
9.3 out of 10 based on 15 ratings

109 comments to Saturday

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    France now?

    Then Trump?

    But before that I think we’ll have an election here. The mud on the road ahead looks deeper and deeper.

    And doesn’t Queensland have an election before the end of the year too?

    We live in interesting times.


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      James Murphy

      I’ve lived in Paris for a number of years. From my perspective, there have never been so many people handing out leaflets around metro stations and the like. It seems like a lot are “extreme right wing”, at least in the handful of regularly visited stations around the city. There haven’t been as many “extreme right wing” posters on the temporary billboards around polling places in other years either.

      There are many reasons why my perspective may well be skewed, so take it with a grain of salt, but I certainly do hope Macron’s party and their loathsome ilk get the results they deserve, rather than the results they want.


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    “An Giant Oyster Shell Discovery Suggests Early Holocene Seas Were 4°C (Up To 8°C) Warmer Than Today”:


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    David Maddison

    A shocking but not unexpected election result in the UK.

    It’s almost as though when pretend conservative Sunak unnecessarily called an early election, he KNEW Labour was going to win. He handed over the reins to them. An election wasn’t required until Dec 24.

    UK already has open borders, it’s difficult to imagine how much worse it will become under Labour along with other standard socialist policies like even higher taxes, punishment for hard work and saving, more regulations, more “renewables” madness and a reversal of Brexit. And no doubt they will reopen Tavistock Clinic so they can again start mutilating and sterilising children.

    The UK used to be called “the sick man of Europe” before Thatcher was elected. I think it will now return to that well deserved status although most of the rest of Europe is very sick as well and also has open borders.

    Fun fact: Fish found in the English Channel belong to the EU, but illegal immigrants found in the Channel belong to the UK.

    Jeff Taylor discusses the election in the following video.


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      YYY Guy

      In my day 34% of 57%(turnout) equated to about 21%. 2/3 as popular as Albo. Get wrecking Keir.


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        Custer Van Cleef

        That matches the numbers I saw: 57% voted; 43% didn’t bother .. That’s clearly a LANDSLIDE for APATHY — (not, as the BBC tried to present it, “a landslide for Labour”.)

        So roughly 1 in five eligible voters marked their ballot for Labour. Not really an endorsement from the electorate, is it!


        • #

          “That matches the numbers I saw: 57% voted; 43% didn’t bother.”

          How many Australians would bother if voting was not compulsory?

          That’s clearly a LANDSLIDE for APATHY — (not, as the BBC tried to present it, “a landslide for Labour”.)

          Getting 412 seats out of 650 which is 64% of seats looks very much like a landslide especially when compared with the 19% of seats the conservatives obtained


          • #

            Getting 412 seats out of 650 which is 64% of seats looks very much like a landslide especially when compared with the 19% of seats the conservatives obtained

            Whilst the number of seats is the deciding metric for a political win, it is a huge distortion disguising the actual number of indivdual votes for each party.
            Labors TOTAL vote was less than 10 million for its 412 seats, whilstthe Reform party had 5+ million votes but only won 5 seats ??
            Not exactly proportional representation !
            PS :- that 10 m votes is LESS than lobor got when they LOST the 2019 election .


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      Sitting here in my jocks [figuratively speaking] thousands of miles from the seats of power, the once GB looks to be beyond saving. I get no pleasure from that having English/Irish/Scot heritage.


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        Likewise. Given how far the Tories have ground down what was the UK, it hard to imagine how damaged it will be with years of Labour government digging the hole deeper


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      John Connor II

      Fun fact: Fish found in the English Channel belong to the EU, but illegal immigrants found in the Channel belong to the UK.

      The EU’s full already! 😆


      • #

        Somewhere, I think on this computer, I saved a cartoon of nearly all the leaders of the great nations of Europe dressed in their military finery, standing in line with bayonets fixed.

        Addressing them, with teeth bared and sabre brandished, stood the Russian bear.

        Up the back, sitting against a tree and laughing, sat China.

        The source? Punch. 1904.

        Some things never change.


