NOAA has a press release out being picked up around the world. For example, the DailyMail, UK, is saying July was the hottest month since records began in 1880 as heatwaves swept the Earth’s countries and oceans. Other silly tabloids have headlines about this being the hottest July in 4,000 years, as if we have even the remotest idea what the average July global temperature was in the days of Plato.
Better data shows July this year is the hottest since way back in… 2014. It’s not 4,000 years, not 135 years, it’s the hottest July since the last one.

But some journalists will believe anything. Anthony Sharman, sports journalist,, Australia, thinks we know the global temperature of the July that Jesus was born. Who’s a gullible journalist then? (And who was that gullible editor?) We have estimates of the temperature of whole years circa one AD, but we don’t have “monthly” data. Not too many thermometers. How good are those tree-rings? Check out this fantasy headline:
Yes July could have been the hottest month in 4,000 years, and it could have been the first month Earth was visited by aliens — there is no evidence for that either.
Anthony Sharman read one press release and thinks he knows more than what he got from the cereal box:
CLIMATE change is real. Climate change is happening. The world is getting warmer. There was no global pause. This thing is not slowing down.
These are the inescapable conclusions for anyone who sources their information beyond cereal boxes, internet forums and oil industry spokespeople…
It’s no-holds-barred, pure agitprop. (I’ll bet he feels smug today, eh? 😉 ). Do leave a comment to help them get past their fawning commitment to publish chumpy unresearched propaganda.
We know the world was hotter 8000 years ago, and 130,000 year ago, and for millions of years while life on Earth evolved.

Current temperatures “might” be around the -31 line. What we know for sure is that current temperatures are not unusual.
Yes, the graph above is “only Greenland” but the holocene was hotter all over the world. (6,000 boreholes were drilled all over the world — Huang and Pollack, 2008). Go on, deny this.
The further back we go the more climate variability there is. Today’s temperatures are balmy, mild, good, and nice for humans.
There’s more information on the Vostok Ice Cores here.
Most of the last 65 million years was hotter. Go on, Panic Now!
Poor Sharman. Gullible.
About Anthony Sharman
h/t Steve W, Colin, Mal.
It’s the Paris-ites hottest ever, each month until November.
Well thank goodness – here comes the Carbon Lone-Ranger with 100% renewables pledge for canberra by 2025……
Still laughing hard….
“ACT Labor will commit to a target of 100 per cent renewable energy by 2025, Chief Minister Andrew Barr will tell the party faithful at its annual conference on Saturday, making Canberra the first Australian capital to be powered entirely by wind, solar and other renewable sources.
Labor’s current target is 90 per cent renewables by 2020 and to get there, it is buying power from five or six wind farms, three solar farms within the territory borders, and a big-dish-style solar project whose details have yet to be settled.
Mr Barr will tell 327 delegates at the party’s conference that the 100 per cent target is achievable, putting the ACT at the global forefront in its response to climate change.”
“We can do this. We have shown it’s possible – now we have one small step left,” he said. “Canberra can and should be a beacon for everyone who realises the world must act decisively now to stave off a future of catastrophic climate change.”
The government is buying the bulk of its renewable energy through auctions, where companies compete for 20 year contracts at a guaranteed price. One solar farm began operation last year, with a second being built and a third in planning. The first three wind farms have begun or are preparing to begin construction, between them producing sufficient energy for one-quarter of Canberra’s needs. And the government has called bids for its second wind auction this month.
Environment Minister Simon Corbell has said the initiatives to date, including the new auction, would bring the city close to its 90 per cent target. The renewables will add an average $240 a year to the average electricity bill for Canberra households by 2020, he has said.
The government is yet to announce details of how it will fill the final 10 per cent of the target, but it has the advantage of being able to move to renewable energy without threatening any other energy-generating industries, a factor that makes it more difficult for states like NSW to go nearly so far.”
Funny how the music from “The 3 Stooges” keeps coming to mind…..
Does this character “Andrew Barr” perform at some Sit Down Comedy venue perchance ??
If he doesn’t he sure has missed his true calling !
In the article announcing the 100% renwables nonsense, the person in question was photographed at the Mad Hatters Ball….
Thoughts about life and imitation and art come to mind…..
Life is never dull.
The renewables will add an average $240 a year to the average electricity bill for Canberra households by 2020, he has said.
$240 for what exactly?
Does anybody really believe this rubbish or that figure?
Without subsidys you could conservitivly quadruple that.
Where do these snake oil salesman pluck these figures from?
Seems he must have solved that little problem of how to keep the lights on when the sun goes down and the wind don’t blow.
Start stock piling your candles Canberrians.
And last I read hydro don’t count.
Castles in the air…paid for..w.ait for it….the punters who cant say no……
Now all we need is a fancy bug dacha on the black sea and the picture is complete….
Should read “fancy big dacha”
If I read this correctly the ACT will disconnect any coal derived power and I’m interested to know how that will be achieved and how the ACT will be prevented from sneaking a bit when there is a lack of wind and sunlight. I’d love nothing better than to see the lights go out during Question Time as the renewables failed yet again.
Spot on Lawrie. TAS has had 100% renewable “capacity” for some time now. However the Bell Bay power station across the river from me seems to be running 24/7/365 as you would expect.
Shh! Don’t tell anyone!
The ACT consumes around 2.8TWH of power each year. Now, while the overall population of the whole ACT is larger than Newcastle, the ACT consumes less power, because while Newcastle has a lot of industry, large consumers of electricity, the ACT doesn’t.
So, we’re not talking very much power here, in fact barely 1.3% of the total power consumption of the whole of Australia.
1.3%, a little more than a fart in a windstorm.
So, 2.8TWH of power is still a lot of power to generate.
Let me see now.
How about those Snowy Mountains nearby and all that lovely Hydro power. I wonder how much Snowy Hydro is consumed by the ACT.
Snowy Hydro is owned by NSW (58%) Victoria, (29%) and Australia, (13%) umm, read ACT here.
So, umm, lets’ see now. What’s 13% of the yearly output of the Snowy Hydro.
Why, that’s 2.5TWH no less.
So, with Hydro classified as renewable, you know, as much as they don’t ever mention how the only reason the renewables percentage is so high is solely due to Hydro, (everywhere) the ACT now only has to find around 300GWH of power to make 100% from Renewables.
Hey how easy is that, eh.
They can say 100% from renewables and everyone thinks wind and solar, and how this is a wonderful aspiration, and say, hey, we can do this, aren’t we great. We can show the World.
Shh! Don’t mention Hydro.
300GWH, the remainder, all from wind and solar. Not too hard a task that, with all that hydro to take up the slack.
300GWH, you know the output from Bayswater in, umm, 4 days and 16 hours.
What they have oh so artfully not mentioned to anyone is that they are already 88% of the way there with all that lovely Snowy Hydro.
Tony looking not far back in time to when the ACT was smaller then, it could be said that it once did run 100% off renewables but as CO2 became the greatest moral delusion of our time it promptly ceased to do so.
Don’t forget Tony, that 100% will be nameplate. I am sure that even the snowy mountain scheme doesn’t have 100% capacity factor all the time. The wivenhoe hydro plant was mothballed for most of the last drought, 6 of the last 10 years. Where is the energy coming from when renewable generation is low – why, NSW coal power of course.
you’ll note I didn’t use Nameplate here, but actual power consumed, 2.8TWH.
That 2.5TWH I used as the ACT’s 13% allocation of Snowy Hydro is also based on actual power generated, and that was calculated at (around) the average Capacity Factor of 55% for most Hydro power.
I’m willing to bet that the First Minister of the ACT will not be all that willing to go around with an axe and chop off the power interconnect from NSW which supplies all the power coming into the ACT.
So, umm, in manner similar to how South Australia makes its claims about renewables, they will just go on the yearly totals, because there will be days when the wind does not blow enough to generate all that much power, so no one will ever know with certainty that ALL the power ALL the time is definitely coming from renewable sources.
That’s not the point Tony, while you or I might understand that actual generation is only a fraction of theoretical nameplate capacity, politicians will spin it. Rather than use actual they will base there claims on nameplate. So when Shorten says 50% by 2030 what he means is nameplate of 50% of total nameplate. That as you or I know only 10% in terms of actual power delivery.
Abbotts 26% will be on a nameplate basis too, so he only has to acheive about 5% in actual terms to have 26% in nameplate terms.
Such is politics.
Oddly this means that the ACT can acheive 100% of their consumption in nameplate terms from a system which delivers only 20% of their consumption!
Political math 101.
arrrgh “their claims” , not “there claims” …. I’m so ashamed
Bobl “I am sure that even the snowy mountain scheme doesn’t have 100% capacity factor all the time.”
While you are inevitably correct in the very extreme situation, the ACT does not have 100% demand all the time and water can be pumped uphill from dam to dam. This means that the supply can track demand until demand exceeds supply.
Australia needs more dams both big and small. There is a very small hydro generator at Mt Stromlo. About 750KW from memory (I have been there and climbed on it). Is listed as 700KW here. It was inserted into an exisiting pipeline from Bendora dam to use energy that was previously just wasted. While 700KW is small many more like these should be installed all over the place to help reduce transmission loss in the grid. Much of that 700KW would be used by the Stromlo water plant itself.
Another local one
The ACT also has two 3MW (I think) methane generators at Mugga lane and West Belconnen rubish dumps. These help to turn stink into lovely life giving CO2. Sadly the ACT is cluttering up the place with solar junk too. Complete with websites that do not work.
Umm. Everyone here knows that so, umm, no need for whispers.
Perhaps it is time for our national parliament to seriously consider passing a law that by the first of january 2025 the capital territory will man datedly be disconnected from the national grid. This would show the people in the ACT on that particular day what stupid folly their local government is following. Parliament would be OK they have their own back up power. The real people of the ACT would be very peeved and demand a very quick change of mind from their local government. Problem solved and idiots removed.
“We can do this. We have shown it’s possible – now we have one small step left,” he said. “Canberra can and should be a beacon for everyone who realises the world must act decisively now to stave off a future of catastrophic climate change.”
ACT labor should start stockpiling candles to illuminate its beacon for those windless nights, otherwise the rest of the world and even the Pope might get lost on their holy pilgrimages to Canberra.
So if you asked him point blank, “I don’t source my info from oil companies or d@n!@r blogs but directly from the RSS satellite which shows XYZ, how do you account for the apparent contradiction?” what would he actually say?
Someone is fudging some data .. and I don’t think its RSS !
‘Fudging’ is supremely generous.
May I suggest The Smart Axiom for Discourse and Intellectual Engagement (SADIE):
“Do unto others as they would unto you”
I never knew my one grandfather. He passed away when my father was just a 15 years. However, one of the things my father told me about his father was that he was absolutely honest. I try to live up to that standard.
In my work I check and recheck every point of data. Even when it goes against what I expect or is inconclusive I have to be honest about it. Do I make mistakes? Of course. But I try to correct them.
I’m just really amazed at the duplicity I see in the climate science field and how scientists who make honest observations and comments are ignored and sometimes attacked by the science is settled crowd. What a silly notion, that science can be settled…….
You have to ask the question why alarmists only believe satellite figures about sea level and ground figures about temperature.
The answer is you cannot homogenise/torture direct sea level readings, also satellite readings on global temperature are totally unbiased, unlike the land based data sets.
Perhaps a clue can be found in ‘economic-climate-science’.
As you know, economic climate science relies on satellites to transmit data like the data for high frequency trading at mind boggling speeds, to and fro, so that the economic climate can be understood on earth. For example, the economic climate scientist was using satellites to obtain economic data well before terrestrial climate scientists started using satellites to obtain temperature etc data..
Economic climate scientist’s already understand that an under-performing economic climate results in poverty, austerity and thus emissions of CO2 will plummet in this scenario. If people cannot buy petrol, the price of petrol plummets and oil rigs are shut down. Terrestrial climate scientists are jealous the economic climate scientist are able to determine CO2 emissions using economic data alone and so they generally keep quiet about this achievement of economic climate science. Sad they cannot work together harmoniously.
So there’s the clue. terrestrial climate scientist’s have always envied economic climate scientists toy’s like their high frequency trading algo’s and the ability to create a climate like an economic climate out of thin air by merely knowing when to start and stop printing fiat currency. And of course the satellites. Terrestrial climate scientists have always wanted to be able to torture data like a real economic climate scientist.
The terrestrial climate scientist are learning fast from the economic climate scientists for example, how to manipulate public thinking, create new markets like cap and trade, knowing when to go public during hot temperature events, and remain silent during the cold weather events and so forth. It is a sad truth however that economic climate science is vastly more mature when it comes to using satellites to obtain tortured economic data compared to the recent increase in the use of satellites for the purposes of terrestrial climate science.
Enjoy. Mike
The world is too cool. I wish it were warming and not cooling. Cooling is harmful for civilisation.
It’s been the coldest bloody winter that I can remember. Our neighbour, who’s been living next door for 17 + years and in the locality much longer, can’t remember such a cold and protracted winter. Where the hell is this global warming?
At the bottom of the oceans, biding it’s time until Thermogeddon is declared. Do keep up!
You can say that again.
At the bottom of the oceans, biding it’s time until Thermogeddon is declared. Do keep up!
Oh, you did!
And what gets me even more is this crap from the ABC:
I agree with your assessment, and even to the Abbott terminology. I was actually overwhelmed when I first read the item. I felt only a long book would be adequate to refute it all, but what’s the use when our lovely ABC won’t accept criticism?
So I’ll just make one comment: no mention of the Little Ice Age in the latest attempt at a hockey stick.
Dave B
The very first thing that hit me was the headline: ‘Climate Change Sceptics vs The Scientists’.
That was intended to send a message that sceptics are not qualified scientists, or anyone else worthy of note.
Then it goes into the usual crap to try and defend The Scientists.
That hit me first too, and then reading it, what hit me was that “the scientists” consisted of Matthew England.
You know, the one who sat in the audience of Q&A and denied that there was a “pause” in global warming, then came up with a reason for the pause, then decided to start denying it again. Our very own Michael Mann.
Strawmen, be afraid – be very afraid – the ABC is coming to get you!
That ‘hiding the REAL climate’ was the first thing I noted. A couple of years ago, I was in the Te Papa museum in Wellington, NZ. Looking at the climate display, with of course the ‘hockey stick’ I wondered “so where is the Little Climatic Optimum (hadn’t heard about the MWP then) and the Little Ice Age?” At that point, I started to become the sceptic I am today. Jo, thanks to you and all the other climate commenters for keeping me on the TRUE pathway!
A single month’s observations and some anecdotal testimony are not an adequate substitute for 100 years of instrumental measurements. One subjectively cold winter doesn’t inform about the global trend. In south east Australia the average monthly minimums have been increasing since 1972.
Solar activity does not explain this because the minimums are from night time and the Svensmark hypothesis says the global warming trend is from reduced cloud cover, but reduced clouds would cool overnight minimums not warm them.
The AMO/”60 year cycle” doesn’t really explain it either because there was no noticeable downtrend in minimums from 1945 to 1972, they were roughly trendless there.
So an enhanced greenhouse effect is the only other candidate explanation we know of for this increase of 0.22°/decade in overnight temperature minimums. Whether that is from water vapour or CO2 can’t be determined from this weather data alone.
It’s the lichens:
And here I thought it was the termites!
According to Science (Nov. 5, 1982), termites alone emit ten times more carbon dioxide than all the factories and automobiles in the world.
Now we know why cities have such a high UHI effect. It is all those termites munching away and passing gas.
