A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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South East Australia experiences seasonal change.
Heavy rainfall forecast for NSW flood zones sparks fears of flash flooding
Heavy rainfall is set to drench areas still deep in flood disaster recovery, with fears full catchments may cause more flooding.
We’ll have to see how much rain we’ll get. I reckon the authorities may be a little gun shy when seeing a cloud. It’s interesting that I haven’t seen any mention that we were given zero warning, that we could get record rain before the last floods. We knew from what was happening in Brisbane that we’d be getting a heap, but I never heard any sirens going off to prepare for extreme rainfall. So now every day 100-150 mm is mentioned!
They did say that it was going to be wet in south east Australia over the summer, but they didn’t expect La Nina to linger into Autumn. They cannot predict cyclones in their seasonal forecasts.
The blocking high pressure is too far south for this time of year.
Perhaps we should be more like the rest of nature and follow the weather as it comes and forget about designated seasons. Respond to what’s happening rather than what’re believe should be happening.
Seasonal forecasting is worthwhile for agriculture and gives us a chance to test the models. BoM is woeful most of the time.
Sorry, hit wrong button see green.
“So now every day 100-150 mm is mentioned!”
Is that helpful or not helpful or just irrelevant? I’d think it would be helpful but …?
That’s weather Ian.
100mm – 150 mm did happen in places. Just not everywhere every day. The BOM are a lot smarter at forecasting than they used to be.
But not much good at record keeping.
Flannery strikes again. LOL
meanwhile Moskva hit by big big freeze
[Noted LVA.] ED
Normal weather and climate in south east coast of Victoria if not a cooler summer and an early autumn . Winter weather is knocking on the door already. Climate alarmists keep telling lies and there is no discernible rise in sea levels. Why are we wasting untold billions on a non issue.
Worrall takes a swipe at the UN General Secretary and goes on to say that the Australian majors are a dead loss.
hmm, given the support for the various ‘trucker’ and anti vaccine protests I’m guessing that you will be all in in supporting the protestors at Port Botany, now into their 3rd day. this story is being carried by all news outlets
Strangely the Liberal (not living up to their name) Government is calling for deportations
and here is a quote from 2GB radio
Federal Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews slammed the protest group.
“Their behaviour is appalling. I encourage them to stop,” she said.
“If they can’t behave themselves, they should voluntarily leave the country.”
they were much more measured when commenting on the protests organised by the right.
But hypocrisy is the language of right politics
Very strange logic there PF ?
Would you care to explain your thinking that puts a popular “freedom” protest , in the same group as a minority “climate change” activist set ?
a protest is a protest, free speech, freedom of expression, and all that. All you are saying is that any public expression has to be approved by you, and your fellow travellers. you grant that right to one group and revoke it to another. how democratic is that?
as to the word minority, I think you put that in front of the wrong group – after all 94% of Australians were double vaxxed, when those protests about freedom were occuring, making 6% in favour of the protest, whereas 74% of australians support action on climate change (lowy institute 2021)
Sure, THEY weren’t blocking traffic from what I saw, it was the Govt response doing that. Some guy hanging off a pole? so? Leave him along and he’ll get down eventually. I’m sure a train wouldn’t notice him if there was a collision. Same with the women chained up in the trucks or sitting on them, just tow the trucks to the impound and leave the women there.
This is not about the basis for any protest, this is about obeying Govt, as it always ends up being. Protest anything you like, but remember it might have risks.
The right to protest is accepted by everybody, but when protesters arrogantly interfere with, or stop people going about their daily lives or work then they have (in my opinion ) crossed the line. We, the public need to be more robust in our reactions to them in future ( the govt are too pissweak to do anything them selves) and find inspiration in people like these.
The right to protest is accepted by everybody, but when protesters arrogantly interfere with…. The first statement is contradicted by the second.
That is the path down which authoritarians love to travel. the right to protest exists for all, not just those you agree with, and any protest will disrupt some activities – that is the nature of protests.
You, and Chad, and KP are just displaying your hypocrisy
There is zero hypocrisy in my statement . Protesters can make their opinions felt about any single topic that they like as long as they don’t interfere with my personal freedom to go about my daily life, where and when I wish. The right to protest doesn’t give you or anyone else the right to break the law. The Law, you know, that silly old institution that separates civilization from anarchy.
So Clem, the port Botany protest can not be affecting you personally (a strange definition, which implies that you support mandatory vaccinations [as that would help protect you],therefore you support the protestors at Port Botany, so why did you not just say that.
Irrational logic there..
The truck convoy was a protest over freedom of choice over personal health.
The idiots in Botany are protesting for action on climate change…
Different objectives, different actions !……so there is no commonality for me to support both or either.!
And it does not follow that someone ia vaxxed, they agree with the necessity to do so to ensure freedom of movement and activities…
Nor does it follow that a majority in agreement on a topic means that they are right ..
Consensus is not proof .
I know this is a complex topic Chad, but srsly,
Your right to protest is not dependant on the object – do you understand, maybe Gee Aye could enlighten you.
In a democracy the majority is right – again do you understand what living in a democracy means.
Finally – who decides what protests are allowed – again unless you want an authoritarian state you have to allow all protests, or you become a state like Russia.
Wrong: In a democracy the majority has the numbers, but they’re sure as … not always right.
“Democracy is the recurring suspicion that more than half the people are right more than half the time.”
W. Churchill
Peter in regard to your use of the term “anti vaccine”, few people who are against the compulsory injection of covid vaccines are opposed to vaccinations in general. In fact a vast majority support vaccinations.
People you call “anti vaccine” are specifically opposed to the mandatory administration of experimental and poorly tested covid vaccines that have been administered under “emergency use authorisation” or equivalent term used by regulator in various countries.
If the government mandated that everyone receives a sodium cyanide injection and some were opposed to them despite the clear majority being propogandised into wanting them, would you call them “anti-cyanide protesters”?
quibbles, another feature of the right.
Arguments without facts, a major feature of the far left.
Peter, have you considered getting out of the house and talking to real people? Maybe then you’d build a realistic understanding of society, rather than being crippled by an unimaginative and uninspired political ideology.
Try, just for once, to have an original and independent thought, you might even enjoy it.
Why does the word “Drongo” keep coming to mind?
Peter.You outed yourself when you used language that only the leftards use(anti-vaccine)
Casting pearls before the swine David.
Judging by his words PF is only here because his feelings have been hurt and frankly my dear I don’t give a damn about his feelings. The less people who respond the less we’ll hear from him and his fellow travelers.
straight to the insults, classy
Not from me comrade, the mob at Port Botany are acting in an uncivilised manner and disrupting the good order. AGW is a fantasy.
I think PF comments here, just so he can feel victimised.
Why the sunnies today PF?
Without people like Peter Fitzroy, how else are we going to be able to see what the he and his fellow useful idiots have been told to think?
“But hypocrisy is the language of right politics”
It is all of right politics
Leftism, in all its grubby parts, is the most hypocritical ideology there is.
They continue to lap up all the benefits of the fossil fuel powered economy and civilisation, but would be the first to complain if those things were to disappear.
They will go home via fossil fuel transport to there, fossil fuel cooked dinner, made with food delivered by fossil fuel powered vehicle. then come back the next day to the fossil fuel made signs, and continue to use items that could only be manufactured by fossil fuels.
Hypocrisy, thy name is leftism. !
A comment straight from the “INVERSE UNIVERSE?
[Snip about snipped. Yep.]
“But hypocrisy is the language of right politics”
Leftist hypocrisy knows no bounds.. it is a bottomless sewer.
These “protestors” exist, only because of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels provide for everything in their life.
They could not, and never would, do without all those necessities that fossil fuels provide.
They and anyone who supports them is diving deep into that sewer of deep fetid leftist hypocrisy. !
Democratic staffer on Jan. 6 committee was part of intel effort to help Biden out of Hunter jam
by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter |
The top Democratic staffer on the Capitol riot select committee was among dozens of former intelligence officials who signed a letter in October 2020 claiming without evidence that the Hunter Biden laptop story was part of a Russian operation.
David Buckley, who was formerly the CIA inspector general, is the staff director for the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Buckley is one of the signatories of the letter by former intelligence officials that was published and released by Politico in October 2020 following the New York Post revelations about emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Buckley is among the few signatories to have returned to government.
Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson, the chairman of the Jan. 6 committee, announced in July that Buckley would be the staff director, calling him among the “professional, patriotic public servants” joining the committee staff.
Republican Rep. Jim Banks, who along with Rep. Jim Jordan had been selected by GOP Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy to serve on the Capitol riot committee only to be rejected by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, critiqued Buckley’s leadership position.
“Speaker Pelosi blocked me from serving on the Committee because of ‘ridiculous’ statements I made, meanwhile, the Committee’s staff director intentionally lied to the public to keep President Trump out of the White House,” Banks told the Washington Examiner. “David Buckley is obviously willing to lie to help Democrats win elections, which is why he was hired.”
Buckley was previously criticized last year by a number of whistleblower advocates.
A 2019 report from the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general concluded that “the evidence in the record substantiates” at least some of the claims by Andrew Bakaj, a former CIA inspector general employee who accused Buckley of retaliation. Bakaj is now among lawyers who represented two Capitol Police officers who testified in front of the Jan. 6 committee.
The DHS report said that “a preponderance of the evidence establishes that complainant’s whistleblowing activity was a contributing factor in the CIA-OIG’s adverse actions,” which were “retaliatory.”
Did The New York Times Admit Joe Biden Is Corrupt So Democrats Can Get Rid Of Him?
Joe Biden is no longer useful to the ruling class.
It is painfully obvious, as was predictable, that Joe Biden’s presidency is a dumpster fire. As demonstrated by the party’s destructive callousness towards children, the elderly, and the poor during their Covid lockdown frenzy, Democrats care about none of these real-world results of their policies. But they do care about polling, and Joe Biden’s is abysmal.
Biden of course also has the advantage of a wildly favorable press and social media monopoly while Trump had the strong headwind of a wildly negative one. That factor obscured for a great many of American voters actions that easily demonstrated long before his election that Biden was unfit for the presidency.
Now that he’s president, however, and very publicly bungling essentially every major issue all the way up to U.S. national security, Biden’s weakness and incompetence have been impossible for the corrupt media to entirely cover up.
That brings us to The New York Times’s recent “limited hangout“: its highly suspicious, very late acknowledgment that, hey, that laptop containing evidence that Joe Biden is just as corrupt as his son Hunter Biden told Russian prostitutes — that laptop is real, and so is its data. Yes, the United States’s top foreign adversaries likely have blackmail material on the U.S. president, and likely paid him some very big bribes.
Biden got the ruling class what they wanted, and they don’t need him any more. Getting rid of him now would in fact be highly convenient for maintaining their power.
There’s only one problem with that. Kamala isn’t at all going well for them either.
Lame Duck Biden and Democrats’ Harris Problem
Byron York, Washington Examiner
Lame Ducks. Kamala’s urgent trip to Germany where she announced to the press that NATO would take a direct interest in the war was unbelievable. The White House immediately and officially contradicted her. So what was she doing there? And why did she openly threaten the world with what everyone know would result in nuclear war? Can a lame duck also be a very dangerous loose cannon?
Definition of dumb and dumber
Daffy and Duck.
I assume that selecting Harris as VP (if indeed Biden made that decision) was to prevent assassination. I mean, who would dump Joe for someone even more intellectually compromised?
James Clapper and our other intel ‘experts’ are full of it
By Post Editorial Board
America has never had so many intelligence “experts.” And they’ve never been so wrong.