        • #

          Was it China really?
          Russia just got into trouble with emerging Japan…


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          David Maddison

          Is this the one? At least it’s similar but from 1898. There is another similar one below it but from Puck magazine.

          In this French rendering, Queen Victoria glares at the German Kaiser, while the Russian, French, and Japanese figures look pensively at China. The Kaiser stabs his knife into the German-leased territory Jiaozhou (Kiao-Tcheou) in Shandong, acquired in 1898, while the Russian Tsar puts his fists on Port Arthur (the Chinese port of Lüshun, leased in 1897). The caption reads: “China: The cake of Kings and Emperors.”


          • #

            One can but wonder how unnatural country borders look there.., the Russia-China border instead of following Amur River to North, the Russian border runs in opposite direction to cut off chunk of China – roughly the same size as England.

            I do not believe that will be there for long…


          • #

            No, but some are in the style. It could have been 1903.


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    David Maddison


    In Melbournistan recently I have agreed with the BoM temperature but right now the BoM says it’s 6C (42.8F) and my weather station says it’s 4.3C (39.7F).

    Perhaps the BoM is “correcting” the outbreak of cold so they can claim the “hottest July eeevvvaaa”. We already know they alter historic temperature data by the scientifically-invalid process of “homogenisation” to suit the Official Narrative of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming so why should anything they say be trusted? (Documented on this blog.)


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      Geoff Sherrington

      I’ve started cold studies Melbourne June 2024. The official Olympic Park station started 2013 cannot be compared to Melbourne Regional started 1850s. If only Olympic Park is used while yet tentative, then we seem to have a new Tmin lower record for June 2024. (Watch for BOM to admit this.)
      Later I’ll do other stations around the suburbs. On present indications we at least approach record cold, which is worth reporting accurately because of the devil in the detail.
      It is complicated by unknown effects from the Hunga Tonga eruption of Christmas 2021. The Australian pattern of UAH lower tropospheric temperatures is rather different to global. Geoff S


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      John Connor II

      Liawenee this week, as posted y/d, 3 straight days of below -13.
      Homogenise that!


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      Excuse my incessant whinging – would it be difficult for you specialists to come up with a “Mob Data” procedure ?
      Specify the method, the type of instrument, the timing and conditions, etc,.. etc,.. to collect hard temperature data for, say – for a year and statistically analyse its difference with the official one.

      A couple of peasant’s suggestions to start with:
      a) get few readings short distance from official BOM stations and treat each territory independently;
      b) automate both our own and the official data collection as much as practical.

      Please, tell me it is very wrong to use soil rather than air, temperature with an appropriate offset – if it is not published already it might be found practically … From my own experience, temperature under a metre depth is nearly constant but what is it at 250 mm depth?


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        Peter C

        Your initial suggestion was a good one. Set up a monitor site near an official BOM site
        But then you want to compare soil temp measurements with BOM air temp measurements! Why?


        • #

          Peter, thanks for your interest.

          1. I think a good number of people on this blog has the right experience, knowledge base and patience to prove that BOM is lying deliberately – not being mistaken or incompetent. Some of them may have done similar tasks already and can quickly come up with at the right process, considering our limited instrumental base.
          2. My knowledge of statistic theory, methods and latest achievements is poor so I hoped to compensate the lack of math on a physical side of measurement, for instance by natural averaging of the earth mass – not by superhigh math which probably BOM employs…


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    Honk R Smith

    I had thought the Science was settled.
    The Political Science.

    A Consensus …
    1)that free expression was an essential foundational attribute of free and open democratic societies.

    2)Therefore, societies that do not protect free expression are not free and open democracies.

    At least he/she/it is free to express they’s problems with free expression for a little while longer.


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    David Maddison

    Quote from Twitter.

    The right loves the country but hates the government.

    The left hates the country but loves the government.

    Understanding this will explain it all.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Meme in reply to above:

      A Liberal [Leftist] is somebody who wants you to think like them.

      A Conservative is somebody who just wants you to think.


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        Dave in the States

        I find lefties have trouble distinguishing between their country and its government.


