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28 comments to Tuesday

  • #
    David Maddison

    Plastic and other rubbish in oceans comes from Third World countries dumping rubbish into rivers, either by trucks or recklessly discarding it wherever they feel like it.

    E.g. look at this short video: https://youtu.be/wVnMBGXVVUI

    Remind me how the Left banning convenience products in Western countries such as the free multi-use plastic bags we used to get in supermarkets (what the Left falsely called “single use”) and other plastics, which are properly disposed of in nearly all cases, will stop the Third World littering everywhere?

    Also, I found it remarkable on my recent trekking in Nepal, the vast amount of rubbish the locals dump everywhere, including in wilderness areas in the Himalayas. It’s a cultural and behavioural problem, not a plastics problem.


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      Go to the Philippines and look at any beach. There is rubbish galore on the shore. Let alone on the streets and the storm water drains/sewers.


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      Dave in the States

      And what separates the first world from the 3rd and second worlds?

      Answer: Access to affordable and plentiful FF and the means to use them, for the most part.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      That’s one of my abiding memories from South Africa (Jo’burg) back in 2002 or thereabouts. White plastic shopping bags were literally everywhere, blowing around until they found a more permanent home in a hedge, stuck on a fence or, as in one case, high up on a mobile phone tower that was ‘disguised’ as a mutant Palm Tree. My driver explained that they were a hazard to motorists, as they frequently got sucked into engine bays to clog the radiator. They were a good indicator of local demographics too. The nearer one got to a township, the more bags and litter would be blowing around.


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    David Maddison

    Here is a monkey playing the game “pong” using its thoughts alone, via an Elon Musk Neuralink brain-computer interface. (Note, this is from 3 years ago.)


    There is also now Neuralink installed in a human who can move chess pieces on a computer by thought alone.

    Very impressive!


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    The UN’s DARK Agenda: What You’re Not Being Told About Agenda 2030

    GB News

    12 minutes



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      David Maddison

      Very good.

      Worth watching.

      In Australia, don’t forget all factions of the Lib/Lab/Green Uniparty are on board with this globalist Agenda 2030.

      Among several of the things mentioned it was the fake conservative Liberal faction of the Uniparty that signed us up to ruinables, made covid “vaccinations” effectively compulsory and introduced the censorship bill and created the position of the e Safety Kommissar. Liberals are not your friends, they are nearly as bad as Labor and Greens.

      It looks like another one of those “far right conspiracy theories” have come true.


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    David Maddison


    These were formulated by Lord Nolan of Once Great Britain in 1994 and are meant to be the ethical principles which govern public officials in that country.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if all our public officials including politicians and senior public serpents actually followed them?

    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Committee_on_Standards_in_Public_Life#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_principles_were_Selflessness%2C_Integrity%2C%2C_Openness%2C_Honesty_and_Leadership

    Also, Dr John Campbell just discussed them. See https://youtu.be/wt0jDlcnC-w

    Seven Principles of Public Life

    The committee promotes a code of conduct for those in public life called the Seven Principles of Public Life or the Nolan Principles:

    Selflessness – Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.

    Integrity – Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.

    Objectivity – Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.

    Accountability – Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.

    Openness – Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.

    Honesty – Holders of public office should be truthful

    Leadership – Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour and treat others with respect. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.

    These Seven Principles apply to anyone who works as a public office holder including:

    those elected or appointed to public office, nationally or locally, those appointed to work in the civil service, local government, the police, courts and probation services, Non Departmental Public Bodies, and in the health, education, social and care services, and those in the private sector delivering public services.


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      Old Goat

      No politician would vote for it . It would require accountability and penalties for non compliance . They make the rules and they apply to everyone else, and if they get caught they change the rules.


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    The Ministry of Health promised that the Russian cancer vaccine will be free
    December 14, 2024, 2:17 pm

    The Russian mRNA vaccine against cancer will be free for patients, said Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief oncologist of the Russian Ministry of Health, General Director of the National Medical Research Center for Radiology Andrey Kaprin.


    Creating one dose of mRNA vaccine for oncology «Enteromix» will cost about 300 thousand rubles, said Andrei Kaprin, chief oncologist of the Ministry of Health. He believes that patients should receive it free of charge, and the state — should bear all costs.

    …the Gamaleya Center, the Moscow Research Oncology Institute and the Blokhin National Medical Research Center for Oncology worked on the development of the vaccine. The drug may begin to be used as early as early 2025.



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    william x

    I spent my early life working in an underground coal mine. It was owned and operated by BHP/AIS.

    Metropolitan Colliery, Helensburgh. NSW Australia. (500m underground. 3 Mining panels, 2-3 km from pit egress.)
    What makes this underground mine viable, is the high quality of the coal. It can be blended with an easier attained, lower grade.. giving a resultant increase in gross ton efficiency & gross ton sale price.

    Over the last decade, the mine has been subject to activism, environmental red tape and EPA investigations.
    So it may or may not be why the former owner sold.

    So who owns this coal mine now?… It surely couldn’t be anyone anti “fossil fuels” could it?

    Well you may be surprised….
    Peabody energy owns it…. and.. Blackrock and Vanguard are the 2 largest institutional shareholders of Peabody (via stock listings Dec 2024).


    Make of that what you will…..


    • #
      David Maddison

      Make of that what you will…..

      Only the naïve think that these woke corporations are working for the good of society and the environment, even if the false assumption of CO2 being bad were true.

      Communism, socialism and its disguise of the fake “environmentalism” the Left promote is about the transfer of wealth and power from the working and middle classes to the Elites.

