marxist proxies.
Data has become politicised. Data ain’t data anymore.
Someday, sooner or later these people who are falsifying our temperature data will have to be held to account. It may take many years but it has to happen.
Within 5 years
Hope so, David, because I heard some young banshee on the radio shriek we’ve only got eleven years left!
She yelled this into a reporter’s mic while self-superglued to a building in our capital. And apparently I – and most of us here – are now climate ‘criminals’. It’ll be quite a learning carve for these young delusionals when they realise they’ve been scammed – by rich old white men. That is, if they ever get a chance to grow up. Eleven years and counting…
Ah…the mystical 2030 of UN mythology…..
11 years good, 12 years baaaaaddd….
I wonder if these climate clowns knew how ignorant they look, would they really keep doing it? Youd have to be supremely ignorant or completely brainwashed….maybe both.
I recallwatching a tv show where Darren ( someone ) the famous hypnotist showed he could brainwash someone who was highly suggestable into literally becoming an assassin ( manchurian candidate) , so its possible….
Exactly. Eleven years to 2030 and the expedition of the UN toxic Transformational Agenda among an array of other unsanctioned persecutions.
Saved by the damned bell.
5years and we’re well into a Grand Solar Minimum with plummeting food production, severe power impoverishment and cold related deaths. Global carnage foisted on the unprepared by the Green Death Cult.
The end of them, the UN Climatism Cult and a beginning of the great purge, restoration of science and reinvention of the University.
Little wonder then at the current level of demented hysteria.
David a hindcast would be appreciated, back to the RWP.
And what do expect this “held to account” to show?
Their methods are published and are reviewed by other meteorological experts
All the data, both raw and adjusted is available
All their maintenance and calibration details are published
SO again, what do you want to find out – that they have cream biscuits with their morning tea?
/I do like a cream biscuit
Seems PF doesn’t understand the methodology at all.
It is DESIGNED to allow the smearing of urban heat over large areas.
It is actually a very-unscientific methodology
(Comprehension of science and maths are at the bottom of PF’s can do list)
It has also been shown that there are MANY unwarranted changes and much fabrication of data, ALL of which is used to push the AGW agenda.
You have yet again proven yourself to be wilfully clueless about what is actually going on
/PF, blind and will not see. goes la-la-la
A quote from Al Capone: “Public service is my motto.” Was never ashamed to be “held to account”. Eventually though the game was up. The CAGW scam will have a similar ending.
Ah, the climate is not pay its taxes!
/data is data it is neither good or bad.
/data does not kill people, climate change does
“data is data it is neither good or bad”
DENIAL that a large proportion of BOM data is basically CRAP.
Just go “la-la-la” PF.. its what you do.
Dishonest, even to yourself
FACE FACTS for once in your insipid life !!
“data does not kill people, climate change does”
And PF drops back into his hallucinogenic chicken-little nightmare state.
So funny.
No-one has died from “climate change”
… (except those denied cheap electricity because of the “climate change” agenda)
Heck you can’t even tell us of any scientifically provable human linked changes in climate at all in the last 40 years.
Lots of FANTASIES, lots of DELUSIONAL ranting
But evidence
EMPTY as always.
/data does not kill people
People’s interpretation of data, however, does.
climate change does
Depriving people of reliable energy certainly does.
Belief in cAGW probably will.
Patricia, humour me….exactly how have you observed climate change killing people?
You must have a huge list….
Guns do not murder people, people do using the guns in a corrupted and evil manner. Climate change data do not kill people, people do using the data in a corrupted and evil manner.
You KNOW the whole “adjustment” farce its DISHONEST and UN-SCIENTIFIC.
Otherwise you wouldn’t be supporting it so hard.
You KNOW that dishonesty and anti-science is all the AGW meme has left.
You feel a deep-seated link to it.
Show me your list of perfect sites, come on Andy you know you want to
/brings nothing to the table, adds nothing to the discussion, but, by god, he can be shouty
Yep we know you add NOTHING to the discussion, PF
That is why you are here.. to add nothing.
You have been shown many times that a large proportion of BOM sites are NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE
Stop your childish DENIAL, PF
/PF cannot accept FACTS !!
