A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Australian farmers need to wake-up quick smart.
Belatedly, the Kiwis have …
‘Frustratingly cruel’: Farmer fury grows over Government’s [global warming] plans
“Condemnation of the Government’s plans to address climate change is growing within the rural sector with claims stock would have to be culled to reach the proposed targets.”
The Dutch farmers have …
Angry Dutch Farmers Swarm The Hague Third Time To Protest Green Rules
Now, the German farmers …
Mass tractor protest over environment policies hits Germany
Perhaps it is already too late.
“Do you know who feeds you?”
No, they don’t. That is exactly the point.
The countryside is only somewhere to visit and should be free of cattle and fences and dams and covered in trees, where all the animals roam free and everything is wonderful. As it is in downtown Berlin.
A whole generation of people have grown up seeing farms on television and David Attenborough admiring penguins. Nature is wonderful. It should not be spoilt with farms. Farming is cruel imprisonment. Dams imprison water. Fences imprison animals. Who needs all this when you can buy organic food from organic food stores?
It may soon be mandatory for all city children to spend a year on a farm. Otherwise, how will they know anything?
They might also learn that there are only two genders, which would be a shock.
Hoe durf je!!
How dare you? Or for gloomy grumpy Greta, hur vågar du.
sut meiddiwch chi
There are only two functional genders.
But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
The current state of understanding about the “gender” issue does no credit to either the LGBQTIR movement or the Hard Religious faction.
What’s so puzzling is that the medical community seems unable or unwilling to let the truth out.
Perhaps there’s an industry at stake. Problem is that those affected are kept in the dark and given hope of some benefit of medico/pharmaco intervention.
Whatever, it’s an ugly situation.
Kalm Keith
November 25, 2019 at 5:36 am · Reply
A quick glance shows the tragic public outline of this issue but I suspect that, like most current discussion, it doesn’t go to the origin of the problem that occurs during pregnancy.
While the article, I suspect, is rightly critical of the Surgico/Pharmaceutical “fix” I didn’t pick up on any attempt to explain the background of the biology behind it.
Both the LGBTIQR movement and the Surgico/Pharmaceutical movement have not bothered to “go there” and instead have sought to profit from the first things that comes to hand.
All this is to the detriment of those with gender dysphoria which is a spectrum disorder within the very solid bounds of the basic problem.
Acceptance is the basic key for dealing with this and chemical or surgical intervention is likely just tinkering at the edges and making things worse.
November 27, 2019 at 6:16 pm · Reply
The current state of understanding about the “gender” issue does no credit to either the LGBQTIR movement or the Hard Religious faction.
What’s so puzzling is that the medical community seems unable or unwilling to let the truth out.
Perhaps there’s an industry at stake. Problem is that those affected are kept in the dark and given hope of some benefit of medico/pharmaco intervention.
Whatever, it’s an ugly situation.
Kalm Keith
November 25, 2019 at 5:36 am · Reply
A quick glance shows the tragic public outline of this issue but I suspect that, like most current discussion, it doesn’t go to the origin of the problem that occurs during pregnancy.
While the article, I suspect, is rightly critical of the Surgico/Pharmaceutical “fix” I didn’t pick up on any attempt to explain the background of the biology behind it.
Both the LGBTIQR movement and the Surgico/Pharmaceutical movement have not bothered to “go there” and instead have sought to profit from the first things that comes to hand.
All this is to the detriment of those with gender dysphoria which is a spectrum disorder within the very solid bounds of the basic problem.
Acceptance is the basic key for dealing with this and chemical or surgical intervention is likely just tinkering at the edges and making things worse.
Unmodulated version.
Just call it “two sexes”, that stuffs ’em.
I have long advocated that we stop feeding them. We don’t have to stop. They are making it happen all by themselves.
It is not that they want to live at your expense. They want you to die even at the cost of their own lives. They fundamentally hate existence so they are driven to destroy for the sake of destruction.
“Do you know who feeds you?”
Of course they do, its the supermarkets. Nothing to do with farming at all. You know the supermarkets that banned single use plastic bags to save the planet, yet now pack hundreds of items in high tech multi layer plastics for your convenience. Nitrogen flushed meat and fish packs that gives the supermarket 28 days shelf life for “fresh products”. Used to be up to 7 layers of various materials to stop the nitrogen from leaching out or oxygen from getting in, and definately NOT recycleable. Environmetal banannas that are red wax dipped with petro wax and need more energy to wax and pack than just banannas, plastic wrapped cucumbers that serves no purpose at all. The list is very, very long.
And, when farming is banned in all developed countries, why we will just import food from the third world. All the high quality stuff, surplus to their requirements.
We are quickly approaching peak stupid.
Nah no where near it yet .
Seems that comment that “trying to idiot proof the universe only results in a more versatile class of idiot”
also applies to “stupid”
It probably extends to infinity.
They’ll take it as a challenge.
Greenies all over Australia will be going “Hold my double-decaf Latte……..”
Anyone with a taste for the Machiavellian might suppose that the reason the establishment political class refuses to drought-proof farm livestock is precisely so it can cull those pesky green house gas emitting units from the land.
If we had an Australian Dam Crew which located, designed, built and maintained Water Storage Units there would be a lot of people permanently employed moving from one job to the next.
Almost like a flashback to the original Australia that held so much promise.
The central coast around Gosford/Wyong would be a good place to start.
Employed: Geographers, geologists, surveyors, dam design engineers, construction crews and operating crews once built.
Providing water for farmers, towns and cities and for firefighters.
Giving the potential to “decentralise” and take pressure off the large cities.
Perhaps this is too forward looking for today’s politicians?
How many people could be employed in this!
“Perhaps this is too forward looking for today’s politicians?”
