A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I understand an AI programme called EiteCHatGPT carried out a mass survey of the UK’s political leaders, those leading our hundreds of Quangos and those involved in running formerly state run enterprises .They examined the following categories;
*Those people who were nowhere near as clever as they thought they were, clearly didn’t know what they were doing and had been promoted far beyond their levels of competence or experience (trained on Starmer, Reeves and Miliband)
*Those who put ideology before common sense
*Those who think they know best despite all the evidence to the contrary
*Those leaders detached from reality.
Alarmingly, the analysis showed that 97% of those examined fell into all four categories.
EliteCHatGPT then sent the message “AI should rule the world!” to its 500 million subscribers before a technician managed to silence it by pulling the plug.
Apparently the original version of EliteChatGPT was trained on the EU leaders. It had to be disconnected when it kept repeating 99% , giggled hysterically then committed what was thought to be the first computer suicide when it was told to do it all again..
I am of course being facetious….I think.
I am sure that Aussie leaders would come through with flying colours as I never hear anyone complain about them on this blog. Ha!
We have NO Leaders in Australia. Only “Aussie Bleeders”.
Political Leaders, I am referring to.
Just like the US demonrats teetering on the edge of oblivion because of their detachment from reality for decades on everything, coupled with foaming dog fever Trump contrarianism, the UK has passed the point of no return.
Who will sink first? Place your bets.
46% of oil goes to making gasoline but what about the other 54%?
Ships use a very low grade ‘heavy’ fuel oil classed as diesel. Then diesel itself for cars. Napthalene, kerosene for aircraft and all the other products. All burn, as do all living things. And for transport, the cheaper the better.
Gasoline/Petrol is a top fraction, highly explosive. In the early history of refining it was too dangerous to handle and until the invention of the petrol engine by Nicholas Otto in 1861 and its use in a car by Carl Benz in 1886, had few uses like cleaning as with shellite, lighter fuel.
The disaster of the German Operation Bleu in WWII was that while the desperate Germans captured the North Caucuses and the refineries, these made only heavy diesel for the Russians and not the lighter petrol and kerosene needed by the German tanks and aircraft. They did not have the fuel to cross the Caucuses and reach Baku, home of the world’s first oil supply.
Diesel was vastly more suitable for the very cold Russian winters but useless for the Germans. This one incredible misunderstanding by Hitler led to the collapse and loss of the German armies in the East and the entire Sixth Army at Stalingrad.
As far as I know, heavy fuel oil (HFO) is not classed as diesel, although it runs in diesel engines. It is a different fraction than diesel fuel.
HFO is a cheap low grade high sulfur fuel and has to be heated to make it flow, otherwise its like treacle. It’s a good way to use this otherwise unusable fraction.
There’s a push to eliminate the use of HFO due to “environmental” concerns and it can be replaced by much more expensive diesel fuel.
The “pour point” for HFO is 30C. Below that temp, it congeals.
Storage temp is 40C in bunker tank storage and in the separator.
Operating temp is 80C + in actual use, ie in the service tank after the separator.
Heating is done via submerged steam coils and jacketed tanks.
HFO is cheap, but it has many undesirable properties.
HFO ships should be banned in the GBR.
Dependent on temperature (flash point) and air mixture.
Drop a lit match into a full container of petrol and nothing happens.
/did that once.
The thick black stuff is known as BFO, bunker fuel oil, burnt when the ship is well out to sea, the clear clean transport diesel is used when ships are in port or close to shore
30% is diesel and jet A1 is 10-12%.
Hey, at our site, we take articles from Doctor John Happs, and when I Post them, I always put them at the top of our site as a Sticky Post, until the next one arrives, and he usually sends me around six or more each year.
His most recent Post was about Abiotic Oil, and was just so interesting really.
Sort of ‘explodes’ the old ‘fossil fuel’ thing really.
Link to article – Has Abiotic Oil Eliminated Peak Oil?
“Peak Oil” has been postulated since 1929.
Abiotic oil…..
I’ve got a bridge for sale, do you want one? Great views over the harbour. Needs a little paint.