And what do expect this “held to account” to show? That globull warming is just that a huge scientific and (mostly) political SCAM.
Then every weather reporting organisation, all of the academies, all of the satellites are wrong?
Show me how it is a scam, what is the payoff?
/shouty shouty truthiness.
There is massive evidence that a large proportion of BOM sites are UNFIT for any purpose.
Just close your eyes in manic denial. Its all you can do.
/PF = ZERO truth, ZERO evidence.
‘all of the satellites are wrong?’ No PF, the satellites are right, its just that they show there is NO ‘globull warming’ unfortunately for you alarmists.
‘what is the payoff?’
The payoff is obvious, elimination of hydrocarbon fuels and wealth redistribution, if you bothered to follow the scam where it follows the money from the 90s. But that probably in the too hard basket is it?
Please provide proof that CO2 causes catastrophic globull warming, we’ve been waiting for a month….
“we’ve been waiting for a month”
More like 2-3 years !
PF is totally inept at backing up anything he gibbers about, and will not be able to comply with any requests for actual science.
He did actually agree that he couldn’t find any real scientific evidence that increased CO2 causes warming
Then he confirmed with several links, that this mythical CO2 warming exist ONLY in models and propaganda web sites.
He also agreed with us that there is no human linked climate change in the last 40 years.
We are now working getting to the face the fact that the surface temperature sites are a load of urban affected garbage, that is USED to create trends all over the place, even at sites where the data shown cooling or no trend.
But his brain-washing is so complete, that his mind is now just a sort of greenie sludge which is totally unreceptive to any actual real data and facts.
Fitzboy please go away and play with yourself, or find something else to do, but don’t come to this site just to be argumentive.
Great comeback
/third string gets involved, after the tackle
/PF= empty space waster and FACT denier.
Geoff, This is his ONLY pleasure in life. !
I was thinking of small yappy dog, safe behind a big fence of kool aid….
Or Wyle Coyote…..
Meep meep….
There are two types of errors in data – random and systematic. If we are averaging large amounts of data with random errors (both lots of places measured and measured lots of times) then random errors will average out. Thus there is no need to adjust data forcrandom errors. Indeed, adjusting some of the random errors (particularly with potentially biased algorithms) will make the average less accurate – properly done adjustments should make no difference.
If there are systematic errors, then you adjust for those systematic errors on a case by case basis where you have worked out the error properly.
Running algos to find random errors is simply wrong and unecessary. If that produces significant revisions to averages, the algorithm is almost certainly biased..
Did you read my post. All this is considered in the methodology.
No one can claim anything else but vague hand waving. Look at the raw data, look at the ADAM and ACORN datasets, look at the methodology used to validate them. Look at the model used for both forecasting and climate, then tell me what is wrong.
/Belief, beggars my
NO , it is NOT considered in the methodology
The Methodology is USED to CREATE warming trends that often do not exist in the raw data.
Proven, shown many times that this the WHOLE AIM of the “”adjustments”
/pf cannot accept the FACTS… they would destroy his “beliefs”
“Look at the model used for both forecasting and climate”
They can only just correctly forecast a few day out… if they get lucky.
Climate, they are TOTALLY USELESS, just a guessing game based on erroneous assumptions.
Sights as wide as a barn, and they STILL MISS. !!
Pf Tony Heller has ALREADY proved that the NOAA/NASA data has been homogenized, go away and study it. If you dont see it,,tuff titty.
Hopeless arguing with trolls like him…
Lies, damned lies…and homogenization….
Interesting conversation here!
Ok, I travel 50k’s from home to work. My van has its own thermometer! Wow! Dunno how accurate it is, and it only reads to the nearest whole degree!
But! What I have observed countless times, is how variable the temperature can be over that 50 k’s! Can leave home at 7C, and get to work at 0C! And that’s only over 50 k’s!
And the BOM thinks they can ‘homogenize’ data over longer distances? That, verges on the ludicrous!
One of my previous occupations, was as a Lab Tech for a flour mill.
