A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).
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UK worst place in the world to site solar farms
I live in coastal Devon , one of the funniest counties at some 1800 hours of sun per year.We are importing billions of solar panels made using coerced Labour and coal power then getting a pitiful amount of energy from them
Our politicians are truly mad. Presumably there are big plans in sunny OZ for solar farms?
Remarkable day for UK wind and solar!
We are curreNtly in very sunny Austria but people are telling us how grey and miserable it is back home.
Mind you lots of solar panels here do not generate power for a quarter of the year as they are often in villages that are in the deep shadow of the mountains
Still and foggy. In the UK – who knew there’d be days like this?
When everyone is up front
And they’re not playing tricks
When you don’t have no freeloaders
Out to get their kicks
Same with Germany. Just go more Nuclear.
In terms of woke Leftist “science” and “engineering”, that makes them ideally placed.
I always thought putting solar subsidy farms in the northern parts of Europe was odd.
Oh, I thought Solar Farms were there to attract the sun and make the place warm and fuzzy and a better place to live.
Malware on the Gateway Pundit site
I don’t know if anyone else has had this problem, but I have had an issue when reading the Gateway Pundit.
Firstly I had multiple occasions when an unexpected screen would appear from Security Protection Centre, which would perform a scan and inform me that I had 26 virus and offer protection for $3.99/ month. Since I was using a new IPhone 13, this seemed unlikely so I would shut that down and reopen the site.
After a few days a new message appeared, claiming that I had been selected to a variety of prizes as one of 100 lucky Telstra customers. Again I would just close and then reopen the site.
Over the past 2 days I get the same message but purporting to come from Google.
It only happens if I am reading the Gateway Pundit.
I think it is an attempt to scare people away from the site. Has anyone else had the same issue?
On my computer, I have gotten similar sorts of things. It happens after I visit a site that wants me to click on “allow” cookies. Doing so re-sets a “permissions” to accept notices from some unknown place. I note the offending source. Then I go to “Settings” and then “Cookies and site permissions” and find that listing. Then I have to go to “View permissions …” and Block that site. Finally, I have to watch for that “allow” tab and not do that again.
The messages appeared to be coming from a well-known company but their web site warms against this scam in their name.
I assume your phone has a similar “fix” – – you need to investigate.
As solar power is an unlikely energy source in the UK our clever elite are still looking to hydrogen to somehow plug the energy gap.
In the comments section there is a discussion on the half life of co2. Has anyone got any views on the half life of this gas as politicians worry about it staying around for hundreds of years as a reason to get to get zero quickly
Hydrogen will not work at the moment. The cost of the energy required to extract the hydrogen makes the whole thing uneconomic. The Australian Guv’ment has provided incentives (loads of taxpayer and borrowed money) and even with this, it is still uneconomic. Some here have tried to make it work and have given up.
Green Hydrogen is another fantasy of the Climate Alarmists.
Maybe one day technology will come to the rescue. However, by then, other technologies may have have taken over.
Hydrogen appears to be attractive to the scammers because its combustion “only” produces “water vapour”. .
It is actually extremely dubious as a “mass” fuel. The energy involved in “capturing, storing and transporting” it is another huge problem.
Finally whilst it “may” work in existing designs of internal combustion engines, its mechanical and thermal properties are not even close to actual hydrocarbons. it also leaks everywhere; being the “smallest molecule”,it wanders straight through the sort of hoses and seals that will contain a very basic gas like Methane.
I did a search for Residence Time of CO2 in the Atmosphere and was rewarded with this paper.
Scrutinizingthe carbon cycle and CO2 residence time in the atmosphere,increase%20over%20the%20Industrial%20Era.
The residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere is just 4 years!
The author thanks Prof Murray Salby for his assistance.
Peter, thanks for the link.
In the first couple of reports they use the term “turnover time” instead of “residence time” or “lifetime”.
On page 8 of the first IPCC report (FAR) it says
“The turnover time of CO2 in the atmosphere, measured
as the ratio of the content to the fluxes through it, is about 4
years This means that on average it takes only a few years
betorc a CO2 molecule in the atmosphere is taken up by
plants or dissolved in the ocean”
The turnover time is important because they use it to calculate total emissions. It is the inverse of the removal rate.
You can calculate the turnover time used by the IPCC by dividing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by what they say are the total emissions.
On page 700 of the sixth assessment report, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is said to be 870 Gt C. (1 Gt C = 1 Pg C)
Total emissions are ( if I have added them correctly) 225.4 GtC.
