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36 comments to Friday

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    David Maddison

    This is hilarious.

    (US Demonrat political parody.)


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    David Maddison

    Commentary on White House resident’s farewell speech.

    BIDEN: Social media is giving up on fact-checking. The truth is smothered by lies, told for power and for profit. We must hold the social platforms accountable to protect our children, our families, and our very democracy from the abuse of power.

    COMMENT: The absurdity of it all aside, his rhetoric would be right at home in a third-world communist dictatorship. It is not the government’s job to curate information based on faux claims of disinformation. That is something a strongman like China’s Xi Jinping does, and to see a President of the United States go there would be genuinely disturbing if Biden wasn’t otherwise so pathetic and impotent.

    COMMENT: And speaking of pathetic and impotent, the president once again chose to politicize recent natural disasters in North Carolina and California by blaming “climate change.”



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      I think that the pathetic and impotent is an act so we don’t think that the corrupt dealings he had running were possible using that brain … I reckon he’s sitting back with a cigar right now and saying ‘Oo-eee son, the scams and capers we got up to there. What you got planned next?’


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      Climate Change? This was mid winter, not summer! 6C to 9C at night and 19C-20C during the day.

      The average summer/winter difference is 9C. It’s 20C today, not 34C!

      The most disastrous fire in the history of California (after the San Francisco earthquake fire) is in mid winter because of Climate Change? That makes no sense. It’s not hot. This is a city, not a forest.

      The disaster is a total failure of governance.

      Forest fires in California are part of the ecosystem, have always been likely and prevention methods are well known.

      The fires around the world in Australia, Greece, Spain in boiling hot summers and are well known. But for a city to spontaneously burn to the ground in mid winter is a world first.

      This is not a gum tree forest or savannah. It’s a city of 14 million people. The only way a wildfire can get established and sweep through a gigantic well resourced city of brick, stone and cement and endless concrete and bitumen is that there was enough fuel and no fire fighting at all and no water.

      10,000 people in the Fire department, a budget of $4Billion and the centre of Los Angeles, not a forest, burns to the ground in mid winter. At least it was not peak summer or the entire city could have been destroyed. And no one had done anything about the fact that the fire hydrants did not work. Or worse, no one had checked. Total, criminal neglect at every level.

      What was the fire service doing before the fire? Rescuing cats? Why was there no water? Why was the working domestic supply turned off? Why was the Palisades dam completely empty and the other dam disconnected? Why did no one turn up for 44 minutes? Were they all at a party?

      Climate Change, the fantasy excuse for everything.


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        Expert Advice here. Don’t build homes/businesses in fire prone areas. Don’t build on flood plains. Don’t build near a volcano………….


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          But this isn’t in a forest in the mountains, surrounded by gum trees and long grass and forest litter.

          This is central Los Angeles. And includes two firestations.

          Fire Station 69 15045 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90272 CA

          Fire Station 23. 17300 W Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades, California, 90272

          So how did it take 44 minutes for fire fighters to arrive? Who was on duty? Was everyone in Ghana?

          And why did everything burn down?

          Nighttime temperatures of 6C. That’s not hot, despite terrible man made Global Warming.

          You can only hope the fire stations survived. And with all that CO2, the fires will come back.


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            Possibly the reason deaths are so low is that the very wealthy residents along Sunset Boulevard were away skiing in Colorado or holidaying in the Caribbean or Hawaii like Michelle Obama who missed Jimmy Carter’s funeral and cannot possibly make the inauguration. You have to wonder if the fire fighters were able to save the swimming pools?


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        The catch is in the “name”.

        Back when it was “global freezing”, that is what te scare campaingn was called. Then, it was “re-engineered” to “Global Warming” as if the previous decades of propaganda had never happened.

        So, to encompass and accomodate the rank hypocrisy and criminal fraud, it suddenly became “climate change”.

        ALL of the fear campaigns were set up with increasingly intrusive, and ruthlessly tyranical “end-games: Basically the mas transfer of ASLL power to the “special”. self-appointed, self declared “experts; NO hints of caution olet alond “pushback to be tolerated.

        “Scared people” are MUCH easier to manipulate..

        “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” – Rudyard Kipling

        “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” – H. L. Mencken

        There is at least one whole book about this caper:


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        Gary S

        The obvious point here is that if the claim is that ‘climate change’ is generating more and stronger wildfires, then it follows that they should have been more prepared, not less.


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      David Maddison

      It was reported on an email I received that Biden’s address was pre-recorded and possibly edited.

      I have seen no Lamestream Media reports of that, nor would there likely to be any.


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    David Maddison

    Turning a meme into words.

    The five stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    1) Fairly normal with the occasional dumb rant.

    2) More frequent deranged outbursts and cackling

    3) Humour is lost. Unable to make or understand memes.

    4) All reasoning of facts and logic have been lost.

