A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Here’s hoping all these things are falling into place for us and not the others
Delingpole: Children Just Aren’t Going to Know What Snow Is. Part II
‘Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.’
This was the phrase from the most widely-mocked article in the history of the Independent newspaper. Published in 2000, it quoted a supposed climate expert warning mournfully that thanks to global warming, snowfall could soon be a thing of the past in the UK.
Several snowy winters later, the article had become a running joke. Almost a meme. It offered satisfying proof that the climate doommongers almost invariably get their predictions wrong…
It’s back! The “thing of the past” snow scare story: in 2000 (H/t
) and today
BBC 3 Days Ago – Climate change: Snowy UK winters could become thing of the past
It could become another Oldie but Goodie like the Montana glaciers.
1923 Montana Glacier could disappear in 25 years
Says Professor. Medford Mail Tribune (Oregon) Dec. 29
1952 Montana’s Glacier Park may need new name
The giant glaciers are melting away and could be gone in 50 years
2009 No more Glaciers in Montana by 2020?
National Geographic News March 2 2009
2014 No more Glaciers in Montana by 2034?
What will they call Glacier National Park (Montana) in 20 years when all the glaciers are gone? New York Times Nov. 22, 2014
2000 Sydney Opera House will be underwater.
I see the Sydney Opera House isn’t flooded yet … neither is Battery Point (New York City, NY.) and they still aren’t sand-bagging the Statue of Liberty to keep the rising tides away from it.
Both must be still above water on strictly borrowed time. That’s if and only if the Greenies are at all credible.
Saw a recent report on glaciers in British Columbia, Canada.
BC is home to 17,000 glaciers. Reports claim a catastrophic 7/9 glaciers are in retreat. So how many glaciers are there in Alaska & dare I ask, how many are in retreat? Retreat of glaciers and expansion of glaciers is a natural phenomenon. There’ll still be at least 17000 glaciers in BC in 10,000 years time.
The BS never stops & the layman never asks any questions. It’s time we had honest up front reporting. Every time a layman finds out that he’s being lied to, the Climate scaremongers & BS hitters lose more credibility. Then they wonder why all authorities from garbage collection to the media to political parties & presidents have lost credibility, more important the trust of people!
Absolutely outrageous.
YouTube kicking critics of US election legitimacy.
Russia, Russia, Russia for 4 years.
Impeachment for ‘collusion’.
These seems like a Rubicon of some sort.
Very serious.
Part of me thinks they are afraid.
This seems
seem it does.
They are.
They know what they’ve been up to. And, they fear what President Trump may have coming down the pike at them.
The back story to John R Smith’s concern is here:
I saw this also via the YouTube channel Zeducation where he said the same ‘guidelines’ were laid down, if it means moving to another platform so be it I just want to see open opinions not approved wokeness!
Any Melbourne Christmas get together this year? Especially to celebrate our release from Covid.
Perhaps an after work outdoor location eg Fitzroy Gardens.
Another way to celebrate:
Joanne has been outperforming all the ‘reporters’ in the ABC, the SMH, The Guardian, The Age (if that is still going), and that is just in Australia!
How about a little donation for her Christmas?
Done…hope the Christmas chocs arrive safely Jo!
I’m up for it Peter, didn’t think we’d have a chance due to the scamdemic but any opportunity is to be taken.
I prefer daylight hours; say in the depths of off-peak 11:00 to 14:00.
season’s greetings!! did the virus originate on a fur farm at Yichang, Hubei?
Peter Fitzroy’s garden ? I’m in .
Another aspect . . . . . “German Lawyers Initiate Class-Action Coronavirus Litigation” . . . . .
Thank you for the link to that excellent article from Germany, Joseph. It pretty much accurately describes what happened here as well, and for the same reasons. Ditto for the other UKUSA Pact countries, the UK, the USA, Canada and New Zealand.
I urge all Jo Novians to read it and repost the link wherever they can think of. I also implore all those here to email our host Jo and ask her to read it – with an open mind.