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    David Maddison

    As the Left continue to rewrite and erase history, remember that even arch catastrophic anthropogenic global warming advocate (and Australia’s next Chief Scientist?) once said that Aborigines were contributors to megafauna extinction in Australia.

    The Official Narrative says otherwise.


    Many modern researchers, including Tim Flannery, think that with the arrival of early Aboriginal Australians (around 70,000~65,000 years ago), hunting and the use of fire to manage their environment may have contributed to the extinction of the megafauna.


    There is hardly any evidence of Aborigines killing megafauna. The best evidence comes from Cuddie Springs and even there it may be butchering of dying animals rather than hunting of live ones.

    Aboriginal Australians co-existed with the megafauna for at least 17,000 years


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      A man on foot can catch a wombat. So how did the wombats survive? It wouldn’t be because men refrained from killing them.

      There must have been substantial areas where wombats could get water but men could not.


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        Google says wombats can hit 25 mph when threatened.

        Big too. Do they not defend themselves?


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          I’ve only seen them waddle along at a pace slightly faster than a sloth.


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            They can get along as David says but not for long. I have seen one darting (if you can imagine a wombat darting) back and foward on a highway trying to make a panic striken escape.


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            another ian

            Not speed but a wombat starred –

            A friend way back in BC had relatives in the New England area who had a pet wombat. Which was a bit hard on garden fences.

            One day the question was posed “Can wombats swim” so the pet went down to a nearby waterhole and was tipped in.

            It didn’t actually answer the question as it just sank to the bottom and walked out.


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        Plain Jane

        Wombats are fast when they want to be. Also wombats are very hard to kill. Specially with a stick or rock.They have a well protected rear end for plugging up burrows to stop things attacking them from behind and can kill dogs by crushing their heads against the ceiling of their burrows. Their skulls are also thick and tough and their teeth are fearsome and they can use them. They fight amongst themselves a lot. A common cause of dying wombats is from infection from huge numbers of bites. They fight for burrow space. Also I have not seen many reports of aboriginals eating them. I dont think anything much eats them. I think they are so full of connective tissue and are tough. Foxes dont bother with them much. Eagles eat the babies when they get kicked out the burrow during droughts. They live underground nearly all the time and are suprisingly elusive even when they are digging up the foundations of your house. I live in a high wombat concentration area.

        I dont think aboriginals would have had much chance of killing out wombats.


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      John Connor II

      But our indigenous are the only ones still allowed to kill protected species.
      Modern [Snip]AD food is KFC and McD’s, so the wildlife can breathe a sigh of relief.


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        CO2 Lover

        Before the arrival of the first Europeans in Australia, Aboriginal people reportedly produced several fermented drinks including mangaitch from flowering cones of Banksia and way-a-linah from Eucalyptus tree sap.

        So the White-Fella cannot be blamed for their love of VB!


      • #

        So presumably they are restricted to traditional methods of harvesting their food, not using white man’s methods?


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        John Connor II

        ‘Twas just an abbreviation, not intended in a derogatory way.
        But…modern world…

        [ Just too much an 18C risk. ]AD


        • #

          I know what you said!


          • #
            John Connor II

            I know what you said!

            Shorter than “indigenous Australian” and even using “aboriginal” or “aborigine” is offensive these days according to SBS.

            Who’s offended by “Aussie” or “ocker” or “pom”?


    • #

      “There is hardly any evidence of Aborigines killing megafauna. The best evidence comes from Cuddie Springs and even there it may be butchering of dying animals rather than hunting of live ones.”

      “Aboriginal Australians co-existed with the megafauna for at least 17,000 years”

      Arrgh Both of these statements are just political crap and all part of trying to portray the first waves of arrivals as benevolent environmentalists with huge understanding of “Mother Nature”. Caring for the land and just quietly fitting in, leaving nothing but footsteps. Except

      At every other site worldwide where evidence of butchering has been observed the observers lauded the “development” of the locals. Here the experts denigrate the locals implying that they did not have the capacity to catch and kill the “big stuff”. How condecending of these said experts, poor local indigenous people just weren’t smart enough to catch dinner!

