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68 comments to Tuesday

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    David Maddison


    Some comments about the NZ Navy ship that sank, captained by a presumed DEI hire.



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      Greg in NZ

      You know it’s baaad when even the Scots are taking the proverbial.

      In keeping with the Giant Leap Backwards agenda, our/their NZ Navy could emulate that other famous Yorkshire captain, who managed to circumnavigate the globe three times without sinking a ship (OK, 2 1/2 times because it didn’t end too well in Hawai’i) by purchasing shallow-draft flat-bottomed sail/wind-powered colliers to defend the realm. Besides, they’ll be saving the planet at the same time!

      As for ‘rainbow lanyards’ however, that may be a step too far. Ahoy ahoy!


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        I believe some of our nautical charts are still the original surveys done by that particular Yorkshire captain – done with lead lines and chains dragged between row boats.
        How the f*** did our new Yorkie not know that the rock was there? She has a ship with every modern means to measure depth and identify rocks – forward-looking sonar, and exact position identification (well, down to a couple of meters) with GPS, to not know exactly where she was and what lay ahead. There was not even a storm on the horizon or engine failure to blame!

        ‘Out of her depth’ is probably the best description for her.


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      YYY Guy

      Excellent post, David. I think this is the article relating to it, with pics showing cultural appropriation of Maori symbolism and service medals. The lesser on the left with the massive, er, thing, has only got one medal. Clearly she hasn’t crashed a ship. Yet.
      This is the document
      I wouldn’t scroll quickly through and look at the pics if I were you.


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        Greg in NZ

        A ‘rainbow tick of approval’?

        Gordon Bennett – thought ‘ticks’ would be the least of their concerns: wonder how many armed forces attended Queenstown’s Winter Pride festival last month (in disguise of course). So far 16 cases of Military-pox [sic] have been registered after the ‘happy get-together event’ with, no doubt, more cases lurking beneath the surface.

        Aren’t they trained to use hazmat suits when going into battle/action?


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        Wow, NZ is a mess, so far down the diversity road, far worse than Australia and perhaps even worse than the UK?

        My mother went to NZ for a holiday probably 8 years ago, returned with a magazine she had been given on the tour. It contained a NZ history article. That’d be an interesting read I don’t know that much about it so I read. It went on and on about Maori tribes. Then got to the last small paragraph where it read along the lines of, “then white people came.” The author was some western name, female.

        My jaw was on the ground. It was at that moment I confirmed we have a serious problem within our western culture. Self-loathing is terribly dangerous. If you start doing it within your own mind you get to a therapist (well, I wouldn’t but that is the modern era course of action), but what does an entire culture do about it?


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      OMG you’ve got to be joking? Laugh out loud, as they say.


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      John Connor II

      An oceanographic vessel of all things manages to hit a reef?
      A lesbian captain?

      Talk about going down on the job…


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        Greg in NZ

        Remember that WW2 propaganda warning about ‘loose lips’ endangering allied ships? A friend texted me his latest improvised updated version: Lesbian Lips Sink Ships. But wait, there’s more!

        Bluebridge’s inter-islander ferry, Connemara – the one which broke down last month and had to be towed back to port – today crashed into the wharf at Picton, and is now doing loops in Queen Charlotte Sound while the damage is being assessed. Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

        Meanwhile via state radio RNZ, referring to the Samoan debacle, Minister of Finance, Nicola Willis, is quoted as saying: “I think it’s fair to say that we now need an extra vehicle that me might not have thought we knew that we needed” [sic].

        Say what?! That’s worserer than a Kamala mumbo-jumbo word-salad. Anyway, we’ve finally hit 20*C today (joy!) so maybe the skipper was suffering from heatstroke or sumpfink: I’m sure the ensuing ‘official probe’ will get to the bottom of it.


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    David Maddison

    A general comment, not referring to the NZ ship case, is that many otherwise unqualified or inexperienced people who are the subject of DEI promotions might appear to be able to perform their duties when everything happens in a routine manner and things go according to plan. Qualifications, experience and mental attitude come to the fore on those relatively rare occasions when things do NOT go according to routine and something unusual happens. That’s the main time when the deficiencies of DEI hires become obvious.