(1) ‘Even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams’ (LOL, but not for the establishment politicians)
(2) developers make more money packing people in like sardines in the major cities and the politicians are more than happy to accommodate this. Once they have knocked all of Sydney base over apex, they will start again, even bigger.
Starting from scratch with a satellite city is just too much trouble.
Good for the occupants, not so easy for the developers.
Demolishing and trebling the height of what was there is much more of a money maker.
If it involves spending money, forget it, if it involves rhetoric and promising to spend money, they’re in!
You forgot to mention Environmental scientists KK. It would take tens of years to just get the environmental impact satement published, then another period of years for the court challenges. All before a single shovel full of dirt would be turned. Immediate action comes very slowly, sadly.
Also strange is the fact than none of these types of projects often have benificial environmental outcomes. I look at the once great Victorian irrigation systems. The benifits to water bird numbers and countless other species that flourish on the margins of these waters was significant
Yes, there are things to consider, but we must be able to do better than what’s happening now.
Governments are failing us when they commercialize everything.
Devolution of responsibility for water, electricity and many other aspects of government leads only to profiteering by the Elites.
As for Global Warming? What warming? If I had to have an opinion over the last few decades, I would say it is cooler in recent years than I can remember and that’s a few countries.
So this is the last hurrah for man made Global Warming, as the De Vries cycle and PDO both collapse and global temperatures drop a few degrees quickly. It’ll be ice skating on the Thames again soon. And that is backed up by real science, not Al Gore science and windmill and solar pusher fantasies.
Besides, after twenty years, don’t most of the windmills have to be renewed now? A new generation of Easter Island votive offerings to the Climate Gods of the twentieth century.
Winton swamp former lake But drained as a water saving initiative and now an overgrown mess is behind us over the hill , just caught fire but wind is forcing it away from us .
Last fire that was in the swamp caused trouble for fire trucks too boggy , thankfully this one is between railway line and the swamp itself so mostly accessible.
And for Poiter it never ever burned before – when it was a lake that is .
Benign conditions wind now gone so fire under control .
Just seen this about a firefighter turned fire lighter arrested , also a man in port Macquarie arrested for a spate of fires .
Grrrrr link
Lake Macquarie, not Port
Link in moderation and yes head was Lake but fingers do the typoing.
Robert r,
You have, unwittingly taken part in a world first = the DRONGO got one right.
25 Nov: Breitbart: Jeff Bezos: ‘Move All Heavy Industry into Space’ to Save Earth
by David Ng
Bezos appeared at the San Diego Air & Space Museum on Saturday to be inducted into the International Air & Space Hall of Fame for his work on Blue Origin, the space flight company he founded in 2000. The Times of San Diego reported that Bezos addressed a crowd of about 600 invitees at the private event.
“I believe that, one day, Earth will be zoned residential and light industry. We’ll move all heavy industry into space. That’s the only way, really, to save this planet,” the world’s richest man reportedly told the crowd…
“You want a dynamic civilization that continues to use more and more energy and more and more resources and build amazing things,” he reportedly said. “And to do that, you have to move out into the solar system.”…
Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post, previously invoked the idea of a post-Earth civilization in May at an event for Blue Origin in Washington, DC.
“If we move out into the solar system, for all practical purposes, we have unlimited resources,” he said in May…
Amazon’s so-called Climate Pledge also involves transitioning Amazon to zero emissions by 2030, and adding 100,000 electric delivery vehicles to its fleet by 2024…
“Leo DiCaprio And WWF Paid For The Amazon Fires”
“Fasting Mimicking Diet Cured Type ONE Diabetes In Mouse – Regenerates Cells”
Venus, Jupiter, and a new moon, setting in the south-west, close together:
Record-Cold Sets Stage For Big Noctilucent Clouds:
(NLCs) are now circumnavigating the South Pole.
“For the past week, 2019 has been the coldest year in the mesosphere since AIM was launched in 2007”, University of Colorado.
North Atlantic Oscillation goes negative, Europe should see the Beast from the East.
Our early minimum temp was only 2C today…still using the stove in the morning. It was mid 20s this afternoon.
Last night we had a wonderful view of Orion, Sirius and the pleiades…missed the early evening show tonight tgat you mentioned Greg.
What are you going to do when the IPCC prediction comes true – it will then be 3.5C in the morning!!!!
You will swelter.
Let’s go ‘worse case scenario’ two extra degrees;
poor Annie will get ‘existentialised’ on 4 degrees above freezing! Three days before (meteorological) SUMMER! In Australia!
OK, I’ve used up my 3 exclamation marks, I’ll go now…
Annie, when Orion (the Little Pot), Sirius (the Dog Star) and Matariki (the Pleiades/Seven Sisters) are in the sky, I know ‘summer’ is on the way…
Venus (the Evening ‘Star’) has been sparkling like a precious jewel all week: going to miss tonight’s new crescent moon as that low which ‘cooked’ you – with cold & snow & 2 degrees – is passing overhead tonight. There’s always tomorrow…
Snow forecast for the high country this week end. When does summer start again, oh thats right, in 3 days.
Woohoo! Now you’ve got OUR climate, ha ha!
