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9 comments to Friday

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    Just in case it is of use to somebody. Daughter in law got a good photo of the aurora from near Mudgee NSW,

    She couldn’t see it, but her phone camera could.


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    I know every reader on Jo’s blog loves electric cars so wonder how they are coping with negative equity on their vehicles?


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      The buyers I know are not concerned. It is a luxury second car.

      Those people buying business transport on a lease, the bulk of new cars buyers, will find they cannot flip the car and will have to write it off. It’s not an investment in any sense. Hertz proved this in the US where they dumped all their electric cars mainly as no one wanted to rent them but also because the maintenance costs were double.

      It’s a bit like solar power. Fine if you want power only at lunch time in summer on a clear day. Utterly predictably zero at night. We will end up like the Romans using nett zero olive oil at night to read papyrus and vellum text.


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    James O’Keefe records a Senior Meta engineer explaining how FakeBook’s algorithm suppresses anti-Kamala posts

    When asked, “You guys [Meta] have the ability to influence the outcome of the election?” Gyawali confirmed, “Yes,” admitting Meta’s power to sway political outcomes. When asked if Mark Zuckerberg (@finkd), Co-Founder and CEO and Meta, supports Meta’s political influence and agenda to help the Democratic Party, Gyawali answered, “100%.”

    • Brief article
    • 10 minute covert video by undercover journalist
    • 17 second video James O’Keefe

    Zuckerbucks obviously lied a few weeks ago when he apologized for Facebook’s election interference last time.
    He thinks we believe that.
    He’s no more sorry about that than he was the very first time he testified before Congress.

    From the comments:
    >…blatant ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Mark Zuckerberg and everyone involved belongs in prison. META is doing exactly what they did in 2020 all over again. Rigging elections is the purest form of treason and everyone involved should share the punishment that carries.


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      David Maddison

      If there is an honest election and Trump is elected, he needs to remove Section 230 protection from social media.

      This law allows social media to claim they are like a telephone service and not responsible for the content of their platforms. I.e. they are not a publisher.

      The fact that non-Musk social media engages in extensive censorship and pushing a particular political point of view means they are in fact publishers with all the responsibilities and liabilities that go with that.

      They do in fact perform extensive election interference by suppressing non-Leftist opinions. It was never “the Russians” but Leftist social(ist) media itself. I always said Zuck’s “apology” was disingenuous.


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    The EU and OZ seem to be following similar paths at present regarding digital id.

    Looking at the wider picture we surely were much more free 10 or 20 years ago before the widespread use of the internet and mobile phones.


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    David Maddison


    Dr John Campbell interviews Australian MP Russell Broadbent who wrote to the PM with the following letter. Video at

    I don’t expect the PM or his minders to understand or care and as the Left keep telling us “the science is settled” and “the experimental covid vaccines (sic) are fully safe and effective”. You know how scientific fact is decided by “consensus” …LoL.

    Note that the Australian Government is still pushing covid “vaccines” and you are required to be covid “vaccinated” to get an organ transplant. If you don’t get the covid vax the Government is happy to let you die awaiting an organ. Compulsory vaccination still exists for some professions. For example, I have a friend who applied for some Victoriastan public service jobs and vaccination for covid was compulsory.

    The Hon Anthony Albanese MP Prime Minister

    Parliament House

    By email: [email protected] Dear Prime Minister

    I refer to my letter of 20 September 2024 calling on the government to immediately suspend the use of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 products due to the evidence of significant synthetic DNA contamination, as detailed in Dr. David Speicher’s report.

    Unlike the Thalidomide tragedy, which resulted in over 10,000 victims globally, the Covid-19 vaccines have been administered to more than 20 million Australians, totalling over 63 million doses. The contamination detected in these vaccines, if not addressed, presents a substantial risk, with the potential for these dangers – such as genomic integration and potential long-term health impacts – to multiply with each additional dose administered. Immediate action through a suspension of these products is critical to mitigate further risk.

    To assist in adopting a precautionary approach and minimizing further harm, I enclose a Science Summary created and endorsed by eminent Australian and international scientists and medical experts. The summary reinforces the known and potential dangers of DNA contamination and highlights the need for an urgent and independent investigation. As advised by the co-signatories, the Department of Health and Aged Care has produced no evidence to demonstrate why the detected DNA contamination will not produce the dire adverse health outcomes detailed in the Science Summary.

    Additionally, I have reason to believe that multiple attempts by prominent scientists to warn the TGA of these risks have been disregarded since early 2021, raising serious questions about the agency’s ability to protect the health and well-being of Australians.

    Finally, I draw your attention to the Biosecurity Act 2015, which may now be relevant. Given the contamination evidence, I recommend the Minister for Agriculture initiate a Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis of these products, potentially leading to the suspension of these products due to the risks they pose to human health.

    I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the 52 co-signatories below in the preparation of this letter and reiterate my call seeking your urgent action to ensure the safety of all Australians.
    Yours sincerely

    Russell Broadbent MP Member for Monash


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