Start with Hunter Biden’s “now authenticated” laptop (actually authenticated in October 2020).
The Post asked for comment from the 51 former intel-community bigwigs who signed an October 2020 letter suggesting — with zero proof, as they admitted — that the laptop info was somehow part of a Russian disinformation operation. Most declined to respond.
The few who did mostly doubled down. Notably, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told us: “I stand by the statement made AT THE TIME . . . I think sounding such a cautionary note AT THE TIME was appropriate.”
Which means our former DNI, who also served as undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, was clearly either dead wrong or flat-out lying. (Note that he dodged a perjury charge for lying to Congress about NSA data collection practices in 2013).
Why do major “news” networks like CNN and MSNBC still bring these “experts” on? Why do Politico and The New York Times keep publishing them?
Their credibility should be less than zero at this point. Events have proved time and again that they either can’t get basic facts right in their area of expertise — spies and spying — or they’re so insanely partisan that they will fudge, fib and falsify anything if it furthers their political goals.
“Why do major “news” networks like CNN and MSNBC still bring these “experts” on? Why do Politico and The New York Times keep publishing them?”
The same reason the Australian media runs to Flimflam for “expert” climate comment. You can make a living out of telling them what they want to hear and stoking the fear. Your track record on the topic is easily swept under the carpet.
Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Is the Ultimate American Information Operation
Almost universally, the signatories show no remorse for the con they pulled. It was all worth it for them to replace Trump with someone who spent 50 years getting every major foreign policy issue wrong, and who has kept that imperfect streak alive since he’s been in office.
There’s also the fact Big Tech engaged in Rubicon-crossing censorship, not only preventing people from sharing the story publicly, but in private messages, and de-platforming the sharers. Twitter admitted as much, months after the election, when the damage had been done. This set the precedent for the ever-more widespread, almost desensitizing Wrongthink censorship we see today. Donald Trump is of course banned on Twitter, and the likes of Vladimir Putin and crony Ayatollah Khamenei are free to tweet at their leisure. Chinese coronavirus information that got people banned six months ago is now the official CDC narrative promoted on social media.
The Hunter Biden laptop story looms over it all.
Our Ruling Class’ over-the-top obsession with Russian information and influence has served as a diversion from the information operations it has been running against domestic political foes—even in league with foreign actors like the Ukrainians, as my RealClearInvestigations colleague Paul Sperry has reported.
Trump-Russia collusion was an American information operation.
Hunter Biden’s laptop being “Russian disinformation” was an American information operation.
This is an existential threat to our republic.
And if none of these actors are ever held to account, it guarantees infinitely worse to come.
Its taken ages to get here, but finally common sense prevails.
Can’t be right. That’s the ABC
Even Gee Aye’s ABC gets something right occasionally and in this case managed to report an actual news item without biased commentary.
I will assume in the first instance that the report and the facts therein are true.
David it is safe to say that GI is simply posting the opposite of he/she/it actually believes. Serial misinformants are like that. If true to form he/she/it will then attempt to pass it off as attempted humour.
That is a bit unfair, the professor offers a counterpoint to allow dynamic debate.
It was good humoured, very dry.
Get a life.
I suspect the humour was not recognised and that many commenters, perhaps for once, may have agreed with Gee Aye.
Perhaps the humour was not recognised and that many commenters, perhaps for once, may have agreed with Gee Aye.
You can say that again!
Good comment RickWill both apt and funny
It must’ve slipped by the keeper, they’ll correct it later.
Bob Katter said the dam is not high enough and the ‘Shadow Minister for the Environment and Water Terri Butler said the announcement reeked of an election campaign and it was important for voters to remember there was still no business case for the proposal.
“We remain very open to this dam but of course we will want to see a business case and we want to make sure tax payers are getting value for money as you would expect a prudent economic manager to do.
“We are open to water infrastructure projects.”
Good idea but:
So let’s add another 25 years to get the environmental.approvals, if they happen at all.
Secondly, Bob Katter said the PM told him the dam would be 395m tall. That seems quite high for a dam in relatively low lying country. I wonder why that was first stated and then the dam was lowered? Has it been lowered so far as to make it useless?
Frankly, I think it will either never be built or it will be built in a way to make it mostly useless.
It’s potentially a big and useful project and Australia simply doesn’t do big projects like that any more unless they are useless and have Green/Left approval like windmill, solar and now “green hydrogen” subsidy farms.
Ask the protestors “Hands up who’s been there.” and you will get no response. It is remote, rugged country.
As for “low lying country” how do you suspect it got its name? It is 400 m ASL.
There is nothing new about this, it has been studied and discussed for decades. The proposal is not the Bradfield Scheme and that may be what Katter is steamed up about.
Here’s a fact sheet.
Flannery strikes again. LOL
Looking at Bob Katter’s comments on the project the dam looks like it will be just another big, expensive disaster if it ever gets built.
But Australia is now used to big, expensive disasters and no one will understand or care (most of the present company excepted).
It isn’t the Bradfield Scheme. Is that what Bob is upset about?
He is just a populist pollie.
ps The Bradfield Scheme is, and always has been, a pipe dream.
Open gEarth, the coordinates are: e -19.124511, 145.639765.
You will see it is NOT ” relatively low lying country”. It is 340 m ASL.
This is the proposal put forward by Townsville Enterprise to irrigate 60,000 hectares along the Burdekin.
Jill Biden Invites Congressional Spouses to White House, Gives Unvaxxed Nasty Set of Rules
Erika Donalds, wife to freshman Florida Congressman Byron Donalds, a pro-Trump, staunchly conservative Republican, tweeted a screenshot of the first lady’s COVID-19 guidelines for the event, and they’re even more arbitrary and discriminatory than you might expect.
“First Lady Jill Biden was kind enough to invite me & the other Congressional spouses to a reception at the White House,” Mrs. Donalds tweeted. “I just have to take a COVID test, & as an unvaccinated person (with natural immunity) I won’t be allowed to eat, drink, or talk to anyone. Should be a blast!”
The screenshot of the purported invitation email stipulated that “Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds. Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times, including abstaining from eating or drinking, and maintain at least 6 feet distance from others while on the White House grounds.”
Just six days ago, the White House announced its 2022 tour schedule and detailed no such stringent masking requirements for random members of the public to visit the first lady’s home.
“Within the 10 days prior to the public tour, anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, has had any COVID-19 symptoms, or been in close contact with someone confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19, should stay home,” it continued. “Face masks will be available when entering the White House complex for those who choose to wear them.”
That’s it.
So, it appears that tourist families visiting the capital for Spring Break can forsake masks should they so choose, vaccine status notwithstanding, but unvaccinated political spouses must mask up and avoid eating, drinking or getting within 6 feet of another human being if they haven’t gotten the jab.
Should First lady Jill Biden be nominated to be a Member of the Australian Labor Party Mean Girls Club?
The rules are even more lax if you have recently crossed the U. S. Southern border illegally.
Should First lady Jill Biden be nominated to be a Member of the Australian Labor Party Mean Girls Club?
Bullying allegations ‘not going to help’ Anthony Albanese’s election prospects, says Jacqui Lambie amid calls for party review
Anthony Albanese has “no choice” but to call a review into allegations of bullying against Kimberley Kitching, says Jacqui Lambie who also questions Labor’s election prospects amid the saga.
Meanwhile PF bangs on about the hypocrisy of the right, yawn.
The left made plenty of noise when they perceived scomo and TA might have had ‘women’ problem, now it’s all ‘she’s right’ , look over there.
US unprepared for Russia’s massive retaliation – Asia Times
Russia under Vladimir Putin’s rule has little left to lose as it looks to escalate asymmetrically against the West
– The world according to the Kremlin
Besides, in the eyes of the Kremlin’s leadership, Washington and Brussels have already initiated an unwarranted escalation. The moment that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization began sending arms and other forms of aid to the desperate Ukrainian resistance, one of Moscow’s “red lines” had been breached.
After Washington enacted the most onerous economic sanctions against Moscow in recent history, in effect sending Russia’s economy back to the dark days of the 1990s in about 15 days, Russo-American relations have already reached the point of no return. Washington’s sanctions are the equivalent of having dropped a thermonuclear weapon on Moscow.
Further, by slamming Russia’s economy the way that Washington has done, it has ensured that Vladimir Putin’s position atop Russia’s government is threatened. So when Putin rails against illicit attempts to force a regime change in Moscow, he isn’t necessarily wrong. That is the purpose of the American sanctions.
What this means is that Russia under Vladimir Putin’s rule has little left to lose as it looks to escalate asymmetrically against the West. To compound matters, President Joe Biden continues announcing what the United States will not do in response to Russian provocations, which is hardly any way to manage such an asymmetrical ordeal.
– Cyberwar in the next few weeks?
– The space war is here
– Going nuclear?
This isn’t the Cold War (which was more of a gentleman’s duel at dawn). This is a brass-knuckle street fight – and the West isn’t prepared for the broken bottle that Putin is about to whack America with soon.
What’s more, sadly, Western policies got us into this fight, and Western policies keep making everything bloodier.
The State Department Should Rise To The Call Of The Hour
American diplomacy can make a difference.
tippinsights Editorial Board
For a situation that is bringing us closer to World War III and the worst inflation in 40 years, partly triggered by global events, the State Department is failing to lead in its core mission. Secretary Antony Blinken sounds like a cross between a media analyst and a military general rather than the lead diplomat of the free world.
Blinken has been relentlessly pursuing a strategy to strangle Putin, isolate Russia, and inflict so much pain that Putin would initiate serious diplomatic overtures. “I have not seen any meaningful efforts by Russia to bring this war to a conclusion through diplomacy,” Blinken said to news media this week.
But this “lead-from-behind” approach, relying on Russia to bell the diplomatic cat, makes no sense. History has repeatedly shown us that pariahs do not initiate peace talks. Even the appearance of conceding defeat would spell the death knell for them back home.
The tragedy of Zelensky
It’s increasingly apparent that his room to maneuver has been severely circumscribed by the Ukrainian far right
In 2019, Volodymyr Zelensky, a novice politician and former television comedian, rose to the Ukrainian presidency on the strength of a peace platform. But once in power, the peace candidate turned into a hardline president, refusing to implement the Minsk peace deal; refusing to rethink the wisdom of joining NATO; refusing to question the wisdom of hosting a US military base in Yaroviv or of sending Ukrainian paramilitaries to the US for training.
What explains the change? Informed speculation suggests Zelensky was captured by the ultras of the Ukrainian far right:
Zelensky’s behavior these past months would seem to confirm that his room to maneuver at home was severely circumscribed by the Ukrainian far right. Worse, he seemed to take Western promises of financial and military support, such those enshrined in the November 2021 US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership, at face value.
That was his first mistake.
His second was to follow the lead of the US and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization by refusing to take seriously the terms of the draft treaty issued by Russia in mid-December.
His third and perhaps fatal mistake, made shortly after the US rejected the terms of the Russian démarche, was to travel to the Munich Security Conference, where in a fiery, defiant address before the trans-Atlantic security establishment, Zelensky committed political malpractice on a grand scale.
They say that when the clown enters the Palace he doesn’t become King, the Palace becomes a circus.
What If Russia Makes a Deal?
How to End a War That No One Is Likely to Win
The question now is what kind of ending Europe’s first major twenty-first-century war will feature. The Roman statesman and scholar Cicero argued that an unjust peace is better than a just war. Ongoing negotiations between Ukraine and Russia will put that proposition to the test.
If they reach a negotiated deal, Ukraine and Russia will both have to settle for partial and fragile gains. In this war, there will be no Munich, no Nuremberg, and no Versailles.