It must pain BoM staff having to insert all those SNOWFLAKES and MINUS numbers on their alpine forecast page… tee hee hee, snicker, chuckle, blow raspberries…
Hope you’ve all stashed enough firewood & coal to celebrate the 1st of December! Woohoo…
Just listened to the Met Beaureau at 4.00pm claim that spring in the northen parts of the state had been warmer and dryer than average. Specifically the man said
‘ warmer than average days with average to warmer nights” I wish I had a pair of his glasses, mine only see reality not the noddy land stuff that his do. Two hot days in spring apparently pushes the average up whereas 88 days of mild to cold weather has no impact on the statistics at all.
seems all those “renewables” are not doing their job:
26 Nov: Deutsche Welle: Germany’s average temperature has risen 1.5 degrees: report
A new report has revealed the extent to which Germany has already been affected by climate change. Temperatures have risen markedly in the past five years, and it is expected to get worse.
by Alistair Walsh
The average temperature in Germany rose 1.5 degrees Celsius between the years 1881 and 2018, with a 0.3 degree rise just in the last five years, a new climate change report (LINK) revealed on Tuesday.
“The observations of the German Weather Service are unambiguous. It is rapidly getting warmer, more heat waves are threatening our health and everyone must expect damage from heavier rainfall. Germany is in the grip of climate change,” said Tobias Fuchs, head of the Climate and Environmental Consulting Department of the German Weather Service (DWD).
Fuchs was speaking at the presentation of the “Monitoring Report on Climate Change Impacts” in Germany…
The report found there was an increase in the number of days that are 30 degrees or above, rising from three to 10 between 1951 and 2018. It also said there were up to 7,500 deaths in some years due the heatwaves…
Precipitation conditions will become more extreme, Fuchs added, with an increase both in the frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation — but also in the frequency of dry days…
“Report on Climate Change Impacts”. He’s not going to say that nothing much happened. Like the IPCC, it is all self fulfilling reporting and everyone is paid to do it. Where’s the cash for all the real scientists who think it is made up rubbish?
Comparing a 150 year period of 1.2 C rise, then add cherry-picked 0.3 C warmer 3-years? These are better hysterics and fiddlers than BOM.
Very interesting and from a chemist .
Thanks Robert. The figures and data provided were very interesting and thought-provoking. But I’m not sure that he fully addressed the CO2 issue.
“Victoria bans leisure and commercial activities in the State Forests”
In keeping with the saying around here that “You can tell a Victorian but you can’t tell them very much”
If these public lands can be “constrained” and converted to parks, the government then has the opportunity to “charge a fee ” for management. In my shire they have a large park on Lake Eildon. used to be called Fraser National Park but I think its changed , camping fees went up and up, very close to $60 per night for “camping” . No fires allowed. No facilities other than a dunny here and there, and ever encroaching ti tee scrub. This area used to be booked out year in year out. The last few years it has been abandoned by campers as to expensive and to many restrictions.
Water Temp around Hobart still below the minimum (12.8C)for November.
Today we went backwards from 12.6C to 12.2C – where the November average is 14.4C.
This is as cold as it ever gets in Hobart’s water – at nearly 1/2 a degree colder than winter’s average.
This seems to be reflected across much of Southern Australia, despite surface temps being ‘ever higher’, according to the BOM.
Only in the east. In the west, the finger of warmer water pointing at the SW corner seems to be changing this summer’s temperatures to back to how it used to be -i.e. hot easterlies with a warmer summer ahead of us.
Turkey: 8,000-year old monument unearthed
“This structure is an important discovery both for the Aegean islands and western Anatolia,” she said.
She added that the T-shaped monument is an obelisk – tall, four-sided tapering structure, ending in pyramidion.
It is made of two pieces, interconnected by seven-meter-long walls.
It reminds standing stones in Gobeklitepe, an archeological site located in Turkey’s southeastern Sanliurfa province.
And the climate was changing very quickly as the glaciers across Europe melted and the seas rose 100 metres, before the mediteranean crashed through the new Bosphorous into the Black Sea around 5400BC, Noah’s flood and causing the diaspora as it turned salty.
The Climate Change people talk about today barely registers as a tiny amount of warming and no noticeable change in sea levels. And we are spending trillions trying to stop it. Why?
The opposition leader in NSW wants daylight savings to be shortened because of climate change !
and they are still allowed to breed!!!!
25 Nov: YaleEnvironment360: The New Climate Math: The Numbers Keep Getting More Frightening
Scientists keep raising ever-louder alarms about the urgency of tackling climate change, but the world’s governments aren’t listening. Yet the latest numbers don’t lie: Nations now plan to keep producing more coal, oil, and gas than the planet can endure.
by Bill McKibben
Climate change is many things — a moral issue, a question of intergenerational justice, an economic threat, and now a daily and terrifying reality.
But it’s also a math problem, a point I’ve been trying to make for awhile now. Let’s run some new numbers.
***First: 11,000, as in the number of scientists who just signed a manifesto that declares the world’s people face “untold suffering due to the climate crisis” unless there are major transformations to global society…
Eleven thousand, by the way, is another way of saying essentially all scientists who study this field — the tiny cadre of deniers shrinks annually, and is not being replenished by young climatologists…
I guess the walls are closing in with this bombshell. We’re done. This turning point is a tipping point. It is the beginning of the end. Over and over. We’re off the rails. Impeach the climate!
27 Nov: AFR: China says CO2 border tax would damage global climate change fight
by Cate Cadell, Reuters
Beijing: A proposal by the European Union to establish a “carbon border tax” would damage global efforts to take joint action on climate change, China said on Wednesday, urging a push back against climate “protectionism”.
The EU’s new climate commissioner Frans Timmermans said in October that research would begin on the new tax, which is aimed at protecting European firms from unfair competition by raising the cost of products from countries that fail to take adequate action against climate change.
But Europe’s proposals, together with a decision by US President Donald Trump to withdraw from the 2015 Paris agreement, would seriously harm international efforts to tackle global warming, according to a Chinese report released on Wednesday…READ ALL
Where in the world is Greta?
