A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Should the UK give 2.5 billion pounds to India over the last 5 years so they can aim for the moon rather than attend to their millions of poor people back in India?
Of course.
Assuagement of guilt.
Reparations for the sins of the patriarchal colonialist empire founded by Elizabeth I in 1588.
Which is the cause of Climate Change.
Gosh, tonyb, sounds like you have not been anywhere near a University in the last 40 years.
Plus, national pride eliminates the suffering of starvation, and there are no poor people in the UK.
And, why shouldn’t billions be spent to reproduce 50 year old technology?
I think that is the funniest part, that all the fuss hides the fact that man first reached the moon a scary 60 years ago. Similarly it has been decades since you could fly in a supersonic passenger plane. Not sure we have advanced too much as although undoubtedly computers are much smarter today all these things were achieved with perfectly adequate old tech.
No more Shelby Cobras either.
Well , there are some named like that,…..but they are not anywhere near the same !
And , maybe even better ?…
If you got a spare 2 million pounds or more, a couple of early Jag E types coming up for auction.
all i saw was some so-so cgi.
downvoter: go watch the footage
I don’t know if you used to get Frasier and Only Fools and Horses over Oz? I see Frasier is being rebooted and Rodney will be part of the cast. Frasier was a witty urbane programme of its time and I feel a reboot is not a good idea
We got Frasier. Wasn’t that a spin off from Cheers? I loved Cliff’s Buffalo Theory.
Whats the feeling on 5G technology over in Oz?
Plans for a mast fairly close to us has raised a lot of concerns as 5g is a different kettle of fish to 4G and many say its not yet proven to be safe
5G, the next great mystery.
I tried looking online for any detail about the safety of this latest upgrade to our living environment.
What scared me was the fact that I could find NOTHING, one way or the other.
Does anybody have any real info on this?
There have been no safety studies on 5G, safety studies are no longer a requirement for anything post 2020.
The nearest I could find was my microwave manual.
It will be both safe and effective though.
Of course there are actually lots of studies but none that come to a conclusion you like.
Here is but one that gives citations for others. (edit – I didn’t read down to tonyb – I’ll leave this as the link is useful)
Just one of many for those that look.
Blep. 😁
I don’t own a mobile phone, there is no reception on my block.
Do you think I even looked let alone care?
So you simply made it up? There are studies and your safety comment was total nonsense. And you didn’t even find the microwave manual.
This report links to some 75 studies and papers on 5G . there is considerable doubts on the safety of the technology which is being driven by government and communications giant. All the papers stress the need for more research before rolling out a technology using frequencies quite different to those used in the preceding communications. Electro Magnetic frequencies in general need far more research and analysis as we are becoming saturated with them.
The Eu also provided a report a couple of years ago urging caution and research before roll out. We are inundating ourselves with EMF generally and telecommunication waves in particular and the time to see they are safe is before they might affect people and not after, which sounds remarkably similar to covid vaccines.
Thanks for the link to PubMed. An interesting quote:
“Furthermore, there seems to be a cartel of individuals monopolizing evaluation committees, thus reinforcing the no-risk paradigm. We believe that this activity should qualify as scientific misconduct”.
Scary. I recall some years ago there was a government office near a “communications” tower and many of the workers in that building became sick. The “statistics” for that catastrophe pointed to serious failure to assess the safety of the system.
Things have not changed since then.
I’m confident that the “cartel” will soon inform us that the science is settled.
4G works OK for me so I will stick with it.
I also note that the ‘radiation scare’ from holding the mobile phone close to the ear seems to have ‘gone away’ (somewhere) and no one seems to get RSV from typing anymore. Strange this.
Somehow I don’t think the issue with 5G is what is being reemitted from your phone, it’s not CO2.
Definitely a problem, people are walking into traffic and other objects, can’t concentrate on life generally and cannot put their phone device down.
You can stay with 4G technology, but 5G (as I understand) will require 5G emitting boxes along every street. So their signals are coming your way when your neighbours are using it.
In a previous life I worked on high power 10 cm radar. There were safety precautions laid out but they were largely treated as an inconvenience.
