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8 comments to Thursday

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    william x


    There are so many today. Thousands of them.
    You can’t read a MSM media release without some proclaimed expert giving their expert view.

    Am I an expert in my field? I don’t know. I would class myself as competant and forever learning.
    After 30 years of experience and study in my field I have learnt so much… But there is so much more to learn.

    I am not infallible, I can admit to mistakes, I have found that the science is never settled.

    Yet your 2024 “experts” seem to know it all. They know everything about everything.

    Sadly, I have found that, Imho, most of those all knowing “experts” are charlatans.


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      Dave in the States

      Yet your 2024 “experts” seem to know it all. They know everything about everything.

      That means they are stuck on age 18. I wish I was 18 again, at least physically, but knowing what I have learned, not going through all that again, and knowing I don’t really know much.


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        william x

        A quote from the article MeAgain supplied…

        “The institutional pressure to have an answer for everything has corrupted the very foundation of expertise……
        we’re witnessing the collapse of a system that punishes doubt and rewards false confidence, where admitting uncertainty has become professionally dangerous – and “I don’t know” is treated as a confession of incompetence rather than a declaration of intellectual honesty.”

        Thankyou MA.

        It may not apply to all, but it does to me.


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    This discussion on the rise of the power of ‘Head Girls’ in academia may interest you@ (after the run down on recent German political happenings)


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    And someone, presumably Anthony Blinken, has decided to send another $20Billion to Ukraine. As a ‘loan’.
    That’s 20,000 x $1Million. For what? And who gets the cash?
    But then Anthony Albanese has sent 1000 x $1million to buy shares in a purely speculative Quantum Computing company in California. I would love to see the justification.

    It’s amazing how democratic politicians spend our money like water. Without explanation.

    Imagine that $1Billion spent on existing Australian manufacturing. No one knows to whom all this money goes, except that it vanishes forever.

    What is the point of parliament?


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      And a ‘near tears’ Albanese explains to Australians that hatred for Israel and hatred for Jews are two quite different things. We needed that special insight.

      Plus Penny Wong has been a first hand victim of racism and discrimination, presumably because she is Chinese and lesbian. So the foreign minister is not a DEI pick, but carries victim status and knows what do do with Israel, from the river to the sea. The people who live there currently have no say in the matter. Australians have spoken. That’s so Wong.

      Never has an Australian government ministry shown such contempt for Australians. We are all presented to the world as ignorant and full of hatred, total supporters of Hamas and China. How’s that AUKUS going? Especially with Trump’s best friend, Kevin Rudd representing us and Penny Wong in America.


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