      Then wait, the locals co existed with the mega fauna. What does this statement actually mean. It means nothing. Everything co exists with everything else. Did the mega fauna have a very low reproductive rate? Did the local indiginous people have an ever increasing birth rate and survival rate due to the plentiful supply of meat?
      Not rocket surgery to figure out an ever increasing demand versus an ever diminishing supply generally results in the boom and bust scenario


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    David Maddison

    Notice how when conservatives (what the Left call “far right”) won in France they rioted.

    When the Left won in Once Great Britain conservatives did not riot.


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    David Maddison


    In story first reported by the U.K.’s Jim Ferguson, hacked data from the Dutch government shows that the E.U. Globalists went after the children and afterwards hundreds of vaccine injuries were reported all across the Netherlands and the EU. Why didn’t we hear about it? Turns out they hid the information and then covered-up the data from the public and then more people were injured.

    Dutch Freedom Fighters and Truth Seekers, former Dutch Parliamentarian and business entrepreneur Wybren van Haga, Businessman and Data expert Wouter Aukema and Anne Merel Kloosterman who is representing many vaccine injured join Redacted to share this story.

    And a friendly reminder to covid vaccine pushers, time for your 19th dose.


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    another ian

    Oh Dear!

    “Socialism Survivor Posts Hilarious Thread About What Could Happen If Trump and MAGA Win”

    Long but worth reading to the end (IMO)


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      David Maddison

      As with all statements from the Left, the truth is the opposite of what they say and they themselves are in fact guilty of what they accuse their opponents of doing. E.g. in the examples given at the link, using and abusing the plandemic, wanting to install a fascist regime, ending free speech, importing illegal immigrants, censorship on social(ist) media etc..


  • #
    David Maddison

    As with all statements from the Left, the truth is the opposite of what they say and they themselves are in fact guilty of what they accuse their opponents of doing. E.g. in the examples given at the link, using and abusing the plandemic, wanting to install a fascist regime, ending free speech, importing illegal immigrants, censorship on social(ist) media etc..


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    Richard C (NZ)

    Southern Australia is freezing. How can it be so cold in a warming climate?

    Bottom line:

    Learning to live with the cold and improving the quality of insulation in Australian homes would help make our winter cold snaps seem a lot less harsh.

    It’s still warming and you just lack insulation OZ.

    Then it wont “seem” cold – simple.


    • #

      They talk about it if insulation is a modern insightful initiative. They first thing , I did to my first house, in 1976 Sydney, was to put overkill insulation in the roof.

      I thought your comment was heading toward some lefty tosser summoning up their most superior tone to assert its just weather not the climate.


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    David Maddison

    (Trigger warning for wokesters.)

    Inspector Harry Callahan in Dirty Harry (1971) confronts a female quota hire applying for a job as inspector. (Link below.)

    It was quite an early commentary on wokeism and quota hiring. It was also a commentary on the lenient treatment of criminals in a morally corrupt society and the police officer just trying to do his job.

    The Left hated this movie but in fact, it was quite a socially progressive as well as conservative-oriented film before it became trendy to be “progressive”. For example, it portrayed a black doctor/surgeon as Harry’s friend and doctor and he had a Hispanic police partner. Those two would have been merit placements, not quota hires.


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      John Connor II

      The good old days when cops shot criminals not citizens…


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        And when people thought being a cop was an honourable profession

        Some state police forces are looking abroad for recruits as they face a shortage of trained officers


        • #

          I see no problem… Every business faces the same conditions, you have to pay enough, you make the job as enjoyable as possible, and you ahve to do both of those more than the other options a person has.

          So, what is the police Dept doing wrong? Not paying enough for the sort of work to be done or not making the Policeman’s lot a happy one. We have people in filthy jobs picking up rubbish, working in sewers, doing life-threatening work in dangerous occupations (Much more fatal than Policing!) so why don’t people apply??

          Maybe the Police Dept should look at what they have asked Police to do in recent times.