This gives a turnover time of 3.86 years or a removal rate of 0.259 per year.
Ivermectin to the rescue again. . . . as an anti cancer drug.
A combination of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole (and/or a similar drug Mebendazole) has had strong cancer treating properties. Not a cure, necessarily, but a strong treatment. Since all these drugs are off-patent, nobody will spend the money to do a Phase III trial. Still, if you are in stage 4, something to think about.
The easy-read link:
The more detailed and nuanced link:
And finally, the peer-reviewed paper:
(The peer-reviewed paper in includes dosage schedules.)
As I have mentioned before, both drugs are inexpensive, out of patent and possibly effective in the treatment of cancer therefore unlikely to be approved by Big Pharma’s marketing agency in Australia, the TGA (equivalent to FDA in US) for that purpose.
Under the new Government in the United States, I’m sure they’ll get a fair evaluation for this possible treatment.
Prince Harry gets apology and ‘substantial damages’ from Rupert Murdoch’s News Group Newspapers (NGN)
The dynamite new Offshore Wind EO calls for a thorough assessment so this is a small step in that direction.
Western offshore wind EIS is MIA
By David Wojick
The beginning:
“Last month I analyzed various holes in the draft federal California Programmatic EIS (PEIS) for offshore wind. Now a new report shows that these seemingly big holes are tiny compared to the yawning Programmatic EIS gap created by the Federal Action Plan for West Coast offshore wind development.
To begin with the full California Program is huge compared to the measly five leases covered by the so-called California PEIS. The document I wrote about would be better called the Starter Kit EIS. Plus there is a lot of development off of Oregon and Washington.
I earlier pointed out that the PEIS document did not address the cumulative impact of those five leases; it just looked at the generic impact of one lease. But what is really Missing In Action is an environmental impact assessment for the entire West Coast Program.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
Here is the EO:
Will tax credits still remain for wind farms in the US or will TRUMP remove them?
Will there be now any point to build wind farms in the US?
What happens to existing wind farms?
The tax credits are law so I do not see how Trump can block them but this is the Wild West so we shall see. But in some deals the ratepayers get the tax credit savings not the developer. The developer just gets a very high price for the power.
I do not expect a $300 billion or so industry to walk away. Expect lawsuits like Biden got when he tried to stop LNG facilities. The President does not have all that much power.
Ending new leases is irrelevant since there are 40 already with the potential for well over 40,000 MW to be built. What matters is the temporary hold on permits for existing leases while a big study is done. That is fairly shaky.
The annual fun figuring out why the banned number plates are rude:
Chinese scientists have achieved a significant breakthrough in developing a compact HPM weapon … China’s HPM weapon can generate electric fields up to 80,000 volts, comparable to the EMP pulses generated by nuclear explosions.
Yes David, and now that Fauci has been pre-emptively pardoned, he needs to be called in by Congress and again questioned by Rand Paul, as that pardon removes his right to plead the fifth amendment.
Under the new “only two gender” policy in the US, it must be so hard for the Left to come to terms with the biological facts that women don’t have penises and men can’t have babies.
They are in meltdown, crying and screaming in their “safe places”.
It has been a wonderful couple of days watching the Donald do his work undoing the madness of the crowds. Never have I enjoyed so much watching the convulsions on MSNBC and CNN.
Loving it!
Can you see an order preventing entry to US using documents from states with different definition of gender (and therefore, your identity) – ie. Australia? It makes sense to me, but won’t be good for Aussies.
Maybe they will just check our genders for their records on entry using the scanners?
We have snow that children 25 and younger cannot see … on the Gulf of America.
‘Unprecedented winter storm paralyzes Gulf Coast with record-breaking snow even in Florida’
It’s the warmest year EVER.
Especially were I am … 10 F.
Yes it’s a wonderful way to celebrate:
2) The renaming to Gulf of America.
3) The end of global warming BS (only in the US).
Snow in the humid sub-tropical Gulf Coast of America. It’s wonderful!
None of the policies TRUMP has implemented are extreme or unusual. They just represent a return to reality, common sense and moral decency as it might have been 50 or 60 years ago or even much less.
For example, to declare that there are “only” two genders is no more remarkable than declaring that the sky is blue. Even 10 years ago people understood that there were only two genders. It’s just a declaration of truth and reality.
Here is a list of all the genders that the Left claim to exist: