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8 comments to Thursday

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    Excellent article on the stupidity of net zero and how unqualified our leaders are to make scientific decisions


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    Medics are already being asked to cut back on anaesthetics for operations, now the stuff propelling inhalers are in their sights


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      Greg in NZ

      Don’t tell me that, Tony: I’m up bright & early to drive to hospital for my 2nd cataract surgery this morning, with my trusty inhaler close at hand (puff puff). Sometimes I wish these holy proselytisers would simply stick to saving people’s souls instead of the whole shebang dang planet.


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    Lots of unexpected covid related deaths in OZ town

    Someone casually told us that they had received 7 covid inoculations but refused an eighth when offered at the same time as their flu jab. Anyone beat that?


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      Honk R Smith

      COVID inoculations that do not inoculate against COVID?
      from the interweb … definition of ‘inoculation’
      ‘The act or an instance of inoculating, especially the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease’

      Something is being injected and it ain’t ^.

      I personally know five or so people who were vaxxed, that traveled recently and returned COVID positive.
      Something seems off.
      Of course, anyone paying attention likely noticed that three years ago.


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    The Internet Archive and its 916 billion saved web pages are back online
    Wayback Machine back in read-only mode after DDoS, may need further maintenance.

    The Internet Archive has brought its Wayback Machine back online “in a provisional, read-only manner” as it continues to recover from attacks that took the site down last week, founder Brewster Kahle said in a post last night. The home page points users to the now-functional Wayback Machine but notes that other Internet Archive services are temporarily offline.

    Kahle said it was “safe to resume” the Wayback Machine’s operations, but that it “might need further maintenance, in which case it will be suspended again.” The Wayback Machine’s “Save Page Now” feature that lets users capture a webpage manually is currently unavailable. The related book-preservation website was still offline today.

    Read more:


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    His crime was literally praying and thinking in his mind about a certain topic that authorities had deemed he was not allowed to think.

    People are being convicted for literal thought crime in Soviet Britain now.

    Britain just convicted an army veteran for the crime of silently praying in his mind for 3 minutes while on a public pavement.

    The man who has served in the military for 20 years was standing on the pavement when he was approached by police officer, questioning him about ”the nature of his prayer”.

    He was praying for his unborn son that had been aborted – Again, keep in mind he did this completely quietly in his mind.

    Police gave him a fine because he was praying silently in his mind near an abortion clinic, but again, keep in mind that this was on a public pavement.

    The man has now been convicted in court and must pay $11,704 in legal costs to the prosecution.


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    In the essay posted at Human Progess, “What Unifies the Enemies of Civilization?” the authors, Arjun Khemani and Loga Chipkin, present a sweeping critique of various modern ideologies, arguing that they share a common trait: an opposition to the very foundations of Western civilization. The text asserts that movements ranging from radical environmentalism to social justice activism are rooted in a shared disdain for progress, prosperity, and reason—the key pillars upon which modern society rests.

    Summary: Anti-merit, authoritarian, collectivist ideas like socialism, environmental extremism, and doomerism are enemies of human progress because they impede innovation, limit personal freedom, and prevent societal growth. Fostering decentralized creativity, by contrast, improves the continued ability of human civilization to advance.

    The author calls for a defense of the Enlightenment principles of reason, liberty, and progress, warning that if these ideologies are allowed to dominate, they will lead to a future marked by poverty, stagnation, and oppression. The stakes, according to this essay, are nothing less than the survival of civilization itself.

    Conclusion: A Battle for Civilization
    In summing up, the essay makes a strong case that these six ideologies—Socialism, extreme environmentalism, scientism, relativism, dogmatism, and doomerism—are united in their opposition to the values that have made Western civilization successful. Each of these movements, in its own way, seeks to dismantle the structures that have allowed humanity to flourish. Whether through economic centralization, the rejection of human progress, or the suppression of free speech, these ideologies pose a direct threat to the continued success of modern society.



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