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    Ten years ago, back in 2014, I heard rumours of a Chinese super massive hydro proposal in Tibet. It intrigued me enough at the time to write three Posts about it, one of them about an airport they constructed virtually in the middle of nowhere, and all but inaccessible to anyone but the most experienced passenger aircraft pilots. There was nothing firm on the hydro, except numbers and lines on a map. Now I’m cautious, and not one to speculate wildly, but this was something so far out in left field. I hinted, but anything I did bring up would just be a guess, well, calculated on my part, as you all know me now, but I’m like the next person, not all that willing to make a fool of myself with wild guesses.

    I let it be after those first three Posts, but three times a year or more for every year since then, I went back and looked at it all again, trying to find if anything concrete came up. Each time I looked I saw something new, and here, I went looking with Google Earth Pro, and for those of you who ‘know’ the program, you have an idea of what I’m on about here. Now, looking at it all in isolation for the very first time, there’s not much you’ll see ….. that looks to be ‘out of the ordinary’.

    However, looking at it now, there’s so much that is new in the area, like a city of 250,000 people in the middle of nowhere, a city that only sixteen years back now, had a population of under 100,000. Why that huge influx of people in such a short time? The airport in the middle of nowhere. The huge number of brand new multi lane highways, the 180KPH rail connection back to the Capital Lhasa, the vast buildup of, well, so much really, further up this mighty River, the Yarlung Tsangpo.

    Now, I’ve done so many Posts on all forms of power generation over the 16 years I’ve been doing ‘all this’, so when it comes to Hydro, as with most other forms of power generation, China leads the way. So, I’ve found things that the ordinary person might find hard to believe, so, that was at the forefront of my ‘speculation’. Still I prefer concrete information in front of me before I might actually commit.

    Recently, I (yet again) heard rumours of this vast hydro scheme, again from uninformed commentators saying that the whole thing was, well, ‘nuts’ in fact in their opinions, imbued with Climate Change, Nett Zero, environmentalism, no power plants unless they are wind or solar, no damming of rivers etc.

    However, the rumours I did hear made me think again.

    Two years back now, I started another two Posts on the subject, but again, ever cautious as I am, I didn’t commit then either.

    So, this time I did, and what I have done is to Post that long Post I wrote two years back, and added a little to it, just an ‘explainer’ at the top, and an image at the bottom.

    I mean, I could go on for ages and not commit, so, sooner or later, I had to put something up, or the chance to mention it first would have slipped away.

    There will be a second part, and that second part has a lot to do with the area in question, and for all that information, I’ll be using that Google Earth site, and explaining things from that.

    I spent four hours today cruising around that area, and so much of it is just amazing, and, umm, hinky at the same time, as I think there might be some manipulation going on with what is shown at the site.

    Okay, so as a teaser, look at the image at this link, and, umm, you tell me what is out of place, in what is a place that very very few people ever get to see.

    Link To Post – China Hydro In Tibet (Part Three A) Just What Is Going On Here?



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      John Hultquist

      Hi Tony,
      Just a comment on a statement made on your site:
      “In the case of those longer tunnels, they were started at each end, and they met in the middle, attesting to the accuracy of those Companies, and their people doing the tunnelling, considering most of it was done during the 1960s, …”

      I’ve wondered about when and how this “from-both-ends” tunneling began. 50 miles northwest of me, at Snoqualmie Pass, WA, there is a tunnel (11,894 feet) completed in 1914. Built by the Milwaukee Railroad, it is now part of the Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail, along the length of the former railroad corridor. [Idaho to Puget Sound]
      I understand how it is done now, but not how they did it many years ago.


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      I read your article that you linked to. Extremely interesting, and excellent detective work.
      do you think that the transmission tower in the photo may have been added in to the image?


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        … you think that the transmission tower in the photo may have been added in to the image?

        I thought that myself at first, and it made me think seriously about it.

        However, back to the detective work. Having now been visiting this area for so many times now, probably more than fifty times, adding up to probably a hundred hours of detailed searching, there are things that make you take notice, and here, you have to have some knowledge of what you are looking at with Google Earth. I had the basic program, and back in 2014, after seeing exactly this area, it prompted me to get hold of this Google Pro version, a hugely more detailed and updated program.

        If you know the program, you know that there are small icons indicating images, and those icons appear and disappear, with new ones appearing, as you scroll in and out, and that scrolling in and out is changing the altitude that you are looking at the image on the screen.

        So, here, I looked at all those images I could find, and it seriously looks like they are, well, ‘curated’ might be a good word here. They are all of them ‘touristy’ in nature, well, naturally I suppose, but they all look ….. old images, and there are very few that look as if they were recently taken images, and all the images are credited to mainly Chinese ‘visitors’ to the area.

        Just doing this alone, there was no way I was even going to see this image at all in fact. That came after around three hours of back and forth from Google Earth to search parameters etc.

        Now, one of those word search parameters threw up the name of the Mountain, so I went searching for that ….. and the the name of the actual mountain is Namcha Barwa, or in Chinese, Namjagbarwa.

        So, after reading about the Mountain at a couple of sites, I went back to Google Earth and typed in Namcha Barwa and hit search. It shows up as Namjagbarwa Peak (this very specific wording here) on the screen as it zeroes in on the wording you entered, and stops at an elevation of 6206 Metres. All you see is the indicator icon telling you what it is, and the whole screen is virtually a white nothingness with very little detail. Okay, nothing to see here. However, (and sometimes you have no idea why you do it) I scrolled in closer, and as I did get closer, the tiny image icon appeared. The image icon was ‘hidden’ behind the indicator, and the ONLY way you would have found it would be to type in Namcha Barwa and then scroll in and then, as the image icon did appear, then open that image. It does not show up at all, and is the only image I could find that WAS actually hidden in any way.

        So, the image with the Transmission tower. Note here that it’s just the tower itself, with NO wires at all attached. Someone would have to go to an awful lot of trouble to alter the image deleting any wiring, and it would be rare to find a tower without the wiring already installed.

        Then, why even insert it into a touristy image site anyway. Then, why load the image to the satellite image of the area, and then, why hide it behind the name icon, so no one will ever see it anyway.

        The more I looked around, the more I, well, just wondered to myself. I know it all sounds a little ‘off’, like I’m perhaps reading too much into it all, but there are more questions than you can even begin to ask, with not just this image, but this whole area.



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      Tony,,…i think this “mega builds” video may confirm /fill in some of the details..
      Chinas next large , 60 GW, hydro scheme.


