A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Cancel Climate Science – and the Scientists
By Dr. Graham Pinn
There is little debate around climate science, with the much-publicised phrase “The science is settled” used to curtail any dispute. In fact, there is considerable dispute, but it remains unpublished in scientific journals, for fear of loss of job or funding.
A recent international survey, published in The Conversation, found that over 40% of scientists were being harassed or intimidated by their institutions, with climate science being a common indication; the survey did not indicate whether those scientists were protagonist or antagonist to the theory.
There are numerous examples of authors of scientific papers, supporting the CO2 theory, refusing to release underlying details, because others might find errors in their conclusions; there are also many examples of contrary articles being rejected by editors. The “Climategate” scandal of 2009, is just one example of this worldwide phenomenon.
The usual explanation given, is that those against the climate change hypothesis are funded by the fossil fuel industry. There is no mention of the enormous government and renewable industry grants to protagonists. This distortion has led to numerous examples of senior climate scientists, having to wait ‘til retirement, before revealing their opinions. American activist/author of yesteryear, described the phenomenon 100 years ago: ”It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on not understanding”.
More at –
That is the point of this blog. Firstly, to provide a place where real debate can occur. I have yet to hear actual scientists publicly debate the ideas of Al Gore and James Hansen. The second value in Jo’s Blog is to provide a place where at least the other side of the story can be presented for all time. Ideas can be honed and facts and arguments and news shared.
The reality is that an alleged man made CO2 increase, alleged additional CO2 driven warming and warming driven Armageddon including mythical ‘tipping points’, rapid sea rises, storm increases are not debated at in public. Certainly not in what we now call the legacy media.
The new and so called ‘Climate Science’ is entirely political and not scientific. Statements like ‘98% of scientists agree’ are fraudulent fabrications. As are Michael Mann’s Hockey stick and I claim the CO2 Ice Hockey Stick where different measurements (firn, laboratory) are improperly bolted onto metamorphic ice data and the X axis moved up from zero. Political fabrications presented as scientific facts.
Whether ‘world’ temperatures go up or down, in 37 years not a single prediction of Climate Science has come true. We are not talking about the future of the planet any more. We are talking about the past. And nothing has happened in four decades except the biggest waste of public money in world history and the crippling of Western democracies and the explosive military growth of China, the only beneficiary.
Any discussion of the subject would not be complete without mention of our own climate stalwart, Ian Plimer, a man impossible to cancel. He is an Australian geologist, surprisingly still an Emeritus Professor at Melbourne University, with past University appointments at Adelaide and Newcastle Universities; he is an unequivocal opponent of the climate change hypothesis and has written numerous books on the subject. His views are denigrated as he has, in the past, and still has, connections with the mining industry. Although many years retired, he is still being cancelled at Australian Universities, even had an honorary doctorate cancelled at a European University. He is notable for his phrase about the debate – “They have us outnumbered but we have them outgunned”! He continues to write to put them straight!
Yes Johnny, Ian Plimer is a great man. In November 2022, he was taking part in a re-enactment of the 1968 London to Sydney car rally (just the Perth-Sydney section), and I drove to Cooma just to meet this great man and shake his hand. He was most cordial and kept us entertained with his stories. as would happen his phone rang whilst we were talking and he said it was his boss and he would have to take it. A short time later he caught up with us and told us it was a call from Gina and she was calling from Mar-a-Lago with the Donald. A few days later pictures of her there were front page news asking “what is she doing there” above her photo with Trump. As we were leaving he asked us to come over to his car as he had something he wanted us to have, and he gave us a handful of “Trump” embossed chocolates, with instructions that if we opened them the case could be refilled with chocolate, for more Trump embossed chocolate. As yet I have not partaken of the chocolate, more interested in keeping this “keepsake”
Yes, Ian Plimer, a wonderful Australian.
(1) Calibration of Warming by ‘Carbon Dioxide’ ‘falsified’ by the scientific method and observation: No evidence could be found for the calibration of radiative warming in an atmospheric chamber. “The Theory of Heat Radiation” by Max Planck implies that radiative heating does not occur for a gas with no intermolecular bonds. The reason is that the random nature of the movement or vibration of molecules means that half of the molecules moving towards the particle are slowed down or cooled.
