A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Watching the Novak Djokovic theatre with amusement. Sums up the Oz approach to COVID perfectly (non).
I was pleased at the original court verdict-one in the eye for the govt. But then it appeared that the guy had deliberately tried to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes . he has basically lied to get into Oz from the circumstances of getting covid, meeting with other people and not isolating, to travelling to other countries -such as Spain-and not declaring it. Many Australians found it very difficult to return to their own country and no matter how draconian and at times downright daft I as an outsider thought some Oz rules were, the fact remains that Novak has blasted the rules to pieces and surely must expect deportation.
The fact remains that the Australian Open is in no sense “open”.
Australia is the loser.
Its not open to tossers.
It has been said that he is full of himself, but that is nowhere. The confirm nor deny approach works well in many scenarios. Tha Australian government looks stupid.
Who cares if we look stupid, any ordinary person would have been put on the first plane out. Its an election year and the government is in no mood to give arrogant, rich and fatuous individuals a free pass.
Don’t you enjoy watching tennis?
Highlights are okay.
Immigration Minister Alex Hawke has used his ministerial powers to cancel Djokovic’s visa on “health and good order grounds”. The authorities are concerned that a minority view by an entertainer might encourage the majority not to get a booster.
And then
It’s not over yet.
Apparently some of the other players don’t want to look stupid!
“World No.4 Stefanos Tsitsipas has weighed in on the seemingly never-ending Novak Djokovic visa saga, saying the reigning champ has made the vaccinated cohort of players “look like fools” by choosing not to get the jab.”
I understand how Tsitsipas might feel, but maybe he has been foolish to have the jab. So far one player is out with shortness of breath.
It is an election year and I want the Government to feel the pain of their decisions over the past 20 months which have deprived me of both Employment and Liberty,
Djokovic is undoubtedly rich but I would not describe him as arrogant nor fatuous.
el gordo; The foreign backpacker who is alleged to have taken a cold to WA, without being on the first flight out, is one of the elites as well?
OK, so maybe she is…in the sense that authoritarian rogue-govts prefer beating up on locals….but shouldn’t this totally arbitrary cruelty and nastiness toward all people in Oz, by these miscreants be stopped?
Question: Has even a second glance been given to the visa-applications of the other “arrogant, rich and fatuous individuals” here for the Oz open? If not: why not?
The matter is out of my hands.
So won’t let you in?
Should be spit into an Australian Open and an Australian Disabled Open for both Mens and Womens.
Maybe the Tournament could be split into three to keep the Trans Activists happy?
The three divisons as determined by D Dimer or such test that indicate a spike producing gene therapy is circulating in the Athletes bloodstream:
(1) Unvaccinated Mens
(2) Vaccinated Mens and Unvaccinated Womens
(3) Vaccinated Womens
If Tennis Victoria has done this to allow Novak, in my opinion there will be others. These highly paid and high performance athletes generally are well advised and up to date on substances that can inhibit their performance.
And if he had done all the same things while waving around a vaccine passport he would have been fine … am I right?
In many places, getting a shot of mRNA gets you exempted from any testing … therefore instead of making the virus go away, it simply makes it harder to detect.
Here is the sequence of events
“However, on the day of his claimed positive test in Serbia, he is known to have attended a ceremony to honour him with stamps bearing his image. The next day he attended a youth tennis event, not wearing a mask at either event. He has also admitted to a mistake on his Australian travel declaration, in which a box was ticked indicating that he had not, or would not, travel in the 14 days before flying to Melbourne. Social media posts and reports show him flying from Serbia to Spain during that period.”
Double fault for Novak and common sense
The mishandling of the Covid crisis by our politicians is at break point.
There were cynics who doubted the clowns who run this country could maintain their high standards of idiocy into this third year of pandemonium, but here they come again, tripping over their giant shoes as they enter the ring. Buffoons of that pedigree were never going to let us down.
True to their vision, we’re trapped in a miasma of bumbling incompetence, leavened with spiteful, vindictive meddling in our private lives. Polka-dotted bowler hats off to them, I say.
What a wacky week these crazy kids have delivered us. But before we luxuriate in the comic masterpiece of the Australian Open and the government’s removal of reigning champion Novak Djokovic late on Friday, we should pause to applaud the latest jewel in the crown of our leaders’ stupidity: the screamingly funny $1000 fine for not filing your positive rapid antigen test to the NSW government’s gnomes.
The early promise and backbone shown by the NSW Premier suggested he’d fluffed his lines, but normal nonsense programming was restored at the prompting of his Health Ministry halfwits and a couple of Sydney talkback windbags. Their barrage of uneducated blustering and bullying, echoed by the shrieking flock of Chicken Littles that nest in our print media, saw the Premier’s resolve evaporate like the morning mist.
We should rejoice that the Omigod! variant is less deadly than Delta Force, apparently by 20 per cent, or 10 per cent, or 48 times less virulent, or 97 per cent weaker (I fear I’ve been reading too widely). I have no idea what these figures mean, or how they can possibly be calculated; and their vast range tells me nobody else does either. They’re no more trustworthy than the daily case numbers regurgitated by our media, whose very precision makes them suspect.
So if those who have opposed the country’s brutal border closure now adopt the PM’s “rules are rules” platitude (as though the rules were dropped here from outer space, rather than born of his own unseemly and unending panic), we are valuing the internal coherence of a bad system over our desire to see a measured, reasonable response to an unvaccinated person seeking entry to a country where almost everyone is vaccinated.