There’s the answer then, wipe out the termites, one has to wonder what effect on CO2 emissions termite management has over preindustrial termites. Perhaps modern termites emit more CO2, all those termite SUVs you know
“….So an enhanced greenhouse effect is the only other candidate explanation we know of for this increase of 0.22°/decade in overnight temperature minimums….”
The obvious explanation is Urban Heat Island Effect.
Dr. Roy Spencer noted that even rural stations are effected. “… While the rate of warming with population increase is the greatest at the lowest population densities, some warming continues with population increases even for densely populated cities…”
This is especially true since The Great Dying of Thermometers wiped out a lot of rural temperatures.
…The biggest Urban Heat Island effect is concrete and asphalt absorbing heat all day and radiating it back at night. As we would expect the maximums are not as affected… (Melbourne AUS.)
Dr. Roy Spencer, who has done a lot of work on UHI backs this up with a city in the USA. Las Vegas: Poster Child for the Urban Heat Island Effect
It is a good example because it is in the desert and there is not much water vapor or clouds.
Wow, I’d actually forgotten about UHI when I wrote that. Must be these late nights I’ve been having.
Fair enough.
Last I heard, separating the the UHI from the GHE is still one of those unsolved problems. In the area I selected most of it is rural, but no idea which stations got used in the mean, I just asked for a minimum 0.25° spatial separation between stations in the Climate Explorer form.
If I could edit my comment above I would remove the last two sentences, as they are false.
Here is the average minimum temperatures for Mildura airport.
The nearest long temperature record in a town (for some reason, the data for Wentworth is not available) is 100km south at Ouyen PO.
These are in rural Victoria. Ouyen is a small town of 1000 people.
Ah okay, so in this data the minimums are warming at 0.05°C per decade. Almost nothing. Thanks for that.
Still shows minimums have been going up, not down, so any recent cold winters are just freak events and not representative of a trend to date, which was the point I was trying to make.
There’s always the chance that the trend has changed and we’re in the early stages of cooling, but it will be another 6 years to see that in the world average.
For the Ouyen PO in town, its 0.13°C/decade while the Airport one (well away from the terminal) is negligible.
If you loo kat the individual months at Ouyen, there is no discernible trend in the winter months.
I’ll also add that my ex home town had three days in row of -2.3°C, stubbornly refusing to break the August record. I thought that the 1st morning was colder than the fourth at -3.1. I guess four in a row of 2.3 would have been a stretch.
“If I could edit my comment above I would remove the last two sentences, as they are false”
As anyone who is not a “climate scientist™” would do. ( please note the ™ ! 😉
I want more global warming because I hate being cold !!
Sorry.. I don’t think its going to happen. 🙁
I want my cold and snow back. I miss 10 foot snow drifts and −40F temps. (I’m serious.)
And not being able to see a car coming around the corner because of the snow drifts. Not seeing the road surface until next spring. The dog sitting on top of the garage roof because she could walk up the snow drift to get there. Stepping over the telephone lines to get to the field across the street to play. Not being able to go outside unless wearing X-country skis. (I sank over my head)
Was I living in Maine? Montana? No, I was living 250 miles / 400 km north west of New York City (We were south of Buffalo)
Yes!! I want all of that back!
Not me. I sometimes wish the alarmists are right. I hate winter!
I moved just south of the snow line. If I never have to shovel snow again I will be a happy camper.
Global Warming? BRING IT ON!
You have solved the mystery, gai.
Finally we know why Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo.
They were trying to get into the warm cow shed.
The buffalo were not dumb like the Mammoths or Mastodons. They know enough to get out of the cold.
Bugger the cold, we’re running out of dry wood and now burning our timber dunny seats to keep the fire going. Next we’ll be looking for some houses built from recycled timber, that should burn really well.
City parks, neighbourhood fences and decks should go some way, at least for a while. Save the dunny seats. They should come a desperate last. The chilly adherence of skin to porcelain could result in the grand irony of calling the fire brigade.
Just FYI;
When you write, ” – 40 [degrees] ” it is unnecessary to put either Fahrenheit or Celsius on it, as this is the single temperature where they are equal ( -40 F = -40 C).
Good point, Mark H. I get used to putting the C’s and F’s and just do it on everything. I’ll try to watch that in the future.
I’ll have to admit… I just took their data and used that to have fun with “the believers”. How can they argue when it’s their data I used? The Japanese graph stated “Trend =.067 degrees”, the slop showed no runaway temps, the heating started 150 years ago… I had no intelligent response to the fact I used their won graph against them. To me … it was an own goal.
I encourage all to respond to the article, facebook shares, etc and go for broke… maybe SOMEONE will see they’ve been duped.
My responses:
“Has anyone seen the graph presented that shows temperatures have changed by ONE degree in the last 150 years? (Hint : It’s in the article above – even has a label “trend =0.67 degrees / century). Climate change is real, but the alarmist scenarios are NOT as those panicking would have you believe. Remember – the alarmist position – with their models – was between 2 degrees and 4 degrees per century.”
“for the rate of change… look at the same graph in the news article and compare 1910 ->1940 with 1970 -> today…. the rates are similar. A very simple read of the graph shows a few things….1. over 150 years, the temperature has changed by about 1 degree. 2. this warming started before “catastrophic” amounts of C02 were pumped into the atmosphere (circa 1970) 3. the current rate of change is nothing new. 4. warming is still on track to be around 2/3 of a degree a century. ALL – THIS IS FROM THE GRAPH IN THE NEWS ARTICLE. This is the DATA we are presented and it is showing that catastrophic warming IS NOT HAPPENING. Now, warming IS happening, but geologic evidence shows the temperature changes, and sometimes quite suddenly.”
Have fun
“Climate change is real”
Always has been..
There is no anthropogenic CO2 signal in the whole of the satellite record.
The only warming was from the solar forced 1997-2001 El Nino. (about 0.26C)
The slight warming before that has been almost exactly cancelled by the slight cooling after.
The satellite record, backed by the balloon and other data, totally destroys the lies of the AGW hypothesis.
And, in any case, there is a huge logical problem about claiming that this-or-that month or year, or whatever, is the hottest in 4000 years. As soon as you specify a time – in this instance 4000 years – then the logical conclusion is that there must have been a HOTTER month or year 4000 years ago.
If there was NOT a hotter month/year 4000 years ago, then the claim would be that ‘this is the hottest month/year for 5000, 6000, 7000 (or whatever) years ago.
The claim that ‘this is the hottest for 4000 years’ means it was hotter back then and the world temperature has been in a trough since then. It has taken 4000 years for the temperature to get back to where it was 4000 years ago.
Each time someone specifies that ‘this is the hottest period since (insert number) years ago, they are actually agreeing that there were hotter periods in the past. They are actually validating the proposition that there were such things as the Minoan Warm Period, the Roman Warm period and the Medieval Warm period.
Interesting observation. I hadn’t though of it that way, but you could be right. People don’t pick intervals for no reason.
SG looks at the US raw data. July was 51st hottest since 1895
Good blog Grant! Like the way you turn their own evidence around to show the truth
Simple observation of the facts shows there is no serious change taking place.
Hope some of them are smart enough to see this.
Yes! people should be alarmed . . . .
But alarmed by the untruths they are being asked to believe in the name of ‘climate change’
Geoffrey Williams
Also, trend of 0.67 deg per century is below the unity level of 1.2 deg per doubling for CO2, Implying that feedbacks are NEGATIVE and runaway warming is IMPOSSIBLE. On their own numbers!
Australia in July 2015 according to the BoM.
Click here.
Australia in July 100 years ago according to one of the current versions of BoM history.
Click here.
What about other parts of the world?
Better store those images, they’ll be disappeared.
Technically speaking, 30 years is climate and the rest is just weather.
Sharman has done a great disservice to the profession, but I’m more concerned with the Murdocracy leaning towards the looney left on climate change.
Their fair and balanced credentials maybe under pressure.
“Technically speaking, 30 years is climate ”
Sorry but, NO !!
In fact 30 years is probably the stupidest period to use, because it is half the major 60 year cycle.
That mean that if you just happen to start at the low point in the 60 year cycle you will only get warming..
Now think about who came up with the 30 year meme and when they want to start that 30 years.
Hint.. he also draws little child-like 2D visualisations of atmospheric transfers for the climate change followers to drool over.
‘Sorry but, NO !!’
I stand corrected, anyway Matthew England thinks a season is climate and who am I to disagree.
But I am a little concerned about all the extra water vapor at the moment, its a major greenhouse gas.
Anthony Has defected today
Fairfax Launch Partner????
Just a Sports Reporter who wants to go to Paris on the new gig
Before it goes broke!
I was wrong
Anthony Sharwood is NOT Anthony Sharman?
Apologies to Huffington Post & Anthony Sharwood?
Can you check who Anthony Sharman is?
I think it may be Anthony Sharwood?
I second the motion.
That’s the nice thing about being on the “d*nialist” side of things. When we make a mistake, we acknowledge it, correct it, and learn from it.
And then we progress again.
Unlike some … … … …
We are not befuddled, that is true, and as we are on a war footing I have become a member of the Denialati to squeeze through the mod filters.
Maybe you were confusing him with is alter ego… Anthony the shaman.
I hope Anthony defecated today
I just assumed that was how he obtained the content for his article…
So I just love they way you distort what was said, add extraneous data and then ‘”prove” that black is white.
PeterFizoy, why don’t you elaborate? What is the distortion? Your comment is hollow.
Simple really Mark, How did they get the July temperature records from those Vostok and Greenland ice cores? After all we are talking about July measured in a particular way over the entire globe, not a proxy for one or two sites where the smallest interval is a year. Now for the distortion. Lower troposphere compared to ground based records? You do not think that is a distortion?
The real distortion of reality is the NOAA/GISS data.
UAH US48 matches the USCRN and ClimDiv COOLING TREND and also matches the warmista run RSS data. UAH has July in 10th place even in the very short satellite record.
The divergence between GISS and reality is well past a joke.
It is very obvious that the NOAA/GISS data is highly fabricated and manipulated to CREATE a totally unrealistic trend for political purposes and certainly totally unfit for anything except base level propaganda for the warmista monkeys to feed on.
Yeah, go on PeterFitzroy, elaborate, teach us ‘filthy deniers’ how wrong we are by showing us some facts.
That is, if you understand enough about it to do so…?
Black is white, global cooling is about to begin and Peter is oblivious.
These are aspects of the weather around the world in July 2015. it doesn’t show a picture of a very hot world to me.
Cut and pasted from a post on Real Climate
richard says:
August 21, 2015 at 11:56 am
Actually Ross it is worse than that.
If you look at a map of the Wisconsin Ice Age, only some areas were glaciated. The eastern part of the USA and Scotland for instance.
It is not cold but SNOW that is the start of glaciation.
So what are we seeing happening?
I will start with a classic, remember the MSM is busy saying Greenland is MELTINGgggg!
February 2010 — Scotland records coldest winter
, The past two months have entered the record books
. Scotland has suffered some of the coldest winter months in almost 100 years, the Met Office has confirmed.
Aug 27, 2014 … Almost 300 “snow patches” remain in Highland mountains and are forming neve. Neve is the first stage in the formation of glaciers
Aug 14, 2015 … Scotland’s winter snow STILL hasn’t melted: Incredible … – Daily Mail
Norway – Forced to remove excessive snow from ski slopes
“During the last two days we’ve got more snow than we had in the last two years together,” says Vegar Sårheim. “I had never believed we would experience this.”
Here is one about the chairlift being destroyed by an avalanche
Here is another about a resort roof collapse.
2014 — The great lakes have been up to 6 DEGREES COLDER with only three months ice free.
November 21, 2014 — Buffalo NY – 30 major roof collapses, 100 minor collapses, More collapses expected… the historic storm that dumped more than 7 feet (2.13 m) of snow on the area in only three days. Buffalo normally gets around 8 feet of snow during an entire winter season.
2009 — In Canada, several all-time snowfall records were set during winter, reaching more than 550 centimetres (cm) in many locations, including Quebec City. In Toronto, it was the third snowiest winter on record for the past 70 years. At the end of January, Prince Edward Island was struck by one of the worst ice storms in decades.
As of the beginning of December Chicago had the Coldest Year in 110 Years and Michigan ski area opens with record snow. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan shatters 125-year-old November snowfall record.
The west coast of the USA has not been spared either.
Eight-and-half inches of snow fell at Juneau International Airport on Sunday Nov. 30, breaking the previous record of 6.3 inches set back in 1946. A record low temperature of 24 degrees was set at Seattle Washington WFO sunday Nov 30. This obliterated the old record of 32 set in 1991. A record low temperature of 19 degrees was set at Quillayute WA Airport today. This breaks the old record of 23 set in 1976. A record low temperature of 18 degrees was set at Bellingham WA Airport today. This ties the old record of 18 set in 1952.
Nor has that bastille of Political Correctness Quebec been spared.
Winter storm warning in effect Tuesday 09 December 2014… A major low pressure system is tracking up the east American seaboard today. A total of 20 to 30 centimetres (7.9″ to 11.8″) of snow with gusts between 70 and 80 km/h (43.5 to 49.7 mph) are expected. The combination of heavy snow and winds will significantly reduce visibilities during several hours. Snow could become mixed with ice pellets…
2014 (Last winter)
Record snowfall (almost 7 ft) in northern Iran
Slovenia paralyzed by snow and ice
Serbia – 1,000 evacuated from cars, buses and trains – Snow drifts 3.5 meters high
Poland – Heavy snowfall and blizzards
Heavy snowfalls and blizzard hammer southern Romania
Iran – Snow and ice storm traps 2,000 people around November 5 followed by snow in 16 provinces by the end of the month.
Turkey – Heavy snowfall knocks out power for 4 days
Algeria – Heavy snowfall brings complete paralysis of most educational institutions
Libya – Snow covered the streets of Tripoli and Duahyaha
Kazakhstan – 530 people rescued from snowdrifts since the beginning of winter
Bulgaria – Heavy snow knocks out power to 10 municipalities in Bulgaria
Turkey – Heavy snowfall traps people on the road in Mersin
Serbia – Ice storm and deep snow – People experiencing mental breakdown after 48 hours without electricity, water and heating
100,000 Czech travelers stranded due to freezing arctic weather
Romania – More than 1,000 people stuck in snow
Eastern Turkey – Heavy snowfall reduces visibility to 16 feet (5 m)
Turkey – Heavy snowfall and extreme cold including the port city İzmir
Sicily – Snow in Palermo
Greece – Roads closed on the Greek island of Euboea
Greek islands in the Mediterranean buried under 6½ ft (2 m) of snow
If they wanted to switch to screaming about Global Cooling again, there has certainly been plenty of new on that subject over the last five year or so. Poor Japan has been repeatedly plastered for example and so has South America and China.
Only by the MSM NOT reporting the news of cold events worldwide can the Paris-ites continue the charade.
H/T to IceAgeNow for publishing the news hidden by the MSM.
I found the problem. The cult of CAGW is moving to climate science fiction, ‘cli-fi’ as it is obvious that normal science does not support CAGW.
“In recent years the term climate fiction, or cli-fi, has emerged to refer to works dealing explicitly with climate change. Margaret Atwood has championed the term, which has since been applied broadly, and even retroactively, to writers like JG Ballard and Jules Verne.”
Okay then. Let’s see who has the cojones to make the film, “State of Fear,” that may lay this eco-marxism bare?
The cult of denial now likes to attach a “C” to AGW, so that as it becomes ever more obvious even to the least educated that AGW is real you can still have a fallback position of denying that the warming is “catastrophic”.
