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10 comments to Friday

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    No, Media. Hurricane Helene was not Worsened by Climate Change

    “Hurricane Helene made landfall on Friday Sept 27th in Florida as a Category 4 storm and then made its way inland, dumping large amounts of rain followed by flooding. Predictably, many media outlets immediately rushed to blame climate change for this particular storm and its damage. These claims are false. Data shows there is no climate signal over the past 50 years of hurricane activity either worsening intensity or creating more frequent hurricanes. Additionally, historical records show that flooding such as was seen from this storm has happened in the same areas before.

    This is the second time this week Climate Realism is covering this particular storm, but the claims from the media are extensive and worth debunking more than once. Here’s a sampling of some of the headlines. The Hill wrote, “How climate change is intensifying storms like Hurricane Helene.” Yahoo news claimed, “Helene shows that hurricanes in the age of climate change don’t wreck just coastlines,” while The Guardian opined, “‘Nowhere is safe’: shattered Asheville shows stunning reach of climate crisis“. The Associated Press (AP) chimed in with, “Helene and other storms dumped a whopping 40 trillion gallons of rain on the South.” Even the Mayor of Tampa, Fl, Jane Castor, jumped on the climate alarm bandwagon by declaring in a CNN interview, “I don’t know that there’s anyone that anyone can deny the effects of climate change on the sheer power of the storms we’re seeing now.”

    All of these claims ignore actual data and historical records. They also ignore the unique meteorological (not climatological) circumstances that created the potential for more rainfall and flooding.


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    Peter C

    Solve a Puzzle
    Just about to depart Los Angeles for the flight home after travelling in America for a few weeks.
    I found turning on the shower tap was like a Mensa puzzle. So many varieties and they don’t all work the same way!
    But here is the thing that puzzled me the most; how does the toilet flush work?
    Our toilets fill the bowl when the flush button is pressed, then the water drains away down to the S bend level.
    The American toilets work differently.. the bowl empties first, completely, then gently refills.
    Does anyone know how that is done!


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      We’re down under, so the water level stays low. They are the other way up. Hence the full bowl to start with.

      Or, it could just be that they use a siphen based system. The bowl is full and will only start to empty once the water level achieves the same level as the top of the discharge pipe, (usually at the back of the bowl, behind the back wall of the porcelain bowl). As soon as the water level in the bowl hits that level it starts to go over, this starts a siphen which pulls more water behind it. The initial trickle of flow accelerates until the discharge pipe is full and running as fast as it can. The flow stops when the water level in the bowl drops enough to let air in to end the siphen.

      The Oz systems use a flush of water not a siphen flow. A flush works best with an initial low level, the siphen works best with an initial high level.


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    CO2 capture project that would have involved digging up a lot of countryside cancelled.


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    Spectator article on the high cost of UK electricity.


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    David Maddison

    I just saw an ad on YouTube for

    which resolves to

    David Davis is a Liberal member of the Victorian Parliament, the Member for Southern Metropolitan Region.

    He is Shadow Minister for Energy, Affordability and Security and Shadow Minister for the Arts and Creative Industries.

    What I would like to know is why this isn’t a Liberal Party (fake conservative) site?

    The Liberals should be shouting from the rooftops opposing the ban on natural gas in Victoria.

    In fact, they continue to support the Green Labor ban on fracking.

    The Vic Libs are not much different to Green Labor in their support of the Anthropogenic Global Warming Fraud.


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    another ian


    “It looks like the damage wreaked by Hurricane Helene is going to last a whole lot longer than people might wish. The electrical grid in North Carolina and Georgia looks to have suffered really severe damage.”

    More at


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    another ian


    “The unsung timber product during war time”

    Charcoal and producer gas in WW 2


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    Dave in the States

    Saw an improvised political sign on a pickup truck today:

    “Life is a *itch, don’t vote for one.”


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