
8.5 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

83 comments to Saturday

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      That is absurd. The TV and cinema show endless amounts of gratuitous violence. Hollywood in particular is gruesomely and unnecessary violent. So why is the CIA lady picking on one incident which is pathetic by comparison?


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        Graham Richards

        The one & only reason for the selective censorship is a little obscure right now. It’s actually the thin end of wedge of the real reason which is to silence political & ideological criticism.

        Pretty bloody obvious when those backing the policy are in government & government has the power to decide what is “ truth “ & the same devious, immoral liars are not held to to account at all. In other words the devious, immoral liars are free to say & do what the rest of us must obey their laws.

        Exactly which political party has dictatorial ambitions?? As always it’s the Socialists behaving like the National Socialists of Nazi Germany!.


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      David Maddison

      How ridiculous.

      FFS, how much more of a Nanny State can Australia become? This is absurd.

      Lots of people searched for this video, especially after the e Safety Kommissar gave it free worldwide publicity by trying to ban it and her censorship efforts made Australia the laughing stock of the world – again.

      And presumably the Kommisar herself watched it.

      The video didn’t turn anyone it a murderer. It was a warning about a particular ideology being imported into Western countries.

      Incidentally, the video was in fact banned in Australia. Elon did comply with the Kommisar’s dictatorial order. The Kommissar was trying to have it banned worldwide in jurisdictions beyond her control.

      And folks, at election time, remember that it was the fake conservative Liberal Party that created the Kommissar’s position, not that Green Labor would be any different.


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      “”Research and the experience of law enforcement in Australia and internationally has shown a clear link between extreme, graphic violent material and harm to children,”

      ..but once you reach the magic day that Her Holiness has ordained, you can watch the most violent and obscene rubbish from America in movie theatres or online… without it affecting you at all! Its a light-switch! Today you will be harmed irreparably, tomorrow you will be fine..

      But the Govt will step in to bring up your kids because you obviously can’t! Every adult that thinks censorship will protect their children earns my undying contempt!


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    MeAgain Countries have long tried “cloud seeding” — injecting chemicals such as silver iodide into clouds to trigger rain or snowfall — in attempts to alleviate drought and, increasingly, air pollution. – that includes Australia, yeah?


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      David Maddison

      Before Australia’s CSIRO became a climate and covid government propaganda agency they actually did legitimate scientific research. (Some younger members of the Thinking Community might find that hard to believe.)

      They researched cloud seeding from the end of WW2 until 1971 and concluded that it either didn’t work, or wasn’t effective if it did.


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        They did it in the Snowy Mountains and in Tasmania in the 2000’s they weren’t allowed to make rain, only snow. It was fired from towers on the mountains in the Snowy’s and by plane in Tassie. It had more chemicals than Ag Iodine. The base chem’s were ethanol and aceytone and a few more. I’m unsure if they still do it.


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          After the water storage dam was built for the Mary Kathleen uranium mine near Mt Isa they used cloud seeding for (I think 2 years) until they managed to fill the dam .
          Was it the cloud seeding or was it just a big rainfall event who knows .


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          While we are thinking about The Snowy what has happened to the 2.0 bit. It’s gone awfully quiet so we can assume it’s run into more tough stuff or sunk into another sand pit?


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      Mark Jones

      On January 15th, 2022, was the ultimate cloud seeding experiment. Hunga Tonga erupted, spewing millions of tonnes of seawater into the stratosphere. Water turns into ice crystals, the salt into micro particles. (Universities will spend millions on studying this, more to disprove than discover the effects of such a huge injection of matter that will cause weather events as well as affect the ozone layer.) In the real world, Australia went through four major flood events along the east coast in 2022, in 2023 another two. When this started in 2022, Australia was under the supposed influence of an El Nino.

      I’d say there is merit in cloud seeding. However, methinks we should leave it to nature. All that salt in the upper atmosphere. Wonder what happens to all those NaCl molecules getting bombarded by UV…surely, they wouldn’t split into free chloride ions? Only fluorocarbons do that!


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    Spanish politician demands end to anonymity and that all social media accounts should reside in a digital identity wallet.

    The name of the wallet owner would be known to the authorities


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      David Maddison

      That’s the plan for Australia as well.

      But they’re disguising it under age authentication for people under 16 who are banned from social media in the Stupid Country.