We are in the throes of the greatest scam in the history of human endeavor, and time is running out.
The CAGW scam was taking too long so CV19 was just the ticket for fast results, spoke to a cancer specialist that is dreading the next couple of years of positive tests due to many neglected this year, I had my first Colonoscopy this year and was congratulated on going though with it, glad I did as a nasty polyp was found before it could spread, anyone out there thinking about this DO IT.
In a way they are part and parcel of the same scam, Yonniestone.
The WEF are already pushing the line that the only way to deal with the Covid “scamdemic” is to tackle climate change – specifically reduce CO2 emissions.
True MV very much hand in hand same playbook etc..
I am glad that you had your colonoscopy Yonnie.
Our Pathology Professor told us a long time ago that polyps take more than ten years to become cancer. So there is time.
I’ve have far worse experiences with teeth extractions than a colonoscopy, probably don’t have to preach to the level headed here but any way of stacking the odds in your favour is worth it.
This would be a fun course for a mature age student with time on their hands.
‘An Australian university is offering what it describes as the world’s first undergraduate degree in climate law, predicting an escalation of compensation claims, class actions and human rights issues due to changes in weather patterns.
‘Bond University dean of the university’s law school, Professor Nick James, said he created the degree after observing the deep concerns among high school students about the impact of climate change on their futures.’
Imagine the grants that could be garnered while undertaking this degree. It could set you up for life!
Covid Vaccine – Who wants to be first.
Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) confirmed on Wednesday that it is deploying “resuscitation facilities” in coronavirus vaccination centres following the revelation that two healthcare workers suffered anaphylactoid reactions after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on the first day of rollout.
Thats pretty normal even for the usual flu jab. One is to have it under medical supervision for that very reason.
True, no vaccine has probably ever been 100% safe but recent events have made me a bit sceptical of vaccinations.
On top of the CV19 test, PCR, that seems to be vague and simply a money spinner and lead in for the big one, The Vaccine, there’s the rapid fire production of flu vac.
How much testing is given the flu vax.
Does the CV19 vac have a background of testing and checking or is it mainly a control measure and money spinner too.
I believe Robert Kennedy Jr had a win in a court case against the Vaxx manufactures regarding Vaccine safety tests. There had been no safety studies done on any vaccine for the last 32 years.
I guess that may be alright after testing and extended use but I’ve heard that new methods of production have been implemented, maybe polio? and no real care in the later version?
I believe that was the argument put forward, but there has been a lot of new vaccines brought out in 32 years.
They are immune from prosecution so where is the incentive.
” immune from prosecution ”
I presume this is US law. Is it the same elsewhere?
There is a subtext to these incidents. A hospital professional who was vaccinated earlier this week appeared on TalkRadio (she formerly read news for them before training to be a theatric nurse assisting in delivery of anaesthetic) explained the whole process. First there is a full advice and question paper to complete concerning giving consent to the vaccination procedure which also covers known allergic responses; then the vaccine is administered with support staff present and then the recipient is taken to a separate room to recover with tea and biscuits (similar to giving blood). When she appeared on the radio station the following day she complained of the usual sore arm, said she was a little tired, but was otherwise feeling good.
I didn’t get carried away by the arrival of the vaccine because although it is good news esepcially for the most vulnerable the reality is it is going to be a very long time before vaccination becomes a relevant possibility for me and so I am hoping that my own immune system has already had a visit from this virus and put it in its place. In the meantime that is probably the best immunity most of us can have although it does also carry the risk of illness and worse. There is no certainty in life, period.
You may change your opinion after reading the thread
Ivermectin “obliterates” transmission of Covid. This site, 11 Dec 2020
Obviously not true but ten points for the idea of Trump annexing Greenland to gain electoral college votes .
Has JoNova been banned by Google?
Just tried a search of “Jonova” on google with no result , it’s only coming up in my history so looks like they may have censored this site .