(2) Calibration of Warming by the ‘Adiabatic Lapse Rate’ ‘proven’ by the scientific method and observation: Venus with a quarter of a million times more carbon dioxide than the Earth provides the best evidence for James Clerk Maxwell’s use of the Poisson curve which is mentioned in Chapter IV: Elementary Dynamic Principles: Measurement of Force. ‘Theory of Heat (1871)’ showing that warming is by molar mass not radiative forcing. This is confirmed by the fact that the same pressure at different altitudes on each of the planets, has the same temperature if adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
(3) Calibration of Climate Change by changes to ‘Cloud Albedo’ ‘proven’ by the scientific method and observation: Climate Change is mostly caused by a change in low cloud albedo. Professor Shaviv provides the high-energy cosmic ray information that proves that the sun was the primary cause for climate change. This is caused by the Sun wobbling about the barycentre. The centre of the Sun is always within 2.2 solar radii of the barycenter. This motion of the Sun is mainly due to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. For some periods of several decades, the motion is rather regular, forming a trefoil pattern, whereas between these periods it appears more chaotic. After 179 years (nine times the synodic period of Jupiter and Saturn), the pattern more or less repeats, but rotated by about 24°. Correlation’s between Climate Change and the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle are caused by the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, which determines the length of the solar cycles. This in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets. Short Hale Magnetic Solar Cycles have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds. These results were provided by Enric Palle in 2004. During the last 100 years high-energy cosmic rays became scarcer because unusually vigorous action by the Sun batted away many of them. Fewer cosmic rays meant fewer clouds—and a warmer world.
If the science is settled, then it is not science.
If a “scientific consensus” is claimed it’s also not science.
1) Science is never “settled”
2) Scientific fact is not decided by consensus.
The propagation of these two false ideas by the Left has done enormous damage to science and scientists as a whole and caused a massive corruption of science.
This corruption is especially noticeable in the areas of climate and pharmaceuticals/medicine as well as many other areas that are dependent on taxpayer funding or that involves government regulation and control.
And it also filters down into the indoctrination centres formerly known as “achools” and today, young people are taught many false and/or inappropriate ideas such as climate catastrophism, that there are more than two genders, socialism is desirable, Western Civilisation is evil etc.. And kids are also not taught to think independently, just to follow the Official Narrative, a very dangerous situation.
My latest AI functional description article.
AI emulates abstract thinking about Kipling, Lady Gaga and The Rolling Stones
By David Wojick
The beginning: “CFACT just produced an impressive example of a chatbot emulating several sorts of abstract thought. At their request the bot GROC 3 created three long song poems successively in the styles of Kipling, Lady Gaga and The Rolling Stones. You can read them here:
Chatbots do not think rather they computationally emulate thought. But it is easier to talk as though they actually think so I will do that here. Using emulation language is tedious and clumsy.
The poems are not bad and some lines are really good but that is not my focus. My interest is cognition. To begin with the instruction “write a poem about X” is pretty abstract. It is far more abstract than asking for facts already written about or what someone already said.
Mind you there are thousands of books and articles on poetry and how to write it. A great thing about chatbots is they can read thousands of books in a thousandth of a second so maybe that helped this one.
Asking for a long poem in the style of a specific writer or performer is a whole different critter. To begin with the robot has to figure out what that style is. Then it must come up with an applicable poem in language that fits that style. Being able to do this is truly impressive.
I do not know how to describe a style. Then too I have not read much Kipling or heard Lady Gaga sing, although I am a big Stones fan. So I cannot guess how long it would take me to do what this bot did in seconds or less. Maybe weeks, months, or years. Maybe never because it takes talent or in this case the successful emulation of talent.
I have read people saying that chatbots are just statistical engines that find the text most likely to be the answer to the query. Since these song lines have clearly never been written before that cannot be all there is to it.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
I don’t play with AI but would be intrigued to see what it does “in the style of Kraftwerk”.
They tried to sound like AI, even though they didn’t have a computer.
Ironically, Kraftwerk did not own a computer at the time of recording Computer World.
The band is also known for being notoriously reclusive, providing rare and enigmatic interviews, using life-size mannequins and robots while conducting official photo shoots…
anyone trying to contact the band for collaboration would be told the studio telephone did not have a ringer since, while recording, the band did not like to hear any kind of noise pollution. Instead, callers were instructed to phone the studio precisely at a certain time, whereupon the phone would be answered by Ralf Hütter, despite never hearing the phone ring.
Lots of images in the media of people holding sandbags to be filled in Qld.
Seems odd – are these all photos that are being posed?
Meanwhile, surf’s up.
I recall that during the plandemic in 2022, people who had not taken the clot shot were prevented from volunteering to fill sandbags.
I can’t find a link to that story, maybe history has already been rewritten.
But I could find reference to a similar story from Victoriastan from that time.
In Australia it’s considered better to suffer or die from flooding or other natural disaster than to accrpt a volunteer effort from a thinking person that rightly refused an untested experimental mRNA “vaccine”.
ABC waking up and starting to smell the MAHA coffee
Can’t figure out if they mean that children not yet born will be obese or if those around now will be obese adults.