Recent history provides another (not very encouraging) analogy for the parties: the Minsk analogy, which alludes to the agreements negotiated in that Belarusian city in 2014 and 2015 in a bid to end fighting between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists that was the prequel to the current war. Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine proved the inadequacy of the Minsk agreements, which represented a form of crisis management that irritated everyone and satisfied no one, deferring and perhaps even exacerbating Ukraine’s fundamental problems.
The United States and Europe are not at war with Russia and cannot apply either the Nuremberg or the Versailles models to this particular European conflict. Their mission, thus, is to do better than Minsk.
The international high court could say Putin is a war criminal, committing atrocious crimes against humanity. That won’t go anywhere.
I wonder if they will then go after China over Tibet? No, probably not.
It was 70 years ago and Mao has been gone a long while.
The international high court could say Zelensky is a war criminal, committing atrocious crimes against humanity…. Or Dan Andrews.
Its a slippery slope, which is probably why there are few convictions.
Bush going into Iraq because intel said a caravan in the desert was full of biological substance.
“caravan in the desert was full of biological substance.”
Camel poop can be dangerous stuff ! 🙂
7 Times The Babylon Bee Reported History Before It Happened
1. Biden Briefs TikTokers on Foreign Wars
2. Make Your Groceries Stretch Further, You Poors
3. Kamala Harris Goes to Hillary Clinton Charm School
4. California Lets Men into Women’s Prisons
5. People Who Thought 2016 Election Was Rigged Say 2020 Was Foolproof
6. Sources Say Trump Attacks Babies
7. Anything Leftists Disagree with Is Violence (And Will Get You Deplatformed)
The Bee and The Simpsons seem to have a better forecasting success rate than most of the pundits.
Please stop putting COVID-19 test solution in your eyes and nose, FDA says
Shades of NZ and thermometers 😉
Back in the day before the dumbing-down of society, people would read instructions and have what used to be called “common sense”, now very uncommon because the Nanny State teaches that Government does all your thinking for you and you no longer have to think for yourself.
A Pharma Giant Imposed ‘Follow the Mandate’ on Vaccine Objectors. They Are Now Ex-Workers.
By Clayton Fox, RealClearInvestigations
March 23, 2022
Foreign volunteers being told by Ukraine’s government they won’t be allowed to leave until war with Russia is over
…volunteers are being informed that they’ll not be able to leave Ukraine anytime soon, which some have likened to “a death warrant.”
Silly little western lefties…
This is real not a video game.
The blood is real, the injuries are real, the pain is real, the death is real and worst of all is that there are no safe spaces for you.
Your ignorant virtue signalling may be the last thing you do.
“Silly little western lefties…”
I wonder why you didn’t write “Silly little western leftists and rightists.
Is it because you know the western Rightists who, so they claim, are fervently anti-communist, are too frightened to go to assist in Ukraine while the much reviled western Leftists, who the Right continually claim are trying to overthrow Western democracies, are risking their lives to assist in the fight against the communist Left?
It certainly looks like it and in so doing you are adding further weight to the long held view that the Rightists are concerned only with themselves.
It’s a joke, right? Though with you, Ian, who can tell… you drag “left” vs “right” into everything like a sad pathetic individual.
All but those who have combat experience, or combat support experience are causing more problems than they think they are fixing, and even those with combat experience are going to be troublesome because of the language barriers.
“It’s a joke, right? Though with you, Ian, who can tell… you drag “left” vs “right” into everything like a sad pathetic individual.’
If you re-read John Connor’s II comment you will see he introduced the phrase “silly little western lefties”
However John Connor II did not state the fact that the war in Ukraine is attracting many volunteers from the right and far right.
Ukraine’s embattled president has issued a call to foreign nationals who are “friends of peace and democracy” to travel to the country to fight against the Russian invasion.
The appeal from Volodymyr Zelenskiy, published on the Ukrainian presidency’s website early on Sunday, said the Ukrainian armed forces were in the process of setting up a foreign legion unit for international volunteers.
“Encouraged by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, volunteers are signing up – according to some reports, by the thousands – to join the ranks of what The Guardian has called “the most significant international brigade since the Spanish civil war.”
However far from it being “silly little western lefties” the majority of volunteers are joining a far-right all-volunteer infantry military unit whose members – estimated at 900 – are ultra-nationalists and accused of harbouring neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideology.
Transnational support for Azov has been wide, and Ukraine has emerged as a new hub for the far right across the world. Men from across three continents have been documented to join the Azov training units in order to seek combat experience and engage in similar ideology.
In 2016, Facebook first designated the Azov regiment a “dangerous organisation”
Under the company’s Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, Azov was banned from its platforms in 2019. The group was placed under Facebook’s Tier 1 designation, which includes groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and ISIL (ISIS). Users engaging in praise, support or representation of Tier 1 groups are also banned.
However, on February 24, the day Russia launched its invasion, Facebook reversed its ban, saying it would allow praise for Azov.”
[Seems Ian lost his identity for a moment. Don’t know why he would want to do that so I’m holding these comments for review.] ED
[I’ll approve, but hopefully Ian will not split his ID again. – Jo]
What’s wrong this time?
[Seems Ian lost his identity for a moment. Don’t know why he would want to do that so I’m holding these comments for review.] ED
[I’ll approve, but hopefully Ian will not split his ID again. – Jo]
I’m so sorry ED and Jo it was entirely my fault. I inadvertently pasted the phrase, left versus right into anyrhing, into the name section which, unsurprisingly totally screwed up recognition of my reply.
Its the lens he sees the world through. Could he worse, you arent stuck across the table at dinner.
Biden regime putting American troops in Ukraine, setting country up for direct engagement in World War III
Unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans, the Biden regime has deployed U.S. military personnel on the ground in Ukraine in what appears to be a direct effort to draw the country into a conflict with Russia that will spark World War III.
According to Trending Politics, there are new reports that U.S. Special Forces troops are currently in Ukraine performing “operational prep of the battlefield.”
Don’t read it.
Venn diagram…
It’s always interesting to see what triggers GI and what he/she/it leaves alone.
Whatever amuses him.
It’s always interesting to see what triggers GI and what he/she/it leaves alone.
The answer is the he/she/it staring at you in the mirror.
The coming bloodbath of the Democrats
Joe Biden’s woke, green agenda will cost him dearly at the ballot box.
“When a Clown moves into the Palace, he does not become a King. The Palace becomes a Circus. – Turkish Proverb
The US and Canada seem to be living this out at the moment. I fear Australia may have its turn quite soon.
How Russia Wins, the West in Disarray
The change will affect energy exports to “unfriendly countries”.
Russia will now accept payment for gas exports to “unfriendly countries” in rubles only, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the government on Wednesday.
The president explained that Russia plans to abandon all “compromised” currencies in payment settlements. He added that illegitimate decisions by a number of Western countries to freeze Russia’s assets destroyed all confidence in their currencies. in Rubles not USD, and soon the Petroyuan.
Everything the US does hurts the US and the west more than it hurts Russia.
Biden is the political equivalent of Wile E Coyote 😅
Looking at the value of the ruble just now gas is going to be really cheap then.
It says paid for, not priced.
This forces countries to buy roubles in hard currencies or even gold, to make their payments. Joe Biden seems to be holding a firm sight picture on his own foot.
“Joe Biden seems to be holding a firm sight picture on his own foot.”
Many appear to believe that Joe is making “mistakes” or is simply a bumbling fool – I don’t believe either of these views for one second.
Joe is merely a meat-puppet whose strings are being pulled by Deep State Communists who are determined to end US dominance in order to facilitate the arrival of the world government.
Good strategy by Moscow.
Huh! For almost four years now, I have been collecting the wind generation data for Australia on a daily basis, for 182 weeks now, almost 1300 consecutive days of actual data.
On Monday just passed, 21March2022, the average wind generation across the whole 24 hour day was 896MW. That’s from a total Nameplate of 8587MW. (the Nameplate is actually a little higher than that, but the Aneroid site I use hasn’t caught up with the slight increase yet, and it’s now a little over 9000MW)
Still, that’s at a Capacity Factor for the day of just a tick over 10%.
So, with almost 4500 individual wind towers at 69 wind plants across the Country, barely 450 of them were operating across the whole day delivering power to the grid.
In all that time I have been collecting the data, there have only been three occasions where it has been lower, all of them on three consecutive days last April in 2021, and since then, there has been two increases in Nameplate as new wind plants were added to the grid.
The low point for the day was 457MW, so not much more than half the whole of day average.
Think about it ….. 4500 individual wind towers and all you can get is a measly 24 hour total generated power of 21.5GWH.
For some perspective on that total delivered power, here we have a Nameplate for wind of 8587MW. On that same day, the 37 year old (you know, 12 years plus longer operation than
anyevery wind plant) Bayswater coal fired power plant had three of its four Units operational, and that is a Nameplate of 1980MW, so wind generation has a LARGER Nameplate ….. by a factor of 4.33.Those three Units at the SINGLE coal fired power plant delivered a little more power than the daily total power for ALL the wind plants in the Country, and delivered that power by half past ten in the morning.
Oh, and you surely remember that old meme about the ‘cure’ for wind power intermittency was to build more plants across a larger area, because the wind is always blowing somewhere. Well here we have an area almost the same size as Continental U.S. and it can still only manage a pitiful average like this.
Even then, almost four years now of collected data and the long term Capacity Factor is still only 30%.
The phenomenally huge cost of all these wind plants and it still only delivers pitiful amounts of power.
Oh, and the old meme of wind being so cheap.
Well just use the comparison for this day then.
69 separate wind plants with 4500 individual towers.
THREE units at one coal fired plant deliver the same power in less than HALF the time.
Please don’t even begin to pretend that wind generation is somehow cheaper power.
Did you get that by using 10% of 4500 (which would be very wrong) or is that 450 that were registering as being active (which would be completely correct)? If the former, why would 450 turbines be at capacity and all the others be generating zero?
So, umm, the pointless ‘quibble’ you have is about the way it was expressed, rather than how useless they really are, did I get that right?
It’s a wonder you didn’t find a spelling mistake.
Y’see that’s the problems with you green supporters. You just can’t stand the facts that show that these useless ways to ‘burn’ money are in fact ….. absolutely ridiculously totally unfit to replace real power generation, so all you have is ….. to change the subject, the typical “Hey, look over there!”
You assiduously and carefully collect data and then present total nonsense and you are happy with that? Keep up the good work.
The funny thing about this is your pedantry about nameplate and you actually use namelpate to come up the with 10% as though they are capable of operating at that level. Let me remind you that they don’t operate at nameplate ever. So change your denominator and present your carefully collected data accurately.
Nameplate ?
That is the figure quoted by the manufacturers, installers and operators, as a conventionally accepted specification for all generation facilities.
So, until those official parties decide to “derate” and quote realistic performance figures, then the “nameplate” data is all Tony or any other party has to refer to !
He used nameplate to construct a spurious percentage. If he does not actually know the denominator he cannot and should not present data in that way. Apart from this there were many more than 450 turbines spinning in the wind.
Capacity Factor, the percentage is not a spurious percentage. It’s the Industry accepted expression of power delivered compared to Nameplate. All I have done is distill it down to a daily average as opposed to the yearly average of 30%.
As to the number of turbines in operation, at 10.20AM, there were 240 in operation. At 12.30AM, there were 700 of them in operation. At 6.30PM, the evening Peak of maximum power consumption, there were 680 of them in operation. At 10.030PM, there were 390 of them in operation. I can do the exercise for any one point in time across the day.