But 5G has a wavelength in the mm range which is a different animal altogether but the low power and omni-directional antennae, at a hight and distance from people is prolly not a problem but I wouldn’t hold a phone to my ear. That doesn’t sound too smart.
And sailors decades ago found out the hard way, from sterility, that expose to radar and microwave energies is a bad idea
G stands for generation not Gigahertz and there’s considerable bandwidth overlap.
The damage done rises exponentially with freq. and antenna gain We never fired up the RADAR with people in front of it, we weren’t THAT silly.
A mobile tower has vertically polarised dipoles that direct their energy horizontally with nulls vertically. This is shown halfway down the page here: With a reflector behind the dipole it becomes flatter and achieves greater range [see Yagi array]. It would be pointless having a high powered base and great range because the private unit is such low power, you need two way communication after all.
Tales of damage to humans are, I believe, overblown, but not impossible.
Well, as far as promises of improved signal strength and coverage go, it’s a FAIL from me. I bought a 5G-enabled phone simply because it had the camera features I wanted, but I nevertheless wondered if I would see benefits from the 5G capability. So far though, my feeling is it’s possibly slightly worse, though I don’t know why that might be. For sure there are no apparent benefits once you leave the ‘burbs and I don’t recall seeing the little ‘5G’ icon light up a single time when we were in the UK, Ireland and Italy.
5G is basically a city based setup – many low power node stations with local coverage. Up to and including 4G the system operated on lower frequencies with higher power and longer range. 5G is designed for a large number of devices transmitting a small amount of traffic. Think smart cars, smart homes etc. Add onto that all the 4G traffic – voice + private Internet access data.
5G was sold on the advantage of faster speeds ,….. not signal strength and certainly not coverage !
It is still very much a city centered system with little coverage in the regeons.
Butif you are in a covered area it is certainly fast.
Ffor those of us regeonal dwellers who rely on 4G for internet access as well as phones, i just trippled the download speed from 30 mb/s to 100+ simply by the addition of a WiFi extender/booster !….a simple unbox and plug into a power point , $90, exercise that has avoided the need to sign up for the NBN !
I recall one of the promises was fewer blackspots and dead zones. That’s where the ‘improved coverage and signal strength’ came from.
As for speed, once again I see no discernible improvement even in the city.
Chase up “The Invisible Rainbow” on the net and d’load it. This book-
A plain & simple book, Arthur Firstenberg discusses the ills and maladies that have arisen since we discovered electricity, the effects on animals and plants, and how new diseases appeared every time we started using new wavelengths.
There may not be proven cause of effect, but the examples are true enough. “Safety” in Govt terms means the exposure won’t cook you, it says nothing about bathing your mitochondria in an EMF field that slows their electron transport and hence your metabolism. Their ‘safety’ was shown to be a sham over the airport scanners, their measurements used a method as fake as global warming temperatures. Another ignored source is the anti-collision radar built into modern cars. You are submerged in a sea of EMF waves as you drive along, and with radar-emitting satellites there is nowhere on earth to escape it.
These days we have invented so many sources of illness and death that it is difficult to sort them out.
My general impression is that people in Aus are happy with having faster data technology but, just like previous 3G and 4G versions, wouldn’t be comfortable with a tower being plonked on the building they work in or next to their house. However, they’d probably put up with it. Which is different to a small group who think there is something nefarious about the whole 5G thing.
Question for discussion.
Alex Jones.
A fringe infotainment journalist.
Universally derided, shamed, and sued for claiming that a tragic mass shooting was a ‘hoax’.
(And mostly for the way he looks and talks.)
The Democratic Party.
Certain Alphabet agencies.
Possessors and practitioners of massive covert and overt power.
Not derided, shamed, or sued for actually conspiring in the fabrication of the ‘Russian Collusion’ hoax about a sitting President.
(But they wear nice suits and speak with Ivy League practiced sincerity.)
Willfully lying (some under oath) to the American public during the resulting impeachment.
Then there’s “safe and effective”.
Not to mention “horse de-wormer” … but these were merely quips.
Which is the greater threat to the political integrity of the American Republic?