[And your evidence is???] AZ
If it’s not catastrophic, then why do we need to act now? If it’s just a gentle warming, we can adapt. Actually, without the C many people would not care at all about the warming. So, if your contention is there is no c, we thank you and will react accordingly.
It wasn’t the deniers who attached the C to AGW. That was the original message. We’re just reminding everyone that the message has changed (the goal posts have been moved).
You and we, and most every climate scientist now knows that AGW isn’t going to be catastrophic, but they dare not make it well known that they HAVE taken the C away, else their lies would be laid bare.
Cult of Denial
Cool. Never belonged to a cult before. Are there meetings? Any kind of secret handshake I should know about? Any hats, pins, stickers or tee-shirts?
All you need is a satellite. Economic climate scientists have satellites to analyse economic data. Terrestrial climate scientist’s now have their own satellites and algo’s just like real economic climate scientist’s.
It is caused by ‘satellite envy’ at the core of it. You won’t get far without a satellite.
decal, T-shirt, cup art:
Looks Like Cal missed Al Gore’s film.
Of course to get that chart they had to get rid of all the ice core data derived from the entire sample and use only the ‘Air bubble’
The Errors in Measurements of Gas Trapped in Ancient Ice Cores
The author has published about 280 scientific papers.
However I am sure Cal is not interested in actual science only mudslinging.
In the first quote above, Segalstad is just repeating Jaworowski’s findings. The next two linked papers are also from Jaworowski. They are all the opinion of one person.
Do you know of any work testing the reliability of ice core proxies of pCO2 that are independent of Jaworowski?
Also, just for laughs, while I was googling for “improvements in ice core drilling and analysis” I also found this choice quote from the NEEM project:
When climate models can’t predict the past there’s little hope for predicting the future.
NEEM’s published results have no past pCO2 estimates visible. Amazing they would go to so much effort to collect the ice and then not put it through every kind of analysis possible. What’s up with that?
One of the references given is Killawee et al. 1998 that leads to this 2014 paper:
First ‘‘in situ’’ determination of gas transport coefficients
(DO2 , DAr , and DN2 ) from bulk gas concentration measurements (O2, N2, Ar) in natural sea ice
It is dealing with landfast sea ice but does look at the diffusion and transport coefficients.
There is page 54 of this book: Exploration of Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments: Environmental and Scientific Stewardship ( 2007 )
Also this paper
The hydrochemistry of Lake Vostok and the potential for life in Antarctic subglacial lakes
(Jo only lets us have three links) There are plenty of others papers having to do with diffusion in ice. I never even questioned what was written having worked with gas and liquid chromatographs.
Also try leaving a 2 liter bottle of pepsi in the closet unopened for a year and see just how fast the CO2 migrates through the plastic!
I was a bit brain-dead last night and thinking linearly. Here is more information.
If you are not familiar with column ,gas, liquid or paper chromatography, see Wiki or Chemwiki. Understanding the chemistry behind these methods is crucial for understanding what Jaworowski is saying. They are methods “most commonly used to separate organic compounds” Jaworowski is describing a similar process of separation with water as the liquid and ice as the solid. The Chemwiki on Gas Chromatography even has Figure 13. a chromatogram showing the separation of a mixture of gases: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, methane and carbon dioxide, with hydrogen having the shortest retention time in the liquid and carbon dioxide the longest. The diameter of methane is 3.988 Å while CO2 has a collision diameter of 3.9Å and a kinetic diameter of 3.3Å yet CO2 is retained the longest.
This paper gets into “Separation of Carbon Dioxide and Methane over Rb- and Cs-ZK-5 Zeolites”
The paper I was looking for last night is now back on line at Greenworldtrust. As Lucy Skywalker says “This may well be Jaworowski’s best paper. It is pure detailed science – whereas the science in his later papers becomes a little diluted “ The paper is actually by Z Jaworowski, T V Segalstad, & N Ono. It gives the earlier ice core data by location, age, ppm and authors. It discusses the different methods used for analysis.
Note this is not Jaworowski ‘opinion’ rather it is a survey of the field. With a good library it would be possible to dig out all the papers referenced.
I ran across a reference recently where it was stated: ” ” .. Air bubbles trapped in polar ice sheets reveal the composition of the atmosphere of the past….” The idea of using the whole sample and not just the air bubble had vanished. (I can possible dig out the paper… maybe.)
You want other ‘opinions’/papers and that is what this blogger does. He not only goes into detail on Fractionation of Carbon Dioxide from Air “trapped” in Ice but looks at outside information from other scientists.
Back near the top the article says:
WHOA! Wait a second don’t these people understand the principles involved in chromatography?
Any decent organic/analytical chemist know that the CHEMISTRY/polarity of the liquid placed on the susbrate is critical for good separation. Retention is not only a function of molecular size but also affinity with the liquid. Choose the wrong liquid and you get rotten separation or none at all — BTDT with unknowns. In the case of CO2 there is a major affinity for water so it is going to move out of air and ‘dissolve’ in water and stay there if it can (long retention time). This means the air bubbles will be depleted in CO2 but the ice will be enriched.
So it seems they do not understand this part of analytical chemistry or related fields AND they even say so!
This is where the critical bit of dancing around the subject of CO2 concentration in air bubbles remaining unchanged is documented.
A real pretty bit of dancing around to protect the sacred air bubble isn’t it?
The article is long so please go there to read it all and you will find your papers that support fractionation. However Professor Wolff made another statement quoted by this blogger that I want to go into in more detail in my next comment.
I wanted to pay special attention to this second quote from ” ice-core specialist and CACC-supporter Professor Eric Wolff”
What in Hades? “It always remained in the range 170‐300 ppmv” If that was true we wouldn’t be here discussing this.
That 170 ppm CO2 number alone is enough to make anyone sane question the results and according to Barnola et al (1987) the level of CO2 in the global atmosphere during many tens of thousands of years spanning 30,000 to 110,000 BP were below 200ppm.
THIS is what the Warmists and others miss entirely. –
I have another paper that says tree lines can not be used to determine temperature because of this lack of reasonable partial pressures of CO2 at high-elevation sites. The trees die due to lack of CO2 and not because of other reasons.
Impact of lower atmospheric carbon dioxide on tropical mountain ecosystems
That means if the CO2 level is around 210 ppm you can kiss trees and other C3 plants growth above sea level good by and that is most of the earth. Further more about 85% of plant species are C3 plants. They include the cereal grains: wheat, rice, barley, oats. Peanuts, cotton, sugar beets, tobacco, spinach, soybeans, and most trees. Moore, et al. say that only about 0.4% of the 260,000 known species of plants are C4 plants.
So why didn’t they all die out during the Wisconsin Ice Age and the other 10 glaciations?
The PPM when trees and C3 plants are no longer viable was revised and the biology paper I used to link to (– 200 pm CO2 trees starve — ) was removed from the net. All newer papers rely on the ice core data for revising the number down to 180 ppm. A nice bit of circular reasoning there isn’t it, however it does make the ‘storyline’ neat and tidy.
However the censors can not stamp out all the information. (These are old so they may be gone too.)
Hydroponic Shop
As I said, they might not die at 200ppm but they are not going to grow and produce seed.
This, an open air experiment is even more interesting since the draw down stops at ~310 ppm.
Carbon dioxide measurements above a wheat crop. Observations of vertical gradients and concentrations
CO2 depletion
Finally stomata data from fossil plants by Wagner, Aaby and Visscher prove conclusively that the ice core data is seriously in error.
Funny you should mention ‘denial’. Is this the same ‘denial’ that ignores or resorts to adjusting the unpredicted ‘pause’ out of existence, that denies the science is not settled, that denies the historical warm periods, that denies the absence of any meaningful association between rising CO2 and global mean temperature, that denies a rebounding Arctic and record breaking Antarctic ice cover, that denies a decline in RSS global mean lower trophosphere temperature of 0.03C (Jan 1997 – June 2015) (in spite of rising atmospheric CO2 level), that denies the meaning of the words ‘climate change’ in favour of the UN defined polemic that absurdly incorporates atmospheric composition and land usage and fails the principle of non-contradiction, that denies the opportunity of cheap energy and the chance to flourish and develop to those less fortunate, and finally, denies that the eco-marxist ideological agenda is a destructive, impoverishing and dehumanising imposition on civil society?
Is that the denial you’re prattling about or do you have another definition for denial that we’re as yet unaware of?
” that AGW is real ‘
There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO a-CO2 warming signal in the whole of the satellite data.
The AGW assumption is totally destroyed by 36 years of real data. see #4.1
Cal, go and move to northern Canada or somewhere like that.. become an Inuit.
Or would you rather we hadn’t had the absolutely beneficial warming since the Little Ice Age.
That warming has unfortunately ceased, and even worse, looks like reversing.
“Cli -Fi” Love it!
It is all in fun until the planet starts to cool.
“Summer 2015 poised to be chilliest in 50 years
In Finland, this summer is set to go down in the history books as perhaps the coldest on record – bucking the worldwide trend whereby this year brought the hottest June ever.”
“Quebec experienced the coldest February since at least 1889 — for example, Montreal recorded an average temperature of -14.9 C, compared to an average of -8.5 C.”
“Other parts of the province fared even worse, with Quebec City reporting a temperature of -17.8 C.”
“Ottawa recorded its coldest-ever February, with an average temperature of -16.8 C, shattering the former record set in 1979.”
“In Toronto, it was the first February in 75 years where the temperature did not climb above the freezing mark.”
“Many Maritimers spent most of the month digging out after record snowfalls. Both Halifax and Moncton recorded more than double the average amount of snow for the month.
Charlottetown was buried under more than seven feet of snow (222.8 cm), including nearly 90 cm in a single storm that hit PEI’s capital on February 16th”
CCGS Amundsen re-routed to Hudson Bay to help with heavy ice
Worst ice conditions in 20 years force change of plans to icebreaker research program
While in the UK July unusually cool, had its coldest night since July 1965.
And yet, in reality 2015 is on pace to be the warmest year ever recorded, and by a significant margin.
[And your evidence is???] AZ
Statistics are a wonderful thing, aren’t they Cal? You can prove virtually anything. Maybe we should just look at the actual temperatures—Ross at 8.4 has an interesting list that does not look like warming. Sure, I could work some statitical magic and probably get warming out it. The only point to that would be to maintain a theory that is veering further and further from reality annually. Just look at the actual temperatures.
Nice unicorn there, Cal. The only reason that vindicates the proscriptive yet completely nebulous “action” on Global Warming was the C, “catastrophic” warming that was going to occur (which hasn’t), due to water vapour amplification (which isn’t) enhancing the effect of rising CO2.
Due to the logarithmic nature of the effect of atmospheric CO2 rise on global temperature, AGW is not sufficiently urgent to justify such drastic economic sabotage. Now that catastrophic rise is clearly off the table, you attempt (disingenuously, and dare I say dishonestly) to shift the goal posts and try to pretend (unsuccessfully) that AGW was all that was claimed. You have adopted the Lukewarmer position, and hope people don’t notice.
Well, guess what, we did.
‘You have adopted the Lukewarmer position’
He is more likely a hard core warmist.
yeah Cal
in your shorts
Cal @ 10.2
Reliance upon politically required ‘adjustment’ is a troublesome inconvenience, particularly in an established trendless interval of 18 year, and when the RSS lower troposphere temp anomaly actually indicates a small decline of 0.03C in global mean temperature in the period Jan 1997 – June 2015.
No it is NOT.
The only data that says so is the massively manipulated data from GISS/NOAA
All other data sets show it to be a pretty ordinary year.
SG presents that real, UNTAINTED data here.
And here are the current year to date anomalies from UAH Global (in reverse hottest order in degree C)
In the USA where this particular piece of NOAA nonsense comes from, it was the 51st warmest July since 1895.
You have been CONNED because you are incapable of delving further behind the alarmist propaganda headlines and finding the actual reality..
I should also note that the UAH data USA48 actually runs a bit warmer than USCRN and ClimDiv, and all of them show COOLING in the USA since USCRN was established in 2015.
They are however, close enough to be a good verification of the systems used to derive UAH and RSS temperature series.
It is the Schmidt-Karl NOAA-GISS fabrication that is massively deviating from reality.
So please Cal, stop mindlessly regurgitating stupid headlines from the far-left press, and do at least try to find the real facts before posting stupid comments.
Oh look there’s a flying unicorn !
I have no doubt the Paris-ites are going to try and rush something through before we have another disaster like the 1969-1972 food shortages due to cold weather crop failures. Notice the ‘Landgrab’ going on as China, George Soros, Rothschild, hedge funds universities… buy up farms in Africa, South America, and even Australia and the USA.
“…THE $53 billion First State Super has made its first agricultural investment in Australia buying more than $150 million worth of almond plantations across three states….”
USA: Feds buying up farmland after they flooded then sell to Soros CHEAP
Betting the farm: As world population expands, the demand for arable land should soar. At least that’s what George Soros, Lord Rothschild, and other investors believe.
And from the Groiniad: US universities in Africa ‘land grab’
And here’s the ‘Steve Goddard’ blog on the same subject:
Something tells me that there’s a lot of money riding on this! (Gravy train money, that is!) 🙂
Australia had snow in every state & territory except the Northern Territory during the hottest year evah.
Unprecedented? Try and find another example of that happening, Doomsday Global Warming or not.
– Melbourne’s average maximum temperature was just 13.1 in July. This was only 0.2 below the July average, but in an age of warming climate, it is many years since a southern Australian capital was below average for a whole month.
– Brisbane’s average monthly maximum in July was 18.1, considerably cooler than the usual 18.9.
– Adelaide’s July average maximum was also well down. It was 14.7 compared to the usual 15.3.
– Sydney’s average max of 17.4 was well up on the long term average of 16.3, though this figure was distorted slightly by a run of five days in the low 20s in the last week of July.
– Hobart’s average daily maximum of 12.1 was also slightly up on the usual 11.7, but the city more than made up for it with a bitterly cold spell in early August.
– Canberra’s average maximum temperature was 11.5 in July compared to the usual 11.4. But at night the average minimum was minus 0.7, considerably colder than the usual minus 0.1.
This stat is all the more remarkable considering it rained on 14 days in July in Canberra, and the coldest nights tend to happen when it’s clear.
– Perth was slightly above average with an average maximum of 18.7 as against the usual 18.4
– Meanwhile in Darwin, the average daily maximum was 31.3 in July compared to the usual 30.6. And to think, the wimps had a big sook about how cold it was.
But raw temperature measurements don’t on their own convey just how brutal this winter has been.
Some locations in the central west of NSW have now seen five snowfalls in five weeks.
These are places that are lucky to see one snowfall a year.
~ ~ ~
No summer this year in northern Sweden (
Hey!It was bloody freezing in Darwin for quite a few mornings thank you very much! I had the heater on the car.
There you go- it’s worse than we thought!
You should read through the responses to the article on Reddit. Most of the people responding probably haven’t been alive long enough to experience any warming. But, hey, kids know everything.
Kids should all leave home while they still know everything !
Whens the big Paris climate party shindig? These “hottest evaaar” reports always start churning out in the lead up to Climate Cancun so the general public don’t mind the ‘leaders’ spending billions to get together and get wasted in the name of climate change.
Once again, they will get together, talk a load of crap and promise to think about doing something (but only if that other country does too) in time for the next Fiesta.
For how many years has this been going on? How do we get an invite?
Q: “For how many years has this been going on?”