      How do you prove you’re under 16 without universal submission by all people of their digital person number to authorities and attaching it to your social media profile?

      This will no doubt be used by Australia’s Chicomm-loving bureaucrats and politicians to create a Chicomm-style social credit score based on your social media posts and other criteria. From that your eligibility for the size of your insect ration will be assessed, housing size, and how far (if at all) you can travel beyond your “15 minute city”.


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        Yes, how will that work then, without everyone submitting their age in order to demonstrate they are over 16?

        Someone, somewhere must have come up with a plan.


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          Geoff Sherrington

          What procedures have the organisers shown for they themselves to be declared of allowable age and credentials to be conducting this work? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Geoff S


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          The law just says that the social media sites have to do it. It doesn’t say how, just that there are swinging big fines if the gov later decides that it wasn’t good enough.


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      Identity wallets, ID cards, all that stuff has become comparatively less important now we have our constant AI companion who knows everything we read, write, hear, say, see, or do.

      Every move you make
      And every vow you break
      Every smile you fake, every claim you stake
      I’ll be watchin’ you
      Every move you make, every step you take
      I’ll be watchin’ you

      I’ll be watchin’ you
      Every breath you take, every move you make
      Every bond you break (I’ll be watchin’ you)
      Every single day, every word you say
      Every game you play (I’ll be watchin’ you)

      (Lyrics from POLICE)


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    David Maddison

    It’s strange and also disturbing that as the United States becomes more free economically (e.g. cancelling Paris Accords, deregulation) and personally (e.g. removal of censorship and racist and sexist DEI policies) the woke countries of the world are responding not by following TRUMP’s example, but by increasing their anti-free market policies and censorship and remain committed to DEI.

    And you’d think things like getting out of Paris would be an election winner and liberator of the economy but in fanatically woke countries like Australia, both factions of the Uniparty remain resolutely committed to it.

    Fake conservative Dutton of the Fake conservative Liberal Party is particularly disappointing in this regard. I know people say he’ll get out of Paris if he gets elected but I don’t believe him. If he hasn’t got the cajones to say it up front then to me, it’s not going to happen. The Liberal Party is one endless series of disappointments, and they haven’t been conservative since the time of Robert Menzies (was PM 1939-41 and 1949-66).

    Vote for conservative-orientated parties only.

    1) United Australia Party
    2) Libertarian Party
    3) One Nation


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      Of course the Woke politicians around the world are defending the alphabet religions. They have no choice. But the governments in the UK, France, Germany and Australia are on notice that they are out of step with the world’s biggest economy and the country on which they totally rely for defence. And as America changes, public opinion changes.

      Meanwhile ultra woke Hollywood is fighting back with the Oscars, still trying to steer public opinion to DEI, Trans, ESG, BLM. In the nominees for Oscars, the pope is a hemaphrodite, Trump is a rapist, a transgender is nominated for an oscar and one crime drama follows a Mexican drug lord as he transitions from male to female. A story which really needs to be told. It may even generate a musical prequel.


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        Meanwhile Disney is thrashing around trying to sell a ridiculous Snow White, whose ‘skin was white as snow’, as a DEI including dwarfs who now have ranged from full size men to computer simulations, so avoiding hiring actual dwarfs. Because the beloved story of Snow White by the Brothers Grim over 200 years ago is fundamentally not DEI/ESG/BLM and the world knows it. And even Egypt complained loudly about the black Cleopatra, who was Greek, not even Egyptian.


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      As a conservative I usually prefer voting LNP but I couldn’t for Turnbull. I thought Norrison would be big improvement but he failed the character test during the pandemic. I ended up voting One Nation. Their policy platform is the one I most agree with although I remain concerned about Hanson – she has the look of a woman who knows how to really hate.

      I’d be willing to give Dutton a chance if only to get rid of Albanese and Labor. And while I acknowledge we essentially have a UniParty at least Dutton’s energy policy is a realistic path to guaranteeing stable electricity supplies.


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        Not good enough, his nuclear policy won’t pass muster, a pox on all their houses.


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          Oh well, sit on the sideline demanding perefection then.


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            “I’d be willing to give Dutton a chance if only to get rid of Albanese and Labor.”

            ..and that’s why nothing changes as we slide into Socialism..

            “Oh well, sit on the sideline demanding perefection then.”