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    There is the second round of the French elections at the weekend. Le Pen and her National Rally party won a convincing victory in round one. However it is doubtful if she will form a majority govt after the second round as the left (previously called The Far left) are conspiring to stop her, together with Macron, by withdrawing candidates. The intention is that moderates will vote for the far left and thereby deny Le Pen a victory

    Why the Far left is apparently more deserving of Govt than the Far right I don’t know, but a well organised stitch up is going ahead to keep Le Pen from Power.

    In many ways her party is highly socialist with policies including increased social benefits, Early retirement etc. it is mainly due to her immigration policies that she has been labeled as far right. So I would be surprised if she get a majority at the weekend and this voting against her may well result in a centrist and left wing majority.

    If the right does win, expect violent riots. Last thing Paris needs days before the Olympics. I understand tourists are staying away to avoid the Olympics and because of high hotel prices


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      CO2 Lover

      There is one thing that applies to all leftist parties – they hate democracy.

      Just look at the Demcrats in the USA and Labor polticians in Australia after 60% of Australians voted “NO” and who do not want Apartheid in Australia.


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      The intention is that moderates will vote for the far left and thereby deny Le Pen a victory

      There’s leftist riots across France … do you really expect the moderates to look at that behaviour and decide they want those same leftists in government?

      I know it’s France, where street fights are the national sport … but even the French have their limits. I think they will vote for stability and security.


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    I don’t know Victorias Senator Ralph Babet at all, but he seems to be having great trouble in officially investigating Oz’s astonishing “excess deaths”. The authorities should be concerned at the figures, but I suppose they are worried they will be implicated due to their actions during the covid era


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      David Maddison

      As I mentioned the other day, excess deaths have disappeared because the Government altered the counting methodology.

      Nothing to see here…

      History has been rewritten, Australian pre-vaccine death rates and post-vaccine death rates are not to be compared / data is not provided. 

      There seems to be efforts to induce collective amnesia on what population health used to look like; led by ABS and government agencies which are changing comparator baselines and presenting abnormal data as normal. Nothing to see!

      Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right.

      George Orwell


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    Why are “far Right ” parties growing more popular in Europe?

    In essence I think the answer-amongst several- is large scale immigration.

    People can see their neighbourhood change, are annoyed at the high costs of supporting people and note that many migrants will accept low pay, thereby compromising their own job security. They do recognise the need for some immigration as they need migrants to do jobs they don’t want and they recognise the need for skilled migrants.

    In general the Ruling elite like mass immigration and despite promises continues to allow it to grow, which voters also notice.
    Looking at headlines over the last 2 years OZ seems to have followed Europe with very high levels of migration which especially impacts on the availability of housing.


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      Honk R Smith

      Seems a bit late doesn’t it?


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        David Maddison

        It’s happened before.

        Charles Martel
        Vlad Dracula
        Holger Danske
        Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar

        They all drove out the invaders intent on destroying their civilisation.

        The difference is that this time the invaders are there by invitation.

        It may not be possible.

        It may mean the end of European and Western Civilisation. Look at Londonistan, Belgiumistan, Netherlandistan, Francistan, Swedistan etc..


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          The solution may well be Virtual Societies – Societies that exist as groupings of people of common cultures, common approaches to life etc. Much like what existed prior to the 20th century but using modern technology. During the 20th century large effort was made to make society into one society where everyone communicated with everyone else. That led to many societies – fraternities etc – becoming non, or almost non, existent. It also led to the attempts to impose a monolithic society on the whole society rather than having a diverse, but separated, society. I appreciate and respect the 20th century – there was very much live and let live – that was the solution, don’t like what has happened in the 21st century – the simplistic mono approach, and fear the direction that we have to go in.


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          CO2 Lover

          The Australian Greeens should be renamed the Australian Muslim Party.

          Senator Fatima has been their greatest recruit


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          “It may mean the end of European and Western Civilisation. Look at Londonistan, Belgiumistan, Netherlandistan, Francistan, Swedistan etc..”

          Looks as if the whole of the UK will be off to the Left for 5 years by the week-end


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      “they need migrants to do jobs they don’t want and they recognise the need for skilled migrants.”

      You forgot the unnoticed inefficiencies that migrants bring from different cultures, the screw-ups migrants make when they fail to understand or follow an order, the mistakes from from applying a different morality or honesty to business and Govt. Those who don’t think they need to pay tax, those who don’t think their product needs to have a certain quality, those who don’t care if they kill a customer so long as they don’t get blamed, and those that are just too stupidly dumb to know what the hell they are doing!

      That doesn’t even cover the social aspects, how to be a good neighbour, how to treat women, how to handle a gift, or a favour, how to have a disagreement or survive an insult.. all these are difficult enough within the range of normal Australians, but far more complex with other cultures.

      Its all sand in the gears of a complex modern society.


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    CO2 Lover

    ASIC is the White-Collar Criminal’s Best Friend

    In its final report, the 20-month inquiry by the Senate Economics Committee found Australia’s corporate and financial services regulator consistently fails to prosecute offenders, and it responds to most reports of alleged misconduct by taking no further action.


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      John Connor II

      Toothless tiger.
      Another bloated fat cat govt organisation loyal to the govt not the public.
      Scrap ’em. And all the others.


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    David Maddison


    “The Distortion of Climate Data Using ‘Computer Models'”


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    Independence Day Reuters confirms Harris the only alternative to carry the Dems through the next election.

    She’s the one person less likeable, and somehow less coherent, than Biden and even more unelectable than grandma drunk Killary.

    Also confirmed by the indisputable fact of Simpsons prediction 20 years ago. /s

    Kamala is universally hated.
    She could never be elected even with democrat ballot box stuffing, the public would never believe it.
    The only way she can become president is through Biden. They just have to make it look plausible that he can win. Once that happens with the 1am mail-in ballot dumps he’ll win. Biden is president for a week or two before he has a stroke or something and steps down. Kamala is president.
    They need a patsy for the economic shock that’s coming. Someone to blame.


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      David Maddison

      They would probably have to organise an “accident” for Biden falling down some stairs so he can be replaced with Harris or someone else.

      And I absolutely believe they would do that. There is NOTHING the Left won’t do to get or keep power. Nothing!


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        More likely they will heavy the president’s wife to declare Joe unfit for purpose.

        This would leave the field wide open and democracy becomes invigorated. To stop the Donald they need a strong ticket, like Kennedy and Tucker Carlson.


