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@ 1:20AM EST

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15 comments to Thursday

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    John Hultquist

    While the Southern Hemisphere is turning nicely warm, the Northern Hemisphere is beginning winter. The mountains of Oregon, Washington, and north into British Columbia** are beginning to go white. There is yuge snow on the way, global warming be dam…

    ** Time to change European foreign sounding names?


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    I am watching with great excitement as Eco zealot-Miliband goes mad.

    This is because I have bought 500 tons of potatoes which I will be able to demonstrate to Ed can produce electricity. I hope to obtain large subsidies for potato chips If I can persuade him that they can be substituted for the wood chips that Drax burns. I shall be patenting the name “Spudtricity.”

    What can possibly go wrong?.


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    Why do some many otherwise rational people hate Trump so much?


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    Fossil fuel industry is a death cult. So presumably those using their products are part of that cult


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      James Murphy

      I’ve spent the last 20 years working for a death cult?
      Someone forgot to tell, well, anyone I’ve worked with, aside from the handful of true believer human hating climate death cultists who saw their employment in the industry as their way of fighting the system.

      In terms of the environment, even the most ramshackle, dysfunctional and disorganised oil company I’ve ever seen, has maintained environmental standards. Being in the Papua New Guinea jungle, they could have got away with anything, but while ignoring all manner of things unsafe for people, they did maintain respect for the local environment – Except for the fatal chopper and aeroplane crashes that weren’t so good for the jungle.


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        “COP29 will take place from November 11 to 22 in 2024 at Baku Stadium. The venue is located in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan.”

        So the place where the death cult oil industry started on the shores of the Caspian is the next venue for the UN program to stop oil?

        And the usual 120,000 people will arrive by private jets to discuss ending the oil industry?

        So Dubai, Qatar, a beach resort on the Red sea and Baku. At least the UN has realized that sponsorship by the wealthiest and most exotic cities built on oil makes more sense than Copenhagen, Durban, Rio and Glasgow.

        You can be sure very few anti death cult people will attend, if only because of the cost and inconvenience. No one can walk.

        It’s the world’s biggest and quite incredible annual oil industry conference organized by the UN. Everyone will be there, including all the most important public servants in endless meetings about making more money from oil. And even distant drowning islands like the Maldives will send hundreds of people each. You would not want to miss the chance to make money from reparations or novel taxes or just meeting world leaders.

        The disconnect between what is said and what is done is amazing. Especially by the UN which created the IPCC in 1988 and hopes to get their $100Bn a year in carbon hypocrisy payment to pay the wages of their 80,000 people. To stop wars in say the Middle East and Ukraine. A costly business.

        The home of the incredibly valuable and environmentally threatened unique Caspian sturgeon will serve tons of Malossal black caviar to some of the richest people and most environmentally conscious public servants in the world. Even the Pope? Bill Gates? Al Gore? Barack Obama? John Kerry for sure. The leaders of the $US1,800,000,000,00 a year UN carbon indulgences business. The annual death cult sponsored event not to be missed if you want to be in the carbon game.


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    Donald Trump will be appearing on Joe Rogan Podcast Friday October 25th.

    This will attract an enormous audience less than two weeks prior to the election, especially since Rogan is the high-profile interviewer who said, “I’m not a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form. I’ve had the opportunity to have him on my show more than once, I’ve said no every time,” he said. “I don’t want to help him, I’m not interested in helping him.”


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      A free form interview with Rogan is very risky business for any politician. But Kamala Harris will not take unscripted questions from anyone. The contrast could not be greater.

      What is puzzling is that Kamala Harris has any supporters at all. Her incompetence and plain deceit are astounding and so well known. And Tim Walz’s total and open dedication to the Chinese Communist party. And yet Bill Gates gives $50Million to get them elected. Even rusted on Democrat voters must smell a rat.

      Harris must be the most unqualified and unsuitable person ever presented to be the US President as measured on any metric. Her only uncontested qualification is gender.


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    Looking at the AEMO ” Price and demand” prediction for South Australia today. Again the demand is predicted to be low. This time just 1MW at 13:30 as i look this morning.
    Will we again see south Australia exporting gas fired power as we did yesterday?
    Will we again see the diesel generator fire up when there is plenty of solar and wind like we did yesterday?


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