Djokovic came here for our entertainment, and to enrich himself and his trophy cabinet, not to infect Australians with a disease he doesn’t have or to spread his simple-minded anti-vax message. The “Gotcha!” reaction to a couple of trivial form-filling errors and the embarrassing interview process he was subjected to show how thoroughly Covid paranoia has penetrated our institutions.
Another top article in the Oz today by Steve Waterson with his monthly takedown contribution:
From the Comments
ComnSense 34 minutes ago
Thank you Steve Waterson. Excellent article.
A few lighter comments for some amusement, if I may:
Friendly Reminder: It was the government that stole your freedoms, destroyed your businesses, and ruined your children’s futures. Not unvaccinated people.
What do pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers have in common? They’ll never be fully vaccinated.
Congratulations to the media and politicians for brainwashing people into believing it’s normal to attack each other.
The latest new strain of covid is called “Idiot”
The people who didn’t work last year got cheques and benefits. The people who never stopped working got fired.
Jenni1818 49 minutes ago
Brilliant Article
I thought the way 2022 had started, our inept politicians / bureaucrats were well on the way to destroying any opportunity to get Australia back to some form of normality – they are committed to avoid any leadership or responsibility for the future of our nation
Here we go again Morrison’s government playing politics and targeting a high profile individual to score popularity points – weak and shameful actions that will reflect poorly on us all.
What do pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers have in common? They’ll never be fully vaccinated.
The Government and Big Pharma Should Be Prohibited From Calling COVID Shots “Vaccines”
Through Operation Warp Speed, the Trump Administration created the largest mass-medical effort in our country’s history. Billions were spent to create the rushed vaccine, and miles of red tape were cut in the process, allowing for private companies to manufacture a product that was touted as the definitive end to COVID-19. Three vaccines — Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson — made their debut before Trump left office, handing over what was announced as highly effective vaccines. “Get vaccinated,” they said, “so we can all get back to normal.”
Admittedly, I myself got the vaccine early on, largely to protect my octogenarian father, whom I was seeing several times a week. At that time, there was no vaccine data. I went on the word of the pharmaceutical companies which produced the vaccines as well as the government agencies which approved them. I figured that in this time of crisis, I could do my part, especially since I considered that there would be an option to hold big pharma and the government accountable in the case that I, or anyone I knew, was injured for consuming the vaccine.
That was until the government immunized themselves and big pharma against any liability for injuries sustained from the COVID vaccines.
Now, more than a year later, they are attempting to force us to receive a vaccine for which we have no recourse if we are injured.
What they are selling, aren’t vaccines.
While the FDA was free to determine what was and wasn’t ice cream based upon the definition of ice cream before the invention and discovery of replacement “frozen dairy dessert” ingredients, so should we be able to determine what a vaccine was, before the powers that be hastily changed the definition to meet the failures of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Because vaccines these aren’t. Vaccines have historically prevented a near totality of the population from being infected from whatever pathogen they reportedly were protecting the people from. When you got vaccinated against polio, mumps, or measles, you were protected from getting those horrible diseases. They weren’t there to give you a mild case of polio or turn measles into a seasonal threat. They were meant to eradicate the disease, which they have all but done. As a result, the public rushed to be vaccinated and our children are scheduled to be vaccinated against these diseases early in life. I got vaccinated based upon the promises from the drug manufacturers and the government: That if I got the shot, I wouldn’t get COVID.
Those promises have fallen flat, with them now suggesting that the vaccines may not even reduce your chances of being hospitalized and dying from COVID-19, only that the vaccines *may* reduce your chances of hospitalization and death. All this, for a disease that has well over a 99% survival rate for the unvaccinated (under 70 years old), to begin with.
The “Novak” case has given us an hilarious time of it. The NZ Radio and the TV News have had a field day with it. I was told more about what’s happened and what’s not happened and hours and hours of commentary from the “Commentariat” than I could be bothered with. There was even footage of the Novak “practising.”
I friend of mine has watched Tennis at this time of year every year for decades: he called it “BBTF.”
Yep, it had been interesting on the first day but after that, it was boring boring and boring. But it was the only thing happening …. so the mouth-pieces just couldn’t leave it alone…
Djokovic should head back to Europe and start his own “Open” and ensure if clashes with all the Oz ones … 🙂 it’ll either make it or break it.
He could call it “The Balkanized Tennis Association”.
In order to clash it needs to be in January … which in Serbia is cold with sporadic rain and snow, and the sun low on the horizon. Unlikely to attract many tourists, and although Serbia’s lockdown policy was not as long and brutal as Victoria, they did almost as many useless things ultimately with no detectable effect on the spread of the virus. You can compare the official stats with the UK …
Serbia: 1500 per million deaths, 16.4% of the population have been infected at some stage.
UK: 2200 per million deaths, 22.1% of the population have been infected at some stage.
There may of course be many more undetected infections, and Serbia’s death rate per day is actually going DOWN at the moment despite Omicron … which is hopeful in the short term at least.
Here’s official stats from Sweden as comparison …
Sweden: 1500 per million deaths, 15.3% of the population have been infected at some stage.
Almost exactly the same outcomes as Serbia. Remember the horrible pronouncements about what was going to happen to Sweden? They broke with the lockstep rules and decided to only impose relatively mild lockdown?
So … errr … we would be hearing a lot of apologies for that insult … any minute now.
Why is everyone so worried about Djokovic’s health anyway? He hasn’t got the bug, but he might get the bug?
He travelled into a State brimming with the bug, he doesn’t have the bug, but he’s being thrown out because he isn’t vaccinated against the bug.
That is the truth OldOzzie 😉
In other words, all this Covid theatre has NOTHING TO DO WITH PUBLIC HEALTH, but everything to do with public conformity to government demands.