The four most terrifying words in the English language.
Alex Jones was right.
Heh. He said, with his oil industry religious crackpot Lindsey Williams, back in 2012 that the dollar would be dead by the end of 2012.
I posted “That’s total BS” in reply and explained why. Who was right.😆
Or chemtrails, which I debunk routinely.
Or vaxx nanotech.
Or gay frogs..the list goes on.
Dunno about the others but that gay frogs is truer than you’d imagine – Professors Weinstein and Heying
The gay frog thing,
“Atrazine, one of the world’s most widely used pesticides, wreaks havoc with the sex lives of adult male frogs, emasculating three-quarters of them and turning one in 10 into females, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, biologists.”
As for you, You got nothing.
The advantage of atrazine is that it permits vegetables at prices that the hoi poloi can afford. Treatment prevents weed seeds from germinating, so that hand weeding is eliminated. For those who can afford “organic” produce it is an anathema.
Maybe it is time to recognize that treated carrots and cabbage might be better than none for those with “restricted incomes”. All of the “organic” eaters I know have at least double the median Canadian income.
Have you ever wondered why it is very rare to see asparagus in the “organic” section? Well it is a perennial plant that harbours perennial and annual weeds. Weeding same is a nightmare. Treating with atrazine before the asparagus comes up makes commercial growing possible.
Which is the greater threat to the political integrity of the American Republic?
Ignoring the US Constitution.
I reckon it is the weaponisation of race. The constant accusations that black people are harmed, downtrodden and victimised by white people is having a VERY damaging effect on social harmony, not just in America but elsewhere, and I believe we’re seeing increasing numbers of race-based crime and violence directed toward white people as a consequence.
Of course, when a group of white guys attack a black guy, it’s a racist hate crime, whereas if we swap the skin colours, it becomes just a ‘random attack’ in the media. As a consequence, many people are simply unaware these racial tensions are building in a very concerning way.
And, as with the other harmful, divisive policies being implemented today, the Democrats and the left more generally are behind it all.
mask mandates on fox
I see the head of the Wagner group has died in a plane crash
All completely coincidental as has been the deaths of some 15 of Putins opponents over the last year. People keep falling off balconies and now dying in plane crashes. It happens.
Mr. b: The story left out that the plane was in fact thrown off a balcony. Then plutonium was scattered on the wreckage.
Thanks for the link to PubMed. An interesting quote:
“Furthermore, there seems to be a cartel of individuals monopolizing evaluation committees, thus reinforcing the no-risk paradigm. We believe that this activity should qualify as scientific misconduct”.
Scary. I recall some years ago there was a government office near a “communications” tower and many of the workers in that building became sick. The “statistics” for that catastrophe pointed to serious failure to assess the safety of the system.
Things have not changed since then.
I think you need a reboot KK
Too much alkingcol.
I’d better slow down.
And a Pub Med link is not going to help.
I much prefer the noble act of defenestration. Reminds me of French windows and The Latin.
Shot down, two Prigozhin planes, the second zigzagging, body doubles, a headless corpse in the crashed plane….
Can’t see there being reliable confirmation any time soon. Would make a great movie though.
“Video footage purportedly shows the aircraft falling out of the sky in the Bologovsky district in the Tver region, 60 miles north of Moscow on Friday.”
When you get told by Putin “I want you to leave Russia and never return”, he really means it…
Of course Prigozhin being in Africa earlier in the week and getting in the way of American plans there wouldn’t have helped. There would be a lot of people in power would want what happened to occur. Certainly the video of the plane going down shows it falling from the cloud of smoke left by an explosion. A ground to air missile would be the most likely.
If its on it looks like the Russians are happy the story is out. I wonder who inherits Wagner?
Strange ?…What was he doing “north of Moskow” anyway ?
I thought he had been exiled to Belarus ?
He could be alive and well in Africa with his mercenary army.
Tonyb – Prigozhin probably had a long list of people who wanted him gone. I suspect Putin would be near the top but the CIA or any of their surrogates will also be there even if only to try and push the blame on Putin. If it was Putin why did he wait? He had him captive and not charging and imprisoning him immediately must have had some negative impact on his presidency.