Current location plotted (see#1 in link), 1,154 nm from Spain.,-34.89;42.79,-8.92?gust,41.000,-21.905,6
They made poor progress during past 24 hours due low wind conditions, but will get hit by strong westerly winds for most of the next 3 days and have just jumped up from 3 kt NNE to 10 kt heading east.
Re Madrid Conference, WX still indicates freezing at the opening and getting icier and snowier through to the 6th Dec. Widespread ice, rain and snow across EU Lande , north Africa and Middle-East. Looks more like Jan to Feb rather than the first week of Dec.
‘Man-made carbon warming crisis’ causes winter to arrive one to two months ahead of schedule,
bwah-ha-haah! Just don’t mention ‘the sun’. Another great reason to be an Antipodean in 2020… boardshorts & BBQs!
26 Nov: Reuters: Summit host Spain chides ‘silent complicity’ in climate crisis
by Isla Binnie, Belén Carreño
MADRID – Climate summit host Spain criticized some nations’ “silent complicity” with the global environmental crisis and said the upcoming U.N. meeting must not be treated as a “trade fair.”
???With wildfires from the United States and Australia plus flooding in Europe all being linked to climate change, public pressure is rising on governments to find urgent solutions at the United Nations’ summit in Madrid on Dec. 2-13…
To the frustration of environmental activists and many scientists, ***there is high-level global disagreement over the causes and solutions for environmental warming.
President Donald Trump has begun withdrawing the United States from the Paris Agreement and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has taken heat for accelerated rainforest destruction…
China, the world’s biggest carbon emitter, has made no statements against the Paris Agreement but is bringing back projects related to new coal-fired plants, she said.
“This is worrying. All the effort to close thermoelectric plants in the rest of the world would reach a dead end if China started building new plants again.”…
27 Nov: DesmogUK: Ireland’s Chief Scientific Advisor Pins Climate Action Hopes on Silver-Bullet Fossil Fuel Tech
By John Gibbons
Ireland’s Chief Scientific Advisor believes fossil fuels still have a role in a low-carbon future – and there is money to be made ensuring it.
Late last year, Professor Mark Ferguson, a medical doctor and dentist with no Earth science qualifications, provoked a controversy in addressing Ireland’s parliamentary committee on climate action, when he stated: “as a scientist, I am optimistic. Climate change is a big problem and a big issue but I remind you that no crisis that was ever predicted in human history has come to pass”…READ ON
26 Nov: DesmogUK: Tory Party’s EU Group Hosts Climate Science Denial Event Days Before MEPs Debate Climate Emergency Declaration
By Richard Collett-White
The hearing on 20 November was coordinated by a Netherlands-based group called the Climate Intelligence Foundation (Clintel), whose “World Climate Declaration” states that “CO2 is plant food” and claims there is “no cause for panic or alarm” about climate change.
A video promoted by the UK’s principal climate science denial campaign group, the Global Warming Policy Foundation, shows the Liberal Democrat MEP Irina von Wiese challenging the organisers.
One of the co-founders of Clintel then claims that recent reports by the IPCC, the UN’s expert climate advisory body, say there is “no [upward] trend in hurricanes and droughts and floods”.
This is despite a major IPCC report last October stating that “Trends in intensity and frequency of some climate and weather extremes have been detected” since 1950.
Plans for a European-wide campaign by Clintel were leaked to DeSmog in September and Italian members of the network held a similar event in the Italian Senate last month…READ ON
27 Nov: SkyNewsUK: How climate change is dividing the UK in similar way to Brexit
The importance of parties making climate change a priority is becoming a key element in party alignment.
by Hannah Thomas-Peter
Some 58% of those who voted Labour at the last election said it mattered “a great deal” that the party they support makes tackling the issue a priority – compared to just 30% of their Conservative counterparts.
But it is not just a simple split between parties – it’s also split between Remain and Leave voters.
:: Over half of Remainers agreed it mattered a great deal as a policy priority
:: Just over a quarter of Leave voters said they agreed
:: 67% of Leave voters said prioritising tackling climate change mattered only a little or not at all
27 Nov: Reuters: Church of England ups ante against anti-climate lobby
by Barbara Lewis
LONDON – Ethical investors, including the Church of England, plan to extend their campaign for miners and other big businesses to stop funding industry associations that block progress on U.N. goals to curb climate change, they said on Tuesday…
Adam Matthews, director of ethics and engagement at the Church of England, told the Mines and Money conference in London on Tuesday he and other investors, representing large pension funds, would extend their campaign.
“We’re really concerned incumbency is preventing the speed up towards a supportive regulatory environment,” Matthews said…READ ON
They wonder why the keep on losing members and closing parishes. I used to be a member but went elsewhere!
26 Nov: Buzzfeed: There Is A New Way To See Climate Change
This goes way beyond images of polar bears.
by Kate Bubacz
The effects of climate change are undeniable: The past five years have been the warmest on record, and storms are becoming stronger. As a result, many media outlets have been revising their language regarding climate stories, with some going so far as to cover climate change as an emergency.
Reuters Pictures has made climate change a topic of focus, much like the New York Times and the Guardian. However, Reuters is a newswire service, meaning that unlike a traditional newspaper, its images are available to any media subscriber worldwide (including BuzzFeed News). It has produced 150 photo packages related to the environment within the past year and a half, with stories ranging from the Amazon wildfires to methane gas hunters to the melting of ice in Greenland, and ***as it reaches billions of people each month through its news service, it has a direct impact on how the general public sees climate change.
BuzzFeed News spoke with Corinne Perkins, the North America Editor of Reuters Pictures, and Lucas Jackson, a staff photographer who has been closely involved in this shift in coverage, about the challenges and successes of covering a global crisis…
Q: How did climate change become a priority?
CP: We’ve heard from clients that climate change is a key part of their coverage, and getting it right is a priority for us…
Q: How many people are working on this project?