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        John Connor II

        Internet meme.
        It’s a bbq’d goat, called Cabrito, a Latin American popular dish…


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        Ah yes, still looks good.

        ‘An article in Vanity Fair alleged that Robert F Kennedy Jr sexually assaulted a former family babysitter in the late 1990s.

        ‘Mr Kennedy told a podcast he was “not a church boy” and had “so many skeletons in my closet” when asked about the allegation.’ (ABC)


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    David Maddison

    I’ve always said that the forced transition to EVs is only an intermediate step of the Left’s long term plan to eliminate private ownership of motor vehicles by non-Elites altogether.

    This is proven by Londonistan’s Mayor who is going to remove congestion tax exemptions from EVs and in a double whammy he further combines that with his war against traditional British culture and religion by planning to implement it on December 25th, 2025. A most unusual date to implement any Government program. Khan hates traditional British culture and traditional British religion.

    In the following video. Jeff Taylor discusses.

    He also quotes a UK Government report:

    In the long-term, widespread personal vehicle ownership does not appear to be compatible with significant decarbonisation.

    The government should not aim to achieve emissions reductions simply by replacing existing vehicles with lower-emission versions.


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      “Worthless” : “Screwed” – Aussies can’t sell their used Teslas

      ‘Screwed’: Aussies trying to sell their used Teslas face massive challenges

      Trying to sell a second hand Tesla is taking years in some cases and requiring hefty discounts, sparking anger among owners of the once-hot cars.

      A second hand Tesla that’s been listed for sale for the past four years without finding a buyer offers a stark insight into the challenges faced by Australians trying to offload older used electric vehicles.

      The 2015 Model S in question is almost a decade old and has 115,000 kilometres on the clock, with some visible wear and tear across its interior.

      Despite its age and the fact it’s sat unsold since July 2020, the current owner is seeking $86,800, although the price has been discounted by almost $16,000 over the years. Used car valuations site RedBook puts the guide for such a car in a considerably lower range of $51,400 to $57,300.

      It’s one of almost 1000 used Teslas currently listed on, ranging from a sleek 2011 Roadster for $349,000 to a stock standard 2019 Model 3 for just $32,000.

      Analysis by shows a large number of those vehicles for sale have been languishing for several months and up to two years.

      “Second hand EVs do pose some challenges for retailers and private sellers at the moment,” Michael Costello from Cox Automotive Australia, which owns the Manheim wholesale auction house, told

      Tesla resale values slide

      A “perfect storm” of factors have combined recently to deliver generally lower residual values compared to traditional fuel cars, Mr Costello said.


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        EV sales drop as hybrids surge

        Leading brands have slashed thousands of dollars off the price of their electric cars but buyers don’t appear to be responding. It appears the honeymoon is over.

        Electric vehicle sales dipped in June, ending a run of strong growth over the past couple of years.

        EV sales were down 13 per cent on June last year, despite heavy discounting by the major brands.

        The result suggests that after a wave of sales to early adopters, EVs are proving a harder sell to Middle Australia.

        EV sales remain up by 16 per cent in the first half of this year and more than 50,000 buyers made the switch to electric.

        But they’ve been overtaken in showrooms by more affordable hybrid petrol vehicles, which use electric power to reduce fuel consumption.

        Hybrid sales more than doubled in the first half of the year, driven by improved supply of the top-selling Toyota RAV4.

        At the same time, Tesla has slashed the price of its cars by thousands of dollars in the face of slowing demand and increased competition from cheaper Chinese EVs.

        Despite the discounts, Tesla sales slumped by more than a third in June. Year-to-date sales have dropped by almost 10 per cent.


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          Odd really, …
          …… of all the possible hybrids and PHEVs, that are available, the RAV4h is one of the least justifiable. I guess that it is just the power of Brand recognition and advertising ?


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            As an owner of a US Toyota Highlander Hybrid, I gave careful thought to justify my purchase. Toyota has taken the approach to use hybrid technology to improve city mileage while retaining torque and acceleration when the driver wants it. Designing the system solely to minimize the cost per mile while ignoring other factors would not meet my needs at all.

            Braking energy is recovered which doesn’t happen in a strict internal combustion vehicle, used to power the supplemental electric motors. The ICE advantages of on-board fuel inventory (range) are maintained, while the larger NiMH battery increases starting reliability, and offers a short range of electric-only operation if refueling was forgotten. I sacrifice plugging in the vehicle at my home or around town in favor of traditional gasoline fill stations that take about 2 minutes to restore me to ~500 miles of range. With $3/gal gas my average fuel cost is 10 cents per mile. It would supposedly be about 8.5 cents per mile with unsubsidized 11c/KWH electricity, but I live in an area where A/C is needed 90% of the year, so I’m skeptical I’d actually achieve that figure. My prior slightly smaller ICE SUV was about 14 cents per mile on the same basis with similar driving performance but less cargo capacity.

            2 years in with zero problems, and Toyota has 20+ years of experience with this tech so I’m comfortable with that risk. No lithium, no plugs, no sacrifices. That’s how you transition!


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    David Maddison

    Humans were meant to be carnivores, not vegan or vegetarian.



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      Aren’t we omnivores ?


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        David Maddison

        Aren’t we omnivores ?

        That’s a common belief, but is it true? Just because humans can digest some plants doesn’t mean they provide optimal nutrition.

        Humans in primitive environments only eat plants when they have to. If people can get meat they will eat that.

        Most plants are toxic. They have to be to avoid being eaten by insects.

        The toxins in plants people have selected to eat aren’t enough to kill you but it doesn’t mean constant ingestion of phytotoxins is good either.

        Some more info:


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          David Maddison

          And people say true carnivores have large canine teeth.

          They’re only needed if you catch prey with your mouth like animals do.

          Humans have technology to catch and kill animals so don’t need the large canine teeth to grab and kill prey.


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          Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

          Another way of looking at it- We can eat ALMOST any vertebrate (just ask a Chinese person) for nutrition but the vast biomass of vegetation there are very few plants that are edible. And as David points out plants have no claws or fangs but defend themselves by chemical means. The shunning of our obligate carnivore status (show me 5 generations of strict vegans) is yet another scientific fraud. As nurse Belinda Fettke found, the modern nutritionist can be traced back to Seventh Day Adventists who invented cornflakes to abate self abuse. By very few plants consider the nutritional label printed on the next item you pick up whilst shopping. It usually will include one of Wheat, Rice, Corn, Soy, Sugar or some combination of the above. The seed oils are even worse- way too much polyunsaturates that promote inflammatory Eicanasoids and bypass our mitochondrial balances that regulate cell energy consumption. I have just outlined the problems facing nutrition that are echoed in the “Klimate Change” – demonising the good and proper and unleashing futile dogmas that harm.