I hope that it hasn’t taken you all this time to work it out. It has always been about control. From the moment all the “pandemic plans” were thrown out and the fear campaign was put into action, the isolation and the masks, the banning of known early treatments to the institution of public control through lockdowns and “vaccine” passes it has all been the Marxist wet dream of the übermensch ruling the untermensch. You are now a statistic, a QR code, a trackable entity with no freedom – but “you vill enchoy it”.
Yes mawm, like Christiana Figueres admitting in Brussels pre the hoped for Paris Agreement, that climate change was not about the environment but about changing the political system, this vaccine campaign has never been about the health of the masses, – perish the masses, it’s about the elites achieving their political global conn-trol
In a preview of what will be debated in front of Justice O’Callaghan, Mr Wood revealed one of the reasons Djokovic’s visa was cancelled was the concern over the Serb “exciting anti-vax sentiment” if he was allowed to stay in Australia.
Mr Wood described the reasoning as “patently irrational”, saying the decision did not consider whether removing Djokovic from the country would have a similar effect
copied and pasted from the comments to OldOzzies post above
“Djokovic breaks Serb quarantine/isolation laws, travels to foreign countries in breach of Serb isolation laws, breaches isolation to attend photo ops, falsifies Australian immigration documentation and covid vax declaration requirements – so after being made fools of in their own courts for attempting to deport Djokovic once, the inept Australian Govt goes all in a second time to deport Djoko on the grounds of…………. fears of inciting anti-vaxxers?!
FMD, the depth of incompetency in this Govt is bottomless.”
its not about the CCP virus its about the so called vaccine
Absolutely! He will become a martyr to the unvaxxed and the Govt displayed as a petty-minded tyranny.
Now that they have admitted there is no medical reasoning behind their stance, the Govt is showing that it is crushing him for not taking a knee.
“Pretend you respect us or else!
Lighten up.
Love It – sums up Australian Stupidity perfectly
Thanks el+gordo definitely lightens the day
Imagine what the court officials will need to wear when unvaxxed plays unvaxxed, and the spreading capacity is orders of magnitude greater.
—Novak Djokovic:
1. He gave 1,000,000 euros to Italian hospitals for C19
2. Gave 1,000,000 euros to Serbian hospitals for C19
3. He gave money to Spain for C19
4. Donated money to Australia to fight forest fires
5. Donated funds to the Melbourne City Mission’s programs for poor children
6. Bought a CT scanner for Belgrade’s Dragiša Mišović Hospital
7. He rented a private plane to transport a girl with a rare disease to the United States for treatment
8 Gave $ 1,000,000 to the Australian Open in favor of the juniors
9. He gave 500,000 euros to fight the floods in Serbia
10. He donated 110,000 euros to fight floods in Bosnia and Croatia
11. Raised $ 1,500,000 for flood-damaged kindergartens
12. He gave millions of euros to educate poor children of thirteen.
13. He paid for the winter training of 15 Serbian tennis players
14. He offered Lorenzo Musetti a ride on his private pitch so as not to miss Wimbledon or the school test
15. Fight for the interests of players throughout the establishment
16. He is a role model for his healthy lifestyle and diet
17. He is a role model in his character and mental endurance
18. He is a role model in his hard work and self-discipline
19. Play every tournament against opponents and spectators
20.. He dominated the field against both Nadal and Federer, playing his entire career in the Nadal and Federer eras.
21. He did not allow himself to be intimidated and became a hero in the movement of resistance to small bullies … BRAVO..DEAR ON ..
Djokovic has exactly the sort of independent and productive spirit that Communists everywhere despise and seek to destroy.
Not tennis but check out this performance!
An outstanding performance. Are our politicians as quick witted as this mob? I think not.
Yes he is a fine fellow, but he should not have lied on his visa application.
Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists, has written an open letter sharply criticizing the Israeli – and indeed global – management of the coronavirus pandemic.
“Two years late, you finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated and that any such attempt is doomed to fail. You do not admit it because you have admitted almost no mistake in the last two years. Still, in retrospect, it is clear that you have failed miserably in almost all of your actions, and even the media is already having a hard time covering your shame.
“Despite years of observations and scientific knowledge, you refused to admit that the infection comes in waves that fade by themselves. You insisted on attributing every decline of a wave solely to your actions, and so through false propaganda, “you overcame the plague.””
“Two years late, you finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated and that any such attempt is doomed to fail.”
Who didn’t know this?
The reason so many say this is not about public health.
“Despite years of observations and scientific knowledge, you refused to admit that the infection comes in waves that fade by themselves.”
Not if you lock everybody up in an attempt to avoid nature.
Not when you’re accomplishing political goals by prolonging the state of emergency.
Health officials are pronounced ‘official’ by politicians, therefore almost as trustworthy.
Failed policies will be the excuse, but they are not ‘mistakes’.
Who didn’t know this? at least one of the commentariat here, who thinks its complete bollocks and continues to sing vaccines forever
Thanks for the link!
Spot On !!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately Prof Qimron is 2 years too in late publishing this. The medical fraternity have been heavily suppressed but are now beginning to speak out.
Sorry for posting this again, but I really hope to get a few opinions about it. 5% of batches produce 95% of adverse reactions? Another illustration of Pareto’s Law?
Evil, if true:
The video is rather slow paced, but the graphics suggest something sinister.
It might only be that rushed productions (and immunity from liability) leads to lax quality control. But, if that were all there was to it, wouldn’t the scatter-charts appear more random?