CP: It’s hard to say how many photographers are working on this at any given time, as it’s hard to identify which are the climate stories…READ ON
‘The effects of climate change are undeniable’ –
True that: the summit of the highest mountain in the world used to be seabed/coral reef; the coldest place in NZ used to be tropical swamp; Australia used to have glaciers; the island of equatorial New Guinea STILL has a glacier…
I couldn’t read any further after ‘undeniable’.
behind paywall. lots of contradictions for those who can access it. clearly no-one has a clue:
26 Nov: WaPo: Capital Weather Gang: With climate change, Washington may have entered era of more blockbuster snowstorms but less snow overall
By Andrew Freedman
Snowfall trends in Washington, as well as other East Coast cities, are leading scientists to this conclusion: Global warming, while eating away at some snow events, may paradoxically be contributing to an uptick in big East Coast snowstorms.
Several recent studies show that this trend toward more blockbuster storms will continue into the coming decades, although there are open questions about how climate change is skewing the odds toward particular winter weather scenarios…
Judah Cohen, a meteorologist at AER, a Verisk Analytics company, has published multiple studies that link changing snowfall trends in the eastern United States to change in the Arctic…
“Arctic change favors more disruptions of the polar vortex,” Cohen said, noting that he is somewhat lonely in that view. He sees polar vortex splits as a prerequisite to blockbuster East Coast snowstorms…
Other researchers, such as Jennifer Francis of Woods Hole Research Center, have put forward the hypothesis that rapid Arctic warming — the region is warming at more than twice the rate of the rest of the world — is reducing the temperature difference between the equator and the Arctic…
However, this is still an area of active scientific research…
“Larger snowfalls return more often. They happen more often now than they used to,” Cohen says. In Washington, he notes, the return period for snowstorms of over one foot before 1990 compared with since then shows that such heavy snowstorms are occurring twice as frequently as they used to.
“My argument, and I’m on a little bit of an island on this,” Cohen says, is that Arctic warming knocks the polar vortex off balance, which can bring intense periods of winter weather to places such as Boston, New York and Washington.
Another factor that favors heavier precipitation events, including snowstorms, is that as the climate warms, there’s an increasing availability of water vapor in a warmer climate, which can help to intensify storms more rapidly and churn out more precipitation…
Other researchers have published studies looking at other factors that may be contributing to changes in East Coast snowstorms.
For example, a computer modeling study published in Geophysical Research Letters last year found that smaller snowstorms will significantly diminish across a broad swath of the Northeast, including Washington, by late in the century. However, the bigger storms will get even more destructive and are unlikely to diminish in number, the study found…
A major federal climate assessment released in 2018 found that U.S. winters will warm sharply and skew precipitation more toward rain, rather than snowfall…
The climate scholars are being tormented by the logical contortions required to stop their project from falling over much to the amusement of those of us unconstrained by the decarbonization dogma; surely the end is nigh for this over long running farce.
Hotel California: Power Outage Strands Travelers at Oakland Airport
Woke up this morning and switched on the TV in hope of getting an up to date weather report on the major snow storms slamming North America. Instead they were reporting on how renewables are over taking coal. Well not really but are eventually projected to by some think tank. This is in response to the UN’s dire claims that countries are not doing enough as the closing statement. Sigh.
However, the look on the the pretty blond’s face as she made that closing statement was priceless. She looked disgusted. It was like; do I have to repeat these lies again and again and again?
Check out the video in # 33
Peter Rid Update:
GoFundMe: $760,380 raised
YESTERDAY (11/26/2019)
by Peter Ridd, Organizer
Dear All,
Just to let you know that we are pausing accepting any more donations for the moment. We think we probably have enough funds to cover the first round of the appeal which will be held at the end of May. Thanks again for all the donations.
As JCU is not due to submit the rest of their documents in court until the end of February, we are a little in the dark about what we are up against so there is a chance that we will reopen the appeal in early March. In short it is hard to estimate what we need at the moment. We don’t want to raise more than we need as this is hard earned cash from all of you. We have plenty of time, so we think it is best to wait and see.
The $1.75 M was the estimation of cost if we end up going to higher courts in the appeal process which could drag on for years. Let’s all hope that does not happen.
For those that are interested, the Senate Inquiry is slowly putting up submissions on their web page. Mine is number 48 if you are interested.
For the Vitamin D adventurous
Link at
And comments
Some idea of where it is fashionable
“First, Channel 4 is toxic. The few people who remain in its dwindling audience are so insanely left wing that not one of them could ever be persuaded to vote for Boris even if he guaranteed them world peace, free anal solar radiation treatment and a lifetime’s supply of vegan cutlets.”
“Delingpole: RIP Clive James – Poet, Broadcaster And, More Importantly, Climate Sceptic”
A legend of a man, writer, philosopher, realist… RIP.
“Apocalypse Deferred”
“This discussion with Mark Steyn is the only time Steve McIntyre, Ross McKitrick, and Anthony Watts have appeared together on stage. “
Will BOM follow?
“NOAA Blocks Access To Their Temperature Data”
No surprise on listening to this morning’s ABC lengthy AM obituary for Clive James that no mention was made of the savagery with which he wrote of climate alarmists.
The mysteries of pricing on the AEMO electricity grid.
Average monthly prices for Victoria ($/MWhr):
____ 2017 2018 2019
Sep__79 _ 93 _ 105
Oct__73 _ 100 _ 101
Nov__96 _ 98 _ 68
`When Kepler published these findings in Astronomia Nova in 1609, he impressively included all his raw data, today something that’s a given where science is concerned. At the time, though, it was almost like a dare for his critics – a way for Kepler to say “think I’m wrong, you you? Well, study the data, and show me where I’m wrong”`
`Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it?` – climate scientist Phil Jones, February 2005
Solid state batteries?