      • #

        My wife Atilla the Hen, says they should be allowed one bullet per shift to dispatch crims. Give it a year and things would improve


  • #
    David Maddison


    Labour Party MP Rachael Maskell:

    “Why does it matter if immigration means we need to wait a week more for the hospital?”

    Labour is now in charge of the UK. RIP.


    • #
      John Connor II

      Heart attack? Stroke? Illegals 1st, brits 2nd!
      Make Maskell wait an extra week and see the reversal…


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    Richard C in NZ

    MS Weather – Weather trendsTauranga NZ.

    Daily data goes back to 1951. Yesterday vs same day 1951:

    6 July 2024
    High: 12
    Low: 7

    6 July 1951
    High: 12
    Low: 8

    Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

    That data is obviously not homogenized and adjusted.


  • #

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    Download complete reports in 8.5 x 11 PDF format, allowing you to print them out, as well storing and reading them on your device – with hyperlinks intact. Almost all reports are available to read under the Reports section of this website. Be sure to pop back into the Bookshop often, as new reports are added. Download links expire in 72 hrs.


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    The Houthis are everybody else’s problem

    The anemic international response to the Houthi attacks have taught the Iranian proxy to keep escalating as long as so little harm comes to themselves

    The Houthi challenge is on a clear long-term trajectory of growing more dangerous over time.

    The group has been causing turmoil within Yemen since 2004, when they launched a rebellion against the central government which culminated in their takeover of Yemen’s capital city Sanaa one decade later. Following that, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi led a coalition to roll back the Houthis and reinstall the internationally recognized government – for which they paid a major price in blood, treasure, and reputation.

    After being hamstrung by their Western allies before they could retake the critical port of Hodeidah from the Houthis in 2018, it was clear that the Saudi-led anti-Houthi coalition would not succeed in prying northern Yemen from Houthi hands.

    In the early months the Houthi attacks, Israelis experienced shock and then a short-lived sense of relief. The initial surprise that this ragtag-looking militia could launch ballistic missiles targeting Israeli territory and international shipping was followed by a sense of optimism that either China or the US would resolve this issue.

    Then, the hope was that the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian would resolve the issue of Houthi attacks. However, in light of Washington’s estimation that Houthi attacks have minimal impact on vital US interests and US military action can achieve very limited aims in Yemen, the White House remains fairly cautious in approaching the Houthi problem.


    • #

      Houthis Mark July 4: ‘U.S. Aircraft Carriers Are an Obsolete Weapons System’

      The head of the Yemeni Ansarallah terrorist organization, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, boasted in a national address on Thursday that his jihadists had turned American aircraft carriers into “obsolete weapons.”

      “Battle in the Red Sea has attested the fact that US aircraft carriers are an obsolete weapons system, and are not worth spending money on,” al-Houthi declared, according to a translation of his remarks by the Iranian state propaganda outlet PressTV.

      “US attempts to Yemeni maritime operations are ineffective, and have so far failed to produce any promising results,” the Houthi leader claimed. “Americans have come to realize the extent of the Yemeni Armed Forces’ military might.”

      Houthi also boasted that Washington had allegedly “retreated” from the Red Sea and “the Americans are re-evaluating their capabilities, tactics, and methods.”

      “American warships in the Red Sea are being chased by missiles and drones, and they are fleeing at the highest speed they can muster,” he claimed.

      The shipping industry has shown signs that it does not expect the attacks to end anytime soon. The CEO of Maersk, one of the largest shipping companies in the world, issued a statement on Monday lamenting that the added costs of business created by the Houthi attacks will likely become more “deeply ingrained” as world powers do nothing meaningful to stop them.


      • #

        Russians turn to motorbikes and quad bikes in attacks in ukraine war

        In recent developments, Russian forces have been using motorbikes and quad bikes in attacks along the frontline in Ukraine.

        This unconventional tactic has been observed in various areas, with reports suggesting that these vehicles now account for about half of all attacks in some regions.