I watched a full vid on this a long while ago. What I wanted, and which seemed critical — was the size of the batches. How can we compare batches if we don’t know which ones are bigger to start with? It’s also almost dead set that some states just don’t encourage reporting of side effects, or some hospital systems don’t. So I found it interesting but a minefield. IF those questions are answered, I’m keen to know.
Another question – is there any trend in which countries show more or less side effects?
Do some countries receive the “good stuff” ?
Do those with prior exposure /immunity experience greater or lesser side -effects?
No idea.
Dr Jessica Rose has been investigating this but so far, the results have been inconclusive
Dr Robert Malone looked into VAERS reports on the batch that almost killed him (no joke – systolic blood pressure of up to 230!) & found that the batch had a very high number of adverse events reported – 742 reports, 8 deaths, 16 disabilities, 13 life threatening illnesses.
Having secured indemnification who needs quality control?
Passing strange. My brand new wrist BP tester, straight outta da box was playing up like second hand lawnmower. It would pump up pressure, stop, pump again and show EER. I eventually got a reading of 217. What were all the EERs? Simply put, “out of range”.
I drove to the local chemists and they read over 180. This is crazy! Who drives with such high BP? Should they have called an ambulance then? I dunno.
At home [obviously] I kept monitoring it and I was still getting EER readings.
I have spoken of the health of Mrs H and some may remember but that night I got her to bed and calm early. Once she was quiet and my BP still crazy [I’m talking hours now] I rang 000. The Paras, bless their souls, had me wired up for an ECG, BP and blood oxygen before they moved the bus.
It might be what happened at ER that was truuly strange. No one wore masks including me. I was NOT tested for covid nor was I asked my vax status. I pleaded to be allowed home because I am Mrs H’s rock. If I wasn’t there in the morning she would be devastated.
Around 1am I came home but no one had offered ANY explanation why. It took a week for my BP to stabilise.
I had a crazy heart problem but I was never asked my vaxx status so clearly it was NOT reported as a reaction.
During this event no one suggested that my health was at risk. I was left wondering if I panicked which would be odd: I am not a hypochondriac.
I guess if Dr Malone thought he was at risk with his depth of knowledge, then I am justified calling 000.
Can anyone beat BP of 242/162 on my discharge notes from last July?
I’ve had neither vax nor covid so I can only blame BBC climate change coverage!
Unvaccinated Man Feeling Left Out As All His Vaccinated Friends Have COVID
You tube has canned it!
RicDre’s BabylonBee link (below) worked for me. Phew, Jacindarella’s jackboots haven’t ‘cut the undersea cable’ yet.
Long live the Bee humour!
GlenM said: “You tube has canned it!”
The youtube link still works for me.
And me. ToM
Supreme Court Sets Dangerous Precedent Of Letting The American People Make Medical Decisions For Themselves
In the US the Voting Right Bill amounts to Treason
Donkey-Wokey strikes again!
It happened long time ago:
Constitution’s Article VI, section 3: “… no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
Henry Abbot, an Anti-Federalist:
“if there be no religious test required, pagans, deists, and Mahometans might obtain offices among us…”
or communist, socialist, greens, democrats…
Yes, it started way before but now it’s going to be rampant. US elections will eventually become meaningless.
Hi Jo.
Have you heard the new “hottest temperature ever recorded in Australia” this week in Onslow WA? Equal to the highest ever recorded at 50.7°C. according to the ABC. Apparently that’s higher than the 51.67° recorded in Bourke in 1909!
I can’t believe how uppity and activist some of the public servants in our once cherished public institutions have become!
The 50.7°C at Onslow on 13 Jan was the equal highest “on record” with Oodnadatta on 2 Jan 1960. But does the 50.7°C at Onslow mean it is the equal hottest place in Australia? It depends on how the hottest place is measured. The average temperature for Onslow the period 1 Jan 2022, including the equal highest temperature “on record” to 14 Jan 2022 was 37.6°C while the average temperature for the same period in 2021 was 39.7°C. So which is the hotter period, the one with the equal highest temperature “on record” or the one with the highest average temperature?
I would be very interested in knowing how the temperature at Onslow Airport is measured. Is the thermometer housed in a Stevenson Screen, if so, what size is the screen and where is it located?
From Previous Thread
How can there be an 1850-1900 reference level in the first graph when all temperature observations before 1900 have been “cancelled”?
Not all look at Daily maximum temperature Melbourne Regional Office Station 086071 1856 Days above 30C
11 Days above 30C in March 1856
Station 086071 opened in May 1855 and 1855 only has May-Dec 1855
select 1: Selected: Daily maximum temperature
3: Get the data
If you already know the station number you may enter it below instead of using the search above.
Station number 086071 Your data will open in a new browser window
Select 1856
Cloncurry was widely regarded as holding the record for the highest temperature recorded in Australia at 53.1 °C (127.5 °F) on 16 January 1889. Recent investigations have revealed that this temperature was measured in an improvised screen made from a beer crate and that it equated to 47–49 °C under standard conditions.[42] The highest temperature ever recorded at Cloncurry’s current weather station is 46.9 °C (116.4 °F),[43] well short of the now widely disputed 1889 temperature of 53.1 °C.,_Queensland
In Jan 1944 they ran 19 days consecutatively over 40C
January 14, 2022 at 8:15 pm
What happened to Marble Bar, reputedly our hottest town?
Son took up a contract near Newman before Christmas, the first week it was high 40s every day. According to windy it is still 43 @ 8 pm EST.
