A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I must admit I was surprised and disappointed by Australias often brutal response to Covid and those who disagreed with the state.
Hopefully the chickens will come home to roost and those responsible will get their come uppance. I wouldn’t bet on it though as the elite have the Sir Humphrey ability to kick these issues into the long grass.
Keep posting about your disgust Tony B.
With elections round the corner, no doubt all the political parties with dosh are running Pegasus broadly over social media to find out what people care about.
the ‘BMJ had massive bias towards specific COVID-19-related advocacy favouring aggressive measures’.
I know this came to prominence yesterday but it seems scarcely believable that Brazil and the 50000 delegates flocking to the next COP can’t see how bad this all looks
I must admit I had not heard this story before, about Canada joining the EU. Mind you, if OZ can take part in the Eurovision song contest I suppose anything is possible
I am surprised there has been little effort to promote the Commonwealth as the basis for a powerful trade organisation often bound by a common language, family ties, similar laws etc. Bearing in mind you have a number of industrial heavyweights by way of the UK, India, Australia and Canada and many smaller countries who would get a leg up by selling to fellow members, its time has surely come as an alternative to other trading blocs.
Such an organisation would be larger than the EU and provided it didn’t follow the same bureaucratic and quasi statehood path as the EU would have good prospects.
I remember those quaint days when the EU was a ‘trading block’.
Now it’s a globalist zombie sucking the life brains out of the once hopeful promise that we imagined the Western democracies to be.
The only path the EU is following is the path to neo-Fuedal fascism.
Maybe you guys in the UK can hold another pointless Brexit vote.
Just to confirm your government no longer cares about votes.
If it ever did.
Some semblance of ‘democracy’ barely scraped through here in the US.
And the EU has set about a second time to undermine it.
With plenty of globalist zombie Blob allies inside the US.
Game over for European ‘green’ darling Northvolt
Apparently, it’s only when an arbitrary human decision about the existence of a pandemic is made that the “progress” of the identified agent can be “tracked.”
the Petition presents just two grounds as the basis for seeking the FDA suspend or revoke the approvals given to the Covid-19 products of Pfizer and Moderna ..
Magic Valley
Ready to hit the markets soon.
Who plans to try it?
I must admit I wasn’t that tempted til they said there would be woolly mammoth.