~ ~ ~
June 30, 1989, San Jose Mercury News (CA):
A senior environmental official at the United Nations, Noel Brown, says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000.
He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human…
. . .
A: For “too long.”
Tips page please? Maybe like Chiefio manages wORDPRESS?
Just to put a marker:
Only 100 Scare-Mongering days left until:
November 30, 2015, the start of United Nations Climate Change Conference, Paris, FR.
I am now reaching a point where I strongly suspect that the CAUSE, the great sweeping green, radical marxist reconstruction of global society and its future governance by an elite of self elected chosen ones to oversee the green marxist run planet, using the CAGW ideology as a tool to achieve that goal, has about reached a point where it could be said “with friends like they now have, why would they need any more enemies?”
Here are the year to date average anomalies from UAH in order. (degrees C)
And the July only global anomalies
Also the Australia, July only anomalies..
ps.. UAH is verified by its cooling trend closeness to RSS, and also its cooling trend closeness of USA48 to USCRN and ClimDiv
(USA48 UAH has slightly LESS cooling than USCRN and ClimDiv.)
Dear little red thumber..
Do you dispute my data ??
… or are you just very unhappy about the truth.
Also massive evidence of a change in the global lapse rate between the surface and the lower troposphere. 😉
It’s ALL about Paris. Does anyone think this is a coincidence, where EVERY month is now offered up as some sort of record-breaking scorchathon? I’d use the F-word but Jo has edited that out in the past, so out of respect I won’t use it again, but imo it’s as plain as day.
I’ve spent a lot of time in paleoclimate data. We have NO estimate of past temperatures that I’m aware of.
None whatsoever.
Jeff Id.
The hockeystick chart reconstructions, plus others.
There is even a temperature reconstruction in the original post.
“The hockeystick chart reconstructions, plus others.”
Here is a good book on that subject.
Speaking of that book, perhaps we should get Mark to sign a copy
To …. [warmist journalist]
from one journalist to another
And send it off to a propagandist at the Groniad, Huff n’ Puff, NY times…..
I am sending it to my two favorite journalists.
“hockeystick chart reconstructions”
using rotten wood… from one tree that a yeti did a wee on. !!
The hockeystick cracked the second it hit reality.
Everybody, except you apparently, knows that is a farce and a statistical nonsense.
Just to be really clear. The only thing even somewhat reasonable seems to be long term ice core data. Tree ring temperature trends are 100% meaningless.
I have wondered about this. When the tree rings and the ice core studies were being done in the past, it was to get a feel for the climate. I don’t remember it being a thermometer into the past, as it now seems to be. It seems these reconstructions are interesting in a general way, but the wrong tool for estimating global average temperature.
Stalagmite?Quantitative temperature reconstruction based on growth rate of annually-layered stalagmite: a case study from central China
HMMMmmm, My first guess would be both are recording rainfall not temperature.
This bit was amusing
Yes Jeff, there is usually a stronger relationship between tree rings and precipitation than temperature. At least in the temperate areas approx 30 deg N & 30 deg S.
[…] regarding that doomy warmth (Jo Nova) NOAA has a press release out being picked up around the world. For example, the DailyMail, UK, is […]
The green clapper-trap machine is in high rpm. Paris looms and the brain-dead MSM slavishly echo the meme.
But the reality disconnect grows wider by the moment. Some of the lowest average temperatures for the summer months have been recorded for several decades in Europe, and in NZ the coldest, most miserable winter has been the unpleasant flavour de jour accompanied by snow in Australia’s Queensland. Altogether with the deprivation of escalating power prices this melange of ideological driven climate nonsense is reaching a telling crescendo.
The thread of lies, adjustments and causality are stretched to breaking point. The breaking detonation should be impressive, particularly when one considers the real background of an incipient major global economic recession and the obvious reluctance that this will engender in shutting down industry in the name of UNFCCC secretary Christiana Figures and her chanting cohorts.
It has been one of the coolest, wettest summers in the North American mid-west in memory.
Ok. I am seriously PISSED OFF!
Here we are in Melbourne suffering the coldest protracted July in my living memory, (probably due to a general cooling trend in the Southern Hemisphere as witnessed by record antarctic sea ice growth, and then we have the Newspeak peddlers telling us “the cold we get is not as cold as the cold we used to get” and somewhere (although never where we are) the world is hotter than it has ever been before! Forget the absolute lack of scientific integrity in this pack of condescending lies, the standard of english and logical reasoning shamefully on display, would see a student fail year 9!
How can they get away with this???!!!
The disconnect between the eco-noise and reality isn’t too far away. As global temps sag the screeching rhetoric and adjusted data will suggest the opposite. It gets tricky when the sheeple realise they are being ruthlessly taxed to stay cold and stay put.
It’s all those pants on fire that’s the problem! 😉
Especially when they have very short legs too!
A claim for the warmist endeavour,
That July was the hottest one ever,
Since the Bronze Age of man,
Before records began,
From a journalist isn’t too clever.
That one hurts!!!!!
(And a personal P.S. to publicly thank you for finding that one limerick I was looking for!)
Oh, Ruairi, you’ve done it again!
yes to those saying jo means Anthony Sharwood. jo’s own link:
dave posted the mumbrella link on Sharwood’s move to HuffPo Oz, which lists other sign-ups for Huffpo, & it’s amusing that former News Corp’s Tory Maguire, is their choice for Editor-in-Chief.
News Corp’s Tory Maguire named HuffPost Australia editor-in-chief
Maguire has worked with News Corp Australia for 15 years, holding roles as national opinion editor and deputy editor of opinion website The Punch…
HuffPost Australia is a joint venture between The Huffington Post and Fairfax Media.
MOST COMMENTS ALONG THE LINES: Awesome, great, fabulous hire but Hmmm says:
I thought Huff Post was pretty central? Does this mean that Tory Maguire has scrapped her previous beliefs and is no longer a right wing PR brigade pen pusher then?
the awesome, great, fabulous, HuffPo Australia front page:
which includes:
Climate Change This Week: Hillary’s Climate Action Plan, a Wind Power Sheet, and More!
Today, the Earth got a little hotter, and a little more crowded. When Forests Disappear, So Do Beautiful Insects. …
Mary Ellen Harte, biologist & author
Sharwood at – a hotbed of CAGW – will fit right in with the HuffPo/Fairfax crowd. how tragic it is to be an MSM journalist in the 21st Century.
No, No
It is already known as The Huff n’ Puff.
Jo’s typo may have been a Freudian slip, her subconscious may be saying ‘shaman’, i.e. witch doctor.
typos are easy!
final line should begin: Sharwood OF (not AT)
“The earth could slip into an ice age in 10 years, with glaciers spreading over Britain, most of North America and northern Europe, Sir Fred Hoyle, a leading astronomer,
The diamond dust theory 1981.
“Sir Fred has no doubt about such an occurrence. It is not whether it will happen, but when.”
“In January 2014, the third planet from the Sun will cross through a stream of debris left behind by the comet.”
“It could take years for the dust to settle out of the atmosphere”
“We will encounter two populations of comet dust”
So where are those climate refugees scrambling to cooler climes? The only ones I see are the snow birds from the northern US and Canada that migrate to Florida and the Gulf Coast for the winter.
That’s the good “green”.
They bring money.
Florida has no state income tax.
We just hope the snowbirds don’t get incinerated by solar plants, or macerated by windmills while migrating south.
Climate Change: Lysenkoism and ‘Weather Cooking’ Revisited –
See more at:
Good read,
Wasn’t Jesus born in December? Another problem with this whole “July” business is it’s northern-hemisphere-centric. Don’t they know it’s colder in July in Australia?
Rod when was the month of DECember born? Was it the tenth month back when the Roman calendar did not keep sync with the seasons?
But wasn’t it a hotter cold than before?
It was rotten heat.
Cherry-picking the satellite temperature data sets to make a point is not very convincing.
The JMA, NASA and NOAA surface data sets do say July 2015 was the hottest month on record. Wait for HadCRUT, it is sometimes cooler.
For the chart watchers: keep your eye on the satellite data sets for the rest of the year. The satellite data set is know to be sensitive to El Nino events so there is a good chance of a bigger temperature spike than the 1997/98 El Nino.
Ooops see #33
The BoM declared El Nino conditions to be present in the Pacific since May. So if your sensitivity theory is correct Harry then the previous July was even hotter by comparison. Was that a deliberate own goal?
1997/98 and 2010.
The hypothesis is the El Nino changes take a while to couple with the earth’s atmosphere. It will be interesting to see if it happens this time.
“Cherry-picking the satellite temperature data sets to make a point is not very convincing.”
~ ~ ~
Would an honest journalist write propaganda like this without even mentioning satellite data?
Aug 20, 2015: Feeling the Heat: Earth in July Was Hottest Month on Record by SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer
“This shows that despite what climate change doubters say, there is no pause in warming since 1998, Blunden said.”
~ ~ ~
Wait. What?
Trenberth on the hiatus claims “The upward trend has resumed in 2014”
Has there been a hiatus?
Kevin E. Trenberth (
Science 14 August 2015:
Vol. 349 no. 6249 pp. 691-692
DOI: 10.1126/science.aac9225
WaPo says Trenberth “once again making case that there really was a global warming “hiatus” from about 1998 to 2013”
. . .
97% Settled science. Who’s a “denier” now?
Just check the GISS map for July. Note that the UK is shown as well above average.
Yet CET is recorded as below average.
So where does that show up on the GISS map. Go figure.
Thanks Ian, I’m putting my trust in CET and note that in the worldwide hot years of 1878-79 the temperature dropped sharply in the UK.
Even the State of California, not exactly a bastion of straight thinking, has a taskforce looking at how to avoid flooding if el Niño should strike this coming winter. And bring it on say I. We can use the water, even in spite of possible trouble. Continued drought will be even worse in the long run. But I fail to see how this ubiquitous weather event that’s been happening over many thousands of years has anything to do with climate change.
Maybe Harry can explain that to us???
It’s all just weather, Harry. Just weather.
Roy Hogue.
I never said El Nino did have anything to do with climate change.
But I did say to watch for spikes in the satellite data set caused by the El Nino event. If the spike ends up being bigger than 1997/98, it will be interesting for fans of the satellite data set.
‘Cherry-picking the satellite temperature data sets to make a point is not very convincing.’
Harry the trend is flat, a calendar month is irrelevant unless it illustrates a changing pattern.
El Gordo.
“Harry the trend is flat, a calendar month is irrelevant unless it illustrates a changing pattern.”
Try looking at the UAH satellite data set.
Harry Twinotter,
So you want us to look at the satellite data? But Harry, you just finished saying that looking at the sattelite data is tantamount to cherry-picking!
And you wrote both of these self-contradictory statements within three hours of each other on the same sub-thread that you yourself started to object to looking at the satellite data. 😮
OH GOODY! Harry Twitter steps into the Cherry picking trap!
Well Harry, it is all about the statements made by Warmists on when CAGW would be DEAD.
1. Prof. Phil Jones saying in the Climategate emails – “Bottom line: the “no upward trend” has to continue for a total of 15 years before we get worried.” Also see: interview with Judith Curry and Phil Jones
2. Ben Santer in a 2011 paper “Our results show that temperature records of at least 17 years in length are required for identifying human effects on global-mean tropospheric temperature.” link
3. The NOAA falsification criterion is on page S23 of its 2008 report titled The State Of The Climate
4. we are looking at no changes in temperature over a period longer than the 10 years that James Hansen once said would show the models wrong;
So the falsification criteria is 15 years to 17 years. That is why we start at the present and count backwards. Once we hit 17 years The Goose is Cooked. Unfortunately the Goose seems to be a zombie and keeps rising from the dead.
Although you’ve pointed this out previously, I was happy to see you bring it up again.
The fact that according to the same people who’ve been promoting CAGW ™, a ‘hiatus’ in rising temperatures for a period of ~15 years would mean the climate
modelssimulations were wrong, is probably the most pertinent piece of information in the Global Warming ®debatedebacle.This needs to be brought up on a regular basis so that newcomers to this website can be made aware how shakey the ground really is underneath the ‘Man Can Change The Weather By Controlling CO2’ hypothesis really is.
Here is the reall cherry picking Harry.
The land temperature data sets are what contain ‘cherry picking’.
There is the station dropout problem – GRAPH
Followed by E.M Smith’s “Thermometer Zombie Walk”
E.M. Smith found “…When the GHCN data set is reduced to the 3000 thermometers with the longest records (cut off at about 64 years worth of data for the station), the “global warming” signal is not present…
This is not surprising since the ice core removed from the Upper Fremont Glacier provides evidence for abrupt climate change during the mid-1800s.
In other words E.M. Smith’s work is validated by another method entirely showing there has been NO WARMING since the mid 1800s!
And then you get into the adjustments where you run into the “A goat ate my homework” excuse book. and all the other dodging and weaving. Such as Dr. Phil Jones of the UEA CRU reply to Warwick Hughes “Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it?”.
Now where did I put that garlic and steak. Drat I ate it…
And therein lies the heart of the matter when scientists, engineers, and other academics point to the flaw in reasoning that the climastrologists fall into every time they make some proclamation.
The whole point of of doing science in the first place is to figure out if something’s wrong with the hypothesis. 😮 That’s what falsifiability means and that’s why there’s a null-hypothesis.
And even if we look at Phil’s words from a purely practical position. If something is wrong, don’t you, Phil, want to know? And if you, Phil, are so confident that you’re right, why should you care if other people examine you’re work?
But that is not the worst of it Harry,
NOAA? You know the group responsible for this post?
Well guess what, NOAA doesn’t even bother to cherry pick THEY JUST MAKE IT UP!!!
And no I am not kidding.
Mind-Blowing Temperature F…d At NOAA
And it is not just some of the USA temperatures that are made up.
The Majority Of NOAA Land Temperature Data Is Fake
The GISS anomaly for July 2015 was 0.72C. This beat July 1998 by 0.01C (0.71C).
So the temp for July has risen 0.01C in 17 years. That’s an 0.06C linear rise over the next century. So where is the ‘significant warming’, Harry?
Ian George.
“The GISS anomaly for July 2015 was 0.72C. This beat July 1998 by 0.01C (0.71C).”
The GISTEMP anomaly for July 2015 is 0.75C. This beat the previous record July 2011 of 0.74C.
July 1998 was 0.71C
Harry Twinotter,
So . . .
July 2015 = 0.75°C
July 2011 = 0.74°C
A difference of 0.01°C
So you agree that Ian George is right about the completely insignificant rise in temperatures of only 0.01°C.
It’s good to see you’re finally catching on to the facts.
By the way Harry, 0.01°C is well within the margin of error inherent in the thermometers doing the measurements.
“So you agree that Ian George is right about the completely insignificant rise in temperatures of only 0.01°C.”
Not my problem if you cannot count.
“By the way Harry, 0.01°C is well within the margin of error inherent in the thermometers doing the measurements.”
Ignorance of statistical averages.
Harry Twinotter,
They’re your numbers Harry. You posted them.
The difference is exactly 0.01°C.
Who said anything about statistical averages?
What this means is that even if you accept an increase of 0.01°C, that amount could just as easily be attributed to measurement error because all the thermometers aren’t able to accurately measure temperature to within hundreths of a degree.
Please try to keep up.
Harry Twinotter,
You constantly complain about other peoples’ ad homs directed at you and yet . . .