Marble Bar, Western Australia December 2021 Daily Weather Observations
30 Consecutive days over 40C – blew it on the 31st Dec 2021 – only 39.2C
Mean 28.7 44.7 Lowest 21.7 39.2 Highest 34.0 46.8
Marble Bar, Western Australia January 2022 Daily Weather Observations
1 Jan 2022 also blew it, only 39.0C rest above 40C
Statistics for the first 15 days of January 2022 – Mean 26.9 43.1 – Lowest 20.4 39.0 – Highest 34.6 47.2
Note above Marble Bar only from 2000
Original from 1901 –
Good referemce –
Cloncurry links not working
use 029009 as station number and select 1944 in drop down year
Was that an 1889 standard beer crate or a modern homogenised version?
Serious question, as (IIRC from one example) an old time beer crate held rather more than a dozen
You are correct. A standard beer crate in the 1960s held 60 large bottles. That’s how we would buy our beer in the bush. And they were of a similar size to a Stevenson screen, so I think would work fairly well.
How many layers in this crate? Sixty is ten by six or three layers of five by four; unwieldy however one approaches it.
meh, its been 55C in my driveway in suburban Melbourne when we lived in Covidville. Measured with precision by the outside temperature on my wifes car (made in Japan so it must be right)
typo , it was only 50C
I posted this a day or 2 ago – various claims.
‘1000 NSW Health workers sacked or quit after refusing vaccination.
‘Mr Perrottet said despite health system pressures hospitalisations and intensive care admissions were below projections in modelling released last week. This has placed further pressure on the hospital system that has seen coronavirus patient admissions almost triple within a fortnight.’ (SMH)
I read today that the remnant 6 percent unvaccinated make up 12 percent of hospital admissions. I’m incredulous; that is a huge infection rate in the unvaccinated and seems unlikely considering that the virus infects both. Omicron variant being less severe. Something wrong with those statistics in my mind.
Possibly not- what’s wrong may just be what we are being led to infer about them.
The decision to hospitalise is not just based on the medical condition of the infected, but on the estimated risk that the condition will deteriorate rapidly, particularly when they are elderly and have inadequate support at their residence. If they are unvaxxed a decision to hospitalise is more likely.
The unvaxxed also tend to have longer hospital stays which biases stats that use occupied beds as a proxy for case rates.
On the other hand, counting covid cases is like counting votes.
Unvaxxed is a very fluid word. It does not always mean what you think it means.
One and half million double vaxxed Austrians have discovered they are now unclean and unvaxxed.
What the hell is that idiot saying?
Pressures where below expected, which put further pressure on the system, WTF.
Cancel Culture coming for Joe Rogan.
Following Dr Robert Malone’s interview on the Joe Rogan podcast, a number of medical people have written a letter to Spotify requesting Spotify develop a policy for dealing with misinformation on their platform.
That’s a really good interview. So much information from Malone. I was surprised to say the least. I had never watched a Rogan video as I had always thought that he was a blowhard. He showed a knowledge of the subject, asked the right questions and unlike almost all American interviewers he let his guest speak without interruption.
Argentina to get a drenching as South American pattern shifts.
Oh My Cron! Or is it, Omnicon!
Last week Argie-Bargie was hot and dry; next week it’s going to be cool and wet: surely it’s a sign it’s all our fault and we should be eating bugs!
Ex-TC Cody is dawdling its way south toward us, losing oomph as it does, and by the looks of the latest models will skim past the East Cape on Monday.
By Wednesday, according to other models, it will meld into a southerly front and cause SNOW to fall on the Southern Alps… in high summer (nothing out of the ordinary). Hooray for carbon – it does everyfink!
Anyone experiencing the same problem as Cortés and Alvarado? Your friends and family not interested in the DAEN early warning system.
Civilisation has advanced so we are now tearing the heart to bits in a more biological manner.
Not so the crops wont fail.
So Grandma can go on a cruise again.
Sorry that is a bit harsh, many people need to see their loved ones again so they can care for them. The true evil are those in charge who are demanding the sacrifice of the youth.
Fauci Has a Complete Meltdown During a Hearing! Goes After Rand Paul.
Rand Paul: . . . A planner who believes he is THE SCIENCE, leads to an arrogance that justifies in his mind using government resources to smear, and to destroy the reputations of other scientists who disagree with him . . .
Fauci is a goose and Rand Paul has good reasons to criticise him. But Fauci wasn’t even close to having a meltdown in that video.
Infectious diseases expert Raina MacIntyre — recommended that people who live in apartments seal their doors with tape to keep out the virus if you can smell your neighbours’ cooking.
Notice how most of these experts the MSM wheel out all seem to be disconnected from basic reality.
Pot smokers in uni dorms were known to do this
I thought we were leading the CoViD insanity here in Australia but Canada shows is we can go further. A father has been in hiding with his 7 year old daughter for a month to protect her from being shot with an experimental, emergency authorized, gene therapy spike protein vaccine.
Read the whole article – it’s quite astounding the way the authorities came after the father and daughter.
On the previous thread I mentioned that in Austria police were rounding up the apparently unvaxxed and someone said there was a video of police doing the same in Queensland. I think this might be the video
On the surface it looks as if the police greatly exceeded their authority, something that sadly seems to be the norm these days. Is no one controlling them?
Coincidentally I came across a composite report on the brutal manner in which European police forces have dealt with vaccine protestors
Due to developing circumstances things are pretty normal here in the UK basically I hope we have now given two fingers to the politicians and restrictions are limited and more are coming off in the next week. We have certainly not seen the brutal police scenes witnessed in some other countries.
As for me, I wil think twice about visiting Europe for the next month as infections soar and politicians and police go mad.
Might be just me, but it seems a big leap from saying police are “rounding up people” due to one lady being removed for causing a fracas at a restaurant.