One of my roles, on an annual basis, was to prepare the NIR machines for that years wheat harvest. This required many, many, repeated anaylsis, to fine tune the data, to get a stable calibration! If you want a robust calibration, you MUST have accurate data inputed into the calibration table. If the calibration were not robust, then the output from the field tested wheat samples would not be accurate. The farmers who supplied the wheat were relying on our accuracy for protein and moisture content. Too high a moisture content, the wheat could be rejected, or held over to ‘dry off’ As for protein levels, the farmers were paid in 0.1% increments! Yes, accuracy was paramount!
Anyway, the reason for this little tale, is to say that if you want robust data, then you must have as many inputs as possible! You cannot just have a couple of data points, draw a line, and say this is it! No! I mean how can the BOM justify using Ballarat to adjust a place in Tasmania? Its across a body of water, in a different airstream, and at a different latitude! Ludicrous!
And what compounds this issue, is that you now have all this adulterated data being fed into otherwise inaccurate climate models, spewing out something that is to be regarded as an accurate forecast?
No wonder we now have a generation who are led to believe that soon, the sky is gonna fall! An to use an old computing term GI/GO!
Great idea, you up for the extra dosh?
/ PF = GI-GO, regurgitated.
In a double Twitter whammy skeptical Blogger from Melbourne Jamie Spry is suspended on Twitter this weekend and another established skeptic Chaam Jamal dissappears altogether
It’s a great Twitter stream. It powerfully links to the evidence that so worries the climate alarmists. No wonder they worked so hard to get it chopped.
Just goes to show that the green-left socialists can’t handle the science.
All the more reason to support Jo (and Peter Ridd).
Who is Peter Fitzr
Peter; Who are you?
ok, Peter,
I should have said Peter Fitzroy, but it came out wrong.
Simply speaking I’m a former ecologist, now semi retired, is that enough, or are you after my inside leg measurement?
An ecologist that HATES plant-life.
How SAD and PITIFUL is that !!!!
Oh dearie me, are you getting upset.
Why do you HATE plant-life so much, PF ??
Now youve done it….a hands on hips moment with pout….
Next will come…”No, its *fine*….”
He he …lie down, play dead….
And you can easily picture the foot stamp to emphasise the Eco injustice.
I really would have thought that a “former” ecologist, would have known something about plants and their absolute requirement for atmospheric CO2 to grow, preferably at a level considerably above current atmospheric levels.
But it appears that PF has basically forgotten all the ecology that it once pretended to know.
/PF brain-cleaned
He’s an old white lefty male, still fighting those dreadful Capitalists who keep improving peoples’ living standards and life-spans.
He’s an apologist for the poor science that consistently flows from those who claim that man-made CO2 is the primary driver of global warming, and that it will be catastrophic.
He has a tin ear.
Nothing much else about him is relevant.
And you? Still repeating the lames ass tropes from the heartland institute, as you complain about the cost (never the value) of everything, while driving the 98 commodore home from Maccas, leaving a trail of garbage as you go.
Poor pf, starting to LOOSE IT.
Trot off to beddy-bys before you have a tantrum, little boy/girl/whatever.
Had a nice piece of steak this evening, cooked over a wood fired BBQ.
Also went for a drive in the V8, but not to maccas.
How was your vegan hamburger, PF?
By the way, where is that empirical evidence of warming by increased atmospheric CO2
Still haven’t figured out what “empirical” or “evidence” mean yet, have you.
/poor evidence free PF
“leaving a trail of garbage as you go.”
Not us who is leaving wind turbines and solar panels littering the whole environment !!
Why never a comment on the HORRENDOUS pollution in China from the mass production of wind turbine magnets and solar panels
Not near you.. so it doesn’t matter.. right PF !!
Went passed Eraring power station the other day..
Gees everything was LUSH and GREEN !!
Must be something in the air
Now I know you have a tin ear and what’s more your reading and comprehension ability is fast fading.
Everybody knows I drive a big, beautiful, fuel guzzling Toyota Landcruiser. Bull bar, winch, driving lights, two batteries, nice big Engel in the back, two spares, black duco (to absorb the heat) and a big and very effective air-conditioner (to cool the heat). It gets about 16 litres/100 kms when I’m gunning it across the vast spaces of outback Western Australia.
When you’re bush-bashing it’s even better. Bowls over those jam trees like a M1 Abrams tank. No worries comrade.
Nothing there, move on.
Around this area
“Understanding the Climate Movement Part 3: Follow the Money”
Just as well there are a crew of obstinate bastards that haven’t been bought.