Interesting video about possible new generation of batteries, from a credible source.
Check out this guy’s beautiful back yard in the beginning of this video:
OT long very comment:
Due to the curious and unusual pre-winter coldness and storminess being seen in the N-Pacific and N-Atlantic during November, and forecast to be much enhanced in December I decided to do a little WX forecast model ‘recon’, to try to identify what’s changed? So I looked at the ECMWF jetstream wind model outputs this morning, because it’s become clear the Jetstream is in the process of flipping to a very strongly meridional phase, and this is occurring extraordinarily early in the northern hemisphere’s 2019 pre-winter. Which is strange.
What I found in the forecast I’ve not seen before, not even close. Normal strong jetstream flows usually doesn’t rise in speed above about:
340 km/h | 211 mph | 183 kt
The fastest jet usually reaches that maximum range in deep winter just east of Japan at 34,000 ft as cold air rushes into the northern Pacific basin, sourced from central and northern China. The jetstream speed in that area is unusual, because in other parts of the world the jetstream usually doesn’t exceed 325 km/h or 175 kt, in recent years.
However, today, when I investigated the reasons for the early cold and the aggressive jetstream flow behaviors, I saw that toward the end of the current ECMWF model run, that the highest forecast wind speed @ 34,000 feet east of Japan was an incredible high:
405 km/h | 252 mph | 219kt
This is about 65 km/hr faster than the fastest jetstream I’ve ever seen occur, as I’ve captured in this “Windy” graphical screen display – take a look:
Within that color display the vivid purple is equivalent to Saffir-Simpson Cat-1, Blue is Cat-2, Yellow is Cat-3, Orange is Cat-4, and Red is Cat-5 wind-speed range. The fully black shading area occurs only at or above 400 km/h. Which is the highest speed Windy’s software displays. However, there is a point-sampling tool in Windy which allows point forecast wind speeds to be checked. This tool located winds up to 405 km/h! Windy’s software cuts off the display range at 400 km/h because that’s far above the normal jetstream speed range. But here it is, a forecast wind speed plotting above the cutoff speed.
I have never seen anything remotely like that wind speed before.
This is occurring either because the ECMWF model physics has been substantially revised within a major update that I know nothing about, or else something genuinely different is occurring within the northern-hemisphere during this pre-Winter cooling down phase. So I cross-checked this extraordinary ECMWF forecast wind speed up against the lower-resolution GFS model’s output and I found it confirmed! GFS is also predicting jetstream winds of up to 397 km/h, within roughly the same area, and time-range!
Huh? Wow! So it is not due to ECMWF changing how it handles wind forecasts, the model is unchanged, and this is genuinely predicting a much stronger jetstream than I’ve seen before. And the fact it begins to occur in November is simply mind-boggling!
I’m not a meteorologist, I don’t spend all my time looking at jetstream patterns. But I have done it enough to know what is a normal speed-range and the geographic locations of the most extreme seasonal jetstream flows, as the seasons change. And what’s being forecast within the next 10-days is waaaay beyond normal wind-speed ranges, and it’s occurring outside of winter. And these very strong jet winds are travelling further into the northern Pacific basin then into the Arctic, over western Alaska, before dipping back toward Canada and USA at a slower but still very high speed.
Stronger jet flow, and not just nearer to Japan (though Japan’s jet is ~70 km/h stronger than normal). The rising jet flow speed is triggering sharp and out-of-season meridional ‘kinks’. And this is occurring all around the northern hemisphere. Not just over the Pacific and north America. It also appears to be triggering enhanced Pacific storminess that’s heading to the US mainland west-coast during this cold pre-winter phase.
Another curious change is that the globe’s highest speed jetstream region which normally crosses eastern China over Japan and eastward of Japan, is usually strongly “zonal”. i.e. it normally flows sub-parallel to latitude, before deforming further out over the Pacific. But right now even the normally straight-lining jetstream over Japan is becoming more deformed into a more meridional flow. Why the W to E straight jetstream flow over Japan was normally ‘zonal’ has puzzled me for years, but suddenly it’s distorting and become sinusoidal as well, just as the jet speed is forecast to rise drastically above the usual 340 km/h max level.
But there’s an even more interesting major change to the forecast. Normally the very highest speed jet winds are found at FL340 (250 HPa) or 34,000 ft, but suddenly today I see this is no longer the case as now the highest windspeed occurs at FL300 (300 HPa), or 30,000 ft, or 4,000 feet lower than normal!
See this graphic example, at 30,000 ft with 406 km/h winds
Now that is strange! I’ve not seen the fastest forecast winds at any level but 34,000 ft before. So I’ve again cross-checked this surprising forecasted difference against the GFS model and again found the same change was occurring in GFS as well.
So I looked up at 200HPa (39,000 feet), and found it too had greatly accelerated wind-speeds, up to 360 km/hr! Holy crap!
So the two best global forecast models available to the public are indicating that this is a genuine atmospheric change in the flow dynamic and it’s affecting the entire depth of the NH tropospheric air flow and resulting weather patterns and projected forecasts. In other words the jetstream wind strength normally seen at about 30,000 ft, is now also extending downward to 24,000 ft, and that pattern of generally increased wind-speeds is occurring all the way down into the lower troposphere, and also all the way to the top of the troposphere. The jetstream flow has become much deeper and the flow path is also wider and generally faster.
It’s flowing a lot more air around the northern-hemisphere, and doing it quicker.