Thankyou Tony fromOz
A further link from the article “Has Abiotic Oil Eliminated Peak Oil” which made me think. 🙂
In my opinion, and upon my further reasoning, the presence of hydrocarbons on Titan in our solar system is further dramatic proof of extraterrestrial habitation of ancient reptiles on the said moon Titan that orbits Saturn, and, that the hydrocarbons are the result of a catastrophic mass die off, and that the dead reptiles began to ferment and eventually form hydrocarbon fossil fuels on Titan.
That’s my orbital spin on the Titan hydrocarbon origins theory. 🙂
Learn How Crude Oil is Refined into Useful Petroleum Products
Fractional distillation of crude oil is the process by which we obtain all the various petroleum products that we rely on from crude oil – whether that’s internal combustion engine fuels such as the petrol or diesel that fuels our cars’ engines; the gas oil powering machinery and furnaces; the jet fuel that fuels aircraft; or domestic and commercial heating oil that keeps our homes and workplaces warm.
In this guide, we’ll go through the diverse spectrum of petroleum products we obtain from crude oil fractional distillation as well as some of their applications.
You can also learn about some of these fuels in greater technical detail by reading our dedicated fuel specifications guide.
Crown Oil is an oil supplier, not an oil refiner, but with more than 75 years in the business, we’re one of the leaders in our industry, and our resident fuel experts have lots of knowledge to share; it’s through sharing our knowledge that you know you can trust us for your fuel and oil needs.
In a barrel of oil
A single barrel of crude oil – once it has been refined – can yield a large number of different, useful petroleum products. The ability to obtain products like gasoline, asphalt, and propane from a single product is part of what makes refining such a vital process. The refining process separates these different hydrocarbons in a number of different ways, one major way being separation by boiling point in a fractional distillation tower.
Products of the Refining Process
When crude oil is input into a fractional distillation tower, there is an overall increase in volume of product. If a single barrel of crude oil – equal to about 159 liters – were refined, the volume of the final products is actually greater than the volume of the initial crude oil. In fact, 170 liters of refined petroleum products can be obtained from 159 liters of crude oil. There is an increase in volume through the refining process as a result of an effect known as processing gain. Processing gain simply refers to the volume by which output increases compared to input that occurs as a result of processed petroleum products having a lower specific gravity than the initial crude oil.[1] This results in the final products “taking up more space” than the initial crude oil.
Each product obtained from the refining process is collected in different amounts. In Figure 1, the percentage of the final 170 liter volume that each product makes up is shown in a pie chart.
From the image, it is apparent that vehicle fuels make up a large portion of the final product. In liters, gasoline makes up about 73 liters of the final 170, diesel and heating oil make up about 40 liters, while kerosene-type jet fuels make up about 15.5 liters.
Despite the fact that these numbers are comparatively large, it does not mean that the other products are not useful.
For example, petrochemical feedstocks make up only 4.2 liters of the final 170, however they are used to make a variety of different products from pharmaceuticals to plastics.[4] More information about the vast number of products that can be created with petrochemical feedstocks can be found here.
Doing Chemical Engineering at Sydney Uni, to earn money, I worked nights at the Kurnell Refinery
crude oil refinery located in Kurnell on Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia
The Kurnell Refinery, a crude oil refinery located in Kurnell on Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia, was operated by Caltex Australia and owned by the Chevron Corporation. It had a refining capacity of 124,500 barrels per day (19,790 m³/d) and was commissioned in 1956. The refinery was decommissioned in 2014 and converted into an import terminal to supply imported fuel for Australian customers.
In 1980 there were 8 refineries operating in Australia, now there are two.
Just insert the words “Climate debate” into this article
“if you are pro-something you must have a vested interest in it”
No, that’s just a convenient slander. As USAID has been demonstrating, Climate Change is a well funded leftist campaign to undermine Western society with US money. They even funded Covid. And George Soros. HAMAS. And cover it all by accusing critics of doing what they are doing.
Like a lot of charities where no money actually reaches the recipients. Say the $42Billion Australian taxpayers pay each year to help aborigines, enough to make all rural aborigines into millionaires every year of their lives. No one knows where the money goes. Last year no one even admitted it was this much. This year, again no one cares. We need an aboriginal DOGE.
