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15 comments to Sunday

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    I posted this Daily Mail link a few days ago showing a house in Florida very firmly strapped down to the ground to stop it being blown away by Hurricane Milton

    Here is the follow up to show how it fared and its cost


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      David Maddison

      Good idea. Real engineering at work, rare these days as it doesn’t follow the Official Narrative to let your house be destroyed.

      It’s interesting that the Florida man is an “amateur” and this is not the idea of a “professional” engineer who may not have thought of the idea or who wouldn’t want to be seen implementing such a “radical” idea.

      Back in the day I went to a primary school where they actually taught useful things, nothing woke. I remember a teacher talking about a Queensland cyclone and how an inventor then in the early 1970’s had invented a system to cyclone proof homes in a similiar manner by running a cable or cables over the roofs (presumably at right angles to the battens). They didn’t have synthetic straps back then as with the Florida home owner.

      Sadly, I can’t find a reference to the 1970’s Queensland inventor on Trove or elsewhere.

      Every day of my life I appreciate the fact I went to schools with wonderful teachers. I went to school at a time just before the Marxists took over the education system and started dumbing it down.


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      Graham Richards

      This technique of securing the roof has been in use in Western Australia for years. There’s one small town of Exmouth about 400 km north of Perth where many houses have have roof securing cables set in concrete as part of their design. In addition sides of the houses have steel louvres built in. The louvres are used for air flow in hoy weather & also yo allow for pressure equalisation in cyclonic conditions. Not sure if current designs have kept these features.


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      Just let the World’s Oceans do the CO2 capture work for free. Not that an increasing level of CO2 in the Atmosphere is a problem.

      However, the results of a recent NASA supported study in 2021 show this –

      “The new study, published in Science, used aircraft observations of CO2 to show that the Southern Ocean is a stronger carbon (CO2) sink than previously thought, playing a significant role in lessening some of the impacts of greenhouse gases. Aircraft observations were collected over nearly a decade from 2009 to 2018 during three field experiments, including from NASA’s Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom) in 2016.”

      Blackout Bowen of OZ and Ed Sillyband of the UK please note.

      More studies using actual science please.


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        This whole story of man controlled CO2 is past ridiculous. It is an evil story created by Al Gore and a very willing UN/WMO in 1988 with the IPCC. It was Al Gore’s first attempt at the US Presidency and he needed a story. So they made it up. Humans control CO2.

        Now CO2 capture in reducing atmospheric CO2 is insane and completely pointless. Like bottling water to stop rainfall.

        CO2 continually goes into and out of the water just like H2O and in vast quantities. As does oxygen. It’s called breathing. We cannot control CO2 levels!

        What sets the CO2 level? It’s not random. It’s a non stop balance between absorption and evaporation across the vast deep oceans which cover 72% of the planet. So just CO2 concentration, pressure and surface temperature. In a laboratory at STP, Henry’s Law.

        Oceans set the CO2 level. Just like the H2O levels. All water comes from the oceans and all CO2. There is nothing we can do to change that. Build lakes? Drain the oceans? Grow trees?

        CO2 in the air is the vapour pressure of a dissolved gas. Simple physical chemistry. And given CO2 is 30x more soluble than O2, there is 50x as much CO2 in the oceans as in the atmosphere. And our tiny fossil fuel CO2 output has only just reached a level of 1% of what is in the atmosphere, so 0.02% of the total.

        This was proven by NASA.

        Simply CO2 increased 14% between 1988 and 2014 and NASA found that tree cover increased by 14%. That’s a vast number of trees. And growing trees did not decrease CO2. Rather more CO2 means more trees.

        The very idea that we humans could bottle up and control CO2 lacks any understanding.

        Consider all the new trees reported by NASA. Trillions of tons of CO2 now in trees which are made only from CO2 and H2O. Like all living things. Why hasn’t CO2 gone down between 1988 and 2024 with all those new trees? Because more CO2 is immediately replaced from the ocean.

        Here’s the graph of CO2 for the period. See if you can see the explosive growth of China. Bushfires. Volcanoes. Motor cars, trucks, planes, ships? Doubling of ’emission’?

        This whole insanity is based on the idea that most people have no idea of rapid equilibrium. You internal processes CO2 and H2O and O2 all the time, but it’s all automatic. Bank balances do not have equilibrium. And you have to fill your car. And eat. To conscious humans, equilibrium does not exist. You do not see the cycle of life, the balances.

        The science question is why all CO2 gas would not be in continuous world wide equilibrium. Equilibrium is the natural state of all things. CO2 gas existed in vast quantities before life on earth. We have zero impact on it.