Yes, an increased depth and acceleration normally occurs every winter season, except this is not even winter, and the flow is already forecast to be much stronger and much deeper in the coming 10 days, than it normally reaches even during the peak coldest weeks of Winter in recent years. This is waaaay beyond the normal deep winter season peak, and it is not even winter.
In other words, this implies that lower-pressure and lower-temperature gradients have suddenly developed right through the high mid-latitude tropospheric flow. Something has made the entire northern hemisphere become colder than normal, and much earlier than normal, in fact there’s currently a weak El-Nino developing in the eastern equatorial Pacific.
Now what could do this in late November, instead of February, during a record cold winter? I was led to believe (and was constantly reassured by endless alarmist hysterics) that ~410 ppm of CO2 made such implied global cooling unpossible?
From about the 30th of November the east Asia and Pacific basin jet is forecast to get progressively much stronger than prior observed by me, right through to the end of the model run’s display period on the 7th of Dec. In fact the jet is still getting stronger right at the end of the model run. And it appears this is going to throw pre-winter then even stronger proper-winter storms into the USA’s west coast, as the very high-speed jet strengthens and becomes a strong meridional ‘kink’ into an arctic then loops back to Canada and US.
If that extraordinary jet acceleration becomes the established season length pattern during this northern winter, prepare for a UN Catastophe™ media mass-hysteria general freak-out, from California, Oregon and Washington State. But this will be a ‘catastrophe’ related to excessive wind, waves, cold, snow, ice and blizzard, as the IPCC Climate-Change™ three-ring circus as opposed to the former but now defunct IPCC Global-Warming™ super-farce is being widely abandoned and scoffed at due to excessive hypothermia, frostbite, floods, crapulous models and the basic public “credibility-limit” as to how much you can systematically corrupt a national temperature record, and fly in the face of common experiences, before Climate-Change™ loses all meaning.
“Jumping-the-shark” works only once even on prime-time TV.
So the question is why and how is that occurring? I don’t know ultimately why but I can have a go at describing how and what’s implied. The fastest wind jets normally occur at about 34,000 ft right in-between the most intense mid-tropospheric low-pressure systems and high-pressure systems. The greater the pressure gradient between the two the faster the jet’s wind-speed accelerates to. So if the normal max wind-speed is limited to ~340 km/h that implies that the pressure-gradient between these Low and High pressure systems are in the process of suddenly greatly steepening during the next 10 days. And that these pressure system centers are now also sitting at an altitude 5,000 ft below where they normally occur.
We know the atmosphere has compacted in depth due to the lack of active solar storms, but 5,000 ft of compaction in mid-latitude tropospheric depth? Nope, doubt that, some, but not that much.
But the polar tropopause is much lower in altitude (8 km deep) compared to equatorial tropopause (13 km deep) because the pole is colder with less deep convection. So can the suddenly reduced altitude of this pre-winter jetstream’s High and Low pressure centers be the result of a more chilled extended polar air mass at high mid-latitudes?
This would explain it.
In other words, the northern-hemisphere mid-latitudes just got a lot colder – BUT DID NOT COOL DURING WINTER. In winter something less than this level of sudden cooling normally occurs, each season. This is a forecast, it’s not occurred yet, so don’t go looking for contrary observations as yet. Two major global weather models say it’s going to occur between now and the 7th of December, which means it should be in observational series after that.
The jet acceleration forecast is implies a growing temperature difference during that period creates enhanced High and Low pressure-system gradients that accelerates the jet flow speed, especially over East Asia and the Pacific. Jets are normally strongest in mid-winter because the lack of sunlight cools the atmosphere nearer to the pole in higher mid-latitudes with respect to the lower mid-latitude High-pressure systems. The deep-winter cooling causes Low-pressure systems to deepen further, creating higher wind speeds, and much enhanced surface storminess, within the winter-affected hemisphere.
So … to get waaaaay stronger jetstreams, in late November and early December, this implies that the pressure difference must already be much greater than normal during deep winter, which implies the pending temperature difference onset is also greater than occurs in a normal winter. In other words, the high mid-latitude troposphere is about to get suddenly colder than it normal gets down to during full winter.
The problem is, it’s not winter yet! Why would this happen? Like I said, I can’t explain the why, I’m just pointing out that the models are adamant this is about to occur. We see forecast jet speeds that greatly exceed those seen in January or February, occurring in the end of November.
That sure isn’t due to a minor trace non-condensing GHG dramatically cooling down the NH high mid-troposphere region and dropping its average pressure level.
So the forecast is indicating to get ready for a rough first half to December and probably a very cold, snowy, stormy northern winter, with lots of inadequate power supply and loss of supply, with much whining and gnashing of teeth about climate catastrophes, if the jet maintains that forecast enhanced speed and stronger meridional kinking, though out a colder and stormier winter.
This is likely to produce a ‘record’ number of all-time ‘record-low’ temperatures. At least until real historical records and anecdotal accounts are checked and we broadly discover that it’s all happened before, but been systematically downplayed for years.
I wrote this long comment simply to alert people in here who study the observations of such in much greater detail, so they’re aware of the extraordinary nature of the present forecast about this. So they might more directly compare it to observations accumulating during the first half of December, to see if the jetstream models are getting that pre-winter speed ramp right. And what the implications are if observations confirm it.
And I’d really like to know what mechanism unseasonably cooled down the high mid-latitude troposphere so quickly outside of Winter this year.
I’ve found two other extreme examples of accelerated forecast jetstream speeds, and one was in the North Atlantic basin, confirming it is a more general northern-hemisphere wind velocity increase.
North Atlantic at 34,000 feet and 360 km/h (forecast for 5th December). This is around 40 to 50 km/h faster than prior jetstream flows I’ve seen over the north Atlantic.
