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18 comments to Monday

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    Biden forgets he was at a meeting with the President of India, Modi.

    The press are the same. Collective amnesia.

    CNN want another Trump vs Harris debate.

    They have already forgotten the first Presidential debate as if it never happened.

    No one asks Kamala about why ‘sharp as a tack’ Biden walked away?
    Or whether she threatened him with Amendment 25?
    Clinton, Pelosi, Obama, Harris all swore he was ‘sharp as a tack’. They lied.

    Everyone just accepts that Biden is not fit for office and it will never be mentioned again.
    Except to amuse. It’s funny. But who has been running the government for the last 4 years?
    The press are not interested.

    Only Trump is a threat to Democracy. What democracy? Who elected Kamala?


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    Sydney anti-Disinfo Bill rally at Speaker’s Corner an apt location

    A rally to oppose the Federal Government’s draconian Misinformation & Disinformation Bill will be held at a location with a long tradition of honoring the right to public speaking.

    It’s being organised by Sydney Libertarians.

    This coming Saturday the 28th of September, from 11.30am.


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    John Hultquist

    The sub-Solar point is crossing the Equator; however, seasons have been canceled because of CO2 in the atmosphere.


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      Finally, spring in Australia. Australia is one of the few and countries to change season on the 1st of the month, not the 23rd. Who needs science when you have government? But this is a country which believes that a slight increase in CO2 over 250 years is dangerous too.


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        Greg in NZ

        Meteorological seasons change with the calendar (because meteorologists aren’t very good with numbers?) while astronomical seasons change with the sun, ie. physical reality: so the sun-worshipping pagans (country folk) were onto it long ago, as it was a life & death matter to know when to plant or harvest.

        The consensus in NZ is 1st September marks spring, so you’re not alone TdeF. Two climbers were stuck on Mt Cook last week for 4 days thanks to ‘the storm blizzard of the year’ which everyone knew was coming, except them. They were safely rescued, though suffering from frostbite. One of the DOC rangers commented (paraphrased) these dangerous out-of-season storms are going to become more frequent with climate change.

        It was still winter fergoodness sake!


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    Ireneusz Palmowski


    The heaviest September rain in half a century has fallen over the Pilbara region of Western Australia overnight 🌧, with a widespread 80-120mm still to come for a majority of Australia’s desert areas over the next three days.


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    Our friends in Oz may have been watching the advance of the new centre right UK party “reform” as Nigel Farage sparked it into life and gained 6 seats and if not for the vagaries of our voting system might have got around 80, bearing in mind they got a larger percentage of the vote than the Third placed Lib Dems who scored over 70 new MP’s.

    This is a very good account of the Reform conference held this week


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      Farage is more of a threat to both Labor and the Tories than Climate Change. Surely people are sick of the sky is falling stories? And the warmest May in the history of the UK. I read nothing of the scorching summer, except the occasional 30C heat wave.

      I was working in Bundaberg, Queensland one year. It was 30C. And thought I would have a swim in the hotel pool after work. But it was closed for winter.


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    I am sure we can all get behind the WEF demand that we all collaborate to fight climate change


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      It used to be man made CO2 driven Global Warming. But as the place isn’t warming significantly after 36 years of rapid warming, I suppose we can agree that CO2 causes erratic weather when weather used to be so predictable. The Romans used auspices. Goat entrails. We have the IPCC and the WEF. And of course the head of the UN who pretends 100F is 100C and the seas are boiling.


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    James Murphy

    A license to print money with Hydrogen production as the cover story – kick-started with 720 million Euros belonging to other people, as usual.

    Seven projects across Finland, Norway, Portugal and Spain are set to receive a total of EUR 720 million ($771.6 million) in the inaugural award of the European Hydrogen Bank, a European Union funding program to scale up hydrogen production.

    “The winning bidders will produce renewable hydrogen in Europe and will receive a subsidy to bridge the price difference between their production costs and the market price for hydrogen, which is currently driven by non-renewable producers”, the Commission said in a statement


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    I saw former deputy PM John Anderson’s name on an article in The Oz declaring that if we don’t soon stop fighting among ourselves we will have nothing to fight for. True!


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    James Murphy

    Just change the sticker on the pipe, no one will know the difference…
    It’s amazing how much Ukraine says they hate Russia, but will still very gladly take their money for doing nothing except letting a pipeline exist.

    One could even posit that the Ukrainian regime is more upset about potentially losing hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue than they are about the pointless destruction of property and deaths of their own people… but then, when was the last time any government, anywhere, cared about their people…?

    Some European government and company officials have in recent months been seeking alternative ways to keep the gas flowing, including buying from Azerbaijan or Turkey. Kyiv wants to cut Moscow off from the billions it gets from sales to Europe but doesn’t want to forfeit its estimated $800 million a year in transit fees.

    Europe has tried to wean itself off Russian gas since supplies were cut following the invasion of Ukraine. Several eastern states continue to receive it through a pipeline that crosses Ukraine. That agreement ends this year, potentially cutting off countries such as Austria and Slovakia from about 15 billion cubic meters of supply.


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    David Maddison

    Australia produces a remake of “The Office” (UK, US and other) TV series) and again embarrasses itself on the international stage with woke insanity.

    Matt Walsh discusses:


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    Swiss Alpine Photovoltaic System Begins to Crumble After Just 2 Years

    From the NoTricksZone

    By P Gosselin

    It’s often how the green racket works: Conjure up some green energy producing pie-in-the-sky project, no matter how unfeasible it may be, propose it to technically illiterate bureaucrats – who permit and fund it with little hesitation – build it, and, after realizing it won’t ever work, abandon it and let the next generation deal with the mess. In the meantime, you will have earned a tidy sum of money.

    The latest likely example of such a project is “Axpo in Glarus Süd”, described at Blackout News here: “Solar panels at Muttsee dam fail after two years – solar plant not suitable for mountain use.”

    Already, just 2 years in operation, 270 panels (5%) of the Muttsee project need to be replaced, and that at an exorbitant cost. Just check out the Axpo promotion video and take a look at the equipment needed to build the project. The helicopters, cranes, rigging and this caliber of personnel aren’t cheap.

    Another embarrassing fact: “The full extent of the damage only became clear when the snow at 2500 meters above sea level had completely melted,” reports Blackout News.

    No one became aware of the damage until spring had arrived?


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