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      How soldiers or sailors put up with it is what I ask. In civilian world many people have problems with inept bosses at work. One thing I’ve noticed in most jobs I’ve done, people complain about their boss and how inefficient or hopeless they are, especially at working class level. But I guess that military discipline must put that to bed?


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      From a comment on the YT – DEI = Didnt Earn It.


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    Canada’s Carbon Tax Faces the Axe

    Got a bad taste in the back of my mouth after stumbling across this steaming pile of misinformation and disinformation.

    The number of wide-eyed useful idiots who credulously swallow this propaganda is shrinking but this rag keeps churning out the lies.
    Read it if you’ve got the stomach for it. It’s Hollywood-level crap.

    >”the sustained environmental damage from unfettered emissions.” In Canada?

    >”Canada’s carbon tax is popular, innovative and helps save the planet” Three lies in one sentence, one after another.

    >”recent report from the Canadian Climate Institute found the national carbon levy, which targets both consumers and industry, is projected to reduce emissions by as much as 50% by 2030.” Magical projections!


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      Greg in NZ

      De-population = carbon zero.

      Does not ca-nada mean ‘what, nothing’ anyway?


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      Graeme No.3

      Standard waffle from The Guardian. I didn’t read it much beyond the headline.
      I mentioned sometime ago that when I was in the UK in the 1970’s I checked out the various popular newspaper and (from the bottom) The Mirror, The Sun, The Guardian and The News of the World. (The “News” I bought several times – to while away a Sunday morning – because it was so weird. When I returned in 2013 I got a copy of The Guardian as it was the only one left in the shop. It hadn’t improved. Why some believe it is beyond me, but I was told it was popular with people at The BBC.


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    another ian


    “DEI Lesbian Navy Captain CRASHES $100M Naval Ship Causing Oil Spill off Samoa Coast



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    YYY Guy

    Toon of the day
    Chairman/woman/they/them doesn’t have a nose ring. Sackable offence?
    I once shared an office with a morbidly obese, one-legged lessbian. People came to her for counselling. Except that they didn’t come back.


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    another ian


    “Electric Big-Rigs Don’t Make Sense Even With $40,000 In Tax Credits”



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    YYY Guy

    I thought they’d bought ALL the judges.
    Clearly some are hanging out for a bargaining chip in the next round of Judges payrises from the independent body.


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    another ian

    FWIW – latest Kunstler

    “Like a Prayer

    “Whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control. . . .” —Hillary Clinton”


    Take note of the last paragraph


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    A cost benefit analysis with no real benefits.

    Offshore wind’s bogus benefits bragged on
    By David Wojick

    The beginning: “Resources for the Future (RFF) has produced a combined cost benefit analysis for 32 U.S. offshore wind projects now in development. They proudly point to the benefits outweighing the costs by a whopping 14 times. But these supposed benefits are not just exaggerated; they are fabricated. They simply do not exist.

    Their lengthy title is “Offshore Wind Power Examined: Effects, Benefits, and Costs of Offshore Wind Farms along the US Atlantic and Gulf Coasts”. See https://www.rff.org/news/press-releases/new-modeling-shows-offshore-winds-benefits-to-climate-health-and-energy-bills/.

    The analysis is fairly simple which makes it easy to see the fallacies. There are just four basic benefit claims. And of course it is all based on highly questionable modeling.

    Before looking at each of these benefit claims it is worth noting a pervasive misconception. They assume that when a MWh of wind displaces a MWh of coal or gas fired power the emissions of the latter are reduced by the amount it takes to produce a MWh. As I have written at length this is not true. Baseload fossil fueled power plants run on very high pressure steam produced by gigantic boilers. These plants have to be ready to produce power while wind and solar run intermittently. They are typically running while their output is temporarily displaced by offshore wind.

    The reduction in emissions is relatively quite small compared to the power displacement. Each of the RFF benefit quantities is based on this mistaken displacement assumption. Thus each would be much smaller than they estimate if it were real. But as we shall now see they are not real.