East of Japan at 39,000 feet and 400 km/h (forecast for 5th December). I’ve never seen anything near this fast at 39,000 feet before. It’s at least 100 km/h faster than normal for this altitude.
Another at 24,000 ft, 357 km/h, Sat 6th Dec 2019. Much higher than normal wind speeds for this altitude.
You have a scoop and as to the question ‘what mechanism unseasonably cooled down the high mid-latitude troposphere so quickly outside of Winter this year.’
Meandering jet streams in both hemispheres must be a global cooling signal. The subtropical ridge has collapsed and blocking highs are generating unseasonal weather.
Is it unusual for the jetstream to go around a blocking high?
They do that, but can also diverge either side of it.
Netstream not only tracks pressure difference gradients horizontally, it can displace vertically by thousands of feet as well for a time. It often does both horizontal and vertical path change at once, if blocked. Plus distorts the high. But when it dives lower or rises higher than typical 34,000 ft altitude it tends to spread-out a bit and that slows it down. So if you see 400 km/h at 39,000 ft, and 357 km/h at 24,000 ft that’s some pretty serious pressure difference (and implied temperature difference).
But the current forecast increase in speed is not even from displacing due vertical flow, as the jetstream speed is still as high (or higher) at 30,000 feet and 34,000 feet, simultaneously, and almost at the same horizontal locations. So this is a general increase in pressure gradients driven by a temperature gradient steepening process, than is more general through the high mid-latitude NH troposphere’s thickness, affecting all winter storm-belt winds.
On wonders if generally higher air flow volumes and speeds is how you end up with excess cooling ‘stormier’ cloud cover that limits ice and snow melting into spring and summer? Hot days are usually relatively low wind less cloudy days (except with rarer frontal activity).
Essentially we are entering a period similar to the middle of last century, Hubert Lamb was onto it.
Yes, what he describes from 1940s to 1970s seems to be artifacts of cooling-off from the 1930’s warm period. However, that is still a diagnostic symptom not a causal mechanism for why Highs block (and in this case the implied lowering-pressures of adjacent Lows and thus higher jetstream acceleration). Sure the ocean drives the winds, thus the placement of relative standing pressure gradients by the ocean water temp is implicit. But how is the ocean modulating that?
I notice ‘Vuk’ at WUWT asserts solar-magnetic (and related geomagnetic) control of ocean current regimes, apparently to create standing repeating patterns of surface warm and cool-pools as far as I can tell, though I find Vuk’s comments and links cryptic to ambiguous.
Will be interesting to see what wind and temp observations are this winter if NH wind speeds have significantly increased above warm-world “normal” levels and remain elevated, for months longer than recent years. One would suppose that if cold does in fact extended out into the mid-level higher mid-latitude area then that will be reflected in a pick up in storms and sea ice thickness. Though extra surface storminess may limit the growth in ice area, due to wind/wave churn. May take years for thicker ice to build and push out in area.
In the Southern Hemisphere the regime of ‘blocking’ began in July 2017 and has remained in place since that time. Its like somebody flicked a switch.
Wind storms should become more common going forward, especially great sea storms, and if we are going into a mini ice age then there will be a buildup of icebergs in the North Atlantic.
Do you think the QBO has a part to play?
‘ … it’s become clear the Jetstream is in the process of flipping to a very strongly meridional phase …’
Possibly we are entering a Gleissberg Minimum, the 90 to 100 year cycle is roughly on time. So if we analyse what was happening just prior to the earlier events (1810-1830, 1900-1920) it should give us a chance to argue for a solar influence.
Years ago Stephen Wilde told everyone that a strong meridional phase is a sign of global cooling, and I believe him.
I like Vuk’s effort and even Ian Wilson’s flawed lunar hypothesis, nobody understands enough to do a critique.
Found this at The Met.
‘The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation can affect the Atlantic jet stream. The speed of the winds in the jet stream weaken and strengthen with the direction of the QBO. … When the QBO is westerly, the chance of a strong jet, a mild winter, winter storms and heavy rainfall increases.’
But if you are convinced that the jet stream has picked up unprecedented speed, then its still a scoop. Now how do we get the news out there?
I’m not sure it is gordo I’m only sure I haven’t seen it before. There may be built-in divergence between model forecasting and observation speeds. Some people think models are optimistic and reality is slower. Frankly I doubt this, for if that were true storm path steering and timings would diverge very much more than they do with time, from say ECMWF guidance. ECMWF is in fact amazingly accurate at that for up to 6 to 7 days out (I’ve seen and logged this several times).
I expect higher speeds do occur, but I’d like to learn more about where and when. I’m going to look for “record” jetstream observations data. There are assertions 300 knots is the upper level limit for jetstream speeds or 555 km/hr, which I find extremely doubtful. I suspect this refers to rarefied wind at much higher altitude because jetstream gets nowhere near 555 km/h.
I’m more interested in if the forecast speeds and altitude changes persist in observations. There are claims the subtropical jetstream is not only more meridional, but its excursions are further from the poles of late. But in a colder winter, or a colder regional phase of winter it should move more equator-ward. But will that behavior be generally sustained? In the end there’s no hurry. Just bringing attention to this change in the forecast models to see if it’s significant in resulting observations, especially storminess and colder, cloudier conditions.
Could be an exercise in watching paint dry, perhaps more tangible changes.
‘But will that behavior be generally sustained?’
I believe so, because its the mechanism involved in global cooling.
What I don’t know, how does a quiet sun create a wayward jetstream?
Amongst all the hysteria about the ‘climate change’ induced drought and bushfire season, what you won’t hear from the usual suspects is that it is largely caused by a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (the IO’s version of an El Nino):
Weak El-Nino, but unconvincing.
Oh brother, that went into moderation for?
ocean_”a n a l s”?