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    And yet Herrmann argues that there is no choice other than radical and seemingly unimaginable change if we are to survive in anything like a civilized condition:

    There is no alternative for the industrialised countries. Either they end growth voluntarily, or the era of growth will end violently, when everything that forms the basis of our way of life has been destroyed.

    For what it’s worth, I agree. I am not a climate scientist, but I recognize that there is an intellectual division of labor that is a central component of modernity. None of us is capable of knowing everything about the increasingly complex world in which we live.

    But if something like 99% of climate scientists agree on the causes and likely consequences of climate change, I am happy to take their word for it. What possible basis could I have to disagree?

    She also wrote Get older, dare to do something new (2008) – about breaking retirement stereotypes.

    Grumpy old people telling the young they are ruining everything and the end of the world is just around the corner is a stereotype I have. Just sayin’


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    My latest strategic analysis:

    EPA questions 31 major energy regulations
    By David Wojick

    EPA has launched a huge regulatory reform process reconsidering 31 of its biggest energy related regulations.

    A lot of the war on coal is under the gun plus some really bad automotive stuff. Much of it is climate related so including the bogus CO2 Endangerment Finding is very important. If that goes away a lot of the rest might be easily killed. Examples include coal and gas killing CO2 limits on power plants. Then there are the impossible CO2 limits on cars and trucks that are designed to force people into electric vehicles.

    The really good news is the scope is way broader than just climate. It includes sweeping rules like the completely unscientific PM2.5 limits. There is also my personal favorite the rule on mercury emissions from coal fired power plants where EPA said there was no evidence but we are going to regulate it anyway.

    Each of these “reconsiderations” will require a full scale rule making so there is a huge amount of work to do. Who will do this work is an interesting question given the pending job cuts plus the fact that most EPA folks love these bad rules. New hires and contracts may be coming but these multiple rule making processes will take a year or more to play through.

    I think EPA has at least three different strategies for killing these bad rules. Some are easier than others and which is best for each case remains to be seen.

    The most laborious strategy is a rule making based on new science. This involves a lot of research and a completely new set of technical support documents. It may well be required for reversing the Endangerment Finding but since it was done in 2009 there is plenty of newer science to draw on. That the predicted harms failed to occur is especially useful.

    The somewhat easier second strategy is to simply compile the arguments against the questionable rule that were filed as comments during its rule making. In this case the new finding is that the prior finding was mistaken. It may be necessary to throw in a bit of new science but most of the research has already been done.

    Mercury from coal is a likely prospect here as EPA previously admitted that they could find no physical evidence that the minor mercury emissions from coal burning were the cause of the mercury found in some lakes. The filings against this foolish rule were extensive.

    The wacky PM2.5 rule is another likely candidate as PM2.5 is not even a specific substance, just a particle size. There are whole books about how ridiculous this EPA rule is.

    These first two strategies use scientific arguments while the third uses a legal argument. In this case EPA simply says it did not have the legal authority to issue the rule in question. Administrator Lee Zeldin has repeatedly said that prior EPA’s have gone way beyond their mission and statutory authority. This sets the stage for rescinding prior rules as illegal.

    Interestingly the recent Supreme Court rejection of the prior “Chevron doctrine” makes this legal argument stronger. That doctrine basically said the Courts must defer to the Agencies when it comes to interpreting the law. It follows that EPA rules previously deemed allowable under Chevron may no longer be allowable and EPA itself can make that determination.

    Then too if the Endangerment Finding is repealed the other climate rules might all lose their legal basis. Endangerment is a necessary condition for regulatory authority under the Clean Air Act.

    What is certain is that 31 big fights lie ahead making this EPA combined action a truly breathtaking event. Stay tuned to CFACT as this supreme battle unfolds.

    Please share this article.


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      Richard Ilfeld

      I think that during the rulemaking process, when the EPA has finished collecting data, it can issue a “dear colleagues” letter, stating that rulemaking is underway,
      that the preponderance of the evidence indicates the rule will be repealed, and therefore the agency is adopting a position of non-enforcement until the actual rule is promulgated.
      This will greenlight producers starting the processes on hold due to non-compliance, like auto model planning, with less risk and some comfort for financing. The method was used to intimidate industry by the prior administration, even for rules that later didn’t pass court muster. Administrators have a great deal of power regarding enforcement intensity, or forbearance.


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    I think NOAA wants us to stop cooking…

    NOAA study says cooking contributes substantially to ozone pollution in L.A. area


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    Peter C

    The Misdeeds of AHPRA
    The Australian Medical Professionals Society and the Australian Doctors Federation are holding a conference in Sydney on Saturday 03 May to examine wrongdoing by the health regulator, the Australasian Health Professionals Regulatory Authority (AHPRA).