        The use of motorbikes and quad bikes allows Russian soldiers to quickly cross exposed open spaces, where their lumbering armored vehicles are vulnerable to attack. These nonconventional vehicles have been turning up with such frequency that some Ukrainian trenches now overlook junk yards of abandoned, blown-up off-road vehicles.

        The tactic is the latest Russian adaptation for a heavily mined, continually surveilled battlefield, as Moscow’s forces work to achieve small tactical gains, often of just a few hundred yards. The Russians’ farthest advance in the region is 15 miles from its starting point, with Ukrainian forces fighting a war over every meter.

        This new tactic has added a wild new element to the already violent and chaotic fighting in Ukraine, with Russian soldiers riding motorcycles, dirt bikes, quadricycles, and dune buggies to launch attacks on Ukrainian positions.

        See for further details on this and why it is a response to

        There’s been much talk recently about Russia’s shifting tactics, particularly utilizing smaller and lighter civilian-style vehicles in order to adapt to the pervasiveness of FPV drones

        Australian Army should be taking notes re changes in warfare – also worth warching Israel use of Drones in Gaza


        • #
          CO2 Lover

          Australian Army should be taking notes re changes in warfare

          Likewise the Australian Navy – unmanned drones are playing a huge role in modern warefare both in surveillance and attack

          Australia will be spending $240 Billion on manned submarines which are already obsolete

          CHINA Copied DARPA’s Manta Ray Submarine? US Shocked!

          The UK Goverment should be using both arial and submersible drones to stop illegal immigrants

          But then UK Labour will not doubt set up a taxpayer funded ferry service from Calais for all these military aged men arriving in the UK and then wonder why they keep losing seats in Londonistan!


          • #

            I’m less convinced that subs are obsolete, than I am that aircraft carriers are. I see the assertion quite often, but so far supported by not much.


            • #

              Nimitz/Ford class carriers are twice the DWT of the Bismarck or Yamato and can maintain >30 knots indefinitely. The artificial reefs China built can’t move and there are no “civilians” on them so would be fair targets for BIG bombs and many of them. China has no [useful] carriers so cannot defend them.

              Every nation would have them if they could, the US has 7.


        • #

          I notice that there is the use of the term ‘quad bikes’ in this comment link, a contradiction in terms. ‘Bike’ is short for bicycle, ‘two wheels’, so four wheels cannot be a bike. In the quoted article the term ‘quadricycles’ is used correctly.
          I tend to say ‘quad cycle’.


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        As for Aircraft Carriers – likewise with manned submarines – see my comments at #

        At least Australia no longer has aircraft carriers only helicopter carriers which are generally not that reliable


        • #

          For the twentieth time: Please explain how one maintains command and command of a submarine.

          Why does nobody explain this?


          • #

            It is done with long wave radio which does travel thru water. At these wavelengths, data transmission is comparatively slow. So no personal messages for crew, just very compact codes.


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    • #
      CO2 Lover

      “There’s a sucker born every minute”

      is a phrase closely associated with P. T. Barnum, an American showman of the mid-19th century


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    John Connor II

    Saturday ejukayshun: Planet of the apes (2001)- casts vs characters


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    Geoff Sherrington

    Is climate fatigue getting to melbourne.

    2024 months of April, May, JUne are much cooler than the long term monthly averages over the length of the data.

    What is going on?
    Record Record Record 2024 2024 2024
    Olympic Park 11.3 8.4 6.9 10.6 8.6 6.8
    Coldstream 7.5 3.5 2.6 3.8 3.5 1.3
    Frankston 12.5 11.1 7.5 10.4 9.5 6.8
    Moorabbin 10.7 7.7 6.1 7.7 7 4
    Laverton 10.3 7.6 5.7 7 5.4 3
    Essendon 10.5 8.4 6.1 8.1 5.9 3.7
    Tullamarine 9.7 7.6 5.4 8.2 6.6 4.1

    Tmin monthly difference
    April May June
    Olympic Park 0.7 -0.2 0.1
    Coldstream 3.7 0 1.3
    Frankston 2.1 1.6 0.7
    Moorabbin 3 0.7 2.1
    Laverton 3.3 2.2 2.7
    Essendon 2.4 2.5 2.4
    Tullamarine 1.5 1 1.3

    Can someone check these? They show these 7 Melbourne suburbs are breaking the previous cold monthly Tmin record by around 2 degrees C on average. That is a LOT!!
    Geoff S


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Antarctic satellite temperatures show no warming for 37 years. The Southern Ocean around Antarctica has cooled markedly since 2006. Sea ice has increased substantially, especially since 2012. Surface temperatures at 13 stations on or near the Antarctic Peninsula have been cooling sharply since 2006.