    5) End-stage TDS. There is no hope at this point.


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    – When did it shift to scientists having to prove to the regulator that a product is unsafe – shouldn’t the burden be on the manufacturer to prove that their product IS safe?


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      Not for pharmaceuticals, no. They generally have different rules. Soon as a drug active ingredient has confirmed efficacy eg. blood pressure control, there is little care regarding side effects. That is why so many products get to market and are later withdrawn on safety grounds eg. Vioxx. For vaccines, it’s even worse.


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    Volcanic Activity on the Rise –

    “The Yellowstone supervolcano in Wyoming is one of Earth’s most potent volcanic systems. Known for its catastrophic eruptions in the distant past, it remains a natural wonder for tourists and keeps scientists on their toes. Recent studies have revealed subtle but intriguing activity deep beneath its surface, prompting questions about the volcano’s future behavior.

    The data is too vague to make an accurate forecast. We know there were pretty sizeable rhyolitic lava flows in the caldera between 180,000 and 70,000 years ago. That does not help with a cyclical model. We can see evidence that a very steep caldera wall, 500 m tall, formed when the eruption of Lava Creek was estimated to be about 640,000 years ago. The thick West Yellowstone rhyolite lava flow was part of the 110,000 years ago, and the Nez Perce Creek flow erupted 160,000 years ago.

    The historical data for Yellowstone is not sufficient to create a forecast. We must correlate this with regions where we have more data.

    There are a number of Supervolcanoes around the world, and perhaps the most recent one to erupt was in Italy. The BBC and the Discovery Channel story on Yellowstone 2005 popularized the term Supervolcano. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a supervolcano is any volcanic center that has explosively erupted at least 1,000 cubic kilometers (240 cubic miles) of fresh volcanic material in a sudden, violent manner – in a so-called supereruption – often producing a huge depression crater named a caldera. Italy’s Campi Flegrei volcano has been showing signs for the first time in nearly 400 years that it is still alive and well and capable of making many people experience a very bad day.”

    More at –


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      When you have to smack back your visceral reaction ‘Yellowstone – that will screw with the climate change crowd’.

      Then you remember – Yellowstone going up will be absolutely catastrophic, and realise just how much they have already managed to screw with your humanity.

      Note to self – Don’t ghoul like they do…


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      David Maddison

      Volcanic eruptions can be added to the very long list of things that warmists claim are caused by Global Warming™ and Climate Change™.

      Climate change is altering geological systems, including volcanic eruptions.

      Melting glaciers, for example, can cause magma to rise to the surface, while rising sea levels can reduce magma production at depth.

      Over time, certain volcanic regions can expect an increase in eruptions and secondary hazards (lahars).


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        Graeme No.3

        The obvious reply to this is “what evidence in the past?”
        Yes, large volcanic eruptions cause problems (which the locals at the time may have noticed as for Vesuvius 79AD and Krakatau 1883 AD) and there are many studies recording the evidence of other such millennia without climate change (that is 30 years or more)?


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      David Maddison

      There is a lot of hype about the “imminent” eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera but the USGS claims it’s unlikely anything soon.

      ANSWER: Although it is possible, scientists are not convinced that there will ever be another catastrophic eruption at Yellowstone. Given Yellowstone’s past history, the yearly probability of another caldera-forming eruption can be approximated as 1 in 730,000 or 0.00014%. However, this number is based simply on averaging the two intervals between the three major past eruptions at Yellowstone — this is hardly enough to make a critical judgment. This probability is roughly similar to that of a large (1 kilometer) asteroid hitting the Earth. Moreover, catastrophic geologic events are neither regular nor predictable.

      Remember, the idea is to keep the masses in a permanent state of panic either with supposed Global Warming, supervolcanoes or plandemics.

      Of the three, I only consider the deliberate or accidental release of a genetically engineered virus or bacteria to be a real possibility.

      Just Goolag or use DuckDuckGo to search for the gain of function experiments being conducted on the following:

      Avian influenza gain of function (bird flu)
      Yersinia pestis gain of function (bubonic plague)


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        David Maddison

        The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.

        H.L. Mencken, In Defense of Women


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    Graeme No.3

    I remember when the Campi Flegrei volcano was the scare story and the vulcanologist in charge said they might get a day and a half warning before the big eruption. He pointed out that getting the 5 million local inhabitants out of the danger zone would take 4 or more days.


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    “Being called “Far Right” is like being called a witch in the middle ages”

    “When right-leaning men hide their politics on dating apps- there’s increasing anecdata about right-leaning men hiding their politics until after their profile has been swiped, a connection has been made and a bedpost has been notched. It’s simple enough: Struggling to find love? Just lie!”

    Lol!! As if any freedom-loving capitalist would want to date some whiny Left-wing Socialist who just wants someone-else to give them everything!

    “It’s sinister. It’s Gileadean. It’s exhausting. Isn’t dating hard enough already?”

