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10 comments to Monday

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    The SOI is at neutral level for the 90 day average, are other factors the reason for the dire predictions of a dry summer?


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    The federal floating wind lease sale off Oregon has been cancelled due to hostility.
    Great news!


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      John Hultquist

      From the link:
      Offshore wind continues to be a critical opportunity for Oregon to meet its 100% clean energy goals by 2040, address climate change, and provide economic opportunities for Oregon workers and businesses,” …

      By 2040 it should be obvious that this was an opportunity best missed.
      Oregon has relatively low electrical rates. Floating towers in the nearby ocean will only cause the rates to float higher and higher.


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      David Maddison

      I think they might be terrified that Trump will win and dirty, expensive, unreliable, environmentally destructive wind and solar subsidy plantations are a huge political risk.

      And that decision made by a woke blue state as well.

      Also, with plenty of coal, gas, oil and nuclear energy, and Trump promising to liberate more of all of them, why would anyone want to revert to wind technology which was abandoned centuries ago as soon as a viable steam engine was invented?


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    Honk R Smith

    Startling what ‘consensus’ means now.
    The Approved Ones manufacture it and those that do not concede are to be silenced.

    Of course, the New Censors are only censoring because they realize they are alienating the public and can only prevail by force.

    More COVID booster advertising might help.


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    David Maddison

    A reminder to non-Leftists who oppose censorship, today is the deadline to put yoor submission in to the Australiam Government opposing the latest proposed censorship laws.

    You can either upload it or email it. I chose to email mine to [email protected]

    If a Leftist, I guess you’d be making a submission demanding even more censorship…you wouldn’t want to be exposed to alternative opinions…and as you know, Government knows best….

    SEE Jo’s post:

    My submission from August 2023, one of 23,000 which were apparently ignored last time is at:


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      David Maddison

      This is an extract from my latest submissiom:

      And who decides what is dis and misinformation? I give numerous examples in the main body of my submission about how Government itself is the main purveyor of misinformation.

      Presumably Australia’s e Safety Commissioner will be one of the censors as she has already been issuing “take down orders” under existing legislation. In a YouTube video at which is from Sky News Australia, the Commissioner claims at the beginning how she thinks Donald Trump and his followers are supposedly major “online abusers” and Trump was a “major super spreader of mis and
      disinformation”. For a senior Australian Government public servant to make such a partisan statement about the head or former head and possible future head of our closest ally is quite extraordinary. Will such political bias also be reflected in censorship of local political parties with a similar bias against the conservative side of politics?

      The Australia censorship laws may also have a global influence. Certain social media platforms will be very happy to apply Australian censorship rules globally. These platforms already extensively globally censor political and moral conservatives as has been proven on numerous occasions. It will be easier for them to do that than apply individual censorship rules for Australia.

      Obviously the free speech platform X will not be so compliant due to their support of free speech and they are the platform which has been most attacked by the Australian Government.

      The urgency with which these censorship laws are to be passed seems to be about the general desire of the Australian Government to protect itself from criticism or scrutiny.

      If these laws pass, free speech platforms like X, may end up just leaving Australia as Elon Musk is likely to do in Brazil where a similarly anti-free speech Government to Australia’s has blocked his site. Thus, Australians will have no way of expressing their freedom of thought or reading that of others.

      As a thinking person I also find it offensive that a public servant will tell me what opinions I am allowed to read or write.

      This legislation is morally and in every other way wrong and should not be passed in any form.

      Please see the rest of my submission on the following pages.


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    David Maddison

    Porsche have patented a six stroke engine.

    I doubt it’s commercially viable though as it’s too mechanically complex.


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    David Maddison

    Yesterday, Honk R Smith posted this disturbing video featuring John Kerry essentially complaining about free speech and the US First Amendment which guarantees that.

    Confirming Davis’s point.
    Our friend Czar John Kerry …
    “the US 1st Amendment is the the biggest obstacle’ … ‘to be hammered out of existence’.

    The Left are marching in lockstep just about everywhere, including in Australia where the Government is urgently trying to push through its censorship legislation.

    Make no mistake.

    The Left are waging a war against the Scientific Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the Age of Enlightenment and Western Civilisation itself and promoting a return to some form of feudalism.


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