Eat more animal protein, animal fats and less or no carbs and no seed oils.
How many fat people were around up until the 1960s or 1970’s before the new dietary guidelines that encouraged less animal protein, less animal fat and more carbs? Not too many.
The 1980 Dietary Guidelines for Americans featured recommendations developed and released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) but were more or less adopted throughout the Western world.
Those 1980 guidelines were hugely damaging to public health.
At the link:
What a ridiculous Nanny State statement and a summary of just about everything that’s wrong with Australia.
A person (or in the case of a child, the parent) is responsible for everything that goes into their mouth, not the Government.
One of the reasons carbs are so fattening, apart from biochemical reasons, is that eating them does not bring about satiation and people over-consume them in great quantities and they also tend to be highly addictive especially if they contain sugar.
King Canute like Albo Tross commands Cyclone Alfred to retire and come again after he announces the election
It’s almost impossible to find news on the pretend hydro scheme, Snowy Hydro 2, brought to us by the fake conservative Liberal Party.
You’d think for something that is an endless sink of hard-earned taxpayer dollars, thst we are entitled to daily updates.
Liberal Hivemind (conservative YouTube channel) looks at the Zelensky / Trump meeting.
One of the comments by a viewer is that Zelensky’s agitation and body movements are also suggestive of him being high on cocaine at the time. Apparently he is (allegedly) a known user. Not sure if that’s true or not.
And straight from a meeting with Democrats including Chris Murphy who hate Trump and were determined to scuttle any peace. This was high treason. They could be prosecuted under the Logan Act. And you can be sure Zelensky is regretting it now that Trump has removed US military support. Not only new munitions but likely also critical US strategic and intelligence information. It remains to be seen if Musk turns off Starlink support in a time of war.
And I note the careful choice of words as Zelensky now thanks ‘America’ but not Trump.
Many countries have criticized Zelensky for his absurd presumption and total lack of gratitude. Especially neighbour Poland. Germany too now that they know it was Zelensky’s men who blew up their gas supply. It is news today that Germany still spent more on Russian oil than on war support for Zelensky. While men are still dying in their thousands, it’s a charade of support by Europe and now Australia. It’s all political posture and obsolete or surplus weapons except for drones from Turkey and Iran.
It’s now entirely a European proxy war on Russia, not an American one. We’ll see how long these old colonial powers can keep pretending want border justice.
And the only reason he does not want an election is that he would lose.
In my writing work, when I do Goolag searches it usually offers first an AI answer.
I frequently find that the AI has errors in it, even on technical or scientific matters.
Just because it comes from AI doesn’t mean it’s true.
In fact AI is less trustworthy than most legitimate sources of information.
It is concerning that many “professionals” in science, engineering, law, medicine, “journalism” and business now rely on AI to do their “research” and “thinking” for them. It is also used to write summaries of meetings, even medical consultations. What could possibly go wrong?
It’s only a matter of time before there is a major engineering or medical disaster that will be attributable to what the AI said or told someone to do.
And if you don’t have knowledge yourself in the first place, or can’t think for yourself, absolutely never use AI. It will just make you more stupid.
Breaking: A Victory for Free Speech: Mark Steyn’s $1 Million Judgment Slashed to $5,000 in Landmark Climate Case
Charles Rotter
Today, we raise a cheer for reason, justice, and the unyielding spirit of free expression! Today, the Superior Court of the District of Columbia delivered a resounding blow to overreach in the long-running defamation lawsuit brought by climate scientist Michael Mann against conservative commentator Mark Steyn. In a Final Judgment Order, Judge Alfred S. Irving, Jr. reduced Steyn’s punitive damages from an astronomical $1 million to a modest $5,000—vindicating Steyn, protecting open debate, and sending a powerful message about the limits of legal bullying.
But justice has prevailed! The court’s ruling not only slashes Steyn’s punitive damages to a reasonable $5,000 but also declares the original $1 million award unconstitutional—too excessive, too punitive, and out of step with the actual harm (or lack thereof) Mann suffered.
Adding to the celebration, Mann has been ordered to pay over $500,000 in legal costs to National Review, Steyn’s co-defendant in the case. This award, rooted in D.C.’s Anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) law, recognizes the frivolous nature of Mann’s decade-long legal crusade against those who challenged his research.
Let’s raise a glass to this triumph! The slashing of Steyn’s penalty to $5,000 isn’t just a legal correction—it’s a beacon for free speech, a shield for honest inquiry, and a reminder that truth emerges from open debate, not courtroom battles. The fight for reason continues, but today, we celebrate a monumental step forward.
HT/Stephen McIntyre