. . . rather than address my point about the insignificant difference of 0.01°C in temperatures, you resort to an ad hom. 😮
He complained yesterday because I referred to his post as being from an “above average CAGW believer”
I mean.. everything is relative. The average CAGW believer is a pretty low bar, so I thought I was being polite. !! 🙂
Poor Harry..
Thing is, the UAH and RSS COOLING TRENDS in the USA match pretty closely to USCRN and ClimDiv COOLING TRENDS, thus verifying the data collection systems of UAH and RSS. They cannot be so close to the untainted surface temperatures in the USA and not be close to REALITY elsewhere.
(UAH actually has a slightly smaller COOLING TREND than USCRN or ClimDiv)
Obviously anyone using the massively manipulated GISS/NOAA data is not doing due diligence.
How un-scientific of them , hey Harry 😉
The USA is not the world.
How unscientific of you.
Poor Harry, again your lack of basic understanding of anything, shines through. 🙂
A very good way of testing is to use sampling.
It is a very scientific way of verification of data sets.
USA has the only surface station system that is evenly spread and untainted, USCRN.
ClimDiv combines balloons etc and gets as much data as possible.
Both these show a very close trend coincidence with USA48 from UAH and thus with RSS.
This shows that the methodologies behind UAH and RSS are producing REALISTIC temperature series…
… as opposed to the rampantly adjusted and fabricated GISS rubbish.
They all use Gavin’s GHCN temperature fabrications.
They are not even close to reality !
I like you Harry..
Your postings here epitomise all the ignorance and lack of intelligence of the above average CAGW believer.
Please keep posting 🙂
“Your postings here epitomise all the ignorance and lack of intelligence of the above average CAGW believer.”
Name calling.
Sorry, I guess you are not an above average CAGW believer…
Rather, on the bottom rung.
I apologise.
If July 2015 was the hottest “evah,”, wouldn’t New York be under water?
FLASHBACK: ABC’s ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015 (
Further …
If July 2015 was the hottest year evah, wouldn’t the Arctic be ice free?
2009: Peter Wadhams from the University of Cambridge, also speaking at the Royal Society, predicted that this could happen within the next five years.
“I would still nail my colours to 2015 as a possibility [for an ice free Arctic in the summer],” he said, adding that projections that there could still be ice by the end of the century were “so unrealistic” based on projections of CO2 emissions that they shouldn’t have been included in the IPCC.
– See more at:
“The satellite data set is know to be sensitive to El Nino events ”
What exactly do you mean by KNOW?
Are you saying that dodgy data sets are not going to be sensitive to large global events?
If so well spotted!
Hahahahaha hahahahaha
Is that their excuse now? Maybe satellites are sensitive to en Niño releasing ocean heat because 70% of the world IS ocean, not airport tarmac!
Never you all mind the ABC has all the answers…
Can current BoM temperature figures be trusted? Or are they too being homogenised and pasteurised to prove “warming” despite some of the coldest weather in memory? How would we know?
Quite a convincing article in ABC NewsMail this morning on Talkabout. “Scientists discuss Skeptics most common claims on CAGW”
“Claim 4: Scientists are creating panic in order to get funding”
“If they could disprove the physics of the greenhouse effect … they’d be up for a Nobel prize.”
Tuff choice there!
For “balance” they should have offered an evidence-based scientific point of view from a non-warmist scientist.
“We must take action because humanity does make a contribution,” Prime Minister Tony Abbott told the Liberal Party last week.’
Someone got to him and advised him of the korrekt UN definition of climate change, which includes direct and indirect anthropogenic influences upon atmospheric composition and land usage. Nothing short of the complete eradication of humanity from Gaia would test that particular hypothesis, and then regrettably there wouldn’t be anyone around to evaluate the results…which means it’s unfalsifiable and therefore a belief that should be discarded.
I wonder who got to him, and the nature of the personal and national threat potentially used.
“NOAA has a press release out being picked up around the world. For example, the DailyMail, UK, is saying July was the hottest month since records began in 1880 as heatwaves swept the Earth’s countries and oceans. Other silly tabloids have headlines about this being the hottest July in 4,000 years, as if we have even the remotest idea what the average July global temperature was in the days of Plato.”
A tad unfair to the Daily Mail as it regularly prints sceptical articles and it’s general position is sceptical. This is one reason it is so hated by the left.
You do not need to be a professional sports journalist to make amazing statements.
Today is the warmest day since .. yesterday. This is proof of Warming and if this continues, my place will be 30C warmer by the end of the year. It is a great worry. Rapid Climate Change. A tipping point.
Of course this is all due to massive overpopulation since 1900. 7 billion people breathing out 3 tons of CO2 each per year, so 21 billion new tons of CO2 a year. You see, 5.5 billion were not around in 1900, so this is not carbon neutral. Compounded over 115 years, this is say one trillion tons of CO2 in the air which were simply not there in 1900 and according the IPCC, it stays there for thousands of years.
So of the 3 trillion tons of CO2 in the air today, the 50% of the increase was due to new people simply breathing. Mainly the Chinese and Indians but everyone has a responsibility. Plus the extra animals for McDonalds burgers, many of which produce Methane, a far worse greenhouse gas.
What we have to do is move slowly, eat less or more hamburgers, and generate far less CO2 by putting as many people in large cars as possible. People movers or large 4WDs with trailers. Most importantly, we need to keep those heart rates and respiration down by watching a lot of TV and blogging. Humans are the problem. Without humans, the planet would be saved. For whom?
of theincrease. An extra 1 trillion tons in 100 years, so the entire increase in CO2 since 1900.91
with the “Hottest Ever” declaration getting maximum MSM coverage worldwide, it’s not surprising BBC’s Science In Action progr – which gets repeated…& repeated – is absolute FULL of CAGW:
AUDIO: 27 mins: BBC Science in Action: Lessons from Katrina
Could low lying coastal zones around the world learn from the Louisiana coastal protection plan and start planning for disaster now?…
Islamic Climate Declaration
Islamic environmental and religious leaders have drafted a declaration on climate change. The Declaration calls for “all people, leaders and businesses, to commit to 100% renewable energy” and focusses on “well-off nations and oil-producing states,” to lead the way in phasing out greenhouse gases, no later than the middle of this century. We discuss the significance of this latest involvement of a world religion in the climate change debate.
West Antarctic Ice Sheet
New research published in the journal The Cryosphere this week suggests that the west Antarctic Ice Sheet could contribute up to 6cm to global sea level rise by the end of the century. The work adds to the growing body of evidence that the west Antarctic ice sheet will play a role in rising sea levels.
Deep Sea Coral
By the end of the century, rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere could weaken the foundations of deep sea corals, according to a new study. The weakened structures could impact on other life in the ocean according to research from Heriot-Watt University in Scotland…
American Chemical Society
Jonathan Webb brings us the latest news from the 250th national meeting of the American Chemical Society…
my summary:
Katrina/Coastal sea level rise: brought home the potential damage of CAGW.
Islamic Climate Declaration: unusual to be talking about religion on the Science prog, but we’ve had the Pope & Now the Islamic Declaration. no it’s not the Gulf States, etc etc Matt McGrath: many churches pulling money out of coal & oil. it’s a moral argument that has been gaining ground. just some environmentalists, but never mind, it’s a start.
Antarctica: group has used sophisticated computer models; Dr. Stephen Cornford Uni of Bristol, looks 100, 200, 300 years ahead.
Corals: ocean acidification, deep sea corals have osteoporosis; sharks will starve.
Chemical Society: talks with Theresa Dankovich about her Drinkable Book. 600 million people around the world without access to clean drinking water will be able to tear pages out of the book and filter their water!
more info:
18 Aug: Uni of Bristol: Most comprehensive projections for West Antarctica’s future revealed
A new international study, led by the University of Bristol, is the first to use a high-resolution, large-scale computer model to estimate how much ice the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could lose over the next couple of centuries, and how much that could add to sea-level rise.
The study, which paints a clearer picture of West Antarctica’s future than was previously possible, is published today in The Cryosphere, an open access journal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)…
heir high-resolution, computationally demanding simulations capture future changes in West Antarctica with increased accuracy compared to previous models…
Red Thumb Troll, please do try to read and learn something. If you disagree with a point, explain why.
Is HTO on duty?
You have to realise that the red thumb troll has absolutely nothing to add to the demise of the AGW farce.
It is twitter and bisted, and without someone to guide it, cannot put forward even the most basic argument to support its irrational belief in the totalitarian far-left “climate change™” agenda.
The red thumb is a low IQ, low knowledge non-entity who is way too cowardly to even say a word, because it knows that the CAGW meme is a total and absolute farce. 🙂
Just you wait till August in Paris 2015. That will be the hottest month EVER.
The festival of the Paris-ites will blow your mind and the thermometers too.
No- the hottest months always happen in the northern hemisphere summer. It’s a statistical nonsense, but that’s where the most alarmists are.
It’s been really hot here in florida.
how hot you say?
hotter than two goats in a pepper patch?
nope, hotter than that.
more like
hotter than a firecracker lit at both ends.
still haven’t set any records yet this year…
This measurement of temperature and endless worrying is entirely new. The thermometer is a very new thing, invented basically to make better beer. Even temperature is new, a revolutionary concept. In the time of the genius Isaac Newton around 1700, he proposed that 100 degrees should be defined as water which was so hot you could not keep your elbow in it.
So now we have people predicting the end of civilization based on a tiny change of 0.5C in an average over 100 years. It seems there is no technology which cannot be turned to the ends of doomsayers.
What is really unnerving is when people write serious articles with just a bit of data, a spreadsheet with graphics or a commercial maths program and talk science as if what they say is convincingly true, a statement of fact, that say 20% of all CO2 will simply remain in the air for thousands of years. Their evidence for this is non existent but who cares? A least squares fit does not lie.
While no scientist, in Australia Prime Minister John Howard was brilliantly quick and logical. When asked on the steps of parliament about the Age headline “worst drought in a thousand years” and what he was going to do about it, he looked at the reporter and asked “how do you know that”? The next day the headline was “worst drought in a hundred years”. Sometimes that’s all it takes.
Click bait. I wouldn’t bother.
The difference between a drunk at the pub and is that the drunk will eventually confess it is only ‘his own opinion’.
In 2014 we had ‘Snowmageddon’, in 2015 we had the ‘Antarctica Vortex’ and now we have ‘Fry July’. Around the world, until 2013 we had to IPCC denying the pause. Than the IPCC finally admitted there was / is a pause and finally the IPCC moved recently to “”explaining the pause””. With Fry July, I think the goal posts have moved again and we are back to where we were 3 years ago – NO PAUSE. What is wrong with these people???????????
What drives ClimAstrologists?? A bad case of grantitis, caused by fear of losing the grants that pay them so well.
All Aboard the Climate Gravy Train
Paroxysmal climatiform dysknesia
the state of journalism in Australia today is dire:
21 Aug: Newcastle Herald: JOANNE McCARTHY: Change in the weather
It’s National Science Week, when Australians, for a brief period, forget who their Prime Minister is and acknowledge the need for objective, critically assessed, evidence-based decision-making in society.
(Evidence for making the crack about Tony Abbott? I give you exhibit A – his considered opinion on wind turbines after riding past one, once, on a pushbike: ‘‘Up close, they’re ugly, they’re noisy and they may have all sorts of other impacts,’’ he said, while also keeping an open mind about whether Elvis is actually dead.)
But back to science.
A helpful website told me that National Science Week is an Australian government initiative, established in 1997, that provides us with an opportunity to ‘‘acknowledge the contributions of Australian scientists to the world of knowledge’’, unless they’re climate-change scientists in which we defer to Tony Abbott’s assessment that climate change is absolute crap.
(Evidence for making another crack about Tony Abbott? I give you exhibit B – his statement in 2009 that climate change is ‘‘absolute crap’’, and just about anything he’s said and done about coal, carbon, fossil fuels and renewable energy since then.)
Across Australia this week more than one million people, according to the National Science Week website, have taken part in science-related activities, including Tony Abbott, who announced the winners of the Prime Minister’s Science Awards…
The Australian Academy of Science website has an excellent document, updated in February this year, called ‘‘The Science of Climate Change: Questions and Answers’’, which covers answers to nine key questions that are regularly raised in public debates…etc
there are 9 key CAGW questions regularly raised in public debates??? where? when? do tell us, Joanne. don’t just believe it cos it’s on a website:
Walkleys: Joanne McCarthy from the Newcastle Herald is the winner of the 2013 Gold Walkley.
In the last seven years, she has written more than 350 articles about the sexual abuse of children, primarily by Catholic clergy in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. It was her relentless campaign for a royal commission that prompted a letter from Julia Gillard…
McCarthy’s editor at the Newcastle Herald, Chad Watson, describes her as “a beacon for Australian journalism.”…
“Joanne, you are a truly remarkable person. Thousands of Australians share your passion for justice. I am one of them.”
– Julia Gillard’s letter to Joanne McCarthy, signed as one of her final acts as prime minister and on the night she lost the leadership vote.
Just a bit of a tangent here:
Five years ago I installed a weather station on my deck in the Dandenongs in Melbourne.
It shows that the past four summers, and past four winters have each been successively colder than the previous one.
Similalrly, I have several friends who are farmers. They have long since abandoned any reference to the “official” weather data sources and have all installed their own weather stations, just like mine.
Nobody I know takes any “offical” weather/climate pronouncements seriously.
This has some larger implications. Pretty much everybody I know also questions the credibility of “scientists” in general; this cynicism is not limited to “climate scientists” (the ultimate oxymoron)
This has relevance in the current uproar with respect to mining here is Australia. While most people I know are supportive of industrial development, they are taking the view that we have no way of knowing the credibility of the “scientists” who developed the environmental impact statements for the proposed mines.
Is their analysis credible, or are they just another variation on “climate scientists” who produce whatever they are paid to produce? Twenty years ago, nobody would have thought to ask the question.
The damage done by “climate scientists” has had very far reaching effects.
You are correct. I have lost all respect for the science profession but it goes even further. I have no respect for my government and I have even lost respect for my University.
I recently found out that the “cow College” I went to has a prof who is one of the ones on the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). That committee came up with the recommendation that America Should Adopt a ‘Plant-Based’ Diet. It recommends taxes on dessert, trained obesity “interventionists” at schools and worksites, and electronic monitoring of how long Americans sit in front of the television or computer. Doctors in my state are even data mining grocery lists to see what you eat!
This load of Bovine Feces is straight out of the mouth of Maurice Strong who quit school at 14:
In 1992, As Chairman, Strong told the UN conference at Kyoto…
The same propaganda was repeated by WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy…
It is being ‘presented as a health issue by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee as the excuse to ram radical changes down the throats of Americans. However it has nothing to do with health.
There is certainly a lot of information in the scientific literature that shows humans need meat especially early in life if the brain is to develop fully. For example: Role of red meat in the diet for children and adolescents
The US governments concern for the health of Americans does not play given the FDA has routinely over looked
In an article for Slate, study author Charles Seife said the FDA repeatedly hides evidence of fraud from both the public and trusted scientific advisers. In at least one case, falsified data in a trial comparing chemotherapies led to a patient’s death. They can add two more, my mother and my boy friend’s mother. The Doctor hid data about chemo causing heart attacks and so they died of heart instead of cancer and therefore were considered a ‘success’.(There was an article in Chem Eng. News about the problem the year before.) This was back in the 1970s during the human trials of Chemo.
The rot has spread throughout government and the university system.
I hope Paris is buried under ten metres of snow this December.
Like the European winter of 1962-63, in the meantime we have tornado alley.
…and here is a bit more on tornado alley.
