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12 comments to Wednesday

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    Have been following the Milton hurricane over at Chiefio who is expecting the storm to pass right over his house. Fortunately he is some way inland so hopes to not be too badly affected

    A C Osborn made a very interesting post

    “The point about the wind speed is they are now comparing apples with oranges when comparing modern hurricanes with old time ones.
    Everyone knows the higher you measure the higher the wind speed.

    The Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale is designed for 10m (ft) height, so using satellite top of column or aircraft drop devices always make them look worse on the SS scale.
    But when measured at 10m they are always much lower, Ventusky and Nuschool report them at that standard.

    If you look at Milton on Ventusky you can see all the variations of wind speed around the eye.;-89.625

    I replied

    “That is an interesting site. The winds mostly look nothing extraordinary at the height they will impact on people and property.

    Would be interesting to see the gradations i.e wind speed at ground level then in 5 metre increments to say the top of the highest skyscrapers in Florida or perhaps the top of some of the rides at Disney. Then compare those directly to the aircraft drop devices etc.”

    This sounds a bit similar to Urban temperatures which, especially at night, can be radically different to those in rural areas due to UHI. Made worse by automatic weather stations which may take readings every 10 seconds then compare them to old records likely taken when the site was more rural and taken only t 2 distinct times, generally 6am and 6PM-not necessarily either the warmest or coldest times..


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      Peter C

      Interesting point.
      Wind speed measurements are clearly influenced by the height of the anemometer above the ground.
      I did a quick search of the BOM site but have not yet discovered if there is a standard height for the measurement.


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      John Hultquist

      There is a Low Pressure system moving into the area from the north that is “going to sort of pick up Milton ahead of it and take it into Florida,” [Neal Dorst]
      Another person (can’t find now) expressed the idea that this odd wind confluence may cause the wind velocity to lessen.
      Regardless, I think I’d head for a vacation in Amarillo.


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    Is this simple enough for Ed Minibrain to understand why more windmills will never make electricity affordable?


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    Kalm Keith

    That’s interesting Tony. I’ve experienced winds of about 30 mph on our local lake, but couldn’t imagine what 180 mph would do.


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    James Murphy

    BP abandons goal to cut oil output, resets strategy

    BP has abandoned a target to cut oil and gas output by 2030 as CEO Murray Auchincloss scales back the firm’s energy transition strategy to regain investor confidence, three sources with knowledge of the matter said

    The company continues to target net zero emissions by 2050.


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    David Maddison

    Tweet from Vivek Ramaswamy.

    How many people go to America today because they seek freedom and liberty as used to be the case, as opposed to going there illegally to get the free stuff, which In return the Democrats expect back in the form of votes?

    Similiar situation in Canada, UK, Australia, NZ.

    Shut down the entitlement state & you solve most of the immigration problem right there. We need to man up & fix the root cause that draws migrants here in the first place: the welfare state. But no one seems to want to say that part out loud, because too many native-born Americans are addicted to it themselves.


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      Kalm Keith

      Good pickup.

      Slavery is back: there’s no other way to describe it when the input of all those who work, save and build is being used by politicians to pay for the votes of those who use the system as a way of life.

      That’s not sustainable and Vicdanistan shows the way.


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    David Maddison


    The Left used to claim Elon Musk as one of their own.

    Now he’s with Trump they are hostile to him. And they will no doubt punish him badly, as they punish all dissenters, if they get (dishonestly) “elected”.

    JUST IN: Elon Musk sits down for an interview with Tucker Carlson, says he is all in with Trump.

    “If [Trump] loses, I’m f*cked… How long do you think my prison sentence is going to be?”


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    David Maddison

    I am looking to buy a new laptop, specifically a “2 in 1” which means it has both a touch screen and the screen folds back 360 degrees so it acts like a tablet plus I want a backlit keyboard.

    Some observations:

    -Many new laptops do not have memory slots. The memory chips are soldered in and no future expansion is possible.

    -The standard SSD size is 512GB, 1TB which I want is relatively uncommon.

    -With Win 11 there are many complaints that it’s impossible to completely turn off or remove AI, even when you make the required registry changes. It often pops up in other Apps. That motivates me more and more to migrate to GNU/Linux.

    Do you have any recommendations for a laptop that is both a 2 in 1 and has expandable memory and comes with a 1TB drive standard and a backlit keyboard?


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    David Maddison

    Playing the race card.

    Do you recall that Peter Dutton recently questioned an ABC (Australia) journalist about her not knowing or understanding that Hezbollah, beloved by the Left, was in Australia a proscribed, i.e. illegal terrorist organisation?

    When I saw Dutton question her, I thought, “that’s just a typical clueless/Leftist ABC journalist”. In the video the journalist was not shown, you just heard her voice.

    Well, that’s now being considered a “racist” attack because the journalist was not white (which no one would have known who saw the video).

    It’s not an attack on a clueless journalist but “RACISM”. Apparently you can only question white journalists, those with other skin colours are exempt (unless you happen to be a conservative black journalist and then the Left will viciously attack you).

    Falsely accusing someone of racism is one way the Left silence people.

    This is from the union representing journalists:

    MEAA National Media Section resolution, October 3, 2024

    2024-10-03 15:15:29

    MEAA’s National Media Section committee has unanimously passed the following motion:

    We stand with Anushri Sood and her ABC colleagues to condemn the intimidation and bullying of journalists.

    We are appalled by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s behaviour and ABC management’s response.

    Following its new commitment to protect staff of colour, the ABC failed to show the leadership and values needed to be a robust defender of truth.

    It is a journalist’s right and duty to question how policies are made on issues impacting the Australian public and wider global community.

    We support our members’ rights to hold power to account by asking honest and fair questions.

    The ABC’s public silence on the intimidation of their journalist, a woman of colour, further perpetuates the racism an internal review issued on the same day highlighted.

    This is a watershed moment for the national broadcaster, and Australia’s leaders, to recognise the role diverse media plays in the pursuit of transparency, truth and fairness.


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