….. It averaged out to 450 of them in operation across the day.
I can’t believe you can’t work that out.
So at least 700 (more since some of the others are likely not in that number)… now you are starting to state an observation and not some funny made up numbers.
And no- it didn’t average out to 450… show your workings and you will see why.
Wind Generated 21.5GW of power across the whole day. That’s not a guess on my part, but the actual AEMO figure for the day, of exactly the power generated from wind power sources across the AEMO coverage area.
The total power they could theoretically generate was 206GWH.
So wind was operating at a Capacity Factor of 10.4%, and again that’s not a construct of mine, but the Industry Standard Calculation.
The average size of a wind generator here in Australia is currently around 1.9MW for the 69 wind plants, and with a total Nameplate of 8587MW, so that effectively means there are 4500 of them.
10% of 4500 individual wind towers is 450.
When I add up the number of wind towers in operation for each hour across the 24 hour day, Using the same AEMO hourly wind generation data, and then average that out, it also comes to 450.
What part of the maths is it that you don’t understand?
You’ve just repeated the error above.
Okay, this is late, and you and the others will probably not be back to see this, but, honestly, Gee Aye, (whoever you really are) I’m genuinely puzzled as to what this ‘error’ might be, and how you seem to be the only one who found this perceived error.
As you mentioned, could it be that because I mention each new occasion, it’s basically similar, so you’re perhaps sick and tired of reading it, (and there’s an answer to that) but if there’s an ‘actual’ error, then I would like to have that pointed out.
I do it like that for readers who have no understanding of electrical power generation, so I have to find a way to make it easy to understand, omitting what is perceived as complex electrical principles, and I explained that below in comment
Please don’t just make an accusation, inferring I’m cheating or making it up, and then, without explanation, just leave it ‘hanging in the wind’.
I’m genuinely curious here.
Gee Aye, your ignorance is showing.. big time.. !
Nameplate is what the energy equipment should be capable of producing, according to the manufacturer. They state the numbers, not Tony.
Wind turbines are totally incapable of producing this for anything more than a a miraculous few seconds at a time, and are usually well below that. On average, a wind turbine produces some 15-30% of their nameplate capacity, but a significant proportion of the time, it is well into single digit percentages.
That is the fact that you cannot argue against with anything even remotely rational or logic, just denial.
The comments you attempt to put forward are baseless and idiotic, not based on any sort of engineering commonsense.
Even basic engineering mathematics seems to be well beyond your limited capabilities.
You have absolutely nothing to contribute, except baseless innuendo, un-backed by anything resembling science or logic.
Tony explains this for readers who have no understanding of electrical power generation, ie people like you.
Maybe you should open your mind to reality, just once, and try to learn something.
You’re just doing this to have some fun, aren’t you, because, surely, after all these years now, you’d be aware of what I have been writing all along now.
It’s not ….. ME who uses Nameplate. It’s everyone who supports this green failure that they call wind generation.
ALL I have ever done is to point out the Capacity Factor and how Nameplate is NOT the correct metric to use here, and how that Capacity Factor relates ….. EXACTLY to Nameplate.
So, we have 8587MW Nameplate for wind power. (well, as I mentioned above, a little more than that) Over the last 365 day 12 Month period to this morning, (the Industry Standard for this calculation) that Nameplate of wind generated a total of 23346GWH of power delivered to the grid. The calculation for Capacity Factor equates to 30.1%. So, in effect that Nameplate for wind has delivered the equivalent of only 2584MW of its total Nameplate.
So because this data is so, well, embarrassingly low, then you just say that the way it is presented is ….. total nonsense.
I can’t believe that you have missed that point after all these years.
you just used nameplate. Just then. Happy to help with data presentation and stats.
What do you want to use?
Maybe how much you imagine/feel they might produce on a windless day?
Thanks Tony for your usual contribution of well researched factual, and most useful information.
“Nameplate” is sooo yesterday. Now it’s “enough to power xxx homes”. You know you can’t disprove THAT specification.
That is indeed crappy.
If they never operate at nameplate, what is the use of nameplate?
Tony has written about 2000 posts at 800 words each on this topic (ie 800 words repeated 2000 times). You must know by now?
And Gee Aye still hasn’t learnt anything !
Excellent observation b.nice.
Yes. When you hear stated the nameplate capacity of a coal, gas, nuclear or proper hydro power station (not SH2), you know that’s pretty well what its contribution to the grid will be.
Not so with wind or solar. It’s nameplate capacity bears no relationship to its contribution to the grid which is random and unpredictable and for wind 30% of nameplate as Tony says and for solar around is even worse at 21% according to the source below.
Well, actually i bet some of the individual turbines will have operated for a short time at “nameplate” capacity…
…but not often, and not for long !
Individually some will, occasionally. Nameplate then equals actual.
Then why do the builders (and the Greens) all use nameplate? As if they are capable of operating at that level.
“Let me remind you that they don’t operate at nameplate ever” because the poor, weak, sleekit, cowering, timorous beasties shut down when the wind is strong. Although German turbines in the North Sea are said to generate at 98% of nameplate 0.8% of the time. On the other hand wind turbines don’t work at all without wind strong enough to turn those blades. It’s this problem that makes renewables so hopeless. If they are going to average 30% of (nameplate) capacity you must either install well over 100% of (nameplate) capacity and shut some them down when they are actually working, or you must either install lots of very, very expensive storage (and hope it doesn’t burst into flames) or you have to install conventional generation to cover the gaps when they aren’t generating. Obviously – I would hope you see that this makes Net Zero a fantasy.
It has a purpose viz comparison among things.
The many factors that make that number unattainable are variable but the nameplate is constant.
Nameplate is a very handy figure, it lets you know instantly what it will never achieve anytime anywhere.
What Gee Aye is telling us, is that while coal and gas “nameplates” tell us what the plant is capable of.
… for wind, “nameplate” is a totally meaningless term.
Thanks Gee. !
Gee Aye, the proponents of wind subsidy farms ALWAYS advertise them by their nameplate capacity as though they were actually capable of generating that much power 24/7.
An honest figure would be to advertise them according to their long term average which Tony has stated is 30% in Australia.
Even then, the stated capacity is not really a realistic or honest measure because the power is random, unpredictable and wildy varying and it requires an enormous amount of effort to manage this low quality and expensive power when it is connected to the grid.
“according to their long term average “
Far better to look at what they can reliably produce.
I remember talking to the control room operator of Kareeya hydro power station and he was beaming: The station had generated 105% of nameplate FOR THE MONTH.
Tell me again why one shouldn’t refer to “nameplate”.
So there we have it eh!
One person in a
hundredthousand knows the formula to work out Capacity Factor, and then from that, to understand what it actually means.I can say (correctly) that last year, wind power generated 23,346GWH of power. Perhaps one in ten (and hey, that’s being pretty generous right there) might actually understand what that means, but it bears zero relationship with how much in total there is for wind power, the Nameplate, and the other nine out of every ten people don’t understand the correlation anyway.
That’s what Capacity Factor is, the relationship between the two, and in fact, when I started all of this back in 2008, I had to explain exactly what Capacity Factor was, and even then, nine out of every ten people were clueless as to what that even meant.
And again, I had to find another way of expressing what Capacity Factor was, how important it was, what it meant, and how to make it even the tiniest bit easier for people to understand what it meant.
So I then used that CF to indicate a percentage (CF) of Nameplate.
And then, again, right at the very start, back in 2008, I specifically explained why I was doing that as well.
Now I understand that you know all of this, what with your Degree in Electrical Engineering, but as I said, nine out of every ten people are utterly clueless when it comes to what CF is, its relationship to Nameplate, and how it is used as the Industry Standard.
You consistently use a different calculation of coal or gas, and refuse to use the industry standard cf for those plants. Hint – they have never ever operated at nameplate
That is pretty much a load of BS. Before it closed Hazelwood was operating 3 generators at close to or over 100% of nameplate
Other plants regularly operate around 80-90% of nameplate capacity.. day in day out.
You know that is what coal and gas can do.. Humming along providing constant electricity 24/7..
…. something wind and solar could only ever dream of. !
When are you cutting yourself off from all fossil fuel use and relying only on wind and solar…
.. soon I hope. Until them, enjoy being an anti-science, anti-data, engineering-illiterate hypocrite.
“Let me remind you that they don’t operate at nameplate ever”
Mostly not even a small fraction of it.
Thanks for verifying their uselessness. 🙂
Funny that a coal fired power station can run at or near its “nameplate” for days, weeks , months, even years.
Wind.. a useless erratic nothing-burger.
Tony you are casting pearls before swine. There is nothing but wasted time to be had conversing with subversives.
Don’t be a dick leaf you beclown yourself. Tony has been more than open about the data he has been using. How about you?
Gee doesn’t use data.. he/she uses baseless innuendo.
An average operating value of 10% of nameplate, regardless which turbines are operating.
Certainly a large proportion of them would not have been producing one single watt of electricity.
It really is pathetic… any mathematically sane person would have to just laugh at the waste of these useless contraptions.
I don’t think there were any spelling errors but I didn’t check very carefully. However there certainly was a grammatical boo-boo
You wrote “On Monday just passed” That is grammatically incorrect.
Actually the correct grammar is “On Monday just past’ as passed is the past tense of pass. It cannot be used as an adjective or adverb. It is a verb.
Picky? Indeed but it aint orlways the spelinng wots rong. Gorra keep a I on the gramar entcha!
smarmy arrogance, yet again.
Tis all a distraction, everyone (well at least in the media) knows that the real international unit of “RE” capacity is the long established “thousands of households supported” by every new installation. No wonder the average person think it actually works.
I’d swap Tony’s knowledge of the power grid for your’s of the language any day.
Ian only thinks he understand the language… all he really understands is pedantry.
Doesn’t comprehend that the English language is flexible.
Yet that is what arrogant leftists like him are renowned for.. bending the language to suit their agenda.
Tony, now, 2:30 Fri Qld is generating 1 MW from nameplate over 600MW. I seldom see >100MW.
Have you separated Qld’s performance from the rest?
New Evidence; US Hijacks, Monitors Users’ Full Internet Activity
This is the second time in less than a month that internet security company 360 has revealed evidence of the NSA’s ongoing large-scale cyber operations around the world, particularly targeting China.
In early March, 360 provided a series of evidence to prove that the NSA targeted the communications industry and other key areas, and hundreds of millions of citizens around the world had no safe place to hide their private and sensitive information, just like “running naked.” China, as one of NSA’s top targets, suffered millions of attacks.
According to a report published by 360 on Tuesday, Quantum attack is a cyber hijacking tool that the NSA especially designed for attacking users on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon and other websites.
Cybersecurity experts from the company told the Global Times on Tuesday that the data stolen by the NSA around the world includes network profiles, account numbers and passwords, office and private documents, databases, online friends’ information, communications information, emails, real-time data from cameras and microphones.
“Based on current costs of lithium-ion batteries, Andrews calculated that building sufficient wind and solar generation plus sufficient batteries would lead to a multiplication of the cost of electricity by approximately a factor of between 14 and 22.”
“His conclusion was that the batteries alone would cost about $400 trillion — about 20 times the full GDP of the United States. ”
And, this is prior to a 500% increase in the cost of Lithium Carbonate.
So, the real cost could be as high as USD 2,000 Trillion, simply for sufficient battery storage.
And, Tesla batteries might rise from USD 13,500 to some USD 75,000. What a marketing plan. 🙂
And now imagine the added cost of the power plants required to charge up the batteries and keep them charged up, in the first place.
That’s what these green sympathisers just don’t get.