Remembering Jock McLaren
From the book – when he was shown the first Japanese “Wanted” poster “he laughed and set out to raise the price”
I remember him from the Wiki link , and his description of the problem of getting a (hot ball) diesel motor going while in the middle of a harbour having just shot up the port. An incredible guy.
Differences(cdio-ACORN2) at the start of the recording period to the most recent set of data that show difference between cdio and ACORN2. 1000 sample of each.
2 JAN 1923 to 28 SEPT 1925 The sum of differences is 67.5 (Avg increase of 0.067 degrees each day)
27 JUN 1988 to 24 MAR 1991 The sum of differences is 771.7 (Avg increase of 0.772 degrees each day)
See post here for explanation
Are you saying that there is a climate change signal?
Yep, It all in the “adjustments”
Are you saying that there is a climate change signal?
You really haven’t got a clue , have you PF
TOTAL lack of comprehension and understanding.
Hilarious !
I am not say anything, it is data, it speaks for itself.
So there is ago in. Your figures, we’ll done
You sound like you are on your second or third bottle of turps , PF
So…. no different from usual.
/PF = incoherent GI-GO.
It is all BoM data that I use.
I have fully explained what I have done, so even if you basic programming capabilities you could replicate it.
Unlike like those who have something to hide and won’t divulge their source code.
And what do you mean
What do you use instead of figures, Tea leaves.
opps thick thumbs. So there is agreement, your figures are showing a change, and that is change is down to AGW
Yes the change is ALL in the adjustment
“and that is change is down to AGW”
Glad you have FINALLY REALISE that is what AGW is all about
Adjusting data.
/PF dumb as an ox. !!
Opps? Opps?
Definitely well into his 3rd bottle.
Go to bed, comrade.
But PF doesn’t UNDERSTAND the calculation or the result
He is a mathematically inept moron.
that has been obvious for some time.
Whether he is a stupid as he sounds from his posts is questionable; I lean towards him being brainwashed into the cult of AGW. (You probably think they used a fire hose).
Certainly there is little hope of him working his way out until there is a major change in climate, something that is highly unlikely to be apparent (to him) in his little world on the NSW mid-north coast.
Well Patricia orobably has a beach front house in a small coastal hamlet somewhere….waiting for the sea level to rise.
Big bonus…if sea levels rise due to increased temp i wont need my wet suit anymore….it will be like swimming in a bath…minus the vegan soap of course….on the soap wrapper it said no vegans wee harmed in making the soap, but i have my doubts…
Jack, looking at the BOM Acorn-Sat document, and if I am interpreting their change rate tables correctly, they too admit that the data change rate has changed between the raw data, Acorn-Sat 1 and Acorn-Sat 2. This documented admission I find surprising.
They do admit that they “modify” historical data to create ACORN,
but the few sites I have run comparisons on have demonstrated that they pushed down the temps in the earlier recordings and raised the temps in the later years.
This could mean at all the site I’ve test so far, their instruments were reading high in the first part of last century and and low in the later half of the century and they have compensated for that weird and consistent anomaly. How they determine the, suddenly needed to be modified, inaccuracies of the historical data is another question.
The alternative could be that they wanted to demonstrate a high rate of warming than the original data showed.
I wouldn’t want to jump to conclusions, but….
“No one is saying that the raw data doesn’t need any adjustments”
I am. It is a basic law of experimental research that you never change the data, at least based on other data from somewhere far away in this case. If a particular instrument is consistently reading high or low, you have to explain why and what correction is needed and the basis for correction of that particular instrument applied to that instrument and only to that instrument. You might even calibrate that instrument against a perfect instrument sited very close to the same place, but maybe away from a freeway or off the concrete to get a very good idea of the bias of the location. You can then apply adjustments which correct that specific set of data and effectively recover good data.
That is not what is going on here.
This is rewriting data, raw temperatures based on a model which may or may not be valid, ie. altering the base data on an unproven theory. That is not what should be done. Ever. Unless there is an instrumental fault, the data should never, ever be touched. It is up to the model to reproduce the fixed known and certain data, not the data which has to be adjusted to fit the model.
This is invalid scientific skulduggery.