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          John Connor II

          Nothing is 100% efficient so “optimal nutrition” is inappropriate. Food can also cleanse (fibre), and feed the gut microbiome. Even in (the rest of) the animal world, some animals eat their own poop in an effort to get the nutrition that didn’t get absorbed the first time.
          We eat a few hundred out of hundreds of thousands of plants (0.1%), but that’s down to choice and availability.
          We could eat 75% of them if we chose to.
          If interested, check out “The nature of crops” by John Warren.
          Those with good memories will recall The Bush Tucker Man series which proves the point. All episodes on uselesstube…


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      Basic nutrition rule – made in a kitchen, not a factory
      We are amazing machines – preparing food engages our metabolism (that selecting from a fast food menu does not)


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    David Maddison

    Apparently the White House Resident is now wearing spray tan, as Trump allegedly does.


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    What is the significance and result of the Assange episode?

    It is surely not a coincidence that in the 12 years Assange was either in prison or seeking refuge in an embassy, the Censorship Industrial Complex transitioned from non-existent to the largest growth industry in the bureaucratic state.

    …the people who could disclose important information about government or Deep State crimes are simply terrified to do this.

    They are afraid to do this because they, quite correctly, know they’d suffer deeply unpleasant consequences if they did disclose “inconvenient truths” that expose how corrupt the world’s most important organizations have now become.

    Organizations that might actually publish the claims of important whistleblowers, largely, do not exist. The entrepreneurs who might create and try to run these organizations have clearly noted the undeniable message the Establishment sent to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.

    That message? If you do publish documents or testimony that embarrasses or threatens us, THIS is what will happen to you.

    “Justice would look like the arrest and prosecution of the people whose war crimes Assange exposed, and the arrest and prosecution of everyone who helped ruin his life for exposing those crimes. This would include a whole host of government operatives and officials across numerous countries, and multiple US presidents …”


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    David Maddison

    Right now in Melbournistan, 539am local time, it is 2.7C (36.9F) according to my weather station and 3C (37.4F) according to the BoM.

    I guess they haven’t “homogenised” the data yet to make it the “hottest July eeevvvaaaa”! They’ve got another month for that.


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    David Maddison

    Right now the renewables paradise of King Island, Bass Strait is running on 95% diesel with the battery flat as usual (being charged). And the flywheel is drawing power as well. (It varies constantly so may not be exactly 95% if you look at it.)


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      CO2 Lover

      Do not forget that other renewables paradise – Tasmania

      In 2016 Hydro Tasmania committed $44 million to hire up to 200 hundred diesel generators and has predicted up to $22 million a month for fuel to run them.


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    David Maddison

    As we know, the Left are pushing insect “food” for non-Elites.

    Insects are even served in 1000 Australian “schools”.

    The latest insanity is Bill Gates “EntoMilk”, some sort of garbage made from black soldier fly larvae.

    I thought it was a joke but can’t see it refuted anywhere.

    Posted on 22/06/2024, 08:30:16 by Red Badger

    Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has launched a new project that seeks to introduce “maggot milk” into the food supply of the general public.

    The new “EntoMilk” is described as a “dairy alternative” that is made from “black soldier fly larvae” or maggots.

    The maggots are blended into a “rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy,” according to its creators.

    “It’s got a very creamy mouthfeel,” a promotional video claims.

    Gates and his allies argue that EntoMilk should replace traditional dairy milk because farming allegedly destroys the planet.

    “The world needs alternatives to survive,” the promo claims.

    “Insects are vital for the future of food because they require very little land and they don’t damage the environment like livestock.

    “They don’t produce greenhouse gases.”


    It looks like the first victims of this garbage poverty food are Africans. Good on yer Bill!



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      John Connor II

      Entomilk wasn’t created by Gates. It was created by a small business called Gourmet Grubb in South Africa back in 2017.
      He’s copying it though.


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      CO2 Lover

      In Seattle they steal the copper cables to buy drugs – in parts of Australia they will steal copper cables to buy a slab of VB!


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    another ian

    Push harder to help –

    “The Green New Scam Is Dying”


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      “warming periods produce higher CO2 levels”. I have been explaining that for years. As 98% of all CO2 is dissolved in the vast oceans, it’s not rocket surgery. I call it the flat beer effect.

      And the other ridiculous reversal is that CO2 cannot reach the atmosphere without going through the surface, so of course CO2 has gone up in the surface ocean which directly drives the increase in the air through Henry’s Law. As well as temperature. The reserves in the ocean feed the surface and that feed’s the air. This is really simple physical chemistry, but our CSIRO calls it ‘Ocean Acidification’ which is doubly deceitful because it’s neutralization. Oceans are alkali and no ocean is acid.


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        In deeper water there is greater concentration of CO2 because cold bottom water holds more dissolved gases, and high pressures increase solubility.

        Upwelling off Peru during La Nina should theoretically show a CO2 spike in the Southern Hemisphere.


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      I wonder what level security clearance Hunter has.


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    Why doesn’t Joe Biden do a simple cognitive test and settle the matter? We all know the answer.

    It’s amazing how supporters and Trump haters are suddenly noticing Joe Biden’s frailty. It’s hardly been a secret for the rest of the world. And the ancient harpies are crying foul. Bette Middler, Jane Fonda, Robert De Niro.

    And Adam Creighton, the Australian reporter in Washington is front page today saying ‘don’t say I didn’t tell you’. Except he didn’t. So many people are now saying there might be a problem. What a scoop!

    The DOJ could not prosecute Biden because he was senile. They hid the audio of his interview with Mr Hur claiming executive privilege, even though the transcript was realised. It means the audio and the transcript are not the same. The coverup has gone on a long time.

    And the problem is likely far worse than we know. Trump was excoriated for playing a game of golf when he was President. Clearly derelict in his duty. But Biden has spent 50% of his time at the beach and nothing is said.

    Don’t you hate the pretend bounce when old Joe enters the room. He doesn’t go any faster and it must be exhausting.

    Ironically what this farce has done is make it impossible for the Democrats to replace him. Now Joe is really irrational, senile, angry, cornered. He will not leave! Far worse, he is being instructed directly by his family even in the West Wing, including Hunter, wife and extended family. The Presidency of the United States is now in the hands of unelected people. Even Obama may be shut out. Imagine Hunter Biden running the oval office.