You need more power generation to charge the batteries up than what the batteries actually deliver.
You either charge the batteries or consume the power. You can’t do both.
But hey, think about it for a minute.
If you have to construct power plants to charge up the batteries so you can use the power, why not just consume the power from the constructed power plants in the first place, and you get more power because of the losses associated with the charging of the batteries, and you don’t have to spend the extra
millionsbillionstrillions to add on the batteries.Tony.
I saw a recent report that Lithium carbonate was now 10 times more cost than a year ago. Doesn’t negate your conclusion that batteries would be too expensive.
Complete COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Athlete Injury/Death List To-Date: 779 Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 500 Dead
I note that Australian athlete Stewart McSweyn is currently listed at #9 on the reverse date order list (recent first). He was unable to finish a 5000m track race on 8th March 2022. I mentioned this in Unthreaded at the time. Good that the list is capturing all known reports.
It just occurred to me to look for Shane Warne and he’s on the list too, at #15 (4th March 2022). The statement about Warne mentions his tribute to Rod Marsh earlier that day.
Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in Two Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose
The myocardial injury seen in these post-vaccine hearts is different from typical myocarditis and has an appearance most closely resembling a catecholamine-mediated stress(toxic) cardiomyopathy.
“Scott Morrison was asked whether he shares the view of the United States government when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (that is, that war crimes have been committed by the Russian military).
“[The US] has gone through the evidence and made those claims,” the PM replied. “And, yes, Australia would share their assessment based on what we have seen.”
A retard that only reads the US propaganda and then does what he’s told to…
No problems at all with shelling the civilians of the Donbass for 8years, no problem with killing millions of civilians alongside America in all the wars since 1950.. He will get us hated as much as the Yanks by the rest of the world.
You are right, but needs must. We have no defence against China. China says so. Our only hope is the American missiles and navy, which is why we will likely buy American nuclear submarines. And while America is a conflicted country in every way, it is one of only two countries with 3,700 nuclear weapons. Aligning ourselves with NATO and with Biden’s America against Russia though is very dangerous and quite unnecessary. They also have 3,700 nuclear weapons.
Thanks KP, this from 2014 which verifies your comment.
UK inflation jumps to a 30-year high of 6.2%, intensifying the cost-of-living crisis
Britons are facing a cost-of-living crisis as energy prices surge.
UK inflation rose sharply in February, hitting a 30-year high of 6.2% year-on-year.
It adds to a cost-of-living crisis in Britain, where energy bills, gas prices, and taxes are all rising.
It also adds to the chances that the Bank of England will raise interest rates again in May.
The figures make tough reading for Britons, who are now seeing prices rise faster than wages and face a steep rise in living costs in the spring.
Energy bills are set to soar in April after wholesale prices skyrocketed and the government lifted a price cap. Prices at the fuel pump have also risen sharply, and the Ukraine conflict risks sending energy prices even higher.
The government is also increasing taxes in April, as it worries about the state of the public finances following a surge in spending during the coronavirus crisis.
It’ll be the same everywhere soon enough…
Huge chlorine leak at Olympic Park swimming pool ‘sparked by delivery of chemicals’: 29 people taken to hospital with breathing problems as 200 visitors are evacuated during ‘major incident’ at Stratford Aquatics Centre
How in the hell did they manage to do that?
Chlorine gas was a significant problem when I was working with lasers so you really have to be extra vigilant at all times.
Dangerous chemicals + idiots = disaster.
The article guesses (or implies) that hydrochloric acid was mixed with the chemicals?
Also, as it was a public operation I would suggest that auto-suggestion lead several to think they had breathed in a dangerous amount.
Years ago my father found a chap rolling around the floor of the plating shop moaning. He asked what was the problem and was told the chap said he’d swallowed cyanide. Has he had the antidote? No, so my father mixed the 2 ingredients and got the bloke to drink it. Immediately he recovered. Subsequent questioning revealed that the onlookers had done nothing for at least 5 minutes, so obviously the chap hadn’t swallowed much, if at all.
Dangerouschemicalshigh power [short time] charging EVs + idiots = disaster.10
Madeleine Albright dead. Another Deep Stater bites the dust
CBS: We´ve heard that half a million children have died… Is the price worth it?
Madeleine Albright: We think the price is worth it
Burn in the deepest pit in hell 😈
Hi guys,
My name is Josh McCurry and I’m a long time follower here. I am running in the upcoming federal election for the United Australia Party in the seat of Burt.
I was wondering if it would be appropriate for me to start a discussion here?
Hi Josh,
I am sure we all would like to hear your views & points for discussion, it is an open thread after all with a myriad of interesting topics.
Does McGowan allow you to converse over the net if you have not received your three shots?:))
God-king McGowan has yet to outlaw electronic communication for the untermensch.
I am the opposite of a career politician. By trade I’m a software developer.
I don’t want to get on my soap-box, but feel free to ask me questions.
If senate, which state. If reps what seat?
Good luck.
On the slim chance you end up in parliament, do me a favour and ask one question of other politician – How is GLOBAL warming possible if tropical ocean warm pools are already sitting at their temperature limit of 30C?,-9.92,337/loc=156.684,-9.628
It is impossible for any open ocean water to exceed an annual average surface temperature of 30C – the physics of the atmosphere prohibit. This has been recognised in the literature since at least the 1970s but has been quietly swept under the rug. The only climate model that meets this test is the Chinese FGOALS model. But it changes the historical temperature of the tropical western Pacific to create a modest warming trend without exceeding the 30C limit.
Hi Rick,
I’m running for the house of Reps, in the seat of Burt (Western Australia South East Metro Area)
If I get elected, there will definitely be some hard questions asked of the Libs/Labor/Nats/Greens MPs.
I discuss politics with my friends a lot.
Hi Gee Aye,
I’m guessing that is in response to the last quote on my facey.
In general people in Australia have been apathetic towards politics. This hasn’t done the country any favours.
‘In general people in Australia have been apathetic towards politics.’
They realise what politicians are like-
Career politicians are incentivised to lie.
They need to promise more perks to larger groups than the other parties and they need to promise to cut taxes as well.
This can get them elected, but then they either need to raise taxes to pay for it all (the Labor way) or renege on the promises (the Liberal way).
The candidates for the UAP are not career politicians, we don’t have a massive interest in getting re-elected (if we can get the job done in a term and go back to our day jobs we’ll be happy).
Friends? You? Name one!
I have friends, I swear!
The Chinese FGOALS model sounds good, they don’t mention AGW, mainly focussed on natural mechanisms.
Keen to know why you chose UAP to enter politics. From my point of view the Liberals have been a big disappointment on a number of fronts. Just to name a few,
1) Outrageous debt, totally squandered billions with lockdowns etc after promulgating the false narrative of isolation of the healthy non symptomatic as a treatment for the virus. In the US 3.5 x more 25-44 yo died from lockdowns compared to CV19.
2) Liberal govts lost me after mandating the clot shot & facilitating the shutdown of discussion of alternative treatments.
3) The total cowardice in avoiding any confrontation with the cultural wars. Gender fluidity, nouns & pronouns, unisex toilets, etc etc. No one has our back.
4) Declaration of “net zero by 2050” regardless of any smoke & mirrors Morrison just gave in to the “progressives”. Whatever the hell that means these clowns want us back living in the stone age using “high tech” windmills & worlds biggest batteries which will power SA for all of 2.5 minutes.
I could go on but I will spare you my rant.
Once again you are standing on what & why?
Hi Pulltheotherone,
I was a UAP member for a while and answered the call when they asked for people to volunteer as candidates.
I’m running for the UAP because I agree with the policies of the party, and I consider us the best chance to dislodge the established parties because we have Clive backing us financially.
1 – Debt is what this is about. Covid drives lockdowns, lockdowns drive debt, once debt hits a high enough level interest rates have to rise, this would cause mass defaults on home loans and the government needs to step in and nationalise housing, which is how they get everyone onto the social credit system.
2 – Mandating experimental medical procedures is an act of evil. People worked out forcing people into medical experiments was wrong after Josef Mengele started treating Jews as lab rats.
3 – Not a massive fan of identity politics myself. A lot of very touchy people out there looking for offense.
4 – We already have the most expensive electricity in the world. We can’t fix that with windmills.
We have some policies listed on the website ( ), there are more set to be announced at Clive’s press club address (7/4). He’ll detail the plans for dealing with things like the looming debt crisis. He was supposed to release them already, but got Covid. We are a fairly conservative centrist party.
We don’t have the most expensive electricity in the world. Because of its obsession with renewables (and the need to subsidise them) Germany households pay over $500 per MWh for electricity. No wonder heating with gas (or even wood) is so popular. Business gets electricity at a lower rate but there are signs of rebellion (shutting down or moving elsewhere).
The UK got electricity at around $60-65 per MWh but with the recent jump in the cost of gas that is nudging just under $100, and likely to go higher. Part of the increase has been due to the big increase in off-shore wind turbines* which get subsidies and/or guaranteed prices. Some of the newest ones need $385 per MWh to break even, yet there is enthusiasm among the financial mob for even more turbines. (Still that is cheaper than the original FIT set for solar panels even though they are useless – in the UK and Germany – in winter when demand is highest).
The UK has a limit on household bills of £3,000 ($5,500) a year, but already there is talk of having to raise this. This is why gas heating to make hot water for circulating around the house is/was so popular as it was 3-4 times less costly than electricity. But the Government plans to ban gas use, supposedly replacing it with hydrogen at 3-6 times the cost and/or “heat pumps” which don’t work that well below 0℃. And they want more electric vehicles which would further overload their fragile generation system. At some stage there will be a revolt in the UK. Peasants Revolt 2?
*Because of the fluctuating supply from wind it is necessary to have standby gas fired (and diesel) plants, so ‘relying’ on renewables means emissions (and because on/off operation is less efficient it costs more and generates higher emissions, but the gullible believers don’t count them. Like in SA where the electricity costs are the highest of all States.
Hi Graeme,
You are right, I should have clarified, our consumers pay some of the highest rates for electricity in the world. WA was paying ~38 c/kWH the last time I checked (with a massive service fee). There is a reason manufacturing is fleeing this country.
This is insane given the abundant energy resources we have in this country.
Therein lies the problem with the UAP. “Clive’s press club address”. This important presentation should be done by Craig Kelly. Craig is the leader he should be the face of the party because we know he is genuine. Unfortunately Clive’s ego has surfaced yet again & his excellent move in recruiting Craig is being unwound & the sins of the past will only provide the results of the past.
Clive and Craig will be speaking at the press club address, Clive will address the depth of the financial policies, Craig will speak to everything else. Apologies, I should have clarified that.
One of your demands to government- to withhold supply of vaccines until states remove mandates – is illegal and would result in criminal charges. Any comment?
GI you are neither a prosecutor nor a judge. You don’t get to say what is legal or illegal.
Take your subversive totalitarian fantasy and fly.
FG – my question was not directed to you.
Provision of health care and approved medicines, by a statutory body that acts separately from govt under the direction of an Act of parliament, an Act that states that those approved procedures or medicines must be able to be accessed by people in need. You cannot take an action that you know results in denial of supply. Government cannot just withhold it. Full stop.
Like Hydroxychloroqine and Ivermectin?
No… not like them. They are not approved and don’t fall under the act.
Well GI my answer was most definitely directed at you. If you are going to write carp like that in a public forum you should expect those with actual legal experience to correct you in the most forceful manner.
I went easy on you, but tou are talking from a position of purest fantasy and the wishiest of wishy thinking.
Gee Aye, where did you see that?
