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13 comments to Saturday

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    ONCE upon a time the CSIRO was a public-service organisation designed to make beneficial scientific research available to all sectors of the national economy.

    Now the CSIRO is run by a venture capitalist named Larry Marshall, who pushes globalist “climate change” nuttery and every other hare-brained scheme related to that manufactured problem.

    One of those hare-brained schemes is synthetic foods. After all, the climate change cult believes that agriculture is a villain industry because it produces some allegedly high percentage of “global emissions”.

    “Therefore we must do away with most agriculture and feed the masses synthetic food that our brilliant scientists can make in factories,” Marshall and his sycophants will tell you.

    CSIRO climate cult and Gates clones push synthetic meat in Brisbane show

    Some previous relevant Cairns News articles on fake food and junk climate science:

    UN, Crop Life, CSIRO working to wipe out most farmers and feed us food grown in vats

    CSIRO researching synthetic biology to replace real food

    CSIRO should be defunded over its purposely altered climate change data

    Scientist slams CSIRO for fraudulently receiving research funds over CO2


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      Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

      Remember the wise saying “Man is the only creature smart enough to create artificial food and dumb enough to eat it”?


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        And, of course, because not even the CSIRO can conjure something from nothing, artificial food will still require feed stock (no pun intended) and massive amounts of energy to produce.
        Where will this come from? Equally, as with all things touched by government, if something is simple cheap and easy ( think sunlight, photosynthesis, animal conversion ) they will find a way to complicate it, make things hideously expensive, add many levels of bureaucracy and then control who has access.


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    The headline says it all

    But can it be true? The smartphone is now the main device and it is very often used for entertainment and social media but are teenagers really so uninterested in the world around them that they don’t ask things any more?


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    Storm damage: Auditor blows whistle on power grid maintenance scandals

    “The reality is no one has any idea of the bullshit that goes on in monopolised industries awash with cash funnelled by governments and provided by consumers.

    “There is a huge number of examples. There is a known batch of about 350 faulty but newly installed tranformers that should be changed throughout Australia.”

    He also referred to a new solar farm “built so poorly by a company that has stood over the owners by way of government green promises being held to their client’s head so that their approved variations run into tens of millions yet they are more than 12 months behind in delivery and handover.

    “During construction the solar arrays didn’t align as they should have during a storm event which caused much damage and delay.

    “Several purpose built ‘inverters’ failed on commissioning tests but no spares are available. Cable and civil designs are minimal and hopeful of no peak load demands to stay operational.”

    He said installation techniques had also damaged underground HV cable, causing commissioning tests to fail.

    government green ideology must be sold.
    … the millions squandered to pay for silence would alleviate huge cost of living burden for average consumers.”


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      Last summer we had a nothing burger cyclone [to my knowledge there was no structural damage] but the city’s power grid was largely destroyed. Large areas were without power for three days. Our Premier promised that there would be compensation paid to [non]consumers but neither money nor explanation were forthcoming.

      The damage was not obvious, ie with the poles and wires, so must have been in the subs and transformers. It was said that those on Magnetic Is. [8km out in the bay] could see the transformers exploding.


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    Unlike hitech companies switching over to modular nuclear reactors to power their energy intensive data centres, supermarkets and oil companies still seem keen on burnishing their green credentials


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    ” In March 2019, the Mail on Sunday, published by Associated Newspapers Ltd, launched a campaign to root out ‘medical misinformation and disinformation’. A five-page article in their Good Health supplement focused on endorsing statin drugs that are prescribed by doctors to reduce cholesterol.”

    Doctors win a battle against the Daily Mail who had accused them of peddling misinformation and it reached such a height that the Doctors good names were at risk.

    I think there are several interesting things about this story, not only that Doctors were prepared to fight a 5 year long legal battle, but that like so much else in Food, medicine, (climate change?) what is believed can radically alter over time. In this instance that cholesterol is not the killer it was thought to be, but is needed and is benign.


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    Covering Climate Now
    By Paul Homewood

    They were set up to influence journalism worldwide, in order to push the alarmist agenda by, basically, telling lies

    “Nations participating in the Paris climate agreement are not required by the United Nations to report the carbon emissions from their armies and aircraft or warships and weapons.” The US military, with hundreds of overseas bases and a budget larger than the military budgets of the next nine countries combined, is the world’s single largest annual carbon emitter

    In short, they could not give a toss about all of the deaths and suffering in these wars. Their only real concern is carbon emissions!


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    Glen L

    Just voted for Trump for the fifth time yesterday. Polls show Trump surge. Hope springs eternal!


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      Thank you. Trump can have a world-wide impact for good.


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      Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

      Five times in one Day? That is a dank strategy!


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      The American voting systems seem to beyond the comprehension of many here in Oz. A major difference is in Oz we have a media blackout of political advertising and polling trends 2 weeks before election date so not to influence people with “other” peoples ideas. i.e. If candidate A is leading and you don’t like them rush out and vote for candidate B.
      The idea being that people should make up their own minds rather than be influenced by media personalities, charismatic individuals or polling trends .


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