I tried this a few days ago when it was mentioned by someone else but “Jonova” returned the number one spot in the search but now gone .
works for me – could be a regional block though so this was not a counter claim just an observation.
Just checked Duck duck go and No2 result so change back to boogle and it’s back as the No 1 result , so no idea what was going on this morning .
Censorship via ‘fuzzy logic’.
Media entrepreneur Kosha Gada says a recent antitrust lawsuit filed against Facebook by 48 US states “might have legs” since breaking up big tech has “bipartisan support” across the US and globally. The antitrust lawsuit was followed by the filing of a separate lawsuit against the company by the Federal Trade Commission which alleged Facebook was “illegally maintaining its personal social networking monopoly through a years-long course of anticompetitive conduct”. Ms Gada said Facebook was anticipating this attack and has been preparing their defence. She added, the theme of “scrutinising and breaking up big tech” was one of the few themes with bipartisan support in the US and globally. “Regardless of the future of who’s in power, politically, this thing might have legs,” he said.
Sky News
Hi Jo
This really needs to be its own topic
“Bill Gates was caught on video admitting that his ‘experimental’ vaccine will CHANGE one’s DNA FOREVER.
Sounds like a movie plot, Day 0 of the zombie apocalypse. Bill is coming across a bit Dr Strangelove these days.
Any what sort of a [Snip]AD is concerned about that? EVERY time you get a cold, which is a virus, the genetic material from that gets incorporated somewhere. Your DNA gets a tweak. 🙂 Part of living on the planet people.
Yeah thats kind of naturally occurring….this is a vaccine made by a bunch of Dr Stangeloves….
No way.
“In his interview with Ingraham, Bhakdi described as “utter nonsense” Dr. Anthony Fauci’s claim earlier Wednesday during a live interview on The Story with Martha MacCallum on the Fox News Channel that 75% of Americans would need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to achieve herd immunity.
“Bhakdi added, “Someone who says this has not the slightest inkling of the basics of immunology.
Democrats,lefts,progressives,socialists,have one thing in common. What ever they accuse conservatives of doing wrong or illegal.
They are already doing it.
This is HUUUGE!!
After three years saying Seth Rich was murdered in a street robbery “nothing to see here” the FBI suddenly concedes that there is indeed something to see and that they have his ‘puter. Why would the FBI seize any possession of a street crime?
My first question is “Why now?” In just a little over a month their dream President will be inaugurated and “all will be forgotten”. The criminal FBI will be back in business.
The only possible answer is that the heat is on or, to be less polite, someone’s balls are in a tightening vice.
Forgot to ask: Where’s Gina Haspel?
Vicar of Dibley – takes a knee
Boris and Ant snub Scott on climate change.
‘The special adviser to UN secretary-general António Guterres on climate action indicated Australia had not met the threshold needed to speak at the key event.’ SMH
So there’s something to be pleased about.
Free money ! Sign me up .
‘Five hundred years ago, Thomas More discussed the idea in his fictional work Utopia (1516) …’
Being a modern day utopian I support the idea in its entirety.
…. but only on the condition that the recipients accept the Cashless Debit Card.
The number one reason for government pushing a cashless debit card onto welfare recipients is that it helps move toward a cashless economy. It should remain voluntary for those who think it may help them, or be given to those convicted of drug related crimes. It makes it harder for people to make their income go as far as possible and does kind of brand card carriers as dole bludgers or whatever. A lot of people who support it are haters who want to punish everyone on welfare.
What about people who pay rent cash in hand to their landlord? How is someone going to buy a car privately or other secondhand goods? Can’t use it on ebay or use paypal. What about those who have debt – how will they pay it off? The 20% to 50% available cash will not be enough for some people.
‘Hidden Costs: An Independent Study into Income Management in Australia’ can be downloaded from here:
‘A recent Stanford study showed that people are warming to the ubi idea. In April 88% of liberals backed it, while support among conservatives rose from 28% before covid-19 to 45%. Universal benefits can be easier for politicians to sell, because they are less vulnerable to the racial politics that have undermined support for welfare spending in the past.’ (Economist)
Government has more control over people that rely on government for income. People can be blackmailed into doing as they are told or lose income. For that reason alone, UBI is a bad idea.