      Melbourne is 20km closer to Antarctica than it is to Darwin


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      Richard C in NZ

      Geoff >Can someone check these?

      I’ve been doing similar for Tauranga NZ (see #16 upthread) but just using MS Weather – Weather Trends instead of retrieving the raw data from NIWA CliFlo or meteorological database. But I’m sure MS Weather is retrieving raw data from somewhere because theirs goes back to 1951 and yesterday showed no change from then (see #16).

      I reset to Frankston (MS Weather – Weather Trends).

      Hist is trend lines on 15th of month.
      ?? = Not given but Max/Min can be averaged (see below).

      Frankston Max ?? Min
      Hist, 2024
      April 20 ?? 13, 18 ?? 11
      May 16 ?? 11, 17 ?? 8
      June 13 ?? 9, 14 ?? 6

      2024 Apr/May/Jun Mins are definitely cooler than Hist.
      2024 April Max was cooler, 2024 May and June Max was warmer.

      Compared to your data:

      Record Record Record 2024 2024 2024
      Frankston 12.5 11.1 7.5 10.4 9.5 6.8

      Manually averaging my Max/Mins:

      Frankston Ave Max/Min
      Hist, 2024
      April 16.5, 14.5
      May 13.5, 12.5
      June 11, 10

      2024 Apr/May/Jun all cooler than Hist.

      My MS Weather data looks different to your data in absolute terms but both sets have 2024 Apr/May/Jun Ave considerably cooler than Hist.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        Geoff, your data:

        Tmin monthly difference
        April May June
        Frankston 2.1 1.6 0.7

        MS Weather:

        Frankston 2, 3, 3


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Geoff, I’ve pulled out 86388 FRANKSTON (BALLAM PARK) from BOM data using Old Ozzies instructions here .

      Data retrieval here.

      Monthly mean minimum temperature

      Hist, 2024 (Min)
      April: Unav, 10.8
      May: Unav, 8.3
      June: Unav, Unav

      FRANKSTON – MS Weather
      Hist, 2024 (Min)
      April: 13, 11
      May: 11, 8
      June: 9, 6

      I’m missing a lot of data using this retrieval. But at least the 2024 Apr/May Mins conform (almost). I’m having trouble matching this data to yours:

      Record Record Record 2024 2024 2024
      Frankston 12.5 11.1 7.5 10.4 9.5 6.8

      Can you rearrange in the format I’ve presented please?

      And Geoff, what is your retrieval access? I need more data than what I’ve got so far.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        This doesn’t make sense. I’ve pulled out 86388 FRANKSTON (BALLAM PARK) up to May 2024 but when I use the following retrieval:

        2: Select a weather station in the area of interest


        Matching towns: Frankston, Vic

        Nearest Bureau stations – Only show open stations [Y]

        086371 Frankston Beach Vic (2.5 kms away)

        Missing is the obviously open station 86388 Ballam Park:

        86388 FRANKSTON (BALLAM PARK) Jul 2024 [End] Y [AWS]

        There’s something very wrong with BOM’s data retrieval system.


  • #

    Kim’s Tuppence Worth

    We’re currently going through the 2nd Reformation. With that we are dumping 20th Century thinking and making the jump to 21st Century thinking. This is why many countries in the western world are swinging strongly away from the very much failed extreme left wing politics and back to the tried and proven center ground – the interplay point between discussing the advantages and disadvantages of ideas and proposals and then making them a success, if possible, and evolving them. Adopting what works and not adopting what doesn’t work. Society is completely rejigging itself.

