
6.7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

5 comments to Sunday

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    In sunny switzerland.ha!heavy rain today which fell as snow at around 1800 metres.

    The Ethernet connection to our flat was out for a couple of days which meant no internet and no tv.

    Several shops in Montreux also had unrelated connection problems and couldn’t take payments. In another shop someone’s phone payment didn’t work

    At the airport one person couldn’t use his phone to check in and had not printed out a copy of his ticket so looks like he missed the flight.

    A few days ago nineteen UK railway stations were hit by a communications hack.

    Instead of backing off putting all our digital eggs in one basket we seem as individuals and government to use digital at every opportunity even when it causes problems

    Surely this will all end with the most massive cyber attacks or via a series of accidental faults that will take down key areas of our society

    No hire car this time round, they have become far too clever for their own good so using the Swiss rail network instead.

    It seems that electric vehicles do have the capability to be hacked so let’s hope sufficient safeguards are now being designed in.


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    David Maddison

    This article was from 2022:

    “Let’s declare a pandemic amnesty”
    Emily Oster.


    The proponents of the covid lockups knew exactly what they were doing.

    All the necessary information was available on sites like this and anyone who questionned the Official Narrative, including professional scientists and medical doctors was silenced and/or fired and/or registered If a medical doctor.



    Recently someone Tweeted a response to the article with a meme and a comment:

    There is a meme which you’ll have to go to the link to see plus the comment:

    Let’s not forgive even one of you sanctimonious irritating little “pandemic” fascists. You destroyed more lives than COVID did.

    The text on the meme says:

    We need to forgive one another for what
    we did and said when we were in the dark
    about COVID.
    By Emily Oster

    Best I could do is a military
    Followed by executions.

    INCIDENTALLY, if or when Australia introduces its new censorship laws, any such questioning of the Official Narrative will be illegal.


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    David Maddison

    I am still noticing lots of people in Sydney and Melbourne wearing obedience masks.

    What’s with that?

    Surely they all can’t have genuine medical conditions thst possibly justifies possible mask wearing?


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      Mike Jonas

      I suggest that you think of them as victims too, unless you find exceptions. IOW maybe they in their own way are still suffering from the government Wuhan virus oppression.


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    David Maddison

    Senator Babet, United Australia Party, has requested an extension to the short submission deadline for Australia’s proposed censorship legislation (originally introduced by the Liberal faction of the Uniparty so you can’t trust them either plus the e Safety Kommissar is a creation of theirs plus the WEF).

    The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 has been referred to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications.

    The committee has allowed just one week for the Australian people to have their say on what is arguably one of the worst bills to have ever been brought into the Australian Parliament.

    Unfortunately many Australians have had trouble accessing the bill online due to the website experiencing technical difficulties. For this reason I have written to the committee and requested additional time be given so that the Australian people can lodge their submissions.

    This bill poses a serious threat to freedom of expression and will likely result in the censorship of much true and accurate information.

    An extension to the date for submissions is not guaranteed, so please act now! Join me in opposing this draconian bill. Take the time to prepare a formal submission and let the committee and the government know your thoughts.

    Click here to lodge your submission and please ask your friends and family to do the same (hopefully it works) –…

    You can also email your submission here – [email protected]

    May the government listen to the people. Long live free speech!

    Of course these “technical difficulties” are likely quite deliberate. And what happened to the 23,000 submissions on exactly the same thing sent in March, 2024 which seem to have been totally ignored?


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