It’s a terrible idea but the socialist mob will love it .
Still to come?
I have seen talk of manufactured fake “ballots”, including “made in China”. I take it that these are paper.
If they exist they would surely bear a number of readily identifiable features e.g. exact size, type of paper, type of ink &c.
It just keeps getting better…..remember the comments early on in the pandemic that the cov19 virus itself may have had bits of HIV in it?
Now why would you get a false HIV result?
“Coronavirus vaccine trials of candidate developed by UQ and CSL abandoned due to false positive HIV results
‘The main cause of false positive results is that the test has detected antibodies, but they are not antibodies to HIV – they are antibodies to another substance or infection. Tests are not meant to react to other types of antibodies, but it sometimes happens.’ (
the false HIV result is from the vector not the virus. You could read the article you posted.
I couldnt see any mention of a vector, which vector do you mean…the “bat”?
OK… maybe later articles go into it, and strictly it is part of the clamping mechanism (you might want to look that up. There is some DNA that encodes a particular structural enzyme that is derived from HIV attached to components from covid.
Texas, Our Texas! All hail the mighty State!
Texas, Our Texas! So wonderful so great!
boldest and grandest, withstanding ev’ry test
O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blest.
God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.
Texas, O Texas! your freeborn single star,
Sends out its radiance to nations near and far,
Emblem of Freedom! it sets our hearts aglow,
With thoughts of San Jacinto and glorious Alamo.
God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.
Texas, dear Texas! From tyrant grip now free,
Shine forth in splendor your star of destiny
Mother of heroes, we come your children true.
Proclaiming our allegiance, our faith, our love for you.
God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.
get a grip
Accidental red, should be green 🙂
I will try here and see if it goes into moderation
Bit late to the page, I have been looking into the Vaccine AstraZeneca in particular.
The vaccine is grown in the pulp of lung tissue obtained from an aborted 14 week old white male apparently from 1960′s, they have been growing the material in a lab since then.
All the snowflakes are about to be saved from their imagination by a white male.
The normal fact checkers spin then the fact checker goes on to say it comes from a foetus of unknown origin, yet the label of the vaccine specifically mentions MRC-5
HEK 293 cell line
AZ Vaccine study published in the Lancet
From the people that gave us the model that sent the world under their beds, Event201. There are no access deaths due to the Rona, all other causes of mortality have dropped in line with the COVID increase. Water will probably work just as well as these Frankenstein vaccines on this virus.
You hit the nail on the head, MP. It’s not the vaccine that’s important, it’s the certification that you have had it. Without the certification you simply won’t be able to function in our society. To get it, you will have to comply with the requirements of our new Overlords.
New shocking evidence that Covid-19 is a spin off from Sars and it didn’t start in Wuhan. Its a terrific yarn.
‘Scientists in Italy have identified a sample of the novel coronavirus collected from a young boy late last year that they say is genetically identical to the earliest strain isolated in the Chinese city of Wuhan almost a year ago.
‘The sample was collected on December 5, 2019 in Milan from a boy who was first thought to have contracted measles, according to the researchers from the University of Milan.
‘It was a “100 per cent match” of a genome segment of the first Sars-CoV-2 viral strain collected from a seafood market worker in Wuhan on December 26, they said.’ (SCMP)
7pm EST
Supreme Court rejects Texas case.
Hello President “hidin” Joe Biden.
WRT to Glaciers… some retreat, some expand. Just another parameter that the CAGW acolytes try to prove that the Earth is doomed. The real pity in all of this is that politicians and other quasi-religious Pagans have seemingly convinced the Great Unwashed that CAGW is real. I’m looking forward to the day when “renewables” are not subsidised and the electricity bill hits everyone’s pocket.