    The only solution is a disaster in itself, use the 1967 25th Amendment to immediately replace Joe with Kamala Harris who is likely uncontrollable and certainly unelectable.

    And now the lawfare by the DOJ has been seriously questioned by the Supreme Court. The timing could not be worse. Washington must be in turmoil.

    And Adam Creighton says he has known about old Joe for a long time. Who hasn’t? That must be the fashionable excuse in Washington. Which is why no one trusts the complicit legacy media.


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      another ian

      Around that –

      “Notice Anything Different Regarding Trump Over the Past Couple of Days?”

      “Whoever sat Trump down and said this meltdown was unprecedented and there isn’t much you or the Republican Party writ large needs to do to inflict more damage. The implosion will be lethal enough to the Left. Just watch the show because these self-inflicted political wounds might not be recoverable. There is no need to attack any of the names mentioned that could be Biden’s replacement either: Trump is beating all alternate candidates in the polls. ”


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      ” Even Obama may be shut out. ”

      Ah, so there’s a chance the world may improve! Can we do the same with Khan in London?

      A drunk cocaine-high whore-chasing leader is far better than a serious one who is there to mould you into his ideals.


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      replace Joe with Kamala Harris who is likely uncontrollable and certainly unelectable.

      …. but if they bypass KH, they will lose the Colored vote !
      They have really got themselves in a jam !


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    So much for Albanese’s country that wants to make things.

    From the Comments

    Now who do you think was responsible for calling a halt to an apprenticecship scheme that worked? – Note the date

    “23 June 2022

    From 30 June 2022, The Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) and Completing Apprenticeship Commencements (CAC) Program will be closed to new apprenticeship commencements.

    Employers with outstanding claims for payments for wages earned prior to 31 December 2021, must have these submitted with their Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider by 30 June 2022 to ensure payment.

    From 1 July 2022, the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System will support a more inclusive and sustainable economy, ensuring Australians receive quality training while in paid employment. It will help get apprentices working in secure jobs that are in demand, filling skills shortages.

    Within 2 years of the Albanese government introducing the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System, it is conducting a strategic review of it because it wasn’t working

    Take a look at the priority industries that Albo was assisting with apprentices. Talk about being a goose –

    Certificate III in Individual Support
    CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
    CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services
    CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services
    CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
    CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability
    CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support
    CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health
    CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
    CHC43515 Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work
    CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
    CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
    CHC53315 Diploma of Mental Health
    CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
    HLT40121 Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care


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      Think that’ll work?

      We can make our future here, PM … but not your way

      They are among the nation’s leading manufacturers working in ­cutting-edge industries, and they have a ­simple message for Anthony ­Albanese: a future can be made here but your policy needs fine tuning.


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        What cost of living crisis?

        Labor Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ wife Laura brings her fashion A-game to the Midwinter Ball in $3,375 ensemble


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          Why rogue senator Fatima Payman has $450,000 reasons not to quit Parliament

          Rebel Senator Fatima Payman can charge taxpayers an eyewatering amount of money each night to sleep in her own investment property.

          Samantha Maiden – National political editor

          Rebel Labor MP Fatima Payman has a $450,000 reason why she won’t be quitting politics when she quits the ALP today – she’s just bought a new investment property in Canberra.

          Taking a leaf from the practice of dozens of MPs, including the Prime Minister when he was a Labor frontbencher, she’s also charging taxpayers $310 a night to sleep in her own investment property in Canberra in a bid to help pay off the mortgage.

          The WA Senator and newlywed is expected to quit the ALP today over her fight for Palestine, creating a major headache for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

          But the biggest clue that she will remain on the crossbench as an independent MP comes in the form of her newly acquired investment property with a mortgage with Macquarie Bank.

          New apartment provides clue to Senator Payman’s future

          Despite the Prime Minister privately telling the rogue ALP recruit that she should hand back her seat to the Labor Party if she plans to quit, the 29-year old Senator’s new apartment suggests there’s no chance of that happening.

 has confirmed that Senator Payman paid $450,000 on June 20, 2023 to purchase a two-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment in Canberra’s northern suburbs.

          The Senator’s register of financial interests confirms she has a mortgage with Macquarie Bank.

          Based on a mortgage of between $400,000 and $450,000 she is likely paying around $2,800 a month on the new apartment.

          But in keeping with the tradition that has seen scores of Labor and Liberal MPs pay off an investment property using travel allowance, Senator Payman can claim $310 a night to sleep in the investment property.

          According to the latest Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority figures, Senator Payman claimed $4,650 in travel allowance for nights in Canberra in October.

          She then claimed $2,790 in travel allowance for nights in Canberra in November 2023 and $1240 in December.


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      I don’t see any STEM industry course listed.


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    New Research Shows CSIRO Misleading Australians On Energy Costs

    Written by: Scott Hargreaves 1 July 2024

    “Australia’s decision makers have deluded themselves for far too long that the CSIRO’s GenCost modelling is an accurate and reliable basis to design Australia’s energy future. It has meant we have been misled for too long on the true cost of the energy options on the table,” said Scott Hargreaves, Executive Director of the Institute of Public Affairs.

    Today, the IPA released the groundbreaking research report by University of Queensland Adjunct Professor Stephen Wilson, The Ruinous Cost of Free Energy: – 58 Page Download PDF

    Why a system built on renewables is the most expensive of all options, which exposes the true cost of Australia’s future energy system. The research finds:

    . The federal government’s current energy system plan and 2030 emissions targets will lead to a minimum of a four-fold increase in the average wholesale price of electricity.

    . The levelised cost of electricity methodology promoted by the CSIRO, and relied on by the federal government, is fundamentally flawed and misleading.

    . System wide decisions should only be made on a Total System Cost basis to ensure all costs are taken into account.

    . Total System Cost modelling demonstrates basing a system on variable renewable energy, solar and wind, will result in a cost at least twice as great as one built on coal or nuclear baseload generation, and is in fact the most expensive form of electricity service.

    “Australia has previously benefited from some of the lowest consumer electricity prices in the industrialised world, but it now has some of the highest.

    Decades of poor decision making, based on flawed and misleading advice and ideology, is crushing the most productive sectors of our economy,” said Mr Hargreaves.

    “You cannot accurately estimate the cost of electricity if all the costs associated with delivering it to consumers are not factored in. We must base future policies on Total System Cost to give Australians an accurate assessment of the price that needs to be paid to ensure energy security.”


