A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Dr Peter Ridd has been researching the Great Barrier Reef since 1984, has invented a range of advanced scientific instrumentation, and written over 100 scientific publications.
Since being fired by James Cook University for raising concerns about science quality assurance issues, Peter Ridd receives no payment for any of the work he does.
Kanzer herself has a bit part in Zelensky’s life story, acting in one of his movies filmed in the States. She’s a self-described “spiritual nerd” who followed Zelensky long before he stood before a blue and yellow backdrop on the national stage. She writes, “What is so incredible about our man Volodymyr is that his belief in himself stems not from seeing himself as special, but from seeing himself as ordinary and from knowing there is great power in this ordinariness.”
By the same author: Don’t just sit there, Do Nothing – I think it’s what we’re all hungry for–a reminder of our own intrinsic worthiness. a naval-gazing opus I can only imagine is beyond words (or any words I would like to read in a book anyhow):
Sorry to share anything from Guardian, but their hysterics feel a bit like winning…
Before the next outbreak, we need a serious conversation about how to cope – but first, the more strident, misguided voices must pipe down
The response was far from perfect, these experts say, but the purveyors of the new narrative have picked the wrong target: science. The mRNA vaccines prevented millions of deaths. The technology for building new, effective vaccines quickly came on in leaps and bounds. Masks worked. And as with every pandemic in recent history, subsequent reviews have found that the advice to go early and hard with containment was correct. Did the scientists make mistakes? Of course, but they were working in conditions of high uncertainty. But they were also often ignored or countered by the politicians they advised, as well as by others in positions of influence – and yet those people aren’t the villains of this piece.
About the millions saved by vaccines:
Greg Hunt (former federal minister for Health) has been back in the news papers,writing an opinion piece in the Australian Financial Review.
His piece is mainly about increasing COVID-19 vaccination rates which in his view have dropped off alarmingly and he does not explain how or why Victoria is or was responsible.
The article is behind a pay wall but you can read the first two paragraphs by looking at the link above. I found little that I could agree with.
He starts off:
The early pandemic seemed particularly extreme and scary, especially the bit about bodies from New York City being piled into mass unmarked graves.
It turns out that his claim is partially true, but exaggerated for effect. Bodies are buried in coffins laid 3 deep and two wide in trenches on Hart Island, NYC every day. It is a paupers cemetery. The coffins and trenches are numbered and recorded.
It was not an emergency response to a pandemic crisis.
His other claims may be equally suspect, when the truth is finally known.
Greg the Stop Sign – Greg the stop sign
“Got a tumour in my brain, it’s creeping to my lungs.
And I’ve searched around in vain, can’t find me a better one.
I always confuse him with Dan Andrews (they look the same to me) – I think it is the whole accident thing with Dan + this song
He’s like wombat girl, just he likes to hassle betongs:
(his latest photo)
Some religious references with your management speak – imagine a Saudi Government ‘Vision statement’ – the mind boggles….