There also seems to be an idea that everything has to be smooth and if not smooth, the data has to be smoothed. What rubbish.
The data on one side of the street can be fundamentally different from data on the other side. Clouds, wind tunnels, rain. The concept that
everything is smooth like a barometric chart is unlikely. More likely you have discontinuities, even across a single hill. To start smoothing
data across Bass strait and mountains and lakes and bays and wind and all the rest is utterly ridiculous. By all means take the measurements and
smooth the fit, but to declare temperature is 2C higher or lower because that fits the smoothing is not science at all.
The temperatures is what it is. That is what should be recorded and what is true. The quality of the model is judged on how well it fits the data but
from what I read earlier this year, the actual temperatures are being altered retrospectively in real physical locations. That is unbelievably wrong.
Whoever is doing this should do Year 1 Physics prac again. They would fail.
Even the idea that temperatures several hundred kilometres apart should be “homogenous” is a truly ridiculous one.
True but it provides the smoke screen to fudge the data …….
Homogenization Makes You Free……
So the climate modelling system uses cells which are 200k on a side, what temp to you assign to such a cell? The weather model uses 5k cells (but only one layer deep)
Is this so hard, or do you like wallowing in ignorance?
“So the climate modelling system uses cells which are 200k on a side”
Glad you have just shown how pathetically inaccurate climate models really are, even compared to weather forecast models
Only one “wallowing” is you, PF
You ooze ignorance in your every post.
It is hilarious, and does enormous damage to the AGW meme.
NOBODY except Vishy and GA want to appear as DUMB as you manage to do.
/PF mathematical inebriate.
So using data from 812 km. away is your idea of modelling? Why not those from Peking or Uppsala?
200km cells……data should be for the locality and nothing else.
Yiu might be able to attempt a fill in modelling if what temps between the point locations look like but its prone to error
For example you have micro climates and other factors that can drastically change temps withong 100m of a location.
The BOM is effectively erasing accurate data and creating a Borg-like creature of data that is inherently unreliable. But if your plan is to slowly erase specific data, its a devious and effective way to do it….
And you, Peter Fitzroy, have the temerity to believe (for that is all you have) that these models are accurate. 200k per side is ridiculously large!
Also you are saying that problems with the models are solved by adjusting and smoothing temperature data. Bull$hit! Fix the models not the data.
It is unscientific fiddle the data to fit the model.
My sentiments exactly – data is data. If there is to be any smoothing then adjustments should be by self correlation on the basis that today’s temperature should be similar to yesterdays. Thus if there is a discontinuity it should be evident.
Inane comment of the day
Yes, no need for the title….
yours always are, PF
TdeF said: “It is a basic law of experimental research that you never change the data.”
Peter Fitzroy said,(in response): ” Inane comment of the day”
Who is making Inane comments here?
The is a crock, you collect the raw data, adjust for known variables (instrument sensitivity – V8 of UAH is an example), then apply whatever tests you want.
show me one example where the data is not changed, in any field
/inane is as inane does
But they ARE NOT adjusting for knows.. They are adjusting for UNKNOWNS that they think they have found but never verify
If they adjusted for the KNOWS, like UHI, the adjustments would be downward towards the present.
You again DO NOT UNDERSTAND the difference between calculated drift errors, and fabricated mal-adjustments
It is your totally lack of understanding of data and science that does this to you.
/PF cognitive malfunction. !!
Frig – they publish their methodology for both ADAM and ACORN, you on the other hand…
Peter, please see my comment above after reading the Acorn-sat 2 document. I believe that the BOM does NOT publish the full information on their methodology. If they do, please point me to the actual BOM document.
Yes and that methodology is USED to CREATE warming where it never should exist.
Are you SO DUMB that you can’t see that using data form CRAPPY sites with large UHI influences to adjust other data is absolute scientific malfeasance? !!
Your lack of scientific and mathematical comprehension is bizarre at the very least.
Now, Where is that empirical evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2
Stop running around like a headless chook !