The floods in California
On the one hand
But in other places
“California Tried but Failed to Have an Extreme Weather Disaster”
“Check Out These Devastating Pictures Of Hurricane Hilary’s Aftermath”
Noted elsewhere that “deadly” has become the new “in” word of “journalists”
From a comment at Chiefio
“A new COVID strain has been found. It’s the scariest one ever!
BS 24/7 “
Do they have a mask for that?
Hilarious take by Dr McHonk-Honk (sorry if you can’t see twitter, don’t think it is anywhere else)
“”WSJ: The Electric-Vehicle Bubble Starts to Deflate”
“It’s ironic, to say the least, that the U.S. is seeking to imitate China’s economic model at the moment that its industrial policy fractures. Look no further than its collapsing electric-vehicle bubble, which is a lesson in how industries built by government often also fail because of government.”
More at
I explained to a new EV owner that the emissions are mostly transferred to coal fired power stations in Australia.
“About those COVID-19 medical mandates…”
Well worth reading!
“When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530.. a whole hospital for the plague victims…But then a disaster happened: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of patients…they just poisoned patients to raise the mortality statistics,…they began to cut the boils from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine….The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of competent “craftsmen.” They tried to get as much information from him as possible. However, the execution lasted several days. The ingenious hippocrats were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva.”
[snip. – LVA]
Food for thought
“Maui Wildfires: Barricade Blocked Only Paved Road out of Lahaina”
Believe it or not
“Gas powers bitcoin mine”
To avoid ULEZ, drivers are trading in their efficient and relatively clean modern cars for fuel inefficient filthy emission control lacking ‘classic’ cars. Yes a 1960s Mustang that does 11 mpg and has exhaust like a bonfire in an oil refinery is exempt!
A Triumph Herald with wings should do the trick!
Although you wouldn’t want to be in an accident with a modern EV and end up looking like an elephant stood on a tin of sardines.
The government has revealed that climate change will affect not only global temperatures but the national budget with a staggering forecast cost of up to $423 billion over four decades.
Treasurer Jim Chalmers will release the Intergenerational Report today which will serve as a forecasting document on what will shape the budget for the next 40 years.
Sky News
The total costs involved in the transition to unreliable electricity supply would not be included I assume.
And where will the tax revenue monies come from as net zero economic prosperity bites?
….from you and i , my friend !
Even if you dont work, they will find ways to milk your assets, super funds, land tax, etc etc
Well good luck getting me to pay land taxes, because I reckon in a few years time, ‘my’ land will be officially owned by the local Allbelongamee tribe.
High agenda item right now is our superannuation fund that Labor seems to consider government property and are planning to seize those funds from deceased estates.
Yes Dennis, and already tinkering with the tax allowances around the fund structures !
Why else do you think Labor were so keen on encouraging people to invest in super?
“Thacker: Leading Medical Journal Busted With Huge Conflict Of Interest Over ‘Medical Misinformation’ Expert”
“A leading medical journal, JAMA, recently published an essay lamenting that the National Institutes of Health would be slowing awards for “misinformation research,” aka, studies to justify censorship.”
“Yet, what journalist Paul Thacker uncovered in a recent article in The Disinformation Chronicle is mind-numbingly par for the course given the propaganda we’ve seen from leading ‘experts’ over the last 3.5 years; Baron is totally conflicted.
According to Thacker, Baron has been collaborating with Pfizer and Moderna’s PR firm, Weber Shandwick.
But wait, there’s more!”
Tulsi Gabbard: Incompetence, Failures, and Negligence of the Government in Maui
Tulsi Gabbard Exposes Gov’t’s Complete Abandonment of Maui Victims!
Good to see- Indian moon lander and rover a success.
“From the humble beginnings of transporting rockets and satellites on bicycles and bullock carts, ISRO on Wednesday carved a niche for itself among space-faring nations by landing a probe in the South Pole region. In addition, the space agency has joined four others to have achieved a soft landing on the lunar surface, but on shoestring budgets and a fraction of the cost incurred by other agencies. ”
..and right when PM Modi is at the BRICS conference to announce it. Very neatly done.