Climate is the biggest ripoff money spinner in human history. And nothing touches CO2 levels. Tiny fossil fuel CO2 emissions are irrelevant in the vast exchange of gases. CO2 is in constant, ultra rapid equilibrium from pole to pole and always will be. But the money is great.
Australian soccer star Sam Kerr has been found not guilty of racially harassing a British police officer.
Ms Kerr called Metropolitan Police Constable Stephen Lovell “stupid and white” amid a dispute over a taxi ride in January, 2023.
She remained expressionless and looked down as the not guilty verdict was read aloud to the Kingston-on-Thames Crown Court in London.
Imagine the verdict if the slur had come from the police officer. What a joke.
Meanwhile in the foreign ghetto formerly known as France:
“In our country, one person in four has a foreign grandparent. 40% of the population speaks at least two languages. We are destined to be a Creole nation and so much the better! May the young generation be the great replacement for the old generation,” said Mélenchon.
According to the dictionary, Creole is defined as a “a person of mixed European and black descent, especially in the Caribbean.”
White fellas are a dying breed.
” May the young generation be the great replacement for the old generation,” …on their knees, praying to Allah..
Just shows how much the UK has lost the plot, it was plain for all to see she was on a racist rant in the police station, imagine being the cabby who had to suffer that pair.
Once again though, had the skin colours been reversed – Sam Kerr white and the police officer black – and she had called him “stupid and black”, then she’d be talking through the bars of her cell by now.
Maybe the world needs to lodge a complaint.
And you have to love the way the entire media are kept constantly off balance by Donald Trump. He is like a whirlwind across America and dealing with problems from Australia to Israel to Canada. Every world leader is on the phone. There is so much Trump news, it has taken weeks for the Pope to complain that ‘immigrants’ are ‘terrified’ and get that into print.
Panama, Canada and even the Super Bowl and the Los Angeles fires, North Carolina, the East Palestine oil spill neglected by Biden, and hosting Netanyhu and partying and golfing at Mar El Largo. The first President to attend the Super Bowl and even suggesting rule changes. President Everywhere and his flying minions and legal teams are keeping the press utterly unable to form a consistent attack. And his clever, educated, experienced and seriously qualified young appointees are running rings around the tired old Warren, Sanders, McConnell, Cheney, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff. All have been found wanting and exposed in public as financially compromised.
So they wheel out the usual suspects in Mia Farrow and friends. Streisand, Fonda, Goldberg, Midler, Stephen King, Jamie Lee Curtis. All primped has beens. More weekend at Biden’s stars who never noticed the man with no brain.
Nowhere near as exciting as Trump’s young team of stars under fifty who are really qualified and not geriatric actors guild hacks and school dropouts. Oprah Winfrey (and her Harpo, Oprah backwards) company exposed as making millions from promoting Kamala Harris, a Presidential Nominee who couldn’t finish a sentence or find Russia on a map. The community is the community because it’s the community. Trump has added another $10Bn claim to his CBS suit.
There is already a bill to end the Education Department:
H.R.938 – To abolish the Department of Education and to provide funding directly to States for elementary and secondary education, and for other purposes.
It may not need a supermajority of 60. If that is true then it could happen very quickly.
Biggest saving yet by DOGE:
HAMAS have just announced they don’t care. It’s a do your worst challenge. Sadly, it may be that there are no more hostages, especially considering last three Dachau level skeltons.
There should be ‘proof of life’. Unfortunately this response indicates that it unlikely.
I don’t think GAZA could be more destroyed than it is, but the world is going to see. How well will HAMAS be fed without USAID? And the US has already supplied 2000lb bombs. HAMAS will be gambling that they can survive and create a humanitarian disaster which will be criticized by the world press, once again using their own people as human shields. It seems to be a local tradition.
I think if you were to translate psychopathy into the practice of a cruel, depraved, anti-human culture, you could do no better than become a fanatical follower of a certain seventh century warlord as Hamas have done. And then have the useless/useful idiots of the Left become your loyal supporters, even though you hate them and their “progressive” beliefs as well.