I really just laugh at your unparalleled ignorance. UAH has been adjustment city . and was that refusal to hand over codes?
evidence of CO2 and warming – none really apart from multiple temperature analyses, satellite analyses, paleoclimate, verification of changes in radiative balance, species phenology changes, melting Arctic and glaciers. Lack of a solar driver. And even your host here thinks CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
Poor vishy, has zero comprehension of the scientific basis for KNOW issues with staellites
Codes are readily available
Glad you get your information from a rabbit.. Makes sense now.
No evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2
“multiple temperature analyses, satellite analyses, paleoclimate, verification of changes in radiative balance,”
Temperature data shows ONLY El Nino warming
Ceres matches the UAH tropospheric temperature.
Paleodata shows NO CO2 warming, just the opposite.
Vostok core show peak CO2 was when temperatures started falling
You are NO SCIENTIST are you Vishy.
Just another brain-washed idiot/troll !!
Oh and you didn’t answer…
WHY do you hate plant life so, so much !
A “former” ecologist should know better. !!!
Peter, the earlier temperature data was not changed by BOM, merely recorded. It is only in recent years that BOM has decided to alter the data.
G4 – they still have the original data, and from that they extract 2 datasets – ADAM – which is for weather, is adjusted to add missing values (least squares method I think), and to adjust for bad measurements, decimal point missing etc). ACORN – which is designed to use a 200k grid, and to look at trends on a 30 year baseline is homogenised to produce average values for the cell. As you can imagine it is more complicated than that, as they also include landforms (mountains, coasts etc) in the process. Both are well documented, and can be checked against the original records at any time, which is what a lot of the discussions seem to ignore.
It is best to remember that weather uses a 5k grid, and climate uses a 200k grid.
you can still access the records from the original database if you want
Yes. they use the CRAP data from urban affected site to homogenise everything else.
That is the intent and the result of the procedure.
Why are you SO, SO IGNORANT of why is right in front of your eyes. !!
Weather forecasts are accurate to 3-4 days
Claimate predictions are FAR less accurate
So inaccurate as to be MEANINGLESS.
/PF lacks comprehension of ANYTHING
Are you saying that it is not hotter in the city? Are you saying that for Sydney a 200k cell is not appropriate?
Where is your optimum site map?
/and he calls me a moron
So many sites that are UHI compromised and you choose the one place where even BOM have removed it from their main data set.
MORON doesn’t half cover your ignorance, PF !!
Andy ACORN uses Richmond for its Sydney site, what exactly are you saying?
Not really Sydney is it twerp, and only goes back to 1995.
And if you knew anything you would know they are quite different weather areas
But ignorance is your thing. so just stick with that.
Now , how has the global climate changed in the last 40 year that can scientifically be linked to human activity?
You are still batting a big fat ZERO on that one.
Nw , Where is the empirical evidence for warming by atmospheric CO2
/cue more headless chook routine
Peter – he has no analytical ability. He wouldn’t know where to start. His job here is to be a troll and just drag you around endlessly in a dishonest circular argument.
Poor dumb vishy-troll
Facts and CLEAN data are MEANINGLESS to you.
Poor puppet !!
Well, Vishnu, I’m hoping that others also see the essential emptiness of his ranting. Except for the munchkins from OZ, they are busy perfecting their Peter Allan tribute band, apparently their tour will be called “Boyz from Oz”
Yet another load of mindless gibberish from PF
No evidence yet of anything hey PF.
Just the headless chook routine.
Just the innate hatred of all life on Earth, yourself most of all.
/cue more headless chook routine
So predictable is PF !
Yes, trying to nail you or PF down to a bit of HONESTY is a very difficult task.
Even harder to get you to accept basic facts and data that isn’t mal-adjusted or fabricated.
You desperately NEED to avoid clean data, facts, and most of all, any self-honesty, to keep your brain-washing intact.
Peter, at the risk of labouring a point, I do not believe that the BOM documents anything very well, otherwise we would not be having this protracted conversation. They may internally, but the documents I have seen so far would not allow anybody to accurately reproduce their processes and generate the same results. And surely all science should be reproducible by others?
Nice comment. Were the unimpeachable, untampered, data widely, freely and openly available, there would be no discussion other than about the potential fra-ud-u-lent fiddle.