And they produced some nice low res, grainy b&w photos to celebrate!
I swear I saw a Bollywood props dept. label on one of the rocks.
and don;t forget the ‘live animation’ of the descent
that held the world enthralled.
Some expect the usual news channels to have already sent camera crews to the location.
Even our ABC would have more difficulty sending a camera crew to the south pole of the moon than to a Perth beach suburb.
Douglas Macgregor: Eradicated!
Broaden your news sources Kim.
My news sources are very broad. I curate them especially for you. 😁️
I don’t need your help, thank you.
Why China is Banning Teslas
One for the bushfire experts out there – is this natural?
I reserve my opinion, but:
High energy but short pulse width is the way to go.
I call BS !
“Hotspots” are not necessarily the points of initial ignition,…they are more likely otems of high flanability.. oil palms, fuel tanks , gas bottles, cars etc etc.
If it was a “Beam weapon” …then they have a pretty random way of tatgeting it !
But what do we the thought police have to say to people like truth seeker Alex Zeck, who points out about the Maui wildfires:
fire hydrants were dry
people who were trained to evacuate were told it was not time to evacuate and to turn around back into the fire
no cops with bull horns
no firefighters in the streets
the most robust emergency siren system in the world did not sound, no warnings whatsoever
anomalies with reported wind directions that don’t scientifically add up
school was canceled – children were home while parents worked; hundreds of children burned alive
a perfect circle of fire around Lahaina
molten metal next to intact trees
media reporting fractions of real numbers
new insurance policies taken out on Lahaina before the fires.
Of course, if they’re willing to eliminate 6-7 billion “carbon containers”, then a few thousand isn’t a problem at all.
Any firefighters here that care to comment?
No doubt he’s just pointing out burnt cars, transformer poles, etc.
Car wheels are made of various grade alloys but some melt at remarkably low temperatures.
Utter conspiracy nutjobbery!
Carl Sagan’s 1995 vision revisited
Back in 1995, the Astronomer Carl Sagan made a prediction of what a future version of America would look like – and some people think it’s disturbingly similar to the world today.
From ‘clutching our crystals’ to ‘awesome technological powers’ being ‘in the hands of very few,’ the scientist’s prediction is full of warnings that some think are a little too close to reality.
Sagan was an astronomer, planetary scientist, astrophysicist and more – he was well known as a pioneer in the field of exobiology, which is the study of the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
He helped to assemble to first physical messages sent into space as well as being among the first to determine that life could have existed on Mars.
The astronomer constantly appealed to NASA to extend its exploration of the Universe.
Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking.
‘I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries;
‘when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues;
‘when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority;
‘when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.
‘The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.’
A great man and a great loss to the world.
..and they made a film about it- ‘Idiocracy’. Definitely B grade, but it illustrated the point well enough.
Human Embryos Have a Mysterious Yolk Sac, And We Finally Know Why
Isolated from its mother’s body, a chicken embryo’s only source of food is a golden-yellow dollop of nutrients known simply as yolk.
Sustained by the placenta, mammals like ourselves have no need for a personal snack-pack to keep us going. Still, within a week or so of fertilization, our developing bundles of cells spend precious resources making the sac yolk would go into.
By the end of the first trimester, the temporary organ has already begun to atrophy without ever holding a drop of food, until by 14 weeks it’s no longer detectable.
Now a large team of researchers led by the Wellcome Sanger Institute in the UK has uncovered a good reason for holding onto this seemingly useless relic of our deep evolutionary past. A few good reasons, in fact.
Investigations based on various model animals suggest our yolk sac is the source of our very first blood cells. Not just the oxygen-transporting red variety, but the white cells that serve as an immune response, which travel from the sac to the liver, and then later to the bones where they settle to help form marrow.
What we learned from the first round of Covid hysteria: Will you be fooled again?
Globalist predators are banking on us having short memories but knowledge is power and we can shut down Covid hysteria 2.0 if we enact Operation Peaceful Non-Compliance.