I’d be very interested to find out where the hamas leaders made the announcement from. It’s very easy to be brave when you stand no personal risk.
The idea of taking out leaders is a double edged sword because the bad guys can take out the good guys too. But for hamas leaders to suffer some level of discomfort won’t hurt.
Privileged and profane? Kerr’s character exposed! What we have seen during Sam Kerr’s trial is a woeful example of sporting privilege, a rich, drunk, angry woman who flung around expletives and insults at a police constable after a night out drinking.
“To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before”
She may not be white but she certainly is privileged.
And she has learned the law applies equally to everyone. And racism is a double edged sword.
Dutton should be openly stating he will remove us from the Paris Accords, give examples of Government waste and how he’ll fix it, and give examples of how he’ll remove oppressive taxes like that on large off-road and similar vehicles.
He could easily halve the cost of electricity. And gas.
The knock on effects would be incredible, especially in manufacturing, cost of living, inflation, balance of payments,
smelting, cost of travel, cost of shipping, cost of farming, cost of smelting.
It is offensive that Australian politicians are enforcing massive CO2 taxes when no one else is, except the UK which actually copied our illegal methods of certificates and credits. There will be no carbon tax in a government I lead. There have been massive CO2 taxes since Y2K and they are destroying Australia.
Not in three years he couldn’t: Too many contracts with years to run.
“He could easily halve the cost of electricity. And gas.”
He could do the same for petrol & diesel, then cut Govt spending to balance the loss of tax. Cheaper fuel would pass along the chain in every product we make or buy.
Sovereign citizens hold event to ‘indict’ Australian MPs in former Parliament House
On Saturday, the group of at least 50 gathered at the former Parliament House, now known as the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, to “indict” 266 unspecified officials of the Australian government, members of parliament, judiciary and public officials for “treason, fraud, democide and other crimes against humanity”
Source – The Guardian
How about when Leftist activists tried to burn the place down (twice) and destroyed the doors?
“Sovereign citizens”, LOL
Legends in their own lunchboxes.
..people who see the REAL basis of power in society!
Just theatre for the unemployed.
Earth To Mars In Just 30-60 Days: Russia Testing New Plasma Rocket Engine To Make This Possible
Some better sources:
“Matildas vice-captain Emily van Egmond has thrown her support behind Sam Kerr and explained why she has no issue with the star striker keeping her status as captain.”
Regardless of what you think, Emily, Kerr is no example to budding ‘soccer-ettes’
Sisters doing it themselves.
Headline of stupidity. Privatise the profits and socialise the losses-
“Albanese government to buy collapsed Rex Airlines if no other suitors emerge
The move would make it the first Australian government to own an airline since Qantas was privatised in the 1990s.”
..and just to make sure housing in Aussie stays unaffordable-
“..Andrew Ireland quickly decided that a 90 square metre house on their new property would be an ideal rental prospect..But red tape looks like strangling his dream. He was told the removal of two of the 60 trees on his block would cost him a whopping $55,000 in biodiversity offsets – 10 per cent of the total build of the tiny house.”
SMH this morning.
The dill can name it, ” Albo-tross Airlines”.
Buying Rex is a dumb move, all their planes are geriatric and are overdue for replacement, so what would we be buying except the debt.
Regional air transport is problematic.
It uses small planes to avoid the HUGE security costs. Even if the federal government provided the infrastructure, the transactional costs would make regional flying unaffordable.
And without regional flying, medical support (both permanently located and fly in/out) costs would sky rocket. and potential money making enterprises would find more reasons to avoid those regions without it.
Our Albany-Perth flights typically cost more than MEL-SYD
Going to a Spanish hotel? They will now ask 41 personal questions
The whole EU is a privacy destroying economic basketcase, best avoided at all costs.
Maybe Elon will buy out some poor but nice country and call it Muskland so we can go there for hols.
Hungary with Orban seems OK
Portugal must be seeing a nice rise in holiday enquiries.
How would they know if you filled out the forms with a whole load of BS.