    The first and by far the biggest purported benefit is in changing climate change. This benefit is greater than the other three combined. The claimed climate benefit is in reducing global climate change deaths for just under the next 300 years. I am not making this up. Here is their preposterous explanation:

    “The GIVE Model, one of the three models on which the EPA (2023c) social cost of CO2 is based, projects that each million short tons of CO2 emitted in 2020 will cause 43 premature deaths globally between then and 2300 (after which the GIVE model does not project effects). Using this deaths-per-million-tons value, we estimate that the CO2 emissions reductions caused by the modeled offshore wind farms, in each year of their operation, will prevent 1,600 premature deaths. This mortality reduction is a major part of the overall estimated dollar value of the GHG emissions reductions caused by the offshore wind farms.”

    Our emissions are not causing any climate change deaths, much less from now until 2300 so this benefit does not exist.

    The next biggest benefit is in reducing the purported deaths caused by power plant pollution.”

    Lots more in the article. Please share it.

    At least RFF did not include jobs which is a cost not a benefit.

    A bit of nostalgia. I was the lead author on the first cost benefit regulations for justifying federal water projects, especially flood control dams. I was not supposed to be the lead just a consultant but they hired academic economists who had no idea how to write a reg. They produced an academic treatise that even argued with itself. We needed something that told a GS 9 what to do, a cookbook. So I pulled the methods out of the economists’ heads and wrote her up. Interesting stuff.


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    John Connor II

    Tuesday funny: the achievements of Kamala Harris


    She has a lot of achievements all right…


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    John Connor II

    Ex-ICBM Silo In Kansas Dubbed A ‘Zombie-Proof Underground Fortress’, Listed For $749k

    An abandoned missile silo complex in Kansas, listed on Zillow, has gone viral on X. The latest surge in interest in doomsday bunkers might stem from the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous foreign policy choices over the last 3.5 years, which appear to have set the world ablaze (also, failed domestic policy has sparked what some believe as a nation-killing migrant invasion).

    “Welcome to your ultimate prepper’s paradise! Nestled within 23 acres of secluded land, this rare gem offers an extraordinary opportunity to own your very own Atlas E. Missile silo, complete with a nuclear missile base and bunker,” the listing on Zillow reads.


    “It’s a very nice but we already got one!”
    – spoken in an outrageous French accent.


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      In equipment rooms that had many cables travelling overhead on “rat races”, staff were trained in “boxing” cables by lacing them together into rows of cables, with many rows neatly tied together to form a box structure. The lacing, originally waxed string but later plastic, went in and out of the cable box bundle. I never had to learn this pattern thankfully, but it did look very neat when done properly.


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    John Connor II

    Tuesday fail: can a teacher be this stupid?



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    John Connor II

    What is a woman? Part 1.

    The_StateMedia came up with a fairly accurate, stable definition.

    gender identity
    The unmeasurable and shifting notion of what a person thinks they may feel at any specific moment in time about a fluid and changeable concept that either correlates with or denies their innate biological sex or alternatively corresponds with that person’s estimation of their opposite sex predicated on their own personal perception of a stereotypical yet ultimately unknowable and reductive abstraction of an assumption for which they have no frame of reference to even begin to understand.


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      John Connor II

      Part 2

      J.K. Rowling

      Unlike sex, gender identity is neither scientifically observable nor testable. In spite of the million word salads attempting one, there’s no stable definition of gender identity. The term is variously but not exclusively applied to an innate certainty that one is not the sex one was born, to a constantly shifting sense of self that may be male, female, neither or both, to the extent to which one identifies with often regressive sex stereotypes, or to something akin to a gendered soul, which may be trapped in the ‘wrong’ body.
      Gender identity is an unfalsifiable idea, a socio-political construct, a quasi-religious belief. At bottom, it is defined by little more than a person’s subjective feelings, or (more accurately) their claim to feel those feelings. We are told we must believe in the existence of those feelings and that those feelings constitute a new form of fact, even though in literally no other sphere of human life is it held that a person’s self-perception must be accepted unquestioningly as true or real.
      Gender identity ideology is doing measurable, serious harm to some very vulnerable young people and to women. We’re watching a medical scandal of terrifying proportions unfold in front of us, along with an assault on the rights of women and girls in the developed world that is unparalleled in my lifetime. I’ve read treatises on astrology that make more sense than the spiel written on gender identity and I believe that those who continue to push gender identity as ‘real’ or scientifically observable are guilty of causing widespread damage. The effects are being felt not only by vulnerable individuals, but in once- impartial and rational disciplines and institutions, which, like you, have embraced a form of faith-based fundamentalism masquerading as intellectual sophistication.