We have looked at different mechanisms to defeat the mandates, but that is not one I’ve heard discussed.
Posted by you March 18 on FB
That was an idea from one of the candidates over east.
I am not across the legalities of that, though from memory federal law trumps state law in any areas of inconsistency.
I think the idea behind it was – if the vaccines are being used in contradiction to section 109 of the constitution, we could withhold them.
Putting aside the fact that your understanding of Section 109 is simplistic – you are happy to knowingly withhold from the general public the supply of an approved vaccine during a pandemic? How would you answer that question on breakfast radio in WA? What you post is what you endorse.
If the states were violating federal law, one of the avenues we could pursue would be restricting supply. We could also remove access to the vaccination register (my preferred method), as then the mandates become unenforceable.
So you endorse withholding medicines against federal laws.
Missing the point there Gee Aye.
If we introduced a federal law making vaccine mandates completely illegal, then we would be entitled to withhold them from non-compliant states under Section 109.
“When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid”
The states would be the ones breaking laws, and we would be withholding them so as not to be complicit.
As I said, removing access to the National Vaccination Register would be my preferred method.
Apart from no such law being possible to draft given the nature of other Acts and the constitution and that parliamentarians are not that callous, you are still endorsing withholding medicines from people (note it is people who don’t get them, not states).
“no such law being possible”
An odd comment given that a cheap, effective and safe medication has been prohibited from use by the Australian Federal agency, TGA, and that another agency, AHPRA, stops medical professionals from advocating that medication.
“not that callous”
Even more callous, as treatments are ‘mandated’ which are expensive, of mediocre efficacy, and impose serious riskd not having been proven satisfactory in the usual level of testing before release.
They should be withholding the supply of vaccines purely on their poor efficacy and their lack of safety to humans..
Ask Clive for the details of the deal he did with Gore, until we know the details he is suspect and you also by association.
Do you think it’s a reasonable expectation that a nominee of the Once United States Supreme Court be able to define what a woman is?
Here, at a confirmation hearing, a justice nominee of the Biden regime is incapable of defining a woman.
One minute video:
Not only that David but her views on pedophilia not being driven by sexual urges are astonishing. Her performance during the confirmation hearing, to me likened their “swapping” of disgusting sexually explicit video to nothing more than baseball card swaps. Her lenient sentencing over many years of these creatures makes her unfit to hold such office. Just another brick dislodged from the moral wall of society I am afraid.
“makes her unfit to hold such office”
Which is why the Democrats want her in there.
Amazing. And her answer was incredibly evasive, claiming that as a judge she would arbitrate on such a question, not declaring a view of her own.
Since when is being a woman a view, an opinion or even a matter for a judge? Or if it is, why? Being a woman is a biological fact and in not answering she has declared that it is, in her professional view as a judge, a matter for personal opinion and arbitration only if it came before a judge.
What is clear is that the definition of a woman is debatable and she refuses to offer even an opinion. Now that is interesting considering that she is being nominated purely because she is a black woman. I would love to hear opinion on who is black. Or is that also to be debated before a judge?
And while she clearly was surprised by the question, a very odd and almost childish question to ask anyone let alone a judge, what was much more surprising was that she ducked answering. And that told a story which was being hidden, of a new world where women no longer exist except as a social construct, a world allegedly ruled by the white male patriachy and where Black Lives are the only ones which matter.
It is a woke Bizzaro world where facts no longer exist, even gender. How is any judge to interpret the US Constitution if she does not believe facts matter or that there are any facts? And the Constitution therefore is written by white supremacist males who need to be cancelled?
There is no point swearing in such a person as a judge and interpreter of the Constitution if they do not believe all lives were created equal, in law. It is the complete opposite of Identity politics and the Post Modernist Marxist story of oppression based on gender, race, social class. And the awful joke is that Identity Politics is the entire reason this clearly inappropriate Black Woman is nominated, not ability. In fact she has disqualified herself.
And I see Climate Change as another example of where activist judges seek to rule on science by simply arguing that in this new philosophy, even the weather is a social construct and all the rules of physics and chemistry are just opinion, gravity is opinion and there is no such thing as gender or so many genders that it is a useless distinction. This march through the institutions is now coming for the US Constitution, having silenced all the scientists they now want to silence the constitutional lawyers, the ultimate court defending the idea that all people are created equal. In law.
Just further to your post….my nomination for SCOTUS goes to the kid.
Very good!
MasterCard and the United Nations have joined forces to produce a credit card that measures your carbon footprint.. once you reach your limit you can no longer purchase
2024 will be the new 1984…
It’s a trial run.
First the woke will use it.
Then it will be forced on everyone. And it will be used to enforce all manner of quotas such as travel and the type and quantity of food purchased.
This is one reason the Left are heavily pushing for all digital currency and another reason conservatives need to develop a suitable currency based on precious metals like gold, silver, platinum etc..
How thousands of Australians are getting sick with a ‘super cold’ – but it’s NOT Covid – here’s how to tell the difference
I’ll tell you how to tell the difference 😅😅😅
The stages of inoculation (inoc) roll on. When the inoc first started not all of us took it up. Mother in law (late 80s) experienced the first backlash as told by inoc’d “friends” she can’t be part of their social group. Over next few weeks 2 of these “friends” experienced heart and respiratory issues with the heart one put in hospital.
During 2021 waited for news of family or friends getting sick from raging illness and none did. Then in November 2021 finally heard of husband and wife (friends of one of our relatives) were touring Melbourne and had caught “it”.
In December at a church Christmas function met inoc’d daughter of friend and a couple of days later heard she had been at another function a couple of days before our meet up and one of her friends who also attended the earlier function had come down with it. Don’t know inoc status of that person but the daughter was feeling ill hence advice to us (the non-inoc’d) to be wary. We all remained well until January when non-inoc’d daughter hit hard with sweats and migrain that would not go away. She got visited by Ivan and within 2 days was fine.
Feb/Mar and news of friends getting ill really ramped up (finally). All those falling ill are inoc’d and are family groups – husband and wife visiting Gold Coast and Brisbane based husband/wife/son. Also our daughter had lunch with friend who next day advised she and husband had tested positive. Yes this friend inoc’d and yes our daughter experienced no decline in health (natural immunity?).
Weekend just gone and fully inoc’d Sydney friend stays with us spending most time with wife and also attending a function with m-i-l and daughter. M-i-l who is on medication for recent injury so immune system potentially compromised became sick later that day. Wife attended to her Monday/Tuesday and became sick/bed ridden herself yesterday Wednesday. I am now attending to both and visited m-i-l twice yesterday and will be back again today. Have therefore made point of taking Vitamin D and lysine tablets. I spent lots of time in the sun over summer so vit d levels would have been naturally up and leading up to this week was only taking supplement maybe once a week if I thought to. The Lysine tab (cold sore anti-viral) was only being taken if/when we were eating out at friend’s place (can’t do that in public remember – not safe) but since I’m now around sickness I am taking one in morn and one at night. Lysine was actually brought to my attention in a comment on Jo’s site.
I noticed the news item about a super cold that apparently has the symptoms of the other but isn’t, so maybe that is what we have. But from all accounts the Sydney friend is fine.
Anyways that is my current experience – not inoc’d, know more inoc’d people getting sick. I’m now on the front line of some illness raging in nearest and uninoc’d dearest who both were in close contact with inoc’d visitor…. as was I.
If you don’t hear from me again then it is all true and inoc is the way otherwise I’ll confirm when wife/m-i-l are back to normal so give it a few days. No flowers by request LOL.
Pump in the Vit C & D Earl. I usually take a Berocca at the first sign of worry, I want the C and the B vitamins won’t hurt.
I’ve had a couple days in hosp this week, an injury not an illness. My unvaxed state caused some ripples and I’ve been in contact with more people than I usually do for months, but a vitamin boost often cuts infections off before they get a hold.
Good luck!
Last June, Victoria was wet and windy. Some forrests in Victoria experienced large areas with uprooted trees. There is a story with pictures here:
There were numerous reports on the tremendous amount of damage to houses and power lines in the Dandenong Range where houses are built under 60m tall trees.
The storms were widespread in Victoria. It now seems a race to undertake prescribed burns to reduce the fuel load ahead of next summer. This summer was not hot or particularly dry so the litter was not highly combustible.
The sad part of this story is that not much of all those trees will be collected and fed into timber mills. Once the burns are done, it is likely the wood will be unusable for milling. This is at a time when there is a timber shortage in Australia.
There is no doubt that forrest productivity is increasing but there appears to be no one in Australia attuned to the opportunities this presents. Instead Australia is locking away more forrests from managed logging thereby guaranteeing more intense forest fires and inaccessible fallen stands.
The increasing growth rate of all biomass will require understanding and adaption – it is an opputinity that Australia is passing up.
I am off to get a car load of logs tomorrow. That gives me about a months worth of firewood and a good excuse to have lunch at a hospitable mountain venue.
That nasty bushfire season took out many plantations, which had a detrimental effect on the building industry.
Whole hillsides of very big millable type trees blown down near Daylesford during those storms. Haven’t been back through there since that event to see what happened. But there would be some magnificent timber in those downed trees, so I’h hoping that some got harvested. Unfortunately, there’s not the number of mills in operation compared to past decades. All thanks to the Greenies and local opposition.
The report that I listened to yesterday was highly focused on the bushfire risk rather than any organised effort to recover the timber. However it was acknowledged that not receiving the fresh fallen timber was a terrible waste.
My point is that there is a glaring need to recognise increased forrest productivity and the associated risks and opportunities.
I believe trees are increasingly top heavy. I am not growing any large native trees on my own property but deciduous trees I have need heavy lopping to prevent branches becoming heavy and getting blown down in occasional strong winds. I have had a neighbour’s swamp gum lopped to reduce the risk of it dropping a branch on my house. That required an qualified arborist because the property and trees on it are heritage listed. That was quite expensive firewood but still cheaper than gas.
This study has determined trees are bulking up faster but with weaker wood so more prone to failure under loading:
My observation of being “top heavy” could be interpretation. I see more bulk up high with less capability to support that bulk. Almost the same thing but not backed with any measurement.
I can get about 30% of my annual firewood from a few trees on a 1400sq.m residential block. If I do not lop then there is increasing risk of more extensive damage when a large branch fails.
ABC promotes the Nazis-
Dmytro Kuharchuk, Azov Batttalion Commander in Kyiv
Came up on Spriter99880, and there are stacks of photos & videos showing Azov with their swastikas and symbols. They have been the main force attacking the Donbass for a decade, they were a private paramilitary that was absorbed into the Ukie army later. They will lose to the Russian Chechens, and there will be no prisoners.
So we have changed sides completely since WW2.
Didn’t the Russians change sides completely during that conflict?
Yes, the Germans had a treaty with the Russians so they could concentrate on the West, then attacked Russia once they had Europe under control. That was the biggest mistake they made really, but they needed the oil.
Australian Govt Set to Launch New Tourist Ad Campaign – Come to the New Australia, We Won’t Beat You, Shoot You or Lock You Up Anymore, Promise
And much less than Canada.
I like this one better:
A 1.5 hour discussion between Jordan Peterson and Abigail Shrier, author of the book “Irreversible Damage” dealing with the massive increase amongst teenagers presenting with gender dysphoria. A very worrying trend. Well worth watching, to show what parents are up against. ToM
Apparently there is an exodus of people from Australia. I can’t say I’m surprised.
The latest population data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows more people were heading overseas than people arriving – and droves of current residents were flocking to Queensland.