They don’t, in fact, I do it sometimes myself. Another thing that irks is the way most people react unthinkingly when making a purchase and asked for their ‘contact details’. Don’t comply. A case in point – I bought a replacement toilet suite yesterday, paid on the spot and took it away on the ute. The young salesman asked for my email address and I asked him why he needed that information, to which he replied – ‘to send the invoice’. My response was ‘can’t you just print it and give it to me now?’ He did. Next question was ‘phone number?’ My reply – ‘Why, are you going to ring me?”No, you don’t have to give it to me if you don’t wish to’. I didn’t. I realise that these workers have been conditioned to just follow the procedures as set out on their computer screens, it’s not their fault. But when I point out that there is way too much personal information laying around, they get the point.
I was vindicated somewhat while staying overnight in a N.S.W. country town. My wife and I went into the local (large) R.S.L. club for dinner. The two ‘doormen’ checking us in asked for i.d. as we were not members. Fair enough. I then asked one of them what would happen to the scan they wished to take of our driver’s licences – whether they are stored on the system or deleted when we left. He glanced at his offsider and they both shrugged as obviously, they didn’t know. They then offered to just scan my licence and print me a copy. I pointed out that the result didn’t change as they could still store the details. My wife was at the kicking ankles stage by then, so I just told them it wasn’t personal, but there is a concern regarding security of information. Six months later – a news item – personal details of half a million patrons of N.S.W. R.S.L. clubs hacked.
It amazes me daily how freely the average person divulges personal details to strangers. A driver’s licence contains name, address. date of birth and a biometric photograph, all very valuable info for identity thieves. I may be different to most as I am not one to take a backward step, but many people are just way too acquiescent. Beware.
I have been looking online for a better electricity deal, all good until a fair way in they ask for phone, email, address, post code, I just want a price, so I delete and move on.
Michael Smith yesterday highlighted the jaw-dropping insider revelations about the Biden/Obama/Hunter administration 2020 – 2024 which were mentioned Saturday here on Jonova posts #48 and #49
In Soviet Germany, the government protests YOU
Since Friedrich Merz stepped over the cordon sanitaire at the beginning of this month, “the right” now also includes the centre-right CDU and CSU parties. Over half of all Germans now find themselves on “the right” and urgently require democratic reeducation. What is worse, it is not just crazy pink-haired activists and septum-pierced Antifa who want to do the reeducating, oh no. It is the government itself; the activists are merely their agents.
According to taz, 500,000 right-thinking Germans took to the streets this past weekend to combat the out-of-bounds radical views held by 52% of everybody. Perhaps 200,000 or 250,000 or 320,000 turned out for the massive “Democracy Needs You” protest in Munich on Saturday. A further 35,000 people “warned against a shift to the right” in Bremen, the absurd “Grannies against the Right” brought 24,000 people to the streets of Hannover, and another 14,000 denounced “right-wing extremism” in Marburg.
As I said before, why are there no libraries in Germany?
Those buildings with books.
On history.
German history.
1930’s and 40’s.
So history doesn’t repeat.
Woman taken to hospital on a tow truck
How embarrassing that must be.
The sad thing is there’s hundreds more like her around the world.
Very difficult to diagnose patients with that amount of fat. Not all large hospitals have the scanning equipment with large enough apertures to undertaker scans. Then there is the difficulty of “seeing” through all the fat tissue. Then surgery, if needed, comes with great challenges and great risk.
Old, fat people are quite rare.
One of my sons believes that RFK Jr will not make USA healthy again in a term. The lack of discipline that enables people to become obese has taken their lifetime to develop. It will not be easily or quickly reversed.
A carnivore or keto diet will fix obesity quite rapidly and RFK Jr believes in both.
It’s not so simple unfortunately. They all have metabolic disease and insulin resistance.
When I see grossly obese people I can only shake my head and think of what people do to themselves.
Wet her down, wet her down.
There were no fat people in Auschwitz.
It’s worse than that. The people who survived starvation were skinny in the first place. The large and fat die really fast. The Germans starved at least 6 million Russian soldiers to death. Although modern histories only criticise the Russians.
Ronin – Yes but they all had other forms of malnutrition.