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      Albo is making stuff:

      making us divided
      making us poorer
      making us go without electricity
      making us pay back more government debt
      etc etc


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      The CSIRO is a sheltered political workshop. Does anyone know what they do with 5,500 staff and 55 sites? It’s very hard to nail down what the total CSIRO cost is but it is around $500Million. $10million a week. And their job is to make political decisions seem credible. You are not allowed bite the hand which feeds you. The same for the Chief Scientist and friends. But the list of government black holes for money are endless. BOM. ABC/SBS. We should sell the lot and let the market decide how much they are worth. A business like the CSL, Telstra, Australia Post, Commonwealth and State Banks wanted to be sold as government control is restrictive if they have real opportunities to explore.


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        another ian

        One thing they claim –

        “Beyond drought: How we’re combatting our dry continent”


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          Driest inhabited continent on earth? That just sophistry an accident of geography. For dry air try the Middle East, Sahara, Arabian Peninsula. And Antarctica is far dryer except the population is even lower than Australia. Also the air over Australia is 1% to 4% humid, which is why you get dew on the ground and the ground springs into life with rain. The air in much of the band including the Sahara and Arabian peninsular is 0%, which is a total disaster.


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            I believe somebody said that Australia is the second driest continent. The areas that you mention, with the exemption of Antarctica, are not defined as continents.


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              Robert Swan

              I believe somebody said that Australia is the second driest continent.

              Yeah, and who cares? There’s something meaningful in knowing the average annual rainfall in Melbourne. Likewise for Tamworth, or Alice Springs. What possible use is it to lump their figures in with all the other weather stations around the “continent” to decide that we’re the driest inhabited continent? It’s just a pointless calculation.

              Continental “dryness” is a *political* figure with no technical purpose; all the useful information has been averaged away. It’s exactly like global mean surface temperature.

              Sorry if that was intemperate, but at least I haven’t been incontinent.


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              Antarctica is a desert. And a continent. But my point really was it is a pointless statement. Waffle as some sort of scientific statement. Like Hawaii is surrounded by more water than any other island. Australia is the only continent which is a single country is more the relevant point.


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        CO2 Lover

        The job of Chief Scientist is up for grabs. Cathy Foley’s term ends this year

        Flim Flam Flannery will not doubt be in the running.


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          There is no problem finding a scientist who supports man made CO2 driven Global Warming. It will be the first and only question.


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      Labor ‘mugged by reality’ for their ‘ideological hatred’ toward gas

      Shadow Climate Change and Energy Minister Ted O’Brien says the Labor government is being “mugged by reality” for their “ideological hatred” towards gas.

      “They had to opportunity to include it in this scheme, indeed the Energy Security board had recommended a capacity mechanism with gas, but ideology won the day and now Labor’s being mugged by reality,” he told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

      “But if they keep this up I think they’ll be mugged by the Australian public before long.”


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        If gas is acceptable, so is are high efficiency coal fired power stations. Cheap and fast and use the old sites and transmission lines. A quick solution. Gas has man other very valuable applications than thermal. It is both an energy source and a source of hydrogen and carbon. Even maligned but essential Carbon Dioxide gas is an essential in medicine and chemistry and food preservation. Hydro and wind and solar have no commercial value other than largely random power generation.


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      The more I attempt to make sense out of GenCost, the more I believe that many of its summaries are just made up.
      Take the case of batteries intended for renewables backup. GenCost says two hour’s backup is all that is required. But when you set out to find out exactly the calculations and data behind that figure, there doesn’t appear to be any traceable path to any.
      The huge Aurecon spreadsheet, which appears to be the main source of GenCost summary data, doesn’t show any pathway to the two hours figure. The spreadsheet includes many statements about the battery systems planned to be built between now and 2030, even out to 2050, but again, no calculations and data to support the sizes of these battery systems. The single reference to a supposed source for the Victorian batteries only lead to a summary, but no research papers.
      So I’m starting to believe that many of the GenCost figures have been plucked out of thin air and don’t have any scientific research to back them up.


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    I wonder if the Democrats will approach RFK Junior to replace Biden? He is polling respectably in third place. And he will now bring in the Korean vote.
    Eight months ago he was trying to be the nominee but they thought Biden was their man because it would give Obama a fourth term. And this would remove Kamala as well. The Democrat Convention will be extremely interesting. I don’t think they have any choice. No one else is electable. And that may have been RFK’s gamble all along.


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    YYY Guy

    Top riser on the ASX today is FMR RESOURCES LIMITED, up 1181%!!! (after relisting).
    What do they do?

    Keep an eye on this tiny copper explorer, which will be re-listing to the ASX today. With land in a proven copper belt, and the demand for copper continually increasing, FMR provides that high-risk high-reward style play.

    You don’t have to scroll too far down to get the idea it’s all part of the scam
    A quick search of the net finds it’s almost impossible to find who the people behind the company are. Wonder why?


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    YYY Guy

    Headline of the day per Qld –

    ‘Incompetent, careless, inefficient’ public servant fails to overturn pay cut
    A Queensland public servant who had her pay cut during a disciplinary process has failed in her bid to overturn it.

    Having spent many years in their health system, as a clinician, I thought it was written into health public servant’ job descriptions. Back in my day they were routinely promoted. Story paywalled


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    If I have a major gripe, it’s that governments/Canberra bureaucrats have taken it on themselves to control the population, whether they like it or not. The outrageous seizure of the private Calvary Hospital in Canberra was a terrible case of public service power. The lockdown for the Wuhan Flu another with unaccountable governments out of control driven by politicians and supported by toadies and opportunists in the medical field. We were a representative democracy with representatives but we have become an autocracy.

    The worst is this planned destruction of agriculture, power, shipping, manufacturing by the Mandarins of Canberra who have seized control. As in Europe.

    No one voted for this. In fact we voted against it. “There will be no carbon tax in a government I lead” still rings out, except it’s a lie. So either Julia was in on the scheme or kept ignorant. John Howard started it in 1998 with banning nuclear power. Then 2000 with the Renewable Energy(Electricity) Act, the greatest carbon tax in the world at the time and a gift to opportunists and climatebaggers and windmill vendors. It goes on. Politicans saying one thing and encacting laws stating the opposite. And the press are silent. To them its all about personalities and scandals. No one talks about the laws, the whole point of Canberra.

    So in Australia you get paid twice for windmill power, even if you do not sell it. That is to commercially destroy cheap reliable coal power at half the price. Then Clean Energy Finance to pump prime selling off the system. And the CSIRO international convention in Hobart on Ocean Acidifciation, which is a straight lie. On to the Safeguard Mechanism which will put 35% carbon dioxide taxes on every big business in Australia, even government business like the Victorian MMBW. Or essential services like the Trans Tasman Ferry. And all this is passed onto the consumer.