Australia’s population increased by 0.3% over the 12 months to September 2021 and although it was a slightly higher rate of growth than recent quarters, the pandemic has greatly reduced the rate of population growth.
Over the September quarter, 19,942 more residents moved overseas than people from overseas migrated to Australia, while over the past 12 months, 67,268 more residents moved overseas than migrated here from abroad.
Sometimes, People “vote” with their feet.
Saw a headline last week which said ‘ Airport chaos as Aussies flee’, thought it was something serious, but it was people at the airport going to Bali.
The exiting numbers are probably near normal, its likely to be skewed by the throttling of immigration. As much as people would like to think you can just up and go live in another country , its not that simple for most people. Some of them have standards.
Pfizer Recalls Brand Name & Generic Blood Pressure Drugs Over Potential Cancer Risk
Pfizer is voluntarily recalling Accuretic (quinapril HCl/hydrochlorothiazide) tablets distributed by Pfizer as well as two authorized generics distributed by Greenstone (quinapril and hydrochlorothiazide and quinapril HCl/ hydrochlorothiazide) to the patient (consumer/user) level due to the presence of a nitrosamine, N-nitroso-quinapril, above the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) level. Pfizer will recall six lots of Accuretic tablets, one lot of quinapril and hydrochlorothiazide tablets and four lots of quinapril HCl/ hydrochlorothiazide tablets.
Strike…how many is that now?
Speaks to great manufacturing consistency.
Greens promise to SCRAP all student loan debt for Australians if the party holds balance of power
Anything that will trash our economy.
Ukraine Chemical Weapon False Flag Attack Predicted
It’s so sad to see both sides tempted to use false flags as a means to blame the other side when the fact remains if this continues to its logical conclusion, it only takes one false flag to start a full scale world war.
Just a standard part of warfare these days, that was USA getting rid of the Ukrainian pro-Russian Govt to start with.
So, pro-Russian sites said Ukraine was stockpiling chemicals for a false flag attack last week. Ukraine would kill its own people and blame Russia.
America, at about the same time, started saying Putin was desperate and could use chemical weapons.
So now that we can’t tell who uses them, it makes the whole use of them pointless to anyone with a brain… That excludes the American press.
Alternatively, I wouldn’t put it passed the Yanks to nuke the arms shipping transfer point at Rzeszow Airport in Poland and blame Putin, that will be the next point of friction and those in power in America couldn’t give a shit about Poland.
‘ … it makes the whole use of them pointless to anyone with a brain…’
The biological and chemical armouries won’t be required, surplus to requirement, so its more likely that an economic war is the best option.
Your example is conflating the use of psychological projection with the false flag justification.
The Russians are implying that American bio-research bases in Ukraine are for the purpose of offensive bio-warfare because that would be the purpose in a corresponding situation where they were Russian bio-research bases.
On the other hand, in a hypothetical situation of Russian bio-labs in south-eastern Ukraine, the Americans would be more likely to conclude they were intended for use against other Russians.
Apparently, NZ has decided that vax passports, QR codes, and mandates are no longer necessary.
In AU, ScoMo has now decided as well: “In an effort to overcome the global image of Australia forcibly locking people in quarantine camps, conducting manhunts for the escapees, shooting people with rubber bullets for not wearing masks and beating people in the streets for non-compliance, the Morrison team is going to spend $60 million on a ‘Happy Oz‘ media campaign to get tourism back with no vaccinations required.”
Following the Political Science is what Govt does best. My, how things change in just a few weeks.
Putin puts Biden’s King in Check
Slight correction. It is not actually Biden doing this, he is too demented for independent thought or action. His puppeteers pull his strings and make his mouth move and say things.
I get that but Biden is the official leader of the West. It would be nice if we could ignore him but we can’t. All Western leaders are following the same hymn sheet as he is following even though they are all puppets of the globalist elite.
The Russia/Bermuda Dark Money Subterfuge
During the height of the Cold War, they sought to stop America’s introduction of sophisticated weapons that would have blunted any planned invasion of Western Europe by the Red Army by infiltrating the “peace movement” with money and resources.
So it should come as no surprise that members of Congress continue to express deep concern that Putin’s Russia may be preventing the West’s energy independence by promoting through third parties, who may be unwilling dupes or active co-conspirators, “green” alternatives that are either impractical, aspirational, or an outright fiction.
How did we get here?
To appease the Progressive wing of his party, Biden, within days of his inauguration, began shutting down virtually America’s entire energy independence and oil and gas exploration industry, and is still freezing future oil-and-gas drilling leases. The move not only threw thousands of Americans out of work, it has also forced Americans to pay premium prices for just about everything in the American economy — whatever is processed, manufactured or transported — all of which require fossil fuel energy. Wind turbines and solar panels do not truck supplies to your supermarket, or even build the electric vehicles — costing more than $56,000 a car — that the Biden administration wants you to buy. If you cannot afford $5-a-gallon gasoline, hey, an electric vehicle is your answer! Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg’s questionable suggestion was, “Take the bus.” The current administration policy seems to be, “Let them eat electric vehicles.”
Recognizing the one strategic card the Russians have to play, the late U.S. Senator John McCain once said “Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.”
If Putin can prevent affordable energy independence from being achieved by America and her allies, he will have secured a victory beyond measure. But he will need the duped assistance of those in the White House to achieve that objective.
No, we got here because the people have allowed themselves to be so brainwashed they voted for the puppets in droves. To prove me wrong we will have to see say in our forthcoming election a massive swing so great against both major parties that they come close to being de-registered. I’m pretty sure it won’t happen though.
Russia and China are just sitting back watching with amazement how stupid most people are in the West, and just taking advantage of the deteriorating situation. If we continue down this road, we face the real prospect that the West crashes and burns, and both Russia and China have to decide who gets what like vultures going after a dead animal.
Visualizing the Global Landfill Crisis
In a world that generates 2 billion tonnes of waste every year, landfill management has become a global concern.
Reusing, remanufacturing, and recycling materials have become essential in minimizing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
That’s around 5.5 MILLION TONS of (solid) refuse a day.
Makes the garbage pile in “Idiocracy” look small!
I’d say the big money is in bacterial remediation:
John Connor:
We could burn it as they do in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany (and possibly other countries in the EU). They get around the increased emissions by calling it biofuel and not counting them. Singapore also burns most of their rubbish, but that is due to lack of enough landfill sites.
Many years ago a large resin+paint factory (NW USA) was troubled by the smells coming from the (very) large rubbish tip adjacent (55 acres sticks in my mind.), and being blamed for them. A smart engineer organised test drills (through the heaving earth layer) to sample the gas and found that had a high methane content. The solution was to colect the gas and pipe it to be burnt in the factory. End of smells and reduced costs.
Of course you wouldn’t be allowed to do this in Australia.
A Stunning Image Shows Stars Aligned for the James Webb Space Telescope
Webb should complete its commissioning period around June, six months after launching on Dec. 25 on an ambitious mission to observe the universe from deep space and gather data on objects ranging from exoplanets to galaxies.
Not pushing my buttons so far.
Guess I’ll have to wait ’til June…
Just make sure you get all of your James Webb info from people who aren’t scientists, from NASA or from the MSM so that you can be sure it is true.
As opposed to Gee Aye who gets opinions from the far left hacks.
Science never enters into his/her vacuous comments.
Stanislav Petrov: The man who may have saved the world
Thirty years ago, on 26 September 1983, the world was saved from potential nuclear disaster.
In the early hours of the morning, the Soviet Union’s early-warning systems detected an incoming missile strike from the United States. Computer readouts suggested several missiles had been launched. The protocol for the Soviet military would have been to retaliate with a nuclear attack of its own.
As things are heating up markedly on the nuke front it would pay to remember this guy, because we’re all probably here because of him.
Hopefully this time around no-one will comply with orders because the consequences are obvious. MAD.
Project Veritas: DOJ Obtained Emails From Microsoft Using Secret Warrants Not Disclosed to Court
“Bombshell Microsoft Corporation legal documents released by Project Veritas reveal that President Biden’s Department of Justice filed a series of secret warrants, orders, and a subpoena”
Last fall, Project Veritas was raided by the FBI, which collected various documents and devices. Then things got worse. Despite a judge’s ruling, the Department of Justice went to multiple magistrates and obtained secret warrants to collect communications between multiple journalists from Microsoft.
Do you remember how people on the left scoffed at the idea of the Deep State? What would you call this?
Remember, this is all about a diary that belongs to Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley.
From Project Veritas:
Microsoft Corporation Legal Documents Show Biden DOJ Spying on Project Veritas Journalists; Hides it from Federal Court Judge
Bombshell Microsoft Corporation legal documents released by Project Veritas reveal that President Biden’s Department of Justice filed a series of secret warrants, orders, and a subpoena to surreptitiously collect privileged, and constitutionally protected, communications and contacts of eight Project Veritas journalists from Microsoft Corporation.
The Department of Justice then muzzled Microsoft from disclosing these orders via a series of secrecy orders signed by magistrates.
The documents further reveal the DOJ then went behind U.S. District Court Judge, Analisa Torres’, back to obtain extensions on the gag-orders on Microsoft from magistrate judges after Judge Torres ruled Project Veritas was entitled to “journalistic privileges.”
Amazingly, the mostly useless ACLU has issued a statement in defense of Project Veritas. – From FOX News:
ACLU ‘deeply troubled’ by claims DOJ secretly surveilled Project Veritas communications as part of probe
Unvaccinated billionaire Clive Palmer credits controversial anti-viral drugs with saving his life after being struck down by Covid and pneumonia – after fleeing hospital when doctors wanted to put him on a ventilator.
. Clive Palmer says he fled hospital when medics tried to put him on a ventilator
. The billionaire enlisted a team of US specialists to treat him at home over Zoom
. They fast-tracked him onto a US trial of anti-viral drugs monitored by local docs
. His drug treatment included controversial ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine
. Mining magnate says he came with five hours of dying, but treatment saved him
…must be an election coming up…
“Change the cruel rule”.
WATCH: Olivia Newton-John’s daughter speaks out against heartless Melbourne hospital policy
‘My heart absolutely broke for you’ says daughter of national icon
By Avi Yemini March 23, 2022
Woke army introduces new easier combat fitness test that swaps tough leg tucks for planks and lowers standards across the board to be more inclusive for women
The Army will trot out a new fitness test on April 1 that eases standards in fitness
. Planks will replace knee tucks after nearly half of all female Army soldiers failed the test
. Running times were extended by a minute for men. Women must run two miles in less than 23 minutes
The change in the fitness test comes after the Rand Corporation determined that the harder test was increasing a gender gap in the Army
As the world braces for a Third Word War, the U.S. Army is lowering its fitness standards to be ‘more inclusive’.
It all makes sense doesn’t it? Our leaders are just pretending they can win a war with Russia and China because they believe they can cripple their economies first. Too bad the West isn’t noticing the fire already raging in its own basement that’s about to spread throughout the whole building. Russia and China don’t have anything to worry about apart from sleepy Biden accidentally “pressing the button”. As long as Biden remains aloof, Russia and China will be laughing all the way to the West’s own destruction, while they stay at a safe distance.
Russia and China are not in cahoots, Beijing will act as honest broker. Premier Xi said he hates to see what is happening in Ukraine.
For many years Russian backed eastern Ukrainian rebels have been destabilising the country, Putin is yesterday’s man and Xi is futuristic.
