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21 comments to Monday

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    Just staring blankly at the subtle rainfall record differences between these three rainfall sites around Townsville. Wondering if the pristine view of the world daydream provided by computer model derived virtual reality from infill is still perverted, corrupted and contaminated by real world data from other sites. It could well be only submerged humans in the real world that have little clue what is going on in the much more important simulation.

    Fail 1.
    Just 0.2 MM rainfall for January and 0.2 for February.

    Fail 2.
    Perhaps back online since 3:AM this morning. Wildly different numbers to the “AERO” and “Fanning river” sites it is between.

    Fail 3.
    Seems to have died around 4PM on the last day of January.


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      David Maddison

      If there’s a difference between reality and the computer model, then the reality is wrong, not the model…

      That’s how Leftist “science”, as practised by warmists, works, isn’t it?

      How else can it be that after 40 years they are still using the same defective computer “models” of the Climate which still have no forecasting or even hindcasting capability? And reality has to be altered by changing the measured data by the mysterious process by the BoM of “homogenisation” as reported by Jo or alteration of historical data by NASA and NOAA as documented by Tony Heller.


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      Townsville Aero is the BOM base and they keep it on line.

      Mt Stuart Defence is Lavarack Brks. and the rain gauge has been off line for ages. Pity, I live close. One would expect readings “similar” to the airport.

      Woolshed is the RADAR site on Hervey Range and afaik doesn’t have an automatic rain gauge, nor does Cape Ferguson [GBRMPA] and Air Weapons range is on the west side of Hervey Range. Fanning R. is on the west side of Mingela Range. None of these would reflect Townsville City readings in any but a general sense.

      What would be interesting would be a live cam of the Burdekin Falls Dam. It is 1 km wide with no spillway. It would be at least a metre over. A lot of water flows out of the Burdekin. I ‘spose this will be blamed for another catastrophe on the GBR.


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        I’m beginning to like the AI function of Brave search.

        I searched on live cam of the Burdekin Falls Dam and got a short, succinct answer immediately:

        Burdekin Falls Dam Live Cam

        There is no live webcam available for the Burdekin Falls Dam.


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    a happy little debunker

    I find it passing strange that economists have loudly predicted/projected that Americans will pay extra because of Trump’s Tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China.
    Meanwhile, Canada has announced tariffs on American Alcohol and Teslas in response – but no economists are telling the Canadian public that this will make them pay more … especially when Canada wants more Canadians to drive EV’s – to reduce CO2 emissions and save the planet from global warming.
    It is almost as if Canada (by it actions) does not believe that reducing CO2 is an imperative…


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      What I find passing strange is that anti-Trumpers give data on the percentage of US imports of oil, gas and electricity Canada provides but US is basically self sufficient in these. Any tariffs or bans would effect the NW for gas and the border regions generally. This would be a pain short term, but the US would solve the problem and Canada would have lost the market permanently. They would then need to spend billions on LNG export terminals.

      They should know Trump by now, he makes an ambit claim, then negotiates a reasonable deal.

      Who paid for the Keystone pipeline that Biden halted? That would be a white elephant.


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    David Maddison

    Here’s an extremely interesting video about the Greenland shark, the world’s longest lived vertebrate which is believed to live to 500 years.


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    David Maddison

    Here’s a video about a very famous Russian experiment where they selectively bred foxes, choosing the most tame from every generation to breed.

    It was found that selecting for tameness came with other physical changes such as floppy ears, shorter snouts, different brain function, spots and colour changes, fewer stress hormones, longer lives and many other changes. In fact, the similarities were much like developed with dogs when they were domesticated from wolves.


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      David Maddison

      Another remarkable thing was how quickly these changes came about with guided, selective breeding. They occurred within just three or four generations.

      You can buy them if legal in your country. They would not be allowed in Australia which generally does not permit any forn of “exotic” pet, being a Nanny State. Although there are plenty of introduced wild foxes already.

      Copied from elsewhere:

      The Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Russia sell “tamed” foxes (domesticated for tameness) to fund continuation of this vital experiment. They are expensive, need importing, must be legal in your country and state, and requirements must be met (such as provision of secure enclosure).


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    David Maddison

    Video about how illegal immigrants, members of criminal gangs, are being rounded up in New York due to TRUMP’s orders.

    Everyone seems happy except the Left. But the criminals don’t tend to go to the Elite areas where the Left live so they don’t care anyway.


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      Dave in the States

      But remember when illegals got shipped to Martha’s Vineyard? That didn’t last long. They were shipped out the next day. No tears from the left.


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    another ian


    “Gabbard in the Wilderness”


    “Trump Moves the Overton Window on Gaza”

    When you have

    “Quelle Surprise: Arab Nations Are a ‘HELL, NO’ on Accepting Palestinians From Gaza”

    Plenty of “hopium” but some wonder on the supply


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      ” if you excluded wankers, gas bags, mashers, and drunks from holding office in Washington, DC, the capitol would be a null set or a just another east coast urban slum.”


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      And on Jordan accepting ‘Palestinians’ there was the PLO vs Jordan in 1970.
      “by early 1970, leftist groups within the PLO began calling for the overthrow of Jordan’s Hashemite monarchy, leading to violent clashes in June 1970.”

      These are Jordan’s mortal enemies. But they present themselves as ‘Palestinians’ and get world sympathy when Palestine already exists in Jordan. Except it is not run by violent extremists.


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        And how was that war resolved? “Jordan allowed the fedayeen to relocate to Lebanon via Syria, where they later became involved in the Lebanese Civil War. ”

        No one wants these professional and eternal troublemakers. In fifty years with massive donations from international muslims, they are still an active army of malcontents seeking violent conquest.


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    another ian


    “Irony alert – Dutton announces cutting government waste on the ABC!”

    Your morning irony?


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      David Maddison

      After the disgraceful episode of having Liberal (fake conservative) appointed Ita Buttrose as chair, who immediately pronounced that she could find no bias at Their ABC, I don’t trust the Libs to reform or defund the ABC. It will be more of the same.


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    another ian

    FWIW – Chiefio looks at AI

    “A.I. Programming has improved A Lot”


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      As with any runaway metastasizing organization. The UN, WHO, IPCC, ABC/SBS, cut off the money supply.

      This is already Australian law. Force the ABC to obey the existing broadcast laws which apply to all media, so as to limit their ability to threaten the government and politicians with biased reporting.

      The ABC/SBS otherwise runs as a self serving cartel, demanding more and more cash or they will punish the government.


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