If I may comment on what I regard as another absurd case of homogenisation:
I believe that an Acorn-sat site Carnarvon WA, on the coast, is homogenised by data from a hot inland site, Gasgoyne Junction, 175 kms inland and currently 10 degrees hotter. This would naturally increase the temp data recorded from Carnarvon.
see my comment about climate and why there is homogenisation
“see my comment about climate and why there is homogenisation”
Put that in the “WHY BOTHER” basket
Your comments are MEANINGLESS and based on IGNORANCE.
Sorry Peter, but I don’t believe that your response specifically addresses my comment. Surely there can be no other result by homogenising a seaside town’s temperature with one well inland, other than to increase the temperature of the seaside town. So it MUST distort this temperature reading, and surely this cannot be regarded as necessary in any way. FWIW, I believe that Carnarvon, prior to homogenisation, never showed a warming trend. Now it does. Wonder why?
Same if you homogenise an unaffected site with a site affected by urban warming.
The unaffected site then gets a non-real positive trend.
That is exactly what BOM does.
That is exactly what the methodology was meant to allow them to do.
Never thought of this possibility also Andy.
Another Acorn-sat 2 document issue that I haven’t as yet commented on was that I couldn’t find any mention of how the BOM addresses UHI – this major subject area seemed to be ignored.
Peter Fitzroy is here to troll and bait
Andy falls for the trap of being baited.
Ignore the bloody idiot.
He doesn’t deserve the attention nor the time
You give him Andy
Let the modes delete his nonsense..
That’s their job !
“Let the modes delete his nonsense..”
But they won’t.
And he will just keep posting his slime and nonsense .
His game is to waste your time and energy.
Bait & Bleed you Andy !
That’s a moderator issue.
Let them deal with it
If they don’t then JoNova’s blog will die.
I don’t think Joanne will let that happen.
There may be PeterFitzroy posts which have been moderated out of our sight but that which survives is harmless, albeit rarely informative, and the AndyG55 relentless whack-a-mole responses are generally factual, often refreshingly original and overall enhance the experience of visiting this site; I’m happy for both of them to keep it up.
I wonder if these people have ever taken an early morning walk. You will soon realise that the temperature varies from place to place on a micro scale. (it is much easier to experience this in the early mornings rather than later in the day because the temperature has not risen yet.) This makes correction or adjustment using the nearest mearurements problematical to say the least.
Assuming that we must adjust temperatures to allow for changes in the environment of the thermometers, then surely day by day autocorrelation of the temperature records should be used. After all the BOM uses this technique in part to make temperature forecasts on the basis that tomorrow is more likely to be similar to todays temperature.
Agreed. And if I wanted to know the temperature locally, I would use the closest weather station, not the temperature across Bass Strait. That does not even make sense.
There is something very wrong when raw data is adjusted. That is forbidden in science. I learned this a long time ago. Otherwise it is so easy to make data fit the theory which makes every theory correct, even if it’s wrong.
These two jackasses have obviously never been near any real science.
A “former” ecologist that hates plants…
.. and a Hindi god wannabee..
So funny !!
Quite funny watching them expose their lack of scientific understanding in basically every post.
Bit like constantly adjusting the parameters in the GCMs when they constantly fail to hindcast properly….
Quite simple.
If their are obvious problems with the data collection, as at many BOM sites, DON’T USE IT, certainly not for the homogenisation process.
If there are gaps in the data.. LEAVE THEM AS GAPS.
Big question is… WHY is there so much missing data in more recent times !!
That is basically inexcusable considering how much money is funnelled BOM’s way
Apparently, some 50% of US data is now just “estimated”, Nobody can take that data seriously. !!
If there is a site move or change of equipment, then it is a separate record unless proven to be parallel over a good period of time.
None of this looking for aberrations by looking at CRAP data hundreds of km away in different climatic zones, then just “adjusting” to that CRAP data
That is just plain ANTI-SCIENCE.
Often in real science, not Climate Science, it is the little differences between the expected and the real data which leads to breakthroughs. Explaining the differences between theory and reality is what science is all about and the source of some of the greatest advances in science. It is a tragedy and a disgrace that we are fiddling the data on a National scale and even retrospectively and being told that is reality.
Absolutely. The unexpected, frequently opens new avenues or forces multiple lines of investigation, each contributing an element of insight at their intersection, which in turn becomes the new hypothesis. Such was my own (published) research.