Correction, the Ukrainian government immediately broke the Minsk Agreements organised by the West in 2014 and continued to attack the Ukrainians in the East who wanted independence. The civil war has continued to this day and now Russia has stepped in. It’s possible Russia was supporting those who wanted independence all along but the West has also been supporting the Ukrainian government so it could be part of NATO. It’s a typical war by proxy between Russia and the US. As far as I’m concerned both sides are bad. What we need desperately is some form a peace negotiation similar to the Minsk Agreements of 2014 but this time around it has to be monitored and enforced, not treated as though it’s a joke.
China is the honest broker and could help to rebuild Ukraine.
For their usual expansionist price 🙂
Scrap this reply to Old Ozzie #44. When it didn’t appear for a considerable time at #44.1 I repeated it.
As hospital ambulance ramping becomes the big issue for Australian State governments, the hourly rates for hospital registrars is hitting lift-off.
There are locum positions for night shift registrars that are offering $250/hour now in Victoria. That totals $3000 a 12 hour shift or $18,000 for 6 night shifts on a typical roster. Tough work but good money.
A good hedge against the coming hyper inflation and lord knows what else is about to beset us.
72 hours straight, on night shift, no way I’d want him treating me.
You cannot have 72 hours straight on night shift. The 72 hours work occurs over 6 days, which is 144 hours. Hospital locums are provided accommodation usually within walking distance of the hospital. They work, sleep and eat. Once in a routine it becomes routine. But it is tough and demanding work that requires years of training hence the shortage of those willing to do it and the consequential high hourly rate.
Many mine workers do 12 hour night shift up to 7 nights in a row and their work is usually more physically demanding.
12 hour shifts are common in many industries, but normally regulated by the standard “ 37.5 hr working week” …so normally no more than 3 12 hr shifts in 7 days as a base line.
Complicated shift rosters are devised to enable full 24/7 coverage.
However, it is not uncommon for workers to do more than this on penalty rates, so 5-6 shifts in a week is not uncommon !
I remember that back in the 1970’s the Hospital registrars agitated for a limit of 120 hours per week. I knew one Doctor
who went on shift Friday at 5p.m. and off on Monday at 9 a.m. ( became a successful surgeon). He got to sleep odd hours on a camp bed in an office.
Missed the lower grade hockey grand final which we drew in the last minute of extra time, but won the comp. because the other team forfeited the replay because 7 of their players were also registrars and had run out of any leave/arrangements to swap shifts etc. so couldn’t manage to field a team for 3-4 weeks.
And by the way, when I did shift work it wasn’t the official 8 hours as you had to get their early to be briefed as the outgoing chemist finished the paperwork (and occasionally shoot into the factory if there was a problem while he did so). Then your changeover extended the time out to 10 hours.
Open letter to Lisa Wilkinson from the ‘Creepy Old Man’ who took her margarita-quaffing photo
Thursday, 24 March 2022
Don’t know much biology
But what a wonderful world this would be (if you put me on the Supreme Court anyway)
Talk about blind justice. This lady does not even know what a “woman” is. And she wants to be on the United States Supreme Court?
Where does President Biden find these people? Apparently, the only thing Mr. Biden remembers from cheating his way through law school is the line about how “the law is an ass.”
Well, he sure found one!
In Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s defense, can you imagine having to follow Justice Amy Coney Barrett in the hot seat before the Senate Judiciary Committee? As the world now knows, Judge Jackson ain’t no Justice Barrett.
Unprepared, evasive and more than a little defensive, Judge Jackson falls far short of her predecessor. Justice Barrett faced fierce legal questioning and a barrage of unfair slimes from Senate Democrats on the committee and she disarmed every last question.
Without a single note.
In fact, it’s been all softballs for Judge Jackson, who found herself utterly baffled Wednesday by the most elementary question imaginable.
“Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’?” asked Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee Republican.
That’s like one of those super obvious questions you ask someone who just arrived at the insane asylum and you want to evaluate just how far her cheese has slid off her cracker. But it stone-cold stumped Judge Jackson.
“Can I provide a definition?” the inexplicably confused jurist responded. She blinked. “No. I can’t.”
At this point in the insane asylum registration process, the nurse radios an orderly for a straight jacket.
But this is not a mental health institution. Clearly. It’s a Supreme Court nomination hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee to fill a vacancy on the United States Supreme Court.
Why the Senate should reject Ketanji Brown Jackson
She will be ruled by progressive activists, not the law
Unless Republicans and Democrats begin to place the good of the nation above raw politics, the Senate will use a rushed process to place Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on the Supreme Court.
We have heard that the Senate needs to make history by appointing a Black woman, even though Democrats, led by then-Sen. Joe Biden rejected former President George W. Bush’s attempts to nominate Judge Janice Rogers Brown to the D.C. Court of Appeals — placing her on a path that could have led to a Supreme Court confirmation.
What is happening is the fulfillment of a racist political promise that candidate President Biden made to get the needed support from progressive groups. Judge Jackson’s record — not her academic pedigree — make her the wrong choice for a deeply divided and polarized nation.
Judge Jackson is the wrong nominee for a nation divided by race and plagued by crime and lawlessness. Her public stances on critical race theory and her sympathy for criminal defendants, including child sex offenders, comes at a time when bail reform and efforts to defund police departments have helped fuel rising crime rates.
Judge Jackson is the wrong nominee for a nation divided by race and plagued by crime and lawlessness. Her public stances on critical race theory and her sympathy for criminal defendants, including child sex offenders, comes at a time when bail reform and efforts to defund police departments have helped fuel rising crime rates.
Principled senators from both political parties need to reject this nominee and not allow themselves to be bullied or charmed into making a bad decision for our nation. Republicans are often easily shamed into submission by Democrats’ distortions and allegations of racism. This is an opportunity for Republicans to stand on principles gleaned from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the U.S. Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause — which rejects race-based decision-making. Rejecting this nominee still allows them to evaluate and potentially confirm one of the other Black women who made President Biden’s racist shortlist.
I would like to think that this one short seemingly pointless and almost offensive question means she does not make it to the Supreme Court. And on many other questions, like stacking the Supreme court politically, she has refused to answer. This chance to neuter the ultimate legal authority in America is a test of whether the Democrats believe in democracy.
Seen about 20 memes for this already!
It’s a double-edged sword for the transgender womens sports squad 😈
Called out “bigly”
“European MP Calls Justin Trudeau a Dictator During Public Speech in Front of the Canadian Prime Minister
March 23, 2022 | Sundance | 65 Comments
This is just epic and well deserved. EU Parliament Member Mislav Kolakusic delivered a humiliating speech directly to Justin Trudeau as the Canadian Prime Minister visited the EU members. [h/t to CounterSignal for transcript] This is quite likely the first time Trudeau has ever been publicly called out in such a grand fashion”
And even more “bigly”
“I refused to validate by my presence the facade of the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau”.
Another T roast – German this time
Should we Cheer for Putin to Lose?
I personally would cheer for Putin to lose as long as every other leader on all sides lose too. They all belong behind bars, the whole lot of them, for what they have done to us for as long back as when they started their careers in pushing their version of a false narrative leading to countless people dying.
Free AI protein software packages nearly predicted structure of the Omicron coronavirus variant correctly
Colby Ford, a researcher at the University of North Carolina, ran simulations using DeepMind’s AlphaFold and the University of Washington’s RoseTTAFold to predict the protein structure of the latest strain dominating current COVID-19 cases.
“One of Ford’s two predicted structures proved to be pretty much right: He calculated that the positions of its central atoms differ by around half an angstrom, about the radius of a hydrogen atom,” Wired first reported.
So, predict the next one then…
For the tastely adventurous
“Tonight we learn how to make Polish cabbage rolls. If you’ve never had them, you’re truly missing out. ”
“Cabbage Rolls / Polish Gołąbki – Easy to Follow, Step by Step Recipe”
Are they similar to Spring Rolls?
My son shared this with me, I could only watch about 10 seconds of it…anyone want to make their eyes bleed?
The Juice Media. II didn’t know they were still around. I knew of them when they were starting years ago, maybe 12, I don’t know. Still hopelessly leftist progressives, the ideas haven’t developed at all.
Boom not Doom
With all the doom and gloom about big rains, I’d like to point out this is nothing but a huge boom not doom for the environment.
Aquifers are charged, deep soil clays are filled and water stored for the droughts ahead, major benefits, wetlands and rivers are filled and flushed, and the list goes on. It is astonishing that environmentalists don’t like this stuff. It is never talked of as a positive, which it overwhelmingly is.
Cant have good news, there’s a climate emergency dontcha know?
You know that “really hot” Antarctic that made the news recently.
Turns out it wasn’t.
It was just nonsense from a climate model.
ie yet more fake climate news
Aren’t those models just wonderful.
“National Assisted Suicide”
Unscramble for link
The rate of global warming is slowing, ever since 1998, with no relation to CO2 levels. If this is not positive proof that CO2 and AGW are unrelated, then I’m a politician
Yet more evidence of just how much warmer it was only a couple of thousand years ago…
We live in relatively cold times.
Green “environmentalists” at their most hypocritical worst.
As western countries continue their suicidal trip to remove fossil fuel, especially coal, China aims to massively boost coal production.
The Neocons are on Both Sides & They Always Want War
Madeleine Albright & Yugoslavia
The Intoxification of Success
Notice too that not too long ago PM Morrison has already warned about sanction against China. He has most definitely been trained to be a part of the Western push to a NWO. A vote for his party is a vote for war with China and Russia. The alternative is just the same. It’s yet another reason to stop voting for two major parties. Our very lives are at stake. If anyone doesn’t believe me then go back to sleep.
Sanction.. against a country that provides a large proportion of “stuff” for Aussie consumption. D’OH !
Anyone watching the uranium stock market price.
Wish I had funds to invest. !!
This gives a good overview of what ought to happen in Ukraine to stop the fighting. She speaks like a true conservative, an almost extinct species in the political scene. Instead what we are seeing is an endless proxy war with Russia because many in the West are not interested in peace, including the neocons and fake conservatives as well as the left. They want to bring down Russia. Anyone truly believe that is even possible? I suppose a full scale world war will answer that question very quickly.
Endless Proxy Wars – Not in Interest of US to Seek Peace
Ah yes, war is peace.
In reality Putin wants to regain Ukraine’s bountiful rare earth elements, so he organised the rebellion in the east, which eventually lead to this invasion.
An interesting comment by Vox Populi’s scifi-ologist Theodore Beale, but one that should be mindful of his preferred response to the geopolitical crisis:-
Sorry- misplaced comment.
I meant to reply to #64- PeterS at 6:27 am: “The Intoxification of Success”
This has turned up today in the UK Daily Mail
Does anyone here have the expertise to comment on it?
It does seem a bit remarkable that in Uttar Pradesh for example that there would be such a high level of worm infections untreated.
From that UK Daily Mail story:
The author is suggesting that the studies were confounded by being conducted in tropical parts of the world where, he supposes, a significantly large proportion of the population have post-chronic, asymptomatic roundworm infection.
He then suggests immunosuppressants used in conjunction with the ivermectin, reactivated the roundworm infection, which was misdiagnosed as Covid, but that the ivermectin was very effective at treating the reactivated roundworm infection symptoms.
Ridiculous in so many ways.
Thank you.
This comment was a reply to Pulltheotherone at #25.1.
A CRAZY Theory About Whats Going On… Bait and switch + deplete NATO resources.
Late winter chill to impact half of the continental US.
Here is quite a bit more, why has North America been so cold?
This is a good review of ‘ The Real Anthony Fauci’. It’s pretty long, but it has headings for different topics. It’s partly a transcript of a RKJ interview? Covers plenty of the stuff that isn’t usually covered. I liked ‘covering Dr Fauci is like groundhog day. He just repeats the same things over and over.’ It’s worked a treat so far.