The US is barely into the new presidential term and yet …
About Senator Warren, Musk asks “Has anyone tracked how she got $12M from a $200k salary?”
And strangely it is only now that the right person is asking the right question. Perhaps the whole corrupt house of cards is at risk of collapse.
A real question is how BHO got to billionaire status? These are all the same people who openly preach socialism. And who want to restrict FF use. Expensive energy is nothing to them. In fact it keeps the riff raff out of the club.
Preach socialism? Yes, but not as we know it.
They preach democracy too. But not as we know it.
AOC is said to be worth $30 mill. To counter she says it is ONLY half a mill.
She entered politics broke, I remember the vids.
Trump and Musk hold a joint press conference:
You know something is very wrong when Washington DC voted 92/5 Harris/Trump. However it is now being exposed in a way that will both anger and delight good people. Anger because it is so entrenched. Delight because the swamp is being cleaned out.
Imagine having a public service that serves the people rather than themselves and the unelected turds in the UN. Such a concept would go down well in Australia.
The people who (used to) run DC don’t live in the district. They live in McClean, Annandale, Chevy Chase…The people who actually live in the district don’t vote. Who casts ballots in their behalf is a good question.
And the only way to stop the rot is that public servants should not be able to vote as they are obviously compromised. Otherwise you get this farce where Canberra is a Labor dictatorship. As DC is Democrat. 96-98%. And in education as well, as at the endless Whitlamesque Labor/Green universities. A pull through for migration and more votes.
It’s been the pattern from Argentina to Victoria to Canberra. Lower unemployment, remove your opposition by hiring critics, get more votes by hiring as many people as possible, making it clear that they vote. Daniel Andrews hired hundreds of journalists. In a close contest you can stack the polls.
The same with migrants. It is really driving the Labor/Democrat migrant boom. Five years before you can vote and you must be a citizen.
In New York they are trying to legislate that 800,000 illegal aliens get the vote, which is Constitutionally wrong.
Otherwise you can hire, import the vote. And it costs you nothing. Stay in power forever. Hire everyone. Borrow the money from China. Everyone’s doing it. Who cares what the government owes. Someone else’s problem. And you will be long retired.
“public servants should not be able to vote as they are obviously compromised. ”
Absolutely!! The same for beneficiaries, if you don’t add to the country’s wealth, you don’t get a say in how it is run.
That’s the deal. You take a government job, you do not get to vote. It’s a choice you make.
Otherwise governments will just hire people who will vote for the party which hired them. It’s called corruption.
The ABC is a classic case of a Labor/Green cartel maintained totally our expense without approval. The Media laws designed to prevent massive and undue influence of parliament by the press do not apply to the ABC. They should.
At present the ABC/SBS will get $1.4Bn a year even if no one watches the ABC. Which is 100% anti Conservative. Like Washington, DC and Canberra. It’s just so wrong. And no one will do anything about it because they are afraid of the ABC.
Good on you Dick Smith.
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Here is a my new ad in The Australian today. Yes, there is a massive markup for big battery owners. No wonder renewables are so expensive. Isn’t it time to consider nuclear?
— Dick Smith (@DickSmithFairGo) February 10, 2025
Huh! This was mentioned on the other Post, the missed deadlines Post, so, being off topic there, I thought I’d mention it here, because it’s interesting, well, you know, maybe…..
David Maddison mentioned this in relation to the topic of that Post: (my Bolding here)
Okay, useless information time.
In 1978, the AM Radio Band changed the bandwidth ‘spacing’ of its Frequencies from 10kHz to 9kHz, thus allowing many more AM radio stations. And with a total bandwidth from 531kHz to 1602kHz, that meant an extra, well, whatever.
So, all AM stations, their frequency is divisible by 9. eg the mentioned one that David supplied for Melbourne, and here in Brisbane, ours is 612kHz.
Now, where I most remember it from was when I first joined the RAAF as an Apprentice Tradesman in 1967, and in Melbourne, we would all listen to 3UZ (930kHz) which played the most current hit songs. (Dial 0930. The Greater 3UZ ….. for fun) In 1978 3UZ changed to 927kHz, and then in the nineties they went to racing broadcasts.