    In parts of the world there is a return to Traditionalism but that is purely because it is better than the extreme left.

    Morality is a very strong motivational force and a big concern. People want to feel that they are good people. Part of the rejigging is a sorting out of the moral issues. I’m hopeful that things will be moved towards the high standards that should exist. Meanwhile the churning will continue.


    • #

      ..maybe we can get back to freedom of movement, freedom of speech and freedom from Govt!

      Lets give everyone the right to try hard to be successful, not the right to be given success. If Left and Right were defined, I could understand how they interplay, but as I see politics in a triangle Left and Right look the same to me.

      Having the Fascists from Ukraine calling the Communists of Russia, N*zis, does not help. Indeed, the meaning of words has been turned upon its head, Orwell was right, and it will take more than an election to roll back the dishonesty and corruption that has overtaken the West.


      • #
        John Connor II

        On Ukraine, people might want to see this doozy:

        Pull those “I stand with Ukraine” stickers off if you haven’t already. Follow the money..


        • #

          ..and she did all that without mentioning the Bidens once!

          Meh- it was known as the most corrupt country in Europe before the war, nothing in there is surprising, but I love the cruising around Monaco picking out the Ukrainian number plates!


  • #

    Sea level was a few metres higher during the early Holocene and the waters around Taiwan were significantly warmer.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    With that we are dumping 20th Century thinking and making the jump to 21st Century thinking.

    Human thinking has been on a long decline in the woke west – AI thinking us fast taking over. But can we trust AI thinking?

    He helped create AI. Now he’s worried it will destroy us.


    • #
      John Connor II

      “Scientists” now want to use “A.I.” to prove reality doesn’t exist.

      Uuummm…hang on…😉


  • #

    [Conspiracy much? – LVA] – going through the 1900 names and reviewing the concept of Deep State, yes Consipracy much but a lot of known names & organisations are within that number – a good read


  • #
  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Fun Facts:

    Labor’s National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is now one year old.

    It’s major investigation to date is investigating allegations of corruption at the NACC which involves the Commissioner – The Hon Paul Brereton AM RFD SC who has been a solicitor, barrister, senior counsel, judge and judge of appeal of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Deputy Chair of the NSW Law Reform Commission and Deputy President of the Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal.

    Got to love Labor success stories!


  • #

    You must remember this is the natural state of the Briton. Many of them are natural born socialists. Thatcher was a blip, and they still hate her with an undying passion. The good times were never bound to last. It’s back to the sick man of Europe, where they all get their little snouts in the trough and ask for more, short term gain no will to delay gratification.

    But there is some hope. The British Empire didn’t come out of thin air, nor out of those socialist Britons – they were just put on ships and given a task to keep them busy. So there must still be a heartbeat there.


  • #
    another ian


    “Joe Biden’s First Post-Debate Interview Just Dug Him Into a Deeper Hole”


    “Look at the Faces of the ABC News Panel After Biden’s Interview”


  • #
    another ian


    “The hunt for the most efficient heat pump in the world”


    • #
      another ian

      A commenter at Chiefio read further than I did –

      “Never mind, found the cost.

      The installation cost 60,000 pounds, not including a new underfloor heating system.

      So for a mere $76,823 you can have one of these marvels. But if it’s so great, why the underfloor heating system. Think the heat pump could be omitted? Sounds like snake oil to me.”


  • #
    another ian


    “Shabana Mahmood appointed Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice on 5 July 2024.”


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    What is the difference between Globalism and Colonialism?
    It seems the former Colonialists have just merged and rebranded.
    When Keir Starmer was asked “Westminster or Davos(?)”… instantly responded “Davos”.

    It is a testament to their narrative powers that the ‘They’ are able to take their own fundamental sin, and turn into the moral commandment of their new lust for power.

    ‘End Colonialism, embrace Globalism!’

    I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat.


    • #

      well, yes, Im a colonialist. Colonialism was a great thing for the world. And I am a globalist in that I’m more a free trader than a protectionist. I’m not however a socialist nor cultural Marxist nor a fascist, which is what that globalist clique is.
