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11 comments to Thursday

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    red edward

    Jo, you might look at the 2024 Nobel Prize in medicine. The research was on aging. For an overview see the following link:

    It includes links to the relevant papers.

    The research shows that aging is not a matter of the body wearing out, but that it is genetically pre-programmed – and that it can be hacked in lower animals.

    Definitely worth a read. . .


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    A rather nice article on the Anzacs and their defeat of the Ottomans in first world war


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      David Maddison

      Nowadays, the Left strongly support the successors of the Ottomans and the ummah more generally. Thus they would be opposed to Australians fighting the Ottomans in Gallipoli or Be’er Sheva, two battles that made the ANZAC legend and which are deeply embedded into Australian identity. At least they were until the Left started erasing our identity.


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        My view of the Ottomans is that the vast empire had multiple groups with different cultural views and religions and history. The Persians, the many semitic peoples, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Arabs, the Berbers and more. Even the religion was fragmented seriously and remains so with the powerful invading Shiite Arabs occupying Persia and the Sunnis from Turkey to Morocco. The Christians worlds had the Great Schism between Greek/Russian orthodox, the Reformation and the endless wars between Catholics with their empire and the many Protestant city states until the creation of Germany. Then you throw in the rapid industrialization of the 19th century with steel cannons, bombs, rifles, trains for supply and troops and finally aircraft and tanks by 1922 and the of the Ottoman empire.

        It is tempting to view all this as Christian democracies vs Arab empires because that is how we see the Ottomans today. It was all in flux at the turn of the 20th century. And in a way Turkey’s Erdogan and Saudi’s Bin Laden and Irans’ mullahs are throwbacks to a time which never really existed. The old empires are gone and Ataturk’s secular empire is nothing like Egypt’s faded glory or Iran buckling under the weight of a 1200 year old Arab theocracy plus the emergence of the super wealthy but helpless petro dollar Arab states.

        The new conflict is between nuclear Israel and potential Sunni allies and the hated Mullahs of Shiite Iran. And in the mix the nuclear missile states of extremist impoverished Pakistan and Hindu India. The days when a horse charge at Beersheeba could make a difference are long gone. Australia has to deal with a MAD nuclear missile world. And we are shutting down our own means of production and even our basic energy generation on orders from China.


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          As for Albanese (Trotsky) and Bandt (Phd in Communism/Lenin as a hero), they only see international communism as a means to power, which for them has worked out personally. But they are completely lost in a world where international communism, socialism and its derivative Fascism caused the greatest disasters of the 20th century. And Keir Starmer is equally completely lost in the UK. They have political power but no answers at all. Idiots lost without a clue.

          The only true powers on the international stage are Donald Trump and President Xi. The US election will decide the future of everyone as Trump battles Xi and the near nuclear Mullahs of Iran who are potentially vastly more dangerous than Gadaffi/Bin Laden/Saddam. Nothing is more dangerous than a religious zealot with a nuclear missile.

          And if Trump loses, Taiwan and even South Korea will be gone in the blink of an eye.


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    Did anybody watch the Kamala Harris interview where for a change she wasn’t fed soft questions?


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      Honk R Smith

      It is still a train wreck if the wreck is so slow the passengers never know?
      And it’s too late to get the strongbox back from the robbers?
      And the Lone Ranger is preoccupied chasing Trump the Insurrectionist … because Trump joked that he and Tonto spend way too much time together to just be friends?


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    In Charleroi, Pennsylvania, the local population grapples with a surge of Haitian migrants.

    The key question in Charleroi is the fundamental question of politics: Who decides? The citizens of the United States, and of Charleroi, have been assured since birth that they are the ultimate sovereign. The government, they were told, must earn the consent of the governed. But the people of Charleroi were never asked if they wanted to submit their borough to an experiment in mass migration. Others chose for them—and slandered them when they objected.

    The decisive factor, which many on the institutional Left would rather conceal, is one of power. Martha’s Vineyard, when faced with a single planeload of migrants, can evict them in a flash. But Charleroi—the broken man of the Rust Belt—cannot. This is the reality of replacement: the strong do what they can, and the weak do what they must.


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