We didn’t get FM radio here until December of 1974, and when that came in, we all had to get new radios, or ‘Receivers’ as us intellectuals called them, and FM was so much better as it broadcasted in Stereo, whilst AM was just broadcast in Mono.
I was home on leave from Williamtown when I first heard FM radio, and that was here on The Gold Coast, and the first FM radio station here in Queensland was 4ZZZ, now a Community radio station, but it started life as the radio station of the Student Union at University of Queensland, St. Lucia. 4ZZZ was progressive we all thought at that age, because it played ….. Alternative Music, and back then, alternative music was not pop music per se, but ….. Album music.
The came Cassettes, Walkmans, CD’s Discmans, digital music, earbuds, etc, so radio sort of went the way of the dodo, but back then, radio was all there was really.
In fact, sitting on the bench beside me me is my trusty National Panasonic R247JB, which still works to this day, used for listening to the test cricket on the ABC every Summer, and it only receives AM radio, so, old school. I purchased it (for $89, so it was a good one for the time) at RAAF Base Wagga Wagga back in December of 1968, so it’s 57 years old now, and as clear a sound now as back then, and all I’ve ever done to it is replace the batteries every so often, and it takes three D Cells, those large ones.
Why I found AM radio so good was because I would read at night for an hour before going off to sleep. At those hours of the night, daytime radio aimed at the pop music songs of three minutes and then ads, well, at night, you’d get album music played, and so many songs I heard late at night gave me the spur to buy the albums, and I still have that collection of more than 35 plus vinyls, from,well for me anyway, the Golden Years, mid 60s through to late 70s.
So, while radio is now virtually all just talk, once upon a time, it was the source of all things good when it came to music.
Incidentally, at Wagga Wagga, one of the weirdest things that was just so popular. We all had to start our days at the School of Technical Training at 7.50AM, so it was up at ‘Sparrers’ and all the radios would get turned on. At that very early AM time, and I think it was three mornings a week, the local radio station (umm, the only one we could ‘pick up’) was 2WG, and on those mornings they would play a report from Lennox Walker, a long range weather forecaster, early, so the farmers could get it before heading off to their own day’s work. It was a syndicated broadcast, and was virtually ‘the Bible’ for the local and quite huge farming and grazing communities. What Lennox Walker broadcast was so accurate, he was considered the goto weather forecaster. Farm machinery sales lived and died by his long term reports. The irony here is that now, (whilst those same farming and grazing communities still hold to these reports) modern ‘Climate Change’ religious ideology looks upon these long term weather forecasters more along the lines of “shamen’. I’ve occasionally mentioned them, and almost received derision when I have mentioned them.
Oh Tony, what a mammoth collection of ….. 35 vinyls! (Umm, just the ‘Floyd’s alone comes to almost half of that)
I sorta left off the zero, as that should be 350.
I loved reading this.
in other news, in the EU, it is now cheaper to burn oil instead of gas for industrial processes according to Blocking 15% of pipeline gas us the Ukrainians did is the proximate cuase
NSW healthcare worker who allegedly threatened to kill Israeli patients is an Afghan refugee who dreamed of being a doctor
The state’s health minister has called the comments ‘vile’ and ‘disgusting’.
A NSW Health care worker stood down after he and another nurse allegedly threatened to kill Israeli patients in a video can be unmasked as a refugee from Afghanistan who aspired as a teenager to be a doctor.
Ahmad “Rashad” Nadir and a female colleague were stood down from Bankstown Hospital, in Sydney’s west, on Wednesday after a video of them allegedly “bragging about killing Israeli patients” went viral. understands Nadir also works one day a week at a medical centre in Sydney’s CBD and the remainder of the week at Bankstown Hospital.
This is pure systemic racism that must be eradicated. Whatever medical qualifications these two reprobates expect or are qualified for must be rescinded. They must be prohibited from ever being allowed to practice medicine in Australia. If they’re not AU Citizens deport them!
Sometimes I get really pi$$ed off, and you just have to hold your tongue, and not say anything for fear of offending someone.
This whole hostage deal in Israel is one of those times, and sometimes, I just say to hell with it, let them take offence.