      That these woke corporations make money from both coal and wind and solar plantations is no surprise whatsoever.

      Similarly, one of the most fanatically woke countries, Australia is shutting down its energy supply for Australians at the same time as being a major exporter of coal, gas and uranium. We are restricted or prohibited from using the first two and prohibited from using the last one.

      It’s all a classic case of Orwellian Doublethink.


      the acceptance of contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.


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      John Hultquist

      Make of that what you will…..”

      Well, large energy companies make money, and their bonds and stocks are in mutual fund holdings. The companies you mention, and many others, are expected to increase the wealth of those buying shares of their funds. Advisors claim the best option for most people is to buy well-diversified baskets of funds and hold them long-term. That I do. Whether or not Peabody Energy (BTU)is making money for me, I do not know. I suspect it is.


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    David Maddison

    As I said in the previous Norway thread

    And in China, the world’s largest CO2 (what the Left call “carbon” (sic)) emitter by far, and beloved by the Left, continues to build two coal power stations PER WEEK, each with a service life of 50 to 80 years. They are NOT temporary installations like wind and solar plantations. (Not that there’s anything wrong with CO2.)

    China is not going to do something stupid like Australia and destroy all these coal plants.

    They, and many, many more, will be working and producing life-giving CO2 for at least half a century and up to nearly another century from now.

    Australia and the (woke) world shutting down its coal power stations is utterly pointless, even if CO2 was actually a problem.

    Wind and solar plantations are gone in 10 to 15 years, rhey are essentially temporary structures requiring constant replacement, coal plant is long lived and the Chicomms are absolutely not going to remove them.


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      The oxygen in the CO2 came from the air and is returned to the air bonded to carbon. That is the nature of combustion. The coal plants are adding net carbon to the atmosphere.


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      I really dont believe this 10-15 year replacement for solar. I get that degradation occurs over time, which you could cover in the initial design. For me the bigger risk for solar is a weather event like wind or hail, and in Oz maybe grassfires out on the plains where they put those things.

      We have 12 year old panels that were recently cleaned. Looking at the output recently , they have dropped 5-10% in peak output compared with new.


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    More Jab news

    Top Expert Sounds Alarm: ‘Parents Poisoned Their Children’ with ‘Vaccines’


    Worm-Like Self-Assembling Entities’ Found in Bodies of Covid-Vaccinated, Study Warns


    Bring back the deat penalty and prosecute those reponsible.


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    There is a major deception with the term “renewables”. Although wind and sunlight are renewable, the technology we use to harmess them most certainly is not. This is an extremely important fact that’s never ever discussed.

    And all those greenies who wanted plastic bags and straws banned don’t seem to mind huge areas of environment being covered in these grotesque solar panels which plastic is a large component. Doublethink.

    And if we were to hypothetically create a grid fully wind, solar and li ion battery for every country on earth,, there probably wouldn’t be enough resources to even do that. So much tor “sustainability”.


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      Humans have a good handle on the availability of sunlight. The resource is unaffected by the energy extracted although extraction using solar panels can cause changes in micrioclimate.

      Wind energy is quite a different matter. No one knows how much there is and how long it takes to develop. Upwind turbines certainly have an adverse effect on downwind turbines. But what do all the turbines do to the total energy iin the wind.

      We had thunderstorms in Melbourne this morning. That requires a combination of atmospheric water and heat. The atmospheric water comes from the ocean. Placing wind turbines around the coast inevitably reduces the converging of moist air from ocean to land. No moisture, no convective instability.

      Before the world gets anywhere near NetZero using wind extraction, there is a reasonable risk of desertifying much of the land. Meaning the wind resource is not unlimited and possibly not renewable. Desertified land will look like the Sahara in winter. Northern Sahara and Europe is currently dominated by high pressure up to 1038hPa so not much onshore wind. So is the wind extraction across Europe already altering the weather patterns.

      I expect that the misguided government adoption of wind energy extraction will be able to alter local climate where levels of extraction are high in contrast to CO2 which has no impact on climate – unintended consequence; the inevitable outcome of socialist doctrine.


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    another ian


    Want to see how bad the current heat wave is?

    Check the map colours at


    Select “Australia and New Zealand” and “Temperature”

    Channel 9 is only pussy footing



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      Greg in NZ

      So if you live near the coast, as 97% do, there’s nothing to worry about, same as it ever was or maybe even a little cooler (that powder blue is hard to distinguish amongst the blank white), ie. no change, no crisis, no worries.

      Anything above 38 is now the dead zone, pale brown lifeless? So THIS is why Pantone No.??? was ‘chosen’ as the #1 colour for 2025 – it’s a pale boring brown. Coordination or coincidence?

      Note NZ has no change whatsoever: or maybe that blank / blanc / white is SNOW covering everything: yesterday saw the 4th snowfall of December cover mountain peaks in the South Island with #5 lining up for this weekend – #6 for Christmas? – thankfully I’ll be just north of Newcastle burning red on 24 degrees, same as here: no fear.


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    Peace in our time.. ..just threaten to put Trump in power and the whole world moves!

    Aussie to send troops to Ukraine, apparently because Europe and the Indo-Pacific are connected by China and North Korea supporting Russia. However we won’t send them until the war is over, they might get hurt, but at least the main-stream media is all about peace deals these days. It means we can take a break and spend the 15years needed to re-build the weapons supplies we have used, then tackle Russia once again. It seems we’re not the poor country we thought, we are throwing another $650million in there to see no return at all.

    Macron wants someone else to send a 40,000man army of peace-keepers, so I expect that is where the Aussies will go.



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