            There are lots of ways to change the Uniparty’s direction without voting within it. Voting within it has been shown time and again to be complete waste of time, there is no difference between them!

            Not that democracy is anything but a stupid way to select a Govt anyway..


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              David of Cooyal in Oz

              Churchill examined that proposition and concluded (if I remember correctly) that his conclusion was that democracy is the worst form of government, apart from all the others.

              What form do you suggest is preferable?


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                I’m a big fan of the “one man, one vote” principle. As long as I’m the man and it’s my vote.


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        Lloyd, I live in Qld. not in Ted O’Brien’s electorate but back him with the hard work on looking into Nuclear Energy which is the safest and the second cheapest electric power source after coal (proven by Finland when they connected their recent nuclear power expansion and by the UAE with their 4 new nuclear reactor power station). China has 10 new units being constructed (including a Thorium Reactor) with at least 100 in the planning stage.
        In my Federal seat the LNP candidate will be elected with a majority of at least 60%.
        I will be voting below the line for the senate. So I can select the candidates of my preference. My first preference has always been elected.
        One should note that Malcolm Roberts of ON has had a big input to the ON policies. He is a believer in democracy and has put into the ON policy the Swiss system of Citizen Initiated Referendum. The people voted for a expensive referendum on the “voice”. The cost of a referendum question at a normal election would very very little. Questions on immigration level, school education curricular and university free speech and disruption would be something the public would like to vote on.


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          David Maddison

          He is a believer in democracy…

          It’s tragic that it’s now necessary to note whether Aussie politicians are believers in democracy or not. Most aren’t.


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      James Reid

      There is new Conservative party being formed
      Gerard Rennick seems to have been a force for rational questioning in the Senate.
      Not sure why more of these sensible senators can’t join together?


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    David Maddison

    Fauci news.

    Trump has terminated the security detail for Dr. Anthony Fauci that was being provided and paid for by the National Institutes of Health, source says


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      I heard that it was the US Marshall’s Service that provided the protection for Fauci


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      Well at least they didn’t publish his home address, his upcoming schedule for the month or where his family live. Maybe they should, just to be sure that people he helped during our recent pandemic can protect him from any evil intent.

      Sometime later this year, when the trials begin, (under state laws first), he’ll need lawyers. Will he have to fund these himself or will the large pharmaceutical industry be picking up the tab? Maybe they’ll offer him protection too? Maybe they’ll provide him with a nice holiday location far away from any extradition ports.

      Some would say that he needs to be in protective care, 24 hours a day, under constant watch, protected by some very high walls and locked doors, even having bars on the windows. Just make sure that the security cameras don’t get turned off.

      He could even take on a new lover, Bubba. I’m sure Bubba loves him. Long time.

      How long till the mini-series gets rolled out?


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      another ian


      “Trump Wasn’t the One Who Ended Fauci’s Security Detail”

      “Fauci’s taxpayer-funded security detail ended during Biden’s presidency, not Trump’s. No one cried foul back when this was first reported. I wonder why.”

      More at


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      Honk R Smith

      When it comes to being safe and secure, I suggest trusting in Science.


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      John Connor II

      If there’s one person on the planet that needs a security detail it’s Fauci.
      If there’s one person on the planet that doesn’t deserve a security detail it’s Fauci.

      Maybe he’ll experience a bloody ear…


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    David Maddison

    It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself__anything that carried the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.

    George Orwell, 1984


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    David Maddison

    There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.

    If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

    George Orwell, 1984


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      John Connor II

      No, not forever.
      Don’t forget my target year 2028.
      Interesting how so many projections are now lining up with it too, even Martin A.
      Plus the great crash & burn of the west in 8 years.
      This is why nutjob pollies everywhere are going into toralitarian overdrive. They know what’s coming, at least economically and politically. But my target isn’t based on these factors. No, I’m not saying, not yet anyway.

      The forest burns but is renewed afresh.


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    another ian

    FWIW – latest Kustler

    “The Great Sorting-Out Begins

    “The purpose of a pardon is to correct a miscarriage of justice, not to prevent future judicial action.” — Dr. Joseph Sansone”


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    Trump Outlaws CBDC – Telling Schwab and the WEF to Stuff it

    “President Trump Signs an Executive Order To Ban Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). As I have been warning and appeared in the movie CBDC, the End of Money, that it would have been unconstitutional for the Federal Reserve to create a CBDC, and my sources had confirmed that the Fed would not make a CBDC. This is important in that it chalks up one for the people – retaining our freedom.