7 COVID ‘Conspiracy Theories’ That Came True in 2021
Re the microchip threat:
Towards the end of last year, tech start-up Dsruptive Subdermals announced a microchip installed under the skin that can be scanned to reveal Covid vaccination status.
Over 6,000 Swedish citizens are already chipped.
In an interview with Express, the company’s managing director doubled down on the technology and told critics the technology was here to stay.
Speaking to Express, Hannes Sjobald, the company’s managing director, said: “This technology exists and is used whether we like it or not.”
“Smart implants are a powerful health technology.”
“That is what we are building at Dsruptive and our goal is to transform healthcare on a global scale.”
Sjobald said the technology makes the vaccine passports more “accessible.”
What could be better? No more “papers please” demands — you just get “read”, like it or not.
What happened to bodily autonomy? A certain section were screaming about it re. abortions; why so quiet now?
Dr. Peter McCullough: Official COVID ‘narrative has crumbled’
‘The vaccines should be pulled off the market, they clearly are not solving the problem’
That narrative, he said, included “false statements regarding asymptomatic spread, reliance on lockdown and masks – which obviously didn’t work – the suppression of early treatment, the mass promotion of vaccines that failed.”
“And now here we are, almost in complete free fall,” McCullough said, referring to the record number of COVID-19 cases as officials acknowledge the vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission. Omicron appears to be a blessing in disguise, the lies, fake science and corruption have been thoroughly exposed and the trend appears to be a “return to normality”.
No large info dumps from me today. I want people to reply saying what they believe is happening and will happen next.
You know, if we borrow some equipment from the mining industry and if we’re quick we can separate WA and tbe NT from Australia, let the sane people come here before we push WA and NT off out to sea with their anti-science & truth fear-driven crackpot leaders to run their own Gilligan’s islands as we wave goodbye (or maybe just the finger). Just a thought 😅
I doubt the sane people in WA would want to move to the eastern states where we’ve also attempted to achieve what WA has achieved.
They’d just be exchanging a crackpot for a crackpot and throw in rampant covid as a bonus.
And we’d lose this blog.
No hurry to leave WA, despite the hot summers. Thankfully, we aren’t connected to the “National” grid, so have abundant energy at a reasonable price, plenty of water from the desal plants, and lots of work for those that want it. However, quite happy to trade our arrogant Premier with somebody else, anyone…
Don’t spread that idea or the Yanks might cut the left coast loose in our direction
Warwick Hughes looks closely at the equal hottest temperature in Onslow and finds it wanting.
Look like it was recorded with a fast-acting probe, and shortly after was a lot lower. I believe other measurement sites in the world don’t record using such a fast response.
Adelaide has a similar temperature probe (in the West parklands).
The “record high” temperature was set after 2 days of hype about it coming. The “record” was set 6 minutes after one reading and was back to standard 4 minutes later when the temperature dropped 1.6℃. Curiously the station to the North (Parafied aerodrome) nor the one at Noarlunga (south) nor the West Beach aerodrome (about 4 km. west) showed any change.
The record excludes any readings taken before 1910, even those from the original West Parkland site.
I questioned the level of insanity in Australia in a previous comment thinking that it had been topped by the father in Canada on the lam because he is protecting his daughter from his ex wife want the child to be shot with an experimental, emergency authorized, gene therapy spike protein vaccine. Well that it the epitome of normality compared with this story from Melbourne back in October – I can’t believe I missed this but I guess Channel 7 decided to kill the story
After his 14 year old son was vaccinated, he tweeted the following (since deleted, Gee Aye wonder why?)
and then he followed up with an interview with Channel 7 where he stated
Does anyone else know about “Dr Shane Huntington OAM”? Apparently, he’s also a big CAGW proponent.
I wonder how the 9 year old is faring with his shot?
This is truly heart breaking
Its like the world has been sent into a mass delusion , whereby madness is an honour, and insanity its currency….
Seems to run counter to the basic instincts of parenting.
I guess we all have different priorities.
Poll Finds Only 10% Of Americans Trust Media On COVID, 30% Trust Fauci
The survey was conducted by NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ.
It asked participants, “When it comes to information about COVID-19, which of the following sources would you say you trust? Select all that apply.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci: 30.8%
Federal health authorities like the CDC and the FDA: 49.8%
Your doctor: 63.2%
President Biden: 15.5%
The news media: 10.2%
I’d say those figures reflect Australia too especially the media.
A bit more info on this I spotted today.
Apparently CNN has lost just over 90% of their audience in 2021.
Joe Rogan gets more viewers than CNN primetime.
This is weird beyond belief
What if someone with say Ebola was accidentally liquified, then the virus survives?
“Wisconsin Senate approves bill to dissolve dead bodies, dump them in sewer
“Alkaline hydrolysis, or ‘water cremation,’ which involves liquifying the human body and dumping the remains into the sewage system, is already approved in 20 states.
Anything that destroys human DNA will wipe out a virus.
Soylent Springs mineral water anyone?
It maybe on the menu.
Interesting reading
Thanks to John Connor II in Thursday Open Thread, with a series of clips, one of which is an interview with Robert Malone by Stew Peters. It is 56 mins. long, but at the 43:58 mark after Malone has to leave, Peters then interviews an Australian Journalist Maria Zeee (correct spelling) who talks about what’s going on in Australia and then at the 48 min. mark she talks about a bill in New Zealand that was passed last November which gives powers to the Health Officer to order the destruction of property and the destruction of animals and can declare any land, building or thing to be insanitary and cause it to be destroyed. It requires people to remain in the health district or place in which they are isolated or quarantined until they have been medically examined and found to be free from infectious disease and until they have undergone such preventive treatment as he may in any such case prescribe – i.e. quarantining them and forcing them to be vaccinated. Do kiwis know about this?