        And the people of China with each breath output more CO2 than all of Australia emissions. But within 1% they have the same CO2 levels. CO2 does not ‘build up’ in the air with human activity. That’s an unproven wild and ignorant conjecture to suit the IPCC narrative. And C14 and C13 show categorically it’s not true.

        So I remain amazed that anyone still believes it. And without man made CO2, there is no man made anything including Global Warming because even if it was true, there is nothing we can do about CO2. Just free CO2 gas dissolved in the ocean weighs much more than all the oil, gas, coal, trees and humans in the world. No, you can’t see it.


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    Now that Kamala is being exposed to media that actually ask her proper questions, her campaign seems to be faltering

    I suspect over the next month that she will be kept on a tighter leash and only allowed to eat at the table of friendly journalists.


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      As has been shown, Kamala even with a friendly journalist cannot answer a question. So CBS spliced other answers into her interview. This is a huge scandal, as it should be. Donald Trump has been demanding their licence is cancelled. The CBS interview record is a lie. And they have been caught red handed.

      The bias and editing has been obvious in every debate. And editing rights have been demanded by Kamala’s team. However editing is not splicing different answers onto a live interview. Kamala is running for President of the United States and clearly she is agreeable to having an editing team answer the question when she did not.

      It’s past a mistake, an overreach. This is fraud both by CBS and by Kamala Harris. Kamala’s teams call it a ‘production decision’ by CBS. Ha! What happened to the ‘live’ part of ‘live’ interview. The new answer was different to the answer she gave. Who gave a Television station the right to change answers by the Presidential aspirant? No one has that ‘right’.


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        And Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has ridiculed Catholic communion with a friend, making a video using a Dorrito chip. Such a move in the last weeks of a Presidential election is dynamite, presenting the Democrats as the Anti Catholic party. Wow! As if they don’t have enough problems with the muslim vote!

        The Democrats under the leadership of the Kennedies since Joseph Kennedy and his sons and even alleged Irishman Joe Biden was the party of (Irish) Catholics. There are 71 million Catholics in the United States. 20% of the population. Wait for the backlash! The video has been condemned by Catholic Bishops.

        The question is why she did it? This will hit the House of Congress hard too. Republicans are looking to secure the Presidency but also the House and Senate. Why would one of the highest profile Democratic Governors in America ridicule Catholics now? Or at all?


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          Catholics vote 44% Democrat and 19% undecided and 37% Republican. As 20% of the population this is 8%, 1%, 7%. This high profile ridicule alone could produce a national swing of 1-5% to Republicans. What was she thinking? Jill Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama are out trying to build up the vote and Governor Gretchen kicks out the stool.

          We have seen Joe Biden openly sabotaging Kamala with the simple device of forcing her to take all responsibility for his decisions. But the frustration of hopefuls like Whitmer and Newsom may just have spilled into open warfare. She stole their best chance at the Presidency. So frustrated Democrats may be sinking the boot into Kamala as her campaign collapses.


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      Honk R Smith

      Well tonyb and TdeF, I will have you know …

      if you are real men, as I presume you are, and “eat carburetors for breakfast” and you “aren’t afraid of women”…
      you will be voting for VP Harris for POTUS after seeing this ad for her campaign directed an manly men.

      Being British or Australian is not a problem … just request a mail-in overseas ballot.
      No ID or proof of citizenship required.
      (Defending Democracy requires votes, and we can’t be fussy about where we get them.)

      Please note, I am no longer able to digest carburetors, and am deathly afraid of women as result of decades of personal experience.


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    Peter C

    I attended a public lecture last night featuring international anti Covid Vax experts; Professor Angus Dalgleish and Dr Paul Marik. The event was the last of a National tour organised by the Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS).

    Prof Dalgleish spoke mainly about the origins of the virus (Wuhan Inst ofVirology), the reasons why the vaccines are ineffective and the vaccine harms , including oncogenesis (cancer induction). Oncology is his special field. He also mentioned the apparent co-ordinated efforts to censor publications about the vaccine failures, which seem to involve all the major medical journals.

    Dr Marik talked about early treatment of Covid, failures of mandated treatments, especially in hospitals, misinformation and disinformation by Health Authorities and preliminary methods for detoxifying the body after getting the vaccines!

    We were also treated to a talk by Prof Ian Brighthorpe ( holistic medicine practitioner) and an update by video from Dr Mellissa McCann. Mellissa has organised a class action for people with vaccine injures against the Australian Government and Drs Murphy and Skerrit and Greg Hunt personally. I hope she is spectacularly successful.


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      Excellent. The first and best signs so far of a fight back by ethical medical professionals against a takeover of the profession by politicians and pharmaceutical companies. If only the same could be said for science generally. Dr Peter Ridd’s crucifixion was a lesson to all scientists in what happens if you dare disagree with the money people and politicians who now control science and education.


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