“I hope Paris is buried under ten metres of snow this December.” I’ll raise that tyo 20 metres.
Justy make it a mile high glacier. I think that is all that could get their attention.
Remember the Pope ignored the WORLD record breaking snow in Italy.
At the same time Boston MA broke the seasonal Snow fall record with 1086 inches. Some of the snow was still in the parking lots the last time I checked (about a month ago on July 14)
“I hope Paris is buried under ten metres of snow this December.”
My hope is that they have a problem with their NUCLEAR POWERED electricity providers, and have t0 rely on wind and solar from Germany. 🙂
more on the Drinkable Book featured in BBC’s Science in Action:
16 Aug: Eureka Alert: Public Release: American Chemical Society: Eliminating water-borne bacteria with pages from The Drinkable Book could save lives
While studying the material properties of paper as a graduate student, Theresa Dankovich, Ph.D., discovered and developed an inexpensive, simple and easily transportable nanotechnology-based method to purify drinking water. She calls it The Drinkable Book, and each page is impregnated with bacteria-killing metal nanoparticles…
Printed on each page is information on water safety both in English and the language spoken by those living where the filter is to be used. Each page can be removed from the book and slid into a special holding device in which water is poured through and filtered. A page can clean up to 26 gallons (100 liters) of drinking water; a book can filter one person’s water needs for four years…
Dankovich acknowledges funding from iDE-Bangladesh, Carnegie Mellon University, WATERisLIFE, NIH Fogarty International Center and Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada…
read all, looks like reality is kicking in:
20 Aug: Yahoo: Reuters: Susanna Twidale: UK may use EU small print to swerve impact of green cuts
Britain is thinking of using an EU loophole to dodge the impact of its own subsidy cuts on renewable energy and escape fines for missing 2020 European renewable targets.
Under EU rules Britain could use the loophole, termed statistical transfer, which would see it pay other, greener, EU countries overshooting their targets, to make up the difference…
Britain’s new Energy and Climate Change secretary Amber Rudd has announced changes to subsides for biomas, solar and onshore wind projects to trim spiraling costs, which she said in June were likely to result in around 250 projects not being built…
Analysis from consultants PWC showed Britain would need to generate more than 50 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020 to meet the goal, up from around 20 percent in 2014…
Latest data from the European Commission shows several countries, including the Netherlands and France, are also at risk of missing their targets, meaning there could be competition for the statistical transfers…
Richard Slark, Director at Poyry Management Consulting said it could end up being cheaper for Britain to not comply and face fines…
20 Aug: LocalDenmark: Denmark looks to lower its climate goals
Saying that the previous government’s goal to reduce carbon emissions by 40 percent in 2020 compared to 1990 levels will be too expensive for Danish businesses, Climate Minister Lars Christian Lilleholt said on Wednesday that he will not push to meet the benchmark.
Instead, Lilleholt said it is enough to stick to already-approved climate initiatives that the Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen) estimates will result in a 37 percent carbon dioxide reduction.
“It will be very expensive for the Danish society to reach those last percentage points and will therefore impose extra costs on our business community. That is not what Denmark needs right now,” Lilleholt told Altinget…
wind & solar thrown under the bus!
20 Aug: Guardian: Arthur Neslen: BP lobbied against EU support for clean energy to favour gas, documents reveal
BP was part of oil and gas lobby that successfully undermined EU renewable energy targets and subsidies in favour of gas as a climate fix in 2011
The fossil fuel giant BP helped spur a concerted industry push to curb EU policy support for renewable energies such as wind and solar in favour of gas, the Guardian has learned.
The European commission last year outlawed most subsidies for clean energy from 2017, and ended nationally-binding renewable targets after 2020, despite opposition from environmentalists and clean energy firms.
The policy decisions were however requested by BP, Shell, Statoil and Total, and by trade associations representing a plethora of oil and gas majors…
In October 2011, the Dutch oil and gas firm Shell first proposed that a sole greenhouse gas target take the place of policies that also supported renewables…
of course, killing coal remains on the agenda, tho Financial Times did publish the following reality-based industry piece; unfortunately behind a paywall:
20 Aug: Financial Times Blog: Developing economies need power from coal
by Benjamin Sporton, Wold Coal Association
Over recent weeks, World Bank climate change envoy Rachel Kyte has made a number of comments claiming …
Just 4 small excerpts from pat’s last link there:
It seems that coal fired power is not the boogeyman it’s made out to be.
Also, where they say access to electricity, that means that perhaps somewhere nearby, and maybe even connected to where people live there may be some sporadic amount of electricity. Electricity to power one light bulb, even on an occasional basis is considered the standard for access to electricity, not the somewhat vague inference that access to electricity means what we think it to mean, reliable constant electricity to power our every need.
Love that last excerpt, a flat out
lieumm, misunderstanding. CCS only captures CO2 emissions from just one of it’s five units, 110MW out of a total of 820MW Nameplate, and it doesn’t store it, only achieving the partial Capture part of the whole CCS process.Tony.
“only achieving the partial Capture part of the whole CCS process.”
And like any good catch.. its Catch and Release. 🙂
Prescisely what they’re doing in Germany’s pilot plants.
I suppose they could try to store the CO2 from coal fired power stations in coal mines..
Except for the little problem that a lot of those coal mines are open cut. 🙂
The real agenda behind these so called “green groups”…….
No but yes. Green groups really do want deindustrialisation
It is worth noting that during submissions to the Royal Commissioner, Trade Union Royal Commission into trade union governance and corruption, a lawyer said that the ALP and the Union Movement are “organically connected”. Many of us knew that but to now have it on the public record with no retraction we can rely on this admission.
Which begs the question why ALP state and federal governments have been allowed to get away with approving grant applications from the unions for taxpayer’s monies. Laundering of our monies from ALP governments to their union controllers which is “donated” directly or indirectly as election campaigning assistance.
“But some journalists will believe anything. Anthony Sharman, sports journalist,, Australia” Yeh Jo, I wonder how many papers on climate change he’s read. In fact I wonder if he knows what climate is.
Looks like his colleagues have a high opinion of him. He likes to feed the chooks when he is not flying a kite (for our American friends).
I know a bit OT but relevant to these evil “greenies”……..
Greens pay Aboriginal objectors to mine
This should be illegal !
ABC updates the 97% Doomsday Climate Debate (that is over):
Via #talkaboutit presented by Del Irani, @13.55 minutes
Features John Christie, Tim Ball, Matthew England …
TonyfromOz –
presuming u accessed the Financial Times Coal piece. thanx for the excerpts.
speaking of desindustrialisation – here’s another of those “robots are taking over” pieces the MSM loves. good to see journalists added to the jobs-endangered list, cos that might make them less excited about the prospect.
at least The Inquiry presenter, Helena Merriman, does seem a little disturbed by the enthusiasm of some of her guests:
AUDIO: 23 mins: BBC: The Inquiry: What Will Happen When Robots Take Our Jobs?
Robots are coming for your job. Blue-collar jobs in industries like manufacturing have been disappearing for years but now white-collar work is under threat too. Machines are already taking roles that used to be done by journalists, lawyers and even anaesthetists. One recent study calculated that 47% of total employment in the US is at risk of automation in the next 20 years.
So what will happen to all the human beings who did those jobs? Will we invent enough new jobs to keep them occupied? If not, how will they fill their time? And how will they earn money? The Inquiry – still made, for now, by humans – brings you answers.
Presenter: Helena Merriman
spookiest part begins around 11 mins in:
Tyler Cowen, professor of economics at George Mason University says, even tho most of the jobs will go, the future will be peaceful. US & UK have older populations, & older people don’t revolt. in the 1960s people revolted because they had moved into the middle class, so they had expectations. not so today as wages have flattened since those heady days, so we’ll see more disengagement. Occupy Wall St didn’t get anywhere, so people have already learned to accept a future run by robots. says social media is the new opiate of the masses. people will have more fun, more social connections, more sex, better romance, easier access to drugs.
how nice!
:Tyler Cowen, professor of economics at George Mason University says, even tho most of the jobs will go, the future will be peaceful. US & UK have older populations, & older people don’t revolt. in the 1960s people revolted because they had moved into the middle class, so they had expectations. not so today as wages have flattened since those heady days, so we’ll see more disengagement. Occupy Wall St didn’t get anywhere, so people have already learned to accept a future run by robots…”
Brother, Where the heck has he been? Did he miss the Ferguson riots, the riots in New York City and in Baltimore?
He certainly has not bothered to get out of that ivory tower and actually talk to people like I have. It is not just the blacks that are upset. Discounting older folks is just plain stupid. They maybe less hot head but they are better trained and have a heck of a lot less to lose.
He most certainly missed The Sen. Harry Reid/ BLM/ Chinese solar company Land Grab attempt of the Bundy Ranch where citizens rallied in defense of the rights of the Bundy’s and all the unsavory corruption was uncovered making the US government back down, pack-up and leave.
Another Nevada Rancher Targeted For Ruin By The BLM Storm Troopers
The claim that July 2015 is a record hottest month is outrageous! Why does society let these warmists get away with this false tripe that they peddle as fact and why is the public gullible enough to believe them? This July 2015 was the coldest July I ever experienced in Queensland. I went to the hills behind the Gold Coast and saw snow just out west- unheard of!
As kids growing up in Sydney further south, back in the 1950′s and 1960′s, we used to have severe heat waves most summers. It was much hotter then than it is now. Dangerous bush fires would burn in the extreme heat that often reached as high as the mid 40 degrees C. Temperatures like this were common around Christmas time most years back then for example. We lived near a national park (Lane Cove River Park) in the inner north of Sydney and all the residents were issued with poles with a leather flap on their end to use to help stamp out grass fires at the ends of the suburban streets, that ended at the park. Everyone’s Dad had to do this just about every year as the fires were so prevalent in the hot weather back then. And now fires are rare in this part of Sydney even though the bush is still there because the weather is cooler these days!
I also remember getting blisters on my feet from walking on the hot sand at the Sydney beaches in summer in those days. But these days I have walked many times on beaches in summer and never experienced really hot sand underfoot like was common back then. I have also rarely experienced such hot temperatures.
It was much, much hotter in NSW and Southern Queensland back then than it is now, you cannot compare it. I get amazed when people try to claim it is meant to be getting hotter now. These days we get snow in Queensland! What a joke! And these days, throughout the year Southern Queensland is quite mild and temperate compared to the searing temperatures I used to experience there when I spent my summer holidays as a kid.
Let’s have some honest reporting from these journalists for a change. The truth is that since the 1950‘s, the temperature and weather generally are cooling down, not warming up.
You would be pleased to know that Qld had an above average max mean anomaly of 0.55C for July (mean anomaly was even higher).
This was achieved by the Qld bureau of area shading almost 40% of Qld with a 1C-2C above temp range when only 10 sites out of 112 showed a range above that.
When you average the 112 sites you only get an anomaly of around +0.1C.
See here for the area weighting map:
And here for the actual temp data for individual sites:
One of the stand-outs is Moreton (district 40) where the individual sites average out below average but area shading shows on the map as above average.
GISS and BoM do this all the time – the weighting bears little resemblance to actual data.
Well, when we were experiencing the unusually cold weather in most of eastern and southern Australia this July, I was expecting to see many articles published about this cold weather event. These were noticeably absent during July and the days since.
And oh no, what do we get? A release by the establishment that this July was rather, the hottest month on record. I simply could not believe this when I saw it. That anyone could have the gall to report the opposite says heaps about their indoctrination techniques using spin rather than fact.
According to the BoM, July 2015 was the 69th warmest July (out of 106) and actually hotter than July last year (if you can believe that). According to them, July minimums were below average last year but well above average this year.
The hottest July ever comes from GISS and concerns global mean temp. This July beat the previous 1998 record for July by – wait for it – 0.01C (or one hundredth of a degree).
That means July temps cave risen 0.01C over 17 years – but they don’t mention that.
And that is after a sustained effort to fill in and fabricate missing data, and to massively adjust records all around the world, all of which is causing a massive deviation in trend between GISS and reality.
For this to happen the ONLY other reason for the massive deviation of trend could be a huge change in the lapse rate between the surface and the lower troposphere, and that certainly hasn’t happened.
There is NOTHING in the GISS non-data that could be called trustworthy.
GISS is a political farce, waiting for an honest political leader to fix it.
It’s August 23 here in Wyoming. It was 31F (-1C). Yes, folks, that is belowing the freezing point. It’s also 10 degrees colder than the previous record of 41F. It has not exceeded or even reached 100F here this summer. It snowed in the mountains in July. It is, quite bluntly, getting cold. Now, you can either believe a group of people will really huge budgets, fast computers and a myriad of adjustments to data, or you can believe what your eyes and shivering body tell you.
Sure, it’s not global but global is, quite frankly, irrelevent. If one took each area and looked at it, that would be relevent. It would not, however, lead to gigatons of CO2 added to the air with a conference in Paris on how to redistribute income. Reality just won’t do for these people.
Actually, I stand corrected. My pumpkin vine was killed by frost, my zucchini plants damaged and tomato and pepper plants nipped. On August 23, 2015. August. Now I’m waiting for the “August was the hottest month” so I can destroy my TV and stop listening to this. Warmest my foot—tell my dead plants it’s warmer.
John Christy talking about climate science
he is one of those that speaks calmly and honestly.. 😀
I like his comment about our general ignorance and our inability to predict
events in this very complex subject.
“Hottest July in 4000 years…..” Impossible to tell, as the Gregorian calendar didn’t come about till 1582. So the time period we call July today is not the same as it was previous to 1582.
They now want us to believe they know what the highest temperature of each every July for the past 4,000 Years? Is this some kind of sick joke or a deliberate attempt to continue with the hoax? In either case they should be sacked immediately. I know they won’t be and that’s another sick indictment of what some many call “science” when in fact it’s anything but science – more like a religious cult.
Get your facts straight. It was the warmest July and just because you only read headlines and cherry-pick data doesn’t really change this.
If you would read the article here: you would know that:
“The July average temperature across global land and ocean surfaces was 1.46°F (0.81°C) above the 20th century average. As July is climatologically the warmest month for the year, this was also the all-time highest monthly temperature in the 1880–2015 record, at 61.86°F (16.61°C), surpassing the previous record set in 1998 by 0.14°F (0.08°C).”
“Separately, the July globally-averaged land surface temperature was 1.73°F (0.96°C) above the 20th century average. This was the sixth highest for July in the 1880–2015 record.”
“The July globally-averaged sea surface temperature was 1.35°F (0.75°C) above the 20th century average. This was the highest temperature for any month in the 1880–2015 record, surpassing the previous record set in July 2014 by 0.13°F (0.07°C). The global value was driven by record warmth across large expanses of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.”
Would you trust a global climate agency that adjust the temps like this?
Reykjavik temps ‘raw’ temps (v2)
Then in 2012 out came the adjusted/homogenised temps (v4) for Reykjavik.
There are many examples of this cooling the past and warming the present (as AndyG points out above). GISS archived the original temp graphs and they are not readily accessible.
Significant figures.
Yes you do need to get your facts straight.! 🙂
The junk from NCDC is full of un-scientific, un-verifiable politically motivated adjustments that ALWAYS CREATE a warmer trend than reality.
It is totally untrustworthy for anything except fooling the climate followers with propaganda BS.
The satellite record UAH pretty much matches RSS (by scientists that “believe” in AGW), and also USCRN and ClimDiv. (do you even know what they are?)