According to Stew Peters, Jacinda Ardern is a graduate of the Klaus Schwab school for global elites as is Trudeau and Macron. ToM
” Do kiwis know about this? ”
Only the ones who remain awake.
Some of us do. Ardern is either hated or adored depending on whether one thinks she has saved NZ or destroyed it. Much like Melbourne I’d guess.
At 42 minutes Dr Malone says he “could be in the ground now” because he had BP readings of 130.
Strengthens my claim that my runaway BP of 120 was both dangerous and result of the jab.
Finley(NSW) Solar Farm Fire (Shepp News 12/1/2021)
Up to five hectares of grassland was burned at the Finley Solar Farm after a blaze started at 9am today.
Firefighters have confirmed there was no structural damage at the site.
Though the panels had been powered off, attending crews chose to attack the fire from outside due to safety concerns.
“We were out there for the best part of an hour and a half,” said Finley Fire + Rescue Deputy Commander Bernie Thompson.
“Our job was to mainly monitor the fire and make sure it didn’t get out of hand, the fire was sort of walking it’s way out from beneath the panels and did not constitute a major threat to anything.
“I imagine that there was some wiring damage, but as far as we could tell there was no structural damage.”
A total of five pumpers attended the scene – four from RFS brigades in Tocumwal and Finley, and the fifth was from Finley’s Fire + Rescue NSW brigade.
The cause of the fire in unknown.
Aerial footage of the blaze was captured by Tocumwal pilot-instructor Eddie Madden, who was instructing a student pilot overhead at the time.
How much access do our fire units have to get into a solar farm and fight the flames head on and not from the outside?
Pretty easy to cut a fence if you have to. It not uncommon in some situations to wait for a fire to come out to where you can be more effective and safer.
Dr. Robert Malone: “We’ve got an approved narrative dumpster fire…it’s collapsing” per Peter McCullough..
Going through my “special sources” today I’m seeing a major event building (as I expected). Global analysis…filtering the data…7 days…holy !#$&*…crossref historical data pool…
Surely not! Reset and rerun…same…
Oh boy 😨
I need to stock up on red ned.
Perhaps they know their scam is soon going to be exposed to all thanks to more and more whistle-blowers coming out, and so the slimes are sliding away from it. Don’t celebrate too soon. Perhaps they are about to release the next scam.
Aspirating the needle. Dr John Campbell
Battleground Melbourne. 100 min documentary. 2022.
The fall of the world’s most liveable city through the eyes of those who tried to save it.
Direct download link:
2 Hours, well done and well worth the view and passing on.
Is this for real? A very detailed article about the Intenational Criminal Court and Greg Hunt gets a mention. ToM
G’day Tides,
Sounds real to me.
I followed an early link from yours to The Rio Times of Dec 19, 2021, and found a link to the actual 46 page submission, and:
” The ICC has acknowledged the case and has attributed the following reference number OTP-CR-473/21 “.
I doubt even the bravest editor would falsify an ICC official acceptance reference.
Fascinating find. Thanks. Gives me hope.
Dave B
Another “rare condition” linked to COVID vaccines by the European Medicines Agency.
The EU’s drug watchdog is warning of a ‘very rare’ spinal cord inflammation possibly related to the AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines.
The European Medicines Agency wants to put warning labels on Covid-19 jabs made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, saying there was a “reasonable possibility” they may have caused a spinal inflammation on rare occasions.
Following three days of meetings and discussions, the EMA’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) said on Friday it wants to include a warning for “very rare cases of transverse myelitis (TM) reported following vaccination” with the Vaxzevria and Janssen jabs. It is also adding the condition as an “adverse reaction of unknown frequency” to the vaccine profile.
The EMA describes TM as a rare neurological condition characterized by an “inflammation of one or both sides of the spinal cord,” which can cause weakness in arms or legs, tingling, numbness, pain – or loss of pain sensation – and problems with bowel and bladder function.
The recommendation comes after the PRAC reviewed available information on reported cases worldwide and scientific literature, concluding that “a causal relationship between these two vaccines and transverse myelitis is at least a reasonable possibility.” However, it said the “benefit-risk profile of both vaccines remains unchanged.”
Last month, the EMA approved the Janssen jab as a booster for people aged 18 and older, to be given at least two months after previous vaccinations.
But nobody is shown the label or insert, or asks!
The Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai volcano erupted on Friday sending debris, ash and gas 20 kilometres into the air. Clearly caused by fossil fuels!
I believe the eruption was caught on satellite camera. Haven’t looked for it yet.
VERY impressive! But I thought that the “sea walls” in front of the houses wouldn’t keep out a normal ocean storm, let alone a tsunami wave.
Israel are looking to take Covid vaccination to the next level with shots for 6 month to 5 year olds now on the agenda
The Health Ministry’s director of international relations(?!), Dr. Asher Shalmon, stated this week
h/t Dr. Paul Alexander substack
The eradication of the Israelites…
… this time by their own hands.
Palestinians will be very happy.
Here is a cheeky bastard of the right sort! (IMO of course)
And watch the bird behind him as it runs
Oh dear, that is so funny.
I just love the way he keeps a straight face.
The lady behind is having a good laugh , though 🙂
Well, what’s happening around Russia..?
The Yanks are still trying to stop Germany operating the Nord Stream2 gas pipeline-
“Earlier this week, US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted that Washington was doing its best to halt certification of the project.