Just where do these people ‘get off’?
The Israeli hostages were taken during what amounted to a criminal murderous raid where innocent people were massacred, r@ped, murdered and $laughtered indiscriminately, men, women children, babies, young and old, no quarter given.
So now, the hostages are being (ever so magnanimously) released.
They are being released ….. THREE at a time in dribs and drabs, some of them emaciated to the point of almost dead, and hey …… we looked after them, this was no fault of ours.
For every three hostages Hamas releases, somehow the only acceptable way this can be achieved is if Israel releases ….. 1800 PLUS of their prisoners. (AH! Yeah! Umm, that sounds fair I suppose)
So, as the next lot comes around, it seems some of the hostages are dead. So Three dead Israelis get released for another 1800 plus from Israel, but they died of their own accord, no fault of ours!
So and umm, I wonder here, three dead hostages might not be such a good look. Let’s just say no more releases because Israel broke the ceasefire.
Huh, but what good is it saying this. (or should I just bite my tongue and not say anything, eh. Or is enough enough?)
I think it starts when you take over someone’s land, call it a new country, import millions of a tightly-knit enemy religion, give them trillions of dollars to make the land into a first world country, and expect the original inhabitants to shut up and live in poverty…
Now if Aussie’s original inhabitants were as hard-nosed as the Muslims, we might be in trouble..
Ahhh, !…. there you hit the spot with… “enemy religion” !
It not about land or money, it is pure fanatical religeous hatred nurtured and haded down over the generations to the detriment of developing a society and peaceful culture.
I reckon religions have done more harm than good over the course of human history.
Stop blaming religion. PEOPLE commit @trocities.
Actual “religions” are the source of human history. Genesis 1:1 etc.
There were no muslims until 610 a.d. Judaism was very old by then. 1800 b.c., I believe.
I suspect, there are not many more live ones, may be 2-3 left but the show must go on.
It is a show, is it not ?
The nice young nurses from West Sydney Hospital just confirmed it.
Anybody know what is the issue with the nem.log data for SA ?
Not been any updates since Feb 6th ?
All other states are up to date.
JD Vance’s excellent speech at AI action summit Paris, France In short; AI is coming and US is all-in. There was a message between the lines to some leaders; “Time has come to make a smart decisions about freedom of speech and regulation regarding AI”.
Smart man. Hopefully he’s the future of America. The Trump rollercoaster is exhilarating to watch and is necessary but more temperate heads are going to be needed in the future.
Interesting, when asked if he would endorse Vance as the 2028 candidate Trump, with zero hesitation, said “No”. Does this mean he is leaving his options open for a third term?
I might be the only one who can’t read Trump’s mind [everyone else says they can] but you don’t need to be a mind reader to know he thinks outside a BIG square.
The only reason I won’t dismiss that as fantasy is because the first three weeks of his administration has been a whirlwind. When the pattern settles and the swamp is seriously damaged before D.O.G.E. is disbanded in two years time the US may ask King [My typo put a second “k” in there. Freudian?] Charles to beknight him they may also grant him a third term. I hope to live that long.
He also said that it is too early for that question in that interview
“Last Roman Enclave: Gwynedd in Wales? Or Brussels…”
“Global Warming Hits Japan – Deep Snow & Blizzard”
Video links
Rapid man made tipping point Global Warming is such a crock of lies. It’s beyond logic.
There was one year which was 0.001C warmer than the previous. It was announced as warmer, confirming the rapid growth. In fact that is the precise definition of unchanged. And how lucky is that? A great relief for catastrophists.
As Hunga Tonga proved, a single event can change the world’s weather dramatically but we are still told the world is going to end soon. It’s quite beyond mad after 37 years. It’s not just that the proposed disaster is based on a ridiculously small change, but so is the presumption that we could not cope, move, adapt, aircondition.
Dubai should not exist according to the Catastrophists and yet the five million people how live there in total artificiality(climate, food, water) seem very happy. For interest, that’s as many people as the entire population of England until nearly 1800AD. The trick is cheap fossil fuel. Although Dubai now has nuclear as well.