    I believe these laws are illegal. But worse, there was no mandate for any of them. The governments of Australia are saying one thing and doing another.

    We Australians elected our governments to represent us, not rule us. And now they are determined to implement Nett Zero as dictated by overseas interests. Our government is on paper trying to save China by crippling Australia. Why? It makes no sense. Why is that in the interest of Australia?

    Australia produces only 2% of world CO2. So 98% of all CO2 is from somewhere else. And we are being told we must shut down, tighten our belts, send money overseas to buy Carbon credits and stop agriculture, mining and smelting, concrete and chemicals. We have even sold off our infrastructure to China, like the Port of Darwin. Is everyone blind?

    Why are we being crucified by Canberra to save the rest of the world? At what point did our government employees decide they worked for the UN and international socialism? They work for us and represent us and our needs, not those of the EU, UN or China.

    Melei is right. Socialism is theft. We could balance every budget tomorrow by halving the public service. Then perhaps massive immigration might stop as Centrelink employees struggle to find jobs for themselves.

    And stop Canberra metastasising into every field including health. Education and Health are not in our Federal Constitution, beyond their remit. So it is all being done by stealth and the seizure of a Catholic hospital by force shows you that the mandarins of Canberra are expanding their empire far beyond their legal limits. Which is why they must kill state mineral resources such as coal.

    All these illegal and punitive carbon laws have to go. They are wrecking the place as intended. And they were passed as secretly as possible and over 26 years pushed real power, electrical power to Canberra. It is a predictable bid to seize and concentrate all power in the Humphrey Applebees of Canberra. And the hapless politicians are just useful idiots. And more interested in paying themselves more for ignorance and failure. Even the Governor General gets an inexplicable pay rise. And public servants earn more than the PM. So do many in councils, the third tier of government.

    We are being robbed blind. As Melei says.


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      The Green New Scam Is Dying

      It’s no secret that the vast majority of the so-called elites are advocates of climate alarmism and are taken in by the Green New Scam.

      Whether this preference is based on ignorance of the science, ideological zeal, a willful desire to hurt American growth or simple greed because of their investments in Green New Scam infrastructure varies case by case.

      The typical upper-income supporter of the climate cult including academics, media figures and celebrities is probably ignorant of the fact that there is no evidence that CO2 emissions cause climate change and that the real causes are solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents and atmospheric moisture not caused by humans.

      Climate Alarmists Have It Backward

      The historical record actually demonstrates that warming periods produce higher CO2 levels — not the other way around. CO2 doesn’t cause warming. It’s caused by natural warming.

      In other words, climate alarmists have causation completely backward.

      Climate alarmism is based almost entirely on computer models, which depend on the inputs the modelers themselves build into them. A model is only as good as the inputs and assumptions programmed into it.

      Virtually every one of these models has overestimated warming, sometimes by orders of magnitude, because it’s based on faulty assumptions that overestimate the impact of CO2 on climate.

      In other words, it’s junk science. But they keep relying on these models because their political agenda requires it.

      Climate: The New Communism


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        EDITORIAL: Declaring independence from hoaxes

        Let’s put the climate change fantasy to rest

        Two hundred forty-eight years ago, America declared independence from the idea we needed to be governed by a king. Our Founding Fathers realized a freethinking people are perfectly capable of governing themselves. It was a revolutionary concept in every sense of the word.

        Today, tyranny no longer emanates from the decrees of a faraway monarch suffering from a dash of mental illness. It has become a mental tyranny emanating from academics and politicians who employ doomsday tales to replace freethinking with blind acceptance of yarns that advance their agenda.

        Mankind’s use of modern conveniences has, they insist, warmed the planet to an uncomfortable degree. Unless we do something to reverse this deadly trend, we will be subjected to extreme storms, rising seas and plagues on an apocalyptic scale. Scary stuff indeed.

        We are told this is the conclusion of science, and one cannot disagree with “the science.” But perhaps we should.

        Earlier this year, The Heritage Foundation released a report comparing the predictions of 36 climate models against the actual temperature patterns recorded in the U.S. Corn Belt between the 1970s and the present.

        Accurate models would be able to match real-life measurements. As the great Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman explained in 1964: “If [a theory] disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.”

        All 36 climate predictions disagreed with reality — that is, each forecast temperatures much higher than what Midwesterners actually experienced. The “warming” never lived up to expectations, which means the climate models are something other than science.

        Yet President Biden on Tuesday said you’re “really dumb” if you deny the climate crisis the models predict. He demands you return him to the White House so he can heap more climate regulations on the businesses he disfavors.

        It’s not likely that another layer of red tape will do anything to alter global weather patterns, because the sun, not mankind, is the primary driver of climate. Whenever humans try to overcome the sun’s influence, the results inevitably fail to live up to expectations.

        What’s being sold as science isn’t science at all.


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    John Connor II

    Egypt Teeters On Brink Of Economic Ruin As Public Debt Mounts, Poverty Rate Soars

    Last autumn, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi gave a speech in the New Administrative Capital in Cairo, the $300bn project that will ultimately define his presidency.

    He said hunger was a small price to pay for progress: “If progress, prosperity and development come at the price of hunger and deprivation, Egyptians, do not shy away from progress! Don’t dare say: ‘It is better to eat.'” This horrifying vision of hunger and deprivation is what awaits millions of Egyptians in the coming years.

    An interesting statement if one considers that’s the essence of the 2030 dream/goal delusion.
    Renewables to save the world but agriculture and food destroyed. All hail poverty & bugs on toast!
    /minus the toast.


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      And the last thing they need are Palestinians. Nothing but trouble, as Jordan found out to their enormous cost last time with a civil war. The Egyptian Border with Gaza is also closed. The refusal of the Arab and Egyptian world to have anything to do with the people from Gaza or to solve the problem is obvious and understandable. Egypt would love the billions Qatar gives Gaza.


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      John Connor II

      viewers in the region can no longer watch popular Network 10 programs like ‘Masterchef’, ‘I’m a Celebrity’ and ‘The Project,’ as well as soccer and NBL sporting games on free-to-air TV.

      No loss then…


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    Our Fisker Ocean Just Arrived For a Yearlong Test. Then Its Maker Went Bankrupt.

    Even with everything going on right now, we’re embarking on a yearlong test of the Fisker Ocean.