      If you’re “gender fluid” then at what temperature do you become gender solid?


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    According to the script, this time of year is renown for changeable weather.

    ‘Snow has fallen in Tasmania with some brief very light falls on the alpine areas of the mainland as a strong October cold front swept through southeast Australia on Monday night into Tuesday morning.

    ‘Spring is a season notable for its dramatic day-to-day temperature contrasts and that has definitely been the case in the last 24 hours, with Monday’s summery conditions transitioning to wintry weather on Tuesday morning across much of southeastern Australia.’ (Weatherzone)


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    another ian


    “Civil War Breaks Out in the Green Blob But Don’t Expect the BBC to Report it”

    “Greens hate hydrocarbons but open warfare is breaking out in their ranks as the world outside their luxury millenarian cult realises it is impossible to run a modern industrial society without hydrocarbons. In the U.K., the penny is finally dropping that gas is the only realistic backup to an electricity system powered by unreliable breezes and sunbeams.”

    More at



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    John Connor II

    Study shows EV owners have bigger carbon footprint than average because they are wealthier

    A pair of psychologists and an economist at the University of Turku, in Finland, have found that because the average electric vehicle (EV) owner is wealthier than the average person, they still have a bigger than average carbon footprint.

    For their paper published in the open-access journal PLOS Climate, Nils Sandman, Elisa Sahari and Aki Koponen analyzed questionnaires sent to thousands of random adults in Finland regarding lifestyle choices, car use, environmental opinions and how they felt about EVs.

    As global warming, exacerbated by human-origin greenhouse gas emissions continues, makers of some goods have begun to alter their products in ways that reduce emissions. One such product is the automobile.

    The vast majority of cars and trucks on the road today are still powered by burning gasoline—a primary source of greenhouse gas emissions. In response, car makers have been developing and selling EVs, which produce no greenhouse gas emissions while they are driven.

    In this new study, the research team investigated whether consumers who purchase and drive such vehicles have a smaller carbon footprint than other consumers who continue to drive gasoline-powered vehicles.


    I’m shocked! Shocked I say. 😆


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    Ted Postol: “We Are Looking into the Abyss of the End of Human Civilization” (video)


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      At the risk of seeming like I’m picking on you after comment #10.

      Suggestion: Anyone posting a link to a video, please include the link to the video. 😉


      And a little more description pls for those like me who have no idea who Ted Postol is or whether his views suggest the End of Human Civilization is a real threat or satirical, or what. 🙂


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    another ian


    ““Late you come, but still you come”

    “I’m republishing this piece by the late George Jonas from April 02, 2008 – because it’s even more relevant today.

    My misgivings about hate-speech legislation and Human Rights Commissions go back to 1977. In those days such laws seemed progressive. Only a few considered that compelling liberalism may be illiberal.

    In time, second thoughts and questions emerged. A National Post editorial published in January, 1999, viewed Canada’s hate-speech legislation as “potentially sinister” whose proposed new provisions “could be put to authoritarian and illiberal purposes.” I wrote that hate-speech laws were sinister by definition and could only be put to illiberal purposes.

    Certainly John Stuart Mill thought so. He phrased his objection rather forcefully 150 years ago: “The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it… We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavouring to stifle is a false opinion; and even if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still.”

    More and comments at



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    another ian


    “Canada Says Inflation Is Caused By Climate Change”


    And remember “The budget will balance itself”


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