“What we are doing now is working with the Germans, working with the EU to slow their consideration of the implementation of the pipeline,” she said.”
Its no problem if European’s freeze and their economy collapses, its all about Russia for the Yanks.
Meanwhile, they’ve realised their mistakes with false flags in the past and now set up other countries to blame before they blow stuff up-
“Western media carried reports on Friday, citing unnamed US officials, claiming that Russia is preparing a “false flag” incident in order to invade Ukraine, the Kremlin has dismissed them as baseless and unfounded rumors.”
A fine would example would be this one, the CIA hacks into Ukraine’s computer networks, the American Govt blaming Russia and then pushes American companies in to take over Ukraine’s networks ‘to protect them’.
““NATO cyber-experts in Brussels have been exchanging information with their Ukrainian counterparts on the current malicious cyber-activities. Allied experts in-country are also supporting the Ukrainian authorities on the ground,” Stoltenberg said. “In the coming days,” NATO is set to sign “an agreement on enhanced cyber-cooperation” with Kiev, Stoltenberg revealed, insisting that “NATO’s strong political and practical support for Ukraine will continue.””
One might ask why a North Atlantic Defence coalition is supporting some non-involved country’s politics of course.. or will some official order run down Ukraine’s chain of command instructing the army to invade Donbass.. and the Ukrainian Govt know nothing about it!
America is also setting up Russia to take the blame for other dirty dealings so they can say- “See, it was Russia, we told you they were planning something..”
“The Kremlin is laying the groundwork to fabricate a reason for invading Ukraine, including possible sabotage activities and information operations, a senior White House official claimed on Thursday. “Russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating a pretext for an invasion, including through sabotage activities and information operations, by accusing Ukraine of preparing an imminent attack against Russian forces in Eastern Ukraine,”
The Russians are not rushing to implement Covid passports-
“Russian lawmakers have postponed consideration of a bill that would introduce a nationwide system of QR-code vaccine passes, saying that the law needs to be adapted to deal with the new Omicron variant of Covid-19.”
Well, who is the most free these days, and who is living in some tyranny calling themselves free-
“The Republic of Singapore has officially banned unvaccinated employees from working in person, removing a previous policy that allowed them to work if they provided negative Covid-19 tests.
The ban was implemented on Saturday and will mean that many unvaccinated workers who are unable to perform their duties from home could soon be fired”
Another good one- A pharmacy company hat tied up the supply of medicine for a disease and increased the price has its CEO up in Court. He’s fined US$64million nad banned from hte pharmacy industry for life.
“Martin Shkreli, has been ordered to pay $64.6 million in profits he and his company made off of the anti-parasitic drug Daraprim. He is also barred from the pharmaceutical industry for life.”
So, what sort of fine for CEO of companies that tie up the whole Covid medicine industry for their own profits, AND kill people with their experimental drugs?? Too bad the NY Attorney General can’t get up of his arse for that one! Well bought and paid for!
“New Yorkers can trust that my office will do everything possible to hold the powerful accountable, in addition to fighting to protect their health and their wallets
— NY AG James January 14, 2022”
Have a good weekend!
What could possibly be causing increased mortality in the under 50’s in America ?
The coincidence variant.
“Truth Leaks Out”
And the first link here is a good read (IMO)
The link that leads to the read
Latest TGA nothing to see here report.
Deaths 719
Injuries 94,047
Deaths 740
Injuries 99,659
The TGA is monitoring the safety of booster vaccine doses. It is not expected that the type of side effects will be different to first and second vaccine doses based on the results of clinical trials(link is external) and observations from regulators overseas(link is external) where more booster doses have been given.
The Comirnaty (Pfizer) and Spikevax (Moderna) vaccines are now approved for use as booster doses in adults. For people who are immunocompromised, a third dose is given as part of their primary vaccine course. This is given 2–6 months after their second vaccine dose and is not considered to be a ‘booster’. For everyone else, booster doses are recommended 6 months after completing their primary course of 2 doses.
Neil Oliver: Are there any leaders left worthy of the trust of decent people?
From GreatGameIndia Jan 15th:
A simulation of a theory based catastrophe of global bankers collapsing the financial system was conducted fairly recently. There was a striking similarity between this event and the infamous “Event 201” that was held in late 2019.
What are the odds…
Meanwhile up in Toowoomba, Qld, people have had enough of the mask n@zis:
Protests everywhere in Oz.
Revolution is in the air worldwide, even North Korea!
For anyone still interested in climate change, volcanic eruptions are an integral part of the system.
‘Looking at the chemistry of past eruptions, we now think the small eruptions represent the magma system slowly recharging itself to prepare for a big event.
‘We found evidence of two huge past eruptions from the Hunga caldera in deposits on the old islands. We matched these chemically to volcanic ash deposits on the largest inhabited island of Tongatapu, 65km away, and then used radiocarbon dates to show that big caldera eruptions occur about ever 1000 years, with the last one at AD1100.
‘With this knowledge, the eruption on January 15 seems to be right on schedule for a “big one”. (The Conversation)
Around the same time there was another big eruption, finding the critical evidence is essential.
‘Hekla (Icelandic volcano) explosion, probably in autumn 1104 AD is thought to have been a major eruption – which affected the climate in the immediate & downwind (European) area for several years. “Perished crops” were noted from England in 1105 & in 1109, it was apparently very thundery across England – which implies cooler-than-normal conditions aloft, again possibly associated with dust-veil cooling of the atmosphere. [Various sources but primarily Thorarinsson, S (1970). Hekla, A Notorious Volcano.]’ (Climate in History)
MIT Scientist issues Vaccine warning for children…