    There is an extraordinary litany of misappropriations, misdeeds, and overreach, with jaw-dropping adverse consequences, directly due to AHPRA, Australia’s health-care regulator.

    Registration is now open.


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      AMPS has done a courageous job over the past few years in contesting the gross overreach of AHPRA. They have been both ignored and vilified by the medical bureaucrats. Maybe there time has come as the world is realising how terribly wrong the response to Covid was. But I won’t hold my breath waiting…….


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    David Maddison

    Just when many sensible organisations are abandoning woke, now wants to go woke and rename the bishop chess piece.

    It may not surprise you to know that is headquartered in Berkeley, California.

    And why stop at the bishop? There are gendered names like the king and queen and the knight…

    Styxhexenhammer comments:


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    Update on the Mann vs Steyn case:

    Trial of Mann v. Steyn: Post-Trial Motions Edition


    Francis Menton

    Way back in the ancient year of 2012 — before this blog had even been started — Penn State climate “scientist” Michael Mann brought a lawsuit for defamation against Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg, as well as against two websites (National Review and CEI) that had hosted the blog posts of those two individuals. Mann asserted that his reputation had been damaged by the Steyn and Simberg posts, which had compared Mann to fellow Penn Stater Jerry Sandusky.

    In the succeeding years, the case went through a truly unbelievable history of procedural twists and turns, including multiple motions to dismiss and appeals.

    So the contours of the “final judgment” in this case are coming into view. Mann will be awarded $1001 against Simberg, and $5001 against Steyn. NR will be awarded $530,000 against Mann, and Simberg and Steyn will be awarded some additional tens of thousands from Mann [for legal misconduct by Mann and his lawyers]. Mann will be in a very substantial financial hole, with the defendants having little incentive to compromise with him, and every incentive to go after his bank accounts and his house.

    Publicly, Mann will go forth continuing to claim that he “won” the case by virtue of the jury verdicts.

    The most fitting end to this case will be when whoever in the federal government pays for the University of Pennsylvania “climate science” centers pulls the plug on all the funding. That can’t come soon enough.


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    According to real-world experience wind turbines’ life span is just 15 years. The first wind turbines installed in Germany 15 years ago are being dismantled.


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    Ian George

    ABC have just put out this story re Sydney’s hottest min temp for March.

    Yet the official min temp for that night was 25.4C which only equals the 1876 record as shown on the official BoM website.

    How do you tell the ABC that they are ‘misinforming’ the public? Anyone know?


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    David Maddison

    Appropriate treatment of a lowlife politician. From 2023.

    Good to see some Aussie spirit left.

    Footy legend Dermott Brereton reveals federal trade minister’s shocking behaviour at the AFL grand final

    04 Oct 2023

    AFL legend Dermott Brereton has called out Trade Minister Don Farrell for an arrogant and entitled act at the AFL grand final last Saturday.

    The five-time Premiership player was signing autographs and posing for selfie photos at the MCG during Saturday’s blockbuster decider when he says he had the awkward encounter with the Labor powerbroker.

    ‘He walked up and pushed to the front of the queue and he was really well-dressed. And he said – this is verbatim – “You have to have a photo with me,”‘ Brereton told Andrew Maher and Andrew Gaze’s SEN radio show.

    ‘And I said, “I’m sorry, sir, I don’t have to have a photo with you, but I can have a photo with you if you stay in line.”‘

    ‘And he said, “No, I’m not lining up. You have to have a photo with me. I’m the minister for trade and tourism.” And I said, “Oh well, I’m sorry. There’s other people in the line who were here first.”‘

    ‘Then his wife jumped in and said, “He is the minister for trade and tourism”, and it was Don Farrell, and I said well, “Good luck to you, mate, that’s not how it normally works.”’



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    David Maddison

    The staggering cluelessness of the Left.

    A US Demonrat senator sold his Tesla to protest against Musk and bought himself a gasoline car instead…

    NEW: Democrat Senator Mark Kelly shows off his new gas-guzzling Chevy Tahoe after selling his Tesla to protest Elon Musk.

    “Here I am with my new ride Chevy. Good old Chevy Tahoe here in Washington, D.C got one of these in Tucson as well.”

    All it took for Democrats to abandon their commitment to “fixing” climate change was Elon Musk saying stuff they don’t agree with.



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      Murray Shaw

      Yes with the woke disinvesting in Tesla vehicles, and the realists not investing in Tesla vehicles, the secondhand market, along with the new market should be tanking by now.


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      So many heroes of the Left and especially the Labor Unions, Mexicans and Blacks and women have jumped ship in a National 5% swing to the Right that many Democrat politicians are publicly shifting to the center.

      Even Gavin Newsom (Newscum) claims he never used ‘Latinx’. A blatant lie. Some rats have not jumped ship but just run to the Starboard side, torching their old words and electric cars. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have gone silent, pretending to be Conservative while checking the exit door.


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