    This means that there will be no digital dollar and the end of Klaus Schwab’s dream of you will own nothing and be happy. A CBDC was to be programmable where the government would decide what you could buy or sell.”

    More at the weblink below –


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    another ian


    “The Endangerment Finding: It Looks Like Trump 2.0 Will Be Much More Fun Than Trump 1.0”

    “But one provision, I would argue, is important above all the rest. That is Section 6(f), which directs a reconsideration of the so-called Endangerment Finding (EF) of December 2009. That provision of the EO reads as follows:

    (f) Within 30 days of the date of this order, the Administrator of the EPA, in collaboration with the heads of any other relevant agencies, shall submit joint recommendations to the Director of OMB on the legality and continuing applicability of the Administrator’s findings, “Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act,” Final Rule, 74 FR 66496 (December 15, 2009).

    This provision is of overriding importance because, as long as the Endangerment Finding remains on the books, it gives a license to the courts, and to activist left-wing judges anywhere in the federal system, to enjoin and undo all the other de-regulatory efforts of this and other energy-related EOs. However, if the EF is rescinded with a well-reasoned and well-supported basis, then all the other energy-related initiatives will have a far clearer path to success.”

    More at


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    Confusion is the price of progress.

    Confusion grows over offshore wind controls
    By David Wojick

    The beginning:
    “Bringing offshore wind under control will be a complex process under administrative law, which few people know much about. As a result there is likely to be a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. Some of this will be seriously funny.

    A fine example, actually several, occurred during the Senate confirmation hearing for Governor Doug Burgum to be Secretary of Interior. The vehicle for this confusion is an exchange between Maine’s Senator Angus King and Burgum. Interior is the lead agency that leases offshore wind sites and oversees their development.

    King basically asked Burgum for a commitment to carry forward the Department of the Interior’s offshore wind leases in the Gulf of Maine and offshore wind projects that are already in progress.

    Burgum replied: “I’m not familiar with every project that the Interior has under way, but I’ll certainly be taking a look at all of those and if they make sense and they’re already in law, then they’ll continue.”

    This sounds like Burgum agrees with King but given President Trump’s clearly stated policy of stopping offshore wind development it likely is not. It all depends on what “already in law” means.

    Specifically “already in law” probably means the project already has all its numerous required federal permits and approvals. There are a few such projects, which are already under construction and they would be very difficult to stop at this stage. The Government would have to forcibly buy them out.

    Meanwhile almost all of the forty or so offshore wind projects are not at this “already in law” stage. Many projects are just at the beginning of the approval process including the three off of Maine. To my knowledge two of those projects do not even have names much less required approvals.

    If this interpretation of “already in law” is correct then what Burgum really said to King was “Not a chance, Senator.” That will be truly funny especially since the offshore wind press reported Burgum as agreeing with King.

    The far deeper confusion is people thinking that the future of offshore wind is up to Burgum. While Interior has the lead and owns several key approvals a bunch of other essential approvals lie with other agencies. In some cases whole groups of agencies have to agree to an approval.”

    Lots more in the article. Please share it.

    Enjoy the show.


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    David Maddison

    Is there anything the Left won’t destroy?

    Here is a video about how the Left have even destroyed archaeology and anthropology by not allowing photos of human remains in scientific publications.

    I wasn’t aware they’d gone this far!


    This sort of madness also prohibits scientific study of human origins in Australia, e.g. studies of Mungo Man, Kow Swamp Man, DNA, studies etc..


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      John F. Hultquist

      I’ve lived on the same parcel for 36 years. Can I declare it sacred ground if I widely disperse my wife’s ashes on it? My best horse and bird-dog are also buried here. And some not very good wine.🍷


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    No regrets: Anthony Albanese wants another go as Prime Minister


    From the Comments

    – Visually impaired Labor voter after cataract removal “It’s wonderful. I can now see past my Albo!!”


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      We need a President Trump or Javier Milei President of Argentine plus DOGE here in Australia, with DOGE led by Gina Rinehart & other Australian Business Leaders including Campbell Newman

      What has impressed me, is the level of detail in the Executive Orders that President Trump has issued.