As the establishment gears up for Covid hysteria 2.0, let’s not forget what we learned by living through the first version of this atrocity.
We learned that medical doctors were not the pristine, incorruptible saints up on a societal pedestal where we had placed them. That was a mirage. The medical doctors of today are effectively following orders and working for a paycheck. Their vaunted Hippocratic Oath? Terminated! In fact, of those who refused to violate that sacred oath to “do no harm,” most of them lost their jobs in 2021 when they boldly advised their patients and the world not to take the new generation of genetic vaccines. And the medical establishment is continuing to strip them of their hard-earned medical licenses.
These vaunted “medical professionals” charged with doing no harm denied men, women, and children life-saving organ transplants and other medical procedures if they were unvaccinated. As a result, many died. The Make a Wish Foundation even denied a dying child’s final wish, all because of the family’s unvaccinated status.
pletely corrupt. All universities, including almost all Christian universities, followed the dictates of evil men like Dr. Anthony Fauci in lock step. This should not surprise us. Most of them rely on federal financial aid to keep their enrollment up and pay their professors, so they were not going to buck any of the orders coming down from Washington about mask and shot mandates.
Zero tolerance for government crimes.
Thursday retro tech: Apple 1, 1976
256 BYTES of ROM, 4k RAM, 40×24 screen, 256k cassette storage.
Sold at 2021 auction for $400,000 USD
The placing of “Misinformation” submissions online by the Australian government have been delayed and might be selectively released, possibly with the opinions they like first.
I thought only tyrants, 3rd world dictators & Communist regimes censor free speech.
I feel compelled to point out there’s more hopium circulating in the nuclear industry, than even hydrogen.
These Small Modular Reactors that nuk proponents sing the praises of… hopium.
Sweden want’s 10 of these Chinese wonders… as soon as China gets one working!
It’s been building the first experimental one since 2019, and is just now building the core
And even a simple WIKIPEDIA search would show any journalist SMRs are a PROPOSED technology. Keep dreaming, but at least get to first-base with the facts.
Any new project build is just a “proposal” until its working..
A new Solar plant isonly aproposal until iti is approved and constructed.
Small reactors are proven technology dating back to the ‘60s, when the US National laboratory, Oak ridge built and operated a small Thorium reactor successfully .
The only thing different now is the design changes needed to make them “Modular” to reduce build costs and reduce construction/installation time.
Let me guess…about 10 years away. Getting a bit like waiting for sea levels to rise.
Are you suggesting wind and solar are “proven tech” as a solution to anything?
A very good explanation of the basis of solar dynamics, and the hopelessness of blaming CO2 for temperature- Pass it onto the sheeple you know, one final try.
“Ian Bradford: What is causing the heat in the Northern Hemisphere? It’s definitely NOT Carbon Dioxide or Methane. Here is the reason.
I have written many times that climate change is caused by the sun, the clouds and the oceans. The hot weather experienced in the Northern Hemisphere is caused by the sun alone.”
A heretic! Burn him!
Oh hang on…cool him! 😆
Found this article on American Thinker putting Global warming models succinctly where they should be
President Trump and Tucker Carlson Draw Over 75 Million Views in First Hour
August 23, 2023 | Sundance | 248 Comments
This is funny. People wondered about the strategic benefit of broadcasting a Tucker Carlson interview with President Donald Trump as opposed to the “first-loser” GOPe debate in Wisconsin.
Well, considering that Fox News, if lucky, is likely to draw around 10 million viewers… President Trump and Tucker Carlson drew 75 million! ”
Just so you don’t have to watch Fox, here’s a video clip from Tony Heller on the ‘global warming’ part of the debate.
(5m 54s video)
Introducing your red thumber to Omar Khayyám –
“The book takes its name from quatrain 51 of Edward FitzGerald’s translation of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám:
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: not all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”
Rich elites blamed for climate change mass hysteria.
World’s most accurate pie chart
12-Year-Old Mocks Greta Thunberg On Mass Surveillance & Smart Cities
Stay healthy seems a good start –
“Our High Misdiagnosis Numbers Aren’t All That Shocking
— Here’s how to reduce your risk of medical malpractice”