ALL of them show COOLING since 2001 for the satellite records and since 2005 for USCRN (when it was established).. and that July 2015 was nowhere near the warmest even in the very short term record. (ignoring much warmer times for most of the first 3/4 or more of the Holocene)
Here are the year to date global average anomalies from UAH in order. (degrees C)
And the July only global anomalies
Also the Australia, July only anomalies..
Anyone can see that 2015 is NOWHERE NEAR THE WARMEST !!
You have been CONNED by Gavin and his little band of fabricators.
And here is the UAH oceans July from warmest down..
Again, we see that NCDC are lying through their political agendas.
I wonder where they get their data.. obviously not from satellites.
Maybe they just take a few values and fabricate the rest to give the desired outcome.
That’s what the do everywhere else.
I’m off commenting for a while. I’m in moderation for a comment that neither myself nor my spouse can find any words that could be offensive, etc. There’s little point to commenting when so much lands in moderation. No use in making the mods work overtime.
From a fellow Wyoming-ite:
You’ll be missed. Come back soon!
One graph is land and sea temperatures, the other lower tropospheric temperatures.
Nothing more to say.
Whose graphs are you referring to?
The link to shows a graph from the Japanese Meteorological Bureau shows a temperature graph that shows increasing temperatures. Where did they get thisdata from as it seems at odds with all other temperature graphs that I’ve seen
This one.
There was a better one on the NOAA site with land and sea temperatures separated but it has been removed. I have a copy but can’t upload it.
This is the graph saying we have had worldwide the hottest July ever.
The one Jo Nova points to is only lower atmosphere, it doesn’t consider land and sea surface temperatures.
Not comparing apples with apples.
Yes but it does consider the massive tampering and data fabrication from a group of people who’s very jobs, reputation and livelihood RELIES on there being a warming trend.
Please explain how the surface can warm globally while the lower troposphere cools. !!!!!
Sorry, but GISS is just ONE BIG PROPAGANDA LIE !!
The scientific evidence shows the lower troposphere is warming.
Harry Twinotter,
No it doesn’t. The lower troposphere has been cooling for more than 15 years. This graph of the lower troposphere temperature trend from 1980 onward shows cooling has set in.
You’ve been shown this graph many times and the details have been explained to you repeatedly. Your continued insistence of lying in your comments here is getting really boring. Please stop.
Cherry-picking? What is your justification for picking only 15 years?
You are using a rolling average of 15 years. Averages can be misleading.
The 15 year trendline up to the end of 2014 shows cooling in RSS, and warming in UAH. But the 95% confidence level for the 2-sigma trend is around 0.2C – the satellite data is way too noisy to be sure of anything in the 15 year trend.
Do not take my word for it, calculate it for yourself.
Harry Twinotter,
I didn’t cherry-pick 15 years of data, I used the entire data set. Look at the parameters to the right of the graph.
Averages are not misleading. All temperature data sets, land, sea, and air, are reported as monthly averages.
The graph is not a 15 year trend, but rather, a rolling average, using a sub-set of 15 years, calculated monthly.
I don’t need to calculate anything myself, woodfortrees does that for me.
The graph you linked to shows a trend of monthly averages. My graph shows a trend of 15 year averages, calculated monthly.
All this has been explained to you numerous times.
You continue to spam this blog with lies, misrepresentations, and other assorted non-sense. Please stop.
You might enjoy listening to this song by Jethro Tull. Expand the details tab to ‘Show More’ and sing along to the first verse.
Some people are difficult to have a discussion with. They post insulting irrelevancies.
You have not responded to my point about statistical significance.
By using a rolling average of 15 years, you did indeed cherry-pick 15 years.
If you still don’t understand my point about how averages can be misleading, look at RSS and UAH with the 2014 data included (yours only went up to 2013). Looks different now. UAH has resumed it’s upward trend compared to your graph.
Or your graph redone using a 16 year rolling average instead of 15 – the “cooling” is hardly noticeable now compared to your graph. See how sensitive to slight changes in the parameters? UAH and RSS now both show continual warming. The effect of the El Nino spike on the rolling average is clearly visible after 1990 – this is because the spike gets included in the rolling average.
The problem with the satellite data is it is noisy. Noisy data is hard to analyse over short timeframes. The satellite data is sensitive to El Ninos, La Ninas (cooling events) and even volcanic eruptions.
The bottom line is the satellite data contains a large El Nino spike at 1997/98. Any trendline or rolling average that includes that spike is going to be misleading. My advice, only make the period of averages as big as they need to be, no more.
Tarry Twinotter,
I used 15 years because I wanted to add a few years on each end of the ~11-year solar cycle to smooth out the curve. If you plot the the same graph using the 127 months, i.e. the average length of the solar cycle without smoothing, this is what you get
If you want a more detailed explanation of why the ~11-year solar cycle, and why the smoothing, you’ll have to wait for Sunday. But, knowing you, you won’t wait. Prove me wrong.
You also included 2015 in the first graph. 2015 is incomplete. woodfortrees is not the same as the website you linked to earlier. Here, if you insert 2014 as an end date, all of 2014 is included.
You have dodged responding to any of my points.
No, you are wrong about woodfortrees, go read their help file.
“They post insulting irrelevancies”
Yes.. you do, always.
That’s all you have.
“contains a large El Nino spike at 1997/98. Any trendline or rolling average that includes that spike is going to be misleading.”
Yet that is what the alarmista always HAVE to use to show any trend whatsoever in the satellite data.
Without that 0.26C step up from the El Nino, …
…. there is no warming in the whole 36 years of the satellite data
Harry, you are so utterly stupid that you just don’t realise that your statement disproves ANY link between CO2 and atmospheric temperatures.
Thank you… end of game., by your own admission. 🙂
The satellite clearly show the lower troposphere to be COOLING since the end of the major El Nino centred around 1998.
Your BLATANT LIES will get no credence here.
Where am I lying?
Do you consider all the data available, not just the freakish El Nino spike at 1997/98?
Tarry Twinotter,
Yes. He did! And he left out the freakish El Nino to prove to you that, other than the Freakish El Nino, the satellite data shows no net warming. IOW. Once you remove the El Nino, the 0.01°C rise prior to it, is reversed by a 0.01°C drop after it.
Data and climate events are not understood by this little child-mind.
“Where am I lying?”
Only you know that.
Its probably just part of your persona.
You really aren’t bright enough to comprehend, are you. !
Your problem.. got back to junior high and try this time.
I just tried some cherry-picking of my own. I redid the calcs for 15 years (1999-2014 where data for the whole year is available).
Both RSS and UAH show a warming trend in the data.
The result is still not statistically significant, I did this just to show trends in noisy data are sensitive to the start and end points.
But your cherry picking comes from IGNORANCE and PROPAGANDA.
You obviously have ZERO understanding of climate events and natural cycles.
You have just displayed that ignorance YET AGAIN.
That is your way.. because that is all you have.
The satellite record UAH pretty much matches RSS (by scientists that “believe” in AGW), and also USCRN and ClimDiv. (do you even know what they are?)
ALL of them show COOLING since 2001 for the satellite records and since 2005 for USCRN (when it was established).. and that July 2015 was nowhere near the warmest even in the very short term record. (ignoring much warmer times for most of the first 3/4 or more of the Holocene)
Here are the year to date global average anomalies from UAH in order. (degrees C)
And the July only global anomalies
GISS is heavily manipulated propaganda JUNK using large amounts of FABRICATED non-data.
It is designed specifically to meet the warming alarmist agenda.
And even with all the massive warming adjustments, it doesn’t come anywhere near the absolute farce that is the climate models.
Little cowardly red thumb..
….do you dispute these figures?
if so.. correct them.
Just tell the little red thumb guy you give him a red thumb back.
Any references for the match between RSS, UAH, nClimDiv and USCRN?
I don’t think they all show cooling since 2001 and 2005.
You appear to be conflating the US regional temperatures with global temperature.
It is poor form to slander GISS without evidence. You appear to be arguing from ideology, not facts.
You can find them and do the analysis yourself if you have the ability.
It is good to see you are SCEPTICAL. Baby step, baby steps. 🙂
But I am not here to do you homework for you.
There is PLENTY of evidence that GISS is a totally corrupted load of fabricated junk which bear little or no resemblance to reality.
Again, if you have the ability and the will to get past your brain-washing, you will hunt for it and verify the reality.
Nah.. that’s not going to happen, is it !! 😉
“I don’t think they all show cooling since 2001 and 2005.”
I can assure you that they do.!!
UAH USA48 is actually the one with the least cooling (-0.06ºC/decade since 2005)
UAH Global shows cooling of -0.15ºC/decade since 2002 ( The current solar forced El Nino is causing slight lump.. but no peak, that causes the slope to level out a bit)
USCRN since 2005 has a trend of -0.24ºF/decade (do the conversion yourself)
ClimDiv since 2005 is -0.45ºF/decade
for some reason best know to NOAA, USHCN stops at August 2014, an the trend form 2005 is -0.9ºF/decade (that would now be slightly less cooling because of the slight bump from the current solar-forced El Nino.
In RSS , the trend since the end of the ElNino in early 2001 is about -0.04C/decade.
Now .. off you go, little child.. and verify or dispute these figures.
I must admit.. I expected the current El Nino to deliver more of a peak for the alarmista to crow about, but its just not happening.
The fact that it hasn’t is rather worrying, because an El Nino is usually followed by a cooling trend from a La Nina. If this happens now the drop is going to be steep and significant, (except in GISS, which will give record highs even when everything is frozen solid) and will be a real problem for food production around the world.
Please Harry.. shake off your AGW brain-washing and look at what is really happening.
Well what do you know, the CONUS does show cooling over those time periods. It will be interesting to see if the addition of Alaska in March 2015 will have much of an impact to the US averages.
“for some reason best know to NOAA, USHCN stops at August 2014”
Known only by NOAA, and published on their website. They have replaced USHCN with nClimDiv. They probably still maintain both data sets somewhere, but I could not find it. NOAAs public graphs are based on nClimDiv as far as I can tell.
NOAA’s GHCN shows warming over the globe for that timeframe, so my point about that still stands. I suppose you will claim that NOAA is fabricating the global data as well?
“solar-forced El Nino” – you’re dreaming. The El Nino is caused by circulation changes.
ClimDiv shows COOLING in the USA, more than UAH USA48 does.
El Ninos, like ALL weather on Earth, are solar forced.
GHCN is the massively manipulated propaganda farce concocted by NOAA to try to substantiate the LIE of global warming. !!
You know that, as does everyone else.
“You know that, as does everyone else.”
No, I don’t know that. And neither do you.
We are not getting anywhere. You just keep posting the same claim, but provide no evidence where they show the satellite measurements are superior to the surface measurements.
It would be expected Spencer and Christy say their own data set is good – this is called “self confidence”. Perhaps it fine (I don’t know), but where do they show evidence it is superior?
Also the study by Spencer and Christy was published back in 1990. Since then errors were found in the satellite measurements that they had to correct.
Anyway read this article and think about the technical issues that affect the satellite measurements. What I do know is they homogenise the life out of the data, they have the same issues with non-climatic influences like the surface measurements.
Harry, keeps fighting the Satellite evidence when it does show NO warming since 1997:
Which flatly contradicts the IPCC temperature projection of at least .20C per decade warming and actually .30C when you throw in the stabilized CO2 emissions:
“For the next two decades, a warming of about 0.2°C per decade is projected for a range of SRES emission scenarios. Even if the concentrations of all greenhouse gases and aerosols had been kept constant at year 2000 levels, a further warming of about 0.1°C per decade would be expected.”
Harry where are the missing .30C “heat”?
If you have scientific evidence that the satellite measurements are more accurate of global temperature than the surface measurements, please post.
And I keep pointing out, the UAH satellite data set shows warming over that timeframe.
I posted the CURRENT Satellite data from NASA,using Wood for Trees software, to make the chart.
Here is the RAW Satellite data: LINK
YOU make a case that it is inaccurate.
Mr. Twinotter, I shall repost what I posted below.
Here from two peer-reviewed papers, is evidence that satellite temperature records are more accurate than surface records.
From the first article’s abstract :
From the second article’s abstract :
Of course, as I stated below, there are more peer-reviewed papers about satellite temps from this wonderful resource.
“Here from two peer-reviewed papers, is evidence that satellite temperature records are more accurate than surface records.”
The first paper is from Dr Roy Spencer and John Christy. Well they would say that, wouldn’t they?
He clearly says he is basing it on only 10 years of data, and the variability is large.
Mr. Twinotter, they said that based on their work and their analysis of the current data sets (at that time.) You cherry-pick their quote by saying “the variability is large”, but if you read on, you would find they say “large variability on time scales of weeks to several years, but no obvious trend for the ten year period.” (Personally, I don’t see how large variability is a cause for concern.) The reason he says they are more accurate is that, for one thing,
and that the surface temperature is biased. See, from another article: (this one published in 2009)
(I do apologize for the formatting.)
You are claiming me quoting “the variability is large” is a cherry-pick? Are you serious? I took it from the Abstract of the study! And it is important – if the variability is large then it is hard to be certain of any trends, especially a 10 year trend as stated by the study. If you don’t believe me, calculate the least squares trendline and confidence intervals for yourself.
My point is of course Spencer and Christy are going to say their data set is superior. Personally I would rather see an independent assessment. To counter Spencer and Christy, Carl Mears who looks after RSS says in his blog he considers the surface data sets more reliable.
I cannot read the Spencer and Christy studies as they are behind paywalls so I cannot see their evidence for the satellite data sets being more accurate than the surface data sets. If you like, you can summarise their argument for us and post here.
Twinotter, going off the deep end with his endless “opinions” against posted evidence.
Basically you said NOTHING in your favor. Do you even know what Debate consist of Harry?
You continue with another dead on arrival “opinion”,with nothing cogent to say.
Really that is all you have to prove something against them?
Meanwhile you COMPLETELY ignored the many papers showing surface station problems to focus on the more accurate and comprehensive Satellite data.
YOU have to do better than that Harry!
Mr. Twinotter, it was a cherry-pick, because you did not include the rest of the sentence, which reads:
(Again, I apologize for the formatting.)
“Large variability on time scales from weeks to several years”. That’s why it’s a cherry-pick. To put things in perspective, using RSS data (I haven’t seen UAH 6.0 data plotted against “the pause” yet in respect to the new temperature anomaly for August (0.28C)) we get no warming trend (in fact a slight cooling one) (this of course using WFT) for 18 years and 8 months, which filters the “large variability” you quoted from the abstract..
I apologize for not giving you the PDF link for the paper I quoted.
Here’s for Spencer and Christy 1990. And, as I showed above, (and there are even more papers here and here) the surface temperature record is biased and therefore unreliable.
Please give me a good reference to where a study has show the satellite measurements are superior to surface measurements. ALL data sets have issues, we know that. But that is not what is being discussed.
Remember Carl Mears said in his blog that he considers surface measurements to be more reliable than the satellite measurements.
Carl Mears also says in his blog that the models DO NOT match the data and lists a bunch of guesses as to why not. So models cannot forecast and we do NOT know if the warming is due to CO2 or not.
Also, his blog uses the word “d*nialist”, meaning he is NOT a scientist, no matter what degree he has. That term is 100% POLITICAL. So you’re reading a political blog and trying to pass it off as science.
Mr. Twinotter, (I apologize, this paper is hidden behind a paywall) take a look at this abstract:
If I was able to access the paper, I would show you the evidence supporting the notion that satellite data sets are more accurate than surface temperature data sets.
“Carl Mears also says in his blog that the models DO NOT match the data and lists a bunch of guesses as to why not..”