      For example –

      Trump in assembling the Brightest & Best Business et al minds in Mar-a-Lago, avoiding the Washington Swamp from last time, in the period between the Election & being sworn in as President on the 20th Jan 2025, has used that time with his advisers wisely and has hit the ground running

      Hopefully Peter Dutton and the Liberal/Nationals will take note and learn some lessons


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        “We need a President Trump or Javier Milei President of Argentine plus DOGE here in Australia”

        What makes you think Australians deserve them? Apart from on here, I don’t see any rush to freedom and small Govt from the rest of the plebs, they seem quite happy to spread the Andrews Doctrine of Socialism throughout the country.


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    I hadn’t realised until today that sea levels have been rising over the last century.,that%20of%20the%20current%20century.

    I’m surprised not to have seen any reference to it here although in fairness I may well have missed such a reference.


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    another ian


    Looks like “The Noble Savage” is under fire –

    “Trump Admin Taking Out the NASA Trash”

    “Because Earth Science needs shamans and medicine bags.”

    “I’m sure there are hundreds if not thousands of other examples of unreported accomplishments. The Trump administration seems to be returning sanity to Federal science at blinding speed.”

    In comments


    I’m just starting “Romancing the Primitive: The myth of the ecological aborigine” by William J. Lines


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      Taking out the NASA trash??

      With Musk standing beside him, NASA IS the trash!

      Yet another Govt boondoggle that has long outlived its usefulness! Fire everyone in there, put Musk in charge and tell them to ask him for their jobs back.


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    I watched a (fairly) intriguing Science Fiction Series on one of the Streaming Services (Apple) called Silo.

    Despite so much other SF being really average, this one was okay really, and as with most of the good ones, you really need to pay attention as you’re watching.

    Series Two has just wound up, and the last 5 minutes was perhaps the most intriguing ending of any Series I have recently seen. (and here I like the way that the streaming services make all these into series instead of a single 2 hour movie where so much gets passed over)

    So, (as you do) I cheated, and went and looked it up on the WWW. That only led to further intrigue. Now, I just can’t wait another year for Parts Three and Four to be released, so I went out and purchased the Trilogy of novels the Series is based on.

    I’m not into flat out revealing things, and here, if you are interested, then I’ll perhaps just hint at a clue.

    The author is Hugh Howey, and the three novels are titled Wool, Shift, and Dust. And he wrote the work originally starting 13 years ago now.

    Now here, Wool can maybe be perceived as a metaphor, or actually an Acronym, and, umm, wait till you find out what that acronym stands for. (Naah! Go look for yourself, and it might take a while.)


    PostScript – and yes, I recommend the Series Silo, and so far, the first two Series (ten parts each series deals with just book one.


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    Good articles in the Weekend Australian by Jacinta Price and Geoffrey Blainey.
    A nation united under one flag is worth celebrating
    “Changing the date may engender temporary feelings of victory for a small group of people, but again, it fosters a national mindset of tribalism – one group against another.”
    “Encouraging tribalism and doing nothing to better our marginalised? Not a cause I will get behind, especially not on a day that should remind us of who we are, and the unity that has been such a significant part of our history.”
    Australia wasn’t utopia before British arrival, but it has gone close since
    “We should celebrate Australia Day. By various definitions this has been one of the most successful nations in the world.”
    “Most Australians have pride in the nation, present and past. Today, in contrast, the most vocal opponents of Australia Day offer a gloomy version of our history and many even believe Aboriginal people were, in a variety of ways, better off before 1788 than they are today.”
    Happy Australia Day.


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    Trump has frozen travel, meetings and hirings for the NIH to rein in the $47bn they spend.

    I get the impression that Trump is not a fan of the NIH.


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      Greg in NZ

      Tedros has cancelled all WHO staff travel, new hiring, and office refurbishing, since Trump said goodbye. You get the vibes Trump’s not a fan of Dr WHO too?

      And who knew updating decor and spanking new couches could stop bad weather next century… maybe… possibly… Priorities Dr Ted!


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    John Connor II

    The UK has fallen: 700,000 under 35’s deemed unfit to EVER work, but get paid anyway

    Aaaawwww.. too anxious or depressed to work…

    My new acronym: DUMPs – Destroyed Under Marxist Politics


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      I would be surprised if we were much different per capita. They have just bothered to do the numbers. Not something you do with an election coming up. I dont expect a refresh of that study on indigenous spending either. The one that turned up $40B + per annum quite a few years ago.