    That’s right, we’ve added a 2023 Fisker Ocean Extreme to our yearlong review fleet despite everything that’s going on with the company right now. You have questions, no doubt, and we have answers.

    What Did MotorTrend Get?

    We picked up our 2023 Ocean Extreme just 13 days before the bankruptcy filing. The Extreme is the second-highest trim level below the One launch edition and physically the same car short of some after-sales perks like free lifetime internet connectivity (presumably for the original buyer only), $1,000 in public charging credits, free infotainment system hardware upgrades, and an extended warranty.

    As it happens, our Fisker is the exact same Ocean we had in for the Tesla comparison a few months ago, so we already know exactly how well it performs. Using boost mode, it’s good for a 3.7-second sprint to 60 mph and a 12.3-second quarter-mile finish at 110.6 mph.

    It stops from 60 mph in 122 feet, which isn’t bad considering it weighs 5,358 pounds.


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    John Connor II

    Thursday funny: that’d be the year his house burned down



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    John Connor II

    Ukraine to be told it is too corrupt to join Nato

    Ukraine will be told it is currently too corrupt to join Nato, in a major blow to Volodymyr Zelensky.

    The alliance will request “additional steps” from Kyiv before membership talks progress, a senior official in the US State Department said.

    The position will be set out in writing in the Nato communique to be signed at the alliance’s annual summit on July 9.

    “We have to step back and applaud everything that Ukraine has done in the name of reforms over the last two-plus years,” the official told The Telegraph.

    Always has been, just more so now.


    • #

      Dear John,
      My remaining connections agree with you – the Ukrainian corruption is massive.

      However, the Russian business culture is a totally different animal. It is wrong to call it corruption.
      No blade of grass grows in Russia, no crumble of bread sold there without Monarch Assent.

      The A. Melnichanko denials of links to Putin – see the Tucker Carlson interview above, is just laughable.


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      CO2 Lover

      The “Big Guy” will now be asking for more than is usual 10% to fund his sinking election campaign.


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    CO2 Lover

    Will Ablo call and early election to head off the “Australian Muslim Party”?

    Andrew Bolt is tipping that Senator Fatima will become the head of a new “Australian Muslim Party” who will jointly cross preference with the Australian Greens.

    There are now calls for Albo to call an early election before the “Australian Muslim Party” has the time to build up its supporter base.

    The seat of Chrissy Bowen (MacMahon) is one at risk.

    A week is a long time in politics.


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    CO2 Lover

    EV sales to June

    How long before Tesla is overtaken by cheaper Chinese brands?


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    CO2 Lover

    “From the River to the Sea” Genocide and Aboriginal protest at Parliament House.

    This will have Labor in fits on this last day of sitting.


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    Abnormal high pressure causing mild alarm, might become unprecedented.

    ‘This string of intensely cold nights is being caused by a very cold and dry air mass, combined with clear skies and calm winds beneath an abnormally strong high pressure system, which is coming close to challenging Australia’s maximum mean sea level pressure record.’ (Weatherzone)


  • #

    might become unprecedented

    So what, unprecedented is not unprecedented.
    In fact unprecedented is being thrown around all over the place in this climate of gratuitous fear porn.
    There are so many precedents to the use of unprecedented that unprecedented has lost its sting.
    Everything is unprecedented now.


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    John Connor II

    Experts warn new contagious FLuQE Covid subvariant ‘taking off’ in Australia

    A new variant of Covid has already produced a bulge in cases, and now experts are warning an even more contagious subvariant will hit Aussies soon.

    A highly transmissible Covid subvariant is “taking off” in Australia and will likely produce a bulge in new cases, disease experts warn.

    The FLuQE subvariant is ripping through the US, and University of South Australia biostatistician Adrian Esterman said the mutation would hit Australians in just a few weeks.

    “It might take another few weeks to hit us, but it will,” he told NewsWire on Wednesday.

    “It’s really starting to take off and in America, it’s starting to skyrocket.”

    The FLuQE subvariant mutated from the FLiRT variant that hit Australia at the end of last year and in early 2024.

    FluQE – dear oh dear, what a name eh. Memes on standby.
    Could this be “the one” Geert said would hit about now?
    The bird flu scaredemic plan a flop, so back to old faithful?
    The unvaxxed don’t care.😎


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      Steve of Cornubia

      All the usual alarmist language about it being “highly transmissable”, “even more contagious”, that it is “taking off” and a “mutant”, also that we are “unprepared”.

      But not a single word about how dangerous it is – or more likely isn’t.

      Oh and don’t forget your booster, coz it will save you from this disease with unspecified lethality.


    • #
      another ian

      “FluQE ” –

      Wouldn’t that be a mis-spelling as conventionally “Q” has to be followed by “U”?


  • #

    Labor again …

    The Australian Jewish Association (AJA) is profoundly shocked at the revelations in the Daily Telegraph today that Israeli Ambassador Amir Maimon was summoned for an “extraordinary diplomatic dressing down”. The meeting was not attended by Foreign Minister Penny Wong but her Assistant Minister Tim Watts. This is not how to treat a long-term friend and ally, Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. But worse still, the report says the Ambassador was “warned the Jewish state cannot expect Australia’s support if it goes to war against Hezbollah”. AJA President Dr David Adler said “This is disgraceful beyond measure. Hezbollah is a proscribed terrorist organisation and has fired over 5000 rockets, mortars and drones attacking Israel’s northern communities.” Over 60,000 Israelis are internal refugees having fled their homes in the north. AJA CEO Robert Gregory added “This is part of a distressing pattern of anti-Israel policy shifts by the Labor government, but this latest move is a new low, telling an ally under attack it will not be supported in defending its citizens. Labor has criticised Israel’s response to Hamas in Gaza, has failed to accept a Senate committee recommendation to proscribe Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), has not acted against infiltration at Sydney University by Hizo ut-Tahrir and now aligns with Hezbollah over Israel. Australians did not vote for this dangerous and radical shift towards extremist jihadist appeasement.”

    [Link for attribution? – Jo]


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    To all our American mates- hope you have a happy Independence Day! More so, I hope you get to celebrate your great country without being embarrassed about how you got to be such a great nation. Something us Aussies are not being allowed to do on 26th January any more. Have parties, street parades, BBQ’s, fly:wave the Stars and Stripes and sink a few Buds for us. 🙂


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    another ian

    FWIW – Oh Canada

    “Gord Magill goes after Trudeau in a way that only an expatriot dares.”

    Links to

    “Ministers of mass consternation”


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