Correct, the models are a poor match after around 2000, before that they are a good match. Which is interesting, it might imply something has changed after the 1997/98 El Nino. The current El Nino will be interesting for the same reason. My gut feel is the PDO switching phase may have something to do with it, the PDO has been mostly negative after 2000. It is now back in positive mode.
His work also shows an upward trend in water vapour, which is a prediction of global warming.
The temperature models for the Arctic region are a good match.
I think Carl Mears would be hurt by someone claiming his research is politically motivated, and the claim that he is not a scientist. He is a published scientist. I call that an ad hominem.
So Christy Et Al just looked at California stations? (going by the abstract). That is not a global sample.
I will have a go at finding the complete paper.
Here is another paper showing (as I did previously) a bias in surface temperatures (which is why satellite temperature data sets are more accurate; they can measure the whole Earth, and thus don’t give too much precedent too urban sites where the heat island is in effect.) There are plenty more, here.
From the abstact:
Scientists do not use the term den*er. Plain and simple. If this person uses said word, they are an activist and a politician, not a scientist. Scientists deal in facts. And just because someone publishes papers. Hey, computer generated fake got papers published in peer-reviewed journals. Is the person who created the program a scientist because some journal published their work? I thank you for your comment however. It’s given me an interesting idea for explaining why scientists don’t behave the way we see global warming researchers and writers doing today.
The satellites cannot measure the whole earth, I do not know why you think that.
From memory, Carl Mears does not use infilling from surface measurements. Roy Spencer does use infilling.
From the peer-reviewed paper I cited earlier, “Precise Monitoring of Global Temperature Trends from Satellites”:
(I apologize for the formatting.)
We are not getting anywhere. You just keep posting the same claim, but provide no evidence where they show the satellite measurements are superior to the surface measurements.
It would be expected Spencer and Christy say their own data set is good – this is called “self confidence”. Perhaps it fine (I don’t know exactly), but where do they show evidence it is superior?
Also the study by Spencer and Christy was published back in 1990. Since then errors were found in the satellite measurements that they had to correct.
Anyway read this article and think about the technical issues that affect the satellite measurements. What I do know is they homogenise the life out of the data, they have the same issues with non-climatic influences like the surface measurements.
Mr. Twinotter, Christy and his co-author, James Goodridge, ( in this peer-reviewed paper) ran a test on Christy’s satellite data set, comparing it with other satellite data and radiosonde (weather balloon) data. Here: (I know California is not a global sample, but U.S. data is generally regarded as some of the finest available, and if this problem is here it most certainly is present elsewhere (see below))
You do raise a good point. Of course, Spencer and Christy would content that their data set is the best. But look at the data, which supports that assertion. UAH data correlates with other satellite data (RSS) and radiosonde data. Your point, “Since then errors were found in the satellite measurements that they had to correct” is irrelevant. UAH, as previously noted, correlates well with RSS, and we don’t see many warmists attacking RSS data now do we? (Maybe because Mears is a warmist.) That should be all the evidence that satellites are superior that you need. Also, about the surface data, as this paper I quoted earlier notes:
(I apologize for the formatting.)
Many other papers have found serious errors in the surface data sets, (see here and here) but I will quote from only one here: (from the abstract)
(See Roy Spencer’s defense of the UAH data here.)
On a side note, I won’t bother reading the SkepticalScience blog post (Mr. David Appell, in a different place, noted that blog posts aren’t science) because 1. SkS was founded by a guy whose only background in science was his B.Sc in Physics, (John Cook was a cartoonist) 2. They use ad hominems and call skeptics “den**rs”, and 3. Smear credentialed scientists with pathetic (as before) ad hominems. See more here.
“I suppose you will claim that NOAA is fabricating the global data as well?”
It is a well know FACT that pretty close to HALF of the GHCN global data is fabricated. Even their own charts show that.
And what hasn’t been fabricated has been monumentally altered.
But you know that, don’t you Harry.
And you have scientific evidence that the data sets have been fabricated?
In that case, the satellite data sets could be fabricated as well. It would actually be easier to fabricate the satellite data sets as control of them is more concentrated.
Me, I prefer to accept the surface and satellite data sets. I see no reason to invent nefarious intent.
“And you have scientific evidence that the data sets have been fabricated?”
YES.. there is plenty..
Now go and find a tiny bit of reality in that warped little brain-washed mind of yours, and go and find that evidence for yourself.
Nothing anyone else tells you will get past your crazed, cult-driven ignorance.
Only you can fix it.. but you won’t even try, will you.!
“YES.. there is plenty..”
OK, show us the evidence. Otherwise all you are producing are empty words.
Harry, if you really want enlightenment, you must seek it yourself..
You show a strange reluctance to do so. Why would that be ?
See just how much GISS/NOAA has change/manipulated/tortured the worlds temperature even since 2001..
It must be pretty close to being criminal and certainly is purely propaganda LIES.
Steve Goddard, really?
So your “scientific evidence” of data manipulation is Steve Goddard says it was so.
Your bias is showing,making yourself look foolish since “Steve” showed by sources, how he made his conclusions.
It is OBVIOUS that you didn’t even read the link (NASA and NCAR) filled post there.
Yes.. follow the data…
But no, you don’t have the intelligence or the will to actually check for yourself, do you.
Still waiting for this “evidence” I am supposed to be considering. Are you going to post any references?
Links to comments about Edward Snowden are not evidence.
No here to do your homework..
You obviously have zero interest in finding out the reality of the situation yourself.
Here is the Satellite data showing a COOLING trend since 2001,which is the opposite of what the IPCC projected would happen.
How do you explain that Harry?
Compare RSS to UAT, then we can talk.
I have no counterpoint to offer,just make dead on arrival comment to try muddy up the discussion.
The IPCC projected that it would strongly warm,but Satellite and even your highly adjusted surface station data,fails to support the .30C per decade rate it projected based on the AGW hypothesis.
BOTH RSS and UAH are now almost identical with each other thus your try here show you are not up to date.
Mr. Twinotter, I have a graph which shows cooling from both RSS and UAH data for six years now, the exact opposite of what was predicted.
On a side note, skeptics prefer to use RSS data on WFT because it shows less warming, but you raise a good point with your challenge of “Compare RSS to UAH, then we can talk.” Why do UAH plots on WFT show considerably more warming than RSS? Answer: because WFT doesn’t use the latest version of UAH data, (6.0) while people like Lord Monckton do, which is why his graphs (1) show a zero trend instead of a positive one. WFT instead uses the second-newest version of UAH data (5.6) which shows considerably more warming than both RSS and the newer version of UAH data. (2) You can compare the data for yourself by going here for the 5.6 data, and here for the 6.0 data.
(1) Lord Monckton’s UAH 6.0 graph showing a zero trend from March of 1997 to the present can be found here,
(2) The stark contrast between RSS and UAH 6.0 (which show cooling) vs UAH 5.6 (which shows warming) from March of 1997 can be seen in this little collage I made with MS Paint.
Dr. Roy Spencer has an excellent post out about version 6.0 here.
Trying to get a meaningful trend out of only 6 years of noisy data? Pointless.
Calculate the confidence interval for the data, you will see what I am talking about.
Lord Monckton is a fake expert. I am not interested in his cherry-picking of monthly data from just one data set.
Mr. Twinotter, I wasn’t attempting to get a meaningful trend out of six years of data, I was only trying t give you what you wanted: a comparison of RSS and UAH. Of course, using UAH 6.0, (along with RSS so we aren’t just “cherry-picking” one data set) we see a “pause” since March of 1997 from both data sets, (over 18 years ago). That, of course, is three times more than my last pic, so it should filter out some of the noise you spoke of.
Addressing your point “Lord Monckton is a fake expert. I am not interested in his cherry-picking of monthly data from just one data set.”, one doesn’t need to be an “expert” to be able to calculate a trend of temperature data. Any idiot could do that; your ad hominem is completely off point. He doesn’t “cherry-pick” his data, as this picture shows, he even showed the warming trend from HadCRUt4, NCEI, and GISS in the same post which the other pic I link to was found in.
And, by the way I have some scientific evidence that shows satellite data is more accurate than surface data. Refer to this peer-reviewed article, and this peer-reviewed article. From the first article’s abstract:
From the second article’s abstract:
You can also refer to this wonderful resource for more papers on this topic.
Pardon me, I meant “trying to” instead of “trying t”.
The FACT that for the USA, UHA and RSS closely match the COOLING trends of USCRN and ClimDiv, validates the data acquisition procedures of the RSS and UAH data sets.
There is NOTHING to cross-validate the fabrications of GISS and its stable-mates.
Before we get into why Jo posted lower troposphere temperatures, let’s look at what the combined ‘land and sea’ surface temperatures really are.
The land surface temperatures are measured approximately 1.5 meters above the land’s surface so basically we’re measuring the air temperature just above ground level. The sea surface temperatures are measuring the water temperature close to the surface of the oceans so basically we’re measuring the water temperature just below the surface.
So, when you examine the details of the combined ‘land and sea’ temperature records, what we’re really looking at is combined air and water temperatures. If you want to claim ‘not comparing apples to apples’ then you’d better get a hold of the world’s ‘best practice’ Clime-Astrologists and lodge your complaint with them. IOW. Apples and Oranges. 😉
So when Jo posts lower troposphere temperatures, she’s showing you air over land and air over water. IOW. Apples and Apples. 🙂
But it doesn’t end there.
Here’s a graph of the land and sea temperatures shown separately. Two points need to be made here.
The first point is fairly obvious. For the period when the major warming has occurred, 1980 onwards, we see that the land(air temps) and sea(water temps) trend lines begin to diverge. Also, as time goes forward the divergence becomes greater. 😮
The second point is not so obvious, unless you’re really looking. Prior to 1900 or thereabouts there is also a pronounced divergence between the two trends. Except that back then, the divergence is in the opposite direction. 😮
As far as I know, and you should all agree, the water molecules in the oceans prior to 1900 are the same water molecules as the water molecules in the oceans today. The same is true for the air molecules in the atmosphere. So can you or anyone else please explain to me why back then the oceans were consistently warmer, (contrary to physical laws), and today, the oceans are consistently cooler?
Now. Unless you haven’t caught on yet, that last question was just rhetorical. Of course the oceans are and have always been cooler than land temperatures when the land temperatures are taken close to or at the surface. Water takes longer to heat by volume than solid land.
Please take heed and listen well: Any explanation for this phenomenon that involves CO2 and it’s claimed effects on the atmosphere must be false because in order to be true, the divergence in the trends between land(air temps) and sea(water temps) prior to 1900 would have had to extend all the way to 1950 and not end in 1900, because . . .
. . . we know that CO2 levels were flat and stable up until 1950.
So. Hmmm. What’s going on then?
The answer is simple and this graph just points it out one more time. Older temperatures are homogenized downward. The older the lower. Newer temperatures are homogenized upward. The newer the higher. and so . . .
It’s not that the physical characteristics of air and water molecules have somehow magically changed. No. They’ve remained the same. It’s the land based temperature trends that have been cynically shifted to show a steeper, upward slope to promote CAGW ™.
So. When Jo posts tropospheric temperatures, it’s not only because they’re comparing/combining ‘apples to apples’, but also because they are more reliable than the heavily homogenized, i.e. manipulated, land and sea based temperatures.
There is of course, a third reason for using the satellite lower tropospheric temperatures. Even distribution of data points. While the land based temperatures are taken by thermometers that are haphazardly and unevenly distributed all over the place, the satellite temperatures are taken over an evenly distributed grid layout over all of the planet (not including the poles).
But then again, this last reason is well known and understood by most so there’s no need to get into the details of it. Right? 😉
WOW! Red thumb only five minutes after posting! 😮
Busy little beaver, they is!
Wear them as a medal!
It indicates they (whoever) has no answer to a comment, like Pavlov’s dogs they only have unthinking reactions when the correct order of words ring their internal bell.
I repeat…
Please explain how the surface can warm globally while the lower troposphere cools. !!!!!
nothing.. nada.. Zip.
There’s this little ‘app’ they call ‘The Homogenizer’, (pat.pend.). Works like a charm, I hear.
Welcome back! You were missed!
The surface can warm from heat under the surface. If there is not sufficienct heat to warm the air, the air above will be colder. Kind of like when the floor in the house stays warm due to ground warmth but the temperature in the room is chilly. Not saying this is happening, just that I can find examples of where the ground/floor is warmer than the air further up. The air closest to the floor will be warmer than the air at the ceiling.
But only temporarily. The worldwide lapse rate cannot change.
This is the GISS anomaly map for July 2015 – 0.72C.
This is the GISS anomaly for July 1998 – 0.71C.
An increase of 0.01C over 17 years – a linear increase of 0.06C for 100 years.
And if you take into account the homogenisation adjustments made by GISS (see more comment and evidence above at 62.1) then forgive me for thinking that this declaration of the hottest July ever is unconvincing.
Ian George.
“An increase of 0.01C over 17 years – a linear increase of 0.06C for 100 years.”
It is not valid to extrapolate from 2 month’s data like that.
But that is exactly the sort on anti-maths that runs the whole AGW scam !!
[…] July since the last one,” noted popular Australian climate researcher and scientist Jo Nova in an analysis ridiculing the official claims and the even more outlandish media propaganda surrounding them. “We […]
The truth is that the error in measurement provided by NASA is double the amount that the record was broken so it is true that it is not a convincing figure but (like unemployment figures) it is the trend that is important.
And that trend in all reliable, well spaced, untainted data sets is COOLING !!!
As shown by the RSS satellite data set.
UAH matches RSS quite closely. Both show a COOLING trend since the culmination of the 1998 El Nino in 2001. (UAH slightly less than RSS.
UAH USA48 actually has a COOLING trend slightly less than USCRN and ClimDiv since USCRN was established.
(for those who don’t know, USCRN is the set of “pristine”, “untainted” climate stations established at regular intervals in the USA…
why hasn’t BOM done this, one should ask. !!!)
This verifies RSS as a very sound data source.
The El Nino from 1997-2001 was solar forced.. (even climate scientists admit this) and caused a temperature step of about 0.26C in RSS LTT.
Apart from this 0.26C, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WARMING in the 36 years of RSS (run by warmistas) satellite data.
THERE is ZERO CO2 signature in the whole of the 36 years of satellite data despite a large beneficial gain in atmospheric CO2
I don’t know where you get those figures for (at #71) but the official NASA GISS data does not say that.
It says there was an 0.01C increase in July from the previous high in 1998. The margin for error is at least + or -0.5C.
Hardly a warming trend when the MFE is taken into account.
BTW, as an example, the hottest year ever was 2014 (according to NASA GISS). Down at the bottom of the report, NASA admits that there is only a 38% probability of that statement being correct.
the annual uncertainty estimate is around +/- 0.05C, about 5 hundredths of a degree Celsius.
I am not sure about the monthly values, the uncertainty may be higher.
The error is no-one’s friend, it might be cooler or it might be warmer than estimated.
“the annual uncertainty estimate is around +/- 0.05C, about 5 hundredths of a degree Celsius.”
ROFLMAO.. now that just seriously STUPID !!!!
And THANK GOODNESS there has been some warming since the LIA.
Do you REALLY want the climate to go back to freezing time????? Really ???
Move to Siberia if you do, but leave us out of it.
Abe, that data set ends in 2008!
No, it doesn’t. Please take a look at the parameter settings to the right of the graph. If it’s still unclear after you do that, I’ll be happy to explain.
the scale is not representing the year correctly is what I see.