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      Similar to Australia and the many people on the Disability Support Pension. A lot of them are Free loaders. Time to cancel benefits for only those who are truly disabled.

      Now in OZ we also have the NDIS which is not an Insurance Scheme. A true Insurance Scheme is funded. However, the NDIS is a scheme to rob Peter (the long suffering Taxpayer) to pay Paul (the Free Loader).



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    John Connor II

    Culinary treat Saturday: Indian street food

    Hard to pick the worst, most unsanitary, poisoning risk – China or India.


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    John Connor II

    Subaru Starlink flaw let hackers hijack cars in US and Canada

    Security researchers have discovered an arbitrary account takeover flaw in Subaru’s Starlink service that could let attackers track, control, and hijack vehicles in the United States, Canada, and Japan using just a license plate.

    Among other things, successful exploitation could have allowed hackers targeting Subaru customers to:

    Remotely start, stop, lock, unlock, and retrieve the current location of any vehicle.
    Retrieve any vehicle’s location history from the past year (accurate to within 5 meters and updated each time the engine starts).


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    another ian


    “THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN COOL TO WATCH, FROM A SAFE DISTANCE. Scientists Uncover Evidence of a Colossal Megaflood That Refilled the Mediterranean Sea.”

    Grandstand seats on Mt Ararat?


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    John Connor II

    Triumph, the insult comic dog is back!

    Triumph did some hilarious stuff years ago.
    It’s laugh at lefties Saturday!


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    Putin is awaiting Trump call:

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is “ready” to speak on the phone with Donald Trump and is waiting for a response from Washington, D.C., according to the Kremlin.

    Government spokesman Dmitry Peskov made the announcement on January 24, after the new U.S. president said on Thursday that he wants to meet with Putin soon to discuss ending the Russia-Ukraine war, according to Reuters.


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      Sort of…

      “Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal reported that US President Donald Trump had tasked Keith Kellogg, his special envoy for Russia and Ukraine, with ending the conflict within 100 days.”


      “The Ukraine conflict cannot be resolved within 100 days unless the US adopts a more realistic approach, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has said.”


      ““I would first like to understand what basis the US side intends to use to move toward a settlement,” Ryabkov said, as cited by TASS. “If they are based on the signals we have heard in recent days, then it won’t work, neither in 100 days nor even longer.””


      “on Thursday, the US leader said he was ready to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin as quickly as possible to negotiate an end to the Ukraine conflict.”


      “Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that Putin is ready to speak with his US counterpart, adding that Moscow is “waiting for signals.””

      So maybe, after all.


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    channel 9:

    ‘Some of 19 deaths during COVID outbreak at aged care centre were avoidable: inquest

    Jan 24, 2025

    Poor leadership, insufficient communication and staff shortages all bubbled to the surface as a deadly wave of COVID-19 swept through an aged-care home, a coroner has found.
    Inquest findings, delivered today, declared some of the 19 deaths during the 2020 outbreak at Sydney’s Newmarch House could have been avoided had proper testing for the virus been implemented.
    A decision not to transfer some residents to hospital could have improved the level of care they received, including their access to enough oxygen and fluids, Magistrate Derek Lee found.’

    Maybe this could have been tried:
    —-> In March 2020, when the Covid-19 epidemic was already in full swing, another epidemic, of scabies, occurred in a aged-care home in Seine-et-Marne(France). To treat this parasitic disease, doctors have been prescribing for decades a well-known and effective drug: ivermectin. This is how Dr. Charlotte, dermatologist at the AP-HP Henri Mondor Hospital, treated all 121 residents (69) and employees (52) of the establishment.

    The rest is less commonplace: in this retirement home where the average age of residents is 90 years, with 98% of people with a comorbidity at risk, the Covid-19 virus has done virtually no damage. Only 1.4% of the occupants (including staff) had the virus, with moderate symptoms (no oxygen or hospitalization) and no deaths were to be deplored.

    —–> But the FDA, most of the media; Fauci, Ralph Baric and colleagues, Gates, TGA, etc… prevented this!
    the ‘solution’ had to be THE vaccine….. deception, GREED and self-righteousness!

    I wonder if dangerous gain-of-function research continue? …. unfortunately everybody knows the answer to that question.


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