    Maybe she’s doing it wrong.. It shouldn’t be hard to be a human naturally.

    “People who wouldn’t want to date someone like me get very upset that I wouldn’t want to date someone like them. ”

    She has to be joking!

    Nothing in there today about Musk or Putin, someone must be off sick.


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    Thinking about the human, economic and environmental damage inflicted by the wind farming industry, what will happen when everyone realises what is going on?

    Our hardearned is being used to enrich money movers who have mobilized trillions of dollars to make electricity more expensive and less reliable, while inflicting massive damage on the environment.

    Power prices feed into everything that moves, wrecking household budgets and whole energy-intensive industries.

    Rural communities are tragically divided.

    If we persist in this folly, we will end up like Britain and Germany, but without the benefit of extension cords to other nations.

    Should there be a movement to shame the people and organizations that are involved in this immoral, exploitive and destructive industry?

    You say windfarming is legal? So was slavery until Britain turned against it!


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    David Maddison

    Here’s a beautiful video featuring a compilation of explosive demolition of various civilisation-destroying wind subsidy farms.

    It’s a wonderful sight as you “transition” into the weekend.

    An excellent demonstration of the power and use of shaped charges which I presume they were using.

    The material above ground can be removed and recycled (and blades are not recyclable and go to landfill) but tragically, the Green Left are quite happy for the massive concrete foundations to remain forever. Removal of the foundation at end of life should be a condition of installing windmills.

    TRUMP doesn’t want any more windmills. This could become big business.

    [Interesting factoid: the first observation of the usefulness of hollow explosive charges (shaped charges) was in 1792 by Franz Xaver von Baader.]

    Montage of individual and multiple wind turbines being felled by Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) due to damaged conditions or as a result of wind farm decommissioning.



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    If there is any sanity left in this world, Keir Starmers Rape Gangs should be the end of leftards in Brittain.


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      David Maddison

      The Left have made endless excuses for the rape gangs, actively silenced criticism and demands for prosecution and said anyone who complains about the rape of these children is a racist or a “phobe” of some kind.

      Once Great Britain needs a TRUMP and Starmer and his goons are in power for another five years.

      The political prisoner Tommy Robinson is in jail in solitary confinement. His “crime” which ultimately led to his present incarceration was exposing the truth in the following video. And as far as I know, not a single word of what he said has ever been refuted.

      There are numerous copies of the video on X and Elon Musk is going to make sure it stays there. Before anyone criticises Tommy, watch the video.


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    David Maddison

    We all know what Warren Buffett said about windmills.

    Here is some additional commentary.

    “I will do anything that is basically covered by the law to reduce Berkshire’s tax rate,” said Buffett in 2014. “For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.

    Shortly afterwards, he got really good at this.

    “Warren Buffett’s energy division has reported a negative income tax rate for five straight years, thanks to billions of dollars’ worth of tax credits it’s received for producing clean power,” reported Yahoo Finance in September 2023.

    For 2019 through 2022, the analysis showed Berkshire Hathaway Energy had severely turned the tables on the IRS, harvesting $6.1 billion in tax payments from the federal government. And for the first quarter of 2023 things got really silly when BHE reported a negative 163 percent tax rate, meaning the firm literally collected more harvesting tax payments from federal taxpayers ($363 million) than it made in profits for providing electricity ($223 million).

    But as Buffett implied in 2014, don’t hate the player, hate the game.

    A crooked federal tax policy that grossly subsidizes weather-dependent power systems is the reason we’re all paying taxes to the energy firm controlled by one of the planet’s richest people. And it’s getting worse, due to nearly $400 billion in additional climate policy corporate welfare larded into the so-called Inflation Reduction Act.


    In Australia the subsidy harvesting happens directly off consumer electricity bills rather than than tax credits but ultimately its the same scam and the consumer pays one way or another.


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    Truly a wonderful sight.


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    Peter C

    Atmospheric CO2 and the thermohaline circulation

    What is causing the increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 that have been measured at Mauna Loa since 1950 and Cape Grim since 1975?

    Climate Change advocates blame the burning of fossil fuels but even at the current prodigious rate of production there simply isn’t enough additional CO2 to swing the dial unless the residence time in the atmosphere is quite long.
    The Climate experts claim that the residence time is long but the evidence, including the Cape Grim data above suggests a short residence time of perhaps 5 years. After that the CO2 in the air is in dynamic equilibrium with the oceans.
    The total human contribution of CO2 so far is about 1850 billion tons, which is less than 2% of the CO2 in sea water. Hence human contributions could explain an increase in atmospheric CO2 of perhaps 2%, not the 30% which has been measured so far.


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    David Brown

    The LA fires, just a fuel reduction burn! Had governor Newscum spent more time governing than campaigning for land rights for gay whales, things would not be as bad as they are.


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